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Book One: Gathering Darkness

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Book One: Gathering Darkness 

 The Grand Campaign

• Lethys


• Ormian

Sel-kai •

• Southern Jaiman •
Book One: Gathering Darkness 

• PART V •

A hush fell over the smoke-hazed great-room at the Flask and Mug. Bette leaned
over the polished bar, allowing herself a short rest; her sons and daughters could handle
the drinks for awhile. At the far end of the room, by the hearth’s roaring fire, the bard
Randæ was strumming his harp. The singer had a beautiful voice and the ability to
hold even large halls under his spell for hours. Bette wondered not for the first time why
such a beautiful, talented Elven bard continued to play in low-class taverns like the
Flask when he could make several times the silver in the Royal Quarter.
She noticed her youngest daughter Ilene staring at Randæ with glazed eyes and
bemused smile. Bette frowned, afraid that the girl had fallen in love with the charming
bard. Then the proprietress scanned the other faces in the room and noticed something
for the first time: nearly everyone wore the same entranced look. Bette pressed her full
lips together as she thought: ‘Sorcery, from my little bard? We’ll have to have a talk
after this set. Maybe I can convince him to suggest that they buy more ale in addition to
listening—and to leave my daughter out of his enchantment.’ Then she turned back to
cleaning ale glasses, taking for granted the fact that Randæ’s spell had not enveloped
her as well…

ethys and Haalkitaine are the two largest cities in Jaiman, and while
both are within the Rhakhanian Empire, they could hardly be more
different. Where Haalkitaine is dark, brooding and claustrophobic,
Lethys is bright and energetic. Haalkitaine is often cold and buffeted
by mountain winds; rain and snow are common. Lethys is sunny and
her climate is moderated by mild coastal breezes. Haalkitaine is a fortress, her
granite walls designed to shut out the world. Lethys is a trading center, her gates
open all day and night.
Located along the eastern coast of the Nea Bay, Lethys is a sprawling city,
nominally under the control of Rhakhaan. It is considered the gateway to Emer and
other points south, and therefore a logical first destination for those seeking adven-
ture (or maybe just passage south to Kaitaine).
 The Grand Campaign

in the Library, though it is relatively inadequate.

1•THE GATHERING Ræk Torren: In the beginning, Ræk is on a journey of self-discovery
Before gathering the players, the GM should have prepared each as much as anything else. He need to come to terms with his inner
of them with a reason for their character to have arrived in Lethys . spirit and his true nature.
A quick check of their backgrounds shows that all have a motive to Later, as the focus moves to Emer, his importance as a true
be away from their homes; what remains is the explanation of what descendant of the Order of the Cloak will come to the fore. Ræk
brings them together. could take an important leadership role, standing against the
Beginnings in FRP campaigns are almost always a bit contrived, Inquisitors, and even re-founding the true order.
with very different characters somehow coming together to form a
group bound together by (usually) mysterious forces. Leena Ærien: Leena seeks her brother Ærik, who was lost while
While ICE does not generally encourage heavy-handed journeying around Emer. She will not be eager to spend a great deal
Gamemastering (forcing characters into a preset series of events), of time in Jaiman, but the opportunity to go to Nomikos Library
the very nature of a campaign dictates a certain amount of guidance. is too great an opportunity to pass up. Hints of her brother’s fate
However, it falls upon the GM to provide opportunities rather than will be revealed in Jaiman. Leena is most likely to be spending time
dictate courses. Below are brief summaries of motivations for the in the docks area and the taverns, hoping to hear word of her
characters which would bring them to this port. brother.
Ajkar Tyrus Faslurin: Ty has no particular goal at the onset of the Rælen Thirok: He is at first on his way to the Mur Fostisyr to join in
Campaign, though the thought of going to the Library of Nomikos the rebellion against the Iron Wind, but knows better than to rush
will secretly excite him; he will offer to go along as ‘protector.’ Once foolishly into the fray. He wants to gain what insights he can about
the nature of the quest begins to unfold, his curiosity will be the Iron Wind—any tools which could be used against this dark
piqued. His sense of duty (not to mention the opportunity for power. He will be in the library to learn background and in the
glory) will carry him from there. He has come to Lethys to see the taverns to hear the latest developments. He will not get much on
library. the Iron Wind, except a scroll on which is recorded the passage that
appears below, with indications that it is part of a much larger work
Ta’a Nœr: Like Ty, Ta’a has no direct link to the campaign purpose. (this is a copy, unsigned).
She is living in self-imposed exile in Jaiman but has grown bored
and discontented in Lethys. She will go along for this purpose alone From the History Arnak …
(though at first she might ask for compensation a bodyguard; if Ty
is there he might shame her into going free). She might be encoun- Six Orders like six fingers of the same hand, united yet
tered in the Flask & Mug, having become a regular there. Bette separate, the Arnak take hold on a continent. Their purpose is the
could introduce her to the others. destruction of civilization, the end of life.
Terek Al-Arain: He is also an exile, but he seeks to discover the Of Gaath is known, the Dragon-cult of the Northern Isles. Few
nature of the Phoenix Pendant. The search has brought him to now stand against the Evil which lurks amidst the frozen peaks.
Rhakhaan, but now hints point towards Nomikos, where archives Athimurl as well holds sway; the Snow Lion rules the lands of Blue
might hold information on such mystical devices. Terek has ex- Light.
hausted the resources of the Haalkitaine library, and is in the Of Lyak the Hawk I know little, yet I have heard hints of a dark
Lethys stacks hoping to pick up an additional kernel of informa- order in the land known as Tanara…
tion. Dansart is quiet for now. The Desert Wolf rules the windy
Vania Kirilin: As an agent of Kel, Vania has no set destination. The plains of Zor, dead as the taste of dust. In the silence soon will arise
appeal of Nomikos is that such a center of knowledge might also be whispers.
a gathering place of Loremasters exchanging more recent news of Words of the Priest of Thargondaak now echo across the rolling
world events. She could very well be in the library or in the tavern hills of Taldaar; horsemen hear the call and their reward is
gathering information. She has already spent several days in Lethys, madness.
so will be ready to depart. Of Yarthraak I hear whispers most ominous. The Cult of the
Sea-Drake awakens to a new realm built upon the foundations of
Jymsan Ixata-Centarus: Unlike some of the other members of this
old, yet forged reborn terror and hate. By a dark victory a Crown
group, Jymsan is ‘along for the ride’ (at least in the beginning). He
is the tool of the Unlife.
is not particularly driven by a troubled past or seriously seeking a
goal. As a result, he will be mildly interested in Nomikos simply
Elor Once Dark
because its a place he has never been before. He might well have run
(TEI )
into Ta’a Nœr at the Flask & Mug before
Nukiti Melenka: Nukiti might not be particularly interested in From this (and hints dropped by library clerks) Rælen may get
Nomikos until someone tells him that there are always rich re- the idea that Elor is a prolific author, whose works might be worth
searchers there (it might be wise to neglect to mention to Keety the additional research.
Changramai Warrior guards). He might also gain clues to the
GM Note: While this is dated long ago, it still has relevance because
whereabouts of the Scepter of Khôm. He will be frequenting the
of the cyclic nature of the forces involved. As is noted in the timeline,
Flask for a good time and drunk targets.
the Priests are moving again after a period of inactivity. In the Mur
Morden Nôk: The information he seeks about his father is not likely Fostisyr they are succeeding where they failed two millennia ago.
to be found here, but he might gain insights from unexpected
sources. (Andraax comes here often, cloaked in a variety of guises. Also, The GM may wish to begin droppping hints about Elor now:
Morden will see him as he really appears—a striking man with that he is kind of crazy, that he retired from the Loremasters, that
black hair and violet eyes—but it is unlikely that he will realize just he is living somewhere in NW Jaiman, that he knows all kinds of
who he is looking at). In addition, Morden might seek information secrets, etc.
Book One: Gathering Darkness 
While no match for the Library of Nomikos, this archive is still
2•LETHYS OVERVIEW one of the finest in Jaiman. Dedicated to the Lady of Orhan, Valris,
A sprawling coastal trade center dominating the Nea Bay, Lethys it is staffed entirely by women who follow the academic teachings of
is the largest city in Rhakhaan. Nearly % of the Lethian population the Goddess of Knowledge. Many are Astrologers and Scribes. While
of about , is Elvish, mostly Erlin. Lethys has the largest harbor they don’t require library patrons to be followers of Valris, they do
complex on Jaiman, and not surprisingly is the leading ship-builder. screen out ‘unsavory’ types.
Lethys and Haalkitaine are as night and day in both mood and Except for an open reference area, the stacks of the library are
design. While Haalkitaine is a brooding citadel honeycombed with closed; searches are done by the staff upon request. Charges for a
secret passages and court intrigues, Lethys is a bustling seaport, search run between one and five sp, depending on scope and
ruled by a flamboyant prince and a council of greedy (if unassum- complexity. Books on the requested subject are brought to the
ing) families. The emphasis is commerce, and silver will buy you in patron, who may view them in the open area or use a “private”
Lethys what you’d need breeding or blackmail to get in Haalkitaine. cubicle for an additional charge of  sp. (“Private” is in quotes
Lethys is not only a trading center, it is a renaissance city which because it can be assumed that the patron is being monitored by the
owes much of its wealth to banking and astute business ventures by staff, notoriously protective of their books.) Books may be viewed
its powerful families (it is a lesser sister to Sel-kai, but nevertheless for one day free of additional charge, but may be kept ‘on hold’ for
a wealthy city). Many of these groups have ‘offices’ in cities all over  bp per additional day, up to a week. This would be for the purpose
Jaiman and Emer, lending money to other concerns and even of reading long passages, copying, etc. Copying services are avail-
governments. As a result they have grown rich on interest and trade. able, though pricey.
Lethys is practically an independent city-state, though no one would Anyone found attempting to steal or deface a book is immedi-
dare say it aloud in Haalkitaine. ately removed from the premises and fined up to  gp. Those who
L cannot pay or attempt truly heinous crimes have been known to
Prince Westley Calyon is a very popular leader, especially con- suffer very unpleasant (and unexplainable) maladies such as recur-
sidering his bloodlines (he is a distaff heir; worse, his father was an ring partial blindness, memory lapses, speech or hearing disorders.
Elf); yet there were no other heirs when the last Prince died. (The A  L
royal line of Lethys is related, yet separate from, the Emperors of Visitors are greeted pleasantly and asked to formulate their
Rhakhaan. Only the head of Lethys is granted the title of Prince, search request. They are charged and asked to wait or return in a few
while the other provinces of the Empire are ruled by Dukes, Counts hours. Searches generally take from ½ to  hours.
or Barons.) Westley’s mother’s sister was married to the former ■ PC Roll: Administration (If no Admin skill, roll at -. If the player
Prince, and thus inherited the crown only through marriage. Un- does a particularly good job personally, add up to ). This is to
thinkable in Haalkitaine, yet hardly more than inconvenient here. determine how well the character explains her research interest
While technically the final authority in Lethys, the Prince must without causing offense, raising suspicion, etc. For instance, walking
answer to his Council, a body of nine men and women who are the in from out of town and asking for all they have on the Dark God
heads of the city’s economically powerful merchant families. There Scalu in a religious library would not be advisable. If you want to
are also the city guilds to reckon with and these include Shipwrights, know about the Dark God Scalu, you have to work your way down
Metalsmiths, Stonewrights, Clothwrights, Seamerchants, there. Use this roll as a guide to how on-target the staff member’s
Landmerchants, the Allied Cults (all recognized churches), the search is.
Uscurac Orders (users of Essænce), Scribes, Artisans, and Bankers.
■ GM Roll: A plain open-ended D as a general indicator to see
In addition there are a number of landowners, but while they sit on
what is available on the topic. Add  for the library size; modify if
council, they have less authority and restricted voting powers.
the topic is particularly bizarre or arcane—or if very pertinent. Note:
T C L no matter how good the roll, don’t get carried away and give away
The City rests primarily on the north side of the Bernen River in everything! This roll should also be secret in case a negative result is
the southern inlet of the Nea Bay. It is divided into four uneven indicated.
quarters: Roll Result
The Port: Including the warehouses, docks and shipbuilding facili- < – Incorrect Information. Character gets very con-
ties, this is the largest district. There are numerous taverns, Inns vincing but very wrong data.
and other ‘service’ establishments catering to every taste and
budget. The Flask and Mug is here, a few blocks from the commer- – — + Failure. Nothing available.
cial docks.  —  Minimal Success. Basic information; what the PC
The Trade Quarter: Adjacent to the port, it is where the majority of probably already knows.
major transactions take place. The Grand Marketplace runs several  —  Moderate Success. Some information unknown
blocks and is bustling all day and well into the night. to the Character is uncovered, but nothing earth-
The Royal Quarter: Smallest of the four, it includes the Prince’s shattering. The researcher will point out (wist-
palace complex and the barracks of the militia. The houses of the fully) that there are more thorough volumes on
wealthiest families of the city and many temples are situated here. Nomikos.
The Lethys Library is here.  Success with a Twist. The researcher finds a rare
The Artisans Quarter: Most of the craftsmen live and work here, book with very unique information on the sub-
residing in apartments behind and above their shops. This is where ject—and unrelated information which is also of
many finished goods and services can be had. great value to the character.
 —  Success. At least one very informative and unique
bit of data is revealed.
3•THE LETHYS LIBRARY —  Thorough Success. Two or three new bits of in-
 The Grand Campaign

formation are revealed. uncommon to inquire with a proprietress such as Bette if there are
+ Phenomenal Success. Character learns important other residents of the Inn headed for a given destination. If they
information, plus related information of great don’t look shady, she could be helpful.
import. (e.g., while searching for information Tonight the Greatroom of the Flask is graced by a talented bard.
about the Phoenix Pendant, Terek not only gets Several have good singing voices and might join in with the youthful
the basics of it’s powers, but references to ‘Gryphon singer seated by the fire. The bard seems to project an air of
College,’ where information about attunement friendship and comeraderie, and the songs he sings are all familiar
might be found. ballads and ditties known across Jaiman, Emer and beyond. His
One way that characters might meet is if their searches indicate name is Randæ, and he is always a big draw at the Flask And Mug.
a book or scroll that is already ‘checked out.’ This would lead to As the evening progresses, the group begins to gather, make
another PC’s cubicle or table, where a sharing arrangement might be introductions, and lay plans for the trip to Nomikos, on the Isle of
worked out—and from there… Ormian
Anyone investigating possible routes will have been told the
following: while the coast road through southern Rhakhaan and the
4•AT THE Melurian States followed by a ferry ride to Ormian seem to be a
direct path, the way is not safe right now. The Y’kin are moving
‘FLASK AND MUG’ southwest, and there are bandits, and tales of ghosts. Besides, once
A mid-range Tavern, the F&G is convenient to the docks without they get to the bay, they would have to travel far around it to get close
being located too near the rough area known as ‘The Planks.’ The to sea level; most of the northern area is rocky cliffs. It would be
Proprietress is an amiable woman named Bette. Her sons and almost  miles, the last half all rough going.
daughters work in the inn, as cooks, servers and porters; all share a The best way to go is by ship around the peninsula. The usual
blond handsomeness, impressive stature and easy nature revealing voyage time is  days. Merchant vessels leave almost daily on that
their Myr origins. route, usually heading on to Tanara or south to Sel-kai afterwards.
If the PCs make the wise decision, they will opt for the sea voyage.
ENCOUNTER: Maybe some have already booked passage (the Seasprite is the
archetypal ship provided); there will be space still available tomor-
THE CHARACTERS MEET row; the ship is scheduled to set sail in three days.
The various characters find themselves—each for his or her own
reasons—in the great room of the Flask and Mug, each drinking and ENCOUNTER:
enjoying the evening’s entertainment.. A few of the characters may
have already met that day, perhaps on the docks looking for a ship
to Tanara, or at the Lethys Library (see above). It would not be This settled, the group can settle in to enjoy the music. However,

The ‘Flask & Mug’

Kitchen Gold


0 3 6‘
Book One: Gathering Darkness 
the evening is not to conclude unmarred. There is a handsome it do before.
young man alone at the next table; perhaps one or more of the PCs When Morden is within six feet, he stops and the summoner
notices him; he looks to be part Elvish. He wears simple but fine speaks. His voice is a musical tenor, soft and enthralling:
travelling clothes, sips wine, and wears a blandly pleased expression.
A tall woman in black attempts to squeeze between the tables and “Morden, Warlock heed these words:
bumps the man. He stands, and suddenly there is an altercation Your journey long, end out of sight
between the two. One of the PCs (the GM must either set up the But be true to yourself and comrades
scene or choose) is bumped so hard he must stand up and suddenly and for awhile forestall the night.
the man spins around and falls into the PC’s arms with a short cry
of surprise and pain. About this time Randæ has noticed the com- “To the Isle of books, then a sea of sand
motion and will stop playing. People are turning. Damp corridors, a city of towers.
The woman glares at the PC and walks purposefully towards the A secret vault, and an exile’s homeland
back of the bar. Trying to help up the man, the PC feels something The gryphon’s roost has hiding powers.
wet and warm on his hands… it is blood: there is a dagger in the
man’s chest, and he dies right there. This is what most people see: the “Lakes and rivers, and fell riders stark,
dead man in the PC’s arms, with the dagger in or near the PC’s hand. A desolate land, yet full of fear
A few will have noticed the woman and cry out, but it is just about A woman’s thirst, a man once dark
too late. Beware in the trees, a whisper near.
■ Roll: Perception, Very Hard (-). Very observant PCs might
notice a flickering in the shadows: The woman is Alize of the Cult of “The Dragon holds a treasure dear
Stars, and she is using an Image to teleport out of the bar. There is no Take what is owned, beware of greed
chance of catching her. The sun will set on Mur Fostisyr
The dagger is of obsidian with a silver edge. The hilt-pommel is But hope persists; it will awake at need
a black star sapphire. This is the symbol of the Cult of Stars, but of
course they don’t know that… yet. The victim is in fact a lesser Priest “The Haunted Land holds a harbinger.
Arnak (he has a ring) of the Lyak group. The ring is a signet with a After the spirits learn all you may:
flat blue stone carved with the image of a hawk. Both items are very borne of old evil grows a new danger.
evil. Take ship by air—to Sel-kai be away.
The City Guard will be summoned, and there will be consider-
able questioning and confusion, but Randæ will step in if necessary “Then rest, and continue another day.”
to clear the PC (assuming the PC doesn’t do something rash like
run). He will state that he clearly saw the woman attack, but she
moved too fast for anyone to have intervened. The rhyme and meter of this verse is confusing to Morden,
The dagger and the body will be confiscated by the guard. A almost hypnotic nevertheless. The words burn in his memory.
skillful PC might manage to get the ring; if the GM would just as soon The figure vanishes into the mist, leaving the youth shivering in
not have to deal with players having powerful evil items at this point, the alley.
he can have Randæ pocket it, after the PCs have seen it. In any case, GM Note: The mysterious visitor is Andraax. He has seen the
Randæ will conspiratorially tell the accused character to “Watch his succession of events through his powers. Of course, this does not
step around here” but will not explain. mean that the PCs MUST follow this path; as with all future
After the body is removed, things will settle down a bit, and Bette seeings, Andraax can only foretell what is likely to occur based on
will order a free round just before the curious from neighboring the current situation. Should the characters deviate from this path,
taverns begin to pour in. the GM may wish to have Andraax appear again with warnings or
predictions which will steer them back on a preferred course.
5•LETHYS AT NIGHT Any remaining time for the PCs in Lethys should be mainly
uneventful, but if the GM wishes to run a minor bar or thieving
One of the group has a nocturnal encounter late in the misty incident, she should do so (there are few city opportunities in this
Lethys evening. first phase of the quest).
One of the group (Morden if he is a PC) wakes in the middle of
the night from a troubling dream he cannot remember. He hears his ‘SEASPRITE’
name called, the voice a breathy whisper. It seems to be coming from A carrack, lateen and square rigged and about  feet long, the
outside… Seasprite is a sturdy ship. While she is an older vessel, and some of
■ Roll: Morden must make a RR using his Presence bonus vs th the decoration appears neglected, all the important parts are well
level. If he fails, he must stealthily leave the inn and go down to the maintained. With a crew of , the ship can take on up to 
street. passengers in four guest cabins. Her captain is a Shay man of middle
Outside it is cool, and a dense fog has rolled in. He creeps into a years, Shan Marr, who makes his home in Lethys.
dark alleyway, where he sees a figure in a hooded black cloak, barely The trip proceeds uneventfully as the Seasprite heads out of the
visible in the mist. The figure beckons and he must obey. His crystal sheltered south inlet of the Nea Bay, then west-northwest towards
is glowing dimly with a prismatic light, something he has never seen the Forbidden Sea. To the south, she will pass the isle of Aranmor,
then Plasidar. Most sea-captains stick to the open waters, keeping
the land barely in sight yet at a respectable distance
 The Grand Campaign

0 6 12‘

The ‘Seasprite’
n GM Rolls: Roll for weather (Character & Campaign Law pg ) inhabitants are bold enough to approach, as it is surrounded by
daily; weather is even more important while sailing. Moderate severe many reefs and jagged, submerged atolls. It is said that they depend
effects somewhat while the ship is in the Nea Bay. In storms, some on enchantments to avoid the dangers which guard the coast.
rolls for crew competency may be necessary or there is a slight Merchants keep to the northern coast as they pass in and out of the
chance that the ship might be lost. Nea Bay, hoping to avoid both natural dangers and the threat of
An evil place shunned by travellers, Aranmor is surrounded by A B S  S
churning, bubbling seas. The waters around Aranmor are literally If the Seasprite is passing Plasidar just before dawn or in the early
boiling (volcanic steam vents on the sea floor) and can be seen for hours of the morning on a day of reasonable weather, the lookout
miles. Crewmembers will be happy to tell horror stories to curious cries “Black Sail off the starboard bow!” The pirates prefer to move
passengers. None of these tales are quite as twisted and sinister as the against ships who have the sun to their back, this way the pirates
bizarre truth, however. There are wild tales of demons and ancient come out of the darkened western horizon and the sun does not
curses placed on this volcano-tortured land, yet the stories are reflect off their dark sails.
contradictory and no one has ever returned to tell the truth. ■ GM Roll: A pirate ship is seen to the south; the GM may wish to
The Seasprite sails past Aranmor without incident. have a series of rolls as Captain Marr attempts to outmaneuver the
pirate ship. The Seasprite is at an ongoing - to avoid the ’ pirate
Beyond Aranmor, to the west stretches a much larger island, If the ship bearing the characters cannot make a clean getaway,
which anyone will tell the ignorant character is Plasidar, home of the the pirates will pull alongside and order the Seasprite to surrender.
Pirate Elves. Captain Marr will do so, preferring to hand over the strongbox
P rather than risk the lives of his crew and passengers. The PCs may
While the waters around this island are not as strange as the have other ideas.
boiling seas around Aranmor, they are treacherous. Only the isle’s T P S D
Lines are thrown across and the ship are lashed together. The
Book One: Gathering Darkness 
brigands number twenty, captained by a handsome Dyar Elf who ■ GM Roll: Kelson will insist on seeing all of the passengers, and
leaps upon the deck of the Seasprite and introduces himself as Kelson there is a % chance that he will take a fancy to some weapon or
of Talfang. Twelve more men come across, all Dyari Elves, heavily item of jewelry that one of the PCs is wearing. It would be an obvious
armed. The crew is ordered to lay down all weapons; they comply. item; he won’t search anyone. His main goal is the ship’s strongbox
Kelson is charming and polite, making small talk with his men, and a few cargo items it is known to be carrying. These are being
making sure that no one is harmed if they cooperate. Kelson and his removed by the pirates while Kelson and four other pirates watch
first mate wield the beautiful Elven swords called sareni (sing. saren), crew and passengers. It is up to the PCs whether they are willing to
which look much like the Terran katana, but strike as enhanced fight for their possessions. If not, the pirates leave without harming
falchions. Stats for saren can be found in the Fantasy Weapons Chart anyone.
on page ???. If Kelson is killed, or if things otherwise look very bad for the
boarding pirates, the remaining crew will cut the lines and flee. The
Seasprite will resume her course as best she can. The rest of the trip
should be uneventful until she reaches the mouth of the Ormian


Name Lvl Hits AT(DB) Sh Gr Melee Ob Missile Ob Mov
Captain Marr 6 95 8(10) N N 85 broadsword 35 light crossbow 15
Shay Rogue, Swim45; Brawl30; Gambl15; Ldrshp40; Nav60; Sail75; Signal25; Trade54; WeathWatch55.
First Mate 3 80 1(10) N N 65 shortsword 20 short bow 10
Shay Fighter. Swim35; Brawl30; Nav50; Sail55; Signal5; Trade30; WeathWatch40.
Other Sailors (Average) 2 25 1(10) N N 40 shortsword — 10
Shay Fighter

Kelson of Talfang 8 25 1(10) N N 118 saren‡ 80 longbow 20

Age: (Looks 25) Eyes: Grey Hair: Black Build: Lean, muscular Height:   Skills: Dyar Rogue. Swim60; Brawl55; Gambl72; Ldrshp85; Nav62;
Sail70; Seduct78; Signal30; Subdu60; Trade45; WeathWatch61. Magic Items: +10 broadsword, boots of water-running.
Meleken (First Mate) 4 25 1(10) N N 90 saren‡ 70 longbow 15
Dyar Rogue Age: (looks 25) Eyes: grey Hair: blond Build: lean Height:   Skills: Swim34; Brawl45; Gambl35; Ldrshp25; Nav48; Sail60;
Trade35; WeathWatch. Magic Items: +10 dagger
Other Pirate s (Average) 2 65 1(60) N N 50 broadsword 35 longbow 15
Dyar Fighter

* Indicates a Shield or Greave protection is due to magical garment, shield spells, etc.
† Indicates special race powers; see Shadow World Inhabitants Guide for details.
‡ Elven sword, looks like a katana, strikes as a falchion +20 vs unarmored foes; +15 vs leather armor
 The Grand Campaign


Books, like men their authors, have no more than one way of coming into the
world, but there are ten thousand to go out of it, and return no more.

A ( )

 A

A library of unsurpassed size and scope, Nomikos is arguably the pre-eminent

academic center of all Kulthea. According to popular belief, it was founded in SE
 by Andraax himself. It was intended as an open center of knowledge apart
from the Loremaster Archives, which of course are on the hidden isle of Karilôn
and not accessible to the common man.
The Nomikos complex is located in the southernmost part of the Jaiman conti-
nent on the island of Ormian, just east of Meluria. The island is a self-sustaining
community, including the Scribe hierarchy and supporting society of farmers,
fishermen and craftsmen. In addition, the wealth of the isle is assured through
library use fees, making the entire populace quite well-off.
No other power has ever attempted to annex Ormian or claim sovereignty over
the island, which may seem strange since it has no army or fleet of any size. How-
ever, the Scribes are said to have a battery arcane powers at their disposal.
A high bluff overlooking the Port of Ormian is the site of the Library complex,
several buildings which cover nearly half a square mile.
Book One: Gathering Darkness 


Assuming that the Seasprite survives, she continues on her way The following excerpt from Kalen’s Travel Journals provides a
around the isles, then hugs the Melurian coast until she enters the descriptive and personal view of the Nomikos Library:
bay which protects the isle of Ormian. The ship passes by a small,
rocky island on the way, and Captain Marr might mention that this “The port town of Ormian was already far below us, and we
is the Watching Isle, an uninhabited rock which is reputed to be had not yet reached the gate of Nomikos. The day was cloudy
haunted. Some legends claim that it guards Ormian from looters. and not terribly warm, but the humidity was oppressive, and
(Exactly how it does this is unknown.) Soon, however, the Watching there seemed remarkably little wind for a coastal location such
Isle slips past, and Ormian itself looms ahead. It, like its neighbor, as this. I was winded and felt a trickle of perspiration run down
juts out of the sea, with rugged coasts. The Library is located on a my back, but our Loremaster guide Randæ Terisonen contin-
bluff above the Port of Ormian, on an inlet about halfway up the ued up the steep road tirelessly. Everyone else in our small party
length of the island. The ship will pull into a small but busy harbor. was gasping audibly, and even the usually inexhaustible Jad
The town of Ormian is perhaps surprisingly large—about ,— seemed to be puffing as we finally arrived at the main entrance.
but it is a convenient stopping point between Lethys and Sel-kai. A great arch curved at least fifty feet above us in warm brown
Also the inhabitants trade in wool and certain finished goods. The sandstone, the blocks large and set with the skill of an older
Seasprite will be leaving with the tide, but the characters need not civilization.
worry about being stranded, there are plenty of passenger-carrying We were granted passage and proceeded along an avenue
ships coming in and out of Ormian every day. They will have no paved in luminous white marble. Tall wrought-iron fences
trouble finding passage.

Library of
 The Grand Campaign

separated the road from ornate gardens on either side, then we Several copies of each book are available, and books may be ‘checked
passed through an inner portico. At the far end of a carefully out’ to the reading areas for as long as a month for study and copying.
manicured green courtyard towered the greatest library in the None of the works in this collection is an original; time and the
known world. The golden dome glowed even under the over- ravages of a corrosive atmosphere would have long ago rendered
cast sky, and hundred-foot tall buttresses of grey stone marched them to dust. Instead, these manuscripts are constantly being copied
all about the perimeter of the monstrous cruciform structure. and recopied so that there are volumes available for use.
Standing amidst the wide staircase leading to the library’s Research Collection: Only scholars with approved research propos-
entrance was a mighty statue, carved of lustrous obsidian. It als are permitted in the research library (though admittance is not
depicted a man with long straight hair and wearing a flowing difficult, there is a -day waiting period). Many rare and original
robe. Under one arm he carried a book; the other hand was held manuscripts are kept within the research complex, and there is a
at chest height, with the palm facing outward but close to the copying service available should a researcher need access to passages
body. His expression and posture were difficult to decipher, of manuscripts for an extended period of time.
though they seemed less than welcoming.
Special Collection: The most closely guarded collection; only those
“Who’s the statue of?” Jad asked idly.
with permission of the Chief Scribe may have access to its books. No
For a long moment no one answered. Then, as we mounted
one but the Scribes are actually allowed into the stacks; researchers
the steps and the statue loomed above us, Randæ muttered, “It’s
consult a catalog of books, select what they desire, and scribe-
supposed to be of Andraax, who supposedly founded this place
assistants gather the materials. All Special Collection books are
many thousands of years ago.”
viewed in cubicles, under the close scrutiny of a Scribe.
“You seem a bit skeptical.” I couldn’t help pursuing Randæ’s
comment. Meanwhile, Jad seemed to involuntarily shrink away GM Note: Additional details of the Library are available in the
from the statue as we passed it. book Jaiman, and while not necessary to doing research, would
“I just have trouble believing that this Andraax character add flavor to the events.
could possibly have managed as many accomplishments as he
has been credited with—even if he is immortal.” ENCOUNTER: CHANGRAMAI
As the group approaches the imposing library walls, Rælen will
—K A naturally be getting rather tense. Will he be recognized? A disguise
would be in order if anyone thinks of it.
Rælen sees a former classmate from the Changramai Monastery.
■ GM Roll: Roll D; if -, a monk that would recognize Rælen
RULES OF THE LIBRARY is on the island while he is there and will see him. Roll D again for
GM Note: for those who may not have the Shadow World Master percentage of the way through the visit that the monk ad Rælen will
Atlas, the rules of Nomikos Library are reprinted below. intersect. When this happens, give the monk a Perception Roll at +
When one enters the complex, one must sign a contract agreeing to see and recognize the errant Changramai. (Note that if Rælen is
to abide by the rules of the Library. “Signing” Includes writing one’s disguising himself in some way, the chances of his being recognized
full name and birthplace. drop precipitously.) If he sees Rælen, he will immediately summon
The Rules are: his fellows to capture him, but discreetly, and in a way that does not
compromise their responsibilities as guardians of Nomikos.
. To pay  gold piece per day in the complex plus surcharges if using
the special collections. ■ PC Roll: Assuming there is a monk here who can identify Rælen,
at the time of the meeting, give Rælen a Perception Roll with his
. To pay repair fees as set by the Library for unintentional damage
bonus. Give him an additional + if he mentions that he is keeping
to books.
a lookout just preceding the meeting (e.g., as the group enters the
. To pay fines set by the Library if caught attempting to deface, library that day, he mentions that he is looking for monks he knows).
disassemble or steal a book. If Rælen is spotted, things could get very ugly very fast. While the
. To follow without question instructions from any Library official, Nomikos Scribes have nothing against Rælen, they will not interfere
including Security personnel. in a private Changramai matter (i.e., they won’t grant any sort of
Although book access varies depending on the collection, no immunity).
book is ever allowed outside of the complex. There are reading and
copying carrels available for storage of books to those making DOING RESEARCH
extended visits—sleeping rooms are available for rent, but the rule ■ PC Roll: All PCs researching must make a research roll for each
barring removal of books is absolute. Patrons caught trying to topic they intend to pursue. They may only roll once for each topic.
smuggle books out of the library are severely fined and permanently Use the chart given under “At the Library” in the Lethys library
barred from the library. Changramai warriors—fearsome experts at Page ???), but add + to rolls (this is Nomikos after all). Depending
unarmed combat—guard the exits to the Library. It is said that they on how smart the players are, (and how well they make their research
can see things invisible and know a liar by his voice. They are not to rolls) information on the following topics might come to light:
be trifled with.
GM Notes: The following are obviously passages, taken either from
T C books, or in most cases, scrolls. The GM may wish to describe in
The library is made up of three basic parts: Public Collection, detail some of these fabulous old items, bound in leather with wood
Research Collection, and Special Collection. or even iron covers, some great books as large as three feet tall with
Public Collection: The largest of the collections in sheer number of ornate hinges and locks. Each parchment page is rendered by hand
volumes, it is designed for public consumption. This contains in lovely calligraphic styles in colored and metallic inks.
language translations, maps of various areas of the known world
(GM discretion how much of this is to be revealed), and histories.
Book One: Gathering Darkness 
T P P the Loremaster Zener Morndaak, who reportedly now resides in
. From a scroll entitled On the Making of the Jaimani Royal northwest Tanara.
Artifacts, dated SE , by Fenrik Elvar, Alchemist of Arion: T P A
. A scroll: (The Elor passage, Intro Part IV, page ???).
…Tethior and Andraax took thought, and together they . Something about the Iron Wind for Rælen. He discovers this
devised the recipes which would bring forth wondrous devices account from the Chronicles of Elor, with annotations by the
of steel and laen and jewels. First came six crowns for the kings historian Salthay Ryne:
and queens, enchanted diadems which could take on the
practical form of an ornate helm of war. Next followed glorious
blades to be wielded by the Kings’ Champions. Aid for these …Astride twin peaks of sheer stone rests the tower of Oran Jatar.
was given by Tethior’s younger brother Krelij—a promising From this citadel, the White Drake commands his priests Arnak: the
swordmaker… Order of Gaath. Jatar is master of the creation of artifacts of power
Finally, with the aid of Andraax’s powerful spells, the most as well as a lord of mind and arms. Greatest among his items is
subtle items of all were made: the Six pendants to be worn by perhaps his helm: fashioned after the form of a dragon’s head, it
Royal Councillors. Lovely glitter- allows him to assume human form
ing orbs, imprisoned in each the and yet permits him to employ his
heraldic beast of the realm… deadly breath at full potential. Chill
It was not surprising that he is of lungs and mind, and his
the design if not the wondrous minions know no mercy for those
powers of the Pendants was who would stand against the
copied by many of the ap- Dragonlord. I know, for I have
prentices at Arion and else- faced Oran Jatar, and it was one
where. No doubt there are of the rare occasions of my life
many baubles now made in during which I knew true fear.
flattery of the Six, but pale and Jatar is a terror beyond even the
dim by comparison… Ordainers in some ways, for he—
as one of the Dragonlords—is
not one of the creations of the
. Regarding attunement, a scroll Unlife, but an independent be-
gives an account by Ajkara III, ing who serves the Iron Wind
Empress of Rhakhaan, who vis- willingly. Those are the most
ited a woman at a place called the dangerous of its brood, for they are the
Gryphon Tower. It was there that she most wily and clever.
learned how to attune the Phoenix Pendant. The The palace of Oran Jatar also houses the six
location of the tower is secret, though the text men- priests of Gaath, their High Priest, and the elite of the
tions that it is in western Rhakhaan order of Athimurl.. Though Jatar is not their true master, his voice
. The scroll by Zener Morndaak, which appears at the beginning of carries weight amongst their ranks as well. In the caves below the
Part X, might be revealed. tower they perform their dark rituals of sacrifice and torture by the
flickering light of smoky torches.
. Several other recent manuscripts (and perhaps a Scribe) make
More of the Aalk Gaath I will not tell, it is such an unpleasant
mention of a scholar on the Crowns (and swords and Pendants):
memory. To those foolish and brave enough to seek riches and
the Loremaster Zener Morndaak, who reportedly now resides in
adventure (and indeed is an ample supply of both), I wish good luck,
northwest Tanara.
and suggest that they set their affairs in order first.
T P S
. A copy of an accounting of the royal artifacts of Rhakhaan Comments: It is known now that the centers of Gaath and Athimurl
indicates that the Sword, Pendant and Crown are all placed in are elsewhere, though representatives of those cults might reside in
separate vaults at about  TE. They remain there until Ajkara the Aalk Gaath. In addition, Jatar probably considered himself an
III’s ascension in , when she removes the pendant and wears ally of the Iron Wind rather than a servant. He essentially seized the
it as a sign of office (along with a small crown she has fashioned for order of Gaath and has placed it under his control. It is believed
herself..) The Crown and Sword remain locked far beneath that the Smith Krelij aided Oran Jatar in the fashioning of the
Haalkitaine until , when Alaek has the crown brought out. His Dragon Helms.
successors do not wear the crown until , when Queen Italana
VI dons it. She orders the Sword brought forth as well, but when
the vault door is unlocked, the sword is gone. There is a gaping hole . Elor Himself: he is reputed to be mad, residing somewhere in
in one wall leading to a rough-dug tunnel. The hole in the wall northern Saralis (see Elor, below)
seems to have been dug by some sort of clawed beast.. Soldiers are . For Rælen, he might uncover a reference to the holy sword of his
sent down the tunnel, but it leads to an endless warren of passages people, in an account by the Ky’taari Scholar Rylen Alnesh:
too small to navigate.
. The scroll by Zener Morndaak, which appears at the beginning of …Gaath holds the Sword of the Ky’taari, locked behind doors of
Part X, might be revealed. cold iron in a citadel upon foundations of ice. Beware the Unseen
. Several other recent manuscripts (and perhaps a Scribe) make Guardians.
mention of a scholar on the Crowns (and swords and Pendants):
 The Grand Campaign

T Scepter  K

Keety may wish to research this. He uncovers two things. First,
an accaount by the Loremaster serving as advisor to the Hutarn at
the time the Sceptre was stolen, and second, a cryptic verse written
on a scroll of grey parchment. A few notes by the scribe who copied The Land of the Butterfly shall suffer a winter.
the verse follow it. The passing of the Shadow
will bring much sorrow.
“We had known that the Man with no Name was in the city for But first the Hutarn’s hand will be empty.
nearly an hour; it was inevitable he would come to the palace. Never-
theless, there was a stir at the gates to the throne room. The Hutarn’s Heed the whispers in the gale.
stocky guards stood ready with their maces, while his advisors and I
clustered to one side. Sidran rose from the bejewelled Butterfly Throne Gargarax… Urkanian
in a rustle of golden silk and nodded to the doorwards.
The wide doors swung in, and, amidst four impressive Changramai,
the Nameless One entered the chamber. Against the white and silver of The brief unstructured verse above was copied from what is
his guards, the plain ebony robe of the foreteller of doom seemed almost assumed to be the original, delivered to the Hutarn of Nuyan Khôm
anticlimactic. However, the Nameless One carried himself like a lord, in TA ,  days before the Sceptre was stolen. The original was
and his hood was thrown back to reveal is face—the face of a K’ta’viir. written in blood on a parchment. Under analysis, the blodd was
Not that his outward appearance meant anything. I cast every spell found to be Elven, the parchment of human skin.
of detection and analysis I dared against this visitor, though I knoew it The meaning of “Gargarax… Urkanian” remains problematical,
was poor manners. So was not revealing your name. I was not surprised
when my probing revealed exactly nothing. He was there in the flesh, Xian Hoojta
but beyond that I learned nothing. I could not even be sure whether he Scribe of Nomikos
was Man, Elf, or other. TA 
It was only as the visitor drew close that I could see the fine work of
his robe. It was embroidered along the hem and cuffs and collar with
beautiful silk designs. The tailoring was exquisite. T J A
All the while Hutarn Sidran waited stoically, his almond eyes The following are cryptic verses, found on scrolls, whish turn up
betraying no emotion. as the result of a search for the Jerak Ahrenreth.
The Nameless One stopped a few paces away and bowed low.
“Thank you for seeing me, Hutarn.” Servants turn to betray the master
“I would welcome you to the land of the Nuyani, but my words One land, one rule, eight lords
would be empty.”
“I understand. But I do not cause these misfortunes; I am merely a The west shall be east.
harbinger. What you do with my warnings is your responsibility.”
“Speak then.” Sidran settled into the throne.
“Your most prized possession other than the lives of your loved
Gargarax… Urkanian
ones will be taken from you. Then and even worse, even those you
cherish will be in danger from a killer who comes by night and day,
a murderer whom locks cannot bar and armies cannot stop. The Orders of a lost time
most vigilant guard falls to his invisible daggers.” The Nameless One return again to serve the Secrets
paused and pulled his hood up to cover his face again.
“That is all?” The Hutarn whispered, a man stricken their blades are sharp
“That is all.” The unwelcome visitor turned and left the hall. The Shadow lengthens.

Gargarax… Urkanian
Reported by Loremaster Nelden Viirs
TA 
Transcribed by . (Summary) The history of Elor is somewhat muddled, though it
Looma T’tornian appears that he is far older than even what is indicated by his
Scribe of Nomikos records from the Mur Fostisyr (which would make him at least
TA  , years old). It is possible that he is a survivor of the Wars of
Dominion, and might have even fought for the Unlife, then
reformed after the conflict (thus the moniker “Once Dark”). At
any rate, Elor had the reputation of being somewhat of a loner and
rebel, and though his reports were very valuable, his activities
became increasingly erratic. He apparently retired sometime in the
mid sixth millennia, though his present location is unknown.
Book One: Gathering Darkness 
. The following Scribe report dated  TE: Law pg. ) daily. Weather is very changeable in these straits. In
storms, some rolls for crew competency may be necessary or there
While travelling in northern Saralis, I met a man who claimed to be is a chance that the ship might be lost.
Elor Once Dark. He resembled descriptions I had heard, but of course O P
any physical description is meaningless when dealing with Elor. This Among the other passengers are a jewel merchant from Kaitaine
man lives in a strange house of eclectic design near the mouth of a river and his son, two women and a bodyguard from Sel-kai, and a
in the southern foothills of the Saral March. The house was built upon nondescript Shay couple.
a small island in the middle of the river, reached by nearly a dozen
strange and unique bridges. When I asked the man about them, he ENCOUNTER:
laughed and replied that he was indulging a fascination with engineer-
ing. He possessed a vast library but kept diverting me from serious
The journey towards Tanara proceeds uneventfully for the first
research with bizarre anecdotes, most of which were completely mean-
few days, but this belies a disaster which comes upon the Fairwind
ingless. I stayed for several hours while he talked at his ease, but at the
in the mid-morning of the fourth day…
chime of midnight he leapt from his chair and ordered me to leave. ‘It
is the Iron Wind!’ he cried, and insisted that I flee the area immediately. A S A
He could not be dissuaded, and so I left, without ever opening a book. South of eastern Meluria, the Fairwind is making good time in
I have tried to return on several occasions, but cannot find that strange front of a western wind, and the weather seems fine… until the
house. lookout spots darkness on the eastern horizon.
At first it looks like a severe thunderstorm. The captain is
concerned but not overly so. He decides to swing north to take
A S Z advantage of the sheltering coastline, but the wind shifts, driving the
. (General knowledge). The Order of the Cloak is a group of ship southeast. The sea begins to take on a strange luminescence.
ostensibly religious zealots who travel the countryside converting Several things happen almost at once. All Essence-users feel a
to the religion of Zanar by the sword (or the mace in their case). tingling, and the short hairs on their necks stand up. Morden’s
They are known by their crimson cloaks.
. More might be available in Emer, perhaps in a
library in Kaitaine, or Sel-kai? However, the prevail-
ing attitude in Jaiman about Emer is that the only
remaining ‘civilizations’ are along the coasts; the
interior has been reduced to barbarism, warring
city-states, or is depopulated.

This is just a harmless meeting between Morden
and an Elven Scribe. They pass in the great hall, and the
Elf looks at him strangely. He say “I’m sorry, and I
hope you don’t take offense at this, but you have the
most remarkable eyes. They have a very unique color,
almost like those of a K’ta’viir. May I ask your ancestry.
No matter what Morden answers, the Elf will
clearly be disappointed and murmur “I’m terribly
sorry, I won’t trouble you further…” and wander

Information gleaned from Nomikos is likely to
lead the characters to want to visit the Loremaster
Zener Morndaak in Tanara. The group should have
little trouble finding passage on a ship headed East,
and soon set sail.

T F
Captain Virs Tenak and a crew of  man the
lateen-rigged caravel from Sel-kai. It is  feet long and
can carry up to  passengers.
■ GM Rolls: Roll for weather (Character & Campaign
 The Grand Campaign

The ‘Fairwind’

0 6 12‘

crystal and Terek’s Phoenix will glimmer with a sullen greenish light. storm, but with no rain. The waters foam and lash the ship, multi-
Jymsan will feel queasy. Then green, twisting lightning will flash out colored lighting forks across the sky, and the wind blows in furious
of the eerie grey darkness to the southeast and a moment later the sea gusts from all directions. The one constant is a churning darkness
will become smooth as glass and the sails will go limp as the air which grows to seemingly span the horizon as the ship draws nearer.
becomes perfectly still. In that silence, the first mate will cry out There is little left for the characters to do but batten down the
“Essænce Storm!” Then the shock wave from the lightning hits the hatches and get below (they will be ordered to do so by the captain
ship, followed by a huge swell of water which carries the Fairwind anyway).
several hundred feet high, then sickeningly down into a trough. No ■ Roll: Con RR - to avoid nausea. Failure by - means at -
waves break, but the wind resumes from the northwest (actually it for all actions due to queasiness; failure by - means vomiting
is being sucked in from the southeast). The sails furl and the ship and at -; failure by + means at -.
surges forward with a great creaking of timbers. Several ropes may
break; anyone on deck or in the rigging should roll to not be lost. T L
PCs may think of trying to escape by using spells or in a lifeboat. Things get progressively worse, the ship lurching in impossible
The use of any spell at this time is highly inadvisable: add + to all directions as it nears the membrane. As it enters, there is a sensation
spell failure rolls from the moment the storm is detected. Chances of of falling which lasts several (eternal) seconds. With a shriek of
escape in the lifeboat are also nil, as it has even less chance of escaping tearing metal and splintering wood, the whirling ship comes to a
the energy of the Essænce Storm. sudden halt.
I  S ■ Roll: Con RR - to remain conscious. All take - hits and an
“A” Impact Critical.
The captain orders the sails stowed and turns the ship into the
As each player awakens, they realize that the ship is not moving,
storm; it’s all that can be done as the green-grey wall of churning
that the cabin is lying on its side, and sunlight is streaming through
energy rolls towards the doomed Fairwind.
a huge hole. torn in the hull. They emerge from the wrecked craft to
Between the initial storm surge and the actual penetration of the
discover that they have plowed into soft sand… in the middle of a
energy membrane is a period of about an hour. During that time the
ship moves deeper and deeper into what resembles a standard sea-

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