Developing Speaking Skill Through Task Based Language Teaching
Developing Speaking Skill Through Task Based Language Teaching
Developing Speaking Skill Through Task Based Language Teaching
Submitted by
Dikendra Raya
Faculty of Education
Tribhuvan University
Submitted by
Dikendra Raya
Faculty of Education
Tribhuvan University
I hereby declare to the best of my knowledge that this thesis is original; no part of it
This is to certify that Mr. Dikendara Raya has completed this thesis entitled
This thesis entitled Developing Speaking Skill through Task Based Language
Teaching by Mr. Dikendra Raya has been recommended for evaluation by the
Date: 2072-01-02/14-04-2016
This thesis entitled “Developing Speaking Skill through Task Based Language
Teaching” by Mr. Dikendra Raya has been evaluated and approved by the
Date: 2073-04-06/21-07-2016
I dedicate this humble work to my parents who were very enthusiastic, proud and
supporting through my study; to my wife, Kalpana, for her patience in the difficult
Mr.Tirtha Raj Aacharya, lecturer of Janta Multiple Campus and member of the
the thesis. Frankly speaking, without his valuable support this thesis would not be
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Mr. Kamal Raj Dahal, lecturer and
head department of English Education at Janta Multiple Campus for his inspiration
I owe a debt of profound gratitude to Mr. Nir Kumar Rai, campus chief, Mr. Tol
Nath Kafle, head of Education faculty and Mr. Chet Nath Niroula Assistant
same time I would like to thank the principal, subject teacher and class nine students
Thanks are due to Miss. Irada Basnet who helped me to collect materials and Ratna
This research report Developing Speaking Skill through Task Based Language
Teaching was aimed to find out the roles of Task Based Language Teaching in
performance, enlist effective tasks and suggest some ways to develop speaking skill.
It has been carried out practically. For this purpose, Public Higher Secondary School
Dharan-13 was selected by purposive sampling method and 40 students from grade IX
were taken as sample population. Test items and questionnaires were the main tools
for data collection. A pre-test was administered to determine the existing proficiency
level of the students. They were divided into two groups: experimental and control
group on the basis of the sections they belonged to. After dividing them into two
groups, both groups were taught 25 lesson plans separately. After completion of
teaching 25 lesson plans, a post-test was administered using the same test item of the
pretest. Then performance scores of the students of both tests were compared and
analyzed. The main finding of the research is that use of task based language teaching
was found more effective for developing speaking ability than traditional way of
This thesis consists of five chapters. Each chapter is divided into different sub-
research questions, significance of the study and delimitations. The second chapter
deals with the review of the related literature, implications of related literature,
theoretical and conceptual framework. The third chapter deals with the methodology.
procedure, data collection tools, data collection process and data analysis and
interpretation procedure. The fourth chapter deals with results and discussion. It
and ways to develop students‟ speaking ability. The fifth chapter deals with summary,
Declaration i
Dedication v
Acknowledgements vi
Abstract vii
List of Tables ix
4.1.3 Item Wise Intra Test Comparison 53
5.1 Summary 64
5.2 Conclusions 65
5.3 Implications 69
Appendix E: Questionnaires
Table 17: Comparison of Tasks for Asking for and Giving Directions 60
Table 22: Comparison of Tasks for Making a Reservation for Hotel Room 64
Av Average
D Difference
ed. Edited
𝑛 Number
M Mean
𝜎 Standard Deviations
t Paired T-test
𝑠2 Sample Variance
𝐻0 Hypothesis 1
𝐻1 Hypothesis 2
𝛼 Level of Significance
% Percentage
𝜗 Degree of Freedom
∑ Sum
Of all the four skills of learning English viz. listening, speaking, reading and writing,
speaking seems intuitively the most important. People who know language are
knowing; and many if not most foreign language learners are primarily interested in
learning to speak (Ur, 2005 p. 120). The speaking skill refers to ability to express
communication that helps to express ideas, thoughts, feelings and emotions with
other people. It is the tool that helps for thinking and learning. It shapes, modifies,
all language development and the foundation of all learning. Therefore, it is the base
for other language strands. Speech is a vehicle to link individuals to society. Harmer
(2001) and Gower et al. (1995, cited in Vilimec, 2006) note down that from the
communicative point of view, speaking has many different aspects, including two
major categories – accuracy, involving the correct use of vocabulary, grammar and
speaking does not only include the ability to express ideas feelings, emotions, in
order to convey the message to each other in oral form rather it involves many other
Similarly, Ur (2005) taking similar stand, says, “Language proficiency can be defined
successfully, it means that he or she can understand and produce it both accurately
and fluently.” Therefore, accuracy and fluency are more focused in speaking the
target language in EFL situation because they are directly related with conveying the
message, communicating and receiving the content. Though students can use
different skills and techniques to develop their oral skill with accuracy and fluency, to
express their personal feelings and emotions but what has been realized that
students still feel difficulty to express their ideas through speaking in the target
language. Therefore the teachers in EFL classes apply various alternative techniques
to develop their speaking skill, bringing the authentic teaching materials and real life
Hasan (2014, p.252) Speaking is the most important language skill because from
erupt. The speaking skill is concerned with all these purposes such as expressing
feelings, sensations, ideas, and beliefs. It is true that most language activities are
done orally. The speaking skill, when it is mastered, helps individuals promote their
feelings of self esteem and realization. Students pay more attention to reading and
writing. They disregard the oral skills. It is not an exaggeration if we say that students
do not even pay attention to the correct pronunciation of the vocabulary they learn
with the excuse that they can spell and write it correctly. On the other hand,
teachers neither have the aptitude nor the readiness to conduct or administer such
oral tests. They either find them difficult to conduct or administer or they are in the
dark about the various techniques of oral testing. Because of lack of concentration
on the speaking skill in the teaching /learning program, it has become natural to
note the inability of students to express themselves orally. In spite of the fact that
they have had a high level of education, they find difficulty to express themselves in
their own language. Thus, they disappoint their audience and sometimes they do not
gain their appreciation. Why are students suffered from expressing themselves
teaching English as a foreign language, there are many other reasons. Poor self
confidence, lack of ideas, inability to arrange ideas, poor vocabulary, poor structure,
lack of oral practice, shyness, are some of the hindrances of communicating orally.
To help both teachers and students to practice the speaking skill in their
speaking skill as well as to practice this skill in a way far from the traditional methods
that compel students to practice the language they do not like in the way they do
not like either. In other words, both teachers and students need to teach and learn,
respectively, out of the pattern. In spite of the importance of this skill, the teaching
/learning programs in schools stress reading and writing at the expense of listening
and speaking. Even, the assessment and evaluation techniques in schools do not
have listening or speaking tests. Students, in turn, pay more attention to reading and
Prabhu (1987) used a task based approach with secondary school classes in
term task can mean different things to different people (Leaver and Willis, 2004).
There are different definitions of the word task. Most of the definitions include
show that tasks are meaning focused. Prabhu (1987:2) defines a task as “an activity
some processes of thought and which allowed teachers to control and regulate that
Willis (1996:53) asserts that task is a goal-oriented activity with real outcome; this
implies that a task is “a goal-oriented activity which learners use language to achieve
a real outcome. In other words, learners use whatever target language resources
they have in order to solve a problem, do a puzzle, play a game or share and
compare experiences.” Skehan (1998:95) says that task is “an activity in which:
sort of relationship to comparable real world activities; task completion has some
TBLT is also discussed from a psycholinguistic perspective. Ellis (2000, p. 197) says, “A
processing that are believed to be important for effective language use and/or for
language acquisition from some theoretical standpoint.” It assumes that while
performing the tasks, learners engage in certain types of language use and mental
processing that are useful for acquisition. Ellis (2006, p. 23) asserts that “tasks
Task based language teaching is based on a theory of language rather than a theory
of language structure. Richards and Rodgers (2001:228) suggest that reason because
- Basic elements are purposeful activities and tasks that emphasize communication
and meaning.
- Activities and tasks can be either those that learners might need to achieve in real
experience of the learner, the complexity of the tasks, and the degree of support
Ellis (2003:16) mentioned six criterial features of a task:
- A task is a work plan. A task constitutes a plan for learning activity. This work plan
takes the form of teaching materials. The actual activity that results may or may not
- A task involves real-world processes of language use. The work plan may require
learners to engage in language activity such as that found in the real-world, for
artificial, for example, determining whether two pictures are the same or different.
- A task can involve any of the four language skills. The work plan may require
learners to (1) listen or read a text and display their understanding, (2) produce an
oral or written text, or (3) employ a combination of receptive and productive skills.
- A task engages cognitive processes. The work plan requires learners to employ
- A task has a clearly defined communicative outcome. The work plan stipulates the
non-linguistic outcome of the task, which serves as the goal of the activity for the
learners. The stated outcome of a task serves as the means of determining when
1.1.3 Types of Tasks
English freely without concentrating on just one or two specific forms (i.e., a
replication activity).
in SLA theory and research but do not necessarily reflect real-world tasks. For
example, four students are given pictures and must describe them to the rest of the
class. The other students ask the four students questions about their pictures, and a
c. Rehearsal tasks: The following tasks of pair-work and role play are examples of
rehearsal tasks.
A: You are a passenger calling to reconfirm a reservation. Use the ticket (provided
B: You are an airline employee. Use the information sheet (provided separately) to
d. Activation tasks: The teacher gives pairs of students two different pictures, and
then asks each one to talk to their partner about the differences between the
e. Real-world tasks: Tasks are everywhere in everyday life. Washing our face is a
task, as is preparing breakfast, going to work by car, etc. Tasks are a part of our lives
to such an extent that there is hardly any activity that cannot be called a task.
are sometimes called "meta-cognitive" activities. Examples of this are classifying the
uses of a verb plus – "ing" forms that appear in a reading text or identifying phrases
from a spoken transcript containing the preposition in and categorizing them into
comprehension of, and/or the use of, particular language forms (i.e., a citation or
simulation activity).
Long and Crooks (1991) provided an example by using a split information quiz with
facts derived from a written report about company sales over the last half year. This
report on company sales contained a large number of noun and verb expressions of
increase and decrease, including the use of past simple and present perfect verb
forms. Learners had to obtain information from each other in order to complete the
graph representing sales trends. The follow-up exercise entailed reading the full
report in detail in order to check the figures in their graph. Most of this work plan
involved receptive skills of listening to others reading out their information and
reading the text to check results. In doing so, students were obliged to focus on the
1. Listing: Including a brainstorming and fact-finding, the outcome is a completed list
or draft mind map. This type of task can help train students' comprehension and
induction ability.
set of information ordered and sorted according to specific criteria. These types
The outcome can be appropriately matched or assembled items. This type of task
4. Problem solving: This type of task includes analyzing real situations, reasoning,
and decision-making. The outcome involves solutions to the problem, which can
then be evaluated. These tasks help promote students' reasoning and decision-
making abilities.
5. Sharing experience: This type of task includes narrating, describing, exploring and
explaining attitudes, opinions, and reactions. The outcome is usually social. These
tasks help students to share and exchange their knowledge and experience.
6. Creative tasks: These include brainstorming, fact finding, ordering and sorting,
comparing and many other activities. The outcome is an end product that can be
These tasks are listed from easy to difficult, and all of them reveal the recognition
process of students. The tasks in TBLT should be applicable to real life to help
types as pedagogic and real-world tasks. Pedagogic tasks are communicative tasks
that facilitate the use of language in the classroom towards achievement of some
David Nunan (Net) presents eight principles of TBLT via slide share.
which the learning takes place. At the beginning of the learning process, learners
should not be expected to produce that has not been explicitly taught.
b. Task Dependency: Within a lesson, one task should grow out of, and build upon
d. Active Learning: Learners acquire the language by activating and using it.
e. Integration of Form and Function: Learners are taught in ways that make clear the
models provided by the teacher, the text book or the CD. These tasks are designed to
give learners mastery of form, meaning and function and provide a base for creative
tasks. In creative tasks, learners are recombining familiar elements in novel ways.
proposed by researchers (Ellis, 2003; Lee, 2000; Prabhu, 1987; Skehan, 1996; Willis,
1996).They assume three phases in common for task-based instruction. Ellis (2003)
names these as ‘pre-task’, ‘during task’, and ‘post-task’, while Willis (1996) divides
The task-based framework differs from the traditional teaching (PPP) methods in
the first step is to present the target language function and forms, and then to
(PPP) without teacher support. In a task-based framework, however, learners first
perform a communicative task (with the help of any previously learned language
structures) after they are introduced to the topic and the task itself. Learners then
write or talk about necessary planning to perform the task they have just attempted.
At this stage, they might listen to a recording of learners working on the same or a
similar task or read something related to the task topic. After they have some sense
of the task production, they apply this knowledge to re-try the task. During this
stage, they have access to requested linguistic forms. In short, a holistic approach is
used in task-based framework since learners are first involved in the task, and they
Then, they focus on the target language forms they find they need. They have been
familiarized with the specific language functions and language forms useful in task
completion. Therefore, these functions and forms are contextualized and have
become more meaningful for the learners within the focused task (Ellis, 2003;
The aim of this phase is first to introduce task and task topic to learners. According
Ellis (2003) and Lee (2000), framing of the task plays an important role before
implementing the task since it informs learners about the outcome of the task and
what they are supposed to do to fulfill the task. Revealing the purpose of the task in
After introducing the topic, teachers may need to explain the task theme if learners
are unfamiliar with it. In order to do this, they can provide learners with vital
vocabulary items and phrases or help them remember relevant words or phrases
(Willis, 1996). If the topic is a familiar one, teachers can elicit the known phrases and
language related to the topic. In the process, teachers can have an opportunity to
observe what learners actually know and what they need to know. However, there is
The third step is to perform a similar task to the main task. Prabhu’s (1987) study
was conducted in a whole class context. The teacher asked similar questions that
would be directed to the students in the main task. This demonstration in the pre-
recording of a fluent speaker or reading a related text to the task, fosters learners’
optimal performance in the task (Ellis, 2003, p. 246). Although some researchers find
it effective to “prep” learners on the type of task they are going to perform (Ellis,
2003; Willis, 1996), others urge learners to find their own way through discussion
and negotiation with fellow learners in the pre-task phase (Lam & Wong, cited in
Ellis, 2003).
The last step in the pre-task phase is to allocate learners time for task planning.
Giving time to learners to prepare themselves for the tasks enhances the use of
various vocabulary items, complex linguistic forms, fluency and naturalness with
which the tasks are carried out (Skehan, 1996; Willis, 1996). Ellis (2003) calls this
session the strategic planning phase. In strategic planning, either the learners decide
Willis (1996) argues that learners tend to perform the task less enthusiastically when
they are guided by the teacher than when they plan the task on their own.
Foster and Skehan (1999) offer three options for strategic planning, ‘no planning’,
another essential issue related to allowing preparation time for students in this
phase. For Willis (1996) and Ellis (2003), the amount of preparation time may change
according to the learners’ familiarity with the task theme, difficulty level and
cognitive demand of the task. The more complex and unfamiliar the task is, the more
In this phase, learners do the main task in pairs or groups, prepare an oral or written
plan of how and what they have done in task completion, and then present it to the
The task performance session enables learners to choose whatever language they
want to use to reach the previously defined outcome of the task. Ellis (2003)
proposes two dimensions of task performance: giving students planning time and
giving them the opportunity to use input data which will help them present what
The first dimension concerns the effect of time limitation on task completion. Lee
(2000) finds that giving limited time to students to complete the task determines
students’ language use. Yuan and Ellis (2003) argue that learners given unlimited
time to complete a task use more complex and accurate structures than the ones in
the control group given limited time. On the other hand, time limitation in the
control group encouraged fluency. When they are given the chance to use their own
time, learners tend to revise and find well-suited words to express themselves
precisely. However, Willis (1996) claims that if learners have limited time to finish
the task, their oral production becomes more fluent and natural because of
For the second dimension, the use of input data during task-performance is
discussed. Getting help from the input data means that learners use, for instance,
the picture about which they are talking or the text they have read as background
(Ellis, 2003; Prabhu, 1987). In the last part of the ‘‘during-task phase’’, some groups
or pairs present their oral or written reports. Teachers’ giving feedback only on the
strengths of the report and not publicly correcting errors increases the effectiveness
This phase enables learners to focus on the language they used to complete the task,
repeat the performed task, and make comments on the task (Ellis, 2003). The
teacher can present some form-focused tasks based on the texts or listening tasks
that have been examined. This stage is seen as adding accuracy to fluency since it
also involves explicit language teaching (Willis, 1996a; Ellis, 2003). The teacher
selects the language forms to present, monitors learners while they are performing
the “re-task” and notes of learners’ errors and gaps in the particular language forms
they use.
Learners are also given the opportunity to repeat the task. Task repetition helps
them improve their fluency, use more complex and accurate language forms and so
Finally, learners are given the opportunity to reflect on the task they have finished.
Willis (1996) describes this part as the conclusion of the task cycle, which is ‘‘during-
description, reflecting on the task means summarizing the outcome of the task.
Ellis (2003) states that it is also possible for students to report on their own
performance and how they can advance their performance, which are all related to
planning. In addition to self-criticism, learners are asked to evaluate the task as well,
which will, in turn, influence their teacher’s future task selection (Ellis, 2003).
significance of the role of tasks in these processes. As learners in EFL contexts have
more important (Nunan, 1989). Teachers and syllabus designers turn to the role of
environment. There are some important studies examining the use of task-based
Communicational Syllabus (1975, Beretta & Davies, Beretta, cited in Richards &
Rodgers, 2001; Prabhu 1987). However, there are few research studies on the use of
So far as speaking is concerned that communication does not take place just by
viz. to describe, to classify, to give and ask for information, to ask questions, to make
requests and so on. Therefore students acquire the language by using it in practical
Learning to speak a foreign language is not an easy process. Both foreign language
teachers and learners find speaking the most difficult language skills; therefore this
Teachers of English tend to stress drilling patterns, reading texts and writing tasks
but rarely have their students involved in speaking activities. Learning to speak
four skills, listening and speaking skills are obligatory. Speaking comes first before
writing and reading but most students at public schools feel anxiety to speak English.
teach all the skills of language, the students in government schools still feel
hesitation and nervous to speak English. On the contrary, the students of boarding
school feel free to speak it. If we ask the students of class ten at public schools about
their SLC exams of English tests, they will definitely answer that they are prepared
for writing and reading activities but scared of listening and speaking tests. They
seem much worried about having listening and speaking tests. Their lips tremble to
speak. They are able to write and read but they cannot speak, why? What are the
problems they are facing? Why do pupils in boarding schools feel free? It is true that
the students cannot speak like native speakers but we can improve the speaking
level of students at public schools if we try properly. The problems that the students
are facing give birth of many questions. What are the causes? Are teachers able to
provide the students with opportunities to practice the target language in EFL classes
or not? There must be some weaknesses. If some weaknesses exist there, what can
we do? How can we develop their competence and confidence of speaking? How can
a. To find out the roles of Task Based Language Teaching to develop students’
b. To find out effective tasks and the ways to develop speaking skill at secondary
To make the study more specific for the required information related to the
In the recent years, English has been used as the global language as lingua franca
among the people of the different languages. As Verghese (1990, p. 1) points out, “of
all the languages in the world today. English deserves to be regarded as a world
international language is learnt and used all over the world. Moreover, it is also used
Verghese (1990) further says, “English is being learnt and used all over the world not
out of any imposition but through the realization that it has certain inherent
advantages. Today the compulsions of learning English are no longer merely political
but scientific and technological” (p.3). Teaching and learning in EFL situation is
sometimes frustrating among the EFL learners because of the various problems
existing in the field of English language learning. Since this research deals with the
teaching learning strategies for developing speaking skills, problems with teaching
speaking, ways of solutions that I have developed from my own teaching learning
Similarly, research is important for the study of problems or issues that help to
identify the problems related to out improvement in the existing system. Therefore,
through this research it has been expected that it can help to improve the
reflective practitioner” (Luitel, 2010, p. 6). Therefore the significance of this study is
significant from various points of views but mainly to reflect myself critically so that I
can improve my teaching learning activities in the days to come avoiding my own
weaknesses. The next thing, I hope from this research is to develop my own living
educational theories on the basis of my experiences and studies. This study can be
also helpful for many students, fellow teachers, educators, policy makers to apply
suitable pedagogy that can address the needs and interests of the learners.
2. The study was limited to 25 days teaching only.
5. The data was confined to the Shree Public Higher Secondary School, Dharan.
6. The study was limited to 40 EFL students and a teacher i.e. a researcher
7. The study was limited to six language functions only viz. asking for and
8. The study was limited to four tasks and activities only viz. role play, group
A number of works have been conducted in different areas of language skills in the
Central Library TU and studied various books and dissertations, browsed different
websites and went through different articles, journals and books, dissertations and
Teachers’ Association (NELTA) and explored various related books and journal
articles. Before selecting this topic for the research work, the researcher went
through different researches available to him. After that he reached the final
conclusion to choose the topic. Different researchers have found out different things
in their different respective research work. Their findings are cited below:
Kafle (2009) carried out one research entitled “A Study on the Effectiveness of Pair
Work Technique for Developing Speaking Skill.” The major objective of this research
was to find out the effectiveness of pair work technique for developing speaking
skill. The researcher took the primary data administering a pre – test and post – test.
He collected data from related books such as Cross (1992), Ur (1996), Journal
(NELTA, 13th Volume) and many other researches. He used non random, judgmental
sampling procedure in his research. He divided the class into control and
papers and interviews for data collection. The researcher found out that pair work
technique for developing speaking skills was better, more effective and significant
Joshi (2010) did a research on “The Effectiveness of Task Based Approach in Teaching
Reading.” The main purpose of her study was to find out the effectiveness of Task
Based Language Teaching in teaching reading. The researcher took twenty students
of class nine as the primary source of data and many books related tasks based
teaching and reading such as Prabu (1987), Harmer (1991) and many more
resources. She selected students using purposive sampling. She conducted pre-test,
time on task test progressive test and post-test. She found that TBLT was effective as
the students were highly motivated. They had active participation. TBLT was found
Bam (2010) conducted his research entitled “Role of Task Based Technique in
Teaching Reading Comprehension.” His objectives for his research were to find out
He also adopted secondary data from related books, journals, articles, textbooks,
websites and many other theses. He used non random sampling judgemental
the students into control and experimental group. He took pre-test and post-test. On
the basis of the pre-test and post-test analysis and interpretation, task based
technique was found to be more effective than the traditional way of teaching as
Based Language Teaching in Teaching Writing” to find out the effectiveness of task
based language teaching in teaching writing skills. The researcher adopted both
books, journals and many more theses. He selected 30 students of class 10 using
purposive non random sampling procedure. He administered pre- test and post- test
containing same test items. He prepared test items on the basis of controlled, guided
and free composition writing. After comparing and contrasting the analyzed data he
concluded that the students remarkably progressed since 24% increment was seen
when the tests were compared. TBLT was found to be effective to teach writing
Thanghun (2012) carried out a research on “Using of Task Based Learning to Develop
English Speakers Ability.” His main purposes of the research were to investigate the
effectiveness of the students’ English speaking ability through task based learning
and to investigate about students’ opinion towards task based learning after
Nepalese Context” to find out challenges faced by the English language teachers in
the use of task based language teaching. He used survey research design. He used
primary and secondary sources of data for his study. He selected 40 English teachers
government aided school and 20 from private school using random sampling. He
were interested in practicing TBLT in the ELT classes. But, lack of the training, large
low level of language profiency were found more serious problems for applying TBLT
in Nepalese context. He also found that those traditional syllabi were major
Dhami (2014) did a research on “Strategies Used for Developing Speaking Skill: A
Case of M. Ed. Students.” His research was oriented to find out the strategies used
by M. Ed. Students for developing speaking skill, problems faced in developing skill
and solving the problems. The researcher adopted survey research design. He
selected 15 students from each campus. Along with sampling quota procedure, he
accuracy and fluency to develop speaking skills. Students were found to apply
different techniques such as presentation on the topics, group work, pair work, using
English inside and outside the class, pronunciation activities and so on to develop
speaking skills. Finally he concluded that getting an ample exposure was found one
All the researches reviewed were related to developing speaking skill in EFL
reviewing these works, I gathered many ideas regarding skills of language. The
researchers mentioned above used survey design and I also followed the same. My
research was concerned with Task Based Language Teaching, tasks and activities for
developing speaking skill among the Nepali learners of EFL classrooms. I used pre-
Speaking is a productive skill like writing. It is very complex and complicated skill in
the sense that it is difficult to describe how utterances are processed and how they come
out while speaking. It involves thinking of what is to be said. We can define speaking as
the ability to express oneself fluently in a foreign Language. But it is especially difficult
in foreign language because effective oral communication requires the ability to use the
language appropriately in social interaction. It requires more than its grammatical and
semantic rules. Harmer (2001) calls „it is a store' and argues that to achieve
communicative purpose the speakers, both native and non-native, select the language
from the store they think appropriate for the purpose. It is also difficult to describe how
an utterance is followed by another one, and how they are processed. Speaking takes
place in a situation where the speaker is under pressure to produce his/her utterances
without having much time to organize what and how he/she wants to say.
Ur (1996, p.120) says, “Speaking seems intuitively the most important: People who
all other kinds of knowing, and many if not most foreign language learners are
John Munby (1979, p.58) has identified the following sub skills of speaking:
d) Manipulating the use of stress in connected speech.
Referring to Bygate (1996), and Hughes (2003) presents a list of speaking sub-skills
a. Information Skills
d) Make comparisons
e) Present arguments
j) Complain
k) Speculate
l) Comment, summarize, conclude and make suggestions (what they have said)
b. Interactional Skills
c) Elicit opinions and information
g) Persuade others
i) Elicit clarification
a) Initiate interactions
e) Come to a decision
f) End an interaction
1. Learners talk a lot: As much as possible of the period of time allotted to the
activity is in fact occupied by learner talk. This may seem obvious, but often most
2. Participation is even: Classroom discussion is not dominated by a minority of
talkative participants: all get a chance to speak, and contributions are fairly evenly
3. Motivation is high: Learners are eager to speak: because they are interested in
the topic and have something new to say about it, or because they want to
that are relevant, easily comprehensible to each other, and of an acceptable level of
language accuracy.
teaching speaking is not an easy task. Native speakers of a language possess all the
sub-skills of their language: they can understand and use innumerable types of
sentences. Not only that but they can also understand and use entirely new
sentences which they have never been used before. But there may be a lot of
problems with the students who are studying English as a foreign language. The
problems may lie with the teaching process or with the students or with the
materials itself.
I) Inhibition: Unlike reading, writing and listening activities, speaking requires some
trying to say things in a foreign language in the classroom. They are worried about
making mistakes, fearful of criticism or losing face or simply shy of the attention that
ii) Nothing to say: Even if they are not inhibited, we often hear learners complain
that they can't think of anything to say: they have no motive to express themselves
iii) Low or uneven participation: Only one participant can talk at a time if he/she is
to be heard; and in a large group this means that each one will have only very little
IV) Mother- tongue use: In classes where all, or a number of, the learners share the
same mother-tongue, they may tend to use it: because it is easier, because it feels
unnatural to speak to one another in a foreign language, and because they feel less
‘exposed’ if they are speaking their mother-tongue. If they are talking in small groups
it can be quite difficult to get some classes- particularly the less disciplined or
In addition to the above mentioned problems, Phyak & Sharma (2006, pp.216-217)
v) Classroom size: We cannot allocate time to each individual to speak if the student
VI) Time of exposure: Merely emphasizing structure and vocabulary practice doesn’t
available for speaking is not enough to develop speaking habit of the learners.
ability through paper-pencil work is not a genuine way of testing. In the Nepalese
the spoken language pronunciation problems will of course vary greatly from one
language e.g. for many Nepalese students, the consonants /ð/, /Ø/, /f/, /v/ are
b) confusion of similar sounds e.g. /i:/, /i/, or /l/ and /r/ or /s/ and /š/
Ur (1996, pp.121-122) has given some suggestions to solve the above mentioned
i) Use group work: This increases the sheer amount of learner talk going on in a
limited period of time and also lowers the inhibitions of learners who are unwillingly
to speak in front of the full class. It is true that group work means the teacher cannot
supervise all learner speech, so that not all utterances will be correct, and learners
may occasionally slip into their native language; nevertheless, even taking into
remaining for positive, useful oral practice is still likely to be far more than in the full-
class set-up.
ii) Base the activity on easy language: In general, the level of language needed for a
the same class: it should be easily recalled and produced by the participants, so that
they can speak fluently with the minimum of hesitation. It is a good idea to teach or
iii) Make a careful choice of topic and task to stimulate interest: On the whole, the
clearer the purpose of the discussion the more motivated participants will be.
iv) Give some instruction or training in discussion skills: If the task is best on group
discussion then include instructions about participation when introducing it. For
example, tell learners to make sure that everyone in the group contributes to the
v) Keep students speaking in the target language: The best way to keep students
speaking the target language is simply to be there as much as possible. The teacher
has to work as a monitor or facilitator to ensure that all the students speak the
target language.
In addition to the above mentioned suggestions, Phyak & Sharma (2006,p.218) has
vi) Provide appropriate feedback: Based on the students’ performance the teacher
should provide appropriate feedback. The teacher can give verbal feedback like
‘Yeah’, ‘Well done’, ‘Good’, ‘Keep on the job’, which encourages the learners.
fellow students. Some common and serious errors can be noted down and later
language consists of the following components which are very important from
v) Phatic communion
I) Connected speech: Effective speakers of English need to be able not only to
produce the individual phonemes of English (as in saying I would have gone) but also
to use fluent ‘connected speech’ (as in I’d’ve gone). In connected speech sounds are
contractions and stress patterning). It is for this reason that we should involve
II) Expressive devices: Native speakers of English change the pitch and stress of
particular parts of utterances, vary volume and speed and slow by other physical and
interaction). The use of these devices contributes to the ability to convey meanings.
They allow the extra expression of emotion and intensity. Students should be able to
deploy at least some of such supra segmental features and devices in the same way
III) Lexis and Grammar: Spontaneous speech is marked by the use of a number of
Teachers should therefore supply a variety of phrases for different function such as
involved in specific speaking contexts such as a job interview, we can prime them, in
the same way, with certain useful phrases which they can produce at various stage
of an interaction.
we use to seek clarification and to show the structure of what we are saying.
2.3.3 Activities for Teaching Oral Skill
practice. Later, they are gently pushed into the free conversation which is
I) Identifying one picture from the set: Students are divided into two pairs and given
pictures. A gets the whole set, B gets just one of the pictures from the set. A has to
II) Discovering sequences or locations: Both A and B are given pictures. A has a
particular sequence of pictures, and B has to arrange his in the same sequence.
III) Discovering missing information: Two learners have incomplete tables and each
I) Discovering differences: A and B have pictures which have several very slight
II) Following direction: A and B use identical maps, but only A knows the destination.
Reconstructing story sequence: This activity is done in groups. Each member of the
group has picture from a story. They cannot see each other's picture. They have to
money for presents creating story from random pictures are some of the activities
that come under this heading. The communicative activities are as follows:
1. The classroom as a social context: Using the foreign language for classroom
discussion sessions, basing dialogues and role plays on school experience etc. in
2. Simulation and role-playing: Role playing controlled through cued dialogues, role-
dramatization etc. are some of the activities that can be simulated and/or role-
Bygate (1987 as cited in Rai, 2005, p.82) includes four major kinds of activities for
developing interactional skills in the learners. They, with some examples, are given
information, and by sharing this information, they complete a task. For example, A
and B have the same list of items but specific information about those items are
arrange, find the difference, ask the right question etc. can be played to enhance
3. Simulation: The term simulation refers to "an activity which involves decision-
making, in which the participants may act as themselves or in social roles. It is not
performed for an audience, and the participants work together within the constrains
4. Project-based interaction activities: Project activities take longer time and are
used with advanced learners. For example, having read and studied the differences
between five different newspapers reports about a terrorist attack on the airport,
students are invited to say what they have discovered about the difference. In
groups, students think up a story about a robbery, or decide on a current news story
that they would like to report. They are invited to consider their circle of social
contacts and evaluate what they speak about to each of them, and they compare
Harmer (2001, pp.271-275) includes some of the most widely classroom activities for
a) Acting from a script: We can ask our students to act out scenes from plays and/ or
their course books, sometimes filming the results. Students will often act out
dialogues they have written themselves. This frequently involves them in coming out
b) Communication games: Games which are designed to provoke communication
between students frequently depend on and information gap so that one student
has to talk to a partner in order to solve a puzzle, draw a picture (describe and draw),
put things in the right order(describe and arrange), or to find similarities and
c) Discussion: One of the reasons that discussions fail (when they do) is that students
are reluctant to give an opinion in front of the whole class, particularly if they cannot
think of anything to say and are not, anyway confident of the language they might
use to say it. Many students feel extremely exposed in discussion situations.
d) Prepared talks: A popular kind of activity is the prepared talk where a student
makes a presentation on a topic of their own choice. Such talks are not designed for
informal spontaneous conversation; because they are prepared, they are more
‘writing-like’ than like this. However, if possible, students should speak from notes
ensure that both the questioner and respondent have something to say to each
other. Students can design questionnaires on any topic that is appropriate. As they
do so, the teacher can act as a resource, helping them in the design process. The
results obtained from questionnaires can then form the bases for written work,
f) Simulation and role-play: Many students derive great benefit from simulation and
encounter in an aero-plane cabin, or an interview) as if they were doing so in the real
world, either as themselves in that meeting or aero plane, or talking on the role of a
character different from themselves or with thoughts and feelings they do not
necessarily share. Simulation and role-play can be used to encourage general oral
fluency. Role-play is used to refer to those types of activities where learners imagine
themselves in a situation outside the classroom and use language appropriate to this
new context.
In simulation the individual participants speak and react as themselves but the group
role, situation and task are imaginary ones. For a simulation to work it must,
Structure: Students must see how the activity is constructed and they
Heaton (1988, pp.88-103) lists the following activities for oral production test.
a. Reading aloud
b. Conversational exchange
c. Oral interview
d. Short talk
e. Group discussion
f. Role playing
Project presentation
Topic talks
b. Drama activities
Role adoption
Which face?
Who is who?
Loss of memory
Which place?
Jumbled pictures
Shared information
The small group or pair work is always helpful to teach speaking. Learners are
exposed to different kinds of language through different activities. Some of the widely
i. Drill
v. Simulation
vi. Dramatization
vii. Recitation
Research questions
Sources of Data
Primary& Secondary Sources
Population Sample
Sampling Procedure
The following methodology was applied to fulfill the above mentioned objectives:
The researcher chose one experimental group and one control group. These groups
were chosen randomly from nine – class from Shree Public Higher Secondary School.
The students of section A were experimental group while the students of section B
were control group. The experimental group was taught using the TBLT designed by
the researcher and control group was taught using the conventional method used by
teachers of EFL at school. Both the experimental and control group were pre-tested
Both the experimental group and control group were taught by the researcher at the
school. Teaching learning activities for experimental group were designed by the
researcher. The researcher designed 25 lesson plans (see appendix B) for teaching
experimental group.
The average marks in all items in pre-test and post-test were tabulated and
calculated to find out the role of TBLT to develop speaking ability. The pre-test and
post-test average score of the students was calculated. Their difference and T-test
was calculated to find out the significance difference between the pre-test and post-
Similarly, the researcher taught the students with four main tasks and activities. He
group during the treatment after each four tasks. The aim was to compare effective
responses to the tasks. In the questionnaire there were 16 statement items. Items
were designed on a four-point Likert-scale and were assessed with values ranging
from 1 to 4. The scoring for the positive statements were as follows: Strongly agree =
4, Agree = 3, Disagree = 2 and Strongly Disagree = 1. He collected the raw data and
then analyzed by calculating the mean values and standard deviations. He listed
problems with speaking faced by the students and found some ways to solve those
The researcher used both primary and secondary sources of data. The sources are as
3.2.1 Primary Sources
This study was based mostly on the primary sources of data. The primary sources of
data for this study were 40 students at grade – nine of Shree Public Higher
Seccondary School Dharan, Sunsari district and data was collected by administering a
pre-test and post-test on six language functions viz. asking for and giving directions,
describing people, ordering a meal, making a phone call, making and appointment
The secondary sources of data will be the related books Prabhu (1987), Nunan
Willis (1996), Richards and Rodgers (2002), Ellis (2003), the theses approved in the
department of English Language Education T.U. and many other types of researches.
40 students from Shree Public Higher Secondary School were the sample population
of the study. The population consisted of 25 boys and 15 girls who studied together
The researcher used non participant judgmental sampling procedure to select the
students of Shree Public Higher Secondary School, Dharan. The following table shows
sample population.
Table 1: Sample Population
In order to collect the data, the researcher used questionnaire (see appendix E),
observation and test items such as English speaking items for pretests and posttests
At first, I prepared the test items (see appendix A) and scoring sheet for the pre-test
(see appendix D). Then, I visited the selected school to collect the data for the
present research. I established the rapport with the head teacher of the school and
inform about the purpose of the study and ask for the permission to conduct the
research in his school. Then, I consulted the class teacher and subject teacher of
English of grade 9 and ask for their help and support during research. I took
necessary suggestions from them. I administered the oral pre-test to the ninth
graders with the help of English teachers in order to find out the proficiency and
performance level of the students and examine their answers. I made the score
sheet (see appendix F) and arrange them vertically from high to low and provided
ranking number to each student. Then divided the students into two groups, namely
experimental and control group on the basis of their ranking. They were grouped on
the basis of their respective sections in the pre-test. Section A was assigned to
experimental group using task based language teaching technique while the control
group was taught using traditional method or teacher centered method. I prepared
lesson plans (see appendix B) and teaching materials (see appendix C) and taught 25
lesson plans for a month, six periods in a week for a period of 45 minutes. There
were six language functions. After the experimentation was over, I took post-test of
the students. The test items used in the pre-test were used in the post-test as well.
analyzed and interpreted the collected data and the findings were derived and
To answer the research questions, the speaking skill tests were administered as pre-
test and post-test on six language functions such as asking for and giving directions,
describing people, ordering a meal, making a phone call, making an appointment and
making a reservation for a hotel room. The scores from both the pretest and posttest
on speaking skill were converted into mean scores and standard deviations. Then,
the mean scores and standard deviations from the pretest and posttest were
calculated to determine the significance of the mean scores using a paired t-test to
compare the students’ speaking ability before and after learning with task based
language teaching.
Permission to conduct the study was obtained from the school principal. The
study. The TBLT program was prepared and validated. The speaking skill tests were
prepared and validated. A teaching session was held by the researcher implementing
TBLT. He identified some problems with speaking faced by the students. He used
four main tasks and activities while teaching. He found out some effective activities
and ways to develop speaking skill. He tested and evaluated the participants. This
was to ensure the reliability of the instrument. The speaking test was administered
before and after the study. The results of the tools were statistically analyzed. The
designed program was applied for a period of three months. The findings of the
study were analyzed and discussed. The researcher wrote and produced the
dissertation according to the guidelines presented in the guide for writing theses and
In this section of the thesis, I have made analysis and interpretation of the data
received from test items and questionnaires. The data collection tools were test
items and questionnaires. The raw score (see appendix F) which was obtained by the
students in test items has been calculated and tabulated to find out the role of the
task based language teaching to develop students’ speaking ability. The pretest and
post test score were taken into consideration while analyzing the raw data.
Similarly, the raw responses of students to the questionnaires (see appendix E) has
been calculated and tabulated to find out the effective tasks and ways to develop
speaking ability. The data have been interpreted under the following headings. They
The raw data obtained from pretests and posttests have been interpreted under
a) Holistic Comparison
While analyzing the data, the individual scores of both tests (pretests and posttests)
on all language functions viz. asking for and giving directions, describing people,
reservation for a hotel room have been taken and tabulated group wise (appendix F).
For the purpose of comparison and finding the comparative effectiveness of both the
groups, the average mean scores (M) of the two tests were computed out of the
individual scores, the difference between the mean scores (D), their standard
deviation (SD) and paired t-test (t) have been calculated and determined (appendix
G). The results of the two groups have been compared on the basis of the average
For holistic comparison, two dimensions have been adopted i.e. Overall Inter test
In this comparison, the mean score obtained by control group in pretest has been
tabulated and compared with the mean score obtained by control group in posttest.
Similarly the mean score obtained by experimental group in pretest has been
tabulated with the mean score obtained by experimental group in posttest. Their
difference in mean scores, standard deviation and paired t-test of pretest and
posttest of the same group have been calculated (appendix G) and tabulated below.
The table no. 2 shows that control group got 73.8 and 80.3 average score in the pre
test and post test respectively. This group has increased its average score by 6.5.
However, the average marks obtained by experimental group in the pretest and post
test are 75 and 99.55 respectively. This group has increased its average marks by
24.55. This indicates that experimental group made better progress than control
The mean scores of the posttest are found higher than the mean scores of the
pretest in all functions. Similarly, critical value of ‘t’ for 38 degrees of freedom at 5%
level of significance for two tailed test is 2.021. Since calculated ‘t’ (1.649) is less
than tabulated ‘t’ in control group, null hypothesis is accepted. Thus, there is no
significant difference between pretest and post test. But, calculated ‘t’ (5.033) is
higher than tabulated ‘t’ in experimental group, null hypothesis is rejected. Thus,
there is significant difference between pretest and post test. Comparing both,
In this comparison, mean score obtained by control group in pretest has been
tabulated and compared with the mean score obtained by experimental group in
pretest. Similarly, the mean score obtained by control group in posttest has been
tabulated and compared with the mean score obtained by experimental group in
posttest. Their difference in mean scores, standard deviation and paired t-test of
control group and experimental group have been calculated (appendix G) and
Speaking ability N M D S.D. t
Pretest Experimental Group 20 75 9.93
Pretest Control Group 20 73.8 1.2 12.437 0.337
Posttest Experimental Group 20 99.55 19.423
Posttest Control Group 20 80.3 19.25 12.496 4.043
As shown in table 3, control and experimental group have got 73.8 and 75 average
score in the pretest respectively. The average difference between two groups in
pretest is 1.2, whereas, the average marks obtained by control and experimental
group in the post test are 80.3 and 99.55 respectively. The average difference
between the two groups is 19.25. This indicates that experimental group made
The mean scores of both groups in the pretest in this function are almost equal but
in the post test they have significant difference by 19.25. The critical value of ‘t’ for
38 degrees of freedom at 5% level of significance for two tailed test is 2.021. Since
calculated ‘t’ (0.337) is lower than tabulated ‘t’ in pretest, null hypothesis is
accepted. Thus, there is no significant difference between two groups in pretest. But,
calculated ‘t’ (4.043) is higher than tabulated ‘t’ in post test, null hypothesis is
In this comparison, the mean score obtained by control group in pretest has been
tabulated and compared with the mean score obtained by control group in posttest
experimental group in pretest has been tabulated with the mean score obtained by
and paired t-test of pretest and posttest of the same group have been calculated
From the given table, it is depicted that control group got 12.65 and 14.2 average
score in the pre test and post test respectively. This group has increased its average
score by 1.55. However, the average marks obtained by experimental group in the
pretest and post test are 13.5 and 16.85 respectively. This group has increased its
average marks by 3.35. This shows that experimental group made better progress
The mean scores of the posttest are higher than the mean scores of the pretest in
significance for two tailed test is 2.021. Since calculated ‘t’ (1.78) is lower than
significant difference between pretest and post test. But, calculated ‘t’ (4.515)is
higher than tabulated ‘t’ in experimental group, null hypothesis is rejected. Thus,
b. Describing People
The given table shows that control group got 13.05 and 14.8 average score in the pre
test and post test respectively. This group has increased its average score by 0.85.
However, the average marks obtained by experimental group in the pretest and post
test are 13.15 and 17.1 respectively. This group has increased its average marks by
3.95. This indicates that experimental group made better progress than control
The mean scores of the posttest are higher than the mean scores of the pretest in
this function. Similarly, critical value of ‘t’ for 38 degrees of freedom at 5% level of
significance for two tailed test is 2.021. Since calculated ‘t’ (1.095) is lower than
significance difference between pretest and post test. But, calculated ‘t’ (5.887) is
higher than tabulated ‘t’ in experimental group, null hypothesis is rejected. Thus,
c. Ordering a Meal
Speaking ability N M D S.D. t
Pretest Control Group 20 12.05 2.012
Posttest Control Group
20 12.9 0.85 2.119 1.302
Pretest Experimental Group 20 12 2.324
Posttest Experimental Group
20 15.5 3.5 3.599 3.653
As shown in table, control group got 12.05 and 12.9 average score in the pre test and
post test respectively. This group has increased its average score by 0.85. Similarly
the average marks obtained by experimental group in the pretest and post test are
12 and 15.5 respectively. This group has increased its average marks by 3.5. This
indicates that experimental group made better progress than control group. The
mean scores of the posttest are higher than the mean scores of the pretest in this
Similarly, critical value of ‘t’ for 38 degrees of freedom at 5% level of significance for
two tailed test is 2.021. Since calculated ‘t’ (1.302) is less than tabulated ‘t’ in control
pretest and post test. While, calculated ‘t’ (3.653) is higher than tabulated ‘t’ in
The given table shows that control group got 12.25 and 13.5 average score in the pre
test and post test respectively. This group has increased its average score by 1.25.
However, the average marks obtained by experimental group in the pretest and post
test are 12.5 and 17.3 respectively. This group has increased its average marks by
4.4. This indicates that experimental group made better progress than control
group. The mean scores of the posttest are higher than the mean scores of the
Similarly, critical value of ‘t’ for 38 degrees of freedom at 5% level of significance for
two tailed test is 2.021. Since calculated ‘t’ (1.682) is lower than tabulated ‘t’ in
between pretest and post test. But, calculated ‘t’ (4.949) is higher than tabulated ‘t’
e. Making an Appointment
The given table shows that control group got 10.9 and 11.95 average score in the pre
test and post test respectively. This group has increased its average score by 1.05.
However, the average marks obtained by experimental group in the pretest and post
test are 10.55 and 15.55 respectively. This group has increased its average marks by
5. This indicates that experimental group made better progress than control group.
The mean scores of the posttest are higher than the mean scores of the pretest in
this function. Similarly, critical value of ‘t’ for 38 degrees of freedom at 5% level of
significance for two tailed test is 2.021. Since calculated ‘t’ (1.882) is less than
significant difference between pretest and post test. But, calculated ‘t’ (5.593) is
higher than tabulated ‘t’ in experimental group, null hypothesis is rejected. Thus,
The given table shows that control group got 12.9 and 13.85 average score in the pre
test and post test respectively. This group has increased its average score by 0.95.
However, the average marks obtained by experimental group in the pretest and post
test are 13.15 and 17.2 respectively. This group has increased its average marks by
4.05. This indicates that experimental group made better progress than control
The mean scores of the posttest are higher than the mean scores of the pretest in
this function. Similarly, critical value of ‘t’ for 38 degrees of freedom at 5% level of
significance for two tailed test is 2.021. Since calculated ‘t’ (1.45) is lower than
tabulated ‘t’ in control group, null hypothesis is accepted. Thus, there is no
significant difference between pretest and post test. But, calculated ‘t’ (4.65) is
higher than tabulated ‘t’ in experimental group, null hypothesis is rejected. Thus,
The mean scores of both pretest and posttest with respect to both experimental and
control group were calculated (appendix F) using descriptive statistics for the means
and standard deviations and then the mean scores of the experimental and control
group with regard to pretest and posttest were compared using a paired t-test
respectively. The analysis of the paired t-test calculated on mean scores of both
groups showed that there was no statistically significant difference between the
mean scores of those groups in pretest while there was statistically significant
As shown in table 10, control and experimental group have got 12.65 and 13.25
average score in the pretest respectively. The average difference between two
groups in pretest is 0.6, whereas, the average marks obtained by control and
experimental group in the post test are 14.2 and 16.85 respectively. The average
difference between the two groups is 2.65. This indicates that experimental group
The mean scores of both groups in the pretest in this function are almost equal but
in the post they have significant difference by 2.65. The critical value of ‘t’ for 38
degrees of freedom at 5% level of significance for two tailed test is 2.021. Since
calculated ‘t’ (0.857) is lower than tabulated ‘t’ in pretest, null hypothesis is
accepted. Thus, there is no significant difference between two groups in pretest. But,
calculated ‘t’ (2.928) is higher than tabulated ‘t’ in post test, null hypothesis is
b. Describing People
As shown in table 11, control and experimental group have got 13.05 and 13.15
average score in the pretest respectively. The average difference between two
groups in pretest is 0.1, whereas, the average marks obtained by control and
experimental group in the post test are 13.9 and 17.1 respectively. The average
difference between the two groups is 3.2. This indicates that experimental group
The mean scores of both groups in the pretest in this function are almost equal but
in the post test they have significant difference by 3.2. The critical value of ‘t’ for 38
degrees of freedom at 5% level of significance for two tailed test is 2.021. Since
calculated ‘t’ (0.146) is lower than tabulated ‘t’ in pretest, null hypothesis is
accepted. Thus, there is no significant difference between two groups in pretest. But,
calculated ‘t’ (3.567) is higher than tabulated ‘t’ in post test, null hypothesis is
c. Ordering a Meal
As shown in table 12, control and experimental group have got 12.05 and 12 average
score in the pretest respectively. The average difference between two groups in
pretest is 0.05, whereas, the average marks obtained by control and experimental
group in the post test are 12.9 and 15.5 respectively. The average difference
between the two groups is 2.6. This indicates that experimental group made better
The mean scores of both groups in the pretest and post in this function are almost
equal. The critical value of ‘t’ for 38 degrees of freedom at 5% level of significance
for two tailed test is 2.021. Since calculated ‘t’ (-0.073) is lower than tabulated ‘t’ in
two groups in pretest. While, calculated ‘t’ (2.784) is higher than tabulated ‘t’ in post
test, null hypothesis is rejected. Thus, there is significant difference between two
d. Making a Phone Call
As shown in table 13, control and experimental group have got 12.25 and 12.9
average score in the pretest respectively. The average difference between two
groups in pretest is 0.65, whereas, the average marks obtained by control and
experimental group in the post test are 13.5 and 17.3 respectively. The average
difference between the two groups is 3.8. This indicates that experimental group
The mean scores of both groups in the pretest in this function are almost equal but
in the post test they have significant difference by 3.8 average score. The critical
value of ‘t’ for 38 degrees of freedom at 5% level of significance for two tailed test is
2.021. Since calculated ‘t’ (1.161) is lower than tabulated ‘t’ in pretest, null
in pretest. But, calculated ‘t’ (3.804) is higher than tabulated ‘t’ in post test, null
e. Making an Appointment
20 10.9 0.35 1.67 -0.776
Posttest Experimental Group 20 15.55 3.84
Posttest Control Group 20 11.95 3.6 1.857 3.774
As shown in table 14, control and experimental group have got 10.9 and 10.55
average score in the pretest respectively. The average difference between two
groups in pretest is 0.35, whereas, the average marks obtained by control and
experimental group in the post test are 11.95 and 15.55 respectively. The average
difference between the two groups is 3.6. This indicates that experimental group
The mean scores of both groups in the pretest in this function are almost equal but
in the post test they have significant difference by 3.6 average score. The critical
value of ‘t’ for 38 degrees of freedom at 5% level of significance for two tailed test is
2.021. Since calculated ‘t’ (-0.776) is lower than tabulated ‘t’ in pretest, null
in pretest. But, calculated ‘t’ (3.774) is higher than tabulated ‘t’ in post test, null
As shown in table 15, control and experimental group have got 12.9 and 13.15
average score in the pretest respectively. The average difference between two
groups in pretest is 0.25, whereas, the average marks obtained by control and
experimental group in the post test are 13.85 and 17.2 respectively. The average
difference between the two groups is 3.35. This indicates that experimental group
The mean scores of both groups in the pretest in this function are almost equal but
in the post test they have significant difference by 3.35. The critical value of ‘t’ for 38
degrees of freedom at 5% level of significance for two tailed test is 2.021. Since
calculated ‘t’ (0.318) is lower than tabulated ‘t’ in pretest, null hypothesis is
But, calculated ‘t’(3.571) is higher than tabulated ‘t’ in post test, null hypothesis is
In this section, I have made analysis and interpretation of the data received from
questionnaires. The data collection tool was questionnaire. The researcher used four
activities i.e. role play, pair work, information gap and communication game to teach
each language function. From the responses of the experimental group, mean score
and standard deviation were calculated to find out whether those tasks were
effective. The data have been interpreted under the following headings:
a. Holistic Comparison
b. Item-wise Comparison
In this comparison, the mean score and standard deviation of control group with
Table 16 shows that when examining questionnaire responses to all tasks, students
responded to role play more positively than to any other tasks. It has the highest
mean score 60.07. This overall comparison shows that role play is effective for
In this comparison, the mean score of all tasks has been calculated and compared
Table 17 shows that students preferred role play the most while teaching speaking
skill as it has the highest mean score 61.4 amongst all. Hence, role play is the best
b. Describing people
Table 18 shows that students preferred communication game the most while
teaching speaking skill as it has the highest mean score 60.6 amongst all. Hence,
c. Ordering a meal
Table 19 shows that students preferred role play the most while teaching speaking
skill as it has the highest mean score 60.6 amongst all. Hence, role play is the best
d. Making a phone call
Table 20 shows that students preferred role play the most while teaching speaking
skill as it has the highest mean score 61.2 amongst all. Hence, role play is the best
e. Making an appointment
Activities n M S.D.
Role play 20 60.2 0.748
Pair work 20 50.8 0.4
Information gap
Communication game 20 55 0
20 57.4 0.48
Table 21 shows that students preferred role play the most while teaching speaking
skill as it has the highest mean score 60.2 amongst all. Hence, role play is the best
Activities n M S.D.
Role play 20 59.4 1.743
Pair work
20 52.2 1.6
Information gap
Communication game 20 55.4 3.2
20 58 0.63
Table 22 shows that students preferred role play the most while teaching speaking
skill as it has the highest mean score 59.4 amongst all. Hence, role play is the best
While teaching in the beginning, the researcher found many problems viz. inhibition,
was taught with four activities viz. role play, information gap, pair work and
communication games. Each language function was taught consisting of four lesson
plans. Each lesson plan included an individual activity. Then the researcher used
different ways to develop speaking ability to overcome the problems faced by the
materials. All students were involved in every speaking activity. He reduced teacher
speaking time. He provided written feedback and positive signs. He did not correct
Eventually, the researcher found out some activities more effective although Nepal
question answer, simulation, role play, group and pair work, information gap, inquiry
and discovery, brainstorming, mind mapping, guessing meaning from context and
quick write. The effective activities are role play, information gap, pair work,
Finally, the summary of the study was written on the basis of results. The conclusion
of the study was encapsulated point wise. After that the implications of the study
were recommended for the following level: policy level, practical level further
5.1 Summary
To find out the role of task based language teaching, six language functions were
given. There were six items altogether in the pre-test and post-test. These pretest
and posttest items were analyzed and interpreted. In this research study, two groups
were formed, namely control and experimental group. They were taught using the
same material and objectives. But the difference was on the use of technique used in
the classroom teaching. The control group was taught using the traditional way of
teaching or teacher centered technique whereas the experimental group was taught
using task based technique. Before teaching, a pretest was administered to the
students and when the research period was over, a post test was taken. The results
of both the test were interpreted and tabulated for data analysis. The result of those
test showed that experimental group was far more ahead than the control group. It
To find out effective tasks and activities, students were engaged in four activities
such as role play, information gap, pair work and communication game. To find out
the ways to develop speaking skill, problems with speaking skill were found out. On
the basis of the problems, different techniques and methods were adopted by the
5.2 Conclusions
On the basis of analysis and interpretation of primary data, the findings are
represented as follows:
a. Objective I:
1. As a whole, the role of TBLT for developing speaking skills was found better
since experimental group had better performance with 19.25 more average
2. In the language function asking for and giving directions, control group scored
14.2 average marks and increased its marks by 1.55 in post test. In comparison
to this, experimental group improved its marks scoring 16.5 in post test and
added 3.35. This shows that teaching speaking through task based language
has been more effective than usual way of teaching since calculated value of
3. In the language function describing people, control group scored 13.9 average
marks and increased its marks by 0.85 in post test. In comparison to this,
experimental group improved its marks scoring 17.1 in post test and added
3.95. This shows that teaching speaking through task based language has been
more effective than usual way of teaching since calculated value of „t‟ (5.887)
4. In ordering meal, control group added 0.85 more marks in its pretest score
12.05. Experimental group added 3.5 more marks in the post test. Though both
groups improved their marks but the improvement of experimental group was
more observable because this group obtained more marks. Since calculated „t‟
value (3.653) is greater than tabulated value of „t‟ (2.021), teaching speaking
through task based language teaching is more effective than traditional way of
5. In the language function making a phone call, control group scored 13.5
average marks and increased its marks by 1.25 in post test. In comparison to
this, experimental group improved its marks scoring 17.3 in post test and
added 4.4. This shows that teaching speaking through task based language has
been more effective than usual way of teaching since calculated value of „t‟
average marks and increased its marks by 1.05 in post test. In comparison to
this, experimental group improved its marks scoring 15.55 in post test and
added 5. This shows that teaching speaking through task based language has
been more effective than usual way of teaching since calculated value of „t‟
7. In the language function making a reservation for hotel room, control group
scored 13.85 average marks and increased its marks by 0.25 in post test. In
post test and added 3.35. This shows that teaching speaking through task based
language has been more effective than usual way of teaching since calculated
8. In intra test comparison, mean score differences between control group and
experimental group were 0.6, 0.1, 0.05, 0.65, 0.35 and 0.25 in pretest while the
differences were observed as 2.65, 3.2, 2.6, 3.8, 3.6 and 3.35 in post test. The
overall difference of in pretest was 1.2 while the difference increased to 19.25
in the post test. Similarly, calculated „t‟ with respect to pretest (0.857, 0.146, -
0.073, 1.161, -0.776 and 0.318) in all language function is lower than
between control group and experimental group in all language functions.
Whereas, calculated „t‟ with respect to post test (2.928, 3.567, 2.784, 3.804,
3.774, 3.571) is higher than tabulated „t‟ (2.021) in all language functions. So,
Overall paired t-test shows that there was no significant difference between
control group and experimental group in pretest since calculated „t‟ (0.337) is
lower than tabulated „t‟ (2.021) of control group while the calculated „t‟
that teaching speaking ability through task based language teaching is more
b. Objective II:
question answer, simulation, role play, group and pair work, information gap, inquiry
and discovery, brainstorming, mind mapping, guessing meaning from context and
quick write. Some of them are quite effective to develop speaking ability with
reference to these six language functions. The effective tasks are role play,
2. Try to involve each student in every speaking activity; for this aim, practice
5. Ask eliciting questions such as "What do you mean? How did you reach that
6. Provide written feedback like "Your presentation was really great. It was a
good job. I really appreciated your efforts in preparing the materials and
7. Do not correct students' pronunciation mistakes very often while they are
speaking. Correction should not distract student from his or her speech.
8. Involve speaking activities not only in class but also out of class; contact
9. Circulate around classroom to ensure that students are on the right track and
see whether they need your help while they work in groups or pairs.
10. Provide the vocabulary beforehand that students need in speaking activities.
5.3 Implications
On the basis of the findings of the study, the following recommendations have been
1. Policy makers and curriculum designers should analyze the needs and interests
of the learners.
and materials to support the task based language teaching inside the class
3. The concerned authority should conduct trainings and seminars on task based
language teaching so that the teacher can understand TBLT and apply this in
4. A text book writer should write the books addressing various activities and
tasks and prepare the materials to overcome common speaking problems faced
by the learners.
4. Students become active in the class. They work in pairs or group. This
5. Even the shy students can take the benefit of this type of teaching. They can
6. TBLT creates a feeling of cooperation among the students since they involve
7. The language teacher should bear in mind that whether the tasks and the
8. The teacher should develop his/her language lesson using TTT approach
9. The teacher should analyze the level of students‟ linguistic competence and
then only he/she should design communicative tasks with spirit of task based
language teaching.
10. The traditional materials are to be designed to fit the task based language
teaching because they may not fit in the framework and methodology of
12. While using TBLT, the tasks become more engaging for the students and the
usage of the language becomes more meaningful when the task is the center of
13. Task-based language approach creates more favorable conditions for the
14. It is necessary for the teacher, as a practical control and facilitator of learners‟
to implement it.
In order to provide a clear picture of the Task Based Language Teaching used for
learning English, the researchers could apply TBLT in order to develop workers’
speaking ability in the workplace such as in a hotel, restaurant or factory. They could
apply TBLT to develop other speaking skills including listening, reading and writing.
They could compare the effectiveness of task based language teaching with other
and so on. Researchers could apply the TBLT to develop students’ language skills in
Dhami, B. (2014). Strategies used for developing speaking skill. A Case of M.Ed.
Education Limited.
Ellis, R. (2000). Task based language research and language pedagogy. Language
Ellis, R. (2003). Task based language learning and teaching. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Ellis, R. (2006). The methodology of task based teaching. Paper presented at the 2006
Feez, S. (1998). Text based syllabus design. Sydney: National Center for English
Foster, P. & Skehan, P. (1999). The influence of planning and task type on the second
Kafle, N. (2009). A study on the effectiveness of pair work technique for developing
Lamichhane , N. (2012). Using of task-based language teaching in Nepalese context.
Leaver, B.L. and Willis, J. (2004). Task based instructions in foreign language
Cambridge: CUP.
Long, M. H. and Crooks, G.(1991). Three approaches to task based syllabus design.
University Press.
Nunan, D. (2001). Aspect of task based language design. [Available on the net].
Richards, J. and Rodgers, T. (2001). Approaches and methods in language teaching.
Sharma, B.K. & Phyak, P.B. (2006). Teaching English language. Kirtipur,
University Press.
Ur, P. (1996). A course in language teaching: practice and theory. Cambridge: CUP.
Verghese, C.P. (1990). Teaching English as a second language, New Delhi: Sterling
Pvt. Ltd.
Yunan, F. & Ellis, R. (2003). The effects of pre-task planning and online planning for
24, 1-27.
Appendix A
Speaking Test
Instruction: Ask your partner for directions to the following places in order to
1. Hollywood Theatre
2. Chinese Restaurant
3. Star Video
4. Beauty Shoes
Blue Street
Second Street
Library Art Gallery Museum
Pine Avenue
Peter‟s Pharmacy Department Store Post Office
1. Asking for and giving directions
Student B
Instruction: Ask your partner for directions to the following places in order to
2. The Pub
4. Peter‟s Pharmacy
Blue Street
Post Office Star Video Car Park
Mark‟s Supermarket
Second Street
Library Art Gallery Museum Chinese
Pine Avenue
Department Store Cyber Cafe
2. Describing People
Student A
Imagine you are a police officer in Dharan. Student B‟s brother is missing. His name
is Bobby. Try to find out his information by asking the appropriate questions.
Name Bobby
His age is
His height is
Very tall
2. Describing People
Student B
You are travelling in Dharan but your brother Bobby is missing. He is 15 years old.
You have to describe your brother to the police officer so that he can find him for you.
3. Ordering a Meal
Student A
2. Take an order.
Student B
Main Courses
Spicy soup Rs 90
Spaghetti meatballs Rs 79
Roasted dusk Rs 200
Grilled fish Rs 250
Wonton soup Rs 50
Grilled steak Rs 69
Steak teriyaki Rs 59
Seafood spaghetti Rs 99
Chicken Fried rice Rs 49
Yoghurt Rs 20
Cheese cake Rs 45
Fresh fruit Rs 40
Pineapple pie Rs 59
Pudding Rs 19
Strawberry Ice cream Rs 29
Chocolate Ice cream Rs 29
Milk Rs 29
Mineral water Rs 30
Apple juice Rs 20
Orange juice Rs 20
Coffee Rs 25
Coke Rs 20
Beer Rs 35
4. Making a phone call
Your message is
The caller wants to speak to Mr. Neerodha chadra Dahal who is not in the office
5. Making an appointment
Student A
Task: Invite your partner to go and watch a movie. Try to find available hour for it.
The theater opens from 11:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Wednesday Go to the mall with mom from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
5. Making an appointment
Student B
Task: Invite your partner to go and watch a movie. Try to find available hour for it.
The theater opens from 11:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
6. Making a reservation for a hotel room
Student A
Imagine you work as a receptionist at the Dreamland Hotel. You have to ask the guest
Name …………………………………..
Appendix B
A. Specific Objectives: At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
I‟m looking for ……….. Take the first/ second road on the
I‟m trying to find ……….
It‟s on the left/ right
Next to
At the end of
Traffic lights
Appendix D
Student ___________________ Assessor: _________________Date: _____________
Content 1 2 3 4 5
Content 1 2 3 4 5
Appendix E
Please consider the task that you have just completed. Please indicate your answer by
circling the appropriate number and give only one answer for each statement. Please
do not leave any unanswered questions.
(1) Strongly disagree (2) Disagree (3) Agree (4) Strongly agree
Appendix F
Speaking Pretest Score of Experimental Group
1 SHRISTY SHARMA 16 17 16 15 11 17 92
2 SAROJ BANIYA 16 16 15 15 12 16 90
3 TEKRAJ RAI 15 14 13 14 11 15 82
4 SHRISTI RAI 12 11 11 11 9 11 65
5 KAMAL TIMSINA 13 13 10 13 10 12 71
6 SAMIP SHRESTHA 13 14 12 13 11 13 76
7 SUMNIMA SHRESTHA 15 14 11 14 10 13 77
8 SUSMITA RAJBANSI 13 14 12 12 11 12 74
9 SUSHANT DHAKAL 14 13 10 12 11 14 74
10 KRISHA KAFLE 11 12 11 11 9 10 64
11 ANKIT CHAUDHARY 11 10 11 12 11 11 66
12 ANUSKA KARKI 12 11 9 13 10 13 68
13 RIKESH RAI 11 11 9 11 9 11 62
14 ANISH TAMANG 12 13 11 12 10 13 71
15 BIDHAYAK POKHREL 14 15 14 16 12 15 86
16 SISHER KHADKA 12 13 11 12 10 13 71
17 ROSHAN THAKUR 11 10 11 9 9 11 61
18 NIRAJ TAMANG 12 13 10 12 10 12 69
19 ROJESH CHUDAL 16 15 16 15 13 15 90
20 ROSHANI THAPA 16 14 17 16 12 16 91
TOTAL 265 263 240 258 211 263 1500
Speaking Pretest of Control Group
Speaking Post Test of Experimental Group
Speaking Post-test of Control Group
Appendix G
𝑋 −𝑌
Paired test (t) = 1 1
𝑆2 +
𝑛1 𝑛2
𝜎 = Standard Deviation
𝑠 2 = Sample variance
Decision: If calculated value of‘t’ is greater than tabulated value, reject the null
If calculated value of‘t’ is less than tabulated value, accept the null hypothesis.
1 Intra Test Comparison (Inter Group) – Pretest
12 144 11 121
= 166.55 − 160.023
14 196 13 169
= 2.555
12 144 11 121
11 121 11 121 𝑛 1− 1 𝑠1 2 + 𝑛 1− 1 𝑠2 2
:∙ (S2) =
𝑛 1 +𝑛 2 −2
12 144 10 100
16 256 14 196 19𝑋(1.813)2 +19𝑋(2.555)2
16 256 15 225
∑ 𝑋 = 265 ∑ 𝑋 2 = 3577 ∑ 𝑌= 253 ∑ 𝑌 2 = 3331 186.484
= = 4.907
𝑋 −𝑌 13.25−12.65 0.6
Hence, t = = = = 0.857
1 1 1 0.7
𝑛1 𝑛2
4.907 +
20 20
Since calculated ‘t’ (0.851) is less than tabulated ‘t’ (2.021), there is no significant
difference between control and experimental group.
1.2 Describing People
13 169 11 121
= 176.25 − 170.030
15 225 11 121
= 2.439
13 169 12 144
10 100 11 121 𝑛 1− 1 𝑠1 2 + 𝑛 1− 1 𝑠2 2
:∙ (S2) =
𝑛 1 +𝑛 2 −2
13 169 10 100
15 225 13 169 19𝑋(1.851)2 +19𝑋(2.439)2
14 196 16 256
∑ 𝑋 = 263 ∑ 𝑋 2 = 3527 ∑ 𝑌= 261 ∑ 𝑌 2 = 3525 178.124
= = 4.687
𝑋 −𝑌 13.15−13.05 0.1
Hence, t = = = = 0.146
1 1 1 0.685
𝑛1 𝑛2
4.687 +
20 20
Since calculated ‘t’ (0.146) is less than tabulated ‘t’ (2.021), there is no significant
difference between control and experimental group.
1.3 Ordering a Meal
11 121 10 100
= 149.25 − 145.203
14 196 14 196
= 2.012
11 121 11 121
11 121 9 81 𝑛 1− 1 𝑠1 2 + 𝑛 1− 1 𝑠2 2
:∙ (S2) =
𝑛 1 +𝑛 2 −2
10 100 11 121
16 256 15 225 19𝑋(2.324)2 +19𝑋(2.012)2
17 289 17 289
∑ 𝑋 = 240 ∑ 𝑋 2 = 2988 ∑ 𝑌= 241 ∑ 𝑌 2 = 2985 179.533
= = 4.726
𝑋 −𝑌 12−12.05 0.05
Hence, t = = =− = -0.073
1 1 1 0.687
𝑛1 𝑛2
4.726 +
20 20
Since calculated ‘t’ (-0.073) is less than tabulated ‘t’ (2.021), there is no significant
difference between control and experimental group.
1.4 Making a Phone Call
12 144 9 81
= 155.05 − 150.063
16 256 12 144
= 2.233
12 144 13 169
9 81 11 121 𝑛 1− 1 𝑠1 2 + 𝑛 1− 1 𝑠2 2
:∙ (S2) =
𝑛 1 +𝑛 2 −2
12 144 9 81
15 225 13 169 19𝑋(1.136)2 +19𝑋(2.233)2
16 256 15 225
∑ 𝑋 = 258 ∑ 𝑋 2 = 3394 ∑ 𝑌= 245 ∑ 𝑌 2 = 3101 119.259
= = 3.138
Since calculated ‘t’ (1.161) is less than tabulated ‘t’(2.021), there is no significant
difference between control and experimental group.
1.5 Making an Appointment
11 121 12 144 ∑ 𝑋2 ∑𝑋 2
:∙ SD (S1) = −
9 81 10 100
10 100 9 81 2251 211 2
= −
11 121 10 100 20 20
10 100 14 196
= 112.55 − 111.303
11 121 14 196
11 121 11 121 = 1.117
9 81 12 144 ∑ 𝑌2 ∑𝑌 2
:∙ SD (S2) = −
11 121 10 100 𝑁 𝑁
10 100 9 81
2432 218 2
9 81 9 81 = −
20 20
10 100 9 81
= 121.6 − 118.81
12 144 10 100
10 100 11 121 = 1.67
9 81 10 100 𝑛 1− 1 𝑠1 2 + 𝑛 1− 1 𝑠2 2
:∙ (S2) =
10 100 9 81 𝑛 1 +𝑛 2 −2
𝑋 −𝑌 10.55−10.9 0.35
Hence, t = = =− = - 0.776
1 1 1 0.451
𝑛1 𝑛2
2.018 +
20 20
Since calculated ‘t’ (-0.776) is less than tabulated ‘t’(2.021), there is no significant
difference between control and experimental group.
1.6 Making a Reservation for Hotel Room
13 169 10 100
= 175 − 166.41
15 225 14 196
= 2.931
13 169 12 144
11 121 10 100 𝑛 1− 1 𝑠1 2 + 𝑛 1− 1 𝑠2 2
:∙ (S2) =
𝑛 1 +𝑛 2 −2
12 144 11 121
15 225 16 256 19𝑋(1.931)2 +19𝑋(2.931)2
16 256 17 289
∑ 𝑋 = 263 ∑ 𝑋 2 = 3533 ∑ 𝑌= 258 ∑ 𝑌 2 = 3500 234.07
= = 6.16
𝑋 −𝑌 13.15−12.9 0.25
Hence, t = = = = 0.318
1 1 1 0.785
𝑛1 𝑛2
6.16 +
20 20
Since calculated ‘t’ (0.318) is less than tabulated ‘t’(2.021), there is no significant
difference between control and experimental group.
1.7 Overall comparison of pretest
71 5041 60 3600 =
5601.13 − 5446.44
86 7396 74 5476
= 12.437
71 5041 70 4900
61 3721 62 3844 𝑛 1− 1 𝑠1 2 + 𝑛 1− 1 𝑠2 2
:∙ (S2) =
𝑛 1 +𝑛 2 −2
69 4761 60 3600
𝑋 −𝑌 75−73.8 1.2
Hence, t = = = = 0.337
1 1 1 3.559
𝑛1 𝑛2
126.642 +
20 20
Since calculated ‘t’ (0.337) is less than tabulated ‘t’(2.021), there is no significant
difference between control and experimental group.
2 Intra Test Comparison (Inter Group) – Posttest
𝑋 −𝑌 16.85−14.2 2.65
Hence, t = = = = 2.928
1 1 1 0.905
𝑛1 𝑛2
8.195 +
20 20
Since calculated ‘t’ (2.928) is greater than tabulated ‘t’(2.021), there is significant
difference between control and experimental group.
2.2 Describing People
19 361 17 289
= 302.4 − 292.41
18 324 19 361
= 3.16
16 256 13 169
14 196 14 196 ∑ 𝑌2 ∑𝑌 2
:∙ SD (S2) = −
12 144 14 196
13 169 11 121
3986 278 2
14 196 11 121
= −
20 20
16 256 12 144
= 199.3 − 193.21
20 400 12 144
18 324 13 169 = 2.468
13 169 12 144 𝑛 1− 1 𝑠1 2 + 𝑛 1− 1 𝑠2 2
:∙ (S2) =
14 196 11 121 𝑛 1 +𝑛 2 −2
𝑋 −𝑌 17.1−13.9 3.2
Hence, t = = = = 3.567
𝑆 2 𝑛 +𝑛
1 1 1 0.897
8.038 +
20 20
1 2
Since calculated ‘t’ (3.567) is greater than tabulated ‘t’(2.021), there is significant
difference between control and experimental group.
2.3 Ordering a Meal
13 169 10 100
= 170.9 − 166.41
19 361 14 196
= 2.119
14 196 12 144
11 121 11 121 𝑛 1− 1 𝑠1 2 + 𝑛 1− 1 𝑠2 2
:∙ (S2) =
𝑛 1 +𝑛 2 −2
12 144 11 121
18 324 16 256 19𝑋(3.599)2 +19𝑋(2.119)2
19 361 18 324
∑ 𝑋= 310 ∑ 𝑋 2 = 5064 ∑ 𝑌= 258 ∑ 𝑌 2 = 3418 331.416
= = 8.721
𝑋 −𝑌 15.5−12.9 2.6
Hence, t = = = = 2.784
1 1 1 0.934
𝑛1 𝑛2
8.721 +
20 20
Since calculated ‘t’ (2.784) is less than tabulated ‘t’(2.021), there is significant
difference between control and experimental group.
2.4 Making a Phone Call
14 196 12 144
= 187.7 − 182.25
22 484 14 196
= 2.335
17 289 12 144
11 121 12 144 𝑛 1− 1 𝑠1 2 + 𝑛 1− 1 𝑠2 2
:∙ (S2) =
𝑛 1 +𝑛 2 −2
15 225 11 121
22 484 14 196 19𝑋(3.809)2 +19𝑋(2.335)2
21 441 16 258
∑ 𝑋= 346 ∑ 𝑋 2 = 6276 ∑ 𝑌= 270 ∑ 𝑌 2 = 3754 379.253
= = 9.98
𝑋 −𝑌 17.3−13.5 3.8
Hence, t = = = = 3.804
1 1 1 0.99
𝑛1 𝑛2
9.98 +
20 20
Since calculated ‘t’ (3.804) is greater than tabulated ‘t’(2.021), there is significant
difference between control and experimental group.
2.5 Making an Appointment
14 196 11 121
= 146.25 − 142.803
18 324 12 144
= 1.857
20 400 11 121
11 121 13 169 𝑛 1− 1 𝑠1 2 + 𝑛 1− 1 𝑠2 2
:∙ (S2) = 𝑛 1 +𝑛 2 −2
13 484 9 81
19𝑋(3.84)2 +19𝑋(1.857)2
22 361 14 196 =
19 15 225
∑ 𝑋= 311 ∑ 𝑋 2 = 5131 ∑ 𝑌= 239 ∑ 𝑌 2 = 2925 = = 9.097
𝑋 −𝑌 15.55−11.95 3.6
Hence, t = = = = 3.774
1 1 1 0.954
𝑛1 𝑛2 9.097 +
20 20
Since calculated ‘t’ (3.774) is greater than tabulated ‘t’(2.021), there is significant
difference between control and experimental group.
2.6 Making a Reservation for a Hotel Room
15 225 12 144
= 197.95 − 191.823
22 484 15 225
= 2.475
17 289 14 196
14 196 12 144 𝑛 1− 1 𝑠1 2 + 𝑛 1− 1 𝑠2 2
:∙ (S2) =
𝑛 1 +𝑛 2 −2
14 196 10 100
20 400 17 289 19𝑋(3.385)2 +19𝑋(2.475)2
21 441 16 256
∑ 𝑋= 344 ∑ 𝑋 2 = 6146 ∑ 𝑌= 277 ∑ 𝑌 2 = 3959 334.093
= = 8.792
𝑋 −𝑌 17.2−13.85 3.35
Hence, t = = = = 3.571
1 1 1 0.938
𝑛1 𝑛2
8.792 +
20 20
Since calculated ‘t’ (3.571) is greater than tabulated ‘t’(2.021), there is significant
difference between control and experimental group.
2.7 Overall Comparison Posttest
83 6889 64 4096
132085 1606 2
85 7225 60 3600 = −
20 20
87 7569 69 4761
= 6604.25 − 6448.09
120 14400 82 6724
103 10609 75 5625 = 12.496
74 5476 73 5329 𝑛 1− 1 𝑠1 2 + 𝑛 1− 1 𝑠2 2
:∙ (S2) =
83 6889 62 3844 𝑛 1 +𝑛 2 −2
𝑋 −𝑌 99.55−80.3 19.25
Hence, t = = = = 4.043
1 1 1 4.761
𝑛1 𝑛2
266.701 +
20 20
Since calculated ‘t’ (4.043) is greater than tabulated ‘t’(2.021), there is significant
difference between control and experimental group.
3 Inter Test Comparison (Intra Group Comparison) - Control Group
12 144 11 121
= 166.55 − 160.023
15 225 13 169
= 2.555
13 169 11 121
13 169 11 121 𝑛 1− 1 𝑠1 2 + 𝑛 1− 1 𝑠2 2
:∙ (S2) =
𝑛 1 +𝑛 2 −2
11 121 10 100
16 256 14 196 19𝑋(2.943)2 +19𝑋(2.555)2
18 324 15 225
∑ 𝑋= 284 ∑ 𝑋 2 = 4206 ∑ 𝑌= 253 ∑ 𝑌 2 = 3331 288.596
= = 7.595
𝑋 −𝑌 14.2−12.65 1.55
Hence, t = = = = 1.78
1 1 1 0.871
𝑛1 𝑛2
7.595 +
20 20
Since calculated ‘t’ (1.78) is less than tabulated ‘t’(2.021), there is no significant
difference between pretest and posttest.
3.2 Describing People
12 144 11 121
= 176.25 − 170.03
12 144 11 121
= 2.439
13 169 12 144
12 144 11 121 𝑛 1− 1 𝑠1 2 + 𝑛 1− 1 𝑠2 2
:∙ (S2) =
𝑛 1 +𝑛 2 −2
11 121 10 100
14 196 13 169 19𝑋(2.468)2 +19𝑋(2.439)2
17 289 16 256
∑ 𝑋= 278 ∑ 𝑋 2 = 3986 ∑ 𝑌= 261 ∑ 𝑌 2 = 3525 228.755
= = 6.02
𝑋 −𝑌 13.9−13.05 0.85
Hence, t = = = = 1.095
1 1 1 0.776
𝑛1 𝑛2
6.02 +
20 20
Since calculated ‘t’ (1.095) is less than tabulated ‘t’(2.021), there is no significant
difference between pretest and posttest.
3.3 Ordering a Meal
10 100 10 100
= 149.25 − 145.203
14 196 14 196
= 2.012
12 144 11 121
11 121 9 81 𝑛 1− 1 𝑠1 2 + 𝑛 1− 1 𝑠2 2
:∙ (S2) =
𝑛 1 +𝑛 2 −2
11 121 11 121
16 256 15 225 19𝑋(2.119)2 +19𝑋(2.012)2
18 324 17 289
∑ 𝑋= 258 ∑ 𝑋 2 = 3418 ∑ 𝑌= 241 ∑ 𝑌 2 = 2985 162.228
= = 4.269
𝑋 −𝑌 12.9−12.05 0.85
Hence, t = = = = 1.302
1 1 1 0.653
𝑛1 𝑛2
4.269 +
20 20
Since calculated ‘t’ (1.302) is less than tabulated ‘t’(2.021), there is no significant
difference between pretest and posttest.
3.4 Making a Phone Call
12 144 9 81
= 155.05 − 150.063
14 196 12 144
= 2.233
12 144 13 169
12 144 11 121 𝑛 1− 1 𝑠1 2 + 𝑛 1− 1 𝑠2 2
:∙ (S2) =
𝑛 1 +𝑛 2 −2
11 121 9 81
14 196 13 169 19𝑋(2.335)2 +19𝑋(2.233)2
16 258 15 225
∑ 𝑋= 270 ∑ 𝑋 2 = 3754 ∑ 𝑌= 245 ∑ 𝑌 2 = 3101 198.332
= = 5.519
𝑋 −𝑌 13.5−12.25 1.25
Hence, t = = = = 1.682
1 1 1 0.743
𝑛1 𝑛2
5.519 +
20 20
Since calculated ‘t’ (1.682) is less than tabulated ‘t’(2.021), there is no significant
difference between pretest and posttest.
3.5 Making an Appointment
𝑋 −𝑌 11.95−10.9 1.05
Hence, t = = = = 1.882
1 1 1 0.558
𝑛1 𝑛2
3.119 +
20 20
Since calculated ‘t’ (1.882) is less than tabulated ‘t’(2.021), there is no significant
difference between pretest and posttest.
3.6 Making a Reservation for a Hotel Room
12 144 10 100
= 175 − 166.41
15 225 14 196
= 2.931
14 196 12 144
12 144 10 100 𝑛 1− 1 𝑠1 2 + 𝑛 1− 1 𝑠2 2
:∙ (S2) =
𝑛 1 +𝑛 2 −2
10 100 11 121
17 289 16 256 19𝑋(2.475)2 +19𝑋(2.931)2
16 256 17 289
∑ 𝑋= 277 ∑ 𝑋 2 = 3959 ∑ 𝑌= 258 ∑ 𝑌 2 = 3500 163.224
= = 4.295
𝑋 −𝑌 13.85−12.9 0.95
Hence, t = = = = 1.45
1 1 1 0.655
𝑛1 𝑛2
4.295 +
20 20
Since calculated ‘t’ (1.45) is less than tabulated ‘t’(2.021), there is no significant
difference between control and experimental group.
3.7 Overall Comparison
69 4761 60 3600
= 5601.13 − 5446.44
82 6724 74 5476
= 12.437
75 5625 70 4900
73 5329 62 3844 𝑛 1− 1 𝑠1 2 + 𝑛 1− 1 𝑠2 2
:∙ (S2) =
𝑛 1 +𝑛 2 −2
62 3844 60 3600
19𝑋(12.496)2 +19𝑋(12.437)2
91 8281 83 6889 =
100 10000 94 8836
∑ 𝑋= 1606 2
∑ 𝑋 = 136085 ∑ 𝑌= 1476 2
∑ 𝑌 = 112026
= = 155.415
𝑋 −𝑌 80.3−73.8 6.5
Hence, t = = = = 1.649
1 1 1 3.942
𝑛1 𝑛2
155.415 +
20 20
Since calculated ‘t’ (1.649) is less than tabulated ‘t’(2.021), there is no significant
difference between pretest and posttest.
4 Inter Test Comparison (Intra Group Comparison) – Experimental Group
15 225 12 144
= 178.85 − 175.563
19 361 14 196
= 1.813
17 289 12 144
14 156 11 121 𝑛 1− 1 𝑠1 2 + 𝑛 1− 1 𝑠2 2
:∙ (S2) =
𝑛 1 +𝑛 2 −2
15 225 12 144
22 484 16 256 19𝑋(2.78)2 +19𝑋(1.813)2
21 441 16 256
∑ 𝑋 = 337 ∑ 𝑋 2 = 5833 ∑ 𝑌 = 265 ∑ 𝑌 2 = 3577 209.292
= = 5.508
𝑋 −𝑌 16.85−13.5 3.35
Hence, t = = = = 4.515
1 1 1 0.742
𝑛1 𝑛2
5.508 +
20 20
Since calculated ‘t’ (4.515) is greater than tabulated ‘t’(2.021), there is significant
difference between pretest and posttest.
4.2 Describing People
16 256 13 169
= 176.35 − 172.923
20 400 15 225
= 1.851
18 324 13 169
13 169 10 100 𝑛 1− 1 𝑠1 2 + 𝑛 1− 1 𝑠2 2
:∙ (S2) =
𝑛 1 +𝑛 2 −2
14 196 13 169
21 441 15 225 19𝑋(3.16)2 +19𝑋(1.851)2
21 441 14 196
∑ 𝑋= 342 ∑ 𝑋 2 = 6048 ∑ 𝑌 = 263 ∑ 𝑌 2 = 3527 254.824
= = 6.706
𝑋 −𝑌 17.1−13.15 3.94
Hence, t = = = = 5.887
1 1 1 0.671
𝑛1 𝑛2
6.706 +
20 20
Since calculated ‘t’ (5.887) is greater than tabulated ‘t’(2.021), there is significant
difference between pretest and posttest.
4.3 Ordering a Meal
𝑋 −𝑌 15.5−12 3.5
Hence, t = = = = 3.653
1 1 1 0.958
𝑛1 𝑛2
9.177 +
20 20
Since calculated ‘t’ (3.653) is greater than tabulated ‘t’(2.021), there is significant
difference between pretest and posttest.
4.4 Making a Phone Call
14 196 12 144
= 167.7 − 166.41
22 484 16 256
= 1.136
17 289 12 144
11 121 9 81 𝑛 1− 1 𝑠1 2 + 𝑛 1− 1 𝑠2 2
:∙ (S2) =
𝑛 1 +𝑛 2 −2
15 225 12 144
22 484 15 225 19𝑋(3.809)2 +19𝑋(1.136)2
21 441 16 256
∑ 𝑋= 346 ∑ 𝑋 2 = 6276 ∑ 𝑌 = 258 ∑ 𝑌 2 = 3394 300.18
= = 7.899
𝑋 −𝑌 17.3−12.9 4.4
Hence, t = = = = 4.949
1 1 1 0.889
𝑛1 𝑛2
7.899 +
20 20
Since calculated ‘t’ (4.949) is greater than tabulated ‘t’(2.021), there is significant
difference between pretest and posttest.
4.5 Making an Appointment
14 196 10 100
= 112.55 − 111.303
18 324 12 144
= 1.117
20 400 10 100
11 121 9 81 𝑛 1− 1 𝑠1 2 + 𝑛 1− 1 𝑠2 2
:∙ (S2) =
𝑛 1 +𝑛 2 −2
13 484 10 100
22 361 13 169 19𝑋(3.84)2 +19𝑋(1.117)2
19 12 144
∑ 𝑋= 311 ∑ 𝑋 2 = 5131 ∑ 𝑌 = 211 ∑ 𝑌 2 = 2251 303.387
= = 7.997
𝑋 −𝑌 15.55−10.55 5
Hence, t = = = = 5.593
1 1 1 0.894
𝑛1 𝑛2
7.997 +
20 20
Since calculated ‘t’ (5.593) is greater than tabulated ‘t’(2.021), there is significant
difference between pretest and posttest.
4.6 Making a Reservation for Hotel Room
15 225 13 169
= 176.65 − 172.923
22 484 15 225
= 1.931
17 289 13 169
14 196 11 121 𝑛 1− 1 𝑠1 2 + 𝑛 1− 1 𝑠2 2
:∙ (S2) =
𝑛 1 +𝑛 2 −2
14 196 12 144
20 400 15 225 19𝑋(3.385)2 +19𝑋(1.931)2
21 441 16 256
∑ 𝑋= 344 ∑ 𝑋 2 = 6146 ∑ 𝑌 = 263 ∑ 𝑌 2 = 3533 288.553
= = 7.593
𝑋 −𝑌 17.2−13.15 4.05
Hence, t = = = = 4.65
1 1 1 0.871
𝑛1 𝑛2
7.593 +
20 20
Since calculated ‘t’ (4.65) is greater than tabulated ‘t’(2.021), there is significant
difference between control and experimental group.
4.7 Overall Comparison
87 7569 71 5041
= 5723.6 − 5625
120 14400 86 7396
= 9.93
103 10609 71 5041
74 5476 61 3721 𝑛 1− 1 𝑠1 2 + 𝑛 1− 1 𝑠2 2
:∙ (S2) =
𝑛 1 +𝑛 2 −2
83 6889 69 4761
𝑋 −𝑌 99.55−75 24.55
Hence, t = = = = 5.033
1 1 1 4.878
𝑛1 𝑛2
237.929 +
20 20
Since calculated ‘t’ (5.033) is greater than tabulated ‘t’ (2.021), there is significant
difference between pretest and posttest.
Appendix H
Content 5 4 3 2 1
Adapted from Phuphapet (2004), Scanlon and Zemach (2009) and Domesrifa (2008)