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How Customers Can

Understand Digital
Banking Better
Internship Report, 17th May 2021 – 21st May 2021

Intern Name: Santosh Prasad

AMCAT ID: 11541466609047

Campus & Batch Number: MANIPAL CAMPUS 16th BATCH
Reporting Manager Name: Sachin Singh
Sr. No. TOPIC Page. No.

1. Introduction 1
 About Project

2. Scope of the project 2-6

3. Methodology used for conducting the analysis 6-8

4. Data Analysis

5. Interpretation 9-13

6. Conclusion 14

7 Recommendations 15

Digital banking is part of the broader context for the move to online
banking, where banking services are delivered over the internet. The shift
from traditional to digital banking has been gradual and remains ongoing,
and is constituted by differing degrees of banking service digitization.
Digital banking involves high levels of process automation and web-based
services and may include APIs enabling cross-institutional service
composition to deliver banking products and provide transactions. It
provides the ability for users to access financial data through desktop,
mobile and ATM services.

A digital bank represents a virtual process that includes online banking and
beyond. As an end-to-end platform, digital banking must encompass the
front end that consumers see, the back end that bankers see through their
servers and admin control panels and the middleware that connects these
nodes. Ultimately, a digital bank should facilitate all functional levels of
banking on all service delivery platforms. In other words, it should have all
the same functions as a head office, branch office, online service, bank
cards, ATM and point of sale machines.
The reason digital banking is more than just a mobile or online platform is
that it includes middleware solutions. Middleware is software that bridges
operating systems or databases with other applications. Financial industry
departments such as risk management, product
development and marketing must also be included in the middle and back
end to truly be considered a complete digital bank. Financial institutions
must be at the forefront of the latest technology to ensure security and
compliance with government regulations.

Being the go-to bank for millions of people in India, Axis Bank
are introducing more technology-driven solutions to partner an
aspirational India. From providing people new avenues for digital
banking to unveiling fast and hassle-free solutions, technology is
facilitating progressive relationships at Axis Bank.

The global pandemic may have brought the significance of digital

banking platforms to the surface, but mobile and online banking aren’t

“The pandemic has merely accelerated a phenomenon that was already taking
place,” says Kevin Cohee, owner, chairman and CEO of OneUnited Bank, the
nation’s largest Black-owned bank, headquartered in Boston.

Traditional banking methods—by branch, phone or ATM—haven’t been

especially appealing during the past year. Banks limited their branch hours or
closed branches, customer service call lines backed up and ATMs required
you to venture out in public during a global pandemic. It’s no surprise that
many banking customers have taken advantage of digital banking options over
the past year.

“Covid-19 accelerated some consumers’ use of digital banking, including

those who were less digitally savvy, but even those users found that the
toolsweren’t as intimidating as they may have originally thought,” says
Matthew Williamson, global vice president, financial services, for digital
consultancy Mobiquity.

When we talk about digital banking, we’re generally referring to banking on a

mobile app via smartphone or banking online via computer.

The Benefits of Digital Banking

1. Convenience

The ability to bank wherever and however you want is one of the main
benefits of mobile and online banking solutions, says Williamson.

Our smartphones and computers are typically readily available, allowing 24/7
account access to take care of any number of banking tasks quickly.

Mobile banking apps, for instance, allow you to deposit checks from the
comfort of anywhere. At the same time, you can check your balance, transfer
funds and set up a notification to alert you if you overdraft your account—all
without the need to visit a branch. It’s a real time-saver.

Digital banking also offers longer-tail conveniences, such as the ability to

go cashless.

Paying with cash isn’t as convenient as an electronic transaction, points out

Cohee. Electronic transactions are more secure (you aren’t carrying cash),
they’re better from a cleanliness standpoint (you aren’t touching cash) and you
can track what happens with your transaction electronically, he notes.

“A cashless society with digital transactions is much more efficient and it

allows for much better management ofyour financial resources,” says Cohee.

2. Features

Many banks’ mobile and online experiences are rich with features.

“Banks might offer personalized financial advice, savings tools, big

calculators or even virtual assistants who can help them decide what splurges
they can truly afford, all within the convenience of an app,” says Williamson.

The most valuable features are typically those that can help you accomplish
basic daily banking transactions, according to the Ipsos-Forbes Advisor
Mobile check deposit, for instance, has been the most valuable feature to
those using their primary bank’s mobile app over the past year. The ability to
view statements and account balances, transfer funds and pay bills were also
near the top of the list.
Features like peer-to-peer payments rank lower in terms of value. Still, the
ability to send money within minutes to anyone in the nation through your
mobile banking app can be handy, and many banks now offer this feature.
Locating nearby ATMs, cardless ATM withdrawal and budgeting and
tracking tools are perks your mobile app may offer as well.

Don’t shop for a bank based on the availability of digital banking features
alone, though.

“Consumers should seek out banks that prioritize offering ahuman touch
even in their digital channels, striking the right balance between the human
element and digital automation,” says Williamson.

3. Security

“Security is a No. 1 priority for financial institutions,” says Cohee. And

that extends to mobile and online banking.

Threats, of course, exist everywhere, including inside the bank branch.

Fortunately, many banks make it easy to take extra security precautions.
For example, your bank may allow you to add multi-factor authentication to
your mobile app and online bank account.

Many mobile banking apps now allow you to use biometric authentication to
log in. Axos Bank’s app, for instance, provides three different biometric login
options—fingerprint, voiceprint and facial recognition. Your bank may also scan
for certain risks automatically. Ally Bank asks for additional verification if it
spots a login from an unknown device.

Overall, you may be more secure than you think using digital banking.
“It’s been reported that digital payments and e-wallets actually offer more
security in some cases than a physical card, giving some users even more
reason to use digital banking tools,” says Williamson.

Plus, your money is guaranteed at banks insured by theFederal

Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). FDIC-insured accounts are
covered up to
$250,000 per depositor, per bank, for each account ownership category, in the
event of abank failure. Federal credit unions and the majority of state-chartered
credit unions provide the same levels of protection via the National Credit Union
Administration (NCUA).

Cohee says that a lot of the risk is often in the hands of the financial
institutions, not in the hands of consumers.

4. Control

Having control over your finances with the ability to self-serve is another
significant benefit of digital banking, as is real-time access to manage and
move money as you see fit, saysWilliamson.

It’s true. Unlike banking in person, mobile banking apps and websites generally
have no restrictions on when you perform banking tasks, like depositing a
check or moving money from one account to another.

And it’s getting easier to navigate daily transactions. “The world of technology is
offering the opportunity to be able to receive money and to spend money in
ways that are much easier than they were in past times,” says Cohee.

Banks are continuing to advance the features offered on their digital

banking platforms. Automated savings tools and push notification alerts for
things like low balances or overdrafts are commonplace. In some cases,
you can even activate a new debit or credit card from your app.

5. Benefits Beyond Banking

Digital banking offers a host of important benefits for consumers that can make
their lives easier and make them better stewards of their money, notes Cohee.
But on a much larger scale, he says we can use this newfound connectivity that
we have in our society to create financial, social and economic change.

“This online banking product allows for a broader base of communication

that can be used for things like teaching financial literacy,” says Cohee.

OneUnited Bank, for example, has launched its OneTransaction campaign,

designed to help close the racial wealth gap and create generational wealth
for the Black community. The centerpiece of the campaign is a free financial
conference, to be held virtually on Juneteenth (June 19, 2021), which will
feature Black leaders from across thefinancial spectrum.

Digital banking also is becoming a way to find communities and options

tailored to your needs as abanking customer.



According to Oxford Dictionary:

“Research is a systematic investigation into and study of materials and
sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.”

It is a procedure of logical and systematic application of the fundamentals of

science to the general and overall questions of a study and scientific technique,
which provides precise tools, specific procedures, and technical rather than
philosophical means for getting and ordering the data prior to their logical
analysis and manipulating different type of research designs is available
depending upon the nature of the research project, availability of manpower and

According to D. Slesinger and M. Stephenson research may be defined as,

“The manipulation of things, concepts or symbols for the purpose of
generalizing to extend, correct or verify knowledge, whether that knowledge
aids in the construction of theory or in the practice of an art.” Thus, it is
original contribution to the existing stock of knowledge of making for its
advancement. In short, the search of knowledge through objective and
systematic method of finding solution to a problem is research.


A research design is a arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of

data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with
economy in procedure. In fact, the research design is the conceptual structure
within which research is conducted. This research was descriptive in nature.

Descriptive Research

The research undertaken was descriptive in nature as it was concerned with

specific predictions, with narration of facts and characteristics concerning
digital banking service provided by Axis bank.


The following factors have been decided within the scope of sample
design: ∙ Universe of study
Universe of study means, all the persons who are the customers of
Axis bank in the world.
✔ Theoretical: It covered all the individuals who are the
customers of Axis bank in the world.
✔ Accessible: It covered all the individuals who are the customers
of Axis bank in India and are within our reach. In this research,
the accessible population was customers of Axis bank in India.
∙ Sample size
A sample of minimum respondents was selected from various areas
of Deoghar, Jharkhand. An effort was made to select respondent
evenly. The survey was carried out on 300 respondents.
∙ Sample unit
In this project sampling unit consisted of the various individuals who
had their bank account with Axis bank.
∙ Sampling technique
For the purpose of research convenient sampling technique of was
used. ∙ Sampling frame
It consisted of various sources from where information about the respondent is
extracted. Mainly personal links and employees of Axis bank, Deoghar were used
for getting information about the respondents.


From the data collected after PC (Phone call) and PV (Personal visits), it was
found that:
∙ Majority of respondent that is 45%, belonged to the age of 35 to
50 years, followed by the age group of 20 to 35 years.
∙ It was found that the majority of the respondents were graduates. ∙ The
majority of the respondents were from business class followed by
the service class and self employed.
∙ Majority of the respondent fell between the income groups of Rs.6
to Rs.10 lacs, followed by income group between Rs.2 to Rs. 6

Thus, it can be said that the majority of the respondents were

knowledgeable and were well informed about the banking services.


1. Are you aware about digital banking?

∙ NO


From the response collected from 300 respondents, It can be observed that on a
point of 10, 9.5 part of the people are aware about the digital banking. Whereas,
there are still 0.5part of the people remaining who aren’t aware about the use of
digital banking.

2. Do you use digital banking?

∙ NO


When it was asked for the use of digital banking, on a point of 10, 7 part of the
respondents gave a positive response in relation to it, whereas remaining 3
were still not using the digital facilities of the bank.

This interpretation led to the conclusion that there is still a section left
which is required to be brought into the contact of digital banking.

3. What do you mostly prefer in digital banking?

∙ Net banking
∙ Mobile banking
∙ Axis Mobile App

Axis Mobile App
When asked for the preference of people regarding digital services of the bank,
61% of the respondents were found to be using the Net Banking facility of the
bank, whereas 23% were using Mobile banking, 5% were using Axis Mobile
App application and 11% were the ones who were connected to all the

So, it can be concluded that majority of the section are connected to Net
banking which is followed by mobile banking.

4. How frequently do you use digital banking?

∙ Daily
∙ Weekly
∙ Monthly
∙ Once in a Year
∙ Never

Once in a year

The analysis was made based upon the use of digital banking, and it was found
that 62 % of the people were using the digital facility of the bank on a daily
basis, 11% on a weekly basis, 11% on a monthly basis, 9% were using it for
once in a year, and 6% of them were such that were never been in touch of the
digital banking.

Conclusion was made that Axis bank has been successful to a great extent in
adding more and more customers to its digital services.

5. What is the reason due to which you opted for digital banking?
∙ Time saving
∙ Convenient
∙ Easy to maintain transaction
Time Saving
Easy to transact

When it was asked for the reason behind opting for digital banking, the respond
came in a way that 41% of the people said that digital banking is time saving for
them, 13% of them said that it is easy to transact via digital medium, and 46% of
them were such that it is convenient to use digital banking than to visit bank on
a daily basis.

Thus, from this interpretation it can be said that people nowadays, are getting
more oriented towards digital medium.

The emergence of new technology has been changing the attire of the
banking. Technology is aiding globalization of financial market across the
globe. Customer’s expectation of new products and alternative delivery
channels has been rising. Banks are under tremendous pressure to offer today
what the customers would be expecting tomorrow. Due to innovation and
spread of new technology, banks today offer the customer a choice to conduct
their business across the counter.

The objective of this study was to see how strongly Axis bank has established
its digital footprint among its customers in the market and what more can be
done towards it. The research was descriptive in nature. The universe of the
study was the customers of Axis bank. The survey was carried out on 300
respondents in which the data analysis tools used were tables and pie charts.

Majority of the respondents were aware of the digital banking facility of the
bank and most of them were also digitally connected to the bank. The customer
held a view that digital banking has led to ease of doing business to a great
extent whereas there were also a few who were still unsure about the use of
digital banking.

It was also concluded to the end of the training that the services offered by
Axis bank is fast and satisfying to the customers in comparison to other bank
offering the same service. The reason behind that being, Axis bank offer door
to door service and fast service in order to satisfy its customers. The bank is
more prone to adopt new technology in its service offering for its customer

The following recommendation can be made after the research:

∙ The bank should make effort to familiarize the customers to
various services through demonstration.

∙ The bank should adopt more upgraded techniques to make their

customers feel more secure while accessing their account.

∙ Awareness campaign should be undertaken by the bank in an effective

manner to make their customer more aware about the net banking

∙ The banks should adopt the Deposit machines like the ATMs in order
for their customers to deposit the required amount from anywhere at their

∙ The bank should be more flexible in order to compete with other rival banks.

∙ Axis bank should also strive to increase its reach to the rural
areas for increasing its customer base.

∙ The website should be made mobile friendly and should be updated

on a regular basis.
17/5/2021 TO 21/5/2021

Name of the Intern: SANTOSH PRASAD

Submitted to the Reporting Manager: SACHIN SINGH

Date Define the Whether Remarks

activity directly related
to project

20/05/2021 Customers Yes Good

better when
with them.

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