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Astro Calculations and Impacts Based On Degrees

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Rudolf Megert - SCIENTIFIC Astrology

Astrological Advice, Scientific Astrology, Astrology Book

Information on Astrology, Elements of Astrology

About SCIENTIFIC What The basic Astrological Advice Astrology Book Script Horoscope
Astrology Astrology Elements of Examples 
can do for Astrology (Astrological
you Charts)

(Introduction to (scientific, collection of (birthplace
SCIENTIFIC (and what (and of 100% accurate astrological and relocation
Astrology) not) life) service) knowledge) place)

Excerpts from The BIG Excerpts from The BIG System, an Astrology Excerpts from The BIG Excerpts from The BIG
System, an Astrology Book Manuscript, System, an Astrology Book System, an Astrology
Book Manuscript, Manuscript, Book Manuscript,

Introduction to this
The Front "Complete collection of Table of Free Astrology
Page Astrological Knowledge for Astrological Zodiac,
professional use" Symbols printable

Astrology Book
Manuscript - 
Chapter 3: (just part of it) Scientific Astrology 
Section for 100% How to calculate a Horoscope
scientific accurate
horoscopes -

Basics about Calculating Times and Degrees for:

the 12 Signs
of the Zodiac A : The Planet Positions 
B : The House Axes 
Astrology Book C : House System adjustments for new places of living 
Manuscript - 
Section for 100%
scientific accurate To start the whole process you need your birth data in front of you. To
horoscopes -
make understanding as easy as possible, i will use for all coming
examples the following - fictive - birth data: 1955, July, 14., 02h 05m,
How to
8º40' e., 47º30' n. 

Astrology Book
1. Calculating the Planet Positions
Manuscript - 
Section for 100%
scientific accurate
horoscopes - Now, the first thing to check out is the global Time Zone in which a birth
took place. (The Table "Global Time Zones and their Prime Meridians"
Necessary can be found on page W 31 - or chapter 4 on excerpts). 
astrological Every Time Zone has got a Prime Meridian (that's the longitude on
Tables which that Time Zones time is precise by hour and minute. Prime
Meridians start from 00º00' (GMT) on, than every 15º east or west. 
Astrology Book
Manuscript - 
You need to know this, because the planets positions (recorded in the
Section for 100% Ephemeris), are all calculated to the GMT Prime Meridian on 00º00'! 
scientific accurate
horoscopes - If you are born exactly on 00º00' you don't need any calculations,
because your birth time is automatically local meantime too, and of
Finished course also already the right planet time. 
Horoscope In any other case, you start first to calculate your local meantime,
Charts because your registered birth time is just the official time for one whole
Examples Time Zone, which expands over 1 hour. So, if you are not born
precisely on a Prime Meridian, your birth time will have actually been a
Astrology Book couple of minutes before or after the official time. (Check for easier
Manuscript - 
Section for 100%
understanding also the graphic on page W 33 -not available on
scientific accurate excerpts). 
horoscopes -
If your birthplace is east of your Time Zones Prime Meridian, you need
to add 4 minutes for every degree in distance (24 hours devided by
360º = 4 min.). 
If your birthplace is west of your Time Zones Prime Meridian, you have
Planets in the
to subtract 4 minutes for every degree in distance. 
12 Houses
(Radix and
Example A : 
Astrology Book
Birth Time 02h 05m 
Manuscript -  Prime Meridian (Central European Time) = 15º00' 
Section for 100%
scientific accurate
Birthplace = 8º40' 
horoscopes - Difference = 6º20' 
Birthplace is west of Prime Meridian = 4 x 6 20 = minus25m 
Aspects in Real Local Meantime = 01h 40m 
Astrology (for If your local meantime is in any other Time Zone than GMT, you will
Radix have to subtract (for Time Zones east of GMT) or add (for Time Zones
Horoscopes, west of GMT) the difference in time to GMT, to get the right planet
Transits & time. 
astrological For Example A: 
Partnership Local Meantime 01h 40m 
Comparisons Central European Time is 1 hour east (or plus) GMT = minus 01h 
) Time on the GMT Prime Meridian = Planet Time (or P.T.) 00h 40m 
Astrology Book
Manuscript - 
Section for 100% Example B : 
scientific accurate
horoscopes - Same birth time 02h 05m 
Other birthplace 20º 30' east, still Central European Time. 
All the
individual Prime Meridian 15º 00' 
360º of the Difference = 5º 30' 
Zodiac Birthplace is east of Prime Meridian = 4 x 5 30 = plus22m 
Real Local Meantime 02h 27m 
Central European Time is 1 hour after GMT = minus 01h 
P.T. = 01h 27m 
Example C : 
Same irth time 02h 05m 
Prime Meridian 75º 00' west ( for E.T. USA) 
Other birthplace 74º 00' west (Eastern Time, USA) 
Difference = 01º 
Birthplace is east of Prime Meridian = 4 x 1 = plus 04m 
Real Local Meantime 02h 09m 
Eastern Time USA is 5 hours before GMT = plus 05h 
P.T. = 07h 09m 
Notice : In case your calculation ends with a figure above 24h 00m, you
simply have to subtract 24h 00m from it, but using still the same
If your P.T. is not approximately 00h 00m, you will have to write down 2
planet positions. One for the very beginning of your birthday, the other
one for the very beginning of the next day, because the Ephemeris are
usually written for 00h 00m each day. 
The difference is the movement of each planet, within the 24 hours
around your birth time. (For the slow moving planets such as Pluto,
Neptune and Uranus, the difference is virtually none, while the Moon
-as the fastest moving planet- usually moves about 12 degrees within
this 24 hours). 
This calculations are basic mathematics and shouldn't be difficult to
To show the process and the results, here the regular example for
1955 July 14. 02h 05m, Planet Time 00h 40m : 
...not available in excerpts. 

2. Calculating the House Axes

While you where reading the planet positions in the Ephemeris, you
came across one more line: The Sidereal Time! That time, calculated
like the planets for your birth time on GMT, will be necessary for the
coming calculation. 
The process is very simple. All that is to do, is to add this Sidereal Time
to your local meantime. (Not your P.T.)! 
With our regular example it looks like that: 
Local Meantime 01h 40m 
Sidereal Time 14. July 00h 40 rounded up and added 19h 25m 
House System Time H.S.T. = 21h 05m

Notice : Again, if you should get a number above 24h 00m, you take
24h 00m off, because the time ystem doesn't have more than 24 hours.

The next step would be to check the "Birthplace Table of Houses" (see
example page W 37 -not available on excerpts). If your House System
matches exactly one of the times indicated on the left hand side of the
MC, you have it easy. Just go down along the latitudes to the one of
your birthplace, and if you're born exactly on a full degree, you have it
again easy, you just read the line. 
All others have to start calculating the precise figures in between the
full degrees. 
In terms of our regular example that means: 
H. S. T. 21h 05m 
Nearest figure in tables 21h 05m 52s 
that is roughly a quarter more than 14º Z, so it is correctly MC 14º 15'

For all the other 5 house axes we have to add this quarter. 
Since the northern latitude for our example is exactly in 
the middle of 47º and 48º, we have to calculate also there 
first the middle figure.

Ascendant on 14º   for 48º = 15º on 15º   

19' for 48º =16º 24'
for 47º = 14º 11' for 47º =15º 17'
difference =  1º
difference =   1º 08'
middle of both = 34' =
for 15º  
15º 51'    
for 14º 
14º 45'
a quarter of it =16' makes Asc.
difference = 1º 06' 
15º 01' 
The same procedure for the other Houses = 

   II. House      7º 40'   

  III. House    26º 38'   

 XI. House    28º 39'   

XII. House    13º 40'   

This are the precise positions. The other 6 ends of the axes are of
course exactly on the opposite positions. People who are born on the
southern Hemisphere simply go along their MC line backwards, to the

opposite MC line (6º  instead of 6º  f.ex.) and read their

southern latitude on the same place where the normally northern
latitudes stand, take that figures, but reverse the signs to the opposite.

The MC remains always the same. (f.ex. MC = 6º   , not 6º  ,

Asc. = 28º  , not  ). 

For the information about the meaning of each degree, as can be found
in the chapter "The 360º of the Zodiac", the precise figures may be
rounded down or up. That means; from -25' to +25' it is always one
particular degree, but with figures between 25' and 35', both degrees

have to be considered. (Example 22º 33'   = 22º and 23º  ). 

With our regular example we would have to read: 

 MC  14º   

Asc. 15º   

     II.   8º   

    III. 27º   

   XI. 29º   

  XII. 14º   
The same way of rounding down or up is to use of course with the
3. House System adjustments for new places of living

Not everybody remains living at the place they where born. 

This change of place - and therefore of the environment - has to show
up in a Horoscope, otherwise every updated interpretation - mainly of
course also the Transits - would simply be completely wrong, and in
Astrology nothing is worse than wrong information! 
The process is simple. With your House System Time you found your
MC in the Table of Houses. Besides of the time you've seen also a
degree figure in that same top line, right of the MC.. The difference
between the longitude of your birthplace and the longitude of your new
(or any future planed) place of living has to be added (if you moved - or
plan to move - east), or subtracted (if you moved - or plan to move -
west) from that figure next to your birthplace MC. 
In our regular example that would look like this: 
...not available in excerpts. 
That was already all the calculating work. 
If you could follow so far, here a little advice: Practice first a while, and
try to Double check your Calculations, also with other Astrologers, or a
computerized calculator, because mistakes can have very bad effects! 

The Aspects 
180º =   = Opposition Inner tension, but awareness for others
120º =   = Trine Easy, advancing awareness, fortune, success,
  90º =   = Square Hardship, loss, misfortune, victims of force. 
  72º =   = Pentagon Special talents, easy achievements. 
  60º =   = Hexagon Refining, fortunate opportunities, uplifting,
    0º =   = Conjunction Difficult or positive, according to planets

Some People use even more aspects, but they haven't proved to be of
any significance for me, throughout 12 years of research. The 6
aspects above are the logical essence, because they build 1/1, 1/2,
1/3, 1/4, 1/5, 1/6 of a circle. 
To read the different aspects easily, you may use the following way to
draw them into your Horoscope 
 = --------------------- Full line between two positions 
 = ------ ------ ------ Three stripped line between two positions 
 = ---- ---- ---- ----    Four stripped line between two positions 
 = --- --- --- --- ---   Five stripped line between two positions 
 = -- -- -- -- -- --     Six stripped line between two positions 
 =                         Half circle around two, or multiple, positions

The Orbs of Planets, Asc. and MC 

Seldom enough you come across an aspect that is exactly 90º, or 0º,
for instance. Each aspect has got a flexibility zone. How much that is
depends on the planets that are involved. Also the MC / IC and Asc. /
Desc. axes have their particular orb. To get the right amount of
acceptance for an aspect precisely, you need to take the middle of the
allowed orb of the two ends of a certain aspect. 

each 10º plus or minus

,    each 8º plus or minus

each 6º plus or minus

Asc., MC each 5º plus or minus  

+    (this counts also for the other houses, mainly to
/  determine into which house a planet actually belongs).

,    each 4º plus or minus

Example :   = 10º, MC = 5º, makes 15 : 2 = 7º 30' plus or minus

between does two positions, for instance:   on 7º 13'  in a   

to the MC on 14º 43'  . This would be an aspect at the very edge of

its possible acceptance. It is clear, that an aspect like that would be
less strong, or important, than an other aspect with very little of used

Transit Aspects 
The most important issue here right up front: All Transit aspects have
an orb of no more and no less than exactly 1º ! 

Example : Transit   in a   aspect to the Radix   on 11º 15'

. This Transit will be active from 26º 15'    to 28º 15'   
(for instance), that's usually around 48 hours. 
Notice : To interpret Transits 100% right, you will have to check the
house out of which the transiting planet builds the aspect, as well as
the house in which the aspected planet stands. And before all of that,
you will have to check the degrees that are involved on both ends of
the aspect! 
To watch the transits is basically much more interesting than just to
study a Horoscope, because many people know them self's pretty well
without the help of Astrology, but they cant predict their future! As for
you, if you could follow the whole process so far, you can! (Of course,
Transits can be checked as well for any past time).

To predict the general quality of any future time -independent from a

particular Person- you only check the planet positions, their degrees
and their aspects for the chosen time. That's called Global Time

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