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Star Wars - A Heros Journey

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The Hero's Journey: Star Wars (1977)

The Ordinary World

In A New Hope, the Ordinary World is revealed to the audience as we are
introduced to Luke Skywalker. Luke is a young boy living a mundane life as a moisture
farmer on the Planet Tatooine with his Uncle and Aunt. Just as Joseph Campbells
philosophy states, the audience sympathises with the hero (Luke) as he yearns to
escape from his dull, uneventful life. The idea of a polarity pulling the heros life in a
different direction, causing stress(Campbell's monomyth) is established, as Luke
dreams of bigger things, but is constantly needed by his Uncle Owen to help with the

The Call to Adventure

This mundane regularity; comes to a stop as the Call to Adventure is initiated
after Luke finds a message stored inside R2D2. After Leia famously says, "Help me,
Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope," a classic Princess in distress situation is
established and adventure manifests itself into Luke's ordinary life. Lukes call
specifically occurs when Obi Wan Kenobi reveals the complete message, and calls
Luke to join the quest.

The Refusal of The Call

Initially, Luke refuses Obi Wan Kenobis call to aid the rebellion and help save
Princess Leia. Luke refuses to leave the normalcy of his day-to-day life (Campbell's
monomyth). Worried about neglecting his responsibility to his Uncle and doubting his
ability to be of any help, he tells Obi Wan he cant get involved and has work to do.
Luke goes on to state that its such a long way from here. His reluctance to help Obi
Won, further emphasizes Lukes sense of obligation and fear of the unknown.

The Meeting with The Mentor

Lukes mentor in the film is Obi Won Kenobi. This can be inferred, as Obi Won
provides the hero with a gift and support to help him cross the threshold. Obi Won
presents Luke with his fathers lightsaber, however this is not the only gift that Luke
receives. Obi Won also introduces Luke to the Force, which initiates Luke on his journey
to his climax.
Crossing the Threshold (Accepting the Call)
After Lukes Aunt and Uncle are killed by the Empire he joins Obi Won on his
journey, accepting the call by stating that "there's nothing for me here now. I want to
learn the ways of the Force and become a Jedi like my father". However the Cantina,
a place of unfamiliar rules and values is where Luke is at the point of no return,
officially crossing the threshold. He encounters many strange individuals and ventures
into the unknown. Luke crossing the threshold of Mos Eisley represents him leaving
his innocence behind, crossing over into a mysterious place, thus leaving his ordinary

Tests, Allies and Enemies

In this new Special world of the Cantina, many tests, allies and enemies are
encountered, and so are a series of trials, giving an insight to what lies ahead in the
main quest. Allies in the film are encountered when Luke and Obi-Wan hire Han Solo
and Chewbacca. Solo and Chewbacca serve as valuable allies along Lukes journey.
Furthermore Luke makes enemies at the bar when he gets into a feud with a creature
who wants to fight him. He also indirectly makes enemies with Jabba the Hutt as well.
Trials that Luke faces begin on the Millennium Falcon as Obi Won further trains Luke in
the ways of the Force as they prepare to rescue Princess Leia and take on Darth

The Approach to The Inmost Cave/The Belly of the Whale

The Inmost Cave, is a place of danger, and in the film is represented by the
Death Star. In "Star Wars: A New Hope" the Millennial Falcon is "swallowed" into the
belly of the Death Star where they go to save Princess Leia. This stage represents
the final separation from the ordinary world, as Luke was always yearning to leave
Tatooine, he is now faced with the opportunity to enter the belly of the Death Star,
leaving the ordinary world as well as his previous life in the past.

The Ordeal
In "Star Wars: A New Hope"a couple of ordeals take place as Luke uses his
newfound skills to execute a successful rescue of the Princess. The first occurs when
Luke, Leia and company are trapped in the trash compactor. This is where the
protagonists are on the brink of death and seem to have no chance of survival. Luke is
also pulled under by the monster for so long that it appears he is dead. Furthermore the
death of Obi Won Kenobi is also a large ordeal in the film as it represents the
metaphorical death and resurrection of Luke Skywalker who has grown as a person
and has returned with a heightened awareness of the force due to Kenobi's sacrifice.
This newly gained insight is important in order for Luke to fulfill his destiny and for the
journey to reach its end.

The Reward
Luke and his allies escape with the information needed to destroy the Death
Star, however not without the loss of Obi Won. Luke emerges from his ordeal as a
worldly hero. His reward is joining the rebel offense as a pilot, just as he wanted back
when he was on Tatooine. As he becomes a pilot, he casts aside his innocence and
transforms himself into a heroic pilot, ready to sacrifice his life for the greater good of
the rebellion.

The Road Back

Instead of going back to Tatooine, Luke, enlightened by this new world, chooses
to stay behind. He joins the rebel fighters as a pilot in order to destroy the Death Star as
it has moved within range of the rebel base. At this stage, Luke chooses the greater
good of the rebellion as he turns down Han's offer to leave.

The Resurrection
The climax of the movie takes place as the battle to destroy the Death Star
begins. The stakes are high because if Luke fails this last challenge the Rebels will fall,
thus leaving the galaxy in the hands of the Empire. During this stage Luke experiences
a change as he reaches his apotheosis. Luke lets go of his reliance on technology and
puts his faith in the Force. He ultimately destroys the Death Star taking strides towards
becoming a Jedi.

Return with The Elixir

At this stage, due to the experiences he has encountered, Luke returns as a
changed man. The elixir represents the success of the journey. We see Lukes success
as he is not only presented with a medal but has also brought back fresh hope for the
rebellion. The end scene depicts Luke achieving his goal of leaving his small town and
making a ripple in the galaxy.

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