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Reading Techniques: The Four Main Types of Reading Techniques Are The Following

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Reading Techniques

The four main types of reading techniques are the following:

 Skimming
 Scanning
 Intensive
 Extensive


Skimming is sometimes referred to as gist reading where you’re trying to glance over the material to grasp the main idea.
The way you do this is to read the first and last paragraph and check for any dark headings.
Skimming may help in order to know what the text is about at its most basic level.
You might typically do this with a magazine or newspaper and would help you mentally and quickly shortlist those articles which you might consider for a deeper
You might typically skim to search for a name in a telephone directory.
You can reach a speed count of even 700 words per minute if you train yourself well in this particular method. There are unique courses with speed reading
techniques that you won’t find elsewhere online that will show you how to use both traditional and hi-tech speed reading methods.

Skimming Saves You Time 

Skimming will certainly save you a lot of time as you grasp the main idea of whatever you are reading, but do not expect your comprehension to be high during
the process.
However, skimming is useful when your goal is to preview the text to get a better idea of what it’s about. It will help prepare you for deeper learning.
As learning expert and author Pat Wyman says in her online course, Total Recall Learning™ for Students skimming is a terrific idea to get an overview and
mental picture in your mind which will help improve your memory.
This strategy makes it much easier to recall what you’re about to read.
1. Take a look at the table of contents first.
2. Review the subheadings in each chapter
3. Quicky read the first paragrph in that section
4. Check out anything in your text that is in bold or italics
5. If there is a chapter summary, now is a good time read it over.
This completely prepares your brain to have an overview of what this chapter is about.
You can then go on to use scanning to find specific important ideas.

Picture yourself visiting a historical city, guide book in hand.

You would most probably just scan the guide book to see which site you might want to visit.
Scanning involves getting your eyes to quickly scuttle across sentence and is used to get just a simple piece of information. You’ll be searching for specific words
or phrases that will give you more information and answer questions you may have.
Intensive Reading

You need to have your aims clear in mind when undertaking intensive reading.
Remember this is going to be far more time consuming than scanning or skimming.
If you need to list the chronology of events in a long passage, you will need to read it intensively.
This type of reading has indeed beneficial to language learners as it helps them understand vocabulary by deducing the meaning of words in context.
It moreover, helps with retention of information for long periods of time and knowledge resulting from intensive reading persists in your long term memory.
This is one reason why reading huge amounts of information just before an exam does not work very well.
Students tend to do this, and they undertake neither type of reading process effectively, especially neglecting intensive reading.
They may remember the answers in an exam but will likely forget everything soon afterwards.
Extensive reading

reading involves reading for pleasure.
Because there is an element of enjoyment in extensive reading it is unlikely that students will undertake extensive reading of a text they do not like.
It also requires a fluid decoding and assimilation of the text and content in front of you.
If the text is difficult and you stop every few minutes to figure out what is being said or to look up new words in the dictionary, you are breaking your
concentration and diverting your thoughts.
Types of Passages: There are two types of passages which help to testify the reading skills of the students during their examination. They are:

1. Factual Passage: A factual passage contains 300 to 350 words. It is a detailed description in which some information is added along with a detailed
description of physical attributes. A good factual passage describes the reader to compare or contrast the relevant information regarding facts, data, etc. A
student learns to get a comprehensive view of the subject and he discusses to improve his mental ability. There are instructive, descriptive and reporting
passages in it.
2. Discursive Passage: A discursive passage contains a text which is either argumentative or interpretative or persuasive in nature. They may also
include opinions or feedback. The students are able to come to a conclusion through their reasoning power rather than intuition. They discuss the subject to
reach a balanced and objective approach.

Tips for solving comprehension passages:

 Read the passage thoroughly. The reading should be quick.
 Focus on the relevant details and underline them with a pen or a pencil.
 Read the questions carefully and go back to the passage to find the answers.
 The answers are generally in a logical sequence.
 Try to write the answer in your own words.
 To find answer to the vocabulary based questions like synonyms etc., replace the word with the meaning. If you find that it is the same in meaning,
the answer is correct.
 To find the correct option in Multiple Choice Questions, go through all the options. Re-read the passage and then tick the correct option.

Unseen Passage| Steps for Complete Comprehension

• Skim once as rapidly as possible to determine the main idea before you look at the questions. Don’t worry about words you don’t know at this
• Underline the words that you do not understand to facilitate a complete understanding of the passage. This will enable you to solve the vocabulary
questions quicker.
• Look through questions carefully. You are advised to keep to the order in which the questions appear in the test paper. Read intensively the
portion relevant to the answers.
• Concentrate on the vocabulary items and puzzle out the meaning of any words you don’t know from the context.
• Most passages require at least two readings.
• Before writing the answer, check the questions again to be sure you’ve really understood them.
• You must write complete sentences as answers.
• Answers must be relevant and to the point. If the question is for one mark given one point. If it is for two marks give at least two points unless
specified differently in the paper.

Steps to Follow In Skimming for the Main Ideas:

 Read the title of the passage / poem carefully. Determine what clues it gives you as to what the passage / poem is about.
 Watch for key words like ’causes, ”results, ”effects, ‘etc. Do not overlook signal words such as those suggesting controversy (e.g., ‘versus, ”pros and
cons’), which indicate that the author is planning to present but sides of an argument.
 Concentrate on the main ideas and ignore the details.

Read the passage given below and answer the questions/complete the sentences that follow:

A chimpanzee is one of the great apes and the nearest in intelligence to man. Scientists have examined its mental capacities and sent it into space in anticipation of man.
Chimpanzees need little description. Being apes and not monkeys, they have no tails. Their arms are longer than their legs and they normally rim on all fours. They can
also walk upright with toes turned outwards. When erect they stand 3-5 ft high. The hair is long and coarse, black except for a white patch near the rump. The face, ears,
hands and feet are bare and except for the black face, the flesh is coloured.

Chimpanzees exhibit great concern for each other. When chimpanzees meet after having been apart they greet each other in a very human way by touching each other or
even clasping hands. Chimpanzees have amazing social discipline. When a dominant male arrives, the rest of the chimpanzees hurry to pay respect to it. The dominant
male is not allowed to wrest food from his inferiors. The members of a party also spend considerable amount of time grooming each other and themselves. Mothers go
through the fur of their babies for any foreign particles, dirt, and ticks and they aid each other when they are injured.

Chimpanzees are the best tools users apart from man. Sticks 2-3 ft long are picked off the ground and pushed into nests, then withdrawn and the honey or insects licked
off. Stones and nuts are used as missiles to drive humans and baboons away from its food. Chimpanzees are not only tool users but also toolmakers. They make their
own rods by stripping the leaves off a twig or tear shreds off a chimpanzee learn all this by observing the older chimpanzees making and using them. So man is not the
easily toolmaker, merely better at it than his relatives.

Unseen passage with questions and answers class 10 English: (1 x 8 = 8 marks)

(a) Chimpanzees are as_______ as men.
(b) Chimpanzees greet each other by_______ each other.
(c) Like man, chimpanzees are_______
(d) Chimpanzees_______ tails.
(e) Baby chimpanzees learn, all by _______
(f) Chimpanzees have amazing _______
(g) The dominant male chimpanzees is not allowed _______
(h) The word ‘wrest’ means_______

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