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Adv Product Design

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Rev Chem Eng 2018; 34(3): 319–340

Lei Zhang, Ka Yip Fung, Christianto Wibowo and Rafiqul Gani*

Advances in chemical product design

DOI 10.1515/revce-2016-0067 specific needs of functionality and utility. More than
Received December 23, 2016; accepted March 30, 2017; previously 70,000 chemical products are used in the modern society,
published online May 5, 2017
including agrichemicals, ceramics, elastomers, electronic
materials, explosives, foods, flavors and fragrances, fuels,
Abstract: The nature of chemical product design problems
industrial gases, inorganic chemicals, metals, oleochemi-
is diverse and multidisciplinary. It involves many design
cals, petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, plastics, and
issues such as project management, market study, prod-
textiles (Seider et al. 2017). Chemical product design deter-
uct design, process design, and economic analysis for
mines the structure and composition of a system of single
better organizing the product design project and achiev-
or multiple species that satisfies a set of desired properties
ing better products. This article provides an overview of
and functions. It decides what to make. Chemical process
chemical product design with a multidisciplinary hier-
design establishes a practical means to convert raw mate-
archical framework including all the design issues and
rials to products with desired properties and functionality
tasks. Each of the design issues and tasks are introduced
via a series of processing steps. It decides how to make the
and discussed, methods and tools are summarized and
product. In process design, the products are specified, and
compared, challenges and perspectives are presented to
engineers focus on models of manufacturing process to
help the chemical product design researchers on finding
select among process alternatives the one with the lowest
more novel, innovative and sustainable products, by the
cost. In product design, neither product nor process is spec-
combined effort from academia and industry to develop a
ified; engineers focus on models of product properties to
systematic generic framework, and tools including prod-
select among product alternatives the one with enhanced
uct simulator, process simulator, database manager, mod-
product properties. Efforts have been made during last two
eling tool, and templates for design problems.
decades to develop methods, tools, software, and databases
Keywords: chemical product design; economic analysis; for product design and development. As product design is
market study; process design; project management. multidisciplinary in nature, these studies cover various
disciplines such as material science, chemical engineer-
ing, industrial engineering, electronic engineering, market-
1 Introduction ing, and management. This wide spectrum of activities in
product design has been captured by the multidisciplinary
With an ever-changing global business environment hierarchical framework (Figure 1) by Cheng et  al. (2009)
that requires a short time-to-market for products, there and Seider et  al. (2017). The design activities span three
is an urgent need in the chemical engineering commu- phases in time – product conceptualization, detail design
nity to expand the focus from commodity chemicals to and prototyping, and product manufacturing and launch,
chemical-based consumer products and from process
­ which can be classified by five job functions – manage-
design to product and process development. Chemi- ment, sales and marketing, research and design, manufac-
cal products are made from other chemicals, which meet turing, and finance and economics. These activities can be
grouped into various design tasks such as project manage-
ment, market study, product design, process design, and
*Corresponding author: Rafiqul Gani, Department of Chemical and economic analysis. Many of these design tasks, italicized in
Biochemical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby Figure 1, are handled by a chemical engineer, sometimes
DK-2800, Denmark, e-mail:
with inputs from personnel from other disciplines, whereas
Lei Zhang: Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering,
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water the rest are totally handled by personnel from other disci-
Bay, Hong Kong; and Institute of Process Systems Engineering, plines. For example, product specifications cannot be fixed
School of Chemical Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, by engineers without the input from the business team
Dalian 116012, China. working on consumers’ preferences, whereas the market-
Ka Yip Fung: Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering,
ing strategy is primarily developed by marketing experts.
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water
Bay, Hong Kong
Many product design review articles focus on a
Christianto Wibowo: ClearWaterBay Technology, 4000 Valley Blvd., specific topic in product design. Gani (2004) reviewed
Suite 100, Pomona, CA 91789, USA computer-aided molecular design (CAMD) methods for
320      L. Zhang et al.: Advances in chemical product design

Figure 1: A multidisciplinary hierarchical framework for product design (Figure reproduced from Cheng et al. 2009 and Seider et al. 2017
with permission from Elsevier).

product-process design. Grossmann (2004) introduced multidisciplinary nature of product design, a summary
product-process design as one of the future challenges of the key achievements across different disciplines of
of chemical engineering. Hill (2009) proposed chemical product design is noteworthy. This review article is organ-
product design as a third paradigm in chemical engineer- ized in terms of research advances for the design tasks clas-
ing. Smith and Ierapepritou (2010) discussed the integra- sified in Figure 1. These design tasks are grouped as five
tion of product design strategies in their review paper. topics in this review paper, namely project management,
MacDowell et al. (2010) discussed CO2 capture solvent and market study, product design, process design, and eco-
process design in their paper. Ng et  al. (2015) reviewed nomic analysis.
significant development, current challenges, and future
opportunities in the field of chemical product design using
CAMD tools. Gani and Ng (2015) reviewed product design 2 Project management
focusing on product conceptualization. Zhang et al. (2016)
reviewed methods for chemical product and process design In the current competitive market, the time to market is
and discussed the challenges and opportunities and the critical for a product to succeed, and effective project man-
perspectives for the future of product-process design. Fung agement is crucial to make sure that all the milestones for
et al. (2016) proposed a grand model for chemical product developing a product are completed as scheduled. The
design, which consists of a process model, a property diverse nature of the design tasks to be completed by a mul-
model, a quality model, a cost model, a pricing model, an tidisciplinary team in product development makes project
economic model, as well as factors such as company strat- management even more challenging. Traditionally, project
egy, government policies, and regulations. There are a lot management process includes five elements, namely ini-
of outstanding textbooks on product design (Wei 2007, tiation, planning, production or execution, monitoring and
Cussler and Moggridge 2011) and books of product design controlling, and closing, as Figure 2 shows (Westland 2007).
case studies (Ng et al. 2006, Brockel et al. 2013). With the All projects start with an idea for a product. The initiating
L. Zhang et al.: Advances in chemical product design      321

Figure 2: Project management stages.

process group then determines the nature and scope of

the project. After initiation, the project is planned to an
appropriate level of detail. The main goal is to reserve the
adequate time and resources to complete the work needed
and to manage risk effectively during project execution. The
work defined in the planning process is then performed
to achieve the project’s objectives. The execution process
involves coordinating people and resources, as well as inte-
grating and performing the project activities. The delivera-
bles are produced as outputs from the tasks performed, as
defined in the project management plan. The monitoring
and controlling group involves managing and tracking the
project. Potential problems can be identified quickly for the Figure 3: Objective-time chart (Figure reproduced from Cheng et al.
team to take corrective action. It ends once the project has 2009 with permission from Elsevier).
achieved its goals and objectives. Closing a project means
finishing all activities of product design, and the designed
product is ready to be brought to market. should continue or not. Cooper (1999) developed Stage-
Various methods have been developed to manage the Gate, which divides the product development process
progress of product development and to decide if a design into five stages – product ideas generation, feasibility
project should be continued or not. test for each product idea, process development for each
feasible product idea, process optimization and scale
up, and plant construction for product manufacture and
2.1 Objective-time chart marketing plan for product launch. At each stage, there
is a gate review meeting to consider if the project can be
The objective-time chart, a concept very similar to Gantt
advanced to the next stage or not. It also makes decisions
chart, has been developed to manage the objectives and sub-
on whether a project should be cancelled for reasons such
objectives that have to be met within a given time horizon
as the product that cannot make any profit due to compe-
(Ng 2004, Cheng et al. 2009). Figure 3 shows a generic objec-
tition from others, or the need is no longer recognized by
tive-time chart, where objective C is decomposed into sub-
the company, among others.
objectives C-1–C-5, and subobjective C-3 is decomposed into
C-3-1–C-3-4. The product-process design team uses objective-
time charts to assign tasks to their team members and the
2.3 Balanced scorecard methodology
time by which they should be completed. Every member
also knows what other members are doing to achieve the
There are many other methods developed for project man-
overall goal together. The objective-time chart also high-
agement. For example, Mozota (2006) suggested the use
lights the tasks that can be carried out concurrently, thereby
of balanced scorecard (BSC) methodology to consider four
reducing the overall development time (Cheng et al. 2009).
aspects of product design, namely customer perspective,
process perspective, learning perspective, and finance per-
2.2 T
 he Stage-Gate product innovation spective. The customer and finance perspectives are easier
process to understand as the terms imply that product design is
customer-oriented and aims at getting a larger profit and
In addition to monitoring the progress of product devel- market share, respectively. The process perspective facili-
opment, decisions have to be made timely if a project tates the product design and manufacturing process. One
322      L. Zhang et al.: Advances in chemical product design

option is to adopt modular approach, in which a product design requirements (e.g. product texture, regulation
is built up of smaller subunits that can be designed inde- compliance) provided by the marketing department are
pendently yet function together as a whole (Baldwin converted into objective product attributes (e.g. viscosity,
and Clark 1997). An example is Hsu and Liu (2010); they smoothness) so that the formulation of a previously devel-
adopted BSC structure and aimed at automobile indus- oped product that possesses product attributes closely
tries to understand the relationships of internal and exter- matched with the desired ones can be retrieved from the
nal, financial and nonfinancial, and outcome and driving system, and they are used as the base case for modifica-
factors. They further probed and understood the feasibil- tion in the new product design (case-based reasoning).
ity of environmental performance evaluation and environ- This greatly improves the communication between the
mental strategy control. The learning perspective in BSC marketing team and the technical team and minimizes
methodology refers to a continual process to improve the the iteration required in developing a product so that new
products so as to cope with the market change. products can be launched to the market more efficiently.
Similar knowledge-based system for product formulation
has been developed for oil- and fat-based products (Avra-
2.4 RAT2IO menko and Kraslawski 2006) and pharmaceutical tablets
(Craw et al. 1998).
To effectively manage product development, different
resources are needed to complete all the tasks in product
design. An RAT2IO mnemonic acronym that stands for 2.6 Agile project management
resources, activities, time, tools, input/output informa-
tion, and objective summarizes what is needed for product The agile project management approach originated from
development. Thus, we identify in advance the resources software development and has also been adopted for
(people and money) required to complete certain activi- product design project management. Agile management
ties (experiments, modeling, and synthesis) within a spec- is an iterative, incremental method of managing the
ified period of time using proper tools (experimental setup design and build activities of engineering, information
or software) to generate the necessary information and to technology, and other business areas that aim to provide
meet the given objective. There are usually a wide range of new product or service development in a highly flexible
information and knowledge required for product design. and interactive manner. As Figure 4A shows, in a tradi-
tional waterfall product development approach, project
managers identify a number of steps to accomplish a
2.5 K
 nowledge management system project, which typically must be completed sequentially
and depending on type of project could include: require-
A knowledge management system that creates, organizes, ments, design, implementation, and completion. The
retrieves, and effectively exploits the knowledge of a spe- agile product development approach is rooted in princi-
cific domain is important to allow relevant information ples of “human interaction” management. As Figure 4B
be obtained timely to facilitate the design and decision shows, different from the waterfall method’s preplanned
making process such that the company can stay competi- process, in an agile product development approach, the
tive in the market. For example, Sun et al. (2010) developed
a generic ontology-based approach knowledge manage-
ment system for product design. The product knowledge
model is the key of the system as it stores various infor-
mation related to product design, including the required
domain knowledge of the product under design, the busi-
ness process that manipulates all the knowledge assets,
and the company organization that identifies personnel
with a particular skill for performing specific tasks. Using
the knowledge management system, engineers can iden-
tify the most related technical and personnel information
for their design tasks. Lee et al. (2014) developed a knowl-
edge-based platform for formulating chemical products Figure 4: Comparison of (A) waterfall and (B) agile approach in
in the personal care industry. The subjective product product management.
L. Zhang et al.: Advances in chemical product design      323

project manager defines the project as a series of small occur and the effect they would have on the project if they
tasks and completes them in a responsive and adaptive do occur. Here, a risk impact matrix reflects all identified
manner. This approach does not require the impractical project risks is constructed. In risk mitigation strategies
assumption of “knowing all requirements.” Besides, agile stage, there are four possible alternatives a project organi-
methods are people oriented rather than process oriented. zation can adopt in deciding how to address risks (Pinto
Communication and motivation are essential, project 2007): (1) accept risk, (2) minimize risk, (3) share risk, or
managers and clients or other workers must be in com- (4) transfer risk. In the control and documentation stage,
munication daily and provide updates to one another to a knowledge base for future projects based on lessons
receive new information. Therefore, the key issue of apply- learned is created to help managers classify and codify
ing agile methods to product design project management the various risks the firm faces, its responses to these
is to interactively refine the design process with commu- risks, and the outcome of its response strategies. Another
nication and motivation with people to achieve reliability challenge of project management is that there may exist
and flexibility. Molhanec (2008) improved the product no project mandate and unclear expectations. For many
design project management by using the agile project product design projects, there are no clear mission and
management method. The proposed agile project man- objectives for the product design. Therefore, it is difficult
agement method includes four phases: initiate, construct, for an at-risk project to recover. The stakeholders could
deliver, maintain, and support. A set of information and also change their requirements and expectations rapidly.
communication technology and knowledge management Therefore, agile methods have to be considered for any
methods/tools are included in the project framework for project and need to be integrated into the management
supporting the whole project process. Their approach is methods to overcome the challenges and respond to the
based on usage of Unified Modelling Language (a gen- changes rapidly. A four-step strategy for agile project
eral-purpose, developmental, modeling language that is management has been proposed by Molhanec (2008) for
intended to provide a standard way to visualize the design a product design project: initial phase, construct phase,
of a system) standard diagrams for process description. deliver phase, and support phase. Alongside these four
project phases, there are activities running through the
whole product life cycle as well. These are quality assur-
2.7 Challenges ance (QA), risk management, training and education,
information and communication technology, reuse and
On average, large projects overrun budget and time, while knowledge management, metrics management, delivera-
delivering less value than predicted. The project manage- bles management, and infrastructure management.
ment is conducted under uncertainty and risk, especially
during the initiation phase of the project. Therefore, the
project has to be managed taking into account the uncer-
tainty and risks that they are likely to face. The challenge 3 Market study
here is how to plan for the risks so as to achieve the goal
with minimal disruption. This could be achieved through All products have to fulfill customer requirements to
the four-stage process of risk management (Pinto 2007), stay competitive in the market. Therefore, market study
which includes risk identification, analysis of probability is necessary because it gathers information about target
and consequences, risk mitigation strategies, and control markets and consumers. Market study helps to identify
and documentation. Risk identification is the process of new business opportunities and supports the success-
determining the specific risk factors that can reasonably ful transformation of new technological knowledge into
be expected to affect your project. A useful method for new products. It is an important component of business
developing a risk identification strategy begins by creating strategy. Market study provides important information to
a classification scheme for likely risks, such as financial identify and analyze the market needs, market size, and
risk, technical risk, etc. Then, a number of methods, both competition. It plays a role in determining the need for
qualitative and quantitative, are available for conducting most of the new products. However, caution should be
risk factor identification for industry-specific risks, includ- taken in terms of the expectations of market research, for
ing brainstorming meetings, expert opinion, history, and it cannot be assumed that conducting research with the
multiple (or team-based) assessments. In analysis of prob- market will uncover sizeable opportunities and lead to the
ability and consequences stage, the potential impact of conception and launch of new products. It is the role and
these risk factors is determined by how likely they are to responsibility of the researcher to use the understanding
324      L. Zhang et al.: Advances in chemical product design

of the needs of the market to find applications for new complex purchase decision, to estimate preferences and
products that will satisfy these needs. Furthermore, the importance for product features, and to predict buyer
market study cannot be assumed as an exact science, behavior. A product or service area is described in terms of
as it would be unrealistic and unreasonable to expect a number of product attributes. Each attribute can then be
market researchers to predict the precise demand for a broken down into a number of levels. The preference of the
new concept, given that there are numerous variables that product can be treated as a function of these attributes and
can impact demand outside of the market researchers’ their levels. They explained that conjoint measurement is
remit. Market study should be regarded as an experiment concerned with the joint effect of two or more independent
that includes social and opinion research using statistical variables (product attributes). Then, it can be determined
and analytical methods and techniques of applied social what combination of a limited number of attributes is most
sciences to gain insight or support decision making. The influential on respondent choice or decision making. Then
market study techniques encompass both qualitative preference models or utility functions indicate the per-
techniques such as focus groups, in-depth interviews, eth- ceived value of the feature and how sensitive consumer
nography, as well as quantitative techniques such as cus- preferences are established based on the collected infor-
tomer surveys and conjoint analysis (CA), quality function mation. Based on their work, Green and Srinivasan (1978)
deployment (QFD), and lead user (LU) (Von Hippel 1986). developed a linear programming (LINMAP) procedure for
Various methodologies have been developed for market rank ordered data for the parameter estimation and estab-
study to identify the required consumer preferences and lishing preference function of CA. Later in 1985, Johnson
how to translate these qualitative consumer preferences (2001) from Sawtooth S ­ oftware released a software system
into quantitative technical parameters. The advantages of called adaptive CA. The software could adapt the survey
different market analysis methods are found in Table 1. to each individual in real time, asking only the most rel-
evant trade-offs in an abbreviated, more user-friendly way
that encouraged more realistic responses. Louviere and
3.1 Conjoint analysis Woodworth (1983) developed a choice-based approach,
which is used to provide choices to the consumers in the
CA is a marketing technique to obtain information on con- survey, to CA and related techniques such as Best-Worst
sumers’ preferences for product attributes, which can be Scaling. For example, for traditional CA, the consumer
used for new product development (NPD), market share needs to rate from 1 to 5 in the survey for each aspect,
forecasting, market segmentation, and pricing decisions. while in their approach, they only need to make choices
The method confronts respondents with descriptions or from provided candidates. In their approach, the CA and
pictorials of products and asks them to rank or rate them discrete choice theory in econometrics are integrated for
according to their preferences. It does not require data the design and analysis of controlled consumer choice
on actual purchase behavior. Consumer preferences for or resource allocation experiments. They are concerned
certain features of new products are evaluated long before with estimating the parameters of preference functions
the products are actually developed. This makes the tech- from discrete choice or allocation data. There are draw-
nique especially rewarding in the context of concept testing backs in these developed CA methods. First, the number of
for new products. CA was first applied to market research attributes in use is heavily restricted. In order to use more
by Green and Rao (1971) to understand how buyers made attributes, hybrid conjoint techniques were developed to

Table 1: Advantages of different market analysis methods.

Conjoint analysis Quality function deployment Lead user

Identification of new product ideas ✓

Reduction of market uncertainty for new products ✓ ✓ ✓
Reduction of resistance against new products inside the company ✓
Increased validity of market forecasts ✓
Better decision making with respect to the marketing mix ✓
Reduction of development times and development cost ✓ ✓
Reduction of planning uncertainty, improved decision making ✓ ✓ ✓
Reduction of interface problems ✓
Increased product quality ✓
L. Zhang et al.: Advances in chemical product design      325

overcome this drawback (Green 1984). Second, the task of

establishing preference function using CA itself was unre-
alistic and did not link directly to behavioral theory. In
real-life situations, the task would be some form of actual
choice between alternatives rather than the more artificial
ranking and rating originally used. Louviere et al. (2000)
pioneered an approach that used only a choice task, which
became the basis of choice-based CA and discrete choice
analysis. This stated preference research was linked to
econometric modeling and can be linked to reveal prefer-
ences where choice models are calibrated on the basis of
real rather than survey data.

Figure 5: “House of Quality” and steps in the QFD process.

3.2 Q
 uality function deployment
companies and/or individuals seeking to develop break-
QFD is a process to help identify customer requirements,
through products. Urban and Von Hippel (1988) pointed
and to structure the design and development of a ­solution
out that current market research analyses are typically
to meet those requirements. It enables users to collect
not reliable in the instance of very novel products or in
and then systematically analyze and record information.
product categories characterized by rapid change, such
The information relates to user needs and to the methods
as “high-­ technology” products. Therefore, in market-
and plans for manufacture, implementation, distribu-
ing research analyses of these products, the “LUs” of a
tion, delivery, etc. The QFD method was first reported in
product or process must be considered. LUs are users
the late 1960s in Kobe shipyard in Japan. Akao (1972) and
who are interested in more innovative products (leading
Nishimura (1972) were the pioneers who proposed the
edge) for a specific product category in the market. They
QFD approach and reported the applications of the new
present strong needs that will become general in a mar-
approach in industry in their papers. In the 1980s, it was
ketplace months or years in the future. The LU methodol-
introduced to the Xerox Corporation and was then started
ogy involves four major steps (Von Hippel 1986):
to be applied and gained interest in the post-TQM era of
1. Identify an important market or technical trend:
the 1990s (Hauser and Clausing 1988). It has now been
Before one can identify LUs in a given product cat-
used in a wide range of situations such as car components
egory of interest, one must identify the underlying
design, blast furnace performance improvement, hotel
trend. But general and reliable methods for formal
and leisure industry, and strategic planning activities. In
prediction of trends over time on a given product area
a NPD project, the design requirements (WHAT’s) serve as
are not yet well developed. Only prediction methods
input to establish the component characteristics (HOW’s)
for special case are developed and used currently.
of the product design, which on their turn serve to define
2. Identify a group of LUs of the identified market or
the process plans and next the manufacturing process
technical trend: The market researcher begins to
operations. Because of the complex relationships between
search for LUs (1) who are at the leading edge of each
the inputs and outputs, these relationships are mapped
identified trend in terms of related new product and
into a QFD chart as Figure 5 shows. In the QFD chart, each
process needs and (2) who expect to obtain a rela-
“HOW” will be appraised to set target goals or values,
tively high net benefit from solutions to those needs.
the “HOW-MUCH’s” we want to achieve. These “HOW-
3. Analyze the data obtained from the needs of LUs: Data
MUCH’s” should be measurable as much as possible. The
derived from LUs and their real-life experience with
QFD is often applied by building a “House of Quality” as it
novel attributes and product concepts of commercial
was named by Hauser and Clausing (1988). The steps are
interest can be incorporated in market research analy-
given in Figure 5 and explained in Govers (1996).
ses using standard market research methods such as
CA and QFD.
3.3 Lead user 4. Apply the LU data to the target market: The needs of
today’s LUs are typically not precisely the same as the
The LU method is a market research tool, developed needs of the users who will make up a major share
by Urban and Von Hippel (1988), that may be used by of tomorrow’s predicted market. Thus, analysts will
326      L. Zhang et al.: Advances in chemical product design

need to assess how LU data apply to the more typical analyze the market trends and define the desired product
user in a target market rather than simply assume such attributes before creating a NPD enquiry for the formu-
data straightforwardly transferable. One approach lators in the R&D department. However, some product
involves prototyping the novel product and asking a attributes are defined by the sales and marketing depart-
sample of typical users to use it. However, in rapidly ment, such as the smoothness and softness of products,
moving fields in which the proposed new product will which are sensorial and thus subjective. Sales staff lack
interact with many other not-yet-developed in unfore- the technical knowledge to help them precisely express
seen ways, new approaches may be needed. their preferences regarding those attributes. As a result,
miscommunication between sales staff and formulators
LU is an important information source for the develop- can easily occur as their perceptions of these subjective
ment of new products with respect to three aspects: first, product attributes are different. From their research, a
it provides insights in future market needs; second, it has knowledge-based ingredient formulation system (KIFS)
often developed own innovations related to these new allows sales personnel, who lack technical skills, to
market needs from the interaction between the LUs by input new product requirements based on their market-
further analyzing their needs and can thus be regarded as ing analysis in linguistic terms when describing product
an important source of innovative ideas; third, it provides properties. This narrows the gap between marketing and
the richest information to marketing researchers. The LU R&D as the marketing information is inputted into the
method is now utilized in any industry and at any level of KIFS and transformed into technical knowledge for sup-
product complexity. For example, LU concepts developed porting the NPD activities.
and used at 3M showed product sales potential that was
an average of eight times higher than for sales of products
using more traditional development concepts/processes
(Lilien et  al. 2002). Review articles of LU methods can 4 Product design
be found in Lilien et  al. (2002) and Lüthje and Herstatt
(2004). Product design is the most important aspect, as it deter-
mines the performance of the product directly. Chemical
products can be classified in terms of molecular products,
3.4 Challenges formulated products, functional products, and devices
(Gani and Ng 2015). Molecular products are products with
There are challenges in the current market study. Careful single species such as solvents and refrigerants. Mole-
selection of the questions asked in market analysis is of cular products are usually part of a mixture-formulated
primary importance. First, it requires professional expe- product, employed as the main active ingredient of chem-
riences to set up the models. Experienced market ana- ical-based products, or manipulated to obtain a specific
lysts are always needed in the market study as poorly product function. Formulated products are obtained by
designed studies may overvalue or undervalue some mixing selected components together to get the desired
of the essential parameters in product design. Second, product attributes. Thus, a sunscreen lotion may consist
innovations that require potential users to try some- of zinc oxide particles and other ingredients such as
thing new are difficult to research. Given that potential emollients. An inkjet ink is a mixture of key ingredients,
buyers or users interview without sufficient time to fully such as pigments or metal nanoparticles, and supporting
consider the product, it could have received the thumbs ingredients, such as dispersants and solvents. A liquid
down. Third, people’s taste change slowly. They gradu- shampoo is a mixture of surfactants, fragrances, and
ally see and acknowledge the adoption of products by colorants. Paints have pigments and a solvent, normally
others, and over time, they are influenced by regular water, which evaporates to give a solid coat of paint.
exposure to promotions. An initial rejection of a new Functional products are those chemical products made
product in a market research study may shortly become up of materials that perform a desired function. Gener-
an enthusiastic embrace as attitudes change. Hence, ally, these products do not have feed and outlet streams
market research cannot be expected to give definite and and do not involve mechanical and electrical parts. For
direct answers to new product. Therefore, new product example, a controlled-release herbicide granule can
research needs more intuition and judgment from the control weed growth over a prolonged period of time. A
market researcher. Lee et  al. (2014) have pointed out similar example is a moisture absorber using silica gel to
another challenge in market analysis. Sales teams lower the humidity in an enclosed environment such as a
L. Zhang et al.: Advances in chemical product design      327

coat cabinet. For packaged foods, metalized polyethylene ingredient, the active ingredient is already fixed. The
can be used to prevent the penetration of oxygen. Chemi- focus is on specifying the appropriate supporting ingre-
cal devices are those chemical products that perform a dients such that the product processes additional product
particular purpose, especially those with mechanical attributes desired by potential consumers. For demand-
and electrical parts. Often, a feed stream to a chemical pull products, the R&D activities begin with finding
device is transformed into an outlet stream with charac- the suitable active ingredient(s). The relevant chemis-
teristics specified in the product attributes by performing try knowledge provides a good starting point to iden-
reactions, fluid flow, heating/cooling, and/or separa- tify potential candidates (Seider et  al. 2017). For all of
tions. For example, an indoor air purifier transforms an these product design projects, it is important to discuss
air stream laden with volatile organic compounds (VOCs) whether or not to begin the design project before the new
into clean air by catalytically decomposing the VOCs with technologies are in place. Therefore, it is helpful to create
platinum-doped TiO2 under UV irradiation. A home-use an innovation map, which connects the new materials or
reverse osmosis (RO) module rids tap water of liquid- processing technologies to market needs (Widagdo 2006).
borne contaminants by forcing water molecules through It has four basic layers: new materials and/or process-
an RO membrane (Seider et al. 2017). Figure 6 shows the ing technologies, technical-value proposition, products,
design workflow diagram and relationship between the and customer-value proposition. The innovation map is
design of molecular products, formulated products, func- not just the reverse of QFD. It is related to a technology
tional products, and devices. As can be seen, molecular platform, expressed in the form of experience, know-
design can be used to generate novel molecules that are how, structure, and so on that enables the creation of
not available in the existing database but offer proper- products and processes without having to resort to a new
ties needed in the formulated products, and the design of technology (Seider et  al. 2017). Technology platforms
functional products and devices need formulated prod- (e.g. polymer melt processing) require understanding of
ucts design models. scientific fundamentals and manufacturing operations
These chemical products can also be classified as (e.g. multilayer thin films involving polymer rheology,
technology-push products and demand-pull products and compacting and extrusion devices). Other exam-
based on the design methods. For technology-push ples include colloidal structures, surfactants, and emul-
products driven by the discovery of a new functional sifiers for blending to form stable creams and pastes,

Figure 6: The workflow diagram for the design of molecular products, formulated products, and functional products and devices.
328      L. Zhang et al.: Advances in chemical product design

human metabolism to build tissues to regenerate bone 4.1 Experimental approach

structures, and diffusive strategies of chemical (or drug)
delivery from within nanoparticles. In some cases, large Many product design problems, especially big molecules,
chemical companies, like 3M, have developed the science formulated, functional products, or chemical devices, are
and processing techniques to accompany a large number developed through trial-and-error experiments by spe-
of technology platforms. For each technology platform, cialists with extensive experience in producing the type
teaching materials have been developed for employee of products under consideration. Experiments are nec-
training and development. essary in such kind of product design problems because
An IP patent search to check that no existing products when data are missing and property model or other related
are competitive with the new product being developed models are not completely understood, it is not possible
is also important. These are important sources of which to use a model-based approach for the design problem.
the design team must be aware to avoid the duplication The missing data or models have to be obtained from
of designs protected by patents. Perhaps more signifi- experiments. For example, in an inkjet ink formulation
cantly, patent searches are often indispensable in tracing (Cummins and Desmulliez 2012), formulation specialist
the development of new technologies when creating inno- would have most of the key ingredients, typical solvents
vation maps (Seider et al. 2017). Patents from the United and dispersants in the laboratory. For a new application,
States, Great Britain, Germany, Japan, and other coun- it is just a matter of mixing the several selected ingredients
tries are available on the Internet. Some other resources to form a mixture and adjusting its composition to obtain
including SciFinder are also available to search for helpful the desired properties. This approach, however, is not pos-
patents in designing products and processes. It can be sible for engineers with limited experience in formulating
used to search by text, chemical structure, or chemical such a product. Thus, it is too expensive and takes too long
reactions. to experimentally screen a large number of product proto-
For different types of products, the design types. Experiments can help to generate models for future
approaches are also different. Researchers have devel- product design. For example, in formulating conductive
oped various methods and tools to systematically inks (Tam et al. 2016), they used experiments to generate
generate product alternatives to meet market and engi- the specific surface energy model of PET substrate for the
neering requirements and to quantitatively analyze selection of dispersing medium (for example tetradecane,
those alternatives so as to select the best alternatives. ether, toluene, and cyclohexane). But for some other sce-
These methods can be classified into experiments, data- narios where no models can be developed, experiments
base search, heuristics, and model-based approaches. are the only way to come up with reasonable products. For
Table  2 illustrates some examples of product design example, most of the design of organic coatings (Wicks
cases with their design methodology. Table 3 summa- et al. 2007) is through experiments since the lack of predic-
rizes the advantages and disadvantages of different tive property models especially for the property of color.
product design approaches. It should be noted that Gani and Ng (2015) proposed an integrated experiment-
the product design methods are often integrated for modeling procedure that can help alleviate the problems
a product design project. It is usually not possible to for this kind of product design problems. In this procedure,
design a product by one single design method, espe- CAMD is used to generate a list of potential product can-
cially for complex products. didates, afterward, experimental testing measures and

Table 2: Examples of product design problems.

Product design problem   Product type   Methodology

Refrigerants design (Duvedi and Achenie 1996)  Molecular products   Computer-aided molecular design
Solvent design (Klein et al. 1992)   Molecular products   Computer-aided molecular design
Perfume (Teixeira et al. 2012)   Formulated product   Predictive model combined with experimental methodologies
Sunscreen lotion (Conte et al. 2012)   Formulated product   Computer-aided tools integrated with experimental testing
Drug release from erodible tablets   Functional product   Mathematical model with regression model from
(Katzhendler et al. 1997) experimental data
Die attach adhesive (Miragliotta et al. 2001)   Functional product   Experiments
Indoor air purifier (Seider et al. 2017)   Devices   Heuristics with parameters determined experimentally
Inhalers for drug delivery (Wang et al. 2012)   Devices   Heuristics with parameters determined experimentally
L. Zhang et al.: Advances in chemical product design      329

Table 3: Advantages and disadvantages of different product design approaches.

  Examples   Advantages   Disadvantages

Experiments   – Trial and error (Cummins   – Can be applied without any   – Limited test opportunities (a better product may
and Desmulliez 2012) theory and knowledge have been missed)
– Design of experiments (Roy – Often lead to safe and – Time consumption
2001) reliable product – Waste materials
Databases   – NIST Chemistry web book   – The properties are reliable   – Not all molecules are listed in any database
(Linstrom and Mallard 2001) – Fast candidates’ generation – There could be no property data available in the
– ICAS database (Gani 2002) database
Heuristics   – Inkjet ink design by Tam   – Often lead to safe and   – A better product may have been missed
et al. (2016) reliable product – Experience, insight, and available knowledge are
– Cream and paste design by – Provide quick and relatively needed.
Wibowo and Ng (2001) inexpensive solution – The rules are sometimes contradictory.
– Easy to apply when one – Only valid within a narrow product context
knows the rules
Model-based  – CAMD (Harper and Gani   –G  lobal optimal solution can   – The size and complexity of the mathematical
approach 2000) be achieved programming model (especially for complex
– Molecular dynamics –N  o need to have in-depth products)
(Sharma et al. 2016) knowledge once the model –A  lot of physicochemical phenomena occurring are
is ready not completely understood (no model available)
–C  an be applied to all kinds – Lack of relevant property models for some products
of product design problems – The error of the property model

evaluates the needed properties of the products. Although approaches. Heuristic-based approaches are more rel-
heuristics and experimental approach often leads to the evant for structured products. The most well-known
development of a safe and reliable product and a corre- heuristic-based approach is the hierarchical decompo-
sponding production process, it is not practically feasible sition method developed by Douglas (1988) in process
to evaluate all alternatives with this approach. That is, a design, demonstrating that this technique could provide
better product may have been missed (Zhang et al. 2016). an acceptable framework for structured product design
problems. In the early stages of design, when data are
generally lacking, heuristics are needed to systemati-
4.2 Database search cally generate and analyze alternatives (Hill 2009). Others
have begun to identify heuristics related to design various
Database search is the fastest and least expensive method.
engineering parameters of a chemical product. Fung and
Many electronic databases have a “search” capability, and
Ng (2003) proposed rules to select chemicals for granu-
this permits a search from a set of properties constraints to
lar products such as tablets and capsules in the form of a
obtain a list of feasible substances. For the currently avail-
database search and then test them through a combina-
able databases, the search capability is available only for
tion of models and experiments. Wibowo and Ng (2001)
some of the most common physical parameters, such as
presented similar rules for chemical selection and a sys-
boiling points, and densities, but not available for the less
tematic procedure for the synthesis of manufacturing
common parameters such as toxicity and global warming
processes for creams and pastes. Hill (2004) proposed a
potential. The database search method is usually applied
heuristic rule for skin cream manufacture that involves
for some simple molecular product design and ingredients
heating/cooling, premixing, mixing, melting/crystal-
selection of complex products such as formulated prod-
lizing, emulsification, to create a desired droplet distri-
ucts, functional products, and devices. It is an important
bution. Wibowo and Ng (2002) proposed a systematic
tool for the design of these kinds of products to provide
framework for product-centered processing for develop-
candidates for further selection.
ing chemical-based consumer product manufacturing
process, which provides directions and guidelines toward
4.3 Heuristics approach the development of a process for manufacturing a product
with the desired performance in reduced time and effort.
Chemical products have been traditionally designed Lau et al. (2012) developed an integrative approach for the
and developed through heuristics and experimental design and process development of nanoemulsion and
330      L. Zhang et al.: Advances in chemical product design

nanodispersible solids. In their approach, formulation, the relationships between the product preference and the
stability testing, and performance testing of nanomized ingredients’ properties, composition, and product use
products are considered. Wang et  al. (2012) designed an conditions are established to help design the optimal
inhaler for drug delivery using heuristics with parameters conductive ink. Lau et  al. (2013) have reported the pro-
determined experimentally. Inhalable dry powder form cessing steps needed to manufacture herbal medicines.
of drug-loaded lipid-polymer hybrid nanoparticles was The QA procedure was based on a model that accounts
successfully produced in the form of microscale aggre- for the physicochemical phenomena governing herbal
gates of the nanoparticles. Seider et  al. (2017) designed extraction. With their model and the companion experi-
an indoor air purifier using four-step heuristic rules for ments for determining the relevant model parameters, the
chemical devices with parameters determined experimen- amount of each herb needed from different herb quality
tally, simplified model using only the key mechanisms is classes to produce a Chinese herbal medicine decoction
used. In heuristic method, the design problem is solved with consistent quality can be determined. Model-based
indirectly, by generating alternatives and testing them for methods are also used widely in functional products and
feasibility; that is, the number of alternatives is systemati- devices. For example, rate equation for the catalytic oxi-
cally reduced through heuristics. A set of rules is derived dation of air purifier (Seider et al. 2017), dissolution rate
from a combination of experience, insight, and available for tablets (Katzhendler et al. 1997), etc. Although model-
knowledge. The major difficulty with the heuristic method based methods are promising and widely used today,
is that the rules are sometimes contradictory and difficult there are limitations for the application of the methods to
to apply; they are valid within a narrow product context all products. A major difficulty for this design approach
and a comprehensive methodology for incorporating is the size and complexity of the mathematical program-
heuristics across a broader product domain has yet to be ming model. The scope and significance of the problems
established. The advantage is that these methods are easy solved depends on the availability and application range
to apply. When the search space is not very large, the best of the models used, especially the property models.
solution can be determined. For simpler molecular products and mixtures,
researchers have developed algorithms and tools for
computer-aided product design. Gani and Brignole (1983)
4.4 M
 odel-based product design approach proposed a rule-based synthesis-design method, called
“generate and test.” In their method, algorithms are devel-
Recent work has established how to mathematically rep- oped to generate all the possible molecules from com-
resent the generic product-engineering problem (Gani bining the groups, then properties are estimated using
2004). In this approach, the product design problems are group contribution method for each generated molecule.
formulated as an MILP/mixed-integer nonlinear program- The molecules within the range defined by the property
ming (MINLP) optimization model, in which molecular constraints are kept as candidates. The generate and test
structure, product property prediction model using group method was extended by Klein et  al. (1992) to design a
contribution method, and process model equations are formulated product – solvent mixtures. Harper and Gani
the constraints. From the solution of the optimization (2000) proposed a multistep and multilevel approach
model, the optimal product is obtained. This approach is of the “generate and test” method for chemical product
mainly focused on single molecular products and some design which includes problem formulation step incorpo-
formulated and functional products in the current status. rating a knowledge base for the identification and setup of
The design problem for these kinds of products is solved the design criteria; candidate compounds generation step
using model-based methods and/or computer-aided tools using a multilevel generate and test CAMD solution algo-
(numerical solver or algorithm). Model-based product rithm with a high level of molecular detail, a postsolution
design approaches are widely applied now on computer- step for result analysis and verification. Many mathemati-
aided molecular/mixture design. Other applications of cal programming methods are also available for molecular
model-based approaches are establishing models to reveal design. Venkatasubramanian et al. (1994) applied genetic
and simplify the relationships of the design variables, algorithms to solve molecular and pharmaceutical product
such as ingredient composition, product microstructure, design problems. Later, the application of mathematical
product preference, etc. For example, Tam et  al. (2016) programming with group contribution method for prop-
established correlations and models based on transport erty estimation methodology was expanded to polymer
phenomena, material databases, and experiments in the design (Vaidyanathan and El-Halwagi 1994). Sahinidis
design of conductive inks. From the established equations, et  al. (2003) also used an MINLP model for a refrigerant
L. Zhang et al.: Advances in chemical product design      331

design problem. Papadopoulos and Linke (2006) pro- chemical features of the product define its performance
posed the integration of solvent selection and process during application. These features are product specifica-
design problem, with the environmental impact taken into tions that include the key ingredient and additives, their
account. Conte et al. (2011) developed a systematic model- composition, and the product structure. For single phase-
based computer-aided methodology for design and verifi- stable liquid ones, only the properties and composition
cation of liquid formulated products. Their methodology of the ingredients determine the performance. The chal-
was part of an integrated three-stage approach: generate lenge is to find a product formula that performs better
a list of feasible product candidates using computer-aided than the presently available ones at reduced cost. Another
tools, planning of experiments, and experimental testing challenge here is that mixing rules are needed; they are
and design modification. Cignitti et al. (2015) presented a derived from physicochemical theory or from experimen-
framework for computer-aided design of pure and mixed tal results. For structured products, the product structure
chemical based products. In their framework, the product will also have a huge influence on the performance, and
needs and target properties are systematically converted the product structure is commonly determined from the
into a MINLP problem and sequentially solved through a process. Therefore, the involved phenomena-microstruc-
decomposed optimization approach. Zhang et  al. (2015) ture-property-process relations must be understood suf-
proposed a generic MILP/MINLP mathematical program- ficiently so that the necessary mathematical models that
ming formulation, with the consideration of higher-order do not currently exist can be developed. The challenges
groups for molecular structure representation and prop- of devices are to find better alternatives of the chemicals
erty estimation. and materials to those currently in use. Another challenge
For product design problems, there are two big here is the difficulty to describe the exact phenomena rel-
hurdles preventing the large-scale use of model-based evant to the performance or manufacture of the chemical
approach (Hill 2004). First, most physicochemical phe- device. Often, assumptions and simplifications are needed
nomena occurring, especially for structured products and to develop model-based methods to describe the transport
devices, are not completely understood. This makes rigor- phenomena and to find the optimal sequence of process-
ous modeling difficult. Second, there is a lack of relevant ing steps. This requires experience to develop a reasonable
property models for structured products. and reliable model. However, model-based methods are
not always feasible to obtain the desirable information,
for example, touch and feel, aroma, color, and esthetics.
4.5 Challenges In this case, it is better to perform experiments and use
a black box model to relate the input parameters to the
Although various methods and tools have been developed, outcome. In many cases of device design, the physical phe-
a major issue of the product design problems is the range nomena are so complex that the experimental testing is
of applications of the developed solution approaches. the method of choice (Gani and Ng 2015). In device design,
The difficulty here is the availability of data knowledge various design methods including experiments, heuristics,
and models that can extend the application regions of model-based approaches as well as case-based knowledge
the currently available methods and tools. The multi- system are needed. Therefore, developing a general frame-
disciplinary nature and the multiscale representation of work integrating all these approaches for optimal design of
the problem must be considered for the modeling of the device will remain a challenge.
product design problem. This will greatly increase the
size and nonlinearity of the problem, and the solution
approaches for efficiently solving complex problems are
also a great challenge. The challenges for small molecular 5 Process design
products are to find the suitable alternative molecule that
can lead to significant reduction in energy costs, environ- Chemical process design establishes a practical means to
mental impact, and waste. For large molecular products, convert raw materials to products with desired properties
the additional incentive to determine an easier synthesis and functionality via a series of processing steps. Chemical
route is very attractive, as it can make a potential candi- product design and process design are intimately related.
date molecule economically feasible. The challenges for Producing a desired chemical product requires a feasible
formulated products and functional products are to extend process, and no process will be implemented for a chemi-
the search space in which new molecules can be consid- cal species that is not desired. For best results, both the
ered. For formulated and functional products, the salient product and the process should be optimal. The chemical
332      L. Zhang et al.: Advances in chemical product design

product and process design problems and their integra- “unconventional” chemical products need to be improved.
tion, along with product applications, are illustrated in Consequently, strategies for process synthesis, including
Figure 7 (Zhang et  al. 2016). Note that the product from heuristic approaches and mathematical programming,
a designed process must match the properties (needs) need to account for new processing technologies associ-
of the designed product, and the performance of the ated with each technology platform.
product during application must match the functions
of the product. The specifications of a product of known
structure, composition, and properties that needs to be 5.1 Unconventional processing technique
produced are normally considered as the starting point
of process design. The application aspect of a chemical Many techniques in current product production are not
product, highlighted in Figure 7, is not normally included conventional technique like distillation, adsorption, etc.,
in product and/or process design, even though the sus- but unconventional ones like coating, granulation, etc.
tainability of the product depends on it. The simultaneous Here, we call these new processing techniques “uncon-
product-process design problems have also been studied ventional processing techniques.” To identify these rel-
by many researchers. Despite all recent developments, evant unit operations, the truly essential principles, and/
the number of products and their processes that can be or yet-to-be-categorized features, the typical products and
designed with model-based techniques is still very small. their manufacturing processes should be known in some
Mainly heuristics combined with data are applied for prod- detail (Ng et al. 2006). Thus, the challenge is to collect all
uct-process design of structured products, even though the of this product and process information, which, ideally,
ability to solve large complex problems has improved. Tra- should come from experienced practitioners in the various
ditional processing techniques such as crystallization and industrial sectors. These unconventional processing tech-
extraction have been studied for a long time, and various niques can be summarized as Figure 8 shows. The current
models are developed that can be used to formulate a prod- unconventional processing techniques can be classified
uct-process design problem. The processing techniques into two groups: addition/formation and removal/destruc-
used in many products are unconventional processing tion. In the addition/formation group, there are three
techniques such as coating, sintering, nanomization, and main techniques: coating, agglomeration, and synthesis.
so on. They do not have well-developed models. Therefore, Coating is a covering that is applied to the surface of an
the limitation for the product-process design is still a lack object. The purpose of applying the coating may be deco-
of data and theory on which needed property and process rative, functional, or both. Deposition of solid, liquid and
models can be developed and employed (Zhang et  al. vapor precursors can be used for coating. Agglomeration
2016). Before the start of a process design project, it is also is a size enlargement process used in the chemical process
necessary to develop an innovation map and technology industries to impart better functionality to a product, thus
platforms and do an IP patent search. Here, the technology avoiding common processing problems and providing the
platforms are important as the process operations to create consumer with a better product experience. Lamination,

Figure 7: Relationship between process design, product design, and product application (Figure reproduced from Zhang et al. 2016).
L. Zhang et al.: Advances in chemical product design      333

Figure 8: Unconventional unit operations.

sintering, and particle agglomeration are commonly used processing technologies are not fully developed. There-
techniques for agglomeration. Solvothermal synthesis, fore, model-based methods are not commonly used for
coprecipitation, electrolysis process, and emulsion tech- these structured products, and heuristic approaches
niques are commonly used for synthesis. In the removal/ are more often used here. Batch processes are a popular
destruction group, there are two main techniques: etching method for manufacturing formulated and functional
and breakage. Etching is the process of chemically remov- products, especially for those in low volume or processes
ing layers from the surface. It typically occurs within the that require several complicated steps in the synthesis
process of photolithography. Wet etching techniques use procedure (Harding and Floudas 1997). Douglas (1988)
aqueous solution of acids or alkalis to react with a portion proposed a multilevel hierarchical procedure for the
of the thin films and forms a soluble salt, which can be dis- synthesis and design of batch and continuous chemi-
solved and washed away. Dry etching removes a portion of cal processes. This hierarchical decomposition idea,
the film by ion removal or by chemical reaction between together with rules to reduce the alternatives, has also
the activated gas in a plasma and the film. Breakage and been applied by Barnicki and Fair (1990) for the separa-
coalescence are two competing phenomena in emul- tion process synthesis and by Jaksland et  al. (1995) for
sion formation. Particle breakage is caused by stress (Jaw a more comprehensive method for synthesis and design
crusher), impact (Hammer mill), and crushing agents (Ball of chemical processes. Siirola (1996) proposed another
milling). Babi et al. (2015) pointed out that novel, sustaina- type of hierarchical decomposition based on the means-
ble, and innovative solutions may not be found by working ends analysis for synthesis of chemical processes. Ng
at the unit-operation scale. Babi et  al. (2015) and Lutze (2001) presented a strategy for the synthesis of chemical
et  al. (2013) proposed the synthesis design of processes manufacturing processes, issues, methods, and tools for
from the phenomena scale, just as atoms and functional the approach were illustrated with processes involving
groups are used to synthesize and design single-species crystallization and solids processing steps. Martins et al.
chemical products. This phenomena-based synthesis (2007) added sustainability issues to the Douglas method.
could also be a possible direction for understanding the Many hierarchical approaches have already been devel-
unconventional processing techniques. The development oped for product-process design. Wibowo and Ng (2001)
of generic models for describing these unconventional pro- presented a systematic procedure for the synthesis of
cessing techniques is still a long way to go. manufacturing processes for creams and pastes. In their
procedure, the desired functional and sensorial perfor-
mance of the product is first identified in terms of quality
5.2 Heuristic approach factors, then the requisite ingredients are selected, and
the process flowsheet, as well as the operating condi-
Many unconventional processing technologies are used tions, is synthesized by heuristics and compared to deter-
in producing structured products. The models for these mine the best flowsheet by process simulation. Wibowo
334      L. Zhang et al.: Advances in chemical product design

and Ng (2002) proposed a systematic framework for In mathematical programming approaches for process
product-centered processing for developing chemical- design, first a superstructure is created that has embedded
based consumer product manufacturing process. A five- a large number of alternative designs. Then mathematical
step procedure was developed in their framework: define techniques such as MINLP are used to find the optimum
the product functionality, form, and packaging; identify process within the specified superstructure. Thus, process
the relevant quality factors; select necessary ingredi- synthesis problems can also be formulated as superstruc-
ents and determine product microstructure; design the ture optimization problems and integrated into product
manufacturing process in light of the desired product design problems. The current research in product-process
properties; and evaluate by process simulation to select design is focused only on some simple molecular prod-
the optimal process. Hill (2004) discussed the heuristic ucts and formulated products. It is difficult to implement
methods for structured products such as soap bars and product design and process design using mathematical
skin cream. Fung et al. (2006) presented a systematic iter- programming approach simultaneously for more complex
ative procedure in integrating analyses with experiments products because the product design methods for this
for determining granulator operating parameters to kind of product are not mature and the process models
produce granules with desired product attributes, includ- have not been fully developed. The disadvantages here
ing granule size, size distribution, porosity, strength, are that the processes have to be fully understood and the
and spatial distribution of the constituent components. process models have to be fully developed, and only those
Fung et  al. (2007) proposed a product-centered process processing routes included in the superstructure can be
development procedure for detergent products. The investigated.
procedure adopted a new integrative product-centered
approach that calls for close cooperation between the
marketing personnel. Cheng et  al. (2010) developed an 5.4 Challenges
integrated approach for a transdermal patch containing a
traditional Chinese medicinal tincture. In their approach, Chemical engineers can contribute substantially to
the tasks of market study, product design, prototyping, product design alongside the physical chemists, materi-
and process design were considered. The disadvantages als scientists, and food technologists, in addition to their
here are each of the developed heuristic approach can be unique role in process design. However, there are many
applied only in a certain range of products, and the solu- challenges in the research of process design. Questions
tion obtained cannot be guaranteed as optimal. still not resolved are how to incorporate all possible pro-
cessing techniques in the processing routes. Although
heuristics may be helpful for the generation of possible
5.3 Mathematical programming processes, they are not comprehensive and may at times
conflict (Hill 2004). Hence, heuristics require a framework
Researchers have also started studying integrated if they are to be more useful for process synthesis. One
product-process design problems using mathematical
­ popular comprehensive heuristic framework for chemi-
programming. Hostrup et al. (1999) reported the integra- cal process synthesis is the hierarchical decomposition
tion of solvent selection-design with design of separa- methodology developed by Douglas (1988). Mathemati-
tion processes involving azeotropes. They formulated an cal programming is another primary approach for process
MINLP problem and solved it in the decomposition way. design. For mathematical programming techniques to
Eden et al. (2004) presented a new product-process design be employed, models representing all alternatives are
model that couples the product design problem and needed, adding the complexity of the availability-uncer-
process design problem and solves them simultaneously. tainty of the model parameters. Hill (2004) also pointed
This allows more integration between the two problems out that mathematical programming could be expanded
because the same molecular groups for product design are to cover processes for the manufacture of more complex
now variables used to describe process properties. Karu- products such as structured products, and perhaps even
nanithi et al. (2005) proposed a systematic decomposition simultaneous product and process design. However, sig-
of MINLP problem without model reduction where the nificant hurdle impedes the application of mathemati-
design of solvents, together with crystallization process, cal programming to these problems. Complete scientific
was integrated. Papadopoulos and Linke (2006) proposed elucidation of the underlying chemical and physical
the integration of CAMD and process synthesis design phenomena behind many products and their processes
problem, taking into account environmental impact. is still lacking, and the relevant data that could be used
L. Zhang et al.: Advances in chemical product design      335

to further that scientific understanding are maintained an economy. Comparative statics (Athey 1998) method is
as carefully guarded secrets within industry. This limited the economic method that compares two economic out-
understanding makes rigorous modeling difficult. There- comes before and after a change in the economy. It is par-
fore, the currently available methods and tools need ticularly useful when determining the demand and supply
further development and improvement. In addition, the rates, when analyzing the whole economy, or when esti-
processing techniques used in many products are very mating impacts of monetary policies. For example, while
similar, and unconventional processing techniques are using comparative statics, an individual can observe
often used. The models for these unconventional pro- the change in the computer industry. Using data before
cesses are often not available and therefore need to be the tablet innovations and after tablets appeared on the
developed and employed for the simultaneous design of markets for the first time in 2009, it is logical to conclude
product and its process. Another challenge for process that their demand in the future would increase because
design is the integration of sustainability and life cycle of the increasing public interest and rising amounts of
assessment (LCA) issues. The incorporation of sustain- tablet sales. Here, we focus the discussion on mathemati-
ability (including economic, environmental, and safety) cal methods for maximizing the profit of a company with
indicators are important with respect to product-process market behavior considered, so as to establish a compre-
integration. In the Grand Product Design model proposed hensive mathematical model for chemical product design.
by Fung et al. (2016), these issues are integrated. Also, the
question of supply chain and availability of resources to
convert raw material to the desired products needs to be 6.1 E
 conomic metrics for product
considered for process design. Otherwise, many products development
are designed, but if they cannot be sustainably produced
(manufactured), they do not become actual marketable There are two distinct periods for a product develop-
products. ment project: a relatively short period of product devel-
opment form idea to production and a long product life
cycle consisting of introduction, growth, maturity, and
decline phases. In the early stage of the product devel-
6 Economic analysis opment period, information is often inaccurate and
incomplete. Approximate profitability measures such as
Economic analysis is an evaluation of whether the ROI and payback period can be used to obtain a rough
product/project is profitable. It is needed in product design idea of whether the project is a worthwhile effort. As
problems for evaluating the financial performance for the more accurate information becomes available, project
company of the product being designed. Any financial profitability should be evaluated using NPV or IRR. The
metrics such as net present value (NPV), internal rate of NPV is given by
return (IRR), and return on investment (ROI) can be used m (Project cash flow) j
in the economic analysis. From economic analysis, key NPV = ∑ . (1)
parameters in economic such as price and demand can (1 + R) j
j =− n

be determined. Various methodologies, such as experi-
mental, mathematical, and comparative statics, have In Eq. (1), R is discount rate and n and m are the
been developed for economic analysis. The experimental number of periods of product development and product
methods (Kagel et al. 1995) are concerned with applying life cycle, respectively. The product development period
economic data to test the validity of statements related to is represented by j < 0, where the project cash flow tends
future economic developments. For example, if companies to be negative. Investment is needed to develop the new
expect an increase in the demand for a certain product, product but there is no income. The product life cycle is
economists would take data about the current and future represented by j ≥ 0, in which the project cash flow is sup-
condition of this particular production and would apply it posedly positive. In the IRR approach, the discount rate
to the current interest the public has toward this product. is treated as an unknown in Eq. (1) and is calculated by
Thus, they can estimate predicted prices and demand setting NPV to zero. The discount rate thus calculated is
for the product. Mathematical methods (Chiang 1984) referred to as the investor’s rate of return, which should
use mathematics in calculating economic variables. The be as large as possible. It represents the interest rate for
method embraces a huge variety of mathematical equa- the investment made by the company. The investor’s rate
tions that aim to determine the current and future state of of return can be compared with the bank interest rate. If
336      L. Zhang et al.: Advances in chemical product design

IRR is higher than the prevailing bank interest rate, we are product design based on Bagajewicz’s (2007) work. It took
ahead; otherwise, it is a bad investment project. into account customers’ preference on product quality
and economic considerations such as pricing, profit,
market share, capital investment, and operating cost.
6.2 Microeconomics of product development There are also other models developed to express the rela-
tionship between product price and demand; for example,
Profits have to come from sales revenue, which is the Garcia-Herreros et  al. (2016) used bilevel optimization
amount of product sold, multiplied by the unit price. The model to find the product price and demand under com-
selling price of the new product is a function of product petition behavior. In their method, from the modeling of
demand. Price elasticity of demand (PED) is a measure- competition behavior, the price-demand relationship is
ment used in economics to show the responsiveness of obtained through the solution of the bilevel optimization
the quantity of product demand to a change in its price. model. There are also other models proposed. Mahajan
Revenue is maximized when price is set so that the PED is et al. (1982) proposed a conjoint model for measuring self-
exactly 1. The PED of a product can also be used to predict and cross-price/demand relationships. They described an
the incidence of a tax on that product. Therefore, it is easy approach to characterize each brand as a separate price-
to appreciate that the sales volume or equivalently demand related factor in which respondents are asked to indicate
(dn) and selling price (pn) of the new product are two key their subjective likelihood of buying a set of brands. A
decisions in product development. These two parameters first-order Markovian model is postulated to represent
(dn and pn) are closely coupled and are dependent on the price-induced brand switching. Keskin and Zeevi (2014)
consumer preference of the company’s product (Hn) and presented a dynamic pricing with an unknown demand
that of the competitor’s (Hc) (Hn and Hc are related to the model. They consider a monopolist who sells a set of prod-
product properties of our company’s product and the com- ucts, and the seller initially does not know the parameters
petitor’s product, respectively) the competitor’s selling of the products’ linear demand curve but can estimate
price (pc) and the total market size (Y). An expression that them based on demand observations.
relates all of these parameters is available (Bagajewicz
2007); it provides insights for business decision making.
ρ 1− ρ 6.3 Sensitivity analysis
 H   Y − pndn 
pd 1− ρ
= α  n 
 (2)
 H c   pc 
n n
There is a lot of uncertainty in marketing a product. The

projected sales volume may turn out to be overly optimis-
and tic or the impact of advertisement on sales exaggerated.
Therefore, it is often necessary to carry out a large number
Y ≥ pndn + pc dc (3)
of what-if analyses to find out the possible impact of these
The left-hand side of Eq. (2) shows the fact that uncertain parameters or scenarios on financial return.
demand is expected to be inversely proportional to the The aim of such an exercise is to form a mental picture of
price of the new product. Here, ρ is an adjustable para- all possible outcomes of a product development project so
meter related to product elasticity. α is a parameter with as to minimize the number of surprises and to decide on
a value between 0 and 1. It measures how much the con- the best course of actions. For example, an upper bound
sumer knows about the new product. Even if the quality and a lower bound of the projected sales volume can be
of the company’s product is better than that of the com- considered in an economic evaluation. Similarly, if there
petitor’s, it does not necessarily mean that the consumers is uncertainty about the fixed cost, it can be changed to
recognize the value proposition and are willing to pay for quantify the effect on financial return. In fact, completely
it. If α equals 0, the demand for the new product is zero different scenarios can be used in an economic evaluation
as well, irrespective of the product price. The value of α to give the product development team a good sense of the
can be raised by increasing the marking budget. The right- potential impact.
hand side of Eq. (2) shows that a decrease in the price of
the competing product has an increase in the price and
demand of the new product. Eq. (3) expresses the fact that 6.4 Challenges
the consumer doesn’t have to spend the total budget on
the new and competing products. Cheng et al. (2016) pro- The stand-alone principle is normally assumed for calcu-
posed an approach for the economic analysis of chemical lating the potential financial return so that the product
L. Zhang et al.: Advances in chemical product design      337

development project is evaluated on its own merits. In and case-based libraries (Lee et al. 2014), but more efforts
practice, many other factors that blur this clear view come are needed for the development of methods and tools for
into play. For example, it is not unusual to spend more complex chemical products.
research and development effort than what is needed for The second challenge is to reveal the relationship of
the intended product during the product development the desired product attributes to the material properties
period. This is done to pave the way for the development of the ingredients, the structure of the product, and the
of follow-up or related products. Also, due to the vast dif- processing steps. The product structure depends on the
ference of processing techniques for product, the esti- processing steps, and it has effects on the product attrib-
mation of capital cost and operating cost of production utes. Without the benefits of predictive models for these
and research equipment for the new product may not be relationships, extensive trial and error by experiments is
very clear, especially on unconventional processing tech- still required. Even if a comprehensive model based on
niques. This adds the challenge in doing a reliable finan- first principles is not available, a combination of physical
cial calculation. Also, governments and societies at large insights and heuristics can still help improve the develop-
have their own goals and needs. Many start-up firms and ment process. Consider the manufacture of granules for a
large corporations take advantage of the financial incen- controlled release formulation in a granulator. Because of
tives offered by the government. Such public money can the complex equipment design, interacting physicochem-
significantly affect the financial return of a product devel- ical phenomena, and the variety of materials involved
opment project. This should be accounted in financial in granulation, it is not possible to predict the operating
calculations and the impact of government policies on conditions under which granules of the desirable particle
product design should be studied. size distribution, porosity, etc., can be produced. Com-
bining models and experiments could be of help under
these circumstances. This is despite the fact that much
of the underlying physics has been elucidated in the past
7 Perspectives decade. Similar issues can be found in the manufacture
of low-fat margarines, nanoparticles, aligned carbon
Gani and Ng (2015) have pointed out the challenges of nanotube devices, etc. Online process monitoring will
chemical product design in their paper. The first challenge find increasing applications in high-value product quality
for chemical product design is the multidisciplinary and management, and they will need to be addressed in the
diversity nature of chemical product design. Therefore, it early stages of product-process development.
is difficult to develop a clear view and general framework The third challenge is the interface between engineer-
for product design problems. Researchers have developed ing, business, and management. Traditionally, chemi-
various methods for molecular products and achieved cal engineers primarily participate in cost estimation
good results. But for the design of formulated products for financial calculations in product design project. The
and functional products and devices, property models consumer product sector demands closer ties to market-
and transport models for understanding their behavior ing and management, which play a key role in making the
are limited or not available; only experiments and heuris- project a success. How far a chemist or chemical engineer
tics are used for the design of a certain kind of products. should venture into these activities is unclear. However,
Therefore, it is necessary to develop a general framework armed with knowledge on the effects of materials and pro-
for chemical product design. In the general framework, cessing on product attributes, the chemical engineer is in
different design methods should be included for different a good position to contribute to product conceptualization
product design problems, such as experiments, heuris- and marketing. At many companies, such as 3M, four divi-
tics, and computer-aided methods. Knowledge and case- sions are involved to address this issue: Technology Devel-
based library is needed for similar design applications opment, Business Development, Product Development,
as references of the product design problems. In such a and Manufacturing. The challenge here is how to handle
framework, the issues of sustainability, LCA, and supply the risk and uncertainty of the market.
chain should be integrated to design a sustainable, safe, The fourth challenge is the difficulty in teaching
environmental friendly, and marketable product. The product design. Although it has been taught for almost
uncertainties of data and model parameters also need 20 years in various institutions, it has not spread broadly
to be addressed for robust and flexible product design. (Rodrigues and Cussler 2016). One of the reasons is the
Researchers have attempted for the development of such diversity of chemical products and the multidisciplinary
kind of framework (Gani and Ng 2015, Fung et  al. 2016) nature of chemical product design. Therefore, it does not
338      L. Zhang et al.: Advances in chemical product design

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