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Revision of Modules

Grade 11 (English for Academic and Professional Purposes)

First QTR

Topic: Language used in Academic Texts from various discipline

Level: Grade 11
Week 1
Teacher: JM Arnosa
Module: 1

Let’s Have Fun

Using the website Menti, answer the following questions with a YES or NO.
1. I have a very handy application on my mobile phone.
2. I refer to use thesaurus to use new words in my writing style.
3. I related to vocabulary building in my mobile phone or tablet computer.
4. I can usually guess the meaning of the word when reading academic texts.
5. I look at a dictionary when I don’t understand a word and avoid asking my classmates or teacher its
6. I know the meanings of most prefixes and I use them effectively
7. I can easily identify even the subtlest root word and know its meaning.
8. I carefully use words especially if they have connotative meaning.
9. I want to enrich my vocabulary.
10. I want to take what I already know to the next level.

Let’s Learn
Academic Language – Academic Language includes language used in the textbooks, in classroom, and
on each discipline. It is different in vocabulary and structure from the everyday spoken English of
social interactions. Each type of communication (both academic social) has its purpose, and neither is
superior to the other.

Developing Your Vocabulary

1. Jargon
Jargon is defined as a “language that is used or understood only by a select group of people.”

Medical language - is used to describe components and processes of the human body, medical
procedures, diseases, disorders, and pharmacology. Simply put, it is the vocabulary that medical
professionals use to describe the body, what it does, and the treatments they prescribe.

Legal language -means a language used by the persons connected to the legal profession. The
language used by the lawyer, jurist, and the legislative drafts man in their professional capacities.
Journalistic language - This type of language helps understand how journalists create their stories or
reports, shape points of view, deliver expected news and how media language is different from other
languages we encounter.

Journalistic language - This type of language helps understand how journalists create their stories or
reports, shape points of view, deliver expected news and how media language is different from other
languages we encounter.

2. Context Clues
Context clues are the words or sentences surrounding the unfamiliar word that give hints on its

There are 4 types of Context Clues:

a. Example Clues
The author will mention a word and then give examples that either describe or explain it.
Words or phrases indicating that example clues are on their way are such as, like, for example,
for instance, and as an illustration.

Carbohydrates such as pasta, bread and rice may contribute to weight gain.

b. Synonym or Definition Clues

The meaning of an unfamiliar word is given in the sentence if a similar word is also used to
make the meaning clearer. Signal words for synonym clues are in other words, that is, by this
we mean, that is to say, and also known as.
Caught in epiphany, that is, a sudden, strong, and clear realization, I suddenly knew how to solve my

c. Antonym or Contrast Clues

The meaning of an unfamiliar word is given in the sentence if an opposite word is used to
suggest the meaning. Signal words for antonym clues are but, however, on the other hand,
nevertheless, yet, and in contrast.
Jogging long distances exacerbates the pain in my feet. However, soaking my feet in warm water after
jogging feels relaxing and soothing.

d. General Clues
Making sense of a word’s meaning by largely depending on your common sense requires you
to use your knowledge and experience.

Paul knew he just made a cultural faux pas when he kissed the Muslim woman on the cheek and he
was met with a dead, stunned stare!

3.Word Structure
Basic Terms
Root form: a word with no prefix or suffix added; may also be referred to as a base word.
Affix: meaningful part of a word attached before or after a root or base word to modify its meaning
Prefix: an affix which is placed before the stem of a word
Suffix: an affix which is placed after the stem of a word
Derivation: a word formed from an existing word, root, or affix

4, Denotation and Connotation

Denotation - The denotative definition is based on the literal definition of a word.
Connotation- The emotional associations of a word or phrase, as opposed to its exact meaning.

Let’s Go Deeper
I. Directions: Write the unfamiliar word, the possible meaning and the type of context clues on the
box provided.

1. John is so obnoxious like no other! First, he stepped on a clean, sparkling floor with his wet, muddy
shoes. Second, he simply left his dirty plates and eating utensils on the table after having lunch. Lastly,
he didn’t close the door when he left the house this morning, even though he knew that no one knew
that no one else was at home!

2. I cannot bear working with a preposterous, that is to say, unreasonable colleague.

3. I miss the halcyon, in other words, peaceful and undisturbed college days at the province.
4. Contrary to the inane project that you first proposed, this one is so sensible and remarkable!

5. When Frustine speaks, it is often very encouraging and inspiring. On the other hand, when Justine,
his twin brother speaks, it is almost pejorative in nature.

II. Complete the following table by supplying the appropriate suffixes. Write you answer on the box

Noun Verb Adjective

(1) (2) Pure
isolation (3) (4)
(5) Relate (6)
(7) Rely (8)
(9) (10) White

III. Complete the following table by supplying the appropriate root word.

Root Word Meaning Sample Words

(1) hear audience, audible, auditorium, audio-visual
(2) belief, faith credit, incredulous, credulous
(3) law Legislature, legitimate
(4) see, look Inspect, inspectacle, circumspect
(5) voice,call vocal, vocation

IV. The following text illustrates the use of the English language in different disciplines. Read carefully
and evaluate its content by answering the questions that follow. Write the answers.

Death occurred from the effects of asphyxia, cerebral anemia, and shock. The victim’s hair was used
for the constriction ligature. Local marks of the ligature were readily discernible: there were some
abrasion and a slight ecchymosis in the skin. But I found no obvious lesion in the blood vessels of the

Cyanosis of the head was very slight and there were no pronounced hemorrhages in the galea of the
scalp. I should judge that very great compression was affected almost immediately, with compression
of the arteries as well as of the vein, and the superior laryngeal nerve was traumatized in the effect of
throwing the victim into profound shock…

The lungs revealed cyanosis, congestion, over aeration, and sub pleural petechial hemorrhages…

1. Did you encounter difficulties in understanding the text? Why?
2. List down words that you found difficult to understand and look for its definition in the dictionary.
3. How was the report structured?
4. What did you learn from each sentence in the report? Begin with a simple grid like the one below:

Sentence Number Topic

1. Cause of Death

2. Manner

3. Evidence

4. Evidence

5. Evidence

6. Manner

7. Evidence

5. State briefly the content of the autopsy surgeon’s report.

Let’s Connect

A. Watch the House hearing on Anti-Terrorism Bill / Anti-Terrorism Law: Hearing of the
Senate Committee on National Defense. Answer the questions that follow and write them
in your notebook.
Video Links

a. How are the arguments presented?

b. What kind of language is used in the hearings?
c. How do people address one another in the hearings

Let’s Do This

1. “Son, what is now the condition of your heart?” asked the priest to the remorseful,
repentant sinner.
Does the sinner the have a heart disease? What does the priest mean when he asked
this question?” Explain.
2. “This heart of mine is yours and forever.”
Does one really take out his or her heart and give it to someone else? Explain.

Let’s Enhance

Think of words that are specific (jargon) to some of your high school subjects. Share your thoughts by
completing the table below. Fill in the first column with your subjects in high school. In the second
column, think of at least five words or jargons.

Subject Jargon
English Infinitive, verbal, subject-verb agreement,
context clues, pronoun antecedent agreement
Topic: Summarizing
Level: Grade 11
Week 3
Teacher: JM Arnosa
Module: 3

Let’s Try This

A. TRUE or FALSE: Read and analyze the statements below. Write TRUE if it is correct
and FALSE if it is not. Write your answer on the space provided before the number.
________1. A summary is about the author’s arguments and details. It is not your
personal opinions or judgments.
________2. In summarizing, the writer must use his own words.
________3. In summarizing, the writer must restate the most important ideas of the text.
________4. A summary should be between 10 to 25 percent of the original text’s length
(1 percent for novels).
________5. If the summary is more than 25% of the original text’s length, the writer
needs to delete more details and keep only the important information.
________6. Summarizing is a short restatement of an original text but not necessarily
including the main ideas.
________7. Summarizing is important in academic writing.
________8. In summarizing, it is important that the writer should acknowledge the
source or author of the information in the original text.
________9. Comparing your summary with the original text is important.
________10. Summarizing is similar with paraphrasing.

Let’s Learn

          Summarizing, on the other hand, only calls for the gist of your resource material. A
summary is greatly shorter than the original body of text you are trying to cite. Again, read your
resource material at least twice. Keep it away from you when you summarize. Typically, the
summary is 1/3 of the original paragraph.

Tips in summarizing:
1. Read the original text not just once but several times. Make sure to comprehend it well.
2. Identify the text structure (compare-contrast, cause-effect, sequence, descriptive, question-
answer, and problem-solution) by looking into how the relationships between ideas are
3. Take note or highlight the important details in the text.
4. After getting the main idea and important details, write your preliminary summary.
5. Make sure to use your own words.
6. Check if your work does not go stray from the original text.
7. Read it again and make necessary revision or editing.
Techniques in Summarizing:
1. Use of Graphic Organizers
The first technique is using graphic organizers. You may use “Who, What, When, Where,
Why, and How” as guide questions in making or using your graphic organizer. Provided here are
three examples of graphic organizers that you can use depending on the kind of text you are
going to summarize.
2. Outline (traditional or modern)
The second technique in summarizing is through outlining. Yes, it is also a good strategy
that you can use in summarizing. The sample given shows that through outlining you can easily
organize the key points, supporting points, evidences, and other important details needed in
making a good summary. You can decide whether to use the traditional format or the modern
format. You may use the sentence outline since your objective is to select important details from
the text in order to come up with a good summary.
Summarizing is a valuable skill needed in academic writing. You should know how to
summarize properly the information that you have read, seen, or heard. Most assignments given
in school require you to research, read and analyze information from different sources. Hence, it
is important that you know how to restate or retell the original text using your own words in
order to avoid plagiarism. Also, your knowledge in summarizing is vital in writing your reports
and research papers particularly on writing the review of related literature, etc.

Let’s Go Deeper

Directions: Read the following article very carefully and identify key points in the text.
Aggressive Driving Should be Avoided
Aggressive driving is a phenomenon, which has only got the public worried. The
National Highway Traffic Safety Council (NHTSC) defines aggressive driving as the “operation
of a motor vehicle in a manner that endangers or is likely to endanger persons or property”.
Actions such as running red lights, improper passing, overtaking on the left, improper lane
change, failing to yield, improper turns, running stop signs, tail gaiting, careless driving, and
speeding are examples of 15 aggressive driving. Such actions are dangerous to other road users.
Aggressive driving should be avoided because it causes crashes, injuries and fatalities.
The first reason why aggressive driving should be avoided is it causes crashes. According
to NHTSC between 78 percent (excessive speed) and 100 percent (improper passing) of the cases
of aggressive driving resulted in traffic crashes and 96 percent of the drivers cited for “following
too closely” or tail gaiting caused crashes as a result of their aggressive driving. Moreover,
‘running red light,” “improper passing”, and “overtaking on the left” topped other categories of
aggressive driving in contributing to traffic crashes.
Another reason why aggressive driving should be avoided is it causes injuries. NHTSC
states that the percentages of the injuries caused by aggressive driving are, in almost all
categories of aggressive driving, above 100 percent. Aggressive driving also causes fatalities.”
Overtaking on the left” appears to be the most important contributing factor in traffic fatalities as
it relates to aggressive driving. “Improper lane change,” “running stop sign,” and “running red
light” rank second through four in terms of their contribution to traffic fatalities.
The above evidence shows that aggressive driving causes crash, injuries and fatalities.
Hence, aggressive driving should be avoided. Since the opening on the North-South Highway,
the number of kilometers of roads in the country has increased by one percent while the number
of vehicle miles driven has increased by 35 percent. More cars and more drivers are also on the
road leading to more aggressive drivers.
After you have read and comprehended the text above, you are now going to complete
the notes of the key points from the text.
1. Aggressive driving is_______________________________________________________
2. There are actions considered dangerous to road users such as ______________
3. Aggressive driving should be avoided because______________________________
Now that you are done identifying the key notes of the text, connect the notes together to make
your preliminary summary. Write your answer on the space provided below.
Revise your work by writing a summary in no more than fifty words.

Let’s Connect

Directions: Read carefully the following texts. Underline/ highlight the key ideas and phrases in
the text. Write a summary of one to two sentences of the selection using as many of the main idea
words as possible.

Imagine you only have Php30.00 for each text and that each word you use is worth one peso.
Let’s see how much money you will save at the end of this task! Your summary will be rated using the
rubric below.

4 3 2 1
Length Number of words Number of words Number of words Number of words
is less than half of is more than half is the same as that exceeded that of
the original text. of the original of the original the original text.
text. text.
Accuracy All statements are Most statements Some statements Most statements
accurate and are accurate and cite outside cite outside
verified by the verified by the information or information or
text. text. opinions. opinions.
Paraphrasing No more than 4 One sentence Two sentences 3+ sentences
words in a row contains more contains more contain more than
taken directly than 4 words in a than 4 words in a 4 words in a row
from the text row taken directly row taken directly taken directly
from text from the text from the text
Focus Summary consists Summary consists Summary consists Main idea of the
of main idea and of main idea and of main idea and text is not
important details some minor lots of minor discussed,
only. details. details.
Conventions No more than one 2-3 punctuation, 4-5 punctuation, 6+ punctuation,
punctuation, grammar, and grammar and grammar and
grammar, or spelling errors. spelling errors spelling errors
spelling error

When one hears the term “reality” applied to a television show, one might expect that the
events occurred naturally or, at the least, were not scripted, but this is not always the case. Many reality
shows occur in unreal environments, like rented mansions occupied by film crews. These living
environments do not reflect what most people understand to be “reality.” Worse, there have been
accusations that events not captured on film were later restaged by producers. Worse still, some
involved in the production of “reality” television claim that the participants were urged to act out story
lines premeditated by producers. With such accusations floating around, it’s no wonder many people
take reality TV to be about as real as the sitcom.


Total Number of Words: ______________

Amount saved: ______________

Score based on rubric: ______/20

There are many types of lethal venom in the animal kingdom, but perhaps no stranger carrier
than the platypus. The platypus is one of few venomous mammals. Males carry a venom cocktail in their
ankle spurs that paralyzes victims with excruciating pain. Stranger still, the platypus is the only mammal
that uses electroreception. What this means is that the platypus uses its bill to sense the electricity
produced by the muscular movements of its prey. The platypus neither sees, hears, nor smells its prey
while hunting but, rather, pursues it through electroreception. Perhaps most odd, the platypus is the
only mammal that lays eggs rather than giving birth to live young. The platypus is an odd creature



Total Number of Words: ______________

Amount saved: ______________

Score based on rubric: _____/


Women entrepreneurs in the developing world often face challenges that limit their chances for
success and growth. They often have less access to education than men and have difficulty getting
financing on their own. But with an understanding of the essential aspects of doing business – such as
planning, financing, networking and marketing – they can overcome those obstacles. That's where the
10,000 Women Initiative comes in. As Faiza Elmasry tells us, it's an investment in education with
dividends that benefit the businesswomen, their local communities and their national economies.



Total Number of Words: ______________

Amount saved: ______________

Score based on rubric: _____/

Let’s Enhance

Directions: Skim read each text and identify its most appropriate summary. Write only the letter/s of
your choice on a separate sheet of paper. Each item is worth 5 points.

From Bowie to McCartney, Oasis to Coldplay and a thousand other acts you’ve probably never
heard of—Toots and the Maytals, anyone? —if you make your living from music, there is only one place
to play the ultimate gig: a field in the south-west of England in the last week of June. This is the
Glastonbury Festival, the largest music event in the world, which takes place nearly every summer, come
rain or shine, and attracts both the biggest star names and the largest crowds. Though it started fairly
small in 1970, these days over 100,000 people attend, the majority of whom stay for the full five days,
camping overnight in tents.

It’s not just about music. To give it its full name, the Glastonbury Festival of Contemporary
Performing Arts promises a diverse program, including circus acts, experimental theatre and new-age
dance, but also yoga sessions, palm readers, demonstrations of vegan cooking, and the usual crowd of
money-makers found at any large public gathering. The thousands surely come for the headline bands,
but many veterans claim it’s the bits away from the main stage that really create the memories. After all,
when Paul McCartney plays, you’ll be standing half a mile away; it’s the closer encounters with pioneers
of reggae like Toots and the Maytals—as you munch on your veggie burger—that make Glastonbury the
glorious experience it is.


1. Which do you think is the best summary of the text?

A. The text describes the Glastonbury Festival as two very different events – one with big name rock
stars and the other with musicians who are not famous, but just as good.

B. The text describes the history of the Glastonbury Festival, how many people go to it and some of the
big names who have played there.

C. The text describes who you can see at the Glastonbury Festival, including the world's most famous
music stars and lesser-known bands or non-musicians who are even more memorable.

Guugu Yimithirr—an unusual Australian language

Guugu Yimithirr is an indigenous Australian language, spoken in northern Queensland; the

majority of speakers live in the town of Hopevale. The English word ‘kangaroo’ originates from Guugu
Yimithirr, but the language is perhaps more notable for entirely lacking ‘egocentric’ directions. This
means that there are no words for ‘left’, ‘right’, ‘backwards’ or ‘forwards’, and speakers of Guugu
Yimithirr give directions exclusively using points of the compass. For example, you might hear “Your pen
is on the table, just north of the fruit bowl.” While this sounds strange in English, a Guugu Yimithirr
speaker would see nothing odd about it. Linguists and anthropologists investigating this unusual trait
discovered that Guugu Yimithirr speakers use subtle environmental cues to orient themselves to the
points of the compass; specifically, they use the position of the sun, the position of landmarks, or the
way that plants grow. In this way, they are always aware of where north, south, east and west are,
although they can temporarily lose this ability if they move a large distance, for example if they fly to
another region. A group of Guugu Yimithirr speakers who were flown to Brisbane—a journey of around
2000km—were unable to identify compass directions for around one week after their journey;
thereafter, they became oriented and were able to communicate direction and position as they usually


2. Which do you think is the best summary of the text?

A. This text is about Guugu Yimithirr, and it gives some information about the history of the language
and how it has changed over time.

B. The text is about indigenous Australian languages which are spoken in northern Australia, and which
are often different from European languages in interesting ways.

C. The text is about Guugu Yimithirr, an Australian language which is unusual because it does not have
words for ‘left’, ‘right’, ‘forwards’ or ‘backwards’.

It’s not what you say – it’s what you don’t!

Euphemisms are metaphorical expressions which we say in order to avoid using words that
sound unpleasant or uncomfortable. English is not alone in having plenty of them, but they are certainly
in common use, particularly in Britain, where the cultural sensitivities of the 19th century still linger in
many parts of society. Back then, if you needed to go to the toilet, you couldn’t simply announce the
fact using the word ‘toilet’. Women might say they were “going to powder their nose” while men would
“go to the little boys’ room” and people of either sex could “spend a penny”—this being the original
price of using a public lavatory in London. All three euphemisms, and many more, are still used regularly.
English probably has an indirect way of avoiding almost any topic you can think of, from embarrassing
intimate things like romance— “are they stepping out?”—to the most intrusive of matters to the English
mind: how much money someone earns— “I bet he takes home a packet”. Yet, there is no subject more
laden with euphemisms than the one thing that’s going to happen to every one of us. Whether he “goes
to meet his maker”, “kicks the bucket”, “pops his clogs”, “bites the dust” or “breathes his last”, when an
Englishman dies, the last thing he wants is for anybody to actually say it. Source:

3. Which is the best summary of the text?

A. The text is about the alternative expressions, called euphemisms, which English people can
use to avoid mentioning uncomfortable topics, such as death.

B. The text is about why English people prefer to use alternative expressions rather than talking
about death, romance, money and going to the toilet.

C. The text is about metaphorical expressions which we say in order to avoid using words that
sound unpleasant or uncomfortable.

Topic: Thesis Statement

Level: Grade 11
Week 4
Teacher: JM Arnosa
Module: 4

Let’s Try This

Direction: Write the letter of your choice on the spaces provided before each number.

_________ 1. What is a thesis statement?

a. It expresses the author’s opinion in a text.
b. It is one’s claim on a given topic.
c. It is the author’s comment on an issue.
d. All of the above.
_________ 2. Which is not true about thesis statements?
a. It serves as a roadmap of your paper.
b. It states the main idea about the topic or issue.
c. A thesis statement can be a quote from a famous person.
d. A thesis statement requires evidence or proof.
_________ 3. How long should a thesis statement be?
a. one word c. one paragraph
b. one sentence d. one text
_________ 4. Which is true about thesis statements?
a. It is an announcement. c. It is a fact.
b. It is arguable. d. It is a question.
_________ 5. Where is thesis statement located in an academic text?
a. first paragraph c. last paragraph
b. second paragraph d. anywhere in the text
_________ 6. Which is a thesis statement about Angel Locsin?
a. Angel Locsin should receive an award for her charity and humanitarian efforts.
b. Angel Locsin is a respected actress in showbiz.
c. What makes Angel Locsin a real-life Darna?
d. Not just a film and television actress, Angel Locsin is also a commercial model and fashion designer.

_________ 7. Which among the following is true about thesis statements?

a. It tells the reader what the academic text is about.
b. There could be one or more thesis statements found in an academic text.
c. Thesis statements and topic sentences are similar.
d. Thesis statements are found in every paragraph of an academic text.

_________ 8. Which is a thesis statement?

a. Which is better, desktops or laptops?
b. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Distance Education
c. Most Filipino students prefer modular learning to online learning.
d. The key to defeat this pandemic is discipline and self-control.

_________ 9. Which among the following is a strong thesis statement?

a. Research is an essential subject in Senior High School.
b. Corporal punishment is harmful as it only worsens children’s behavior.
c. J.K. Rowling, the author of Harry Potter, is a good writer.
d. Pollution and mining in the Philippines should be stopped.

_________ 10. Which is the most appropriate thesis statement on the use of educational technology in
a. Educational technology includes computers and other software application to aid classroom learning.
b. What is educational technology?
c. This paper discusses the uses and benefits of educational technology in the classroom.
d. Educational technology is a helpful tool that improves students’ academic performance.

For numbers 11-15, write T if the statement is correct. Write F is the statement is false.
_________ 11. Third person point of view is used in making thesis statements.
_________ 12. A thesis statement should be supported with facts to make it more effective and
_________ 13. A thesis statement provides direction of your paper.
_________ 14. A thesis statement should be specific, not broad or general.
_________ 15. A thesis statement should not be an argument about an issue to avoid confusion among

Let’s Have Fun

Instructions: Each set contains one topic, one thesis statement, and two supporting sentences. Label
each item as T for the topic, TH for the thesis statement, and S for supporting sentences.

Set A.
____A. People listen to audiobooks while doing other tasks, such as commuting or exercising.
____B. Audiobooks are more convenient than printed books for several reasons
____C. Listeners hear dramatization of a printed by actual author or an actor.
____D. Audiobooks.

Set B.
____A. A radiologic technology degree allows a person to work in medical settings where x-rays, CT
scans, MRIs, sonograms and other diagnostic imaging is needed.
____B. There are many career opportunities for those in the medical sciences.
____C. A person who obtains a degree in phlebotomy is able to work as a clinical laboratory technician.
____D. Medical science

Set C.
____A. Study skills
____B. Time management is essential when juggling deadlines and other opportunities.
____C. Notetaking provides a student with the opportunity to review information later.
____D. Strong study skills are needed if you want to be successful in college.

Set D.
____A. Shingles
____B. People should be aware of the symptoms of shingles, a neurological disease.
____C. Burning pain is one of the first symptoms of shingles
____D. Painful skin rash and blisters often follow the burning pain.

Set E.
____A. Dogs should be trained at an early age.
____B. A puppy can be housebroken as soon as he or she is brought home.
____C. Dogs
____E. A puppy should be trained not to bite or “mouth” people, especially children.

Let’s Learn
What is a Thesis Statement?

● A controlling idea about the topic that the writer is attempting to prove. It is usually found at the
beginning of the text or at the end of it.

● The central idea of a multiple-paragraph composition. A one-sentence summary that guides, controls,
and unifies ideas when writing a paper. In simple terms, all other ideas present in a text revolve around
the thesis statement.

● The thesis statement may be expressed or implied.

Why do we have to write a thesis statement?

We must write thesis statement:

● to test your ideas by narrowing them into a sentence or two

● to better organize and develop argument

● to provide the reader with “guide” to the argument

The following are the key elements for a strong thesis statement:

1. It is not a fact.

A fact is irrefutable. Writing a fact as a thesis makes no argument. Weak: Cats spend most of their time

Strong: Cats are better than dogs because they keep pests at bay and they require less work than
puppies. 2. It is not a question.

A question simply does not express one’s claim or comment about a topic.

Weak: What are the advantages of keeping a pet at home?

Strong: A person who wants to live happily in life should own a pet because of their ability to help
decrease depression, stress and anxiety.

3. It is not an announcement.

Avoid saying what you will discuss in the text. Weak: This paper discusses the advantages and
disadvantages of owning a pet.

Strong: Owning a pet brings good than burden because they can lower stress levels, make one feels safe
and teach their owners responsibility.
4. It is not too broad.

Avoid making vague and confusing thesis statements by making specific and focused thesis.

Weak: Too much alcohol consumption is not good for the health.

Strong: Excessive alcohol consumption increases the risk to health problems as it may cause liver
damage, stomach distress and even cancer.

5. It is a complete sentence.

A phrase does not convey complete ideas or thought. Stating the thesis in complete sentence makes it
easier for the reader to understand the main idea of the text.

6. It requires support.

To make your thesis statement persuasive, facts, surveys, reports etc. should be used as proof or
evidences to support your claim or opinion on the topic.

7. It takes a stand.

The thesis should clearly show your claim about a subject/topic.A thesis statement, unlike a usual topic
or titles, uses a complete sentence. Consider the following statements.

“Necessity of a college education” This is more of a title than a thesis statement.

“College education is important.” Although is a sentence, this statement is broad.
“Getting a college degree is important because it This is an example of an accurately written thesis
will equip a student to become a professional in statement; it has one subject and at least two
his/her chosen field and it will widen his/her arguments.
perspective of the world”.

Generating a thesis statement can be done through various methods. Consider the following:

Topic: Jogging

Question: Why jogging is beneficial?

Thesis Statement: Jogging is beneficial because it positively affects physical well-being and
mental fitness.

As shown above, one strategy that you can use in writing a thesis statement is through asking a
question. After identifying the topic, ask questions that would answer multiple details. The answer to
this question is most likely your thesis statement.

Consider another example.

Topic: Tagaytay Question:

(1) Is Tagaytay City an enthralling city of the South

(2) Why is Tagaytay City considered an enthralling city of the South?

Thesis Statement: (1) Tagaytay City is an enthralling city of the South.

(2) Tagaytay City is an enthralling city of the South because of its beautiful landscape, amazing
people and sumptuous food.

The topic in the example above is “Tagaytay City.” The first question which was generated may
be answered by a thesis statement with implied or abstract details. The second question, on the other
hand, may be answered by a thesis statement with explicit and concrete details. Note that both versions
of the thesis statement are acceptable.

Manu events in the history of the Philippines In the history of the Philippines, People Power I
contributed to the changes in the country. was one of the major events which changed our
country, especially the culture, structure, and
politics of the Philippines.
People Power I involved many Filipinos who People Power I can be compared to the revolution
wanted freedom from Martial Law. during the Spanish period, as it sprang from our
countrymen conscious need for freedom against
Rewrite the following
Men and women are different.

In older times, men were the hunters and

gatherers, while women were hunters


1. It should be written in a complete sentence with clearly stated subject.

Computers as helpful tool in teaching and Computers can help a teacher effectively
researching impart the lesson and research
Rewrite the statement below into a thesis

Irrelevance of difference between men and

women in terms of their human rights
2. It should not be too narrow nor too broad, and it should contain at least two details. If the
details you generate are already definite examples, then your thesis statement is too specific. If you can
only write general statements because there are too many details, then it should be broad.

You can also try to list ideas to check the scope of your topic. If you cannot list at least two
details, it is too narrow; if you list too many information to be able to discuss it well, your topic is too

I will tell you about the increase in the number of An increase in the number of squatters in Metro
squatters in Metro Manila can be attributed to the Manila can be attributed to the effects of
effects of overpopulation and gentrification overpopulation and gentrification
Rewrite the statement into a thesis statement
Today, I will talk about how the job applicants
affects the judgement of employers when hiring,

3. Avoid an awkward thesis statement which states the obvious. These statements usually start
with the phrase “I will tell you…” or “I will talk about…”

4. Enumerated details should have the same level of significance. If one of the details can be
classified under another detail, you cannot omit.

Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW’s) help raise the Overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) help raise the
countries economy, add more revenues and economy and promote the hospitality of Filipinos.
promote the hospitality of Filipinos.
Rewrite the statement into a thesis statement

Awareness of gender discrimination can lead to

decrease of sexual harassment, decline of
domestic violence , and few cases of spousal
5. It should not state an absolute fact, because it will not present any central idea that can
developed further. It should have a point.

Rizal Park is located in Manila. Rizal Park, which is located in Manila, is a
reminder of our nationalism and revolution
Rewrite the following

Maria Clara is a character in Jose Rizal’s Novel,

Noli Me Tangere.


1. It should follow the basics already discussed in the thesis statement.
A. It must be written in a complete sentence and with a clear subject.
B. It should not be phrased awkwardly, and it should not state the obvious. An awkward
topic sentence is characterized by sentences that start with “I will tell you…”

2. It should contain one detail which is related to one of the details in the thesis statement.

Sample Thesis Statement: Rizal Park, which is in Manila, is a reminder of our

nationalism and revolution.

Rizal Park features a statue of Jose Rizal Rizal Park, which features a statue of Jose
and is also known as Luneta Park. Rizal, stands as a reminder of the Filipinos
who sparked the revolution and launched
our fight against freedom.

Sample Thesis Statement: A person should not be stereotyped, because there are various
factors which makes everyone different, such as religion, ethnic background, and social
Rewrite the following topic sentence

Religion is major influence in people’s faith: does who do not have a religion must be

3. It should vary structure across paragraphs. If the topic sentences are uniform
throughout your essay, they might seem monotonous to read. Varying the structure will
also enable you to stress important parts.

4. If the composition is just one paragraph, the topic sentence should be straightforward.

Many times in many places, and across Language should not seen as a dividing
cultures, language is used as a dividing force, but as a tool to promote unity in
force and point of difference when in fact is diversity across cultures.
a major factor that can be promote unity in

Rewrite the following topic sentence

It should be known by everyone that harmful stereotypes surround every society, every community, and
even city, and they are the worst kinds of epidemic when passed on, they tickle to the next generation
and create a viscous cycle.

Let’s Go Deeper
A. Instructions: Write a thesis statement for each of the topic sentences. 5 points each

1. Topic Sentences: Jogging prevents heart disease.

Jogging prevents some forms of cancer.

Jogging helps treat diabetes.

Thesis Statement _____________________________________________________________________


2. Topic Sentences: Automated election reduces costs.

It is faster.

Digital archiving of results is also achieved.

Thesis Statement _____________________________________________________________________

3. Topic Sentences: Korean pop uses wide-ranging audio-visual elements.

It uses synchronized dance formation.

K-pop uses colorful fashion.

Thesis Statement _____________________________________________________________________


Let’s Connect

Thesis Making

Directions: Make a strong thesis statement based on the given situation and supports. Kindly check the
sample below:

Example: Situation: You won in a raffle draw and you were given a chance to choose any tourist
destination you would like to visit. Write about your dream place and explain why you would like to go


a. Palawan is a home to beautiful coral reefs and stunning beaches.

b. It is the best place for scuba diving and snorkeling.

c. The people in Palawan are friendly.

Thesis Statement: With stunning beaches and coral reefs, friendly people and a place for exciting
water activities, Palawan is the best place to relieve stress from the bustling noise of a city.

1. Situation: Your friend from South Korea is looking for a place where he can spend his summer
vacation with his family.


a. Philippines has many pristine beaches, and hot and cold springs.

b. Filipinos are warm, hospitable, and generous.

c. The travel and food expenses in the country are affordable.

Thesis Statement:
__________________________________________________________________________________ 2.
Situation: Your little brother is asking for help in his report on the positive and negative effects of
smartphones on children.


a. Smartphones can be used for communication, anywhere, anytime.

b. Smartphones may cause mental health such as depression.

c. Smartphones may damage eyes and natural sleep cycle.

Thesis Statement:

Let’s Do This
Instructions: Read the text carefully and answer the questions that follow.

The Golden Age of Comics

(1) The period from the late 1930s to the middle 1940s is known as the golden age of comic books. The
modern comic book came in the early 1930s in the United States as a giveaway premium to promote the
sale of the whole range of household products such as cereal and cleanser. The comic books, which are
printed in bright colours to attract the attentions of potential customers, proved so popular that some
publishers decided to produce comic books that would come out on a monthly basis and would sell for a
dime each. Though comic strips had been reproduced in publications prior to this time, the Famous
Funnies comic book, which was started in 1934, marked the first occasion that a serialized book of
comics was attempted.

(2) Early comic books reprinted already existing comic strips and comics based on known characters,
however, publishers soon began introducing original characters developed specially for comic books.
Superman was introduced in Action Comics in 1938, and Batman was introduced a year later. The
tremendous success of these superhero comic books led to the development of numerous comic books
on a variety of topics, though superhero comic book predominated. Astonishingly, by 1945,
approximately 160 different comic books were being published in the United States each month, and 90
percent of US children were said to read comic books on a regular basis Answer the following:

1. Identify the thesis statement of the selection.

2. How are the ideas arranged in the selection? Give at least 5 supporting details based on the selection.


Nicanor G. Tiongson

(1) THERE IS NO doubt that cinema has risen as one of the most popular means of mass communication
in contemporary Philippines. Movie theaters dot cities, towns and other important commercial centers
from Aparri to Jolo. Through these theaters, Nora Aunor has truly become a national figure and tagalog
has risen to the status of a real national language. Indeed, movie theaters have become as important to
us today as churches were in the last century.

(2) Because movies have become one of the most important means of communication, it is high time
that the Filipinos examined the values encountered in and propagated by, the movies. These values at
the general worldview arising from them inevitably mold the Filipino’s consciousness for better or for
worse, in an effective, if insidious, manner through stories that entertain.

(3) Sad to say, the principal values encountered in most Filipino movies today are the same negative
values they have inherited from the traditional dramas which migrated, so to speak, from stage to
screen, and provided the latter, for the longest time, with both form, content and most of all, world-
view. Four of these values which we must single out for their prevalence, perseverance and
perniciousness may ne encapsulated in the following statements: 1) Maganda ang Maputi (White is
beautiful), 2) Masaya ang may Palabas (Shows are the best), 3) Mabuti ang Inaapi (Hurrah for the
Underdog!), and 4) Maganda pa ang Daigdig (All is Right with the world)

1. What is the topic of the text?


2. What is the thesis or main idea of the text?


3. Was the thesis explicitly stated, or implicitly stated by the author?


4. Was the text written in deductive order, or inductive order?


5. Do you agree with the author’s claim or thesis? Why or why not?

Competition and Cooperation

(1) Explanations of the interrelation between competition and cooperation have evolved over the time.
Early research into competition and cooperation defined each of them in terms of the distribution of
rewards related to each. Competition was defined as a situation in which rewards are distributed
unequally on the basis of performance, cooperation on the other hand, was defined as a situation in
which rewards are distributed equally on the basis of mutual interactive behaviour among individuals.
By this definition, a competitive situation requires at least on competitor to fail for each competitor that
wins, while a cooperative situation offers a reward only if all members of the group receive it.

(2) Researchers have found definitions of competition and cooperation based upon rewards inadequate
primarily because definitions of these two concepts based upon rewards depict them as opposite. In
current understanding, competition is not viewed as opposite of cooperation, instead, cooperation is
viewed as integral component of competition. Cooperation is necessary among team members, perhaps
in a sporting event or in a political race, in order to win the competition, it is equally important to
understand that cooperation is of great importance between teams in that same sporting event or
ground rules of the game or election in order to compete.

(3) Interestingly, the word competition is derived from a Latin verb which means “to seek together.” An
understanding of the derivation of the word competition supports the understanding that cooperation,
rather than evoking a characteristic at the opposite extreme of human nature from competition, is in
reality a necessary factor in competition.

1. What is the topic of the text?


2. What is the author’s comment or claim about the topic?


3. Do you agree with the author’s comment on the topic? Why or why not?

Topic: Outline
Level: Grade 11
Week 5
Teacher: JM Arnosa
Module: 5

Let’s Have Fun

Decide which two general categories, and then put the rest of the words and phrases in the
correct category. Use the table to categorize your answer.

read a book swim

build a model play baseball
outdoor activities ride a bike
bake cookies indoor activities
climb a tree play cards

__________________ _________________
General Category General Category

Let’s Learn

An outline is a summary that gives the essential features of a text. It shows how the parts of a text are
related to one another as parts that are of equal importance, or sections that are subordinate to a main
idea (Valdriz,2017).
Parts of an Outline

Introduction (attention grabber)

An introduction of an essay prepares the reader on the contents of the essay. The introduction of the
essay is an opening of what is to come ahead. Here, the writer introduces the topic to the reader by
giving background information and providing a thesis statement. Having mentioned the thesis statement
in your introduction, the rest of the paper should help you support the claim.

Body (The content of the paper)

The second part of any essay is the body of the essay. Typically, the body of the essay should
contain a minimum of three paragraphs in support of the thesis statement made in the introductory
paragraph. Each paragraph should relay an individual point or idea. Furthermore, you should always
ensure that your paragraphs contain three parts: the topic sentence, supporting statement and the
concluding paragraphs.

Conclusion (Wrap all of your arguments)

The conclusion of the essay should mark the end of your essay. Here, a writer is supposed to summarize
the ideas made in the body and also restate the thesis statement.

How to do it?

✓ Put the thesis statement at the top: it should be polished and be a complete sentence.

✓ Use Roman numerals (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.) to indicate the main points/topic sentences which should be
written in specific phrases or complete sentences (this is the “P” or Point of PIE).

✓ Use capital letters

(A, B, C, D, E, etc.) for
the major
details; typically,
writers should have
at least two main
supporting details for
each point/topic
sentence (the “I” or information of PIE providing evidence and the “E” or explanation of PIE providing

✓ Use numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.) for sub-details clarifying and specifying your main supporting details.

Types of Outlines According to Structure

1. Topic Outline

An outline that consists of a short phrase. It provides a quick overview of topics to be included in
an essay. You are probably already familiar with this structure. Look at a syllabus from one of your
courses. It is probably the equivalent of a topic outline, with topics listed for each unit, and readings and
assignments under each. After each heading in a topic outline for an essay, a maximum of several words
is used to identify the topic or idea that will be discussed under the given heading.

Thesis Statement: Research shows that single-sex classes are better for girls and, therefore, should be

I. Background
a. Segregated education
b. Coeducation
c. Title IX
II. Gender Bias
a. Attention
i. Opportunity
ii. Discipline
b. Favoritism
i. Encouragement
ii. Expectation
III. Academic advantages
a. Grade improvement
i. Materials
ii. Methods
b. Techniques
i. Math
ii. Science
IV. Personal advantages
a. Distraction
b. Comfort
i. Environment
ii. Students
c. Development
i. Self-confidence
ii. Role models
iii. Sentence Outline

2. Sentence Outline

An outline that is done in full sentence. It Forces part of the essay to be written out in sentences
before the first draft. Further, it expresses the specific and complete idea that that section of the paper
will cover as part of proving the overall thesis.

Thesis Statement: The abuse of alcohol and drugs can affect a person economically, psychologically, and

I. Alcohol and drug abuse can affect one economically.

A. The cost of alcohol abuse is high and getting higher.
1. The costs of DUIs can be enormous.
2. Alcohol costs are always rising because of rising production costs as
well as state and local taxes.
B. The cost of drug abuse can be high.
1. Even the arrest for the possession of a minute amount of drugs can result in high bail
and court cost.
2. The cost of drugs fluctuates drastically according to the type of drug, its availability,
and the amount.
II. Alcohol and drug abuse can have severe psychological effects.
A. Alcohol abuse can damage a person psychologically.
1. Alcohol is a depressant and can alter the personality of anyone.
2. The abuse of alcohol can lead to the psychological addiction to alcohol.
B. Drug abuse can be detrimental to one psychologically.
1. Drugs impair one's ability to function normally because of the
hallucinations or numbness of "getting high."
2. Drugs can become a psychological addiction.

Let’s Go Deeper

Directions: Write an outline on the given topic using the types of outline based on structure. Use the
outline discussed previously. Write your answer on the space provided. You will be scored base on the
given criteria below.

A. Write a topic outline based on the given topic.

Topic: How to prevent the spread of COVID-19 Write your topic outline here.

Thesis Statement: ____________________________________________________________

2. Write a sentence outline based on the given topic.

Topic: The Secret of Success Write your sentence outline here.

Thesis Statement:

Indicator Strong (3 pts) Average (2 pts) Weak (1 pt)
Thesis Statement Thesis statement clearly Thesis is stated; Thesis not
stated with points. however, it is average mentioned
Content and Format Used the principles of Outline mostly follows Outline formatting
outlining like Roman format with roman not used, and
Numerals for in numbers, capital content is not clear
heading, capital letter letters, and other. or irrelevant.
for sub- topic, and Content is average.
numbers and supporting
Organization Headings should have Headings don’t have Difficult to tell the
general info while general info, and difference between
supporting info should supporting info is not headings and
be more specific. always specific. supporting
Spelling and Grammar Very few (0-5) Few (6-10) Several (more than
grammatical errors grammatical errors 10) spelling and

Let’s Connect

Directions: Imagine that you are being invited to speak in a certain occasion like, birthday party,
graduation ceremony, giving sermon for a church service, giving an inspirational message, and others.
Write an outline for your message. You may choose between topic and sentence outline.

Write your outline here.

Indicator Strong (3 pts) Average (2 pts) Weak (1 pt)
Thesis Statement Thesis statement clearly Thesis is stated; Thesis not
stated with points. however, it is average mentioned
Content and Format Used the principles of Outline mostly follows Outline formatting
outlining like Roman format with roman not used, and
Numerals for in numbers, capital content is not clear
heading, capital letter letters, and other. or irrelevant.
for sub- topic, and Content is average.
numbers and supporting
Organization Headings should have Headings don’t have Difficult to tell the
general info while general info, and difference between
supporting info should supporting info is not headings and
be more specific. always specific. supporting
Spelling and Grammar Very few (0-5) Few (6-10) Several (more than
grammatical errors grammatical errors 10) spelling and

Let’s Do This

Direction: Read and analyze the given articles below. Then, outline the reading text as specified. Make
sure to highlight the points of the text.

A. Outline the reading text below using the topic outline.

How can humanity address the damage inflected on the environment?

One important development that arose during the late twentieth century was
environmentalism. This perspective advocates to address the growing environmental problems.
Philosophy has a significant role in the development of environmental awareness and action. Several
ideas and perspective regarding environmental action have merged.

One important philosophical view from environmentalism is environmental ethics. This is a

moral approach that analyzes the relationship between humans and the environment. It also discusses
environmental problems caused by human activities and social issues that impact the environment.

Have you ever thought about how your actions affect nature? When throwing away a piece of
trash, do you reflect on what will happen should you decide to just throw it anywhere in your school or
community? Do you see the importance of cleaning your surroundings, throwing trash properly,
segregating waste, and saving water?
Environmental ethics serves as a basis for reflecting on how our actions show our regard for
nature. We often complain about the trash scattered around our community, but what steps have we
taken to be an example of cleanliness and order in our homes and communities?

Environmental ethics also guides us in upholding the welfare of the environment and everything
in it. As persons, it is our responsibility to start with our own actions and how they affect our immediate
environment. Have you ever taken the initiative to tidy up your room or help clean your house? Starting
in your own home is an important step towards becoming a more responsible steward of nature.

Apart from individual action, environmentalism also encourages governments, institutions,

organizations, and corporations to commit to responsible action for the environment. Many of the
major environmental problems we experience, such as pollutions, deforestation, and loss of natural
resources are cause by the actions of mining and logging companies, factories, business, and even
governments. An important part of environmentalism is collective action spearheaded by environmental
groups that call attention to environmental problems and environmental abuse.

Write your topic outline here.

Indicator Strong (3 pts) Average (2 pts) Weak (1 pt)
Thesis Statement Thesis statement clearly Thesis is stated; Thesis not
stated with points. however, it is average mentioned
Content and Format Used the principles of Outline mostly follows Outline formatting
outlining like Roman format with roman not used, and
Numerals for in numbers, capital content is not clear
heading, capital letter letters, and other. or irrelevant.
for sub- topic, and Content is average.
numbers and supporting
Organization Headings should have Headings don’t have Difficult to tell the
general info while general info, and difference between
supporting info should supporting info is not headings and
be more specific. always specific. supporting
Spelling and Grammar Very few (0-5) Few (6-10) Several (more than
grammatical errors grammatical errors 10) spelling and

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