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2nd Year Physics Important MCQs Solved - Ratta - PK

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TRENDING! 2nd year Physics Important MCQs Solved

2nd Year Physics

Pairing Scheme 2021 -
12th Class Assessment

2nd Year Chemistry

Pairing Scheme 2021 |
If you are in search of the multiple chioce questions of 12th class physics then you are at
12th Class
the right spot because here we have published the 2nd year Physics Important MCQs

i). According to Einstein equation 1kg is:

(a) 9x1016J (b) 3x108J (c) 1x1016J (d) 1J
Inter 2nd Year Pairing ii). If minimum division is 1mm on a scale then what would be the correct one:
Scheme 2021 All (a) 0.2145m (b) 0.21m (c) 0.214m (d) none of these
Subjects - FSC/ICS 12th iii). A precise measurement is one which has less:
Class (a) precision (b) absolute uncertainty
(c) least count (d) all of these
iv). If a body is moving with uniform angular velocity the torque acting on the body will be:
(a) negative (b) positive (c) zero (d) none of these
v). For a body to be in complete equilibrium:
(a) Fx=0 (b) Fy=0 (c) =0 (d) all of these
1st Year Pairing vi). If and then is:
Scheme 2021 - FSC/ICS (a) 9 (b) -9 (c) -10 (d) 10
11th Class vii). The slope of velocity time graph gives:
(a) acceleration (b) displacement (c) distance (d) none of these
viii). If a body is moving with constant velocity of 50m/s towards East then its acceleration is:

(a) 20m/s2 (b) 8m/s2 (c) zero (d) none of these

ix). In a projectile motion, the horizontal range R depends upon:
(a) angle of projection (b) initial velocity
2nd Year Computer (c) both ‘a’ and ‘b’ (d) all of these
Science Pairing x). The field in which work done is independent of the path followed is:
Scheme 2021 - 12th (a) conservative filed (b) gravitational field
Class (c) magnetic field (d) electric field
xi). The absolute P.E on the surface of the earth w.r.t centre of earth is:
(a) zero (b) -GMm/R (c) maximum (d) mgh
xii). Solar energy while passing through the atmosphere, the total energy is:
(a) 1.4KWm-2 (b) 1KWm-2 (c) 1.5Wm-2 (d) 1Km-2
xiii). Which theory of gravitational force is better:
(a) Einstein (b) Newton (c) Compton (d) Michelson
xiv). If rope of an elevator moving downward with acceleration ‘a’ breaks, then apparent weight
(a) m(a-g) (b) m(a+g) (c) m(g-a) (d) zero
xv). The ratio of the moment of inertia of disk and hoop is:

(a) ½ (b) 2 (c) mr2 (d) ½ mr2

xvi). Blood is an incompressible fluid having a density nearly equal to that of::
(a) oil (b) milk (c) water (d) all of these
xvii). Flow rate is equal to:
(a) volume (b) area (c) constant (d) all of these
i). The perpendicular distance from the line of action of force to the pivot is called:
(a) Displacement (b) Force (c) Momentum (d) Moment arm
ii). is equal to:
(a) (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 0
iii). In a projectile motion, the horizontal range R depends upon:
(a) Initial velocity (b) Angle of projection (c) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’ (d) None of these
iv). With the help of velocity time graph, we can find:
(a) Distance (b) Acceleration (c) Momentum (d) Both
v). The loss of P.E is equal to gain in K.E, is true only if there is no:
(a) Weight (b) Gravity (c) Friction (d) None of these
vi). Geysers usually occurs in:
(a) Cold regions (b) Hot regions (c) Volcanic regions (d) None
of these
vii). Height of closest orbit of the satellite above the earth is:
(a) 300Km (b) 400Km (c) 500Km (d) 250Km
viii). Blood is an incompressible fluid having a density nearly equal to that of:
(a) Milk (b) Water (c) Oil (d) None of these
ix). If mass attached to spring increases, then its time period:
(a) Decrease (b) Increases (c) No change (d) All of these
x). When a particle is moving along circular path its projection along the diameter executes:
(a) S.H.M (b) Linear motion (c) Angular motion (d) None of these
xi). The wave form of SHM is:
(a) Cosine wave (b) Square wave (c) Sine wave (d) None of these
xii). The distance between two consecutive node is:
(a) (b) (c) (d)
xiii). The speed of sound at 30oC is approximately equal to:
(a) 333 rns-1 (b) 280 rns-1 (c) 332 (d) 350 rns-1
xiv). If 30 waves per second pass through a medium at 30 m/s, wavelength of these waves is:
(a) 30m (b) 15m (c) 1m (d) 280m
xv). When an object moves in a circle, the angle between angular velocity and linear velocity V
(a) 90o (b) 0o (c) 45o (d) 60o
xvi). The relation between linear acceleration and angular acceleration is:
(a) (b) (c) (d)
xvii). The dimensions of angular momentum are:
(a) [M2LT-1] (b) [M2L2T-1] (c) [ML2T2] (d) [ML2T-2]
xviii). Speed of hoop at the bottom can be given by:
(a) (b) (c) (d) None of these
xix). Height of geo-stationary satellite above the equator is:
(a) 40,000 km (b) 24,000 km (c) 30,000 km (d) 36,000 km
xx). The drag force increases as the speed of particle:
(a) increases (b) decreases (c) remains constant (d) None of these
xxi). The SI unit of coefficient of viscosity is:
(a) kg m-1s-1 (b) Nm2s2 (c) kg m2s-2 (d) kg ms-2
xxii). The terminal velocity of water droplet of radius 1 x 10-4 m and density 1000 kg/m3 falling
through air of viscosity 19x10-6 kg/ms is:
(a) 1.5 m/s (b) 2.3 m/s (c) 3.4 m/s (d) 1.1 m/s
xxiii). Venturi meter is a device used to measure:
(a) viscosity of fluid (b) density of fluid (c) pressure of fluid (d) speed of fluid
xxiv). The velocity of liquid below which its flow is laminar is called:
(a) critical velocity (b) escape velocity (c) relative velocity (d) None of these
xxv). A body attached to a spring is pulled to a distance of 20cm. if the spring constant k is 48
N/m then the force applied:
(a) 5.3 N (b) 9.6 N (c) 96 N (d) 192 N
xxvi). The instantaneous speed of the projection on the diameter for a particle moving in a circle
(a) (b) (c) (d) None of these
xxvii). When potential energy of the mass is maximum, the kinetic energy of the spring is:
(a) zero (b) maximum (c) minimum (d) None of these
xxviii). The wavelength of the waves produced in microwave oven is:
(a) 8 cm (b) 10 cm (c) 14 cm (d) 12 cm
xviii). The equation Vo=Xow is for:

(a) spring mass system (b) Simple pendulum

(c) any oscillation system (d) all of these
xix). By increasing length of simple pendulum, its time period:
(a) decreases (b) increases (c) remain constant (d) none of these
xx). When damping is small, the amplitude of vibration at resonance will be:
(a) small (b) unchanged (c) large (d) none of these
xxi). Speed of light in vacuum depends upon:
(a) time period (b) frequency (c) wavelength (d) none of these
xxii). The wavelength of the fundamental mode of vibration of a closed end pipe is:
(a) 2l (b) l (c) 4l (d) l/2
xxiii).Increase in velocity of sound in air for 1oC rise in temperature is:
(a) 1.61m/s (b) 6.10m/s (c) 0.61m/s (d) 0.06m/s
xxiv). Newton’s rings are dark at the center due to:
(a) destructive interference (b) constructive interference
(c) dispersion (d) none of these
xxv). The direction in which light energy is carried is called a:
(a) locus (b) wavefront (c) ray (d) beam
xxvi). Which one of the following is optically active substance:
(a) quartz crystal (b) sodium oxide (c) tartaric acid (d) all of these

xxvii). For normal adjustment, length of astronomical telescope is:

(a) (b) (c) (d)
xxviii). For angles of incidence greater than the critical angle, all the light is:
(a) reflected (b) refracted (c) diffracted (d) both ‘a’ and ‘b’
xxix). Using a graded index fiber the time difference is reduced to:
(a) 1ns per km (b) 2ns per km (c) 1us per km (d) 0.01 ns per km
xxx). The magnifying power of simple microscope is given by:
(a) (b) (c) (d) all of these
xxxi). A heat engine is made cyclic to provide a continuous supply of:
(a) heat (b) work (c) energy (d) none of these
xxxii). The volume is directly proportional to absolute temperature of gas provided pressure is kept
(a) Charles’ law (b) Boyle’s law
(c) First law of thermodynamics (d) none of these
xxxiii). The efficiency of a carnot engine is:
(a) infinite (b) zero (c) less than one (d) greater than one
xxxiv). Second fixed point of the thermodynamic temperature scale is chosen as:

(a) absolute zero (b) 0oC (c) 0oF (d) 37oC

xxix). The minimum number of unequal forces whose vector sum can be zero is:
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
xxx). The cross product of vector with it self ( x ) is equal to:
(a) A (b) A2 (c) 2A (d) Zero
xxxi). The dot product = = is equal to:
(a) Zero (b) 1 (c) -1 (d)
xxxii). Which of the following is vector quantity:
(a) length (b) volume (c) mass (d) velocity
xxxiii). A body will be in rotational equilibrium if:
(a) (b) (c) (d)
xxxiv). The dimensions of weight are give by:
(a) [LT-1] (b) [LT-2] (c) [MLT-2] (d) [ML2T]
xxxv). The property of body due to which it opposes its state of rest or uniform motion is called:
(a) momentum (b) weight (c) torque (d) inertia
xxxvi). The S.I unit of impulse is:
(a) Kgms-1 (b) NS (c) Newton (d) Both (a) and (b)
xxxvii). A football kicked in the air is an example of:
(a) Rotational motion (b) circular motion (c) linear motion (d) projectile motion
xxxviii). The mass of the fuel consumed by a typical rocket to overcome earth’s gravity is:
(a) 1000 kgs-1 (b) 100 kgs-1 (c) 10000 kgs-1 (d) 10 kgs-1
xxxix). Work is a:
(a) vector quantity (b) Scalar quantity (c) both (a) and (b) (d) None of these
xl). Power is also defined as the dot product of:
(a) Force and mass (b) force and displacement
(c) force and velocity (d) Force and time
xli). If the direction of motion of force is perpendicular to the direction of the motion of the
body, then work done will be:
(a) minimum (b) maximum (c) zero (d) None of these
xlii). Energy stored in the spring of which is called:
(a) potential energy (b) kinetic energy (c) both (a) and (b) (d) None of these
xliii). A vector has ‘zero’ magnitude is called:
(a) Null vector (b) unit vector (c) position vector (d) a negative vector
xliv). The sum of two or more vectors is equal to a single vector is known as:
(a) resultant vector (b) component of vector (c) position vector (d) product of
xlv). If a vector makes an angle with x-axis its x-component given by:
(a) A Sin (b) A Cos (c) A tan (d) A Sin x
xlvi). The scalar product of a vector with itself is equal to:
(a) F (b) F2 (c) 2F (d) F/2
xlvii). The magnitude of is:
(a) 1 (b) 0 (c) -1 (d)
xlviii). Which of the following are vector quantities:
(a) area (b) momentum (c) energy (d) both (a) & (b)
xlix). If r = 5m and F=4N are along same direction then torque is:
(a) 5Nm (b) 20Nm (c) 10 Nm (d) zero
l). The space around the earth in which its gravitational force acts on a body is called:
(a) electrostatic field (b) gravitational field (c) Frictional field (d) None of these
li). Examples of non-conservative field are:
(a) frictional force (b) Tension in a string (c) Normal force (d) All of these
lii). The value of escape velocity is:
(a) 11kms-1 (b) 11x103ms-1 (c) both (a) and (b) (d) None of these
liii). The slope of velocity time graph gives:
(a) Distance (b) Area (c) Acceleration (d) Speed
liv). The power can be expressed by a formula:
(a) P = wt (b) P = w/t (c) P = f/w (d) P = w/t
lv). If =180o the work done will be:
(a) zero (b) maximum (c) -1 (d) 1
lvi). K.E is a:
(a) Scalar quantity (b) vector quantity (c) both (a) and (b) (d) None of these
i). The path followed by projectile is known as:
(a) range (b) maximum range
(c) trajectory (d) cycle
ii). A force which always opposes the motion of a body is called:
(a) impulse (b) force of friction (c) elastic force (d) gravitational force
iii). The S.I unit of force is:
(a) joule (b) Newton (c) erg (d) dyne
iv). The energy stored in a dam:
(a) heat energy (b) gravitational P.E
(c) gravitational K.E (d) nuclear energy
v). Kinetic energy is a:
(a) scalar quantity (b) vector quantity
(c) tensor quantity (d) none of these
vi). When the fuel in the rocket is ejected, the mass of rocket decreases and its acceleration:
(a) increases (b) decreases (c) remain constant (d) none of these
vii). The ballistic missiles are useful only for:
(a) short ranges (b) long ranges (c) greater precision (d) none of these
viii). The range of projectile depends upon:
(a) velocity of projection (b) angle of projection
(c) both (a) and (b) (d) none of these
ix). The value of solar constant is:
(a) 1.4kw (b) 1.9kwm-1 (c) 1.4kwm-2 (d) 1.02kwm-2
x). Salter’s duck consists of:
(a) Duck float (b) balance float (c) both (a) and (b) (d) none of these
lvii). When a body is whirled in a vertical circle at the end of the string tension in the string is
(a) at the top (b) at the bottom (c) at the horizontal (d) none of these
lviii). In case of planets the necessary acceleration is provided by:
(a) gravitational force (b) frictional force (c) coulomb’s force (d) centripetal force
lix). For the angular momentum of a system to remain constant the external torque should be:
(a) small (b) large (c) zero (d) both (a) and (c)
lx). The weight of a man in an elevator moving down with an acceleration of 9.8 ms-2 will
(a) half (b) zero (c) unchanged (d) double
lxi). Speed of a hoop at the bottom of inclined plane can be given by:
(a) (b) (c) (d) None of these
lxii). The relation between torque and moment of inertia is:
(a) (b) (c) (d)
lxiii). Stoke’s law holds for bodies when they have:
(a) spherical shape (b) rectangular shape (c) curved shape (d) all of these
lxiv). Venturi-meter is a device used to measure:
(a) density of fluid (b) Speed of fluid (c) Pressure of fluid (d) all of these
lxv). Human blood pressured is measured in:
(a) Nm-2 (b) mm (c) torr (d) cm
lxvi). When the external pressure applied becomes larger than the systolic pressure, then the
(a) expand (b) contract (c) collapse (d) remain normal
lxvii). The wave form of S.H.M is:
(a) Pulsed wave (b) Sine wave (c) square wave (d) Cosine wave
lxviii). The maximum velocity Vo of the mass attached to the end of an elastic spring:
(a) Vo = (b) Vo = (c) Vo = (d) Vo =
lxix). If mass attached to a spring increases, then its time period:
(a) remains constant (b) decreases (c) increase (d) None of these
lxx). The relation between frequency and time period T is :
(a) f = 1/T (b) f = (c) f = (d)
xxxv). Image formed by a plane mirror is:
(a) virtual, erect and equal in size to the object
(b) virtual, erect and smaller in size to the object
(c) real, inverted and diminished (d) real, inverted and magnified
xxxvi). The resolving power of an astronomical telescope depends upon:
(a) the focal length of eyepiece (b) the focal length of the objective
(c) the diameter of objective lens (d) the diameter of the eyepiece
xxxvii). The supplementary units are named as:
(a) joule and Newton (b) meter and kilogram
(c) candela and mole (d) radian and steradian
xxxviii). Prefix deca is equal to:
(a) 10m2 (b) 10m1 (c) 10m3 (d) 10m-1
xxxix). When a body moves up on a rough inclined plane, it is acted upon by:
(a) two forces (b) one force (c) three forces (d) four forces
xl). The slope of velocity time graph gives:
(a) distance (b) area (c) acceleration (d) speed
xli). Angular momentum of a body under a centripetal force is:
(a) zero (b) maximum (c) minimum (d) constant
xlii). A man in an elevator descending with acceleration will conclude his weight has:
(a) increased (b) decrease (c) constant (d) reduces to zero
xliii). If length of simple pendulum become four times, then its time period will become:
(a) four times (b) six times (c) eight times (d) two times
xliv). Bending of light around the edges of an obstacle is called:
(a) refraction (b) polarization (c) interference (d) diffraction
xlv). At constant temperature, the graph between V and I/P is:
(a) hyperbola (b) parabola (c) straight line (d) ellipse
xlvi). No entropy change is the measure of:
(a) isobaric process (b) isochoric process
(c) isothermal process (d) adiabatic process
xlvii). The ability or capacity to do work is called:
(a) force (b) power (c) kinetic energy (d) energy
xlviii). A moving car possesses:
(a) K.E (b) energy (c) P.E (d) both K.E and
xlix). The fluid which is incompressible and non viscous is called:
(a) viscous fluid (b) non ideal fluid (c) ideal fluid (d) perfect fluid
l). Human blood pressure is measured in:
(a) N-m2 (b) mm of Hg (c) pascal (d) cm
li). When source of sound moves away from a stationary listener there is:
(a) an apparent increase in wavelength (b) an apparent decrease in frequency
(c) an apparent decrease in wavelength (d) no change in frequency
lxxi). A man in an elevator ascending with an acceleration will conclude that his weight has:
(a) Increased (b) Decreased (c) Remains constant (d) Reduced to zero
lxxii). Centripetal force performs:
(a) maximum work (b) minimum work (c) negative work (d) no work
lxxiii). A fog droplet falls vertically through air with an acceleration:
(a) less than g (b) greater than g (c) equal to g (d) equal to zero
lxxiv). Unit of gh in Bernoulli’s equation is that of:
(a) force (b) work (c) pressure (d) volume
lxxv). At which of the following places motion of a simple pendulum is faster:
(a) Muree (b) K-2 (c) Multan (d) Karachi
lxxvi). The period of a simple pendulum, whose length is 0.98m, is:
(a) 2 (b) 2 (c)2 (d)
lxxvii). The amplitude at resonance of a vibration body situated in the air becomes:
(a) Infinite (b) Zero (c) Maximum (d) Minimum
lxxviii). On loading the prong of a tuning fork with wax, its frequency:
(a) Increases (b) Decreases (c) remains unchanged (d) My increase
or decrease
lxxix). Quality of sound depends upon its:
(a) Amplitude (b) Frequency (c) Harmonics (d) Intensity of sound
lxxx). The speed of sound is independent of:
(a) temperature (b) pressure (c) medium (c) None of these
lxxxi). The speed of sound at 30oC is approximately equal to:
(a) 332 ms-1 (b) 335 ms-1 (c) 340 ms-1 (d) 350 ms-1
lxxxii). The blue colour of the sky is due to:
(a) Diffraction (b) Reflection (c) Polarization (d) Scattering
lxxxiii). The direction in which light energy is carried is called a:
(a) Locus (b) Wave front (c) Ray (d) Beam
lxxxiv). The light emitted from LED has a wave length:
(a) 1.3 (b) 1.2 (c) 1.4 (d) 1.5
lxxxv). Substance which can not flow easily have:
(a) Large viscosity (b) zero viscosity (c) small viscosity (d) None of these
lxxxvi). A fog droplet falls vertically through air with acceleration:
(a) equal to ‘g’ (b) greater then g (c) less than g (d) equal to zero
lxxxvii). If area of cross-section is decreased then fluid pressure:
(a) Increase (b) Decrease (c) remains same (d) May increase or
lxxxviii). Human blood pressure measured in:
(a) Nm-1 (b) torr (c) Nm-2 (d) Nm-3
lxxxix). The angular acceleration is produced due to:
(a) displacement (b) torque (c) force (d) centrifugal force
xc). /6 radian is equal to:
(a) 30o (b) 60o (c) 90o (d) 45o
xci). Work done due to a centripetal force is:
(a) zero (b) maximum (c) minimum (d) constant
xcii). When the lift is at rest, newtons second law tells us that acceleration is:
(a) zero (b)minimum (c) maximum (d) equal to ‘g’
xciii). 1 GHz is equal to:
(a) 109Hz (b) 103Hz (c) 1012Hz (d) 106Hz
xciv). The area under the velocity time graph is equal to:
(a) displacement (b) velocity (c) acceleration (d) None of these
xcv). Source of geothermal energy is:
(a) radioactive decay (b) residual heat of earth
(c) compression of materials (d) All of these
xcvi). The energy stored in a dam is:
(a) elastic P.E (b) gravitational P.E (c) K.E (c)
electric energy
xcvii). Kilo-watt hour is unit of:
(a) power (b) energy (c) torque (d) momentum
xcviii). Slope of work- time graph is equal to:
(a) force (b) velocity (c) power (d) energy
xcix). One light year is equal to:
(a) 9.46x1015cm (b) 9.46x1015m (c) 9.46x1015km (d)
c). If the radius of a small sphere is measured as 2.25cm by a vernier calipers with least count
0.01cm, then %age uncertainty in volume of the sphere is:
(a) 2% (b) 1.2% (c) 1.25% (d) 0.6%
ci). If the resultant of two forces each of magnitude F is 2F. then the angle between them will
(a) 60o (b) 0o (c) 30o (d) 90o
cii). If two non-zero vectors and are parallel to each other, then:
(a) . =0 (b) , =ab (c) | x |=ab (d) x =0
ciii). If x = points along +z-axis then the vector A and B must lie in:
(a) x,y plane (b) y,z plane (c) –z,x plane (d) –x,y plane
civ). The dimensions of work are:
(a) [MLT-1] (b) [MLT-2] (c) [ML2T-2] (d) [ML2T-1]
cv). The number of significant figures in 5.400 are:
(a) three (b) two (c) five (d) none of these
cvi). The scientist who made first attempt to measure speed of light was:
(a) Michelson (b) Galileo (c) Morley (d) Maxwell
cvii). The detector in photo phone is made of:
(a) Germanium (b) Silicon (c) Aluminum (d) Selenium
cviii). The optical fiber is covered for protection with:
(a) rubber jacket (b) plastic jacket (c) steel jacket (d) copper jacket
cix). If a convex lens has focal length ‘f’ is equal to 5cm placed at a distance of 25cm than the
magnification will be:
(a) 2.5 (b) 6 (c) 7.5 (d) 10
cx). Temperature of human body on Kelvin scale is:
(a) 273k (b) 373k (c) 310k (d) 326k
cxi). The sum of all forms of molecular energies of a substance is termed as:
(a) temperature (b) internal energy (c) heat (d) none of these
cxii). If the pressure is increased, the melting point of ice:
(a) increases (b) decreases (c) remains same (d) none of these
cxiii). The viscosity of glycerine at 30o is:
(a) 1.6 (b) 6.29 (c) 0.019 (d) none of these
cxiv). The direction of the streamlines is the same as the direction of:
(a) velocity (b) acceleration (c) displacement (d) none of these
cxv). If we take initial phase as , the displacement is:
(a) x=xocoswt (b) x=xosinwt (c) x=xotanwt (d) x=xocotwt
cxvi). The waves which propagate instead of material particles are:
(a) mechanical wave (b) progressive waves
(c) travelling waves (d) electromagnetic waves
cxvii). The profile of the periodic waves generated by a source executing SHM is represented by a:
(a) tangent curve (b) cosine curve (c) sine curve (d) all of these
cxviii). The speed of the efflux of the liquid is the same as the speed of the ball that fall, through
(a) h1-h2 (b) h1+h2 (c) h1/h2 (d) none of these
cxix). A transverse wave is incident on rarer medium, the phase change is:
(a) 180o (b) 90o (c) 270o (d) no change
cxx). If the pipe is closed at one end the harmonics generated are:
(a) even (b) odd (c) rational (d) real
cxxi). If the star is moving towards the earth show:
(a) blue shift (b) red shift (c) yellow shift (d) green shift
cxxii). The vibrations of a factory floor is due to:
(a) free oscillations (b) damped oscillation
(c) forced oscillations (d) none of these
cxxiii). Motorcycle safety helmet extends the time of collision hence decreasing the:
(a) chance of collision (b) force acting (c) velocity (d) impulse
cxxiv). During long jump, athlete runs before taking the jump by doing so he:
(a) provide him a larger inertia (b) decrease his inertia
(c) decreases his momentum (d) increases his momentum
cxxv). Tidal energy and wind energy is used to generate:
(a) current (b) friction (c) electricity (d) fossil fuel
cxxvi). The slope of work time graph represents:
(a) power (b) P.E (c) K.E (d) all of these
cxxvii).A moving body may not has:
(a) K.E (b) impulse (c) momentum (d) velocity
cxxviii). Dimension of angular frequency is same as that of:
(a) frequency (b) velocity (c) tension (d) angular acceleration
cxxix). A body moving along a circular path completes a round trip. The distance is:
(a) 4 R (b) 2 R (c) zero (d) none of these
cxxx). The value of escape velocity is:
(a) 10.2km/sec (b) 11.2km/sec (c) 11.2m/sec (d) 7.9km/sec
cxxxi). Close orbiting satellites orbit the earth at a height of:
(a) 200km (b) with in hook (c) 36000km (d) none of these
cxxxii).The mass of a body weighing 39.2N in kg is:
(a) 4 (b) 5 (c) 3 (d) 6
cxxxiii). Total change in momentum of an isolated system is:
(a) positive (b) zero (c) negative (d) none of these
cxxxiv). Newton’s first law of motion gives definition of:
(a) mass (b) force (c) acceleration (d) speed
cxxxv).Gravity performs zero work when body moves:
(a) vertically (b) horizontally (c) at 60o with vertical (d) none of
cxxxvi). Above critical velocity the fluid flow becomes:
(a) streamline (b) turbulent (c) laminar (d) regular
cxxxvii). When a certain vector is multiplied by -1, the direction changes by:
(a) 90o (b) 180o (c) 120o (d) 160o
cxxxviii). The magnitude of is:
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) -1 (d) 2i
cxxxix). lies in quadrant:
(a) 1st (b) 2nd (c) 3rd (d) 4th
cxl). If there are five objects in equilibrium than _______ object selected at a time to apply
conditions of equilibrium:
(a) one (b) two (c) four (d) five
cxli). Everything in the vastness of space is in a sate of:
(a) parabola motion (b) hyperbola motion
(c) perpetual motion (d) straight motion
cxlii). When and both has apposite signs then it means:
(a) speed increasing (b) zero speed
(c) negative speed (d) speed decreasing
cxliii). For spherical earth, the ballistic trajectory should be:
(a) elliptical (b) circular (c) straight (d) parabolic
cxliv). Inertial and gravitational masses are:
(a) identical (b) opposite (c) proportional (d) none of these
cxlv). When a body moves along a circular path its velocity:
(a) remains same (b) becomes zero
(c) changes continuously (d) sometime changes
cxlvi). The diver spins faster when moment of inertia becomes:
(a) constant (b) greater (c) smaller (d) both ‘a’ and ‘b’
i). Which of the following is not a unit of energy:
(a) joule (b) kilowatt (c) ev (d) kwh
ii). The number of milli seconds in a year is:
(a) 3.1536x109 (b) 3.1536x107 (c) 3.1536x1010
(d) 3.1536x10-9
iii). The resultant of two forces 30N and 40N acting at an angle of 180o with each other is:
(a) 30N (b) 40N (c) 50N
(d) 10N
iv). The angle between and is:
(a) 0o (b) 60o (c) 90o (d) 180o
v). If , then will be:
(a) 90o (b) 75o (c) 60o (d) 45o
vi). The horizontal range (R) and maximum range (Rmax) of a projectile are related as:

(a) R=RmaxSin2 (b) R=RmaxSin (c) 2R=RmaxSin2 (d) R=RmaxSin2

vii). A particle moves in a circle. What is the ratio between its magnitude of displacement and
total distance covered:
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 0 (d) 2
viii). Two revolutions are equal to:
(a) 4 radians (b) 700o (c) radians (d) none of these
ix). If the volume of a sphere increases without changing the mass then terminal velocity:
(a) remains same (b) increases (c) decreases (d) none of these
x). Unit of coefficient of viscosity:
(a) Nm-2s (b) Kgm-1s-1 (c) both a&b (d) Ns-2m
xi). The acceleration of a projection on the diameter for a particle moving along a circle is:
(a) w2x (b) wx2 (c) –w2x (d) –wx2
xii). If mass of the spring system is doubled then frequency becomes:
(a) 1.4 times (b) 0.7 times (c) 2 times (d) 0.5 times
xiii). The effect of loading the prongs of a tuning fork with wax is to:
(a) increase the frequency (b) decrease the frequency
(c) maintain the original frequency (d) none of these
xiv). The central spot of the Newton’s rings is dark, due to phase difference:
(a) zero (b) rad (c) 2 rad (d) /2 rad
xv). Which of the following has the longest wavelength:
(a) blue light (b) gamma rays (c) x-rays (d) red light
xvi). Power of a lens of focal length 10cm is:
(a) 1 diopter (b) 10 diopter (c) 0.1 diopter (d) none of these
xvii). Efficiency of carnot engine is:
(a) 50% (b) 100% (c) minimum (d) maximum
cxlvii). The minimum number of un-equal forces whose vector sum can be zero:
(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) none of these
cxlviii).Torque has maximum value if angle between and is:
(a) 0o (b) 45o (c) 90o (d) 180o
cxlix). The horizontal part of projectile motion in the absence of air drag is:
(a) uniform (b) constant (c) non accelerated (d) all of these
cl). Total change in momentum of an isolated system is:
(a) positive (b) zero (c) negative (d) none of these
cli). The acceleration of a projectile along x-axis is:
(a) zero (b) increases (c) decreases (d) equal to ‘g’
clii). One watt hour is equal to:
(a) 36x1012J (b) 3.6x103J (c) 36x106J (d) 3.6x106J
cliii). Which of the following is renewable source of energy:
(a) coal (b) natural gas (c) uranium (d) sun light
cliv). One radian is equal to:
(a) 57.3o (b) 67.3o (c) 77.3o (d) 360o
clv). The diver spins faster when moment of inertia becomes:
(a) smaller (b) greater (c) double (d) zero
clvi). The S.I unit of viscosity is:
(a) Nm-2S (b) Kgm-1S-2 (c) Kgm-1S-1 (d) both (a) and (c)
clvii). According to Bernoulli’s equation pressure should be high if:
(a) speed is high (b) speed is low (c) both (a) and (b) (d) none of these
clviii). In an isolated mass spring system total energy is:
(a) variable (b) constant (c) low (d) high
clix). The number of vibrations per second is called:
(a) amplitude (b) time period (c) revolutions (d) none of these
clx). At which of the following places, motion of pendulum will become the fastest:
(a) Lahore (b) Murree (c) K-2 (d) Karachi
clxi). Vibratory or oscillatory motion is always under:
(a) an applied force (b) an elastic restoring force & inertia
(c) periodic force (d) restoring force
clxii). The time taken to complete one vibration is called:
(a) displacement (b) time period (c) amplitude (d) frequency
clxiii). The distance between two consecutive node or antinodes is:
(a) (b) /4 (c) 2 (d) /2
clxiv). A force of 10N is acting along Z-axis its component along x-axis and y-axis is:
(a) 5N,8N (b) 3N,4N (c) 5N each (d) Zero
clxv). Torque is also called as:
(a) Moment of inertia (b) Moment arm (c) Moment of force (d) Angular velocity
clxvi). Slope of velocity time graph gives:
(a) Distance (b) Displacement (c) Acceleration (d) None of
clxvii). The range of projectile is directly proportional to the:
(a) Sin 2 (b) Sin2 (c) Cos2 (d) Tan2
clxviii).Ethanol is the replacement of :
(a) Kerosene Oil (b) Gas Oil (c) Gasoline Oil (d) Refinery Oil
clxix). When the speed of moving body is doubled then its:
(a) K.E increases 6-time (b) K.E is doubled
(c) K.E increases 8-time (d) None of these
clxx). Which theory of gravitation is better:
(a) Newton (b) Einstein (c) Compton (d) Plank
clxxi). The value of angular momentum is maximum when is:
(a) 60o (b) 45o (c) 0o (d) 90o
clxxii). A fog droplet falls vertically through air with an acceleration:
(a) Greater than g (b) Less than g (c) Equal to g (d) Equal to
clxxiii).The SI unit of coefficient of viscosity is:
(a) Kg m-1 s-1 (b) Nm2S2 (c) Kg m2s-2 (d) Kg ms-2
clxxiv).A motion which repeats itself in equal intervals of time is:
(a) Rotartory motion (b) Periodic motion (c) Translatory motion (d) Osicllatory
clxxv). The velocity of a body is minimum at:
(a) Mean position (b) Extreme position
(c) Between mean and extreme position (d) None of these
clxxvi).Shock absorber in automobiles is a practical form of:
(a) SHM (b) Damped (c) Pascal’s law (d) All of these
clxxvii). The distance between two successive crests or troughs is called:
(a) Area (b) Displacement (c) Amplitude (d) Wave length
clxxviii). With the rise of temperatures the velocity of sound is:
(a) Increased (b) Decreased (c) Remains constant (d) Becomes zero
clxxix).Pure note means:
(a) Mixture frequency (b) Quantum frequency (c) Single frequency (d) None
of these
clxxx). The amplitude of pound waves determines its
(a) Pitch (b) Loudness (c) Interference (d) None of these
clxxxi).The perpendicular distance from the line of action of force to the pivot is called:
(a) Displacement (b) Force (c) Momentum (d) Moment arm
clxxxii). is equal to:
(a) (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 0
clxxxiii). In a projectile motion, the horizontal range R depends upon:
(a) Initial velocity (b) Angle of projection (c) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’ (d) None of these
clxxxiv). With the help of velocity time graph, we can find:
(a) Distance (b) Acceleration (c) Momentum (d) Both
clxxxv). The loss of P.E is equal to gain in K.E, is true only if there is no:
(a) Weight (b) Gravity (c) Friction (d) None of these
clxxxvi). Geysers usually occurs in:
(a) Cold regions (b) Hot regions (c) Volcanic regions (d) None
of these
clxxxvii). Height of closest orbit of the satellite above the earth is:
(a) 300Km (b) 400Km (c) 500Km (d) 250Km
clxxxviii). If a particle moves in a circle of radius then the angle between and is:
(a) (b) (c) (d)
clxxxix). Blood is an incompressible fluid having a density nearly equal to that of:
(a) Milk (b) Water (c) Oil (d) None of these
cxc). Bernoulli’s equation is based upon the law of conservation of:
(a) Momentum (b) Mass (c) Energy (d) All of these
cxci). A body of mass ‘m’ is falling downward in a viscous medium with terminal velocity V, the
net force on the body is
(a) 6 (b) Zero (c) Mg (d) Mg-6
cxcii). If mass attached to spring increases, then its time period:
(a) Decrease (b) Increases (c) No change (d) All of these
cxciii). When a particle is moving along circular path its projection along the diameter executes:
(a) S.H.M (b) Linear motion (c) Angular motion (d) None of these
cxciv). The wave form of SHM is:
(a) Cosine wave (b) Square wave (c) Sine wave (d) None of these
cxcv). The distance between two consecutive node is:
(a) (b) (c) (d)
cxcvi). The speed of sound at 30o is approximately equal to:
(a) 333 rns-1 (b) 280 rns-1 (c) 332 (d) 350 rns-1
cxcvii). If 30 waves per second pass through a medium at 30 m/s, wavelength of these waves is:
(a) 30m (b) 15m (c) 1m (d) 280m
xviii). this is called: (a) (b) (c) (d)
xix). If a vector makes an angle with x-axis, the magnitude of its, x-component is:
xx). Unit vector is used to specify:
(a) direction of a vector (b) position of a vector (c) magnitude of a vector
(d) none of these
xxi). An example of a vector quantity:
(a) speed (b) work (c) acceleration (d) mass
xxii). The turning effect of a force is called:
(a) momentum (b) inertia (c) torque (d) impulse
xxiii). Conventionally anti-clock wise torque is taken as:
(a) zero (b) negative (c) positive (d) none of these
xxiv). When the velocity of a body is increases at constant rate, it is said to be moving with:
(a) constant velocity (b) constant speed (c) constant displacement (d) none of these
xxv). The product of mass and velocity is called:
(a) momentum (b) impulse (c) force (d) power
xxvi). The minimum velocity of projectile during its path is at:
(a) Initial point (b) final point
(c) maximum height (d) before touching the ground
xxvii). In which pair of an angles the ranges are equal:
(a) 90,45 (b) 30,60 (c) 45,60 (d) 55,95
xxviii). In gravitational field the work done is independent of:
(a) force (b) path followed by body (c) direction (d) none
of these
xxix). The y-component of velocity in projectile motion changes due to:
(a) air friction (b) gravity (c) both (a) and (b) (d) applied force
xxx). A vector which gives the direction of a given vector is called:
xxxi). Which one of the following is a scalar quantity:
xxxii). The angle between two rectangular components:
(a) 60o (b) 90o (c) 180o (d) 270o
xxxiii). A vector which has zero magnitude is called:
(a) null vector (b) unit vector (c) resultant vector (d) position vector
xxxiv). Impulse is equal to the:
(a) change in momentum (b) change of force (c) change of time (d) change of
xxxv). Newton’s first law of motion is also called:
(a) law of inertia (b) law of momentum (c) ampere’s law (d) none
of these
xxxvi). The S.I unit of torque is given by:
(a) N.m2 (b) N.m (c) N/m2 (d) none
of these
xxxvii). A body will be in translational equilibrium if:
(a) (b) (c) both a & b (d) none of these
xxxviii). Range of the projectile is maximum at an angle of:
(a) 30o (b) 45o (c) 60o (d) 90o
xxxix). The time of projectile can be determined by expression:
(a) t= (b) t= (c) t = (d)t =
xl). The work done will be negative when angle between force and displacement is:
(a) (b) (c) (d)
xli). The area under force displacement curve gives:
(a) energy (b) work (c) momentum (d)
xlii). An example of a scalar quantity:
xliii). A vector which has magnitude one is called:
xliv). The expression is for:
xlv). Select the correct answer:
xlvi). A body will be in complete equilibrium if:
(a) (b) (c) both a & b (d) none of these
xlvii). The direction of torque is determined by:
(a) head to tail rule (b) right hand rule (c) left hand rule (d) none of these
xlviii). The rate of change of velocity is called:
(a) displacement (b) velocity (c) speed (d) acceleration
xlix). The unit of velocity in S.I system is:
(a) m/s (b) m/s2 (c) m-s (d) none of
l). The path followed by the projectile is called:
(a) height of projectile (b) range of projectile (c) trajectory (d) None of
li). Height and range of projectile are equal at angle:
(a) (b) (c) (d)
lii). The S.I unit of work is:
(a) Newton (b) Nm2 (c) Joule (d) Kelvin
liii). The total work done around a closed path in gravitational field is:
(a) maximum (b) zero (c) constant (d) None of these
cxcviii). When a vector is multiplied by a negative number its direction
(a) does not change (b) remains same (c) change by 180o (d)
become vertical
cxcix). In the self cross product, the angle is
(a) 0o (b) 45o (c) 90o (d) 180o
cc). The minimum number of unequal forces whose vector sum can be zero is
(a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 1 (d) 4
cci). If the velocity of a body is increasing, its acceleration is
(a) positive (b) negative (c) both (a), (b)
(d) None of these
ccii). Change in momentum is called
(a) impulse (b) force (c) torque (d)
cciii). Original source of biomass is
(a) fossil source (b) moon (c) sun
(d) All of these
cciv). Power of colour T.V is (approximate)
(a) 130 watts (b) 120 watts (c) 110 watts (d) 150
ccv). SI unit of angular displacement is
(a) meter (b) degree (c) rotation (d) radian
ccvi). The moment of Inertia of a body depends on
(a) volume of body (b) K.E of body
(c) torque (d) mass and perpendicular distance from the axis of rotation
ccvii). Centripetal force performs
(a) maximum work (b) minimum work (c) negative work (d) zero
ccviii). The direction of a vector in space is specified by
(a) one angle (b) three angles (c) two angles (d) four angles
ccix). If , then lies in
(a) 1st quadrant (b) 3rd quadrant (c) 2nd quadrant
(d) 4th quadrant
ccx). When the line of action of the applied force passes through the pivot point, then torque is
(a) maximum (b) minimum (c) zero (d) both (b) and
ccxi). The area under the curve of the velocity time graph is equal to
(a) slope (b) distance (c) velocity (d) acceleration
ccxii). Frictional Force is a
(a) conservative force (b) non-conservative force
(c) both ‘a’ and ‘b’ (d) None of these
ccxiii). Water flows out from a pipe at 3kgs-1 and its velocity changes from 5ms-1 to zero, then
force is
(a) 10N (b) 5N (c) 20N (d) 15N
ccxiv). The field in which work done along a closed path be zero, is called a
(a) gravitational field (b) conservative field (c) magnetic field (d) electric field
ccxv). The tides raise the water in the sea roughly twice a day, are due to gravity of
(a) sun (b) earth (c) moon (d) all of these
ccxvi). The angular displacement is given as
(a) (b) (c) (d) All of these
ccxvii). The moment of inertia of a coin is
(a) (b) (c) (d)
ccxviii). When a wave enter from one medium to other, which remain constant:
(a) velocity (b) wave length (c) frequency (d) all of these
ccxix). Maximum number of beats is audio able to human being:
(a) 7 (b) 5 (c) 10 (d) 15
ccxx). When a jet fighter moves faster than air, a huge sound is produced called:
(a) big – bang (b) ultra – boom (c) sonic boom (d) infra - boom
ccxxi). Tow pipes one is open and other is closed at one end, have same length, the ratio of their
fundamental frequencies is:
(a) 1:2 (b) 2:1 (c) 3:1 (d) 4:1
ccxxii). If mass attached with a spring having S.H.M is doubled, its time period will be:
(a) 2T (b) (c) T (d) 4T
ccxxiii). Dimensions of spring constant ‘K’ is:
(a) [MLT-2] (b) [MoT-2] (c) [MT-2Lo] (d) none of these
ccxxiv). A physical system undergoing forced vibration is known as:
(a) Harmonic oscillator (b) driven harmonic oscillator
(c) Oscillator (d) none of these
ccxxv). If a watch with a wound spring is taken into the moon, it:
(a) run faster (b) runs slower (c) does not work (d) shows no
ccxxvi). Water waves are:
(a) longitudinal waves (b) transverse waves (c) both a & b (d) none of these
ccxxvii). In a standing wave, the particle velocity at the node is:
(a) maximum (b) minimum (c) zero (d) constant
ccxxviii). When the amplitude of a wave becomes double, its energy becomes:
(a) double (b) four times (c) one half (d) nine times
ccxxix). The amplitude of a vibrating body at resonance in vacuum is:
(a) minimum (b) maximum (c) zero (d) infinite
ccxxx). Stars moving away from the earth show a:
(a) yellow shift (b) blue shift (c) red shift (d) violet shift
ccxxxi). A mechanical wave is represented by:
(a) light (b) heat (c) sound (d) E.M wave
ccxxxii). A thin layer of oil on the surface of water appears coloured because of:
(a) Interference (b) Reflection (c) Polarization (d) Refraction
ccxxxiii). In newton’s ring:
(a) The central spot is bright (b) The central spot is dark
(c) Both a & b (d) None of these
ccxxxiv). When light enters glass (or any other medium) it suffers a change in:
(a) Wave length only (b) Frequency only (c) Velocity only (d) Both a & c
ccxxxv). In monochromatic red light a blue book will appear:
(a) Blue (b) Purple (c) Black (d) Red
ccxxxvi). Polarization property shows that light waves are:
(a) Longitudinal waves (b) Compressional waves
(c) Mechanical waves (d) Transverse waves
ccxxxvii). The concept of corpuscular nature of light was given by:
(a) Newton (b) Huygen (c) Thomas young (d) Maxwell
ccxxxviii). When waves pass from one medium into another:
(a) Their wave length changes (b) Frequency unchanged
(c) Their speed changes (d) All of these
ccxxxix). The index of refraction of a medium depends on:
(a) Frequency of light (b) Wave length of light
(c) Nature of the medium (d) None of these
ccxl). The wave length of x-rays is of the order of:
(a) 10Ao (b) 1000 Ao (c) 1Ao (d) 100Ao
ccxli). Light waves are:
(a) Compressional (b) Electromagnetic (c) Longitudinal (d) Mechanical
ccxlii). When is small then tan is equal to:
(a) Sin2 (b) Cos2 (c) Sin (d) Cos
ccxliii). When the object is placed at 2F of convex lens then the image formed behind the lens will
(a) At the focus (b) At 2F (c) Beyond 2F (d) between F & 2F
ccxliv). Power of a lens of focal length 1m is:
(a) 0.5 dioptre (b) 1.5 dioptre (c) 1 dioptre (d) None of these
ccxlv). The final image obtained by astronomical telescope is:
(a) Inverted (b) Virtual (c) Magnified (d) All of these
ccxlvi). Interference and diffraction support the:
(a) Quantum nature of light (b) Complex nature of light
(c) Wave natures of light (d) Transverse nature of light
ccxlvii). A thin layer of oil on the surface of water appears coloured because of:
(a) Interference (b) Reflection (c) Polarization (d) Refraction
ccxlviii). When light enters glass it suffers a change in:
(a) (b) f (c) V (d) All of these
ccxlix). At a very large distance from a point of source we get:
(a) A spherical wave front (b) A plane wave front
(c) A rectangular wave front (d) An elliptical wave
ccl). Refractive index of glass is:
(a) 1.33 (b) 1.5 (c) 2.5 (d) 1
ccli). For gratting equation, which value of n is impossible for d=4
(a) 5 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 2
cclii). The wave nature of light was proposed by:
(a) Michelson (b) Young (c) Newton (d) Huygen
ccliii). Sound waves are:
(a) Compressional (b) Electromagnetic (c) Longitudinal (d) Both a&c
ccliv). Michelson’s interferometer works on the principle of:
(a) Interference of light (b) Diffraction of light
(c) Polarization of light (d) None
cclv). The example of optically active crystal is:
(a) Nacl (b) Germanium (c) Si (d) None of
cclvi). The phase difference between two points of wave front is:
(a) Zero (b) /2 (c) (d) 2n
cclvii). The find image obtained by microscope is:
(a) Inverted (b) Real (c) Virtual (d) Both a&c
cclviii). Distance of near point from the normal eye is:
(a) 2.5cm (b) 25cm (c) 25m (d) 50cm
cclix). The magnifying power of a convex lens of focal length 5cm is equal to:
(a) 5 (b)6 (c) 4 (d) 8

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