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Sentiment Analysis On Twitter Data Using Machine Learning Algorithms in Python

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Sentiment Analysis on Twitter Data Using Machine Learning Algorithms in


Conference Paper · February 2018


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1 & 2 M.Sc. Software Systems, Assistant Professor,
Department of Computing Department of Computing
Coimbatore Institute of Technology Coimbatore Institute of Technology
Coimbatore Coimbatore,

With the rise of social networking epoch and its growth, Internet has become a
promising platform for online learning, exchanging ideas and sharing opinions.
Social media contain huge amount of the sentiment data in the form of tweets,
blogs, and updates on the status, posts, etc. In this paper, the most popular micro
blogging platform twitter is used. Twitter sentiment analysis is an application of
sentiment analysis on data from Twitter (tweets), to extract user’s opinions and
sentiments. The main goal is to explore how text analysis techniques can be used to
dig into some of the data in a series of posts focusing on different trends of tweets
languages, tweets volumes on twitter. Experimental evaluations show that the
proposed machine learning classifiers are efficient and performs better in terms of
accuracy. The proposed algorithm is implemented in python.

Keywords – Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Python, Sentimental


Micro blogging websites are one of the most important sources of varied kind of
information. This is due to the fact that every people post their opinions on a
variety of topics, discusses current issues, complains and expresses positive
sentiment for products they use in daily life. Sentimental analysis is the process of
deriving the quality information from the text. In other words, it is the process of
deriving the structured data from unstructured data. This is used to measure
opinions of the customer, feedback, product reviews Unstructured data not only
refers to the tables, figures from the organization but also consists of information
from the internet i.e. chats, E-mail, pdfs, word files, E-Commerce websites and
social networking sites.
On structured data analytics operation can be easily performed and the
result can be obtained easily. But in case of unstructured data from E-mail, Twitter
etc., it is quite difficult to conclude the output because of various problems such as
virtual noise effect and unspecific data. In this paper, we look at one such popular
micro blog called Twitter.
The paper consists of 5 different sections. 1] The first section explains what
sentimental analysis is and what is its importance? 2] The second section clearly
tells us about the proposed methodology that starts from the twitter data extractions
till the feature extraction.3] The next section tells about the machine learning
algorithms, here we have considered 2 main algorithms and a clear difference
between them.4] The 4th section involves the applications and challenges of
sentimental analysis.5] The last section carries with the conclusion and the future

Sentimental analysis is the process of computationally determining the opinion or
attitude of the writers as positive, negative or neutral. Data mining is another name
for sentimental analysis. In many fields like business, politics and public actions,
determining the sentimental analysis is very important. Considering business, it is
very useful to understand the customer’s feelings in order to develop their
company. Next in politics: It can be even be used to predict the election results.
There are two ways of classifications and they are (1) machine learning (2) lexicon
based approach. In this paper machine learning classifiers are implemented in
sentimental analysis and is done in twitter because most of the politicians, famous
personalities (even the president of various states) and even general people
regularly update their moods in the form of tweets.


Methodology of sentimental analysis in twitter mainly involves 5 steps.



Twitter API — A Python wrapper for performing API requests.For fetching the
twitter data from the twitter API includes the following steps 1] Installation of the
needed software 2] authentication of twitters data. The main installation software’s
include tweepy, text blob, nltk etc, Authentication involves different steps

step1: visit the twitter website and click the button ‘create new app’.
Step2:fill the details in the form provided and submit.
Step3:It will be redirected to the app page where the “‘consumer keys’, ‘consumer
access’, ‘access token’ and ‘access token secret’ “that is needed to access the
twitter data will be present.
Step4:implement in python.

There are different sources for storing the data taken from the twitter. They are like

MongoDB , open source document storage database and is the go-to “No SQL”
database. It makes working with a database feel like working with JavaScript.

PyMongo, a Python wrapper for interfacing with a MongoDB instance. This

library lets you connect your Python scripts with your database and read/insert

This is an example of the data that is been extracted from the twitter on the topic
computer using python code.

Once the data is collected from the twitter the next step is preprocessing that
is implemented in python. There are several steps involved in the preprocessing
stage. They are,

1. Converting all uppercase letters to lowercase.

2. Tokenization
Tokenization generally done by installing the NLP package. It generally means
removal of hash tags, numbers (1, 2, 3 etc.,), URL’s and targets (@). Once
tokenization is over we move to the next step of preprocessing.
3. Removal of non-English words
Twitter generally supports more than 60 languages. But our project mainly
involves English tweets; hence we remove the non-English words.
4. Emoticon replacements
Emoticons are very important in determining the sentiment. Sothe emoticons are
replaced by their polarity by seeing the emoticon dictionary.
5. Removal of stop words
Stop words play a negative role in sentimental analysis, so it is important to be
removed. They occur both I negative and positive tweets. A list of stop words like
he, she, at, on, a, the, etc. are created and ignored. Once the above four steps are
over we move to the next main method called feature extraction.

Selection of useful words from the tweet is called as feature extraction. In

the feature extraction method, we extract the aspects from the pre-processed twitter

1. There are three different types of features namely unigram, bigram, n-gram

2. Parts Of Speech Tags such as like adjectives, adverbs, verbs and nouns are good
indicators of subjectivity and sentiment.

3. Negation is another important but difficult feature to interpret. The presence of a

negation usually changes the polarity of the sentiment.


Correct feature selection techniques are used in sentiment analysis that has
got a significant role for identifying relevant attributes and increasing
classification (machine learning) accuracy. They are categorized into 4 main
types namely,
1. Natural language processing
2. Statistical
3. Clustering based
4. Hybrid
Natural language processing mainly works on (1) Noun, noun phrases, adjectives,
adverbs (2) Terms occurring near subjective expressions can act as features.
Clustering based feature extraction techniques are implemented by requiring few
parameters. The major weakness of clustering is that only major features can be
extracted and it is difficult to extract minor.
Statistical techniques are further divided into three sub types; they are univariate,
multivariate and hybrid. Univariate methods, they are also called feature filtering
methods, that take attributes separately, examples of this type include information
gain (IG), chi–square, occurrence frequency, log likely-hood and minimum
frequency thresholds. Univariate techniques have computational efficiency.
Decision tree models, recursive feature elimination and genetic algorithms are the
examples of multivariate methods .When compared to univariate; multivariate
methods are expensive in terms of computational efficiency. Hybrid techniques are
the one which combine the univariate and multivariate to achieve an efficient and
accurate answer.
Hybrid techniques include POS Tagging with Word Net dictionary. Compactness
and redundancy pruning methods were used for eliminating irrelevant features



Machine learning is the study of algorithms that can learn from and make
predictions on data. It is also called as related to prediction-making on some data.
There are many machine learning algorithms. But this paper explains about two of
them. They are

• Naïve baye’s
• Neural networks


Naïve bayes is one of the most improved classification (classifier) methods.
First in order to perform classification, we must select the features from the data
set. All the tweets in the data sets will be processed by the classifiers. A Naive
Bayes classifier assumes that the presence of a particular feature in a class is
unrelated to the presence of any other feature. A naïve bayes algorithm is very easy
to build up and mainly used for a large set of data. It provides a way of calculating
p(c|x) from p(c), p(x) and p(x|c). Here p(c|x) is called the posterior probability and
it is given by the formula,
p(c|x) = p(x|c) p(c) where,

P(c|x) is the posterior probability of class (c, target)

given predictor (x, attributes).

P(c) is the prior probability of class.

P(x|c) is the likelihood which is the probability of predictor given class.

P(x) is the prior probability of predictor.

Let us consider a simple example of naïve bayes. That is whether the players will
play the game or not depending on the weather condition.
Step 1: collect the data set and store in frequency table
Step 2: create a table and find the probability of playing=0.64 and the overcast
Step 3: use naïve bayes to calculate the posterior probability.
P(Yes | Sunny) = P( Sunny | Yes) * P(Yes) / P (Sunny)
Here we have P (Sunny |Yes) = 3/9 = 0.33, P(Sunny) = 5/14 = 0.36, P( Yes)= 9/14
= 0.64
Now, P (Yes | Sunny) = 0.33 * 0.64 / 0.36 = 0.60, which has higher probability.
Naive Bayes uses a method to predict the probability of different situations based
on the various attributes.

It is very easy and fast to predict the class of data set. It is also mainly used in
multi class prediction.

When assumption of independence holds, a Naive Bayes classifier performs better

compare to other models like logistic regression.


If categorical variable has a category in a test data set, which was not observed in
the data set, then model will assign a 0 (zero) probability and will be unable to
make a prediction. This is often called as “Zero Frequency”. To overcome this, we
can use the smoothing technique. One of the simplest smoothing techniques is
called Laplace estimation.

Many researchers have done sentiment classification by using Naive Bayes

classifier. But Naive Bayes classifier has major limitation that the real world data
may not always satisfy. Hence, it affects the accuracy of Naive Bayes classifier


The applications of naïve bayes,

Real time Prediction: Naive Bayes algorithm is a also a fast learning algorithm.
Thus, it is used for making predictions in real time.

Multi class Prediction: This algorithm is also well known for multi class
prediction feature. Here we can predict the probability of multiple classes also.
Text classification/ Spam Filtering/ Sentiment Analysis: Naive Bayes classifiers
mostly used in text classification as it has a better result in multi class problems
and have higher success rate as compared to other algorithms. This is also used to
identify spam e-mail. Main application is sentimental analysis it is used to predict
whether a user would like a given resource or not.


A neural network is another important tool for classification. Is has also been a
promising alternative to various classification methods. This classifier with the
appropriate network structure can handle the correlation or dependence between
the input variables. Artificial neural networks perform back propagation by
activating the neurons in the hidden layer.

There are 2 phases (1) training (2) testing. In training phase the positive and
negative comments are trained and assigned weights. The main purpose of training
phase is to create the dictionary of positive comments. In the next phase testing is
done based on the weighted dictionary. The artificial neural network is trained with
labeled data to produce meaningful output. This process by which neural networks
learn from labeled data is called as back propagation. A layer named as feed
forward is made up of nodes and edges. Each node is a part of a layer and each
node in a layer points to every node in the next layer. Input is fed into the first
layer called the input layer, in which the input follows the edges to the nodes in the
next layer until it reaches the output layer. Each edge has a weight and when the
input travels it is multiplied by the weight associated with the edge. Evaluate the
network performance. Then calculate whether the review is positive or negative.

The main advantage is that they are data driven self-adaptive methods where, they
can adjust themselves to the data without any explicit specifications of functional
or distributional form.

They can approximate any function with arbitrary accuracy since they are universal
functional approximates.


One main disadvantage is large complexity of the network structure.


Neural networks have been successfully applied to a variety of real world

classification tasks in industry, business and science.

It is used in hand writing recognition, stock exchange prediction, image


Combining Naive Bayes Classifier with Neural Network will improve the accuracy
and performance of sentiment classification in real world.

The computing World has a lot to gain from Neural Network. Thus, their ability to
learn by example makes them very flexible and powerful.

Since the Opinion based or feedback based application are more fashionable,
now a days, the natural language processing community shows much interest in
Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining system. The explosion of internet has
changed the people’s life style, now they are more expressive on their views and
opinions. And this tendency helped the researchers in getting user-generated
content easily. The major applications are

• Purchasing Product or Service: While purchasing a product or service,

taking right decision is no longer a difficult task. By this technique, people
can easily evaluate other’s opinion and experience about any product or
service and also he can easily compare the competing brands. Now people
don’t want to rely on external consultant. The Opinion mining and sentiment
analysis extract people opinion form the huge collection of unstructured
content, the internet, and analyze it and then present to them in highly
structured and understandable manner.
• Quality Improvement in Product or service: By Opinion mining and
sentiment analysis the manufactures can collect the critic’s opinion as well
as the favorable opinion about their product or service and thereby they can
improve the quality of their product or service. They can make use of online
product reviews from websites such as Amazon and C|Net , and IMDb .
• Marketing research: The result of sentiment analysis techniques can be
utilized in marketing research. By sentiment analysis techniques, the recent
trend of consumers about some product or services can be analyzed.
Similarly the recent attitude of general public towards some new
government policy can also be easily analyzed. These all result can be
contributed to collective intelligent research.
• Recommendation Systems: By classifying the people’s opinion into positive
and negative, the system can say which one should get recommended and
which one should not get recommended.
• Detection of “flame”: The monitoring of newsgroup and forums, blogs and
social media is easily possible by sentiment analysis. Opinion mining and
sentiment analysis can automatically detect arrogant words, over heated
words or hatred language used in emails or forum entries or tweets on
various internet sources.
• Opinion spam detection: Since internet is available to all, anyone can put
anything on internet, this increased the possibility of spam content on the
web. People may write spam content to mislead the people. Opinion mining
and sentiment analysis can classify the internet content into’ spam’ content
and ‘not spam’ content.
• Policy Making: Through Sentiment analysis, policy makers can take
citizen’s point of view towards some policy and they can utilize this
information in creating new citizen friendly policy.
• Decision Making: People’s opinion and experience are very useful element
in decision making process. Opinion mining and Sentiment analysis gives
analyzed people’s opinion that can be effectively used for decision making.

The main challenges that are faced by and sentiment analysis include,

• Detection of spam and fake reviews: The web contains both authentic and
spam contents. For effective Sentiment classification, this spam content
should be eliminated before processing. This can be done by identifying
duplicates, by detecting outliers and by considering reputation of reviewer.
• Limitation of classification filtering: There is a limitation in classification
filtering while determining most popular thought or concept. For better
sentiment classification result this limitation should be reduced. The risk of
filter bubble gives irrelevant opinion sets and it results false summarization
of sentiment.
• Asymmetry in availability of opinion mining software: The opinion mining
software is very expensive and currently affordable only to big organizations
and government. It is beyond the common citizen’s expectation. This should
be available to all people, so that everyone gets benefit from it.
• Incorporation of opinion with implicit and behavior data: For successful
analysis of sentiment, the opinion words should integrate with implicit data.
The implicit data determine the actual behavior of sentiment words.
• Domain-independence: The biggest challenge faced by opinion mining and
sentiment analysis is the domain dependent nature of sentiment words. One
features set may give very good performance in one domain, at the same
time it perform very poor in some other domain.
• Natural language processing overheads: The natural language overhead like
ambiguity, co-reference, Implicitness, inference etc.


Applying sentimental analysis to extract the sentiment became an important work

for many organizations and even individuals. Sentiment analysis is an emerging
field in decision making process and is developing fast. Our project goal is to
analyze the sentiments on a topic which are extracted from the Twitter and
determine its nature (positive/negative/neutral) of the defined topics. The
development of techniques for the document-level sentiment analysis is one of the
significant components of this area. Recently, people have started expressing their
opinions on the Web that increased the need of analyzing the opinionated online
content for various real-world applications. A lot of research is present in literature
for detecting sentiment from the text. Still, there is a huge scope of improvement of
these existing sentiment analysis models. Existing sentiment analysis models can
be improved further with more semantic and commonsense knowledge.

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[8] Rudy Prabowo , Mike Thelwall” Sentiment Analysis: A Combined Approach”.
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[15] Alexander Pak, Patrick Paroubek” Twitter as a Corpus for Sentiment Analysis
and Opinion Mining”

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