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Communication For Work Purposes

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When I watch the video report of Group 6, and read & observe the written report of their group, my
understanding and insights about their report is the Communication in the workplace is very important
for companies to work efficiently and be productive. Employers who spend time and energy to create
open communication lines will quickly create trust among employees, resulting in productivity,
performance and overall morale. They tackled about the 10 TIPS FOR EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION AT
WORK PLACE: Communicate face to face whenever possible, Provide clear information, Combine verbal
and non-verbal communication, Don’t just hear-Listen! Ask questions, Handling conflicts with diplomacy,
Refrain from gossip, Avoid being personal with your co-workers, Avoid discussing controversial topics,
and Offer positive feedback.

Next is Workplace Communication, is the process of exchanging information both verbal and non-verbal
within the organization. There are many means of communication, to be an effective and valuable
member of your work place it is important that you become skilled in all the different methods of
communication that are appropriate.

There are 4 types of Workplace Communication. First Verbal, For verbal communication, keeping an
even volume of tone, despite how the conversation is going, will calm employees and not send them
through highs and lows in a conversation as the volume of your voice goes up and down. Second Body,
Body language can be the difference between a productive conversation and an unfruitful one. Make
sure that your body language doesn't make the other person feel defensive or uncomfortable. Good
body language fuels a productive conversation. Third is Phone, during phone conversations, tone will be
the defining factor in a good versus bad phone conversation. Because you are not face to face with the
person, tone will be a huge indicator of how the person is feeling. Make sure that your tone is
professional, friendly and always represents the company well. And last is Written, Written
communication can be the trickiest because there are fewer indicators of how the written piece should
be perceived. However, little things like punctuation can make a difference in how something is
perceived. Avoid using exclamation points as they can be taken as someone yelling or being aggressive
instead of excitement.

The importance of Communication in workplace are; first it avoids confusion. Second, it provides
purposes. Third, it builds a positive company culture. Fourth, it creates accountability. And lastly, it
builds a happy and healthy relationship. Proper workplace communication has many benefits. More
specifically, it enables organizations to become more agile and achieve better workplace alignment.

And also, they tackled in the video about the Business Letter and its parts, the heading, recipient’s
address, the salutation, the body, the complimentary close, the signature line, and enclosure. Also,
format and font of a business letter, Font, Block format, Modified, Semi-block Format. EXAMPLES OF
BUSINESS LETTERS Cover Letters, Recommendations Letters, Interview Follow-up Letters, Offer Letters,
Sales Letters, Letters of Commendations, Letters of Resignation, Order Letters, Complaint Letters,
Adjustment Letters, Inquiry Letters, and the Acknowledgement Letters. They also tackled about the
Memo/Memorandum, A memo (or memorandum, meaning “reminder”) communicates policies,
procedures, short reports, or related official business within an organization. It assumes a one-to-all
perspective, broadcasting a message to a group audience, rather than to individuals such as what email
or letters often do. Advantages of memo: Provides a written record of group decisions, announcements,
policies, and procedures within an organization Can also be a format for delivering small reports (e.g.,
conference report) and recording negotiating terms in agreements between organizations (e.g., memo
of understanding). And Disadvantage: Requires a good archiving system to make memos easily
accessible for those (especially New employees) needing to review a record of Company policies,
procedures, etc. Memo Purposes: A memo’s purpose is often to inform, but it occasionally includes an
element of persuasion or call to action.


My understanding about the Communication for Work Purposes is there so many Communication in the
workplace is very important for companies to work efficiently and be productive. Employees can
experience increased morale, productivity and commitment if they can communicate up and down a
company's communication chain.

In Communication in Nursing defines the exchange of information, thoughts, and feelings among people
using speech or other means. The patient conveys their fears and concerns to their nurse to help them
make a correct diagnosis.

Communication for journalist: Writing a lead, what is a Lead? A lead is an opening paragraph that gives
the audience the most important information of the news story in a concise and clear manner, while still
maintaining the readers' interest. If a reader does not read beyond your first paragraph, they should still
have an idea of what your article is about and the most important information from that article. There
are many different strategies for writing a good lead as well as many differing opinions, but the
strongest opinion is that they are hard and take time. Don't plan on rushing a good lead. There’s a Types
of Leads, first the summary lead Most often found in straight news reports, this is the trusty inverted-
pyramid lead we learned about in Journalism 101. It sums up the situation succinctly, giving the reader
the most important facts first. Second is the Creative or Descriptive Lead, this can be an anecdote, an
observation, a quirky fact or a funny story, among other things. Better suited to feature stories and blog
posts, these leads are designed to pique readers’ curiosity and draw them into the story. Third is the
Anecdotal Lead The anecdotal lead uses a quick, relevant story to draw in the reader. The anecdote
must help enhance the article’s broader point, and you must explain the connection to that point in the
first few sentences following the lead. Scene-Setting Lead The scene-setting lead describes the physical
location where a story takes place. First-Person Lead This lead describes the journalist’s personal
experience with the topic. It should only be used when you have a valuable contribution and perspective
that help illuminate the story. Observational Lead When offering an authoritative observation about a
story and how it fits in with the larger picture, you should make sure you know the broader context of
your subject matter. Zinger Lead The zinger lead is dramatic and attention- grabbing. Although it has a
strong tone, it requires a hard set of facts to back it up. Question Lead Question leads do just that: ask a
question. Although they are effective in sparking interest, use them sparingly because they generally do
not provide the main points of a story as concisely, and there are so many more Types of Leads and his is
based on my understanding.
Next is the Tour Guiding, base in the video report that I watch and the written report that I read, they
tackled about the Brief History about Tour Guiding Herodotus was the first travel writer. Herodotus eye
witness accounts indicate that he travelled in Egypt in association with Athenians, probably sometime
after 454 BC. An Athenian fleet had assisted uprising again Persian rule in 454 - 460 BC. Next is the
Modern Tour Guide Thomas Cook was the pioneer of modern tour guide. He was the first operator went
into business in England in 1758 and it is still in business today. In Europe, pleasure travel started in
earnest during the 1840s, when Thomas began conducting tours to Paris and later around Europe. By
1850s, railroad tours were already in operation. Next is the Difference between the Tour Guide and
Docent. Tour Guide is the one to show people around a place or an institution and offer information and
explanation to their guests. Tour Guide or a Tourist Guide is a person who provides assistance.
Information on cultural, historical, and contemporary heritage to people organized sightseeing, and
individual clients at educational establishments, religious and historical sites such as; museums, and at
various venues of tourist attractions resorts. But when it comes into educational, we have what we
called docent. While the Docent is a person who acts as a guide like what we talk about in tour guide.
Docent, A college or university teacher or lecturer. It is also who leads guided tour especially through a
museum, art gallery and field trip. While the Tour Guiding is the tourism professionals lead their guests
through the most interesting parts of their region. It is their task to entertain visitor to their region and
to help them to interpret the sights that they are visiting. They help tourist to have a good positive
experience and take care of their guests as good as they can.

Next topic is Communication for teachers: Storytelling, what is storytelling? Storytelling is the social and
cultural activity of sharing stories, is often with improvisation, theatrics or embellishment. Through
storytelling in teaching, student will able to remember what you teach access the information and apply
readily, Storytelling is the art of using language, vocalization, physical movement and gestures to reveal
the elements and image of a story to a specific, live audience. The art of bringing a story to life is,
through the inflection in one’s voice, rhythm, facial expressions, hand and body movements. There are
numerous to be used storytelling strategic teaching, especially in pre-school. According to Dr. Herbert,
stories are so essential to young learners This quote will help us to understand easily the meaning of
storytelling, and according to them, storytelling is essential to student, especially to those students in
pre-school, to access to the information of what teacher want to share. In study we need to understand
the history of every study, and culture, with that we can use storytelling so that student can easily
understand the topic or information, and they can remember and adapt easily the information. They
tackled about the Importance of Story Telling, they say the Storytelling brings language learning alive
and creates a participatory and immersive experience that allows Young Learners to enjoy hearing the
language in a dynamic, sometimes stylistic and entertaining way. Participation using key vocabulary and
phrases can create an awareness of rhythm and structure, and Storytelling have benefits to the readers,
some of them are Stories are lexically dense, Powerful source of imagination, Can lead the children
towards creative thinking writing, Can make your class more communicative, Can be more helpful make
a child confident, Can introduce cultural activities, Build moral values in an interesting way, Enhance
public speaking skills, Reduce stage fear. Efficiency of Storytelling, is an effective storytelling involves a
deep understanding of human emotions, and psychology in order to truly move and audience.

Next is the Communication for business and trade, Business communications the process of sharing
information between employees within and outside a company. Effective business communication is
how employees and management interact among each other to reach organizational goals and be more
aligned with the core company values. Its main purpose is to improve organizational practices, eliminate
silos, keep employees informed and reduce errors. The 5Cs: correctness, conciseness, clarity, coherence,
completeness, juggling with jargon and Formulate informed opinions and quote experts.

Communication for employment Employers are always on the lookout for candidates with effective
communication skills. Job seekers who can express themselves well through writing or verbally can
quickly impress hiring managers and land great jobs. 10 good communication skills for the workplace is
the Written Communication, Verbal Communication, Nonverbal Communication, Leadership, Giving
Presentations, Public Speaking, Web Communication, Phone Skills, Active Listening, Empathy. A letter of
application, also known as a cover letter, is a document sent with your resume to provide additional
information on your skills and experience. The reporter also tackled the List of Communication Skills for
Resume, such as Clarity, Confidence and Respect. They also given ways to improve your communication

Lastly is the Communication within a company: the memorandum writing minutes of meeting,
Communication within a Company, A successful company needs a wide communicatiom between
employees, members and also outside of the company. Sharing communication inside the company are
most important to improving a small business. Your communication skills can have major impact on how
your business performs. There are 3 ways to communicate effectively in business. First, is to listen up.
Second, is to speak to your audience. And third is, it’s not enough to speak to the needs of your
audience if you do not convey your thoughts, feelings and ideas effectively. THE MEMORANDUM
WRITING MINUTES OF MEETING The purpose of the minutes meeting are by the term of MINUTES' this
are the records of actions in the meeting, minute by minute need to record everything that was said.
The word 'Memorandum or in short Memo' is used to communicate an immediate important matter
within business and company Memorandum needs communication such as email, note or a letter for
diplomacy. 4 TYPES OF MEMO Information memo, Problem solving memo, Persuasion memo, Internal
memo proposal.

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