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Yoga Booklet

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The key takeaways are that the document provides information about the Yoga Certification Board (YCB), its logo, and certification process.

The purpose of the Yoga Certification Board is to spread Yoga in an organized and professional manner.

The eight elements represented in the logo of the Yoga Certification Board are the eight limbs (Ashtanga) of yoga - Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi.


Published by:
Dr. I.V. Basavaraddi
Chief Executive Officer,
Yoga Certification Board,
Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga,
Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India
68, Ashoka Road, New Delhi-110 001



All Rights Reserved,

First Edition, June, 2019

Printed by:
Nikhil Offset
223, DSIDC Complex, Okhla Phase-1,
New Delhi-110020

Yoga Certification Board (YCB),
Ministry of AYUSH, Govt of India, New Delhi

This book has been designed by Yoga Certification Board, Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India, New Delhi as
part of the implementation of the programme of Ministry of AYUSH for Certification of Yoga Professionals
and Accreditation of Yoga Institutions. The information contained herein is about the functioning and
programmes implemented by the Yoga Certification Board. The images used in the books related to Yoga has
been obtained from Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga.
YOG Certification Board

Foreword from Secretary, Ministry of AYUSH & Chairperson, YCB

Message from Vice Chairperson, YCB & Joint Secretary, AYUSH

Message from Yog Rishi Swami Ramdev Ji, Chairperson of Steering Committee

Message from Dr. H R. Nagendra, Board Member

Message from Swami Atmapriyananda, Chairperson of Technical Committe

Message from Dr. W. Selvamurthy, Chairperson of Technical Committee

Message from Chief Executive Officer, YCB and Director, MDNIY

YOG Certification Board

YOG Certification Board

YOG Certification Board

YOG Certification Board

From Yog Rishi Ramdev Ji, From Dr. H. R. Nagendra,

Chairperson of Steering Commi ee Board Member

Lkans'k Human beings are made of Pancha Koshas which

provide them a road map for be er
;ksx Hkkjr dh lEiw.kZ fo’o dks ,d vuqie nsu gSA Hkkjrh; understanding of psychological and spiritual
_f'k;ksa ds ri vkSj Lkk/kuk dk çfrQy ;g ;ksx fo|k lEiw.kZ development. The aim of Yoga is to move inward,
fo’o dh ekuo psruk dk tkx`r djds] muds thou dk taking a journey through higher states of
Dys’kksa ls eqDr djus dk vkSj vkuUn ls ;qDr djus dk consciousness to one's true nature of hidden
lk/ku gSA ;ksx vuUr vkuUn vkSj LkoksZPp “kkfUr dk infinite bliss, Knowledge, Power & Freedom.
vuqHko djokrk gSA ;ksx dksbZ ,d fnu dk vH;kl ugha]
cfYd thou i;ZUr pyus okyh lk/kuk gSA ;ksx ,d n’kZu gS] Clinical Researches are being carried out all over
the world to scien fically assess the benefits and
psruk dk ,d foKku gS] tks vH;kldÙkkZ dh psruk dk
impact of Yoga prac ces. The results so far have
fodkl djus esa lnSo lgk;d fl) gksrk gSA established the science behind Yoga and
tc ge ;ksx ds ek/;e ls Hkxoku ds lkFk ,dkRe gks tkrsa gSa therefore Yoga is being widely accepted as a
rc bZ’ojh; Kku iwjh rjg ls gekjs Hkhrj ls vfHkO;Dr discipline which leads to physical and mental
gksrk gSA ;ksx czã Kku gS] czã deZ gS] czã Hkko gSA ;ksx dksbZ wellness of human being. Yoga as a way of life will
deZdk.M] iwtk &ikB dh i)fr ugha] ,d foKku gS] thou also bring experience about the real essence of
i)fr gS] ,d fpfdRlk] lk/kuk i)fr gSA vkRe lk{kkRdkj Yoga.
ls djds] vkRe mipkj ls ys djds ;g fo”o ds midkj dk
Yoga Cer fica on Board has been established by
,d cgqr cM+k ea= gSA dsoy ;ksx )kjk gh lEiw.kZ fo”o esa Ministry of AYUSH to spread Yoga in an organized
“kkfUr ,ao lketL; dks çkIr fd;k tk ldrk gS and professional manner. I invite Yoga
ekuuh; ç/kkuea=h Jh eksnh th lfgr ge lc pkgrs gSa fd Professionals and Yoga Ins tu ons / Centres
lEiw.kZ fo”o esa ;ksx çfrIBkfir gks] lEekfur gksA ;g rHkh worldwide who want to serve humanity through
lEHko gks ik,sxk tc ;ksx dks çlkfjr djus okys ;ksx f”k{kd Yoga, to partner with YCB for mutual growth and
çekf.kd gksxsaA eq>s çlUUkrk gS fd dsUnz ljdkj }kjk xfBr be erment of mankind.
;ksx çek.khdj.k eaMy fu'i{k :i ls ;ksx f”k{kdks dk
I feel privileged to be a partner in this noble
çek.khdj.k djsxk vkSj ,sls çekf.kd ;ksx f”k{kd lEiw.kZ
ini a ve of Government of India in the service of
fo”o esa tkdj ;ksx dks çfrf'Br djsxsa mudk thou] mudk Yoga.
vkpj.k lcds fy, vkn”kZ gksxk A
ge ;ksx iz.kk.khdj.k eaMy ¼YCB½ ds dk;ksZ dh ,oa ;ksx dks With Love,
fo”o iVy esa LFkkfir djus ds ç;klks dh ça”klk djrs gSA

Dr. H.R Nagendra

¼Lokeh jkenso½

YOG Certification Board

YOG Certification Board

From Swami Atmapriyananda, From Dr. W. Selvamurthy,

Chairperson of Technical Commi ee Chairperson of Technical Commi ee
Yoga is a system of philosophy (called darshana or 'vision' in Yoga Is an ancient India wisdom which can bring a
Sanskrit) in the ancient Indian wisdom tradi on. It opens up
new world order with global harmony, peace,
a new vision of a human being by emphasizing the spiritual
core, the Divinity inherent in all beings, and systema cally health and happiness. It is originated in our
develops a technique to realize this Divinity within. Swami country 5000 years ago. It has evolved to have
Vivekananda's famous statement in his magnum opus, Raja many sects like Raja Yoga. Gyan, Yoga, Bhak Yoga
Yoga, may be recalled in this context:
“Each soul is poten ally divine. The goal is to manifest this
and Karma Yoga. Yoga can unite Body, Mind and
divinity by controlling nature, external and internal. Do this Spirit of human evolu on.
either by work, or worship, or psychic control, or
philosophy—by one, or more, or all of these—and be free. There are many controlled scien fic research and
This is the whole of religion. Doctrines, or dogmas, or rituals,
or books, or temples, or forms, are but secondary details.” studies to illustrate the prophylac c, promo ve
While Vedanta is the science of spirituality, Yoga is the and cura ve poten als of Yoga. There are more
technology thereof. Thus, science and technology of the than a few hundreds of Yoga Centres, thousands
Supreme Spirit, Vedanta and Yoga, form the two-pronged
of Yoga prac oners and Therapists in our
thrust that forms the backbone of Indian spiritual wisdom
bequeathed to us through genera ons of spiritual Masters country. To bring quality and standards in Yoga
like Maharshi Patanjali, for several millennia. Although Educa on, Training, Prac ce and Therapy,
ancient, it is yet fresh and new—purana, interpreted by Government has taken the right ini a ve to
Acharya Shankara as pura api nava, although ancient, yet
modern and new. Swami Vivekananda emphasized in the
establish Yoga Cer fica on Board (YCB) which has
modern age of science that Raja Yoga forms the ra onal basis been established under the aegis of Morarji Desai
of religion—not only its philosophy, but its psychology and Na onal Ins tute o Yoga. The aim of YCB is to
mys cism, based on actual direct experience that is promote and propagate Yoga in a professional
verifiable and replicable. It is natural that with the rapid
spread of Yoga, the possibility of its dilu on and devia on way. Since the Government of India has taken
from the pris ne purity of its spiritual content is a danger Yoga into global level declaring Interna onal Day
that needs to be guarded against. Thousands of Yoga of Yoga on 21st June, 2019, many Yoga centres
ins tu ons and groups have come up in India and abroad so
across the glove have been rejuvenated to
that the need for authen city and cer fica on is being
keenly felt. 'Yoga Cer fica on Board' cons tuted by the promote Yoga at global level. This newly
Ministry of AYUSH of the Government of India to address this established YCB will help to give impetus to the
need is therefore a welcome move. Yoga Cer fica on Board promo on of Yoga at global level in a systema c
has also developed a mechanism to bring on board all those
who are eager to prac ce and preach Yoga in order to create
way. I would request Yoga fraternity and Yoga
the much needed synergy in the modern age. We call upon aspirants to associate and support with YCB for
all the Yoga ins tu ons and groups to ac vely par cipate in be erment of human life.
and cooperate with the efforts of Yoga Cer fica on Board to
achieve its objec ve to retain and perpetuate a culture of
authen city in Yoga educa on and prac ce as well as to I am honoured to associate with YCB in this noble
bring uniformity in impar ng knowledge of Yoga. It is my ini a ve.
privilege to be a part of this endeavour of the Yoga
Cer fica on Board which has taken the first step in this
direc on by devising guidelines for ensuring uniformity in
Yoga educa on and prac ce and to write this Goodwill
Message to this booklet from the Yoga Cer fica on Board Dr. W. Selvamurthy,
meant for the Yoga Ins tu ons and Yoga professionals. President,
Amity Science, Technology and
Founda on(ASTIF)
Swami Atmapriyananda
Vice Chancellor
YOG Certification Board

New Delhi,
Dated: 26th April, 2019

YOG Certification Board

Section 1
1.1 Yoga is essentially a spiritual discipline based on an extremely subtle science, which focuses on bringing
harmony between mind and body. It is an art and science of healthy living. Yoga, being widely considered
as an 'immortal cultural outcome' of Indus Saraswati Valley civilization – dating back to 2700 B.C., has
proved itself catering to both material and spiritual upliftment of humanity. Basic humane values are the
very identity of Yoga Sadhana. The literature on Yoga has evolved over the years with reference to the
ancient scriptures of India. The prevalence, popularity and its effect on the human mind and body are
predominantly accepted world over.

1.2 Now in the contemporary times, everybody has conviction about yoga practices towards the
preservation, maintenance and promotion of health. Yoga has spread all over the world by the teachings
of great personalities like Swami Shivananda, Shri T. Krishnamacharya, Swami Kuvalayananda, Shri
Yogendara, Swami Rama, Sri Aurobindo, Maharshi Mahesh Yogi, Acharya Rajneesh, Pattabhi Jois, BKS.
Iyengar, Swami Satyananda Saraswati and the like.

1.3 Traditionally, Yoga Education was imparted by knowledgeable, experienced, and wise persons in the
families (comparable with the education imparted in convents in the west) and then by the Seers
(Rishis/Munis/Acharyas) in Ashramas (compared with monasteries). Yoga Education, on the other
hand, aims at taking care of the individual, the 'Being'. It is presumed that a good, balanced, integrated,
truthful, clean, transparent person will be more useful to oneself, family, society, nation, nature and
humanity at large. Yoga education is 'Being oriented'. Details of working with 'being oriented' aspect
have been outlined in various living traditions and texts and the method contributing to this important
field is known as 'Yoga'.

YOG Certification Board

Section 2
About YCB
2.1 With the growing popularity of Yoga across the world, the demand for institutionally trained Yoga
teachers/ Yoga Instructors/ Yoga Therapist is on rise. The Yoga Certification Board thus has a great role
to play in catering to this rising demand.

2.2 At present there are varied types of courses for Yoga instructors which range from 10 days course to
Degree course. On the demand side, there are number of Yoga centers running in the residential
colonies, home based Yoga classes to professional training centers. Hence, it is the need of time to define
standards for syllabus, infrastructure, teaching hours, training time etc for institutions undertaking Yoga
training courses. Similarly, the benchmarks have to be established for Yoga instructors for Yoga related

2.3 Yoga Certification Board was set up in March, 2018; started functioning from June, 2018. The YCB is
established under aegis of Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga, Ministry of AYUSH, GoI with
complete functional autonomy. Secretary, Ministry of AYUSH is the Chairperson of YCB. Joint
Secretray, Ministry of AYUSH is the Vice Chairperson of YCB. The YCB has representation from
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Accreditation expert,
Legal expert and Yoga experts. Secretariat of the YCB is headed by CEO who is the Director of

2.4 Yoga Certification Board is established for certification of Yoga professionals and accreditation of Yoga
Institutions, prescribing syllabus for various levels of Yoga trainers and other such activities that may be
considered necessary for promotion of Yoga. Professional assessment of these service providers are
carried out so as to certify the competencies so that the user of the service is assured of the skill sets
possessed by the trainer.

of Board

Steering Technical Assessment
Committee Committee Committee

2.5 The overall structure of the Yoga Certification Board is as follows:

2.6 For smooth functioning of the Board, 4 committees have been constituted as follows:

i. Steering Committee - The Steering Committee is a guiding force in overall development of

the scheme. The main function of Steering Committee is to steer the overall development,
implementation and supervision of the scheme and its outcome.
YOG Certification Board

1.4 Present day, Yoga Education is being imparted by many eminent Yoga Institutions, Yoga Colleges, Yoga
Universities, Yoga Departments in the Universities, Naturopathy colleges and Private trusts & societies.
Many Yoga Clinics, Yoga Therapy and Training Centres, Preventive Health Care units of Yoga, Yoga
Research Centers etc. have been established in Hospitals, Dispensaries, Medical Institutions and
Therapeutical setups.

1.5 The Hon'ble Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi, had desired to spread worldwide India's
traditional knowledge of Yoga, with credible systems in place to assure quality of Yoga practices across
the world. The Ministry of AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and
Homoeopathy), Government of India, in pursuance of the above and in the wake of declaration of
International Yoga Day in 2015, a scheme for Certification of Yoga professionals and Accreditation of
Yoga Institutions was launched on 22nd June 2015. The certification and accreditation program started
under the management of Quality Council of India (QCI).

1.6 In March, 2018 Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India established Yoga Certification Board under
the aegis of Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga, New Delhi for implementation of this scheme.
Yoga Certification Board revised the guidelines for implementation of Certification of Yoga
Professionals and Accreditation of Yoga Institutions/ Centres. This is effective from 1st April, 2019.

YOG Certification Board

ii. Technical Committee - The main function of the Technical Committee is to look into all the
technical aspects of academic, accreditation and certification.
iii. Assessment Committee - The main function of the Assessment committee is to look into
examination, evaluation of Yoga professionals, assessment of Yoga Institutions/Centres for
accreditation and all matters related to assessment.
iv. Standing Finance Committee- The main function of the Standing Finance Committee (SFC)
is to look into the matters relating to Budget and Financial sanctions.
These four committees help in carrying forward the agenda as approved by YCB by way of
developing strategies. The composition of these committees is also approved by the YCB.
2.7 Secretariat of YCB: A Secretariat of the Yoga Certification Board has been established to
implement the decisions of the Board and to manage day to day activities. The Secretariat is
governed by Rules and Regulations and Bye – laws of the Board approved/ amended from time
to time by YCB.
The structure as approved for Secretariat of the YCB is as follows:
S.No. Name of the Post Functions

1. Secretary-General Work as a guiding force for strengthening function of

Yoga Certification Board and promotion of Yoga around
the world.
2. Chief Executive The CEO is the member Secretary of the Steering
Officer Committe, Technical Committee, Assessment
Committee, Standing Finance Committee. The CEO will
report to the Secatery General of the Yoga Certification
Board. He/she is in-charge of the Secretariat of the
Board. He allocates duties of officers and employees of
the Board and supervise the overall work of Secretariat.
(S)he also have powers to delegate any of his powers to
the officers subject to such limitations as may be imposed
by the Board.
3. Consultant Execution of examinations and assessment of
(Assessment) Yoga Professionals and Yoga Institutions/PrCBs
and act as member secretary of Assessment
4. Support in formulation of strategies for
(Management) management and operation of the Board,
coordination with Committees, etc.
Digitization of YCB processes,
5. Consultant (I.T.)
maintenance of website, IT based media
and promotional activities etc.
6. Consultant Manage matters relating to administration,
(Admn & Fin) finance and Accounts
7. Consultant ( Yoga ) Provide inputs into the matter related to
development of Yoga and reference books of

8. Office Assistant Assist YCB team on organizational and

clerical support tasks, organizing and
files maintaining etc
9. M.T.S. General cleanliness and upkeep, carrying of
files and papers, physical maintenance of
records etc
YOG Certification Board

Section 3
Aim, Vision, Mission and Objectives of YCB
The aim of YCB is to
bring quality and

standards in practice of
Yoga and to promote
Yoga as career skills.

The vision of YCB is to enable people across

the globe to lead a healthy life style and to
make Yoga a way of holistic living by
ensuring access to quality Yoga trainers.

To define standards for Yoga training for Yoga institutions
and Yoga professional and assist them in achieving the same
while imparting Yoga education to society.

Ÿ To promote Yoga as means to promote holistic health and human values.
Ÿ To promote Yoga as a career skill.
Ÿ To develop standards & parameters, assess competencies and to certify Yoga Professionals for
various levels.
Ÿ To develop standards & parameters, assess competencies and Accreditation of Yoga
Ÿ To certify Yoga processionals based on their competence.
Ÿ To accreditate Yoga institutions/centres based on their contribution in the field of Yoga.
Ÿ To bring uniformity in Yoga courses conducted across India and Globe.
Ÿ To collaborate with national and international organisations for promotion of Yoga.
Ÿ To motivate Yoga professionals to attain higher level of skills & competencies.
Ÿ To create demand for certified Yoga professionals and Yoga institutions.

YOG Certification Board
Section 4

Structure and Functions of YCB

4.1 Yoga Certification Board is established for certification Yoga professionals and accreditation of Yoga
Institutions respectively, prescribing syllabus for various levels of Yoga trainers and any such activities
that may be considered necessary for the purpose.
4.2 Professional assessment of these service providers will be carried out so as to certify the competencies so
that user of the service is assured of the skill sets possessed by the Yoga trainer.
4.3 Structure
Composition of Yoga Certification Board

Vaidya Rajesh Kotecha, Shri P.N. Ranjit Kumar,

Secretary, Joint Secretary,
Ministry of AYUSH, Ministry of AYUSH,
Govt. of India, New Delhi Govt. of India, New Delhi
Chairperson Vice-Chairperson

Dr. Dharmendra Singh Mr. G.C. Hosur

Additional Secretary & F.A., Joint Secretary,(CU).
Ministry of Health & Family Ministry of HRD,
Welfare, New Delhi Govt. of India,New Delhi
Member Member

Dr. H.R. Nagendra, Dr. Chinmay Pandya,

Chancellor, Pro-Vice-Chancellor,
SVYASA University, Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya,
Bengaluru Haridwar
Member Member

Dr. Jaideep Arya Shri Jagat Arora,

Chief Central Coordinator, Solicitor & Advocates,
Patanjali Yoga Peeth, Delhi High Court,
Haridwar New Delhi
Member Member

Shri Anil Jauhri, Dr. I.V. Basavaraddi,

Former Chief Executive Officer, Chief Executive Officer, YCB
NABCB, New Delhi
New Delhi
Member Member-Secretary

YOG Certification Board

4.4 The functions of the Board:

Ÿ To collaborate with national and international organizations for promotion of Yoga
Ÿ To encourage research in Yoga
Ÿ To define different types of Yoga professional levels for certification
Ÿ To lay down guiding principles regarding curricula and syllabi for various levels of courses
Ÿ To award certificates to candidates
Ÿ Accreditation of Yoga Institutions/Centres
Ÿ To appoint such Committees as it may think necessary for the efficient discharge of its functions
Ÿ To consider recommendations made by Committees constituted under the Board
Ÿ To promote and popularize Yoga
Ÿ Do all such other things as may be required for attainment of the objectives as specified above.
Ÿ To prescribe syllabus and courses for various certification levels of Yoga trainers/professionals
Ÿ To assess the Yoga professionals
Ÿ To delegate any of its powers to any committee constituted.
4.5 YCB has set up committees of experts from different Ministries and Institutions to provide guidance
and support in smooth functioning of the YCB in certification of Yoga Professionals and accreditation
of Yoga Institutes and Personnel Certification Body. The YCB has setup four committees to carry
forward the objectives of YCB and develop strategies for the same.
I. Steering Committee
ii. Technical Committee
iii. Assessment Committee
iv. Standing Finance Committee

YOG Certification Board

4.5.1 Steering Committee

Steering Committee has been setup to steer the overall development, implementation and supervision of the
scheme and its outcome.

Yog Rishi Swami Dr. Pranav Pandya

Ramdev Ji, Chancellor,
Patanjali Yoga Peeth, Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya,
Haridwar Haridwar
Chairperson Member - Yoga Guru/Master

Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudeva Shri O. P. Tiwari

Kaivalyadhama S.M.Y.M. Samiti,
Isha Foundation, Coimbatore
Member - Yoga Guru/Master Member - Yoga Guru/Master

Smt. Hansa Jayadeva Swami Chidanand Saraswati,

Yogendra President,
Director, Parmarth Niketan Ashram,
The Yoga Institute, Mumbai Rishikesh
Member - Yoga Guru/Master Member - Yoga Guru/Master

Swami Bharat Bhushan Swami Padmanabhananda

President General Secretary.
Mokshayatan International DLS (HQ)
Yogashram, Saharanpur, U.P. Rishikesh
Member - Yoga Guru/Master Member- Yoga Guru/Master

Shri Kamlesh D Patel Shri Vishwas Mandalik,

Sri Ramchandra Mission, President,
Hyderabad. Yoga Vidya Gurukul,
Member - Professional
Member - Yoga Guru/Master Training Institution

Ms. Sangeeta Saxena Shri R. M. Meena

Director, Deputy Secretary,
Department of Commerce, Ministry of AYUSH, Govt.
Govt. of India, New Delhi of India, New Delhi
Official Member Official Member

YOG Certification Board

Shri Sanjay Vedi, Mr. Vikas Rustagi,

Sr Programme Director, Dy. Director General (Niche
Indian Council For Cultural tourism Division), Ministry of
Relations, New Delhi Tourism, Govt. of India, New Delhi
Official Member Official Member

Ms. Reetu Jain Dr. Manju Singh,

Director, Joint Secretary,
Ministry of Skill Development, University Grants Commission,
New Delhi New Delhi
Official Member Official Member

Representative, Ms Anjula Singh Solanky,

Department of Industrial Director Health Care,
Policy & Promotion, Confederation of Indian Industry,
New Delhi New Delhi
Official Member Official Member

Mr. Rajesh Maheswari Dr. Ravi P. Singh

CEO, National Accreditation Board Secretary General,
for Certification Bodies, QCI Quality Council of India,
New Delhi New Delhi
Official Member Official Member

General Screcretary,
The Divine Life Society,
Shri Sampat Suri Dr. I. V. Basavaraddi
Tehri - Garhwal
Head, Certification Business, Chief Executive Officer, YCB
TQ Cert Services Private Ltd., New Delhi
Member- Multistake Holder Official Member

The broad functions of the Steering Committee are as follows:

Ÿ Guiding force for overall development, implementation and supervision of the Scheme.
Ÿ To define and steer to achieve the scheme outcomes.
Ÿ To provide guidance, ensure delivery of the Scheme outputs and achievements of its outcomes.
Ÿ To provide input for development of the Scheme.
Ÿ Identifying potential risks, monitoring risks, monitoring timelines.
Ÿ Monitoring quality of the Scheme as it develops.
Ÿ To devise strategies for expansion of the Scheme.
Ÿ To constitute any sub-committees as and when it is necessary.

YOG Certification Board

4.5.2 Technical Committee

Technical Committee has been setup to look into all the technical aspects of academic, accreditation
and certification.

Swami Atmapriyananda Dr. R. Nagarathna

Vice-Chancellor, Dean, Faculty of Life Sciences,
Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda SVYASA University,
Educational and Research , Kolkota Bangalore
Chairperson Vice - Chairperson

Prof. Santosh Panda Dr. Gayatri Mahindroo

(former Chairperson NCTE, Govt. Director,
of India) Professor, Staff Training & National Accreditation Board for Hospital
Research Institute, IGNOU, New Delhi & Healthcare Providers, New Delhi
Member Member

Shri S. Sridharan Dr. K. Krishna Sharma

Trustee, Professor and Head,
Krishnamacharya Yoga Deptt. of H.C. & Yoga Science,
Mandiram, Chennai Mangalore
Member Member

Dr. Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani Dr. B.K. Tripathi

Chairman, ICYER, Inter-University Centre for Teachers
Kottakuppam, Education, Banaras Hindu University,
Puduchery (Via) Varanasi
Member Member

Dr. I. V. Basavaraddi
Secretary-General, YCB
New Delhi

Member Secretary

The broad functions of the Technical Committee are as follows:

Ÿ Formulation of criteria for Accreditation of Yoga Institutions / Centres.
Ÿ Formulation of criteria for Accreditation of Personnel Certification Bodies (PrCBs).
Ÿ To define competencies for various levels of certification of Yoga Professionals as approved by the Board.
Ÿ To define curriculum and syllabus for various levels of competencies for certification of Yoga
Ÿ Preparation of booklets and other reading material delineating entire process of Accreditation.
Ÿ To develop Continuing Yoga Education Programme (CYEP) for upgrading knowledge and skill of Yoga
Ÿ To conduct workshops with stakeholders.
Ÿ To constitute any sub-committees as and when it is necessary.

YOG Certification Board

4.5.3 Assessment Committee

Assessment committee has been setup to look into the examination, evaluation of Yoga professionals,
assessment of Yoga Institutions/Centres for accreditation and all matters related to assessment.

Dr. W. Selvamurthy, Dr. M. V. Bhole

President, Former Joint Director of
Amity Science Technology and Research,
Innovative Foundation,
Amity University Campus, Noida Kaivalyadham, Pune
Chairperson Vice-Chairperson

Dr. B.S. Madhukar, Dr. R. Elangovan,

Former Adviser, Former Prof. & Head Deptt. of
NAAC, Yoga Perungalathur
Bangalore Chennai
Member-Assessment Expert Member-Yoga Expert

(Dr.) Vaidya Arpan Bhatt Dr. I. V. Basavaraddi

Professor & HoD of Swasthavrutta and Chief Executive Officer, YCB
Yoga, Shri Gulabkunverba Ayurveda
Mahavidyalaya, New Delhi
Gujarat Ayurveda University, Jamnagar
Member-Yoga Expert Member

The broad functions of Assessment Committee are as follows:

Ÿ To develop assessment pattern for Yoga Professionals and Yoga Institutions/Centres.
Ÿ To devise procedure, forms, applications for candidates and Institutions/Centres desiring to be associated
under the Scheme.
Ÿ Review and assessment of PrCBs, Yoga Institutions/Centres for accreditation.
Ÿ To conduct exams/assessments for certification of Yoga professionals.
Ÿ To appoint licensed personnel and/or teams for carrying out examination/evaluation/assessment
Ÿ To arrange field visit to exam centers, PrCBs, Yoga Institutions/Centres, etc.
Ÿ To conduct CYE program.
Ÿ To conduct seminars/workshops etc. for Yoga Professionals, stakeholders for upgradation of their skill and
Ÿ To constitute any sub-committees as and when it is necessary.

YOG Certification Board

4.5.4 Standing Finance Committee

YCB has constituted a Standing Finance Committee (SFC) to look into the matters relating to Budget
and Financial sanctions. The constitution of SFC is as under:

Shri P. N Ranjit Kumar Shri Raj Kumar

Joint Secretary, (NI Desk) Deputy Secretary Ministry of
Ministry of AYUSH, Health And Family Welfare
Govt. of India, New Delhi Govt. Of India
NI Desk Representative of IFD
Chairperson Member

Ms. Sangeet Saxena Shri S Sridharan

Director Trustee
Dept. of Commerce Krishna Acharya Yoga
Govt. of India, New Delhi Mandiram (KYM), Chennai
Member Member

Dr. I V Basavaraddhi
Secretary-General, YCB
New Delhi

Member Secretary

YOG Certification Board

Section 5
YCB Programs/Schemes
5.1 Yoga Certification Board aims to promote Yoga as career skill and to bring synergy, quality and
uniformity in teaching of Yoga across the world. Accordingly, Yoga Certification Board has targeted its
program for all the stakeholders like Yoga Professionals, Yoga Institutions/centres and Personnel
Certification Bodies.

5.2 Certification of Yoga Professionals: Yoga Certification Board aims to promote Yoga as career skill for
skilled Yoga Professionals and hence is introducing certification of Yoga Professionals under 2

Yoga Protocol Instructor

Education Yoga Wellness Instructor
and Yoga Teacher & Evaluator
Yoga Master

Assistant Yoga Therapist

Yoga Therapist
Theraputic Yoga Consultant

The Yoga Professionals can choose the level of certification based on their skill and competencies.

5.3 Accreditation/ Recognition of Yoga Institutions/ Centres: Yoga Certification Board is working
towards to bring uniformity and standards in teaching and practice of Yoga. Yoga Certification Board
accreditates Yoga Institutions/Centres based on their scale of operation, capacity, years of experience.
etc. under 4 categories as follows:

Ÿ Leading Yoga Institutions

Ÿ Yoga Institutions
Ÿ Yoga Training Centres
Ÿ Yoga Therapy Centres

5.4 Continuing Yoga Education Program: Yoga Certification Board aims to support certified Yoga
Professionals and help them in upgrading their skill. Accordingly, Continuing Yoga Education Program
(CYEP) is being conducted by YCB for certified Yoga Professionals. CYEP includes 2 components:

Ÿ Assessment of candidate’s performance during the period of certification

Ÿ Orientation to strengthen the candidate's skill as Yoga Professional

The program is of 7 days. CYEP is conducted at Accreditated Leading Yoga Institutions. The Yoga
Professionals can opt for either attending the CYEP in person at Leading Yoga Institutions or in virtual
mode through Video Conference / online. There is a separate program for each level of certification.

5.5 Personnel Certification Bodies: The organisations willing to work with YCB for assessment and
certification of Yoga Professionals are approved by YCB as Personnel Certification Bodies (PrCBs).
YCB approves such organisations fulfilling the eligibility criteria prescribed by YCB as PrCBs.

YOG Certification Board
Section 6

Why Certification and Accreditation

Through YCB?
6.1 Yoga Certification Board, established by Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India, is the only
Board which has been set up by any Government for certification in the field of Yoga.

6.2 The YCB certifies Yoga Professionals under various levels and categories so that the Yoga
Professionals can select the level and category as per their skill and competence. The competence
range from basic Yoga Protocol to Yoga Master, from Assistant Yoga Therapist to Yoga Therapy
Consultant. YCB strives to introduce more levels in due course of time. The certification helps in
promoting Yoga as career skill which till date is an unorganized career option.

6.3 The certified Yoga Professionals are exposed to better job opportunities across the globe.

6.4 YCB offers certificates to Yoga Professionals to practice Yoga as therapy. These certificates will not
only provide a platform for experienced Yoga therapy professionals but will also lead to promotion
of Yoga as one of the tools for therapy.

6.5 YCB certification will bring standardization and quality in practice and teaching of Yoga and in long
term will increase the availability of certified Yoga Professionals that will promote correct practice of
Yoga, leading to healthy living style.

6.6 YCB also accreditates Yoga Institutions/Centres based on their years of existence, scale of operation
and experience in the field of Yoga. This will ensure that the Yoga institution will get recognition for
its contribution towards Yoga.

6.7 The Yoga Institutions are accreditated under 4 levels. This will help in bringing standards in teaching and
practice of Yoga among various Institutions without interfering in their delivery system.
Synchronization of Yoga legacy and certificate will help to produce trained and qualified Yoga

6.8 Availability of trained and certified Yoga Professionals/Institutions empowers public in selections of
right Yoga Instructor/Trainer/Yoga Institutions.

6.9 In due course of time Yoga will develop into an organized sector.

6.10 Some of the unique features of the certificates issued by YCB are

Ÿ Certificates includes security features (QR code), unique no. (online verifiable)
Ÿ Digital certificates to candidates
Ÿ Centralised repository of Certified Yoga Professionals
Ÿ Single and online platform for all payments/ fees
Ÿ One time enrolment (Level wise) with life long validity
Ÿ Centralized platform with linkages and details of all assessing agencies, PrCBs, Accreditated Yoga
Institutions/Centres, examination schedule etc
Ÿ Ease of selection of exam centres and date of exam
Ÿ 3-tier security enabled examination process to ensure quality in conduct of exam
Ÿ Video recording of examination process
Ÿ Assessment through empanelled examiners
Ÿ Intimation to applicants through Mail and SMS

YOG Certification Board

Section 7
Certification of Yoga Professionals
7.1 Yoga Certification Board has started certification of Yoga professionals for three levels under Yoga
Education and Training category with effect from 1st April 2019.

Yoga Yoga Protocol Instructor

Education Yoga Wellness Instructor
Training Yoga Teacher & Evaluator
Yoga Master
7.2 Competencies, role and credit points for these three levels are as follows:

7.3 Yoga Professional aspiring to be a certified Yoga Professional has to undertake assessment for its
respective level. The Yoga Professional can choose the level as per his/her competencies, skill and
knowledge. The Yoga Professional is not required to undertake the assessment/certification from the
lowest level and then upgrade to higher levels. The syllabus for 3 levels are at annexure A, B &C resp.

Level Name Certificate holder can work as Competencies points

I Yoga Yoga Instructors for teaching basics of Equivalent to not 12 credits

Protocol Yoga to teach common Yoga protocol less than 200
Instructor developed by Ministry of AYUSH for hours of Yoga
International Day of Yoga. course
For classes in parks, societies etc., for
prevention of diseases and promotion of

II Yoga Yoga Instructor to teach Yoga for Equivalent to not 24 credits

Wellness prevention of illness and promotion of less than 400
Instructor wellness in schools, Yoga studios, work hours of Yoga
places etc. course

III Yoga Master Trainers in Yoga educational Equivalent to not 46 credits

Teacher & Institutions, Yoga training Courses and less than 800
Evaluator training programs. He or she can also act hours of Yoga
less than as Evaluator and Assessor of course
Yoga professionals and can teach in studios,
institutions, colleges/ universities/
institutions of higher learning.

IV Yoga Yoga Master will act as Master Equivalent to not 92 credits

Master Educator/Trainer in Yoga Education pros less than 1600
& skilled professionals, can teach, evaluate hours of Yoga
& for all le& will be a guiding force. Teaching course

7.4 Validity of Certificate: The certificates issued by the YCB to Yoga Professionals will initially be valid as

YOG Certification Board

*Validity of the certificate will be counted from the date of declaration of result.

Name of certificate Validity period

Yoga Protocol Instructor 5 Years
Yoga Wellness Instructor 3 Years
Yoga Teacher & Evaluator 3 Years

7.5 Assessment procedure:

7.5.1 Assessment of Yoga Professionals includes two stages – Theory and Practical.
7.5.2 Any candidate applying for the certificate has to appear in both exams – Theory and Practical.
7.5.3 Distribution of mark’s for these two stages for various levels is as follows:
7.5.4 Theory exam comprise of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs).
Certification Demo Teaching Evaluat Application Field Total Maximum
nstrati skill ion skill of exp. marks
on Knowledge
Yoga 60 80 40 - 10 10 140 200
Instru ctor
Yoga 60 80 40 - 10 10 140 200
Yoga 80 60 20 20 10 10 120 200
Teacher &
7.5.5 The number of questions, marks per question and duration of theory exam for three levels are as follows:

7.5.6 No. of questions is equally divided among all the units of the prescribed syllabus.

Maximum Duration of
Certification Name No. of question
Marks theory exam

Yoga Protocol Instructor 60 of 1 mark each 60 2.0 hrs.

Yoga Wellness Instructor 60 of 1 mark each 60 2.0 hrs.

Yoga Teacher & Evaluator 80 of 1 mark each 80 2.0 hrs.

7.5.7 The candidates shall mark the answer in Optical Mark Reader (OMR) sheet.

7.5.8 There is no negative marking in the written examination.

7.5.9 Theory exam paper is bilingual – English & Hindi. For exam in other language, the question paper is in
English and the language selected.

7.5.10 If some error is observed in the question paper, it shall be referred to the competent authority and
competent authority shall take a view on it and decide if it qualifies for grace marks.

YOG Certification Board

7.5.11 In case of any mismatch in any question in English and Hindi or other language, the question in English
language shall be considered the correct question.

7.5.12 The candidate shall return both question paper and OMR sheet to the invigilator/center in charge after
completing the paper or after the examination time.

7.5.13 For practicum, each candidate shall be assessed for not more than one hour. Duration of the practical
assessment will however be at the discretion of the assessor within the maximum time as mentioned

7.5.14 Practical shall include Demonstration, Teaching skill, Therapy skill, Evaluation skill, application of
knowledge and field Experience as per the level of certification.

7.5.15 The candidate has to secure qualifying marks both in theory and practical independently.

7.5.16 Candidate’s absence in either theory on practical exam will be considered as fail. However if any
candidate who takes theory exam but is absent is practical exam, his/her request for re-consideration for
appearing in practical exam on some other date may be considered by the assessing agency in exceptional
care on merit basis.

7.5.17 The candidate has to secure 70% marks in each of the theory and practical to qualify/pass the
assessment. However maximum 5% of grace marks can be given either for theory or practical but overall
qualifying percentage shall remain 70%. In case marks are in decimal figure, it shall be rounded off to
higher number.

7.5.18 If the candidate secures qualifying marks in practical but fails in theory, he/she can reappear for theory
exam only once within 3 month of declaration of result. The candidate shall have to deposit the
prescribed fee for appearing in the theory exam.

7.5.19 If the candidate secures qualifying marks in theory but fails in practical, he/she is treated as fail and
he/she shall have to appear for the exam as fresh candidate. In such condition, the assessment fee shall
have to be paid by the candidate. His/her unique enrolment number shall be valid.

7.5.20 The composition of the team for assessment of Yoga Professional for practical stage is as under:

S. No. Assessing agency Assessor for Yoga Professionals

1 Leading Yoga Ins tu on · 1 Lead Examiner – Nominated by the YCB from the
/ Yoga Ins tu ons/ Yoga empanelled Lead Examiners
Training centres/ Yoga · 1 External Examiner – Examiner nomi nated by the
Therapy Centres YCB from the empanelled Examiners
· 1 Internal Examiner – Examiner selected by the
Ins tu ons / Centre from the YCB approved panel.
· Observer – Nominated by the YCB from the
empanelled observers (op onal)
2 Personnel Cer fica on · 1 Lead examiner - Selected by the PrCBs from the
Bodies YCB approved empanelled Lead examiners
· 2 Examiners – Examiners selected by the PrCB from
the YCB approved empanelled examiners
· Observer – Nominated by the YCB from the
empanelled observers

YOG Certification Board
7.6.16 The results can be viewed on YCB website as well as assessing agency's website. The candidate can view
and download his/ her result and digital certificate through his/her login.

7.6.17 The Certificate in hard copy shall be issued to the qualified candidates. The Certificates issued will bear a
unique certificate no. and security enabled QR code.

7.6.18 The Yoga professionals have to follow the application process and other rules and regulations while
enrolling for any level and processing the application.

7.6.19 In case, the assessing agency is unable to conduct examination in the center selected by the candidate for
re-appearing within 3 months from the date of request for re-appearing, the concerned assessing agency
shall facilitate the candidate in appearing in the examination conducted in other nearby center or through
other assessing agency. If such facilitation does not work or is not acceptable to the candidate, the
candidate can ask for full refund of the fee paid to the assessing agency.

7.6.20 While submitting the form candidate shall declare, if he/she has been an applicant or certified under this
scheme by any other PrCB and YCB's recognized Institutions. He/she shall provide details of status of
application/certification and period of certification. The PrCBs/Institutions may verify the information
with the concerned Institutions.

7.6.21 The applicant shall, along with the application, declare any pending judicial proceedings relating to
his/her conduct and any pending proceedings by any regulatory body. The applicant shall also declare
any instances of discomfort/disability caused to any of his/her student in the past. Shall not be

7.6.22 If the institution does not conduct certification examination for 3 months' time period from the date of
application for assessment, the candidate can request for refund of its full assessment fee.

7.7 Rejection of application: The application can be cancelled under following circumstances

a. If the applicant does not provide the required information within 7 working days from the date
of intimation to the applicant;

b. If it is found that the information provided is incorrect;

c. The applicant, whose certificate was cancelled/application rejected because of violation of

terms & conditions and/or malpractice during exam.

7.8 Issuing of Certificate: The successful/passed candidates shall be issued Certificate and ID card with
unique number by the YCB.

7.9 Re-issue of Certificate: The applicant will have to pay certification fee, if he/she request for duplicate

7.10 Renewal of certificate:

Ÿ The candidate, certified under different levels, has to appear in the Continuing Yoga Education
(CYE) program for renewal of his/her certificate.

Ÿ Certified Yoga Professionals shall have to attend the CYEP before expiry of the certificate for its

(Refer to CYE program guidelines for more details).

7.11 Re-checking of Marks:

7.11.1 If the candidate is not satisfied with the result, he/she can request the concern PrCBs / Institution
assessing agency for re-checking of theory answer by paying the prescribed fee for rechecking.

YOG Certification Board
7.6 Application procedure

7.6.1 Yoga Professional aspiring to be certified has to fill online application form along with requisite
information on YCB website. (Format of the application is at annexure D)

7.6.2 The applicant all levels Certification has to apply for assessment in two stages:

Ÿ Stage 1: Enrolment with Yoga Certification Board (YCB)

Ÿ Stage 2: Application for assessment.

7.6.3 Any candidate who is not student of any YCB accreditated Yoga Institution shall be called “open
candidate” and can apply through any YCB approved PrCBs or directly at YCB website.

7.6.4 Students of YCB accreditated Leading Yoga Institutions, Yoga Institutions, Yoga Training Centers and
Yoga Therapy Centers shall also submit application form on the YCB website but can do the same
through their respective Institutions also.

7.6.5 The applicant shall have to complete the enrolment form and submit online along with the requisite
documents, if any and prescribed enrolment fee.

7.6.6 The enrolment fee shall be paid to YCB which is one time fee for the applied level. Enrolment fee once
paid shall not be refunded in any case.

7.6.7 On successful enrolment with YCB, the candidate will be provided a unique enrolment number which
will be valid for life long and will be a reference for any future correspondence. However issuance of
unique enrolment number is subject to scrutiny of the documents submitted along with the application
form. YCB shall complete the scrutiny process within 7 working days. In case of any gap/discrepancy,
the same shall be intimated to the candidate through mail/telephonic message.

7.6.8 Enrolment no. of the candidate will be same if the candidate wants to appear in other levels also.

7.6.9 Second stage of the application process needs to be filled when the candidate is willing to take up the
assessment. The candidate at this stage needs to choose the level of certificate, date of assessment,
p r e f e r r e d c i t y f o r a s s e s s m e n t , t h e a s s e s s i n g a g e n c y ( P r C B / A c c r e d i t a t e d Yo g a
Institutions/centres/YCB any other authorized agency) etc. The applicant also has to deposit the
assessment fee. Acknowledgement of the receipt of application form and fee will be sent to the

7.6.10 If at any exam centre location, total count of enrolled of paid applicant falls below 30, then the assessing
agency reserves the right to cancel that location and conduct the exam at other location or on some other
date. The candidate will be intimated about the same and the candidate can either accept the request for
change of location / date or can ask for full refund of assessment fee.

7.6.11 The applicant will be issued admit card atleast 7 days in advance. The candidate can download the admit
card through his/ her login ID on YCB website.

7.6.12 The assessing fee shall not be refunded once the admit card has been issued.

7.6.13 Any request for change of location/date by the candidate after issuance of admit card will generally not
be considered. In exceptional cases, the assessing agency may consider the request on merit basis and the
assessing agency will exercise its discretion in such cases.

7.6.14 The candidate shall have to appear for theory and practical exam at the allocated exam centre and date.

7.6.15 The result of the exam shall be declared within 30 days of conduct of exam.

YOG Certification Board

7.11.2 Re-checking is limited to sheet calculation of marks.

7.11.3 The candidate can request for re-checking of marks within 15 days from the date of declaration of result.

7.11.4 If the candidate is still not satisfied, he/she can request the concerned PrCB/ Institution assessing
agency for re-checking of the answer sheet in his / her presence. The concerned agency shall arrange the
OMR sheet and question paper in the presence of examiner on receipt of the prescribed fee.

7.11.5 In no case, the candidate is allowed to take the question paper/OMR sheet or its copy along with

7.11.6 The concerned PrCB /Institution has to respond within 30 days from the date of application.

7.12 Cancellation/suspension/debarment

7.12.1 If the candidate is found engaged in malpractice in the examination, his/her application shall be rejected.
The candidate shall be debarred /suspended from appearing in examination for certification of Yoga
Professionals for 3 years.

7.12.2 If any evidence of misconduct is observed during examination, the candidate will not be allowed to
appear for 3 years in any of the assessment for certification for Yoga Professionals conducted under

7.13 Fee for enrolment and assessment of Yoga Professionals: The Yoga Certification Board
recommends the fee to be charged from candidates for certification under various levels as under:

Suitable fee concession in the enrolment fee as per extant guidelines of Govt. of India may be given by the YCB.
For Indian candidates For foreign candidates

Cer fica on Enrolment fee Recommended Enrolment fee Recommended

Name Indian Exam fee for Foreign Exam fee
candidate(in ) candidate (in USD $)
(in USD $)

YPI 1000 1000 100 200

YWI 1500 1500 150 350
YT&E 2000 3000 200 400

Note: YCB has recommended fee for examination. However, PrCBs, accredited Yoga Institutions /
Training Centres assessing agency may charge their own examination fee to conduct YCB examinations.

7.14 Fee of re-checking: Fee for rechecking is Rs. 1,000/- and fee for re-checking in presence of candidate
and examiner is Rs. 3000/-

YOG Certification Board

Steps for appearing in the examination of Yoga

1 Go through the guidelines and syllabus of various levels
of certification

2 Filling of prescribed application form and depositing

the enrolment fee (unique enrolment number is issued)

3 Intimation of Gap/ discrepancy, if any to candidate by YCB

4 Completion of documentation process, if any

5 Selection of assessing agency, assessment city, date of assessment

etc for written and practical exam by candidate

6 Depositing the assessment fee by candidate

7 Acknowledgement of submission of application and fee

8 Issuing of Admit card to candidate

9 Exam –Theory and Practical

10 Declaration of result

11 Issuing of Certificate

YOG Certification Board
Section 8
Continuing Yoga Education Programme (CYEP)
8.1 The certificates offered by the YCB are initially valid for 5 years for Yoga Protocol Instructor and for all
other caterories, the certificate is valid for 3 years. The certified Yoga professional is required to get
renewal of his/her certificate before its expiry.
8.2 Yoga Certification Board conducts Continuing Yoga Education Program (CYEP) for renewal of
Certificates. CYEP aims at motivating the candidate in career growth of Yoga Professionals. The
duration of the program is 7 days. It includes 2 components:
Ÿ Assessment of candidate’s performance during the period of certification.
Ÿ Orientation to strengthen candidate's skill as Yoga Professional.
8.3 Certified Yoga Professionals shall have to attend at least one of the programs for renewal of their
certificates before the expiry of the certificate by opting any of the following:
Ÿ Attending CYEP program in one of the Leading Yoga Institutions.
Ÿ Participating in virtual CYEP through Video Conference or virtual mode which shall include
submitting the report on training of persons conducted alongwith supporting documents and
appearing for exam before the Committee.
8.4 After the 1st CYE program, the committee may recommend issuing the certificate to the candidate for
life term or may recommend to attend 2nd CYEP before issuing the certificate for life term for the
respective level.
8.5 The certificates of the certified Yoga professionals who has not attended CYEP will lose its validity after
its validity period.
8.6 The candidates shall be sent a renewal notice through telephonic message/email at least 6 months prior
to the expiry of certificate validity period. The certified Yoga Professional shall have to apply for CYEP
along with the prescribed documents and fee at least 3 months prior to expiry of certificate.
8.7 The schedule for CYEP is available on YCB website. The candidate shall have to select preferred venue
for attending CYEP or virtual mode for attending CYEP.
8.8 The candidate shall submit all the requisite documents online at least 2 months before the due date of the
CYEP. In absence of all the required documents as a proof of field experience, assessment team may
award zero mark against “person trained/field experience”.
8.9 There is separate CYEP for each level.
8.10 Assessment for CYEP the candidate has to secure at least 70% marks in the CYEP assessment for
renewal of his/her certificate. After successfully completing the CYEP, assessment team may
recommend granting of certificate for fixed period or for life term. Based on the performance of the
candidate, assessment team may recommend the candidate to undertake another round of CYEP for the
given level before granting the certificate for life.
8.11 The marks for assessment for renewal shall be in 3 parts:
Ÿ Attending CYEP
Ÿ Persons trained/field experience
Mark Distribu on
Topic CYEP Virtual CYEP
A ending CYEP 50 30
Persons trained/ field experience 25 45
Wri en test/ demonstra on or viva 25 25
Total 100 100
Ÿ Written test/demonstration or viva.
8.12 The Format of the application form for CYEP is at annexure E
YOG Certification Board

Mark Distribution for CYEP

S. No Topic Maximum Marking Criteria Documents
marks required
1 Attending CYEP 50 Attending all session of CYEP Attendance sheet of
all sessions of CYEP
2 Persons trained/ 25 Yoga Professionals' field experience in Ÿ Name with
field experience conducting training programme/ Yoga phone no. of the
camps and the feedback received from persons trained.
the trainees/ organization.
Ÿ Feedback from
It can be in 3 forms 5% of the
persons trained
Ÿ No. of persons trained - 1 mark
with minimum
for every 5 persons trained and
of 5 feedback
maximum marks is 25
forms and
Ÿ No. of years of experience in maximum of 50
the field of Yoga with forms. (feedback
organisation - 1 marks for 150 in the prescribed
hours of work experience and format)
maximum marks is 25
Ÿ Experience letter
Ÿ No. of camps organized- 1 mark from the
for every camp and maximum organizations
marks is 25
Ÿ Letter from
Yoga Professional's field experience competent
can be either in one form or a authority
combination of these forms. Marks certifying that the
under each form will be evaluated concerned
separately and then added together but person has
will be limited 25 marks. Any organized or was
experience of Yoga Professional can part of the
be considered only under one category. organizing team
for Yoga camps.
Ÿ Without letter
from competent
authority, any of
the experience
would not be
considered for

3 Written test/ 25 Marks awarded by the examiner in the Marks awarded

demonstration or assessment
Total 100

8.12 Field experience and feedback form format is given in (annexure F & G)

YOG Certification Board

Mark Distribution for Virtual CYEP

S. No Topic Maximum Marking Criteria Documents
marks required
1 Attending CYEP 30 Attending the online session of CYEP Online attendance

2 Persons trained/ 45 The Yoga Professionals field Ÿ Name with

field experience experience in conducting training phone no. of the
programme/ Yoga camps and the persons trained.
feedback received from the trainees/
Ÿ Feedback from
5% of the
It can be in 3 forms persons trained
with minimum
Ÿ No. of persons trained - 1 mark
of 5 feedback
for every 5 persons trained and
forms and
maximum marks is 45
maximum of 50
Ÿ No. of years of experience in forms. (feedback
the field of Yoga with in the prescribed
organisation - 1 marks for 150 format)
hours of work experience and
Ÿ Experience letter
maximum marks is 45
from the
Ÿ No. of camps organized- 1 mark organizations
for every camp and maximum
Ÿ Letter from
marks is 45
Yoga Professional's field experience authority
can be either in one form or a certifying that the
combination of these forms. Marks concerned
under each form will be evaluated person has
separately and then added together but organized or was
will be limited 25 marks. Any part of the
experience of Yoga Professional can organizing team
be considered only under one category. for Yoga camps.
Ÿ Without letter
from competent
authority, any of
the experience
would not be
considered for

3 Written test/ 25 Marks awarded by the examiner in the Marks awarded

demonstration or assessment

Total 100

YOG Certification Board

Section 9
Special Continuing Yoga Education
Programme (Special CYEP)
Scheme for Voluntary Certification of Yoga Professionals as implemented by Quality Council of India offered 2
levels of certification for Yoga Professionals- Level 1 – Yoga Instructor and Level 2 - Yoga Teacher. The said
scheme was implemented by QCI from June, 2015 to May, 2018. Yoga Certification Board continued the
implementation of the scheme till 31st March, 2019. The certificates of the Yoga Professionals issued during this
period were valid for 3 years. During this period, the certified Yoga Professionals were required to appear for
surveillance within 18-21 months of issuing of the certificate and also had to undergo assessment for renewal of
the certificates before the expiry of the certificates.

YCB has now revised the guidelines for implementation of the scheme which are effective from 1st April, 2019.
Under the revised guidelines Yoga Certification Board has launched 3 categories of certification:

Ÿ Yoga Protocol Instructor

Ÿ Yoga Wellness Instructor
Ÿ Yoga Teacher and Evaluator

As mentioned above under CYEP, YCB has also devised new guidelines for renewal of certificates which includes
Continuing Yoga Education Programme (CYEP).

In view of this, an onetime opportunity is being given to the existing certified Yoga Professionals to align
themselves with the new level of certification through attending Special Continuing Yoga education Program
(CYEP). Under the special CYEP, existing certified Yoga Professionals of level 1 and level 2 may opt to upgrade
their certificates to YWI and YT&E respectively. CYEP for each caterogies will be conducted separately. The
certificate of the certified Yoga professionals who has not attended the CYEP will lose its validity after the validity
period. If the certified Yoga Professional fails to or is unwilling to attend the special CYEP, he/she can attend the
regular CYEP before the validity of his/ her certificate expires. Under the regular CYEP, the Yoga Professional
will be assessed for renewal of the certificate for the existing categories of certificate.

The candidate has to secure atleast 70% marks in the CYEP assessment process for renewal of the certificate. The
qualifying candidate shall be granted upgraded certificate and others will continue with the existing level as per
new certification scheme which shall be renewed subject to attending the CYEP before the expiry of validity
period of new certificates.

Eligibility for Special CYEP

Ÿ Existing certified Yoga Professionals of Level 1 and Level 2 who are willing to upgrade to new levels of
Ÿ Existing certified Yoga Professionals of Level 1 and Level 2 who are willing to align to new system of
certification i.e. willing to continue with existing level of certification
Ÿ Existing certified Yoga Professionals of Level 1 and Level 2 whose certificates have already expired or are
about to expire
Procedure for special CYEP:
Ÿ Special CYEP is proposed to be conducted from 1st April, 2019 to December, 2019.
Ÿ The certified Yoga Professionals can opt for any one of the following for attending special CYEP
o Attending one special CYEP program of 2 -3 days at Leading Yoga Institutions

YOG Certification Board

o Participating in virtual special CYEP through Video Conference or virtual mode which shall include
submitting the report on training of persons conducted alongwith supporting documents and appearing
for exam before the Committee.
Ÿ The schedule for CYEP shall be available on YCB website. The candidate shall have to select preferred venue
for attending CYEP or the virtual mode for attending the CYEP. There shall be separate CYEP for each level.
Ÿ The candidate shall have to register on YCB website. The process is in 2 parts:

o Enrolment
o Assessment

The Enrolment part of the form is one time enrolment where the basic information of the candidate is to be
submitted alongwith the enrolment fee. The candidate will be issued one time unique enrolment number.
Ÿ On confirmation of enrolment, the candidate has to register for attending special CYEP and select venue and
date for CYEP alongwith assessment fee.
Ÿ The candidate shall submit all the requisite documents online on or before the due date as mentioned the
schedule of the CYEP. In absence of all the required documents, the marks awarded against the head shall be
Ÿ The candidate will be issued an admit card for attending CYEP.
Ÿ The candidate shall attend the CYEP and appear for the assessment. If for any reason, the candidate in unable
to attend the CYEP after the issuance of the admit card, the fee will generally be forfeited.
Ÿ The syllabus for assessment during CYEP will be the syllabus for the level the candidate is willing to align/
Ÿ The mark distribution for assessment for renewal is in 3 parts:

Topic Special CYEP

Attending CYEP 30
Persons trained/ field experience 20
Writ ten test/ demonstration or viva 50
Total 100

YOG Certification Board

Mark Distribution for Special CYEP

S. No Topic Maximum Marking Criteria Documents
marks required
1 Attending CYEP 50 Attending all session of CYEP Attendance sheet of
all sessions of CYEP
2 Persons trained/ 25 Yoga Professionals' field experience in Ÿ Name with
field experience conducting training programme/ Yoga phone no. of the
camps and the feedback received from persons trained.
the trainees/ organization.
Ÿ Feedback from
It can be in 3 forms 5% of the
persons trained
Ÿ No. of persons trained - 1 mark
with minimum
for every 5 persons trained and
of 5 feedback
maximum marks is 25
forms and
Ÿ No. of years of experience in maximum of 50
the field of Yoga with forms. (feedback
organisation - 1 marks for 150 in the prescribed
hours of work experience and format)
maximum marks is 25
Ÿ Experience letter
Ÿ No. of camps organized- 1 mark from the
for every camp and maximum organizations
marks is 25
Ÿ Letter from
Yoga Professional's field experience competent
can be either in one form or a authority
combination of these forms. Marks certifying that the
under each form will be evaluated concerned
separately and then added together but person has
will be limited 25 marks. Any organized or was
experience of Yoga Professional can part of the
be considered only under one category. organizing team
for Yoga camps.
Ÿ Without letter
from competent
authority, any of
the experience
would not be
considered for
3 Written test/ 25 Marks awarded by the examiner in the Marks awarded
demonstration or assessment
Total 100

YOG Certification Board
Section 10

Personnel Certification Body (PRCB)

9.1 Yoga Certification Board approves such organisations that are willing to partner with YCB and fulfil the
eligibility criteria, to work as implementation partner of YCB for conducting assessment of Yoga
Professionals. Such organisations are termed as Personnel Certification Bodies for the Scheme for
Certification of Yoga Professionals.

9.2 Role of PrCB:

Ÿ Approved Personnel Certification Bodies (PrCBs) are eligible to conduct assessment of Yoga
Professionals for Yoga Protocol Instructor, Yoga Wellness Instructor and Yoga Teacher & Evaluator
under Yoga Education and Training category.
Ÿ The PrCBs shall be associated in the process of conducting CYE program for their candidates.

9.3 Eligibility Criteria: The organisations willing to get approved by YCB for implementation of Scheme
for Certification of Yoga Professionals shall have to fulfil the following criteria.

9.3.1 Legal status of the agency: The agency should be a government organization or an autonomous
organization under the government (registered under relevant Act) or a trust (registered under Indian
Trusts Act, 1882 ) or a society (registered under Societies Act, 1860) or a corporate firm (registered
under Companies Act, 2013). Besides other activities, the registration of the agency shall specify that the
entity is registered to conduct assessment / certification of Yoga Professionals.

9.3.2 Infrastructure and office space: The organization shall have an office space (owned or rented) which
shall be sufficient to house the personnel as required as per the prescribed minimum staffing structure
given below. The organization shall have minimum of 1000 square feet of office space. The office space
should have a suitable system and space to ensure confidentiality of the certification process like setting
up of question papers, evaluation of answer sheets, etc.

9.3.3 Administrative, Management and Organisational requirements:

(a) Policy documents: The organization shall have its aim, objectives, vision & mission, a logo, an
organogram, and documented policies & procedures.

(b) Organisation structure: The organization shall have defined organisational structure
describing authority of the management, personnel and its committees and their duties and
responsibilities. The personnel responsible for the following shall be specified:

i. Policies and procedures relating to the operation;

ii. Implementation of policies and procedures;
iii. Maintaining budget and accounts;
iv. Resource management- infrastructure, finance, man power etc.;
v. Development and maintenance of scheme;
vi. Assessment activities;
vii. Decisions on certification, including granting, record keeping, re-certifying, grievance
re-dressal, suspending or withdrawing of certification.

(c) Staffing: The organization shall have defined process for staffing. The organisation shall have
qualified and trained personnel with necessary competence to perform certification functions
relating to the type, range and volume of work performed. The minimum staffing structure for
operation/implementation of the programme for certification of Yoga Professionals is as

YOG Certification Board

i. Head of the organization - one

ii. Manager/Secretary/Registrar etc - one
iii. Admin & Finance officer - one
iv. Communication & Documentation officer - one
v. Coordinator for certification activities - one
vi. Yoga expert - one
vii. Empanelled question paper setters and examiners (as per volume of activity)
viii. Data entry operator/office assistant- two
ix. Multitasking staff - four

The organization shall define the competence required of all the personnel involved in the assessment
and certification process. The organization shall maintain up-to-date personnel records, including
relevant information, e.g. qualifications, training, experience, professional affiliations, professional
status, competence and known conflicts of interest.

(d) Confidentiality and impartiality: The organization shall have a system in place where its
personnel are required to sign a document by which they commit themselves to comply with the
rules defined by the certification body, including those relating to confidentiality, impartiality
and conflict of interests. In case of outsourcing of services, the organization should have in
place a system to ensure confidentiality and conflict of interests with each body that provides
outsourced work related to the certification process as:

"The organisation shall not engage itself in any activity that may conflict with its impartially. It
shall not impart Yoga education and/or training within the same legal entity."

(e) Housekeeping services: The organization should also have adequate housekeeping services.

9.3.4 System for assessment process: The documents of the organization shall define in detail the steps
with timeline for taking up the assessment of candidates under different categories as authorized by the
YCB. The organization to have a documented system for administration of exams like issuing of admit
card, attendance sheet, answer and evaluation sheets, procedure for selection of examiners, observers,
invigilators, etc.

(a) Empanelment of invigilators: The organization shall have a documented description of the
responsibilities and qualifications of invigilators involved in the assessment process. There
should not be any conflict of interest in the process of examination and evaluation.

(b) Empanelment of examiners: The selection and approval process for empanelment of
examiners should be in line with the process as defined by the YCB from time to time. The
critical components to be ensured are:

i. Examiners and evaluators shall have knowledge of certification process of YCB;

ii. Examiners and evaluators shall possess defined technical competence in the field;
iii. Examiners and evaluators shall have written and oral fluency in the language of
iv. The organization shall have a system to monitor the performance of the examiners and
evaluators, and reliability of the examiners' judgments including corrective measures.

(c) Selection of exam centres: The organization should have defined criteria for the selection of
exam centres. Some of the required parameters are as under:

i. Centres to be identified well in advance and should be easily accessible.

ii. Centres should have sufficient space to accommodate the registered candidates for
both theory and practicum.

YOG Certification Board

iii. Centres should have adequate facilities like toilet, drinking water, furniture, first aid etc.
iv. Centres should have a separate room for invigilator /exam superintendent.
v. Centres should have adequate security facilities in the premise.
vi. Any criteria as prescribed by YCB from time to time .

(d) Rules and Regulations: The rules and regulations regarding conducting exams shall be well
documented detailing each and every step.

(e) System for ensuring transparency in declaration of results: The organization should lay
down the rules for evaluation of answer sheets, compilation of theory and practical exam, and
declaration of results within given timelines. These should be in line with the guidelines issued
by the YCB. The procedure for revaluation of results should be clearly specified.

9.3.5 System for handling Complaints: The organisation should have established procedure for any person
to lodge a complaint and its re-dressal by the competent authority. There should be an officer designated
for the purpose.

9.3.6 Financial stability: The oraganisation should be financially stable and shall have the financial resources
necessary for the operation of a certification process and have adequate arrangements (e.g. insurance or
reserves) to cover associated liabilities.

9.3.7 Internal Audit and control: The organization shall have in place internal control mechanism to keep a
check on the processes followed.

9.3.8 Control of records: The organization shall establish procedures to define the controls needed for the
identification, storage, protection, retrieval, retention time and disposition of its records The
organisation shall establish procedures for retaining records for a period consistent with its contractual
and legal obligations. Access to these records shall be consistent with the confidentiality arrangements.

9.3.9 Website: The organization should maintain its dedicated website for providing information about the
scheme and its role in implementation of the programme, process followed for enrollment, assessment,
certification, suspending / withdrawal of certificates, process for handling appeals and complaints,
contact details, results, registry of certified Yoga professionals etc.

9.3.10 Accreditation from competent Board: Organisation should be accreditated by NABCB or any other
Accreditation bodies recognised by YCB. The organisations already accreditated by such Board shall not
be required to go through any further assessment. The organisations willing to be approved as PrCBs for
assessment and certification of Yoga Professionals will be given provisional approval by YCB for 1 year.
Such organisations shall have to seek accreditation from NABCB or any other Board recognised by YCB
for the purpose before completions of 1 year of provisional approval.

9.4 Application and Assessment Process: Steps for submission of application and assessment are as

9.4.1 Online submission of application form: The interested organization shall apply online at
YCB website and submit all the required documents along with the application fee through web
portal /online. Format of the application form is at annexure I.

9.4.2 Scrutiny of the application: A team shall undertake scrutiny of Application Form and
documents to ensure application is complete in all respects. This shall be completed maximum
within 1 month from the date of online submission.

9.4.3 Submission of Assessment fee: The applicant shall have to deposit the assessment fee
through the YCB portal /online. The assessment process will be initiated only on receipt of the
complete assessment fee.

YOG Certification Board

9.4.4 Offline review: The assessing team formed by YCB shall undertake offline review of
documents vis-a-vis the eligibility parameters.

9.4.5 Intimation to organization: The organization shall be intimated about the findings of offline
review (any deficiency/any additional information required or future course of action) through
telephonic message and mail. This shall be done within 1 month of submission of assessment
fee. Those found complete in all respects will be processed further.

9.4.6 Onsite review: The assessing team will undertake field visit to assess the organization w.r.t to
defined parameters with focus on physical verification of the details submitted in application.
Under normal circumstances, assessment at the head office will be of 1 working days.
Assessment will be undertaken on the basis of informed visit to the organization and
organization will not be intimated about the date of the visit in advance. The onsite assessment
shall begin with opening meeting for explaining the purpose and scope of assessment. The
onsite assessment shall end with a formal closing meeting preferably with the head of the
organization where non-conformities/concerns shall be conveyed by the assessing team.

9.4.7 Feedback report: A formal feedback report shall be sent to the applicant within 15 working
days of the visit of the team and the applicant will be given 1 month time to respond to non-
conformities/ concerns raised.

9.4.8 Granting approval: The assessment of the organisations shall be marked under Weightage
chart (annexure J). Based on the report of assessment team and action taken by the applicant on
the non-conformity/concerns, on recommendation of Assessment Committee (AC), the YCB
shall decide on granting approval to the applicant as Personnel certification Body for Yoga
Professionals for levels as decided by the YCB. The organization securing 70 or more out of 100
marks shall be approved as PrCBs. The institution securing less than 70 marks but not less than
50 out of 100 can reapply for re-assessment within 2 years. The approval shall be valid for 1 year.

The approval shall be subject to suspension/withdrawal with due notice of 15 days in the event of any
noncompliance to the requirement prescribed by YCB.

9.5 Renewal of approval: PrCB shall submit its annual report for renewal of approval. The extension of
validity period of the PrCB will be based on the request of the PrCB and review/assessment of previous
cycle report and recommendation of assessment team.

9.6 Debarment/suspension/cancellation of PrCB

The approval of PrCB shall be debarred/suspended under following circumstances-

a) If any false information is provided about the Yoga certification scheme by the PrCB.
b) If PrCB and its personnel make wrong commitment to qualify the candidate or involve in unfair
means in respect to examination and provide assistance to the candidate.
c) If any unfair commitment is made to Yoga professional(s) or other institution(s) on behalf of YCB.
d) If PrCB is unable to conduct examination or activities as per YCB guidelines and syllabus in due
e) If PrCB declares the results without approval of YCB.
f) If any noncompliance to the requirement of the YCB is observed

The debarment/suspension/cancellation shall be with due notice of 15 days in the event of any of the
above. The PrCB shall not be eligible to conduct any examination for certification during the notice

YOG Certification Board

9.7 Fee for approval of Personnel Certification Bodies (PrCBs).

9.7.1 The organizations aspiring to work as PrCB shall have to apply to the YCB and submit the fee in two

Ÿ Application fee
Ÿ Assessment fee.
Application fee is to be paid along with application form. Application form will not be accepted in the
event of non-receipt of full application fee. The YCB will scrutinise the documents submitted along with
the application fee for completeness. On confirmation, about receipt of all required documents, from
YCB, the applicant shall have to pay assessment fee. On receipt of full assessment fee, the assessment
process shall be initiated by YCB.

9.7.2 The application fee and assessment fee both are non-refundable.

9.7.3 If an organisation does not qualify during first assessment, the organisation can submit the required
information and request for re-assessment within 2 years of its application. The organization shall have
to pay reassessment fee.
9.7.4 After completion of 1 year of approval, the PrCB can request for renewal of its validity. The PrCB shall
have to pay annual renewal fee and also assessment fee, if YCB decides to undertake assessment.

9.7.5 Payment shall be made online on YCB website ''

PrCBs in India PrCBs outside India

Enrolment fee Rs 25, 000 $1,500
Assessment fee Rs. 50,000+ Visit charges (Actual $3000+ Visit charges (Actual Boarding
Boarding, Lodging and Honorarium) Lodging and Honorarium)
Total Rs. 75,000+ Visit charges $ 4500 + Visit charges
Annual Renewal fee Rs. 25,000 $1,500
Ÿ The institution will pay Honorarium, expenditure towards Travel, Boarding & Lodging and Honorarium to
the expert directly..
Ÿ Honorarium of Rs. 5,000/- (Rupees five thousand only) per expert per center shall be paid

Steps for approval of PrCBs One time enrollment at

YCB website

Sharing non Applying for

confirmities if any Off-site review

Settlement of Sharing non

On Site review confirmities if any
Non -confirmities

Settlement of
Approval of PrCB Consolidation of review
Non -confirmities

YOG Certification Board

Section 11
Accreditation of Yoga Institutions/ Centres
10.1 Yoga Certification Board accreditate Yoga Institutions/Centres based on their scale of operation, capacity,
years of experience. etc. under 4 categories as follows:

Ÿ Leading Yoga Institution (LYI)

Ÿ Yoga Institution (YI)
Ÿ Yoga Training Centre (YC)
Ÿ Yoga Therapy Centre (YTC)

10.1.1 Leading Yoga Institution: Yoga Institution which is in existence for minimum of 15 years following a
legacy of Yoga Tradition (parampara) and have contributed the knowledge of Yoga in the field of Yoga
education/training/therapy for atleast 10 years will be termed as Leading Yoga Institutions. The detailed
eligibility criteria/parameters for accreditation/recognition as Leading Yoga Institutions is at annexure
10.1.2 Yoga Institutions: Yoga Institution which has contributed to the body of knowledge in the field of
Yoga education/training/therapy for atleast 5 years and has produced quality Yoga professionals will be
termed as Yoga Institutions. The detailed eligibility criteria/parameters for accreditation/recognition as
Yoga Institutions is at annexure L.
10.1.3 Yoga Training Centre: The Yoga centre which is committed towards promotion of health and wellness
through Yoga and has served atleast 2 years and has produced quality Yoga professionals will be termed
as Yoga Training Centre. The detailed eligibility criteria/parameters for accreditation/recognition as
Yoga Training Centre is at annexure M.
10.1.4 Application Form for applying for Leading Yoga Institution, Yoga Institution and Yoga Training Centre
is at annexure N.

10.2 Application and Assessment Process for Accreditation/ Recognition:

10.2.1 The application of the Yoga Institutions are invited through Expression of Interest (print media and
YCB website).

10.2.2 The Yoga Institutions interested in YCB accreditation/recognition as Leading Yoga Institution/Yoga
Institution/Yoga Training Centre shall submit its application along with requisite documents on YCB
website. The Institutions shall have to create their login ID for the purpose. However, till the time this
facility is unavailable on YCB website, the process of submission of application will be carried out
through post or emails.

10.2.3 The fee for accreditation/recognition is in two parts-application fee and assessment fee. The
applicant Yoga Institution/centre shall have to deposit prescribed application fee through payment
gateway available on the website or through NEFT in the designated bank account or through Demand
Draft. The fee, once paid, shall not be refunded under any circumstances. Fee to be paid online on YCB
website ''

10.2.4 The YCB shall process the application on receipt of application form and application fee. The YCB shall
undertake scrutiny of application and documents submitted to check their completeness. The process
shall be completed within 1 month of receipt of the application. The applicant shall be informed about
the future course of action - any deficiency in the application/document or further assessment plan.

YOG Certification Board

10.2.5 The applicant shall have to reply to the queries/non-conformities/gap as conveyed by YCB
within 1 month of receipt of the same. On completion of these document submission, the
Institution/Centre shall have to submit the assessing fee to YCB.
10.2.6 The YCB nominated team shall first undertake off side (document) review on completion of all
formalities of submission of documents.
10.2.7 The findings of the document review by the assessment team shall be shared with the Yoga
Institution within 15 working days from date of commencement of assessment.
10.2.8 The Yoga Institution/centre shall reply to the non-conformities, if any.
10.2.9 The Assessment team shall undertake onsite review on suo motto basis/surprise visit and the
onsite review will begin with opening meeting and will be followed by verification of the
implementation system including the demonstration of the competence. A formal closing
meeting will be organised at the end of the onsite review and the major non-conformities and
concerns will be shared with the applicant.
10.2.10 The applicant can reply to the conformities/ concerns raised within 15 days of completion of
onsite review.
10.2.11 The assessment team shall compile the offsite and onsite review and mark on defined parameter
based on the competence/ conformity to the parameters. The reports will be compiled and
marks will be allotted on the defined parameters in the weightage chart (annexure O).
10.2.12 Based on the compiled report of the assessment team, decision shall be taken on granting
accreditation/recognition as Leading Yoga Institution/Yoga Institution/Yoga Training
Centre/Yoga Therapy Centre. The Institutions/centres securing 70 or more out of 100 marks
shall be granted accreditation/recognition. The Institutions securing less than 70 marks but not
less than 50 marks out of 100 can reapply for re-assessment two year.
10.3 Fee Structure
10.3.1 The fee for approval as Accreditated LYI/YI/YC/YTC/YThC is mainly divided into two
parts-application fee and assessment fee. Application fee is to be paid along with submission of
application form. Application form will not be accepted in event of non-receipt of full
application fee. YCB will scrutinise the documents submitted along with the application fee for
completeness. On confirmation about receipt of all required documents from YCB, the
applicant shall have to pay assessment fee.
10.3.2 The application fee and assessment fee both are non-refundable. If an organisation does not
fulfil the criteria for approval as LYI/YI/YC/YTC/YThC, the organisation can submit the
required information and request for re-assessment within 2 years of its application. The
organisation shall have to pay a reassessment fee.
10.3.3 After completion of 1 year of approval, the LYI/YI/YC shall submit annual report including
audit report and progress report for continuation of approval. The LYI/YI/YC shall have to
pay annual fee and also assessment fee, if YCB decides to undertake assessment.
10.3.4 Fee for onsite review is part of assessment fee. The cost of such visit (travel, lodging and
boarding of experts, etc) is to paid by the organisation on actual basis.

YOG Certification Board

(A) Accreditation Fee for Yoga Institutions

Fee to be paid through online on YCB website ‘’

in Rs.
S No. Type of Yoga Ins tu on Enrolment Assessment Fee Total Annual renewal
Fee Review Visit fee* Fee
1 Leading Yoga Ins tu ons 50,000 50,000 Actual (Travel, 1,00,000 25,000
Boarding, Lodging
and Honorarium)
2 Yoga Ins tu ons 25,000 25,000 Actual (Travel, 50,000 15,000
Boarding, Lodging
and Honorarium)
3 Yoga Training Centres 10,000 10,000 Actual (Travel, 20,000 10,000
Boarding, Lodging
and Honorarium)
4 Yoga Therapy Centres 10,000 10,000 Actual (Travel, 20,000 10,000
Boarding, Lodging
and Honorarium)

(B) Accreditation Fee for Foreign Yoga Institutions

(in Dollar $)
S No. Type of Yoga Ins tu on Enrolment Assessment Fee Total Annual
Fee Review Visit fee* Fee
Fee renewal
1 Leading Yoga Ins tu ons 1000 2000 Actual (Travel, 3000 1000
Boarding, Lodging
and Honorarium)
2 Yoga Ins tu ons 750 1500 Actual (Travel, 2250 500
Boarding, Lodging
and Honorarium)
3 Yoga Training Centres 500 500 Actual (Travel, 1000 250
Boarding, Lodging
and Honorarium)
4 Yoga Therapy Centres 500 500 Actual (Travel, 1000 250
Boarding, Lodging
and Honorarium)
* The total amount is excluding from the visit fee. The ins tu on will pay the expenditure towards Honorarium
(Rs. 5,000/- per expert per centre), Travel, Boarding & Lodging to the expert apart from total fee.
* Effec ve date of the implementa on of revised fee may be 03.08.2019

10.4 Debarment/suspension/cancellation of LYI/YI/YC/YThC

The accreditation/recognition of LYI/YI/YC/YTC/YThC shall be debarred/suspended under the
following circumstances-
a) If any false information is provided about the Yoga Certification Scheme by the
b) If LYI/YI/YC/YTC/YThC and its personnel make wrong commitment to qualify the
candidate or get involved in unfair means in respect to examination and provide assistance to
the candidate.
c) If any unfair commitment is made to Yoga professional or other institutions on behalf of YCB.
d) If LYI/YI/YC/YTC/YThC is unable to conduct examination or activities as per YCB
guidelines and syllabus in due time.
e) If LYI/YI/YC/YTC/YThC declares the results without approval of YCB.
f) If any noncompliance to the requirement of the YCB is observed

YOG Certification Board

The debarment/suspension/cancellation shall be with due notice of 15 days in the event of any of the
The LYI/YI/YC/YTC/YThC shall not be eligible to conduct any examination for certification during
notice period.
10.5 Assessment team composition: The team for assessment for accreditation/recognition of Yoga
Institutions/Centres is as follows:

10.6 Validity of accreditation:

S. no. Level of Accredita on Team Composi on

1 Leading Yoga Ins tu ons · Yoga Expert
· Assessment Expert/ Accredita on Expert
· Administra ve expert (op onal)*

2 Yoga Ins tu ons · Yoga Expert

· Assessment Expert/ Accredita on Expert
· Administra ve expert (op onal)*

3 Yoga Training Centres · Yoga Expert

· Assessment Expert/ Accredita on Expert
· Administra ve expert (op onal)*

4 Yoga Therapy Centres · Yoga Expert

· Assessment Expert/ Accredita on Expert
· Administra ve expert (op onal)*

10.6.1 The Accreditation of Yoga Institutions/Centres is valid for :

S. no. Level of Accredita on Validity period

1 Leading Yoga Ins tu ons 10 (Ten) years

2 Yoga Ins tu ons 5 (Five) years

3 Yoga Training Centres 3 (Three) years

4 Yoga Therapy Centres 4 (Four) years

10.6.2 The Accreditated Leading Yoga Institution/Yoga Institutions/Yoga Training Centre Yoga therapy
centre shall submit the annual report including the audit report and progress report w.r.t the scheme in the format
prescribed by YCB every year relating to the scheme. The report / progress shall be subjected to scrutiny by the

10.6.3 The YCB reserves the right to conduct assessment(s) of the Institution/Centre as and when required
during the period of accreditation.

YOG Certification Board

10.7 Role of accreditated Yoga Institutions/ Centres:

The accreditated Yoga Institution/Centres shall be playing major role in promotion of the scheme for
certification of yoga professionals. These shall be authorized to:
S. Level of Role
no. Accredita on
1 Leading Yoga Ÿ Run courses equivalent to cer fica ons offered by the YCB for Yoga
Ins tu ons professionals.
Ÿ Conduct Assessment for all the cer fica on offered by the YCB for Yoga
Ÿ Conduct CYE program for renewal of cer fica on of Yoga professionals.
Ÿ Conduct workshops and seminars for promo on of Yoga.
2 Yoga Ins tu ons ŸRun courses equivalent to cer fica ons offered by the YCB for Yoga
Ÿ Conduct assessment for level 1,2 & 3 of the cer fica on offered by the
YCB for Yoga professionals.
3 Yoga Training Ÿ Run courses equivalent to cer fica ons offered by the YCB for Yoga
Centres professionals.
Ÿ Conduct assessment for level 1&2 of the cer fica on offered by the YCB
for Yoga professionals.
10.8 Fee for certification of students of the accreditated Yoga Institutions / Centres:
The candidates of these Accreditate Institutions/Centres shall have to enroll with YCB directly or
through their accreditated Yoga Institute/Centre on its central registry portal. The enrolment fee shall be
paid to the YCB which is one time fee per level and is valid for life long. The examination fee shall be
charged by the accreditated Yoga Institutions/Centres. The Yoga Institutions/Centres shall charge a
minimum fee as prescribed by the YCB. The Yoga Institutions/Centres may prescribed their own
examination fee for conducting YCB exam. The successful candidates shall be issued Certificate and ID
card with unique number by the YCB.

Steps for Acereditation of One time enrollment at

Yoga Institution/Centres YCB website

Sharing non Applying for

confirmities, if any Off-site review

Settlement of Sharing non

On Site review confirmities, if any

Accreditation of Settlement of
Consolidation of review
Yog Institution/ centre Non -confirmities

YOG Certification Board
Section 12
How to Apply?
A. Open Candidates
Step 1- Visit YCB website ( and go through the guidelines and Syllabus
for Yoga Professionals at “Scheme” and “Syllabus” resp.
Step 2- Register yourself online at YCB website. Email id is the Login ID, so register with active email id
Step 3- To activate your registration, login to your account and pay the enrolment fee (online). Unique
enrolment number will be generated.
Step 4- Exam Calendar is available on YCB website. Login to the account and select the exam date,
location and assessing agency from the list available on website. Pay the assessment fee for
respective level and the candidate will get the acknowledgement of the same. ( Candidate must
register for exam atleast 15 days prior or the date of exam). The assessing agency reserves the
right to postpone the date or change the location of the exam, in case sufficient number of
candidates are not available for particular location and date.
Step 5- Admit card will be issued atleast 7 days prior or the exam. The candidate can download the admit
card through their login also.
Step 6- Candidate to appear for the exam on the due date for theory and practical.

B. Candidates of Accreditated Yoga Institutions/ Centre

Step 1- Visit YCB website ( and go through the guidelines and Syllabus
for Yoga Professionals at “Scheme” and “Syllabus” resp.
Step 2- Register yourself online at YCB website. Email id is the Login ID, so register with active email id.
Accreditated Institutions may register their candidate on their behalf
Step 4- To activate your registration, login to your account and pay the enrolment fee (online). Unique
enrolment number will be generated.
Step 5- Accreditated Institution will fix the date for assessment for YCB certification. Login to the
account and select the exam date, location and your Institution. Pay the assessment fee and the
candidate will get the acknowledgement of the same. Accreditated Institutions can carry out the
process for their candidates.
Step 6- Admit card will be issued atleast 7 days prior or the exam. The candidate can download the admit
card through their login also.
Step 7- Candidate to appear for the exam on the due date for theory and practical.

YOG Certification Board


Step 1- Visit YCB website ( and go through the guidelines for
Approval of PrCBs at “Scheme”.
Step 3- Register your organization online at YCB website and upload the requisite documents.
Step 4- Login to your account and pay the enrolment fee (online).
Step 5- YCB will undertake scrutiny of the application & documents and organisation will be requested
to submit missing document(s) / information, if any.
Step 6- On submission of all required documents/ information, YCB shall intimate the organisation to
pay the assessment fee (online)
Step 7- On receipt of assessment team, assessment team shall undertake offsite and onsite review.
Step 8- Non-conformities will be shared by assessment team
Step 9- Organisation to settle conformities
Step 10- Consolidation of assessment by assessment team
Step 11- Approval of PrCB based on consolidated report


Step 1- Visit YCB website ( and go through the guidelines for
Accreditation of Yoga Institutions/ centres at “Scheme”.
Step 3- Register your Institution online at YCB website and upload the requisite documents.
Step 4- Login to your account and pay the enrolment fee (online).
Step 5- YCB will undertake scrutiny of the application & documents and Institution/ centres will be
requested to submit missing document(s) / information, if any.
Step 6- On submission of all required documents/ information, YCB shall intimate the Institutions/
centre to pay the assessment fee (online)
Step 7- On receipt of assessment team, assessment team shall undertake offsite and onsite review.
Step 8- Non-conformities will be shared by assessment team
Step 9- Institutions to settle conformities
Step 10- Consolidation of assessment by assessment team
Step 11- Accreditation of Yoga Institutions based on consolidated report


YOG Certification Board

Annexure A
Syllabus for Yoga Protocol Instructor (YPI)
1. Name of the certification: Yoga Protocol Instructor (YPI)
2. Requirement/ Eligibility:
a. For open candidates there is no eligibility criteria
b. For admission in the course it is suggested/desired that the candidate should have passed 10
standard/secondary school certificate from a recognized board or equivalent. However, the Yoga
Institutions can define their own eligibility
3. Brief Role Description: Certified Yoga Professionals (Yoga Protocol Instructor) can teach basics of
Yoga/Common Yoga Protocol developed by the Ministry of AYUSH for International Day of Yoga for
prevention of diseases and promotion of health. They can conduct Yoga practice/classes in parks,
societies, RWA etc.
4. Minimum age: No age limit
5. Personal Attributes: The job requires individual to have good communication skills, time management
skills and ability to understand the body language of the trainees. The job requires individual to possess
key qualities such as self discipline, confidence, maturity, patience, compassion, active listening, time
management, empathy, language proficiency.
6. Credit points for certificate : 12 credits
7. Duration of course: Not less than 200 hours or not less than 3 months as part time or not less than 1
month as full time course.
8. Mark Distribution:
Total Marks: 200 (Theory: 60 + Practical: 140)

Unit Unit Name Marks

1. Introduction to Yoga and Yogic Practices 20
2. Introduction to Yoga Texts 20
Theory 3. Yoga for Health Promotion 20
Total 60

Unit Practical Work Marks

1. Demonstration Skills 80
2. Teaching Skills 40
Practical 3. Application of knowledge 10
4. Field Experience 10
Total 140

YOG Certification Board

Theory Syllabus
Unit 1. Introduction to Yoga and Yogic Practices
1.1 Yoga : Etymology, Definitions, Aim, Objectives and Misconceptions.
1.2 Yoga : Its origin, history and development.
1.3 Guiding principles to be followed by Yoga practitioners.
1.4 Principles of Yoga (Triguna, Antahkarana-Chatushtaya, Tri-Sharira Panchakosha).
1.5 Introduction to major schools of Yoga (Jnana, Bhakti, Karma, Patanjala, Hatha).
1.6 Introduction to Yoga practices for health and well being.
1.7 Introduction to Shatkarma: meaning, purpose and their significance in Yoga Sadhana.
1.8 Introduction to Yogic Sukshma Vyayama, Sthula Vyayama and Surya Namaskara.
1.9 Introduction to Yogasana: meaning, principles, and their health benefits.
1.10 Introduction to Pranayama and Dhyana and their health benefits.
Unit 2. Introduction to Yoga Texts
2.1 Introduction and study of Patanjala Yoga Sutra including memorization of selected Sutras
(Chapter I- 1-12).
2.2 Introduction and study of Bhagavad Gita including memorization of selected Shlokas
(Chapter II -47, 48, 49, 50 and 70).
2.3 Introduction and study of Hathapradipika.
2.4 General Introduction to Prasthanatrayi.
2.5 Concepts and principles of Ahara (Diet) in Hathapradipika and Bhagavad Gita (Mitahara
and Yuktahara).
2.6 Significance of Hatha Yoga practices in health and well being.
2.7 Concept of mental wellbeing according to Patanjala Yoga.
2.8 Yogic practices of Patanjala Yoga: Bahiranga and Antaranga Yoga.
2.9 Concepts of healthy living in Bhagavad Gita.
2.10 Importance of subjective experience in daily Yoga practice.
Unit 3. Yoga for Health Promotion
3.1 Brief introduction to Human body.
3.2 Meaning and Means of health promotion and role of Yoga in health promotion.
3.3 Yogic positive attitudes ( Maîtri, Karuna, Mudita, Upeksha).
3.4 Concept of Bhavas (Dharma, Jnana, Vairagya, Aishvarya) and their relevance in well being.
3.5 Dincharya and Ritucharya with respect to Yogic life style.
3.6 Holistic approach of Yoga towards health and diseases.
3.7 Introduction to First Aid and Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR).
3.8 Yogic management of stress and its consequences.
3.9 Yoga in prevention of metabolic and respiratory disorders.
3.10 Yoga for personality development.
Practical Syllabus

YOG Certification Board

A. Demonstration Skills
1 Prayer: Concept and recitation of Pranava and other hymns.
2 Yoga Cleansing Techniques
Knowledge of Dhauti, Neti and practice of Kapalabhati.
3 Yogic Sukshma Vyayama and Sthula Vyayama
a. Yogic Sukshma Vyayama (Micro Circulation Practices)
Ÿ Neck Movement
Griva Shakti Vikasaka ( I,II,III,IV)
Ÿ Shoulder Movement
Bhuja Balli Shakti Vikasaka
Purna Bhuja Shakti Vikasaka
Ÿ Trunk Movement
Kati Shakti Vikasaka (I, II, III, IV, V )
Ÿ Knee Movement
Jangha Shakti Vikasaka (II-A&B )
Janu Shakti Vikasaka
Ÿ Ankle movement
Pada-mula shakti Vikasaka – A&B
Gulpha-pada-pristha-pada-tala shakti Vikasaka
b. Yogic Sthula Vyayama (Macro Circulation Practices)
Ÿ Sarvanga Pushti
Ÿ Hrid Gati (Engine Daud)

4 Yogic Surya Namaskara

5 Yogasana
5.1 Tadasana, Vrikshasana, Ardha Chakrasana, Padahastasana, Kati Chakrasana,
5.2 Dandasana, Sukhasana, Padmasana, Vajrasana,
5.3 Bhadrasana, Mandukasana, Ushtrasana, Shashankasana, Uttana Mandukasana
5.4 Paschimottanasana, Purvottanasana
5.5 Vakrasana, Gomukhasana
5.6 Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana, Makarasana
5.7 Pavanamuktasana, Uttanapadasana, Ardha Halasana, Setubandhasana
5.8 Viparitakarani, Saral Matsyasana, Shavasana,

6 Preparatory Breathing Practices

6.1 Sectional breathing (abdominal, thoracic and clavicular)
6.2 Yogic deep breathing

7 Pranayama
7.1 Concept of Puraka, Rechaka and Kumbhaka
7.2 Anuloma Viloma/Nadi Shodhana
7.3 Shitali (without Kumbhaka)
7.4 Bhramari (without Kumbhaka)

YOG Certification Board

Book For Reference

For Theory
1 Goyandka, Harikrishandass : Yoga Darshan,
Geeta Press, Gorakhpur (Samvat 2061).

2 Swami Vivekananda : Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga, Raja Yoga,
(4separate books) Advaita Ashrama, Kolkata, 2011 & 2012

3 Sahay G. S. : Hathayogapradipika,
MDNIY, New Delhi, 2013

4 Gita press Gorakhpur : Shreemad Bhagavadgita,

Gita press Gorakhpur, Samvat 2073

5 Kotecha, Vaidya Rajesh : A Beginner's Guide to Ayurveda,

Chakrapani Publications, Jaipur 2016

6 Quality Council of India : Yoga professionals Official Guidebook for Level 1,

(QCI) Excel Books, New Delhi 2016

7 Brahmachari Swami Dhirendra : Yogic Sukshma Vyayama,

Dhirendra Yoga Publications, New Delhi, 1986

8 Sahay G. S. : Hathayogapradipika,
MDNIY, New Delhi, 2013

9 Kalayan : Upanishads (23rd year Special),

Geeta Press, Gorakhpur

10 Gore M. M. : Anatomy and Physiology of Yogic Practices,

Kanchana Prakashana, Lonavala, 2004

11 Swami Karmananda : Management of Common Diseases,

Bihar Yoga Publication Trust, 2006, Munger

12 Basavaraddi, I. V. & others : Yoga Teachers Manual for School Teachers,

MDNIY, New Delhi, 2010

YOG Certification Board

8 Understanding of Bandha
8.1 Jalandhara Bandha
8.1 Uddiyana Bandha
8.1 Mula Bandha

9 Understanding of Mudra
9.1 Hasta Mudras (Chin, Chinmaya, Brahma, Adi, Jnana, Dhyana and Nasika)
10 Practices leading to Meditation and Dhyana Sadhana
10.1 Recitation of Pranava & Soham
10.2 Recitation of selected hymns, invocations and prayers from Vedas & Upanishads
10.3 Body and Breath awareness
10.4 Yoga Nidra
B. Teaching Skills
11. Methods of Teaching Yoga
11.1 Essentials of good lesson plan: concepts, needs, planning of teaching Yoga (Shatkriya, Asana,
Pranayama & Practices leading to Dhyana)
11.2 Principles of teaching Yoga Protocol to different groups (Beginners, Children, Youth,
Women, geriatric population, and Special attention group)
11.3 Preparation for a Yoga class (before and during and after the class)
11.4 Factors influencing Yoga teacher
11.5 Class Management in Yoga : its meaning and needs
11.6 Conducting Yoga practical lesson: Precautions & Contraindications of practices)
11.7 Salient features of Ideal Yoga Instructor
11.8 Models of Ideal Yoga lesson plans

YOG Certification Board

Books for Reference for Practicum

1. Brahmachari Swami Dhirendra : Yogic Sukshma Vyayama,
Dhirendra Yoga Publications, New Delhi

2. Brahmachari, Swami Dhirendra : Yogasana Vijnana,

Dheerendra Yoga Prakashana, New Delhi

3. Iyengar, B. K. S. : Light on Yoga,

Harper Collins Publisher, New Delhi, 2005

4. Saraswati, Swami Satyananda : Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha,

Bihar School of Yoga, Munger, 2006

5. Basavaraddi, I.V. : A Monograph on Yogic Sukshma Vyayama,

MDNIY, New Delhi, 2016

6. Basavaraddi, I.V. : A Monograph on Shatkarma,

MDNIY, New Delhi, 2016

7. Basavaraddi, I.V. : A Monograph on Yogasana,

MDNIY, New Delhi, 2016

8. Basavaraddi, I.V. : A Monograph on Pranayama,

MDNIY, New Delhi, 2016

9. Tiwari O.P. : Asana Why & How ?

Kaivalyadhama, SMYM Samiti, Lonavla

10. Saraswati, Swami Satyananda : Suryanamaskara,

Bihar School of Yoga, Munger, 2006

11. Quality Council of India : Yoga professionals Official Guidebook for Level 1,
(QCI) Excel Books, New Delhi 2016

15. Basavaraddi, I. V. & others : Yoga Teachers Manual for School Teachers,
MDNIY, New Delhi, 2010

16. Gharote, M.L. : Teaching Methods for Yogic practices,

Kaivalyadhama Ashram, Lonavla

17. Iyengar, B.K.S : Yoga Shastra (Vol-I & II) Ramamani Iyenger
Memorial Yoga,
Institute, Pune YOG, Mumbai

18. Ramdev, Swami : Pranayama Rahasya,

YOG Certification Board

Syllabus for Yoga Wellness Instructor

Annexure B
1. Name of the Certification: Yoga Wellness Instructor (YWI)
2. Requirement/ Eligibility:
a. For open candidates there is no eligibility criteria
b. For admission in the course it is suggested/desired that the candidate should have
passed 12thstandard/Higher Secondary School Certificate from a recognized board or
equivalent. However, the Yoga Institutions can define their own eligibility.
3. Brief Role Description: Certified Yoga Professionals (Yoga Wellness Instructor) to teach
Yoga for prevention of illness and promotion of wellness in schools, Yoga studios, work
places, Yoga wellness centres/Primary Health care centres, etc.

4. Minimum age: No age limit

5. Personal Attributes: The job requires individual to have good communication skills, time
management skills and ability to understand the body language of the trainees. The job
requires individual to possess key qualities such as self discipline, confidence, maturity,
patience, compassion, active listening, time management, empathy, language
6. Credit points for certificate : 24 credits
7. Duration of course: Not less than 400 hours or not less than 6 months as part time or not
less than 3 months as full time course.

8. Mark Distribution:
Total Marks: 200 (Theory: 60+Practical: 140)

Unit Unit Name Marks

1. Introduction to Yoga and Yogic Practices 20
2. Introduction to Yoga Texts 20
Theory 3. Yoga for wellness 20
Total 60

Unit Practical Work Marks

1. Demonstration Skills 80
2. Teaching Skills 40
Practical 3. Application of knowledge 10
4. Field Experience 10
Total 140

YOG Certification Board

Theory Syllabus
Unit 1- Introduction to Yoga and Yogic Practices
1.1 Yoga: Etymology, Definitions (Patanjala Yoga Sutra, Bhagavad Gita & Kathopanishad),
Aim, Objectives and Misconceptions.
1.2 Yoga: Its origin, history and development.
1.3 Brief Introduction to Samkhya and Yoga Darshana.
1.4 Life sketches and teachings of Yoga masters (Maharishi Ramana, Shri
Aurobindo Swami Vivekananda, Swami Dayananda Saraswati).
1.5 Principles of Yoga and practices of healthy living.
1.6 Principles and Practices of Jnana Yoga.
1.7 Principles and Practices of Bhakti Yoga.
1.8 Principles and Practices of Karma Yoga.
1.9 Concept and principles of Sukshma Vyayama, Sthula Vyayama, Surya
Namaskara and their significance in Yoga Sadhana.
1.10 Concept and principles of Shatkarma: Meaning, Types, Principles and their
significance in Yoga Sadhana.
1.11 Concept and principles of Yogasana: Meaning, Definition, Types and their
significance in Yoga Sadhana.
1.12 Concept and principles of Pranayama: Meaning, Definition, Types and their
significance in Yoga Sadhana.
1.13 Introduction to Tri Bandha and their health benefits.
1.14 Dhyana and its significance in health and well being.
1.15 Introduction to Yogic relaxation techniques with special reference to Yoga Nidra.

Unit 2- Introduction to Yoga Texts

2.1 Introduction to Prasthanatrayi, Purushartha Chatushtaya and goal of human life.
2.2 Yoga in Kathopnishad, Prashanopanishad, Tattiriyopanishad with special
emphasis on Panchakosha Vivek and Ananda Mimamsa.
2.3 Concept of Sthitaprajna, Bhakti, Karma and Dhyana in Bhagavad Gita.
2.4 Significance of Bhagavad Gita in day to day life.
2.5 Concept of healthy living in Bhagavad Gita (Ahara, Vihara, Achara, Vichara).
2.6 Study of Patanjala Yoga Sutra including selected sutras from following chapters
(I-1 to 12, II- 46 to 51, III-1 to 4).
2.7 Concept of Chitta, Chitta Bhumi, Chitta Vritti, Chitta Vikshepa, Chittaprasadanam
and their relationship with wellness.
2.8 Bahiranga Yoga of Maharishi Patanjali (Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama,
2.9 Antaranga Yoga of Maharisi Patanjali (Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi).
2.10 Concept of mental well being according to Patanjala Yoga.
2.11 Hatha Yoga: Its parampara, knowledge of basic Yoga texts (Hatha Pradipika and
Gherand Samhita). Relationship between Hatha Yoga and Raja Yoga.
2.12 Concept of Sadhaka and Badhaka Tattva, principles to be followed by Hatha
Yoga practitioner.

YOG Certification Board

2.13 Concept of Yoga Matha, Mitahara, Pathya & Apthaya.

2.14 Concept of Nadis, Prana and Pranayama for subjective experiences.
2.15 Knowledge of Hatha Yoga practices for wellness (Shatkarma, Asana,
Pranayama, Mudra, Nadanusandhana).
Unit 3- Yoga for Wellness
3.1 General introduction to human body and nine major systems of human body.
3.2 Introduction to sensory organs (Eyes, Nose, Ears, Tongue and Skin).
3.3 Basic functions of nine major systems of human body and homeostasis.
3.4 Yogic concept of health and wellness.
3.5 Concept of Tridoshas, Sapta Dhatu, Agni, Vayu and Mala; their role in wellness.
3.6 Concept of Dinacharya and Ritucharya and their importance in well being.
3.7 Importance of Ahara, Nidra and Brahmacharya in well being.
3.8 Yogic concept of mental hygiene: Maître, Karuna, Mudita & Upeksha).
3.9 Importance of psychosocial environment for health and wellness.
3.10 Yogic concept and principles of Ahara (Mitahara, Yuktahara).
3.11 Health benefits of Suryanamaskara, Shatkarma, Asana, Pranayama and
practices leading to Dhyana (as per the practical syllabus of the course).
3.12 Salient features and contra-indications of Yoga practices for well being (as per
the practical syllabus of the course).
3.13 Knowledge of common diseases; their prevention and management by Yoga.
3.14 Knowledge of role of Yoga in the management of non communicable diseases.
3.15 Concept of stress and Yogic management of stress and its consequences.

YOG Certification Board

5.12 Shavasana
6. Preparatory BreathingPractical
Practices Syllabus
6.1 Sectional Breathing
A. Demonstration Skills (Abdominal, Thoracic and Clavicular Breathing)
1. 6.2 Yogic Deep Breathing
1.1 6.3 Anuloma
Concept Viloma/Nadi
and Recitation Shodhana
of Pranava
7. 1.2 Pranayama
Concept and Recitation of Hymns
1.3 7.1 Selected
Conceptuniversal prayers,Rechaka
of Puraka, invocationsand
Nishpatti Bhava.

2. 7.2
Yogic ShatUjjayi
Karma Pranayama (Without Kumbhaka)
2.1 7.3 Neti:
Neti and Jala(Without
Neti Kumbhaka)
2.2 7.4 Dhauti:
Sitkari Pranayama
Vamana (Without Kumbhaka)
Dhauti (Kunjala)
2.3 7.5 Kapalabhati (Vatakrama) (Without Kumbhaka)
Bhramari Pranayama

3. 8. YogicConcept
Sukshma andVyayama
and Sthula of Vyayama
8.1 Sukshma
a. Yogic Jalandhara Bandha
Vyayama (Micro circulation practices)
Ÿ 8.2 Uddiyana Bandha
Neck Movement
8.3 Shakti Vikasaka ( I,II,III,IV)
Ÿ Shoulder Movement
9. Concept andShakti
Bhuja Balli Demonstration
Vikasaka of Mudra
9.1 Yoga
Purna BhujaMudra
Shakti Vikasaka
Ÿ 9.2
TrunkMaha Mudra
Shakti Vikasaka Mudra
(I, II, III, IV, V )
Ÿ Knee Movement
10. Practices leading to Dhyana Sadhana
Jangha Shakti Vikasaka (II-A&B )
Vikasaka and Breath awareness
10.2 Yoga Nidra
Ÿ Ankle movement
mula Shakti Vikasaka–A&B
of Pranavapada and Soham
tala Shakti Vikasaka
10.5 Recitation of Hymns
b. Yogic
10.6 Sthula Vyayama
Practice (Macro circulation practices)
of Dhyana
Ÿ Sarvanga Pushti
B. Ÿ Teaching Skills daud)
Hrid Gati (Engine
11. Methods of Teaching Yoga
4. Yogic Surya Namaskara with Mantra
11.1 Teaching methods with special reference to Yoga
5. 11.2
Yogasana Factors influencing Yoga teaching
5.1 11.3 Hastottanasana,
Tadasana, Need of Vrikshasana
teaching practice and its use in Yogic practice.
5.2 Ardha Chakrasana,Teaching
11.4 Padahastasana
Aids : Meaning and Need, Role of Language, Voice, Fluency,
5.3 Trikonasana, Parshva
Clarity and Konasana, Katichakrasana
5.4 Dandasana, Padmasana,
Body language Vajrasana,
in an ideal presentation
5.5 Yogamudrasana, Parvatasana
11.5 Methods of teaching Yoga to an individual, small group and large group
5.6 Bhadrasana,
11.6 Mandukasana,
Lecture Ushtrasana, Shashankasana,
cum demonstration Uttana
in Yoga: ItsMandukasana,
meaning, importance and method
5.7 Pashchimottanasana,
of its Purvottanasana
5.8 Vakrasana, Ardha Matsyendrasana, Gomukhasana
5.9 Makarasana, Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana
11.7 Lesson plan: Its meaning and need
5.10 Pavanamuktasana and its variations
11.8 Preparation of lesson plan in Yoga, Preparation of lesson plan for an
5.11 Uttanapadasana, Ardha Halasana, Setubandhasana, Saral-Matsyasana
5.12 individual
Shavasana and

YOG Certification Board

Practical Syllabus
6. Preparatory BreathingSkills
A. Demonstration Practices
1. 6.1Prayer
Sectional Breathing (Abdominal, Thoracic and Clavicular Breathing)
6.21.1 Yogic Deep Breathing
Concept and Recitation of Pranava
6.31.2 Anuloma
ConceptViloma/Nadi Shodhana
and Recitation of Hymns
1.3 Selected universal prayers, invocations and Nishpatti Bhava.
7. Pranayama
2. 7.1Yogic
Concept of Puraka, Rechaka and Kumbhaka
Shat Karma
7.22.1 Ujjayi
Neti: Sutra Neti(Without
Pranayama and JalaKumbhaka)
2.2 Shitali
7.3 Dhauti: Vamana(Without
Pranayama Dhauti (Kunjala)
2.3 Sitkari
7.4 Kapalabhati
Pranayama (Vatakrama)
(Without Kumbhaka)
7.5 Bhramari Pranayama (Without Kumbhaka)
3. Yogic Sukshma Vyayama and Sthula Vyayama
8. a. Yogic
Concept andSukshma Vyayama
Demonstration (Micro circulation practices)
of Bandha
Ÿ Neck Movement
8.1 Jalandhara Bandha
Griva Shakti
8.2 Uddiyana Bandha Vikasaka ( I,II,III,IV)
Ÿ Shoulder Movement
8.3 Mula Bandha
Bhuja Balli Shakti Vikasaka
9. Concept andPurna Bhuja ShaktiofVikasaka
Demonstration Mudra
9.1Ÿ Yoga Movement
9.2 Maha Kati Shakti Vikasaka (I, II, III, IV, V )
Ÿ Knee Movement
9.3 Viparitakarani Mudra
Jangha Shakti Vikasaka (II-A&B )
10. PracticesJanu
leading to Dhyana
Shakti VikasakaSadhana
10.1Ÿ Body awareness
Ankle movement and Breath awareness
10.2 Yoga Nidra
Pada mula Shakti Vikasaka–A&B
Gulpha-Pada Prishtha pada tala Shakti Vikasaka
10.3 Antarmauna
10.4 Recitation of Pranava and Soham
b. Yogic Sthula Vyayama (Macro circulation practices)
10.5 Recitation of Hymns
Ÿ Sarvanga Pushti
10.6 Practice of Dhyana
Ÿ Hrid Gati (Engine daud)
B. 4. Teaching Skills Namaskara with Mantra
Yogic Surya
11. Methods of Teaching Yoga
5. YogasanaTeaching methods with special reference to Yoga
11.2 Tadasana, Hastottanasana,
Factors influencing Vrikshasana
Yoga teaching
11.3 Ardha
NeedChakrasana, Padahastasana
of teaching practice and its use in Yogic practice.
11.4 Trikonasana, Parshva Konasana,
Teaching Aids : Meaning and Need, Katichakrasana
Role of Language, Voice, Fluency,
5.4 Dandasana, Padmasana, Vajrasana,
Clarity and
5.5 Yogamudrasana, Parvatasana
Body language in an ideal presentation
5.6 Bhadrasana, Mandukasana, Ushtrasana, Shashankasana, Uttana
11.5 Methods of teaching Yoga to an individual, small group and large group
11.6 Lecture cum demonstration in Yoga: Its meaning, importance and method
5.7 Pashchimottanasana, Purvottanasana
of its Vakrasana, Ardha Matsyendrasana, Gomukhasana
Makarasana, Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana
11.7 Lesson plan: Its meaning
5.10 Pavanamuktasana and need
and its variations
11.8 Preparation of lesson
5.11 Uttanapadasana, plan in Yoga,
Ardha Halasana, Preparation of Saral-Matsyasana
Setubandhasana, lesson plan for an
individual and
for a group

YOG Certification Board

Book for reference for Practicum

1. Brahmachari Swami : Yogic Sukshma Vyayama,
Dhirendra Dhirendra Yoga Publications, New Delhi
2. Brahmachari, Swami : Yogasana Vijnana,
Dhirendra Dheerendra Yoga Prakashana, New Delhi
3. Iyengar, B. K. S. : Light on Yoga,
Harper Collins Publisher, New Delhi, 2005
4. Swami Kuvalyananda : Pranayama,
Kaivalyadhama, Lonavla, 1992
5. Saraswati, Swami Satyananda : Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha,
Bihar School of Yoga, Munger, 2006
6. Basavaraddi, I.V. : A Monograph on Yogic Sukshma Vyayama,
MDNIY, New Delhi, 2016
7. Basavaraddi, I.V. : A Monograph on Shatkarma,
MDNIY, New Delhi, 2016
8. Basavaraddi, I.V. : A Monograph on Yogasana,
MDNIY, New Delhi, 2016
9. Basavaraddi, I.V. : A Monograph on Pranayama,
MDNIY, New Delhi, 2016
10. Tiwari O.P. : Asana Why & How ?
Kaivalyadhama, SMYM Samiti, Lonavla
11. Basavaraddi, I.V. & Bharti : Pratah Smarana,
Swami Anant MDNIY, New Delhi, 2016
12. Saraswati, Swami Satyananda : Suryanamaskara,
Bihar School of Yoga, Munger, 2006
13. Joshi K.S. : Yogic Pranayama,
Orient Paperbacks, New Delhi 2009
14. Quality Council of India : Yoga professionals Official Guidebook for level 2,
(QCI) Excel Books, New Delhi 2016
15. Basavaraddi, I. V. & others : Yoga Teachers Manual for School Teachers,
MDNIY, New Delhi, 2010
16. Gharote, M.L. : Teaching Methods for Yogic practices,
Kaivalyadhama Ashram, Lonavla
17. Iyengar, B.K.S : Yoga Shastra (Vol-I & II) Ramamani Iyenger
Memorial Yoga, Institute, Pune YOG, Mumbai

YOG Certification Board

Book for reference for Theory

1 Goyanka, Harikrishandass : Yoga Darshan,
Geeta Press, Gorakhpur (Samvat 2061).
2 Ravi Shankar, Sri Sri : Upanishad, Vol. I,
3 Swami Vivekananda : Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga, Raja Yoga,
(4separate books) Advaita Ashrama, Kolkata, 2011 & 2012
4 Basavaraddi I. V. and Pathak, : Hathayoga ke Adhar avam Prayoga, (Sanskrit-Hindi),
S. P. MDNIY, New Delhi, 2007
5 Sahay G. S. : Hathayogapradipika,
MDNIY, New Delhi, 2013
6 Gita press Gorakhpur : Shreemad Bhagvadgita,
Gita press Gorakhpur, Samvat 2073
7 Quality Council of India (QCI) : Yoga professionals Official Guidebook for Level 2,
Excel Books, New Delhi 2016
8 Kalidas Joshi and Ganesh : Yoga ke Siddhant Evam Abhyas,
Shankar Madhya Pradesh Hindigrantha Akadami, Bhopal, 1995
9 Brahmachari Swami Dhirendra : Yogic Sukshma Vyayama,
Dhirendra Yoga Publications, New Delhi, 1986
10 Digambarji Swami and Gharote : Gheranda Samhita,
M.L. Kaivalyadhama S.M.Y.M. Samiti, Lonavala 1997
11 Kalayan : Upanishads (23rd year Special),
Geeta Press, Gorakhpur
12 Gore M. M. : Anatomy and Physiology of Yogic Practices,
Kanchana Prakashana, Lonavala, 2004
13 Telles, Shirley : A Glimse of the Human body,
Swami Vivekanand Yoga Prakashan, Bangalore, 1998
14 Swami Karmananda : Management of Common Diseases,
Bihar Yoga Publication Trust, 2006, Munger
15 Bhogal, R. S. : Yoga & Mental Health and beyond,
ACE Enterprises, Madhu Rajnagar, Pune Road, Pune, 2010
16 Jayadeva, Yogendra. : Cyclopedia Vol I, II, III & IV,
17 Basavaraddi, I.V. : How to manage Stress through Yoga,
MDNIY, New Delhi
18 Kotecha, Vaidya Rajesh : A Beginner's Guide to Ayurveda,
Chakrapani Publications, Jaipur 2016
19 MDNIY : Yoga Module for Wellness Series (1 to 10),
MDNIY, New Delhi 2011

YOG Certification Board

Syllabus for Yoga Teacher and

Annexure C

Evaluator (YT&E)
1. Name of the Certification: Yoga Teacher and Evaluator (YT&E)
2. Requirement/ Eligibility:
a. For open candidates there is no eligibility criteria
b. For admission in the course it is suggested/desired that the candidate
should be graduate in any stream from a recognized University or
equivalent. However, the Yoga institutions can define their own eligibility.
3. Brief Role Description: Master Trainers in Yoga educational institutions, Yoga
training courses and training programs. He or she can also act as Evaluator and
assessor of Yoga professionals. Can teach in studios, institutions,
colleges/universities/ institutions of higher learning.
4. Minimum age: No age limit
5. Personal Attributes: The job requires individual to have good communication
skills, time management skills and ability to understand the body language of the
trainees. The job requires individual to possess key qualities such as self
discipline, confidence, maturity, patience, compassion, active listening, time
management, empathy, language proficiency, engaging with students,
dedication to teaching, ability to build caring relationships with students, friendly
and approachable, independent, credibility, analytical skills, etc.
6. Credit points for certificate: 46 credits
7. Duration of course: Not less than 800 hours or not less than 15 months as part
time or not less than 9 months as full time course.
8. Mark Distribution:
Total Marks: 200 (Theory: 80+Practical: 120)

Unit Unit Name Marks

1. Foundation of Yoga 20
2. Introduction to Yoga Texts 20
Theory 3. Yoga And Health 20
4. Applied Yoga 20
Total 80

Unit Practical Work Marks

1. Demonstration Skills 60
2. Teaching Skills 20
Practical 3. Evaluation Skills 20
4. Application of knowledge 10
5. Field Experience 10
Total 120

YOG Certification Board

Theory Syllabus
UNIT 1 Foundation of Yoga
1.1 Etymology and Definitions of Yoga (Patanjala Yoga Sutra, Bhagavad Gita,
1.2 Brief Introduction to origin, history and development of Yoga (Pre-Vedic period
to contemporary times).
1.3 Yoga in Principle Upanishads.
1.4 Yoga tradition in Jainism: Syadvada (theory of seven fold predictions); Concept of
Kayotsarga/Preksha meditation).
1.5 Yoga Tradition in Buddhism: Concept of Aryasatyas (four noble truths).
1.6 Salient features and branches of Bharatiya Darshana (Astika and Nastika
1.7 General introduction to Shad Darshana with special emphasis on Samkhya, Yoga
and Vedanta Darshana.
1.8 Brief survey of Yoga in Modern and Contemporary Times (Shri Ramakrishna,
Shri Aurobindo, Maharishi Raman, Swami Vivekananda, Swami Dayananda
Saraswati, Swami Shivananda, Paramhansa Madhavadas ji, Yogacharya Shri T.
1.9 Guiding principles to be followed by the practioner.
1.10 Brief Introduction to Schools of Yoga; Jnana, Bhakti, Karma, Raja & Hatha.
1.11 Principles and Practices of Jnana Yoga.
1.12 Principles and Practices of Bhakti Yoga.
1.13 Principles and Practices of Karma Yoga.
1.14 Concept and Principles of Sukshma Vyayama, Sthula Vyayama, Surya
Namaskara and their significance in Yoga Sadhana.
1.15 Concept and Principles of Shatkarma: Meaning, Types, Principles and their
significance in Yoga Sadhana.
1.16 Concept and Principles of Yogasana: Meaning, definition, types and their
significance in Yoga Sadhana.
1.17 Concept and Principles of Pranayama: Meaning, definition, types and their
significance in Yoga Sadhana.
1.18 Introduction to Bandha & Mudra and their health benefits.
1.19 Introduction to Yogic relaxation techniques with special reference to Yoga Nidra.
1.20 Introduction to Dhyana and its role in health and well being.

UNIT 2 Introduction to Yoga Texts

2.1 Introduction to Prasthanatrayi, Purushartha Chatushtaya and goal of human life.
2.2 Yoga in Kathopanishad, Prashnopanishad, Taittiriyopanishad with special
emphasis on Panchakosha Vivek and Ananda Mimamsa.
2.3 Concept of Sthitaprajna (stages and characteristics) in Bhagavad Gita.
2.4 Significance of Bhagavad Gita as a synthesis of Yoga.
2.5 Concept of healthy living in Bhagavad Gita (Ahara, Vihara, Achara, Vichara).
2.6 Introduction and highlights of Yoga Vasishtha, definitions of Yoga and their
relevance in Yoga Vasishtha.
2.7 Study of Patanjala Yoga Sutra including selected Sutras from following chapters
(I- 1 to 12, II- 1 to 2, 46 to 55, III- 1 to 6).
2.8 Concept of Chitta, Chitta Bhumi, Chitta Vritti, Chitta Vikshepa, Chittaprasadanam,

YOG Certification Board

Klesha and Viveka-Khyati and their relationship with wellness.

2.9 Concept of Ishwara and its relevance in Yogasadhana, qualities of Ishwara,
2.10 Concept of Kriya Yoga of Patanjala and its importance for healthy living.
2.11 Bahiranga Yoga of Maharishi Patanjali (Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama,
2.12 Antaranga Yoga of Maharishi Patanjali (Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi).
2.13 Concept of mental well-being according to Patanjala Yoga.
2.14 Hatha Yoga: Its origin, history and development. Hatha Yoga: its meaning, and
definition, aim, objectives and misconception about Hatha Yoga.
2.15 Sadhaka Tattva and Badhaka Tattva principles to be followed by Hatha Yoga
2.16 Concept of Yoga Matha, Mitahara, Pathya & Apthaya, types of Aspirants.
2.17 Hatha Yoga practices according to different Hatha Yogic Texts (Hatha Pradipika,
Gheranda Samhita and Hatharatnavali).
2.18 Concept of Shwasa-Prashwasa, Vayu, Prana, Upa-Prana, Shat Chakra etc.
2.19 Knowledge of Hatha Yoga practices for wellness (Shatkarma, Asanas,
Pranayama, Mudra, Nadanusandhana).
2.20 Relevance and importance of Hatha Yoga practices in health and well being.

UNIT 3 Yoga and Health

Introduction to Human Body–Anatomy and Physiology
3.1 Introduction to Human body.
3.2 Basic structure and functions of Musculoskeletal system, Respiratory system,
Cardio vascular system, Nervous system, Digestive system and Endocrine
3.3 Homeostasis: its mechanism to maintain internal environment of the body.
3.4 Introduction to sensory organs (Eyes, Nose, Ears, Tounge and Skin).
3.5 Impact of Yogic practices on different systems of the human body: Benefits of
Shatkarma, Yogasana, Pranayama and Bandha on Respiratory, Circulatory,
Musculoskeletal system.
Introduction to Psychology
3.6 Introduction to psychology, concept of human psyche, stages of consciousness,
cognitive process: Its meaning and nature.
3.7 Definition and nature of Behavior, kinds of Behavior Motivation.
3.8 Emotions : definition, nature and physiological changes during Emotion.
3.9 Mental Health : Yogic view of Mental Health and Mental Illness.
3.10 Role of Yoga in Mental Health. Importance of psychosocial environment for health
and wellness.
Yoga For Health And Wellness.
3.11 Yogic concept of health, wellness and illness.
3.12 Importance of psycho-social environment for health and wellness.
3.13 Role of Yoga in various dimensions (physical, mental,social and spiritual) of

YOG Certification Board

3.14 Importance of following Dinacharya and Ritucharya for well being.

3.15 Role of Ahara, Nidra and Brahmacharya in wellness.
Yoga For Disease Prevention And Health Promotion.
3.16 Meaning and definition of Health and Disease, Concept of Adhi and Vyadhi,
Yoga as a preventive Health care- Heyam Dukham Anagatam.
3.17 Potential causes of ill –health: Tapatrayas and Kleshas, Mental and Emotional ill
Health: Antarayas.
3.18 Shuddhi Prakriyas in Yoga and their role in preventive and curative Health.
3.19 Knowledge of Trigunas, Pancha-Kosha, Pancha-Prana and Shatkchakra and
their role in Health and Disease.
3.20 Yogic concept of Holistic Health and its importance in the management of

UNIT 4 Applied Yoga

Yoga And Education
4.1 Education: Its meaning, definition and goal, role and importance of education in
Human Excellence.
4.2 Yoga in Education: Salient features of Yoga Education, Factors of Yoga
Education: Teacher, Student and Teaching, Guru-Shishya-Parampara and its
importance in Yoga Education.
4.3 Value Education: Its Meaning and Definition, types of values, value –oriented
education in Personality Development.
4.4 Contribution of Yoga towards Development of Values, Spiritual Growth.
4.5 Salient features of Ideal Yoga Teacher, Role of Yoga Teacher in Value-oriented
Education, Role of Yoga in development of healthy society.
Yoga For Personality Develompent
4.6 Personality: Meaning and types of personality.
4.7 Determinants of Personality with reference to psycho-social environment.
4.8 Knowledge of various facets and stages of development of personality.
4.9 Personality Development; Role of spirituality and positive attitude in personality
4.10 Role of Yogic practices (Asana, Pranayama, Shatkarma, Bandha, Mudra etc.) in
the Personality Development.

Yogic management of Stress and its Consequences

4.11 Definition, nature and types of Stress.
4.12 Symptoms and consequences of Stress on human mind.
4.13 Yogic perspective of Stress. Yogic principles for the management of Stress and
its consequences.
4.14 Concept and techniques of Stress management in Ashtanga Yoga of Patanjala
Yogasutra and Bhagavad Gita.
4.15 Specific practices for Stress management: Yogasana, Breath Awareness,
Shavasana, Yoganidra, Pranayama and Meditation.

YOG Certification Board

Yoga for prevention and management of Life Style Disorders

4.16 Concept of Yogic life style and its relevance.
4.17 General knowledge about life style related disorders : Acidity , Constipation ,
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Bronchial Asthma , Sinusitis, Hypertension,
Neck pain, Low Backache, Osteo-arthritis etc.
4.18 Role of Yoga in prevention and management of common disorder: Acidity,
Constipation, Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Bronchial Asthma , Sinusitis,
Hypertension, Neck pain, Low Backache, Osteo-arthritis.
4.19 Role of Yoga in prevention and management of non-communicable disorders.
4.20 Yoga as an integrative medication.
Practical Syllabus
A. Demonstration Skills
1 Prayer
Ÿ Concept and Recitation of Pranava
Ÿ Concept and Recitation of Hymns
Ÿ Selected universal prayers, invocations and Nishpatti Bhava.

2 Yogic Shat Karma

Ÿ Neti: Sutra Neti and Jala Neti
Ÿ Dhauti: Vamana Dhauti (Kunjala)
Ÿ Kapalabhati (Vatakrama)

3 a. Yogic Sukshma Vyayama and Sthula Vyayama

Yogic Sukshma Vyayama (Microcirculation Practices)
Ÿ Neck Movement
Griva Shakti Vikasaka ( I,II,III,IV)
Ÿ Shoulder Movement
Bhuja Balli Shakti Vikasaka
Purna Bhuja Shakti Vikasaka
Ÿ Trunk Movement
Kati Shakti Vikasaka (I, II, III, IV, V )
Ÿ Knee Movement
Jangha Shakti Vikasaka (II-A&B )
Janu Shakti Vikasaka
Ÿ Ankle movement
Pada mula Shakti Vikasaka – A&B
Gulpha-Pada prishtha-pada tala Shakti Vikasaka

b. Yogic Sthula Vyayama (Macrocirculation Practices)

Ÿ Sarvanga Pushti
Ÿ Hrid Gati (Engine run)

4 Yogic Surya Namaskara with Mantra

5 Yogasana
5.1 Tadasana, Hastottanasana, Vrikshasana
5.2 Ardha Chakrasana, Padahastasana
5.3 Trikonasana, Parshva Konasana, Katichakrasana

YOG Certification Board

5.4 Dandasana, Bhadrasana, Padmasana, Vajrasana,

5.5 Yogamudrasana, Parvatasana
5.6 Mandukasana, Ushtrasana, Shashankasana, Utthana Mandukasana,
5.7 Paschimottanasana, Purvottanasana
5.8 Vakrasana, Ardha Matsyendrasana, Gomukhasana
5.9 Makarasana, Bhujangasana, Salabhasana, Dhanurasana
5.10 Pavanamuktasana and its variations
5.11 Uttanapadasana, Ardha Halasana, Setubandhasana, Saral-matsyasana
5.12 Halasana, Chakrasana
5.13 Sirshasana
5.14 Shavasana,
6 Preparatory Breathing Practices
6.1 Sectional Breathing (Abdominal, Thoracic and Clavicular Breathing)
6.2 Yogic Deep Breathing
6.3 Anuloma Viloma/ Nadi Shodhana
7 Pranayama
7.1 Concept of Puraka, Rechaka and Kumbhaka
7.2 Ujjayi Pranayama (Without Kumbhaka)
7.3 Shitali Pranayama (Without Kumbhaka)
7.4 Sitkari Pranayama (Without Kumbhaka)
7.5 Bhramari Pranayama (Without Kumbhaka)

8 Concept and Demonstration of Bandha

8.1 Jalandhara Bandha
8.2 Uddiyana Bandha
8.3 Mula Bandha

Concept and Demonstration of Mudra

8.4 Yoga Mudra
8.5 Maha Mudra
8.6 Viparitakarani Mudra
9 Practices leading to Dhyana Sadhana
9.1 Body awareness and Breath awareness
9.2 Yoga Nidra
9.3 Antarmauna
9.4 Recitation of Pranava and Sohama
9.5 Recitation of Hymns
9.6 Practice of Dhyana
B. Teaching Skills
10 Methods of Teaching & Evaluation
10.1 Teaching methods with special reference to Yoga
10.2 Factors influencing Yoga teaching
10.3 Need of teaching practice and its use in Yogic practice.
10.4 Teaching Aids : Meaning and Need, Role of Language, Voice, Fluency, Clarity
and Body language in an ideal presentation.
10.5 Methods of teaching Yoga to an individual, small group and large group
10.6 Use of audio-visual aids, ICT, multimedia and online resources
10.7 Lecture cum demonstration in Yoga: Its meaning, importance and method of its
10.8 Lesson plan: Its meaning and need
10.9 Preparation of lesson plan in Yoga, Preparation of lesson plan for an individual and for a

YOG Certification Board

Book for reference for Theory

1 Goyanka, Harikrishandass : Yoga Darshan,
Geeta Press, Gorakhpur (Samvat 2061).
2 Karel Werner : Yoga and Indian Philosophy,
Motilal Banarasidas.,1975
3 Swami Vivekananda : Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga, Raja Yoga,
(4separate books) Advaita Ashrama, Kolkata, 2011 & 2012
4 Basavaraddi I. V. and Pathak, : Hathayoga ke Aadhar avam Prayoga, (Sanskrit-Hindi),
S. P. MDNIY, New Delhi, 2007
5 Sahay G. S. : Hathayogapradipika,
MDNIY, New Delhi, 2013
6 Gita press Gorakhpur : Shreemad Bhagvadgita,
Gita press Gorakhpur, Samvat 2073
7 Quality Council of India : Yoga professionals Official Guidebook for Level 2,
(QCI) Excel Books, New Delhi 2016
8 Kalidas Joshi and Ganesh : Yoga ke Siddhant Evam Abhyas,
Shankar Madhya Pradesh Hindigrantha Akadami,Bhopal, 1995
9 Brahmachari Swami Dhirendra : Yogic Sukshma Vyayama,
Dhirendra Yoga Publications, New Delhi, 1986
10 Digambarji Swami and : Gheranda Samhita,
Gharote M.L. Kaivalyadhama S.M.Y.M. Samiti, Lonavala 1997
11 Kalayan : Upanishads (23rd year Special),
Geeta Press, Gorakhpur
12 Gore M. M. : Anatomy and Physiology of Yogic Practices,
Kanchana Prakashana, Lonavala, 2004
13 The Sadhaks : Yoga Therapy,
The Yoga Institute, Santacruz, 2002
14 Swami Karmananda : Management of Common Diseases,
Bihar Yoga Publication Trust, 2006, Munger
15 Bhogal, R. S : Yoga and Modern Psychology,
Kaivalyadhama , Lonavala
16 Dr. M.L. Gharote : Applied Yoga,
ACE Enterprises, Madhu Rajnagar, Pune Road, Pune, 2010
17 Prof. Ram Harsh Singh : Yoga and Yogic Therapy,
Chaukhambha Subharati Publishers, Varanasi, 2011
18 MDNIY : Yoga Module for Wellness Series (1 to 10),
MDNIY, New Delhi 2011
19 Basavaraddi, I.V. : How to manage Stress through Yoga,
MDNIY, New Delhi
20 Robin, M., Nagendra, HR & : Yoga for Common Ailments,
Ford-Kohne, N Simon & Schuster, UK, 1990
21 Basavaraddi, I. V. & others : Yoga Teachers Manual for School Teachers,
MDNIY, New Delhi, 2010
22 Jayadeva, Yogendra : Cyclopedia Vol I, II, III & IV,

YOG Certification Board

Books for Reference for Practicum

1. Brahmachari Swami Dhirendra : Yogic Sukshma Vyayama,
Dhirendra Yoga Publications, New Delhi
2. Brahmachari, Swami Dhirendra : Yogasana Vijnana,
Dheerendra Yoga Prakashana, New Delhi
3. Iyengar, B. K. S. : Light on Yoga,
Harper Collins Publisher, New Delhi, 2005
4. Swami Kuvalyananda : Pranayama,
Kaivalyadhama, Lonavla, 1992
5. Saraswati, Swami Satyananda : Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha,
Bihar School of Yoga, Munger, 2006
6. Basavaraddi, I.V. : A Monograph on Yogic Sukshma Vyayama,
MDNIY, New Delhi, 2016
7. Basavaraddi, I.V. : A Monograph on Shatkarma,
MDNIY, New Delhi, 2016
8. Basavaraddi, I.V. : A Monograph on Yogasana,
MDNIY, New Delhi, 2016
9. Basavaraddi, I.V. : A Monograph on Pranayama,
MDNIY, New Delhi, 2016
10. Tiwari O.P. : Asana Why & How ?
Kaivalyadhama, SMYM Samiti, Lonavla
11. Basavaraddi, I.V. & Bharti : Pratah Smarana,
Swami Anant MDNIY, New Delhi, 2016
12. Saraswati, Swami Satyananda : Suryanamaskara,
Bihar School of Yoga, Munger, 2006
13. Joshi K.S. : Yogic Pranayama,
Orient Paperbacks, New Delhi 2009
14. Quality Council of India : Yoga professionals Official Guidebook for level 2,
(QCI) Excel Books, New Delhi 2016
15. Basavaraddi, I. V. & others : Yoga Teachers Manual for School Teachers,
MDNIY, New Delhi, 2010
16. Gharote, M.L. : Teaching Methods for Yogic practices,
Kaivalyadhama Ashram, Lonavla
17. Iyengar, B.K.S : Yoga Shastra (Vol-I & II) Ramamani Iyenger Memorial,
Yoga, Institute, Pune YOG, Mumbai
18. Goel, Aruna : Yoga Education Philosophy & Practices,
Deep & Deep Publication, New Delhi
19. Stephens, Mark : Teaching Yoga, Essential Foundation & Techniques,
North Astantic Books, California
20. Duggal, Styapal : Teaching Yoga,
The Yoga Institute, Santacruz, Bombay, 1985
21 Ramdev, Swami : Pranayama Rahasya,
22 Ravi Shankar, Sri Sri : Upanishad, Vol. I,

YOG Certification Board
Annexure D

Application No.: -------------------

Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India


Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India
MDNIY, 68, Ashok Road, New Delhi - 110001

Application Form for Certification

of Yoga Professionals
(Please note that this is an application for Yoga Professional certification examination
and not for Yoga training course)
Part –I (Enrolmment)
1. Personal Information
a. Title (Shri/Smt./Ms./Dr.)
b. First Name
c. Middle Name
d. Last Name
e. Gender (Male/ Female/others)
f. Date of Birth ( DD-MM -YYYY)
g. Nationality
h. Father’s Name
i. Mother’s Name
j. Spouse’s Name
k. Category (SC/ ST/ OBC/EWS/General)
l. Do you have PwD Certificate ?
(Attach certificate)
m. Correspondence Address

City…………. State………….. District...............

Pin Code ………… Country…………
n. Permanent Address

City…………. State………….. District...............

Pin Code ………… Country…………
o. Mobile
p. E-Mail ID
q. Type of ID copy attached
(Passport, Aadhar Card, Govt. issued
Photo ID, Driving silence, Voter ID)
r. ID no.
YOG Certification Board
2. Educational Qualification & Skill
Below Secondary/ Secondary /Higher
a. Academic Qualifications Secondary/ Diploma /Graduate/ Post
Graduate/PhD/ Any other
None/ Certificate/Diploma /Graduate/ Post
b. Yoga Qualifications
Graduate/PhD/Any other
Are you a certified Yoga Yes /No
c. professional under Ministry of
(If yes, …………level, Certificate No.________
Valid upto: ____________)

3. Working experience in Yoga

> 1 year ,
> 2 years,
3-5 years,
a. Yoga experience
5-10 years,
10 -20 years ,
>20 years (Pl. attach the document)
4. Are you presently a student of Yoga Institution? Yes/ No
Select the name of the Institution: (List of Accreditated Institution/ centres/ other)

5. Have you been rejected earlier / debarred for Assessment under the Scheme? (yes/ No)
(If yes, please provide the details)

6. Medical history Information / declaration *

a. Do you have any family history of :
Heart ailment YES NO
Diabetes YES NO
Mental illness YES NO
Tuberculosis YES NO
b. Whether you have undergone any surgical operation in the past? Yes No
c. Do you take any medicines regularly? Yes No Details
d. Do you have any body deformity or defect? Yes No Details
e. Do you have any problem of Rheumatism / Asthma / Joint pain? Yes No
f. Do you have any large veins in your legs, thighs (varicose -veins)? Yes No
g. Are you color blind? Yes No
h. Do you have any hearing problem? Yes No
i. Have you ever had any skin disorder? Yes No
j. Have you ever had medical treatment for?
Ÿ Allergies YES NO
Ÿ Hay fever YES NO
Ÿ Reaction to medicine YES NO

YOG Certification Board

Sprain YES NO
Fracture or broken bone YES NO
Ÿ Diabetes YES NO
Ÿ Eye trouble YES NO
Ÿ Fainting spells YES NO
Ÿ Heart troubles or High Blood Pressure YES NO
Ÿ Hernia or Rupture YES NO
Ÿ Injury to knee joints YES NO
Ÿ Paralysis or weakness in arms or legs YES NO
Ÿ Emotional upsets YES NO
Ÿ Tuberculosis (TB) YES NO
Ÿ Rheumatism YES NO
Ÿ Prolonged fever YES NO
Ÿ Back pain YES NO
7. Agreement

By submitting this application, I confirm that the facts stated in it are true and complete. I understand that if I am
accepted as a candidate, any false statements, omissions, or other misrepresentations made by me on this
application may result in the immediate withdrawal of my application and legal prosecutions applicable and
debarment from applying further and forfeiture of the fee already paid.

I confirm that:-
Ÿ List any instances of discomfort/disability Name(s) of students Incidents reported
of any students till date

I waive my rights to claim for any injury incurred by me during physical assessment element of examination.
Ÿ I have read the self-declaration and agree to abide by the terms and conditions contained in them.
Ÿ I have no pending judicial proceedings relating to my conduct
Ÿ I have no pending proceedings by any regulatory authority
Ÿ I know of no instances of discomfort/disability of any students till date, except as listed below

Part – II (Assessment)
8. 1st time Assessment
Re-appear (theory)
Re-appear (Theory and practical)

Yoga Protocol Instructor

Yoga Wellness Instructor
Yoga Teacher & Evaluator
Yoga Master

YOG Certification Board

9. Select the level for assessment:

Assistant Yoga Therapist

Yoga Therapist
Theraputic Yoga Consultant
Yoga Education and Training
Yoga Therapy
10. Name of the PrCB/ Accredidated Institution/ Centre/YCB: _____________
11. Preferred date of examination (selected from the listed dates available on website)
12. Examination Centre
Preferred Examination centre:
1. _____________________________________
2. _____________________________________
3. _____________________________________
13. Language for Assessment preferred: _______________________________________
Name of the Agency: Status:
Application Number:

Name: __________________ Signature:____________

Place: ___________________ Date: ________________


I, ……………………….., confirm that I follow Yamas and Niyamas as delineated in Patanjali Yoga Sutras to the
best of my ability in my day-to-day life and promise to continue to do so in future. I understand that if I am found
blatantly violating the Yamas and Niyamas at a later date, my certification can be suspended and withdrawn.

I, also confirm that I am in good health to be able to impart Yoga education and will bring to your notice when
there is a change in my health which will adversely affect my functioning as a Yoga professional. I understand that
if I am found not fit health-wise to be a Yoga professional at a later date, my certification can be suspended and
withdrawn. I will ensure a safe and protected environment in which an aspirant can grow physically, mentally, and
spiritually. I confirm that I have read and understood the document forming part of this declaration.

Signature of the candidate: ___________________________

Date: _________________

YOG Certification Board
Annexure E

Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India


Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India
MDNIY, 68, Ashok Road, New Delhi - 110001

Application Form for CYEP

Please note that this is an application for attending CYEP for renewal of Certificate of Yoga Professional.

Part –I (Enrolment) Photo

1.Existing Certificate No. : _________________
2.Personal Information (Data as per records to appear and any changes if
required can be done by the candidate)
a. Title (Shri/Smt./Ms./Dr.)
b. First Name
c. Middle Name
d. Last Name
e. Gender (Male/ Female/others)
f. Date of Birth ( DD-MM -YYYY)
g. Nationality
h. Father’s Name
i. Mother’s Name
j. Spouse’s Name
k. Category (SC/ ST/ OBC/EWS/General)
l. Do you have PwD Certificate ?
(Attach certificate)
m. Correspondence Address

City…………. State………….. District...............

Pin Code ………… Country…………
n. Permanent Address

City…………. State………….. District...............

Pin Code ………… Country…………
o. Mobile
p. E-Mail ID
q. Type of ID copy attached
(Passport, Aadhar Card, Govt. issued
Photo ID, Driving silence, Voter ID)
r. ID no.

YOG Certification Board

3. Educational Qualification and Skill

a. Academic Qualifications Below Secondary/ Secondary /Higher Secondary/

Diploma /Graduate/ Post Graduate/PhD/ Any

b. Yoga Qualifications None/ Certificate/Diploma /Graduate/ Post

Graduate/PhD/Any other

4. Working experience in Yoga

Yoga experience > 1 year ,

> 2 years,
3-5 years,
5-10 years,
10 -20 years ,
>20 years (Pl. attach the document)

5. Medical history Information / declaration

a. Do you have any family history of :

i. Heart ailment YES NO

ii. Diabetes YES NO
iii. Mental illness YES NO
iv. Tuberculosis YES NO

b. Whether you have undergone any surgical operation in the past? Yes No
c. Do you take any medicines regularly? Yes No Details
d. Do you have any body deformity or defect? Yes No Details
e. Do you have any problem of Rheumatism / Asthma / Joint pain? Yes No
f. Do you have any large veins in your legs, thighs (varicose -veins)? Yes No
g. Are you color blind? Yes No
h. Do you have any hearing problem? Yes No
i. Have you ever had any skin disorder? Yes No
j. Have you ever had medical treatment for?
i. Allergies YES NO
ii. Hay fever YES NO
iii. Reaction to medicine YES NO
iv. Sprain YES NO
v. Fracture or broken bone YES NO
vi. Diabetes YES NO
vii. Fits YES NO
viii. Eye trouble YES NO
ix. Fainting spells YES NO
x. Heart troubles or High Blood Pressure YES NO
xi. Hernia or Rupture YES NO
xii. Injury to knee joints YES NO
xiii. Paralysis or weakness in arms or legs YES NO
xiv. Emotional upsets YES NO

YOG Certification Board

I, ……………………….., confirm that I follow the Yamas and Niyamas as delineated in Patanjali Yoga Sutras to
the best of my ability in my day-to-day life and promise to continue to do so in future. I understand that if I am
found blatantly violating the Yamas and Niyamas at a later date, my certification can be suspended and withdrawn.

I, also confirm that I am in good health to be able to impart Yoga education and will bring to your notice when
there is a change in my health which will adversely affect my functioning as a Yoga professional. I understand that
if I am found not fit health-wise to be a Yoga professional at a later date, my certification can be suspended and
withdrawn. I will ensure a safe and protected environment in which an aspirant can grow physically, mentally, and
spiritually. I confirm that I have read and understood the document forming part of this declaration.

Signature of the candidate:_______________

Date: ___________

YOG Certification Board

xvii. Rheumatism YES NO

xviii. Prolonged fever YES NO
xix. Back pain YES NO

6. Agreement and Signature

By submitting this application, I confirm that the facts stated in it are true and complete. I understand that if I am
accepted as a candidate, any false statements, omissions, or other misrepresentations made by me on this
application may result in the immediate withdrawal of my application and legal prosecutions applicable and
debarment from applying further and forfeiture of the fee already paid.

I confirm that:-

Ÿ I waive my rights to claim for any injury incurred by me during physical assessment element of examination.
Ÿ I have read the self-declaration and agree to abide by the terms and conditions contained in them.
Ÿ I have no pending judicial proceedings relating to my conduct
Ÿ I have no pending proceedings by any regulatory authority
Ÿ I know of no instances of discomfort/disability of any students till date, except as listed below
List any instances of Name(s) of students Incidents reported
discomfort/disability of any
students till date

Name: __________________ Signature:____________

Place: ___________________ Date: ________________

Part – II (Assessment)
7. Mode of CYEP: Face to Face Virtual
8. Preferred CYEP Center:
1. _____________________________________
2. _____________________________________
3. _____________________________________
9. Preferred date of CYEP (select from the list): ____________________________
10. Language for Assessment (preferred): _______________________________________
11. Experience form (filled format)____________________________________
12. Number of person trained: ______________________
(Attach list with Name, phone no. and place in excel sheet)
13. Number of feedback forms: _____________________
(Attach JPEG/PDF in zip file)
14. Year of experience with organisation: ______________________
(Attach Experience letter from the organizations (JPEG/PDF file)
15. Number of Yoga camps organized: ________________________
(Letter / document certifying that the concern person has organized or was part of the organizing
team for Yoga camps - PDF/JPEG file)
16. Any other information: (attach document if required)

YOG Certification Board
Annexure F
Enrollment No. of Applicant ………………………………

Details of Field Experience of Yoga Professionals for CYEP

1. Name of Yoga Professional: ………………………………………………………

2. Mobile no. : ……………………………………………………………………….

3. Email No. : ………………………………………………………………………..

4. Existing Certificate no. : …………………………………………………………..

5. Current level of certification: …………………………………………………….

6. Details of the experience related to Yoga Teaching and Training:

A. Persons Trained

Mode of training
S. No. of persons Remarks
Financial Year (Multiple modes can be
No trained
selected for a year)
Home based
Any other ..........
Home based
Any other ………..
Total persons trained ______

A. Working Experience with organisation

S. Name of the Post Mode of From To Experience Roles &

No Organization / held working date date in hours Responsibilities
Institutions (Full time /
part time/

YOG Certification Board

Total Experience ______ hours

C. Yoga Camps
S. Name of the Place Organising From To Theme No. of
No Camp Institution date date Participants

Total no. of camps ______

1. Details of any other experience in the field of Yoga………………………………………

2. Copies of relevant certificates, to be enclosed.

Date Signature of candidate

YOG Certification Board

Annexure H
Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India


Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga
MDNIY, 68, Ashok Road, New Delhi - 110001

Application Form for Special CYEP for renewal and upgradation

Please note that this is an application for attending CYEP for renewal of Certificate of Yoga Professional

Part –I (Enrolment) Photo

1. Personal Information
a. Title (Shri/Smt./Ms./Dr.)
b. First Name
c. Middle Name
d. Last Name
e. Gender (Male/ Female/others)
f. Date of Birth ( DD-MM -YYYY)
g. Nationality
h. Father’s Name
i. Mother’s Name
j. Spouse’s Name
k. Category (SC/ ST/ OBC/EWS/General)
l. PwD Certificate
(Attach certificate)
m. Correspondence Address

City…………. State………….. District...............

Pin Code ………… Country…………
n. Permanent Address

City…………. State………….. District...............

Pin Code ………… Country…………
o. Mobile
p. E-Mail ID
q. Type of ID copy attached
(Passport, Aadhar Card, Govt. issued
Photo ID, Driving silence, Voter ID)
r. ID no.

YOG Certification Board
Annexure G
Feed Back Form for Experience as Trainer
Name of the trainer / Yoga Professional: ………………………………………

Application no. of YCB …………………………….......................................

Trainee Details :

1. Name : ………………………………………………………..........................

2. Address:…………………………………………………………......................

3. Email Id: ……………………………………………………….......................

4. Phone / Mobile Number: ……………………………......................

5. Period of Yoga Training/ practice

From:………………… To ……………… Total No. of days ……………

6. Mode of training : Home based/ Park/ Society/ Corporate / Any other


7. Reason for taking up Yoga Practice/ Training: ……………………………...………...…………..

8. Feedback about the Yoga Trainer/ Instructor : ………………………………...………...………….


Please mark the trainer out of 10:


(Signature )……………………………....

Date Name of trainee …………………………

YOG Certification Board

2. Educational Qualification and Skill

a. Academic Qualifications Below Secondary/ Secondary /Higher Secondary/

Diploma /Graduate/ Post Graduate/PhD/
Any other

b. Yoga Qualifications None/ Certificate/Diploma /Graduate/ Post

Graduate/PhD/Any other

3. Working experience in Yoga

Yoga experience > 1 year ,

> 2 years,
3-5 years,
5-10 years,
10 -20 years ,
>20 years (Pl. attach the document)

4. Medical history Information / declaration

a. Do you have any family history of :

i. Heart ailment YES NO

ii. Diabetes YES NO
iii. Mental illness YES NO
iv. Tuberculosis YES NO

b. Whether you have undergone any surgical operation in the past? Yes No
c. Do you take any medicines regularly? Yes No Details
d. Do you have any body deformity or defect? Yes No Details
e. Do you have any problem of Rheumatism / Asthma / Joint pain? Yes No
f. Do you have any large veins in your legs, thighs (varicose -veins)? Yes No
g. Are you color blind? Yes No
h. Do you have any hearing problem? Yes No
i. Have you ever had any skin disorder? Yes No
j. Have you ever had medical treatment for?
i. Allergies YES NO
ii. Hay fever YES NO
iii. Reaction to medicine YES NO
iv. Sprain YES NO
v. Fracture or broken bone YES NO
vi. Diabetes YES NO
vii. Fits YES NO
viii. Eye trouble YES NO
ix. Fainting spells YES NO
x. Heart troubles or High Blood Pressure YES NO
xi. Hernia or Rupture YES NO
xii. Injury to knee joints YES NO
xiii. Paralysis or weakness in arms or legs YES NO
xiv. Emotional upsets YES NO
xv. Tuberculosis YES NO

YOG Certification Board

xvii. Rheumatism YES NO

xviii. Prolonged fever YES NO
xix. Back pain YES NO

5. Agreement and Signature

By submitting this application, I confirm that the facts stated in it are true and complete. I understand that if I am
accepted as a candidate, any false statements, omissions, or other misrepresentations made by me on this
application may result in the immediate withdrawal of my application and legal prosecutions applicable and
debarment from applying further and forfeiture of the fee already paid.

I confirm that:-

Ÿ I waive my rights to claim for any injury incurred by me during the physical assessment element of the examination.
Ÿ I have read the self-declaration and agree to abide by the terms and conditions contained in them.
Ÿ I have no pending judicial proceedings relating to my conduct
Ÿ I have no pending proceedings by any regulatory authority
Ÿ I know of no instances of discomfort/disability of any students till date, except as listed below
List any instances of Name(s) of students Incidents reported
discomfort/disability of any
students till date

Name: __________________ Signature:____________

Place: ___________________ Date: ________________

6. Renewal Up-gradation

7. Certificate No. ___________Current Level ________ Validity Period: ____________

8. Name of previous Assessing agency: QCI/ Name of PrCB ____________________________

9. Certification Level Applied for:

Yoga Protocol Instructor

Yoga Wellness Instructor
Yoga Teacher & Evaluator
10. Mode of CYEP: Face to Face Virtual
11. Preferred CYEP Center:
1. _____________________________________
2. _____________________________________
3. _____________________________________
12. Preferred date of CYEP (select from the list): ____________________________
13. Language for Assessment (preferred): _______________________________________
14. Is Experience form in prescribed format attached ? Yes/ No______________________________
15. Number of person trained: ______________________
(Attach list with Name, phone no. and place in excel sheet)
16. Number of feedback forms: _____________________
(Attach JPEG/PDF in zip file)
YOG Certification Board

Annexure I
Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India


Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India
MDNIY, 68, Ashok Road, New Delhi - 110001

Application Form For approval of Personnel Certification Bodies (PrCBs)

Please note this form is to apply for YCB approval for PrCB for certification of Yoga Professionals
Before completing this application form Personnel Certification Bodies (PrCB) should study the certification scheme guidelines
carefully. If any clarification is needed, please contact YCB at
If additional information is required to be submitted it can be attached at the end.

PART – I General Information

1. Name of the agency/

2. Date of establishment DD/MM/YYYY

3. Legal Registration Details Registered under

Regn. No.

Date of Regn.

Regn. Authority
Place of Regn
4. Address of Head/Main

City PIN

State District

5. Contact Details Phone Fax

E-mail Website

6. Nature of activities/
objective of the

YOG Certification Board

17. Year of experience with organisation: ______________________

(Letter/document certifying that the concern person has organized or was part of the organizing
team for Yoga camps - PDF/JPEG file)
18. Number of Yoga camps organized: ________________________
(Letter / document certifying that the concern person has organized or was part of the organizing
team for Yoga camps - PDF/JPEG file)
19. Any other information: (attach document if required)

I, ……………………….., confirm that I follow the Yamas and Niyamas as delineated in Patanjali Yoga Sutras to
the best of my ability in my day-to-day life and promise to continue to do so in future. I understand that if I am
found blatantly violating the Yamas and Niyamas at a later date, my certification can be suspended and withdrawn.

I also confirm that I am in good health to be able to impart Yoga education and will bring to your notice when
there is a change in my health which will adversely affect my functioning as a Yoga professional. I understand that
if I am found not fit health-wise to be a Yoga professional at a later date, my certification can be suspended and
withdrawn. I will ensure a safe and protected environment in which an aspirant can grow physically, mentally, and
spiritually. I confirm that I have read and understood the document forming part of this declaration.

Signature of the candidate:_______________

Date: ___________

YOG Certification Board

7. Whether registered in India

or abroad?

8. Country/s of operation

9. Head of the organisation Name

(Managing trustee /
executive trustee etc.)
Contact details

10. Primary Contact Person Name


Phone Mobile


11. Branch office addresses Branch address:

with activities (Mention all Name of contact person:
branches) Designation :
Contact details:
12. Locations of the entity Address and phone No.:
which requires assessment
13. Details of the constitution
and managing body/board
/ trust / council (Present

14. Accredited by any certify Name of the Accrediting Body :

institution Activities for:
Cert. No.:
Validity Period :
15. Other Approval(s) from
Govt. or Regulatory
Bodies, if any
16. Whether the organisation
is doing other activities? (If
yes, 1. specify)
17. No. of candidates certified
till date

YOG Certification Board

Part II - Staff Details

Give details of key Managerial Personnel, all Auditors & Technical / Teaching Experts at the Main Office as
well as Branch Office locations.
1 Head of the organisa on Name:

Designa on:

Office Phone:

Mobile No.:

Email ID:

2 Managerial / technical staff details

Office Phone
Qualifica on

Designa on

Educa onal



Nature of
Email ID
Year of




3. Nontechnical staff
Office Phone

Qualifica on
Designa on

Educa onal



Nature of
Email ID
Year of




YOG Certification Board

Annexure J
Weightage Chart for Assessment of Personnel Certification Bodies
If the organization is not a legal entity, the assessment of the organization will not be taken up
S Criteria Weight a Maximum Marks Weighted Remarks
No. ge Marks awarded marks
(w) (m) (w x m)

1 Infrastructure and office 20 10

2 Administrative, Management 10 10
and Organisational
Policy Document
Organisation Structure
Confidentiality and
House keeping services
3 Staffing 10 10
4 Systems for Assessment 20 10
Impanelment of invigilators
Impanelment of examiner
Selection of exam centres
Rules and Regulations for
administering exams
System for ensuring
transparency in declaration of

5 System for handling 10 10

6 Financial Stability 10 10
7 Internal Audit and control 5 10
8 Control of records 5 10
9 Website 5 10
10 Accreditation from 5 10
competent Board
Total 100 100

T (Total weighted marks) = [Sum of (w X m) / 10]

Marks on any parameter should be awarded as follows:
Ÿ Fulfilling 100% to 90% of criteria - 10-9 marks
Ÿ Fulfilling 90% to 75% of criteria – 8-6 marks
Ÿ Fulfilling 75% to 50% of criteria – 5-4 marks
Ÿ Fulfilling 50% to 30% of criteria – 3-2 marks
Ÿ Fulfilling 30% to 10% of criteria - 1 mark
Ÿ Fulfilling 10% to 0% of criteria – 0 mark

YOG Certification Board

Attached documents as annex:

1 Legal Status of the agency- Copy of Registration Certificate with details of activities for which
the organisation is registered (Annexure to be marked as (A.1, A.2.......)

2 Infrastructure and office space – Ownership document for self owned office space/ rent
agreement/ lease deed for rented office space.

3 Administrative, Management and Organisational Requirements –

Ÿ Memorandum of Association / constitution
Ÿ Policy documents specifying aim, objectives, vision & mission, a logo, an organogram etc and
other policy related documents
Ÿ Organisation documents defining organisational structure, duties, responsibilities and
authorities of the management, personnel and its committees
Ÿ Documentary evidence of staff hired with details like qualification, experience, role etc.
Ÿ Documentary evidence of arrangement made for ensuring confidentiality and impartiality

4 Policy documents of the organization for administration of exams like

Selection process for Invigilator, Examiner, exam centres etc.

5 Details of structure for handling complaints with name of the person

6 Annual report along with audit report for last 3 years

7 Set up of the Internal Audit with sample audit report and action taken in the past

8 Documents of the procedures established for retaining records

9 Copy of the Accreditation received from any other Board, if any

10 Manuals developed for implementation of the scheme

11 Application Fee

12 Any other document


I, ---------------------------------- the Authorized Representative on behalf of --------------------------------(Name

of institution), hereby agree to follow the existing Terms & Conditions of Yoga Certification Board (YCB) as
well as Rules and Regulations of the Scheme for Certification of Yoga Professionals as laid by YCB and
amended from time to time.

Signature and seal of authorised signatory: _______________________

Name of the authorised signatory: ______________________
Date: _________________

YOG Certification Board

Criteria for Accreditation/ Recognition of

Annexure K

Leading Yoga Institutions

Eligibility criteria:
Ÿ The Yoga institution should have the legacy of Yoga tradition (parampara).
Ÿ The Yoga institution should be registered under Societies Act, 1860 or Trusts Act, 1882 or central/ state
legislative acts.
Ÿ The Yoga institution should have minimum 15 years of existence in the field of Yoga.
Ÿ The institution should have minimum 10 years of experience in conducting Yoga education / training/
therapy courses.
Ÿ The Yoga institution should have produced minimum 500 institutionally qualified Yoga professionals at the
time of applying.
Ÿ The Yoga institution should be willing to conduct Continuing Yoga Education program of Yoga Certification
Board, after it is accreditated by the YCB.
Ÿ The Yoga institution should have sufficient infrastructure facilities, faculty and staff for conducting different
Yoga courses and examination for different levels, as approved by YCB from time to time, as listed below:

S. No. Head Standard required

A Infrastructure and other


A.1 Space · The Institution should have minimum 2 acres of land and
built up area of minimum 15000 sq ft. However the area
criterion may be relaxed for institutions located in metros
and hilly areas.

A.2 Infrastructure · Class rooms – minimum six which can accommodate

students with space of 6 sq feet per student.
· Halls for demonstration and practice of Yoga with
minimum of 18 sqft space per student.
· Space for practice of Shat karma with required
equipments with standard hygienic conditions.
· A meditation hall.
· All rooms should be properly ventilated.
· Wash rooms, dressing rooms and drinking water facility.
· Office of head of the Institution.
· An administrative block for managerial / support staff.
· Adequate faculty / staff rooms.
· C anteen facility in the campus.
· A conference hall / auditorium.
· Hostel / residential facility for residential programs.

YOG Certification Board

S. No. Head Standard required

A.3 Learning Resources · The Institution should have a library with access
to minimum 5000 books and journals.
· Adequate and appropriate goods and equipments
like mats, PA system, computers, etc should be

A.4 Environment · The environment of the campus of the Institution

should be conducive for Yoga teaching and
learning process.
· Institution should preferably have provision for
renewable energy and natural water harvesting.

A.5 Safety arrangement · There should be a medical room with required

staff for handling medical emergencies.
· The building and all the civil construction should
be inclusive.

B Teaching faculty

B.1 Teaching faulty / Minimum teaching faculty and qualifications:

Instructors/ trainers and
· Head of the Institution:
their qualification and
An eminent Yoga Guru/ master having
contributed for the promotion and development
of Yoga under Guru Shishya parampara
(substantiated by documentary evidence) with
minimum 15 years of experience in the field of
Yoga or topic related to Yoga
L-4 certified Yoga Professionals with minimum of
15 years of experience
An eminent Yoga Professional with PhD in Yoga
or topic related to Yoga with minimum 15 years
of Teaching experience in Yoga

· Two L--3 certified Yoga Professionals with

minimum of 8 years of experience in the field of
Yoga or topic related to Yoga
Two Yoga Professional with post graduate degree
and diploma in Yoga of minimum 1 year
duration from recognized university or from an
Institute of national repute or recognized by YCB
with minimum experience of 8 years in the field
of Yoga

YOG Certification Board

S. No. Head Standard required

C.4 Time table for · There should be a time table for each course and
dissemination of the record maintenance system.

D Management structure
and policies

D.1 Communication process · The Institution should have its dedicated website
to display all the information on its website for
knowledge and information of the aspiring
· There should be personnel responsible for hosting
the information on its website on timely basis and
also for electronic communication like emails and
sms as and when necessary.

D.2 Admission process · There has to be a fair and transparent admission

process for courses offered by the institution.
· This process should be well documented and also
displayed on its website.
· The document regarding the process followed in
the previous year(s) should be available for audit.

D.3 Feedback process · The Institution must have a well established

system for getting feedback from students and
other stakeholders, and may need to produce
documents, when requested.

D.4 Complaint handling · The Institution should have established procedure

procedure for any person to lodge a complaint and its re -
dressal by the competent authority.
· There should be an Officer designated for the

D.5 Results of the institution · The Institution should have a system for
and its review assessment and evaluation of its candidates, timely
declaration of results, and system for remedial
action, if needed.

D.6 Management, accounting · There should be a dedicated head of the

and record keeping institution.
· The vision, values, philosophy, objectives and
commitments of the organization should be well
defined, approved and documented.
· There should be a management structure in place
to execute vision, mission and goals of the

YOG Certification Board

S. No. Head Standard required

B.1 · Four L-3 certified Yoga Professionals with
minimum of 5 years of experience in the field of
Yoga or topic related to Yoga
Four Yoga professional with post graduate degree
and diploma in Yoga of minimum 1 year
duration from recognized university or from an
Institute of national repute or recognized by YCB
with minimum experience of 5 years in the field
of Yoga.

· Eight Yoga teachers/ instructors-

L-2 certified Yoga Professionals with minimum of
3 years of experience in teaching Yoga
Graduate with diploma in Yoga of minimum 1
year duration.

· Two faculty for allied sciences like Anatomy &

Physiology, Psychology, Diet and Nutrition,
Ayurveda, Education etc. who are a post graduate
with PhD in related subject or Post graduate and
diploma in related subject of atleast 1 year

B.2 System to upgrade the · The Institution should have a system whereby the
skill and competencies of teaching staff is provided opportunity to upgrade
teachers/ instructors their skill and keep updated with latest
developments in the field.

C Curriculum and

C.1 Courses offered in the · The Institution may offer courses in Yoga for
Institution different duration and level but the Institution
aspiring to be certified through YCB should be
running courses equivalent to any or some or all
of the levels / types of certification offered by
the Yoga Certification Board.

C.2 Syllabus and courses · The courses and the respective syllabus should be
available in public domain – on its notice board
and on its website.

C.3 Work plan · The institution should have a work plan for
delivery of syllabus covering training /
demonstration/ practice.

YOG Certification Board

Annexure L
Eligibility Criteria for Accreditation/Recognition
of Yoga Institution
Ÿ The Yoga institution should be registered under Societies Act, 1860 or Trusts Act, 1882 or central/ state
Legislative Acts.
Ÿ The Yoga institution should have minimum 5 years of experience in conducting Yoga education / training
Ÿ The Yoga institution should have produced atleast 100 institutionally certified Yoga professionals/ teachers at
the time of applying.
Ÿ The Yoga institution should have sufficient infrastructure facilities, faculty and staff as listed below:

Head Standard required

A Infrastructure and
other facilities

A.1 Space · The institution should have minimum space including

the built up area of atleast 1 acre

A.2 Infrastructure · Class rooms – minimum four in number with space to

accommodate the students with 6 sq feet of space per
· Hall for demonstration and practice of Yoga with
minimum of 18sq ft space per student.
· Space for practice of Shat karma with required
equipments with standard hygienic conditions.
· A meditation hall.
· All rooms should be properly ventilated.
· Wash rooms, dressing rooms and drinking water
· Office of head of the institution.
· An administrative block for managerial / support
· Adequate faculty / staff rooms.

A.3 Learning Resources · The Institution should have a library with access to
minimum 2000 books and journals.
· Adequate and appropriate goods and equipments like
mats, PA system, computers etc should be available.

A.4 Environment · The environment of the campus of the institution

should be conducive for the teaching and learning
· The institution should preferably have provision for
renewable energy and natural water harvesting.

YOG Certification Board

S. No. Head Standard required

· There should be a separate administrative unit to
take care of the implementation of statutory
administrative decisions and other regulatory
requirements of the institution.
· There should be well defined internal quality
assurance and monitoring mechanism.
· There should be a defined policy and procedures for
retention and accounting of students’ records.
· There should be a system for book keeping and
maintenance of accounts.

D.7 Financial resources · The Yoga Institution should have records of the
stability financial resources and there should be
commitment about stability / continuing financial
support for running the courses.
· Records of details of the Grant -in-aid, if any and
other funds received should be maintained.
· Statutory Audit report of at least last 3 years
should be maintained.

YOG Certification Board

Head Standard required

· One faculty for allied sciences like Anatomy &

Physiology, Psychology, Diet and Nutrition, Ayurveda,
Education etc. with a post graduate with PhD in related
subject or Post graduate and diploma in related subject of
minimum 1 year duration.
B.2 System to upgrade · The institution should have a system whereby the teaching
the skill and staff is provided opportunity to upgrade their skill and
competencies of keep updated with latest development in the field.
teachers/ instructors
C Curriculum and
C.1 Courses offered in · The institution may offer courses in Yoga for different
the Institution duration and level but the Institution aspiring to be
certified through YCB should be running courses
equivalent to any or some of the levels of certification
offered by the Yoga Certification Board.
C.2 Syllabus and courses
· The courses and the respective syllabus should be available
in public domain – on its notice board and on its website.

C.3 Work plan · The Institution should have a work plan for delivery of
syllabus covering training / demonstration/ practice.
C.4 Time table for · There should be a time table for each course, and a record
dissemination of the maintenance system.
D Management
structure and
D.1 Communication · The Institutions hould have its dedicated website to display
process all the information on its website for knowledge and
information of the aspiring candidates.
· There should be a personnel responsible for hosting the
information on its website on timely basis and also for
electron ic communication like emails and sms as and when
D.2 Admission process · There should be a fair and transparent admission process for
courses offered by the institution.
· This process should be well documented and also displayed
on its website.
· The document regarding the process followed in the
previous years should be available for audit.

YOG Certification Board

Head Standard required

A.5 Safety arrangement · There should be a medical room with required staff for
handling medical contingency.
· The building and all the civil construction should be

B Teaching faculty

B.1 Teaching faulty / Minimum teaching faculty and qualifications:

· Head of the Institution:
trainers and their
An eminent Yoga Guru/ master having contributed for the
qualification and promotion and development of Yoga under Guru-shishya
competencies parampara (substantiated by documentary evidence) with
minimum 15 years of experience in the field of Yoga or
topic related to Yoga
L-4 certified Yoga Professionals with minimum of 15 years
of experience
An eminent Yoga Professional with PhD in Yoga or topic
related to Yoga with minimum 15 years of Teaching
experience in Yoga

· One L-3 certified Yoga Professionals with minimum of 8

years of experience in the field of Yoga or topic related to
One Yoga Professional with post graduate degree and
diploma in Yoga of minimum 1 year duration from
recognized university or from an Institute of national
repute or recognized by YCB with minimum experience of
8 years in the field of Yoga

· Four L-3 certified Yoga Professionals with minimum of 5

years of experience in the field of Yoga or topic related to
Four Yoga professional with post graduate degree and
diploma in Yoga of minimum 1 year duration from
recognized university or from an Institute of national
repute or recognized by YCB with minimum experience of
5 years in the field of Yoga.
· Four Yoga teachers/ instructors–
L-2 certified Yoga Professionals with minimum of 3 years of
experience in teaching yoga
Graduate with diploma in Yoga of minimum 1 year

YOG Certification Board

No. Head Standard required

D.3 Feed back process · The Institution must have a well established system for
getting feedback from students and other stakeholders
and may need to prod uce documents, when requested.

D.4 Complaint Handling · The Institution should have established procedure for any
procedure person to lodge a complaint and its re -dressal by the
competent authority.
· There should be an Officer designated for the purpose.

D. 5 Results of the · The Institution should have a system for assessment and
institution and its evaluation of its candidates, timely declaration of results,
review and system for remedial action, if needed.

D.6 Management, · There should be a dedicated head of the institution.

Accounting and · The vision, values, philosophy, objectives and
Record keeping commitments of the organization should be well defined,
approved and documented.
· There should be a management structure in place to
execute vision, mission and goals of the institution.
· There should be a separate administrative unit to take care
of the implementation of statutory administrative
decisions and other regulatory requirements of the
· There should be well defined internal quality assurance
and monitoring mechanism.
· There should be a policy and procedures for retention and
accounting of students’ records.
· There should be a system for book keeping and
maintenance of accounts.

D.7 Financial resources · The Yoga Institution should have records of the financial
Stability resources and there should be commitment about stability
/ continuing financial support for running the courses.
· Records of details of the Grant -in-aid, if any and other
funds received should be maintained.
· Statutory Audit rep ort of at least for last 3 years should be

YOG Certification Board

Eligibility Criteria for accreditation/ recognition

Annexure M
of Yoga Training centres
Ÿ The Yoga Training centre should be registered under Societies Act, 1860 or Trusts Act, 1882 or central/ state
Legislative Acts.
Ÿ The centre should have minimum two years of experience in conducting Yoga training courses.
Ÿ Atleast one of the courses offered by the centre should be aligned to the level-1 syllabus of the Yoga
Certification Board.
Ÿ The centre should be maintaining standards with respect to teaching staff, infrastructure, learning

S. No. Head Standard required

A Infrastructure and

A.1 Infrastructure · Minimum one hall for theory class and

demonstration/ practice with minimum space of
18 sqft per student.
· Space for practice of Shat karma with required
equipments and standard hygienic conditions.
· All rooms should be properly ventilated.
· Sufficient wash room and drinking water facility.
· One room / space for Head of the Centre and for
managerial / support staff.

A.2 Learning Resources · The Centre should have a library with access to
minimum 500 books and journals.
· Adequate and appropriate goods and equipments
like mats, PA system, computers etc should be
A32 Environment · The environment of the campus of the centre
should be conducive for Yoga teaching and learning
A.4 Safety arrangement · There should be arrangement for handling medical

YOG Certification Board

S. No. Head Standard required

B Teaching Staff

B.1 Teaching faculty / Minimum teaching faculty and qualifications

Instructors/ trainers and
· One L-3 certified Yoga Professional with
their qualification &
minimum of 5 years of experience in the field of
Yoga or topic related to Yoga
One Yoga professional with post graduate degree
and diploma in Yoga of minimum 1 year duration
from recognized university or from an Institute of
national repute or recognized by YCB with
minimum experience of 5 years in the field of Yoga.
· One instructor for each batch of the course -
L-2 certified Yoga Professionals with minimum of 3
years of experience in teaching Yoga
Graduate with diploma in Yoga of minimum 1 year
· The staff should have sound knowledge of the
syllabus and should have the skill to demonstrate
the Yoga asanas and kriyas.
C Curriculum and Syllabus
C.1 Syllabus and courses · The courses and the respective syllabus offered by
the centre should be available in public domain –on
its notice board and preferably on its website.
C.2 Work plan · The centre should have a work plan for delivery of
syllabus covering training / demonstration/
C.3 Time table for · There should be a time table for each course and
dissemination of the record maintenance system.
D Management structure
and policies
D.1 Communication process · The centre should have its dedicated website to
display all the information on its website for
knowledge and information of the aspiring
· There should be a personnel responsible for hosting
the information on its website on timely basis and
also for electronic communication like email,
sms and when necessary.

YOG Certification Board

S. No. Head Standard required

D.2 Admission process · There has to be a fair and transparent admission
process for courses offered by the centre.
· This process should be well documented and also
displayed on its website.
· The document regarding the process followed in
the previous year should be available for audit.

D.3 Feed back process · The centre must have a well established system for
getting feedback from students and other
stakeholders and may need to produce documents,
when requested.

D.4 Complaint handling · The centre should have established procedure for
procedure any person to lodge a complaint and its re-dressal
by the competent authority.
· There should be an Officer designated for the

D.5 Results of the centre and · The centre should have a system for assessment and
its review evaluation of its candidates, timely declaration of
results, and system for remedial action, if needed.

D.6 Management, Accounting · There should be a designated head of the

and Record keeping organization.
· There should be a person responsible to take care of
the implementation of statutory administrative
decisions and other regulatory requirements of the
· The centre should have defined objectives and
should strive to achieve those.
· There should be policy and procedures for
retention and accounting of students’ records.
· There should be a system for book keeping and
maintenance of accounts.

D.7 Financial resources · The Yoga centre should have records of the
Stability financial resources and there should be a assurance
about stability / continuing financial support for
running the courses.
· Statutory Audit report of at least for last 3 years
should be mainta ined.

YOG Certification Board

PART – I General Information

5 Contact Details Phone Fax

E-mail Website

6 Details of the Legacy of

Yoga Tradition followed
(Applicable for LYI)

7 Is the Institution willing to (Yes/ No)

conduct Continuing Yoga
Education program of
Yoga Certification Board?
(Applicable for LYI)
8 Details of courses offered, Under Yoga Education and Training
students enrolled and
Name of the No. of candidates No. of Year
certified till date.
Course enrolled qualified

Under Yoga Therapy

9 Details of courses offered Name of the No. of candidates No. of Year

under any other Course enrolled qualified
nomenclatures. candidates

YOG Certification Board
Annexure N 

Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India


Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga
Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India
68, Ashok Road, New Delhi - 110001

Application Form
For Accreditation/recognition of Yoga Institution/ Centre
To apply for YCB Approval for Accreditation as Leading Yoga Institution/ Yoga Institution/ Yoga Training Centre, please
complete this application form online on YCB portal
Before completing this application form Yoga Institution/ Centre should study the certification scheme guidelines carefully. If any
clarification is needed, please contact YCB at
Select the category for Accreditation:
Leading Yoga Institution
Yoga Institution
Yoga Training Centre

PART – I General Information

1 Name of the Institution

2 Date and Year of DD/MM/YYYY


3 Legal Registration Details Registered under

Regn. No.

Date of Regn.

Regn. Authority

Place of Regn
4 Address of Head / Main

City PIN

State District

YOG Certification Board

PART – I General Information

10 Objective of the

11 Details of activities carried

out in the Institution

12 Whether registered in India

or abroad?

13 Country/s of operation

14 Head of the Institution Name

(Managing trustee /
executive trustee etc.)
Contact details


15 Primary Contact Person Name


Phone Mobile


16 Branch Office address Branch address:

with activities (Mention all Name of contact person:


Contact details:


Activities carried out :

17 Location/branches Address and phone No.:

which requires

18 Details of the constitution

and managing body/board
/ trust / council (Present
status )

19 Accredited by any certifying Name of the Accreditating Body:

Activities for:

Cert. No.:

Validity Period:

YOG Certification Board

PART – I General Information

20 Other Approval(s) from

Govt. or Regulatory

Bodies, if any

21 Whether the premise is

being used for any other
activities? (If yes, Pl.

22 Is any of the programs

conducted in temporary
location/s? If yes, provide
the details

Part – II Infrastructure and facilities details

23 Ownership Details – land /
infrastructure (Own / rented/

24 Total area of land

25 Total built up area

26 Room for head of the centre No. Total area

with Water Closet

27 Reception room Total area

28 Waiting room Total area

29 Room for managerial staff with No. Total area

Water Closet

30 Room for Teaching staff

31 Room for administrative & No. Total area

support staff with Water Closet

32 Number of class room(s) No. Total area

33 Number of halls for practical No. Total area

34 Space for Shat Karma No. Total Area

35 Meditation Hall No. Total Area

YOG Certification Board

36 Library and details of facilities in

the library
(Digital resources, no. of books
and journals etc)
37 Cleansing area No. Total area
38 Changing room No. Total area
39 Library No. Total area
40 Drinking Water facility No. Total area
41 Washroom No. Total area
42 Generator room No. Total area
43 Store room No. Total area
44 Garden / green area No. Total area
45 Meeting room No. Total area
46 Conference room No. Total area
47 Canteen No. Total area/
48 Teaching aids available Bench/Mat/Chair/Table
White board / Black board / Smart Board
PA system / Audio visual system / Projector
49 Hostel / Residential facility Mode – Hostel in Type Capacity
campus/ tie up with
nearby hostel/ hotels
50 Provision of renewal energy in
the campus
51 Provision of Rain/Natural water
52 Is the building inclusive (disabled
friendly) ?
53 CCTV Camera Surveillance Locations covered

54 Medical emergency room/anangement No. Total area

55 Vehicle No. Type /
* Applicant should add more column or attach separate sheet if required.

YOG Certification Board

Part - III Staff Details

Give details of key Managerial Personnel, all Auditors & Technical / Teaching Experts at the Main Office as well
as Branch Office locations.

1 Head of the Institution Name:


Office Phone:

Mobile No.:

Email ID:

2 Teaching / Technical staff details






Nature of
Email ID
Year of





3. Nonteaching / Nontechnical staff

Office Phone





Nature of
Email ID
Year of





I, ---------------------------------- the Authorized Representative on behalf of --------------------------------(Name
of institution), hereby agree to follow the Terms & Conditions of Yoga Certification Board (YCB) as well as
Rules and Regulations of the Scheme for Certification of Yoga Professionals and Accreditation of Yoga
Institutions as laid by YCB and amended from time to time.

Signature and seal of authorised signatory: _______________________

Name of the authorised signatory: ______________________
Date: _________________

YOG Certification Board

Annexure O
Weightage Chart for Assessment of Yoga
Qualifying Criteria:
a. Leading Yoga Institutions:
The organization needs to fulfil the following criteria to be taken up for assessment under the head of
Leading Yoga Institution
Ÿ The Yoga Institution is a legal entity
Ÿ The Yoga Institution should have the legacy of Yoga tradition
Ÿ Minimum 15 years of existence in the field of Yoga
Ÿ Minimum 10 years of experience in conducting Yoga education / training/ therapy courses
Ÿ Should have produced minimum 500 institutionally qualified Yoga professionals at the time of
Ÿ Willing to conduct Continuing Yoga Education program of Yoga Certification Board, after it is
recognised by the YCB.
b. Yoga Institution
The organization needs to fulfil the following criteria to be taken up for assessment under the head of
Yoga Institution
Ÿ The Yoga Institution is a legal entity
Ÿ The Yoga institution should have minimum 5 years of experience in conducting Yoga education /
training courses.
Ÿ The Yoga institution should have produced minimum 100 institutionally certified Yoga
professionals/ teachers at the time of applying.
c. Yoga Training Centre
The organization needs to fulfil the following criteria to be taken up for assessment under the head of
Yoga Training Centre
Ÿ The Yoga centre is a legal entity
Ÿ The centre should have minimum two years of experience in conducting Yoga training courses.

YOG Certification Board

Attach documents as annex:

(All the Annexure should be marked as serial head followed by number under the head like A.1,A.2….,
B.1,B.2 ….)

A Document relating to the Legacy of Yoga tradition followed (Annexure to be marked as A.1,

C Documentary proof of year of establishment of the Institution. (Annexure to be marked as C.1,

E Policy documents specifying aim, objectives, vision & mission, a logo, an organogram etc and

F Organisation documents defining organisational structure, duties, responsibilities and authorities of

the management, personnel and its committees (Annexure to be marked as F.1, F.2…)
G Details of the 1st Yoga course conducted by the Institutions (Annexure to be marked as G.1,
H Document of ownership of the land/ lease deed/ rent agreement (Annexure to be marked as
H.1, H.2…)
I Campus plan / Building layout (Annexure to be marked as I.1, I.2…)
J Photographs of rooms, canteen facility, conference room and other infrastructure facilities
(Annexure to be marked as J.1, J.2…)
K Documentary evidence of staff hired with details like qualification, experience, role (Annexure to
be marked as K.1, K.2…)
L Details of the teaching staff (Annexure to be marked as L.1, L.2…)

M Details of non teaching staff (Annexure to be marked as M.1, M.2…)

N Details of courses offered ( Brochure, work plan, time table and other details) (Annexure to be
marked as N.1, N.2…)
O Details of management / administrative staff (Annexure to be marked as O.1, O.2…)

P Details of feed back receiving process (Annexure to be marked as P.1, P.2…)

Q Details of Compliant handling mechanism (Annexure to be marked as Q.1, Q.2…)

R Policy documents regarding conducting assessment, evaluation and declaration of results

S Policy documents regarding retention and accounting of students' records (Annexure to be

T Proof of Application Fee deposited to YCB for Accreditation (Annexure to be marked as T.1,

YOG Certification Board

S No. Criteria Weightage Maximum Marks Weighted Remarks

(w) Marks awarded marks
(m) (wxm)
7.1 Management, accounting 6 10
and record keeping –
management structure,
policy documentation,
defining of vision, values,
philosophy, objectives
and commitments of the
institution, document
retention, maintenance
of accounts etc

7.2 Financial resources 4 10

Total 100 200

T (Total weighted marks) = [Sum of (w X m) / 10]

Marks on any parameter should be awarded as follows:
Ÿ Fulfilling 100% to 90% of criteria - 10-9 marks
Ÿ Fulfilling 90% to 75% of criteria – 8-6 marks
Ÿ Fulfilling 75% to 50% of criteria – 5-4 marks
Ÿ Fulfilling 50% to 30% of criteria – 3-2 marks
Ÿ Fulfilling 30% to 10% of criteria - 1 mark
Ÿ Fulfilling 10% to 0% of criteria – 0 mark

YOG Certification Board

S No. Criteria Weightage Maximum Marks Weighted Remarks

(w) Marks awarded marks
(m) (wxm)
1 Years of existence in 5 10
the field of Yoga
2 Years of experience in 5 10
conducting Yoga
education / training/
therapy courses
3 No. of institutionally 5 10
qualified yoga
professionals at the
time of applying.
4 Infrastructure and
other facilities
4.1 Space 5 10
4.2 Infrastructure 10 10
4.3 Learning Resources 5 10
4.4 Environment 2 10
4.5 Safety arrangement 3 10
5 Teaching Staff
5.1 No. of Teaching staff / 10 10
Instructors/ trainers
5.2 Qualification and 10 10
competencies of
teaching staff
6 Curriculum and
6.1 Compatibility of 10 10
courses offered by the
Institution to levels of
certificates offered by YCB
6.2 Dissemination of 3 10
information on courses
in public domain
6.3 Work Plan & time 5 10
6.4 Communication 2 10
6.5 Admission process 4 10
6.6 Feed back process 2 10
6.7 Complaint handling 2 10
6.8 Results of the institute 2 10
and its review
7 Management structure
and policies

Description Of YCB Logo
The Yoga Certification Board logo represents basic elements of internal purification for realising universal self
through spiritual practices. The logo is designed on a white background representing the transcendental state and
that can be attained with the practice of Ashtang Yoga and that leads to Samadhi. Here the eight leaves represent
'eight limbs' of Ashtang Yoga which is guided to a meaningful and purposeful life .

It has seven colour which represents Aura and Energy as healing elements.
Ÿ The green colour symbolizes the Yama(Restraints)& Niyama(observance) which are present at the bottom of the
logo. These are the foundation of the spiritual path which helps to transform human nature into a divine nature.

Ÿ The red colour symbolizes the Asana as it energies and makes the body strong and powerful.

Ÿ The orange colour symbolizes Pranayama (Breath regulation) which works at physical level and helps to increase
oxygen supply to the brain. It also brings joy and happiness.

Ÿ The blue colour symbolizes Pratyahara (withdrawal of senses) & Dharana (Concentration) which promotes both
physical and mental relaxation that leads to the higher level of state that is Dhyana.

Ÿ The violet colour symbolizes Dhyana (Meditation) which shows the state of cosmic awareness and cosmic
consciousness. This is the union of body and soul creating a balance between our physical and spiritual energies.

Ÿ The indigo colour symbolizes Samadhi state which opens the consciousness and brings awareness to higher planes
and connects us with the spiritual world.

Ÿ The yellow colour at the background shows great enthusiasm for life and can awaken greater confidence and

At the bottom the sutra 'Yogaschittvrittinirodha' is the definition of Yoga given by Maharishi Patanjali, means “Yoga is
cessation of mental modification” and leads to kaivalya which is the ultimate goal of Yoga.

Yoga Certification Board 011-23354634, 23354695

Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga
Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India
68, Ashoka Road, New Delhi -110 001 YCB_YOGA

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