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Exercise 1 Warm-Up. (Chart 1-1)

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Exercise 1 Warm-up.

(Chart 1-1)
Match the description with the sentence. Which sentences do you agree with?
1. (C). Habit I look at the stars every night.
2. (A). Action happening right now I'm looking at an astronomy textbook
3. (B). General truth The earth revolves around the sun
Exercise 2. Let's talk. (Chart 1 -1)
Work in small groups. Each member of the group should contribute one sentence
for each topic. Share some of your sentences with the class.
1. Tell your group one daily habit you have
2. Look around the room. Make a sentence about one activity that is happening
right now.
3. In one sentence, state a general truth about the world.
Answer :
My habit:
I am often at home, rarely out. Maybe get out of the house when it's important. So my days I use
to helping parents, playing handphone, studying, listening music, etc. At
Sentence :
I am enjoying the beauty of the moon shining from the sunlight

Exercise 3 Looking at grammar. (Chart 1-1)

Complete the sentences. Use the simple present or the present progressive of the
verbs in parentheses.
1. a. Kristin is in the shower. She is washing her hair
b. Kristin washes her hair every other day or so
2. a. Tony usually sits in the front row during class
b. Today he is sitting in the last row
3. a. Lars works the night shift on weekends
b. He's not home now. He is working a double shift
4. a. After six days of rain, I'm glad that the sun is shining
b. Every morning, the sun shines in my bedroom window and wakes me up
Exercise 4 Let's talk. (Chart 1-1)
With a partner, take turns making a few sentences about each picture. Use the
present progressive. You can be imaginative!
→ In picture 1
The boy is watching sports on TV.
He is holding a remote.
He is changing channels.
He is looking for a baseball game. Etc.
→ In picture 3
They are not sitting together in the kitchen
They're separating from each other
Maybe, they are having problem
→ In picture 5
No people is waiting bath tub to turn off the faucet
The water is spilling
So the bathroom is dirtying
→ In picture 7
The son is not sitting in the badroom
The son want to ascending on the bedroom
→ In picture 9
She is not working at bedroom
She is postponing assignmant from her office
→ In picture 11
No people who opening the window
The cat is sleeping in the bedroom
The bedroom is untidying
→ In picture 2
The boy is not watching TY.
He is playing the guitar.
Maybe he is practicing a popular song.
→ In picture 4
They are sitting together in the kitchen
He is holding his wife's hand
They are talking together
→ In picture 6
He is filling water in the bath tub
He is waiting with brush his tooth
→ In picture 8
The son is sitting in the bedroom
The son is playing in the crib
→ In picture 10
She is working at badroom
She is typing on the laptop
Maybe, she is finishing her assignmant
→ In picture 12
He is opening the window
He is cleaning his bedroom
So, his bedroom is tidying

Exercise 5 Looking at grammar. (Chart 1-1)

Choose the correct completion(s). Discuss your answers with the class.
1. In early summer, the sun (a) sets (It's a general statement of fact) around 9:00 P.M. in my
2. It's a beautiful evening. I'm sitting outside.The sun (b) is setting (It's happening right now) behind
the mountains.
3. Rice (b) is cooking (It's happening right now) in about 15 minutes.
4. Hurry! The rice (b) is boiling (It's happening right now) over onto the stove.
5. Dr. Costa (b) is visiting (It's happening right now) his hospital patients before office hours.
6. Leo ( a) rides (It's a habitual activity) his bike through downtown traffic every day to work.
7. Jenna (b) is working (It's happening right now) for her grandparents at their hotel.
8. Francine and Marco (c) Both are possible.) each other several times a day.

Exercise 7 Reading and grammar. (Chart 1-1)

Read the passage. Add the endings -s/-es where necessary. You may need to
change -y to -ies. Write Ø for no ending.
Our Amazing Heart
The heart is an amazing organ. It beats 100,000 l times a day and pumps 2,000 gallons of blood through
60,000 miles of blood vessels in our bodies. Blood carries fresh oxygen from our lungs to all the parts of
the body. It also removes waste from our tissues. Here is an interesting fact: when we laughs, up to 20%
more blood goes through our body, so laughter is good for our hearts.

Exercise 8 Warm-up. (Chart 1-2)

Choose the correct completions.
1. Cold air doesn't rise
2. What does water consist of?
3. Is the earth spinning rapidly or slowly?

Exercise 9 Looking at grammar. (Chart 1-2)

Complete the sentences with Do, Does, ls, or Are.
1. Are you ready for takeoff?
2. Is the plane taking off soon?
3. Do you nervous?
4. Do you have your seat belt on?
5. Does the seats comfortable?
6. Are your seat comfortable?
7. Does the seat go back more?
8. Do they serve food on this flight?
9. Is the movie beginning?
10. Do you like to fly?
11. Is the co-pilot flying the plane?
12. Is the pilot sleep during the flight?
13. Is the pilot sleep during the flight?
14. Does the plane on auto pilot
Exercise 10 Trivia game. (Chart 1-2)
Work in teams. Make true sentences. The team with the most correct answers
(factually and grammatically) wins. Use the simple present or present progressive.
1. Ice doesn't melt at 32°F (0°C)
2. Cold weather doesn't cause fingermails to grow faster
3. The average person falls a sleep in seven minutes
4. Salt water doesn't freeze at the same temperature as freshwater
5. Our noses grows longer as we age
6. Our feet desn't become smaller as we age
7. Red blood cells in our body dividing right now
8. On average, a person blinks more than 20,000 times a day
9. Honey doesn't spoil
10. A cat doesn't using its whiskers for hunting
11. The earth isn't revolving arround the moon right now
12. The earth gets warmer according scientists

Exercise 11 Reading and grammar. (Charts 1-1 and 1- 2)

Choose the correct completions.
Tornadoes occur are occurring in most areas of the world. However, the plains of the United States have
the most. (Plains are large areas of flat land with few trees.) Tornado Alley, a frequent area for
tornadoes, stretches from Texas to North Dakota. Because tornadoes form over flat areas of land, they
do not so common in the mountains. Cold air meets warm 5 6 air, usually in a thunderstorm. The winds
make a spiral or funnel cloud that sometimes reaches 320 miles per hour. They pick up up cars, trees,
and houses. Sometimes this debris flies for miles. Strong tornadoes cause a lot of damage. Surprisingly,
the funnel cloud doesn't last long, usually less than ten minutes. Right now a tornado is forming over
the plains. People are seeking shelter in underground areas such as basements. Several storm chasers
are getting ready to follow the tornado and collect data. They are listening to weather radios for storm
updates. Do you familiar with tornadoes? Do you have tornadoes in your area?

Exercise 12 Warm-up. (Chart 1-3)

Choose the correct completions.
1.The chef is in his kitchen right now. He (b). is cooking
2. He (b). Is tasting some soup
3. It (b) is tasting too salty
4. He (b). Isn't liking

Exercise 13 Reading, grammar, and speaking. (Charts 1-1 1-3)

Part I.
Read the paragraph. Underline the verbs that are generally non-progressive. Then
write the correct verb endings in the list of benefits: -s, -es, or -ies. Write Ø for no
Verbs that are generally non-progressive :
* Believes
* Understand
Correct verb endings in the list benefits :
1. An internship applies classroom knowledge to real-world work experience
2. It provides on-the-job training
3. It teaches important workplace habits (e.g., being on time) and workplace etiquette (how to behave at
a company)
4. Interns learnØ about various jobs and opportunities within a company
5. It gives students the chance to network with employees
6. The job experience looks good on a resume.

Part 2
Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) is a national assembly organization in Indonesia that is socially humanity.
PMI has activities includ save refuge and hospital, area liable, victim of natural disasters disasters, etc.
PMI has seven basic principles. Humanity, equality, ethnicity, independence, unity, neutrality, and
totality. PMI doesn’t side with any political, racial, tribal or religious groups.

Benefits of PMI :
1. Help out in times of war.
2. Help victims of natural disasters
3. Blood transfusions and health, etc
Exercise 14 Let's talk. (Chart 1-3)
Discuss the differences in meaning of the italicized verbs in each group of
sentences. Work in pairs, in small groups, or as a class.
1. a. These flowers smell good. → smell means scent of something
b. Jane is smelling the flowers. →smelling means perceiving the odour of something
2. a. I think this park is beautiful. → think means “believe”
b. I need to relax. I am thinking about all the homework I have. → am thinking means thoughts are
going arround in my right now.
3. a. You look cold. I'll lend you my coat. →look means process of under standing with attention
b. I'm looking at the sky. A storm is coming. → looking means process is looking at the moment
4. a. I see a colorful kite. It's over there. → see means look
b. Alex is coming later. He is seeing a doctor about his headaches. → is seeing means process see at
right now / examine
c. Jack and Ann come here every weekend. They are seeing each other. →are seeing means process
see at right now
5. a. I remember my first time here. Do you remember yours? → remember means to recall something
from the past
b. I'm remembering a family picnic here with my cousins. It's a happy memory. → am remembering
means thoughts are going arround in my right now.
6. a. The children want a snack. They're hungry. → are means to be
b. The children are being awfully quiet. What are they doing? → are being awfully means the process
to become something
7. a. Every weekend there is an outdoor play here. Some of my friends are appearing in it. →are
appearing means pop up in the right now
b. There is a man coming toward us. He's smiling. He appears to know us. →appears means
8. a. Gabriel is being rude. He's just sitting there, not talking to anyone. → being means activities in he
right now
b. No, he isn't rude. He's just shy. → Isn’t means not
9. a. The baby is feeling the grass. → feeling means process happening right now
b. The grass feels soft. → feels means same sensate
c. I need to sit down. I'm not feeling well right now. → am not feeling means process feel happening
right now
d. I feel that it is important to take care of our parks →feel its means same with think
Exercise 15 Looking at grammar. (Chart 1- 3)
Choose the correct completions
1. This isn't my book. It (a) belongs to Mai.
2. Ask Ahmed for your book. He (a) has it
3. Your book is over there. Ahmed (b) is holding it.
4. Olga is smiling. She (b) is having a good time.
5. Relax. Everything is OK. I (a) believe you
6. My computer says my file no longer (a) exists

Exercise 16 Let's talk. (Charts 1-1 1- 3)

With a partner, choose one of the pictures and complete the related conversation.
Then practice your conversation and perform it for the class. You can look at your
book before you speak. When you speak, look at your partner.
1. A: Mmmm. That looks yummy
B: Thanks. It's fresh out of the oven.
A: Is it your make pizza ?
B: Yes. And it's my own recipe. Would you like to taste ?
A: Wow! It tastes. I like to order
B: Emm, Ok

2. A: You look sad.

B: I am.
A: What's the problem?
B: I want to buys a laptop for my job
A: You need to enough money
B: I know, but I have too much debt

Exercise 17 Looking at grammar. (Charts 1- 1 1-3)

Choose the correct completions.
1. A: What do you look look at?
B: You! You look like your father.
A: Do you think so? Many people tell me I resemble my mother.
B: I see your father's face when I look at you.
2. A: Why do mosquitos exist?
B: I know one reason: they are a food source for other animals

3. Right now I am sitting in the cafeteria. Yoko is texting. Ming is opening his lunch. Jae is taking a
bite of his sandwich. Ali is staring off into space. He seems daydreaming, but perhaps he is thinking
about the test next hour. What are you thinking Ali is doing?

Exercise 19 Looking at grammar. (Charts 1-1 1-3)

Complete the sentences. Use the simple present or the present progressive of the
verbs in parentheses.
1. Look! It is beginning to rain. Unfortunately, I am not having an umbrella with me. I am not owning
an umbrella. Spiro is lucky. He is wearing a raincoat. I am wearing a waterproof hat on rainy days.
2. Martha is in science class. The chemistry experiment she doing is dangerous, so right now she is
being very careful. She is not want to spill any of the chemical. She is always be careful when she
does a chemistry experiment.
3. Right now I am looking at Nicole. She is looking angry. I wonder what's the matter. She is have a
frown on her face. She certainly doesn’t have any fun right now.
4. A: How do you like the soup? Is it need more garlic?
B: No, it is tastes delicious. It is remind me of my mom's soup.

Exercise 20 Reading and writing. (Charts 1-1 1-3)

Part I
Read the review of the movie. Underline the verbs. What verb tense is used to describe the
The Fugitive
The Fugitive is an action-packed, edge-of-your-seat movie. The police unjustly accuse Dr.
Richard Kimball, the main character; of his wife's murder: A court finds him guilty and
sentences him to death. Do you know these wordsc - Unjustly -accuse -marsha l/ -vow -dam
-pharmaceutica l -suspenseful On the way to jail, the prison bus crashes and Kimball escapes. A
U.S. marshal!, Samuel Gerard, vows to catch Kimball. Several times he almost succeeds, but
Kimball stays one step ahead of Gerard. In one incredible scene, Kimball jumps from the top of
a dam into a river to escape.
Kimball doesn't want Gerard to catch him, but he also wants to solve the murder of his wife.
His search for answers takes him to Chicago. He finds upsetting information about a friend and
the friend's work with a pharmaceutical company. After many suspenseful scenes, Kimball finds
the real killers and leads Gerard to them.

- The verb tense from the review of the movie is use Verb 1
Part II.
Action in stories (books, movies, TV shows, etc.) is often told in the simple present tense. Find a
movie you like. In simple English, tell what happens, give details about the movie, and tell how
it ends.

Part III.
Edit your paragraph. Underline the verbs. Did you use present tense? Check for the correct use of
the third person -s/-es!-ies endings.

Answer of pat 2 & 3

Home alone is about comedy film. In this movie, stars Macaulay culkin as Kevin
McCallister, a son of a wealths family. Kevin is inadvertent leaves behind by his family who on
their way to Paris, France, for Christmas. When he is spends time at home alone, he stumbles
across two who intent on robs his home. So to stop the thieves, Kevin set up traps for them.

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