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Dudjom Rinpoche - The Harmful Effects of Tobacco

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A brief explanation called "The guide who leads the
blind from the: wrong path a precipice".
H. H• Dudjom Riopocbe

It la aulte 1'8111ertcable that Tibetan Buddhist c1vU1s"tion

...,... to be very uni~J~e in hevino 11lweys conllidered the
uee or tobacco and drugs a• not only hllrl!lful to health ~.

aleo e 1Mijor hindrl!lnce to eolrttuel develoo~~tt~nt.

In this text, H.H. Oudja.. Alnooche, l!lllCOleinlnq the history

.,d the derecte or tneae aub•tencaa, hes gathered the IIISin
pronouncements or Gurv PlldlftaHIIIbhava( I ) concerning th~M,
predictions that were revealed ae Termes(2) throughout Tibe-
tan history by great Tartans .uch aa Me Chtk Lapdron(IIth
century), A1qz1n God- ( I:12'7-I:187), Sang yay Linqpa ( 1340-
1396), Aetna Ungpe (1403-1478), Oundul Oorja (I6I5-Io72),
Longsal Nyingpo liGI5-I6?2J, Orodul Ungpa (J?th century),
end Tugchog Oorje (lath century).

A brief explanation called •rha guide •t-o
leads the blind from the wrong path ending
1n a precipice "•

May thla b~ N.Jspicioua. Having paid holl'llllege w1 th di!JBp rea-

pact to the Greet Urgyen, Wisdom body of the Buddhas and
Bodhieettvae, Union of all the Buddha Families, I shall re-
lete here the history of tobacco.
Long ago, ebout a hundred years after Lord Buddha had
peseed into Nirvana, in the land of Chine there wee a girl
or the reca or demons who having been drtven mad by her
Mind of greet lust, spoke these words ae she was rlying:
• With this body of ~ine I pray thet beings or this eerth
~•Y be leed to the lower realms. Bury my corpee intect and
aftor some time a flower, different from ell others will
grow from my womb. Merely by c;t:~olling i t.3 scent one will
experience in both body and mind en unimeginable bli~e,far

more plal!leurable than the union of male l!lnd faml!lle. It will

epread fer and wids until 110st of the beings on this el!lrth
will enjoy it." At prasent the actual fruition of her wish
ia clearly evident.
Infamous opium and other releted intoxicants(J)tsken
by mouth or nose neither help dispel thirst or hungar,nor
have a delicious taste and are without a single benefit for
atrenght, conati tution or 11 fe force.
Furthermore theee aubatancea aarve to increase nervouaneea

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~blood prea&R'8 .,d C.UM cancar and pu~ l:iiMeMa.

ln theM liaya &1.-a.t everyone, of great or -a~.-c cond1.t:1an,

devalopa an 1rraa1st1ble attraction far theaa .ubstancaa
and conaunea the111 without control. Thi.& ia how ttw wieh of
tha d-.onau haa ulti-taly bam ita fruit.
Aa ia found in the Tanna of Chogya.l Retnalingpa: •wt}en
t;,. Great Waater Padrla&alllbhava waa binding the Nine Brothers,

epokea 'Brothers, do
breakers of the .u.aya( 4), under oath the youngest of th-
&t deapair, liatan to .a. I ahal.l . _
nifaat myself in the country of aa tObacco; tha ,....
of thi.a toxin will be •tna blaCk poi110n'. It will appear in
the border lana& .,d rrnm there it will be introd.Jcad to
Cent:nU Tibet. The p-apl• of TibB't will con9U~~~e thia enjoya-
ble ••bastanca. By the att'algth of thi.a 1 the five groa& poi-
eons will incrooou. Rejecting the tWI virtuous act1on& 1 peo-
pla will precticr; the tat\ unvirtoua onea. The 11 fa of the
hol~re of the doctrine will baCOIM precarious, and they
Will depart far the Suddna Field&. The IWIIOke of thi.e,
penetrating the earth will annih:Uate t-.Jnarea thouaanda of
naga c1 ties. Rain will nt'lt fall, harvest and livaatoek will
not proaper 1 there will be civil diaordera, ep~daad.cs, and
various undaairtotlle aventa. The poiaonoua ..:Jke rising to
the aky will deetray abodaa of the gada, unti~Mly aclip-•
end COINita will appear The essential fluida end veina of
those who Make 11111 dry up.It will be tlw cauM for ttw
four hMldrada end four ., c.kne••• to arl... Whoever -*e•
will be reborn \n tha lo~ real111a. If one ..akaa 81d others
1nh&la thll odour, it will be •• if' ana -re axtriccting tlw

~wart of' aix mll1ona baing a ••
Al80 eccarcnna to tha Tenaa of' 5anll)layl1ngpa: •rn th1a
declldent age people will indUlge in various unwnale.,..
ectiana. In particular, instead of' eet1ng those fooda
Which are tasty, •en will consu.e the worat substances
•hicn era both poieonous and emell bed. Interrupting whet
they are doing they will frantically consume the poieon.
They will apit and their no . . will run uncontrollably,ttwir
health and complexi.oro v:ill faoe.'"
In the Terme found Dy AigZin Godem there is tne pre-
d1ct1on: •rn the ulti~a~e oacedent age people will abaorb
poiaonoua vomit, food of Gar.onarwa(s). ueraly Blllelling it,
one will go to tho Avici Hs:l( 0 ). For this reaaon give it
up rioht nmv."
Fmm tllf. pr;;tllc:tionf> dl ~r:overad by Dundul Dar ja: •~otonKa

lind nuno wl.ll an.icr tnhet.linn the ISIIIOke at these plants .,d
U11 f!'::.r.a their powca~tt• and tna country will be invaded by
eaaey., !:JNJakera. With corapula1va deGi.rP. cea.salea-
ly, tht:~~ ui.ll DB thur.; doclirivad by Ut.ra 1 and as a aign of
the axt\lluu~~inn of mer1 tR taara will flow without control. •
Longaul rovaalad the following prediction: •The t1. .
when peaplu will smoke thaae wiCked eubetancea 1a al80 the
t1•e when clo&a friends will aach other.•
In revalationa found aa Tel'lllll by Tugchog Dorje: •a-
cauaa of the five gross poi.ana, pasaiona, hatrad,troublaa, ·
QUarrels, and eorrowa of beings will blaze like an infanxa.
AM the tan virtuea an d1acarded the non-virtuaa will raga
like a etona. Wholeeoma activities will be neglected, while

pervft'M pncticee will be propepat ~. In thia bed age
prottlcting oode will venish as denlona a•..,... po•er, People
will inhele t:obecoo ...o<e,the vein• or diecrtmnative wi-
doll thus becoming blod<Pd,egitation end obecuring emotions
will be intensified. The central channel rill be obstNcted,
and, coneeouently, the limoid clarity of one's awareness
rill d:l.•, General 11arit exhausted rill :ause agitation ar-
ound the trOrld. Religioua object., the receptacles of bl•-
einga, rill deteriorate; wrong viatra Wid f'alee religions
will aoread, The protective. dsitiea will tum eeide end
look only to..arde Mount Ueru, For.ignDr& will invade cen-
tral Tibet, and the natives will be forced to ..andsr in
border lends, OoctriniUI of' Mara Jo'ill epreed and the earth
will bBCOMe an actual nell,•
Drodul Lingpa cliecoverad the folloring preclictionst
'"av marely smelling the odour of thllee herbs, graeHa .net
leaves which sprang from a drop of blood of an ogress,one
will go to the Vajra Hell,•
From the predictions of Ma Chik Lapdron: •In the final
~~ge of dieputes there will be somethi~ that one pute in
the mouth, endowed with all thP five po1aons(7). It will
originate in China, epread to Mongolia, end be consumed by
the people ~f' Tibet, It will cause rainfall to be irregular,
theN! lfi 11 be greet frosts and hail. If meditators take the-
se, even if they practice for one hundred kelpae they will
not realise the deity. In futurtl livaa, thfly will wander
continuouely in thll lower realm~;, Even the COIIIP8Saion of
the Ttwoee SuprBIIIe Ones rill heve no power to protac:t them.'

Thus it ia esid in innutllel"'8ble predictions. The UH or
all ~heaa .ub.t.nces haa b.en ali!IO particularly fortrl.d-
den by t1111ny •yinga of" eceot~~pllehed eapea of' both tt.
new end .-,cient tredi tiona. The vajra words of" U~

Ainpoche nevsr deceive, eo do not hav. IIUCh i"alM vi-•

aas 'how can there be .a ..,y def'ecte in ISI'IIOI<ing a Mtu-
ral plant 7'-Aconit ie alae II epeciee or plant, yet ju.t
eating a emall amount can cauae phyBical deeth. Why,tn.n,
couldn't the f'ruit of' the perverea wiehee of' a d.-on•••
cauee apiri tual death? Thererore wi ee pereoms wi 11 cm-t-
ainly do theGaelves a greet kindneea by co•pletely ren-
ounCing theee aub.tancee.
May the faithful and the wise •ho avoidod the path
to the precipice, have the good fortune or finding relief'
in the bliaaf'ul garden of' liberation.
At the request or Golok 6erte Jigme thil!l wae written
by Vajra Jnana. May 1 t be euepicioua.

Translated according to the IUcplanatione of' Khenpo

P - Sharap by Konchog Tenzing. Printed at the ~Jeeb
Prwaa,Bill.lillll!lran, Oehli. 1979 ,


1) a,n, P....Mmhava, or the Grea1: Urgy.n, 1a the "s.cond

Bucldha" who aatabliahed Buddhi .. 1n Tibet, builded the
f'1nt ~naatlll'y, &Myey, end tnnalated the Sutnaa Mel
Tentrea together with all the great translators, or
Lot..vas. For the Nke of the future generations ha con-
cealed 1nnu-rabla teaching• ,or Tarmea{2), that were to.
ba rad18COvarad in duo t1,.. by ao. . predaatinad L.... ,
called Tertona, or •trt~aaura rediacavarers".
3) Thia applies to aU kinde of clruga •
4) S...yaa apirttual link with the taachar and the teachings
and co.~itiHnta toward tt...
S} •&aell eatara•,a claee of apirita who teed on bad ...11e.
6) Tt. "Hell without intel'lliia&ion• 1 ao called bac.uM one
..,._. there conatant and extretne sufferings tor a vary
long ti••·
?) Cr.ving, hatred, atupid1ty 1 pride and jealousy.


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