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Design Manual For Is 800 - 2007 - Compression Members

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(COMPRESHION MEMBERS DESIGN STRENGTH TABLE 4.15 DESIGN COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH Py (AN) : (ry Avis Pusklng) y . ‘ i A= Boma 2 a st6_ 1743 poor ‘ janet ie 18 he Is 0 o bo (as Soba 7 oe seo sega ise is m7 Ey} ess | 4651199 oe 38 foo i lis | - se el ‘Vatu tov he tony ine cones slender aot) <1. 2) Vals ow he ey incorpo sklernesrao (btwn iB on 28. 4) Intra vals maybe ony Se elton, 4) AL? dose ftv og oft aa ines i *eeel DESIG WANUA. FOR OESISING STEEL STAUCTURES ADCCROING TO NEWI00 TABLE 4.16 DESIGN COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH, Pg (kN) (2-7 Axis Buckling) | ISMB Fy=250 aa vas} an [ars are | aes | ase | amo | see | wo | as | 208 {| alr °83 fon FAT ATR 34 3_hont_|n79 iss im AT bs 6 270 1sts_an1_bopr baw ue. [258 1301 i>e0~ oo7_pseo 3s. 39 oz0 230 }e7? ma_[ou 9 bay [rsa] 906s hale [ssi p16 hoor ame 20. v8 ar a 213_[9s_ [eat [901 ne | 33. [301 | nae " 29 | [ei 208] 209_| sis ele sass 6 2 | fuer [an Laos 2 |) ao Tae 2m 2 [at rm 19 [30 313 20 L367 - — 1) Vals ove te heavy Ene erepond ty sendemes (hn S 18D 2) ols below the heavy re sarap 1 es aR) Renee 10 and 20, 3) Imma vate say be ote hina interpola. 4) AL" dono reise eet othe cin in mes. APPENOEK Appendix A4.5 DESIGN COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH, Py Ie Section (Y-Y axis buckling) [Detennine the axial compressive sirengih ofthe column Seaton ISMB 500 GT Remarks! N/m with the eetve length ofthe column as 3m. Assume the buckling ais a4 *Codal -y_axis and basic yield strength ()as 250 MPa, | Provisions Gross area ofthe scion (4 110 74e10%nn? at | Depth of section (D) = 560 mm | Full Width of Range (@) = 180m a | Thichnessor Mange (y= 17.2 mm Thickness of web (4) = 10.2 mt Lo Radius of yratcn(n) = 35.2 mm im | Radivsat oot) = 170m Yield sees (9 250 Mra ins Section ea iy 901172 =523<940 Plasto) — Flange i fully effective Webs dé = D-2xy-2en 500-23 141-217 878mm bg = 437.8/102 ~42.9> 42 (Slender) Web isnot fully eective and hence exclude web width more than 42 & | Section is clestified as Slender Nec area of the: ection Ay ld td AD) X bod) = (110.7410) (ALI~CAR*D) *10.2°10.2 =109,80610 non SIGN MANUAL FOR DESIGRG STEEL STRUCTUF ACCORDING To NEW i$290 Appendix A4.5 DESIGN COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH, Py Slenderness la (AL) AL / > (5000/3: 20 Euler buckling stress (fo) Young's modulus (£) = 2.x 10° MPa ME wPx2K107 Seem o = 97.8 MPa (kien) 14207 ‘Non-dimensional Effetive Slenderness ratio (2) A Mh/L. 250/978 Lon Imperfection Factor (a) h_ $00 | 6 180 277 21.2, y= 14d mm < 40mm Imperfection Factor «= 0.34 [Buckling about Y-Y axis; Buckling class “b Design compressive stress of calumn (Fos) Imperfection tactor(ay = 0.34 Partial safety factoring) ~ 1.10 [am oslhreté-02}2°] = 031 +0340.60-0.2) +1,60? |= 2.02 Stress reduction fuetor (y) 610 DR v 280/11» 70.48\Pa Design compressive strength (2s) ofthe memberLy P= AS.y* 10980 «70.48 = T7VKN CAS in Table 4.15) Section (Y-Y axis buckling) 5000 mm Table 7810 Clause Aad Clause 7.1.2 SEPENDEX Appendix 44.6 DESIGN COMPRESSIVE. I. Seetion (7-7. axis buckling) lenin with te et 2 axis aa bse yield stength() 8s 250 MPa. ce length of she column as Sm. Assume the busking axis ag [Stetion Properties Gross ares ofthe section (4,)= 10.710 uw? DepthoFsection(D) = 500 mum Fall Width of ange (h) = 180 m0 3 | Thickness oF Mange (i) = 17.2 amr Thickness of wob (t,) = 16.2 07 | Radius of wyraionr) 21 min i | Radius at root (1) = 17mm py Viele sess (f) 250. MPO Section classification: b= by/2= 130/2 = 90 mm b/y = 90072 = 3236946 (Plastic) 1 lange is fully effective Web: 6 =D-2ey-2er, ~500-2 « 14.1-2 517 = 487.8 om 378/102 = 12.9> 12 (Stender) Web isnot filly effective and hence exclude web widih more than 42 ¢ Section is clsstied as Stent Net ars of the section Ay dd 42) tee 10.7010) (12.9~(12>1))*10.210, 102.505107 nun * etzrmine the axial compressive sirengih of the column section ISMid 500 GN. Z| STRENGTH, P, Table? LVESLEN THANUAL FUR VESIUING 9/EEL DI AULIUAED ALLURUING IU EN 19H Appentix Ad.6 DESIGN COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH, Py 1 Seetion (/-/ axis buckling) ny p io (KLIr5) na cy ‘Slenderness Entetive AL / p= (5000 / 202.1) = 24.74 5 ky ‘Youngs modulus 2) = 2 10° MPa laterally unsupported length oF the membes(&L) = $000 mm ler buckling ste96 (fad x10° 24.742 we wy MPa -imensionall Effective SI ness ratio G2) | =. [80 | 038 Me Vins Clause Impereton Factor (a) IBuckling about Y-Y axis : Buckling elass °b Desion compressive stress oF column (fy) Imperfection facior(oy ~ 0.34 Partial safety fectorlsiqd = 1.10 | td-02)02!] | =0.5f1+054028-0.2)+0.282 | =0.35 I ‘Stross reduction fuetor () | | ! Ctawe 1 7 sat | | \ | [asseluss? oss? lhe aal? Lie 250/1. [= 227.28 Pa Pf p> WOR 22728 LOUD = 2495 KN AS in Fable 4160 chided

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