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Views of the Junior High School students at Tingco National

High School on Modular Distance Learning
Instruction: Based on your assessment, please check your
agreement/ disagreement on the practices of the junior high
school students in the new normal in terms of the following

Legend: 5 - Strongly Agree

4 - Agree
3 - Undecided
2 – Disagree
1 - Strongly Disagree

INDICATORS 1 2 3 4 5

A. Completion of Module
1. Module is completed and submitted
on time
2. Activities are difficult
3. Enough time is given in answering
the module
4. Some students tend to copy from
others without reading the module
5. The teachers are approachable (In
terms of helping the students in
completing the module)

B. Application of Technology
1. Gadget/s is a big help in
answering the module
2. Students tend to things (Facebook,
TikTok, K-Pop Idols, etc.) other
than resources that are related to
the subject
3. Utilizing online platforms (e.g.
Messenger, Email, Google forms,
etc.) for submission of outputs
(video presentations, pictures,
Word Docs, etc.) are very helpful
4. Using online platforms is/are easy
5. Using gadgets as an aid in
answering the module is costly

C. Collaboration with peers

1. It’s easier to complete the module
with friends/classmates
2. Using online platforms to work
with friends/classmates is much
easier than working with them
3. Regular communication with
friends/classmates through call
and/or text allows for an easier
collaboration which in turn makes
the answering of modules easy
4. We sometimes lose focus in helping
each other finishing the module
because of gaming with friends
5. Working on my module alone is
easier than working with my

D. Assistance from Family Members

1. Parent/s have enough time to help
their children with their module
2. Parents’ primary role in modular
learning is to guide the child
3. Parents/Guardians should be
responsible for interacting with
teachers, barangay
representatives, and other
stakeholders to acquire the
various materials and resources
needed by the learner
4. Parents should check/monitor if
their child/children is/are
answering the module
5. Difficult lessons poses a
challenge for parent/s in
assisting their children in
answering their module

E. Independent Learning
1. This Modular Distance Learning
allows students to take charge of
their own learning and be
confident to take decisions for
their academic excellence
2. The new setup allows students to
continue their educational paths
from the comfort of their home
3. Students who are used to being
supervised, guided, and strictly
scheduled in their school works
(especially in using resources,
including technological tools)
find it hard to adjust in this new
set up
4. Autonomy helps students organize
their work better, take more
initiative, think more critically,
and be more involved, responsible,
and accountable as well as make
them more motivated
5. Students feel emotionally
disconnected or isolated during
online classes


Instruction: Based on your assessment, please check your

agreement/ disagreement on the challenges met by the students in
the new normal along with the identified practices:

Legend: 5 - Strongly Agree

4 - Agree
3 - Undecided
2 - Disagree
1 - Strongly Disagree
INDICATORS 1 2 3 4 5

A. Completion of Module
1. Excessive amounts of activity
prevents students to pass the
module on time
2. Activities are difficult
3. There is not enough time in
completing the module
4. Students’ output tend to be all
the same due to lack of interest
5. The teachers find it hard to
connect with students (In terms of
helping the students in completing
the module) for some of the
students doesn’t have signal,
internet connectivity, gadget,
B. Application of Technology
1. Gadget/s is a big help in
answering the module
2. Browsing things (Facebook, TikTok,
K-Pop Idols, etc.) other than
resources that are related to the
subject is tempting
3. Utilizing online platforms (e.g.
Messenger, Email, Google forms,
etc.) for submission of outputs
(video presentations, pictures,
Word Docs, etc.) are very
challenging especially to students
who are unfamiliar with the said
4. Using online platforms is/are hard
especially without the necessary
tools (gadgets, internet
connection, etc.)
5. Some students cannot use gadgets
to its fullest due to expenses

C. Collaboration with peers

1. It’s hard to collaborate with
friends/classmates to complete the
module for some of them live far
from me
2. Using online platforms to work
with friends/classmates is
difficult since some of them
doesn’t have a gadget, signal, or
internet connection
3. Regular communication with
friends/classmates through call
and/or text is difficult as some
of them doesn’t have a phone, or
due to signal constraints
4. Other apps (TikTok, Mobile Legend,
etc.) distracts students from
doing their tasks
5. Some students doesn’t want to
collaborate in answering the
module for they prefer to answer
the module individually

D. Assistance from Family Members

1. Working parent/s have a difficult
time in helping their
child/children in answering the
2. Some students doesn’t have a
parent/ guardian to guide them
3. Parents are having difficulty with
the set schedule of the retrieval
and submission of their child's
4. Parents fail to check/monitor if
their child/children is/are
answering the module for some of
them have multiple children or due
to work
5. Parents are finding it difficult
to focus on different aspects of
their child’s overall development
especially if they have two or
more child that happens to be in
different grades

E. Independent Learning
1. This Modular Distance Learning
requires certain discipline and
motivation that most student find
hard to develop
2. Most students do not have a
computer or internet at home,
leaving them unable to access
online classes and lessons
3. If technical support from the
teacher/instructor is not
available, negative experiences
will be brought up
4. Autonomy creates a slow evolution
in terms of the students’ academic
5. Students are unable to socialize
and make connections as easily as
they could prior to the pandemic,
leading them experiencing
increased feeling of isolation and


Instruction: Based on your assessment, please check your

agreement/ disagreement on the needs of the students along with
the identified variable:

Legend: 5 - Strongly Agree

4 - Agree
3 - Undecided
2 - Disagree
1 - Strongly Disagree

INDICATORS 1 2 3 4 5

A. Completion of Module
1. Students should have fewer but
precise activities that measures
the essential skills that the
students should develop
2. Students should be given
appropriate challenging
work/activities (tasks that start
off slow then gradually increases
in difficulty) to allow for a
bridging of activities
3. Enough time should be given to
students in answering the module
4. To avoid disinterest and copying
of answers, students should be
given engaging tasks
5. Other means of connecting with
students should be made by
teachers (e.g. Scheduled Home
Visitation) to aid them in
answering the module
B. Application of Technology
1. Gadgets should be used properly to
avoid misapplication
2. Protection Apps like Kaspersky
SafeKids, FamiGuard Parental
Control, Qustodio, and many more
should be applied to the devices
used by students to prevent them
from using inappropriate websites
3. Proper training on appropriate
apps or sites to use should be
conducted from time to time and
reminded to students
4. With the lack of connectivity or
sometimes gadgets itself, in some
areas, other modes of instruction
should be used (printed)
5. Students should be given only a
limited number of online tasks
lessen load expenditures

C. Collaboration with peers

1. Students can use group chats on
various online platforms to
connect with their
2. Scheduled small group (to avoid
mass gathering) study session can
be conducted by students huddle
3. A study-buddy system can be used
by the students
4. Goal setting should be established
to avoid wasting of time on
unrelated activities
5. Collaboration should be encouraged
and rewarded by the teacher

D. Assistance from Family Members

1. Scheduled tutoring of the
child/children, by the parent
should be established
2. Other relatives should help
orphaned students in answering the
3. Parents can ask other parents to
get their module they are
4. Other members of the family, (i.e.
Eldest, auntie/uncle, cousin,
etc.) can assist in monitoring the
child’s/children’s’ progress in
the absence of the parents
5. Other members of the family, (i.e.
Eldest, auntie/uncle, cousin,
etc.) can assist in tutoring the
child/children in the absence of
the parents

E. Independent Learning
1. Intrinsic motivation can be
established through goal setting
2. Various modes of instruction
should be provided to cater those
who are unable to access online
3. Individual monitoring plan (that
is checked weekly by the teacher)
can be used to observe which
students need immediate or extra
guidance or in some cases, home
4. Teachers can encourage students to
do things they haven’t done before
in terms of academics, through
rewarding, in that way students
would level themselves up
5. Constant communication with
parents, teacher, and
peers/classmates can help avoid
the feeling of isolation and

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