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Comparative Study of Various Sentiment Classification Techniques in Twitter 1

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Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No: - 2456 2165

Comparative Study of Various Sentiment Classification

Techniques in Twitter
Imandeep Kaur1 Kamaljit Kaur2
M.Tech Research Scholar Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Sri Guru Granth Sahib World University, Sri Guru Granth Sahib World University,
Fatehgarh Sahib, Punjab, India. Fatehgarh Sahib, Punjab, India.

AbstractDue to increasingly use of various social-sites the micro blogging such as Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook. In the past
Sentiment Analysis become a popular area for research. few years, there has been a large growth in the use of social
Various companies are using these social sites to check sites platforms such as Twitter. Companies and media
whether their customers are satisfied with the services organizations are finding various ways to mine Twitter for
provided by them or not. In this paper, different techniques information about what user think about their services and
for Sentiment Classification are described in detail. Also the products. Twitter contains a very large number of short
various existing Hybrid techniques are studied. This paper messages. Each tweet done by user is 140 characters in length
also represents the research gaps of these techniques which .Tweets are mostly used to express a tweeter's emotion or
are useful for the future work. sentiments on a particular subject. There are companies which
poll twitter for analysing or mining the sentiments or emotions
Keywords Sentiment Analysis , Sentiment Classification on a particular topic. The challenge for these firms is to gather
Levels , Twitter , Hybrid , Machine Learning Techniques. all such relevant data, detect and classify the overall sentiment
on a topic. Twitter has been selected with the following
purposes in mind.
Twitter is an Open access social network.
Twitter is an Ocean of sentiments.
Sentiment is a view, feeling or opinion of a person for some Twitter provides user friendly API making it easier to
product, event or service [1, 2, 3].Sentiment Analysis or mine sentiments in real time.
Opinion Prediction is a challenging problem for classification
and prediction, extraction and summarization of sentiments and III. SENTIMENT CLASSIFICATION
emotions expressed by various peoples in online text [1,2].
Opinion Mining is replacing web based survey and traditional Sentiment Classification is used to classifying the according to
technologies conducted by companies for finding public the sentimental polarities of opinions it contains. Classification
opinion about services and product provided by them[1].It is a Classify the polarity of a given text in the document, sentence,
multidisciplinary problem, which uses techniques from feature or aspect level [8].
computational linguistics, machine learning, and natural
language processing, to perform various detection tasks at A. Various steps in Sentiment Classification are
different text-granularity levels. This field aims at solving the
problems related to sentiments and opinions provided by the The various steps in Sentiment Classification are [8]
users about products, services and politics in newsgroup
posts, review sites, etc [13]. There are different techniques for a). Pre-processing
classifying, extracting customer reviews like Data Mining,
Text Classification, Text Mining and Text Summarization, Pre-processing the data is the process of cleaning and
Opinion Mining [13]. Opinion Mining or Sentiment Analysis is preparing the text for classification. The whole process
the field to extract the sentiments or opinionated text and involves several steps: online text cleaning, white space
summarize or classify in understandable form for user [15]. removal, expanding abbreviation, stemming, stop words
Opinion Prediction is to extract the negative, positive or neutral removal, negation handling and finally feature selection.
opinion summary from unstructured textual data.
b). Feature Selection
SOCIAL WEBSITES Features in the context of opinion mining are the words, terms
or phrases that strongly express the opinion as positive or
Microblogging today has become a very popular negative. This means that they have a higher impact on the
communication tool among Internet users[15]. Millions of orientation of the text than other words in the same text.
messages are using popular web-sites that provide services for

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Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No: - 2456 2165

negative classes. The advantage of sentence level analysis lies

Pre-Processing in the subjectivity/objectivity classification. The traditional
algorithms can be used for the training processes.
Feature Selection
c). Phrase Level Sentiment Analysis: [8]
Both the document level and the sentence level analyses do not
discover what exactly people liked and did not like. The
Sentiment Classification phrases that contain opinion words are found out and a phrase
as Positive/ level classification is done. This can be advantageous or
Negative/Neutral disadvantageous. In some cases, the exact opinion about an
entity can be correctly extracted. But in some other cases,
Fig. 2: Steps in Sentiment Classification where contextual polarity also matters, the result may not be
fully accurate. Negation of words can occur locally. In such
c). Classifier cases, this level of sentiment analysis suffices.

In this step , the input to the classifier is the labelled data called C. Approaches Used in Sentiment Analysis
training data which pre-processed in above steps. The classifier
is trained on this data and finally run on the test data to There are three major approaches for twitter specific sentiment
measure the performance of the classifier. Various algorithms analysis.
used are SVM(Support Vector Machine) , NB (Naive Bayes) ,
ME (Maximum Entropy) etc and lexicon based and also hybrid a). Lexical Based Approach: [8]
approach (combination of both machine learning and lexicon
based). A lexical approach typically utilizes a dictionary or lexicon of
pre-tagged words. Each word that is present in a text is
d). Sentiments Classification as Positive/ Negative/Neutral compared against the dictionary. If a word is present in the
dictionary, then its polarity value is added to the total polarity
In these steps the sentiments are classified as negative, score of the text. For example, if a match has been found with
positive and neutral sentiments. the word excellent, which is annotated in the dictionary as
positive, and then the total polarity score of the blog is
B. Levels of Sentiment Classification increased. If the total polarity score of a text is positive, then
that text is classified as positive, otherwise it is classified as
The various levels of sentiment Classification are
b). Machine Learning Approach: [8]
Sentiment Analysis is performed at four different text
granularity levels[8]. Each one of these levels differs from the The other main avenue of research within this area has utilized
others in the level of granularity of the analysed text, as supervised machine learning techniques. Within the machine
follows: learning approach, a series of feature vectors are chosen and a
collection of tagged corpora are provided for training a
a). Document Level Sentiment Analysis: [8] classifier, which can then be applied to an untagged corpus of
text. In a machine learning approach, the selection of features
The basic information unit is a single document of opinionated is crucial to the success rate of the classification. Most
text. In document level classification, a single review about a commonly, a variety of unigrams (single words from a
single topic is considered. The task at this level is to classify document) or n-grams (two or more words from a document in
whether a whole opinion document expresses a positive or sequential order) are chosen as feature vectors. Machine
negative sentiment. The challenge in the document level learning approach is further classifies as supervised machine
classification is that the entire sentence in a document may not learning and unsupervised learning learning classification
be relevant in expressing opinion about an entity. Therefore Algorithm.
subjectivity/objectivity classification is very important in this Supervised Machine Learning Classification: [8] This is
type of classification. The irrelevant sentences must be most popular data mining technique. Classification used
eliminated from the processing works to predict the possible outcome from given data set on
the basis of defined set of attributes and a given
b). Sentence Level Sentiment Analysis: [8] predictive attributes. The given dataset is called training
dataset consist on independent variables (dataset related
In the sentence level sentiment analysis, the polarity of each properties) and a dependent attribute (predicted
sentence is calculated. Objective and subjective sentences must attribute). A training dataset created model test on test
be found out. The subjective sentences contain opinion words corpora contains the same attributes but no predicted
which help in determining the sentiment about the entity. After attribute. Accuracy of model checked that how accurate
which the polarity classification is done into positive and

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ISSN No: - 2456 2165

it is to make prediction. Classification is a supervised P (c|t) = P(c) P(t|c)/P(t)

learning used to find the relationship among attributes. Above,
c represents a specific class and t represents the text user want
Unsupervised Machine Learning Classification: [22] In to classify.
contrast of supervised learning, unsupervised learning
has no explicit targeted output associated with input.[22] P(t) and P(c) is the prior probabilities of class and text.
Class label for any instance is unknown so unsupervised P(t | c) is the probability the text
learning is about to learn by observation instead of learn
by example. [22]Clustering is a technique used in In our case, the value of class c might be Negative or Positive,
unsupervised learning. The process of gathering objects and t is sentence.
which have similar properties into a group is called The goal is maximizing P(c | t) by choosing the value of c.
clustering. Objects in one cluster are not similar to the
objects in other clusters.
Advantages Disadvantages
c). Hybrid Approach:
1. It is easy and fast to If categorical variable has a
In this, both the machine learning and lexicon based predict class of test category (in test data set),
approaches are combined. It gives the better performance then data set. It also which was not observed in
both. The main advantage of their hybrid approach using a perform well in multi training data set, then model
lexicon and machine learning techniques is to obtain the best of class prediction will assign a 0 (zero)
both worlds-the high accuracy, readability and stability from a probability and will be unable
supervised learning algorithm. to make a prediction. This is
often known as Zero
D. Existing Techniques Used In Sentiment Analysis Frequency.

Large growth in databases has increased the need to develop

technologies to mine the knowledge and information. Data
mining techniques are useful for this purpose, these techniques 2. When assumption On the other side naive Bayes
are neural networks, fuzzy logic, Bayesian networks, genetic of independence holds, is also known as a bad
algorithm, classification, clustering , Association, decision a Naive Bayes estimator.
tree, multi agent systems, churn prediction and many more

a). Naive- Bayes (NB)

classifier performs
The Nave Bayes algorithm assumes that all the features are better compare
independent of each other[23]. We represent a document as a
bag of words. With the bag-of-words model we check which to other models like
word of the text-document appears in a positive-words-list or a logistic regression and
negative-words-list[23]. If the word appears in a negative- you need less training
words-list the total score of the text is updated with -1 and vice data
versa. If at the end the total score is negative, the text is
classified as negative and if it is positive, the text is classified
as positive. Table 2: Advantages and Disadvantages of Naive Bayes

Steps of the Technique b). SVM (Support Vector Machine)

1. Generate two database, first one is of words with
their labels and the second one is of opinions or SVM is generally used for text categorization [24]. It can
sentences achieve good performance in high-dimensional feature space.
An SVM algorithm points represents the examples in space,
2. Split sentence into single words and are mapped to separate the examples of different categories
3. Now, compare these individual words find in by a clear margin. It gives best results as compare to Naive
sentence with words in database. Byes and Various Sentiment Tools. The basic idea is to find
4. Compare the probability of negative and positive the hyper plane represented by vector w which separates
labels document vector of one class from the vectors of other class.

5. Find the probability of labels.

Table 1: Steps in the Naive Bayes

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opinion prediction systems. Knowledge extracting techniques

Steps in SVM are combined with Statistical methods to enhance searching of
cases, browsing and Reusing for solving new problems and for
1. It starts learning from data that has been already semantic analysis of a sentence in natural language that can be
classified. easily manipulated and used in a text data mining process. This
2. Groups the data with the same label in each sentence analysis depends and uses various types of knowledge
conves hull that are: a case base , a lexicon and hierarchy of index.
[22]Case based reasoning model is based on the classification
3. Determines where the hyperplane is by rules and course of similarity for the assurance of the
calculating closest points between the conves compliance.
4. Then it calculates the hyperplane, which is the Advantages Disadvantages
plane that separates the labels. 1. It is inituitive , no Adaptation may be
knowledge elicitation difficult. Cases may be
is required to create needed to prepare by
Table 3: Steps in SVM rules or methods. hand.
2. It makes the Needs case base , case-
In SVM, it is easy to have a linear hyper-plane between two development easy. selecton , may be case
classes. [24]But, should we need to add this feature manually adaptation algorithm.
to have a hyper-plane. No, SVM uses a technique called the
3. In this system learn Can take large time and
kernel trick. These functions simply do the transform of low
by acquiring new large memory .
dimensional input space to high dimension. It does extremely
cases through use.
complex data transformations, then find out the process to
This makes
separate these data transformations based on the outputs or
maintenance easy.
labels defined by user.
Table 5: Advantages and Disadvantages of CBR
Disadvantages Advantages d). Random Forest
1. It doesnt perform well, when It works really
we have large data set because well with clear margin of
Random Forests was the first technique which brought the
the required training time is separation
concept of ensemble of decision trees which is known Random
Forest, which is composed by combining multiple decision trees[26].
2. It also doesnt perform very It is effective in high While dealing with the single tree classifier there may be the
well, when the data set has dimensional spaces. problem of noise or outliers which may possibly affect the
more noise i.e. target classes result of the overall classification method, whereas Random
are overlapping
Forest is a type of classifier which is very much robust to noise
It is effective in cases and outliers because of randomness it provides. Random Forest
3. SVM doesnt directly provide where number of classifier provides two types of randomness, first is with
probability estimates, these dimensions is greater respect to data and second is with respect to features. Random
are calculated using an than the number of Forest classifier uses the concept of Bagging and
expensive five-fold cross- samples Bootstrapping.
Steps in Random Forest
Table 4: Advantages and Disadvantages of SVM
1. Input : B = Number of Trees, N = Training Data,
F = Total- Features, f = Subset of Features
c). CBR
2. For each tree in Forest B:
[22]Case Based Reasoning Case based reasoning is an a) Select a bootstrap sample S of size N from
emerging Artificial Intelligence supervised technique used to training
find the solution of a new problem on the basis of past similar 3. . b) Create the tree Tb by recursively repeating the
problems. [22]CBR is a powerful tool of computer reasoning following steps for each internal node of the tree.
and solve the problems (cases) in such a way which is closest i. Choose f at random from the F.
to real time scenario. [22]It is a recent problem solving ii. Select the best among f.
technique in which knowledge is represented as past cases in iii. Split the
library and it does not depend on classical rules. The previous 4. Once B Trees are created, Test instance will be
problems solution is stored in Case base or Knowledge Base passed to each tree and class label will be assigned
which is CBR repository. CBR uses this knowledge base to based on majority of votes.
solve the new problem similar to past problem if needed to . In 5. Output : Bagged class label for the input data
Knowledge Base new instance solution consists of four Rs in
Table 6: Steps in Random Forest
CBR cycle. Nowadays this is emerging technique used in

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Decision trees are popular methods for inductive

inference[21]. They learn disjunctive expressions and are also
Sr. Advantages Disadvantages robust to noisy data .[21] A decision tree is a k-array tree in
No. which each internal node specifies a test on some attributes
1. Almost always have Random forests have from input feature set representing data. Each branch from a
lower classification been observed to overfit node corresponds to possible feature values specified at that
error and better f- for some noisy datasets node. Every test branch represents the test outcomes. Decision
scores than decision classification/regression Tree induction is a greedy algorithm which follows top down ,
trees. tasks. divide and conquer approach.
2. Deal really well with If the data contain
uneven data sets that groups of correlated
have missing features of similar Steps in Decision Tree
variables. relevance for the output, 1. It begins with tuples in the training set then
then smaller groups are selecting best attribute yielding maximum
favoured over larger information for classification.
2. Next step is the generation of test node and after this
Table 7: Advantages and Disadvantages of Random Forest a top down Decision tree Induction divides tuple set
according current test attribute values.
e). Maximum Entropy
3. Classifier generation stops when all subset tuples
Maximum Entropy is a technique that helps us to estimate belong to the same class or if it is not worthy to
probability distribution from data[26]. The principle of MaxEnt proceed with additional separation to further subsets,
is that the distribution should be as uniform as it can be, when i.e. if more attribute tests yield information for
nothing is known. We use labelled data to train the MaxEnt classification alone below a pre-specified threshold.
classifier and create a model, with a set of constrains that will
characterize the class expectations for the distribution.
Table 9: Steps in Decision Tree
Sr. Advantages Disadvantages
No. Sr. Advantages Disadvantages
1. Performs well with Low Performance with No.
depended features independent features. 1. Decision trees are Decision Trees do not work
relatively easy to well if you have smooth
2. Uses algorithms like The feature selection could understand when boundaries. i.e they work
GIS and IIS to apply become a complex there are few best when you have
features decisions and discontinuous piece wise
outcomes included constant model.
in the tree.
Table 8: Advantages and Disadvantages of Maximum Entropy. 2. Nonlinear Each split in a tree leads to
relationships a reduced dataset under
The Maximum entropy distribution in the usual exponential between consideration. And, hence
form: Maximum Entropy Distribution: parameters do not the model created at the
affect tree split will potentially
(|)= 1()exp ((;)) (1.1) performance introduce bias.

Normalizing Factor: Table 10: Advantages and Disadvantages of Decision Tree

()= exp ( (;)) ..(1.2) g). Neural Networks

In (1.1) every (;) is a feature for the classifier, the parameter Artificial neural networks are constructed from a large number
is to be estimated of elements with an input fan order of magnitudes larger than
Z(d) (1.2) is a factor that will normalise the result to an in computational elements of traditional architectures [25].
appropriate probability . This artificial neuron is interconnected into group for
The maximum entropy classifier in order to learn the features processing information. Neurons of neural networks are
can use the Generalized Iterative Scaling (GIS) and Improved sensitive to store item. This neuron can be used for storing of
Iterative Scaling (IIS) algorithms large number of cases, distortion tolerant represent by high
dimensional vectors Recurrent neural networks refer to a type
f). Decision Tree neural networks whose connections form a directed cycle. This
allows neurons to store an internal state or memory in a

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previous time step that influences the networks output at For Example,[27] the word unpredictable is positive in the
timestep t. domain of movies, dramas ,etc, but if the same word is used in
the context of a vehicles steering, then it has a negative
CNN is one of most commonly used connectionism model for
classification. The focus of Connectionism models are to c). Detection of Sarcasm:
learn from environment stimuli and to store this information in
neurons in form of neurons. The weights in a neural network It means expressing negative opinion in a positive way about
are adjusted according to the training data by some learning target.
Example: [27]Nice perfume. You must shower in it.The
Sr. Advantages Disadvantages sentence contains only positive words but actually it expresses
No. a negative sentiment.
1. Neural networks are There are no general
very methods to determine the d). Comparisons Handling:
flexible with respect optimal number of
to incomplete, neurones necessary for The Comparisons are not handled by Bag of Words.
missing solving any problem. Example:[27]IITs are better than most of the private
and noisy data. colleges, the tweet would be considered positive for both
IITs and private colleges using bag of words model because it
2. Neural It is difficult to select a doesnt take into account the relation towards better.
networks do not training data set which
e). Entity Recognition:
make a priori fully describes the
assumptions problem to be solved.
about the distribution Text that gives information about any entity needs to be
of the data, or the separated
Example: [27]I hate Nokia, but I like One Plus. According to
of interactions
simple bag-of-words this will label as neutral.
between factors
f). Order Dependence:
3. Neural networks are Don't perform as well on
able to small data sets.
[27] Discourse Structure analysis is essential for Sentiment
approximate complex
Analysis/Opinion Mining.
non-linear mappings
Example: X is way better than Z, conveys opposite opinion
from, Z is way better than X.
Table 11: Advantages and Disadvantages of Neural Network
g). Explicit Negation of sentiment:
E. Research Gaps
Various negative words can be used as sentiment words like
A research Gap is the missing element in the existing research
no, never etc.
literature, and you have to fill with your research approach.
h). Building a classifier for objective sentences:
The various research gaps in Sentiment Analysis are as
Most of the researches mostly focus on classifying the tweets
as positive or negative. But there is need to classify the tweets
a). Identification of subjective part:
which show sentiment vs. no sentiment at all.
Sometime, in some cases the same word can be treated as
i). The warted expressions:
objective or as subjective in other. Which makes it difficult to
identify the subjective part? In some sentences the overall polarity of the document is
determined by some part of the sentence.
For example: The language used by Mr. William was very
crude. Crude oil is naturally occurring, unrefined petroleum Example: [27]This Movie should be Awesome. It sounds like
product composed of hydrocarbon deposits and other organic whole supporting cast has done good work.

b). Domain Dependent:

Same Phrase and sentences can have different meanings in
different languages

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In this section the comparison between existing hybrids sentiment analysis techniques are describes in the form of table.

Paper Technique Used Results

[28] SVM , Word based Technique Accuracy increases due to selection of
positive and negative word list for comparing
with features as per the review type and
another reason is combining the more than
one approach i.e. hybrid approach for
sentiment analysis.

[29] Dictionary based Approach , Fuzzy Logic Negation is handled in this approach results in
increased accuracy.
[30] Enhanced Emotion Classifier , Improved Polarity Experimental results show that the proposed
Classifier , SentiWordNet Classifier technique overcomes the previous limitations
and achieves higher accuracy when compared
to similar techniques.

[31] Machine Learning Approach(SVM , NB , ME) This paper presents the best machine learning
approach to sentiment analysis on tweets
results in increased accuracy.

[32] Rule based Classifier , Lexicon based Approach , Fscore of 56.31%

Machine Learning (SVM)

[33] Naive Bayes , Genetic Algorithm Increased accuracy.

[34] BiLSTM-CRF and CNN sentence type classification can improve the
performance of sentence-level sentiment
the proposed approach achieves state-of-the-
art results on several benchmarking datasets

[35] Lexicon Based , SVM , Context Valence Shifter The tweets are classified more accurately and
produces better results

[36] Naive Bayes ,Lexicon Based Approach The proposed approach has the ability to
increase the accuracy of the classifier and
provide flexibility to the user in giving a tweet
with variety of sentiment words.

[37] Naive Bayes , Two Laye CRF Increased accuracy

[38] Two SVM with different feature selection 80% accuracy

Table 4.1 Comparison between Existing Sentiment Analysis Based User Recommendation Techniques

can be combined in an efficient way in order to overcome their

V. CONCLUSION individual drawbacks and benefit from each others and to
increase the performance.. This paper discussed different
sentiment machine learning classification approaches: NB,
Sentiments can be more accurately classified by working on
the limitations of various discussed techniques. It also found
that different types of features and classification algorithms

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