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An Investigation of Factors Influencing Design Team Attributes in Green Buildings

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An Investigation of Factors Influencing Design Team Attributes in Green


Article  in  American Journal of Applied Sciences · January 2010

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2 authors:

Mohamed S. Elforgani Ismail Rahmat

Universiti Teknologi MARA Universiti Teknologi MARA


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American Journal of Applied Sciences 7 (7): 963-973, 2010
ISSN 1546-9239
© 2010 Science Publications

An Investigation of Factors Influencing Design Team Attributes in Green Buildings

Mohamed S. Elforgani and Ismail Rahmat

Department of Built Environment, Faculty of Architecture Planning and Survey,
University Technology MARA, Malaysia

Abstract: Problem statement: Buildings contribute significantly global environmental problems.

Better design can minimize these impacts. Design Green Building (DGB) aims to reduce buildings'
impact on the environment. However, the green design performance depends on design team attributes.
In addition, the Governance System (GS) and Client Quality (CQ) as external factors have influence on
Design Team Attributes (DTA) of green building. Approach: To identify mentioned factors
questionnaire survey was conducted to collect dada required. A sample of 277 respondents has been
covered under the study, including architects and engineers practicing design and consultancy building
sectors. Analysis data includes descriptive and quantitative analysis by using SSPS software version 16
was carried out. A correlation and regression models was established to explore the relationship
between identified factors. Results: Architect is most involved one during the design process of green
buildings with mean 4.82 followed by mechanical and electrical engineers with mean 4.52 and 4.44
respectively, while structural and civil engineers, interior designers and quantity survivors were 3.71,
3.29 and 2.88 respectively. The most design team attributes were investigated have a significance
degree of influence except design team reputation. On the other hand, the other hand, the Governance
system and client quality have major influence on these attributes. Conclusion: Involvement and
participation of all project stakeholders are required. Design team attributes are the key factors to
improve green design performance. Governance system and client quality play major role to enhance
design team attributes. Therefore, effective regulations and policies may increase performance of the
green Effective design team management device should be applied to implement Design team
attributes effectively in order to improve green design team performance.

Key words: Green design, design team attributes, performance

INTRODUCTION team must have the proper design capability and

ability to interpret the clients’ needs. These attributes
Design Green Building (DGB) aims to reduce the are essential because, unless the design is right, a
impact of the building on the environment. It has been satisfactory building can never be produced (Ling,
argued that the major environmental impacts of a 2002). Attention has recently been drawn to the need
building are determined at the conceptual design phase, to include sustainability criteria in team selection
(Coady and Zimmerman, 1998). As Hes (2005) methodologies. However, while frameworks exist for
demonstrated, design, which is one of the highest evaluating project team technical performance,
impacting areas on ‘green’ performance of the built measuring relational and sustainability performance
environment. Moreover, decisions made during have been problematic (Mahesh et al., 2007) This
conceptual design are considered to have the greatest highlights the importance of the design stage and
influence on project performance and have the least hence the performance of the design teams should be
associated cost (Marsh, 1999). Therefore, it is important carefully examined. The objective of this study is to
that environmental design tools be applied at this stage investigate the involvement level of design team
in order that the environmental implications of different members during the green process and identify key
iterations of design may be monitored progressively. attributes in order to improve green design
Experiences show that green buildings place too performance. Also, the study investigated the
much emphasis on good intentions at the design stage variables of governance system and client attributes
(Aniza Abdul Aziz, 2007). Therefore, Good design that influence design team.
Corresponding Author: Mohamed S. Elforgani, Department of Built Environment, Faculty of Architecture Planning and Survey,
University Technology MARA, Malaysia
Am. J. Applied Sci., 7 (7): 963-973, 2010

Review of literature: The need for green design: problems. The lack of directives from high-level
Design team performance on green building: One of leadership such as the Governor, Executive Directors,
the first steps in a building construction project is the General Managers and Policy Makers is considered as
selection of optimal members of the architect-engineers one of the most critical barriers to implement green
team. Ling (2002) mentioned that the Good design team design, this leads to a lack of mandatory green design
has the proper design capability and ability to interpret standards and control mechanisms. Lam et al. (2008)
the clients’ needs. These attributes are essential because and Sha et al. (2000) repeated that a lack of practical
unless the design is right, a satisfactory building can understanding of sustainability has hampered the
never be produced (Kirmani and Baum, 1992). effective enforcement of legislation for sustainable
Selecting the ‘right’ team is considered critical to the construction. There is a relationship between different
success of any construction project (Mahesh et al., governance systems and climate change outcomes in
2007). The optimal selection of a firm’s professional terms of the institutional framework, policies
composition should take place before a project is begun developed, capabilities developed to innovate and speed
and this will enhance the probability of the team’s of adaptation (Griffiths et al., 2007). There is currently
success (Paul and Carr, 2002). The total design of limited policy and standards to guide green
buildings today requires the involvement of a team of practitioners and no fiscal incentives for green building
people with a range of relevant experience. This team (McAllister and Sweett, 2007).
may consist of the following consultants: architects, The process of driving green buildings in Southeast
land surveyors, structural engineers, electrical Asia region is slow. Shafii (2005) reported that there
engineers, mechanical engineers, hydraulics engineers, are barriers in green design development in the region
quantity surveyors. which include: Procurement issues and Regulatory
In design green buildings, a careful selection barriers. A number of these measures have been
process which ensures that each member of the adopted by the Malaysian government including
professional design team has demonstrated experience policies, regulations and programmes. However, they
on design green building (Mahesh et al., 2007) and are still inadequate in mitigate the Environmental
Kerr (2008). The performance of designers is therefore problems. Shafii (2008) stressed that the development
important because any decision made at the inception of of green building in Malaysia is relatively slow; this in
the project will affect project performance (Lukumon part, It might be due to the lack of incentives and
and Tham, 2007). One of the major barriers mentioned regulatory procedures to guide sustainable building
by agencies is the lack of green design knowledge that construction. Furthermore, most current incentive
internal and external decision-makers exhibit programs are aimed at the developer, not at the people
throughout the construction process (Grund, 2005). In designing and constructing the building. Each group,
addition, Lack of education is often cited as a major particularly those on the design team, can influence the
barrier to implementing green design (Carlisle et al., way the building and landscape are designed and
2004; Shafii, 2005). Lee and Egbu (2006) cited that the constructed. However, most financial incentive
importance of a knowledgeable project team has been programs are targeted at the developer, thereby
indicated by (Othman et al., 2005). Being the providing a little incentive to those carrying out the
originators of brief development, project team study to build more sustainably (Hes, 2005).
members’ knowledge or the lack of it can be a value
source or a risk source to the project. This view is Influence client quality on design team attributes:
echoed by Hatten and Lalani (1997) who suggest that Although there is growing awareness of green building
by selecting an appropriate design team, the chance of issues in the Southeast Asia region, it is still in its
delivering a project on time and within budget might infancy. In Malaysia the awareness on green building
increase. Design team for that reason needs to be issues in the design and construction is still low and
equipped with the knowledge and tools to be able to developing countries like Malaysia have only just began
translate into a design, the increasingly stringent to address the challenges of sustainable construction.
environmental performance goals of clients and create Shafii (2008) and Hes (2005) mentioned that the crucial
buildings that meet these new objectives (Graham, in the process of achieving a successful built
2000). development project is to confirm the necessary
commitment on the part of the Client or those with the
Governance system impact on design team requisite authority within the Client Group. Client
attributes: The explosion of construction activities led commitment, expertise and direction are particularly
to gab between effective policies and environmental important in the early stages to inform strategic thinking.
Am. J. Applied Sci., 7 (7): 963-973, 2010

The clients must be knowledgeable in their Task performance and contextual performance are
organization mission and their operations Barrett and important factors affecting the performance of a design
Stanley (1999). The absent from the knowledge and team in a construction project. The task requirement is
experiences in implementing the construction project recognized as an important factor in performance;
levels the clients with no clue on what to expect and how however, particularly in a setting with a need for active
to play their roles and responsibilities (Koukkari et al., team performance, this task completion is strongly linked
2005); Fogarty (2007) and Soetanto and Proverbs to a people requirement. This people factor effectiveness
(2002) mentioned that three aspects of client has been shown to be a predictable function when
performance to be greatly influenced, which are: (1). considering occupation, organization and personality
The capability of client’s representatives; (2). Client’s traits Day and Silverman (1989).
past performance and experience; (3). The financial One of the major barriers mentioned by agencies is
soundness and reputation of the client. the lack of green design knowledge that internal and
Ng et al. (2007) Found that even the present clients external decision-makers exhibit throughout the
more organized they were less committed and lack of construction process. And lack of education is often
focused during briefing as they perceived that the task cited as a major barrier to implementing green design.
is belonging to the design team. Hes (2005) found that Design team needs to be equipped with the knowledge
the 94% of designers agree that they would increase to be able to translate into the design, the increasingly
their use of sustainable design solutions if sustainability stringent environmental performance goals of clients
was part of a client’s corporate mission. Therefore, and create buildings that meet these new objectives.
there is a need for stimulation of activities for breaking Shafii (2005) showed that the Lack of Training and
down the barriers which hold back the development of Education in green Design and Construction and Lack
green building and construction in the country. of Professional capabilities/Designers are the main
barriers of sustainable buildings in Malaysia. The poor
Job performance theory and design team attributes: green buildings performance and lake of research in this
Two perspectives can show the performance, task area provide motivation for this study.
performance and contextual performance. Task Understanding how humans perform complex
performance refers to the competency level of cognitive activities, such as architectural and
employees in performance various tasks and duties engineering design has been the raison d’etre of design
inherent in fixed jobs and study roles (Avery and method research for the past four decades. The
Murphy, 1998) while contextual performance is defined performance of designers is therefore, important
as extra task proficiency that contributes more to the because any decision made at the inception of the
organizational, social and psychological environment project will affect project success. For professional and
that helps accomplish organizational goals. Borman and technical service firms, the reputations, experience and
Motowidlo (1993) distinguish between task and skills of employees are their main assets (Empson,
contextual performance. Task performance refers to an 2001).
individual’s proficiency with which he or she performs
activities, which contribute to the organization’s MATERIALS AND METHODS
‘technical core’. Contextual performance refers to
activities, which do not contribute to the technical core To capture the perception of professionals, a
but which support the organizational, social and preliminary questionnaire survey was conducted. The
psychological environment in which organizational preliminary questionnaire is divided into two parts, the
goals are pursued. first part requires respondents to provide their personal
Organizations are increasingly implementing particulars including their job title, experience, number
teamwork and other group study arrangements. of construction projects involved, type of buildings
Therefore, organizations become more interested in designed by his/her firm followed by type of
team performance than in individual performance procurement, type of building and size of the projects
Sonnentag (2001). To improve design team they have been carried out, while the second part
performance, factors affecting design team attributes focuses on uncovering the expectation of experts on the
need to be identified. Various researchers have governance system, client attributes and design team
discussed the attributes and characteristics of teams in variables.
organizations (Cohen et al., 1996; Srivastava and Lee A survey package consisting of the questionnaire,
2005; Schmitt et al., 1984). Green design requires the post card, pen, stamped envelope and a covering letter
design team to collaborate with each other. explaining the objectives of the study was posted to
Am. J. Applied Sci., 7 (7): 963-973, 2010

professionals in various architectural consultancy firms studies has discussed on the literature review of the
as well as Engineering consultancy firms selected by field of the study adapted from Ling (2002) to evaluate
the list of architects downloaded from the PAM architects and engineers performance.
website, whereas the list of engineers provided from Job performance theory state that job performance
their AECM organization directory. The population for should be measured from two perspectives; task
this study became key design team players for performance (Hunter, 1983) and contextual
architects registered with the Malaysian Institute of performance (Borman and Motowidlo, 1993). The Task
Architects (PAM) and Engineers registered with performance is the proficiency and skill in job specific
Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia tasks and differentiates one job from another (Van
(ACEM). Only architects registered in PAM and Scotter and Motowidlo, 1996). The criteria for
Engineers registered in AECM are selected as the measuring it are consisting of cognitive ability, job
research context. The target population includes knowledge, task proficiency and job experience
architects and Engineers working in design consultancy
(Schmidt et al., 1986). While the Contextual
located in Malaysia. Projects handled after January 1,
performance occurs because people work in an
2003 were included in this study. This date was chosen
organizational setting instead of by themselves and
because it was assumed that respondent who chooses
projects handled before than this date may not have had therefore, require to communicate with one another,
all project details to complete the questionnaire. coordinate activities, follow instructions and seldom go
A total of 1180 survey questionnaire was beyond their job descriptions. The criteria of measuring
distributed 278 valid replies were received, which it are consisting of conscientiousness, initiative, social
represents a response rate of 24%. SPSS virsion16 was skills, control and commitment (Borman and
used to analyses data collected. The technique of Motowidlo, 1993).
descriptive statistics was used to describe and make As shown in Fig. 1 The conceptual model of this
sense of the data. The descriptive statistics included the study is part of the main study model has two
frequency and mean for many variables. Many independent variable, the first one named as
variables were examined to determine the influence Government System (GS) with sub factors named as
degree of external variables on design team attributes. regulations and policies, fiscal and incentive and
A correlation, multiple liner regression was used. type of procurement. While the second independent
variable is Client’s Attributes (CA) with sub factors
Theoretical framework: The study investigated named as Knowledge of client, Client skills on green
external factors influencing design team attributes to building and Commitment to green building, to be an
improve design team performance of green buildings. external factor that may have an influence on the
The proposed model variables are based on the previous design team in green building in Malaysia.

Fig. 1: Conceptual model of effective design team

Am. J. Applied Sci., 7 (7): 963-973, 2010

However, the dependent is an output variable Effective practicing in construction industry. Among the 227
Design Team (EDT) is consisting of three respondents, the percentage of respondents who had
measurements first is Task Performance (TP) have involved in the construction projects was 89.1%. This
three elements named as design team Knowledge, skill proportion illustrates that the respondents were very
and Experience on design green building, Second is experienced. Moreover; the respondents were credible
Contextual Performance (CP) also have three elements and capable of answering the questionnaire and their
named as design team Initiatives, commitment and views noteworthy. This study is exploratory in nature
reputation on design green buildings. Third is Degree of and is mostly qualitative with limited quantitative
Involvement (DI) among design team members. analysis.
To answer the research questions of this study The results of the statistical test of the mean, which
should test these following two hypotheses: first is there are shown in Table 1, the architect is most involved one
positive influence between the government system and during the design process of green buildings with mean
effective design team attributes. Second is there 4.82 followed by mechanical and electrical engineers
positive influence between the clients quality and with mean 4.52 and 4.44 respectively, while structural
effective design team attributes. and civil engineers, interior designers and quantity
survivors were 3.71, 3.29 and 2.88 respectively.
Key design team attributes: The significance level for
This part will present the result of collected data this study was set at 0.05 in accordance with the
analyzed start with the Characteristics of respondents, conventional risk level (Cohen, 1992). The results of
description of the factors mean and Std. Division, the the statistical test of the mean, which are summarized in
techniques of validity and readability, correlation Table 2, showed that designers generally agree with the
matrix and multiple liner regression have used. factors that affect design attributes, except for one
design team reputation of practicing in the design green
Characteristics of respondents: In the first part of the buildings. Although it would be assumed that having a
fieldwork, A total of 1180 survey questionnaire was good reputation is important.
distributed 277 valid replies were received from
Architects and Engineers professionals registered with Correlation matrix: Correlation coefficient is a
PAM and AECM organizations, which represents a measure of the strength of any linear association
response rate of 24% of all questionnaires sent. between a pair of random variables (Newbold, 1991). It
Intended for 41% of the respondents were architects measures how closely a change in one variable is tied to
followed by 40% mechanical and electrical engineers the change in another variable and vice versa. Unlike
while structure and civil engineers were only 19% of linear regression, random variables are treated
the total respondents. The fact that they were senior symmetrically, where the correlation between X1 and
personnel rendered further validity to the survey results X2 is the same as the correlation between X2 and X1.
and their firms represented almost a quarter of the The correlation relationship is measured on a scale of
design firms practicing in Malaysia. All of respondents 21-11, where 0 represents no correlation or no linear
had more than 5 years of relevant experience and relationship between the scores, 21 is for perfect
80.1%, of respondents had over 15 years and lowest negative correlation and 11 is for perfect positive
percentage was 13.4% had over 10 years of experience correlation.
Table 1: The involvement degree of design team during design green buildings
Design team members Std. Mean Not important Slightly important Moderate Important Very important
Architect 0.559 4.82 0.7 0.7 1.8 90.0 87.7
Structural engineers 1.051 3.71 2.8 7.6 33.6 27.4 28.5
Mechanical engineers 0.720 4.52 0.4 1.4 6.9 28.9 62.5
Electrical engineers 0.776 4.44 0.7 1.4 9.0 30.7 58.1
Interior designer 1.214 3.29 19.4 21.7 33.9 14.8 20.2
Quantity survivor 1.246 2.88 20.2 25.0 31.8 13.0 10.0

Table 2: The Mean and Std. of the variables

BR and P BP CKn F and I CC DTKn DTSk DTCo DY In DT Re
Mean 4.410 3.44 4.400 4.270 4.660 4.720 4.210 4.510 4.18 3.51
Std. deviation 0.899 1.08 0.764 0.764 0.698 0.613 0.905 0.725 1.04 1.26
*BR and P: Building Regulations and Policies; *BP: Building Procurement; *Ckn: Client knowledge; *F and I: Fiscal and Incentives; *CC:
Client Commitment; *DT Kn: Design Team Knowledge; *DT Sk: Desugn Team Skills; *DT Co: Design Team Commitment; DT In: Design
Team Initiatives; *DT Ru: Design Team Reputation
Am. J. Applied Sci., 7 (7): 963-973, 2010

Table 3: Correlation matrix of the factors contributing the design team of green building
TP CP DI CC F and I C Kn R and P BP
TP 1.000
CP 0.585** 1.000
DI 0.176** 0.200** 1.000
CC 0.174** 0.338** 0.210** 1.000
F and I 0.200** 0.387** 0.169** 0.477** 1.000
C Kn 0.231** 0.214** 0.250** 0.410** 0.237** 1.000
R and P 0.152* 0.087 0.220** 0.122* 0.263** 0.221** 1.000
BP 0.096 0.048 0.368** 0.025 0.149* 0.098 0.123* 1.0
**: Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed); *: Correlation is significant at 0.05 level (2-tailed); *TP: Task Performance; *CP:
Contextual Performance; *Di: Designs team involvement; *R and P: Regulations and Polices; *F and I: Fiscal and Incentive; *BP: Building
Procurement; *CKn: Client Knowledge

Table 4: Effective design team attributes model summary

Change statistics
Model R R Std. error of the estimate R2 change df1 Sig. F change
1 0.456a 0.21 0.43003 0.208 2 0.0001
: predictors: (constant), CA, GS; b:dependent variable: EDTA

Table 5: ANOVA attributes have a significant influence on design team

Sum of Mean attributes.
Model squares df squares F Sig.
Regression 13.222 2 6.611 35.75 0.0001
Residual 50.299 272 0.185 Multiple liner regression analysis: The Predictive
Total 63.521 274 power of the model is judged through the statistical
: Predictors: (constant), CA, GS; b:Dependent variable: EDTA measurement coefficient of determination (R2), which
is a measure of the goodness of fit for the model. R2 is
The correlation coefficient matrix obtained by the used to measure the strength of the correlation when
(2-tailed) Pearson’s correlation analysis is shown in more than two variables are being analyzed. The R2
Table 3. The observation shown that most of the gives the proportion of the variance of Y, which is
independent variables are correlated with the dependent explained by the independent variables, reflecting the
variable. This confirms that the independent variables overall accuracy of the predictions. However, when the
which affect design team attributes have been correctly number of independent variables is introduced into the
identified. It is also observed that many independent model, R2 also increases. A better estimate of the model
variables are correlated with each other. goodness of fit is adjusted R2. Unlike R2, it does not
Based on the correlation outcome, most of the inevitably increase as the number of included
factors have significant positive correlations with each explanatory/independent variables increases. The
other at p<0.01, highest value Contextual Performance optimum regression model to be selected should be the
against. Task Performance 0.585 this indicates the one that fits the data the best and yields the most
strong of relationship between task and contextual accurate prediction of a design team attributes.
performance. While the lowest value is Fiscal and The regression coefficient of variable indicates the
Incentives against Degree of Involvement 0.169, this changes may happen of the predictors score with the
indicates the team members’ participation and entire variable in the model and they are a positive
involvement by government incentives due to the all effect. Regression analysis of the Effective Design
incentives don’t focus on design firms. The significance
Team Attributes (EDTA) with Government System
of some correlations was only at p<0.05, i.e., Building
(GS) and Client’s Attributes (CA) has positively
Procurement against Fiscal and Incentives with value of
0.149, building procurement against building influenced Design Team with a coefficient of
regulations and policies with value of 0.123. This determination R2 of 0.21. This indicates that 21% of
indicates that the passive procurement not encouraged the Design Team was explained collectively by
efficiently by fiscals and incentives and building Government System (GS) and Client’s Attributes (CA)
regulations and policies from government. Building as shown in Table 4. The F-and t-tests were used to
regulations and policies against task proficiency with assess the goodness-of-fit of the models and their
value of 0.152 also building regulation and polices individual parameters, respectively. A probability of
against client commitment with value of 0.122. less than 0.05 is generally considered the highest to
However, governance system factors and client indicate a significant difference Fox (1997).
Am. J. Applied Sci., 7 (7): 963-973, 2010

Table 6: Coefficients
Unstandardized 95% confidence Collinearity
coefficients Standardized interval for B Correlations statistics
---------------------- coefficients -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -----------------------
Model B Std. error Beta t Sig. Lower bound Upper bound Zero-order Partial Part Tolerance VIF
Constant 2.301 0.220 10.481 0.000 1.869 2.734
GS 0.196 0.043 0.0260 4.5100 0.000 0.110 0.281 0.365 0.264 0.243 0.873 1.146
CA 0.229 0.450 0.2930 5.0750 0.000 0.140 0.318 0.386 0.294 0.274 0.873 1.146
: Dependent variable: EDTA

barred, the model and factor assumed satisfactory. The

histogram explains the model with normal distribution,
mean of 2.23E-15 and Standard Deviation of 0.996
(Fig. 2). Moreover, the Fig. 3 it shows the linearity of
equation between observed cumulative probability and
expected cumulative probability and the normal P-P
plot of regression standardized residual of Effective
Design Team Attributes (EDTA).

Hypotheses 1and 2: The Government System (GS) and

Client’s Attributes (CA) had Significant positive effects
on Effective Design Team Approach (EDTA), as
expected (t = 4.51, p<0.01and t = 5.08, p<0:01,
respectively) (Table 6).
Fig. 2: Histogram of Effective Design Team Attributes
(EDTA) Regression equation: The general multiple liner
regression model equation (Y) is consisting of
predictors (X’s), regression coefficients that estimate
from the data (B’s) and including the Errors (E):

Y = β0+β1*χ1+β2*χ2+….βn*χn+ε

EDTA = 2.301+0.196*GS+0229*CA (1)


Level of design team involvement: One of the primary

study objectives is to identify the degree of design team
member’s involvement during the green design process
of building projects. The high level of architect,
mechanical and electrical engineers involvement and
Fig. 3: Normal P-P plot of regression standardized low level structural and civil engineers, interior
residual of Effective Design Team Attributes designers and quantity survivors involvement during
(EDTA) the design process of green buildings indicates that the
architectural, mechanical and electrical designs have
The result of the Analysis Of Variance (ANOVA) is high influence during the design process of green
shown in the Table 5 is tests the overall significant of building in terms of their decisions regarding to
the model. The method used for regression is entered by building envelop, choice of materials, energy
the first run of analysis was two cases wise has deleted efficiency. Moreover, architects and M&E engineers
to get over all predictors significant with the dependent. could be considered as key players during this stage,
The result of this as shown in Table 5 the model was while others have less influence on design green
significant at p-value is 0.001 with F test value 35.75. buildings.
For the Design Team regression model, the p-value Low involvement of other design team members
was 0.001 (less than 0.001) for the F-test 35.75. These during design process influence green design
probabilities acceptable the null hypothesis to be performance, for example, late of quantity surveyor
Am. J. Applied Sci., 7 (7): 963-973, 2010

involvement could lead to increase uncertainty and One of the major barriers of design green buildings
complexity due to green materials selection and is the lack of green design knowledge that internal and
availability. To overcome green design process external decision-makers exhibit throughout the
complexity more involvement and participation building phases. This includes project managers,
required from all project stakeholders. Involvement and architects, engineers, developers, contractors, other
participation in green design process should be various construction professionals and internal agency
encouraged from the begging, may such as staff. Generally, there is a lack of understanding of
implementing Green Design Charrette Approach what green building is, what its benefits are, how it is
(GDCA) will increase green design performance that measured and how it is implemented. In particular,
because the charrttee provides design teams with a tool stakeholders need to be educated on such things as: -
The process of implementing green design concepts;
to assist in the development, facilitation and
products and systems of Green building, related cost
effectiveness of multi-stakeholder design processes in
benefits and Information resources. In addition, two
the early stages of the green design. Such a process can particular gaps must be considered beyond the general
lead to significant savings in time, resources and money lack of knowledge; firstly, the lack of GBI qualified
by bringing together the key players (client, contractors, professionals. Secondly, lack of knowledge and skills
suppliers and end user) in the project through a on Life cycle assessment. Attached with the lack of
facilitation-heavy process to identify problems and green building knowledge is the perception by design
opportunities early in the design phase. Design firms that there is a lack of data about the benefits,
charrettes are becoming more common in design durability and payback of green design features and
practice and are an excellent way to bring a range of green products.
expertise and interests together to collaborate and create Offering education and training on green building
effective solutions to complicated projects with to project stakeholders involved in the design process
effective involvement of all design team members will including developers, project managers, architects,
speed design decisions, save resources, overcome engineers, consultants, suppliers and contractors might
design process complexity and avoid any conflicts may change green building perceptions as well as give the
arise among the team members. However, this may be knowledge required to include green building
coherent with radical people who have been practicing technology into a project. Particular training required to
for many years and resistant to change (Hambrick and include GBI official recognition courses and LCA
Mason, 1984) or due to the design green buildings are a training for relevant professionals.
new concept among designers in the Klang valley. There is a relationship between different
Design green building is not easy motion, design team governance systems and green building outcomes in
characteristics have major influence on green design terms of the institutional framework, policies
performance. Due to the recently green design developed, capabilities developed to innovate and speed
introduced most of the design team members not of adaptation. The gaps between effective policies and
knowledgeable on green design requirements. Even design green buildings resulting from a lack of practical
Green Building Index (GBI) has been introduced the understanding of green building in Malaysia has
design team still infancy on green design. Moreover, hampered the effective enforcement of legislation.
training courses required for green design skill such as Some public policies include education and training
design assessment tools, simulation programs and required to help ensure that both agency representatives
technical software. and design teams understand how to implement green
design policies and procedures effectively.
The influence of governance system and client The lack of directives from high-level leadership is
quality on design team attributes: Governance system
one of the most key obstacles to green design. High-
plays major role toward implementing green building
level leaders include the Government, Executive
features. Generally, the most respondents have the same
opinion on factors that influence design team Directors, General Managers and Policy Makers.
performance, except design team reputation. However, Currently, no executive orders or policies exist that
this may be coherent with radical people who have been require conditions influenced building projects to
practicing for many years and resistant to change establish sound green building/green design. The lack
(Hambrick and Mason, 1984) or due to the design green of support from the high-level decision- makers led to a
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