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D) Maintaining Balance of Body

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Paper Anatomy II

2 Semester 4th Batch
BS-Dental Technology
Final 2016
Total MCQ’s =70 Time Allowed= 90 min.
1) Function of Middle Ear is
a) Interpretation of sound
b) Reception of sound
c) Transmission of sound to inner Ear
d) Maintaining balance of body
e) Maintenance fluid balance of body
2) Inner Ear converts sound waves into
a) Mechanical motion
b) Electrical Impulse
c) Sound
d) Magnetic waves
e) Magnetic signal
3) Pinna is a part of
a) Inner ear
b) Middle Ear
c) External ear
d) Nose
e) eye
4) External Acoustic Meatus has
a) Straight Path
b) C shaped path
c) S shaped Path
d) M shaped Path
e) Z shape path
5) _______ maintain balance by detecting position and motion
a) Skeletal muscles
b) Middle ear
c) Inner ear
d) External ear
e) Pelvic
6) Oval window is the part of
a) Nose
b) External ear
c) Inner ear
d) Middle ear
e) Oral cavity
7) The space below each Concha In nasal Cavity Is called
a) Nostrils
b) Meatus
c) Nasal Septum
d) Nasal cartilage
e) Nasal cavity

8) Sphenoid Air sinus Open into

a) Superior meatus
b) Inferior meatus
c) Both of above
d) Sphenoethmoidal recess
e) Oral cavity
9) Maxillary sinus Opens into the
a) Middle Meatus
b) Superior Meatus
c) Inferior Concha
d) Oral cavity
e) Middle ear
10) Inferior Meatus receives the opening of
a) Carotid Artery
b) Nasolacrimal Duct
c) Salivary Gland Duct
d) Sphenoidal air sinus
e) Maxillary Air sinus
11) Medial Wall Of nasal cavity is formed by
a) Maxillary Bone
b) Nasal Septum
c) Frontal Bone
d) Ethmoid Bone
e) Occipital bone
12) Nerves Of Ordinary Sensation in nose are Branches Of
a) Trigeminal Nerve
b) Mandibular Nerve
c) Optic Nerve
d) Maxillary nerve
e) Olfactory nerve
13) Lymph drainage of nasal Vestibule is in
a) Deep cervical nodes
b) Supra mandibular node
c) Sub mandibular Node
d) Sub maxillary node
e) Superficial Cervical Nodes
14) Sphenoidal sinus is lined with
a) Mucous Membrane
b) Sinus Epithelium
c) Periosteum
d) Mucoperiosteum
e) Serous Membrane

15) Triangular shape sinus is

a) Maxillary sinus
b) Frontal sinus
c) Sphenoid sinus
d) Ethmoidal Sinus
e) Nasal Sinus

16) Middle Ethmoidal Sinus Opens Into

a) Infundibulum
b) Below the bulla Ethmoidalis
c) Above the Bulla Ethmoidalis
d) Superior meatus
e) Buccal Vestibule

17) ______ is called as Little Brain

a) Pons
b) Medulla Oblongata
c) Cerebellum
d) Occipital lobe Of Cerebrum
e) Pituitary Gland
18) Cerebellum is present posterior To the
a) Medulla Oblongata
b) Pons
c) Spinal Cord
d) Occipital lobe Of Cerebrum
e) Pituitary Gland
19) Spinocerebellum Is comprised of
a) Grey matter
b) White Matter
c) Vermis
d) Mucous membrane
e) Air sinuses

20) Ocular reflexes are controlled by

a) Cerebrocerbellum
b) Optic Nerve
c) Spinocerebellum
d) Vestibulocerebellum
e) Pituatry Gland
21) Venous drainage of cerebellum is in
a) Inferior pertrosaldural venous sinus
b) Superior pertrosaldural venous sinus
c) Venous Plexus
d) Inferior vena cava
e) Anterior Chamber
22) Anterior Chamber of eye is filled with
a) Air
b) Aqumous Humor
c) Gel like fluid
d) Mucosa
e) Serous Fluid
23) Layer of eye Mostly made up of Blood Vessels
a) Sclera
b) Retina
c) Choroid
d) Iris
e) Cornea
24) Ankle joint is the type of
a) Plane Joint
b) Ball and socket
c) Hinge Joint
d) Pivotal joint
e) Free movement joint
25) Gluteus Maximus is_______ ?
a) Flexor of Thigh
b) Extensor of thigh
c) Abductor of Thigh
d) Abductor of Thigh
e) Rotator of thigh
26) Hamstrings of posterior Thigh are supplied by
a) Gluteal nerve
b) Sciatic Nerve
c) Spinal nerve
d) Trigeminal nerve
e) Mandibular nerve
27) Sartorius muscles are muscles of
a) Posterior thigh
b) Anterior thing
c) Forearm
d) Pelvis
e) Abdomen
28) FibularisLongus is present in
a) Posterior thigh
b) Anterior Leg
c) Fore arm
d) Abdomen
e) Anterior Thigh
29) Muscles of lateral legs are supplied by
a) Superficial Fibular nerve
b) Deep Fibular nerve
c) Sciatic nerve
d) Gluteal nerve
e) Abductor Nerve
30) FibularisBrevisLongus is a muscle of
a) Posterior thigh
b) Anterior Leg
c) Lateral leg
d) Fore arm
e) Abdomen
31) Muscles Of posterior leg are supplied by
a) Tibial nerve
b) Deep fibular Nerve
c) Sciatic Nerve
d) Superficialfibular nerve
e) Trigeminal nerve
32) Flexor HallucisBrevis is the muscle of
a) Pelvic
b) Thigh
c) Leg
d) Foot
e) Cervical region
33) Genitofemoral Is a branch of
a) Brachial Plexus
b) Lumbar Plexus
c) Sacral Plexus
d) Mandibular Nerve
e) Gluteal Nerve
34) Obturator nerve is a branch of
a) Brachial Plexus
b) Lumbar Plexus
c) Sacral Plexus
d) Mandibular Nerve
e) Maxillary Nerve

35) Superior Gluteal Nerve is a branch of

a) Brachial Plexus
b) Lumbar Plexus
c) Sacral Plexus
d) Abducent nerve
e) Trigeminal Nerve
36) Sciatic Nerve is a branch of
a) Brachial Plexus
b) Lumbar Plexus
c) Sacral Plexus
d) Abducent nerve
e) Trigeminal Nerve
37) Internal iliac artery supplies blood to
a) Knee
b) Flexor muscles of thigh
c) Extensor Flexor muscles of thigh
d) Adductor Muscles
e) Gluteal Muscle
38) Inguinal Nodes are found in
a) Upper aspect of Femoral Triangle
b) Posterior aspect of Femoral Triangle
c) Posterior thigh
d) Gluteal region
e) Arm Pit
39) Dura mater has ____layers
a) 1 Layer
b) 2 layers
c) 3 layers
d) 4 layers
e) 5 Layers
40) Dural venous sinuses are present between layers of
a) Duar mater and Archnoid mater
b) Endosteal and meningeal layer of dura matter
c) Archnoid mater and Pia matter
d) Cerebrum
e) Cerebellum
41) Tentorium Cerebelli is composed of
a) Arachnoid layer of meninges
b) Endosteal layer of Dura matter
c) Meningeal layer of Dura Mater
d) Pia matter layer of Meninges
e) All layers of meninges
42) Avascular layer of meninges is?
a) Duar matter
b) Arachnoid matter
c) Pia matter
d) Endosteal layer of dura matter
e) Whole Meningeal layers
43) Cerebrospinal fluid is present in
a) Between Two Layers of Dura mater
b) Supra Arachnoid space
c) Sub-Arachnoid space
d) Sub pia mater spaces
e) Supra pia mater spaces
44) Only covering to follow the contours of brain
a) Dura Mater
b) Arachnoid mater
c) Pia Mater
d) Periosteum
e) Bone of the skull
45) Medulla exits from skull through
a) Foramen Magnum
b) Foramen ovale
c) Foramen spinozam
d) Foramen Rotendum
e) Foramen laserum
46) Occipital lobe is a part of
a) Cerebellum
b) Pons
c) Cerebrum
d) Spinal Cord
e) Pituitary Gland
47) Cerebral hemisphere is Separated by
a) Cerebral cortex
b) Tentorium Cerebelli
c) FalxCerebri
d) Superior sagittal sinus
e) Inferior Sagittal sinus
48) Two cerebral hemispheres are connected by
a) Longitudnal Fissure
b) Falxcerebri
c) Corpus Callosum
d) Superior sagittal Sinus
e) Lateral Fissure
49) Crista Galli is a part of
a) Frontal bone
b) Ethmoid bone
c) Nasal Bone
d) Eye socket
e) Occipital Bone
50) SellaTurcica is part of
a) Anterior Cranial Fossa
b) Middle Cranial Fossa
c) Posterior Cranial Fossa
d) Ethmoid Bone
e) Frontal bone
51) System of duct less glands?
a) Endocrine system
b) Exocrine gland system
c) Salivary Glands
d) Lacrimal Glands
e) Sweat Glands
52) Hormones are …….?
a) Messenger molecules
b) Molecular triggers
c) Both a and b
d) Antibiotics
e) Neuron cells
53) Basic Categories of hormones are
a) Amino acids based
b) Steroids
c) Both a & b
d) Mucous
e) serous
54) The pituitary Gland secrets ____type of hormones
a) 9
b) 8
c) 7
d) 5
e) 10
55) TSH means?
a) Thyroid stimulating hormone
b) Thyroid secreted hormone
c) Thyroid suppression hormone
d) Thyroxine Stimulating hormone
e) Thyroid Super Hormone
56) ADH Means??
a) antidiuretic hormone
b) Adenosine diuretic hormone
c) Anti adenosine hormone
d) Anti depressant hormone
e) Adenosine deficient hormone
57) GH stand for?
a) Grand hormone
b) Growth hormone
c) General hormone
d) Green Hormone
e) Green Home
58) Releasing hormone of hypothalamus is
a) TRH
b) CRH
c) Both a and b
d) PIF
59) Prolactin inhibiting factor (PIF) is inhibiting hormone of Hypothalamus?
a) True
b) False
c) Don’t know
d) Statement is not correct
e) Partially correct
60) Corticotrophin releasing hormone (CRH) is releasing factor hormone of hypothalamus?
a) True
b) False
c) Don’t know
d) Statement is not correct
61) TSH stimulates the thyroid to produce ______hormone?
a) Thyroxine
b) Thyroid
c) growth
d) Prolactin
e) Corticotrophin
62) The coronal suture unites the frontal bone and both parietal bones.
a) True
b) False
c) None of above
63) The lambdoid suture unites the two parietal bones to the
a) Temporal Bones
b) Occipital bone.
c) Frontal Bone
d) Ethmoidal
e) Maxillary
64) The squamous sutures unite the parietal and______bones on the lateral aspects of the
a) Temporal Bones
b) occipital bone.
c) Frontal Bone
d) Ethmoidal
e) Maxillary
65) Cranial Base is formed by?
a) Temporal Bones
b) occipital bone.
c) Frontal Bone
d) Ethmoid bone
e) Mandibular
66) posterior cranial fossa is formed by
a) Temporal Bones
b) occipital bone.
c) Frontal Bone
d) Mandibular Bones
e) Maxillary Bones
67) Anteriorly an incline, known as the___, connects the foramen magnum with the dorsum
a) Squamous part
b) basilar part
c) Occiput
d) Sella tercica
e) clivus

68) The only bone with no direct articulation with any other bone?
a) The Mandible
b) The Hyoid Bone
c) Humerous Bone
d) Zygomatic bone
e) Nasal Bone

69) Middle part of the middle cranial fossa accommodates

a) Frontal lobe of brain
b) Temporal lobe of brain
c) Pituitary Gland
d) Brain stem
e) Occipital lobe
70) Posterior cranial fossa accommodates
a) The brain stem
b) Cerebellum
c) Cerebrum
d) Temporal lobe
e) Frontal lobe

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