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Reastaurant Conversation

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Restaurant conversation  

The first conversation is between 2 people at a restaurant. The conversation is short and is about a couple arriving at the restaurant and
ordering food with a waitress. The second conversation is longer and is between 3 people ordering food in a restaurant.

Conversation about arriving at a restaurant and ordering food

At the Restaurant

Waitress:  Good evening sir, welcome to Stanley House, can I help you?

Jason: Can we have a table for two please.

Waitress: Please come this way please.

Ordering food

Waitress: Are you both ready to order now?

Jason: Yes, we are. Can we have the Sunday roast with vegetables and Chicken salad please?

Waitress: Would you like anything to drink with your meal?

Jason: 2 glasses of white wine please.

After the Meal

Waitress: Would you like to see the dessert menu

Jason: No thanks, can we have the bill please.

Conversation between 3 people ordering food in a restaurant

Waitress: Hello, I will be your waitress today. Can I get you both any drinks?

Paul:  Yes. I would like an iced coffee, please.

Jane:  And I will have the same please.

Waitress: OK 2 iced coffees, here you are. Are you now ready to order your, or would you like a few more minutes?

Paul:  I think we are ready to order. I will have the chicken soup to start, and the steak with fries and the mixed vegetables.

Waitress: How do you want the steak cooked rare, medium, or well done?

Paul:  I would like it well done, please.

Jane:  I do not want a starter. I would like to have the fried chicken with fries and a side salad please.

Waitress: Your meals will be here shortly.

Waitress: Here are your meals. If you need anything else just ask. Have a nice meal.
. Memesan makanan

Dialog di bawah ini menunjukkan seorang pria yang ingin memesan makanan tradisional di sebuah restoran.

“Good evening Sir, have a seat, please!” [“Selamat

Pelayan restoran:
malam Pak, silakan duduk.”]
“Thank you. I want to have dinner.” [“Terima kasih.
Saya ingin makan malam.”]
“Yes please. Here is our menu. Would you please

Pelayan restoran: choose your menu?” [“Baik. Ini menu kami.

Apakah Anda ingin memilih menu Anda?”]

“I want to taste all of traditional foods here while I’m

on holiday. Can you tell me about this dish?”

Martin: [Saya ingin mencoba makanan tradisional di sini

saat saya sedang liburan. Bisakah Anda memberi

tahu saya tentang makanan tersebut?”]

Pelayan restoran: “It’s called Gado-gado. It’s Indonesian vegetabled

salad served with peanut sauce.” [“Ini disebut

Gado-gado. Salad sayuran ala Indonesia yang

dicampur dengan bumbu kacang.”]

“What are in there?” [“Apa saja yang ada di makanan
“They are potatoes, bean sprouts, lettuce, cucumber,

Pelayan restoran: some tofu, egg and rice cake.” [Kentang, tauge,

selada, mentimun, tahu, telur, dan lontong.”]

“Hmmm… I never taste it before. What about the

Martin: sauce?” [“Hmmm…Saya belum pernah mencicipi

sebelumnya. Bagaimana dengan bumbunya?”]

“The sauce uses peanut, palm sugar, chili and some

other ingredients with water.” [“Bumbunya

Pelayan restoran:
menggunakan kacang tanah, gula, cabai, dan

bahan lainnya yang dicampur dengan air.”]

“Sounds good. I want it! And,…a glass of iced tea,

Martin: please.” [“Terdengar enak. Saya mau Gado-gado

dan segelas teh dingin”]

Pelayan restoran: “Surely Sir, please wait for a moment.” [Baik Pak,
mohon tunggu sebentar.”]

2. Komplain tentang makanan yang dipesan

Pada contoh percakapan di bawah ini, seorang pengunjung restoran komplain tentang ikan yang dipesannya. Pelayan restoran
menanggapinya dengan baik, dan mengganti ikan tersebut.

Budi: “Excuse me, waiter!” [“Permisi, Pelayan”]

“Yes Sir, how may I help you?” [Baik Pak, apa yang
Pelayan restoran:
bisa saya bantu?”]
“I think there is something about my order. My fish

has a good seasoning, but it’s a little dry. I don’t

really enjoy it. Can you give me another one?”

Budi: [“Saya pikir ada sesuatu dengan pesanan saya.

Ikan saya memiliki bumbu yang baik, namun

sedikit kering. Saya sungguh tidak menikmatinya.

Bisakah Anda memberi saya ikan yang lain?”]

Pelayan restoran: “Oh I’m so sorry about that. I think I should let the

cook know about this meal. Would you please

just wait for a moment?” [“Oh…saya mohon

maaf. Saya pikir saya harus memberi tahu koki

tentang makanan ini. Apakah Anda bisa

menunggu sebentar?”]
Budi: “Okay” [“Baik.”]
Beberapa menit kemudian
“Excuse me Sir, Here is your fish. How about this

Pelayan restoran: one?” [“Permisi, Pak. Ini ikan Anda. Bagaimana

dengan ikan tersebut?”]

“Well, this is just exactly what I want.” [“Nah, ini ikan
yang persis saya inginkan.”]
“Surely. Would you have more drinks, Sir?” [“Tentu.
Pelayan restoran:
Apakah Anda ingin tambah minuman, Pak?”]
“No thanks, that’s enough. By the way, do I have to

pay the first fish?” [Tidak, terima kasih. Masih

cukup. Ngomong-ngomong, apakah saya harus

bayar ikan yang pertama?”]

Pelayan restoran: “I don’t think so Sir, I do apologize. That was our

mistake.” [Saya pikir tidak, Pak, saya benar-benar

meminta maaf. Itu kesalahan kami.”]
Budi: “That’s fair. Thank you.” [“Itu adil. Terima kasih.”]
Pelayan restoran: “You’re welcome” [“Sama-sama”]

3. Membayar tagihan

Contoh percakapan di bawah ini bercerita tentang seorang pengunjung restoran yang ingin membayar tagihannya.

Yadi: “Excuse me, waiter!” [“Permisi, Pelayan”]

Pelayan restoran: “Yes, Sir” [“Ya, Pak.”]
“Can I have my bill?” [“Bisakah saya mendapatkan
tagihan saya?”]
“Yes, Sir. I will go and get it for you.” [Ya, Pak. Saya

Pelayan restoran: akan mengambilnya dan memberikannya kepada


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