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Chand et al.

, J Civil Environ Eng 2018, 8:1

Journal of Civil & Environmental
Envi nmen
DOI: 10.4172/2165-784X.1000295

urnal of Civi

Engi eering

ISSN: 2165-784X

Research Article Open Access

Investigation of Biocide Biodegradation in Wastewater under Laboratory

Set-Up in Anaerobic, Aerobic and Aerobic with Substrate Conditions
Rupa Chand*, Tiberiu Tulucan and Mariana Aburlacitei
Department of Civil Engineering, Aalborg University, Denmark

In this study the biodegradation of five biocides such as Isoproturon (IP), Octyl-isothiazolinone (OIT), Terbutryn
(TB), Cybutryne, Irgarol (IRG) and Tebuconazole (TBU) in raw wastewater have been investigated. The laboratory
experiment was performed under three conditions as aerobic, anaerobic and aerobic with substrate (molasses). The
biocides concentration was detected using High Pressure Liquid Chromatography coupled with Mass Spectrometer
(HPLC-MS). This was conducted to quantify the biodegradation of biocides in wastewater. Under these three
conditions investigated Isoproturon (IP) had no clear degradation. Octyl-isothiazolinone (OIT) is significantly
biodegraded in all three conditions. Terbutryn (TB), Cybutryne, Irgarol (IRG) and Tebuconazole (TBU), investigated
are slowly biodegradable. From the experiment, it is observed that aerobic with substrate condition is most suitable for
biodegradation of the selected biocides.

Keywords: Biocide; Biodegradation; Raw wastewater; Anaerobic; wastewater treatment plant [13-16] where with conventional treatment
Aerobic; Substrate processes they cannot be removed completely, thus finally they reach
to the recipient area [15-18] such as rivers and streams. At present,
Introduction biocides pollutants from the building and construction materials getting
increased [11-19] and hence these sources are also gaining attention for
We have right to enjoy healthy life, food without contamination from
pollution in watercourses for such organic pollutants [11].
the poisons, clean domestic kitchens, bathrooms, toilets and pathogen
free hospitals, restaurants, hotels, farms, shops, supermarkets and all The selected biocides Isoproturon (IP), Octyl-isothiazolinone
surrounding around us. Worldwide biocides are being used for getting (OIT), Terbutryn (TB), Cybutryne, Irgarol (IRG) and Tebuconazole
rid from different daily life problems including bacterial, fungal, allergic, (TBU) are used in paints, household cleaning products, personal care
fouling and other microbial activities. The continuous use of biocidal products, coatings, textiles, paper coating materials, leather, laundry,
products increasing with number of applications [1] and hundreds of renders, wood preserver and agricultural areas. These all biocide
products are used in low concentration in fabrics and cleans claiming could reach to waste water plants through sewer system. The waste
for help in controlling infection. Biocides use in buildings as in-can water plants become the conveyor to the recipient such as rivers, lakes,
preservative, façade coatings [2], preservative for leather or rubber and estuaries and oceans. So it is necessary to collect the contaminated water
industrial working fluids [3]. In time perspective, the chemical biocides and proceed for the treatment which can be accomplished by physical,
have been used for centuries, initially for food and water preservation chemical and biological processes [20]. Scientists and the researcher
[1,4-6]. It can be said that the biocides are useful for protecting the public need to focus on efficient reduction in the treatment system in order
health and environment from disease causing agents. Consequently, to decrease the harmful impact on environment particularly to the
the biocidal products have various environmental impacts and create aqueous environment.
threats to the public health in several ways. Regarding the specificity, In present study the major objective is to evaluate degradation by
toxicity and composition biocides pose a real danger for the existence micro-organisms (biodegradation) of biocides in wastewater. More
and health of human and animals [7]. specific aim of the project is to quantify the degradation of biocides
More truthful facts about biocides are related with bacterial in different conditional set ups in laboratory and also to find suitable
resistance to low concentration. In most cases low to intermediate condition for degradation in wastewater. For this purpose, batch
resistance have been observed but sometime high concentration experiment was set up in laboratory with three conditions; as anaerobic,
resistance has been found [8,9]. The biocidal activity depends upon aerobic with substrate (molasses) and aerobic without substrate.
number of factors including the concentration, contact time, organic Kinetics of biodegradation
load, formulation, temperature, pH, presence of biofilm, type of
micro-organisms and number of micro-organisms [1]. In many cases In this report, the kinetics for biodegradation is described by;
the resistance or adaptation of the micro-organisms is because of the
changing environment [10].
*Corresponding author: Rupa Chand, Department of Civil Engineering,
Water is dominant agent that carries the biocides used in Aalborg University, 9100 Aalborg, Denmark, Tel: +45 99 40 99 40; E-mail:
agriculture, private households and discharge to the recipients or to
waste water treatment plants. griculture has been supposed to be the Received December 11, 2017; Accepted January 23, 2018; Published January
major source of biocide pollution throughout the years [11]. It could 27, 2018
be seen that municipal wastewater is one of the main exposure route Citation: Chand R, Tulucan T, Aburlacitei M (2018) Investigation of Biocide
that brings the biocidal products into the environment [12] because it Biodegradation in Wastewater under Laboratory Set-Up in Anaerobic, Aerobic and
has limited ability of removal of biocides from the wastewater. Similarly, Aerobic with Substrate Conditions. J Civil Environ Eng 8: 295. doi: 10.4172/2165-
the chemicals from the agricultural sites and polluted soils reach to the
wastewater during the wet season or sometime could directly discharges Copyright: © 2018 Chand R, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
to the recipient during peak wet season. After being used for several
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and
purposes, the biocides are discharged into sewerage systems and reach to source are credited.

J Civil Environ Eng, an open access journal Volume 8 • Issue 1 • 1000295

ISSN: 2165-784X
Citation: Chand R, Tulucan T, Aburlacitei M (2018) Investigation of Biocide Biodegradation in Wastewater under Laboratory Set-Up in Anaerobic,
Aerobic and Aerobic with Substrate Conditions. J Civil Environ Eng 8: 295. doi: 10.4172/2165-784X.1000295

Page 2 of 9

r=k Cn (1.1) with 0.1% formic acid (A) and acetonitrile with 0.1% formic acid (B) is
used: 0-1 min 30% B, 1-10 min 30-90% B, 10-14 min 90% B, 14-19 min,
Where, r=Reaction rate (M/L /T) 3
30% B. Before the samples were analyzed it had been added 2 internal
k=Reaction constant (1/T) standards TB-D5 and IRG-D9.
C=Reagent concentration (M/L3) Results and Discussion
n=Reaction order (zero to second order) Biodegradation in chosen conditions
The quantified decreasing of the biocide concentration is considered Selected biocides were spiked with the same starting concentration
the first order degradation. Basically, it is based on the assumption that of 0.25 mg/l. They were present in all three conditions performed but
the reaction rate is directly proportional to biocide concentration and with slightly different concentrations between them after one hour of
also various reactions in sewage treatment follows first order kinetics the experimental set up. All the samples have a duplicate and named
[21]. Taking logarithm on both sides gives; as ‘A’ and ‘B’. The results from the experiment are presented in Table 1.
log r=logk + n log C (1.2) The graphical representation for Isoproturon (IP) presented in
The rate of the change of concentration (dC/dt) of the pollutant is following Figure 1, is the concentrations during all three conditions. It
proportional to the pollutant concentration at given time. The associated can be seen that the concentration for this biocide are slowly increasing
reaction can be mentioned as; in the graphic, but when the starting concentration (0.25 mg/l) is
compared with the last analysis performed there is a minor decreasing.
(dC/dt)=- k. C (1.3) Although, when the final values compared with the one hour recovery
Integrating the equation 1.3 with C=Co at t=0, it gives; amount, the concentration for IP is slightly increased. For the anaerobic
condition the final concentrations are 0.2317 mg/l for ‘A’ sample and
In C=In C0 – k. t 0.2198 mg/l for ‘B’ sample. In the aerobic case condition, the final
k=(In C0 – In C) / t (1.4) concentration for sample ‘A’ is 0.2387 mg/l and for sample ‘B’ is 0.241
mg/l; for aerobic plus substrate the values are 0.2339 mg/l for sample ‘A’
And further it gives; and 0.2297 mg/l for sample ‘B’.
C=C0. e-kt (1.5) From the graphic illustration for Octyl-isothiazolinone (OIT), all
Materials and Methods three conditions show that during the experiment this compound is
degraded before 7 days. After this time period this compound had none
Sampling detectable values. The final concentration for the analysis has been taken
The raw waste water samples were taken from the Aalborg West for the 24 hours. For anaerobic condition, the final concentrations are
Wastewater Treatment Plant (AWWTP). The sampling was performed 0.0593 mg/l for sample ‘A’ and 0.0373 mg/l for sample ‘B’. For aerobic,
after some days of raining, due to that it has been more diluted than the final concentrations are 0.0371 mg/l for sample ‘A’ and 0.0285 mg/l
usually. This was taken after the removal of grease compounds and for sample ‘B’. For aerobic plus substrate the values are 0.0049 mg/l for
mechanical processes. After the sample was collected, it has been stored sample ‘A’ and 0.0038 mg/l for sample ‘B’.
in the fridge for 7 days before the experiment begun. The laboratory Other three biocides, Terbutryn (TB), Cybutryne, Irgarol (IRG) and
experiment lasted for 14 days. Tebuconazole (TBU), in all three conditions are slowly degradable. For
Analytical procedure Terbutryn (TB), in anaerobic condition the concentration after 14 days
are 0.147 mg/l for sample ‘A’ and 0.1206 mg/l for sample ‘B’, for aerobic
Here, 500 ml of wastewater sample was spiked with 1.25 mg, with a condition are 0.1485 mg/l for sample ‘A’ and 0.1298 mg/l for sample
concentration of 0.25 ml/l, stock solution of biocide Isoproturon (IP), ‘B’. In the last case, aerobic plus substrate, the values are 0.13 mg/l for
Octyl-isothiazolinone (OIT), Terbutryn (TB), Cybutryne, Irgarol (IRG) sample ‘A’ and 0.1275 mg/l for sample ‘B’. For Cybutryne, Irgarol (IRG),
and Tebuconazole (TBU). To simulate the conditions from a wastewater the final concentrations values are, in anaerobic case, 0.1267 mg/l for
facility, the experiment consists in 6 samples: 2 samples that simulate
sample ‘A’ and 0.0939 mg/l for sample ‘B’. In aerobic case, 0.1136 mg/l
anaerobic conditions that at the beginning of the experiment were flushed
for sample ‘A’ and 0.0968 mg/l for sample ‘B’. In aerobic plus substrate
with N2 to remove the oxygen; 2 samples simulate aerobic condition; 2
condition, the values are 0.1027 mg/L for sample ‘A’ and 0.1048 mg/l
samples simulate aerobic conditions in which molasses was added as
for sample ‘B’. For Tebuconazole (TBU), the values in the anaerobic
substrate. The experiment was conducted for 14 days to see computable
condition are 0.1267 mg/l for sample ’A’ and 0.0939 mg/l for sample
reduction in the biocide concentration. The samples extracted were
taken after 1 hour of the addition of biocides, after 24 hours, after 7 days ‘B’. For aerobic condition the final concentration for sample ‘A’ and ‘B’
and 14 days. For aerobic samples it has been necessarily to be flushed are 0.1136 mg/l and 0.0968 mg/l respectively. In aerobic plus substrate
with compressed air (CA), daily, approximately at the same hour. In all condition, the values are 0.1027 mg/l for sample ‘A’ and 0.1048 mg/l for
that time the samples were placed on a shaking table with 120 rpm.
Conditions IP OIT TB IRG TBU
The method chosen for analyzing the samples is HPLC-MS (High Anaerobic A 0.2377 0.1783 0.1935 0.1973 0.1794
Performance Liquid Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry) using Anaerobic B 0.2073 0.1605 0.1769 0.1811 0.1667
electrospray ionization in positive mode (ESI(+)) on an Ultimate Aerobic A 0.2407 0.1685 0.1925 0.1979 0.1786
3000 HPLC-system coupled to an MSQ Plus single quadrupole Mass Aerobic B 0.2166 0.1643 0.1845 0.1935 0.1742
Spectrometer (Thermo Scientific). The separation is performed at 30°C Aerobic + Substrate A 0.2372 0.1548 0.1862 0.1917 0.1724
using Synergy polar-RP column (L=150 mm, ID=2 mm, particles=4 Aerobic + Substrate B 0.2252 0.1509 0.1882 0.1969 0.1768
µm, Phenomenex, Torrance, CA, USA). A multi-step gradient of water
Table 1: Initial concentrations of selected biocides in (mg/l).

J Civil Environ Eng, an open access journal Volume 8 • Issue 1 • 1000295

ISSN: 2165-784X
Citation: Chand R, Tulucan T, Aburlacitei M (2018) Investigation of Biocide Biodegradation in Wastewater under Laboratory Set-Up in Anaerobic,
Aerobic and Aerobic with Substrate Conditions. J Civil Environ Eng 8: 295. doi: 10.4172/2165-784X.1000295

Page 3 of 9

sample ‘B’. All three biocides have approximately the same tendency and reaches to 68.85%, 71.08% and 66.53% with these three conditions. TBU
close concentrations values. is also slowly decreased at 24 hours and found 98.22% for anaerobic and
82.32% for aerobic with substrate condition but found slightly higher in
Averaged concentration of these biocides throughout the
comparison to first hour in aerobic condition. At last hour of experiment
experimental period has been shown in Figure 1.
it found 63.72%, 59.61% and 59.42% with respective anaerobic, aerobic
As graphics shown in Figure 1, there is sudden degradation of OIT and aerobic with substrate conditions.
in all three conditions in 24 hours of experimental set up. It gives about
28.5%, 19.7% and 2.8% degradation at respective anaerobic, aerobic and Biodegradation constant (k) values
aerobic with substrate condition in comparison to 1 hour of recovery The calculated first order degradation constant values in laboratory
period. Likewise, for the same biocide component during whole for all selected biocides have been summarized in Table 2. Comparing
experiment period of 336 hours, there is no detectable amount found. all three conditions it is clearly noticed that biodegradation is large
Furthermore, in 24 hours TB shows slow degradation of 99.1%, 98.7% enough in aerobic with substrate condition. The substrate addition
& 80.07% and at 336 hours it reaches to 72.23%, 73.81% and 68.78% for
to the medium brings measurable changes in the metabolism of the
anaerobic, aerobic and aerobic with substrate conditions respectively.
bacteria [22]. The added substrate, molasses is a source of carbon for the
Again, in 24 hours of experimental time there is no decreasing of IRG
involved bacteria in the degradation process. The presence of substrate
in anaerobic and aerobic conditions, but it reaches 82.08% for aerobic
with substrate condition. At 336 hours of total experimental time it allows the bacteria to grow which break down or partially convert to

Figure 1: Average concentration of the selected biocides throughout the experiment.

J Civil Environ Eng, an open access journal Volume 8 • Issue 1 • 1000295

ISSN: 2165-784X
Citation: Chand R, Tulucan T, Aburlacitei M (2018) Investigation of Biocide Biodegradation in Wastewater under Laboratory Set-Up in Anaerobic,
Aerobic and Aerobic with Substrate Conditions. J Civil Environ Eng 8: 295. doi: 10.4172/2165-784X.1000295

Page 4 of 9

Biocides Test results/biodegradability Minimum constant k Half-life

IP* OIT TB IRG TBU Readily biodegradable 0.047 d-1 (1.128 h-1) 15 d (360 h)
Anaerobic -0.000043 0.054551 0.000971 0.001114 0.001345 Readily biodegradable (but failing 10-
0.014 d-1 (0.336 h-1) 50 d (1200 h)
Aerobic -0.000143 0.070601 0.000906 0.001019 0.001544 days window*)
Aerobic + Substrate -0.000008 0.155254 0.001117 0.001216 0.001554 Inherently biodegradable 0.0047 d (0.1128 h ) 150 d (3600 h)
-1 -1

*Negative biodegradation constant may be error factors in experimental procedure Not biodegradable 0 d-1 (0 h-1) ∞
or instrumental detection error. Table 3: Biodegradability based on reaction constant (Source: Board for the
Table 2: Measured biodegradation rate (k) constant (in h-1). Authorization of plant protection products and biocides, Kortekaas, 2010).

the trace pollutant [23]. With increase in bacterial population the Test results/biodegradability Biocide type Remarks
degradation rate get increased. Readily biodegradable - -
Readily biodegradable (but failing 10-days Aerobic +
In general, biological degradation (biodegradation) is usual practice OIT*
window*) Substrate
in wastewater treatment plants both in activated sludge treatment and Inherently biodegradable OIT, TB, IRG, TBU -
biological filtration [24]. But the long half-lives for biodegradation has Not biodegradable IP -
limted its effect on biocide degradation. Co-metabolism activities of Negative biodegradation constant for Isoproturon (IP) has been not included in
the micro-organisms are responsible for degradation of the organic classification.
substance and the degradation can occur in anoxic, anaerobic and RD=Readily Biodegradable (0.336 < k ≤ 1.128 h-1); RD#=Readily Biodegradable
but Failing 10 - Days Window (0.1128 h-1<k ≤ 0.336 h-1); ID=Inherently
aerobic condition. As mentioned earlier, most of the organic pollutants Biodegradable (0 h-1<k ≤ 0.1128 h-1) ND=Not Biodegradable (k=0 h-1).
follow the first order degradation. From batch experiment it can be
Table 4: Biodegradability type of selected biocides.
easily noticed that Isoproturon (IP) has no degradation. Instead it is
increasing in concentration. It may be due to some error factors during
the experimental set up or in detecting into chromatography. Also Using the values presented in Table 3 investigated biocides are
it has been found that Isoproturon (IP) has very low degradability classified in Table 4.
due to its low solubility in water which limits it bioavailability [25] From this classification we found all biocides are inherently
and also nitrogen-containing organic compounds may not be easily biodegradable in all three conditions. The only exception is Octyl-
biodegraded in the system [26,27]. In both, aerobic and anaerobic isothiazolinone (OIT), which in aerobic with substrate condition, is
condition the biodegradation of Isoproturon is not detected throughout
found to be readily biodegradable.
the experiment [20].
Modeled concentration and Half-life for biodegradation of
Broad spectrum used, Octyl-isothiazolinone (OIT) is non-persistent
and readily biodegradable [28] antifungal products. The higher selected biocides
degradation rate of OIT is also related with the water solubility (309 Octyl-isothiazolinone (OIT) has a significant biodegradation. The
mg/L) which enhance the bioavailability of the product [25]. Detected HPLC-MS cannot detect the biocide after 7 days (168 hours). However,
biodegradation rate constant for OIT ranges in between 0.05455 h-1 to analytical model provides values for lower concentration for this
0.15525 h-1 in anaerobic to aerobic with substrate conditions. compound (Figure 2). The other three biocides, including Terbutryn
Other compounds including Terbutryn (TB), Cybutryne, Irgarol (TB), Cybutryne, Irgarol (IRG) and Tebuconazole (TBU) have slower
(IRG) and Tebuconazole (TBU) have similar trend of degradation. rate of biodegradation. Calculated value for biodegradation rate constant
from experiment is used in the model by using the equation C=C0. e-kt
Terbutryn (TB) is mainly used in construction material and is
where C is concentration at time t and C0 is initial concentration (in this
susceptible for microbial degradation [29] and through rain water
case concentration after one hour of experimental set up).
contact reach to surface waters which create adverse effect on aquatic
organisms. From experiment, the obtained value for degradation Half-life for biodegradation of half concentration of the selected
constant ranges between 0.000906 h-1 to 0.001117 h-1 in aerobic and biocides are shown in Table 5. It is clear that the biodegradation is the
aerobic with substrate condition. common source of uncertainty. Though half - life for each condition for
each selected biocide is complex but all have lower half-life in aerobic
Cybutryne, Irgarol (IRG) is reported stable under natural condition
with substrate condition. It is again endorsed with larger number of
[30]. Its degradation in water column and also in sediment is slow [31].
microbial population with addition of substrate.
The obtained degradation constant value varies in between 0.001019 h-1
to 0.001216 h-1 in aerobic and aerobic with substrate conditions. This From the present laboratory experiment, the selected biocides
compound is reported as hydrolytically stable in water with pH 5-9 and degraded half of its amount from lesser than a week for OIT in aerobic
degraded 17% and 1% in 28 days at the concentration of 10 mg/l and 20 with substrate condition to more than a month TB in aerobic. For
mg/l respectively [32]. almost all of these biocides aerobic with substrate condition has shorter
half-life period. For OIT and TBU, aerobic condition has shorter half-
The biodegradation rate constant of Tebuconazole (TBU) is found
life time than anaerobic but is opposed for TB and IRG having longer
in between 0.001345 h-1 to 0.001554 h-1 in anaerobic and aerobic with
half-life with aerobic condition.
substrate condition respectively. TBU is persistent fungicide [33] and
widely used to control soil-borne and foliar diseases in the crops. The Isoproturon (IP) compound is mainly used to preserve facades
azole fungicides were observed slow degradation in water [34] and have and building materials [2]. It can be better degraded with hydrolysis
long persistent effect on aqueous environment. and photodegradation in a slower rate process [24]. The half-life is
more than a month [36]. But at present study we found the negative
The Board for the Authorization of Plant Protection Products
degradation constant values.
and Biocides, based on biodegradation screening tests, has classified
biocides depending on the rate of biodegradation constant ‘k’ [35]. The Isothiazolinones groups are widely used biocides in cooling

J Civil Environ Eng, an open access journal Volume 8 • Issue 1 • 1000295

ISSN: 2165-784X
Citation: Chand R, Tulucan T, Aburlacitei M (2018) Investigation of Biocide Biodegradation in Wastewater under Laboratory Set-Up in Anaerobic,
Aerobic and Aerobic with Substrate Conditions. J Civil Environ Eng 8: 295. doi: 10.4172/2165-784X.1000295

Page 5 of 9

Figure 2: Modeled biocide biodegradation curve by using calculated k (h-1); S=substrate.

Half-Life in hours (days) water, pulp and paper water treatment, in cosmetic products, shampoos
Conditions OIT TB IRG TBU and paints [37]. These group compounds are readily degradable having
Anaerobic 13 714 (29 days) 624 (26 days) 516 (22 days) the half-lives between 1 and 17 hours [38]. The half-life for OIT is
Aerobic 10 768 (32 days) 684 (29 days) 450 (19 days) found between 5 to 13 hours for aerobic with substrate and anaerobic
Aerobic + Substrate 5 618 (26 days) 570 (24 days) 444 (19 days) conditions respectively. The half-life in water found 30 days [39].
Terbutryn (TB) used as weed controller [40], is not toxic to soil but
Table 5: Half-life of selected biocides from the modeling using first order
biodegradation constant from laboratory experiment. toxic to aquatic animals and have tendency to bio-concentrate. The
half-life in water is in between 180-240 days [41]. But in wastewater
the biodegradation half-life has been found 618 to 768 hours in aerobic
Adjusted biodegradation constant (kadj) (h-1) with substrate and aerobic conditions respectively. Cybutryne, Irgarol
Anaerobic Aerobic Aerobic + Substrate 1051 (IRG) using as antifouling agents and also to prevent algal growth
IP 0.000009 -0.000107 0.000061 and is persistent in water. The aquatic half-life is 100 days (2400 hours)
OIT 0.052279 0.067659 0.148789 [42]. The biodegradation of this compound is hard which however
TB 0.001001 0.000917 0.001265 will be easily photodegraded. In this experiment we found the half-
IRG 0.001179 0.001015 0.001323 life in between 570 to 684 hours. The half-life for biodegradation
TBU 0.001348 0.001461 0.001618 of TBU compound in soil has found 49 days (1176 hours) with first
Table 6: Adjusted biodegradation constant values (kadj) from modeled and order degradation [33] in laboratory test. It is quiet faster degraded in
experimental computation. wastewater; half-life time is ranged in between 444 to 516 hours.

J Civil Environ Eng, an open access journal Volume 8 • Issue 1 • 1000295

ISSN: 2165-784X
Citation: Chand R, Tulucan T, Aburlacitei M (2018) Investigation of Biocide Biodegradation in Wastewater under Laboratory Set-Up in Anaerobic,
Aerobic and Aerobic with Substrate Conditions. J Civil Environ Eng 8: 295. doi: 10.4172/2165-784X.1000295

Page 6 of 9

Figure 3: Measured and adjusted degradation constant (h-1) for minimal standard square deviation.

J Civil Environ Eng, an open access journal Volume 8 • Issue 1 • 1000295

ISSN: 2165-784X
Citation: Chand R, Tulucan T, Aburlacitei M (2018) Investigation of Biocide Biodegradation in Wastewater under Laboratory Set-Up in Anaerobic,
Aerobic and Aerobic with Substrate Conditions. J Civil Environ Eng 8: 295. doi: 10.4172/2165-784X.1000295

Page 7 of 9

Figure 4: Best fit curve from modeled and measured concentration.

Adjusted biodegradation constant and best fit biodegradation As shown in Figure 3, difference of standard square deviation (SSD)
curve in between measured and adjusted degradation rate constant is 0.000052
h-1, 0.000036 h-1, 0.000069 h-1 respectively for anaerobic, aerobic and
In order to get a better fit curve from analytical modeling for aerobic with substrate condition for degradation of IP. OIT has greatest
biodegradation, the measured (experimental) values and modeled degradation rate constant for aerobic with substrate condition. The
values with respective time were adjusted. It has been done by difference between measured and adjusted constant rate is 0.0023 h-1,
minimizing the standard square deviation (SSD) in between these two 0.003 h-1 and 0.0065 h-1 at anaerobic, aerobic and aerobic with substrate
parameters. The adjusted biodegradation rate constant (kadj) for the best conditions. However, TB, IRG and TBU lesser variation in standard
fit modelled curve with the computed values from the experiment are square deviation in between them and within three set up laboratory
presented in Table 6. The difference in between measured and adjusted conditions. The difference in SSD for TB, is 0.00003 h-1, 0.000011 h-1,
biodegradation constant values has been shown in Figure 3. 0.000148 h-1; for IRG is 0.000065 h-1, 0.000004 h-1, 0.000107 h-1; for
Again, the adjusted biodegradation constant (k) values were used to TBU is 0.000003 h-1, 0.000083 h-1, 0.000064 h-1 in anaerobic, aerobic
get best fit modeled curve from first order biodegradation. and aerobic withsubstrate conditions respectively. Best fitted curve after

J Civil Environ Eng, an open access journal Volume 8 • Issue 1 • 1000295

ISSN: 2165-784X
Citation: Chand R, Tulucan T, Aburlacitei M (2018) Investigation of Biocide Biodegradation in Wastewater under Laboratory Set-Up in Anaerobic,
Aerobic and Aerobic with Substrate Conditions. J Civil Environ Eng 8: 295. doi: 10.4172/2165-784X.1000295

Page 8 of 9

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J Civil Environ Eng, an open access journal Volume 8 • Issue 1 • 1000295

ISSN: 2165-784X
Citation: Chand R, Tulucan T, Aburlacitei M (2018) Investigation of Biocide Biodegradation in Wastewater under Laboratory Set-Up in Anaerobic,
Aerobic and Aerobic with Substrate Conditions. J Civil Environ Eng 8: 295. doi: 10.4172/2165-784X.1000295

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J Civil Environ Eng, an open access journal Volume 8 • Issue 1 • 1000295

ISSN: 2165-784X

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