Tractor Ergonomics: TO - Er. H S Dhingra
Tractor Ergonomics: TO - Er. H S Dhingra
Tractor Ergonomics: TO - Er. H S Dhingra
TO - Er. H S Dhingra
•Ergonomics is the feld of study that examines human behavior, psychological and
physiological capabilites and can design and modify established work environment
to maximize, the productvity worker’s comfort and overall efciency.
• Modern agricultural industry is inclined towards high speed, power and efcient
agricultural tractor.
• As the pedals are moved laterally from the middle of the leg, the force
executable decreases and the discomfort increases . The Indian standard IS:
10703-1992 specifes the limits for actuatng forces for the various controls.
• An electrical load cell is a device (Transducer) that is used for convert a force in
the electrical signal. This conversion is indirect and happens in two stages.
Through a mechanical arrangement, the force being sensed deforms a strain
gauge. The Strain gauge converts deformaton (strain) to electric signal.
Push-Pull Gauge
• A push pull gauge is a device also used for the force measurements it
is used for the force measurements of gear shifing lever in the case of
push pull the controls. Push pull gauge has a limit of 30 kgf.
Measurement of Vibration Transmitted
in Tractor
2. The tractor operators in the survey found that modifed tractor is safe and
comfortable for driving.
3. The forces were measured by load cell and push-pull gauge were found to be
within the physiological force limits specifed by the standards IS: 10703-1992.
4. The vibratons measured by hand analyzer afer modifcaton was found to be
within limits specifed by the standard ISO 2041: 1990, ISO 6007.