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Vistar, Ran Patrick T. BEED 2-B Chapter I: Arnis Lesson 2 Terminologies Used in Arnis

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Vistar, Ran Patrick T.




Terminologies Used in Arnis

Let’s Do It!
Direction: Give the acronym o ARNIS. You can answer a word, phrase or sentences. Your answers must
be related to the arnis. Write your answers on the space provided.
A - Art

R - Recreational Activity

N - National Sport

I - Indigenous materials are being used

S - Self defense tool

Let’s Connect the Dots

Direction: Answer the following questions brief and concise. 5 points each. Put your answers on the
space provided.

1. Are you familiar with those words? Why do you say so?
Answer: Yes, because when I was in Grade 7, it is being taught to us by our P.E teacher.

2. Why do think you need to know first the different terminologies used in arnis before performing a
Answer: Movement, balance, and range are crucial parts of sparring and training in martial arts. These
things are all tied into stance. Without the correct stance, you cannot move correctly, position yourself
for strikes, or use your range most effectively.

3. As you observe in today’s generation, most of the youths are not familiar with Philippine martial art.
Now, how can you encourage yourself and your fellow youth to engage in our very own martial art
called arnis?

Answer: This should begin to develop an accessible story of Filipino cultural heritage as Filipino islanders
defeated Ferdinand Magellan’s armored, musket-bearing Spanish conquistador forces when they tried
to invade. We should engage ourselves in arnis because it is our very own martial art and it is part of the
culture, tradition, and identity of Filipinos so it must be preserved.

Let’s See What‘s On Your Mind

Direction: Analyze the concept stated. Write on the blank the term being referred to.
Rompida 1. A striking technique which consist of circling the stick overhead prior to each up and down
striking movement in front of the body.

Arnis 2. Derived from the Spanish word “Arnes”, with the English equivalent by medieval soldiers.

Espada Y Daga 3. It is a form of fighting wherein long and short sticks are used.

Anyo 4. It is a combination of pre-arranged or choreographed striking, of harness, and refers to the

colourful appendages and trappings worn blocking and body shifting movements.

Salamat 5. A greeting derived from the Muslim “salaam” (or peace) and connoting Gratitude.

Sinulog 6. Form or dance, traditionally dedicated to the Infant Jesus.

Redonda Sinawali 7. An intricate technique of striking using two sticks wherein the movement
resembles the women pattern of the sawali or split –bamboo matings.

Sangga at Patama 8. A pre-arranged or choreographed form of play consisting of striking, thrusting and

Olisi Y Baraw 9. Is another term for espada y daga or punta y daga

Pangamot 10. Is a complete bare-handed defense system. The Cebuano term which was derived from
the word “kamot”, meaning hand.

Let’s Dig Up More


Direction: Answer the following questions meaningfully.

1. What do you think is the application of Arnis to your life?

Answer: Arnis taught us discipline and self control. Like other martial arts, arnis can be used to practice
and make us learn self control and disciple. It also gives us ability to think fast, enhance our leadership
skills, have focus, and make our body stronger as we will move a lot.

2. What do you think is the contribution of Arnis to your physical aspect?

Answer: It provides a full body workout. It helps us to improve our stamina, muscle tone, flexibility,
balance and strength. It helps us to improve our cardiovascular health because it stresses the heart if we
do the arnis.

3. What do you think is the contribution of Arnis to boost yourself confidence?

Answer: Imagine being able to walk down a dark alley without fear, or being a woman that has the
ability to take control over any situation. Any martial artist will tell that the confidence they feel knowing
that they are able to defend themselves in any compromising situation is incomparable. The self-
defense skills we learn in class – from sparring to the techniques, prepare us for real-life situations.


Facilities and Equipment of Arnis

Let’s See What‘s On Your Mind

Direction: Write the acronym of ARNIS. Your answers must describe the elements of the word ARNIS.
Write your answers in the space provided.

A - Area should be a clear space without any obstructions

R - Recreational sports must be promoted

N - Need to familiarize the rules and regulations before doing arnis

I - Improving one's skills are important

S - Strong types of wood and other equipment in doing arnis

Let’s Connect the Dots

Direction: Answer the following questions. Write your answers on the space provided.

1. What is the importance of sports facilities and equipment?

Answer: Sports equipment and facilities enable the sportsmen and sportswomen to perform at their
best of abilities. Facilities motivates players that someone cares about them. And the equipment will
help them to performing their best and also boost their energy.

2. What are the factor that you should consider in choosing facilities and equipment in arnis?

Answer: sturdy or strong type of wood for the Arnis stick, then a wide and convenient place or room to

3. If you will be given a chance to practice a martial arts, would you consider Arnis? Why? Or why not?

Answer: Yes, because arnis is a fun art to practice and adaptable for many situations.

Let’s Do It

Direction: Draw the facilities and equipment of Arnis with label. Insert a short-sized bond paper in this
page. Secure the bond paper that it will not be detached from the module upon retrieval.

Let’s Dig Up More

Direction: Give the area and safety checklist in the facilities and equipment of Arnis. Write your answers
on the space provided

 Dimensions - The playing area is a square measuring 8.0 meters by 8.0 meters with a two (2)
meters minimum free zone around it, and a clear space without any obstruction up to a height
of not less than 5 meters from the playing surface.
 Lines of the Playing Area - All lines of the playing surface are 5.08 cm. (2 inches) and must be of
different color from that of the floor and other lines previously drawn for other purposes.
 Boundary Lines - Four lines mark the boundary of the playing area. The free zone distance
measuring 2.0 meters are drawn outside of the playing area.
 Match Lines - Two lines of 1.0 meter long and 2.0 meters apart mark the horizontal match line.
The horizontal match lines are drawn 3 meters from the boundary lines that run perpendicularly
to the official's table, and 3.5 meters from the boundary line that run parallel to the official's


 Foam- cushion material- should be foaming the padded sticks and shall have a maximum grip
diameter not greater than 3.81 cm.
 Head Protector- refers to a pair of protective head gear to include an impact-worthy face mask.
 Body Protector - Refers to a pair of protective body protector, properly cushioned, the
specifications of which shall be in accordance with the i-ARNIS standard. Male and female player
must both wear body protector and groin protector. Both body protectors and groin protectors
shall be color coded to match the color of the player.
 Forearm and shin guards – These are compulsory. Both shin & forearms guards must be color
coded to match the color of the player.


Arnis Rules and Regulations

Let’s See What‘s On Your Mind

Direction: Write a word to the first letter of the word RULES and REGULATIONS that best describe and fit
to explain its letter.

1. R- Respect

U- Understand

L- Loyalty

E- Etiquette

S- Sincerity

2. R- Referee line standard must have

E- Estimating your opponent is not allowed

G- Games characteristics

U- Uniform is required

L- Lighting places for players

A- Acceptance

T- Timeouts is required

I- Interconnectedness remains

O- Opponents will begin and end all matches with a salute

N- No contact to the back

S- Self control

Let’s Connect the Dots

1. From your answers above, what are the words that best explain and describe about the rules and

Answer: The words that best explain and describe about the rules and regulations are respect and self

2. What do you think that we need to follow the guidelines of the rules and regulations in any sports

Answer: Rules and regulations provide an agreement of understanding to competition. In sports, rules
and regulations define what is allowed or not allowed to occur during situations on and off the court. It
govern anything from wearing proper uniforms to how to keep score during games of different levels of

3. What is the importance of rules and regulations in the competition of sports specifically in the ARNIS?

Answer: Rules and regulations in ARNIS is important because it is the basis on what is and what is not
allowed to occur during the event. It is important to ensure the safety of the athletes and at the same
time, for them to enjoy without any complications.

Let’s Do It!

Direction: Make a video presentation discussion on the rules and regulations of Arnis in full contact and
anyo events. The video presentation must be minimum of 10 minutes and maximum of 15 minutes

Note: Submission of the video for discussion must be copied and pasted in a CD and include it along with
your module upon submission. Compile all videos required in this module (midterm) in one CD. (Video
must not include group performances. It is an individual activity.)
Name your file:
For the cover of the CD, Title: Module in PATH FIT 4, below write your complete name (last, first, middle
initial), course, year & section.(e.g.)
Module in PATH FIT 4

Let’s Dig Up More

Direction: Answer the following questions below. Write your answers before the number.

Team event 1. A team shall composed of three (3) performers per category. Only players listed in the
entry form shall participate in the competition.

Dimensions 2. The playing area is a square measuring 8.0 meters by 8.0 meters with one (1) meter free
zone around it.

Arnis 3. It is the national martial art and combative sports of the Philippines.

Default 4. A Player who does not appear at the official’s table after three (3) consecutive calls shall
automatically default the game. The referee shall make decision upon confirmation by the Technical

Full contact composition of participants/players 5. On this event MEN’s team may consist of a maximum
of eleven (11) players, one (1) player per weight division, one coach, one trainer, one medical doctor
and two officiating RJs licensed by i-ARNIS (same composition for WOMEN’S team)

Arnis and collars including hands 6. This correspond to the body point letter B

Disqualification 7. Any disruptive action or behavior of the player of his teammate and coach which
break the spirit of the sportsmanship shall mean a disqualification on the player involved.

Technical Knock-out 8. A player can win a match through points advantage, disarming twice his
opponent, or if his opponent committed a maximum of five (5) fouls

Anyo 9. A team may consists of a maximum total of twenty four (24) players, composed of twelve (12)
male players and twelve (12) female players, one coach, one trainers, one medical doctor and two
officiating judges licensed by i-ARNIS.

Legitimate strike 10.Is given a point if it is delivered to a specific body point in correct form that is with
power, right timing, with art, distance and intent.

Foul 11.Blocking with the use of the arm.

Full-contact event sword & dagger 12. A match or event which have maximum of 2 rounds. Each round
will last 1 minute and 30 seconds to be played on 6x6 meters playing area.
Arnis anyo (form) event 13.Is a demonstration of artistic, choreographed, pre-arranged sets of
movements, offensive and defensive techniques using stick, wooden replica of a bladed weapon or
metallic unbladed replica of a weapon?

Full-contact event 14.A match of event which have a maximum of 5 rounds. Each round will last for 1.5

Head and neck 15.A body points which correspond the letter A

Individual, Team, Demo event 16.What are the categories of full-contact events?

Wooden sticks, Wooden Replica of a Bladed Weapon, Metallic Blunt Replica of a Bladed
Weapon,Woodedn Replica of a Dagger or Knife 17.What are the weapon used in ANYO ARNIS

18.Give at least 5 FOULS (PAGLABAG) in Arnis.

A. Thrust to body point A (head area) and thrust in close quarter (approximately 30 inches) or less).

B. Strike on thrust to the groin and striking or thrusting using two hands C. Blocking with the use of the

D. Clinching, spitting, negative remarks as well as other actions, inimical to the rules and regulations and
code of sportsmanship.

E. Pushing and Pulling -any act of pushing and pulling using hand, head, body legs, arm, stick and other
similar movement. However pushing and pulling using of hand that is done within 3 seconds is allowed
provided followed by an application to score or disarm

Basic Skills

Let’s See What‘s On Your Mind

Picture Analysis

Direction: Analyze the pictures below.

Let’s Connect the Dots

Direction: Answer the questions below. Write your answer on the space provided.
1. What have you observed on the pictures above? Are you familiar with the pictures given?

*Based on the pictures above, I have observed the basic stances of arnis. I am familiar with it because I
have learned it from high school.
2. Have you ever tried playing Arnis? If yes, write when and where did you play.

*Yes, I have tried playing Arnis back in 2014 when I was in Garde 7 at Victorias National High School.
3. Do you think Arnis is considered as extensive martial art? Why? Why not?

*Yes. Arnis Is considered as an extensive martial art because of technique which includes weapon
teaching like solo baston ( training in single sticks), double baston ( double stick) , technique espada y
daga ( stick and knife or blade training) and empty hand self- defense.
Let’s Dig Up More

Direction: Identify the following. Write your answer on the space provided before the number.

Fighting Stance 1. One foot in the front (foot the same as the weapon hand), the other foot on the rear.

Backward Stance 2. 70% of the body weight on the rear foot while 30% is placed on the front foot.

Forward Stance 3. Back leg kept straight, rear foot is held at a 45 degree angle.

Grip 4. Hold the stick one fist away from the punyo of the stick. Close the grip with the thumb

Pugay 5. Place the weapon hand across the chest. Bow by bending at the waist.

Handa 6. Feet are positioned shoulder width apart. Stick is held in front of the body.

Test II.

Direction: Enumerate the 3 Basic Stance in Arnis.

1. Forward Stance

2. Backward Stance

3. Fighting Stance


“ Do not pray for easy life, pray for the strength to endure difficult one”-Bruce Lee


Let's Connect the Dots

DIRECTION: Find and circle the words listed below.


1. Poomsae 6. Points

2. Taewando 7. Games

3. Technique 8. Taegeuk
4. Poom 9. Koryo

5. Koguryo 10. Jitae

Direction: Answer the following questions. Write your answer on the space provided.

1. Why we need to study the origin and classification of the game Poomsae?

Answer: We need to study the origin and classification of the game Poomsae to know how it is created
and to have background about the game.

2. What is the role of Poomsae in the total fitness of the individual?

Answer: The role of these poomsae, which are based on the principles of oriental philosophy and
medicine, are to improve individuals breathing control, stepping skills and technical ability. Each
poomsae incorporates a new breathing exercise, designed to strengthen the internal organs through
abdominal breathing control exercises.

3. What is the importance of Poomsae in your life as students? As an individual?

Answer: Poomsae delivers huge mental and character-building benefits including developing
perseverance and a sense of continual improvement, focus, attention and intention, mindfulness, and

4. Why is Poomsae considered as a fun game as well as highly competitive sports?

Answer: Aside from it is a sport that can be competitive, just like any other sports, it is fun to do because
it taught you skills that you can apply outside the court. Also, you can build friendships among your co-
players and even your opponents.

Let’s Do It!

1. Accomplish the diagram below, write a words/phrases related to POOMSAE.

2. Rearrange the scrambled letters to form a word.






Let’s Dig Up More

Direction: Identify what principle of exercise the statements referred to. Write
your answer on the space provided.
Taegeuk poomsae 1. Consists of 8 patterns symbolizing the 8 divination signs(bars) in the Oriental

Keumgang poomsae 2. A Chinese character, meaning a mountain (Mt. Diamond)

Sipjin poomsae 3. A Chinese character, meaning ten.

Illyo poomsae 4. The shape of a reversed swastika sign

Hansu poomsae 5. A Chinese character, meaning water

Jitae poomsae 6.The shape of a Korean vowel, sounding “oh”

Poomsae containing practicable technique 7. This includes practically used techniques only, which are
classified into a series of chigi techniques, a series of makki techniques and a balanced combination of
chigi and makki techniques.

Poomsae containing various technique 8. This contains more techniques of chagi and makki than are
needed for practical use

Significance 9. The emphasis must be laid on the balance, strength and weakness, low or high speed,
respiration and poomsae line.

Taebaek poomsae 10. A Chinese character, meaning an artisan


Basic Terminologies in Taekwondo

Let’s See What‘s On Your Mind

Direction: Picture analysis
Let’s Connect the Dots
1. Based on the activity above, what have you seen?

*Based on the activity above, I have seen pictures about 'honey' and 'love' in korean language.
2. Can speak the different words? Why? Why not?

*No because I haven't learned korean language

3. Why do you think we need to learn first the different terminologies in a particular event or game?

*Terminology refers to the important words used in the field of sports. It is important to know about
various terminology in a events or sports. This increases general awareness and helps enjoy programs to
the maximum. It also encourages several people to join as they feel more confident about it.

Let’s Do It!
Direction: Click or copy paste the link below in your browser (google/ mozilla firefox etc) and answer as
many questions as you can. Record/ Screenshot your answer and paste it in the box.
Let’s Dig Up More
Direction: Search the link below and have an advance study on the other forms, rules and etiquette and


Equipment and Facilities

Let’s Do It!

Picture Analysis

DIRECTION: Analyze the different pictures then answer the questions in the Analysis phase

Let's Connect the Dots

Discuss the following pictures

1. The picture seems that they are practicing how to execute poomsae.

2. Picture 2 shows that the guard wearing blue head gear and blue chest guard is trying to kick his
opponent in order to win the competion and there is a referee standing beside them.

Compare picture one (1) and picture two (2)

3. Picture 1 shows players practicing while picture 2 shows that they are in a competition and there is a
referee and proper equipments are used.

Let’s See What‘s On Your Mind

1) Why it is important to observe and use the appropriate facilities and equipment of the game?

Answer: To make the game more enjoyable for the players. And to lessen the accidents in the game.

2) How many color belts are there and what do they signify?

Answer: There are 6 belt colors: white belt, orange belt, blue belt, yellow belt, green belt, brown belt,
and black belt. All belts besides the white belt can have dashes to indicate further progress.

3) Why are there nine degrees of black belt?

Answer: According to Chang Hon Kwan Taekwond-Do, ninth degree is the highest of the high-ranking
belts. It is also interesting to note that when the number 9 is multiplied by any other single digit number,
the resultant figures added together always equals 9 (i.e. 9x1=9, 9x2=18, 1+8=9, and so on up to 9x9=81,
8+1=9 ). Since this is the only single digit number having this property, it again points to the number 9 as
being the most positive of figures. This is the last and highest active rank . Its very difficult to reach and
cannot be done unless you are at least 53 years old. It takes incredible devotion to the art, hard work
and consistent training for life

Let’s Dig Up More


A. IDENTIFICATION, Analyze the following pictures and identify the following facilities and equipment.
1. Groin guard

2. Head gear

3. Shin guard

4. Uniform

5. Chest guard

Rules and Regulation

Let’s See What‘s On Your Mind

Accomplish the diagram below by filling the box. Write your ideas about therules in taekwondo.

Let’s Connect the Dots

Direction: Answer the following questions below. Write your answer on the space provided.

1. Why do we need to study the rules and regulation of taekwondo/poomsae?

*Because if you don't study the rules and regulations, you are not doing Taekwondo. Just a mish mash of
what you belive martial arts is all about. Study what Taekwondo means, then you might understand why
there are rules and regulations. If you think this martial arts is going to help you in a fight, forget it. The
first thing you learn in a Taekwondo class is, if you can avoid a fight, then do. If you can run away, then
do. However, if you are in a corner, don't use Taekwondo, use any means to get away. Some people
have watched too many Bruce Lee films. It's not like that in real life.
2. What benefits you can get in knowing its rules and regulations?

*Taekwondo is a recognized Olympic Sport that not only builds strength, stamina and flexibility, it
greatly improves ones overall fitness and well-being. Taekwondo also provides many other advantages
such as learning self-discipline, competitive awareness, social skills and much more.

Let’s Do It!
Directions: True or False. Write “T” if the answer is true, write “F” if the answer is false.

____T___1. The starting position differed from the ending position by more than one foot allowance.

____T___2. All penalties accumulated during the competition shall be deducted from the final score.
____T___3. The contestant lost balance in performing a movement to the extent that it is not
appropriate will be deducted the score of 0.1.

____T___4. Blocking/striking not at the same height as target (groin, solar plexus, and or philtrum) will
be deducted the score 0f 0.3.

____F___5. Control of Power, Speed and Rhythm (3.0 points)

____T___6.Eye focus or breathing is not corresponding to the movement of motion.

____T___7.Accuracy shall be scored separately from presentation.

____T___8.All penalties accumulated during the competition shall be deducted from the final score.

____F___9. The previous scores will affect the scores of the rematch.

____T___10.In case of a tied score after the rematch, the winner shall be the contestant who is awarded
more points in total.

Let’s Dig Up More

What are the advantages and disadvantages in studying the rules of Poomsae. Write as many as you

Basic Skills in Poomsae

Let’s See What‘s On Your Mind

Direction: Study and analyze the pictures below.

Let’s Connect the Dots

1. What do you think does the above pictures shows?

Answer: I think the pictures shows the different basic skills of Poomsae

2. Are you familiar with the different basic skills of Poomsae? And do you have any idea on how to
perform it?

Answer: No. I haven't tried it yet.

Let’s Do It!

Direction: Create a video presentation performing the Basic Skills of Poomsae. Your performance must
be recorded in a single video presentation and has no time limit. Perform the basic skills in 5 repetitions
with shout:
Middle punch, Double Middle Punch and Triple Middle Punch
High Punch, Double High Punch and Triple High Punch
Right and Left Low Blocks
Front/Forward Stance

1. Submission of the video for the Basic Skills of Poomsae must be copied and pasted in a CD and include
it along with your module upon submission. Compile all videos required in this module (midterm) in one
Name your file: Chapter 2 (Lesson 5- Basic Skills of Poomsae)
For the cover of the CD, Title: Module in PATH FIT 2 (Fitness Exercise), below write your complete name
(last, first, middle initial), course, year & section.
Module in PATH FIT 2 (Fitness Exercise)
BPEd 1
Let’s Dig Up More
Direction: Answer the following questions meaningfully.

1. What is your preparation in the activity?

- Preparing my body through stretching and at the same time, preparing my mind before doing the
2. Did you encounter problems while practicing or doing the performance? How did you resolve the

- I didn't encounter problems while practicing or doing the performance. If there is, probably time and

3. What did you feel while performing?

- It's exhausting and akward to perform but it was fun and very helpful.

4. What values did you gain from this activity?

- I learned about the values of trying and knowing about my abilities, aptitudes, limitations, and
potential. Also, discipline.

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