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Studware Students' Manual

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StudWare: NOUN Students’ Portal

Muhtar H. Alhassan


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10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

1 Uploading Credentials for Verification 1

2 Portal Registration 9

3 Student Login and Home Page 13

4 Managing Your eWallet 21

5 Registering for the Semester 29

6 Course Registration 35

7 Exam Registration 43

8 Project Registration 51

9 Carry-over Exam Registration 59

10 Carry-over Project Registration 69

11 Viewing Your Registration Slips 75


Introduction ix

1 Uploading Credentials for Verification 1

1.1 Undergraduate Credentials Upload 3
1.2 Postgraduate Credentials Upload 3
1.3 Checking Your Verification Status 4

2 Portal Registration 9

3 Student Login and Home Page 13

4 Managing Your eWallet 21

4.1 Generating Remita Number 21
4.2 Crediting Your RRR 23
4.3 Viewing Your Wallet 26

5 Registering for the Semester 29


6 Course Registration 35

7 Exam Registration 43

8 Project Registration 51

9 Carry-over Exam Registration 59

10 Carry-over Project Registration 69

11 Viewing Your Registration Slips 75


StudWare is an interactive, user-friendly students’ portal exclusively designed for the

students of the National Open University of Nigeria. The portal provides services
ranging from admission, electronic wallet, and several types of registration that the
students periodically conduct throughout their studies in NOUN.
StudWare is built to provide electronic work-flows that enable users to access
only tasks that are assigned to them based on their individual roles. Accordingly, the
operations manual for StudWare comes in three flavours, namely:
1. Students’ Manual

2. Faculty Manual
3. User Support Manual
The Students’ Manual presented here is a Guide to the students on the right way
to access and make optimal use of the StudWare portal.




Verification is the process of confirming your admission into NOUN and it culmi-
nates in obtaining your matriculation number. A verification officer needs to sight
all documents used in obtaining the Letter of Provisional Admission by an applicant.
The student needs to upload the relevant credentials so that the Verification Officer
can sight them online. The landing page for uploading credentials is at the URL: idx.php

Instructions about documents required, the format and file size are clearly presented
on the landing page. There is also an instruction on how to use a freely-available third
party application to reduce PDF file size before uploading. This is shown by clicking
on the button labelled How to Reduce PDF size. To start uploading the credentials
the new student should select from three categories displayed on the page, namely:


PGD /Masters


StudWare: NOUN Students’ Portal. 1

By Muhtar H. Alhassan Copyright c 2021 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Figure 1.1 Documents to be uploaded for verification


Figure 1.2 Landing page for credential uploads

1.1 Undergraduate Credentials Upload

Figure 1.3 shows the undergraduate upload page. All what is required to kick start the
process is the RRR number used to purchase the Undergraduate admission form. If
the RRR is vetted ok by the system the user is presented with step-by-step instruction
on how to proceed, and given a link to ’CLICK TO UPLOAD’ as shown in Fig. 1.4.
When this link is clicked, the document upload form is then displayed as shown in
Fig. 1.5. On the document upload form there is still a clear message that emphasises
how the documents should be scanned in to one single PDF file which should be
optimised before upload. If the upload is successful the system displays the message:
You have successfully uploaded the file!

1.2 Postgraduate Credentials Upload

Figure 1.6 shows the postgraduate upload page. To start the process the RRR number
used to purchase the Postgraduate admission form is required. If the RRR is vetted ok
by the system the user is presented with step-by-step instruction on how to proceed,
and given a link to ’CLICK TO UPLOAD’. When this link is clicked, the document
upload form is then displayed similar to the undergraduate case shown in Fig. 1.5.
On the document upload form there is still a clear message that emphasises how the
documents should be scanned in to one single PDF file which should be optimised
before upload. If the upload is successful the system displays the message: You have
successfully uploaded the file!

Figure 1.3 Undergraduate credentials upload page

1.3 Checking Your Verification Status

After successfully uploading your credentials you can check your verification status
via the URL check.php
The landing page is as shown in Figure 1.7. Here, you enter the RRR used for
admission and click submit. If the Verification Officer has verified your credentials
and approved them as suitable, a matric number would have been generated for you.
In this case, clicking the submit button brings up your matric number and a button
marked View Matriculation Slip as shown in Fig. 1.8. Click on the button to view
your verification slip with the newly generated matric number and other details as
shown in Fig 1.9

Figure 1.4 Instructions on how to proceed with the upload

Figure 1.5 Document upload form


Figure 1.6 Postgraduate credentials upload page

Figure 1.7 Checking your verification status

Figure 1.8 Matriculation Number confirmed


Figure 1.9 Matriculation Slip



Every student must register on the portal at the beginning of each Semester. Portal
registration is free and available to any student who has an active, valid matriculation
number. A matriculation number can be deactivated if the student is on suspension
or if (s)he is deemed to have graduated. Without registering on the portal for the
current semester, the student cannot login and conduct other portal actvities such as
funding the wallet, course registration, exam registration etc. To register on the portal
visit the home page at and click on the item Students on
the Menu. A dropdwon menu appears with Register as the first item. See Fig. 2.1
Click on Register and this takes you to the registration page where the form shown in
Fig. 2.4 is displayed. Fill the portal registration form making sure you choose your
password carefully to conform with current best practice. The following can act as a
guide in choosing your portal password:
Include 12 characters as minimum
Include numbers, symbols, and mixed capitalization
Don’t use dictionary words
Don’t use obvious word combinations
StudWare: NOUN Students’ Portal. 9
By Muhtar H. Alhassan Copyright c 2021 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Figure 2.1 Students dropdown menu with Register as the first item

To conclude, verify the password and submit the form. If the passwords match and
all other fields are populated correctly a popup message says OK to Submit as shown
in Fig. 2.3. Press Ok on the popup and the outcome appears. If the submission is
successful you get the message Success! Make sure you store the password securely
where you can access it, and do not share it with anybody. You can now go on and
login with your new password and start using the portal.

Figure 2.2 Portal Registration Form

Figure 2.3 OK to submit Portal Registration Form


Figure 2.4 Successful Portal Registration



To make use of the services offered on the portal, the student must login first. To
login, go to the home page at and click on the item Stu-
dents on the Menu. A dropdwon menu appears with Login as the second item. See
Fig. 3.1
Click on Login and this takes you to the Student Login page where the form shown
in Fig. 3.2 is displayed.
Enter your matriculation number and password then click on Submit. After veri-
fying your login details you are taken to your home page which is similar to Fig. 3.3.
As you can see there is a menu bar containing various links as shown in Fig. 3.4
The first item on the menu bar is your name. When you click that you are returned
to the Home Page. The second item is eWallet. When you click this, a dropdown
menu appears as shon in Fig. 4.1. This item therefore enables you to do the follow-

Generate Remita Number to initiate payment into your eWallet

Credit any payment made with an RRR

View your eWallet

StudWare: NOUN Students’ Portal. 13

By Muhtar H. Alhassan Copyright c 2021 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Figure 3.1 Students dropdown menu with Login as the second item

Figure 3.2 Student Login Form


Figure 3.3 A Sample Student’s Home Page

Figure 3.4 Student’s Menu Bar


Figure 3.5 eWallet Dropdown Menus

The third item on the Menu Bar is a link to view your registration slips for the
current Semester. When clicked it brings out links to slips for Course Registration,
Exam Registration, and Project Registration for the Semester as shown in Fig. 3.6.

Figure 3.6 Links to registration slips


The fourth item on the menu Bar is labelled Registration and when selected dis-
plays a dropdown menu as shown in Fig. 3.7.

Figure 3.7 Registration Menu Items

This Registration Menu therefore enables you to do the following:

Semester Registration

Course Registration

Exams Registration

Project Registration

Carry-over Exams Registration

Carry-over Project Registration

The fifth item on the Menu Bar is labelled Tasks and provides a dropdwon menu
as shown in Fig. 3.8. Thus, the Task menu items are used for the following:

View your most recently concluded TMA scores

View your most recently released exam result

View your most recently released project result

Upload your photo

View and print your ID Card


Figure 3.8 Student’s Task Menu Items

Figure 3.9 ID Card preview link


The sixth item on the Menu Bar, labelled 2021/1 ID Card, is for generating the
ID Card for the student. When clicked it takes you to the ID Card preview page as
shown in Fig. 3.9. If you click on Preview ID Card, the current ID Card is displayed
as a pop-up as shown in Fig. 3.10 and you can print it or save it as a PDF document.
Alternatively you can screen-capture it. The seventh item on the Menu Bar is the
Logout button. If you click this you are logged out of the portal. The eights item
on the Menu Bar shows your current wallet balance. To refresh this value after a
transaction just click on your name (the first item on the Menu Bar).

Figure 3.10 Sample ID Card



Every student in NOUN has an electronic wallet, also referred to as eWallet. All
financial transactions through the portal must be conducted via the eWallet. To start
managing your wallet you click on the eWallet item on your your Home Page menu
bar. This is the second item on the Menu Bar. When you click this, a dropdown menu
appears as shon in Fig. 4.1. This item therefore enables you to do the following:
Generate Remita Number to initiate payment into your eWallet
Credit any payment made with an RRR
View your eWallet

4.1 Generating Remita Number

This is the first step in trying to make a payment into your wallet. Note that only
RRRs generated through the link labelled Generate Remita Number will be recog-
nised by the system later, when you try to credit your wallet. If you make payment
through an RRR generated elsewhere, there will be considerable delay before
StudWare: NOUN Students’ Portal. 21
By Muhtar H. Alhassan Copyright c 2021 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Figure 4.1 eWallet Dropdown Menus

the Bursary can manually credit your wallet, AFTER you have reported the
When you click on the item Generate Remita Number you are taken to the wallet
funding page as shown in Fig. 4.2.

Figure 4.2 Initiating Wallet Funding

As you can see most fields on the form such as current wallet balance, your name,
matriculation number, and others have been automatically obtained from the system.

All you need to do is enter the amount you intend to pay and choose the payment
method. You then click Pay. When you click on Pay, the system redirects you to
Remita payment portal as shown in Fig. 4.3. Note that the amount you intend to pay

Figure 4.3 Remita Payment Bill with RRR

plus Remita’s charge are added and displayed as Amount Payable. The Remita re-
trieval Reference (RRR), a 12-digit number, is also displayed in a simplified human-
readable form ( by including dashes). Thus, in the example shown, the amount the
student wants to pay is 35,000 Naira and the RRR is 140460094962. After gener-
ating the RRR you print the Bill and take it along to the Bank ofr effecting your
payment. Alternatively, Remita can accept card payment, which can be effected by
clicking on the green button labelled SUBMIT. In all cases you need to save the
RRR used for making the payment so it can be used later for crediting your Wallet.

4.2 Crediting Your RRR

After making payment via the RRR generated as detailed above, you need to credit
the payment into your wallet. This is done by clicking on Credit Your RRR from

the eWallet dropdown menu. This brings up the CREDIT RRR PAYMENT form as
shown in Fig. 4.4. The form has your matriculation number inserted and you need

Figure 4.4 Credit RRR Payment Form

only provide the RRR generated from the portal and used for payment. If the RRR
was not generated from the portal, you cannot credit the wallet. In such instances
the system will display a message similar to Fig. 4.5 and you may need to submit the
RRR to the accounts officer in your Study Centre.

Figure 4.5 Failed crediting of wallet


4.3 Viewing Your Wallet

To view details of transactions in your wallet and the current balance, you click on
View Wallet from the eWallet dropdown menu.This brings up two tables, one for all
payments into the wallet, and the other for all deductions made for services rendered,
as shown in Fig. 4.6 Note that, both payment and expense tables are designed, by
default to display a maximum of 10 rows at a time, so you may have to use the
pagination tabs at the bottom of each table to go though other pages when the entries
are more than 10 as is the case for the expense table in the sample wallet shown in
Fig. 4.6. There is also the option to change the maximum number of rows per display
at the top of each table.


Semester Registration is compulsory for any student that wishes to engage in aca-
demic activity for the given semester. Indeed the other types of registration such as
course registration, exams registration, and others are only activated after the stu-
dent has registered for the current semester. To start Semester Registration from
your homepage, you select Registration from the Home Page Menu, and a dropdown
menu appears with Semester Registration as the first item as shown in Fig. 11.1.

StudWare: NOUN Students’ Portal. 29

By Muhtar H. Alhassan Copyright c 2021 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Figure 5.1 Registration Dropdown Menu

When you clicks on the Semester Registration you are taken to the Semester Reg-
istration Form page as shown in Fig. 5.2.

Figure 5.2 Semester Registration Form

Note that the Semester Registration form automatically determines all relevant
components of registration for you and the fees payable. The only input from you is
to click on Submit and /or Print the form.
Please note the following about Semester Registration:

Semester registration is only possible after you have registered on the portal (a
free process) and if there is sufficient fund in your eWallet.

The registration module determines the fee payable for the Semester Registra-
tion based on a fee schedule provided by the Bursar. In particular, distinction is
made between first time cases where caution fee and other payments are needed
and returning students who just pay the regular semester registration fee.

Before the process of registration commences your wallet is verified and all
outstanding charges deducted to obtain a true wallet balance.
If wallet balance is below the required fee for registration, you are advised
promptly to replenish the wallet
The registration process requires you to upload your recent passport-size pho-
tograph if you have not done so earlier.
At the end of a successful process you are issued with a registration slip, which
can be printed or saved as a pdf document.
The registration process updates your wallet after deducting the registration fees
and keeps record of the transaction
If you had registered earlier for the Semester, you are reminded as shown in
Fig. 5.3.

Figure 5.3 Semester Registration already done


In this case clicking on View Registration Details displays your registration slip
for the semester as shown in Fig. 5.4.

Figure 5.4 Semester Registration Slip



StudWare provides an interface for course registration for all students who have reg-
istered for the Semester and have adequate funds in their e-wallets.
Course registration puts a cap on the credit units for each student according to
the Faculty requirement. Course registration like other aspects of study in NOUN is
quite flexible. You decide the number of courses to register based on your personal
schedule and financial situation.
To start Course Registration from your homepage, you select Registration from
the Home Page Menu, and a dropdown menu appears with Course Registration as
the second item as shown in Fig. 11.1.

StudWare: NOUN Students’ Portal. 35

By Muhtar H. Alhassan Copyright c 2021 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Figure 6.1 Registration Dropdown Menu

When you clicks on Course Registration you are taken to the page shown in Fig.
6.2. Here you select the course level so that the corresponding registrable courses for
the level will be displayed to you after clicking on Submit.

Figure 6.2 Selecting the course level

When you have selected the course level and clicked Submit, a button labelled
Proceed... appears with your Matriculation Number also displayed as shown in
Fig. 6.3

Figure 6.3 Ready to proceed with course registration

When you click on Proceed... you are taken to the course registration page as
shown in Fig. 6.4.

Figure 6.4 Course Registration Page

In Fig. 6.4 you are presented with two panes. The left pane contains a list of reg-
istrable courses for the chosen level with each row having an Add button. The right
pane contains the list of selected courses. Clicking the Add button for a registrable
course adds the course to the list of Registered Courses on the right panel, and dis-

ables the corresponding Add button. As you add the courses, the total credit units
and fees are calculated and displayed at the bottom of the Registered Courses list as
shown in Fig. 6.5

Figure 6.5 4 Courses Registered


When you are done selecting courses you want to register, click the Submit button.
There is also an option to cancel your selection by clicking on Reset. If course
registration is successful you are taken to the page shown in Fig. 6.6.

Figure 6.6 Courses Registration successful!

Here, when you click on the button labelled View Course Registration Details a
window pops up as shown in Fig. 6.7 displaying the Registration details which can
be printed or saved as PDF.

Figure 6.7 Courses Registration Slip

Course Registration can fail for the following reasons:

If the total credit units surpass the maximum for the Faculty
If the Wallet balance cannot cover the total fee
If the registration is closed
In any of the cases above, you will be notified by the system.


The interface for exam registration is available to you if

you have registered for the Semester and

you have registered at least one course (including carry-over)

and have adequate funds in their e-wallets.

Exam registration puts a cap on the credit units for each student according to the
Faculty requirement. Exam registration like course registration is quite flexible. You
decide the number of exam courses to register based on your personal schedule and
financial situation.
To start Exam Registration from your homepage, you select Registration from
the Home Page Menu, and a dropdown menu appears with Exam Registration as the
third item as shown in Fig. 11.1.
StudWare: NOUN Students’ Portal. 43
By Muhtar H. Alhassan Copyright c 2021 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Figure 7.1 Registration Dropdown Menu

When you clicks on Exam Registration you are taken to the page shown in Fig.
7.2. Here you select the course level so that the corresponding registrable exams for
the level will be displayed to you after clicking on Submit.

Figure 7.2 Selecting the exam level

When you have select the exam level and click Submit, you are informed about
your wallet balance and the number of your registered courses and a button labelled
Proceed... appears with your Matriculation Number also displayed as shown in
Fig. 7.3

Figure 7.3 Ready to proceed with exam registration

When you click on Proceed... you are taken to the exam registration page as
shown in Fig. 7.4.

Figure 7.4 Exam Registration Page

In Fig. 7.4 you are presented with a list of any exams you may have registered
earlier in this Semester and two registration panes. The left pane contains a list of
registered courses for the chosen level with each row having an Add button. The
right pane contains the list of selected exam courses. Clicking the Add button for a

registered course adds the course to the list of Registered Exams on the right panel,
and disables the corresponding Add button. As you add the courses, the total credit
units and fees are calculated and displayed at the bottom of the Registered Exams
list as shown in Fig. 7.5

Figure 7.5 3 Exams selected


When you are done selecting courses you want to register for exam, click the
Submit button. There is also an option to cancel your selection by clicking on Reset.
If exam registration is successful you are taken to the page shown in Fig. 7.6.

Figure 7.6 Exam Registration successful!

Here, when you click on the button labelled View Exam Registration Details a
window pops up as shown in Fig. 7.7 displaying the Registration details which can
be printed or saved as PDF.

Figure 7.7 Exam Registration Slip

Exam Registration can fail for the following reasons:

If the total credit units surpass the maximum for the Faculty
If the Wallet balance cannot cover the total fee
If the registration is closed

In any of the cases above, you will be notified by the system.



To start Project Registration from your homepage, you select Registration from the
Home Page Menu, and a dropdown menu appears with Project Registration as the
fourth item as shown in Fig. 11.1.

StudWare: NOUN Students’ Portal. 51

By Muhtar H. Alhassan Copyright c 2021 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Figure 8.1 Registration Dropdown Menu

When you clicks on Project Registration you are taken to the page shown in Fig.
8.2. Here you select the course level so that the corresponding registrable exams for
the level will be displayed to you after clicking on Submit.

Figure 8.2 Selecting the project level

When you have selected the project level and clicked Submit, a button labelled
Proceed... appears with your Matriculation Number also displayed as shown in
Fig. 8.3

Figure 8.3 Ready to proceed with project registration

When you click on Proceed... you are taken to the project registration page as
shown in Fig. 8.4.

Figure 8.4 Project Registration Page

In Fig. 8.4 you are presented with a list of any projects you may have registered
earlier in this Semester. You are also presented two registration panes. The left pane
contains a list of available projects for the chosen level with each row having an
Add button. The right pane contains the list of selected projects you have selected.
Clicking the Add button for an available project on the left pane adds the project to
the list of Selected projects on the right pane, and disables the corresponding Add
button. As you add the projects, the total credit units and fees are calculated and
displayed at the bottom of the Registered Projects list as shown in Fig. 8.5

Figure 8.5 Selected project

When you are done selecting projects you want to register, click the Submit button.
There is also an option to cancel your selection by clicking on Reset. If project
registration is successful you are taken to the page shown in Fig. 8.6.

Figure 8.6 Project Registration successful!

Here, when you click on the button labelled View Project Registration Details a
window pops up as shown in Fig. 8.7 displaying the Registration details which can
be printed or saved as PDF.

Figure 8.7 Project Registration Slip

Project Registration can fail for the following reasons:

If the total credit units surpass the maximum for the Faculty
If the Wallet balance cannot cover the total fee
If the registration is closed

In any of the cases above, you will be notified by the system.



To start Carry-over Exam Registration from your homepage, you select Registration
from the Home Page Menu, and a dropdown menu appears with Carry-over Exam
Registration as the fifth item as shown in Fig. 11.1.

StudWare: NOUN Students’ Portal. 59

By Muhtar H. Alhassan Copyright c 2021 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Figure 9.1 Registration Dropdown Menu

When you clicks on Carry-over Exam Registration you are taken to the page
shown in Fig. 9.2. Here you select the course level so that the corresponding regis-
trable exams for the level will be displayed to you after clicking on Submit.

Figure 9.2 Selecting the Carry-over Exam level

When you select the Carry-over Exam level and clicked Submit, you are presented
with your wallet balance and the number of carry-over courses you have registered.
If there is at least one carry-over course a button labelled Proceed... appears with
your Matriculation Number also displayed. If there is no carry-over for you in that
level you are advised as shown in Fig. 9.3

Figure 9.3 No carry-over to register

If you have at least one carry-over registered course, you are informed about your
wallet balance and the number of your carry-over registered course and a button
labelled Proceed... appears with your Matriculation Number also displayed as shown
in Fig. 9.4

Figure 9.4 Ready to proceed with carry-over exam registration

When you click on Proceed... you are taken to the carry-over exam registration
page as shown in Fig. 9.5.

Figure 9.5 Carry-over Exam Registration Page

In Fig. 9.5 you are presented with a list of any exams you may have registered
earlier in this Semester. You are also presented two registration panes. The left
pane contains a list of available carry-over exams for the chosen level with each row
having an Add button. The right pane contains the list of carry-over exams you have
selected. Clicking the Add button for an available exam on the left pane adds the

exam to the list of Selected exams on the right pane, and disables the corresponding
Add button. As you add the carry-over exams, the total credit units and fees are
calculated and displayed at the bottom of the Registered Projects list as shown in
Fig. 9.6

Figure 9.6 Selected project


When you are done selecting projects you want to register, click the Submit button.
There is also an option to cancel your selection by clicking on Reset. If project
registration is successful you are taken to the page shown in Fig. 9.7.

Figure 9.7 Carry-over Exam Registration successful!

Here, when you click on the button labelled View Carry-over Exam Registration
Details a window pops up as shown in Fig. 9.8 displaying the Registration details
which can be printed or saved as PDF.

Figure 9.8 Project Registration Slip

Carry-over Exam Registration can fail for the following reasons:

If the total credit units surpass the maximum for the Faculty
If the Wallet balance cannot cover the total fee
If the registration is closed

In any of the cases above, you will be notified by the system.



Carry-over project registration is strictly for students who have registered and ob-
tained an F in the project. If you have registered a project but have not yet been
graded for it, you do not need to register it as a carry-over. To start Carry-over
Project Registration from your homepage, you select Registration from the Home
Page Menu, and a dropdown menu appears with Carry-over Project Registration as
the sixth item as shown in Fig. 11.1.

StudWare: NOUN Students’ Portal. 69

By Muhtar H. Alhassan Copyright c 2021 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Figure 10.1 Registration Dropdown Menu

When you clicks on Carry-over Project Registration you are taken to the page
shown in Fig. 10.2. Here you select the project level so that the your previously
failed Projects for the level will be displayed to you after clicking on Submit.

Figure 10.2 Selecting the Carry-over Project level

When you select the Carry-over Project level and clicked Submit, you are pre-
sented with your wallet balance and the number of carry-over (failed or omitted)
projects you have. If you have at least one carry-over project, a button labelled Pro-
ceed... appears with your Matriculation Number also displayed as shown in Fig. 10.3

Figure 10.3 Ready to proceed with carry-over Project registration

When you click on Proceed... you are taken to the carry-over Project registration
page as shown in Fig. 10.4.

Figure 10.4 Carry-over Project Registration Page

In Fig. 10.4 you are presented with a list of any Projects you may have regis-
tered earlier in this Semester. If you have failed projects, you are also presented two
registration panes. The left pane contains a list of failed carry-over Projects for the
chosen level with each row having an Add button. The right pane contains the list of
carry-over Projects you have selected. Clicking the Add button for a failed Project
on the left pane adds the Project to the list of Selected Projects on the right pane, and
disables the corresponding Add button. As you add the carry-over Projects, the total
credit units and fees are calculated and displayed at the bottom of the Registered
Projects list. When you are done selecting projects you want to register, click the
Submit button. There is also an option to cancel your selection by clicking on Reset.
If you do not have any failed projects for the level you are informed as shown in
Fig. 10.5

Figure 10.5 No Carry-over project

Carry-over Project Registration can fail for the following reasons:

If the total credit units surpass the maximum for the Faculty
If the Wallet balance cannot cover the total fee
If the registration is closed

In any of the cases above, you will be notified by the system.



To view and print your registration slips, there are two options. You can either click
on 2021/1 Slips from your Home Menu, or select Registration from the Home Page
Menu, and a dropdown menu appears with Registration Slips as the seventh item as
shown in Fig. 11.1.

StudWare: NOUN Students’ Portal. 75

By Muhtar H. Alhassan Copyright c 2021 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Figure 11.1 Registration Dropdown Menu

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