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Cgma Competency Framework 2019 Edition Leadership Skills

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CGMA Competency

Leadership Skills

CGMA Competency Framework 62

Leadership Skills
Foundational: This requires a basic understanding of the business structures, operations and financial performance, and includes responsibility for
implementing and achieving results through own actions rather than through others.

Intermediate: This requires a moderate understanding of overall business operations and measurements, including responsibility for monitoring the
implementation of strategy. This has limited or informal responsibility for colleagues and/or needs to consider broader approaches or consequences.

Advanced: This requires a strong understanding of the organisation’s environment, current strategic position and direction, with strong analytical skills and
the ability to advise on strategic options for the business. This includes formal responsibility for colleagues and their actions, and that their decisions have a
wider impact.

Expert: This requires expert knowledge to develop strategic vision and provide unique insight to the overall direction and success of the organisation.
This has formal responsibility for business areas, and his/her actions and decisions have a high-level strategic impact.

Team building 64

Technical Skills Business Skills

Coaching and mentoring 65

People Skills Leadership Skills

Driving performance 66

Motivating and inspiring 67 Digital Skills

Change management 68

CGMA Competency Framework Leadership skills 63

Team building

This is the ability to drive team performance by promoting and encouraging participation and sharing of ideas that align with the organisational strategy
and maximise goals.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Proactively listen to, consider and • Encourage an environment in which • Recruit and retain people from • Advocate and successfully leverage
embrace diverse ideas and styles. people value diversity either in diverse backgrounds and ensure diversity to maximise organisational
recruitment, team formation and/or resources are available to help them strength across the organisation.
• Interact effectively with all people,
in developing plans and strategies. succeed in the organisation.
participate in teams and groups, and • Create a culture that promotes
cooperate with others. • Bring team members into • Facilitate teams to develop cooperation and integration over
discussions so that they can new ideas, more powerful than internal competition; proactively
• Apply an understanding of available
contribute their ideas, are involved any original individual ideas; identify and realign resources to
resources and use them effectively.
in setting team objectives and feel eliminate low-value activities meet strategic business priorities.
engaged on issues that affect them. within the department.
• Continuously encourage others to
• Identify and manage the teams’ • Effectively manage global teams harness and maximise the skills,
strengths and weaknesses and and adapt style to accommodate experience and expertise of all
resolve issues to achieve shared cultural differences; encourage team members; provide resources
goals; promote trust, openness cross-functional and cross-boundary and remove obstacles to support
and respect for others; guide working and resolve conflicts cross-functional and geographically
and motivate teams. of interest. dispersed teams.
• Anticipate additional • Harness the collective energy • Create a common goal and a climate
requirements and use available of the team to achieve business where people feel part of something
resources appropriately. success; create opportunities for bigger than their own individual
teams to network internally to share success or their immediate team.
knowledge and best practice.

CGMA Competency Framework Leadership skills 64

Coaching and mentoring

This is the ability to train and advise others on how to perform, improve and succeed by producing best results.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Seek, provide and successfully • Proactively seek feedback to gauge • Create a team environment where • Drive strategic training initiatives
incorporate feedback into and monitor progress and update members provide each other with to enhance the whole organisation;
future behaviour. development plan to facilitate constructive feedback regularly and lead and influence the broader
continuous self-improvement. in challenging situations. development planning process.
• Orient new employees on the job;
aware of the need for and the value • Participate in developing and • Identify and communicate strengths • Actively arrange for developmental
of training, both for self and others. delivering training to finance and development areas in others; or stretch assignments into other
employees and business partners; ensure development plans are functional areas or business units for
• Take ownership of career; implement
use relevant training courses and implemented; empower and the benefit of the organisation and
a development plan that is aligned
programmes to build the skills of give adequate exposure for all the individual.
with performance evaluation; and/
others. team members.
or partner with manager to identify • Champion the recruitment,
strengths and opportunities. • Provide regular, timely, constructive • Balance the needs of the development and retention of
and actionable feedback to team organisation and career needs high-potential and high-performing
members and management; for individuals; lead the talent individuals; make time available for
proactively identify potential people management process for the coaching, mentoring and feedback.
for talent development opportunities. department; lead training solutions.

CGMA Competency Framework Leadership skills 65

Driving performance

This is the ability to support, implement and monitor an effective performance management process to achieve results.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Apply an understanding of and • Participate with senior manager • Manage and communicate all • Lead in driving enhancing
participate in the performance and team members to align both aspects of the performance performance management
management process. individual and team goals for specific management process, ensuring throughout the whole organisation.
assignments. alignment with development plans.
• Establish and accept accountability • Establish and drive the strategies
for set objectives; take ownership • Ensure goals are aligned to key • Ensure accountability among the and standards required to deliver
of assigned work through to department objectives; understand team to set stretch targets; drive against business plans; translate
completion; take action before the link between the achievement of challenging targets and review internal and external analysis into
being asked. results and the financial impact on functional performance against strategy and action.
the bottom line. these targets.
• Consistently deliver high-quality • Set and promote standards for
work on time and against • Create a sense of urgency and focus • Create an environment where teams best practice and outstanding
commitments. the team on delivering and achieving and individuals enjoy achieving service delivery; create programmes
results based on appropriately high results; leverage additional capability and incentives that drive and
• Contribute to the achievement of
standards and measures. in resources to deliver results. reward results.
team and business unit objectives;
support colleagues to help them • Monitor team performance as well • Promote the expectation of • Set up and structure business units
achieve their goals. as challenge and deal with poor exceptional performance as the so they have the capability to deliver
performance; follow through on own norm; look for new ways to improve against strategic targets.
and team commitments. performance and deliver value.

CGMA Competency Framework Leadership skills 66

Motivating and inspiring

This is the ability to create a workplace where employees are inspired, encouraged and valued.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Demonstrate a positive and “can • Make timely decisions in a • Personally build the confidence of • Create processes or methods to
do” attitude; adopt a consistent and self-assured way when demanded others to succeed either in their own boost the confidence of internal or
positive approach in times of stress. and confidently justify and capacity, or in the future success external stakeholders for present
maintain own position or of their team, unit or organisation; and future success in their team,
• Appreciate the contribution and
decision when challenged. provide guidance, support and unit, organisation or in their own
efforts of other team members
incentives to motivate others. capacity.
and colleagues. • Generate commitment by involving
team members when setting team • Make statements to build hope, • Inspire exceptional performance
• Help, support and celebrate the
direction and objectives; help them optimism, excitement and by building a collective corporate
achievement of colleagues.
see how they contribute to team and enthusiasm in others; recognise identity and communicating a
organisation success. and reward team and individual shared purpose.
contribution and achievement.
• Publicise and celebrate team/ • Create a culture that inspires
individual achievement and • Demonstrate own belief in and high people to do their best because
success; assess strengths and expectations for the success of a they feel valued; create strategies
needs of others to get the best out of particular plan or strategy. to recognise, reward and celebrate
them; reassure after setbacks, and contribution and achievement.
discuss issues and ways to
prevent reoccurrence.

CGMA Competency Framework Leadership skills 67

Change management

This is the ability to recognise the need for change and embrace new ways of thinking and working that align with business objectives and
financial targets.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Understand the business • Understand the business objectives • Advise on and influence change • Strategically design selection and
needs, direction and changes and how management changes management; participate in the implementation of organisational
in management. tie to business unit performance planning and implementation of changes to drive and exceed
and results. organisational changes. business objectives.
• Evaluate how change
management affects current • Interpret, communicate and facilitate • Monitor change management • Be an advocate for changes.
roles and responsibilities. the implementation processes of results and measure with business
change management. objectives.
• Support implementation of
organisational changes and assist in • Effectively manage change • Handle sensitive aspects of
carrying out the goals and objectives management along with organisational change management.
of the management team. potential conflicts to maximise
acceptance and cooperation and
achieve business objectives.

CGMA Competency Framework Leadership skills 68

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