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As3 English7 Q4

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PROJECT CLAID (Contextualized and Localized Activities Intended for

Distance Learning)

Name:______________________________ Date: ____________ Score:________

Quarter 4 – Week – 3
Competency: Determine the worth of ideas mentioned in the text
listened to
Lesson: Determining the worth of ideas mentioned in the text listened

1. Understand the differences between hearing and listening.
2. Explain the benefits of listening.
3. Get the important ideas mentioned in a text listened to.

According to Merriam-Webster: hearing defines as the” process, function, or power
of perceiving sound; specifically, the special sense by which noises and tones are
received as stimuli.”
Listening on the other hand, means “ to pay attention to sound; to hear something
with thoughtful attention; and to give consideration.”
Active listening is a skill that can be acquired and develop with practice. Hence,
once adopted, it can easily lead to identify the worthy ideas, understand the message and
comprehend the information of what you heard in a given listening text or speech.


Q4 Week No.3 Competency Code: EN7LC-IV-g-8.2
Competency: Determine the worth of ideas mentioned in the text listened to
A. Directions: Read each item carefully. Write the letter of your answer in
your English notebook.

1. According to Merriam-webster, _______ is the process, function, or power

of perceiving sound.

a. listening c. writing

b. hearing d. talking

2. ________________ means to hear something with thoughtful attention.

a. listening c. writing

b. hearing d. talking

3. Below are the reason / purpose why you listen except for?

a. To focus on the messages being communicated.

b. To inform the speaker that you don’t like his


c. To understand the point of view of the speaker.

d. To show interest, concern, and concentration.

4. Read the statement below and choose tips on listening.

a. Begin listening by checking the wrong

pronunciation of the speaker.

b. Look for the characters in the given speech.

c. Sorting or arranging the main ideas will helps you

in identifying important things to remember.

d. Know the background of the author.

5. _____________ should be avoided when you listen to a


A. A free and open mind

B. A conference notebook and a pen
C. A comfortable room free from noise
D. Doing other things that may hinder attention.

Q4 Week No.3 Competency Code: EN7LC-IV-g-8.2
Competency: Determine the worth of ideas mentioned in the text listened to
B. Directions: Through guided letters, write the differences between
HEARING and LISTENING inside the table below.


1. Ac-------- 1. Fo-----
2. In--------- 2. Vo-------
3. Eff-------
3. Int--------


In this activity sheet, you will recognize the differences between

listening and hearing, its benefits and procedure in active listening.
Furthermore, it shows us how to get the worthy of ideas mentioned
from a listening text.


Hearing is an accidental and automatic brain response to sound
that requires no effort.
For example, we are accustomed to the sounds of the buses, a
dog barking in a distance, karaoke playing, a neighbor yelling to her/his
children and so on. We hear those incidental sounds, and we train
ourselves to ignore them, unless we have a reason to do otherwise. We
learn to filter out sounds that mean little to us, just like we choose to
hear our ringing cellphones and other sounds that are more important.

Listening, on the other hand, is purposeful and focused rather

than accidental. As a result, it requires motivation and effort. It is active
and concentrated attention for the purpose of understanding the
meaning expressed by a speaker.

Q4 Week No.3 Competency Code: EN7LC-IV-g-8.2
Competency: Determine the worth of ideas mentioned in the text listened to
Purpose of Listening:
There is no doubt that effective listening is an extremely important life
Listening serves as a number of possible purposes. This will depend on
the situation and the nature of the communication.
1. To specifically focus on the messages being communicated, avoid
distractions and preconceptions.
2. To gain a full and accurate understanding into the speaker’s point
of view and ideas.
3. To critically assess what is being said.
4. To observe the non-verbal signals accompanying what is being said
to enhance understanding.
5. To show interest, concern and concentration.
6. To encourage the speaker to communicate fully, openly and
7. To develop a selflessness approach, putting the speaker first.
8. To arrive at a shared and agreed understanding and acceptance of
both sides views.

Steps in getting worthy ideas of the text

Below are the steps that will help you to get the worthy ideas of the text
you are listening and understand its content.
1. Begin by listening carefully to the main idea so that you can identify
the subject.
2. Listen for key words to help you remember the important points. If
you are listening to a narration or description, try to visualize the
details. If you are listening to an exposition, try to understand the
order behind the arrangement of the detailed sentences.

One way to remember the important details in a text you are listening
to is to pay attention to the discourse markers.

Discourse markers are words or phrases whose function is to organize

discourse (speech) into segments.

The following are some discourse markers emphasizing important

details. If you heard any of these words, you may be taking the worthy
ideas of the text you are listening to.
Q4 Week No.3 Competency Code: EN7LC-IV-g-8.2
Competency: Determine the worth of ideas mentioned in the text listened to
Above all Significantly In particular
Indeed Especially Take note/Notably
Importantly Always remember Bear in mind

3. Think about what you are listening to. Sorting out or arranging the
main ideas in your mind helps you identify the main points to
remember. Try to jot down the main points. Go over the speech from
beginning to end and recall the details.

Benefits of Listening Attentively

Listed below, are four compelling advantages when you practice active
1. You Become A Better Student
When you focus on the material presented in a classroom, you
will be able to identify not only the words used in a lecture but
their emphasis and their more complex meaning.
2. You Become A Better Friend
When you give your best attention to the people expressing
thoughts and experiences that are important to them, those
individuals are likely to see you as someone who cares about their
well - being. This fact is especially true when you give your
attention only and refrain from interjecting opinions, judgments,
and advice.
3. People Will Perceive You as Intelligent and Perceptive
When you listen well to others, you reveal yourself as being
curious and interested in people and events. In addition, your
ability to understand the meanings of what you hear will make
you a more knowledgeable and thoughtful person.
4. Good Listening Can Help Your Public Speaking
When you listen well to others, you start to pick up more on the
stylistic components related to how people form arguments and
present information. As a result, you have the ability to analyze
what you think works and doesn’t work in other’s speeches,
which can help you transform your speeches in the process.

Knowing the Worthy Ideas

Determining the importance or worthy of ideas is a strategy that the
readers or listeners use to distinguish on what information in a text is most
valuable. In order to find them, be guided by the following questions:

Q4 Week No.3 Competency Code: EN7LC-IV-g-8.2
Competency: Determine the worth of ideas mentioned in the text listened to
1. What is the topic stated in the listening text?
2. What is the important idea presented in the text?
3. How the speaker stated the idea? Explicitly stated or implied?
4. What helped you determine the worthy ideas presented?
5. Is the idea presented worth keeping and worth sharing to others? Why?


Directions: Listen attentively to a video presentation that can be accessed
through this link and
answer the questions below. Write your answer in your English notebook.

1. What is the topic stated in the listening text?
2. How the speaker stated the idea? Explicitly stated or implied?
3. What is the worth while idea presented in the listening text?

4. What helped you understand the worthy ideas presented?

5. Is the main idea given in the listening text worth sharing to others? Why?

Q4 Week No.3 Competency Code: EN7LC-IV-g-8.2
Competency: Determine the worth of ideas mentioned in the text listened to


1.Listening is a very important area in communication. Why do you think

we need to improve our listening skills?







Pointing System
Content – 8pts
Grammar – 7pts
Capitalization/Punctuation- 5 pts.
Total- 20 pts.


English Teacher’s Manual II. Department of Education – Bureau of Learning
Resources (DEPED – BLR), 1st Edition, 2017
Bermudez, Virginia F., Remedios F. Nery, Josephine M. Cruz, and Milagros A.
San Juan. English Expressways II. Quezon City: SD Publications, Inc. 2007.

Q4 Week No.3 Competency Code: EN7LC-IV-g-8.2
Competency: Determine the worth of ideas mentioned in the text listened to
ELECTRONICS “ Hearing vs Listening” Accessed July 1, 2020

Slideshare. “ Discourse Markers” Accessed July 2, 2020

Dare to do Motivation “This Race Called Life” retrieved from

Prepared by:


SDO Mandaluyong



Content Language Layout



Education Program Supervisor, English

Q4 Week No.3 Competency Code: EN7LC-IV-g-8.2
Competency: Determine the worth of ideas mentioned in the text listened to

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