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Munasinghe et al.

Sri Lankan J. Biol. 2018, 3 (1): 44-51

Research Article Open Access


sativa L.)
Munasinghe D.S.P. 1 , Liyanage K.C.M. 1, Weerakoon S.R. 1*, Somaratne S. 1, Dissanayake D.M.L.C. 1

1Department of Botany, The Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala.


Music influences the growth of plants through either promoting or restricting the growth of
plants. The effects of Pirith chanting and pop music were focused in the present study.
Seeds of Two (02) rice varieties (Bg300 and Kaluheenati) were subjected to dormancy
break treatment, kept in a soundproof confined chamber and arranged in Completely
Randomized Design (CRD) with two (02) replicates and 10 seeds per replicate. Seeds were
allowed to germinate under the sound rhythms; pop music, Pirith chanting and silence
separately in sound proof chamber. A set of pop songs and Thunsuthra in Pirith chanting
were chosen as the two (02) sound rhythms. Seeds were kept under silence served as the
control. Music and Pirith were played separately for an hour, at 30cm distance away from
the seeds with an intensity of 55-60 dB for seven (07) days continuously, maintaining equal
environmental conditions. Following seven (07) days, the percent germination was
recorded. The same germinated seeds were planted in plastic pots filled with paddy soil, up
to ¾ of the total depth and pots were arranged in Completely Randomized Design (CRD)
with two (02) replicates and five (05) plants per replicate. Following one week, plants were
subjected to the sound rhythm treatments and silence separately for three (03) months
continuously. Measurement on growth and yield performance were recorded every
fortnight. Significantly different (p < 0.05) in growth and yield performances were
observed under Pirith and pop music. Considerably higher rates of growth and yield were
observed for varieties exposed to Pirith and comparatively, the effect of Pirith on growth
and yield performance was higher with respect to pop music thus implying that the
rhythmic chanting of Pirith is the most appropriate type music that improved the growth
performance of Oryza sativa.

Key words: Buddhist chanting, Oryza sativa, Pirith, Pop music

*Corresponding author: Tel: 0112881383. E-mail: 0975-2738


January 2018 Sri Lankan Journal of Biology
Munasinghe et al.,

1. Introduction been carried out, focusing different types

of music including classical, jazz, pop,
Plants are complex multi-cellular rock, acid rock, East Indian, and Country
organisms considered as sensitive as (Retallack, 1973). Results of these
humans for initial assaying of effects and experiments have demonstrated that
testing new therapies (Dossey, 2001). music such as rock and acid rock have
Sound has always been considered a negative effect on plants while classical,
fundamental part of life on earth and is jazz and Indian classics are supportive for
known to effect the growth of plants and plant growth (O'Donnell, 1999).
plants respond to music the same as
humans do. Although many known The effect of religious chanting on plant
species in animals are known to growth had been studied in many
communicate with each other through centuries around the world including
sounds and wave patterns, the India, China and Nepal. Although, reports
involvement of plants with sound of research on effect of Pirith on plant
production or recognition has hardly growth are limited ,in India, mantras in
been talked about. However, mounting Hindu veda, such as Gayathri mantra and
scientific evidence does appear to suggest Agnihotra have been used to test their
that plants could be capable of effect on plant growth performances.
recognizing and responding to sound in These studies have shown that Gayathri
nature and to sounds produced by human Mantra has a remarkable influence on the
beings (Collins and Foreman, 2001). growth of medicinal plants and an efficacy
of curing diseases in certain plants
The studies on the effect of music on (Karnick, 1983). These Mantras have also
plants date back to1955 and the pioneers shown an overwhelming effect on seed
of sound experiments on plants, Singh germination and growth on rice plants
and Ponniah (1955) played (Devi et al. 2004). Farmers in Fujian
incomprehensible violin pieces Province in East China, have stated that
intermittently to plants at certain times of Buddhist chant playing in the paddy fields
the day and observed some responses of has helped to increase rice production by
plants to sounds (Collins and Foreman, 15% and also yielded larger grains, while
2001). However, the results obtained the paddies with no music suffered from
from these experiments were vague since pests (BBC, 2014).
limited details are available on the above-
mentioned study. In 2014, Vanol and In Sri Lanka, the cultivation of rice goes
Vaidya carried out an experiment to back to many centuries .In the ancient
investigate the effect of sound (music and times, farmers had a long belief that use
noise) on cluster beans (Cyamopsis of Pirith chanting and sprinkling of Pirith-
tetragonoloba) with varying chanted water to paddy fields during
frequencies.They reported that the bearing time (i.e. initiation of panicles)
germination and growth were profoundly would bring higher yields. Therefore, the
higher compared to the control when objective of the present study was to
seeds of above plants were exposed to investigate the effect of two (02) sound
classical music and rhythmic rock music rhythm treatments, Pirith chanting and
with higher frequencies. Over the time, pop music.on growth and yield
studies on effect of sound on plant have

Sri Lankan Journal of Biology 3(1) January 2018
Munasinghe et al.,

performance of two (02) rice varieties of The germinated seeds of the previous
Sri Lanka. experiment were planted in plastic pots
filled with paddy soil, up to ¾ of the total
2. Material and Methods depth and pots were arranged in
Completely Randomized Design (CRD)
Two rice varieties (Bg300 and with two (02) replicates and five (05)
Kaluheenati) were obtained from Rice plants per replicate. One week after
Research and Development Institute, planting, the experiment was commenced.
Batalagoda, Sri Lanka. The experiments The same sound treatment procedure as
were carried out in soundproof confined described earlier was applied to all the
chambers in the Research Laboratory of plants for three (03) months
the Department of Botany at the Open continuously, while maintaining other
University of Sri Lanka, Nawala, Sri Lanka. environmental conditions constant.
Seeds were subjected to dormancy break Growth performance indicators; plant
at 50 oC for five days and subsequently height, chlorophyll content, number of
surface sterilized by keeping them in 70% leaves, leaf length, tillers and dry weight
alcohol for two minutes. Seeds were of plants (three plants per replicate were
washed thoroughly with distilled water destructively sampled) and yield
and dipped them in 2% Clorox for about performance indicators; days for bearing,
30 minutes. Finally, the seeds were number of panicles, spicklets, numbr of
thoroughly washed with distilled water, seeds, 1000-grain weight and field grain
kept in the soundproof chambers and percentage (seeds/spicklets) x 100) were
arranged in a Completely Randomized recorded . All statistical analyses
Design (CRD) with two (02) replicates (descriptive statistics, multiple range
and 10 seeds per replicate. Seeds were comparison – LSD and nonparametric
allowed to germinate under two sound range tests (Z test) were carried out using
rhythms; pop music and Pirith, SPSS PC (Ver.23) (2015).
separately. A set of pop songs and
Thunsüthra (Karaneyameththasüthra, 3. Results
Rathanasüthra, Mahamangalasüthra) Two way ANOVA results with the
were selected for the experiment. The interaction terms (Var*Trt ) is shown in
seeds exposed to silence were treated as
Table 01. According to table, the
control. Music and Pirith were played
interactions between sound treatment
separately for an hour, at 30 cm distance
and rice variety were marginally
away from the seeds with an intensity of significant at p = 0.042. Therefore, the
55 – 60 dB for seven (07) days
adjusted calculated means were given in
continuously, maintaining equal
the table indicated that there was a
environmental conditions (Vanol and
significant difference between the
Vaidya, 2014). Following seven (07) days, treatments. The variations between the
based on the observation, the percent treatments indicate the significant
germination (Germinated seeds/Total
difference in sound rhythms treatments
seed x 100) was calculated (Krishnasamy
and a significant difference between the
and Seshu, 1989). pop music and Pirith on the seed
germination (p = 0.001). There was no
significant difference between the rice
January 2018 Sri Lankan Journal of Biology
varieties to the different sound rhythm
treatments (p = 0.150). Therefore, both
varieties, Kaluheenati and Bg300 content in both varieties for Pirith was
indicated a 10% increase in percent observed, there was no significant
germination under Pirith and music (92% difference between pop music and silence
and 81% respectively). The response of (Table 02). Meanwhile, an enhancement
the same varieties to pop music indicated in the dry weight of the plants was
an average germination percentage noticed under Pirith whereas plants
between Pirith and silence conditions. under pop music showed a decrease in
dry weight.
The variation of plant height, leaf length,
chlorophyll content and dry weight were Further, the results revealed that the
shown in Table 02. Compared to pop differences between the growth
music and silence, 1000 seed weight of parameters of plant height, leaf length,
Kaluheenati and Bg300 have indicated a chlorophyll content and dry weight of
statistically significant increased in plants grown under Pirith and pop music
response to Pirith (p < 0.05). However, (p < 0.05) (Table 2). Nevertheless, the
the mean plant height difference was variation of leaf chlorophyll content, leaf
statistically significant (p < 0.05) under length and dry weight of plants under the
the treatment of Pirith. An increased pop music treatment were comparatively
mean leaf length and mean chlorophyll insignificant with respect to the control (p
content were observed in both varieties > 0.05). These results imply that Pirith
under Pirith. Although, an apparent chanting influence the growth
difference in the magnitude of leaf length performance of the rice plants.
and chlorophyll

Table 1: Rice grain germination under three treatments (Pirith, pop music and silence).
Different letters in columns indicates a significant difference relevant to the treatment

Sri Lankan Journal of Biology 3(1) January 2018
Munasinghe et al.,

Table 02: Summary statistics of the parameters measures across different

treatments. Since there was a significant interaction between, the variable 1000
seed weight was presented in the table for two rice varieties. Similar letters in
column indicated that there is no statistically significant difference at p<0.05

Table 3: Result of the Z-test carried out on the non-parametric growth and yield
performance indicator

Figure 1: Effect of different sound treatments on the number of days to bearing

of panicles
January 2018 Sri Lankan Journal of Biology
Influence of sound treatments on number rice varieties (p < 0.05) and an observable
of days to bearing panicles was shown in decline was observed in pop music
Figure 01, which shows days taken to compared to plants under silence.
flower was comparatively lower in plants Further, the effect of sound treatments on
under Pirith and higher in plants under rice plants was insignificant (p > 0.05) for
pop music. Pirith chanting has led to number of spicklets and seeds.
lower the bearing days in Bg300 and
Kaluheenati (55 and 72 days,
respectively), meanwhile, pop music had 4. Discussion
increased the bearing days of Bg300 and
Kaluheenati (65 and 82, respectively). A study conducted on the effect of music
These results were statistically significant with low frequencies on the germination
at p = 0.05. rate has revealed that music with low
frequencies increased germination rate
Z-test was performed to non-parametric (Creath and Schwartz, 2004). Further, the
data such as number of days for bearing, soft rhythm of music and sounds have
number of leaves, number of tillers, influenced plants to grow healthier
panicles, spicklets and the number of (Chowdhury and Gupta, 1999). In the
seeds and these results are shown in present experiment, rice plants
Table 03. The results did not show any experienced soft rhythmic sounds
significant difference in Pirith compared through Pirith chanting. This could have
to control, but the difference with Pirith been the reason to show significant
and pop music was significant (p < 0.05) differences in most of the parameters
(Table 03) tested in rice plants exposed to Pirith
when compared control plants. These
Careful observation of Z-test results
results supported the hypothesis put
indicated that there was significant
forward by Chowdhury and Gupta (1999).
difference between the pair of treatments
According to Wang et al. (2003)
(p < 0.05). The pair-wise comparison of
germination index, height of stem,
treatment indicated that significant
relative increase rate of fresh weight,
difference in number of leaves, tillers,
activity of root system and the
panicles and days to bearing indicating
penetrability of cell membrane (Is it
the effect of the treatment. The
permeabllity of cell membrane?)
comparison of Pirith with control (1,3)
significantly increased when rice plants
and pop music with control (2,3) for
were subjected to different music
number of leaves, tillers and panicles
fragments. These findings support the
were statistically significant. Therefore,
results obtained from the present study.
the results implied that sound either in
Chowdhury and Gupta (1999) further
Pirith or pop music promotes the growth
described that the increment of growth
of rice plants. The descriptive statistical
rate of plants could be attributed to
results of the yield parameters of plants
increased production of proteins when
under Pirith and pop music treatments
appropriate tune is played. Thus, the
with regard to silence showed a
metabolism of the plants increased when
significant increase in the 1000-seed
they were exposed to music. Collins and
weight and field grain percentage (Table
Foreman (2001) too obtained the similar
01) under the treatment Pirith for both
results for the increment of plant height
Sri Lankan Journal of Biology 3(1) January 2018
Munasinghe et al.,

and yield of beans and impatiens. In the from-elsewhere-29145652, Retrieved on

present study also, the hospitable December 19th 2017.
environment for the increment of growth
and yield performance of plants would Chowdhury, A.R. and Gupta, A. (2015)
have been facilitated through Pirith Effect of Music on Plants – An Overview,
chanting rather than pop music. International Journal of Integrative
Sciences 4: 30 – 34.

Collins, M.E. and Foreman J.E.K (2001)

According to O'Donnell (1999) harsh The effect of sound on the growth of
music had negative effect on plant growth plants, Canadian Acoustics 29: 3-8.
and yield performance. In the present
study, growth and yield parameters were Creath, K. and Schwartz, G.E. (2004)
declined in pop music compared to Pirith Measuring Effects of Music, Noise, and
and control conditions. The declined in Healing Energy Using a Seed Germination
dry weight, 1000-seeds weight and field Bioassay, The Journal of Alternative and
grain percentage indicated that pop music Complementary Medicine 10: 113-122.
had a negative effect on the plant growth Devi, J., Swamy, N.V.C., Nagendra, H.R.
Thus, plants under pop music (2004) Effect of Agnihotra on the
experienced a harsh environment germination of rice seeds Indian Journal
condition for its growth and yield of Traditional Knowledge 3 (3): 231 –
performance. In addition, decreasing the 239.
number of days to bearing under pirith
treatment indicated that pirith facilitates Dossey, L. (2001) Being green: On the
early grain filling and ripening of seeds. relationships between people and plants
Thus Pirith chanting could be the Alternative Therapies 7: (12-16): 132–
appropriate sound to increase the yield 140.
of rice plants.
Karnick, C.R. (1983) Effect of Mantras on
5. Conclusion human beings and plants Ancient Science
Life. 2: 141-147.
Pirith chanting positively influenced
growth and yield performance in two rice Krishnasamy, V. and Seshu, D.V. (1989)
varieties (Bg300 and Kaluheenati) used in Seed Germination Rate and Associated
the study. However, further studies are characters in Rice Crop Science 904-908.
needed for confirmation of these results
and to elucidate the mechanism of the O'Donnell, L. (1999) Music and the Brain.
responses to Pirith chanting in rice using
phytochemical and biochemical analyses ente/musica.html, Retrieved on
December 20th 2017.

Retallack, D. and Broman, F (1973)

References Response of growing plants to the
manipulation of their environment The
BBC, (2014) China: Soothing Buddhist Sound of Music and Plants 9: 82-94.
music said to boost rice crop.

January 2018 Sri Lankan Journal of Biology
Wang, X. J., Wang, B. C., Jia, Y., Huo, D.,
Duan, C. R. (2003) Effect of sound
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types of sound (music and noise) and
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Sri Lankan Journal of Biology 3(1) January 2018

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