PHD Poster MAX-lab A3
PHD Poster MAX-lab A3
PHD Poster MAX-lab A3
The PhD project forms part of a larger project dealing with the spectro-
scopic investigation of chemical dynamics in liquids and solutions under
the title: “Femtosecond Soft X-ray Spectroscopy of Matter under Realis-
tic Conditions”. The aim is to drive the development of soft X-ray scatter-
ing of electron and configuration dynamics of biological relevant systems
towards a routinely applicable method.
The technology employed is resonant spectroscopy at the K-edges of
Carbon, Oxygen and other chemical relevant elements. This method is
available only at accelerator based light-sources as synchrotrons and the
new free-electron lasers. The PhD candidate will be enrolled at Uppsala
University, and located at MAX-lab in Lund (Sweden). A part of the
experimental work will most likely be performed at other places, e.g. at
BESSY in Berlin, Germany, or SLS/PSI in Switzerland.
Our main focus lies on instrument and method development. The PhD
project will therefore include instrument development through (pilot)
research on prototypical systems.
even minor data modeling (quantum-chemical calculations) might be energy surfaces using
involved. electronic and vibrational
resonant inelastic X-ray 4
MAX-lab, situated in Lund, Sweden, is a third generation synchrotron
light source for cutting edge research within a broad range, including 2
atomic, molecular and condensed matter physics, material science, struc-
tural biology and nano technology. (
Hennies et al, 0
The division for molecular and condensed matter physics at Uppsala
PRL 104, 193002 (2010)
University has for centuries been at the international forefront of the 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 Interatomic distance (Å)
development of spectroscopic techniques and been engaged at MAX-lab
since its beginning. Uppsala University will be centrally involved in the
MAX IV project. ( The doctoral student position announced is located at MAX-lab, but the
student will be enrolled and scientifically associated with Uppsala Uni-
MAX IV, currently being built, will be the next generation world-leading versity.
synchrotron radiation facility. It will replace the existing laboratory, that
today consists of the storage rings MAX I, MAX II and MAX III. The For further information, please consult the
main sources at MAX IV are two storage rings (1.5 GeV and 3 GeV) announcement webpage:
with state-of-the-art low emittance for the production of soft and hard Application deadline: 30th of April, 2011
x-rays. The linac injector will also provide short pulses to a short pulse Contact: Dr. Franz Hennies, Researcher
facility, enabling femtosecond time-resolved studies. (