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Ejemplos de Preguntas:: Suscríbete Si Te Ayudaron!:)

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Suscríbete si te ayudaron!


15 seconds to prepare, 45 to speak

Ejemplos de preguntas:
- Some people prefer to get up early in the morning and start work. Others prefer to get
up later and work until late at night. Which do you prefer?
- Some people prefer to read physical books made from paper, while others prefer to
read electronic books on a digital device. Which do you prefer and why?
- Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? All high school students
should wear school uniforms
- For your last assignment, the professor expects you to create a presentation. You can
work alone, with a partner, or with a group. Which would you choose?
- Some teenagers work while attending high school. Please discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of having a part-time job while in school.

Template Content

To me, I definitely think that…. - Restate the question

- Opinion
- One specific reason

I remember when... - Personal example or anecdote

On top of that/Besides/Moreover - Second reason

For example... - Example or anecdote

So, to sum up… / This is why I think so - Restate your opinion

- Restate the question

Example: Would you prefer to work at one job your entire life or to switch jobs every five
years? Explain your response with details and examples.

To me, I definitely think that it is better to switch jobs every five years because old jobs get
boring and new jobs are exciting.

I remember when I worked at a school in New York, and by the end of my time there, I was
ready for a change. You see, at first, everything was new and interesting but by the fifth year, I
was tired of taking the same train to go to the same building every day.

On top of that, starting a new job is a new opportunity. For example, after my job in New York,
I moved to Japan and started teaching English to children, which, was completely different. It
motivated me to learn more about childhood education and expand my knowledge.

So, to sum up, if I had to choose, I would definitely opt for changing my job every five years.

Jota Chamorro TOEFL Speaking Templates Sources: TST Prep, LinguaMarina
Suscríbete si te ayudaron! :)

Campus announcement (new rule or change) and conversation. Report on the opinion of one
of the speakers in the conversation and explain why he or she feels that way. Report on
opinions and supporting reasons, not opinion.
50 seconds to read, 60-120 to listen, 30 to prepare, 60 to speak

Template Content

The reading passage announces a change - Introduce the reading passage

on campus/proposes a change to a campus - State the change
policy. In particular…. (change or proposal)

The man/woman in the conversation is (in - Transition to the conversation

favor of/against) this idea. To start, he/she - State one speaker’s opinion
says that (explain 1st reason). - State one specific reason

Secondly, he/she explains that (2nd reason) - State the second specific reason

As you can see, the man/woman in the - Restate the speaker’s stance
listening clearly agrees/disagrees with this


The reading passage announces a change on campus. In particular, the administration has
decided to split the graduation ceremony into two separate events.

The woman in the conversation is against this idea. To start, she says that she wants to
graduate with her friends, and if the ceremony is split, then they can’t graduate together. She
does admit that the graduation ceremony is too long, but it can be shortened by reducing the
amount of speakers.

Secondly, she explains that the graduation even should be held outside rather than in the
auditorium if the committee is concerned about space. Most other schools hold their
graduation events outside and there is plenty of space if graduating students want to invite
more guests.

As you can see, the woman in the listening clearly disagrees with this plan.

Jota Chamorro TOEFL Speaking Templates Sources: TST Prep, LinguaMarina
Suscríbete si te ayudaron! :)

Academic reading and lecture. Explain the academic topic introduced in the reading and
describe the main points about the topic described in the lecture. General to specific.
50 seconds to read, 60-120 to listen, 30 to prepare, 60 to speak

Template Content

According to the reading, (topic) is (topic - Introduce and define the reading topic
definition)..../From that article, we learn that

In the lecture, the professor delves deeper - Transition to the lecture

into this subject by providing an example - State first example and expand on it
of/two examples of (topic).

First of all, the lecturer mentions/ - State second example and expand on it
In addition, he/she goes on to say...

The example clearly illustrates… and let us - Provide a conclusion to the topic
have a better understanding of what …. is.


According to the passage, swarm intelligence is when a bunch of different insects of the same
species are able to combine and connect their thoughts so hundreds of individuals can think
and act as one.

In the lecture, the professor delves deeper into this subject by providing two examples of
swarm intelligence. To start, the lecturer explains that ants use this type of thinking when
gathering food. One group of ants will find a way to the food source and release pheromones
to mark the trail. Other ants will then follow the pheromone scent. He goes on to say that
honeybees use this type of intelligence when looking for a new place to live. In fact, a queen
bee might send out a pheromone that attracts thousands of other bees that come together
and form a kind of temporary home where the bees can survive.

So, after listening, I now have a better understanding of what swarm intelligence is.

Jota Chamorro TOEFL Speaking Templates Sources: TST Prep, LinguaMarina
Suscríbete si te ayudaron! :)

Academic lecture. Sum up the topic and main points from the lecture.
120-180 seconds to listen, 20 seconds to prepare, 60 seconds to speak

Template Content

The professor goes into a ton of detail - Introduce the topic and elaborate on it
about, (topic), which (detail/definition)...

After introducing the topic, the lecturer - Introduce first example and give details
mentions that (example 1 with details)...

He/She then notes that (example 2) - Introduce second example and give details

So, after hearing this lecture, I know have a - Conclude and restate
better understanding of...


The professor goes into a ton of detail about the preservation of artifacts in museums, which
helps slow down the deterioration process.

After introducing the topic, the lecturer mentions that a stable temperature is key. Materials
like paper and wood dry out easily if the temperature changes too drastically, which is why
most museums keep the temperature between 68-72 degrees.

He goes on to say that the moisture in the air, otherwise known as relative humidity, must be
carefully controlled. For metal objects, higher humidity levels could lead to corrosion. On the
other hand, low humidity can make objects like paper more fragile. Most places housing
artifacts keep the relative humidity between 45-50%.

So, after hearing this lecture, I now have a better understanding of how museums preserve
their artifacts.

Jota Chamorro TOEFL Speaking Templates Sources: TST Prep, LinguaMarina

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