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Akkaya Katalog EN 2019

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OSB Yerli Su Sokak No: 2
Selçuklu /Konya / Turkey

+90 332 248 92 21
+90 332 248 91 45

+90 332 248 77 10 /akkayaboilers

AKKAYA HEATING INSTRUMENTS effective biomass fired boiler designs,
MANUFACTURING INC. located in fuel combustion systems, exhaust gas
Konya / Turkey is a family owned filtration systems, exhaust gas heat
company that has been involved in recovery systems, overall system
boiler production since its efficiency and safety controls.
establishment in 1964. Activities of the
company are being carried out in Company R&D studies are being carried
Konya plant having a 13000 m2 open out continuously and quite a big part of
and a 10000 m2 closed area. Nearly its turnover is being invested at this field
80% of company’s annual production is each year.
being exported over 30 countries all
over the world. Regarding the global need for renewable
energy systems AKKAYA INC. also aims
In addition to its continuous production to provide steam, hot water and thermal
of conventional gas, oil or electric fired oil systems that are using recovered
systems for more than half a century, energy sources, to new age power
main interest of the company has been generation plants all over the world.
designing, manufacturing and
exporting innovative Steam, Hot Water Having a strong awareness for
and Thermal Oil boilers using various environmental concerns AKKAYA INC. is
kinds of solid fuel including prepared to serve the world with best
biomass/biogas from recovered effort of providing relevant products.
wastes over the last decade.

Thanks to many years of experience in

heating field and strong engineering
base, AKKAYA INC. has improved
valuable solutions for providing highly
AKKAYA INC. provides turnkey boiler AKKAYA has provided are followed by
room solutions to customers where our loyal customers.
the installed systems include all For all pressurized equipment
accessories and safety/control manufactured by AKKAYA INC. EU norm
equipment necessary for systems’ (PED 2014/68) is followed and products
operation. are supplied with CE certification. In
case of different specific norms are
Company’s own sales and after sales required, AKKAYA can provide them, too.
team is at customer’s service
regardless of the installation location. Welding are carried out by AKKAYA INC.
Besides at site services via our agents staff certified according to EN9606
and solution partners all over the norm.
world is an option. Start-up and
commissioning supervisions or main UT tests are carried out by AKKAYA Inc.
tasks are also provided by company’s level II certified NDT staff.

AKKAYA INC. provides up to 5 years of

guarantee for its own manufacturing
and boiler lifetime guarantee for spare
parts supply.

Recommended lifetime for boilers

must be considered as 10 years
(relevant to international norms.)
However, most of AKKAYA boilers have
been operated for more than 10 years,
as long as the user instructions that
Steam Production Capacity:
320 kg/h - 30000 kg/h
Operating Pressure
0,5-20 Bar
Fuel Type:
Natural Gas, LPG, Diesel, Heavy Fuel Oil
SBK & TFB model boilers are For the high operating pressure
designed and manufactured accord- values; the furnace is produced in
ing to the system which transfers corrugated form to eliminate the
more of the usable heat to the water thermal expansions and to obtain suffi-
to increase the steam production cient strength. SBK model boilers can
efficiency by the ‘’3 pass’’ principle of be produced for an operating pres-
fire and smoke inside the boiler. This sure range of 0,5 bar – 22 bar. Boiler
model is also known as ‘’SCOTCH is supplied with all necessary accesso-
TYPE’’. ries, control devices and auxiliary
equipment on customer’s request.
SBK & TFB model boilers are suita-
ble to be used with gas and oil burn- Isolation of the boiler is specially made
ers. to minimize the thermal energy loss.
Special covering plates are used on
TFB model boilers have larger the surface, to protect the shell of the
steam generation capacities thanks boiler from outdoor conditions and to
to their double furnace design. This prevent tearing.
type boilers that have double burner
design also provide fuel saving SBK boiler body consists of: Cylindri-
thanks to its steam generation cal, 3 pass, wet back main body with
modulation in a wide range. fire tubes and plain or corrugated
furnace at proper thickness, accord-
The exhaust gas temperature is ing to the boiler’s operating pressure.
decreased to an optimum level, so EN12953 is taken as reference for
the operating efficiency &lifetime of design calculations where applicable.
the boiler is increased.
Steel Materials: P265GH – P295GH
The heat transfer area of the boiler -P355GH according to EN12953
is indicated precise and it is the net requirements and S235J – S355J
area along where, the heat is trans- carbon steel for non - pressurized
ferred inside the boiler. (Approxi- parts
mately 40 kg steam is obtained from Tubes: Seamless tubes (EN10216,
1 m2 of heating area.) ASTM A106 Gr.B or St35.8 & Gost10)
Isolation: 100 mm thick and 80 kg/m3
The design of SBK type boilers rock wool is covered with PVC coated
allows to obtain steam, approximate- galvanized steel, aluminum or stain-
ly twice in amount, compared with less steel according to Customer’s
the same heat transfer area of a request.
solid fuel fired steam boiler.

Steel Materials: P265GH – P295GH -P355GH according to EN12953 requirements and

S235J – S355J carbon steel for non-pressurized parts

Tubes: Seamless tubes (EN10216, ASTM A106 Gr.B or St35.8 & Gost10)

Isolation: 100 mm thick and 80 kg/m3 rock wool is covered with PVC coated galvanized
steel, aluminum or stainless steel according to Customer’s request


Model Maximum Max. Thermal Length Width Height Weight

Thermal Capacity Capacity (L) (mm) (W) (mm) (H) (mm) (kg)*
F&A 100 oC (kg/h) (kcal/h)

SBK 8 320 200.000 2200 1500 1700 1350

SBK 10 400 250.000 2400 1500 1700 1400
SBK 15 600 375.000 2500 1900 2200 2350
SBK 20 800 500.000 3000 1900 2200 2700
SBK 30 1200 750.000 3200 2100 2400 3800
SBK 40 1600 1.000.000 3800 2100 2400 4350
SBK 50 2000 1.250.000 3900 2400 2700 5400
SBK 60 2400 1.500.000 4400 2400 2700 6200
SBK 70 2800 1.750.000 4900 2400 2700 6850
SBK 80 3200 2.000.000 4700 2400 2600 7300
SBK 90 3600 2.250.000 5200 2400 2600 7962
SBK 100 4000 2.500.00 5600 2400 2600 8573
SBK 125 5000 3.125.0000 5100 2700 3100 11100
SBK 150 6000 3.750.0000 5800 2700 3100 12500
SBK 175 7000 4.375.000 6500 3100 3300 15850
SBK 200 8000 5.000.000 7100 3100 3300 18700
SBK 250 10000 6.250.000 7000 3100 3400 19350
SBK 300 12000 7.500.000 8000 3100 3400 23000
SBK 350 14000 8.750.000 7700 3500 4100 27500
SBK 400 16000 10.000.000 8500 3500 4100 31050
SBK 450 18000 11.250.000 8700 3500 4100 33650

*10 bar & empty W/O accessories



Model Max. Thermal Max. Thermal Length Width Height Weight
Capacity Capacity (L) (mm) (W) (mm) (H) (mm) (kg)*
F&A 100 oC (kg/h) (kcal/h)

TFB 20 20000 12.500.000 7600 4000 4700 36000

TFB 22 22000 13.750.000 8400 4000 4700 40000
TFB 24 24000 15.000.000 7750 4300 5000 44000
TFB 25 25000 15.625.000 8250 4300 5000 46000
TFB 26 26000 16.250.000 8600 4300 5000 48000
TFB 28 28000 17.500.000 8800 4300 5000 52000
TFB 30 30000 18.750.000 9200 4300 5000 54000

*10 bar & empty W/O accessories

Steam Production Capacity:
300 kg/h - 4000 kg/h
Operating Pressure
0,5-20 Bar
Fuel Type:
Natural Gas, LPG, Diesel, Heavy Fuel Oil
KBB model boilers are designed and boilers can be produced for an operat-
manufactured according to the ing pressure range of 0,5 bar – 18 bar.
system which transfers the usable Boiler is supplied with all necessary
heat of fire and smoke inside the accessories, control devices and auxil-
boiler to the water by the 2 pass iary equipment on customer’s
principle. This model is also known request.
Isolation of the boiler is specially made
The size of KBB model is smaller to minimize the thermal energy loss.
than the same capacity 3 pass Special covering plates are used on
boilers which allows an easy installa- the surface, to protect the shell of the
tion and decreases the initial invest- boiler from outdoor conditions and to
ment cost. To increase the boiler prevent tearing.
efficiency, stainless steel turbulators
are placed inside fire tubes. The KBB boiler body consists of: Cylindri-
superior feature of KBB series is the cal, 2 pass, wet back main body with
water cooled back and front smoke fire tubes and plain or corrugated
chambers. This property is unique, furnace at proper thickness, accord-
cannot be found in any competitive ing to the boiler’s operating pressure.
product and increases the efficiency EN12953 is taken as reference for
and life time of the boiler dramatical- design calculations where applicable.

The heat transfer area of the boiler

is indicated definite and it is the net
area along where, the heat is trans-
ferred inside the boiler.

KBB model boilers are suitable for

operating with high pressure gas
and oil burners.

For the high operating pressure

values. For the high operating pres-
sure values; the furnace is produced
in corrugated form to eliminate the
thermal expansions and to obtain
sufficient strength. KBB model

Steel Materials: P265GH – P295GH -P355GH according to EN12953

requirements and S235J – S355J carbon steel for non-pressurized parts

Tubes: Seamless tubes (EN10216, ASTM A106 Gr.B or St35.8 & Gost10)

Isolation: 100 mm thick and 80 kg/m3 rock wool is covered with PVC
coated galvanized steel, aluminum or stainless steel according to Custom-
er’s request


Model Maximum Max. Thermal Length Width Height Weight

Steam Capacity Capacity (L) (mm) (W) (mm) (H) (mm) (kg)*
F&A 100 oC (kg/h) (kcal/h)

KBB 300 300 180.000 2250 1450 1750 2800

KBB 500 500 300.000 2650 1450 1750 3000
KBB 750 750 450.000 2650 1600 1900 3500
KBB 1000 1000 600.000 3250 1600 1900 3600
KBB 1250 1250 750.000 3250 1900 2200 4250
KBB 1500 1500 900.000 3650 1900 2200 4650
KBB 2000 2000 1.200.000 4000 2100 2400 5300
KBB 2500 2500 1.500.000 3650 2250 2700 5950
KBB 3000 3000 1.800.000 4100 2500 2700 6800
KBB 3500 3500 2.100.000 4000 2500 2700 7500
KBB 4000 4000 2.400.000 4200 2500 2750 8250

*10 bar & empty W/O accessories

Steam Production Capacity:
300 kg/h - 3000 kg/h
Operating Pressure
0,5-20 Bar
Fuel Type:
Natural Gas, LPG, Diesel, Heavy Fuel Oil
EDE/EFE series steam boilers are operation and remote access that
packaged type of KBB model boilers allows technical support to any point
for easy installation and operation. in the world quickly. Factory tests are
carried out by completing cabling and
This configuration is preferred due piping between the components.
to low investment costs.
Quick and high-quality steam genera-
Thanks to packaged design custom- tion due to its high efficiency design.
ized for dairy and feed mill plants,
all auxiliary equipment is pre-in- The robust steel frame allows easy
stalled and the system is ready to transport and possible damaging
use. By this way, start- up is quick risks that may occur during the trans-
and easy. This type of boilers can portation are eliminated.
also be used in different processes
except dairy and feed mill plants by
being manufactured at different
operating pressures.

Space requirement is smaller due to

their compact design and this
minimizes investment cost for boiler

Best solution for rental applications.

Safe and stable operation thanks to

high-quality safety equipments.

PLC controlled control board with

touch screen provides easy


Model Max. Max. Thermal Length Width Height Weight

Steam Capacity Capacity (L) (mm) (W) (mm) (H) (mm) (kg)*
F&A 100 oC (kg/h) (kcal/h)

EDE 300 300 180.000 4500 2300 2300 2950

EDE 500 500 300.000 5000 2300 2300 3400
EDE 750 750 450.000 5500 2300 2400 3900
EDE 1000 1000 600.000 5800 2300 2400 4800
EDE 1250 1250 750.000 6200 2300 2550 5400
EDE 1500 1500 900.000 6700 2300 2550 5700
EDE 2000 2000 1.200.000 7200 2300 2800 7900
EDE 2500 2500 1.500.000 7500 2500 3000 9300
EDE 3000 3000 1.800.000 8000 2500 3000 10100

Model Max. Max. Thermal Length Width Height Weight

Steam Capacity Capacity (L) (mm) (W) (mm) (H) (mm) (kg)*
F&A 100 oC (kg/h) (kcal/h)

EFE 300 300 180.000 4500 2300 2300 3000

EFE 500 500 300.000 5000 2300 2300 3500
EFE 750 750 450.000 5500 2300 2400 4000
EFE 1000 1000 600.000 5800 2300 2400 4850
EFE 1250 1250 750.000 6200 2300 2550 5500
EFE 1500 1500 900.000 6700 2300 2550 5800
EFE 2000 2000 1.200.000 7200 2300 2800 8000
EFE 2500 2500 1.500.000 7500 2500 3000 9400
EFE 3000 3000 1.800.000 8000 2500 3000 10250
Steam Production Capacity:
15000 kg/h - 30000 kg/h
Operating Pressure
0,5-40 Bar
Fuel Type:
Natural Gas, LPG, Diesel, Heavy Fuel Oil
WTB-D D type water tube, steam Boiler is supplied with all necessary
boilers consist of a mud drum and accessories, control devices and auxil-
an upper steam drum. The design is iary equipment on customer’s
a well proven and reliable design for request.
high pressure and high capacity
steam producing systems. Isolation of the boiler is specially made
to minimize the thermal energy loss.
The large and sufficient combustion Special covering plates are used on
chamber allows the use of different the surface, to protect the shell of the
types of oil and gas fuel efficiently. boiler from outdoor conditions and to
prevent tearing.
The structure of the combustion
chamber consists of membrane wall AKK-WTB boiler consists of: Mud
type water tube sections. The flue drum, steam drum and water tubes at
gas travels inside the tube bundle proper thickness, according to the
convection heat transfer section and boiler’s operating pressure. EN12952
then leaves the boiler from the side is taken as reference for design calcu-
smoke exit channel. lations where applicable.

Super heater or economiser can be

placed in the boiler system on
customers' request.

The steam drum design is very

important in water tube steam
boilers. Akkaya has developed its
own cylone separator design with
the help of computer aided analys-

The heat transfer area of the boiler

is indicated definite and it is the net
area along where, the heat is trans-
ferred inside the boiler.

WTB-D model boilers can be

produced for an operating pressure
range of 0,5 bar – 40 bar.

Steel Materials: P265GH – P295GH -P355GH according to EN12953

requirements and S235J – S355J carbon steel for non-pressurized parts

Tubes: Seamless tubes (EN10216, ASTM A106 Gr.B or St35.8 & Gost10)

Isolation: 100 mm thick and 80 kg/m3 rock wool is covered with PVC coated
galvanized steel, aluminum or stainless steel according to Customer’s request


Model Max. Max. Thermal Length Width Height Weight

Steam Capacity Capacity (L) (mm) (W) (mm) (H) (mm) (kg)*
F&A 100 oC (kg/h) (kcal/h)

WTB-D 15 15000 9.000.000 6000 4000 4100 23000

WTB-D 20 20000 12.000.000 7000 4000 4100 26000
WTB-D 25 25000 15.000.000 8500 4000 4100 30000
WTB-D 30 30000 18.000.000 10000 4000 4100 36000

*10 bar & empty W/O accessories

Steam Production Capacity:
150 kg/h - 3750 kg/h
Operating Pressure
0,5-10 Bar
Fuel Type:
Biomass, Coal, Pellet
YSB model boilers are designed and By implementing an automatic stoker
manufactured according to the well feeding system or an automatic water
known, three pass design that cooled vibrating grate to the boiler,
allows obtaining adequate heating small sized solid fuel types are easily
surface and lower exhaust gas used for firing.
temperature compared with two
pass design. The half cylindrical com- Isolation of the boiler is specially made
pact design brings installation and to minimize the thermal loss. On the
cost advantages without any sacri- surface; special covering plates are
fice from heating surface. used to protect the outer shell from
weather conditions and tearing at
YSB model boilers are specially maximum level.
designed for high efficiency at oper-
ating pressures up to 5 bar. For Boiler consists of a half cylindrical, 3
higher operating pressures (up to 10 pass, fire tube, wet back main body
bar) special production can be and furnace at proper thickness,
carried out, up on customer’s according to the boiler’s operating
request. pressure. EN12953 and TS497 is
taken as reference for design calcula-
The indicated heat transfer surface tions where applicable.
for each capacity is completely
correct and it shows the net area
along where the heat is transferred
to water inside the boiler.

20-25 kg/h steam is obtained from 1

m2 heating surface. Boiler is
supplied with all necessary accesso-
ries, control devices and auxiliary
equipment on customer’s request.

A wide range of fuel types such as;

wood, coal, olive seeds, pellets, nut
shells and other types of biomass
can be used with this model along
with traditional solid fuels like coal.

Steel Materials: P265GH – P295GH -P355GH according to EN12953

requirements and S235J – S355J carbon steel for non-pressurized parts

Tubes: Seamless tubes (EN10216, ASTM A106 Gr.B or St35.8 & Gost10)

Isolation: 100 mm thick and 80 kg/m3 rock wool is covered with PVC coated
galvanized steel, aluminum or stainless steel according to
Customer’s request


Model Max. Max. Thermal Length Width Height Weight

Steam Capacity Capacity (L) (mm) (W) (mm) (H) (mm) (kg)**
F&A 100 oC (kg/h) (kcal/h)*

YSB6 150 90.000 1700 1010 1600 1169

YSB8 200 120.000 2100 1010 1600 1412
YSB10 250 150.000 2050 1110 1680 1637
YSB15 375 225.000 1950 1210 1950 2075
YSB20 500 300.000 2370 1210 1950 2266
YSB25 625 375.000 2400 1410 2160 3118
YSB30 750 450.000 2700 1410 2160 3227
YSB40 1000 600.000 2600 1610 2300 4000
YSB50 1250 750.000 3050 1610 2300 4499
YSB60 1500 900.000 2650 1810 2700 5780
YSB70 1750 1.050.000 2950 1810 2700 5479
YSB80 2000 1.200.000 3250 1810 2700 5977
YSB90 2250 1.350.000 3250 2010 2860 8037
YSB100 2500 1.500.000 3430 2010 2860 8210
YSB110 2750 1.650.000 3680 2010 2860 8360
YSB 120 3000 1.800.000 3930 2010 2860 8449
YSB 150 3750 2.250.000 4730 2010 2860 10650

* According to solid fuel with 4500 kcal/kg LHV

**5 bar & empty W/O accessories
Steam Production Capacity:
250 kg/h - 2000 kg/h
Operating Pressure
0,5-10 Bar
Fuel Type:
Biomass, Coal, Pellet
EBS series steam boilers are pack- Space requirement is smaller due to
aged type of YSB model boilers for their compact design and this
easy installation and operation. minimizes investment cost for boiler
EBS series boilers are designed for
operation at 8 bar. It can be manu- Best solution for rental applications.
factured for higher operating pres-
sures up to 10 bar or lower operating Safe and stable operation thanks to
pressures upon customer’ s request. high-quality safety equipments.

This configuration is preferred due PLC controlled control board with

to low investment cost. touch screen provides easy operation
and remote access that allows techni-
Thanks to packaged design custom- cal support to any point in the world
ized for dairy and feed mill plants, all quickly.
auxiliary equipment is pre-installed
and the system is ready to use. By Quick and high-quality steam genera-
this way, start up is quick and easy. tion due to its high efficiency design.
This type of boilers can also be used
in different processes except dairy The robust steel frame allows easy
and feed mill plants by being manu- transport and possible damaging
factured at different working pres- risks that may occur during the
sures. transportation are eliminated.

There is no need to build a refractory Factory tests are carried out by

foundation in the boiler room which completing cabling and piping
is necessary for solid fired boilers between the components.
since the packaged system already
has it.


Model Max. Max. Thermal Length Width Height Weight

Steam Capacity Capacity (L) (mm) (W) (mm) (H) (mm) (kg)*
F&A 100 oC (kg/h) (kcal/h)

EBS 250 250 150.000 5800 2200 2550 4200

EBS 375 375 225.000 5800 2200 2800 4600
EBS 500 500 300.000 6100 2200 2800 5100
EBS 625 625 375.000 6500 2300 3050 6000
EBS 750 750 450.000 6850 2300 3050 6300
EBS 1000 1000 600.000 7400 2300 3150 7400
EBS 1250 1250 750.000 7850 2300 3150 8200
EBS 1500 1500 900.000 7500 2300 3550 9300
EBS 1750 1750 1.050.000 8100 2300 3550 9600
EBS 2000 2000 1.200.000 8400 2300 3550 9900
Steam Production Capacity:
1500 kg/h - 20000 kg/h
Operating Pressure
0,5-20 Bar
Fuel Type:
Biomass, Coal, Pellet
(Natural Gas, LPG, Diesel, Heavy Fuel Oil - Optional)
YHYB model boilers are designed (The steam production capacity
and manufactured according to the mostly depends on the LHV of the
system that provides adequate heat solid fuel used.)
transfer surface, sufficient steam
storage and grate surface for solid YHYB model boilers can be used
fuel applications by connection of efficiently at operating pressures up
the water tube combustion chamber to 20 bar. Boiler is supplied with all
of the hybrid type boilers to a 2 pass necessary accessories, control devic-
fire tube shell boiler. es and auxiliary equipment on cus-
tomer’s request.
The water tube type combustion
chamber is engineered according to A wide range of solid fuel types such
the volumetric load for the solid as; wood, coal, olive seeds, pellets, nut
fuels. Sufficient furnace volume and shells and other types of biomass can
grate surface area is achived in be used with YHYB boilers. By imple-
order to get maximum combustion menting an automatic stoker feeding
efficiency. Fire tube boiler section is system or an automatic water cooled
working as evaporation heat trans- vibrating grate to the combustion
fer area. This high volume water chamber small sized solid fuel types
chamber allows the boiler to are easily used for firing.
respond peak loads. With high
steam chamber volume the boiler Isolation of the boiler is specially made
can supply dry steam. The flame to minimize the thermal loss. On the
return chamber 's sides are water surface; special covering plates are
cooled. This brings higher life time, used to protect the outer shell from
less refractory maintenance and weather conditions and tearing at
increased efficiency. As the restart maximum level.
intervals of the boiler, after consum-
ing the steam is increased by the YHYB boiler body consists of a cylin-
design, the fuel consumption is also drical, 2 pass, fire tube, wet back main
optimized. By the help of fire tube body with plain or corrugated furnace
boiler’s design, gas speed is at proper thickness, according to the
increased and a cleaner tube boiler’s operating pressure and a half
surface is obtained. cylindrical, water tube front combus-
tion chamber. EN12952 and EN12953
The increased heating surface of the is taken as reference for design calcu-
system by the front combustion lations where applicable.
chamber allows the indicated steam
capacity to be relative with the indi-
cated heating surface value.
Approximately 20-25 kg/h steam is
produced from 1 m2 heating area of
YHYB boilers.

Steel Materials: P265GH – P295GH -P355GH according to EN12952 and EN12953 require-
ments and S235J – S355J carbon steel for non-pressurized parts

Tubes: Seamless tubes (EN10216, ASTM A106 Gr.B or St35.8 & Gost10)

Isolation: 100 mm thick and 80 kg/m3 rock wool is covered with PVC coated galvanized steel,
aluminum or stainless steel according to Customer’s request


Model Max. Max. Thermal Length Width Height Weight

Steam Capacity Capacity (L) (mm) (W) (mm) (H) (mm) (kg)**
F&A 100 oC (kg/h) (kcal/h)*

YHYB1500 1500 900.000 6000 2160 3110 9800

YHYB2000 2000 1.200.000 7500 2160 3110 11500
YHYB2500 2500 1.500.000 8850 2160 3310 13750
YHYB3000 3000 1.800.000 8500 2610 3600 18000
YHYB3500 3500 2.100.000 9000 2610 3600 19500
YHYB4000 4000 2.400.000 9500 2610 3600 20600
YHYB5000 5000 3.000.000 9500 2810 3750 27750
YHYB6000 6000 3.600.000 10100 2810 3750 30100
YHYB7000 7000 4.200.000 10900 2810 3750 32700
YHYB8000 8000 4.800.000 12100 3200 3950 39300
YHYB10000 10000 6.000.000 13200 3200 3950 45300
YHYB12000 12000 7.200.000 16250 3200 4950 53800
YHYB14000 14000 8.400.000 18450 3200 4950 60500
YHYB16000 16000 9.600.000 17000 3600 5250 70000
YHYB18000 18000 10.800.000 18300 3600 5250 75500
YHYB20000 20000 12.000.000 18000 3800 5750 82000

* According to solid fuel with 4500 kcal/kg LHV

**6 bar & empty W/O accessories
Steam Production Capacity:
6 kg/h - 2000 kg/h
Operating Pressure:
0,5 Bar - 20 Bar
Fuel Type:
The system is delivered with all quality, wet type, electrical resistance
necessary accessories and auxiliary heaters. EN12953 is taken as refer-
equipment as a package in order to ence for design calculations where
provide easy installation and push applicable.
button start-up.

The system configuration is select-

ed according to the required oper-
ating pressure. For 0-3 bar range,
low pressure ELKBJLP series and
for 4-18 bar range ELKBJHP
models are provided.

Regarding the application areas

such as pharmaceutical or food
industry where steam can be in
direct contact with the products,
complete stainless steel models are

Isolation of the boiler is specially

made to minimize the thermal loss.
On the surface; special covering
plates are used to protect the outer
shell from weather conditions and
tearing at maximum level.

ELKBJ steam generator body

consists of a: Vertical, tubeless inner
body furnished with Cr-Ni, high

Steel Materials: P265GH – P295GH -P355GH - and S235J – S355J carbon steel for
non-pressurized parts or AISI304 / AISI316 stainless steel according to EN12953 and
customer requirements

Resistance Heaters: Seamless tubes (EN10216, ASTM A106 Gr.B or St35.8 & Gost10)

Isolation: 50 or 100 mm thick and 80 kg/m3 rock wool is covered with PVC coated
galvanized steel, aluminum or stainless steel according to Customer’s request


Model Max. Power Length Width Height Weight

Steam Capacity (kW) (L) (mm) (W) (mm) (H) (mm) (kg)*
F&A 100 oC (kg/h)

ELKBJ06 6 4,2 850 850 850 113

ELKBJ30 30 21 1060 1060 1440 153
ELKBJ50 50 36 1100 1100 1900 175
ELKBJ75 75 54 1100 1100 1900 210
ELKBJ100 100 72 1250 1250 1900 276
ELKBJ125 125 90 1250 1250 2200 315
ELKBJ150 150 108 1250 1250 2200 315
ELKBJ200 200 144 1350 1350 2200 377
ELKBJ250 250 180 1700 1700 2350 675
ELKBJ300 300 216 1700 1700 2350 675
ELKBJ400 400 288 1700 1700 2350 675
ELKBJ500 500 360 1700 1700 2350 675
ELKBJ750 750 540 2000 2000 2500 1353
ELKBJ1000 1000 720 2000 2000 2500 1353
ELKBJ1250 1250 864 2000 2000 2150 1562
ELKBJ1500 1500 1056 2000 2000 2150 1562
ELKBJ1750 1750 1248 2300 2300 2350 2220
ELKBJ2000 2000 1392 2300 2300 2350 2220

*Empty W/O accessories

Steam Production Capacity:
6 kg/h - 2000 kg/h
Operating Pressure
0,5-10 Bar
Fuel Type:
EES series steam boilers are pack- Safe and stable operation thanks to
aged type of ELKBJ model boilers high-quality safety equipments.
for easy installation and operation.
PLC controlled control board with
EES series boilers are designed for touch screen provides easy operation
operation at 8 bar. It can be manu- and remote access that allows techni-
factured for higher working pres- cal support to any point in the world
sures up to 18 bar or lower operating quickly.
pressures upon customer’ s request.
Factory tests are carried out by com-
This configuration is preferred due pleting cabling and piping between
to low investment cost. the components.

Thanks to packaged design custom- The robust steel frame allows easy
ized for the plants that require a transport and possible damaging
relatively lower amount of steam, all risks that may be happened during
auxiliary equipment is pre-installed the transportation is eliminated by the
and the system is ready to use. By help of this frame.
this way, start-up is quick and easy.
This type of boilers can also be used
in different processes by being man-
ufactured at different operating

It has sufficient steam and water

volume designed for continuous and
reliable steam generation.

Space requirement is smaller due to

compact design and this minimizes
investment cost for boiler room.
Best solution for rental applications.


Model Max. Power Length Width Height Weight

Steam Capacity (kW)** (L) (mm) (W) (mm) (H) (mm)* (kg)
F&A 100 oC (kg/h)

EES06 6 5 1750 850 850 383

EES30 30 22 1960 1060 1440 484
EES50 50 36 2440 1100 1900 575
EES75 75 53 2440 1100 1900 610
EES100 100 71 2640 1250 1900 790
EES125 125 88 3090 1250 2200 895
EES150 150 106 3090 1250 2200 895
EES200 200 141 3290 1350 2200 1010
EES250 250 176 3690 1700 2350 1450
EES300 300 211 3800 1700 2350 1478
EES400 400 281 3900 1700 2350 1506
EES500 500 350 4000 1700 2350 1523
EES750 750 525 5600 2000 2500 2536
EES1000 1000 700 5700 2000 2500 2580
EES1250 1250 874 6660 2000 2150 2899
EES1500 1500 1049 6760 2000 2150 2948
EES1750 1750 1223 7200 2300 2350 3834
EES2000 2000 1398 7300 2300 2350 3877

* The transportation height can be reduced about 200 mm by disassembly of some accessories
** For the case when all the motors on the system runs
Thermal Capacity:
300 kW - 2326 kW
Max. Oil Output Temperature:
350o C
Fuel Type:
Natural Gas, LPG, Diesel, Heavy Fuel Oil
KYK H model horizontal thermal oil (Approximately 25000 kcal/h heat is
heaters are designed to obtain ade- obtained from 1 m2 heating surface)
quate heat transfer surface by using
spiral shaped oil tubes inside which Isolation of the heater is specially
can be single or double sectors made to minimize the thermal loss. On
according to the required capacity. the surface; special covering plates
are used to protect the outer shell
The design calculations are carried from weather conditions and tearing
out to provide correct circulation at maximum level.
velocity for the thermal oil inside the
heater which is vital to prevent over- KYK H boiler body consists of a hori-
heating of the oil, cracking and zontal cylindrical body including spiral
deformation in the heater tubes, shaped single or double coil oil tubes.
heat transfer property loss of the EN12952 is taken as reference for
thermal oil and overall efficiency design calculations where applicable.

To increase the heater efficiency, hot

smoke / fire circulates by 3 pass
system around the spiral oil tubes
and so stack temperature is
decreased and the useful heat is
transferred more.

KYK H model heaters are suitable to

be used with gas and oil burners.
Boiler is supplied with all necessary
accessories, control devices and
auxiliary equipment on customer’s

Heater capacity, total heat transfer

surface, used tube length, thermal
oil flowrate and pressure loss are
precisely calculated and during
design stage.

Steel Materials: S235J – S355J carbon steel according to EN12952 requirements

Tubes: Seamless tubes (EN10216, ASTM A106 Gr.B or St35.8 & Gost10)

Isolation: 100 mm thick and 80 kg/m3 rock wool is covered with PVC coated
galvanized steel, aluminum or stainless steel according to Customer’s request


Model Max. Min. Oil Flow Length Width Height Weight

Thermal Capacity Rate (L) (mm) (W) (mm) (H) (mm) (kg)**
F&A 100 oC (kg/h) (m³/h)*

KYKH300 258.000 35 1950 1300 1200 1400

KYKH500 500.000 50 2700 1500 1500 2500
KYKH750 750.000 75 2700 1650 1750 3000
KYKH1000 1.000.000 100 3500 1650 1750 3500
KYKH1250 1.250.000 130 3700 1800 1900 3800
KYKH1500 1.500.000 150 3500 2200 2200 4200
KYKH1750 1.750.000 155 3700 2200 2200 4700
KYKH2000 2.000.000 180 4100 2200 2200 5000

*For T = 20o C
**Empty W/O accessories
Thermal Capacity:
116 kg/h - 8720 kg/h
Max. Oil Output Temperature:
350o C
Fuel Type:
Biomass, Coal, Pellet
(Natural Gas, LPG, Diesel, Heavy Fuel Oil - Optional )
KYK HLZ model helicoidal thermal fuel types and 12500 kcal/h with solid
oil heaters are designed to obtain fuel types).
adequate heat transfer surface by
using wet type helicoidal tube Isolation of the heater is specially
bundles connected at sufficient made to minimize the thermal loss.
number of groups according to the On the surface; special covering
required capacity. plates are used to protect the outer
shell from weather conditions and
To increase the heater efficiency, tearing at maximum level.
hot smoke / fire circulates around
the helicoidal oil tubes to travel a KYK HLZ boiler body consists of a
longer distance and so stack tem- vertical body including helicoidal
perature is decreased and the shaped oil tubes. EN12952 is taken
useful heat is transferred more. as reference for design calculations
where applicable.
KYK HLZ model heaters are suitable
to be used with gas / oil burners
and with a wide range of solid fuel
types such as; wood, coal, olive
seeds, pellets, nut shells, seeds of
various plants, dried manure, dried
pomace and other types of
biomass. Boilers designed specially
for higher capacity requirements of
our customers can be provided.
Boiler is supplied as packaged with
all necessary accessories, control
devices and auxiliary equipment on
customer’s request.

Heater capacity, total heat transfer

surface, used tube length, thermal
oil flowrate and pressure loss are
precisely calculated and during
design stage. (Approximately
25000 kcal/h heat is obtained from
1 m2 heating surface with oil/gas

Steel Materials: S235J – S355J carbon steel according to EN12952 requirements

Tubes: Seamless tubes (EN10216, ASTM A106 Gr.B or St35.8 & Gost10)

Isolation: 100 mm thick and 80 kg/m3 rock wool is covered with PVC coated
galvanized steel, aluminum or stainless steel according to Customer’s request


Model Max. Max. Min. Min. Length Width Height Weight

Thermal Thermal Flow Rate Flow Rate (L) (mm) (W) (mm) (H) (mm) (kg)***
Capacity Capacity Rate for Oil/Gas Rate for Solid Fuel
for Oil / Gas (kg/h) For Solid Fuel (kg/h)* (m3/h)** m3/h)**

KYKHLZ 20-10 200.000 100.000 20 18 2000 1600 1750 1500

KYKHLZ 25-12 250.000 125.000 30 18 2000 1600 2000 1700
KYKHLZ 50-25 500.000 250.000 55 50 2500 2000 2000 2750
KYKHLZ 75-37 750.000 375.000 80 70 2750 2000 2250 3000
KYKHLZ 100-50 1.000.000 500.000 110 100 2750 2000 2700 3800
KYKHLZ 125-62 1.250.000 625.000 130 100 3400 2500 2250 4300
KYKHLZ 150-75 1.500.000 750.000 160 100 3400 2500 2500 4700
KYKHLZ 200-100 2.000.000 1.000.000 210 120 3400 2500 2750 5100
KYKHLZ 250-125 2.500.000 1.250.000 180 130 4600 2500 3000 5800
KYKHLZ 300-150 3.000.000 1.500.000 205 160 5600 2500 3250 6500
KYKHLZ 350-175 3.500.000 1.750.00 240 180 5600 2500 3500 7500
KYKHLZ 400-200 4.000.000 2.000.000 280 205 6400 2500 3700 8500
KYKHLZ 500-250 5.000.000 2.500.000 350 260 6400 2500 4400 10000
KYKHLZ 750-375 7.500.000 3.750.000 510 400 6400 2500 5900 14000

* According to solid fuel with 4500 kcal/kg LHV

**For T = 20o C and 30o C (for the oil/gas boiler with capacities higher than model 250-125)
***Empty W/O accessories
Thermal Capacity:
232 kW - 14535 kW
Fuel Type:
Natural Gas, LPG, Diesel, Heavy Fuel Oil
SKK model boilers are designed and Isolation of the boiler is specially made
manufactured according to the to minimize the thermal energy loss.
system which transfers more of the Special covering plates are used on
usable heat to the water to increase the surface, to protect the shell of the
the hot water production efficiency boiler from outdoor conditions and to
by the ‘’3 pass’’ principle of fire and prevent tearing.
smoke inside the boiler. This model is
also known as ‘’SCOTCH TYPE’’. SKK boiler body consists of: Cylindrical,
3 pass, wet back main body with fire
SKK model boilers are suitable to be tubes and plain or corrugated furnace
used with gas and oil burners. at proper thickness, according to the
boiler’s operating pressure. EN12953
The exhaust gas temperature is is taken as reference for design
decreased to an optimum level, so calculations where applicable.
the operating efficiency &lifetime of
the boiler is increased.

The heat transfer area of the boiler

is indicated precise and it is the net
area along where, the heat is trans-
ferred inside the boiler. (Approxi-
mately 25000 kcal/h heat is
obtained from 1 m2 of heating area.)

For the high operating pressure

values; the furnace is produced in
corrugated form to eliminate the
thermal expansions and to obtain
sufficient strength. SKK model boil-
ers can be produced for an operat-
ing pressure range of 0,5 bar – 22
bar. Boiler is supplied as packaged
with all necessary accessories, con-
trol devices and auxiliary equipment
on customer’s request.

Steel Materials: P265GH – P295GH -P355GH according to EN12953 requirements and

S235J – S355J carbon steel for non-pressurized parts

Tubes: Seamless tubes (EN10216, ASTM A106 Gr.B or St35.8 & Gost10)

Isolation: 100 mm thick and 80 kg/m3 rock wool is covered with PVC coated
galvanized steel, aluminum or stainless steel according to Customer’s request


Model Max. Min. Length Width Height Weight

Thermal Capacity Water Flow Rate (L) (mm) (W) (mm) (H) (mm) (kg)*
(kcal/h) (m3/h)*

SKK 8 200.000 10 1900 1150 1500 1350

SKK 10 250.000 13 2150 1150 1500 1450
SKK 15 375.000 19 2450 1400 1750 2350
SKK 20 500.000 25 3050 1400 1750 2800
SKK 30 750.000 38 2950 1750 2100 4400
SKK 40 1.000.000 50 3650 1750 2100 5250
SKK 50 1.250.000 63 3650 1950 2300 6700
SKK 60 1.500.000 75 4200 1950 2300 7500
SKK 70 1.750.000 88 4750 1950 2300 8250
SKK 80 2.000.000 100 4600 2200 2550 10550
SKK 90 2.250.000 113 5050 2200 2550 11350
SKK 100 2.500.000 125 5450 2200 2550 12100
SKK 125 3.125.000 157 5100 2400 2850 14050
SKK 150 3.750.000 188 5850 2400 2850 15580
SKK 175 4.375.000 219 6300 2600 3050 20650
SKK 200 5.000.000 250 7000 2600 3050 22700
SKK 250 6.250.000 313 7300 2750 3250 26450
SKK 300 7.500.000 375 8450 2750 3250 30250
SKK 350 8.750.000 438 7650 3150 3700 36150
SKK 400 10.000.000 500 8500 3150 3700 39900
SKK 450 11.250.000 563 8950 3150 3700 41200
SKK 500*** 12.500.000 625 9700 3150 3700 44650

*Approximate flow rate for T = 20o C

**10 bar & empty W/O accessories
***This model has a double furnace to obtain sufficient and safe heat transfer surface
Thermal Capacity:
70 kW - 1744 kW
Fuel Type:
Biomass, Coal, Pellet
YS model boilers are designed and a wide range of solid fuel types such
manufactured according to the as; wood, coal, olive seeds, pellets, nut
well-known, three pass design that shells, seeds of various plants, dried
allows obtaining adequate heating manure, dried pomace and other
surface and lower exhaust gas tem- types of biomass. By implementing an
perature compared with two pass automatic stoker feeding system or an
design. The half cylindrical compact automatic water cooled vibrating
design brings installation and cost grate to the boiler, small sized solid
advantages without any sacrifice fuel types are easily used for firing.
from heating surface.
Isolation of the boiler is specially made
YS model boilers are specially to minimize the thermal loss. On the
designed for high efficiency at oper- surface; special covering plates are
ating pressures up to 5 bar. For used to protect the outer shell from
higher operating pressures (up to 10 weather conditions and tearing at
bar) special production can be car- maximum level.
ried out, upon customer’s request.
Boiler consists of a half cylindrical, 3
The indicated heat transfer surface pass, fire tube, wet back main body
for each capacity is completely and furnace at proper thickness,
correct and it shows the net area according to the boiler’s operating
along where the heat is transferred pressure. EN12953 and TS497 are
to water inside the boiler. taken as reference for design calcula-
tions where applicable.
Approximately 10000 kcal/h heat is
obtained from 1 m2 heating surface.
Boiler is supplied as packaged with
all necessary accessories, control
devices and auxiliary equipment on
customer’s request.

YS model boilers are suitable to be

used with gas / oil burners and with

Steel Materials: P265GH – P295GH -P355GH according to EN12953 and TS497

requirements and S235J – S355J carbon steel for non-pressurized parts

Tubes: Seamless tubes (EN10216, ASTM A106 Gr.B or St35.8 & Gost10)

Isolation: 100 mm thick and 80 kg/m3 rock wool is covered with PVC coated
galvanized steel, aluminum or stainless steel according to Customer’s request


Model Max. Thermal Min. Water Length Width Height Weight

Capacity Flow Rate (L) (mm) (W) (mm) (H) (mm) (kg)***
(kcal/h)* (m3/h)**

YS6 60.000 3 1700 960 1400 800

YS8 80.000 4 2100 960 1400 950
YS10 100.000 5 2050 1060 1480 1050
YS15 150.000 8 1950 1160 1750 1400
YS20 200.000 10 2370 1160 1750 1650
YS25 250.000 13 2400 1360 1900 2100
YS30 300.000 15 2700 1360 1900 2350
YS40 400.000 20 2600 1560 2040 3000
YS50 500.000 25 3050 1560 2040 3500
YS60 600.000 30 2650 1760 2460 3900
YS70 700.000 35 2950 1760 2460 4350
YS80 800.000 40 2950 1760 2460 4850
YS90 900.000 45 3250 1960 2460 5500
YS100 1.000.000 50 3430 1960 2570 6300
YS110 1.100.000 55 3680 1960 2570 6650
YS120 1.200.000 60 3930 1960 2570 7000
YS150 1.500.000 75 4730 1960 2570 10650

* According to solid fuel with 4500 kcal/kg LHV

**Approximate flow rate for T = 20o C
***5 bar & empty W/O accessories
Thermal Capacity:
737 kW - 11671 kW
Fuel Type:
Biomass, Coal, Pellet
(Natural Gas, LPG, Diesel, Heavy Fuel Oil - Optional)
YHYBWB model boilers are Boiler is supplied as packaged with all
designed and manufactured necessary accessories, control devic-
according to the system that pro- es and auxiliary equipment upon cus-
vides adequate heat transfer tomer’s request.
surface, and grate surface for solid
fuel applications by connection of YHYBWB model boilers are suitable
the water tube combustion chamber to be used with gas / oil burners and
of the hybrid type boilers to a 2 pass with a wide range of solid fuel types
fire tube shell boiler. such as; wood, coal, olive seeds,
pellets, nut shells, seeds of various
The water tube type combustion plants, dried manure, dried pomace
chamber is engineered according to and other types of biomass. By imple-
the volumetric load for the solid menting an automatic stoker feeding
fuels. Sufficient furnace volume and system or an automatic water cooled
grate surface area is achived in vibrating grate to the boiler, small
order to get maximum combustion sized solid fuel types are easily used
efficiency. Fire tube boiler section is for firing.
working as heat transfer area. This
high volume water chamber allows Isolation of the boiler is specially made
the boiler to respond peak loads. to minimize the thermal loss. On the
The flame return chamber 's sides surface; special covering plates are
are water cooled. This brings higher used to protect the outer shell from
life time, less refractory mainte- weather conditions and tearing at
nance and increased efficiency. By maximum level.
the help of fire tube boiler’s design,
gas speed is increased and a clean- YHYBWB boiler body consists of a
er tube surface is obtained. cylindrical, 2 pass, fire tube, wet back
main body with plain or corrugated
The increased heating surface of the furnace at proper thickness, accord-
system by the front combustion ing to the boiler’s operating pressure
chamber allows the indicated and a half cylindrical, water tube front
capacity to be relative with the indi- combustion chamber. EN12952 and
cated heating surface value. EN12953 is taken as reference for
Approximately 10000 kcal/h heat is design calculations where applicable.
obtained from 1 m2 heating area of
YHYBWB boilers.

YHYBWB model boilers can be used

with high efficiency at operating
pressures up to 18 bar.

Steel Materials: P265GH – P295GH -P355GH according to EN12952 and EN12953

requirements and S235J – S355J carbon steel for non-pressurized parts

Tubes: Seamless tubes (EN10216, ASTM A106 Gr.B or St35.8 & Gost10)

Isolation: 100 mm thick and 80 kg/m3 rock wool is covered with PVC coated
galvanized steel, aluminum or stainless steel according to Customer’s request


Model Max. Thermal Min. Water Length Width Height Weight

Capacity Flow Rate (L) (mm)*** (W) (mm)*** (H) (mm)*** (kg)***
(kcal/h)* (m3/h)**

YHYBWB1500 633.900 32 6000 2160 3110 9800

YHYBWB2000 854.400 43 7500 2160 3110 11500
YHYBWB2500 1.100.800 55 8850 2160 3310 13750
YHYBWB3000 1.511.600 76 8500 2610 3600 18000
YHYBWB3500 1.736.000 87 9000 2610 3600 19500
YHYBWB4000 1.946.200 98 9500 2610 3600 20600
YHYBWB5000 2.634.200 132 9500 2810 3750 27750
YHYBWB6000 3.021.800 151 10100 2810 3750 30100
YHYBWB7000 3.538.500 177 10900 2810 3750 32700
YHYBWB8000 4.088.500 205 12100 3200 3950 39300
YHYBWB10000 5.101.600 255 13200 3200 3950 45300
YHYBWB12000 6.113.600 306 16250 3200 4950 53800
YHYBWB14000 7.178.100 359 18450 3200 4950 60500
YHYBWB16000 8.025.400 402 17000 3600 5250 70000
YHYBWB18000 9.024.800 452 18300 3600 5250 75500
YHYBWB20000 10.037.090 502 18000 3800 5750 82000

* According to solid fuel with 4500 kcal/kg LHV

**Approximate flow rate for T = 20o C
***6 bar & empty W/O accessories and with WCVG type fuel feeding system. Weight without burner
HRTOH model boilers are designed and Helicoidal type design patented
manufactured for the systems which the (TPE-2006-00598) – especially has some
process exhaust gases, biogas/syngas advantages for thermal oil heating applica-
obtained from gasifiers or similar burners tions. Design prevents the oil to be stable in
are used as the fuel source to produce the boiler for a long period so the cracking
heat. or corruption of the oil can hardly occur.
Due to the design properties, the length of
The wet type helicoidal tube bundles are the tubes that the oil circulates in is
connected at adequate number of obtained exactly the same with the calcu-
groups in paralel connected towers to lated size.
obtain necessary heat transfer surface.
Towers are combined with sufficient HRTOH boilers body consists of parallel
number of cyclones that has wet tube connected towers with serially connected
parts to let the gas enter to the heater as tube bundles inside and wet cyclones.
clean as possible and to contribute to the EN12952 and EN12953 is taken as refer-
heat transfer surface at the same time. ence for design calculations where applica-
As the heat transfer tube bundles can be
combined to each other as many as HRSG-WT type are designed and manu-
required, the capacity design of the heat factured for saturated or superheated
recovery systems is quite flexible. Special steam generation by utilizing waste heat at
designed system are offered to the cus- your plant. It is also preferred with the pur-
tomers according to their heat source pose of power (electricity) generation from
amount to be recovered and their need the waste besides industrial heating. Limit
for steam, thermal oil or hot water emission values specified by the regulations
amount. can be achieved easily by the help of filtra-
tion system selected properly according to
Each tower has an automatic ash the chemical composition of the waste gas.
distractor auger system installed at the Thanks to their modular design structure; it
bottom. There is a pneumatic boiler can be designed for desired capacity and
cleaning system with which the gaps features, it reduces installation time on the
between tube bundles can be cleaned by site, it eliminates possible damaging risks
pressurized air blowing. that may occur during transportation. The
refractory material which is determined in
The system guarantees a continuous accordance with operating temperature
operation. In case there is a problem (like provides long life and minimum mainte-
leakage or corrosion) in any of the inde- nance cost as a result of high-quality
pendent bundles, the damaged bundle material usage and correct application.
can be blinded and the system can con-
tinue to operate until that bundle is
replaced with a new one during general
service period

Steel Materials: P265GH – P295GH -P355GH according to EN12952 and EN12953

requirements and S235J – S355J carbon steel for non-pressurized parts

Tubes: Seamless tubes (EN10216, ASTM A106 Gr.B or St35.8 & Gost10)

Isolation: 100 mm thick and 80 kg/m3 rock wool is covered with PVC coated
galvanized steel, aluminum or stainless steel according to Customer’s request
Stoker is an equipment with which the In our stokers there is a 2 stages fire extin-
solid fuel is transported into the combus- guishing system, mechanical water cooled
tion pot by an auger and burning is fire return prevention system and fuel
obtained on the upper side of the pot. bunker discharging system operating with
electrical temperature controller and fire
The system can be used with YSB, YHYB pushing system. The system is protected by
model steam boilers, KYK HLZ model the help of fire return prevention systtem
thermal oil heaters and YS, YHYBWB even at power cut occasions.
model hot water boilers. The size and
number of the stoker can be selected and Fuel level control automation can be pro-
produced according to the boiler model vided for the bunker on request.
and capacity.
There are primary and secondary air fans
Minimum 5 mm and maximum 50 mm to provide homogenious and proper com-
sized solid fuel, with a maximum humidity bustion.
level of 20% and having low ash forma-
tion is recommended to be used in stoker

Stoker body is manufactured of cast ma-

terial which is durable for high tempera-

Auger leaves are made of thick material

and the shaft mill is of full material.

Problem free operation is obtained by

using a reducer with proper capacity.
WCVG system is a new technology for The system can be used with YSB, YHYB
combustion of various solid fuels. With its model steam boilers and YS, YHYBWB
water cooled grate area, higher furnace model hot water boilers. The size of the
temperatures can be obtained without system can be selected and produced
damaging the system. System brings according to the boiler model and capacity.
flexibility for using various kinds of solid
fuel and biomass. Also, WCVG provides Minimum 5 mm, maximum 50 mm sized
low maintenance costs and longer peri- solid fuel with a maximum 20-55% humidity
odical service intervals due to its (depending on the fuel structure) and low
decreased mechanical hardware com- ash formation is recommended to be used
pared with similar systems. in WCVG systems. Fuel is transferred from
bunker on to the grate with the help of
The vibrating grate system has been auger system, pneumatic conveying or
developed by AKKAYA Inc. for high hydraulic push pull systems. There is
efficiency and reliable operation. primary and secondary air fans and damp-
ers in the pre-combustion chamber of the



Woodchips Apple Pomace Wood Pallet Seed Husk Coconut Shell

Sawdust Forest Residues Corn Cop Palm Kernel Wood Waste


Wheat Straw Manure Paper Mill Olive Pits Olive Pomace


Energy Crops Wood Briquette Rice Straw Bamboo Waste RDF - Pellet
AKK-MC model multicyclones are be AKK-MC multicyclones are supplied with a
manufactured for the exhaust gas line of pneumatic cleaning system to provide longer
boilers, to hold +10 micron sized, heavy operation life for the equipment.
particules inside the exhaust gas.
The size of the multicyclones are calculated
AKK-MC Multicyclones are made of small and manufactured according to each boiler
cyclones which are brought together in model and capacity.
one body and are made of heat and
corrosion resistant material.

Its smoke inlet has special shaped wings.

These wings help to give direction to the
smoke flow. By this way efficiency is
Condensate tank is necessary to feed Condensate tank is furnished with a mag-
initial water to the boiler by feed pumps netic water level indicator, electrical water
and to store the returning condensate level controller and water inlet line with
from the condensate line of the consumer solenoid valve.
plant. Maintaining a closed circle with a
condensate tank by circulating a certain AKK-KT tanks can be manufactured and
amount of hot, de-calcinated, boiler supplied according to the boiler model and
water increases the fuel consumption capacity for all types of Akkaya hot water
efficiency. and steam boilers.

AKK-KT condensate/ feed water tanks

are made of St37 carbon steel with ade-
quate thickness and perfectly isolated
with 50 mm thick glasswool and PVC
coated galvanized steel after painting
with corrosion durable dye.
For the systems where boiler water stays System is supplied together with pressure
uncirculated for minimum 15 minutes reducing group, pump group and thermo-
(which is enough time for the corrosive static valve groups as a package.
gasses to be dissolved in feed water) a
thermic deaerator system is recommend- Various capacities according to the boiler
ed to be installed over the feed water model and capacity can be manufactured
tank. and supplied.

AKK-TDG thermic deaerator consists of a

deaerator dome and a deaerator water
tank. Deaerator tank is made of St37 steel
and perfectly isolated with 100 mm thick
rockwool covered with PVC coated,
galvanized steel. The deaerator dome is
made of stainless steel and it is also per-
fectly isolated with 100 mm thick rockwool
covered with PVC coated, galvanized
The fire-smoke tubes inside the boiler A Pressure indicator is installed to show the
shell are filted by fume and soot in time pressure value in the air system. A pulse
and must be cleaned occasionally. This solenoid valve is used to transport the
cleaning operation is usually neglected pressurized air flow through smoke tubes
when done manually. With AKK-ATC by open and close operation. A digital time
automatic tube cleaning system this controller (AKTCO) is used to control the
operation can be realised automatically system for pneumatic cleaning of fire tubes
and without human care need. of the boilers. This device is capable of 25
signal outputs with adjustable time
The system consists of cleaning tubes intervals.
mounted on the boiler door and placed
releative with the boiler tubes and penu- The system is manufactured together with
matic solenoid valves to control the the boiler and all Akkaya boiler models can
cleaning air inlet. be supplied with an AKK-ATC.

In AKK-ATC system, pressurized air is

collected by a collector to be distributed
through the boiler smoke tubes. Collected
pressurized air is transported from collec-
tor to double diaphragms solenoid valve
through cleaning tubes installed on the
boiler door. Residual water content in the
air flow is discharged with a valve
Pressurized air coming from compressor
enters the collector from a nozzle.
(Sufficient compressor shall be supplied
by the customer).
For a fully automatic operation, ash that Ash removers are manufactured and
is formed as a result of combustion, are supplied for the suitable boiler models
carried out of the boiler by the help of according to the boiler capacity and fuel
auger type tranporters. By automatic ash properties.
remover installation, labour need and
cost is reduced for boiler operation.

Formed ash of the fuel is collected under

the boiler and/or cyclone after combusi-
ton is completed. Then the ash is taken
out from the ash holes by the auger type
transporters. (After ash extraction there
must be a storage and take away system
that shall be supplied by the customer.)
A Wet filter system can be provided with During the operation of wet filter; flue gas
the Akkaya boilers, aiming to lower the passes through the water spray tower.
flue gas emissions at the exit of the Tower has trays with water holding filters. At
heater. the same time water circulates from water
storage to the tower to have the particles
The system consists of a water storage and dirt dissolved. Some amount of water
tank with water level and temperature evaporates during circulation so fresh
controlling automatic valves, a tower at water at evaporated amount is fed to the
adequate hight and dimension according water storage by the help of level controller.
to the exhaust gas amount, proper water
spraying nozzles, trays, mist holders
water pumping group of 2 pumps (one
stand by) with proper valves, filters and
check valves and a control panel for the
level, temperature and pump control.

The water storage, tower, trays and mist

holders are made of AISI316 stainless
Cogeneration can be described as the conversion of the heat -which is
obtained by burning of the solid fuel, biomass or gases- into different types of
energy, especially electricity.

Akkaya Inc. with its European suppliers provides solutions for ORC (Organic
Rankine Cycle) or steam-operated cogeneration plant investments with own
solid fuel/biomass fired or waste heat recovery boilers.
1. OSB Yerli Su Sokak No: 2
Selçuklu /Konya / Turkey

+90 332 248 92 21

+90 332 248 91 45

+90 332 248 77 10


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