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Question tag

Anjaly Rahman Fuadi

Cahya Adinda R
Question tag
Question tag is a very short clause
At the end of the statement which
changes the statement into a question
In other word is the short question
that we put at the end of sentence
The purpose of question tag is to ask
for confirmation from the listener that
the statement is correct or not.
Eg: We will study english now, won’t we?
1.Normally a positive question tag is used with a negative sentence

Eg: They don’t like us, do they?

Anjaly won’t be late, will he?

2.Normally a negative question tag is used with a positive sentence

Eg: They were very angry, weren’t they?

Dinda should pass his exam, shouldn’t she?
3.The Command sentence is using the question tag “will you?”

Eg: Stop that noise, will you?

go out from my room, will you?

4.The invitation sentence “let’s” is using the question tag “Shall we?”

Eg: let’s go to the class, shall we?

The form
of question tag

Without Auxiliary verb With Auxiliary verb

If the main part of sentence If the main part of sentence
doesn’t have An auxiliary have an auxiliary verb, the
verb, the question tag uses question tag is made with
an appropriate form of ‘do’ the auxiliary verb

Eg: - You don’t ignore me, do you? Eg: - He had met her before,
- I said that, didn’t i? hadn’t he?
- They weren’t here,
were they?
With modal verb
If the main part of sentence
With ‘I am’
have an modal verb, the
question tag uses the same The question tag for ‘I am’
modal verb in the sentence Is ‘aren’t i?

Eg: - They couldn’t hear me, Eg: - I am the colleger, aren’t i?

could they? - I am not the singer, are i?
-You will tell anyone,
won’t you?

The form
of question tag
If the verb in the main sentence is in the
present simple, the form of the question
tag is the present form too
Eg: You play the game, don’t you?
Alice like tennis, Doesn’t she?

If the verb in the main sentence is in the

past simple, the form of the question tag
is the past form too
Eg: They went to the cinema, didn’t they?
She studied in ciputat, didn’t she?
The The Falling Intonation
In a falling intonation the speaker is not
intonation really asking a question, rather he is
asserting what he think or to asking the
of question person to agree with what he say.

tag Eg: I have told you not to run, haven’t i?

The Rissing Intonation

In rissing intonation the speaker is
really asking to the person about the
statement to find out about it.
Eg: he didn’t come to the school yesterday, did he?
How to reply the question tag
When the statement is right and formed by positive
form, the answer is “yes”
Eg: The snow is white, Isn’t it? yes

When the statement is right and formed by negative

form, the answer is “yes it is!”
Eg: The snow isn’t white, Is it? yes is it!

When the statement is wrong and formed by positive

form, the answer is “no it isn’t!”
Eg: The snow is black, Isn’ it? No it isn’t!

When the statement is wrong and formed by negative

form, the answer is “no”
Eg: The snow isn’t black, Is it? No
Small Conversation
Anjaly: there is the debate competition next week.
Dinda: yes i know, in Sunday, isn’t it?

Anjaly: yes, I’ll follow it, can you come to the

school to watch it?
Dinda: of course, I heard from your mother that
you had to studied hard, didn’t you?
Anjaly:Hahaha…of course my friend, why you ask
Dinda: I just surprised, because you always sleep
in the class. -_-
Reading section
“History of Apple Inc”
Apple Inc is a multinational corporation that creates consumer electronics, personal
computers, servers, and computer software, and is a digital distributor of media content.
The company also has a chain of retail stores known as Apple Stores. Apple's core
product lines are the iPhone smartphone, iPad tablet computer, iPod portable media
players, and Macintosh computer line. Founders Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak created
Apple Computer on April 1, 1976, and incorporated the company on January 3, 1977,
in Cupertino, California.

With the introduction of the successful iPod music player in 2001 and iTunes Music
Store in 2003, Apple established itself as a leader in the consumer electronics and
media sales industries, leading it to drop "Computer" from the company's name in 2007.
The company is now also known for its iOSrange of smart phone, media player, and
tablet computer products that began with the iPhone, followed by the iPod Touch and
then iPad. As of June 30, 2015, Apple was become the largest publicly traded
corporation in the world by market capitalization.

1. What is Apple Inc?

2. What are Apple’s core product?

3. Who is the founders of Apple Inc?

4. When Apple Computer was made?

5. What happend in June 30, 2015?

1. Apple Inc is a multinational corporation that creates consumer electronics, personal
computers, servers, and computer software, and is a digital distributor of media
2. Apple's core product lines are the iPhone smartphone, iPad tablet
computer, iPod portable media players, and Macintosh computer line.
3. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak
4. April 1, 1976
5. Apple was become the largest publicly traded corporation in the world by market
Choose the correct answer!

1. You took my pen, ______?

a. Did you b. Didn’t you c.Does you d. Doesn’t you

2. ______eaten the apple, had he?

a. He had b. He Hadn’t c. He Has d. He Hasn’t

3. We don’t see each other very often nowadays, ______?

a. Do you b.Did you c.Do we d. Don’t we

4. ________ come to the party, may i?

a. I not b.I don’t c.I may not d. I will

5. You weren’t at home yesterday,______?

a. Were you b.Are you c.Was you d.wasn’t you
Choose the correct answer!

6. ______ put much salt in my noodle, do you?

a. You are b. You did c. You don’t d. You does

7. Dinda has lost her book, ______?

a. Haven’t she b. Have she c. Has they d. Hasn’t she

8. ______ blame you, do i?

a. I don’t b. I do c.I not d. I will

9. They gave many foods to me,______?

a. Do they b.Didn’t they c.Don’t they d. Did they

10. The earth is two, isn’t it? ________

a. Yes b. Yes it is c. No d. No it isn’t

1. B 6. C
2. B 7. D
3. C 8. A
4. C 9. B
5. A 10. D
Make the correct question tag and the
reply of question tag!
1. He is late this morning, _____________________?
2. The hotel was quite good, __________________?
3. She cooks well, ____________________________?
4. You can’t tell the difference, ________________?
5. You must stop smoking, _____________________?
6. Mr Priestley doesn’t know your father, _______?
7.They can speak Korean well, _________________?
8. Mrs Puji is english teacher, isn’t she?_________
9. The cat has 3 legs, hasn’t it?_________________
10. The Apple isn’t the fruit, is it? _______________

1. Isn’t he 6. Does he
2. Wasn’t it 7. Can’t they
3. Doesn’t she 8. Yes
4. Can you 9. No it isn’t
5. Musn’t you 10. No
Thank you for your attention!

Dhiren Pharmar M.Tech I.T. 04IT6005

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