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Teamcenter System Architecture

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Teamcenter Service

Document Name and Location: Technical Design Document Template.doc

Document Version: 1

Date: 7/25/2013



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System Architecture Document

Table of Contents
Table of Contents is automatically generated. To update table based on changes in the document, select the table and hit F9.
1 OBJECTIVE........................................................................................................................................................................... 6
2 AUDIENCE............................................................................................................................................................................. 6
3 DEFINITIONS, ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS..........................................................................................................6
4 NOTATIONS........................................................................................................................................................................... 7
5 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................................................... 7
5.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY........................................................................................................................................................ 7
5.2 SOLUTION OVERVIEW......................................................................................................................................................... 8
5.3 DOCUMENT REFERENCES................................................................................................................................................... 9
TEAMCENTER STANDARD DESKTOP REQUIREMENTS........................................................................................................9
6 DESIGN OBJECTIVES........................................................................................................................................................ 10
6.1 SCOPE............................................................................................................................................................................ 10
6.2 BUSINESS REQUIREMENTS............................................................................................................................................... 10
6.3 CURRENT FUNCTIONALITY................................................................................................................................................ 10
6.4 NEW FUNCTIONALITY....................................................................................................................................................... 10
7 DESIGN DECISIONS AND CONSIDERATIONS.................................................................................................................10
7.1 DECISIONS...................................................................................................................................................................... 10
7.2 DEVIATIONS FROM THE HIGH-LEVEL DESIGN...................................................................................................................... 10
7.3 ASSUMPTIONS................................................................................................................................................................. 10
7.4 RISKS............................................................................................................................................................................. 10
7.5 SERVICE CLASS CONSIDERATIONS.................................................................................................................................... 11
8 DESIGN................................................................................................................................................................................ 11
8.1 PROCESS VIEW................................................................................................................................................................ 11
8.2 LOGICAL VIEW................................................................................................................................................................. 11
8.3 PHYSICAL VIEW............................................................................................................................................................... 13
8.3.1 Configuration management.................................................................................................................................... 14
8.3.2 Infrastructure.......................................................................................................................................................... 15
8.3.3 Storage.................................................................................................................................................................. 16
8.4 DEVELOPMENT VIEW........................................................................................................................................................ 16
8.5 SCENARIOS..................................................................................................................................................................... 16
8.6 SUMMARY SOLUTION DIAGRAM......................................................................................................................................... 16
9 DETAILED DESIGN............................................................................................................................................................. 16
9.1 DATA MODEL................................................................................................................................................................... 16
9.1.1 Data dictionary....................................................................................................................................................... 17
9.1.2 Data retention........................................................................................................................................................ 17
9.2 OBJECT MODEL............................................................................................................................................................... 18
9.3 SECURITY MODEL............................................................................................................................................................ 18
9.3.1 User Access........................................................................................................................................................... 18
9.3.2 Physical Access..................................................................................................................................................... 23
9.3.3 Data Security Components.................................................................................................................................... 23
9.4 TEAMCENTER – DETAIL.................................................................................................................................................... 23
9.4.1 Basic responsibilities.............................................................................................................................................. 23
9.4.2 Business rules........................................................................................................................................................ 23
9.4.3 Data sources.......................................................................................................................................................... 23
9.4.4 Sequence diagram................................................................................................................................................. 24
9.4.5 User interface......................................................................................................................................................... 24
9.4.6 Errors and exceptions............................................................................................................................................ 25
9.4.7 Logging.................................................................................................................................................................. 25
9.4.8 Business continuity................................................................................................................................................ 25
9.5 REPORTING..................................................................................................................................................................... 25
©2011 FERMILAB Doc Type: Template Version: 1.0 Practice:
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5161 2013
Table of Contents-4
System Architecture Document

9.5.1 User....................................................................................................................................................................... 25
9.5.2 Administrative........................................................................................................................................................ 25
10 PERFORMANCE AND VOLUME..................................................................................................................................... 26
10.1 PERFORMANCE EXPECTATIONS..................................................................................................................................... 26
10.1.1 Growth expectations........................................................................................................................................... 26
10.2 VOLUME AND LOAD EXPECTATIONS............................................................................................................................... 26
11 APPLICATION SUPPORT AND MONITORING..............................................................................................................26
11.1 SUPPORT FOR MONITORING.......................................................................................................................................... 26
11.2 SUPPORT FOR ALERTING.............................................................................................................................................. 26
12 OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS AND REPORTING...................................................................................................26
12.1 SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT (SLA).............................................................................................................................. 26
12.2 SUPPORT FOR METRICS............................................................................................................................................... 26
13 Appendix A – (not used at this time)................................................................................................................................. 27

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Table of Contents-5
Detail Technical Design

1 Objective
This document provides a comprehensive and detailed architectural overview of the system, using a number of
different architectural views to depict different aspects of the system. It is intended to capture and convey the
significant architectural decisions that have been made on the system.
This section defines the role or purpose of the Architectural Design in the overall project documentation, and briefly
describes the structure of the document. The specific audiences for the document are identified, with an indication of
how they are expected to use the document.
The Detail Design begins with section 5, Introduction.

2 Audience
Identify the intended audience for this document. It should include the following groups:
 Enterprise Architecture
 Business Sponsor
 Project Manager and Project Team
 Build Team
 Support Team

3 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations

BMIDE - The Business Modeler IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is a tool for configuring and extending
the data model of your Teamcenter installation. The data model objects define the objects and rules used in

FMS – The File Management System manages uploading and downloading file data between clients and volumes in
both two-tier and four-tier architecture deployments. FMS provides volume servers for file management, a shared
server-level performance cache for shared data access between multiple users, a client-based private user cache for
rich clients, and a transient datastore mechanism for transporting reports, PLM XML, and other nonvolume data
between the enterprise and client tiers. FMS file caching enables placing the data close to the user, while maintaining
a central file volume and database store.

FSC – File Server Cache is a process that runs on a server host and performs as a volume server (when running on
a host where a volume is located or directly mounted) or a cache server (when running on a host where a volume is
not located or directly mounted) and a configuration server. As a volume or cache server, the FSC checks all file
access requests for a ticket that Teamcenter generates to authorize file access. As a cache server, it manages two
segment file caches, one for downloading files and one for uploading files.

J2EE – Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition is a platform-independent, Java-centric environment from Sun for
developing, building and deploying Web-based enterprise applications online. The J2EE platform consists of a set of
services, APIs, and protocols that provide the functionality for developing multitiered, Web-based applications.

FCC - The FMS client cache (FCC) is the name of the FMS client cache server process. The FCC provides a private
user-level cache, just as Web browsers provide a read file cache. The FCC provides a high performance cache for
both downloaded and uploaded files.
Class - A class is the definition of an object implemented in the Teamcenter data model.

Attribute - An attribute is a persistent piece of information that characterizes all objects

in the same class.

Type - A type is the specialization of an Teamcenter class based on properties and


Primary type - A primary type is a default ImanType that directly corresponds to each POM

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Subtype- Subtypes are all types except the primary type that belong to the same POM
class. Subtypes inherit all the properties and behavior of the primary type.

Property - A property is a piece of information that characterizes all objects of the same

Message - A message is a command that is passed to an object to execute some operation.

Method - A method is the execution of a message that is particular to that object type.

4 Notations
No additional notations are described here at this time.

5 Introduction
5.1 Executive summary
The business problem we are trying to solve is how to centralize engineering data into a small number of laboratory
locations. Existing engineering data is located in a wide array of locations and stored in many different data formats.
This creates difficulty in finding engineering data in a timely and efficient manner.
We plan on solving this issue by implementing a common Engineering Data Management System (EDMS) called
Teamcenter; the Teamcenter body of work is large and is broken down into a number of implementation phases. The
Teamcenter roadmap started in 2009 and plans to complete by 2016.
Teamcenter captures all elements of the approved Fermilab engineering process and the associated documents it
generates. This system, as envisioned, will connect and control engineering specifications, design analysis, CAD
drawings, safety documentation, and Quality Control reports in a central repository to allow for more efficient data
sharing across organizations.
The intention is for Teamcenter to automate standard engineering processes via workflow, and to provide a common
data repository for use by scientists, engineers, designers, technicians, manufacturing, procurement and quality
control personnel in order to improve the efficiency of the overall engineering process and production. Teamcenter is
envisioned to be engineering-document specific, and not a robust document management system for other laboratory
purposes (e.g., medical records, scientific records, etc.).

5.2 Solution overview

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The key objectives we are attempting to accomplish by implementing Teamcenter are:

 Enhance laboratory engineering processes and data storage by providing robust, highly reliable systems
functionality and information via a “state-of-the-art,” centrally managed PLM system (Teamcenter).
 Ensure that products being developed meet organizational and customer objectives by establishing and
automating laboratory-wide engineering standards, procedures and controls for processing, storing, and
maintaining engineering-related data.
 Improve the quality and effectiveness of laboratory engineering review processes and information by
consolidating and centralizing engineering data.
 Improve the efficiency of engineering and production processes by providing common access to engineering
data by scientists, engineers, designers, technicians, manufacturing, procurement and quality control
 Minimize levels of defect and rework by defining and automating frameworks and effective approaches for
managing engineering data, and utilizing Teamcenter in a consistent manner across the laboratory.
 Reduce operational costs and increase efficiency by consolidating and centralizing redundant and
distributed engineering management systems, processes and data.
 Develop capabilities of professional staff by strengthening laboratory-wide EDMS training, systems
knowledge, and use.

5.3 Document references

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Detail Technical Design

Item Title Author Location

Items 1 through 9 below are required inputs to the High Level Design

Computing Project

Tony Metz TeamCenter/Shared
1. Project Proposal Document Proposal
r Phase 3 PMT Proposal.docx

Standard eamCenter/Shared
Tony Metz
2. Requirements Document Desktop Documents/Desktop
Requirements Install/TeamcenterStandardDesktopI
3. Functional Design Functional Design Margaret Documents/Alignment/Alignment
Specification Specification Kubitschek Documents/209816_Fermi
Margaret eamCenter/Shared
Test Cases for TcUA Kubitschek Documents/Testing/Final Production
4. Use Cases
Workflow Testing/209816_Fermi_Phase-1 Test
Cases TcUA Workflow v1.2 Aug
Mercury Marine
5. Case Study Mercury Marine Documents/Community/Mercury
case study Marine
Alignment Margaret
6. Alignment Specification Documents/209816_Fermi
Specification Kubitschek Tc_Alignment_Specification_v2.1_Fer

Teamcenter Risk
7. Teamcenter Risk Register Tony Metz Teamcenter Risk Register

8. Teamcenter Charter Teamcenter Charter Rich Karuhn Teamcenter Charter

ISO 20K Planning

9. ISO 20K Planning Documents Many Teamcenter ISO 20K Documentation



6 Design Objectives

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Teamcenter is a commercial application with a proprietary schema. This document will cover the additions made to
the Out Of The Box (OOTB) schema and configuration.

6.1 Scope
The scope of this detail design will cover the enhancements made to the OOTB software.

6.2 Business requirements

See the Teamcenter charter document for business requirements

6.3 Current functionality

See Siemens documentation for current Teamcenter service functionality.

6.4 New functionality

New functionality for Teamcenter is typically addressed prior to each phase of implementation.

7 Design Decisions and Considerations

7.1 Decisions
See the functional design specification regarding design decisions.

7.2 Deviations from the high-level design

The only deviation that occurred from the high level design involved a decision to move the hosting of the
Teamcenter hardware from an external vendor to inside the Fermilab campus.

7.3 Assumptions
No assumptions have been documented from the high level design.

7.4 Risks
See risk register for description of Teamcenter service implementation risks

7.5 Service class considerations

As of this writing the Teamcenter service does not have a plan for high availability. The Teamcenter service is
starting the process of an interim disaster recovery plan until a formal lab wide disaster recovery plan is established;
see DocDB file CS-doc-5161/Disaster Recovery Plan for details on disaster recovery. There currently no other
service class considerations that apply to the Teamcenter service.

8 Design

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8.1 Process view

Teamcenter is used to create, store and retrieve engineering data related to Fermilab projects and experiments. The
Teamcenter process uses the Teamcenter Rich Client and Web Client.

Users create and store data for later retrieval. Users have either Author or Consumer rights. Authors can create and
manipulate data and Consumers can read that data.

The Teamcenter service uses a number of workflow processes to apply status to a document or set of documents.
This document will display the two main workflow processes; the FNAL review workflow and the FNAL approve
workflow. Additional workflow processes will be added during the next review of this system architecture document.

Teamcenter Workflow; FNAL Review Process

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Teamcenter Workflow; FNAL Approval Process

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8.2 Logical view

The Teamcenter service high level logical view (bubble chart) shows how clients interact with the Teamcenter service
in addition to intermediate software allowing the user securely login as well as access the Teamcenter service.

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The Rich Client, a Java-based client, provides access to all Teamcenter features and functions. A lightweight FCC
process executes on the users’ workstation. The Web Application, Business Logic and Resources layers execute on
separate systems. The Web Application Server being used is Weblogic. The resource layer includes an Oracle
database and data file services. The enterprise tier comprises a configurable pool of Teamcenter C++ server
processes (tcserver), and a server manager that manages the pool of the tcserver processes.

Figure 2: Rich Client Components

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The http server is deployed as an integral component of the Teamcenter web tier as shown in Figure3. This is a fully
J2EE compliant Web Application Server (WAS) with support for UNIX and Windows platforms including Weblogic.
The J2EE web-tier correctly manages the sessions between http rich clients and the pool of tcserver processes.
Clients communicate with the J2EE server via http; the J2EE server communicates with the tcserver pools via

Figure 3, Teamcenter Architecture Overview

8.3 Physical view

The main Teamcenter server is tcapp01p which has 4 CPU’s, 48 GB of RAM and 372 GB of hard disk space. The
Teamcenter servers are running Windows server 2008 R2 – 64-bit version with the exception of the CMM
workstations that are running Windows 7 64-bit. The Teamcenter clients are running Windows 7 64-bit with a

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minimum of 4 GB of RAM. The minimum network connection for Teamcenter clients is 100 MB with all the servers
having a connection of 1 GB. The files are stored on BlueArc in one Teamcenter volume. Teamcenter connects to
the Oracle 11G database on tcora10p which is running RHEL version 5.5.

The Teamcenter Web Application Server (WAS) tcweb01p is running Weblogic 10.3 and servers up the Teamcenter
Single Sign On (SSO) which connects to the LDAP Authentification services. The workstations tcapp04p, tcapp05p
and tcapp06p are Content Migration Manager (CMM) computers to convert Ideas data stored in Team Data Manager
(TDM) to NX data stored in Teamcenter.

Figure 4: Teamcenter Architecture Physical Chart

8.3.1 Configuration management

The Teamcenter configuration is managed using the software application Harvest. The configurations are stored in
packages under the change number taken out in Service Now. The configuration package process flow is shown in
Figure 5. There are three Teamcenter environments development, test and production. The Business Model IDE
(BMIDE) configuration is processed in Harvest using the same configuration and processing it through each
environment with review and approval at each environment. The BMIDE files are stored in Harvest under the
COMMON folder and the same files get applied to each environment. The configuration files that are specific to the

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server they are on are stored in Harvest under the UNIQUE folder in a sub-folder named for the server they are on.
Changes are processed as packages through the following default states in Harvest:

Test/QA Review
Apply to Test/QA
Production Review
Apply to Production
Release to Production

Figure 5: Configuration Management Process Flow

8.3.2 Infrastructure
Infrastructure is the combination of servers, networking, devices and other hardware applications that are needed for
the Teamcenter service to operate. The following sub-bullets describe these infrastructure components. Servers
Corporate Teamcenter Server - 4 CPU’s, 48 GB RAM, 160 GB Hard Disk Space (50 GB free space for temp files)

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Weblogic Server - 4 CPU’s, 8 GB RAM, 60 GB Hard Disk Space

The servers need to be running Windows Server 2008 64-bit as a minimum. Network
The minimum network connection for Teamcenter clients is 100 MB with all the Teamcenter servers having a
connection of 1 GB. The recommended connection is 1 GB for clients and multiple 1 GB connections for servers. For
optimal performance, Siemens PLM Software recommends that Teamcenter application servers reside on the same
Gbit LAN as the database server. Devices

The devices that are part of the application are desktop computers and laptops. Different client installation scripts are
required depending on the Operating System. The Teamcenter clients need to be running Windows 7 32-bit with a
minimum of 4 GB of RAM and clients running Windows 7 64-bit need a minimum of 8 GB of RAM.

A single user 32 bit Rich Client workstation configured in 4-tier mode should be equipped with a SPECint_rate2006
value of at least 17.6 to provide some excess capacity, again without regard to other applications. Hand-held devices

No hand held devices are supported in this current release. There will be hand held devices such as IPAD’s, Tablets,
and Phones using specific browsers that will be supported in future releases. Peripheral devices

Teamcenter users use standard Fermilab PC's, printers, plotters and 3-D plotters to enter data and print/plot data.

8.3.3 Storage
The storage requirement for the Teamcenter on the application server is 6.0 GB for the application. An additional 50
GB of free space is required for Temp space for smooth running of Pool Manager. The volume requirements for
Teamcenter depend on the amount of CAD data. Currently, we are utilizing space under the threshold limit of 1 TB.
We have additional space allocated that can be added to a total of 4 TB. The volume data is currently stored on a
NAS cluster ITNAS-A-1 which is a BlueArc Titan 3210.

8.4 Development view

The development Teamcenter server configuration is same as the production server configuration except that the
development servers are virtual servers. The Teamcenter configuration is stored in Harvest as packages with the
same BMIDE model being applied to each server after review and approval. Also stored in packages are a few of the
Teamcenter configuration files that are unique to each server. These packages go through the same review and
approval process but are updated very rarely.

8.5 Scenarios
Scenario use case views of the Teamcenter service will be created during the next review of this document.

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8.6 Summary solution diagram

Please review Teamcenter service logical and physical views to provide a summary solution diagram.

9 Detailed Design
9.1 Data model
The Teamcenter persistent object manager (POM) defines the architecture (schema)
using classes and business objects:

• Classes - The persistent representations of the schema. Classes can be seen in the Classes view
of the Business Modeler IDE.

• Business objects - The logical representations of the classes, also known as types. Business
objects can be seen in the Business Objects view of the Business Modeler IDE. Each class is
mapped to a primary business object whose name is the same as the Class name.

A primary business object corresponds to each POM class, and the primary business
object name is the same as the POM class name. The primary business object uses
its corresponding POM class to store its data.

Properties contain information such as name, number, description, and so on. A

business object derives its persistent properties from the attributes on its persistent
storage class. Business objects can also have additional properties such as run-time
properties, compound properties, and relation properties.

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9.1.1 Data dictionary

Key Teamcenter applications that work with data dictionary include, Classification Administration, Teamcenter
Project, Structure Manager, and Systems Engineering and Requirements Management.

In Classification, a data dictionary is modeled as a library. A hierarchy, or section of a hierarchy, is designated as a

specific library. A library contains a collection of nested classes. You can specify different sections of the
classification hierarchy as different libraries.

9.1.2 Data retention

Teamcenter is listed in the lab-wide file plan and the DOE retention schedule is listed as ADM 17, various.  This is
due to the wide variety of records in Teamcenter and the many different retention requirements.
ADM 17 is the DOE retention schedule for Cartographic, Aerial photographic, architectural, engineering, and facility
management records
This schedule covers cartographic records prepared during intermediate stages of publication,
Un-annotated aerial photographic negatives and prints, and architectural and engineering records.
Cartographic and aerial photographic records created before January 1, 1950, must be brought to
the attention of the National Archives before applying the disposition instructions in this schedule.

9.2 Object model

The following figure shows the Teamcenter object model. It demonstrates the relationships among objects, classes,
and types. The figure also shows the relationships between properties and attributes.

9.3 Security model

9.3.1 User Access
The following is the Teamcenter User access chart which defines what users can access what data.

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Access Description

Read (R) Allows you to open and view an object.

Write (W) Allows you to modify an object.

Delete (D) Allows you to completely and permanently remove an object from the database. Because this is
potentially destructive, delete privilege is generally granted only to the owner and Teamcenter

Change (C) Allows you to modify object protections. Any accessor with change privilege can grant themselves
any other privilege; therefore, change privilege must be tightly controlled. For example, you must
not allow another group to have change privileges to data belonging to your group.

Promote (p) Allows you to move a task ahead in a workflow job.

Demote (d) Allows you to move a task back in a workflow job.

Copy (c) Allows you to print objects, save objects as new objects, and mark objects for archive.

Export (X) Allows you to export objects from the Teamcenter database.

Import (I) Allows you to import objects in to your Teamcenter database.

Transfer-out (x) Allows you to transfer ownership of objects exported from your database.

Transfer-in (i) Allows you to become the new owner of objects imported in to the Teamcenter database.

Change Allows you to grant, change, or deny ownership rights to objects.


Publish Allows you to grant or restrict publishing privileges for users or groups.

Subscribe (S) Allows you to subscribe to events on a specified workspace object.

Custom acc

Columns A B C D E F G H I J K

Data Type: Draftsmen Designers Engineers Technicians Welders Machinists Admin Purchasing Scientists TM/CC

Parts R-W-M-S R-W-M-A-S R-W-M-A-S R R R R R R-W  

Assemblies R-W-M R-W-M-A R-W-M-A R R R R R R-W  

Drawings (In R-W-M R-W-M-A R-W-M-A R NONE NONE R NONE R-W  

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(Approved) R-W-M R-W-M-A R-W-M-A R R R R R R-W  

FEA Results
(Preliminary) R-W-M R-W-M-A R-W-M-A R NONE NONE R NONE R-W  

FEA Results
(Final) R-W-M R-W-M-A R-W-M-A R NONE NONE R R R-W  

(public) R-W-M R-W-M-A R-W-M-A R NONE NONE R R R-W  

(non-public) R R-W-M-A R-W-M-A R NONE NONE R NONE R-W  

(Draft) R-W-M R-W-M-A R-W-M-A R NONE NONE R R R-W  

(Final) R-W-M R-W-M-A R-W-M-A R R R R R R-W  

(Preliminary) R-W-M R-W-M-A R-W-M-A R NONE NONE R NONE R-W  

(BOE - Final) R-W-M R-W-M-A R-W-M-A R NONE NONE R R R-W  

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ESH Computi Projec Projec Non- Non- Non- Non-
Draft ialis Professi Mana Mana Manage Drafts Desig Engin Technic
Data Type: smen ts onals gers gers ment men ners eers ians

Parts M     R-A R-A R R R R-W-A R

Assemblies M     R-A R-A R R R R-W-A R

Drawings (In R-W-

-Progress) M     R-A R-A R R R R-W-A NONE

Drawings R-W-
(Approved) M     R-A R-A R R R R-W-A R

FEA Results
(Preliminary R-W-
) M     R-A R-A R R R R-W-A NONE

FEA Results R-W-

(Final) M     R-A R-A R R R R-W-A R

Calculations R-W-
(public) M     R-A R-A R R R R-W-A R

(non-public) R     R-A R-A R R R R-W-A NONE

Specificatio R-W-
ns (Draft) M     R-A R-A R R R R-W-A NONE

Specificatio R-W- R-W- R-W-

ns (Final) M     M-A M-A R R R R-W-A R

Cost R-W-     R-W- R-W- R n/a R-W R-W-A NONE

Estimates M M-A M-A

©2011 FERMILAB Doc Type: Template Version: Practice:

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Estimates R-W- R-W- R-W-
(BOE - Final) M     M-A M-A R n/a R R-W-A NONE

Non- Non- FNAL
Non- Non- FNA Non- Non- Revie FNAL Sub-
Draft Weld Machini Adm Purchas Scienti Vend Panel Manag Manag
Data Type: smen ers sts in ing sts ors s ers ers

Parts M R R R R R-W R R R-A R-A

Assemblies M R R R R R-W R R R-A R-A

Drawings (In R-W- NON


Drawings R-W-
(Approved) M R R R R R-W R R R-A R-A

FEA Results
(Preliminary R-W- NON

FEA Results R-W-


Calculations R-W-
(public) M NONE NONE R R R-W R R R-A R-A

Calculations NON
(non-public) R NONE NONE E NONE R-W NONE R R-A R-A

Specificatio R-W- NONE NONE NON NONE R-W R R R-A R-A

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ns (Draft) M E

Specificatio R-W- R-W- R-W-

ns (Final) M R R R R R-W R R M-A M-A

(Preliminary R-W- NON R-W- R-W-

Estimates R-W- R-W- R-W-

9.3.2 Physical Access

All Teamcenter servers are located in the FCC (Feynman Computing Center) data centers. Those data centers
require ID access and only accessible to authorized system administrators.

9.3.3 Data Security Components

Teamcenter data is available to everyone who has a Teamcenter account according to their user access rights; see
section 9.3.1 of this document for additional details.

9.4 Teamcenter – Detail

9.4.1 Basic responsibilities
Teamcenter is a software/database that is moving Fermilab towards a common Engineering Data
Management System (EDMS) that captures all elements of the approved Fermilab engineering process
and the associated documents it generates. This system connects and controls engineering
specifications, design analysis, CAD drawings, safety documentation, and Quality Control reports in a
central repository to allow for more efficient data sharing across organizations.

9.4.2 Business rules

Teamcenter service business rules will be documented during the next review of this system architecture document.

9.4.3 Data sources

Teamcenter creates and maintains engineering specifications, design analysis, CAD drawings, safety
documentation, and Quality Control reports among other engineering data. This data can be created
inside Teamcenter or imported in. Input data sources
Teamcenter service input data sources will be documented during the next review of this system architecture
document. Output data sources

Teamcenter service output data sources will be documented during the next review of this system architecture

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For Internal Use Only Doc ID: Effective Date:
Detail Technical Design

9.4.4 Sequence diagram

Sequence diagrams will be added during the next review of this system architecture document.

9.4.5 User interface

Teamcenter provides several interfaces, including a Java-based rich client interface, a Web-based thin client
interface, a Business Modeler IDE, and Teamcenter's Client for Microsoft Office.

The rich client interface is used by authors, manufacturing authors, administrators, and other users to:

← Manage the design and configuration of product data.

← Create and maintain processes and process structures.

← Configure and maintain Teamcenter.

← Access data stored in the Teamcenter database.

The thin client interface is used by consumers, manufacturing consumers, and reviewers to:

← View data, including product structure and variant information.

← Approve data attached to a workflow task.

← Visualize 2D drawings and 3D model.

The thin client interface is ideal for suppliers, production staff, and other users who do not require extensive authoring
or administrative access to Teamcenter.

The Business Modeler IDE is used by administrators to customize the Teamcenter data model.

Client for Office allows you to access Teamcenter directly through Microsoft Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and

The login mechanism uses SSO (Single Sign On) which allows users to log in using their Services account and
password. Screen definition Behavior and interactions

See 9.4.5 Data elements

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9.4.6 Errors and exceptions

No new error codes have been defined. The current error codes are Out Of The Box (OOTB) error codes.

9.4.7 Logging
The log entries will be placed in a file called RTEvents.txt located on Teamcenter server TCAPP01P in the directory
The elements on each line of the resulting log file are:
 ‘INFO’
 A UTC date-timestamp in format ‘yyyy/MM/dd-HH:mm:ss,SSS UTC’.
 {machine-name}
 The Java class where instrumentation is implemented.
 The name of the instrumented action.
 The type of filter being logged.
 The response time statistics.

9.4.8 Business continuity

See CS-doc-5161/Continuity Plan for business continuity plan.

9.5 Reporting
Teamcenter Service does not create any formal reports at this time. This section will be reviewed and updated when
formal reporting is required.

9.5.1 User
N/A Screen definition

N/A Example output

N/A Data elements


9.5.2 Administrative
N/A Screen definition

N/A Example output

N/A Data elements


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For Internal Use Only Doc ID: Effective Date:
Detail Technical Design

10 Performance and Volume

10.1 Performance expectations
See DocDB file CS-doc-5161/Continuity Plan for details on performance expectations

10.1.1 Growth expectations

See DocDB file CS-doc-5161/Continuity Plan for details on growth expectations

10.2 Volume and load expectations

See DocDB file CS-doc-5161/Continuity Plan for details on volume and load expectations

11 Application Support and Monitoring

See DocDB file CS-doc-5161/Continuity Plan for details on application support and monitoring

11.1 Support for monitoring

See DocDB file CS-doc-5161/Continuity Plan for details on application support for monitoring

11.2 Support for alerting

See DocDB file CS-doc-5161/Continuity Plan for details on support for alerting

12 Operational Requirements and Reporting

12.1 Service level agreement (SLA)
See DocDB file CS-doc-5161/Teamcenter Service Level Agreement for details on SLA

12.2 Support for metrics

Teamcenter service metrics are reported weekly to the information systems department head and to the Teamcenter
project sponsor; Teamcenter licensing and basic item metrics are collected using OpenLM and displayed through
FermiDash; SLA metrics are collected by Service-now.

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13 Appendix A – License Matrix

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For Internal Use Only Doc ID: Effective Date:

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