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FYBSc Physical & Organic Chemistry

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Dhempe College of Arts & Science

F.Y.B.Sc. Semester II Examination July 2021
Chemistry: Physical Chemistry and Organic Chemistry
Paper Code: CHC-102 (DSC 2B)

Duration: Two Hours. Max. Marks: 40

Instructions: 1) All questions are compulsory although there is internal choice.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Use of calculator is allowed.

Q1) Answer any five of the following: (5 x 2 = 10)

i. What are extensive properties and intensive properties? Give two examples of each.
ii. Write a short note on first law of thermodynamics.
iii. Write the equation for degree of dissociation of weak acid. State 2 factors affecting the
degree of dissociation.
iv. State Le Chatelier’s principle. What is the effect of change in concentration of reactants
on the following reaction.
N2 + 3H2 2NH3
v. a) Draw the structure of the product A obtained in case of the following reaction.

b) Give the reaction to illustrate Cannizaro reaction of benzaldehyde.

vi. Give the two different combinations of alkyl/aryl halide and alkyl/aryl oxide (with
structures) used in preparation of anisole by Williamson’s synthesis. Also mention which
combination is more preferred and why?
vii. a) Complete the following reaction. Name the reaction.

b) Toluene on treatment with strong oxidizing agent gives the product A. Write the
viii. a) n-butylchloride on reaction with NaOH gives the product having stereochemical
inversion in configuration. Write the reaction and also mention the path followed by the
b) Arrange the following in the correct order of reactivity towards nucleophilic `
substitution reaction.

(1) (P.T.O)
Q2) Answer any six of the following: (6 x 5 = 30)
i. a) Define heat of combustion and heat of neutralization.
b) The heat of combustion of ethylene at 17ºC and at constant volume is – 332.19 kcal.
Calculate the heat of combustion at constant pressure considering water to be in liquid
state. (R = 2 cal degree–1 mol–1).
ii. Derive expression for pH of buffer solution for basic buffer. Calculate pH of the buffer
solution if concentration of CH3COOH is 0.1M and CH3COONa is 0.15M.
(Ka = 1.8×10-5)
iii. Derive the relationship between Kc and Kp. Calculate Kc for the following reaction at
673K : 2H2O(g) + 2Cl2(g)  4HCl(g) + O2(g)
(Given Kp = 0.035; R = 8.314 J K–1 mol–1)
iv. What is common ion effect? Explain giving suitable example. Derive the relationship
between pKw, pOH & pH.
v. a) A compound A with molecular formula C4H8O gives compound B on treatment with
sodium borohydride. Compound B has molecular formula C4H10O, and it forms a cloudy
solution only after heating with Lucas reagent. Compound A on treatment with ethyl
magnesium bromide forms compound C, with molecular formula C6H14O which on
treatment with Lucas reagent gives a cloudy solution after 5 minutes. Give the structures
of compound A, B, & C.
b) Give the reaction for Meerwein–Ponndorf–Verley reduction of butan-2-one.
vi. a) Explain the mechanism for Pinacol-Pinacolone rearrangement with a suitable example.
b) Give the reaction to illustrate Sandmeyer reaction for the preparation of
vii. a) Complete the following reaction. Explain the mechanism for the following reaction.

b) Give the method of preparation of benzene from acetylene.

i. a) Give the mechanism involved in the following reaction.

b) o-nitrochlorobenzene and p-nitrochlorobenzene are more reactive towards

nucleophilic substitution reaction as compared to chlorobenzene. Give reason.

************THE END************

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