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A Case Study On Thermodynamic Analysis of Cogeneration Power Plant (IRJET-V2I9163)

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056

Volume: 02 Issue: 09 | Dec-2015 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

A Case Study on Thermodynamic Analysis of Cogeneration Power Plant

1Darshan H Bhalodia, Atmiya Institute Of Technology And Science For Diploma Studies, Rajkot, Gujarat, India
2Darshit B Parikh, Atmiya Institute Of Technology And Science For Diploma Studies, Rajkot, Gujarat, India
3Jignesh B Sinojiya, Atmiya Institute Of Technology And Science For Diploma Studies, Rajkot, Gujarat, India

Abstract - The aim of this work is to use the energy increased awareness that the world’s energy resources are
analysis based on the first law of thermodynamics to limited has caused many countries to re-examine their
identify the locations and magnitudes of losses in order energy policies and take drastic measures in eliminating
to maximise the performance of a 25 MW plant at waste. The first law analysis is used to assess the overall
Saukem Ltd., Porbandar to evaluate the overall plant, plant performance. It has also sparked interest in the
boiler, and turbine and subsystem efficiencies. Energy scientific community to take a closer look at the energy
flows in a boiler have been shown in this paper. The conversion devices and to develop new techniques to
boiler efficiency is calculated using indirect method better utilize the existing limited resources (Cengel and
after estimating the various heat losses in the boilers. Boles, 2008). Nowadays, there are a few methods to
From results the overall thermal efficiency of the plant measure the performance of a power plant (Hussein et al.,
by computing the individual efficiency of the boiler 2001).[2] Thermodynamically, it is established that the
(79.4%), steam turbine (33.57%), and generator (98%) thermal efficiency of the plant increases with an increase
appears to be 26.2 %. in the maximum cycle temperature. However, if the
maximum cycle temperature increases, the exhaust
temperature also increases, thereby increasing the loss of
heat to the environment.
Key Words: Energy, Boiler Efficiency, Extraction back-

1) Extraction back-pressure turbine type:

This is performed on that the extraction of steam for heat
Energy is one of the major inputs for the economic generation is not taken from the rear part but from the
development of any country.The overall power scene in middle part of the turbine. This has the advantage that
India shows heavy shortages in almost all the states. heat and power generation can be adjusted to the different
Today, many electrical generating utilities are striving to requirements. With the help of valves the extraction
improve the efficiency (or heat rate) at their existing pressure can be adjusted right at the extraction point so
thermal electric generating stations, many of which are that the required steam conditions for heat generation can
over 25 years old. Often, a heat rate improvement of only a also be kept when run at part load. This is the advantage
few percent appears desirable as it is thought that the over the topping steam turbine where the conditions vary
costs and complexity of such measures may be more according to the load point.[8] To meet the demands of
manageable than more expensive options. To assist in high heat requirements all steam for heat generation can
improving the efficiencies of coal-to-electricity be taken from the extraction point. Depending on the
technologies, their thermodynamic performances are pressure (or temperature) levels at which process steam is
usually investigated. In general, energy technologies are required, backpressure steam turbines can have different
normally examined using energy analysis. The primary configurations as shown in Fig.1 In extraction and double
objective of energy efficiency measures in the industry is extraction backpressure turbines, some amount of steam
to lower energy cost by reducing the need for purchased is extracted from the turbine after being expanded to a
energy or by using least-cost energy resources. certain pressure level. The extracted steam meets the heat
Cogeneration, being one of the energy conservation demands at pressure levels higher than the exhaust
methods, offers good scope, especially in process pressure of the steam turbine.
industries, for attaining higher efficiency levels.[1] The

© 2015, IRJET ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal Page 963

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 02 Issue: 09 | Dec-2015 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

to generate process heat as 120 TPH of HP steam at 105

kg/cm2 and 90 TPH of LP steam at 31.5 kg/cm2.[ 9]

1) Plant operation:
A schematic diagram of the plant with its various
significant components, considered for the present study
is shown in Fig.1 The demineralized water from the DM
tank enters the boiler drum using boiler feed pumps. This
DM water then passes through the bank tubes where it is
converted into steam and flows through the turbine on
reaching to the desire temperature and pressure. The
water is converted into steam using the heat energy of the
fuel used in combustion process. Lignite coal used as a
fuel. After combustion of fuel, gases are generated which
Fig.1 Different Configurations for Back Pressure Steam after exchanging heat through the water wall tube escapes
Turbines from the stack. The steam after passing through the
turbine goes to extraction and last to the exhausted to
1) Application:
process industry. The process is repeated again wherein,
Cogeneration systems are also quite suitable for various the condensed steam is sent back to the upper drum using
process industries involving rayon, pulp and paper, feed water pumps. The turbine rotates using the steam
chemical process, textile and fertilizer, where both power and the generator is connected through gear box rotates
and process steam are used. When a constant amount of which in turn leads to generation of electricity. This
heat is required (because of little possibilities of control) electricity is then transmitted through the transmission
Very often there are various steam turbines arranged on a lines. The steam extracted from the various points is also
line in order to allow using one or more turbines shown in the schematic diagram. [9]
according to the requirements.[3]
Table 1 Working Data of 25MW Cogeneration Power
2) Extraction condensing turbine:
Content Unit Value
The functionality is similar to that of a cycle with back
pressure turbine with the difference that here the Load MW 25
extraction steam for heat generation is not taken from the
rear part but from the middle part of the turbine. This has Coal Flow TPH 28
the advantage that heat and power generation can be
adjusted to the different equipments. With the help of Steam flow TPH 90
valves the extraction pressure can be adjusted right at the
extraction point so that the required steam conditions for FW pressure before economiser kg/cm2 107
heat generation can also be kept when run at part load.
This is the advantage over the topping steam turbine FW temp before economiser 125
where the conditions vary according to the load point. [ 5] c


O2 in APH inlet % 4
The Steam turbine cogeneration plant, chosen for the
present study consists of two steam turbine units total 25 O2 in APH outlet % 4.5
MW power output and two CFBC boiler with capacity of
Superheated steam temp c 505
120 TPH steam flow rate each one. Fig.1 shows the
schematic layout of the plant. Each ST unit has an installed
capacity of 12.5 MW and each boiler unit has the capacity Superheated steam Pressure kg/cm2 105

© 2015, IRJET ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal Page 964

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 02 Issue: 09 | Dec-2015 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

CO2 in flue gas % 14

CO in flue gas % 0.6

FW flow TPH 95

LP steam to dearetor temp c 133

Temperature of water at dearator outlet c 123

Flue gas inlet to APH c 144

Flue gas at stack c 102

Flue gas inlet to economizer c 320

Flue gas at outlet of super heater c 667

Hot air from APH c 220

Fig.2 Schematic diagram of 25MW cogeneration plant
Table 2 Coal specifications
Parameters Kutch Lignite Imported
The first law of thermodynamics (Energy analysis) deals
coal coal
with the quantity of energy and asserts that energy cannot
be created or destroyed. The law merely serves as a
GCV (kcal/kg) 3380 6200
necessary tool for the bookkeeping of energy during a
Ash content (%) 10.8 10 process and offers no challenges to the engineer
(Ganapathy et al., 2009; Makinde, 2008; Cengel and Boles,
Moisture (%) 34 13.27 2008). Energy is always conserved (in balance); it can
neither be produced nor consumed. Energy is a measure of
Sulphur content (%) 2.5 0.4 quantity (Dincer and Al-M uslim, 2001). The First Law
deals with the
Oxygen (%) 12.5 8.2
amounts of energy of various forms transferred between
Carbon (%) 36.5 62.5 the system and its surroundings and with the changes in
the energy stored in the system. It treats work and heat
Hydrogen (%) 2.5 4.39
interactions as equivalent forms of energy in transit and
offers no indication about the possibility of a spontaneous
process proceeding in a certain direction. The first law
places no restriction on the direction of a process, but
satisfying the first law does not ensure that the process
can actually occur. This inadequacy of the first law to
identify whether a process can take place is remedied by
introducing another general principle; the second law of
thermodynamics.Energy analysis of a thermal system is
based on the first law of thermodynamics which embodies
the following two distinct assertions: A system can
interact with its surroundings in only. There is a property
called energy whose change gives It is important to note

© 2015, IRJET ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal Page 965

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 02 Issue: 09 | Dec-2015 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

that for conservation of energy it is necessary to pursue

two objectives, namely to reduce the demand for energy
  
Heat Input to Turbine  m S  hS  hFW  mDS  hinlet  hFW 
and to supply this demand at the maximum possible  25   3379.7  516.31  1.11  2734  139.16 
efficiency. The second objective is within the field of the
engineering community. The first law efficiency of a
 71584  2880.27
thermal system, which is the ratio of the work output to  74464.27 KJ / kg
the heat input, has shortcomings. [4]
 Power generation
For example: It cannot be readily generalized to complex heat input to turbine
systems in which the desired output is a combination of 25  1000
work and heat, as in total energy systems. It completely 
ignores the exergy concept which plays the central role in
governing utilization and conservation of fuel resources. It  33.57%
does not provide any suitable guidance for fuel loss Overall thermal efficiency=boilere fficiency×turbine efficiency×generator efficiency
minimization and thus leads to wrong conclusions in
o  79.4  33.57  98
terms of fuel economy [6].
 26.12%

The data for boiler operation and turbine operation of TPS Table 3 Different efficiencies of power plant
at full load were observed and relevant parameters have
been estimated. Using these data and compiled value, First Sr no Component Efficiency (%)
law analysis (energy analysis) is carried out for the given
plant. The performance of a plant is evaluated by 1 Boiler 79.4
calculating the overall efficiency of unit by using the
individual efficiencies of boiler, turbine and generator. The 2 Turbine 33.5
performance of a plant is evaluated by calculating the
3 Generator 98
individual efficiencies of the boiler, turbine and generator.
The efficiency of the boiler is evaluated by indirect 4 Overall efficiency 26.12
method. In the indirect method the input is assumed to be
100% and the various losses encountered in the boiler are
calculated and subtracted from 100. The various losses in
the boiler are; energy losses due to exhaust gas, energy Table 4 Summary of Heat Balance for Coal Fired Boiler
losses due to hydrogen in fuel, energy losses due to
moisture in fuel, energy losses due to moisture coming Parameters Kcal/kg of (%)
with air supplied, energy losses due to partial conversion coal
of C to CO, energy losses due to unburnt in fly ash &
Heat input 3380 100
bottom ash, and radiation, convection. [7] Based on the
data available in Table 1, the calculations are made for Losses in Boiler 223.08 6.60
boiler losses and the results are shown in Table 4. From
the available data for the turbine, following calculations Energy losses due to the 241.33 7.14
are made to calculate the turbine efficiency. Turbine inlet exhaust gas
steam flow = 90 TPH = 25 kg/s.
Energy losses due to 147.36 4.36
hydrogen in fuel

Energy losses due to 222.74 6.59

moisture in fuel

Energy losses due to 9.126 0.27

moisture coming with air

© 2015, IRJET ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal Page 966

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 02 Issue: 09 | Dec-2015 p-ISSN: 2395-0072


Energy losses due to partial 59.48 1.76 We are very much thankful to peoples of Nirma
conversion of C to CO cogeneration power plant for providing sufficient data for
plant. We are also thankful to those who help directly or
Energy losses due to radiation 67.6 2 indirectly to complete the project
& convection
Energy losses due to unburnt 4.90 0.145
in fly ash [1]T.Ganapathy, N.Alagumurthi, R.P. Gakkhar, Exergy
Analysis Of Operating Lignite Fired Thermal Power Plant,
Energy losses due to unburnt 7.77 0.23 Journal Of Engineering Science And Technology Review
in bottom ash 2(1) ,123-130,[ 2009].

Total losses 79.499 [2]R.K.Kapooria, S.Kumar, K.S. Kasana,, “An Analysis Of A

Thermal Power Plant Working On A Rankine Cycle A
Theoretical Investigation”, Journal Of Energy In Sourthen
VI: CONCLUSION Africa, Vol 19(1), February [2008], 77-82.

From the above experiment & result analysis it is very [3]Nag, P. K., “Power Plant Engineering,”, Tata McGraw
clear that CFBC boiler efficiency is highest, which is 79.4% Hill, New Delhi, 2nd Edition, [2001].
and the heat losses are only 20.6%. Out of all the boiler
losses, the highest heat losses 7.14% occurs due to the [4] El-Wakil, M. M., “New Power Plant Technology”, New
exhaust gas. York, McGraw-Hill, [1984].

The turbine efficiency is very less and is estimated as [5] Çengel, Y.A.andA.B.Michael, “Thermodynamics
33.57% Because of the several turbine losses like; Losses AnEngineering Approach.”, McGraw Hill Companies, Inc.,
in regulating valve, Nozzle friction losses, Blade friction New York, 6th Edition [2005 ].
losses , Disc friction losses , Partial admission losses ,
[6] C. Mborah, “On the Energy and Exergy Analysis of a
Gland leakage losses, Cary over losses.
500 KW Steam Power Plant at Benso Oil Palm Plantation”,
From the thermodynamic analysis using first law of Research journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 2(4):
thermodynamics, it can be concluded that, energy analysis 239-244, [2010].
evaluates the plant quantitatively. The power plant overall
[7]Prof. Alpesh V. Mehta, “Thermodynamic Analysis of
efficiency is 26.2%.
Gandhinagar thermal power station”, International Journal
of Advanced Engineering Technology, E-ISSN 0976-3945,
December [2010].
In the future work performance analysis will be carried
[8] “Energy efficiency in thermal utilities”, Bureau of
out at Saukem Ltd, Porbandar using plant operational data
Energy Efficiency, Vol 2 pp 155-169 [2007].
to evaluate the energy, exergy efficiency of plant, along
with heat loss and exergy loss occurs in each component of [9] Thyssen-krupp India ltd, “operation & maintenance
plant. For that mass flow rate, pressure and temperature manual design handbook”, [2007].
of each component are considered for the performance
analysis of lignite coal based 25 MW cogeneration power

© 2015, IRJET ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal Page 967

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