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The Peoples of The Caves of Chaos

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Written by Drew Williams

This is a custom reference for the inhabitants of The Caves of Chaos, as suggested by Gary Gygax in 'Notes for the DM on the Caves of
Chaos', 'Ransoming Prisoners', 'Tribal Alliances and Warfare', and 'Monsters Learning From Experience' sections of Dungeon Module B2 The
Keep of the Borderlands (page 14). The first parts of this reference expand on the suggestions provided. The remainder lists all of the
numbered areas of the Caves of Chaos, and describes any specific changes to the rooms or the behavior of any monsters found there. of
the Most details herein only embellish on those already included in the module, and are fully compatible. Where some details do differ,
precedence is to be given to the custom changes included here unless otherwise noted.

THE CAVE AREA: The ravine valley is an ancient burial tomb site particular grove, a flock of stirges nest. The residents are
from the same period as the other ancient burial mounds that accustomed to avoiding them. A custom Caves of Chaos exterior
pepper that landscape. Only instead of built up into mounds map (DM and Player versions) will have all keyed locations. Tables
covering jointed masonry, these were dug through into the living for wandering monsters and scout vigilance also provided.
stone and earth lining the walls of the chasm. The capstones
(doors) of countless tombs rank in 4 rows, with subtle broken foot RANSOMING PRISONERS: Though it is a matter that the Castellan
paths leading between many of them. Much of the terrain is either and Malal have strove to keep unspoken, they have gradually
overgrown with brush and trees, or collapsed in small landslides established an expectation, among the denizens of the Caves of
with stone and gravel littering in piles at the bottom. With some Chaos, that some ransoms might be paid (often in the form of
patience and attention, some of the tombs can be seen to have foods and/or supplies) if those captured are either of noble rank or
their capstones removed, and the ruts of frequent traffic in the valued members of the local community (the people petition for a
earth before them. ransom be paid). Consequently, some faction leaders have
The regional lore describes this ancient site as the "Gleann standing orders that prisoners should be captured whenever
Rìghrean" (glee-on rech-ree-on), the "Valley of Kings" but since the possible, and then interrogated to help consider whether a ransom
days of King Arthur, a new name has grown common; " Uamhan should be asked for, or they should be killed. In most cases,
Upraid " (oom-han oop-ra-eed), the "Caves of Chaos". prisoners would be made of lone stragglers, or party members who
were separated from the group. The most likely means of capture
Random Encounters Table of the whole party is if all members are defeated together. They
might then later awake, terribly wounded, imprisoned, and
1 in 6 chance of encounter by day. stripped of all their belongings. Any belongings removed will have
2 in 6 chance of encounter by night. a logical course of dispersement given the amount of time the
There is no encounter if the rolled result on table party was imprisoned (NOT conveniently secured in a nearby
differs from the game (exe. all bugbears were chest.). Should the defeated party regain their liberty, they would
already killed). likely not see any of their belongings again.

1. 2-12 stirges TRIBAL ALLIANCES AND WARFARE: The Priests of the Temple of Evil
2. 1 lone hobgoblin messenger* Chaos are at the top of the order among the factions among the
3. 1 lone orc messenger* Caves of Chaos, but they largely keep to themselves in their
4. 1 lone goblin messenger* temple, and send letters or words to the leaders of the other
5. 1 lone kobold messenger* factions using those other leader's messengers (A small network of
6. 2-12 kobolds messengers await outside the gates of the temple for instructions.)
7. 2-9 goblins Beyond the Priests schemes, faction in-fighting will occur whether
8. 2-5 hobgoblins they wish it or not (This is the principle reason that they require the
9. 1 bugbear intervention of their Demonic Lord to galvanize these disparate
10. 2 gnolls groups into a single force*.).
11. 1 ogre In general, it should be assumed that there is a long standing
12. 1 owlbear feud occurring between the goblins and hobgoblins against the
orcs. The gnolls are known to help the orcs for sport. The ogre has
*DM rolls for both surprise AND initiative; If the been known to help either for payment, though most often for the
enemy gains both, they have avoided being goblins. The kobolds try to avoid being involved in the conflict. And
seen, and will quickly report their sighting of the the bugbears and minotaur hold back and wait to exploit the
adventure party to their respective leader. conflict to their advantage for loot or tasty victims.
The default status of this feud is one of a tension filled "truce",
SPECIAL NOTE: In this campaign, the sex and age of all often initiated by the influence of the (surely exasperated) Priests.
goblins hobgoblins, and bugbears is indeterminate, as they But use the Random Faction Interaction tables below to generate
are just twisted and malformed fairy-kind, and do not lead any changes to this status.
true mortal lives. When-ever expressing roles of male, female,
or parent, goblins are only imitating (sometimes in mockery)
what they see mortals do. RANDOM FACTION INTERACTION
Ogres, Orcs, and Gnolls are NOT goblinoid, but instead
variant "beast-men", and as such do indeed breed and
reproduce as animals. Life for the residents of the Caves does not wait for a
Creatures such as minotaurs are singular cursed souls, and party of adventurers. Politics and events transpire, and
though they may be compelled to covet or even rape these charts are used to randomly generate results.
mortals, but do not truly breed, not be of a kind. FACTION CONFLICT CHECK: After each visit to the caves
by a party of PCs, make a faction conflict check. Roll 1d6.
On a roll of 6, conflict has broken out between the
WOODS: Though there are various trees and shrubberies all over factions. Roll twice on the faction table to determine
the sides, and especially across the bottom, of the ravine, the map which two factions have come into conflict. (If you roll the
indicates some areas that feature dense groves and copses that same number twice, the faction experienced some sort of
form tangled and forbidding barriers to normal movement (slow, internal strife.) Then roll on the Conflict Resolution Table.
single file). Within the shadows of these lurk different scouts from Use the notes for each faction and faction leader's
some of the factions that reside in the labyrinths below. In one motivations to help determine any specifics.

EMPTIED AREAS: When areas of the Caves of Chaos are "cleared",
Factions in the Caves of Chaos they can be quickly taken over by neighboring factions, or
repopulated in a given amount of time. Various monsters do not
Die Roll (d12) Faction simply wander by looking for a vacancy to fill. And presence of
most intruders to the Caves of Chaos will be repelled by those still in
1 Kobolds (A) residence. The only effective arbiters, of who may occupy a
2 Orcs of the Bloody Fist (B) "cleared" area of the dungeon, would be the Priests of Evil Chaos. If
3 Fang-Fingered Orcs (C) they choose to not interfere, a neighboring faction will expand into
4 Goblins (D) the area within 1 week. If they choose to barrack a new fighting
5 Ogre (E) force, one may be attracted to the opportunity within 1 month.
6 Hobgoblins (F)
7 Owlbear (G) Encounter Areas:
8 Bugbears (H)
9 Minotaur (I) Random Encounters Table
10 Gnolls (J)
11 Evil Priests (K) For every 30' distance walked down a lair passage, roll for
12 Wandering Adventurers random encounter on a d6. Encounters occur on 1 in 6 for
the daytime, and 1 in 3 for the nighttime. If an encounter
(“Wandering Adventurers” refers to an NPC party entering the results, secretly roll for both surprise and initiative. The side
Caves of Chaos.) that achieves both surprise AND initiative gets to choose not
to be seen, if possible, by ducking behind a corner (or if a
Conflict Resolution Table thief, Hide in Shadows). To spawn a random encounter, roll
1d4 for the number of persons, and roll a d6 for each
Die Roll (1d8) Outcome numbered area described as occupied. The numbered
area with the highest number is the one from which the
1 Stalemate Skirmish encounter is drawn. Be sure to make a note of where they
2 1 Faction Damaged come from.
3 1 Faction Crippled
4 1 Faction Destroyed DM Encounter Rules Reminder:
5 Both Factions Damaged
6 Both Factions Crippled 1. DM rolls 2d6* (multiply result by 10 for number of
7 Both Factions Destroyed feet) to establish distance to monsters.
8 Factions Unite 2. DM rolls 1d6 for both monsters and party to
check for surprise.
3. DM secretly rolls 1d6 for both monsters and party
MONSTERS LEARNING FROM EXPERIENCE: That the different factions to check for initiative.
in the Caves of Chaos will try to react to any adventuring intruders 4. DM rolls 2d6 for monster reaction. Disguises etc.
to the best of their abilities (including planning for retaliation, add +1 to the players advantage. Combat
sending scouts, laying new traps, etc.), there remains a question as posture etc. subtract -1 to the result.
to their inherent competency to execute those plans.
2 Immediate attack
Roll 1d12 for any complex choices they may need to make. A 3-5 Hostile, possible attack
failed roll empowers the DM to act in the party's favor, describing 6-8 Uncertain, monster confused
foolish or stalled actions on the part of the monsters. 9-11 No attack, monster leaves or considers offers
12 Enthusiastic friendship
Goblins are occasionally clever but usually stupid. The Goblin
Chieftain will exercise the very best choices for himself and his clan *Use only 1d6 when in corridors.
on any result below a 7. His Captains would succeed to do the
same on any result under a 5.
Hobgoblins are both crafty as well as cruel. Any one of them will A. KOBOLD LAIR: There are 8 kobold
choose to act on an opportunity, or create a sadistic trap, on any guards in hiding in the trees
result below a 10. above the entrance. On a 1-2 on
Kobolds are cautious but scheming and cooperative. The kobold 1d6, they will spring down and
Chieftain will coordinate elaborate traps or team activities on any attempt to drive the party into
result below an 8. kobold leaders may do this on any result below the entrance, into the pit trap.
an 8. Individual kobolds will likely panic and seek out others to help The guards from area 1 might be
on a roll of a 5 or higher. alerted (4-6), but they would hold
Orcs are Mean, Spiteful, Impatient, and spoil for a good fight. The back to see whether the party
Orc Chieftain will lead the best possible tactic for victory on any falls into the trap. They will only
result under a 9. Otherwise he will simply attack (or run away). Any hold back from attacking out of
orc captain or individual would act the same with any result under fear that they might not be
an 8. enough numbers. They will wait to
Gnolls are dim witted and malicious. If an opportunity to exploit hear the trap door spring open,
a clear weakness is revealed, they will pounce immediately, and only then will jump into
pausing only to watch suffering. If called upon to think tactically action after they hear it go off,
they will only choose to do something effective on a result of a 6 or anticipating at least some of the
less. intruders have been
Minotaurs are fiendishly clever. There is very little that gets past incapacitated. In both cases, they will bark and cry for the
one. All planning and strategies of a minotaur will be accurate and guards from area 1. to assist. As long as the sounds of combat
merciless on any roll under an 11. within the entrance, or the sound of the trap door occur, 1d20
Ogres are clever and selfish. They have a strong ability to plan to giant rats from area 2 will join in combat within 2 rounds. These
their best advantage, whether that be to attack, lay a trap, or rats have a 2 in 6 chance, per round, of triggering the trap door
feign friendship. An ogre will only fail to attempt the best approach under themselves, if there are more than 5 positioned above it.
to a situation on a result of 12.

1. GUARD ROOM: The strategy of these guards is to throw small 8. THE WATCHER: No additional notes.
spears at their opponents before closing in. When possible, they
will remain on the other side of the spring trap and continue to 9. BANQUET AREA: Tapestries adorning the walls signify that this is a
throw spears. Each guard has 5 spears from area 1 to use. The hall of the Bloody Fist Clan. There is a 2 in 6 chance of the Orc
6th guard will not enter combat for 2d6 rounds while first fetching Chief holding court here in the early evening, before dispatching
for aid from areas 4 and 6. night patrols and messengers outside. In which case all but 2 orcs
from each of the other rooms will instead be feasting in this
2. GIANT RATS: This is the trash and refuse chamber, as well as the room. In all other times of day, there is a 2 in 6 chance of 1-4 orcs
rat kennel and toilet. The awful smell of this chamber can be being in here (drawn at random from other locations).
detected almost as soon as the party walks towards it from near
area 1. Kobolds do not mind the stench, but characters must roll 10. COMMON ROOM: There are 22 warrior orcs in this chamber who
vs poison or be incapacitated with nausea that renders them -2 share 8 sows among them. 8 orclets are also here. The warriors
in effectiveness for most tasks. Any rats not killed a melee at the will fight before the sows, but if their numbers fall, the sows will
entrance or area 1 or otherwise will be here and will attack on charge in. Though poorly equipped, the sows have higher hp
sight. If their morale is broken, they will flee to hide or find their and morale. The orclets have low hp and morale, but will fight
masters in areas 3-6. fiercely alongside any sow.

3. FOOD STORAGE ROOM: This room is LOCKED behind a 11. STORAGE CHAMBER: No additional notes.
reinforced wood door with an iron latch. Yawrp-yap has the key.
12. ORC LEADER'S ROOM: The Mighty War Chief Billy Ghotrag! Billy
4. GUARD ROOM: These guards are extra tough as kobolds go, is an immense orc, covered with many scars of combat. He
and they will do everything to give their chieftain the opportunity receives challenges from invaders with the same cheer that he
to devise a plan to repel any invaders if given the chance. They accepts challenges from orcs within his own clan. Two of the
may be accompanies by 2 of the 18 pet rats from area 2. If orclets in area 10 are survivors of his past litters. He has great
found here peacefully, they will stand at the ready for a fight. If desire to take a valuable prisoner for ransom, and will scheme
observed in secret, they will be playing games, play acting a to achieve this, even if in combat, or having taken heavy losses.
scene of the ogre eating an orc with salt and pepper. To Billy Ghotrag, the ransom of a valuable prisoner would be
more than just compensation for many losses, and could even
5. KOBOLD CHIEFTAIN'S ROOM: The Chieftain Yawrp-yap, is a help to fuel his own ambitions. When the party approaches Billy,
crafty little guy who like to trick mortals into helping him. He will what he will see is a small group of walking sacks of gold. In
resort to bargaining (either with wealth or with information) if he combat, he will spare no punches to subdue. But if everyone is
sees any means to it. Evidently a nasty little pervert, Yawrp-yap put down, he will quickly make certain that the party is healed
will be otherwise intent on buggering the 8 other smaller kobolds to 1-2hp again.
also living in this area with him. There is a large old bed covered Billy is accompanied by 2 large flabby sows who will likely grin
with furs, as well as broken chairs and tables that look to have with anticipation in watching him crushing someone's face in. If
been gnawed upon. he should begin to fail, they will be shocked but also enraged.
Much like the sows in area 10, they are poorly equipped
6. COMMON CHAMBER: There are 48 kobolds nested in this (improvised furniture weapons), but have higher hp and morale
chamber, though the smaller 8 of them will only cower and try to than orc warriors, and will not flinch from combat. As they fight,
flee if they can. In the event that they had not been warned of Billy will take the opportunity to dash behind the tapestry to slip
any invaders, they will pounce upon the party in mass numbers through the secret passage to area 13. Should he escape to
as they enter the room, using spears in triple ranks to maximum meet with Porgie Kruntz of the Fang Fingered Clan, Porgie will
effect. Another strategy they might employ, is to give way to one mobilize his warriors to establish an ambush at entrance B.
flank, to tempt the party to enter the room, so to possibly clear Meanwhile, Ever the more precautious leader, Porgie himself
the door and then all escape to a better position. If they learn of might choose to establish a very deadly trap outside the secret
Yawrp-yap's death, they might despair and attempt to flee the door to area 13.
lair entirely, taking their pet rats with them. This room is dark and If Billy is found in his chamber during the daytime, roll d6; 1-4
musky with cloth and fur nests, small sacks of common items, asleep, 5 breeding, 6 up late/early writing. He is only fully armed
dirty bowls and cups, and little discarded items of kobold on a roll of 6, and completely naked on a roll of 5.
C. ORC LAIR: Orcs of the Fang Fingered Clan. These orcs are from
List of kobold names for use in areas A: an old clan known for their gluttony and their clever use of
Yap R'yip
Rowr Ow-ow 13. FORGOTTEN ROOM: This is a secret chamber used by Billy
Yip-yip Rawrf Ghotrag and Porgie Kruntz for meetings.
Yap-yip Yaproo
Rip Rahp 14. COMMON CHAMBER: Use additional rules from area 10.
R'yap Heeoorf
Awoo Awarf 15. COMMON HALL: No additional notes.
Arff Yippur
Rowp Awrrr 16. LEADER'S ROOM: Porgie Kruntz is an equal to Billy Ghotrag in
Yip-yap Rrriff stature, bearing, and cruelty, but wears his greed and
Awrf Rrruff indulgence around his waist in both physical girth and material
Rawr-riff Woo-woo-yip wealth. His chamber is well appointed. Accompanying him
Ah-ro-ro-ro Arooo here (or elsewhere) is an uncharacteristically lean sow named
Roof Rharf Becky. She possesses a crossbow which she uses to guard
Aroof Rah-urf Porgie from behind with.

List of orc first names for use in areas B and C:

B. ORC LAIR: Orcs of the Bloody Fist Clan. These orcs come from an
ancient clan noted for it's ferocity. Jack Morgan
Tom Ellis
7. GUARD ROOM: No additional notes. Ollie Joel
Harry David

Jim Riley result of 1, it might be possible that the ogre will invite the party
Charlie Fred to try his latest creation instead of fight. With a result of 2-5, it
Bill Riley could be possible that the ogre will talk to the party before
Dan Alex attacking them.
Sam Reece
Alfie Mason 19. COMMON ROOM: There are 30 goblins in this area, 6 of which
Ben Isaac are sniveling cowards and 10 of which gain +1 to hit and
Joey Logan damage.
George Toby
Callum Bradley
Jake Noah 20. CHIEFTAIN'S ROOM: Behind
Ethan Nathan this iron bound door is the
Luke Aaron Goblin Chieftain and eight
Harvey Mike guards. The Goblin Chieftain
Liam Lucas Meedoc lives in some luxury,
Harvey Eddie and buys the guards favor by
Bob Archie allowing them to indulge
Jamie Oscar themselves when here.
Meedoc is under some stress
List of orc last names for use in areas B and C: however, as he is quickly
running out of supplies with
Gludbog Ulgar which to bribe the ogre and
Drutrug Thokgor his best warriors. (He does not
Brugnab Mashnak realize that the Hobgoblins
Thughnab Odbog have been ripping him off.)
Drurk Brubbak Each night he dispatches a band of hunters to raid and forage
Mubmak Trobmag for new supplies. If he hears any news about the adventure
Kukpug Blokpug party, he will send dozens of his goblins to capture as many as
Kratruk Krorgash they can, using trip lines, nets, spears, and poisoned darts in
Muzrub Trogburz blowpipes. He will immediately sell off all of his prisoners
Tromburz Ghud valuables to the other factions in exchange for goods, and
Thorg Grurk send a letter to Restwell via raven for a payment of ransom.
Murghud Thug
Kuz Marthug 21. STORAGE CHAMBER: No additional notes.
Bugbuz Brulbag
Goshog Lurg List of goblin names for use in area D:
Muzag Ghak
Ugzak Urg Griphook Figo
Rugrab Morg Gringott Blattlug
Thrushzod Sogrunt Filius Ib the Fart
Dungash Grabug Ragnuk Squib
Odpug Tugzog Eargit the Ugly Bad Stonemuck
Scablock Snudbog Urg the Unclean Squeak
Ug the Unreliable Killface
Alguff the Awful Baga Baga
Brodrig the Boss-Eyed Gnish
Ragnok the Pigeon-Toed Sizzle
Bogrod Gornuk
Nagnok Geko
Gofflank Drek
D. GOBLIN LAIR: The random encounter rules for D. Goblin Lair: Milkcurdle Ukko
supersede those posted at the top of this custom reference
When standing near the entrance to area D, there is a 1 in 3
chance of the party smelling food preparations wafting from E. OGRE CAVE: Aguste le Hunfrey is one of the "kinder and gentler"
area E. ogres in the world. Though he is just as much an eater of people
as any other ogre, he also values conversation, good wine, and
17. GUARD CHAMBER: No additional notes. good company. Whereas most ogres are selfish to the point of
gluttony, Aguste is consumed with hubris over his skills as a chef,
and his quest for perfection in the kitchen is matched only by his
18. GUARD CHAMBER: The payment to the ogre in area 22 is not in hopes to have it recognized. If he were a terrible cook, this
gold coins but, rather, in food. The ogre is a tireless cuisine who would make for an awful experience. But in fact his preparations
strives to perfect his art in the kitchen. To this end, he is invited are among the greatest in the Realm, and perhaps in all of
by the other factions to fight for them. For this service, his price is Albion.
known; quality cuts of fresh meat, sacks of flour, imported Aguste travels to civilization to trade for precious cooking
spices, fresh and dried herbs, fresh cream, cheeses, etc.. Thus, supplies, and occasionally, to seek work in a kitchen. But being
in area 18, the room is always stocked with a few food items an ogre causes the world to shut most doors in his face. "Just
with which to bribe the ogre with. The goblins on hand might because I know how to make the very best 'lait rôti enfant', does
not know the ogre's particular needs or tastes however, so there not mean I would have the poor taste to serve it to them."
is a possibility that the bribe will not work, or work poorly. Roll a Compliments on Aguste's cooking can add +2 to any reaction
d6. A roll of 1 indicates that the offering was insulting, causing rolls. If the party befriends this monster, he can be a valuable
the ogre to lash out and attack the goblins. A roll of 2 up ally, but with limitations: If left poorly fed for more than 12 hours,
through 6 indicate an increasingly acceptable offering, with 6 his appetite may stray to thoughts of eating members of the
being impressive and inspiring the ogre to hurry with his task so party. Given time, his nature will make him an enemy to the
that he may return to his kitchen as soon as possible. With a party because of this. Also, Aguste is very fond of his kitchen and

his garden. He will not help the party to do anything that might
threaten his kitchen, or his guarantee of ingredients to cook with. 31. GUARD ROOM: No additional notes.
His residency in the Caves of Chaos is welcomed as he serves
as the communities resident chef, and provides all of the List of hobgoblin names for use in area F:
chieftains with excellent food. Messengers from each faction
know the route through the ogre's thicket, and by this rout, Argo Mogat
retrieve preparations in exchange for payment in coin or raw Artemis Forgrath
Assglare Glorbad
22. THE KITCHEN: This is an old crypt has been converted into a Balt Horroc
large over-scaled kitchen, complete with a broad fireplace, a Chultz Rank
spit, pots, cleavers, cutting boards, tall tables, cupboards of
Bandi Mudrake
cutlery, a stone pantry of food, and a cabinet of seasonings. A
large stone sarcophagus is set on it's end against the Liham Krig
westernmost wall. With sufficient strength, the capstone can be Belig Nanraak
pulled aside to reveal this to be a makeshift cold storage for Biletooth Nathak
Aguste's meats. Cured flanks and hocks of different creatures
are hung here on hooks. Some possibly orc, or boar, or maybe Bilk Neth
even man. Bruck Nesk
To the back is a tombstone draped with several furs, which Bitch Nogo
serves as a bed, and near the front entrance is a dining table
Drizzt Nok
and chairs, dressed with half melted candles stopped in old wine
bottles. Cabal No-Nose
Outside, the door is concealed behind a very large thicket of Nick Ogrok
nearly impassable trees and brambles. A specific narrow path Druck Omgoore
winds for 40' from the kitchen to the outside of the thicket, but it's
entrance is concealed to those who do not know where to look Wartsnak Outhound
(secret doors). Immediately around the passage is a small but Eartalk Pondmuk
admirable garden, which the ogre takes great pride and Feelsick Assrake
pleasure in tending in the spring and summer months.
Forgath Rankass
A secret passage is located in the back wall of the sleeping
chamber, between a large wooden dresser and the ogre's Yellowtooth Razzle
bed. Garud Madbog
Gar-Yak Lukewurm
F. HOBGOBLIN LAIR: When standing near the entrance to area F,
there is a 1 in 3 chance of the party smelling food preparations Gedreth Rumple
wafting from area E. Glourgrim Skrang
If the trapped entrance attracts the guards in area 26, they will Glibhook Snig
resort to using their crossbows as much as possible at first, whilst
Ghotrag Srubaash
sending for more aid.
Gim Needle
23. COMMON ROOM: There are 15 hobgoblins here, 3 of which are Giznat Dump
small and will avoid combat. Glixx Scibor
hobgoblin torturer Grimhook and his assistant Smiles, practice Gorbag Mogg
their art in this area. They are taking their time torturing the Grock Verlmak
prisoners they have bound here, awaiting word on whether
there will be ransom to be paid for any of them (the merchant
Jules and his wife Margaritte in particular). IF the party
G. SHUNNED CAVERN: The party may smell an awful stench wafting
encounters this area without freeing the prisoners, given enough
from the entrance to G, long before they would see it through
time afterwards, they will later be found in the ogre's kitchen,
the 4200 square feet of thicket and trees that surround it.
being prepared for a hobgoblin feast. Or perhaps much later,
being served at the feast itself.
32. EMPTY GALLERY: No additional notes.
25. COMMON CHAMBER: There are 18 hobgoblins here, busily
33. SHALLOW POOL: No additional notes.
preparing the large chamber for the coming feast. 9 of them are
smaller and not prepared to fight.
34. OWL BEAR'S DEN: The Owlbear that nests here is raising 2 cubs,
and brings back fresh kills as well as carrion for them to devour.
26. GUARD ROOM: No additional notes.
She is in a state of caution and vigilance, as she coaxes her
young to avoid the grotto on the other side.
27. ARMORY: No additional notes.

28. STOREROOM: No additional notes.

H. BUGBEAR LAIR: When rolling for wandering monsters, results that
indicate that they come from the prisons mean that 1-4 slaves
29. GUARD ROOM: Four hobgoblin guards are here.
are engaged in an errand or chore. Most will be too frightened
of the bugbears to attempt escape, unless they know that the
30. HOBGOBLIN CHIEF'S QUARTERS: Gnash the Boil is one of the
bugbears have been killed.
cruelest denizens of the Caves of Chaos, who could stand toe-
to-toe with either of the orc chiefs. But unlike the orcs, Gnash, as
35. GUARD ROOM: No additional notes.
with most hobgoblins, does not fight rashly or fairly, but with
cunning and malice. He is the leader most well regarded by the
36. CHIEFTAIN'S ROOM: The bugbear Chieftain Leech Withertooth
Priests of the Temple of Evil Chaos, and Gnash anticipates
is always quite happy. As with most bugbears, everything is a
favoritism from them in the form of a future generalship once the
cruel and nasty joke to them, even their own deaths. He is
anticipated war begins.

usually attended to by 1d4 of the slaves from areas 40 and 41. 48. LOCKED ROOM: DM Note: Be prepared to pour out wine for
Leech is content to reside players to get drunk on during the game. Test each character's
here and terrorize the wisdom, then a d6 result of anything under a 6 indicates they
region at night. He is not must roll a 1d4. The result is to indicate quarters of a wine glass,
even certain that he with 4 being full right up to the lip!
would do any of the
things he promised to the 49. COMMON ROOM: No additional notes.
Priests from area K.
Though he probably will if 50. GNOLL CHIEFTAIN'S QUARTERS: Gnarla is the Matriarch of this
it looks to be fun. He gnoll tribe, and she is a fierce and merciless defender. She has
really doesn't care. He very little interest in obligating herself to the Priest's cause, and is
just keeps on smiling. merely using the Caves of Chaos as an opportune place to build
up her brood. And after all, she has been here for many years,
37. SPOILS ROOM: No additional notes. and still the Priest's just talk. Gnarla will take great umbrage to
her tribe being culled in any number. She is never interested in
38. COMMON ROOM: There are 13 bugbears of various sizes in this prisoners or ransoms. Her tribe only stop from killing if it means
area. having some relaxing fun toying with their victims. Gnarla
councils with the Orc Chieftains, but does not tell them that she
39. GUARD ROOM: No additional notes. intends to leave with all of her tribe if and when the Priests
execute their long unfulfilled plans.
40. SLAVE PEN: Select Names for the slaves from the existing name
lists. The men present are merchant traders captured on the List of gnoll names for use in area J:
road many weeks ago.
41. SLAVE PEN: Select Names for the slaves from the existing name Gurll
lists. The men present are merchant traders captured on the Arll
road many weeks ago. Rawrf
List of hobgoblin names for use in area G: Aowrumf
Grumph Bandersnatch Urrll
Lumpy Scuttlebutt Ruff
Snaggle Bumbiter Urf
Gulp Boilburst Graal
Croop Hamhand
Blart Beebottom
Argh Applesauce
Loop Dingledong
K. SHRINE OF EVIL CHAOS: Though most of the tomb entrances in
I. CAVES OF THE MINOTAUR: No additional notes. the ravine are roughly similar and often nondescript, this one
stands out. Though it appears to be just as ancient, the frame
42. STIRGE CAVE: No additional notes. shows ancient weathered carvings, and figures long since
defaced. The entrance is blocked, not by a single capstone or
43. FIRE BEETLES: No additional notes. banded door, but by a pair of stone doors, also covered with
weather-worn carvings. This was either an ancient temple to
44. FIRE BEETLES: No additional notes. long forgotten gods, or a tomb to a mighty leader, or the
catacomb for a dynasty. Black and twisted dead trees line the
45. THE MINOTAUR: This ancient earth about this entrance. The door is well balanced, and can
minotaur is known as Korax, and be pushed open with a modicum of effort and the sound of
was summoned from over great grating stone.
distances to join in the service of
the Priests of Evil Chaos. They Unless other areas of the Caves of Chaos have been removed
intend for him to act as an or severely distress during the game, there should be an
effective field general when the additional 1 in 6/1 in 3 chance of encountering an emissary
hour comes. Time is of little lurking nearby this entrance. They are often preparing to deliver
meaning to Korax, and he is supplies, receive missives, or exchange correspondences
content to remain in this lair until between the other faction leaders.
he is called to serve a purpose.
Once a pact is made by a 51. BOULDER FILLED PASSAGE: There are no boulders here in this
Minotaur, he will not leave until all campaign. Instead, the passage is empty and long, extending
peoples and places involved on into blackness. 20' down the passage, and unseen barrier
faded into dust. holds anyone back, unless they wear the robe and amulet of the
temple, and speak the words, "Mortem Omnibus" (Mo-er-tem
J. GNOLL LAIR: This entrance, like all entrances in the "Valley of om-nee boos).
Kings" looks like an ancient and run down tomb with the
capstone cast aside in pieces. DM note: This barrier should not be described as physical, but
rather an uncanny and unsettling experience among the
SPECIAL NOTE: For purposes of this campaign gnoll females are characters of not finding the will to move their bodies beyond it's
dominant to gnoll males (in imitation of hyenas) , and their threshold.
fighting statistics are reversed.
If the party makes sufficient noises there can be a 1 in 3
46. GUARD ROOM: No additional notes. chance that it will attract 12d6 aimless zombies and skeletons
that are skulking in the far distance of the passage. However
47. GUARD ROOM: No additional notes. they would be unable to proceed past the barrier without it
being dispelled.

Chaos is the focal point for this complicated ritual, which is
These represent the horde that the Temple Priests have been ongoing. The adventure party could have the opportunity to
slowly accumulating in preparation for their prophesied "Dawn of interrupt this ritual, and postpone Orcus' prophesized arrival.
60. GUEST CHAMBER: No additional notes.
This passage connects to the ancient temple at the bottom of
the Cave of the Unknown. 61. TORTURE CHAMBER: No additional notes.

62. THE CRYPT: No additional notes.

52. HALL OF SKELETONS: This chamber looks to be a great 63. STORAGE CHAMBER: This room is filled with a large amount of
ceremonial crypt, with the remains of ancient warriors clad in arms and armor for the equipping of an army. All effects are well
bronze armor lining the walls between decorative pillars. On the stored and cared for. The room also contains large stores of
throne itself sits a skeletal figure, also wearing the same type of other supplies for the temple priests. Everything from linens for
armor, it's right hand resting on the pommel of an old bronze their own bedding, to soap, and extra robes.
The skeleton temple is sealed behind an ancient stone door. DM Note: The gelatinous cube is absurd and is NOT present.
The desiccated corpses within are not simply skeletons, but
heroes, who's names are known, and as such, are imbued with 64. CELL: The prisoner in this cell is reserved for an NPC that
the cognizance of their past selves. A horrific curse that brings develops in the course of the adventure.
immense pain to the resurrected. A pain which they would do
anything to end, including the Priest's bidding. With such undead
as captains, the ranks of their Army of the Dead could be lead
from the front with precision.

53. GUARD ROOM: This chamber also includes various materials

used in the rituals for animating the dead.

54. ACOLYTE'S CHAMBER: No additional notes.

55. CHAPEL OF EVIL CHAOS: No additional notes.

56. ADEPT'S CHAMBER: No additional notes.

57. HALL OF UNDEAD WARRIORS: This chamber also includes

various materials used in the rituals for animating the dead.

58. TEMPLE OF EVIL CHAOS: No additional notes.

59. THE CHAMBER OF THE EVIL PRIEST: The evil priest was once a
humble friar known as Bartholomew. But long ago he sold his soul
to Satan, and since then has born the name Nuntius. He is the
third in a long line of priests to continue the work of this unholy

The Priests of the Temple of Evil Chaos are summoning chaotic

creatures to this area in preparation to overwhelm Restwell and
make it the fortress base from which to invade the Realm. The
disorganized rabble assembled in the Caves of Chaos could
only be ready to fight together under the leadership of a Demon
of Chaos. The summoning of such an infernal leader is at the
pinnacle of the Priests ambitions, and the key to their grand plan.

In addition to the plans for the Chaos forces residing in the

mines, the Priests are also
raising up and army of the
undead. Skeletons and
Zombies have been
summoned from the tombs
beneath the Cave of the
Unknown ( Once an
ancient repository of
1,000+ sacrifices to Crom
Cruach), There is also a
crucial scheme to awaken
all the corpses within the
catacombs beneath the
Restwell Chapel. The risen
dead of Restwells loved
ones, to claim the living
they once left behind.

The demon they worship and appeal to is Orcus, the Dark

Prince of the Undead. Their ambition is to bridge the gulf to the
Abyss and summon him into the mortal world. The Temple of Evil

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