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MRCOG Part 1

550 SBAs and MCQs

MRCOG Part 1
550 SBAs and MCQs

Katherine Andersen MBBS BSc (Hons)

Specialist Trainee in Obstetrics and Gynaecology,
Barnet and Chase Farm Hospitals NHS Trust, London, UK
Tara Woodward MBBS BSc (Hons) PgDip Journalism
Specialist Trainee in Obstetrics and Gynaecology,
North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust, London, UK

Edited by
Maryam Parisaei MRCOG
Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist,
Homerton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK
Amit Shah MD MRCOG
Consultant in Reproductive Medicine and Surgery,
Homerton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK

London • St Louis • Panama City • New Delhi

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The Membership of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (MRCOG) remains the
cornerstone for the assessment of knowledge required by trainee doctors in the UK. Passing the
exam is a prerequisite for the progression through the structured training programme, towards the
Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) and entry on to the Specialist Register. The standard of
the exam remains high and the curriculum is based on UK practice.
The MRCOG Part 1 exam can be taken at any time after graduation and must be passed before
transition from ST2 to ST3 of the training programme. This book aims to provide an exam revision
guide for trainee doctors in ST1 and ST2, and international candidates preparing to sit the exam.
For international graduates often working outside of recognised training programmes it is a
tough exam to pass. Yet many candidates continue to take the exam knowing that success will
demonstrate the acquisition of knowledge to a high standard, which will enhance the treatment of
the women and babies in their care.
The MRCOG Part 1 has changed in the last few years. It has always tested the knowledge-
base in all the basic sciences as they pertain to obstetrics and gynaecology, but a new question
format has been introduced to allow the syllabus to be tested in a more clinically relevant manner.
Doctors planning to take the exam must now learn how to answer both multiple choice questions
(MCQs) and the new single best answer (SBA) format, and for this they require exam technique and
clinical knowledge.
This book contains 550 SBAs and MCQs arranged into individual chapters based on the exam
syllabus. Covering all the basic sciences as well as current RCOG clinical recommended practice,
it provides a comprehensive revision aid with helpful explanations after each question. The book
also offers guidance on other information sources and a suggested reading list. At the back of
the book there are two practice papers for readers to test their knowledge and practise exam

Maggie Blott FRCOG

Consultant in Obstetrics and Maternal Medicine, University College London, London, UK
Former Vice President (Education) of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, UK


Passing the MRCOG Part 1 is regarded as the first step in becoming an obstetrician and
gynaecologist. For many candidates, it will be their first postgraduate exam and the task of
passing at first sitting can seem daunting. However, we believe that with appropriate preparation
candidates can feel confident in passing the exam first time.
The new curriculum now combines subject matters from everyday clinical practice as well as
all the basic medical sciences and is much more clinically orientated than before. There is also a
new format with the introduction of single best answer (SBA) questions, the removal of extended
matching questions (EMQs) and the reduced proportion of multiple choice questions (MCQs). This
book reflects both the new curriculum and format.
The 550 questions presented in this book cover the syllabus in a format which mimics the exam
itself. Working through the book will allow trainees to gauge their level and breadth of knowledge
and will highlight topics which need to be concentrated on further. Within the answer sections,
references are made to the latest evidence-based practice, and tables and diagrams are used to aid
in the assimilation of this information.
The philosophy of this book is to provide trainees with an insight into the new assessment
technique of the MRCOG Part 1 and to build confidence by approaching the exam in a systematic
manner. We hope you enjoy working through the questions in this book and wish you best of luck
in the exam.

Katherine Andersen
Tara Woodward
Maryam Parisaei
Amit Shah
April 2012


We would like to thank Dr Helen Hammond for her eagerness to review all 550 questions and for
her excellent advice regarding their content.
Thanks also to Dr Simon Tod from Sydney, Australia, who gave much appreciated advice
regarding the book’s statistical content.

Katherine Andersen
Tara Woodward

Exam revision advice

Exam format
The MRCOG Part 1 exam consists of Paper 1 and Paper 2. Each paper consists of 60 single best
answer (SBA) questions and 30 multiple choice questions (MCQs). Each paper must be completed
within two hours and thirty minutes. The SBA and MCQ sections are marked out of 150 marks each.

Single best answer (SBA) questions

A SBA comprises three components: a stem (most commonly a clinically relevant vignette), a lead
in question and five answer options. The answer options are homogenous and are presented
in alphabetical or numerical order for ease of reference. Candidates should read the question
carefully then select the single most appropriate answer from the five options.
The nature of a SBA means that there are four distracters surrounding the correct answer. Of
the four distracters, there may be one or two distracters which can reasonably be identified as
incorrect. There are also likely to be one or two distracters that are plausible answers. At this point,
candidates will need to read the stem and lead in question again, then make a judgement as to
which answer fits best.

Multiple choice questions (MCQs)

A MCQ is made up of five stems, which must each be answered true or false. Marks are given
for answering stems correctly. All the questions need to be answered and there is no negative
marking for answering stems incorrectly.

How to use this book

We believe that one of the best ways to revise for the exam, and crucial to passing at first attempt,
is to work through practice questions again and again. In this way, confidence will be gained with
the new question format and the full curriculum will be covered.
Further reading suggestions are provided to accompany explanations in this book to direct further
learning. We feel that this is a more appropriate way for trainee doctors to improve knowledge in
certain topics in obstetrics and gynaecology than by memorising sections from large textbooks. We
hope that directed learning will enable trainees to concentrate on areas of weakness.
We have included two mock exam papers at the end, which can be tested under timed
conditions to provide a good sense of the time restraints of the real exam. Allow two and a half
hours to sit each paper, and remember that in the new format there are 60 SBAs and only 30 MCQs.
Finally, having a study buddy is good way to maximise exam preparation. In addition to
keeping each other on track, you will be able assist each other with areas of the curriculum
that the other may be struggling with. We both studied for the exam together, which gave us
focus, a timetable to keep to and some friendly competiveness to make sure we took our exam
preparation seriously.

Katherine Andersen
Tara Woodward


Foreword v
Preface and acknowledgements vii
Exam revision advice viii
Recommended reading x

Chapter 1 Anatomy 1

Chapter 2 Biochemistry 29

Chapter 3 Embryology 45

Chapter 4 Endocrinology 53

Chapter 5 Statistics and epidemiology 85

Chapter 6 Genetics 99

Chapter 7 Physiology 111

Chapter 8 Biophysics 133

Chapter 9 Clinical management 143

Chapter 10 Data interpretation 159

Chapter 11 Immunology 177

Chapter 12 Microbiology 187

Chapter 13 Pathology 205

Chapter 14 Pharmacology 231

Chapter 15 Mock paper 1 245

Chapter 16 Mock paper 2 295

Index 347

Recommended reading

Bennett P, Williamson C (eds). Basic Sciences in Obstetrics and Gynaecology: A Textbook for
MRCOG Part 1, 4th edn. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 2010.

Chamberlain G, Steer P (eds). Turnbull’s Obstetrics, 3rd edn. London: Churchill Livingstone, 2001.

Collins S, Arulkumaran S, Hayes K, et al. Oxford Handbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 2nd edn.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010.

Connor JM. Medical Genetics for the MRCOG and Beyond. London: RCOG Press, 2005.

Fiander A, Thilganathan B (eds). Your Essential Revision Guide MRCOG Part 1. London: RCOG Press,

Kumar V, Abbas A, Fausto N, Aster J. Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, 8th edn.
Philadephia: Saunders Elsevier, 2009.

Nelson-Piercy C. Handbook of Obstetric Medicine, 4th edn. London: Informa Healthcare, 2010.

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Green-top Guidelines. London: RCOG.

Chapter 1

Questions: MCQs
Answer each stem ‘True’ or ‘False’.

1. The following form part of the superior anatomical boundary (pelvic inlet) of
the true pelvis:
A Linea alba
B Sacroiliac joint
C Ischial fossa
D Iliac crest
E Iliopectineal line

2. The diameters of the pelvis:

A The anatomical anteroposterior diameter (true conjugate) is approximately
11 cm
B The obstetric conjugate is larger than the true conjugate
C The anatomical transverse diameter forms the largest pelvic diameter
(approximately 13 cm)
D The obstetric transverse diameter bisects the true conjugate
E The external conjugate has no true obstetric importance

3. The pudendal nerve:

A Arises from the posterior rami of S2, S3 and S4
B Supplies the levator ani
C Leaves the pelvis through the greater sciatic foramen
D Supplies the clitoris
E Crosses over the ischial tuberosity, lateral to the internal pudendal artery

4. Pelvic nerve supply:

A Pelvic splanchnic nerves are derived from the dorsal primary rami of spinal
nerves S2–S4
B The inferior rectal nerve is a branch of the pudendal nerve
C The rectal plexus is derived from the anterior part of the inferior hypogastric
D The external anal sphincter is supplied by the inferior rectal nerve
E The anterior labial nerve is a branch of the ilioinguinal nerve
2 Chapter 1  Anatomy

5. With regard to veins of the pelvis:

A The left ovarian vein drains directly into the inferior vena cava
B The internal pudendal vein passes through the pudendal canal
C The uterine venous plexus connects the ovarian vein and the vaginal venous
D The internal pudendal vein drains into the great saphenous vein
E The rectal venous plexus is a site of portocaval anastomosis

6. With regard to innervation of the lower limb:

A The tibial nerve is derived from L4–S1
B Damage to the common peroneal nerve typically results in foot drop
C The femoral nerve divides into an anterior and posterior branch before passing
beneath the inguinal ligament
D The femoral nerve is derived from the posterior division of L2–L4
E The sciatic nerve is derived from L4–S3

7. The anal canal:

A The upper half is lined with cuboidal epithelium
B The lower half is lined with non-keratinised stratified squamous epithelium
C The fibres of ischiococcygeus form part of the internal anal sphincter
D The dentate line lies at the border of the upper one-third and lower two-thirds
of the anal canal
E Hilton's line indicates the junction between keratinised and non-keratinised
stratified squamous epithelium

8. Rectus sheath:
A The rectus sheath is made up of the aponeuroses of transversus abdominis and
internal oblique
B Below the arcuate line, the posterior rectus abdominis is separated from the
peritoneum by transversalis fascia and connective tissue
C Pyramidalis is external to the rectus sheath
D The rectus sheath contains the ventral rami of lower eight thoracic nerves
E Contains an anastomosis between the internal thoracic artery and superior
epigastric artery

9. The pudendal canal:

A Contains the pudendal nerve, artery and vein
B The pudendal nerve is not located in the pudendal canal
C Runs superiorly to the sacrotuberous ligament
D Runs laterally to obturator internus
E Passes medial to the ischial spines

10. The bladder:

A The pudendal nerve plays no part in innervation of the bladder
B The sympathetic nervous system has no motor function in the bladder
C The main blood supply to the bladder is from the branches of the posterior
trunk of the internal iliac artery
Questions: MCQs 3

D Lymphatic drainage of the bladder is to the internal iliac nodes

E It is derived embryologically from the mesonephric duct

11. The human testis:

A Has an average length of 2–3 cm
B Descends through the inguinal ring after birth to reside in the scrotum
C Are surrounded by the tunica vaginalis
D The tunica albuginea is covered by tunica vaginalis
E The hydatid of Morgagni is a remnant of the müllerian duct

12. The ureters:

A Are retroperitoneal structures
B Are 35 cm long
C Cross in front of the uterine arteries
D Originate embryonically from the ureteric buds
E Insert into the bladder posteromedially

13. The vagina:

A Is lined with striated squamous epithelium
B Has an acidic pH
C Has secretory glands which provide lubrication
D Is approximately 7 cm long anteriorly
E Is covered anteriorly by visceral peritoneum

14. The vagina:

A Has its venous drainage supplied by the external iliac vein
B Is derived from the embryonic mesonephros
C Originates from mesoderm
D Has a shorter anterior wall than posterior wall
E Has superiorly supplied by the uterine artery

15. Superiorly, the vagina:

A Receives its arterial blood supply from the uterine arteries
B Receives its lymphatic drainage via the inguinal lymph nodes
C Receives its venous supply from the uterine vein
D Receives somatic innervation via the pudendal nerve
E Is lined with secretory columnar epithelium

16. The uterus:

A In non-gravid state weighs approximately 90 g
B Consists of the three muscle layers: the perimetrium, the myometrium and the
C Is related anteriorly to the pouch of Douglas
D Is 10 cm long
E Receives its main arterial supply from the uterine arteries

17. The female urethra:

A Is directly related to the anterior vaginal wall
4 Chapter 1  Anatomy

B Is surrounded by Bartholin’s glands at the urethral orifice in the vestibule

C In its upper two-thirds, it has the same blood supply as the bladder
D Is innervated by the pudendal nerve
E Is lined with transitional epithelium at its origin proximal to the bladder

18. The average female pelvis:

A Is gynaecoid in shape
B Has a round obturator foramen
C Has a heart-shaped inlet
D Has a wide pubic arch
E Has a subpubic angle of 60°

19. The adrenal glands:

A Sit superiorly to the kidneys
B The medulla originates from the embryonic endoderm
C The cortex develops from coelomic mesothelium
D Lymphatic drainage is from the lumbar lymph nodes
E The right adrenal gland sits anterior to the diaphragm

20. The adrenal glands:

A The left adrenal gland is triangular-shaped
B The adrenal medulla consists of chromaffin cells
C The right adrenal vein drains into the right renal vein
D Have part of their nerve supply provided by the thoracic splanchnic nerves
E The left adrenal gland is in contact with the spleen

21. The inguinal canal:

A Part of the external oblique forms the anterior wall of the canal
B Contains the ilioinguinal nerve
C The internal oblique originates from the lateral third of the inguinal ligament
D Contains the male spermatic cord
E The superficial inguinal ring lies superiorly and lateral to the pubic tubercle

22. The femoral triangle:

A The inguinal ligament provides the superior boundary
B The medial border is formed from the gracilis
C The lateral border is formed from both sartorius and iliacus
D The femoral artery lies medial to the femoral vein
E The femoral nerve lies lateral to the femoral artery

23. The femoral region:

A The femoral ring is bounded medially by the lacunar ligament
B The femoral artery is a continuation of the internal iliac artery
C The femoral septum is covered by parietal peritoneum
D The femoral canal often contain Cloquet’s node
E The femoral sheath covers the femoral nerve
Questions: MCQs 5

24. The muscles of the posterior abdominal wall:

A Iliacus is innervated by the femoral nerve
B Iliopsoas acts to extend the thigh
C Arterial supply is predominantly from the abdominal aorta
D Quadratus lumborum is innervated by the subcostal nerve
E Psoas minor is absent in females
6 Chapter 1  Anatomy

Questions: SBAs
For each question, select the single best answer from the five options listed.

25. Which of the following structures does not pass through the diaphragm?
A Azygos vein
B Cisterna chyli
C Inferior vena cava
D Oesophagus
E Thoracic duct

26. Which vessel provides blood supply to the intestine from the splenic flexure of the
transverse colon to the rectum?
A Inferior mesenteric artery
B Median sacral artery
C Middle colic artery
D Rectal artery
E Superior mesenteric artery

27. A 21-year-old woman undergoes a laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy to remove

a dermoid cyst. Three days after the operation, she presents to the emergency
department feeling unwell and her haemoglobin level is found to be 6 g/dL.
Damage to a blood vessel is suspected from the laparoscopic procedure.
Which vessel crosses the common and external iliac artery in the infundibulopelvic
A Femoral artery
B Inferior mesenteric artery
C Median sacral artery
D Ovarian artery
E Renal artery

28. What is the nerve root of the ilioinguinal nerve?

A T12 and L1
B L1
C L1 and L2
D L2
E L2 and L3

29. A 27-year-old woman has a cervical smear result which shows ‘borderline’
Which cells line the ectocervix?
A Ciliated cells
B Columnar epithelium
C Cuboidal epithelium
Questions: SBAs 7

D Smooth muscle cells

E Stratified squamous epithelium

30. A 32-year-old woman undergoes an emergency caesarean section for failure to

progress at 9 cm cervical dilatation.
Which of the following correctly describes the pelvic shape which has an
anteroposterior diameter of the inlet, greater than the transverse diameter?
A Android
B Anthropoid
C Gynaecoid
D Male
E Platypelloid

31. An 18-year-old woman attends the gynaecology clinic complaining of urinary

incontinence, 3 months after suffering a third degree perineal tear during a normal
vaginal delivery.
Which muscle forms the main bulk of the levator ani muscle?
A Bulbocavernosus
B Iliococcygeus
C Ischiococcygeus
D Pubococcygeus
E Urogenital diaphragm

32. Which of the following organs is derived from ectodermal neural crest cells?
A Adrenal gland inner medulla
B Adrenal gland outer cortex
C Liver
D Pancreas
E Spleen

33. A 63-year-old woman complains of numbness over her thigh following a radical
hysterectomy for stage IV endometrial carcinoma.
What is the nerve root of the obturator nerve?
A Anterior division L1–L4
B Anterior division L2–L4
C Anterior division L3–L4
D Posterior division L2–L4
E Posterior division L3–L4

34. An 82-year-old woman attends her general practitioner’s surgery complaining of a

painful lump in the groin.
Which of the following does not form a boundary of the femoral triangle?
A Adductor longus
8 Chapter 1  Anatomy

B Inguinal ligament
C Obturator internus
D Pectineus
E Sartorius

35. A 32-year-old woman complains of pain in the right buttock. She is 36 weeks
pregnant and has a history of chronic back pain.
Which nerve supplies the gluteus maximus muscle?
A Inferior gluteal
B Internal obturator
C Internal obturator (lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh)
D Sciatic
E Superior gluteal

36. Following a routine elective caesarean section, the rectus sheath is being sutured.
With regards to the rectus sheath which of the following is correct?
A Arcuate line demarcates the upper limit of the posterior layer of rectus
B External oblique aponeurosis forms the posterior aspect of the sheath
C Internal oblique aponeurosis always passes in front of rectus abdominis
D Scarpa’s fascia is superficial to Camper’s fascia and the external oblique
E Transversalis fascia lies directly below the rectus sheath

37. A 47-year-old woman undergoes a routine transabdominal hysterectomy to

remove a large fibroid uterus. She is found to have a fibroid in the broad ligament
and there is concern that her ureter may have been damaged due to the difficult
With regards to the path of the ureter, which of the following is correct?
A In the broad ligament, both ureters pass over their respective uterine artery
B Runs lateral to the internal iliac artery
C Ovarian vessels enter the pelvis posterior to the ureters
D Upper one-third of the ureters lie in the abdomen
E Ureters cross close to the bifurcation of the common iliac vessels

38. What structure does the right ovarian vein empty into?
A Azygos vein
B Inferior vena cava
C Internal iliac vein
D Right renal vein
E Right pudendal vein

39. A 27-year-old woman has a forceps delivery under regional block. She suffers
multiple second degree tears to the lateral vaginal wall.
Questions: SBAs 9

Sensory innervation of the vagina is provided by which nerve?

A Dorsal nerve of the clitoris
B Inferior hypogastric plexus
C Inferior rectal nerve
D Obturator nerve
E Pudendal nerve

40. Which artery supplies the structures derived from the foregut of the embryo?
A Coeliac trunk
B Inferior mesenteric
C Middle rectal
D Renal
E Superior mesenteric

41. A 73-year-old woman undergoes a laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy and

oophorectomy. There is a large bleed during the procedure and it is converted to a
Which of the following provides the arterial blood supply of the left ovary?
A Abdominal aorta
B External iliac artery
C Internal iliac artery
D Left ovarian artery
E Obturator artery

42. During a laparoscopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy the surgeon accidentally

damages the ovarian artery.
Regarding the left ovarian artery, which of the following is correct?
A Anastomoses with the vaginal artery
B Is a branch of the abdominal aorta
C Follows the course of the left ovarian artery
D Lies inferiorly to the inferior mesenteric artery
E Supplies both left and right ovaries

43. Which of the following arteries is a terminal branch (not paired) of the abdominal
A Gonadal
B Median sacral
C Phrenic
D Renal
E Suprarenal

44. A 32-year-old woman has an episiotomy repaired following a forceps delivery.

Which of the following does not insert into the perineal body?
10 Chapter 1  Anatomy

A Bulbocavernosus
B External anal sphincter
C Ischiocavernosus
D Levator ani
E Transverse perineal

45. A woman undergoes an emergency caesarean section at full dilatation following

a failed trial of instrumental delivery. There is a lateral extension to the uterine
excision which is bleeding.
Identify which of the following gives the correct pairing of artery and its origin.
Artery Origin
A Internal pudendal Posterior division of internal iliac
B Ovarian artery Common Iliac
C Testicular artery Abdominal aorta
D Uterine artery Abdominal aorta
E Uterine artery Anterior division of the internal iliac

46. Which of the following is not part of the bony pelvis?

A Fourth lumbar vertebrae
B Ilium
C Ischium
D Pubis
E Sacrum

47. Which of the following describes the anatomy of the inguinal region?
A The deep inguinal ring lies at the lateral two-thirds of the inguinal ligament
B The deep inguinal ring transmits the ilioinguinal nerve
C The superficial inguinal ring lies below the pubic tubercle
D The superficial inguinal ring transmits the genitofemoral nerve
E The superficial inguinal ring transmits the round ligament

48. Which of the following nerves is transmitted by the superficial inguinal ring?
A Femoral nerve
B Genitofemoral nerve
C Ilioinguinal nerve
D Peroneal nerve
E Sciatic nerve
Answers 11

1. A False
B True
C False
D False
E True
The female pelvis can be divided anatomically into two broad areas: the false pelvis
and the true pelvis. The false pelvis lies above the pelvic brim and has no obstetric
importance. The true pelvis lies below the pelvic brim and is related to child birth.
The true pelvis comprises an inlet, outlet and cavity. The pelvic inlet (brim) has the
following boundaries: sacral promontory, sacroiliac joints, alae of sacrum, iliopectineal
line, upper border of superior pubic rami and upper border of pubic symphysis.
2. A True
B False
C True
D True
E True
The diameters of the pelvis can be broadly categorised into transverse,
anteroposterior and oblique (Figure 1.1).

Figure 1.1  Anterior view of the

female bony pelvis. (Reproduced
from Tunstall R and Shah N.
Pocket Tutor Surface Anatomy.
Transverse London: JP Medical Ltd, 2012
diameter and courtesy of Sam Scott-
Hunter, London.)


3. A False
B True
C True
12 Chapter 1  Anatomy

D True
E False
The pudendal nerve originates from the anterior (ventral) rami of S2, S3 and S4. After
passing between piriformis and coccygeus, it leaves the pelvis through the greater
sciatic foramen. It then crosses the ischial spine with the internal pudendal artery
and re-enters the pelvis through the lesser sciatic foramen. The pudendal nerve
passes medially to the internal pudendal artery (Figure 1.2).

Figure 1.2  Anatomy of the

pudendal nerve.


Pudendal nerve


Obturator externus

4. A False
B True
C False
D True
E True
Pelvic splanchnic nerves provide parasympathetic innervation to the pelvis and
are derived from the ventral primary rami of S2–S4. They control micturition,
defaecation and erection. The inferior hypogastric plexus is formed from fibres of
the sacral splanchnic nerves, pelvic splanchnic nerves and hypogastric nerves, and
supplies the viscera of the pelvis. The rectal plexus is a posterior division of the
inferior hypogastric plexus. The pudendal nerve gives off the inferior rectal nerves,
before dividing into two terminal branches: the dorsal nerve of the penis/clitoris and
the perineal nerve.
Answers 13

The ilioinguinal nerve is derived from L1 and one of its terminal divisions is the
anterior labial nerve, which supplies the skin of the mons pubis and labia majora.
5. A False
B True
C True
D False
E True
The right ovarian vein drains directly into the inferior vena cava. The left ovarian vein
drains into the left renal vein. The internal pudendal vein drains into the internal
iliac vein and the external pudendal vein drains into the great saphenous vein. The
internal pudendal vein passes through the pudendal canal with the pudendal artery
and nerve. The uterine plexuses lie in the superior angles of the uterus, between the
two layers of the broad ligament. They connect the ovarian and vaginal plexuses
and drain directly into the hypogastric vein. The two other sites of portocaval
anastomosis are in the oesophagus and hepatic circulation.
6. A False
B True
C False
D True
E True
Innervation of the lower limb is from the lumbosacral plexus, which is formed
from the ventral rami of spinal nerves T12–S4. The sciatic nerve is a nerve of the
posterior leg, derived from L4–S3 and contains fibres from anterior and posterior
aspects of the lumbosacral plexus. The tibial nerve is derived from the anterior
division of L4–S3 and is a branch of the sciatic nerve. The tibial nerve passes
through the popliteal fossa and provides branches to the posterior aspect of the
calf, as well as the knee joint. The femoral nerve arises from the dorsal division
of the ventral rami of L2–L4. It passes beneath the inguinal ligament to enter the
thigh, where it then divides into an anterior and posterior division. It provides
innervation to the quadriceps muscle and sartorius, as well as anterior cutaneous
7. A False
B True
C False
D False
E True
The anal canal is approximately 3 cm long and lies between the anorectal junction
and the anal orifice. The upper two-thirds is lined with cuboidal epithelium
and is supplied by the superior rectal artery. The lower one-third is lined with
14 Chapter 1  Anatomy

non- keratinised stratified squamous epithelium and is supplied by the inferior rectal
artery. At the anal orifice there is a transition to keratinised stratified squamous
epithelium with the presence of sweat glands and hair. Hilton’s line is a white line
which indicates the junction of the keratinised from the non-keratinised epithelium.
The pectinate line is an important landmark embryologically which lies at the
junction of the upper two-thirds and lower one-third. The fibres of pubococcygeus
blend with the internal anal sphincter.
8. A False
B True
C False
D False
E False
The rectus sheath is formed from the aponeurosis of the transversus abdominis,
internal and external oblique muscles. At the lateral margin of the rectus abdominis,
the internal oblique splits into an anterior and posterior layer, passing in front and
behind. In front of the rectus abdominis runs the external oblique aponeurosis and
the anterior layer of internal oblique. Behind the rectus runs the posterior layer of
internal oblique and the transversus abdominis. The aponeuroses of each side meet
at the central linea alba. Below the arcuate line, all aponeuroses pass in front of the
rectus abdominis, meaning that the posterior aspect of the lower third of rectus is
separated from the peritoneum by transversalis fascia and extraperitoneal connective
tissue. The ventral rami of the lower seven thoracic nerves and anastomosis between
the superior and inferior epigastric vessels occurs within the rectus sheath. Where
pyramidalis is present, it lies within the rectus sheath anterior to rectus abdominis.
9. A True
B False
C True
D False
E False
The pudendal canal contains the pudendal nerve, artery and vein. It runs medially
to the obturator internus and is in close contact with the obturator fascia. It runs out
through the greater sciatic foramen and passes laterally to the ischial spines before
passing back in through the lesser sciatic foramen.
10. A True
B True
C False
D True
E False
The urinary bladder is a muscular distensible organ that is located in the pelvis.
The main blood supply to the bladder comes from the superior and inferior vesical
Answers 15

arteries, which are branches of the anterior trunk of the internal iliac artery. There is
also some contribution from the uterine and vaginal arteries. The detrusor muscle
is innervated from the S2–S4 nerve root, but the main contribution is from S3.
The bladder is predominantly under parasympathetic control, from the inferior
hypogastric plexus and the pelvic splanchnic nerves. The sympathetic nervous
system only affects blood vessels in the bladder and has no motor function. The
human bladder is derived in the embryo from the urogenital sinus.
11. A False
B False
C True
D True
E True
The testes are oval glands that have an average length of 4–5 cm and a diameter
of 2–3 cm. They originate embryologically in the abdomen, but descend through
the inguinal canal prior to birth. Each testis is surrounded by the tunica vaginalis,
which is a serous membrane, derived from the peritoneum. Underneath the tunica
vaginalis is a fibrous layer that encapsulates the testis, called the tunica albuginea.
It forms septa that divide each testis internally to form 200–300 lobules. It is within
each of these lobules that the seminiferous tubules are located.
12. A True
B False
C False
D True
E False
Ureters are muscular tubular structures, approximately 25 cm long, which run along
the posterior abdominal wall. They are retroperitoneal through their entire course
and carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder. The ureter begins at the kidney and
descends from the renal pelvis along the medial border of the psoas muscle. From
there, it enters the pelvis and crosses the common iliac artery. In females the ureters
travel in the broad ligament and run under the uterine artery eventually inserting
into the bladder posterolaterally. The openings of the ureters into the bladder are
approximately 2–3 cm apart.
13. A True
B True
C False
D True
E False
The vagina is a muscular elastic tube that extends from the cervix to the vulva. It
is a tubular structure, is approximately 10 cm in length, and lies in a superior and
posterior direction. The anterior wall is shorter than the posterior wall; the anterior
16 Chapter 1  Anatomy

wall is 6.0–7.5 cm and the posterior wall up to 9 cm long. Vaginal lubrication is

provided by the Bartholin’s glands, which are situated at the 5 and 11 o’clock
position near the vaginal opening. The vagina itself does not contain any glands.
The epithelium of the vagina is non-keratinised stratified squamous. The overall pH
of the vagina is acidic and this is caused in part from the degradation of glycogen
which is stored in the vaginal mucosa.
14. A True
B False
C True
D True
E True
The superior aspect of the vagina is supplied by the uterine artery and the middle
to inferior aspect of the vagina supplied by the vaginal artery. The vaginal artery is a
branch of the uterine artery. The vagina originates from the paramesonephric duct
and urogenital sinus, which are mesodermal.
15. A True
B False
C True
D False
E False
In outline, the blood and nerve supply to the vagina are:
• Artery: superior – uterine artery
inferior – vaginal artery
• Vein: vaginal vein
• Lymph: superior – internal iliac nodes
inferior – superficial inguinal nodes
• Nerve: sympathetic – lumbar splanchnic plexus
parasympathetic – pelvic splanchnic nerves
16. A True
B True
C False
D False
E True
The average uterus weighs around 90 g and is approximately 7.5 cm long. This
muscular organ has three layers: perimetrium, myometrium and endometrium. The
major part of the uterus is the body: the fundus forms the superior portion of the
uterus and sits above the openings to the fallopian tubes; and the cervix forms the
base of the uterus, which partially projects into the vagina. The uterus sits between the
Answers 17

bladder (anteriorly) and the rectum (posteriorly). A covering of peritoneum extends

over the anterior and superiors aspects of the uterus. Anteriorly, the peritoneum also
covers the bladder, the area between both organs forming the vesicouterine pouch.
Posteriorly, the peritoneum reflects down over the body of the uterus, over the
posterior fornix of the vagina and then over the front and lateral aspects of the rectum
to form the rectouterine pouch, also known as the pouch of Douglas.
17. A True
B False
C False
D True
E True
The female urethra has the same blood supply as the bladder in its upper third,
which is the pudendal artery. The lower two-thirds has the same supply as the
clitoris and anterior vaginal wall, namely the vaginal artery. The ureter nerves
running to the urethra come from the pudendal nerve, with afferents going to the
pelvic splanchnic nerves.
18. A True
B False
C False
D True
E True
The typical female, gynaecoid pelvis has an oval-shaped inlet (heart-shaped in
males), a large pelvic outlet in comparison to males, a wide pubic arch and a
subpubic arch of around 90°; the female obturator foramens are oval. The male
pelvis is thicker and generally heavier than the female pelvis. The male pelvic inlet is
heart-shaped with a small outlet; the subpubic angle is around 60°. The female pelvis
may have male characteristics and be described as an android pelvis. Two further
types of pelvis have been described: platypelloid and anthropoid.
19. A True
B False
C True
D True
E True
The adrenal glands are paired retroperitoneal organs, found superiorly to the kidneys.
Each is approximately 3–5 cm long and weighs 5 g. The adrenal gland is divided into
two different functional regions: the peripheral cortex, which makes up about 80% of
the gland and the central medulla. The adrenal cortex has embryological origin from
mesoderm and the adrenal medulla is derived from neural crest cells. Each adrenal
18 Chapter 1  Anatomy

gland has a corresponding vein. The right adrenal vein drains directly into the inferior
vena cava and the left adrenal vein into the renal vein.
20. A False
B True
C False
D True
E True
The adrenal (or suprarenal glands) sit below the diaphragm and above the kidneys.
The left gland has a semi-lunar shape and sits snug proximal to the spleen,
pancreas and stomach. The right triangular adrenal gland sits slightly lower than its
counterpart, making contact with the liver and inferior vena cava (IVC). The outer
cortex of the glands originates from mesoderm and is responsible for corticosteroid
and androgen production. The inner medulla derives from neural crest cells and its
chromaffin cells secrete catecholamines. The glands receive their blood supply from
the suprarenal arteries (superior, middle and inferior). The left suprarenal vein drains
into the left renal vein and the right suprarenal vein drains into the IVC.
21. A True
B True
C False
D True
E True
The inguinal ligament is formed in part from the external oblique aponeurosis. The
inguinal canal passes between the deep inguinal ring and the superficial inguinal
ring. Contents of the inguinal canal include the round ligament, a branch of the
genitofemoral nerve and the ilioinguinal nerve.
22. A True
B False
C False
D True
E False
The boundaries of the femoral triangle are:
• Superiorly: the inguinal ligament
• Laterally: sartorius muscle
• Medially: adductor longus muscle (medial border)
• Floor: adductor longus, pectineus, iliacus and psoas major
• Contents: femoral nerve, femoral vein, femoral artery, lymph nodes and fat
23. A True
B False
Answers 19

C True
D True
E False
The femoral vessels pass beneath the inguinal ligament. The femoral sheath is
produced from the transversalis as the vessels pass inferiorly into the thigh region.
The femoral sheath has the femoral nerve laterally to it. The node of Cloquet is a
lymph node that drains the clitoris and glans penis and it is located in the femoral
canal, which is also situated within the femoral sheath.
24. A True
B False
C True
D True
E False
The major muscles of the posterior abdominal wall are the psoas major, iliacus and
quadratus lumborum. The psoas major originates at the lateral aspects of all five
of the lumbar vertebrae, passing downwards and laterally where it attaches to the
lesser trochanter of the femur. It allows for lateral flexion of the trunk ipsilaterally.
It is innervated by the ventral rami of the lumbar nerves L1–L3 (or L2–L4). Iliacus
originates from the anterior superior iliac spine and also the sacrum. It joins the
psoas major (also inserting at the lesser trochanter of the femur) and they form
iliopsoas, which is the major flexor of the thigh. Iliacus is innervated by the femoral
nerve (L2–L4). Quadratus lumborum originates at the 12th rib and as it descends
becomes broader. It inserts into the aponeurosis of the iliolumbar ligament and
the iliac crest. It flexes laterally and also extends the spinal column, as well as fixing
the 12th rib during inspiration. Psoas minor is only present of 50% of humans,
irrespective of gender.

25. B  Cisterna chyli

The cisterna chyli is a dilated sac at the base of the thoracic duct, which forms part of
the lymphatic drainage of the pelvis and abdomen. The lymph passes to the thoracic
duct which, after passing through the aortic hiatus, opens into the junction of the
left subclavian vein and internal jugular vein (Table 1.1).

26. A  Inferior mesenteric artery

The inferior mesenteric artery arises just behind the horizontal part of duodenum
(part 4). It lies retroperitoneally and crosses the left common iliac artery, medial
to the ureter. The distribution of blood supply extends from the splenic flexure to
the upper part of the rectum, which includes the descending colon and sigmoid
colon. The distribution of blood supply of the inferior mesenteric artery corresponds
to the embryonic hindgut. Branches include the left colic artery and the superior
rectal artery.
20 Chapter 1  Anatomy

  Table 1.1  Apertures of the diaphragm

Level Structure
Caval opening T8 Inferior vena cava
Branches phrenic nerve
Oesophageal opening T10 Oesophagus
Aortic hiatus T12 Aorta
Thoracic duct
Azygos vein

27. D  Ovarian artery

Ovarian arteries are a branch of the abdominal aorta. They run retroperitoneally,
leaving the abdomen by crossing the common or external iliac arteries in the
infundibulopelvic fold. They are medial to the ureter in the upper abdomen and
cross obliquely anterior to the ureter in the middle to lower lumbar region, lying
lateral to the ureter in the lower abdomen and pelvis. The infundibulopelvic
ligament is a fold of the peritoneum, also known as the suspensory ligament of the
ovary. It passes laterally from the ovary to the wall of the pelvis. See Figure 1.3 for
the abdominal aorta and its branches.

Figure 1.3  Abdominal aorta and

its branches.



Common iliac Inferior

arteries mesenteric

Internal External
iliac arteries iliac artery
Answers 21

28. B  L1
The ilioinguinal nerve arises from the L1 nerve root along with the larger
iliohypogastric nerve. It travels obliquely across the quadratus lumborum and
perforates the transversus abdominis near the anterior part of the iliac crest. It
travels through part of the inguinal canal, passing through the superficial inguinal
ring. It supplies the mons pubis and labium majus.

29. E  Stratified squamous epithelium

The cervix has a conical shape with a varied epithelium. The ectocervix is the
lower intravaginal portion of the cervix and is lined by non-keratinised stratified
squamous epithelium. The endocervix is the cavity of the cervix, linking the external
and the internal os. It is lined by mucin-secreting simple columnar epithelium. The
border between these two types of epithelium is the squamocolumnar junction,
or transformation zone. The transformation zone is the area where metaplasia
frequently takes place and it is from here that the cervical smear test is taken .There
are certain times when metaplasia is physiological, such as during puberty when the
endocervix everts and postmenopause when the transformation moves upwards.

30. B  Anthropoid
The basic shapes of the pelvis are as follows:
• Gynaecoid pelvis (50%): normal female type, inlet is slightly transverse oval;
sacrum is wide with average concavity and inclination; subpubic angle is 90–100°.
• Anthropoid pelvis (25%): ape-like; anteroposterior (AP) diameters are long;
transverse diameter short; sacrum long and narrow, subpubic angle is narrow.
• Android pelvis (20%): male type, inlet is triangular or heart-shaped with anterior
narrow apex, subpubic angle is narrow < 90°.
• Platypelloid pelvis (5%): flat female type, AP diameter is short, transverse
diameter is long, subpubic angle is wide.

31. D  Pubococcygeus
The levator ani muscle is formed by the pubococcygeus, iliococcygeus and
ischiococcygeus. Although considered in three parts, the muscle forms a continuous
sheet, which provides significant support to the pelvic organs.
Pubococcygeus forms the bulk of the levator ani muscle, arising from the back of
the pubis and the white line that runs in front of the obturator canal. Its fibres form
a U-shaped loop which runs around the urethra, vagina and anorectal junction, with
the medial fibres blending with the upper urethra. Intermediate fibres loop around
the vagina, closing the lower end on contraction. Lateral fibres run around the anus,
inserting into the lateral and posterior walls of the anal canal between the internal
and external sphincters.
Iliococcygeus arises from the white line behind the obturator canal and inserts into
the lateral margins of the coccyx.
Ischiococcygeus arises from ischial spine and inserts into the coccyx.
22 Chapter 1  Anatomy

32. A  Adrenal gland inner medulla

The adrenal glands are retroperitoneal endocrine organs and are situated near the
kidneys. They are surrounded by adipose tissue and renal fascia and are usually found
at the level of the 12th thoracic vertebra. The outer cortex is mainly responsible
for the synthesis of corticosteroid hormones and aldosterone and is derived from
coelomic mesothelium. The inner medulla chromaffin cells are the source of
catecholamines and these cells are derived from ectodermal neural crest cells.

33. B  Anterior division L2–L4

The obturator nerve arises from the anterior division of L2–L4. It emerges from the
medial border of the psoas major and descends along the muscle. It runs above and
in front of the obturator vessels. It passes through the obturator foramen and enters
the thigh through the obturator canal. After passing through the obturator canal,
it divides into the anterior and a posterior branch. The anterior branch provides
an articular branch to the hip and anterior adductor muscles. The obturator nerve
provides sensory innervation to the skin on the medial surface of the thigh. The
posterior branch innervates the deeper adductor muscles. The femoral nerve is
formed from the posterior division of L2–L4.

34. C  Obturator internus

The femoral triangle is an anatomical area in the upper thigh. The borders of the
femoral triangle can be remembered by the mnemonic, SAIL: Sartorius (laterally),
Adductor longus (medially) and Inguinal Ligament (superiorly). The floor of
the femoral triangle is formed by the iliopsoas laterally and pectineus medially.
Important structures passing through the femoral triangle include the femoral
nerve, artery and vein (Figure 1.4).

35. A  Inferior gluteal

Gluteus maximus:
• Origin: posterior gluteal line of inner upper ilium, posterior surface of lower
sacrum, lumbodorsal fascia and sacrotuberous ligament
• Insertion: iliotibial band, ischial tuberosity
• Nerve: inferior gluteal
• Artery: superior and inferior gluteal arteries
• Action: extension and external rotation of hip

36. E  Transversalis fascia lies directly below the rectus sheath

The rectus sheath is formed from the aponeuroses of three muscles: transversus
abdominis, external and internal oblique muscles. Above the arcuate line, the
aponeurosis of the external oblique passes in front of the rectus abdominis and
Answers 23

Figure 1.4  Anatomy of the

femoral triangle. (Reproduced
Anterior from Tunstall R and Shah N.
superior Pocket Tutor Surface Anatomy.
iliac spine
London: JP Medical Ltd, 2012
Inguinal and courtesy of Sam Scott-
ligament Hunter, London.)
Femoral nerve
Deep inguinal
lymph nodes
Femoral artery

Femoral vein

Sartorius Adductor

the transversus abdominis passes behind; the aponeurosis of the internal oblique
divides into two at the lateral margin, with the anterior lamellae passing in front
of the rectus abdominis and the posterior lamellae passing behind. Scarpa’s fascia
is deep to the Camper’s fascia and superficial to external oblique muscle. See
Figure 1.5 for the anatomy of the rectus sheath above and below the arcuate line.
The transversalis fascia forms the layer below the rectus sheath.

Figure 1.5  Anatomy of the

(a) Above the arcuate line
rectus sheath.
External oblique
Internal oblique

Peritoneum Rectus Transversalis

abdominis fascia
(B) Below the arcuate line

External oblique
Internal oblique

Peritoneum Transversalis
24 Chapter 1  Anatomy

37. E
   Ureters cross close to the bifurcation of the common
iliac vessels
The ureters leave the kidney and travel inferiorly and medially along the psoas
muscle. They run along the posterior pelvic brim and cross anteriorly to the
bifurcation of the common iliac vessels. They continue posteroinferiorly and turn
medially at the ischial spines. They then run in the base of the broad ligament where
they are crossed by the uterine artery (water under the bridge). The ureter passes the
lateral vaginal fornix and enters the bladder.

38. B  Inferior vena cava

The right ovarian vein empties directly into the inferior vena cava. The left ovarian
vein empties into the left renal vein before reaching the inferior vena cava.

39. E  Pudendal nerve

The pudendal nerve provides sensory innervation to the vagina. The pudendal nerve
passes into the urogenital region at the end of its course and gives off the perineal
branches, which supply the vagina and posterior two-thirds of the vulva. It also
branches off the dorsal nerve to the clitoris.

40. A  Coeliac trunk

The embryonic foregut is the part which forms the mouth to the duodenum.
The coeliac trunk is the first branch of the aorta once it has passed through the
diaphragm. The coeliac trunk then branches into three: to the left gastric artery, the
splenic artery and the common hepatic arteries.
The superior mesenteric artery provides blood supply to the embryonic midgut and
the inferior mesenteric to the embryonic hindgut.

41. D  Left ovarian artery

Both ovaries receive their arterial supply from the ovarian arteries, which are direct
branches of the abdominal aorta. Venous drainage of the right ovary is supplied
by the right ovarian vein, a branch of the inferior vena cava (IVC). The left ovary’s
venous supply is from the left renal vein, which then drains into the IVC. The differing
blood supply of the ovaries, in comparison to the other pelvic viscera, reflects the
embryonic origin and subsequent descent of the ovaries from near the kidneys,
down into the pelvis.

42. B  Is a branch of the abdominal aorta

The ovarian arteries both arise from the abdominal aorta. The paired arteries, which
sit below the renal arteries and above the inferior mesenteric artery, descend along
the posterior abdominal wall. These arteries cross the external iliac vessels at the
Answers 25

level of the pelvic brim. Each artery supplies its respective ovary and fallopian tube,
anastomosing with the uterine arteries. Arterial and venous supply to the ovaries
follow a similar course, however, the right ovary receives its venous supply from the
right ovarian vein, which reaches the inferior vena cava and the left ovary is supplied
by the left renal vein.

43. B  Median sacral

The aorta enters the abdomen through the aortic hiatus of the diaphragm at the
level of T12. At the level of L4 the abdominal aorta bifurcates into the common iliac
vessels, which in turn divide to form the external and iliac vessels. The abdominal
aorta has three terminal branches which are: right and left common iliac arteries and
the median sacral artery. There are another four paired branches which are: phrenic,
suprarenal, renal and gonadal arteries.

44. C  Ischiocavernosus
The perineal body (or central tendon of the perineum) is a midline structure formed
of fibromuscular tissue found between the vagina and the anus in females. The
external anal sphincter, transverse perineal muscles, bulbocavernosus muscle
and the levator ani muscles all insert into the perineal body. The ischiocavernosus
muscle is a muscle of the superficial pouch of the perineum. Lying between the
perineal membrane and the subcutaneous tissue, it arises from the inferior ischial
ramus and compresses the crus clitoris, hence promoting clitoral erection. See
Figure 1.6 for the anatomy of the perineum.

Figure 1.6  Perineal body.

(Reproduced from Tunstall R and
Ischiocavernous Shah N. Pocket Tutor Surface
muscle Anatomy. London: JP Medical
Ltd, 2012 and courtesy of Sam
Scott-Hunter, London.)
muscle Perineal body
Superficial Levator ani
transverse muscle
External ligament
anal sphincter
Sacrotuberous ligament

45. E  Uterine artery, anterior division of the internal iliac

The uterine artery is a branch of the anterior division of internal iliac artery (the
main artery to supply the pelvic viscera). Ovarian arterial supply comes from the
ovary arteries which are direct branches of the abdominal arteries. Equivalent
to the female ovarian arteries is the testicular artery, which is a branch of the
abdominal aorta and supplies the testes. The internal pudendal artery, which
supplies the perineum, is a branch of the anterior division of the internal iliac artery.
26 Chapter 1  Anatomy

46. A  Fourth lumbar vertebrae

The bony pelvis consists of the innominate bone, which is formed from the ilium,
ischium and the pubis, together with the sacrum and the fifth lumbar vertebrae. The
sacrum is actually formed from the five sacral vertebrae. The sacrum articulates with
the fifth lumbar vertebrae. Figure 1.7 shows the structure of the bony pelvis.

Figure 1.7  Bony pelvis.

(Reproduced from Tunstall R and
Iliac crest Shah N. Pocket Tutor Surface
Anatomy. London: JP Medical
Anterior Ltd, 2012 and courtesy of Sam
superior iliac Scott-Hunter, London.)

Ischial spine
Pubic tubercle
foramen Pubic

Ischium Pubis

47. E
   The superficial inguinal ring transmits the
round ligament
The deep inguinal ring is situated at the midpoint of the inguinal ligament. It can
be located by finding the midpoint between the anterior superior iliac spine and
the pubic tubercle. The superficial inguinal ring lies just above, and lateral to the
pubic tubercle. The deep and superficial rings mark the entrance (deep ring) and exit
(superficial ring) to the inguinal canal.
The canal’s boundaries are:
• Anterior wall: external oblique aponeurosis, with lateral reinforcement from the
internal oblique
• Posterior wall: transversalis fascia, with the conjoint tendon (internal oblique and
transversus abdominis) providing medially
• Superiorly: internal oblique
• Inferiorly: inguinal ligament
Running through the canal is the round ligament in females and the spermatic cord
in males. The ilioinguinal nerve passes through the superficial inguinal ring only,
having travelled down the lateral abdominal wall between the internal and external
oblique muscles. See Figure 1.8 for the anatomy of the inguinal canal.
Answers 27

Figure 1.8  Anatomy of inguinal

Peritoneum Transversalis Transversus canal.
fascia abdominis


In males: spermatic cord

Inguinal ligament

Femoral vessels

Superficial inguinal ring

48. C  Ilioinguinal nerve

Only the ilioinguinal nerve passes through the superficial inguinal ring; it is not
carried through the deep inguinal ring, having travelled down the lateral abdominal
wall between the internal and external oblique muscles.
Chapter 2

Questions: MCQs
Answer each stem ‘True’ or ‘False’.

1. With regard to glycolysis:

A Net yield per glucose is one NADH molecule and one ATP molecule
B Takes place in the cytoplasm of the cell
C Glucokinase is an isoenzyme of hexokinase
D Is controlled by allosteric inhibition
E Only operates in aerobic conditions

2. Glycogen:
A Is a branched polymer of glucose
B Has its main stores in muscle
C Is broken down by glucose-6-phosphatase
D Its synthesis (i.e. glycogen synthase) is inhibited by adrenaline
E Levels in the blood stream are highest in the evening

3. Tricarboxylic acid cycle:

A Produces four NADH molecules per turn
B Uses acetyl coenzyme A as its substrate
C Takes place in the matrix of mitochondria
D Is regulated by substrate availability
E Each H2 molecule produces three molecules of ATP

4. Fat metabolism:
A Fat can be metabolised anaerobically
B Fat can be used by the brain as a source of fuel
C Oxidation of fatty acids takes place in the mitochondria
D Beta-oxidation of fatty acids is controlled by supply of substrate
E The liver can synthesise fatty acids to ketone bodies

5. Arachidonic acid:
A Is a second messenger
B Is an amino acid
C Is a precursor of thromboxane
D Is inhibited by aspirin
E Is converted to prostaglandins
30 Chapter 2  Biochemistry

6. Concerning ribonucleic acid (RNA):

A Contains deoxyribose
B Uracil pairs with thymine
C Each nucleotide contains a phosphate group
D Is always single-stranded
E Is made by RNA polymerases

7. The following are tumour suppressors:

A pRb
B p53
D Ras
E Myc

8. Phenylketonuria:
A Is an autosomal dominant condition
B Is caused by a defect in the metabolism of tyrosine
C Is detected using the Kleihauer–Betke test in newborns
D Untreated, results in severe intellectual impairment
E Can be managed using a protein-rich diet

9. Regarding steroidogenesis:
A Progesterone is the precursor of pregnenolone
B Cholesterol is the precursor of all other steroids
C Corticosterone is converted to aldosterone
D Pregnenolone is formed in cellular mitochondria
E Testosterone is a precursor of oestradiol

10. Prostaglandins:
A Are hydrophilic
B Are synthesised from arachidonic acid
C Are antagonised by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
D Consist of 18 carbon atoms
E Bind to G protein-coupled receptors
Questions: SBAs 31

Questions: SBAs
For each question, select the single best answer from the five options listed.

11. Which condition is caused by the failure to mineralise newly formed osteoid?
A Osteomalacia
B Osteopaenia
C Osteopetrosis
D Osteoporosis
E Paget’s disease of bone

12. A 50-year-old woman presents to her general practitioner complaining of fatigue

and upper abdominal pain, 6 weeks after sustaining a distal radial fracture. Her
blood tests indicate hypercalcaemia and hypophosphataemia.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
A Bone metastases
B Increased parathyroid hormone-related protein production
C Primary hyperparathyroidism
D Sarcoidosis
E Secondary hyperparathyroidism

13. Which enzyme is involved in the rate-limiting step of the glycolysis pathway?
A Glucokinase
B Glucose 6-phosphate
C Hexokinase
D Phosphofructokinase
E Phosphoglucose isomerase

14. What is the overall product of the glycolysis pathway?

A Glucose
B Pyruvate
C 1 NADH + 1 ATP
D 2 NADH + 2 ATP
E 4 NADH + 4 ATP

15. A 28-year-old primiparous woman attends her booking appointment at 10 weeks’

gestation. She is keen to maintain a healthy diet during her pregnancy and asks
her midwife to explain the difference between essential and non-essential amino
Which of the following is a non-essential amino acid?
A Arginine
B Leucine
C Methionine
32 Chapter 2  Biochemistry

D Tryptophan
E Tyrosine

16. A 24-year-old woman is admitted via the emergency department with persistent
hyperemesis of pregnancy. She is now feeling very unwell and appears dehydrated.
Her blood pressure is 110/60 mmHg, heart rate 100 beats per minute, SpO2 98% on
room air and a respiratory rate of 20 breaths per minute.
Which is the most likely acid-base disorder in this patient?
A Metabolic acidosis
B Metabolic alkalosis
C Mixed metabolic alkalosis and respiratory acidosis
D Respiratory acidosis
E Respiratory alkalosis

17. Following the birth of their second child with severe developmental delay, a
couple is seen by a clinical geneticist. Genotyping suggests a rare autosomal
recessive condition caused by a defect in the normal functioning of the citric acid
Which of the following is not an intermediate of the citric acid cycle?
A Alpha-ketoglutarate
B Acetyl coenzyme A
C Citrate
D Oxaloacetate
E Succinyl coenzyme A

18. Which of the following describes the appearance of sister chromatids during the
anaphase of mitosis?
A Alignment along the cell’s horizontal plane
B Alignment along the cell’s vertical plane
C Alignment at one pole
D Separation to diagonal poles
E Separation to opposite poles

19. A 12-year-old boy has gross developmental delay of unknown cause. On physical
examination, he is noted to have macro-orchidism, prominent ears and a large
forehead. He is seen by a clinical geneticist who suspects Fragile X syndrome and
wishes to perform genotyping.
Which of the following laboratory techniques is used to detect DNA sequences?
A Eastern blotting
B Northern blotting
C Northwestern blotting
D Southern blotting
E Western blotting
Questions: SBAs 33

20. A 58-year-old woman has recently been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
As part of her routine care, her general practitioner checks and her fasting
cholesterol levels. She is found to have a mildly raised total cholesterol level with a
raised serum low-density lipoprotein level.
Which of the following describes the function of low-density lipoproteins?
A Transport of cholesterol from the body’s tissues to the liver
B Transport of cholesterol from the liver to tissues around the body
C Transport of chylomicrons from the liver to elsewhere in the body
D Transport of triglycerides from the intestine to other tissues for storage
E Transport of triglycerides from the liver to elsewhere in the body for oxidation

21. An infant is born at term by normal vaginal delivery. When the baby is 18 days
old, he is brought to the emergency department by his parents. He is vomiting,
severely dehydrated and appears to be underweight. The paediatricians diagnose
a salt-wasting crisis and are concerned that he has a form of congenital adrenal
What hormone deficiency is characteristic of this disorder?
A Cholesterol
B Cortisol
C Dihydrotestosterone
D Oestradiol
E Testosterone
34 Chapter 2  Biochemistry

1. A False
B True
C True
D True
E False
The net yield of the glycolytic pathway (Figure 2.1) per molecule of glucose
is 2 molecules of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) and 2 molecules
of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The first step of glycolysis involves
phosphorylation of glucose to glucose 6-phosphate by hexokinase. An
isoenzyme of hexokinase, glucokinase is used in the liver, but has a lower affinity

Figure 2.1  The glycolysis

Step 1 Glucose pathway.
Step 2 Glucose 6-phosphate
Phosphoglucose isomerase
Step 3 Fructose 6-phosphate
Step 4 Fructose-1,6-phosphate Aldolase
Aldolase Dihidroxyacetone
Step 5 Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate
Triose phosphate
NAD+ isomerase
NAD dehydrogenase
Step 6 1,3-biphosphoglycerate
Phosphoglycerate kinase
Step 7 3-phosphoglycerate
Phosphoglycerate mutase
Step 8 2-phosphoglycerate
H2O Enolase
Step 9 Phosphoenolpyruvate
Pyruvate kinase
Step 10 Pyruvate
Answers 35

for glucose. This reflects the liver’s role in maintaining blood sugar levels. In
allosteric inhibition, the shape of the enzyme is altered by the substrate binding
to a site separate from the usual binding site. This leads to a reduction in the
usual substrate binding and therefore the activity of the enzyme. The ATP
allosterically inhibits phosphofructokinase.
2. A True
B False
C False
D True
E False
Glucose is stored in the body in the form of glycogen. It is stored in the liver and to
a lesser degree, in muscles. Glycogen stores can be mobilised if glucose levels in
the bloodstream are low and the main enzyme of glycogen breakdown is glycogen
phosphorylase. Levels of glycogen do fluctuate, however, there is no diurnal pattern
and levels reflect oral intake.
3. A False
B True
C True
D True
E True
The tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle takes place in the mitochondria of eukaryotic cells.
One of the regulating factors is the availability of substrate.
Each turn of the TCA cycle produces:
• 3 NADH + 1 FADH2
• 1 Guanosine-triphosphate (GTP)
• 2 CO2
where NADH is nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide and FADH2 is flavin adenine
The GTP can be converted to adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The NADH and FADH2
donate their electrons to the electron transport chain, which produces ATP.
Acetyl coenzyme A is produced from the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins
and fats and is converted into energy through the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Four
pairs of hydrogen atoms are released per turn of the cycle, which then feed into
the electron transport chain. Each hydrogen pair then reduces one atom of oxygen
and by doing so releases three molecules of ATP. See Figure 2.2 for the TCA cycle
(or Krebs cycle).
36 Chapter 2  Biochemistry

Figure 2.2  Krebs cycle.

Pyruvate NAD+

Acetyl-CoA NADH

Oxaloacetate 4C Citrate 6C
Malate 4C
Isocitrate 6C
Fumarate 4C
FADH2 α-ketoglutarate 5C
Succinate 4C NAD+
GTP Succinyl CoA 4C

4. A False
B False
C True
D True
E True
Metabolism of fats can only occur in the presence of oxygen and never occurs under
anaerobic conditions. The brain has an absolute requirement for glucose as a fuel
and, in the presence of starvation, ketone bodies may provide 75% of the energy
supply. Oxidation of fatty acids occurs in the mitochondria. Fatty acids freely diffuse
over the cell membrane and use the enzyme carnitine palmitoyltransferase to access
the mitochondria. The β-oxidation of fatty acids produces acetyl coenzyme A, which
may then be used as a substrate in the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Synthesis of ketone
bodies may occur in the liver in the presence of starvation. During starvation, the
acetyl coenzyme A produced by the oxidation of fatty acids may be channelled into
ketogenesis, rather than into the tricarboxylic acid cycle.
5. A True
B False
C True
D False
E True
Arachidonic acid is a fatty acid attached to cellular membrane phospholipids by
esterification. Freed from the phospholipids by the action of phospholipase A2,
arachidonic acid has a series of roles. It is the precursor of the eicosanoids, i.e.
prostaglandins, procyclins, and the thromboxanes, which have a wide variety
Answers 37

of biological roles. The conversion of arachidonic acid to prostaglandin H2 (the

precursor of the eicosanoids) requires the action of the cyclooxygenase (COX)
enzymes, COX-1 and COX-2. The formation of the eicosanoids, not arachidonic acid
itself, is inhibited by the action of COX-inhibitors such as ibuprofen and aspirin.
Arachidonic acid also acts a second messenger, whereby it transmits a signal from a
cellular receptor, in response to stimulation by first messengers such as histamine.
6. A False
B False
C True
D False
E True
Ribonucleic acid (RNA), alongside its counterpart deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), forms
the basis of the genetic code of all living things. Each RNA nucleotide consists of a
five carbon ribose sugar ring, a phosphate group linked to the ribose and a base.
The bases found in RNA are uracil (U), cytosine (C), adenine (A) and guanine (G);
this differs from DNA where instead of uracil there is thymine. Each of the bases
links with its appropriate base pair from another nucleotide of RNA in order to form
complementary strands of RNA.
Linked by hydrogen bonds uracil pairs with adenine and guanine pairs with cytosine.
Codons are formed from each three adjacent RNA nucleotides in a chain of RNA and
are described according to the sequence of each molecule’s base, e.g. CCA refers to
three RNA nucleotides adjacent to each other with the bases cytosine, followed by
cytosine, followed by adenine. RNA is typically single-stranded, allowing it to form
complex structures; however, it may be double-stranded (ds), e.g. rotavirus is one of
a number of dsRNA viruses. The formation of RNA is catalysed by RNA polymerase,
which links together RNA nucleotides using a DNA template in a process called
7. A True
B True
C True
D False
E False
During the cell cycle a series of checkpoints occur aiming to assess for
imperfections within the cell, such as DNA damage. Should cellular imperfections
be detected and are not fixable the cell typically will undergo apoptosis. Typically
checkpoints for errors occur at critical periods in the cell cycle, e.g. a DNA damage
check just prior to the ‘S’ phase, where DNA is replicated, a further DNA damage
check just prior to mitosis, with a check to confirm spindle attachment occurring
during mitosis itself. A series of proteins are used to perform these checks and
facilitate either the ongoing cell cycle or apoptosis. p53 is such a protein and in
addition to checking for DNA damage can either hold a cell in an arrested state to
38 Chapter 2  Biochemistry

allow for DNA repair, or in irreparable cases induce apoptosis. Genetic mutations
involving both p53 alleles are associated with the development of cancer. BRCA1
is a DNA repair protein that repairs breaks in DNA’s double strands. pRb, the
retinoblastoma protein, is another tumour suppressor protein that inhibits cells
from entering the ‘S’ phase. Ras proteins are involved in regulation of cell signalling
and are considered a proto-oncoprotein. Myc is a transcription factor which
facilitates the progression of the cell cycle. Over expression of both Ras and Myc is
associated with cancer development.
8. A False
B True
C False
D True
E False
Phenylketonuria is a congenital autosomal recessive disorder, associated with a
mutation of a gene found on chromosome 12. It results in the inability to metabolise
the essential amino acid phenylalanine into tyrosine, owing to a deficiency of the
enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase. Elevated levels of phenylalanine lead to an
accumulation of its by-products, such as phenylacetate and phenylpyruvate, with
devastating consequences. Further metabolic disturbance is caused by the deficiency
in tyrosine. Phenylketonuria is associated with severe intellectual impairment if
untreated, and therefore all newborns in the UK are screened for the condition in the
first week of life.
The Guthrie test involves taking a spot of blood, which is placed on a paper disc. The
disc is then placed with bacteria, which overgrows in the presence of the high levels
of phenylalanine. Treatment strategies for individuals with phenylketonuria include
a lifelong diet of foods low in phenylalanine and pharmaceuticals, which aim to
reduce phenylalanine.
9. A False
B True
C True
D True
E True
Steroids are organic compounds, which all consist of a common core of 20 carbon
atoms arranged into four rings with varying side-chains. Three of these carbon rings
are cyclohexanes and contain six carbon atoms, whereas the remaining ring consists
of five carbon atoms and is cyclopentane.
Steroidogenesis is the synthesis of steroids from the common precursor
cholesterol into other forms of steroids. The conversion of cholesterol, which itself
contains 27 carbon atoms, to other steroids is catalysed by a series of enzymes.
The first product of steroidogenesis is pregnenolone, which is produced in cellular
Answers 39

mitochondria via the action of cytochrome P450, which cleaves a side-chain

from cholesterol. This first product can then be converted into progesterone
with further conversion to the mineralocorticoids, i.e. aldosterone, or into
17α-hydroxyprogestrone pregenolone with subsequent pathways facilitating
either the production of the glucocorticoids, or the androgens and oestrogens.
Testosterone is formed from androstenedione and may be converted to either
dihydrotestosterone or oestradiol (E2).
10. A False
B True
C True
D False
E True
Prostaglandins are a form of eicosanoid and are derived from fatty acids,
hence the hydrophobic nature. Produced by most nucleated cells, they are
synthesised predominantly from the oxidation of arachidonic acid by the action
of cyclooxygenases (COXs), i.e. COX-1 and COX-2. All prostaglandins consist of 20
carbon atoms, which include a five carbon ring. Prostaglandins have a wide range
of functions, including vasoconstriction and dilation, bronchoconstriction and
dilation, uterine contraction, platelet inhibition and aggregation, as well as pyogenic
NSAIDs such as ibuprofen are COX inhibitors and therefore antagonise the
formation of prostaglandins. There are a variety of prostaglandin receptors
corresponding to different prostaglandins found on many cell types, all of which are
G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). Major prostaglandins include prostaglandin
E2 (PGE2), which is also the constituent of dinoprostone-based induction agents;
prostaglandin I2 (PGI2 or prostacyclin), whose major functions include inhibition of
platelet aggregation; and prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGFα), which is involved in uterine
contraction amongst other properties.

11. A  Osteomalacia
Pregnancy is associated with increased levels of parathyroid hormone, calcitriol and
calcium. Higher concentrations of calcium are absorbed from the gut. Calcium and
phosphate are transferred to fetal circulation by active transport. See Table 2.1 for
conditions associated with abnormalities of bone.

12. C  Primary hyperparathyroidism

Parathyroid hormone (PTH) leads to an increase in blood calcium and a reduction
in phosphate. Primary hyperparathyroidism causes hypercalcaemia by increased
secretion of parathyroid hormone, in 80% of cases from an adenoma of the
parathyroid gland. Other causes include hyperplasia or multiple adenomas. It
is the third most common endocrine condition, with a population frequency
40 Chapter 2  Biochemistry

  Table 2.1  Disorders of the bone and their typical serum biochemistry

Condition Calcium Phosphate Alkaline Parathyroid Comment

phosphatase hormone
Osteoporosis Normal Normal Normal Normal Decreased bone mass
Osteopetrosis Normal Normal Normal Normal Marble bone disease
Osteomalacia Reduced Reduced Increased Increased Soft bones
Osteitis fibrosa Increased Reduced Increased Increased Brown tumour
Paget’s disease Normal Normal Increased Normal Abnormal
of bone architecture of bone

of 1:500–1:1000. Symptoms are usually those of hypercalcaemia. Blood tests

usually show increased calcium and PTH and low phosphate. Treatment involves
surgical removal of the adenoma. Secondary hyperparathyroidism consists of high
PTH, but low calcium. Bone metastases would lead to hypercalcaemia, but not

13. D  Phosphofructokinase
Glycolysis is the metabolic process that occurs within all aerobic and anaerobic
cells and produces two molecules of pyruvate from one molecule of glucose. This
process of glucose oxidation also generates a gain of two molecules of ATP and
two molecules of NADH. Phosphofructokinase is the enzyme that converts fructose
6-phosphate to fructose 1,6-biphosphate. This irreversible step is considered
the rate-limiting step of glycolysis. In aerobic conditions the generated pyruvate
then enters the tricarboxylic acid cycle (Figure 2.2) within the mitochondria and
subsequently generates ATP in a process of oxidative metabolism.

14. B  Pyruvate
Glycolysis is the metabolic pathway that converts glucose into pyruvate and takes
place in the cytoplasm of the cell. Glycolysis forms a sequence of 10 reactions,
involving intermediary compounds at each step, which can provide entry points
into the pathway. This metabolic pathway is common to both aerobic and anaerobic
forms of respiration. In aerobic respiration, pyruvate then enters the tricarboxylic
acid cycle, which takes place within the mitochondria. In anaerobic conditions, the
pyruvate obtained from glycolysis is reduced to lactate via the action of lactate

15. E  Tyrosine
Essential amino acids are those that cannot be synthesised directly and therefore
must be obtained through dietary intake. Non-essential amino acids are
Answers 41

those that can be synthesised without the need for dietary supplementation
(Table 2.2).

  Table 2.2  Essential and non-essential amino acids

Essential amino acids Non-essential amino acids

Arginine Methionine Alanine Glutamic acid
Histidine Phenylalanine Aspartic acid Glycine
Isoleucine Threonine Asparagine Proline
Leucine Tryptophan Cysteine Serine
Lysine Valine Glutamine Tyrosine

16. B  Metabolic alkalosis

This patient has developed a metabolic alkalosis secondary to persistent vomiting and
loss of hydrochloric acid from the stomach contents. Compensation occurs in the lungs
by trying to retain carbon dioxide through hypoventilation. Carbon dioxide is then
used for the formation of carbonic acid, reducing pH. Peripheral chemoreceptors are
sensitive to pH and are stimulated by the decrease in H+ concentration. The increase
in pCO2 leads to activation of central chemoreceptors, which are sensitive to partial
pressure of carbon dioxide in the blood. This then leads to a rise in respiration rate.

17. B  Acetyl coenzyme A

Acetyl coenzyme A (acetyl-CoA) is not an intermediate of the citric acid cycle [also
known as the tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA cycle) or the Krebs cycle]. The final
product of glycolysis, pyruvate, is converted to acetyl-CoA via a process of pyruvate
decarboxylation by the action of pyruvate dehydrogenase. Acetyl-CoA then enters
the citric acid cycle. All of the other possible answers given are actually different
intermediates produced by the citric acid cycle (Figure 2.2).

18. E  Separation of sister chromatids to opposite poles

Mitosis describes the process by which cells are able to duplicate and then separate
their chromosomes in order to produce identical copies of the original cell. This form
of cell replication only occurs in eukaryotic cells. Erroneously thought of as a time of
cellular quiescence the cell spends most of its time in ‘interphase’ a period divided
into two growth periods G1 and G2, which are separated by the ‘S’ phase during
which the cell experiences Swanson DNA duplication in preparation for mitosis.
Mitosis truly commences as prophase during which there is condensation of
chromatin into chromosomes. This stage is followed by metaphase where sister
chromatids are produced by DNA replication during the ‘S’ phase of interphase
and then align at the cell’s equatorial plane, also known as the metaphase plane.
Anaphase describes subsequent separation of the sister chromatids to opposite
42 Chapter 2  Biochemistry

poles of the cell. Following this separation there is breakdown of the parent cell’s
nuclear membrane, which then reforms around each separate set of chromosomes.
Cytokinesis describes the separation of the cytoplasm and marks the final step in the
formation of the daughter cells.

19. D  Southern blotting

The Southern blot is a technique used to identify specific sequences of DNA
amongst material containing many other DNA sequences. Developed by the
microbiologist Edward Southern in the 1970s, it uses electrophoresis techniques
to identify target DNA sequences. Techniques that use principles identified
by Southern have been given similar nomenclature in tribute to his original
Northern blotting is used to identify specific RNA sequences in RNA-rich
matter. Western blotting identifies specific proteins in samples using both gel
electrophoresis and also immunoblotting, whereby antibodies mark the ‘target’
protein of interest. Eastern blotting can be considered as an extension of the
Western blotting technique and detects protein post-translational modifications.
Northwestern blotting is a fictional technique.

20. B
   Transport of cholesterol from the liver to
tissues around the body
Lipoproteins form the basis of the transport of fats around the body. All
lipoproteins consist of both fats and proteins in a complex consisting of a
hydrophilic outer surface and a hydrophobic core. Low-density lipoproteins (LDLs)
predominantly consist of cholesterol and cholesterol esters and they transport
cholesterol from the liver to tissues around the body whose cells are expressing
the LDL receptor. LDLs are often referred to as ‘the bad cholesterol’ due to their
association with atheromatous change (blood vessels may also express LDL
High-density lipoproteins (HDLs) are the smallest of the lipoproteins and are protein
and cholesterol-rich. HDLs ‘collect’ cholesterol from cells which are then sequestered
into its hydrophobic core and are carried to the liver (and steroid producing organs
such as the ovaries), where their cholesterol is released through the action of HDL
receptors. Very low-density lipoproteins (VLDLs) are produced in the liver and
comprise of predominantly triglycerides and cholesterol; in the blood these VLDLs
are converted to LDLs. Chylomicrons are responsible for transporting dietary fats,
predominantly in the form of triglycerides from the small intestine to tissues, such as
the liver and skeletal muscle for usage.

21. B  Cortisol
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is used to describe a series of autosomal
recessive conditions characterised by a deficiency in cortisol production (and
Answers 43

in some forms, aldosterone). Altered steroidogenesis results primarily in both

cortisol deficiency and excess of its steroid precursors such as testosterone. In
males, CAH may not be detected until after the first weeks of birth, when they
may present with symptoms of a salt-wasting crisis such as severe vomiting,
dehydration and appear to be shocked. This presentation is due to aldosterone
and cortisol deficiency leading to biochemical imbalances such hyperkalaemia,
and hyponatraemia.
In females CAH, in its most common form, is typically diagnosed at the birth of a
genetically female infant with ambiguous genitalia caused by fetal exposure to
excessive levels of androgens in utero. The most common form of CAH is caused by a
deficiency in 21-hydroxylase, an enzyme involved in the conversion of progesterone
and 17α-hydroxyprogesterone to the precursors of cortisol. Other forms of CAH
include 11β-hydroxylase deficient CAH, which results in cortisol deficiency alongside
excessive aldosterone, leading to hypertension; and 17-hydroxylase deficient CAH,
which alongside excessive aldosterone is also associated with deficiency in the
oestrogens leading to oligomenorrhoea and infertility.
Speiser PW, Perrin C, White MD. Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia. N Engl J Med 2003; 349:776-788
Chapter 3

Questions: MCQs
Answer each stem ‘True’ or ‘False’.

1. With regard to early embryonic development:

A The trilaminar disc forms during the second week of development
B The notochord forms around 18 days
C The primitive streak is formed by day 15
D The anterior neuropore closes by day 24
E Upper limb buds appear around day 32

2. With regard to pharyngeal arches:

A 1st arch: eustachian tube and middle ear
B 2nd arch: muscles of facial expression, served by 7th cranial nerve
C 3rd arch: common carotid artery
D 4th arch: glossopharyngeal nerve (IX cranial nerve)
E 5th arch: laryngeal cartilages

3. Functions of the metanephros include:

A Production of urine
B Electrolyte balance of the fetus
C Production of amniotic fluid
D Begin functioning during the 8th week
E Production of fetal haemoglobin

4. With regard to development of the alimentary system:

A Embryonic foregut is supplied by the coeliac artery
B Midgut includes the second part of the duodenum
C Hindgut incorporates the appendix
D Meckel’s diverticulum is a remnant of the vitelline duct
E Gut is derived from endoderm

5. With regard to amniotic fluid:

A Prior to keratinisation, it is formed from fluid passing across fetal skin
B Consists mainly of water during the first trimester
C Fetal renal function begins during the 6th week
D Compared with blood, amniotic fluid is slightly alkalotic
E Albumin is the main protein
46 Chapter 3  Embryology

Questions: SBAs
For each question, select the single most appropriate answer from the five options

6. Which one of the following constitutes the parameters for a normal sperm count?

Volume (mL) Motility Count (million/mL) Morphology

(% progressive) (% normal forms)
A 2.0–5.0 20 20 < 10
B 1.5–5.0 90 20 < 20
C 1.5–5.0 40 15 < 5
D 1.0–3.0 80 60 < 10
E 1.0–3.0 90 20 < 5

7. Which of the following best describes the process of compaction?

A It leads to the formation of the trophoblast
B It leads to the formation of the cytotrophoblast
C It is a reaction of the chromosomes during meiosis
D It leads to the formation of the morula after the 16 cell stage
E It refers to the reaction of the sperm head on penetration of the ovum

8. Which of the following is correct regarding germ cell layers?

A Endoderm: endocrine glands
B Endoderm: nervous system
C Ectoderm: most proximal layer
D Mesoderm: lung cells
E Mesoderm: skin epidermis

9. The cells of which structure form the chorionic villi?

A Neural crest
B Endoderm
C Primitive streak
D Hypoblast
E Extraembryonic mesoderm

10. Which of the following has the correct association regarding development of
urogenital system?
A Genital fold – clitoris
B Genital tubercle – labia minora
C Ureteric bud – urinary bladder
D Mesonephric ducts – vagina
E Metanephros – kidney
Questions: SBAs 47

11. Which of the following statements best describes the development of the cardiac
A Fetal circulation includes two umbilical veins
B The ligamentum venosum is a remnant of the umbilical vein
C The heart is developed from endodermal cells
D The cardinal vein runs into the sinus venosus
E Cardiac pulsations are visible from the 34th day after conception

12. Which of the following is not a derivative of the vitelline vein?

A Lower inferior vena cava
B Inferior mesenteric vein
C Superior mesenteric vein
D Portal vein
E Hepatic vein

13. Which of the following statements best describes the development of the
urogenital system?
A Sex cords are developed from coelomic epithelium
B Sex differentiation is present 35 days after fertilisation
C Myometrial walls are present in the fetal uterus by the 5th month
D Reproductive organs are developed from paraxial mesoderm
E In female sex organ development, the upper part of the gubernaculum
becomes the round ligament
48 Chapter 3  Embryology

1. A False
B True
C True
D False
E False
The trilaminar disc consists of the three germ cell layers: ectoderm, endoderm and
mesoderm, and is formed at the region of the primitive streak. This forms during the
3rd week of development. There is a higher rate of growth of the ectoderm layer at
each end of the disc, which changes the shape of the disc into a more oval nature.
The process of neurulation refers to the development of the nervous system and
involves the rounding of the neural plate with development of the cranial and
caudal ends. The primitive streak is a depression in the caudal end of the disc and
is usually evident by the end of the second week of development. The notochord
provides the longitudinal axis for the embryo and becomes the vertebral column.
The anterior neuropore (cranial) closes at day 24 and the posterior neuropore
(caudal) closes at day 25.
2. A True
B True
C True
D False
E False
Pharyngeal arches are responsible for forming the lower part of the face and the
neck, and they develop from mesoderm. There are six pharyngeal arches, but the
fifth arch regresses. (Table 3.1)
3. A True
B False
C True
D False
E False
The urogenital system develops from mesoderm. The renal system develops from
the nephrogenic cord. There are three parts to the embryonic urinary system that
appear at different points in development. They all have a role in excretion and all
develop at week 4.
• Pronephros: limited function
• Mesonephros: functions from week 6–10
• Metanephros: functions at week 12
Answers 49

  Table 3.1  Pharyngeal arches

Pharyngeal Muscle Skeletal Nerve Artery

1st Muscles Maxilla Trigeminal nerve External carotid
mastication Mandible (CN V)
Anterior belly of
2nd Facial expression Stapes Facial nerve Stapedial artery
Hyoid (CN VII)

3rd Stylopharyngeus Inferior parathyroids Glossopharyngeal Common carotid

Hyoid nerve (CN IX)

4th Cricothyroid Thyroid cartilage Vagus nerve Subclavian artery

(CN X) Aortic arch
6th Intrinsic muscle of Laryngeal cartilage Vagus nerve Pulmonary artery
larynx (CN X)
CN, cranial nerve

The mesonephric bud develops during the 5th week from the ureteric bud. It has
an excretory role for approximately 4 weeks; however, it regresses by week 10. The
permanent kidney develops from the metanephros and by the end of week 12, urine
is produced.
4. A False
B False
C False
D True
E True
The embryonic alimentary system is broadly divided into the foregut, midgut and
hindgut. Each part has a separate blood supply. Table 3.2 shows the division of the
alimentary system.
5. A True
B True
C False
D False
E True
Amniotic fluid volumes are approximately 50 mL at 12 weeks, and increases to about
one litre towards the end of pregnancy. Fetal skin cells undergo keratinisation at
about 25 weeks of pregnancy and prior to this, fluid arises by transfer across the skin.
Amniotic fluid is produced by fetal excretion in urine, with contribution from lung
secretions and amniotic membrane secretions. During the first trimester, the amniotic
50 Chapter 3  Embryology

  Table 3.2  Embryological origins of the digestive system

Section of alimentary system Organs involved Blood supply

Foregut Oesophagus to D2 Oesophagus Coeliac trunk
First two parts of duodenum
Midgut D3 to first 2/3 of transverse Jejunum Superior mesenteric
colon Ileum
First 2/3 of transverse colon
Hindgut Last 1/3 of transverse colon to Last 1/3 of transverse colon Inferior mesenteric
top of anal canal Rectum

fluid is mainly composed of water, with some electrolytes. From the second trimester
composition of the fluid changes with addition of lipids, carbohydrates and proteins.
Amniotic fluid is more acidic than the maternal blood.
6. C

Volume (mL) Motility Count (million/mL) Morphology

(% progressive) (% normal forms)
1.5–5.0 40 15 < 5

On average an ejaculate will have a volume of 2–5 mL seminal fluid. The average
sperm count in this fluid is 60 x 106/mL and a low sperm count would be associated
with a count of < 15 million/mL. Motility describes the action and movement of the
sperm, and the proportion of which have forward motion. The progressive motility
should be at least 40%. Another parameter that is used to classify sperm counts is
the morphology. It is normal to have some abnormal spermatozoa; the minimum
acceptable percentage of semen with normal morphology is 4%.

7. D  It leads to the formation of the morula after

the 16 cell stage
Compaction refers to the stage of cell division when the cells flatten out and it
becomes impossible to determine cell outlines. This occurs between the 16 and
32 cell stage when the embryo becomes a morula. The reaction of the sperm with
the ovum is known as capacitation.

8. A  Endoderm: endocrine glands

The three embryonic germ cell layers are:
• Endoderm
Answers 51

• Mesoderm
• Ectoderm
Each of these layers give rise to different parts of the embryo as summarised in
Table 3.3.

  Table 3.3  Germ cell layers

Ectoderm Distal layer Nervous system

Skin epidermis
Mesoderm Middle layer Muscles (cardiac, skeletal)
Connective tissue
Blood vessels
Reproductive system
Endoderm Proximal layer Gastrointestinal tract
Respiratory tract
Endocrine glands

9. E  Extraembryonic mesoderm
It is the cells of the extraembryonic mesoderm that develop into the chorionic villi.
The neural crest gives rise to the nervous system and melanocytes. Endoderm is
one of the germ cell layers and produces the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract
and endocrine organs. The primitive streak develops by the end of the second
week in the bilaminar embryonic disc and functions to determine symmetry of the
developing embryo. The hypoblast is a part of the inner cell mass and lies beneath
the epiblast. It gives rise to extraembryonic endoderm.

10. E  Metanephros – kidney

Gonadal development begins during the 4th week and begins at the mesonephros.
The clitoris is formed from the genital tubercle. Initially the gonads are swellings
and there is no differentiation until the 7th week. Sex differentiation is determined
by the SRY gene which is located on the short arm of chromosome 11. In the female
embryo the gonads develop from the paramesonephric ducts. The genital folds
form the labia minora and the genital swellings form the labia majora. The bladder
and urethra are derived from the primitive urogenital sinus and the ureters from the
ureteric bud. Three excretory systems develop: pronephros, mesonephros and finally
the metanephros, from which the definitive kidney is developed.

11. D  The cardinal vein runs into the sinus venosus

There are two umbilical arteries and one vein. The ligamentum venosum is a
remnant of the ductus venosus and is found on the inferior surface of the liver.
52 Chapter 3  Embryology

The ductus venosus is a variation of the fetal circulation which directs blood from
the umbilical vein into the inferior vena cava. This allows oxygenated blood from
the placenta to bypass the liver. The cardiac system is developed from angiogenic
mesoderm cells. The anterior cardinal vein forms the internal jugular vein and
combined with the common cardinal vein forms the superior vena cava. The cardinal
vein does run into the sinus venosus.

12. B  Inferior mesenteric vein

The vitelline veins take blood away from the yolk sac. The vitelline veins give rise to
the hepatic veins, the inferior part of the inferior vena cava, the superior mesenteric
vein and the portal vein. The inferior mesenteric vein is not a derivative of the
vitelline vein.

13. A  Sex cords are developed from coelomic epithelium

Sex differentiation occurs in the 9th week after fertilisation. Reproductive organs
develop from intermediate mesoderm, rather than paraxial mesoderm. The
gubernaculum assist in the descent of the gonads in both sex. In males only the lower
part persists to become the scrotal ligament. In females, the upper part becomes the
ovarian ligament and the lower part becomes the round ligament of the uterus.
Chapter 4

Questions: MCQs
Answer each stem ‘True’ or ‘False’.

1. Concerning thyroid function during pregnancy:

A Beta-human chorionic gonadotropin is partially thyrotrophic
B There can be a reduction in thyroid-stimulating hormone during the 1st
C There is increased thyroxine-binding globulin
D Hyperemesis gravidarum is associated with abnormally reduced levels of T3
and T4
E There can be a 30–50% increase in T4 production during pregnancy

2. Parathyroid hormone (PTH):

A There are six parathyroid glands
B Parathyroid glands develop embryologically from the pharyngeal pouches
C Blood supply to the parathyroid glands is from the parathyroid arteries
D PTH is synthesised by the chief cells
E The gene for PTH is located on chromosome 11

3. With regard to prolactin:

A It controls the milk-ejection reflex
B It is released from the anterior pituitary gland in response to dopamine
C It is a peptide comprised of 198 amino acids
D Levels can be raised in primary hypothyroidism
E Levels can rise after an epileptic seizure

4. Concerning anatomy of the thyroid:

A It descends into the neck as the thyroglossal duct
B It is formed by the 3rd–4th week of development
C C cells are derived from the fifth arch
D The isthmus lies on tracheal rings 2–4
E The main blood supply is from the lateral thyroid artery

5. Regarding Graves’s disease:

A It is caused by IgM antibody against the thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor
B It is a form of hypothyroidism
C Pretibial myxoedema can be present
D It does not affect the fetus
E Enophthalmos can be present
54 Chapter 4  Endocrinology

6. With regard to cortisol:

A It is produced by the zona fasciculata of the adrenal cortex
B The majority is transported in plasma bound to albumin
C Production has a circadian rhythm with highest production at night
D It is derived from cholesterol
E It is a mineralocorticoid

7. Regarding the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system (RAAS):

A Renin is secreted from the juxtaglomerular cells of the kidney
B Renin stimulates production of angiotensinogen from angiotensin I
C Angiotensin II stimulates secretion of aldosterone from the adrenal medulla
D Angiotensin converting enzyme converts angiotensin I to angiotensin II
E Low blood pressure detected by carotid sinus chemoreceptors activate
the RAAS

8. Regarding Addison’s disease:

A It has an incidence of approximately 1/100,000
B It can be misdiagnosed as anorexia nervosa
C Patients may have hyperpigmentation
D Is associated with hypokalaemia and hyponatraemia
E It can be caused by Waterhouse–Friederichsen syndrome

9. Phaeochromocytoma:
A Is a cause of hypertension in < 1% of cases
B Has a triad of symptoms: sweating, palpitations and headaches
C Is linked with Carney complex
D Has an association with multiple endocrine neoplasia-1
E Treatment is with a cardioselective beta-blocker followed by an alpha-blocker,

10. Functions of insulin are:

A Increases lipolysis
B Decreases gluconeogenesis
C Increases glycogen synthetase
D Suppresses ketogenesis
E Activates glycogen phosphorylase

11. Regarding oestrogen:

A The main oestrogen after menopause is oestrone
B The main oestrogen between puberty and menopause is oestriol
C Aromatase converts testosterone to oestradiol
D Oestradiol is weaker than oestrone
E Androstenedione is converted to oestrone

12. Ovarian steroidogenesis:

A Progesterone is produced by the ovarian theca cells only
B Testosterone is produced by the ovarian theca cells only
Questions: MCQs 55

C Oestradiol is produced by the ovarian granulosa cells

D Theca cells have follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) receptors
E Granulosa cells are responsive to FSH and luteinising hormone

13. Female reproductive system: the oocyte

A Primary oocytes are arrested at first mitotic division until ovulation
B Completion of first meiotic division occurs in response to the luteinising
hormone surge
C First polar body is found in the sperm head
D Completion of the first meiotic division leads to the secondary oocyte
E Second meiotic division is not completed until after implantation

14. Follicle-stimulating hormone:

A Is produced by the posterior pituitary gland
B Has a molecular weight of 28,000 kDa
C Has an α and a γ subunit
D Is raised in postmenopausal women
E Is a glycoprotein

15. Luteinising hormone:

A Has an α subunit identical to that of thyroid-stimulating hormone
B Maintains the corpus luteum
C Reaches its peak at day 21 in the menstrual cycle
D Is a steroid hormone
E Is released in response to gonadotrophin-releasing hormone

16. Regarding pubertal changes in the female:

A Thelarche precedes menarche
B Adrenarche precedes thelarche
C Tanner staging is a means to grading pubertal development
D Menarche before the age of 12 years is considered precocious puberty
E Changes occur in response to increasingly regular pulses of gonadotrophin-
releasing hormone

17. In regard to the menopause:

A The average age of the menopause in the UK is 51 years
B Oestradiol levels can be used to aid diagnosis of the climacteric/menopause
C Follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinising hormone rise
D Progesterone levels rise
E Urogenital atrophy is caused by falling levels of oestrogens

18. In regard to hormone replacement therapy (HRT):

A HRT should contain both oestrogens and progestogens
B Progestogens can prevent endometrial hyperplasia
C Side effects include breast tenderness and bloating
D Testosterone has no role in HRT
E Tibolone is an artificial form of oestrodiol
56 Chapter 4  Endocrinology

19. Prolactin:
A Is a peptide hormone
B Has a molecular weight of 44,000
C Is produced by the anterior pituitary gland
D Production increases in response to dopamine release
E Has a similar structure to growth hormone

20. Prolactin secretion is stimulated by:

A Metoclopramide administration
B Thyrotrophin releasing factor
C Chlorpromazine administration
D Haloperidol
E Venepuncture

21. Oxytocin:
A Is stored in the hypothalamus
B Acts via a G-protein-coupled receptor
C Is a nonapeptide
D Is responsible for milk production
E Has an identical structure to vasopressin

22. Human placental lactogen:

A Is secreted by the syncytiotrophoblast
B Has a similar structure to prolactin
C Is secreted by the corpus luteum
D Is diabetogenic
E Consists of 190 amino acids

23. Human chorionic gonadotropin:

A Is a glycoprotein
B Can be used in fertility treatments to induce ovulation
C Is seen at suboptimal levels in gestational trophoblastic disease
D Rises throughout pregnancy to reach peak levels at term
E Is produced by the corpus luteum prior to blastocyst implantation

24. Human chorionic gonadotropin:

A May be secreted in males with testicular cancer
B Can be secreted by the pituitary gland
C Consists of α and γ subunits
D Helps to maintain the corpus luteum in early pregnancy
E Consists of 244 amino acids

25. The hypothalamus synthesises:

A Thyrotrophin-releasing hormone
B Prolactin
C Oxytocin
D Follicle-stimulating hormone
E Thyroid-stimulating hormone
Questions: MCQs 57

26. The anterior pituitary gland produces:

A Vasopressin
B Thyroid-stimulating hormone
C Somatostatin
D Oxytocin
E Prolactin

27. The posterior pituitary gland:

A Stores oxytocin
B Releases nonapeptide hormones into the hypophyseal circulation
C Consists partially of axonal projections from the hypothalamus
D Is the site of vasopressin production
E Is also known as the adenohypophysis

28. During pregnancy:

A Prolactin levels increase
B Maternal iodine levels fall
C Relaxin levels peak in the second trimester
D Follicle-stimulating hormone levels rise
E Thyroid-stimulating hormone levels increase

29. Regarding adrenal function during pregnancy:

A Cortisol levels decrease throughout pregnancy
B Cortisol-binding globulin synthesis increases
C Aldosterone levels fall
D Angiotensin II levels fall
E Renin levels are unchanged

30. Regarding calcium homeostasis in pregnancy:

A Fetal plasma levels of calcium mirror those of the mother
B Plasma calcium concentrations are unchanged by pregnancy
C Albumin levels are decreased in pregnancy
D Parathyroid hormone secretion is increased
E 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol production is unaltered

31. In regard to thyroid function during pregnancy:

A Synthesis of thyroid-binding globulin is increased
B Total T3 and T4 levels are decreased
C Levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone are unchanged during the first
D Hyperemesis gravidarum may be caused by fluctuating levels of T4
E Free T4 levels start to fall in the first trimester

32. Growth hormone:

A Is secreted by the hypothalamus
B Is diabetogenic in action
C Has a molecular weight of 21,500 daltons
58 Chapter 4  Endocrinology

D Consists of 150 amino acids

E Is mainly catabolic in its actions

33. Growth hormone:

A Is secreted by the anterior pituitary gland
B Is released in a pulsatile manner every 90 minutes
C Stimulates protein synthesis
D Stimulates lipolysis
E Is released in lower quantities in patients with anorexia nervosa
Questions: SBAs 59

Questions: SBAs
For each question, select the single best answer from the five options listed.

34. A 16-year-old girl is seen in the gynaecology outpatient department with primary
amenorrhoea and excessive facial hair growth. Examination reveals normal
genitalia, apart from an apparently large clitoris. Differential diagnosis includes
congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH).
CAH (21α-hydoxylase deficiency) is characterised by which of the following?
A Hypertension, hypokalaemia and hyponatraemia
B Hypertension, hyperkalaemia and hyponatraemia
C Hypotension, hyperkalaemia and hypernatraemia
D Hypotension, hyperkalaemia and hyponatraemia
E Hypotension, hypokalaemia and hyponatraemia

35. A 27-year-old woman is seen in the antenatal clinic. She suffered from
hyperemesis gravidarum in the first trimester and routine thyroid function tests
have revealed abnormalities.
Which of the following is a recognised change in regulation of thyroid function in
A Decelerated rates of T4 and T3 degradation and production
B Decreased basal metabolic rate
C Increased total T4 and T3 in the first trimester
D Increased thyroid-stimulating hormone
E Reduced plasma iodine concentration in early pregnancy

36. During her pregnancy a 38-year-old woman is diagnosed with gestational diabetes
requiring insulin treatment at 28 weeks of gestation.
Which of the following statements bests describes the function of human placental
A It enhances amino acid transfer across the placenta
B It has insulin-like properties
C It increases glucose utilisation
D It increases insulin sensitivity in pregnancy
E It is a growth hormone antagonist

37. A 34-year-old woman is admitted to labour ward at 31 weeks’ gestation with

threatened preterm labour. She is given two doses of steroids as a precaution.
Which of the following describes the first step in the synthesis of steroids?
A Conversion of cholesterol to pregnenolone
B Conversion of corticosterone to deoxycorticosterone
C Conversion of dehydroepiandrosterone to androstenedione
D Conversion of dihydrotesterone to oestradiol
E Conversion of pregnenolone to progesterone
60 Chapter 4  Endocrinology

38. Which of the following is an action of cortisol?

A Analgesia
B Decrease glycogenesis
C Decrease catabolism of proteins
D Decrease gastric acid production
E Increase gluconeogenesis

39. A 28-year-old woman is referred to the gynaecology clinic with primary infertility.
On examination, she has a round face, prominent stretch marks on her abdomen
and hirsutism.
Which of the following is not a feature of Cushing’s syndrome?
A Diabetes insipidus
B Depression
C Irregular menstrual cycles
D Osteoporosis
E Weight gain

40. A 26-year-old woman is referred to the gynaecology clinic with abdominal pain
and amenorrhoea. You suspect she may have Cushing’s syndrome and decide to
send her for further tests.
Which of the following tests would be suitable for confirmation of the diagnosis?
A Adrenocorticotrophic hormone levels
B High dose dexamethasone suppression test
C Low dose dexamethasone suppression test
D Short synacthen test
E Urinary free cortisol

41. A 52-year-old woman with Cushing’s syndrome is referred to the preassessment

clinic prior to a vaginal hysterectomy.
Which of the following is a feature of Cushing’s syndrome?
A Decreased plasma lactate dehydrogenase
B Hypoglycaemia
C Hypokalaemia
D Hyponatraemia
E Metabolic alkalosis

42. An 18-year-old woman is seen in the gynaecology clinic for investigation of

amenorrhoea. You notice that she is overweight with hirsutism, a round face and
acne. Although looking up recent blood tests, you notice that her plasma cortisol is
high and her adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) is undetectable.
What is the most likely cause of these results?
A Cushing’s syndrome (adrenal origin)
Questions: SBAs 61

B Cushing’s syndrome (ectopic ACTH production)

C Cushing’s syndrome (pituitary origin)
D Polycystic ovarian syndrome
E Primary adrenal failure

43. What is a site of action of antidiuretic hormone?

A Bowman’s capsule
B Collecting duct
C Glomerulus
D Loop of Henle
E Proximal convoluted tubule

44. A 72-year-old woman is seen in preassessment clinic prior to undergoing a routine

vaginal hysterectomy for prolapse. Her blood pressure is found to be high and
electrolytes deranged.
Which of the following is a secondary cause of hyperaldosteronism?
A Conn’s syndrome
B Diabetes insipidus
C Renal artery stenosis
D Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion
E Tuberculosis

45. A 60-year-old woman with a chronic disease is admitted to hospital acutely unwell.
She has severe diarrhoea and vomiting. She is hypotensive with a blood pressure of
85/45 mmHg. You suspect, she has Addison’s disease.
Which of the following is a recognised cause of Addison’s disease?
A Diabetes insipidus
C Hyperparathyroidism
D Pregnancy
E Sarcoidosis

46. A 24-year-old woman is admitted with vomiting and diarrhoea at 26 weeks’

gestation. Her electrolytes are deranged and fail to resolve after the acute event
and she requires admission to the high-dependency unit. Addison’s disease is
Which of the following is the most appropriate initial specific test for Addison’s
A Dexamethasone suppression test
B Short adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) inhibition test
C Short ACTH stimulation test
D Long ACTH inhibition test
E Long ACTH stimulation test
62 Chapter 4  Endocrinology

47. Which is the first catecholamine to be produced in the synthesis of catecholamines?

A Dopamine
B Epinephrine
C Norepinephrine
D Phenylalanine
E Tyrosine

48. A 48-year-old woman is found to have persistent hypertension during a work-up

for gynaecology operation. Further investigation reveals a phaeochromocytoma.
Which of the following biochemical changes is associated with
A Basophilia
B Hyperglycaemia
C Hyperkalaemia
D Hypocalcaemia
E Reduced urinary catecholamines

49. Which of the following actions is related to glucagon?

A Decrease gluconeogenesis
B Decrease ketone body production
C Decrease plasma glucose
D Increase glycogenolysis
E Reduce lipolysis

50. A 32-year-old Asian woman is diagnosed at 28 weeks’ gestation with gestational

diabetes. Treatment with metformin is commenced.
Which of the following is an insulin antagonist?
A Cortisol
B Free fatty acids
C Growth hormone
D Prolactin
E Somatostatin

51. A 51-year-old woman is started on hormonal replacement therapy (HRT). You

consider the properties of oestrogen when discussing the contraindications to HRT
Which of the following is a property of oestrogen?
A Decreases bone formation
B Decreases circulating coagulation factors
C Increases bowel motility
D Reduce triglycerides in blood
E Stimulates growth of endometrium

52. A 21-year-old woman is started on the mini pill. She asks you about the possible
side effects of progesterone.
Questions: SBAs 63

Which of the following is a property of progesterone?

A Increases contractility of uterine smooth muscle
B Increases respiratory drive
C Inhibits lobular alveolar development of mammary glands
D Promotes lactation during pregnancy
E Reduces bone density

53. A 32-year-old woman is referred to the gynaecology clinic with secondary

amenorrhoea. Day 21 progesterone levels indicate that she is not ovulating.
Which of the following statements best describes the events occurring at the
midluteal phase of the menstrual cycle?
A An increase in progesterone and selective rise in follicle-stimulating
hormone (FSH)
B High progesterone leads to low FSH and luteinising hormone (LH)
C Oestradiol decreases and FSH increases
D Oestradiol feedback becomes negative leading to LH surge
E Peak of LH surge

54. A 34-year-old woman undergoes regular ultrasound scans for follicle tracking
having been started on clomiphene treatment.
Which of the following statements most appropriately describes the mature
ovarian follicle?
A Its development is primarily controlled by luteinising hormone
B It is surrounded by theca cells
C It is usually the only primary follicle to develop during each cycle
D It produces progesterone
E It reaches a diameter of 20–30 mm prior to rupture

55. A 23-year-old woman is seen in the gynaecology clinic after an ultrasound scan
reveals multiple cysts on both ovaries. She also complains of irregular menstrual
cycles and has been trying to conceive for over 1 year.
Which of the following lead to clinical manifestations of polycystic ovarian syndrome?
A Decrease in oestradiol levels
B Decrease in prolactin
C Decrease in testosterone and androstenedione
D Increase in fasting insulin
E Increase in sex hormone binding globulin

56. Which of the following increases sex hormone binding globulin?

A Growth hormone
B Hepatic cirrhosis
C Hyperprolactinaemia
D Hypogonadism
E Hypothyroidism
64 Chapter 4  Endocrinology

1. A True
B True
C True
D False
E True
Human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) is a glycoprotein which is thought to have
thyrotrophic activity. This may cause some increased thyroid activity and therefore
lead to a reduction in the levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone. Thyroxine-binding
globulin is responsible for binding thyroxine in circulation, along with transthyretin
and albumin. Hyperemesis gravidarum is a common condition of early pregnancy,
associated with a rise in β-hCG. It is associated with an abnormally high level of free
thyroid hormones and reduced thyroid stimulating hormone, and therefore thyroid
function tests should be performed on women presenting with this condition.
2. A False
B True
C False
D True
E True
Parathyroid hormone (PTH) is a polypeptide hormone secreted by the chief cells
of the parathyroid glands. There are four parathyroid glands which develop from
the pharyngeal pouches during embryological development. The superior glands
develop from the third pouch and the inferior glands from the fourth pouch. They
are located under the capsule at the posterior area of the thyroid gland and the
blood supply is via the thyroid arteries. The gene for PTH is located on chromosome
11; with PTH being synthesised as a large preprohormone of 115 amino acids. It is
cleaved to give a biologically active 84 amino acid peptide and then stored in the
Golgi apparatus of the cytoplasm of the cell.
3. A False
B False
C True
D True
E True
Prolactin is a long chain polypeptide hormone. It is produced by the anterior
pituitary and is responsible for lactation. The milk ejection reflex is caused by
oxytocin, produced by the posterior pituitary in response to suckling. Prolactin is
released from the anterior pituitary gland in response to thyrotrophin-releasing
Answers 65

hormone (TRH). Dopamine is an important inhibitor of prolactin release. Levels

of prolactin may be found to be raised in primary hypothyroidism as a result of
increased TRH. The levels of prolactin reach a peak in the bloodstream approximately
30 minutes after the onset of suckling. Prolactin shows diurnal variation and levels
are higher during the evening and sleeping.
4. A True
B False
C True
D True
E False
Development of the thyroid gland begins at approximately 24th day after
fertilisation. Thyroid hormones are secreted by the fetus by week 11 of development.
The thyroid does descend into the neck as the thyroglossal duct and is formed by
the 5–6th week of development. The inferior thyroid artery provides the main blood
supply. The thyroglossal duct connects the thyroid gland to the tongue during
embryological development and it is a remnant of this structure that may cause a
thyroglossal duct in later life.
5. A False
B False
C True
D False
E False
Graves’ disease is an autoimmune disease caused by an immunoglobulin G (IgG)
autoantibody against the thyroid receptor which acts as a thyroid stimulator
and leads to excess production of T4 and T3. This autoantibody has a binding
site separate to thyroid-stimulating hormone, but changes the shape of the
receptor. The signs and symptoms are those associated with hyperthyroidism;
however, pretibial myxoedema and exophthalmus are common to Graves’ disease.
Pretibial myxoedema occurs in approximately 1–4% of patients with Graves’
disease and appears as an indurated coloured region at the lower anterior leg.
As the autoantibody is IgG, it is able to cross the placenta and may lead to fetal
thyrotoxicosis and goitre. Ninety-five per cent of cases of hyperthyroidism in
pregnancy are caused by Graves’ disease. Other causes of hyperthyroidism in
pregnancy include toxic thyroid adenoma or toxic multinodular goitre.
6. A True
B False
C False
D True
E False
66 Chapter 4  Endocrinology

Cortisol is a glucocorticoid steroid hormone produced by the zona fasciculata of the

adrenal gland. It is transported bound to cortisol-binding globulin (80%) and albumin
(15%). The remaining 5% of the hormone is free. It has circadian rhythm with highest
production at 8 am. The functions of cortisol are important for the metabolism of
carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Cortisol suppresses the immune system and this is
important to remember in those patients that are on long-term steroid replacement
therapy. The overall action of cortisol is to increase blood glucose level.
Actions of cortisol:
• Immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory
• Increased lipolysis
• Increased gluconeogenesis, glycogenesis and glycogen storage in liver
• Breakdown of skeletal muscle and mobilisation of amino acids
7. A True
B False
C False
D True
E False
The renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system is activated when there is a
reduction in blood pressure which is detected by baroreceptors located in the
carotid sinus. A decrease in the filtered sodium concentration stimulates the
macula densa of the kidney to release renin. A reduction in the perfusion of the
juxtaglomerular apparatus of the kidney leads to a release of renin. Renin then
acts on angiotensinogen to cleave an inactive peptide leading to the formation
of angiotensin I. Angiotensin-converting enzyme, produced in the lungs, acts on
angiotensin I converting it to angiotensin II. Angiotensin II is a vasoconstrictor of
arterioles and causes release of aldosterone. The overall effect is to increase blood
8. A True
B True
C True
D False
E True
Addison’s disease is also known as primary adrenocortical insufficiency. It has an
incidence of approximately 0.8/100,000. Eighty per cent of cases are as a result of
autoimmune disease and may be associated with other autoimmune conditions
such as Graves’ disease, pernicious anaemia and diabetes mellitus. Symptoms
include fatigue, abdominal pain and other non-specific conditions such as nausea
and vomiting. Adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) produced by the pituitary
gland is responsible for the pigmentation seen in this condition, as levels are higher
than normal. Classically there is hyponatraemia and hyperkalaemia, which may lead
to associated ECG changes.
Answers 67

Diagnosis of Addison’ disease is via the short Synacthen test. A cortisol level is taken
30 minutes after receiving a bolus of ACTH.
Waterhouse–Friderichsen syndrome is a haemorrhage into the adrenal cortex as
a result of fulminant meningococcaemia. Other causes of adrenal haemorrhage
include coagulopathic states, shock and pregnancy-associated causes.
9. A True
B True
C True
D False
E False
Phaeochromocytoma is a catecholamine producing tumour of the
neuroendocrine cells of the adrenal medulla. It is a rare cause of hypertension,
being responsible for approximately 1% of cases. It may be an autosomal
dominant inherited condition. Most phaeochromocytoma are found unilaterally
in the adrenal medulla. Symptoms may include headache and ‘a sense of
impending doom’ associated with increased blood pressure. Multiple endocrine
neoplasia (MEN) is a group of genetic tumour syndromes. Phaeochromocytoma
is found in MEN-2a, along with medullary thyroid cancer and parathyroid
hyperplasia. MEN-1 comprises parathyroid hyperplasia, pituitary adenoma
and pancreatic tumours. Treatment can be surgical or medical; however,
blood pressure control is usually necessary prior to operative management.
Alpha-blockade is given by phenoxybenzamine and 24 hours later a
cardioselective beta-blocker is given.
10. A False
B True
C True
D True
E False
The overall function of insulin is to decrease hepatic output of glucose. This occurs
via the following mechanisms:
• Promote glycogen synthesis
–– Increase glycogen synthetase (muscle and liver)
–– Inhibit glycogen phosphorylase
• Decrease gluconeogenesis
• Suppress lipolysis
–– Inhibit triglyceride lipase
–– Increase fatty acid synthetase
• Suppress ketogenesis
–– Inhibit carnitine palmitoyltransferase
–– Increase acetyl coenzyme A carboxylase
68 Chapter 4  Endocrinology

11. A True
B False
C True
D False
E True
Three main oestrogens are:
• Oestrone (E1)
• Oestriol (E2)
• Oestradiol (E3)
Oestrone is the main oestrogen postmenopause and is weaker than oestradiol.
12. A False
B True
C True
D False
E True
The production of steroid hormones by the ovary depends on the menstrual cycle.
Progesterone is produced by the ovarian theca and granulosa cells and is produced
mainly during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. During the follicular phase
of the cycle it is mainly oestrogen that is produced. Testosterone is produced by
the theca only. Oestradiol, the end product of steroidogenesis, is produced only by
the granulosa cells. In the ovarian follicles, theca cells have receptors for luteinising
hormone (LH) and not follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). Granulosa cells have
receptors for FSH and for LH later on.
13. A False
B True
C False
D True
E False
Oogonia fill the ovaries during fetal life and these primordial germ cells divide by
mitosis until shortly before birth. No further oocytes are produced after birth and at
this time each female has approximately one million oocytes. Primary oocytes are
contained in the ovary of the fetus and arrested after the first meiotic division until
ovulation. Although the oogonia are arrested in the first prophase stage of meiosis,
they are surrounded by a layer of granulosa cells. Oocytes surrounded by this
protective layer are known as primordial follicles and are located in the cortex of the
ovary. When the luteinising hormone surge occurs, the dominant follicle completes
this first meiotic division to become a secondary oocyte. The first polar body is found
in the ovum and contains half the chromosomes. Second meiotic division is not
completed until fertilisation.
Answers 69

14. A False
B True
C False
D True
E True
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is a glycoprotein hormone produced by
the anterior pituitary. FSH has a molecular weight of 30,000 and is comprised
of 204 amino acids. FSH is similar in composition to other anterior pituitary
gland hormones including thyroid-stimulating hormone and human chorionic
gonadotrophin, and all of these hormones are made of an α subunit with a specific
β subunit. FSH acts on the ovaries and the testes to promote gametogenesis, and it
also has a role in hormone synthesis. FSH is raised in menopausal women because of
the reduction in circulating oestradiol.
15. A True
B True
C False
D False
E True
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinising hormone (LH) are both
produced by the anterior pituitary gland and are glycoprotein hormones.
Like thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), they consist of α- and β-subunits;
the α subunit is identical in all three hormones. Both FSH and LH are released
in response to pulses of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) from the
FSH stimulates receptors on the granulosa cells of the female ovarian follicles to
produce oestrogen; increased levels of oestrogen act via a negative feedback on the
hypothalamus, thus leading to a decrease in the release in FSH.
Raised levels of oestrogen from the growing ovarian follicle lead to an increase in
pulses of GnRH and a subsequent surge in LH, which in turns leads to ovulation at
around day 14 of the menstrual cycle.
FSH levels are raised after the menopause, when decreasing levels of oestrogen, as
a consequence of ovarian atresia, work via a positive feedback loop, thus increasing
FSH levels in an attempt to stimulate oestrogen production.
16. A True
B False
C True
D False
E True
70 Chapter 4  Endocrinology

On average puberty in the UK occurs at around 12 years old; it describes a series

of changes in endocrine function and physical appearance which accompany the
change to adulthood. In females, thelarche, the process of breast development
follows a growth spurt. It usually precedes adrenarche, the process of pubic
hair development, which is then followed by menarche, the commencement of
menstruation. Menarche prior to the age of 10 years is considered precocious. Failure
to commence by the age of 16 years warrants further investigation.
Tanner staging is a means of grading pubertal breast and pubic hair development
in female; it is also used in males to grade pubic hair and testicular development.
Tanner staging is graded from I to IV, with the latter representing the adult form.
Puberty is associated with the commencement of gonadotrophin-releasing
hormone pulses in late childhood, which become increasingly regular, gradually
changing from nocturnal pulses to pulses occurring every 90 minutes. These pulses
stimulate the production of follicle-stimulating and luteinising hormones with
subsequent production of oestrogen and testosterone.
Growth hormone levels are increased during puberty and its actions, mediated by
insulin-like growth factor-1 are thought to be responsible for the pubertal growth
17. A True
B False
C True
D False
E True
The menopause is a retrospective diagnosis, made when a woman has been
amenorrhoeic for at least 1 year. The ‘climacteric’ encompasses the time from
when a woman may experience classic menopausal symptoms, such as hot
flushes, together with menstrual irregularity, up to the cessation of periods.
With age there is an ovarian atresia, with fewer ovulatory cycles; this leads
to lower levels of oestrogen production. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
and luteinising hormone (LH) levels are subsequently raised in an attempt to
increase oestrogen levels. Associated with the reduction in overall levels of
oestradiol is the failure of endometrial proliferation and subsequent cessation
of menstruation. Measuring FSH levels can be a useful investigation with levels
above 30 IU/L aiding diagnosis of the menopause. The measurement of oestrodiol
levels is not a useful tool in the diagnosis of the menopause as levels may
fluctuate because of the continued peripheral conversion of androstenedione to
oestrogens by ovarian tissue, adipose tissues, the liver and the adrenal glands.
Oestrone is the predominant form of oestrogen postmenopausally. There is no
role for the measurement of LH, oestrogen, testosterone or progesterone levels
(Table 4.1).
Answers 71

Table 4.1  Hormones and the menopause

Hormone Menopausal levels
Follicle-stimulating hormone Increased
Luteinising hormone Increased
Oestrogens Overall levels of oestradiol decrease
Oestrogens still made peripheral conversion in tissues
Oestrone predominant postmenopausal oestrogen
Testosterone Unchanged
Progesterone Decreased

18. A False
B True
C True
D False
E False
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) aims to reduce symptoms of the menopause
as well as reduce osteoporosis. HRT can be administered topically, orally,
transdermally and via implants. The main constituent of all forms of HRT is
oestrogen. In order to prevent endometrial hyperplasia because of unopposed
oestrogen levels, all women with a uterus should also receive a form of HRT which
contains a form of progestogen. Alternatively another source of progesterone can
be administered, e.g. the levenorgestrel intrauterine system intrauterine system. In
women who have had a hysterectomy an oestrogen only HRT is suitable. Synthetic
progestogens are structurally different from progesterone but have similar activity.
Testosterone can improve the libido in postmenopausal women. Side effects of
HRT include breast tenderness, bloating as well as headaches, nausea, depression
and subjective reports of weight gain. Tibolone is a synthetic steroid drug that is
classified as hormone replacement therapy. It is a chemically inert substance until it
is absorbed when it then becomes active.
19. A True
B False
C True
D False
E True
72 Chapter 4  Endocrinology

Prolactin is a peptide hormone consisting of 198 amino acids, with a molecular

weight of 24,000 daltons. It is a single peptide chain and is a somatotrophic
hormone, being stored in somatotroph cells of the anterior pituitary gland. It has
a similar structure to both growth hormone and placental lactogen. Secreted by
the anterior pituitary gland, its secretion is responsible for lactogenesis and the
development of breast tissue. Prolactin levels rise in pregnancy and during lactation.
20. A True
B True
C True
D True
E True
Prolactin secretion is stimulated by both serotonin and thyrotrophin-releasing factor.
The main inhibitor of prolactin secretion is dopamine. Dopamine antagonists, including
metoclopramide, domperidone, diazepam, haloperidol and phenothiazines such as
chlorpromazine, therefore stimulate the production of prolactin. Prolactin inhibits
the pulsatile release of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone and oestrogen. Stress
can also cause the release of prolactin, and therefore a non-stressful venepuncture
technique is required when measuring serum prolactin levels in the diagnosis of
hyperprolactinaemia. Other stimulants of prolactin secretion include exercise and sleep.
21. A False
B True
C True
D False
E False
Oxytocin is produced by the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of the anterior
hypothalamus and then transported to the posterior pituitary gland where it is
stored for release. It is a nonapeptide, which consists of nine amino acids. It has a
very similar structure to vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone), another nonapeptide
also stored in the posterior pituitary gland. Oxytocin is involved in the release of
breast milk, rather than its production. It is involved in the ‘let down’ reflex whereby
stimulation of the nipples by the suckling infant leads to release of oxytocin, which
then leads to milk ejection. Prolactin is responsible for milk production.
Oxytocin also plays an important role in the contraction of uterine muscle during labour.
22. A True
B True
C False
D True
E True
Answers 73

Human placental lactogen (HPL) is a polypeptide hormone produced by the

syncytiotrophoblast of the placenta. It consists of 190 amino acids with two
disulphide bonds. It has a similar structure to both prolactin and growth hormone.
It is diabetogenic, i.e. it is anti-insulin, and is thought to modify the mother’s
metabolism in order to supply nutrients to the growing fetus. Levels of HPL increase
throughout pregnancy, although interestingly human chorionic gonadotrophin is
sometimes undetectable in normal pregnancy.
23. A False
B True
C False
D False
E False
Human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) is a peptide hormone consisting of 244
amino acids. It has an α subunit identical to follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinising
hormone and thyroid-stimulating hormone and a β subunit. It has a peak in
concentration level during the second trimester and usually reduces in the third
trimester. In gestational trophoblastic disease, a fertilised ovum forms abnormal
trophoblastic tissue which secretes large amounts of hCG. hCG is usually given
during assisted conception regimens.
24. A True
B True
C False
D True
E True
Human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) is secreted by the syncytiotrophoblast and
is thought to maintain the corpus luteum and stimulate it to produce progesterone.
Levels of hCG increase throughout the first trimester, reaching a peak at around
12 weeks’ gestation, although hCG is detectable throughout pregnancy. hCG may
be given to stimulate ovulation in women with subfertility; its action due to its
structural similarity to luteinising hormone. Serum hCG levels are massively elevated
in gestational trophoblastic disease. In addition hCG levels are raised in germ cell
tumours, e.g. of the testicles, as well as other forms of cancer such as pancreatic
25. A True
B False
C True
D False
E False
74 Chapter 4  Endocrinology

Hormones synthesised by the hypothalamus include:

• Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone: stimulates luteinising hormone and follicle-
stimulating hormone (FSH)
• Growth hormone (GH) releasing hormone: stimulates GH release
• Corticotrophin releasing hormone: stimulates adrenocorticotrophic hormone
• Somatostatin
• Thyrotrophin-releasing hormone: thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) release
Prolactin, FSH and TSH are released from the pituitary gland.
26. A False
B True
C False
D False
E True
The anterior pituitary gland, also known as the adenohypophysis, sits in the sella
turcica. The pea-sized pituitary gland sits immediately below the hypothalamus,
to which is connected to via the pituitary stalk. The optic chiasm sits directly in
front of the anterior pituitary gland. The anterior pituitary gland secretes the
following: thyroid-stimulating hormone, adrenocorticotrophic hormone, prolactin,
growth hormone, melanocyte-stimulating hormone and the gonadotrophins
follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinising hormone.
27. A True
B True
C True
D False
E False
The pituitary gland sits in the depression at the base of the sphenoid bone called
the sella turcica. It is comprised of two anatomical and functionally distinct parts:
the anterior and posterior and each are responsible for storage and secretion of
various hormones. The posterior pituitary, also known as the neurohypophysis, is
not a true gland, but rather an extension of the axonal projections of the supraoptic
and paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus. The anterior lobe of the pituitary
gland is derived from the embryonic ectoderm. The posterior pituitary gland is not a
site of hormone synthesis, but stores oxytocin and vasopressin, both synthesised by
the hypothalamus. These nonapeptide hormones are stored in granules in the axon
terminals ready for release into the hypophyseal circulation.
28. A True
B True
C False
Answers 75

D False
E True
Unsurprisingly prolactin levels rise during pregnancy. Maternal iodine levels fall due
to the combined effects of increased urinary excretion and fetal demand. Relaxin
has a variety of sources; in males it is produced by the prostate (present in semen). In
females, relaxin is produced by the corpus luteum and the breast and in pregnancy
by the placenta. It may have a role in ligament relaxation during pregnancy and
cervical dilatation. Relaxin levels rise during the first trimester of pregnancy then fall
at the end of the trimester only to peak again close to delivery. Follicle-stimulating
hormone levels fall in pregnancy. Thyroid-stimulating hormone levels rise in
pregnancy; this may be partly due to the thyrotrophic properties of human chorionic
29. A False
B True
C False
D False
E False
All levels of adrenal function are increased in pregnancy, and this includes
corticotrophin releasing factor. Synthesis of both cortisol and cortisol-binding
globulin is increased. Levels of aldosterone, angiotensin II and renin increase. The
trophoblast increases the amount of ACTH produced with overall maternal levels
remaining stable.
30. A False
B False
C True
D True
E False
Calcium homeostasis is markedly changed during pregnancy, because of changes
in maternal physiology and the need to meet fetal demand. Serum albumin
concentrations decrease in pregnancy because of the haemodilutional effects of
volume expansion, leading to a reduction in levels of albumin-bound calcium.
Unbound calcium levels remain the same. To meet fetal calcium demand there
is increased production of parathyroid hormone and subsequent increases in
1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol. Fetal plasma levels of calcium are higher than of the
mother reflecting active transport across the placenta.
31. A True
B False
C False
76 Chapter 4  Endocrinology

D True
E True
Overall thyroid function is grossly unchanged during pregnancy, however, there
are some notable changes. Synthesis of thyroid-binding globulin by the liver is
increased; total levels of T3 and T4 increase as a result of this rise. Levels of free T4 do
fall in the second and third trimester. Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels show
some fluctuation in the first trimester with increasing levels of human chorionic
gonadotrophin (hCG) leading to a fall in overall TSH levels due to hCG’s thyrotrophic
activity. During pregnancy, the thyroid gland increases its uptake of iodine from the.
32. A False
B True
C True
D False
E False
Growth hormone (GH) is a peptide and consists of 191 amino acids. The locus for the
growth hormone gene is on chromosome 17. It has a molecular weight of around
21,000 daltons and is structurally similar to both prolactin and human placental
lactogen. It is secreted from the anterior pituitary gland somatotrophs in response
to GH releasing hormone. Somatostatin is a direct inhibitor of GH. GH release
stimulates the synthesis of insulin like growth factors and it stimulates lipolysis and
Insulin growth factors stimulate bone growth and protein synthesis in muscles.
33. A True
B False
C True
D True
E False
Growth hormone (GH) is secreted by the somatotrophs of the anterior pituitary
gland. Its release is stimulated and inhibited by hormones produced the
hypothalamus, growth hormone releasing hormone and somatostatin respectively.
The action of growth hormone is principally one of the anabolism and this is
reflected in its role in lipolysis and its anti-insulinic properties.
GH is secreted in higher levels during puberty when more frequent pulsatile release
occurs. The growth promoting actions of GH are mediated by insulin-like growth

34. D  Hypotension, hyperkalaemia and hyponatraemia

Ninety per cent of patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) have
21-hydroxylase deficiency. This enzyme has a function in both the production
of glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids, and therefore patients may have a
Answers 77

‘salt wasting’ form of the syndrome. A deficiency in mineralocorticoids leads to

hypotension as a result of hypovolaemia, with hyponatraemia and hyperkalaemia.
See Figure 4.1 for steroidogenesis pathways.

Cholesterol Pregnenolone 17-hydroxypregnenolone DHEA


Progesterone 17-hydroxyprogesterone Androstenedione


Deoxycorticosterone 11-deocycortisol Testosterone


Corticosterone Cortisol Oestradiol



Figure 4.1  Steroidogenesis pathways.

Ten per cent of patients with CAH have a deficiency of 11β-hydroxylase. In

this instance there remains a deficiency of glucocorticoids; however, there is
an accumulation of deoxycortisol which may cause hypertension due to its
glucocorticoid properties.

35. E
   Reduced plasma iodine concentration in
early pregnancy
During the first trimester, the increased renal blood flow and glomerular filtration
rate lead to increased level of iodine clearance from the plasma. Patients with
already low levels of iodine are predisposed to developing goitre. In the first
trimester rising levels of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) to lead to a
reduction in serum levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) as it has thyrotropic
properties, because of the structural similarity of hCG to TSH. Pregnancy is
associated with increased thyroid binding globulin because of increased liver
production, with subsequent elevation of total T4 and T3.

36. A  It enhances amino acid transfer across the placenta

Human placental lactogen (HPL) is one of several peptides made by the placenta.
Its structure and function is similar to growth hormone. It affects the maternal
78 Chapter 4  Endocrinology

metabolism to provide increased nutrient supply to the fetus. HPL decreases

maternal insulin sensitivity and therefore leads to greater amount of glucose in
the blood. Lipolysis is induced which leads to fatty acids being released into the
bloodstream. HPL decreases maternal glucose utilisation. HPL is only present
in pregnancy and reaches its highest concentration by the 3rd trimester. It has
previously been used as an indicator of fetal well being.

37. A  Conversion of cholesterol to pregnenolone

All steroids are synthesised from cholesterol, with the first step of the
pathway being the conversion of cholesterol to pregnenolone by cholesterol
monooxygenase. Dihydrotesterone is produced from oestradiol by 5-alpha
reductase (Figure 4.1).

38. B  Decrease glycogenesis

The action of cortisol can be summarised as follows:
• Increasing plasma glucose
–– Increase gluconeogenesis
–– Increase glycogenesis
–– Increase glycogen storage
• Increase lipolysis
• Increase protein catabolism
• Sodium and water retention
• Anti-inflammatory
• Increased gastric acid production

39. A  Diabetes insipidus

Cushing’s syndrome is a state of excess of cortisol. Characteristic features
include: truncal obesity, a red, puffy and rounded face, hypertension, depression,
osteoporosis, diabetes mellitus, striae, hirsutism and amenorrhoea. Causes of excess
cortisol production fall into four main categories:
1. Iatrogenic
2. Excess adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) production by pituitary tumour
(Cushing’s disease)
3. Adrenal cortical neoplasm producing steroid
4. Ectopic production of ACTH by non-pituitary tumour (e.g. lung tumour)

40. C  Low dose dexamethasone suppression test

The best screening test is the overnight dexamethasone suppression test which
is used to eliminate all those with no abnormality. False positives will be seen
in alcoholics, those with anorexia nervosa and anyone taking enzyme inducer
medication. If this test is positive, then further tests are done to localise the
Answers 79

Low dose dexamethasone suppression test involves giving 0.5 mg/6 h orally for
48 hours and then measuring plasma cortisol at 0 hour and 48 hours. This test is
used to confirm the diagnosis. Localisation of the disease is done via the high dose
dexamethasone test (complete or partial suppression indicates Cushing’s disease)
and testing plasma adrenocorticotrophic hormone level.

41. C  Hypokalaemia
Cushing’s syndrome is a disorder of high serum cortisol, which has many causes
and has been discussed previously. The most common cause is exogenous
administration of steroid hormones. Cushing’s disease refers to Cushing’s syndrome
caused specifically by a tumour of the pituitary gland, which secretes large amounts
of adrenocorticotropic hormone, leading to high cortisol. Patients may have
hyperglycaemia and insulin resistance, causing diabetes mellitus. All of the above
are potential features of Cushing’s syndrome, except for hyponatraemia. Findings
of hyperglycaemia and hypokalaemia may be accompanied by hyponatraemia as a
result of increased aldosterone levels.

42. A  Cushing’s syndrome (adrenal origin)

Cushing's syndrome as a result of an adrenal tumour leads to increased plasma
cortisol and very low levels of ACTH , as shown in Table 4.2.

Table 4.2  Levels of cortisol and adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) in various pathologies

Cortisol ACTH
Normal Low – midnight Not raised
High – 0800
Primary adrenal failure Low High
Steroid therapy Variable Variable (may be normal or very low)
Cushing’s (adrenal origin) High Low (undetectable)
Cushing’s (pituitary origin) High High
Cushing’s (ectopic ACTH High Very high

43. B  Collecting duct

Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) or vasopressin is a peptide hormone that helps to
regulate water homeostasis. It is released from the posterior pituitary in response
to increased osmolality of plasma and acts on the distal tubule of the kidney to
increase water absorption via insertion of aquaporins water channels into the
membrane. By increasing the water reabsorption of the kidney, the osmolality of
the urine is increased. Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus is caused when the kidney
become unresponsive to ADH. Acquired forms a of nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
80 Chapter 4  Endocrinology

may be triggered by hypokalaemia, pregnancy, hydronephrosis or drugs (e.g.


44. C  Renal artery stenosis

Primary hyperaldosteronism is an excess production of aldosterone, independent of
the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system. Features suggestive of hyperaldosteronism
include hypertension with hypokalaemia and alkalosis. Greater than 50% of cases are
due to Conn’s syndrome; a unilateral adrenocortical adenoma. The most appropriate
form of treatment in this case is laparoscopic removal of the tumour. Other causes
of primary hyperaldosteronism include bilateral adrenal hyperplasia; spironolactone
therapy is often successful in treating these cases.
Secondary causes of hyperaldosteronism include renal artery stenosis which leads
to a perceived hypoperfusion of the kidney and increased secretion of renin and
aldosterone. The hypertension is often refractory to treatment, especially with
angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors.
Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (ADH) secretion has multiple causes
including small cell carcinoma of the lung, stroke, encephalitis and postoperatively.
Excessive secretion of ADH leads to hyponatraemia and fluid overload.

45. B  HIV
Addison’s disease is caused by primary adrenocortical insufficiency, most commonly
with an autoimmune cause. It has an incidence of approximately 1/100,000 and is
therefore relatively rare. Autoimmunity may lead to antibodies against the adrenal
gland and may be associated with other autoimmune diseases, including thyroid
disease, pernicious anaemia and diabetes. Other causes include tuberculosis and
acute bleeding into the adrenal gland (Waterhouse–Friderichsen syndrome).
HIV is now a common cause of Addison’s disease in areas, where HIV is prevalent.
Sarcoidosis is not classically known to cause Addison’s disease.

46. C  Short ACTH stimulation test

Addison’s disease does not become apparent until 90% of the gland is destroyed.
Hyperkalaemia and hyponatraemia are usual initial laboratory findings with symptoms
of fatigue, abdominal pain, weakness, constipation, hyperpigmentation and weight
loss. In severe cases of Addisonian crisis there may be postural hypotension, confusion.
Diagnosis is usually confirmed with the short adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH)
stimulation test (also known as the Synacthen test), when plasma cortisol levels are
tested before and after synthetic ACTH. The long ACTH stimulation test may be used
once the results of the initial short test are noted to be abnormal.
In treating Addison’s disease, it is essential to replace glucocorticoids (hydrocortisone)
and mineralocorticoids (fludrocortisone). Hyperpigmentation is caused by an excess
of ACTH which is released by the pituitary in order to trigger production of cortisol
by the adrenal gland. In secondary adrenal failure there is low ACTH due to deficient
corticotrophin-releasing hormone release by the hypothalamus.
Answers 81

47. A  Dopamine
Catecholamines are derived from the amino acid tyrosine and have a half life in the
circulation of a few minutes. The first step is the conversion of tyrosine to L-dopa by
the enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase, and it is this reaction which forms the rate limiting
step in the synthetic pathway. Dopamine is the first catecholamine to be produced,
followed by norepinephrine and epinephrine. Catecholamines are degraded by
catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) or monoamine oxidases (MAO).

48. B  Hyperglycaemia
Phaeochromocytoma is a tumour that produces catecholamines and is a rare cause
of resistant hypertension. It is usually found in the adrenal medulla, however 10%
are found elsewhere. Other symptoms include palpitations and psychological
symptoms. Investigation may reveal glycosuria in up to one-third of patients.
Hyperglycaemia is caused primarily by the stimulation of lipolysis because
of catecholamine production. Stimulation at β-adrenergic receptors leads to
glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis. Thirty per cent of patients have glycosuria
during attacks. Investigations to establish a diagnosis of phaeochromocytoma
include 24-hour urine collection for vanillylmandelic acid which is a catecholamine
metabolite. Hyperkalaemia and basophilia are not typically associated with

49. D  Increase glycogenolysis

Glucagon is a polypeptide composed of 21 amino acids. It is synthesised by the islet
cells of the pancreas and is essential in the control of glucose homeostasis. Secretion
is stimulated by low glucose states and is inhibited if blood sugars are raised. In
states of low blood glucose, there is an increase in the activity of the sympathetic
nervous system which causes an increase in circulating adrenaline. This in turn
stimulates the β-adrenoreceptors and leads to an increase in glucagon. The main
action of glucagon is to increase blood glucose and leads to a breakdown in stored
fat and protein; it acts mainly on the liver.

50. E  Somatostatin
Insulin is a peptide hormone synthesised and secreted by the β cells of the islet of
Langerhans of the pancreas. It is secreted as a prohormone which gets converted
to an active hormone by proteolytic cleavage of the C-peptide. Insulin is the main
hormone controlling the blood glucose levels. Insulin is released in response to
increased amino acids, free fatty acids and gastric hormone which are released in
response to eating, including cholecystokinin, gastrin and secretin. Insulin release is
inhibited by adrenaline and somatostatin.

51. E  Stimulates growth of endometrium

Oestrogen causes the following effects on:
82 Chapter 4  Endocrinology

• Increase circulating coagulating factors, including plasminogen, factors II, VII,
IX, X. Increase antithrombin III
• Increase high-density lipoproteins
• Increase triglycerides
• Reduce low-density lipoproteins
• Reduce bowel motility
• Stimulate endometrial growth
• Increase discharge and lubrication
• Increase bone formation
• Promote formation of secondary sexual characteristics
Fluid balance
• Increase salt and water retention

52. B  Increases respiratory drive

Progesterone is a C-21 steroid hormone derived from cholesterol. As well as
increasing respiratory drive it reduces bowel motility and increases basal body
temperature. Levels increase during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle in
preparation for fertilisation of the ovum. If pregnancy does not occur, the corpus
luteum degenerates and levels of progesterone fall. Progesterone protects the
endometrium from cancer.

53. C  Oestradiol decreases and FSH increases

During each menstrual cycle up to ten secondary follicles are recruited; of which
one will become a dominant follicle and the rest regress. There is pulsatile
production of gonadotrophin releasing hormones from the hypothalamus
and subsequent release of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinising
hormone (LH) from the pituitary. The developing follicle produces oestrogen
under the influence of FSH. LH acts on the thecal cells of the ovary to produce
androgens. There is feedback from the ovarian hormones to the pituitary and
hypothalamus. The follicle stimulates the ovary to produce oestrogen which
stimulates production of the glandular endometrium. As oestrogen levels
increase, 14 days before the onset of menstruation it becomes high enough
to trigger a surge of LH which in turn stimulates ovulation. Once the egg has
been released, the corpus luteum causes increased production of progesterone
and subsequent proliferation of endometrium. If fertilisation does not occur,
hormones levels fall as a result of the failing corpus luteum and there is the onset
of menstruation.
Answers 83

54. B  It is surrounded by theca cells

A layer of thecal cells surrounds the mature follicle once it has reached the
secondary stage with two layers of granulosa cells. Both of these layers of
cells serve to protect the developing follicle. During development, an oocyte
will grow up to 120 µm in diameter. Development is controlled primarily by
follicle-stimulating hormone, rather than luteinising hormone and it does not
produce progesterone.

55. D  Increase in fasting insulin

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine disturbance
affecting women. It can be familial. Signs and symptoms vary amongst women and
even in an individual over time. Clinical symptoms range from obesity, to menstrual
irregularities, to subfertility, hirsutism, and acne. Elevations in insulin are common
in both thin and obese women with PCOS. It is thought that the insulin stimulates
androgen secretion. There appears to be an insulin resistance in these women who
then have an increase risk of developing diabetes.

56. C  Hyperprolactinaemia
Sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) is synthesised in the liver. 80% of
testosterone is bound to SHBG, 19% to albumin and 1% is unbound. Biological
effects of circulating androgens depend primarily on the unbound fraction. Its
production is decreased by androgens and insulin. On the other hand, oestrogen
increases the production of SHBG and hence hirsutism is improved by taking the oral
contraceptive pill and during pregnancy.
Chapter 5
Statistics and

Questions: MCQs
Answer each stem ‘True’ or ‘False’.

1. Standard deviation:
A Is the square root of the variance
B 50% of the data set lies within one standard deviation from the mean
C 95% of the data lies within two standard deviations from the mean
D Cannot be used for a data set with a skewed distribution
E One standard deviation is equal to the mode

2. Concerning parametric data:

A Analysis assumes a normal distribution
B Ordinal data is a form of parametric data
C The Mann–Whitney U test is a parametric test
D The t-test may be used to look at two sets of parametric data
E Parametric tests have more ‘power’ than non-parametric tests

3. A valid screening test:

A Is highly specific
B Is able to provide a diagnosis
C Is widely available
D Can identify rare conditions
E Is used only for treatable conditions

4. In a sample of 10,000 women the age at the delivery of their first child showed
a normal distribution. The mean age at delivery of their first child was 29 years
old, with a standard deviation of 2 years.
A Two standard deviations from the mean is 33 years old
B The variance is 3 years
C No primiparous woman would be older than 40 years of age
D The median age for a primiparous woman would be 29 years
E The standard error of the mean is 0.02
86 Chapter 5  Statistics and epidemiology

5. Concerning a sample with a normal distribution:

A It can also be described as having a Gaussian distribution
B 50% of the data set lie within two standard deviations from the mean
C The median is higher than the mean
D It may be bimodal
E The mode lies at the centre of the distribution

6. Regarding statistical tests:

A Student's t-test can be used to compare the means of non-parametric data
B The c2 test can be used with categorical data
C The Mann–Whitney U test can be used for skewed data
D Fisher’s exact test is a non-parametric test
E Non-parametric tests have greater power than parametric tests

7. The standard error of the mean:

A Is a measure of how close the sample mean is to the population mean
B Is also known as the standard deviation of the mean
C Is the square root of the sample size
D Is small when the sample mean is close to the population mean
E Is smaller with a larger sample size

8. Concerning obtaining valid consent for a procedure:

A Risks of side effects can be given as ratios
B All possible unexpected surgical interventions should be mentioned
C Verbal consent is acceptable in emergencies
D The patient can validly request the clinician gives consent on their behalf
E In the absence of prior counselling a woman can consent for sterilisation
during a caesarean section

9. The following are indirect causes of maternal mortality:

A Pre-eclampsia
B Cardiac disease
C Suicide
D Thrombosis
E Epilepsy
Questions: SBAs 87

Questions: SBAs
For each question, select the single best answer from the five options listed.

10. Which of the following is a quality of the median of a data set?

A It cannot be distorted by skewed data
B It is always higher than the mean
C It is obtained by dividing the sum of the data set by the number of values in the
data set
D It is the middle value in a ranked set of data
E It is the most frequently occurring value in a data set

11. What is the World Health Organisation’s definition of the perinatal mortality rate?
A The number of deaths in the 1st week of life per 1,000 live births
B The number of stillbirths and deaths in the first week of life per 1,000 live births
C The number of stillbirths and deaths in the first week of life per 10,000 live
D The number of stillbirths and deaths in the first week of life per 100,000 live
E The number of stillbirths and deaths in the first 28 days of life per 1,000

12. The Eighth Confidential Enquiry into Maternal Deaths in the United Kingdom
defines maternal mortality as:
A The number of deaths per 1000 pregnancies
B The number of deaths per 100,000 pregnancies
C The number of direct and indirect deaths per 100,000 mortalities
D The number of direct and indirect deaths per 10,000 mortalities
E The number of direct and indirect deaths per 100,000 pregnancies

13. Within what time frame does the Centre for Maternal and Child Enquiries
(CMACE) consider maternal death to have occurred?
A During pregnancy
B During pregnancy or within 28 days of the end of the pregnancy
C During pregnancy or within 42 days of the end of the pregnancy
D Within 14 days of the end of the pregnancy
E Within 42 days of the end of the pregnancy

14. An early pregnancy unit undertakes a study to look at the average serum β-human
chorionic gonadotrophin (β-hCG) level of women presenting to their unit with
vaginal spotting over a 2-month period. The data collected has a normal distribution.
The following values are obtained:
• Mean = 500 IU/L
• N = 200
• Variance = 16
88 Chapter 5  Statistics and epidemiology

What is the data set’s standard deviation?

A 2
B 3
C 4
D 9
E 12

15. An antenatal clinic undertakes a month long study looking at the diastolic blood
pressure of women at their antenatal booking visit. The data collected has a normal
Gaussian distribution.
The following values are obtained:
N = 93
Mean diastolic blood pressure = 82 mmHg
Variance = 9
What is the standard deviation of the data set?
A 2
B 3
C 5
D 12
E 18

16. One hundred women with postmenopausal bleeding have pelvic ultrasound scans
to measure endometrial thickness and have a pipelle biopsy taken.
The findings of the scan – normal or thickened endometrial thickness – and the
subsequent histology of the Pipelle biopsies – normal or showing endometrial
cancer – are shown in the table below.

Pelvic scan result Endometrial cancer Normal endometrium Total (n)

on Pipelle (n) on Pipelle (n)
Abnormal 10 8 18
Normal 2 80 82
Total 12 88 100

What is the sensitivity (to the closest per cent) of the pelvic scan in detecting
endometrial cancer?
A 25%
B 55%
C 83%
D 91%
E 98%

17. One hundred women with postmenopausal bleeding have pelvic ultrasound scans
to measure endometrial thickness and have a pipelle biopsy taken.
Questions: SBAs 89

The findings of the scan, normal or thickened endometrial thickness, and the
subsequent histology of the Pipelle biopsies, normal or showing endometrial
cancer, are shown in the table below.

Pelvic scan result Endometrial cancer Normal endometrium Total (n)

on Pipelle (n) on Pipelle (n)
Abnormal 10 8 18
Normal 2 80 82

Total 12 88 100

What is the specificity (to the closest per cent) of the pelvic scan in detecting
endometrial cancer?
A 25%
B 55%
C 83%
D 91%
E 98%

18. Which of the following is an aim of clinical audit?

A To reject or accept a null hypothesis
B To assess the extent to which current practice meets a defined set of standards
C To assess differences between two different populations
D To establish what is best practice
E To extrapolate theory into practice

19. A study was designed to look at the relative risk of women with gestational diabetes
mellitus (GDM) who delivered babies with a birth weight of over 4.5 kg. The
study looked at all births in the Grace Maternity Unit over a period of 1 year and
classified whether the woman had GDM or not, and whether their baby weighed
more or less than 4.5 kg.

Birth weight Diabetic (n) Control (n) Total

> 4.5 kg 80 50 130
< 4.5 kg 120 950 1070
Total 200 1000 1200

What is the relative risk of women with GDM delivering a baby weighing > 4.5 kg in
this study?
A 0.05
B 0.1
C 0.4
D 8
E 150
90 Chapter 5  Statistics and epidemiology

1. A True
B False
C True
D False
E False
Standard deviation is a measure of the scatter of the sample data around the mean.
When data has a normal distribution, it is acceptable to consider the mean and the
median to be equivalent. When there is a normal distribution, 68.1% of the data set
will fall within one (+/–) standard deviation from the mean and 95.4% of the data
set will sit within two (+/–) standard deviations from the mean (Figure 5.1). The
standard deviation may be calculated by taking the square root of the variance.
The standard deviation may used for a skewed data set; however, it is likely to be
of limited use and interquartile ranges may be of more use. In order to obtain an
accurate standard deviation for skewed data, it is advisable to apply logarithmic

Figure 5.1  A normal distribution. M, mean;

σ, standard deviation.



3σ 2σ 1σ 1σ 2σ 3σ

2. A True
B False
C False
D True
E True
Parametric data is essentially numerical data. It may be continuous, i.e. β-human
chorionic gonadotrophin levels, or discrete, e.g. length of hospital stay. Non-
parametric data may be ordinal data, e.g. first, second and third prizes in a
competitive sport, or nominal data, e.g. Rhesus status being negative or positive.
Parametric tests make a number of assumptions including that of a normal
distribution. Parametric tests have more power than non-parametric tests, therefore
we can have more confidence in their robustness and ability to find a statistically
Answers 91

significance difference between data sets if the difference exists. Examples of

parametric tests include Student’s t-test and the one way analysis of variance
(ANOVA) test.
Altman D, Bland JM. Parametric versus non-parametric methods for data analysis. BMJ 2009; 338:a3167.

3. A True
B False
C True
D False
E True
Screening tests are widely used as a means of identifying individuals who are at
a high-risk of having or developing a disease or condition. Antenatal screening
of pregnant women to assess the likelihood of their current pregnancy of being
affected by a common trisomy, such as Trisomy 21, is an example of an effective
screening programme. Screening tests should be widely available and should only
used for either treatable conditions or in circumstances where the result allows
affected individuals to make a decision on how to proceed, e.g. the termination of a
pregnancy affected by a trisomy. Screening tests must be easily reproducible, cost-
effective and acceptable to the population at risk. A screening test does not provide
a final diagnosis; however, it must have a high sensitivity and specificity.
Programme Appraisal Criteria: Criteria for appraising the viability, effectiveness and appropriateness of a
screening programme. UK National Screening Committee.

4. A True
B False
C False
D True
E True
This data set shows a normal Gaussian distribution. On this basis, it is fair to assume
that the median, mode and mean for the data set will be the same. Standard
deviation (SD) is a measure of the scatter of the data set from the mean. In a data
set with a normal distribution 68.2% of a data set will lie within one SD from the
mean, whereas 95% of the sample will lie within approximately two (1.96) SDs from
the mean. Variance is a measure of the extent to which each observation in the data
set deviates from the data set mean. Variance may be calculated by squaring the
standard deviation:
Variance = (SD)2
The standard error (SE) of the mean estimates how close the mean of the data set is
to the mean of the population. The SE of the mean can be calculated by dividing the
SD by the square root of the sample size:

SE = SD/  sample size

92 Chapter 5  Statistics and epidemiology

5. A True
B False
C False
D False
E True
A data set with a normal distribution may also be described as having a Gaussian
distribution. Pictorially a normal distribution may be represented using a bell-shaped
curve, reflecting its unimodal properties. Within a normal distribution the majority
of the sample set lie around the mean, giving the distribution a symmetrical shape.
The mean and the median values are the same within a sample with a normal
distribution. The population, from which the data set was taken, can be approximated
by a normal distribution. The standard deviation (SD) is a measure of the spread of the
data set around the mean. Approximately 68% of the data set in a normal distribution
sits within one SD from the mean, whereas approximately 95% of the data set sits
within two SDs from the mean.
6. A False
B True
C True
D True
E False
The statistical test used to analyse a set of data must be carefully chosen and is
dictated by the type of data, how it was obtained and the sample size. Parametric
tests have greater power than non-parametric tests. Parametric tests make the
assumption that the data has a normal distribution, whereas non-parametric
tests do not. Parametric tests can only be used on parametric data, i.e. interval
data. Ordinal and nominal data is classified as non-parametric data and can only
be assessed using non-parametric statistical tests. Student's t-test is a simple and
straightforward test that can be used to compare the means of two sample groups.
The t-test can be performed on paired or unpaired parametric data. Two equivalent
tests that can be used on non-parametric data are the Mann–Whitney U test
and the Wilcoxon Rank Sum test. The Mann–Whitney U test may also be used on
non-parametric skewed data. The Chi-square test is a non-parametric test and may
be used with categorical data. Fisher’s exact test is also a non-parametric test used
for categorical data; however, it can be used for smaller sample sets.
Greenhalgh T. How to read a paper: Statistics for the non-statistician. I: Different types of data need
different statistical tests. BMJ 1997; 315:364.

7. A True
B True
C False
Answers 93

D True
E True
The standard error of the mean (SEM) is a measure of how close the sample mean
of a data set is to the population mean (from which that sample has been taken
from). The SEM is also known as the standard deviation of the mean. The SEM can be
calculated by dividing the standard deviation by the square root of the sample size.
The smaller the value obtained for the SEM, the closer the sample mean lies to the
population mean. Further, the larger the sample size, the more representative the
sample is of the population, and therefore the more accurate and, in theory smaller,
the SEM.
SEM = s ÷
Where; s = standard deviation, n = sample size.
8. A True
B False
C True
D False
E False
Risks of a procedure should be explained in a way that is most understandable
by the patient. The use of numerical aids may be helpful. For some patients, the
estimation of risk may be usefully explained using ratios, e.g. ‘1 in 1000’ rather than
as percentages, e.g. ‘0.1%’.
Valid consent for sterilisation cannot be obtained whilst the woman is having a
caesarean section, unless counselling has previously taken place and provisional
consent has already been given.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Obtaining Valid Consent. Clinical Governance Guide 6.
London: RCOG, 2008.

9. A False
B True
C True
D False
E True
The 8th report of the Confidential Enquiries into Maternal Deaths in the United
Kingdom classified causes as maternal death directly related, indirectly related or
unrelated to pregnancy. Indirectly related causes are those that were not the direct
result of obstetric complications but were made worse due to the physiological
changes associated with pregnancy. Both conditions that were diagnosed prior to
or during pregnancy can be classified as indirectly related causes. In the current
report, as in recent previous reports, cardiac disease was the predominant indirectly
94 Chapter 5  Statistics and epidemiology

related cause of maternal death. Suicide is classified as an indirectly related cause of

maternal mortality because of the strong association with puerperal mental illness.
Other indirect causes include epilepsy, diabetes and (within the UK) death from
hormone-dependent malignancies. Causes such as pre-eclampsia and thrombosis
are directly related causes of maternal mortality, i.e. death occurs as a direct
consequence of an obstetric cause.
Centre for Maternal and Child Enquiries (CMACE). Saving Mothers’ Lives: Reviewing Maternal Deaths to
Make Motherhood Safer: 2006–2008. The Eighth Report on Confidential Enquiries into Maternal Deaths in
the United Kingdom. BJOG 2011;118:1–203.

10. D  It is the middle value in a ranked set of data

The median is one of the terms used to describe an ‘average’ of a set of data. The
median is the middle value in a ranked data set. It should not be confused with the
mode which refers to the most frequently occurring value in a data set. It also differs
from the mean which is calculated by dividing the sum of data set by the number of
values in the data set. An advantage of using the median is that it is not influenced
by outliers or skewed data, which can affect the mean of a data set. The median
figure in a data set may be higher or lower than the mean.

11. B
   The number of stillbirths and deaths in the first week
of life per 1,000 live births
The World Health Organisation currently defines the perinatal mortality rate as the
number of stillbirths and deaths in the first week of life per 1,000 live births (in a given
period). It should not be confused with neonatal mortality, which is the number of
deaths in the first completed 28 days of life per 1,000 live births. Perinatal mortality can
be an important contributor to the overall neonatal mortality rate of a population.
World Health Organisation. Health Status Statistics: Mortality. Neonatal mortality rate (per 1000 live

12. C
   The number of direct and indirect deaths
per 100,000 mortalities
The Eighth Confidential Enquiries into Maternal Deaths in the United Kingdom
defines maternal mortality as the number of direct and indirect deaths per 100, 000
mortalities. Direct causes of maternal mortality are those that result from obstetric
complications and include sepsis, haemorrhage, pre-eclampsia/eclampsia and
amniotic fluid embolism. Indirect causes are those that are not caused by obstetric
complications but were made worse due to the physiological changes associated
with pregnancy. These indirect causes may include conditions that were pre-existing
or were diagnosed during pregnancy. Indirect causes of maternal mortality include
conditions such as cardiac disease, diabetes, epilepsy and suicide.
Centre for Maternal and Child Enquiries (CMACE). Saving Mothers’ Lives: Reviewing Maternal Deaths to
Make Motherhood Safer: 2006–2008. The Eighth Report on Confidential Enquiries into Maternal Deaths in
the United Kingdom. BJOG 2011;118:1–203.
Answers 95

13. C
   During pregnancy or within 42 days of the end
of the pregnancy
According to the Centre for Maternal and Child Enquiries (CMACE) a maternal
death is one that has occurred during pregnancy or within 42 days of the end of
the pregnancy. The cause of the death should be related to pregnancy or, if due to
a disease process, be of a nature that the condition had been made worse due to
the physiological changes associated with pregnancy. Accidental deaths are not
included. Deaths may be due to direct or indirect causes. Direct causes are those that
are of a direct obstetric nature, i.e. eclampsia, as opposed to indirect causes which do
not have a direct obstetric cause but relate to conditions which have become more
severe in pregnancy.
Centre for Maternal and Child Enquiries (CMACE). Saving Mothers’ Lives: reviewing maternal deaths to
make motherhood safer: 2006–2008. The Eighth Report on Confidential Enquiries into Maternal Deaths in
the United Kingdom. BJOG 2011;118:1–203.

14. C  4
The standard deviation of a sample is merely a measure of the scatter of the data
set around the mean. The variance is a measure of how far each observation within
the sample varies from the mean. Knowledge of the basic formula used to calculate
standard deviation is key to answering this question. The variance can be calculated
by taking the square root of the variance. There are other formulas that can be used
to calculate the standard deviation but from the limited information given this
simple formula should be used.
Worked answer:
Standard deviation = square root of the variance
Variance = 16
Square root of 16 = 4
Therefore, the standard deviation = 4

15. B  3
The standard deviation of the data set is a measure of how much the data is
scattered from the data set mean. All the information required to calculate the
standard deviation for the data set is given. The simple calculation of taking the
square root of the variance is all that is required to obtain the standard deviation.
Any other values given are distracters and can be ignored.
Worked answer:
Standard deviation = square root of the variance
Variance = 9
Square root of 9 = 3
Therefore the standard deviation = 3
96 Chapter 5  Statistics and epidemiology

16. C  83%
The sensitivity of a test, in this case the pelvic ultrasound, refers to the proportion of
individuals with the disease in question who were correctly identified by the test. In
this study, this can be considered as the proportion of women who were found on
Pipelle biopsy to have endometrial cancer, who were correctly identified as having
an abnormal pelvic ultrasound. In order for a test to be a useful investigation the
specificity should be as close to 100% as possible. Sensitivity can be calculated
by taking the number of subjects diagnosed with the condition using the initial/
screening test, divided by the total number of the all individuals diagnosed with the
condition (whether detected by the screening test or not). To give a percentage the
result is multiplied by 100.
Worked answer:
Sensitivity = endometrial cancer (with abnormal ultrasound) / endometrial cancer
(with abnormal ultrasound) + endometrial cancer (with normal ultrasound) x 100
10/(10 + 2) = 10/12 = 0.83
0.83 x 100 = 83%

17. E  98%
The specificity of a test refers to the proportion of individuals who were confirmed
not to have the disease who were correctly identified as normal by the test. In this
scenario, it refers to the proportion of individuals without endometrial cancer who
had a normal pelvic ultrasound scan. In similarity to sensitivity, ideally the specificity
of a test should be as close to 100% as possible. Specificity can be calculated by
dividing the number of individuals without the condition who had a normal result
from the initial screening test by the total number of individuals without the
condition (including those who initially had an abnormal initial test).
Worked answer:
Specificity = not diagnosed with endometrial cancer (with normal ultrasound) / not
diagnosed with endometrial cancer (with normal ultrasound) + not diagnosed with
endometrial cancer (with abnormal ultrasound) x 100
80/(80 + 2) = 80/82 = 0.98
0.98 x 100 = 98%
Loong T. Understanding sensitivity and specificity with the right side of the brain. BMJ 2003; 327:716.

18. B
   To assess the extent to which current practice
meets a defined set of standards
It is important to be able to distinguish the difference between research and audit.
Both are integral to the advancement of medical knowledge and clinical practice. Of
the statements given for this question only the stem ‘to assess the extent to which
current practice meets a defined set of standards’ is a valid aim of audit. All of the
Answers 97

other stems actually refer to aims of research studies. Audit should occur regularly
within a clinical setting to assess how practice standards are being met and the need
to implement strategies for improvement. The process of audit is described as a
continuous cycle, starting with defining the standards of the area of interest, collecting
data, making an assessment of current practice and whether it meets the standards,
followed by identifying and implementing any required changes in practice.
Wade D. Ethics, audit, and research: all shades of grey. BMJ 2005; 330:468
Hardman E, Joughin C. Clinical Audit: What it is and what it isn't. In: FOCUS on Clinical Audit in Child and
Adolescent Mental Health Services. London: Royal College of Psychiatrists, 1998.

19. D  8
Calculating relative risk is a means of quantifying the risk of an event, or a disease
relative to exposure to a contributory factor. A calculated risk of an event/condition
equal to one indicates that there is no difference between those exposed to the
factor and those who were not. A relative risk of less than one suggests that the
exposure group is less likely to develop the condition than the non-exposure,
whereas a relative risk of greater than one indicates that the risk of condition is
increased in the exposure group relative to the non-exposure group. For this study,
the calculated relative risk of women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), in
this study, delivering a baby weighing > 4.5 kg was eight. This indicates that women
with GDM had eight times the risk of having a baby weighing > 4.5 kg. Table 5.1 sets
out the groups for calculation of relative risk.

  Table 5.1  Calculating relative risk

Event/condition of Exposed group Non-exposed group Total

Yes A B A+B
No C D C+D
Total A+C B+D A+B+C+D

Relative risk can be calculated as below:

A/(A + C)
Relative risk =
B/(B + D)
Using the data supplied in the question:
Proportion of diabetic mothers with babies > 4.5 kg = 80/200 = 0.4
Proportion of non-diabetic mothers with babies > 4.5 kg = 50/1000 = 0.05
Relative risk of diabetic women delivering a baby weighing 4.5 kg = 40/5 = 8
80/(80 + 120)
Relative risk = =8
50/(50 + 950)
Chapter 6

Questions: MCQs
Answer each stem ‘True’ or ‘False’.

1. Concerning chromosomes:
A Each consists of two identical chromatids
B They are best visualised during interphase
C The short arm of a chromosome is also known as the ‘q’ arm
D Humans have 23 pairs of autosomal chromosomes
E The centromere is the meeting point of two chromatids

2. Cystic fibrosis is:

A An X-linked recessive condition
B Associated with gene defect of chromosome 9
C Most commonly caused by deletion of F508
D Characterised by a defect in potassium ion transport
E Caused by a defect in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance gene

3. The following conditions show an X-linked form of inheritance:

A Fragile X
B Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy
C Turner’s syndrome
D Christmas disease
E Prader–Willi syndrome

4. The following conditions are caused by chromosome microdeletions:

A Angelman syndrome
B Cri-du-chat
C Di-George syndrome
D Rett syndrome
E Tay–Sachs disease

5. An increased nuchal translucency thickness may be seen in fetuses with:

A Cardiac defects
B Down’s syndrome
C Noonan’s syndrome
D Patau’s syndrome
E Turner’s syndrome
100 Chapter 6  Genetics

6. Regarding aneuploidies:
A Trisomy 16 is the most common trisomy in miscarried fetuses
B Monosomy X is incompatible with life
C Individuals with triple X have multiorgan abnormalities
D Noonan’s syndrome is caused by trisomy of chromosome 12
E The majority of trisomies follow a non-disjunction event at meiosis 1
Questions: SBAs 101

Questions: SBAs
For each question, select the single best answer from the five options listed.

7. A woman presents at approximately 40 weeks’ gestation in spontaneous labour;

she is unbooked and has received no antenatal care. On abdominal palpation,
she feels large of her reported gestational age. A small male infant is born by
emergency caesarean section due to fetal distress. The baby is found to have
microcephaly, a prominent occiput, a cleft lip and palate, clenched hands and
polydactyl. Soon after birth, he has apnoeic episodes and has difficulty feeding.
What chromosomal abnormality is the most likely cause of this baby’s presentation?
A Microdeletion of chromosome 15
B Microdeletion of chromosome 22
C Trisomy 13
D Trisomy 18
E Trisomy 21

8. A 32-year-old woman is 15 weeks pregnant with her second pregnancy. She opts
to have antenatal screening and has blood taken as part of the quadruple test.
The result shows reduced levels of α-fetoprotein and unconjugated oestriol with
elevated β-human chorionic gonadotrophin.
Which of the following is the most likely explanation for the screening results:
A Down’s syndrome
B Edwards’ syndrome
C Multiple pregnancy
D Neural tube defect
E Normal pregnancy

9. A 39-year-old multiparous woman is 13 weeks pregnant. She has serum screening

as part of the combined test. Analysis shows an elevated level of α-fetoprotein and
a normal level of pregnancy-associated plasma protein A.
What diagnosis are the screening results suggestive of?
A Down’s syndrome
B Edwards’ syndrome
C Multiple pregnancy
D Neural tube defect
E Normal pregnancy

10. A 37-year-old primiparous woman is 14 weeks pregnant. Following serum

screening, the pregnancy is found to have an increased risk of trisomy 21. She
wishes to have further testing to confirm whether the fetus is affected.
In view of her current gestation what is the most appropriate diagnostic test?
A Amniocentesis
B Cell-free fetal DNA sampling
102 Chapter 6  Genetics

C Chorionic villus sampling

D Cordocentesis
E Nuchal translucency imaging

11. A 29-year-old woman seeks genetic counselling as she has a number of her female
relatives who have had either breast or ovarian cancer. Both her mother and her
sister have been diagnosed with breast cancer. DNA sequencing subsequently
shows that she carries a mutated form of the BRCA1 gene.
Via which mode of inheritance is the BRCA1 gene mutation transmitted?
A Autosomal dominant inheritance
B Autosomal recessive inheritance
C Mitochondrial inheritance
D X-linked dominant inheritance
E X-linked recessive inheritance

12. A 34-year-old woman delivers a male baby with Down’s syndrome. Chromosomal
analysis following his birth is suggestive of familial Down’s syndrome.
What chromosomal event best describes the aetiology of Familial Down’s
A Microdeletion
B Nonsense mutation
C Reciprocal translocation
D Robertsonian translocation
E Triplet repeat expansion

13. A couple are both known to carry the trait for a haemoglobinopathy. They decline
any invasive testing when they conceive their first pregnancy. At an anomaly scan
at 20 weeks’ gestation the fetus is found to have severe hydrops. In utero death
occurs at 22 weeks' gestation.
What is the most likely cause of the fetal demise?
A Alpha-thalassaemia with deletion of 4α-globin genes
B Beta-thalassaemia major
C Glucose-6-dehydrogenase deficiency
D Haemoglobin H disease
E Sickle cell disease
Answers 103

1. A True
B False
C False
D False
E True
Chromosomes consist of long strands of DNA which have been elaborately folded
and coiled. Within the strands of DNA are sequences which are genes. In eukaryotic
cells, they are found in the cell nuclei, where the DNA material is packaged as
chromatin. Each chromosome consists of two identical chromatids which are
held together in the midline at the centromere. The shape of chromosomes may
be described according to the position of the centromere. The short arm of a
chromosome is known as the ‘P’ arm, whereas the long arm is known as the ‘Q’ arm.
Humans have 22 autosomal chromosome pairs and one pair of sex chromosomes
in each cell. Chromosomes are best visualised in the metaphase of mitosis. Giemsa
staining may be used to aid visualisation of gene rich areas, which aids chromosome
identification in a process called G-banding. See Figure 6.1 for the basic structure of
a chromosome.

Figure 6.1  Basic structure of a chromosome.

Short arm


Long arm

Chromatid Chromatid

2. A False
B False
104 Chapter 6  Genetics

C True
D False
E True
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an autosomal recessive condition affecting exocrine function.
CF is typically found in Caucasian populations and is considered a life-limiting
condition. It is often associated with manifestations such as severe lung disease,
pancreatic insufficiency and infertility.
CF is caused by a defect in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator
(CFTR) gene found on chromosome 7. This leads to a defect in the CTFR protein
which normally acts as a chloride channel. There is defective transport of chloride
ions across epithelial cell membranes and an accumulation of intracellular sodium
leading to an excess of thick secretions on mucosal surfaces. CF is caused by a large
number of mutations in the CFTR gene; however, the most commonly identified
defect is a deletion of the 508th codon of the gene, leading to the absence of a
phenylalanine residue. This mutation is usually denoted as ΔF508.
3. A True
B True
C False
D True
E False
Fragile X is inherited by X-linked dominant inheritance, caused by defect in the FMR1
gene. X-linked dominant conditions can affect both males and females; as males
(XY) contribute the Y chromosome to their male offspring they cannot pass on their
defective X chromosome to their sons, however all of their daughters inherit their X
Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy shows an X-linked recessive inheritance; the
defective gene is carried on the X chromosome, leading to males inheriting the
one defective X chromosome from their mother expressing the condition. Female
offspring who inherit one defective X chromosome act as carriers only due to
the presence of two X chromosomes. Other X-linked recessive conditions include
haemophilia A, Christmas disease (haemophilia B) and glucose-6-phosphate
dehydrogenase deficiency. Prader–Willi syndrome is not an X-linked condition and
is associated with a deletion of the paternally derived chromosome 15. Turner’s
syndrome affects females and is an abnormality of the sex chromosomes, typically
due a loss of a Barr body leading to monosomy X.
4. A True
B True
C True
D False
E False
Answers 105

A series of syndromes have been identified that arise due to chromosomal

microdeletions. A microdeletion refers to the loss of a small subset of genes
which are found adjacent to each other on a chromosome. Syndromes caused by
microdeletions tend to have common characteristics including learning difficulties,
dysmorphic facial features and organ abnormalities such as cardiac anomalies
often occurring. Many cases of Angelman syndrome are caused by a microdeletion
associated with the loss the maternally inherited chromosome 15; its equivalent
is Prader–Willi syndrome which can be caused by loss of the paternally inherited
chromosome 15. Di-George and Shprintzen syndromes are both associated with
deletion of the proximal long arm of chromosome 22. Cri-du-chat syndrome is
caused by a loss of part of the short arm of chromosome 5 (Table 6.1).

  Table 6.1  Examples of syndromes caused by chromosome microdeletions

Microdeletion syndrome Chromosome affected

Cri-du-chat 5
Williams 7
Angelman 15
Prader–Willi 15
Smith–Magenis 17
Di-George 22

5. A True
B True
C True
D True
E True
Nuchal translucency refers to the measurement of the subcutaneous fluid at the
back of the fetal neck using ultrasound. Increased nuchal translucency thickness,
when measured between 11 and 14 weeks’ gestation, has been associated with a
number of chromosomal abnormalities and structural defects. Down’s syndrome is
the most commonly referred cause of increased nuchal thickness. Used alongside
the serum markers used in the combined test, data obtained from nuchal
translucency measurement is capable of identifying 90% of fetuses affected by
Down’s syndrome. Fetuses with Patau’s syndrome and Edwards’ syndrome may also
have an increased nuchal thickness, as do female fetuses affected by the monosomy
Turner’s syndrome. Noonan’s syndrome is an autosomal dominant condition which
may be first detected by ultrasound in fetuses with a normal karyotype alongside
nuchal oedema and pleural effusions. In addition to the syndromes described above
there is a strong association between increased nuchal thickness and major cardiac
106 Chapter 6  Genetics

6. A True
Aneuploidy refers to an abnormal number of chromosomes and can occur both to
autosomes and the sex chromosomes. The majority of trisomies occur following
a non-disjunction event which occurs in the meiotic division. The most common
trisomy found in miscarried fetuses is trisomy 16 which is incompatible with life.
Trisomy 21 is the most common trisomy compatible with life. Babies with trisomies
13 and 18 have a considerably shortened life expectancy, with the majority not
surviving infancy. Individuals with a trisomy of the X chromosome typically have
normal lives and their aneuploidy is often not diagnosed. The loss of an autosome,
i.e. a monosomy of a chromosome, is not compatible with life; however, fetuses
affected by the monosomy of the X sex chromosome, i.e. Turner’s syndrome, can
survive (albeit with a high incidence of miscarriage). Noonan’s syndrome is an
autosomal recessive condition associated with mutations of four genes leading to
multiple organ defects.
Connor JM. Medical Genetics for the MRCOG and Beyond. London: RCOG Press, 2005.

7. D  Trisomy 18
This baby has Edwards’ syndrome, also known as trisomy 18. The syndrome is
caused by an extra copy of chromosome 18 due an error in meiotic dysjunction.
In addition to a true trisomy 18, individuals may be mosaic for trisomy 18, i.e. they
have some cells with an extra copy of chromosome 18 because of a translocation
defect. Trisomy 18 can be detected as part of antenatal screening such as the
quadruple test, however in the absence of antenatal care it may not be detected
until delivery. Both polyhydramnios and oligohydramnios may be observed in these
pregnancies, the former as a possible indicator of defective fetal swallowing, and
the latter reflecting abnormalities in the renal tract. There may intrauterine growth
restriction. Fetuses affected by trisomy 18 typically have cardiac abnormalities of
varying degrees of severity. The appearance of the baby typifies many of the features
of a baby with trisomy 18. Other associated features include rocker-bottom feet,
micro penis, radial aplasia and low-set ears. There is gross delay in psychomotor
development and the rare individuals who survive infancy typically have severe
intellectual disability.

8. A  Down’s syndrome
Down’s syndrome, trisomy 21, is one of a number of conditions that may be screened
for using serum markers, as part of the quadruple test. Reduced serum α-fetoprotein
(AFP) is associated with pregnancies affected by Down’s syndrome. AFP is produced
by the fetal liver and yolk sac. Reduced levels of AFP are thought to be secondary
to the smaller size of fetuses affected by Down’s syndrome. Beta-human chorionic
Answers 107

gonadotrophin levels are often elevated in Down’s syndrome pregnancies. The

quadruple test does not aim to provide a definitive diagnosis, but is a screening test
with both false positive and false negative results.
Connor JM. Medical Genetics for the MRCOG and Beyond. London: RCOG Press, 2005.

9. D  Neural tube defect

The combined test uses serum markers together with fetal nuchal translucency
measurement in order to obtain an estimate as to how likely it is that a particular
fetus is affected by a chromosomal or genetic disorder. Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP)
is produced by the fetal liver and yolk sac. High levels of AFP are suggestive of
neural tube defects, such as spina bifida, or more rarely anencephaly. This raised
level is a consequence of flow of AFP from the open neural tube of the fetus, into
the amniotic fluid (and secondarily maternal serum). Pregnancy-associated plasma
protein A (PAPP-A) is produced by the fetus and also by the placenta. Reduced levels
of PAPP-A in maternal serum can be suggestive of a fetus with an aneuploidy, such
as Down’s syndrome. Intrauterine growth restriction has also been associated with
reduced levels of PAPP-A.
Connor JM. Medical Genetics for the MRCOG and Beyond. London: RCOG Press, 2005.

10. C  Chorionic villus sampling

Chorionic villus sampling can be performed from 11 weeks’ gestation and provides
a means of culturing fetal placental tissue in order to determine fetal karyotyping.
Amniocentesis involves the aspiration of fetal cells found in amniotic fluid in order
to perform chromosomal analysis and should ideally be performed from 15 weeks’
gestation. Cordocentesis involves the sampling of fetal blood from the umbilical
vein in order to perform chromosomal analysis; it may also be used to detect fetal
infection and anaemia. Although currently not widely used, cell-free fetal DNA
sampling detects naturally occurring fetal DNA and RNA in maternal blood. This
technique can be used in the determination of fetal sex and rhesus status and in
paternally inherited dominant single gene disorders. In the future, this technique
may be used to detect other genetic diseases as well as fetal aneuploidies.
Nuchal translucency imaging using ultrasound is a screening test for fetal
abnormalities as a thickened nuchal fold is associated with aneuploidies such as
Turner’s and Down’s syndromes.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Amniocentesis and Chorionic Villus Sampling.
Green-top Guideline 8. London: RCOG, 2010.
Wright C, Chitty L. Cell-free fetal DNA and RNA in maternal blood: implications for safer antenatal testing.
BMJ 2009; 339:b2451.

11. A  Autosomal dominant inheritance

BRCA stands for breast cancer susceptibility gene. The BRCA1 gene is found on
chromosome 17, whereas the BRCA2 gene is found on chromosome 13. Both the
BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes are in fact tumour suppressor genes which code for the
DNA repair proteins BRCA1 protein and BRCA2 protein. Mutations in each gene lead
to a defective form of the DNA repair protein, with the consequence of increased
108 Chapter 6  Genetics

tumorigenesis. Both BRCA genes are passed on via autosomal dominant inheritance.
This means that only one defective copy of the gene is required for the gene to be
expressed. An individual with a parent carrying the mutated BRCA1 gene has a one
in two chance of inheriting the gene themselves. See Figure 6.2 for diagrammatic
representation of autosomal inheritance.

Figure 6.2  Autosomal dominant


Father Mother
Normal BRCA1 Defective copy
genes of BRCA1 gene
b b B b

Offspring B b b b B b b b
Defective copy Normal Defective copy Normal
gene genes gene genes

Families that carry either BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations have a high incidence of breast
and ovarian cancers (particularly of early onset), with individuals with the defective
genes having an estimated 80% lifetime risk of breast cancer and up to a 40%
lifetime risk of ovarian cancer.
Connor JM. Medical Genetics for the MRCOG and Beyond. London: RCOG Press, 2005.
National Cancer Institute at the National Institutes of Health. Fact Sheet: BRCA1 and BRCA2: Cancer Risk
and Genetic Testing. Bethesda: National Cancer Institute, 2009.

12. D  Robertsonian translocation

Familial Down’s syndrome refers to trisomy 21 that occurs following a Robertsonian
translocation. These translocations only occur in humans at chromosomes 13, 14, 15,
21 and 22. These chromosomes are acrocentric, i.e. they have very short arms. This
form of translocation occurs when there is fusion of one acrocentric chromosome
onto another acrocentric chromosome, so that their long arms become fused,
with the loss of the insignificant genetic material found in the short arms. This may
result in either a balanced Robertsonian translocation, whereby there is the no
overall loss or excess of chromosomal material, or an unbalanced translocation. In
the latter there may be an extra copy of one of the chromosomes, i.e. a trisomy or
a monosomy. Down’s syndrome caused by a Robertsonian translocation is usually
caused by the inheritance of two normal copies of chromosome 21 (one from each
Answers 109

parent) and the inheritance of a balanced translocation chromosome from one

parent. This translocation chromosome, typically chromosome 14, has a copy of
chromosome 21 fused to its long arm, leading to trisomy 21. Couples where one
partner carries such a translocation chromosome have around a 10% chance of each
of their pregnancies being affected by Down’s syndrome.

13. A
   Alpha-thalassaemia with deletion of 4α-globin genes
Alpha-thalassaemia is an autosomal recessive condition associated with deletions
in genes responsible for the production of α-globin chains. This couple both
have α-thalassaemia trait, which means they each have either 2α-globin gene
deletions on the same chromosomes or two chromosomes each with an α-globin
gene deletion. Severity of α-thalassaemia is largely dependent on the number
of α-globin genes affected. Individuals with the α-thalassaemia trait are usually
minimally affected other than a mild anaemia. However in fetuses with deletions in
all of the 4α-globin chains there is a complete absence of α-globin production. In
early fetal life embryonic globin and gamma chains form functional units. At later
gestations there is formation of haemoglobin Bart’s (excess gamma chains which
form tetramers) which has a high affinity for oxygen and therefore little oxygen
delivery capacity. Hydrops fetalis is seen in fetuses with this profound absence of
α-globin. Previously thought to be incompatible with life some fetuses may now
survive with intrauterine transfusion.
Chapter 7

Questions: MCQs
Answer each stem ‘True’ or ‘False’.

1. Methods of contraception:
A The levonorgestrel intrauterine system works by preventing sperm fertilising
an egg
B Male sterilisation involves cutting the vas deferens
C The contraceptive implant works by preventing ovulation
D The contraceptive patch is suitable for those with a body mass index >40
E The combined oral contraceptive pill is contraindicated in migraine with aura

2. Regarding spermatogenesis:
A Each spermatid contains 23 chromosomes
B Spermatogenesis is completed in 40 days
C Each spermatogonium develops into a single spermatid
D Spermatids mature in the Leydig cells
E Spermatogenesis occurs through mitotic division

3. Regarding angiotensin-converting enzyme:

A Is produced by the liver
B Potentiates the action of bradykinin
C Is inhibited by the drug ramipril
D Converts angiotensin II to angiotensin III
E Levels can be raised in primary biliary cirrhosis

4. Concerning the renal system during normal pregnancy:

A Serum creatinine is raised
B The kidneys increase in length
C Renal blood flow peaks during the second trimester
D Plasma osmolality decreases
E Glomerular filtration rate increases

5. Concerning liver function tests in normal pregnancy:

A Bilirubin is increased
B Total protein is increased
C Bile acids increase
D Alkaline phosphatase is decreased
E Albumin decreases
112 Chapter 7  Physiology

6. During the third stage of labour:

A Oxytocin levels rise
B Raised prostaglandins levels cause myometrial contraction
C Beta-agonists can be used to manage this stage
D Use of synthetic prostaglandins is contraindicated
E Ergometrine is contraindicated if there is a fibroid uterus

7. Concerning the luteoplacental shift:

A It occurs at around 12 weeks’ gestation
B It coincides with a decrease in 17α-hydroxyprogesterone production
C Human chorionic gonadotrophin production decreases after the shift
D Refers to the transition of human placental lactogen production from
the corpus luteum to the placenta
E Failure of the corpus luteum prior to the shift is linked with miscarriage

8. Concerning oxytocin:
A It is a nonapeptide
B Oxytocin agonists are used to manage threatened preterm labour
C It can be given to increase uterine tone post delivery
D Administration can cause hyponatraemia
E It is made in the anterior pituitary gland

9. Ergometrine:
A Administration can cause hypertension
B Can be used to augment labour
C Can be used in the third stage of labour
D Is a serotonin agonist
E Is a constituent of the drug oxytocin

10. The electrocardiogram of a pregnant woman can show:

A Left axis deviation
B T-wave inversion in lead II
C Prolongation of the PR interval
D Q waves in aVF
E Increased heart rate

11. Lactation is suppressed by:

A Cabergoline
B Progesterone-only contraceptive pill
C Bromocriptine
D Metoclopramide
E Levothyroxine

12. Pulmonary surfactant:

A Is made by type II pneumocytes
B Is predominantly formed from proteins
C Production is promoted by maternal diabetes
Questions: MCQs 113

D Contains dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine
E Reduces pulmonary surface tension

13. Control of respiration and mechanics of ventilation:

A Intrathoracic muscles are innervated from T4–T11
B The diaphragm is innervated by the phrenic nerve
C Aortic arch chemoreceptors are innervated by the glossopharyngeal nerve
D Aortic arch chemoreceptors are sensitive to changes in pO2
E Carotid body chemoreceptors are innervated by the vagus nerve

14. With regards to the liver:

A Kupffer cells are phagocytic
B Fibrinogen is synthesised in the liver
C Bilirubin is a breakdown product of haemoglobin
D Physiological jaundice of the neonate occurs as a result of failure of
excretion of bilirubin
E High-density lipoprotein is the most abundant lipoprotein found in the liver

15. Urine:
A pH is relatively acidic compared to plasma
B Composition changes with diet
C Usually contains a trace of glucose
D Creatinine levels are lower than in plasma
E In normal circumstances it is protein free
114 Chapter 7  Physiology

Questions: SBAs

16. A 32-year-old primiparous woman suffers a massive antepartum haemorrhage

and undergoes an emergency caesarean section. During the caesarean section
she suffers a massive obstetric haemorrhage requiring transfusion of blood
and clotting factors. As a result of these events, she develops disseminated
intravascular coagulopathy.
Which of the following laboratory results would be expected in this condition?
A Decreased activated partial thromboplastin time
B Increased factor VII levels
C Increased fibrinogen
D Increased soluble fibrin
E Thrombocytopenia

17. A 23-year-old woman develops a fever and has offensive vaginal discharge and
abdominal pain. You are concerned that she is septic and wish to administer
intravenous antibiotics. Prior to administration you wish to calculate her
estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) in order to dose her antibiotic therapy
Which of the following factors is included when calculating eGFR?
A Creatinine
B Diabetic status
C Height
D Medication
E Weight

18. A 25-year-old primiparous woman attends antenatal clinic for a routine check at
28 weeks’ gestation. Her urine dipstick shows glucose 2+. On questioning, she has
just eaten a doughnut.
Which of the following describes the sequential handling of glucose by
the kidney?
A Filtered, reabsorbed and secreted
B Filtered, reabsorbed and not secreted
C Filtered, secreted, but not reabsorbed
D Filtered and neither secreted or reabsorbed
E Unfiltered, secreted

19. A 37-year-old woman attends her general practitioner for contraceptive advice.
She is a smoker of 10 cigarettes a day and has had two children. She is keen to try
the progesterone-only pill and asks you how it works.
Which is the most appropriate answer?
A Creates a hostile environment for fertilisation to occur
Questions: SBAs 115

B Creates an inflammatory reaction

C Inhibits ovulation
D Prevents implantation
E Thickens cervical mucus

20. A 72-year-old woman undergoes a total abdominal hysterectomy. She has chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease. Postoperatively, she is difficult to extubate and has
a prolonged stay on the intensive care unit.
Which of the following is the most important direct stimulus to respiration?
A Decreased arterial pH
B Decreased arterial pO2
C Decreased arterial pCO2
D Increased H+ concentration of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
E Increased pCO2 of the CSF

21. A 27-year-old woman attends antenatal clinic at 32 weeks’ gestation complaining

of gradual increasing shortness of breath through pregnancy. Although you feel
it is important to exclude serious pathology, you are aware that this could be a
normal symptom of advancing pregnancy.
Which of the following contributors to lung volume and capacity occurs in normal
A Chest compliance increases
B Expiratory reserve volume increases
C Residual volume decreases
D Tidal volume decreases by up to 40%
E Vital capacity decreases

22. A 32-year-old woman is readmitted to the postnatal ward 10 days after an

emergency caesarean section with a swollen painful calf. Her observations are
stable. Her body mass index is 37. You want to rule out a deep vein thrombosis.
Which of the following clotting factors are increased in normal pregnancy?
A Factor VII
B Factors VII and VII
C Factors VII, VIII and X
D Factors VII, VIII, X and XI
E Factors VII, VIII, X, XI and XIII

23. With regard to the cardiac cycle what is the definition of stroke volume?
A Stroke volume = cardiac output / body surface area
B Stroke volume = end diastolic volume – end systolic volume
C Stroke volume = end systolic volume – end diastolic volume
D Stroke volume = end systolic volume + end diastolic volume
E Stroke volume = end diastolic volume + end systolic volume
116 Chapter 7  Physiology

24. A 2-week-old neonate is admitted to hospital with failure to thrive, tachypnoea and
difficulty feeding. He is thought to have a circulatory defect.
Administration of prostaglandin antagonists soon after birth can be used to
therapeutically close which patent structure of fetal origin?
A Ductus arteriosus
B Ductus venosus
C Foramen ovale
D Fossa ovalis
E Ligamentum venosum

25. A 67-year-old woman is admitted to hospital with frequency of urination and

extreme thirst. Her blood tests reveal deranged urea and electrolytes. Provisional
diagnosis is diabetes insipidus.
Which hormone acts in the nephron, to increase the permeability of the collecting
ducts to water?
A Aldosterone
B Angiotensin
C Atrial natriuretic peptide
D Parathyroid hormone
E Vasopressin

26. A 22-year-old woman is breastfeeding an hour after delivery. During lactation the
'let-down' reflex is stimulated by the action of which hormone?
A Human placental lactogen
B Oestrogen
C Oxytocin
D Prolactin
E Progesterone

27. A 27-year-old woman is being treated for primary infertility. A pelvic ultrasound
shows multiple small ovarian follicles present in both ovaries. She is having
ultrasound tracking of her ovaries as she has an irregular cycle.
What is the approximate size of the dominant ovarian follicle at the time of
A 1–2 mm
B 5 mm
C 20 mm
D 30–40 mm
E 50 mm

28. A 33-year-old woman attends antenatal clinic at 33 weeks’ gestation complaining

of shortness of breath.
Which of the following causes a shift of oxygen dissociation to the left?
Questions: SBAs 117

A Decreased haemoglobin
B Decreased 2,3-diphosphoglycerate
C Increased acidity
D Increased carbon dioxide
E Increased temperature

29. Which of the following substances is unable to bind with fetal haemoglobin?
A 2,3-diphosphoglycerate
B Carbon dioxide
C Carbon monoxide
D Nitrous oxide
E Oxygen

30. A 72-year-old woman is undergoing lung function tests prior to abdominal

Which of the following gives the correct lung volume equation?
A Functional residual capacity = residual volume + tidal volume
B Inspiratory capacity = tidal volume + expiratory reserve volume
C Inspiratory capacity = inspiratory reserve volume – tidal volume
D Total lung capacity = inspiratory capacity + residual volume
E Vital capacity = inspiratory capacity + expiratory reserve volume
118 Chapter 7  Physiology

1. A False
B True
C True
D False
E True
The levonorgestrel intrauterine system is a plastic device containing progesterone,
which works by releasing hormone slowly into the system. The progesterone works
to thin the endometrium and so preventing implantation. It also thickens the
cervical mucus. Male sterilisation is a permanent form of contraception caused by
cutting, sealing or tying the vas deferens, which carries the sperm from testicles to
the penis. It is very effective, with less than a 1% failure rate.
The contraceptive implant is placed into the non-dominant upper arm. It releases
progesterone and causes the usual progesterone effects as well as preventing
ovulation. It can be left in situ for 3 years, but can be taken out sooner with a
potential return to fertility immediately. The contraceptive patch is not suitable
for those women with a large body mass index or smokers. The combined oral
contraceptive pill is contraindicated for use as a contraceptive in patients with
migraine with aura.
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Long-acting reversible contraception. Clinical
Guideline CG30. London: NICE, 2005.

2. A True
B False
C False
D False
E True
Spermatogenesis (Figure 7.1) refers to the process that produces mature sperm
(spermatozoa) from primitive germ cells (spermatogonia). Starting in adolescence
and continuing throughout male adulthood spermatogenesis takes around 70 days
to complete. During this time the spermatogonia found at the basal lamina of the
seminiferous tubules begin to mature, eventually becoming primary spermatocytes.
Both spermatogonia and primary spermatocytes contain a diploid number of
chromosomes, which is reduced to haploid number (23 chromosomes) as a result of
meiotic division. The primary spermatocyte divides by meiosis into two secondary
spermatocytes (first meiotic division), each of which then divide again (second meiotic
division) to form two spermatids each. These haploid spermatids then undergo a process
of maturation attached to the Sertoli cells, eventually becoming mature spermatozoa.
Answers 119

Figure 7.1  Spermatogenesis.

Spermatogonium (2n)

Primary spermatocyte (2n)

Meiosis 1

Secondary spermatocyte (n)

Meiosis 2

Spermatid (n)

Spermatozoa (n)

3. A False
B False
C True
D False
E True
Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) is produced predominantly by the
endothelial cells of the lungs, but also in the kidneys. ACE catalyses the conversion
of angiotensin I to angiotensin II which is a vasoconstrictor and key regulator of
extracellular volume as part of the renin–angiotensin system. ACE is also known
to cause breakdown of the peptide bradykinin, a potent vasodilator. ACE may be
raised in a number of pathologies including primary biliary cirrhosis, sarcoidosis and
Gaucher’s disease.
ACE inhibitors such as ramipril and enalapril prevent angiotensin II formation and
induce a state of relative vasodilation.
4. A False
B True
C True
D True
E True
120 Chapter 7  Physiology

Pregnancy is associated with both a large increase in circulating volume, as well

as dilatation of the urinary collecting systems. The kidneys normally increase in
length. Renal blood flow dramatically increases by around 50% reaching a peak in
the second trimester and then falls slightly in the third trimester. The glomerular
filtration rate increases considerably, with resulting reduction in serum levels of
creatinine, urea and plasma osmolality.
5. A False
B False
C False
D False
E True
Bilirubin levels are largely unaltered in pregnancy, however the other liver function
tests show considerable change.
Albumin, total protein and the transaminases (alanine transaminase and aspartate
transaminase) fall throughout pregnancy. These changes may largely be explained
by pregnancy-related volume expansion.
Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) however, increases throughout pregnancy and reaches its
peak during the third trimester reflecting placental production of ALP. Having taken
these normal changes into account, interpretation of liver function tests in pregnancy
can aid the diagnosis of conditions such as hyperemesis gravidarum, obstetric
cholestasis, pre-eclampsia, haemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelet
(HELLP) syndrome and acute fatty liver (Table 7.1).

Table 7.1  Tests of liver function: pregnant and non-pregnant values

Liver function test Non-pregnant state Pregnant state
Alkaline phosphatase (IU/L) 30–130 32–418
Aspartate aminotransferase (IU/L) 7–40 10–30
Alanine aminotransferase (IU/L) 0–40 6–32
Albumin (g/L) 35–46 28–37
Total protein (g/L) 64–86 48–64
Bilirubin (μmol/L) 0–17 3–16

Adapted from: Appendix 2: Normal laboratory values in pregnancy/non-pregnancy. In: Handbook of Obstetric
Medicine, 4th edn. London: Informa Healthcare, 2010: 273–274.

6. A False
B True
C False
D False
E False
Answers 121

The third stage of labour is defined as the time from delivery of the baby to the
delivery of the placenta and membranes. It may be managed physiologically or more
commonly, actively. Physiological management involves delivery of the placenta by
maternal effort. No oxytocin or ergometrine is used.
Active management of the third stage, however involves clamping of the cord, the
use of uterotonics such as oxytocin and ergometrine, and delivery of the placenta by
controlled cord traction.
Side effects of oxytocin include nausea and vomiting. Rarer side effects include
arrhythmias, disseminated intravascular coagulation and water intoxication and
hyponatraemia. Ergometrine may also be associated with side effects such as nausea
and vomiting, arrhythmias, chest pain and palpitations. Active management of the
third stage is recommended to avoid postpartum haemorrhage in women at risk of
postpartum haemorrhage, such as grand multiparous women.
7. A False
B True
C False
D False
E True
The term ‘luteoplacental’ shift refers to the transition that occurs in early pregnancy
when the placenta takes over progesterone production from the ageing corpus
luteum. This shift occurs at around 7–8 weeks’ gestation. The corpus luteum secretes
17α-hydroxyprogesterone throughout the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle; should
fertilisation not occur the corpus luteum fails 14 days after ovulation, progesterone
levels significantly reduce and menstruation occurs. When fertilisation has occurred
human chorionic gonadotrophin produced by the syncytiotrophoblast stimulates the
corpus luteum to continue producing progesterone. At around 7–8 weeks’ gestation
the placenta becomes the main source of progesterone synthesis. The corpus
luteum begins to fail and eventually will become a corpus albicans. Failure of the
corpus luteum to maintain progesterone levels prior to the ‘shift’ is associated with
first trimester miscarriage. Progesterone support is required in assisted conception
pregnancies until the shift has occurred.
Csapo A. The luteo-placental shift, the guardian of pre-natal life. Postgrad Med J 1969;45(519):57–64.

8. A True
B False
C True
D True
E False
Oxytocin is a nonapeptide hormone which is made in the hypothalamus and released
from the posterior pituitary gland. Numbers of oxytocin receptors in uterine muscle
increase close to term, and increased release of oxytocin in labour is thought to aid
uterine muscle contraction.
122 Chapter 7  Physiology

Oxytocin is also involved in the ‘let-down’ reflex of milk ejection as part of lactation.
Synthetic forms of oxytocin, such as ‘syntocinon’, can be given to augment labour or
to prevent/manage postpartum haemorrhage by stimulating uterine contraction.
Oxytocin has a similar structure to that of vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone), and
therefore administration can be associated with hyponatraemia.
‘Atosiban’ is a tocolytic agent and is an oxytocin antagonist. It is used in cases of
threatened preterm labour.
9. A True
B False
C True
D True
E False
Ergometrine is an ergot alkaloid that is known to act as a serotonin, dopaminergic
and α-adrenergic agonist. Although its true mechanism of action is not fully
understood, ergometrine is known to aid both vasoconstriction and uterine
contraction thus making it a useful drug for the management of the third stage of
labour and the prevention postpartum haemorrhage.
Use of ergometrine is contraindicated in the first and second stage of labour.
Ergometrine is often given in combination with a synthetic oxytocin in the form of
‘syntometrine’. Known to cause vasoconstriction, ergometrine should be given with
caution to women with raised or borderline blood pressure and significant renal
disease. Administration in such cases may be associated with further increases in
blood pressure, and hence its use is contraindicated in women with pre-eclampsia.
10. A True
B False
C False
D True
E True
In pregnancy, the normal electrocardiogram (ECG) is slightly different from that
of the non-pregnant state, with changes reflecting the altered physiology of
pregnancy. As pregnancy is associated with increased blood volume, increased
stroke volume and increased cardiac output there is associated hypertrophy of the
heart and enlargement of the left side of the heart. The gravid uterus also pushes the
diaphragm up, and therefore the heart is displaced forward and to the left.
The combination of these changes lead to left-axis deviation on the ECG. There may
also be T-wave inversion or flattening in Lead III and the presence of Q waves in both
leads aVF and III.
Ciliberto CF, Marx GF. Physiological changes associated with pregnancy. Update Anaesthesia 1998; 9:1-3.
Answers 123

11. A True
B False
C True
D False
E False
Lactation suppression may be instigated by interruption of the normal balance of
lactation promoters and inhibitors. Prolactin is the main promoter of lactation and
is produced by the pituitary gland. It is inhibited by dopamine agonists such as
cabergoline and bromocriptine. These drugs can be given to suppress lactation in
HIV positive women or those who are not breastfeeding because they have had a
Dopamine antagonists unsurprisingly have the opposite effect and drugs such
as metoclopramide and domperidone are sometimes used to increase milk
With regards to postnatal contraception the progesterone-only contraceptive pill is
often the contraceptive of choice in breastfeeding women in the postpartum period.
It does not interfere with lactation. The combined oral contraceptive pill, however, is
relatively contraindicated due to its oestrogen content and concerns with regards to
it reducing the volume and quality of breast milk.
12. A True
B False
C False
D True
E True
Pulmonary surfactant is a naturally occurring substance produced
by type II pneumocytes. It predominantly consists of lipids [such as
dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC)] which are linked with a series of surfactant
proteins (A, B, C and D) and organised into hydrophobic and hydrophilic complexes.
Pulmonary surfactant increases lung compliance and reduces pulmonary surface
tension which helps prevent atelectasis.
Surfactant production begins in the fetus relatively late in pregnancy and
is therefore suboptimal in infants born prematurely. Respiratory distress
syndrome is a major cause of mortality and morbidity in premature infants due
to lack of surfactant and lung immaturity. The administration of intramuscular
glucocorticoids such as dexamethasone and betamethasone is associated with
increased fetal surfactant production and enhanced lung maturity and therefore
has benefit when there is risk of delivery before 34 weeks’ gestation.
124 Chapter 7  Physiology

13. A False
B True
C False
D True
E False
Expansion of the chest cavity occurs as a result of contraction of the intrathoracic
muscles which are innervated from the T1–T11 nerves. There is also influence
from the diaphragm which is innervated by the phrenic nerve, C3–C5. There are
two important controls to respiration, the central chemoreceptors (medulla)
and peripheral chemoreceptors (aortic arch and carotid body). The aortic arch
receptors are innervated by the vagus nerve and the carotid body receptors by
the glossopharyngeal nerve. The carotid body chemoreceptors are the only ones
sensitive to changes in the partial pressure of oxygen. Both peripheral and central
chemoreceptors are sensitive to changes in both pCO2 and pH. If there is an increase
in the level of pCO2 detected, then there is an associated increase in ventilation to
reduce the pH.
14. A True
B True
C True
D False
E False
An adult liver weighs approximately 1 kg and is composed of lobules. Each lobule
surrounds a central vein which then drains into a hepatic vein. Kupffer cells are
phagocytic and line the sinusoids. Bilirubin is a breakdown product of haemoglobin
and is then secreted by the liver.
The synthesis of lipoproteins occurs in the liver, but the main lipoprotein to be
manufactured is VLDL. Plasma proteins are derived from the liver and nearly
all albumin and fibrinogen are synthesised here. The neonatal liver weighs
approximately 150 g and is immature at birth. Physiological jaundice occurs as
a result of the neonatal liver’s failure to conjugate the bilirubin. High levels of
unconjugated bilirubin mean that it cannot be completely bound to albumin and
may cross the blood-brain barrier, causing kernicterus.
15. A True
B True
C False
D False
E True
Table 7.2 summarises the properties of urine.
Answers 125

Table 7.2  Properties of urine

Urine Plasma
pH 5.0–7.0 7.35–7.45
Protein 0 65–80
Glucose 0 4.0–6.0
Na 50–120 135–145
K 20–70 3.5–5.0
Osmolality 100–1000 280–295
Creatinine 5–20 0.06–0.12

16. E  Thrombocytopaenia
Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC) is a condition, where there is
generalised and widespread pathological activation of the clotting system. There
is clotting within the microvasculature which causes consumption of coagulation
products. Pathological changes include inflammatory activation, suppression of
anticoagulation and inhibition of fibrinolysis. The obstruction of the microvascular
vessels can cause disruption of blood flow to major organs, potentially leading to
multiorgan failure.
DIC usually occurs as a result of activation of the intrinsic coagulation pathway.
There are usually increased levels of soluble fibrin. Diagnosis is by blood tests which
usually reveal:
• Thrombocytopaenia
• Prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time
• Low fibrinogen
• Increased fibrinogen degradation products
Treatment is via reversal of the underlying cause. Fresh frozen plasma may be given
as well as platelets depending on the degree of thrombocytopaenia.

17. A  Creatinine
Estimated glomerular filtration rate is used as a marker of renal function and used
in clinical practice, e.g. for calculations of renal function in the use of nephrotoxic
drugs. It is often calculated using the modification of diet in renal disease (MDRD)
equation which takes into account the age, creatinine levels, gender and ethnic
group. Weight, height, comorbidities and medication are not used in this formula.
It must be remembered that estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) is still
an estimate and may be inaccurate in certain circumstances, e.g. malnourished
patients and amputees. It should not be used in children or pregnant women. For
Afro-Caribbean patients, the eGFR may be 21% higher than estimated. Normal GFR
is > 90 mL/min/1.73 m2.
126 Chapter 7  Physiology

18. B  Filtered, reabsorbed and not secreted

In the normally-functioning kidneys glucose is filtered, reabsorbed via secondary
active transport and is on the whole not secreted in the urine. Virtually all
glucose is reabsorbed in the apical region of proximal convoluted tubule of the
kidney via Na/glucose transporters and also by glucose transporters (GLUTs).
When the level of plasma glucose exceeds the filtering capacity of the kidneys,
then the amount of glucose excreted in the urine increases. The renal threshold
for glucose, that is the amount of plasma glucose that the kidneys are able
to filter without it being excreted in large amounts in the urine, is around
200 mg/dL. Glycosuria may be suggestive of diabetes mellitus and requires
further investigation.

19. E  Thickens cervical mucus

If taken appropriately, the progesterone-only pill (POP) is approximately 99%
effective. Its main mechanism of action is by thickening the cervical secretions. It
also thins the endometrium and makes the embryo less likely to implant. The POP
is only effective if taken at the same time every day or within a 3-hour window.
This is due to the mechanism of action of the POP which loses efficacy if there
is a delay in taking it. The combined oral contraceptive pill works by inhibiting
ovulation. The intrauterine contraceptive device provides a hostile environment
and prevents implantation. It may also cause an inflammatory reaction. The
copper of the copper coil also prevents the sperm from entering the uterus.

20. D
   Increased H+ concentration of the
cerebrospinal fluid
The main stimulus to the respiratory centre comes from the chemoreceptors.
These are central and peripheral. The central chemoreceptors are found on the
surface of the upper medulla. Peripheral chemoreceptors are around the aortic
arch, innervated by the vagus nerve, and in the carotid body, innervated by
the glossopharyngeal nerve. The central chemoreceptors are only sensitive to
changes in the pH. The carotid body receptors are sensitive to changes in pO2.
Both the carod body and aortic arch receptors are sensitive to changes in pCO2
and pH. Variations in CO2 are altered via a change in ventilation. A rise in CO2
leads to an increase in ventilation and hypoxia increases the respiratory centre
sensitivity to CO2. The response to hypoxia is less marked than the response to
CO2. The response to respiration as a result of acidosis is reduced because of the
production of deoxygenated haemoglobin which acts as a buffer.

21. C  Residual volume decreases

Table 7.3 summarises the change in lung function tests that occur as a result of
Answers 127

Table 7.3 Changes in respiratory system during pregnancy

Increase Decrease No change

Tidal volume – up to 40% Total lung capacity Vital capacity
Residual volume Respiratory rate
Expiratory reserve volume – Lung compliance
approximately 200 mL
Inspiratory reserve volume FEV1/PEFR
Chest compliance
Airway resistance

FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 second; PEFR, peak expiratory flow rate.

22. C  Factors VII, VIII and X

In order to prepare the body to achieve rapid haemostasis after delivery, pregnancy
is essentially a hypercoagulant state. As a consequence there is an increase in the
majority of clotting factors during pregnancy, in particular factors VII, VIII and X.
Factors XI and XIII do not change significantly during pregnancy.
Fibrinogen and erythrocyte sedimentation ratio may be doubled by term. There is
an increase in antithrombin III and fibrinogen degradation products. The inhibition
of fibrinolysis is partly mediated through placental plasminogen activator inhibitor
(PAI2). PAI2 is a coagulation factor that is produced by the placenta and is only
detectable in the blood during pregnancy. It activates tissue plasminogen activator
and urokinase and is found in monocytes and macrophages.
The procoagulant state of pregnancy is one of the processes in place to prevent
excess bleeding after delivery. Other mechanisms include uterine contraction and
the development of a fibrin mesh which covers the placental site.

23. B
   Stroke volume = end diastolic volume – end
systolic volume
The cardiac cycle is the repeated action of contraction and relaxation that leads to
the pumping of blood from the heart and maintenance of circulation. Myocardial
cells contract during electrical excitation and relax during repolarisation. During
diastole the heart chambers relax and fill with blood. During systole, there is
contraction of the ventricles and ejection of blood into the circulation. The atria
contract together, with contraction of the ventricles occurring 0.1–0.2 seconds
Concerning the left side of the heart: at the beginning of ventricular systole, the
mitral valve is open and the pressure in the left atrium is greater than that in the
128 Chapter 7  Physiology

ventricle. As the pressure in the left atrium builds up, the mitral valve closes. Stroke
volume is the calculated by subtracting the end systolic volume from the end
diastolic volume. This is actually around 60–70% of blood left in the ventricles at
the end of diastole. Stroke volume usually refers to the left ventricle, although it can
be applied to both. Both ventricles have an equivalent stroke volume, which in the
average sized adult is approximately 70 mL.

24. A   Ductus arteriosus

The ductus arteriosus is one of the three circulatory shunts that exist in the fetal
circulation. It is the fetal connection between the pulmonary artery and the
aorta, allowing oxygenated fetal blood to be carried from the right ventricle
and around the body, largely bypassing the lungs. It remains open throughout
the fetal period due to high levels of vasodilating prostaglandins and also due
to the low oxygen tension associated with the non-functioning pulmonary
circulatory system. The ductus arteriosus usually closes permanently in the first
few days of life as prostaglandin levels fall and as oxygen tensions dramatically
rise after the first breath, leading to a rise in systemic circulatory pressure and
fall in pressure of the previously high-resistance pulmonary circulation. A patent
ductus arteriosus (PDA) is associated with prematurity and with other causes
including maternal rubella infection during pregnancy. Children with a PDA may
be asymptomatic, however young babies may present in the few weeks of life
with tachypnoea, failure to thrive and difficulties with feeding. Prostaglandin
antagonists such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may be
used to therapeutically close a PDA. Usage of NSAIDs can cause constriction of
the fetal ductus arteriosus and hence all NSAIDs should be avoided in the third
trimester of pregnancy.

25. E  Vasopressin
Nephrons are the functional unit of the kidney and are responsible for the filtration
of blood, excretion of waste products and the regulation of water balance. The
collecting duct is the terminal part of the nephron and receives filtrate that has
already passed through the glomerulus (the main functional filtration unit), the loop
of Henle and the proximal and distal convoluted tubules. By the time the filtrate
reaches the collecting duct it has already undergone a process of reabsorption of
substances such as sodium chloride, water, bicarbonate, potassium and calcium.
At the collecting duct vasopressin, also known as antidiuretic hormone, increases
permeability to water allowing for water molecules to be reabsorbed. Vasopressin
enables the production of concentrated urine by acting on the aquaporins (water
channels) of the collecting duct, allowing them to facilitate the passive reabsorption
of water (Figure 7.2).
Chapter 38: Renal Function and Micturition. In: Barrett KE, Barman SM, Boitano S, Brooks H. Ganong’s
Review of Medical Physiology, 23rd edn. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2010.
Answers 129

Action of Action of
parathyroid hormone aldosterone

capsule H2O
Glomerulus Solutes

Cortex Proximal Distal
convoluted convoluted
tubule tubule
Action of
Descending vasopressin
Outer limb (antidiuretic
medulla hormone)

Inner Collecting
medulla tubule

Loop of Henle To ureter

Figure 7.2  The nephron.

26. C  Oxytocin
The ‘let-down reflex’, also known as the milk ejection reflex, describes the release of
breast milk following the stimulus of suckling. The reflex is controlled by the action
of the hormone oxytocin which is released from the hypothalamus in response
to suckling, and causes contraction of the myoepithelial cells of the milk ducts
subsequently leading to milk ejection. Conditioning of this reflex naturally occurs to
the extent that milk ejection may occur in lactating women in response to stimuli
such as the sound of crying babies. Actual production of milk is largely under the
control of prolactin which is released from the anterior pituitary gland in increasing
amounts from early pregnancy.

27. C  20 mm
The dominant ovarian follicle grows considerably throughout folliculogenesis and by
the time of ovulation has reached approximately 20 mm in size. It reaches the surface
of the ovary and its release is due to necrobiosis of the overlying tissue. The rise in basal
body temperature is thought to be due to the thermogenic effect of progesterone on
the brain. The actual process of follicular rupture takes a few minutes. Mittelschmerz
is the midcycle lower abdominal pain experienced by almost 1 in 4 women. This is
thought to be caused by the release of follicular fluid leading to peritoneal irritation.
130 Chapter 7  Physiology

28. B  Decreased 2,3-diphosphoglycerate

The oxygen dissociation curve is a graph which demonstrates the percentage
saturation of haemoglobin at different partial pressures of oxygen. At higher
partial pressures of oxygen, the haemoglobin binds with oxygen to form
Each molecule of haemoglobin can bind with four molecules of oxygen. The sigmoid
shape of the curve is a result of ‘cooperation’ between the oxygen binding site, i.e.
occupancy of one of the binding sites makes it easier for the second to bind and the
same with the third and fourth.
A right shift in the oxygen dissociation curve indicates a reduced oxygen affinity
(Figure 7.3). This occurs when there is an increase in:
• Temperature
• Acidity
• 2,3-diphosphoglycerate
• Carbon dioxide

Figure 7.3  Oxygen dissociation

curve with factors causing left
and right shift.
Causes of left shift:
– decreased temperature
– decreased acidity
Oxygen saturation (%)

– decreased

Causes of right shift :

– Increased temperature
– Increased acidity
– Increased
– Increased CO2

Partial pressure of oxygen (mmHg)

29. A  2, 3-diphosphoglycerate
The oxygen dissociation curve for fetal haemoglobin (HbF) is a sigmoid shape. HbF
consists of two α chains and two γ chains. HbF has a higher affinity for oxygen and
there is therefore a left shift in the fetal oxygen dissociation curve. The reason for this
shift is the reduced binding of 2,3-diphosphoglyceric acid (2,3-DPG). 2,3-DPG has
a higher affinity for the β chains in the adult haemoglobin (HbA). This difference in
binding capacity between HbA and HbF ensures that HbF has a greater affinity for
oxygen than HbA. The P50 is defined as the partial pressure of oxygen at which the
oxygen-carrying protein is 50% saturated and this is lower in HbF due to the reduced
sensitivity of 2,3-DPG (Figure 7.4).
Answers 131

Figure 7.4  Fetal-maternal

oxygen dissociation curves.
Fetal haemoglobin

Adult haemoglobin
Oxygen saturation (%)

Partial pressure of oxygen (mmHg)

30. E
   Vital capacity = inspiratory capacity + expiratory
reserve volume
Vital capacity describes the maximum volume of air that a person can exhale after
maximum inspiration. It is therefore the combination of inspiratory capacity and the
expiratory reserve volume. The inspiratory capacity is the combination of inspiratory
reserve volume plus the tidal volume and is approximately 2.4 L in a female adult.
The expiratory reserve volume is determined by the functional residual volume
minus the residual volume. Vital capacity may be measured by spirometry and forms
one element of a basic lung function test.
Chapter 8

Questions: MCQs
Answer each stem ‘True’ or ‘False’.

1. Ultrasound causes:
A Cavitation
B Heating
C Microstreaming
D Decreased velocity of blood flow
E Ionisation

2. Soft markers for chromosomal abnormalities seen on ultrasound scan include:

A Choroid plexus cyst
B Echogenic bowel
C Exomphalos
D Fetal hydrops
E Mild renal pelvic dilatation

3. Concerning electrosurgery:
A Bipolar diathermy can be used to cut tissue
B Monopolar diathermy necessitates the use of a return electrode
C Diathermy uses low-frequency electrical currents
D Desiccation of tissue can be achieved using both mono- and bipolar diathermy
E Direct coupling is achieved by adhering to strict safety protocols

4. Concerning the normal electrocardiogram:

A The PR interval is 0.2–0.4 seconds
B The duration of the QRS complex should be >0.12 seconds
C Each QRS complex is preceded by a P-wave
D The QT interval is 0.35–0.42 seconds
E The paper speed is set at 25 mm/s

5. Concerning the hysterosalpingogram:

A It is performed in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle
B It uses ultrasound
C It may used to investigate secondary subfertility
D A pregnancy test must be performed before the procedure
E It is contraindicated in individuals with a history of Chlamydia
134 Chapter 8  Biophysics

6. Ultrasound:
A Has no known adverse effects on tissue
B Can have thermal effects on tissue
C Can cause streaming
D Can cause fulguration
E Safety protocols necessitate the use of thermal indices
Questions: SBAs 135

Questions: SBAs
For each question, select the single best answer from the five options listed.

7. Which of the following describes the mode used in creating standard grey scale
ultrasound images?
A A-mode
B B-mode
C Doppler mode
D M-mode
E None of above

8. Which of the following is a recognised parameter used in fetal biophysical

A Abdominal circumference
B Amniotic fluid index
C Biparietal diameter
D Head circumference
E Femur length

9. Which of the following is an acute side-effect of radiotherapy?

A Epithelial surface damage
B Hair loss
C Infertility
D Lymphoedema
E Tissue fibrosis

10. Which of the following modalities uses an ionising form of radiation?

A Electrocautery
B Laser
C Magnetic resonance imaging
D Ultrasound
E X-ray

11. The standard chest X-ray is equivalent to what duration of natural background
A 2–3 days
B 10 days
C 2 months
D 18 months
E 5 years

12. At what crown–rump length would you first expect to see a fetal heart beat using
transvaginal ultrasonography?
136 Chapter 8  Biophysics

A > 2 mm
B > 3 mm
C > 4 mm
D > 5 mm
E > 6 mm

13. A 68-year-old woman developed left-sided chest pain a day after she has had
total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral-salpingo-oophorectomy. A 12-lead
electrocardiogram is performed and is suggestive of an anterior ST elevation
myocardial infarction.
Which of the following leads would be most likely to show ST elevation in this
A I, aVL, V5–V6
B I, II and III
C II, III and aVF
D V1–V4
E All of the above

14. Which of the following is a late side-effect of radiotherapy?

A Fatigue
B Lymphoedema
C Mouth ulcers
D Nausea
E Oedema

15. Which of the following best describes acoustic impedance?

A It is an estimate of mean velocity of flow within a vessel
B It is the apparent bending of waves
C It is the opposition to the passage of sound waves and is a function of density
and elasticity
D It is when reflected waves from a moving interface undergo a frequency shift
E It is the angle at which the wave is incident on the surface equals the angle of
Answers 137

1. A True
B True
C True
D False
E False
Ultrasonography uses high frequency sound waves to create images that are
widely used in many area of medical practice. Although generally considered a
safe modality of imaging it can cause a number of tissue effects. Ultrasound causes
heating of the surrounding tissues, the extent of which is dependant on the tissue
type, the distance between the transducer and the tissue and the intensity of the
ultrasound used. Cavitation describes the formation of gas cavities within tissue
secondary to ultrasound. Although cavitation is not thought to occur in diagnostic
ultrasonography, it can be practically applied in lithotripsy. Microstreaming is
the generation of fluid circulation within tissue, which can be either intra- or
extracellular. Ionisation does not occur as a result of the usage of ultrasound.
2. A True
B True
C False
D False
E True
Soft markers are more common in a fetus with chromosomal abnormalities. However,
the presence of these markers alone is not sufficient to provide a definitive diagnosis
as they often spontaneously resolve. Choroid plexus cysts may be seen in a fetus
with trisomy 18; however, when seen in an otherwise normal fetus they are of
questionable significance. Echogenic bowel describes bowel that appears bright
on ultrasound and can indicate chromosomal abnormalities, bowel obstruction
and cystic fibrosis. It always requires further investigation. Exomphalos is persistent
protrusion of the bowel through the abdominal wall at the base of the umbilicus. This
may be normal before 10 weeks of gestation. The ongoing presence of exomphalos
may be indicative of chromosomal abnormalities or other organ malformation.
Fetal hydrops refers to the accumulation of serous fluid in fetal tissue and may be
associated with diagnoses such as parvovirus infection and anaemia. Mild renal pelvic
dilatation is associated with only a small risk of chromosomal abnormalities.
3. A False
B True
C False
D True
E False
138 Chapter 8  Biophysics

Electrosurgery uses high-frequency AC electrical currents to achieve cutting,

coagulation, desiccation and fulguration (destruction) of tissue. Modern surgical
techniques use monopolar, bipolar and tripolar diathermy. Monopolar diathermy
uses high-frequency currents applied to tissue by a hand-held electrode. The current
passes through the surgeon’s electrode through the patient and leaves the patient
via a return electrode which is attached to the patient. In bipolar diathermy each
blade of the forceps held by the surgeon is actually an electrode and the current
passes from one electrode, through any held tissue, and back into the return
electrode blade of the forceps. Monopolar diathermy can be used to achieve cutting
and coagulation, whereas cutting is not possible using bipolar diathermy. Both
techniques can be used for tissue desiccation. Strict adherence to safety protocols
is essential. Direct coupling is one of the hazards associated with monopolar
diathermy and refers to tissue damage caused by the electrode touching another
conducting instrument close by. Overall bipolar diathermy is considered safer than
its monopolar equivalent.
4. A False
B False
C True
D True
E True
The electrocardiogram (ECG) records the electrical activity of the heart. The standard
12-lead ECG makes use of electrode placement in order to build a picture of electrical
activity in various planes of the heart. By convention the standard paper speed is set
as 25 mm/s. The normal PR interval is 0.12–0.20 s and represents sequential sinoatrial
node and atrial depolarisation. Longer intervals may indicate heart block, whereas
a reduced interval may indicate an accessory conduction pathway such as Wolff–
Parkinson–White syndrome, or the presence of an AV junctional rhythm. The QRS
complex, which represents ventricular contraction, should have a duration of less
than or equal to 0.12 s. A longer QRS duration may indicate conduction anomalies
such as a bundle branch block. The QT interval is measured from the beginning of the
QRS complex to the end of the T wave. The normal QT interval is 0.35–0.42 s. A shorter
interval may indicate abnormalities such as hypercalcaemia, whereas causes of a
prolonged interval include myocarditis and hypocalcaemia.
5. A False
B False
C True
D False
E False
The hysterosalpingogram (HSG) is a radiological means of assessing tubal patency.
Typically one of the basic investigations used to investigate both primary and
secondary subfertility the HSG may also be used to confirm successful bilateral tubal
ligation surgery, i.e. sterilisation. The technique requires the use of a cervical catheter
Answers 139

which is used to inject a radio-opaque contrast agent into the uterus and through
the fallopian tubes. X-ray images are obtained to show the passage of the contrast
agent into the uterus and, when there is tubal patency, to visualise the bilateral spill
out of each fallopian tube. The procedure must be performed during the follicular
phase of the menstrual cycle and within 10 days of menstruation to prevent
radiation exposure to an early embryo. An HSG should not be performed when there
is co-existing, untreated pelvic infection. Epidemiology, ethical and legal issues of subfertility. London: StratOG, 2012.

6. A False
B True
C True
D False
E True
Overall, ultrasound is considered a safe imaging modality. Nevertheless its usage
does require monitoring to ensure that there are no adverse effects related to
its use. The main concerns regarding the usage of ultrasound relate to thermal
effects related to the heating of local tissue. In order to reduce the potential impact
of exposing an embryo or fetus to the thermal effects to ultrasound, exposure
should be kept to a minimum. Particular caution should be applied when using a
transvaginal probe in early pregnancy. Thermal indices are used, as a measure of
tissue heating effects and safety protocols necessitate the use of minimising the
thermal index (to < 1) and keeping scanning time as short as possible to prevent
tissue heating. Fulguration is the destruction of tissue using electrosurgery.
Ambramowicz JS, Kossoff G, Marsal K, Ter Haar G. Safety Statement, 2000 (reconfirmed 2003). Ultrasound
Obstet Gynecol 2003; 21:100.
Salvesen K, Lees C, Ambramowicz J, et al. ISUOG statement on the safe use of Doppler in the 11 to
13+6-week fetal ultrasound examination. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol, 2011; 37:628.

7. B B-mode
A-mode is the simplest form of ultrasound and is now rarely used. It creates wave
spikes as the ultrasound comes into contact with various tissues. The distance
between the spikes can be measured. The A in A-mode refers to the amplitude of the
ultrasound used. B-mode, or brightness mode, is widely used in ultrasound to create
two-dimensional greyscale images obtained from a linear array of transducers,
which simultaneously scan a tissue plane. M-mode incorporates movement with
successive A- or B-mode images. Doppler mode is used to assess movement and
therefore is the mode used for looking at blood flow. There are various different
types of Doppler used including pulsed wave, continuous and colour.

8. B Amniotic fluid index

Biophysical profiling provides a means of formally assessing fetal well-being.
140 Chapter 8  Biophysics

This may be indicated in the context of reduced fetal movements or growth

restriction. There are five biophysical variables which are assessed in biophysical
profiling. Fetal tone, breathing, movement and heart rate are recorded, alongside
an assessment of the amniotic fluid index. The assessment of the fetal heart rate
is described as a non-stress test. A score is given for each variable and the total
can then guide further management. The fetal head circumference, abdominal
circumference, femur length and biparietal diameter are parameters used to assess
fetal growth and are not part of biophysical profiling.

9. A  Epithelial surface damage

Although radiotherapy is used in the treatment of a wide range of malignancies,
patients exposed to it may experience a number of side-effects, both acute and
late. Epithelial surface damage is an example of an acute side-effect of radiotherapy
and may manifest in the form of mouth ulcers. Radiotherapy for vulval cancer
is particularly associated with severe skin reactions, due to the high dosages of
radiation required. Other acute side-effects of radiotherapy include gastrointestinal
symptoms, cystitis, fatigue and oedema. Table 8.3 lists acute and late side-effects of
radiotherapy., Principles of Radiotherapy. London: stratOG, 2010.

10. E  X-ray
High energy forms of radiation capable of separating an electron from an atom are
described as ‘ionising’. Forms of ionising radiation can have therapeutic properties,
but require close regulation to prevent excessive exposure. Table 8.1 lists sources of
ionising and non-ionising radiation.

  Table 8.1  Examples of ionising and non-ionising radiation

Ionising radiation Non-ionising radiation

X-ray Electrocautery
Radiotherapy Laser
Positron emission tomography MRI
Radionucleotides, e.g. barium swallow Ultrasound

11. A  2–3 days

Radiation dosage is measured in millisieverts (mSv) and is often referred to as the
effective dose. Exposure to radiation can also be described in terms of the equivalent
duration of natural background radiation associated with the exposure. For different
imaging modalities, Table 8.2 gives the time it would take to receive an equivalent
radiation does from natural background radiation dose.
Answers 141

  Table 8.2  Imaging modalities with equivalent natural background radiation

Modality Time period for effective dose from natural background radiation
Chest X-ray 7–10 days
CT of abdomen 3 years
Lumbar spine X-ray 6 months
Intravenous urogram 1 year

12. A  > 2 mm
Fetal heart action should be evident when the crown–rump length (CRL) is >2 mm.
However, in 5–10% of embryos there will be no fetal heart action visible until
> 4 mm. When using ultrasound to diagnose the viability of a pregnancy, a CRL of
≥7 mm and absence of fetal heart action suggests a non-viable pregnancy. In these
cases a further scan may be indicated after an interval of at least 1 week.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. The Management of Early Pregnancy Loss. Green-top
Guideline 25. London: RCOG, 2006.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Addendum to GTG No 25. The Management of Early
Pregnancy Loss, 2011.

13. D  V1–V4
Bearing in mind that varying electrode placement allows the electrocardiogram
to create a pictorial representation of electrical activity in the heart it is possible
to localise pathological changes in the heart’s conduction pathways. Leads V1–V4
detect electrical activity in the anterior part of the heart along the horizontal
plane. Therefore, when there is a considerable change in the heart conduction
pathways as a consequence of an anterior myocardial infarction we may expect to
see ST wave elevation in these leads. An inferior ST elevation myocardial infarction
(STEMI) would be represented as ST wave elevation in leads II, III and aVF. Electrical
activity in the lateral aspect of the heart is monitored by V5 and V6, as well by as
leads I and aVL. Thus, a lateral STEMI is likely to be seen as ST elevation in leads I,
aVL and V5 to V6.

14. B  Lymphoedema
Radiotherapy is a form of ionising radiation that is widely used in the treatment
of cancers, but may also be used to for a variety of non-malignant conditions.
Radiotherapy is effective in damaging the cellular DNA and thus causing cellular
death. The ionising radiation is targeted at localised areas to avoid generalised
exposure to its effects. Like any intervention, radiotherapy has side effects which can
be classified to acute or late (Table 8.3). Lymphoedema is one such late side effect
and typically occurs following pelvic and breast radiotherapy., Principles of Radiotherapy. London: stratOG, 2010.
142 Chapter 8  Biophysics

  Table 8.3  Side-effects of radiotherapy

Acute side-effects of radiotherapy Late side-effects of radiotherapy

– Lymphoedema
Oedema Hair loss
Gastrointestinal symptoms: nausea, vomiting, Development of further cancers
diarrhoea, abdominal pain
Fatigue Tissue fibrosis
Epithelial surface damage, e.g. mouth ulcers Infertility

15. C
   It is the opposition to the passage of sound
waves and is a function of density and elasticity
Acoustic impedance is a term used in the description of ultrasound behaviour
within a tissue. It represents the opposition to the passage of sound waves and is a
function of density and elasticity. Refraction is the change in direction of the wave
as a result in change of speed. Diffraction describes the bending of waves during
its passage as a result of interaction with obstacles. Reflected waves from a moving
object undergoing a frequency shift is the Doppler effect. Colour Doppler provides
an estimate of mean velocity of flow within a vessel.
Chapter 9
Clinical management

Questions: MCQs
Answer each stem ‘True’ or ‘False’.

1. Acute pelvic inflammatory disease can present with:

A Superficial dyspareunia
B Cervical tenderness
C Heavy menstrual bleeding
D Lower abdominal pain radiating to the loins
E Postcoital bleeding

2. Concerning pelvic inflammatory disease due to Neisseria gonorrhoeae:

A Normally presents with associated cough
B Is sensitive to quinolones
C Testing is from a high vaginal swab
D A urethral swab increases diagnostic yield
E Does not increase risk of subfertility

3. In regard to pelvic inflammatory disease:

A It is rare in cases of intrauterine pregnancies
B It cannot be treated in early pregnancy as there are no safe drugs
C It is most prevalent in women aged between 25 and 35 years
D It does not increase the risk of subfertility if treated with intravenously
E Treatment for the index partner is necessary only with proven Chlamydia

4. With regards to semen analysis:

A Men should abstain from ejaculation for 7 days prior to providing a sample
B It should reach the laboratory within 24 hours of being produced
C If abnormal it should be repeated after 3 months
D Sperm can be collected in a normal condom
E The result should be available prior to any form of ovulation induction

5. The following are appropriate initial investigations for menorrhagia:

A Pelvic ultrasound scan
B Full blood count
C Hormone profile
D Hysteroscopy
E MRI pelvis
144 Chapter 9  Clinical management

6. The following laboratory tests should be carried out on all women who present
with heavy menstrual bleeding:
A Hormone profile
B Serum ferritin
C Thyroid function test
D Coagulation function
E Full blood count

7. With regards to the diagnosis of malaria in pregnancy:

A Severe malaria is defined as parasitaemia of > 50 %
B Her full blood count will show normal haemoglobin but low platelets
C She is not likely to have the disease if she has been compliant with prophylaxis
D A rapid detection test should be performed to exclude malaria
E Three negative malaria smears 12–24 hours apart will rule out malaria if the
patient is febrile

8. With regard to the management of HIV positive women presenting in active

labour and wishing to have a vaginal delivery:
A A recent viral load result should be confirmed as < 50 copies/mL
B Highly active antiretroviral treatment should be administered throughout the
C Fetal blood sampling can be performed to assess fetal wellbeing
D The membranes should be ruptured as early as possible to expedite delivery
E An induction of labour is contraindicated

9. Regarding caesarean section:

A Approximately 1 in 6 women will have a caesarean section in the United
B Body mass an index of >50 is a clear indication for elective caesarean section
C Women with an uncomplicated singleton breech at 34 weeks’ gestation should
be recommended to have an elective caesarean section
D All preterm and small for gestational age babies need an elective caesarean
section delivery
E Risk of a hysterectomy at a caesarean section is roughly 5%

10. Regarding preconception management of women with pre-existing diabetes:

A She should be taking 800 mg of folic acid
B She should be commenced on a statin to lower her cholesterol
C She should have monthly haemoglobin A1C (HbA1C) measurement
D She should be discouraged from pregnancy if her HbA1C is 8%
E Metformin should be stopped prior to conception

11. Recognised risk factors for postpartum haemorrhage are:

A Multiple pregnancy
B Previous caesarean section with a low lying placenta
C Antepartum haemorrhage
D Polyhydramnios
E Young age
Questions: SBAs 145

Questions: SBAs
For each question, select the single best answer from the five options listed.

12. A 26-year-old woman attends the emergency department feeling unwell and
complaining of lower abdominal pain. On examination she has a temperature
of 39 °C and a pulse rate of 110 beats per minute. She has lower abdominal
tenderness with guarding and cervical excitation. A speculum examination
reveals profuse discharge.
What is the most appropriate management?
A Admit for intravenous antibiotics and supportive care
B Book for a diagnostic laparoscopy
C Organise a pelvic ultrasound scan
D Refer for a surgical review
E Refer to a sexual health clinic for screening and partner contact tracing

13. A 27-year-old female teacher, who is 14 weeks pregnant, presents to her general
practitioner as she is concerned because one of her students was sent home today
with chickenpox. Her varicella zoster virus IgG antibody is positive.
What is the correct advice to give her?
A Chickenpox is not contagious once the rash appears so she need not worry
B She is immune to chickenpox and no further action needs to be taken
C She should have be referred to fetal medicine unit for a scan to exclude
D She should not attend the hospital as she may infect other pregnant women
E She should receive varicella zoster immune globulin within the next 24 hours
for it to be effective

14. A 28-year-old patient attends out patient clinic with primary subfertility. Her
partner's semen analysis and her hysterosalpingogram are normal. Her follicle-
stimulating hormone is 2.3 IU/mL, luteinising hormone is 6.8 IU/mL, and her day
21 progesterone is 19 ng/mL.
What is the most likely cause for her subfertility?
A Asherman’s syndrome
B Endometriosis
C Hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism
D Premature menopause
E Polycystic ovaries

15. A 22-year-old patient, who is 35 weeks pregnant, presents to the hospital

complaining of heavy painless bleeding. She is pale, has a pulse rate of 140 beats
per minute, and a blood pressure of 70/40 mmHg. Her abdomen is soft and non-
What is the most likely diagnosis?
146 Chapter 9  Clinical management

A Concealed abruption
B Placenta praevia
C Premature labour
D Revealed abruption
E Vasa praevia

16. A 40-year-old woman complains of heavy regular periods for 5 years. Ultrasound
scan has revealed no abnormality. Her family is complete.
What is the most appropriate first line treatment for this patient?
A Combined contraceptive pill
B Laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy
C Levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system (IUS)
D Norethisterone tablet 5 mg three times daily from day 5 to 26
E Tranexamic acid

17. A 35-year-old woman attends gynaecology outpatient department with an

incidental ultrasound finding of a-4 cm simple ovarian cyst.
What is the most appropriate plan of management?
A Consider further imaging (i.e. MRI)
B Laparoscopic cystectomy
C Reassure and discharge
D Serum CA-125 test
E Yearly ultrasound follow-up

18. A 22-year-old woman with a past history of Chlamydia attends the emergency
department complaining of severe abdominal pain. She has mild vaginal bleeding.
Her pulse rate is 120 beats per minute, with a blood pressure of 60/40 mmHg and
she has a distended tender abdomen.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
A Acute appendicitis
B Complete miscarriage
C Ruptured ectopic pregnancy
D Threatened miscarriage
E Urinary tract infection

19. You are asked to review a 20-year-old woman in the emergency department.
She has a positive pregnancy test, and is unsure of her last menstrual period.
On examination, her pulse is 70 beats per minute and her blood pressure is
110/70 mmHg. Her abdomen is soft and non-tender. Speculum examination
reveals a closed cervix and mild bleeding.
What is the most appropriate plan of management?
A Admit the patient and arrange an evacuation of retained products of conception
B Admit the patient for a laparoscopy as an ectopic pregnancy cannot be
Questions: SBAs 147

C Admit the patient for hourly observations

D Arrange the next available ultrasound scan as an outpatient
E Discharge the patient with the diagnosis of complete miscarriage

20. A 30-year-old patient, who is hypertensive and obese with a body mass index of 38,
requests contraception. She has had two previous caesarean sections.
What is the most effective and safest form of contraception for her?
A Laparoscopic sterilisation
B Combined oral contraceptive pill
C Subdermal implant
D Barrier contraception
E Intrauterine device

21. A 44-year-old is 28 weeks pregnant with ovum donation. She presents with
headache and reports seeing ‘flashing lights’. Her blood pressure is 172/112 mmHg
and her pulse rate is 78 beats per minute. Urine dipstick shows protein +++,
leucocytes trace, nitrites negative, blood trace.
Which is the most appropriate immediate management for this patient?
A Request an urgent scan for fetal growth
B Administer antihypertensives to lower her blood pressure
C Administer ramipril
D Avoid steroid injections as it will worsen her blood pressure
E Immediate delivery of the baby by category one caesarean section

22. The risk of malignancy index (RMI) is used to score the risk of ovarian cancer in
Which of the following is correct with regards to the basis of its calculation?
A Classification of post menopausal is a woman who has had no periods for
2 years or over age of 51 years
B Premenopausal status is scored as 3
C Serum CA-125 levels are measured on a scale of 1 to 10
D Ultrasound scan must show a cyst of at least 10 cm in size
E Ultrasound score × menopausal status × CA-125

23. A 27-year-old woman attends the antenatal clinic at 14 weeks’ gestation in her
third pregnancy. She had a deep vein thrombosis, when she broke her leg during
a skiing trip at age 20 years. Her thrombophilia screen outside of pregnancy was
negative. She has no family history of venous thromboembolism.
Which of the following is the most appropriate action?
A Aspirin 150 mg from conception to 36 weeks’ gestation
B Low-molecular weight heparin therapy immediately
C Low-molecular weight heparin therapy from 24 weeks’ gestation until onset of
148 Chapter 9  Clinical management

D Low-molecular weight heparin therapy for 6 weeks postnatally

E Referral to haematology for repeat thrombophilia screen now she is pregnant

24. A 47-year-old premenopausal woman undergoes a hysteroscopy for investigation

of severe menorrhagia. Histology of endometrial biopsy shows simple hyperplasia.
What would be the most appropriate recommendation?
A Commence hormone replacement therapy
B Hysterectomy
C Insertion of a levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system (IUS)
D Ultrasound scan in 6 months
E No treatment is required

25. A 32-year-old primiparous woman is in labour. Labour was induced at 40+12

weeks for post-dates and oxytocin augmentation has been used. Following delivery
of the fetal head the midwife is unable to deliver the body using gentle traction.
She suspects there is ‘shoulder dystocia’ and the emergency buzzer is pulled.
Which of the following is the most appropriate first line measure to be taken in
order to deliver the baby?
A Episiotomy
B Fundal pressure
C McRoberts’ manoeuvre
D Symphysiotomy
E Zavanelli manoeuvre

26. A 28-year-old primiparous woman is 24 weeks pregnant. She presents to the

Maternity Day Unit with a history of reduced fetal movements over the last 18 hours.
She is well and has no medical or obstetric history of note.
What is the most appropriate means of assessing fetal well-being in this
A Auscultation of the fetal heart using a handheld Doppler device
B Biophysical profiling
C Cardiotocograph
D Completion of 24-hour kick chart
E Ultrasound scan
Answers 149

1. A False
B True
C False
D False
E True
Acute pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) lacks definitive clinical diagnostic criteria
but certain clinical features are highly suggestive of PID and treatment should start
without delay. Women with PID may present with:
• Lower abdominal pain
• Abnormal discharge
• Pain during intercourse
• Pyrexia
• Cervical motion and adnexal tenderness on bimanual examination.
Differential diagnosis must always include ectopic pregnancy, appendicitis, an
ovarian cyst accident, urinary tract infection, and gastrointestinal disorders.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Management of Acute Pelvic Inflammatory Disease.
Green-top Guideline 32. London: RCOG, 2008.

2. A False
B False
C False
D True
E False
Gonorrhoea is the second most common sexually transmitted bacterial infection in
the United Kingdom. It may sometimes be asymptomatic, but if left untreated it can
cause subfertility. Women with Gonorrhoea may present with abnormal discharge,
lower abdominal pain or dysuria. Testing should be with an endocervical specimen;
however, an additional sample from the urethra increases diagnostic yield when
testing by nucleic acid amplification test is not available. A pregnancy test should be
performed in all women who attend with lower abdominal pain or are suspected to
have pelvic inflammatory disease.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Management of Acute Pelvic Inflammatory Disease.
Green-top Guideline 32. London: RCOG, 2008.

3. A True
B False
C False
150 Chapter 9  Clinical management

D False
E False
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is rarely seen with intrauterine pregnancy and
hence diagnosis of PID should be made with caution when looking for differential
diagnosis in pregnancy. All drugs used in pregnancy for any reason should be looked
at from risk benefit ratio and if benefits outweigh risks, they can be used. Treated or
untreated, PID does increase the risk of subfertility. Therefore, it is essential that even
if there is no robust evidence of PID on tests performed, if symptomatic, treatment
should be offered.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Management of Acute Pelvic Inflammatory Disease.
Green-top Guideline 32. London: RCOG, 2008.

4. A False
B False
C True
D False
E True
Abstinence of 2–3 days prior to performing a semen analysis is considered to be
ideal, as shorter abstinence may result in production difficulties. Longer abstinence
usually results in collection of dead sperm and debris in larger proportions. The
sample once produced should reach the laboratory, ideally, within 45–60 minutes
to assess the motility accurately. Normal condoms contain spermicides, so sperm
should only be collected either directly in the aseptic pot or into non-spermicidal
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Fertility Assessment and Management for People
with Fertility Problems. Clinical Guideline CG11. London: NICE, 2004.

5. A False
B True
C False
D False
E False
Menorrhagia refers to heavy menstrual bleeding. Blood loss may be such that it
affects many aspects of a woman’s life, including her physical health and overall
quality of life.
A full blood count should be performed at presentation. If uterine structural
abnormalities such as fibroids are suspected, then ultrasound is a first line diagnostic
tool. A biopsy of the lining of the womb may be indicated in women above 45 years
old or those who present with persistent intermenstrual bleeding. Pharmaceutical
management, if appropriate, should be considered. Initial management includes
the insertion of a levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system (IUS) as a first choice,
Answers 151

with other options including tranexamic acid or the combined oral contraceptive.
Norethisterone or long-acting injected progestogens may also be considered.
Other treatments for heavy menstrual bleeding, other than hysterectomy, include
endometrial ablation, and in the presence of fibroids include myomectomy and
uterine artery embolisation.
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Heavy Menstrual Bleeding. Clinical Guideline CG44.
London: NICE, 2007.

6. A False
B False
C False
D False
E True
Women with heavy menstrual bleeding require a full blood count at their first
presentation. Thyroid function tests should only be performed if the signs and
symptoms of thyroid disease are present. A coagulation screen function should
not be performed, unless the history is suggestive of a coagulation abnormality.
A hormonal profile is not indicated. An assessment of serum ferritin is not usually
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Heavy Menstrual Bleeding. Clinical Guideline CG44.
London: NICE, 2007.

7. A False
B False
C False
D False
E True
Malaria can be difficult to diagnose and may present as a flu-like illness. Pregnant
women with parasitaemia of 2% or more are at risk of developing severe malaria
which can manifest with respiratory distress, impaired consciousness or pulmonary
oedema. Laboratory investigation may reveal severe anaemia, thrombocytopaenia,
hypoglycaemia and impaired renal function.
Malaria in pregnancy requires microscopic diagnosis. The current gold standard for
the detection of malaria is the preparation of thick and thin blood films. Although
less sensitive, rapid detection techniques can be used, but they can miss the low
levels of parasitaemia that may be present in pregnant women, and they are less
able to detect the presence of Plasmodium vivax. In a febrile patient, three negative
malaria smears 12–24 hours apart are needed to exclude diagnosis of malaria.
Pregnant women with malaria should be admitted to hospital for treatment.
Choloroquine is used for treatment of P. vivax, P. ovale or P. malariae. All newborns of
mothers who have had malaria in pregnancy should be screened as there is a risk of
vertical transmission.
152 Chapter 9  Clinical management

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. The Diagnosis and Treatment of Malaria in Pregnancy.
Green-top Guideline 54B. London: RCOG, 2010.

8. A True
B True
C False
D False
E False
Women with HIV in pregnancy should be advised to take antiretroviral therapy and
this should be continued throughout labour. They should also be tested for hepatitis
C, varicella zoster, measles and toxoplasma.
Women with a viral load of <50 copies/mL can opt for a vaginal delivery. In case of
prolonged pregnancy in these women, a membrane sweep may be performed and
prostaglandins may be used.
In order to reduce the chance of vertical transmission, membranes should be kept
intact for as long as possible and invasive procedures, such as fetal blood sampling
and fetal heart monitoring via a scalp electrode, should be avoided. If instrumental
delivery is required, forceps should be used in preference over performing a
ventouse delivery.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Management of HIV in Pregnancy. Green-top
Guideline 29. London: RCOG, 2010.

9. A False
B False
C False
D False
E False
At the time of writing, the caesarean section rate in the United Kingdom was
around 25%. A raised body mass index alone should not be an indicator for elective
caesarean section. An external cephalic version should be offered to women with
an uncomplicated singleton breech pregnancy at 36 weeks’ gestation, rather than
automatically recommending an elective caesarean section. Small for gestational
age babies do not require delivery by elective caesarean. The risk of hysterectomy,
due to a postpartum haemorrage, at a caesarean section is very low, at around
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Caesarean Section. Clinical Guidance CG132. London:
NICE, 2011.

10. A False
B False
C True
Answers 153

D True
E False
Women with diabetes should have preconception counseling and advised of the
importance of achieving good glycaemic control prior to conception. They should
be advised to take 5 mg of folic acid daily prior to conception and continue this until
12 weeks’ gestation. They should be referred for retinal screening. If they are being
prescribed cholesterol-lowering drugs, these should be stopped.
Monthly haemoglobin A1C (HbA1C) measurement is recommended to ensure good
control prior to conception. If possible, women should aim for an HbA1C of 6.1% or
as close to it as possible to reduce the chance of congenital malformations. Women
whose HbA1C is above 10% should be strongly advised not to become pregnant.
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Diabetes in Pregnancy: Management of Diabetes and
its Complications from Preconception to the Postnatal Period. Clinical Guidelines CG63. London: NICE, 2008.

11. A True
B True
C True
D True
E False
Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) can be considered as either primary or secondary. A
primary PPH is the loss of more than 500 mL of blood within 24 hours of delivery. A
secondary PPH is the loss of large volumes of blood which occurs between 24 hours
and 6 weeks after delivery.
The majority of PPHs are caused ultimately by uterine atony, which is more likely in
multiple pregnancy, polyhydramnios and prolonged labour. Abnormal placentation
is associated with increased risk of antepartum and postpartum haemorrhage.
Other risk factors for PPH include a previous history of PPH, previous antepartum
haemorrhage, multiparity and advancing maternal age.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Prevention and Management of Postpartum
Haemorrhage. Green-top Guideline 52. London: RCOG, 2009.

12. A  Admit for intravenous antibiotics and supportive care

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is a common problem in young women. Untreated
PID can lead to long-term subfertility, be associated with chronic pelvic pain and
increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy. Hence, a low threshold for treatment is
required. Admission to hospital may be necessary in clinically severe cases, and
when other surgical emergencies need to be excluded. Intravenous antibiotics for at
least 24 hours are recommended. Women should be given a detailed explanation of
the diagnosis and its possible long term implications, and the importance of contact
tracing reinforced.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Management of Acute Pelvic Inflammatory Disease.
Green-top Guideline 32. London: RCOG, 2008.
154 Chapter 9  Clinical management

13. B
   She is immune to chickenpox and no
further action needs to be taken
The incubation period of chickenpox is 1–3 weeks. Chickenpox is infectious from
48 hours before the rash appears and remains so until the vesicles crust over. If
a woman is not immune, varicella vaccination can be offered pre-pregnancy or
Women who are varicella zoster virus IgG-negative should avoid contact with
chickenpox and shingles in pregnancy. Varicella zoster immunoglobulin (VZIG)
should be given to non-immune pregnant women who have been exposed. VZIG
should not be given once chickenpox has developed.
Chickenpox in the first trimester does not increase risk of miscarriage.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Chickenpox in Pregnancy. Green-top Guideline 13.
London: RCOG, 2007.

14. E  Polycystic ovaries

Polycystic ovaries are one of the most common endocrinological conditions
associated with subfertility and anovulation. The hormone picture is usually 1:3 ratio
of early follicular phase follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH):luteinising hormone (LH)
along with an ovulatory day 21 progesterone (< 30 ng/mL) levels. Women going
through premature menopause will have raised FSH and LH levels in early follicular
phase. Endometriosis and Asherman’s syndrome do not alter the FSH/LH ratio.
Hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism results into very low FSH and LH levels without
any alterations in the ratio.
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Fertility Assessment and Management for People
with Fertility Problems. Clinical Guideline CG11. London: NICE, 2004.

15. B  Placenta praevia

Placenta praevia is the partial or complete insertion of the placenta into the lower
segment of the uterus. It is graded from I to IV, where grades I and II are classified
as minor placenta praevia and grades III and IV as major placenta praevia. Minor
placenta praevia is present when the placenta has inserted into the lower segment
and is close to the cervical os. Major placenta praevia is present when the placenta
lies over the cervical os. Women with placenta praevia may present with painless
Vasa praevia is present when fetal vessels are found across the membranes over
the internal os, below the presenting part. Bleeding from a placenta praevia
carries risk to maternal life, whereas vasa praevia is associated with high levels of
fetal morbidity and mortality due to fetal haemorrhage if immediate delivery is
not undertaken.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Placenta Praevia, Placenta Praevia Accreta and Vasa
Praevia: Diagnosis and Management. Green-top Guideline 27. London: RCOG, 2011.
Answers 155

16. C  Levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system

Heavy menstrual bleeding is a common problem. Once preliminary investigations,
such as an ultrasound of the pelvis, have been completed there are a number of
interventions that can be tried in sequential order. The use of a levonorgestrel-
releasing intrauterine system (IUS) is currently the first-line recommended
management option. Using this form of IUS the majority of women will have a
reduction in their menstrual flow and in some women it may cause amenorrhoea.
A second-line option is the use of the tranexamic acid. The use of northisterone or
injectable progestogens are reserved as third-line treatments.
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Heavy Menstrual Bleeding. Clinical Guideline CG44.
London: NICE, 2007.

17. C  Reassure and discharge

The majority of ovarian cysts in premenopausal women are benign, with the risk
of malignancy being 1–3 per 1000. Simple thin-walled cysts which are <s50 mm
in diameter can be managed conservatively, and most of these are resolve within
3 months. A pelvic ultrasound is the most appropriate way of assessing an ovarian
cyst, with the transvaginal route being more sensitive. See Figure 9.1 for an
ultrasound image of an ovarian cyst.

Figure 9.1  Ultrasound of

ovarian cyst.

It is important to remember that CA-125 has an increased rate of false positives

in premenopausal women. Its value may be raised in other conditions such as
endometriosis, pelvic infection, endometriosis, and when a woman has fibroids.
Therefore in the presence of a simple ovarian cyst taking a serum CA-125 level is not
However, in women under 40 years old with the ultrasound finding of a complex
ovarian mass, tumour markers such as hCG, α-fetoprotein, and lactate should be
measured to exclude germ cell tumours.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Management of Suspected Ovarian Masses in
Premenopausal women. Green-top Guideline 62. London: RCOG, 2011.
156 Chapter 9  Clinical management

18. C  Ruptured ectopic pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy is one that is implanted outside the womb. It must be
excluded in any woman who presents with abdominal or bowel symptoms with
a positive pregnancy test. Previous pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is a known
risk factor. Other risk factors for ectopic pregnancy include previous pelvis or tubal
surgery, endometriosis, assisted conception or a history of subfertility, smoking and
the presence of an in situ intrauterine device.
The fallopian tube is the most common site of an ectopic pregnancy; however, they
may also be abdominal, ovarian or cervical. The majority of ectopic pregnancies are
in the ampullary segment of the fallopian tube.
The isthmic segment of the tube is narrower than the ampullary portion. As a
consequence rupture occurs at earlier gestations with isthmic ectopic pregnancies.
In contrast, rupture of the interstitial segment of the fallopian tube can occur at the
relatively late gestation of 12 to 14 weeks.
Potdar N, Konje JC. Chapter 25: Ectopic Pregnancy. In: Shaw RW, Luesley D, Monga A (eds). Gynaecology,
4th edn. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 2011: 363–381.

19. D
   Arrange the next available ultrasound scan
as an outpatient
Miscarriage is the most common complication of pregnancy. Threatened miscarriage
is defined as uterine bleeding with a closed cervix. It can affect up to 25% of
pregnancies. Clinical examination will reveal a soft, non-tender uterus.
An inevitable miscarriage is either complete or incomplete depending on whether
all the pregnancy tissue has been expelled from the uterus or not. An incomplete
miscarriage will present with ongoing bleeding, abdominal pain and an open cervix.
An early pregnancy assessment unit is an appropriate setting for referral of a
haemodynamically stable patient in early pregnancy. Women need to know that
until then an ectopic pregnancy cannot be excluded, and they must return earlier if
they experience severe pain or become unwell.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. The Management of Early Pregnancy Loss. Green-top
Guideline 25. London: RCOG, 2006.

20. C  Subdermal implant

The subdermal implant is a progestogen-based contraception and is a form of
long-acting reversible contraception. Once inserted, it is licensed for contraceptive
use for 3 years. The main mode of action is inhibition of ovulation, but as it contains
progestogen it also has progestogerone contraception effects, including changes to
cervical mucus and inhibition of normal endometrial development. Benefits include
efficacy (pregnancy <1 in 1000 over 3 years), length of efficacy and no user reliability.
It obviously does not protect against sexually transmitted infections and the major
side effect of its use is irregular bleeding, which patients should be counselled
about prior to insertion. Up to 20% of women will have no bleeding and up to half
of women will experience irregular or infrequent bleeding. UK medical eligibility
Answers 157

criteria IV (absolute contraindication) is current breast cancer. Previous ectopic

pregnancy is not a contraindication for use.
Fleming CF. Long-acting reversible contraceptives. The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist 2009;11:83–88.
Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare. Progestogen-only Implant. London: RCOG, 2008.

21. B  Administer antihypertensives to lower

her blood pressure
This patient has pre-eclampsia, as indicated by her hypertension, proteinuria and
When a patient has severe pre-eclampsia it is important to keep her blood pressure
<150/80–100 mmHg. Suitable antihypertensives include oral or intravenous labetalol,
intravenous hydralazine or oral nifedipine. These are the first line treatments as
uncontrolled hypertension leads to both maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality.
If this patient’s pre-eclampsia cannot be controlled she may require delivery. If
delivery is thought to be likely in the next 7 days a course of steroids should be
considered if the gestation is < 37 weeks.
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Hypertension in Pregnancy. Clinical Guideline CG107.
London: NICE, 2010.

22. E  Ultrasound score × menopausal status × CA-125

The risk of malignancy index (RMI) uses three presurgical features in order to
stratify an overall risk of having a malignant ovarian tumour. It is calculated as
RMI = U x M x CA-125, where:
• U is the ultrasound result and gives a point for specific characteristics of the
ovarian mass
• M is the menopausal status; being postmenopausal confers higher risk
• CA-125 is the serum level of the tumour marker, Cancer Antigen 125
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Ovarian Cancer: the Recognition and Initial
Management of Ovarian Cancer. Clinical Guideline CG122. London: NICE, 2011.

23. D
   Low-molecular weight heparin therapy for
6 weeks postnatally
Any woman who has had only one thromboembolic event in the past, with no
other known risk factors, still needs to be monitored closely during her pregnancy. A
prophylactic dose of low molecular weight heparin is needed for 6 weeks after delivery.
Factor V Leiden is the most common inherited thrombophilic disorder. The risk of
thromboembolic events can be increased by approximately 30 times in individuals
who are homozygous for the disease.
This patient is most at risk of developing a thromboembolic event postnatally and
the most appropriate course of action is to give low molecular weight heparin for
6 weeks postnatally.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Reducing the Risk of Thrombosis and Embolism during
Pregnancy and the Puerperium. Green-top Guideline 37. London: RCOG, 2009.
158 Chapter 9  Clinical management

24. C
   Insertion of a levonorgestrel-releasing
intrauterine system (IUS)
Endometrial hyperplasia is a premalignant condition and these patients are more
likely to develop endometrial carcinoma. One important cause is unopposed
oestrogens, therefore oestrogen-only hormone replacement therapy would be
contraindicated in this case. An ultrasound in 6 months time would not be the most
appropriate management as it is not a diagnostic tool, and would only be of benefit
to determine endometrial thickness. Use of progestogens helps to maintain a thin
endometrium and prevent development of endometrial cancer.

25. C  McRoberts’ manoeuvre

Failure to deliver the fetal body, following delivery of the head, which requires the
use of manoeuvres to release the impacted fetal shoulder is known as shoulder
dystocia. This event is considered an obstetric emergency as the fetus can
quickly become compromised and help should be called for immediately. The
McRoberts' position requires flexion and abduction of both of the maternal hips.
This manoeuvre is often sufficient to deliver the baby. Fundal pressure should not
be applied at any point. Episiotomy may be performed to provide additional room
for further internal manoeuvres but in itself does not aid delivery. The Zavanelli
manoeuvre, which involves replacement of the baby's head prior to emergency
caesarean section, is one of the last manoeuvres to resort to if all else has failed.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Shoulder Dystocia. Green-top Guideline 42. London:
RCOG 2012.

26. A
   Auscultation of the fetal heart using a
handheld Doppler device
The perception of reduced fetal movement (RFM) is a common obstetric
presentation. In the majority of presentations of RFM, fetal well-being
is confirmed and the pregnancy goes on to have a successful outcome.
Nevertheless, the sudden reduction in fetal movements or cessation of any
movement perception must be taken seriously and is often reported by women
who have had a stillbirth. Between 24 and 28 weeks’ gestation the most
appropriate investigation is auscultation of fetal heart using a handheld Doppler
device. At this gestation there is neither role for cardiotocography (CTG) nor
ultrasound assessment (unless there are other concerns regarding fetal growth).
After 28 weeks a CTG is an appropriate method of assessing well-being. Prior
to 24 weeks’ gestation fetal well-being should be assessed using a handheld
Doppler device (as for pregnancies of 24–28 weeks’ gestation). The completion
of a 24-hour kick chart following normal investigation of fetal well-being is
not indicated at any gestation. Biophysical profiling is not indicated in low-risk
pregnancies with RFM. Any woman who has further episodes of RFM should be
advised to re-present to her care providers as soon as possible.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Reduced Fetal Movements. Green-top Guideline 57.
London: RCOG, 2011.
Chapter 10
Data interpretation

Questions: MCQs
Answer each stem ‘True’ or ‘False’.

1. Concerning cardiotocograph (CTG) monitoring:

A The paper speed is 1 cm per minute in the UK
B The CTG is a legal document
C Variability <5 beats for <90 minutes is a non-reassuring feature
D As per National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence guidance, two
abnormal features are needed to classify the CTG as pathological
E Fetal blood sampling may be considered in fetuses over 32 weeks' gestation

2. Regarding the diagnosis of diabetes in pregnancy:

A An oral glucose tolerance test is most appropriately performed at 20 weeks’
B Diabetes is diagnosed if a fasting glucose level is > 7.0 mmol/L
C Diabetes is diagnosed if a 2-hour glucose level is > 10.1 mmol/L
D Impaired glucose tolerance is diagnosed if 2-hour glucose level is
≥8.2 and <10.1 mmol/L
E Polyhydramnios can indicate gestational diabetes

3. A positive result for protein on urine dipstick can indicate:

A Pre-eclampsia
B Urinary tract infection
C Renal colic
D Normal pregnancy
E Hydronephrosis

4. Regarding serum β-human chorionic gonadotrophin (β-hCG):

A High levels of β-hCG can indicate gestational trophoblastic disease
B An increase in β-hCG of 50% in 48 hours is considered normal
C An intrauterine pregnancy should be visible on transvaginal scan when the
β-hCG is ≥500 IU/L
D Serum β-hCG monitoring has no role when there is a known intrauterine
pregnancy confirmed on ultrasound
E Serial β-hCG monitoring typically involves checking levels every 24 hours
160 Chapter 10  Data interpretation

5. Regarding normal semen analysis:

A Total motility should be > 80%
B The count should be at least 15 million sperm/mL
C A volume of 1 mL is acceptable
D The average ejaculate should have a minimum of 39 million sperm
E Analysis should be performed within 90 minutes of production
Questions: SBAs 161

Questions: SBAs
For each question, select the single best answer from the five options listed.

6. A fetal blood sample is performed on a primiparous 24-year-old woman at 7 cm

dilatation due to a pathological cardiotocograph (CTG). The result shows a pH
of 7.24.
Which is the most appropriate action based on this result?
A A repeat sample should be performed in 30 minutes
B It is a normal result and the patient should be reassured
C No further sample should be performed unless there is a terminal CTG
D Proceed straight to caesarean section
E The patient should be placed into left lateral position

7. An 18-year-old pregnant woman attends antenatal clinic at 32 weeks’ gestation.

Her urine sample reveals protein + and leucocytes +. She is asymptomatic of a
urinary tract infection and is otherwise well.
What is the most appropriate action?
A Antibiotics and send urine for culture
B Blood tests including a full blood count and renal function
C Renal ultrasound scan and antibiotics
D Routine urine dipstick at next appointment
E Send urine for culture and treat if positive

8. A 22-year-old primiparous woman books her pregnancy at 11 weeks’ gestation.

Her booking blood tests reveal a haemoglobin level of 10.1 g/dL. Electrophoresis
reveals haemoglobin karyotype HbAS.
What is the diagnosis?
A Beta-thalassaemia major
B Beta-thalassaemia trait
C Hereditary spherocytosis
D Sickle cell anaemia
E Sickle cell trait

9. A 32-year-old woman is being continuously monitored during labour using a

cardiotocograph (CTG). She has had one previous caesarean section for breech
presentation at term. She is currently 40 weeks’ gestation and in spontaneous
labour. The baseline of the CTG is 115 beats per minute.
Regarding CTG analysis, what is the accepted range for the baseline rate?
A 80–100 beats per minute
B 90–120 beats per minute
C 100–150 beats per minute
D 110–160 beats per minute
E 120–180 beats per minute
162 Chapter 10  Data interpretation

10. A 32-year-old multiparous pregnant woman attends the antenatal clinic for review
at 28 weeks' gestation. She mentions that her 4-year-old daughter has chickenpox.
She is unsure whether she has had chickenpox before. Serology results are as
Varicella zoster virus IgM: negative
Varicella zoster virus IgG: positive
What do the serology results suggest regarding her immune status with respect to
A Acute episode of shingles
B Varicella zoster – chronic carrier
C Varicella zoster – current acute infection
D Varicella zoster – no acute infection, no previous exposure
E Varicella zoster – previous exposure

11. A 40-year-old primiparous woman is admitted and investigated for raised blood
pressure. Protein shows +++ on urine dipstick. A 24-hour urine collection is sent
for protein calculation.
What level of urinary protein excretion in 24 hours indicates significant
A > 0.1 g
B > 0.2 g
C > 0.3 g
D > 0.4 g
E > 0.5 g

12. A 27-year-old primiparous woman presents with mild abdominal pain and some
vaginal spotting. Her last menstrual period was 5 weeks ago. Her serum β-human
chorionic gonadotrophin (β-hCG) on presentation is 258 IU/L. As she is clinically
stable, with no risk factors for ectopic pregnancy, she goes home and returns to the
early pregnancy unit 2 days later for a repeat serum β-hCG.
The results of her serial serum β-hCG as follows:
Day 1: β-hCG 258 IU/L
Day 3: β-hCG 460 IU/L
Which of the statements below best describes this patient’s serum β-hCG trend?
A Normal rise, cannot exclude ectopic pregnancy
B Normal rise, confirmatory of a viable intrauterine pregnancy
C Suboptimal rise, suggestive of early miscarriage
D Suboptimal rise, suggestive of ectopic pregnancy
E None of the above

13. A couple with primary subfertility, who have been trying to conceive for over
12 months, attend a reproductive medicine clinic. The male partner has already
given a semen sample for analysis. The results of semen analysis are as follows:
Questions: SBAs 163

Normal morphology: 15%

Volume: 4.5 mL
Sperm count: 12 million sperm/mL
Total motility: 61%
What does this analysis indicate?
A Normal semen analysis
B Reduced normal morphology, with all other parameters normal
C Reduced sperm count, with all other parameters normal
D Reduced total motility, with all other parameters normal
E Reduced volume, with all other parameters normal

14. A 34-year-old primiparous woman is induced at 40 weeks' gestation and 12 days

for post-dates. The fetus is being continuously monitored via a cardiotocograph
(CTG). At 6 cm dilatation the CTG becomes pathological and fetal blood samples
(FBS) are taken.
The results of the FBS are as follows:
Sample 1: pH 7.19
Sample 2: pH7.20
What are the most appropriate interpretation and action based on the FBS results?
A Abnormal result, consider immediate delivery of baby
B Abnormal result, repeat sample within 30 minutes if CTG remains
C Borderline result, repeat within 30 minutes if CTG remains pathological
D Normal result, no further action required
E Normal result, repeat sample within one hour if CTG remains pathological

15. A 37-year-old multiparous woman with gestational diabetes is in labour. The

labour is being continuously monitored using a cardiotocograph (CTG). She is
reviewed by the obstetric team and the parameters of the CTG are noted.
Baseline: 130 beats per minute
Accelerations: present
Variability: < 5 beats per minute for 50 minutes
Decelerations: typical variable decelerations with more than 50% of contractions
for 30 minutes
Contractions: three to four contractions in 10 minutes
On the basis of this report how is the CTG best classified?
A Normal CTG
B Normal CTG with one non-reassuring feature
C Suspicious CTG with one non-reassuring feature
D Pathological CTG with one abnormal feature
E Pathological CTG with two non-reassuring features

16. A 23-year-old woman is admitted at 6 weeks’ gestation with severe hyperemesis

gravidarum. Her serum potassium is 2.7 mmol/L.
164 Chapter 10  Data interpretation

What is the normal range of serum potassium?

A 2.5–3.0 mmol/L
B 2.7–3.5 mmol/L
C 3.0–4.0 mmol/L
D 3.5–5.0 mmol/L
E 4.0–5.5 mmol/L

17. A 64-year-old woman undergoes a total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral

salpingo-oophorectomy for endometrial carcinoma. The staging of the specimen is
described as stage Ib.
What is the definition of stage Ib endometrial cancer?
A Endocervical invasion only
B Extension to adjacent organs
C Extension to vagina
D Less than half the myometrial depth invaded
E Limited to endometrium

18. An 82-year-old woman is undergoing investigation for postmenopausal bleeding.

Her serum lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) is found to be raised.
Which of the following conditions is associated with a normal level of LDH?
A Haemolysis
B Myocardial infarction
C Paget’s disease
D Pulmonary embolism
E Tumour necrosis

19. A 54-year-old woman is investigated for abdominal bloating and weight loss. A
range of blood tests are sent as part of her investigations.
Which of the following serum levels would be increased if the she had
hepatocellular cancer?
A Alpha-fetoprotein
B CA 15-3
C Carcinoembryonic antigen
D Creatinine kinase
E Neurone specific enolase

20. A 67-year-old woman is undergoing investigation for postmenopausal bleeding.

An ultrasound scan shows her endometrial thickness to be 6 mm.
What is considered a normal endometrial thickness for a postmenopausal woman?
A <2 mm
B <3 mm
C <4 mm
D <6 mm
E <8 mm
Questions: SBAs 165

21. A 32-year-old primiparous woman attends the maternity day unit at 34 weeks’
gestation complaining of itching of the palms of her hands. Her blood tests show
raised bile acids of 17 µmol/L. Her alanine aminotransferase is raised to 180 IU/L.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
A Alcoholic liver disease
B Dermat itis
C Gallstones
D Hepatitis B
E Obstetric cholestasis

22. A 38-year-old woman attends a colposcopy clinic following an abnormal result

of moderate dyskaryosis at cervical screening. The results of the biopsy taken at
colposcopy indicate cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) II.
What is the extent of cervical involvement in CIN II?
A 1/4 thickness of squamous epithelium affected
B 1/3 thickness of squamous epithelium affected
C 2/3 thickness of squamous epithelium affected
D Full thickness of squamous epithelium affected
E None of the above

23. A 25-year-old nulliparous woman attends cervical screening for the first time. The
results of her smear test show borderline nuclear changes.
What is the appropriate follow-up for this woman?
A Immediate referral to colposcopy
B Repeat smear in 1 year
C Repeat smear in 3 years
D Repeat smear in 3 months
E Repeat smear in 6 months

24. A 25-year-old primiparous woman has a forceps delivery. She sustains trauma to
the perineum. You perform a per rectal examination. You note that <50% of the
thickness of the external sphincter has been torn.
What grade of perineal tear has the patient sustained?
A Fourth degree tear
B Second degree tear
C Third degree tear – class A
D Third degree tear – class B
E Third degree tear – class C

25. A 38-year-old multiparous woman is admitted with a heavy antepartum

haemorrhage (APH) at 26 weeks’ gestation. She has had three previous caesarean
sections. On examination, her abdomen is soft and non-tender.
What is the most likely cause of this woman’s APH?
166 Chapter 10  Data interpretation

A Abruption
B Placenta praevia
C Trauma
D Vasa praevia
E Uterine rupture

26. A 32-year-old primiparous woman with gestational diabetes is 32 weeks pregnant.

At her antenatal clinic review her symphysis fundal height is measured as 38 cm.
She is referred for an urgent scan to assess fetal growth and amniotic fluid index.
Which amniotic fluid index would indicate polyhydramnios?
A ≥5 cm
B ≥10 cm
C ≥15 cm
D ≥18 cm
E ≥22 cm
Answers 167

1. A True
B True
C True
D False
E False
A cardiotocograph (CTG) is a legal document and should therefore be appropriately
stored for 25 years. It should always be dated and timed, and labelled with the
woman’s details. See Table 10.1 for CTG classification.
Fetal blood sampling (FBS) should be considered if there is a pathological trace and
there are no contraindications. FBS may be performed in a fetus from 34 weeks’
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Intrapartum Care. Clinical Guideline CG55. London:
NICE, 2007.

  Table 10.1  Interpretation and classification of the cardiotocograph (CTG)

Feature on CTG Reassuring Non-reassuring Abnormal

Baseline rate (bpm) 110–160 100–109 <100
161–180 >180
Sinusoidal trace ≥10 minutes
Variability (bpm) ≥5 ≤5 for 40–90 minutes <5 for ≥90 minutes
Accelerations Present The absence of accelerations The absence of accelerations
in an otherwise normal trace in an otherwise normal trace
is of unknown significance is of unknown significance
Decelerations None Typical variable decelerations Atypical variable
with > 50% of contractions decelerations with >50%
for > 90 minutes of contractions or late
decelerations, for >30 minutes
Single prolonged
deceleration lasting up to Single prolonged deceleration
3 minutes for > 3 minutes
Adapted from: National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Intrapartum Care. Clinical Guideline CG55.
London: NICE, 2007.

2. A False
B True
C False
D False
E True
168 Chapter 10  Data interpretation

Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is defined as the onset of diabetes during

pregnancy. If indicated, an oral glucose tolerance test is performed at 27–28 weeks’
gestation. Universal screening is currently not advocated in the UK. Risk factors
for gestational diabetes include previous GDM, previous large baby (>4.5 kg),
polycystic ovarian syndrome, obesity and polyhydramnios. An oral glucose tolerance
test involves taking a fasting glucose level followed by giving a 75 g glucose load.
Glucose levels are then taken 2 hours later. Diabetes is diagnosed if a fasting glucose
level is >7.0 mmol/L or a 2-hour level of >11.1 mmol/L. Impaired glucose tolerance is
diagnosed if the 2-hour glucose level is >7.8–<11.0 mmol/L.
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence Diabetes in Pregnancy. Clinical Guideline CG63.
London: NICE, 2008.

3. A True
B True
C False
D True
E True
The differential diagnosis for proteinuria includes:
1. Pre-eclampsia: only significant once it reaches ≥0.3 g in 24 hours. May be
associated with other features including headache, visual disturbance and raised
blood pressure.
2. Normal pregnancy: proteinuria may be a normal finding in pregnancy due to
changes in the renal system including increased glomerular filtration rate and
increased protein excretion.
3. Urinary tract infection: including lower urinary tract infection and
pyelonephritis. There may also be leucocytes and nitrites on urine dipstick to
support evidence of infection.
4. Renal tract disease: may be associated with microscopic haematuria. Renal
damage may be as a result of diabetes or autoimmune conditions.
4. A True
B False
C False
D True
E False
Serum β-human chorionic gonadotrophin (β-hCG) monitoring is typically used to aid
the diagnosis and management of pregnancies of unknown location. An intrauterine
pregnancy, if present, should be visible on transvaginal ultrasound scan when the
serum β-hCG level is ≥1500 IU/L, although an early pregnancy may be visible at from
levels of around 1000 IU/L. Serum β-hCG is typically repeated 48 hours after the first
sample, and may be repeated at several 48 hourly intervals. A rise in β-hCG of at
least 66% every 48 hours is considered normal. A diagnosis of miscarriage or ectopic
Answers 169

pregnancy cannot be based on serum β-hCG levels alone. Once an intrauterine

pregnancy has been confirmed on ultrasound a serum β-hCG is not useful. Elevated
levels of β-hCG may indicate gestational trophoblastic disease or a multiple pregnancy.
5. A False
B True
C False
D True
E False
Semen analysis is a routine investigation when assessing a couple’s subfertility
problems. Based on the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) redefined reference
ranges for semen analysis the minimum acceptable semen count is now considered
to be 15 million sperm/mL. The average ejaculate sample should have a minimum
of 39 million sperm. Total motility is calculated by adding the percentages of
progressive and non-progressive motile forms. The WHO states that the normal total
motility percentage is 40%. The minimum normal volume of ejaculate is 1.5 mL. The
minimum acceptable percentage of semen with normal morphology is 4%. Analysis
should be performed within 60 minutes to ensure the accuracy of the results.
Cooper TG, Noonan E, von Eckardstein S, et al. World Health Organization reference values for human
semen characteristics. Human Reproduction Update 2009: 1–15.

6. A  A repeat sample should be performed in 30 minutes

This fetal blood sample (FBS) shows a pH of 7.24, which is classified as suspicious.
The sample should be repeated in no more than 30 minutes, or sooner if clinically
indicated. See Table 10.2 for a FBS action plan.

  Table 10.2  Interpretation of fetal blood sampling (FBS) results

Result (pH) Interpretation Action

≥ 7.25 Normal Repeat FBS if cardiotocograph remains
pathological or suspicious
7.21–7.24 Suspicious Repeat FBS in 30 minutes or sooner if indicated
≤ 7.20 Abnormal Delivery

7. E  Send urine for culture and treat if positive

Urine tract infection (UTI) is defined as the presence of 100,000/mL organisms in
an asymptomatic patient or 100/mL organisms with increased white cell count in a
symptomatic patient. In an asymptomatic patient, the diagnosis of a urinary tract
infection should be made once the presence of a pathogen has been confirmed on
culture. Asymptomatic bacteriuria is the presence of 100,000/mL of organisms in the
absence of symptoms on at least two occasions. These are treated as there is a risk
170 Chapter 10  Data interpretation

of cystitis and ascending infection which may increase maternal or fetal morbidity.
Urinalysis should be performed on pregnant women routinely at all antenatal clinic
visits. The presence of protein, leucocytes and nitrites all suggest the presence of a
UTI. A renal ultrasound scan would only be indicated in the presence of recurrent
pyelonephritis or if renal abnormality or disease is suspected.

8. E  Sickle cell trait

Sickle cell conditions are due to the production of abnormal β peptide chains leading
to abnormal haemoglobin. The gene which codes for the β chain of haemoglobin
has an amino acid substitution which results in the production of HbS rather than
HbA. Individuals with sickle cell anaemia are homozygous with HbSS. Heterozygotes
have HbAS and have sickle cell trait. Sickle cell trait is thought to be protective
against falciparum malaria. Sickle cell anaemia results in the production of fragile
erythrocytes which leads to their early destruction and subsequent haemolysis. In
sickle cell trait there may be mild anaemia, however there is usually no evidence of
haemolysis, i.e. normal lactate dehydrogenase, bilirubin and a normal reticulocyte
count. Ideally these patients should have pre-pregnancy counselling and screening
of their partner. If this has not been undertaken prior to conception, then it should be
arranged as soon as it is identified to determine the risk of HbSS in the fetus.

9. D  110–160 beats per minute

Cardiotocography (CTG) or electronic fetal monitoring is commonly used during
pregnancy and labour to determine fetal well-being. A range of parameters are
studied including baseline fetal heart rate which is considered normal if between
110–160 beats per minute. Fetal cardiac activity is controlled via the sympathetic
and parasympathetic autonomic nervous systems, with other influences coming
from oxygenation and baroreceptors. Fetal baseline heart rate generally falls as the
pregnancy increases and this is a result of the parasympathetic system becoming more
developed. Intrapartum fetal tachycardia, when associated with maternal tachycardia,
may be as a result of infection and chorioamnionitis should be considered.

10. E  Varicella zoster – previous exposure

Varicella zoster virus is a member of the herpes virus family and causes chickenpox.
The majority of adults in the UK are immune to chickenpox. It is transmitted via
droplet infection and has a relatively long incubation period of approximately 2
weeks. Chickenpox infection is more severe in pregnancy and there is a higher rate
of complications, such as varicella pneumonitis. Once there has been exposure to
the virus there will be initial production of varicella IgM antibodies, followed by the
production of long-term immunity through IgG antibodies. In the case illustrated, the
patient has IgG positive result and is therefore immune to varicella zoster through
previous exposure. There is therefore no risk to the fetus and no indication for
immunoglobulin. If IgM was positive and IgG negative, this would suggest recent
infection with no prior immunity and this would be an indication for immunoglobulin.
Answers 171

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Chickenpox in Pregnancy. Green-top Guideline 13.
London: RCOG, 2007. Maternal Medicine: Infectious Diseases. London: StratOG, 2012.

11. C  > 0.3 g
Urinary protein excretion of > 0.3 g in 24 hours indicates a significant level of
proteinuria. This may be found in conditions such as pre-eclampsia or pre-existing
renal disease. Severe proteinuria may not always be associated with significantly
raised blood pressure and may be due to long-standing renal damage and should be

12. A  Normal rise, cannot exclude ectopic pregnancy

When serum β-human chorionic gonadotrophin (β-hCG) is 1500 IU/L it is unlikely
that an intrauterine pregnancy will be seen on transvaginal ultrasound scan. Serum
β-hCG monitoring is used to aid the management and diagnosis of women in early
pregnancy with symptoms of suggestive of early miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy
when scanning is unlikely to yield little useful information. A normal rise in serum
β-hCG is that of at least 66% every 48 hours. Although a normal rise over 48 hours
is suggestive of a normal pregnancy it remains a pregnancy of unknown location
until there has been a confirmatory scan. A β-hCG that is falling may indicate both a
failing intrauterine or failing ectopic pregnancy. A suboptimal rise in β-hCG, i.e. a rise
that is <66% over 48 hours, increases suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy; however, it
does not rule out the presence of an intrauterine pregnancy.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. The Management of Early Pregnancy Loss. Green-top
Guideline 25. London: RCOG, 2006.

13. C
   Reduced sperm count, with all other
parameters normal
The World Health Organization (WHO) has recently redefined the normal reference
ranges for semen analysis. A minimum of 15 million sperm/mL is acceptable as
per the WHO. This man’s sperm count is only 12 million sperm/mL and therefore
is considered to be suboptimal. A minimum of 4% of semen with normal
morphology is acceptable. The lowest acceptable volume of the ejaculate is 1.5 mL.
The total motility of a sample refers to the percentage of both progressive and
non-progressive forms. The WHO considers 40% to be the minimum acceptable
percentage for total motility. For the most accurate results analysis should be
performed within 60 minutes of production.
Cooper TG, Noonan E, von Eckardstein S, et al. World Health Organization reference values for human
semen characteristics. Hum Reprod Update 2010; 16(3):231–245.

14. A
   Abnormal result, consider immediate delivery of baby
Fetal blood sampling (FBS) is a means of assessing fetal well-being when there
are concerns raised when using electronic fetal monitoring during labour. The
172 Chapter 10  Data interpretation

results of fetal blood samples are used to assess fetal hypoxia in the presence of
an accompanying pathological cardiotocograph (CTG). The normal fetal blood pH
range is 7.25–7.35. If a sample within this range in the presence of a pathological
CTG then a further FBS sample should be taken within 1 hour if the CTG remains
pathological. When the pH obtained is between 7.21 and 7.24 the result is classified
as borderline and a repeat sample should be taken within 30 minutes if the CTG
remains pathological. A sample with a pH of 7.20 or less is considered abnormal and
therefore immediate delivery of the baby should be considered.
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Intrapartum Care. Clinical Guideline CG55. London:
NICE, 2007.

15. C  Suspicious CTG with one non-reassuring feature

Cardiotocographs (CTGs) record a number of parameters which together can be
used to interpret fetal well-being, which include the baseline fetal heart rate, the
beat-to-beat variability, the presence and type of decelerations, the presence of
accelerations and the number of contractions in 10 minutes. The classification
of CTGs is based on the presence of reassuring, non-reassuring and abnormal
parameters as recommended by NICE (National Institute of Health and Clinical
Excellence) in the UK. See Table 10.1 for classification of CTGs.
A CTG can be classified as:
• Normal: only reassuring features are present
• Suspicious: the presence of a single non-reassuring feature
• Abnormal: the presence of a single abnormal feature or the presence of two
non-reassuring features
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Intrapartum Care. Clinical Guideline CG55. London:
NICE, 2007.

16. D  3.5–5.0 mmol/L
The normal range for potassium in an adult human is 3.5–5.0 mmol/L. This value may
vary between hospitals. Hypokalaemia is a common abnormality in hyperemesis
gravidarum as a result of persistent vomiting and should be corrected to avoid
dangerous hypokalaemia.

17. D  Less than half the myometrial depth invaded

Endometrial cancer is classified according to the extent of tumour invasion.
Stage I: limited to uterus
• a: limited to endometrium
• b: less half myometrial depth
• c: greater than half myometrial depth
Stage II: tumour in uterine body and cervix
Stage III: extended to uterine serosa, peritoneal cavity +/– lymph nodes
Stage IV: extended outside the pelvis, may involve bladder or bowel
Answers 173

18. C  Paget’s disease

Lactate dehydrogenase is a plasma enzyme that may be raised in the following
• Active liver disease
• Haemolysis
• Pulmonary embolism
• Myocardial infarction
It is not associated with Paget’s disease; alkaline phosphatase is raised in Paget’s

19. A  Alpha-fetoprotein
Alpha-fetoprotein is increased in hepatocellular cancer and active liver disease.
CA 15-3 is a non-specific tumour marker which may be raised in breast cancer.
Carcinoembryonic is generally increased in abdominal and gastric cancers. It may
also be increased in cirrhosis.
Neurone-specific enolase is raised in small cell cancer of the lungs.

20. C  <4 mm
Bleeding after the menopause is a common presentation and should initially be
investigated using transvaginal ultrasound scan. An endometrial thickness of ≥4 mm
is abnormal and should be followed up with endometrial sampling, which may be
via pipelle biopsy or hysteroscopy. The majority of women with postmenopausal
bleeding are found to have atrophic endometrium, however there may be polyps,
hyperplasia or malignant change.
Bakour SH, Timmermans A, Willem B, et al. Management of women with postmenopausal bleeding:
evidence-based review. The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist 2012; 14(4):243–249.

21. E  Obstetric cholestasis

Obstetric cholestasis is a condition that is unique to pregnancy. It is characterised
by pruritus, abnormal liver enzymes and raised bile acids. It should be considered a
diagnosis of exclusion. There is thought to be a genetic link and a predisposition to
the cholestatic effect of increased circulating oestrogen.
Treatment is to control the symptoms with antihistamines and ursodeoxycholic
acid. There should be increased fetal surveillance and consideration of delivery from
37 weeks’ gestation as there is an association with intrauterine fetal death after
37/40 weeks.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Green-top guideline 43. London: RCOG, 2011.

22. C  2/3 thickness of squamous epithelium affected

Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) is the term given to describe the histological
changes associated with dysplasia that may occur in the cervix. CIN is considered
174 Chapter 10  Data interpretation

the precursor of cervical cancer. The grading of CIN is based on the thickness of
the squamous epithelium affected (from the basal layer of the transformation zone
upwards). CIN I is the mildest form, only affecting the bottom third of the basal layer,
CIN II affects the bottom two-thirds of the squamous epithelium, whereas CIN III is
the most severe form of CIN and refers to changes affecting more than two-thirds to
full thickness of the epithelium (Table 10.3).

  Table 10.3  Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) categories and histology

Grade Thickness of squamous epithelium affected

CIN I Basal 1/3
CIN II Bottom 2/3
CIN III > 2/3 to full thickness

23. E  Repeat smear in 6 months

Borderline nuclear changes on cervical screening are suggestive of cervical
intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) II to III affecting some of the cells sampled. It is
appropriate for this woman to have a repeat smear test in 6 months time. If she was
to have a total of three consecutive smears with the same result she would need to
be referred with colposcopy. A similar recall of 6 months would also be appropriate
for a result showing inflammatory changes on smear. The standard recall for a
normal smear test result is 3 years. More severe changes smear, i.e. mild, moderate or
severe dyskaryosis indicate the need for colposcopy.

24. C  Third degree tear – class A

This woman has sustained a third degree perineal tear. This means that the tear is
severe enough as to involve the anal sphincter. Third degree tears can be graded
A–C, according to the extent of trauma to the external and internal anal sphincters.
In a third degree A tear < 50% of the thickness of the external anal sphincter has
been damaged. A third degree B tear describes a tear damaging more than 50%
of the thickness of the external anal sphincter. When the internal anal sphincter
has been damaged (to any extent) the tear is classified as a third degree C tear. A
fourth degree tear involves damage to the anal epithelium, in addition to any third
degree tear. A first degree tear is considered to be a minor injury to the perineal skin
or vaginal epithelium. This superficial injury typically does not require any repair.
A second degree tear is one where the vaginal/perineal muscles are torn, whilst
maintaining the integrity of the anal sphincter.
Sultan AH, Kettle C. Chapter 2: Diagnosis of Perineal Trauma. in: Sultan AH, Thakar R, Fenner DE (eds).
Perineal and Anal Sphincter Trauma. London: Springer-Verlag, 2009.

25. B  Placenta praevia

Placenta praevia is a common cause of antepartum haemorrhage. It is classified as
either minor placenta praevia or major placenta praevia. Minor placenta praevia is
Answers 175

described as placenta which has inserted into the lower segment of the uterus, but
does not cover the cervical os. Major placenta praevia (previously classified as grade
III and grade IV) describes placental position when the placenta covers the cervical
os. Risk factors for placenta praevia include previous caesarean section, multiple
pregnancy and maternal age. The majority of antepartum haemorrhages are
idiopathic. Other causes include placental abruption, vasa praevia and local cervical
or vaginal pathologies.

26. E  ≥22 cm
Polyhydramnios is an overall increase in liquor volume. It may be diagnosed if the
deepest pool of fluid seen on ultrasound scan is deeper than 8 cm or if the overall
amniotic fluid index (AFI) is > 22 cm. Causes of polyhydramnios include diabetes,
fetal anomalies causing problems swallowing and idiopathic causes.
Chapter 11

Questions: MCQs
Answer each stem ‘True’ or ‘False’.

1. Antibodies:
A Are polypeptides
B Consist of two heavy and two light chains
C The antigen binding site is on the variable region
D The antibody binding site occurs on the light chain
E The largest antibody is IgG

2. Concerning hypersensitivity:
A Type II hypersensitivity is antibody dependent
B Type I hypersensitivity is associated with IgM activation
C The Arthus reaction is an example of type II hypersensitivity
D The Mantoux test is an example of type IV hypersensitivity
E Haemolytic disease of the newborn is an example of type II hypersensitivity

3. Concerning complement:
A The classical activation pathway is independent of antibody involvement
B The spleen is the main site of complement production
C Complement is a form of cytokine
D C3 is cleaved to C3a
E The alternative activation pathway requires binding of mannose-binding lectin

4. Natural killer cells:

A Are part of the acquired immune system
B Detect changes in the major histocompatability complex
C Release perforins
D Require antibody stimulation
E Have strong cytotoxic properties
178 Chapter 11  Immunology

Questions: SBAs
For each question, select the single best answer from the five options listed.

5. Haemolytic disease of the newborn (Rhesus incompatibility) occurs as a result of

which of the following classes of hypersensitivity reaction?
A IgE mediated
B Immune complex mediated
C Type I
D Type II
E Type IV

6. Which of the following gives the structure of the antibody IgG?

Structure Properties
a Dimer Main immunoglobulin found in secretions, e.g. saliva, and mucosal
b Monomer Antigen receptor on B cells
c Monomer Main mediator of allergic reaction
d Monomer Only immunoglobulin to cross the placenta
e Pentamer First immunoglobulin to be produced; expressed on surface of B cells

7. What is the common step to all complement activation pathways?

A Activation of C1 to antibody-antigen complexes
B Cleavage of C3 into C3a and C3b
C Formation of the mannose-binding lectin complex
D Formation of the IgG antibody-antigen complex
E Formation of the IgM antibody-antigen complex

8. A 32-year-old woman presents to hospital 5 days postemergency caesarean

section, complaining of a painful scar. On examination, there is erythema at one of
the scar edges and some purulent discharge. She is started on antibiotic treatment
for a wound infection.

Which of the following local changes can be seen in this type of acute
inflammatory process?
A Fibroblast infiltration
B Haemostasis
C High concentration of monocytes
D Decreased vascular permeability
E Vasoconstriction
Questions: SBAs 179

9. A female baby is born via spontaneous vaginal delivery at term. As she is born
in an urban area with high levels of tuberculosis she is given the BCG (Bacillus
Calmette–Guerin) vaccination before she is taken home by her parents.
What type of vaccine is the BCG vaccine?
A Conjugate vaccine
B Killed (inactivated) vaccine
C Live (attenuated) vaccine
D Subunit vaccine
E Toxoid vaccine

10. Which of the following is an example of a disease caused by type III

A Asthma
B Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia
C Eczema
D Multiple sclerosis
E Systemic lupus erythematosus

11. Which of the following is most important in the adaptive immune system?
A Complement
B Macrophages
C Natural killer cells
D Neutrophils
E T-helper cells

12. One of the known benefits of breastfeeding is its role in supporting the infant’s
immune system.
Which of the following antibodies is secreted in large amounts in breast milk?
180 Chapter 11  Immunology

1. A False
B True
C True
D False
E False
Antibodies, also known as immunoglobulins, are glycoproteins, produced by
activated B cells. In humans there are five classes of antibodies, namely IgA, IgD,
IgE, IgG and IgM. Antibodies consist of two identical heavy polypeptide chains and
two identical light chains, which both contain a variable and a constant region. The
antigen binding site is made up of the variable regions of the light and the heavy
chain. The largest antibody is IgM, which is a pentamer, consisting of five joined IgG
units (Figure 11.1).

Figure 11.1  Immunoglobulin G.

Light Antigen
chain binding
domain Fab region

Fc region

Heavy chains

2. A True
B False
C False
D True
E True
Hypersensitivity reactions are categorised according to the type of immune
response and traditionally are known as types I, II, III and IV. Type I hypersensitivity
reactions may also be referred to an immediate hypersensitivity; here the associated
allergen binds with IgE antibodies which are present on the surface of mast cells.
This leads to the activation of the mast cells leading them to degranulate and
release histamine into the circulation. This kind of reaction is typical in atopy
and at the extreme, anaphylaxis following exposure to allergens, e.g. peanuts.
Type II hypersensitivity is antibody dependent, whereby IgG and IgM antibodies
Answers 181

are stimulated by an allergen, which then activates the classical pathway of the
complement cascade. In haemolytic disease of the newborn maternal IgG crosses
the placenta and attacks fetal red blood cells. Other conditions associated with
type II hypersensitivity include pernicious anaemia and Goodpasture’s disease.
Type III hypersensitivity is associated with the deposition of immune complexes
(i.e. antibody-antigen complexes) in tissues. The Arthus reaction is an example of
type III hypersensitivity where there is localised vasculitis due to immune complex
deposition typically after booster immunisation with toxoid vaccines such as
tetanus. Type IV hypersensitivity is a delayed cell-mediated response to an antigen.
T cells are key to this reaction, and having been presented a specific antigen by cells
such as macrophages, they both secrete interleukins and activate macrophages to
produce cytokines. The Mantoux reaction is a form of type IV hypersensitivity where
there is localised induration of the skin at the site of tuberculin injection.
3. A False
B False
C False
D True
E False
Complement describes around 20 glycoproteins, the majority of which are produced
by the liver. The complement cascade is activated via three pathways. The classical
pathway requires binding of the complement C1 to an antibody molecule (either
IgM or IgG) which has been activated by an antigen to begin the cascade. The
alternative pathway begins with the activation of the complement protein C3; this
pathway does not require the presence of antibodies. The third pathway is the
mannose–lectin activation pathway, whereby carbohydrate residues on the surface
of pathogens activate circulating mannose-binding lectin (produced by the liver),
which then form a type of protease that is able to cleave complement and begin
the complement cascade. C3 is one of the complement proteins and as part of the
cascade (instigated by all three of the activation pathways), is cleaved to form C3a.
4. A False
B True
C True
D False
E True
Natural killer cells are a form of lymphocyte and are part of the innate immune
system. They are activated in several ways, e.g. in response to the presence of
cytokines released by infected cells, after antibody stimulation and also when there
is failure by cells to normally express the class 1 major histocompatibility complex
(as occurs in infected cells). They have strong cytotoxic activity and their main role
is in the destruction of cancerous cells or cells infected with viruses. Natural killer
cells kill by releasing perforin and granzyme from their cytoplasms which lead to
apoptosis in their target cells.
182 Chapter 11  Immunology

5. D  Type II
Rhesus (Rh) D antigen is carried on erythrocytes. If a child is born to a Rh negative
mother and the father is Rh positive, he or she may express Rh D on their
erythrocytes. If fetal erythrocytes pass into the maternal circulation or if Rh D
positive blood is transfused into the mother, then sensitisation may occur; the
mother produces antibodies. In subsequent pregnancies fetal erythrocytes may
cross the placenta and stimulate a memory response, leading to the production of
IgG antibodies which destroy fetal erythrocytes. Anti-D immunoprophylaxis, using
anti-D immunoglobulin, during pregnancy and in the immediate postnatal period
prevents the development of maternal anti-D antibodies.

6. D
Monomer       Only immunoglobulin to cross the placenta

Immunoglobulins, also known as antibodies, are formed by B cells. There are five
different classes of human immunoglobulin, which differ in both their structure
and function. Immunoglobin (IgG) is the predominant immunoglobulin found in
serum and is the only form of immunoglobulin that is able to cross the placenta
and therefore result in immunity in the fetus. It is also the longest living antibody
class, with a half life of around 3 weeks. There are four IgG subclasses. Named
IgG 1–4, this class of immunoglobulin is the predominant form involved in the
secondary immune response. IgG antibodies are good at fixing complement,
as well as opsonising targets, such as bacteria, for phagocytosis by cells such as
Cookson S, Sargent I. Chapter 19: Basic Immunology. In: Fiander A, Thilganathan B (eds). Your Essential
Revision Guide MRCOG Part 1. London: RCOG Press, 2010.

7. B  Cleavage of C3 into C3a and C3b

The complement system consists of around 20 proteins, which are produced
in a cascade and aim to attack pathogens. Although the complement cascade
forms part of the innate immune system, it can also be activated by the adaptive
immune system. Traditionally the complement cascade is described as being
activated by three different pathways. The classical complement pathway occurs
in response to activation of the complement protein C1 to antigen-antibody
complexes. The alternative activation pathway does not rely on the presence
of activated antibody complexes and instead starts with the activation of the
complement protein C3. The third activation pathway is the lectin activation
pathway. Mannose-binding lectin is produced by the liver. It forms a complex
with a further protein called MASP. When the lectin binds to a pathogen
containing mannose, the MASP protein converts the C3 complement protein to
C3b and the cascade begins. Despite three different activation pathways, the
common step in all is the cleavage of the complement protein C3 to C3a and C3b
(Figure 11.2).
Answers 183

Targeted lysis of pathogens

Alternative pathway

Pathogen C9
C3 Membrane
C6 C7 C6 attack
B D complex
Mannose-binding lectin pathway

Mannose- Opsonisation of
binding MBL pathogens
lectin binds
mannose on C3 Immune-complex
MASP-1 convertase removal
C3a Recruitment of
C4 mediators and
C5a phagocytes
Classical pathway

Antigen- C1Q
complexes C1R
on pathogen
surfaces C1S

Figure 11.2  Complement activation pathways.

8. B Haemostasis
After an insult, the processes involved in acute inflammation are aimed at removing
the source of the trauma and encouraging healing. Acute inflammation is associated
with a series of vascular changes which aim to bring key components of the
inflammatory response to the site of injury. Vasodilation occurs rapidly after an insult
in response to mediators such as histamine. This leads to increased blood flow to the
traumatised area, with associated hyperaemia. Vascular permeability also increases,
allowing the passage of proteins, leucocytes and fluid from the vasculature into
the surrounding tissues. The movement of protein-rich fluid out of the vasculature
is associated with increased hydrostatic pressure. With a reduction in intravascular
volume there is an element of haemostasis, also contributing to local hyperaemia.
Both fibroblast infiltration and a high concentration of monocytes are typical of
chronic inflammation rather than acute.

9. C  Live (attenuated) vaccine

Attenuated vaccines contain live but attenuated organisms. That is, they lack
the ability to be pathogenic, but will initiate an immune response. Examples of
184 Chapter 11  Immunology

live (attenuated) vaccines are MMR (mumps, measles, rubella), polio (Sabin) and
Bacillus Calmette–Guérin. Killed (inactivated) vaccines are generally considered
more stable and safer than live vaccines. However, as the immune response
to killed vaccines is generally weaker than to live vaccines, adjuvants such as
aluminium hydroxide are added to the killed vaccine in order to precipitate an
improved immune response. Examples of killed (inactivated) vaccines include the
hepatitis A, pertussis, influenza and polio (Salk) vaccines. Toxoid vaccines confer
immunity by the administration of inactivated toxin. Examples include the tetanus
and diphtheria vaccines which are often given in combination. Subunit vaccines
use specific antigens, in order to elicit an appropriate immune response. The
hepatitis B vaccine is one such subunit vaccine.

10. E  Systemic lupus erythematosus

Type III hypersensitivity is also known as immune complex hypersensitivity. It
refers to a failure of immune complex clearance leading to their deposition in
tissues. In this form of hypersensitivity, there is a failure to clear antibody-antigen
complexes (usually IgG). These complexes initiate the complement cascade,
activate neutrophils and macrophages and lead to platelet aggregation. This
inflammatory reaction may lead to a vasculitis in the surrounding tissues. This
complex deposition may have a systemic effect or localised to an organ. Systemic
lupus erythematosus is an example of a condition in which there is multiple organ
immune complex deposition leading to manifestations such as arthritis, rashes,
lupus nephritis and myocarditis. Type III hypersensitivity is also responsible
for conditions such as serum sickness, poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis,
rheumatoid arthritis, extrinsic allergic alveolitis and the Arthus reaction, whereby
there is immune complex deposition and a localised vasculitis at the site of an
injection, e.g. after a tetanus vaccination.

11. E  T-helper cells

The innate immune system provides immediate and non-specific response to
attack, whereas the adaptive immune system provides a more complex and specific
response to antigens and generates immunological memory. Central to the rapid
response (within hours) of the innate immune system is the complement cascade.
Complement are a group of proteins, mainly made by the liver, that provide immune
defence by marking antigens for destruction by other cells (through opsonisation),
recruiting other elements of the innate immune system, e.g. macrophages and
neutrophils, assisting antibodies (part of the acquired immune system) and also by
aiding the removal of immune complexes. Natural killer cells are part of the innate
immune system and provide a non-specific response. This response is particularly
strong against tumour cells and viruses due to their cytotoxic activity. Programmed
cell death takes place in target cells as a result of the release of cytotoxic granules,
e.g. perforin. T-helper cells are a specialised type of lymphocytes and therefore part
of the adaptive or acquired immune system; in particular they play an important role
in activating B-lymphocytes.
Answers 185

12. A  IgA
Antibodies, or immunoglobulins, are glycoproteins produced by B cells as part of the
acquired immune system. The ‘default’ form of antibody is IgM, however each form of
antibody has a specialised function, and therefore they are differentially distributed
in line with their role in immunity (Table 11.1). The key to the acquired immune
system is the ability of B cells to switch class of antibody production in response
to the attacking antigen. IgA has key role in mucosal immunity and is therefore
the predominant antibody present in bodily secretions such as saliva, colostrum,
tears and is found in high concentrations in the respiratory, reproductive and
gastrointestinal tracts. Key to its functionality in inferring immunity to the neonate
is IgA’s resistance to stomach acid; this enables the capacity for IgA to be secreted in
breast milk and benefit the infant from its mother’s immunological memory.

  Table 11.1  Antibodies and their properties

Antibody Properties Additional properties

IgA Protects mucosal surfaces Secreted in breast milk, tears, saliva, etc.
IgD Role uncertain Found in serum
IgE Activates mast cells Involved in allergic response and anaphylaxis
IgG Fixes complement Crosses placenta
Opsonising properties
IgM Fixes complement Default antibody, i.e. first made
Opsonising properties
Chapter 12

Questions: MCQs
Answer each stem ‘True’ or ‘False’.

1. The following are Gram-positive bacteria:

A Campylobacter jejuni
B Clostridium difficile
C Escherichia coli
D Listeria monocytogenes
E Staphylococcus aureus

2. Group B β-haemolytic Streptococcus infection can cause:

A Chorioamnionitis
B Glomerulonephritis
C Necrotising fasciitis
D Neonatal sepsis
E Toxic shock syndrome

3. Concerning Neisseria:
A N. meningitidis is a Gram-positive cocci
B Infection with N. gonorrhoeae may cause a suppurative urethritis in males
C N. gonorrhoeae is a commensal of the genital tract
D N. gonorrhoeae thrives in conditions with low levels of carbon dioxide
E Species are cultured on chocolate agar

4. The following are DNA viruses:

A Hepatitis A
B Hepatitis B
D Human herpesvirus 8
E Varicella zoster virus

5. Regarding varicella zoster:

A Distribution of lesions is myotomal
B The use of antivirals prevents infection
C It is an RNA virus
D Maternal exposure at term infers minimal risk to the fetus
E Varicella zoster immunoglobulin G (VZV–IgG) should be given to exposed
pregnant women who are antibody negative
188 Chapter 12  Microbiology

6. The following diseases/conditions are paired with their causative agent:

A Human herpesvirus 4: mononucleosis
B Treponema pallidum pallidum: bejel
C Gardnerella vaginalis: bacterial vaginosis
D Trypanosoma brucei: sleeping sickness
E Toxoplasma gondii: dengue fever

7. Regarding interventions to reduce the risk of surgical site infections:

A There is no convincing evidence that prophylactic antibiotics reduce
postoperative incidence of surgical site infection
B Hair removal should be performed with clippers rather than a razor
C Antibiotics should be given intravenously no more than 60 minutes prior to
D Blood sugars should be kept <12 mmol/L in patients with diabetes
E Use of prophylactic antibiotics increases the risk of Clostridium difficile

8. Concerning cytomegalovirus infection:

A It affects 0.5% of pregnancies
B Primary maternal infection may be treated with ganciclovir
C Has an incubation period of 3 weeks
D Affected individuals are always symptomatic
E Previous infection provides effective immunity

9. Bacterial toxins:
A Exotoxins are released from cell wall during bacterial cell death
B Exotoxins are released by Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria
C Endotoxins are a feature of Gram-positive bacteria
D Lipid A is responsible for the systemic features of endotoxic shock
E Gastrointestinal symptoms of cholera are caused by an endotoxin

10. Molluscum contagiosum:

A Is a fungal infection
B May be sexually transmitted
C Only affects the skin
D Lesions appear 6 months after infection
E Can be treated with cryotherapy

11. Mycobacteria:
A Are obligate anaerobic bacteria
B Mycobacteria avium complex are found in patients with pre-existing lung
C M. leprae is effectively treated with amikacin
D M. kansasii can be found in indwelling central venous lines
E Are non-motile
Questions: SBAs 189

Questions: SBAs
For each question, select the single best answer from the five options listed.

12. A 50-year-old woman has ongoing pelvic pain; she has had a coil in situ for the last
8 years. She has a pelvic mass; histological sampling of the mass at laparoscopy
shows a suppurative and granulomatous inflammatory process with the presence
of sulphur granules.
Which is the most likely causative agent?
A Actinomyces israelii
B Chlamydia trachomatis
C Gardnerella vaginalis
D Neisseria gonorrhoeae
E Neisseria meningitidis

13. An 18-year-old woman presents to a sexual health clinic requesting a sexually

transmitted infection screen; she is asymptomatic, however she is concerned as
her new boyfriend is complaining of dysuria, penile discharge and scrotal pain.
What is the most likely cause of his symptoms?
A Actinomyces israelii
B Candida albicans
C Chlamydia trachomatis
D Toxoplasma gondii
E Treponema pallidum pallidum

14. A 35-year-old man presents at a sexual health clinic with a new painless round
lesion on his penis; he also has non-tender inguinal lymphadenopathy.
What is the most likely causative agent of his symptoms?
A Chlamydia trachomatis
B Neisseria gonorrhoeae
C Treponema pallidum carateum
D Treponema pallidum pallidum
E Treponema pallidum pertenue

15. A 63-year-old man with an open fracture of the femur develops the rare
complication of gas gangrene and requires leg amputation.
What is the most likely causative agent?
A Clostridium botulinum
B Clostridium perfringens
C Clostridium tetani
D Escherichia coli
E Klebsiella pneumoniae
190 Chapter 12  Microbiology

16. A 28-year-old primiparous woman who is 16 weeks pregnant reports mild dysuria;
otherwise she is well. Urine dipstick shows leucocytes ++ and is positive for
nitrites. She is prescribed appropriate antibiotics.
What is the most likely causative organism of her urinary tract infection?
A Citrobacter freundii
B Escherichia coli
C Klebsiella pneumoniae
D Proteus mirabilis
E Staphylococcus saprophyticus

17. Which of the following is the causative agent of Kaposi’s sarcoma?

B Human herpesvirus 4
C Human herpesvirus 8
D Human T-lymphotrophic virus 1
E All of the above

18. A 32-year-old primiparous school teacher is 16 weeks pregnant. She is seen in the
antenatal clinic, where she reports a maculopapular rash and coryzal symptoms.
The general practitioner has already sent serology and you review the result.
Rubella IgG: positive
Rubella IgM: negative
Parvovirus B19 IgG: negative
Parvovirus B19 IgM: positive
What is the most likely diagnosis?
A Non-immunity to parvovirus B19
B Non-immunity to rubella
C Recent infection with rubella
D Recent infection with parvovirus B19
E None of the above

19. A 35-year-old multiparous woman has presented to labour ward in spontaneous

labour. You see from her antenatal notes that she is HIV positive. She is currently
using highly active antiretroviral therapy and has a viral load of 43 copies/mL.
Which of the following is associated with increased risk of vertical transmission
of HIV?
A Co-existent Group B Streptococcus carriage
B Chorioamnionitis
C Paternal HIV-infection
D Post-dates gestation
E Vaginal examination during labour
Questions: SBAs 191

20. Antenatal screening of a 25-year-old patient is suggestive of hepatitis B infection.

The results of her serology are as follows:
HBsAg Positive
HBeAg Positive
Anti-HBeAb Negative
Anti-HBsAb Negative
Total anti-HBc Positive (IgM anti-core Ab negative, IgG anti-core
Ab positive)
Which of the following is most likely to represent her hepatitis B status?
A Acute infection (recent)
B Acute infection (resolving)
C Chronic infection (high infectivity)
D Chronic infection (low infectivity)
E Following vaccination

21. A 23-year-old woman attends antenatal clinic at 22 weeks’ gestation. This is her
second pregnancy and she is very concerned as during her first pregnancy she had
an ‘infection’, which led to the permanent disability of her child. He is deaf, with
delayed development and is small for his age. He became jaundiced shortly after
What was the most likely cause of her son's condition?
A Cytomegalovirus
B Herpes
C Parvovirus B19
D Rubella
E Varicella zoster

22. A 38-year-old woman from Sri Lanka attends her general practitioner at 10 weeks’
gestation. She is complaining of fever and has pains in her joints. She developed
a rash yesterday. On examination, she has a temperature of 38.1°C, postauricular
lymphadenopathy and a maculopapular rash over her torso. Rubella is diagnosed.
What is the most likely fetal abnormality to occur as a result of this acute infection?
A Cerebral palsy
B Failure to thrive
C Limb hypoplasia
D Microcephaly
E Sensorineural hearing loss

23. A 15-year-old girl attends the genitourinary medicine clinic complaining of vaginal
itching and green vaginal discharge. She is sexually active with her 17-year-old
boyfriend and uses the oral contraceptive pill. Speculum examination reveals
haemorrhages on her cervix. A urine pregnancy test is negative.
192 Chapter 12  Microbiology

Considering the most likely diagnosis, what is the most appropriate first line
A Azithromycin 1 g once only
B Doxycycline 100 mg twice daily + metronidazole 400 mg three times daily +
ofloxacin 400 mg twice daily for 7 days
C Doxycycline 100 mg twice daily for 14 days + metronidazole 400 mg three times
daily for 7 days
D Metronidazole 400 mg three times daily for 5 days
E Tinidazole 2 g once only

24. Which of the following is an obligate anaerobic organism?

A Bacteroides
B Escherichia coli
C Listeria
D Mycobacteria
E Pseudomonas

25. A 23-year-old woman attends her general practitioner complaining of numbness

and tingling in both feet. She recently started treatment for pulmonary
Which drug is most likely to be responsible for these symptoms?
A Ethambutol
B Isoniazid
C Pyrazinamide
D Rifampicin
E Streptomycin

26. A 38-year-old woman is readmitted via the emergency department 10 days

postemergency caesarean section complaining of vaginal bleeding, abdominal
pain and foul-smelling vaginal discharge. Abdominal examination reveals
suprapubic tenderness and the uterus is palpable 2 cm below the umbilicus. You
suspect endometritis.
Which of the following is the most likely causative organism?
A Chlamydia trachomatis
B Group B Streptococcus
C Mycoplasma genitalia
D Neisseria gonorrhoea
E Ureaplasma

27. A woman presents at 28 weeks’ gestation with vomiting, headache, night sweats
and abdominal pain. She has recently returned from the African country of
Mali. Urgent blood films show the presence of Plasmodium falciparum, with a
parasitaemia of 3%. After a diagnosis of malaria has been made she is treated with
intravenous quinine.
Questions: SBAs 193

The presence of which haematological characteristic is associated with increased

incidence of malaria?
A Haemoglobin C
B Beta-thalassaemia
C Duffy antigen
D Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
E Sickle cell trait
194 Chapter 12  Microbiology

1. A False
B True
C False
D True
E True
The ability to Gram-stain bacterium allows classification into two major groups,
Gram-positive and Gram-negative. A bacterium which has peptidoglycan in its cell
wall will take up Gram-stain and therefore is considered Gram-positive. In addition
to Gram-staining, further simple classification of bacterium is based on appearance,
whether as cocci (i.e. spherical shaped), bacilli (i.e. rod shaped) and a further
classification of coccobacillus (intermediate shape) (Table 12.1).

  Table 12.1  Classification of bacteria

Bacilli Cocci
Gram-positive Listeria species e.g. Staphylococcus species, e.g.
• L. monocytogenes • S. aureus
Clostridium species, e.g. Streptococcus species, e.g.
• C. botulinum • S. pneumoniae
• C. difficile • S. pyogenes
Actinomyces species, e.g. Enterococcus species, e.g.
• A. Israelii • E. faecalis
Mycobacterium species, e.g.
• M. tuberculosis
Gram-negative Escherichia species, e.g. Neisseria species, e.g.
• E. coli • N. gonorrhoeae
Enterobacter species e.g. • N. meningitidis
• Proteus mirabilis
Klebsiella species, e.g. Coccobacilli:
• K. pneumoniae Bordetella species, e.g.
Salmonella species, e.g. • B. pertussis
• S. enterica Brucella species
Shigella species, e.g. Haemophilus species, e.g.
• S. dysenteriae • H. influenzae
Campylobacter species, e.g.
• C. jejuni
Legionella species, e.g.
• L. pneumophila
Answers 195

2. A True
B False
C False
D True
E False
Group B β-haemolytic Streptococcus (GBS), also known as Streptococcus agalactiae,
is a common commensal in the gastrointestinal tract and is also part of normal
vaginal flora in around one-third of women. Although maternal vaginal carriage is
not itself harmful there is the risk of transmission to the baby with the potential to
cause neonatal sepsis once membranes rupture. GBS may also be associated with
GBS infection in infants is classified as having early onset (i.e. it occurs within the first
week of life) and late onset (occurs from the first week to the first few months of life).
Early-onset disease typically manifests as pneumonia, septicaemia and meningitis,
with the latter being more common when there is late-onset disease. It is not current
practice within the UK to routinely screen pregnant women for GBS. Nevertheless,
if GBS has been detected during the current pregnancy, standard practice is the
administration of intrapartum antibiotic therapy (a typical regimen being 3 g
intravenous penicillin G, followed by 1.5 g every 4 hours in labour).
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Prevention of Early Onset Group B Streptococcal
Disease. Green-top Guideline 36. London: RCOG 2003.

3. A False
B True
C False
D False
E True
Neisseria are from the genus of aerobic Gram-negative cocci. Neisseria gonorrhoeae
and N. meningitidis are both human pathogens. Both species prefer a moist
environment with 5–10% levels of carbon dioxide.
Neisseria meningitidis is a commensal of the nasopharynx in around 10% of the
population, with higher carriage rates amongst teenagers. It is transmitted via
droplet spread of respiratory secretions and can lead to bacteraemia and meningitis,
with rarer manifestations including arthritis and osteomyelitis. Bacteriological
diagnosis of meningococcal meningitis requires culturing cerebrospinal fluid from
a lumbar puncture.
Neisseria gonorrhoea causes the sexually transmitted disease gonorrhoea. It can be
asymptomatic in up to 50% of women, and can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease.
Symptomatic individuals with gonorroheoa may present with lower abdominal pain,
increased or altered vaginal discharge or dysuria.
196 Chapter 12  Microbiology

British Association for Sexual Health and HIV. Management of Gonorrhoea in Adults, 2011.
Health Protection Agency. Meningococcal Infection Factsheet. London: HPA, 2011.

4. A False
B True
C False
D True
E True
Viruses contain either DNA or RNA as their genetic material, which may be either
single-stranded (ss) or double-stranded (ds) (Table 12.2). Further classification
of their genetic material is dependent on the ‘sense’ of the strands, i.e. whether
positive-sense or negative-sense.

  Table 12.2  Classification of DNA and RNA viruses

RNA viruses (ss or ds) DNA viruses (ss or ds)

Hepatitis A, C, D, E (ss) Herpes simplex 1 and 2 (ds)
HIV (ss) Varicella zoster (ds)
Human T-lymphotrophic virus (ss) Cytomegalovirus (ds)
Rubella (ss) Hepatitis B (ds)
Japanese B Virus (ss) Human papillovirus (ds)
Respiratory syncytial virus (ss) Epstein–Barr (ds)
Rotavirus (ds) Parvovirus B19 (ss)
ss = single-stranded, ds = double-stranded

5. A False
B False
C False
D False
E True
The varicella zoster virus (VZV) is a double-stranded DNA virus and is a member of the
herpesviridae family. First exposure to the virus results in chickenpox, which manifests
around 2 weeks after exposure as a widespread vesicular rash and is often associated
with pyrexia and malaise. After the initial exposure the virus lays dormant in the
sensory root ganglia until it is reactivated, often after many years. Reactivation results
in shingles; here the reactivated virus travels down the nerve root it has infected and
causes inflammation. A characteristic rash and neuralgia is found with a dermatomal
distribution representing the affected nerve root. Antivirals such as acyclovir may be
Answers 197

given after 20 weeks’ gestation if the rash has been present for < 24 hours. If VZV is
contracted by a pregnant woman who has not been exposed to the virus previously
then she should urgently receive varicella zoster immune globulin. If exposure is close
to delivery there is a 50% chance that the fetus will become infected with VZV as there
is insufficient time for passive immunity to develop.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Chickenpox in Pregnancy. Green-top Guideline 13.
London: RCOG, 2007.

6. A True
B False
C True
D True
E False
Mononucleosis is caused by the Epstein–Barr virus, which is also known as human
herpesvirus 4. Bejel is caused by the spirochete Treponema pallidum endemicum and
should be distinguished from yaws which is caused by Treponema pallidum pertenue,
pinta caused by Treponema pallidum carateum and syphilis caused by Treponema
pallidum pallidum. Bacterial vaginosis is caused by a variety of bacterium including
Gardnerella vaginalis, Bacteroides and Mycoplasma. Sleeping sickness, also known as
African trypanosomiasis is caused by the transmission of the protozoal Trypanosoma
brucei via the tsetse fly. Dengue fever is caused by Dengue virus. Toxoplasma gondii
causes toxoplasmosis, which typically affects rodents and cats, but may lead to fetal
abnormalities such as intracranial calcification, chorioretinitis and miscarriage if
contracted for the first time during pregnancy.
7. A False
B True
C False
D False
E True
Preoperative antibiotic prophylaxis is now common practice. In order to be the most
effective, the antibiotic given needs to have the relevant spectrum of activity to
cover the organism(s) that may be found at the operative site. Removing hair with a
shaver leads to abrasions which may increase the chance of infection. Intraoperative
blood sugars should be kept below 11 mmol/L in patients with any type of diabetes
mellitus. The use of any prophylactic antibiotics, particularly more than one dose,
increases the risk of Clostridium difficile.
8. A True
B False
C True
198 Chapter 12  Microbiology

D False
E False
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a herpesvirus and is the most common cause of
congenital infection. Previous infection does not offer immunity, as both primary
and recurrent infection during pregnancy may lead to congenital infection.
The virus is spread through contact with infected body fluids. Both primary and
recurrent infections are often asymptomatic. Any symptoms that are experienced
are usually vague and include lethargy and fever. If conception occurs within 6
months of the primary infection, then the risk of placental transmission is higher.
The fetus may be affected by infection in any of the trimesters. Most babies who
have been congenitally infected show no signs or symptoms. However, those who
are affected may have jaundice, thrombocytopaenia, microcephaly, and motor
disorders. The main neurological sequelae are deafness and learning disabilities.
There is no CMV vaccine and antiviral drugs are not currently licensed for use to
treat CMV infection during pregnancy. Ganciclovir is sometimes used to treat
infection in babies and toddlers to help prevent hearing loss associated with
contracting CMV at this age.
9. A False
B True
C False
D True
E False
Toxins are produced by both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.
Exotoxins are produced by both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, whilst
endotoxins are constituents of the cell walls of Gram-negative bacteria. Table 12.3
gives further details.

  Table 12.3  Exotoxins and endotoxins

Exotoxin Endotoxin
Producing bacteria Gram-positive Gram-negative
Release Extracellular, released Structural molecule of Gram-negative
bacterial cell wall, released on cell
Examples of action Tetanus toxins Lipopolysaccharide
Cholera symptoms Lipid A
E. coli
Antigenicity Susceptible to antibodies Limited effect of antibodies
Destroyed by heating
Answers 199

10. A False
B True
C False
D True
E True
Molluscum contagiosum is viral infection caused by the molluscum contagiosum
DNA poxvirus. It is usually a disease of the skin, but occasionally affects mucous
membranes. The lesions are painless and have a pearly-white appearance with a
dimpled centre. They are usually < 5 mm in diameter. It is spread through direct
contact and the fluid from the vesicles is infectious. Although most common
amongst children, it can also be sexually transmitted and may be mistaken for
genital warts. Individuals are infectious, whereas the lesions are present. Molluscum
is self clearing, but treatment may be expedited with cryotherapy or topical
treatments, such as benzoyl peroxide. Most cases are cleared within 6–9 months.
There is no immunity to the virus and it does not lie dormant within the body.
Health Protection Agency. Factsheet on Molluscum contagiosum. Essex: HPA, 2011.

11. A False
B True
C False
D True
E True
Mycobacteria are non-motile, obligate aerobic bacteria which are generally considered
to be Gram-positive. They are a group of bacteria subdivided into several complexes
and are generally associated with immunosuppressed individuals. Diagnosis is
performed via auramine staining and confirmatory testing is carried out with
Ziehl–Neelsen stain which stains mycobacteria pink. Mycobacterium avium complex
is associated with people with pre-existing lung conditions, including chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease, smoking and granulomatous disease. Mycobacterium
leprae (Hansen’s disease) causes classic symptoms leading to leprosy and systems
affected include skin, peripheral nerves and eyes. Dapsone is used to treat leprosy.

12. A  Actinomyces israelii

The Gram-positive bacteria Actinomyces israelii is a commensal of the colon, mouth
and vagina. It is the commonest cause of actinomycosis, a chronic, suppurative and
granulomatous inflammatory infection. The majority of cases of actinomycosis affect
the cervicofacial area, classically presenting as painless facial lumps; however, thoracic,
abdominal and pelvic forms do occasionally occur. Diagnosis of pelvic actinomycosis is
usually made from histological samples taken during surgery and has been associated
with intrauterine contraceptive devices which have been in situ for long periods of
time. The presence of sulphur granules is characteristic of actinomyces infection.
200 Chapter 12  Microbiology

13. C  Chlamydia trachomatis

The boyfriend’s symptoms are suggestive of a urethritis, which from the list of given
options, the cause is most likely to be Chlamydia infection. It is caused by Chlamydia
trachomatis, a Gram-negative intracellular bacterium which infects squamocolumnar
epithelial cells. Chlamydia infection is often asymptomatic, especially in women.
Women may notice postcoital or intermenstrual bleeding, dysuria and low
abdominal pain, whereas men may experience dysuria, penile discharge and
scrotal pain. Chlamydia infection is the commonest cause of pelvic inflammatory
disease and may go on to cause subfertility and increased risk of ectopic pregnancy.
Treatment regimens for uncomplicated Chlamydial infection include azithromycin,
doxycycline and erythromycin.
British Association for Sexual Health and HIV. National Guideline for the Management of Genital Tract
Infection with Chlamydia trachomatis. London: BASHH, 2006.

14. D  Treponema pallidum pallidum

Syphilis is caused by the spirochete Treponema pallidum pallidum. Primary
syphilis typically presents with a painless genital ulcer (a chancre) alongside
inguinal lymphadenopathy, occurring 10–90 days after infection. Secondary
syphilis develops within 2 years of infection and tertiary syphilis after this period.
Screening tests for syphilis include the venereal disease research laboratory
(VDRL) carbon antigen test and the rapid plasma regain test, both of which can
give false positives. More specific tests for syphilis include fluorescent treponema
antibody absorption test; however, these tests can give a positive result when
there is infection from other treponema, such as the causative agents of yaw, bejel
and pinta. Syphilis in pregnancy is associated with stillbirth, preterm delivery and
congenital defects.
Kingston M, French P, Goh B, et al. UK National Guidelines on the Management of Syphilis 2008.
International Journal for STD & AIDS 2008;19:729–740.

15. B  Clostridium perfringens

Gas gangrene is most commonly caused by Clostridium perfringens; however, it can
also be caused by other species of anaerobic bacteria including Clostridium septicum,
Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli.
Exotoxins produced by the bacteria lead to necrotic tissue damage and sepsis
often requiring amputation of the affected tissue. Gas gangrene was historically
associated with war injuries, where open wounds were exposed to these soil-loving
bacterium. Today, risk factors for the development of gas gangrene include trauma
such as open fractures and burns, alongside malignancy of the gastrointestinal tract,
diabetes mellitus, chronic alcohol abuse and as a rare post-surgical complication.

16. B  Escherichia coli

Uncomplicated urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common in women, particularly
during pregnancy. The most common causative organism of uncomplicated urinary
Answers 201

tract infection is Escherichia coli, a gastrointestinal commensal. Suitable antibiotics for

the treatment of a proven E. coli UTI in pregnancy include cefalexin and nitrofurantoin
(should be avoided at term due to risk of neonatal haemolysis). Klebsiella pneumoniae,
Proteus mirabilis, Citrobacter freundii are also Gram-negative commensals of the
gastrointestinal tract and therefore may all cause infection of the urinary tract,
particularly in women due to the close proximity of the anus and the urethra.
Staphylococcus saprophyticus is a common cause of urinary tract infection in sexually
active women.

17. C  Human herpesvirus 4

Kaposi’s sarcoma is caused human herpesvirus 8; although not always coexistent
with HIV infection, Kaposi’s sarcoma is considered an AIDS-defining illness, whereby
reduced immunosurveillance can result in its characteristic lesions of the skin,
respiratory and gastrointestinal tract. Human herpesvirus 4, more commonly known
as the Epstein–Barr virus, is the causative agent of infectious mononucleosis; it is
also associated with several forms of lymphoproliferative neoplasias, e.g. Burkitt’s
lymphoma, nasopharyngeal carcinoma and Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

18. D  Recent infection with parvovirus B19

Both parvovirus 19 and rubella infection may present with a rash. If contracted
in pregnancy both viruses have implications for the fetus, and therefore rapidly
establishing the immune status of the mother is vital as this will guide the further
management of the pregnancy. It is important to send urgent serology requesting
specific IgG and IgM status for each virus. The presence of IgG suggests previous
exposure to an antigen, whether in the form of a vaccine or through contracting
the virus. Development of IgM is an acute event and occurs after exposure to the
antigen. In this patient, the serology results for rubella suggests either previous
exposure or immunisation to rubella, without any evidence of acute infection.
Specific parvovirus B19 serology indicated recent infection with parvovirus B19.
Parvovirus B19 has been implicated with pregnancy loss and in ongoing pregnancies
with fetal hydrops and anaemia.
Health Protection Agency. Guidance on Viral Rash in Pregnancy: Investigation, Diagnosis and
Management of Viral Illness Rash, or Exposure to Viral Rash Illness, in Pregnancy. London: HPA, 2011. www. Maternal Medicine: Infectious Diseases. London: StratOG 2012.

19. B  Chorioamnionitis
The risk of vertical transmission of HIV is highest at delivery. In non-breastfeeding
untreated European women vertical transmission of HIV occurs in around 20%
of cases. Use of highly active anti-retroviral therapy (HAART) has reduced vertical
transmission in treated women to < 2%. Nevertheless, the management of the
delivery and postnatal period requires planning and a multidisciplinary team
approach. Prematurity, chorioamnionitis, prolonged rupture of membranes and
202 Chapter 12  Microbiology

breastfeeding all increase the risk of transmission. Elective caesarean section is

the recommended mode of delivery for certain cases, i.e. HIV positive women not
using HAART, women with a viral load above 50 copies/mL or if there is coexistent
hepatitis C. A planned vaginal delivery may be suitable for women with viral loads
< 50 copies/mL who are using HAART.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Management of HIV in Pregnancy. Green-top
Guideline 39. London: RCOG, 2010.

20. C  Chronic infection (high infectivity)

Hepatitis B is a double-stranded DNA virus. The virus is responsible for causing
jaundice, hepatitis, cirrhosis and an increased risk of hepatocellular carcinoma.
The virus may be spread via sexual intercourse, exposure to infected blood (i.e.
shared needles) or vertically from mother to child. The presence of HBs-antigen
(HBsAg) indicates infection; HBsAg is typically present for the first 6 months after
infection; however, if it persists beyond this then infection is considered chronic. The
presence of HBeAg shows viral replication and therefore high infectivity. Anti-HBc is
produced soon after infection (initially as IgM, then as IgG) and indicates previous
or ongoing infection. Anti-HBsAb indicates previous exposure and is positive after
vaccination and in cases where infection has been cleared by the immune system
with subsequent immunity. In this patient there is evidence of chronic infection with
ongoing high infectivity. The baby will likely need immunising against hepatitis B
and specific immunoglobulin at birth and the neonatologist should be informed.
Centres for Disease Control & Prevention. Interpretation of Hepatitis B Serologic Test Results. Altanta: CDC,
2012. Maternal Medicine: Infectious Diseases. London: StratOG 2012.

21. A  Cytomegalovirus
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is the most common congenital infection. Pregnant women
often do not realise they have the infection as it is frequently asymptomatic.
Approximately 5–10% of congenitally infected babies have symptoms apparent
at birth which, if present, is a poor prognostic sign. Ten per cent of babies affected
at birth die and one-third develop cerebral palsy. Of the babies who are not
symptomatic at birth, approximately 1 in 6 are deaf, 1 in 10 have developmental
delay and 1% suffer from retinitis.
Bhide A, Papageorghiou AT. Managing primary CMV infection in pregnancy. BJOG 2008;115:805–807.

22. E  Sensorineural hearing loss

Rubella causes most problems if it is contracted during the first trimester, leading
to miscarriage in up to 20% of cases. If miscarriage does not occur, there is a strong
possibility that the fetus will be affected in some way. Approximately, 70% will suffer
sensorineural hearing loss, 50% suffer retinopathy and eye abnormalities and 40%
may suffer from congenital heart abnormalities, such as a patent ductus arteriosus
and ventricular septal defects. This woman should have her serology sent urgently.
The virus is excreted in pharyngeal secretions during the incubation period for up to
7 days before the appearance of the rash.
Answers 203

23. D  Metronidazole 400 mg three times daily for 5 days

Trichomonas vaginalis is a sexually transmitted infection of the lower genital tract
caused by a protozoa. Symptoms include itching and inflammation of the vulva
and vagina. There is often purulent vaginal discharge and the cervix may have
the classic haemorrhages giving it the classic description of a ‘strawberry cervix’.
Swabs should be sent for culture and other sexually transmitted diseases should
always be considered. Trichomonas is a rare cause of pelvic inflammatory disease,
however contact tracing is necessary. First line treatment is metronidazole, either
2 g as a single dose or 400 mg three times a day for 5 days. Sexual intercourse
should be avoided until treatment is completed in the patient and also the partner,
if necessary. This patient should be advised that while the oral contraceptive pill is
effective for preventing pregnancy, barrier methods should also be used to prevent
sexually transmitted infections. Treatment with metronidazole would be safe in
pregnancy. Sexual and Reproductive Health: Sexually Transmitted Infections (including HIV). London:
StratOG 2012.

24. A  Bacteroides
Obligate anaerobes are organisms that live and thrive in the absence of oxygen;
they will die in the presence of oxygen. Examples include bacteroides, Clostridium
and Actinomyces. By contrast, a facultative anaerobe is able to alter its function
depending on the presence or absence of oxygen. Examples include Staphylococcus
aureus, E. coli and Listeria.

25. B  Isoniazid
Tuberculosis (TB) has a prevalence in the UK of 15–50/100,000 population, depending
on the location. The highest levels are currently in London. The disease most commonly
affects the lungs and 60% of infected individuals having pulmonary involvement.
TB may affect other organs including the genitourinary tract, which may present
with a pelvic mass or chronic pelvic inflammatory disease. This occurs as a result of
haematogenous spread from the primary location. Treatment of TB involves 6 months
of medication with rifampicin, isoniazid and pyrazinamide. Ethambutol has recently
been added to address the issue of resistance. Side effects of the medication include:
• Rifampicin: orange urine and tears, hepatotoxicity
• Isoniazid: hepatotoxicity, peripheral neuropathy (may be reduced by
administration of pyridoxine)
• Pyrazinamide: hepatotoxicity, gout
• Ethambutol: optic neuritis
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Tuberculosis. Clinical Guideline CG117. London: NICE,

26. E  Ureaplasma
Endometritis may be acute or chronic. In this case, the patient has an acute
endometritis after caesarean section. Causes to be considered include retained
204 Chapter 12  Microbiology

products of conception and ascending infection from the lower genital tract, with
prolonged rupture of membranes being a particular risk factor. Acute endometritis
from an obstetric cause is most often polymicrobial, involving vaginal commensals.
These bacteria include Ureaplasma, Gardnerella and group B Streptococcus.
Other bacteria implicated in endometritis are those associated with sexually
transmitted infections including Chlamydia and gonorrhoea. Treatment includes
initial resuscitation and swift administration of broad spectrum antibiotics. Other
investigations include a full blood count, C-reactive protein, clotting profile and
pelvic ultrasound.
Hay PE. Chapter 22: Infections in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. In: Fiander A, Thilganathan B (eds).Your
Essential Revision Guide MRCOG Part 1. London: RCOG Press, 2010: 381.

27. C  Duffy antigen

Beta-thalassaemia, like many other haemoglobinopathies, is known to confer an
element of protection against malaria. The presence of the sickle cell trait is known
to reduce the severity of malarial disease, with fewer hospital admissions and
reduced parasite densities. This is due to the suboptimal conditions for the parasites
caused by low oxygen concentrations in the serum of individuals with the trait.
Individuals with haemoglobin C are also less likely to experience severe malaria,
due to reduced ability of the parasite to reproduce. The absence of the Duffy factor
provides immunity against Plasmodium vivax, as it is the Duffy antigen that parasites
bind to.
An individual with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency typically has an
enhanced protection against malaria, in particular Plasmodium falciparum.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. The Diagnosis and Treatment of Malaria in Pregnancy,
Green-top Guideline 54B. London: RCOG, 2010.
Chapter 13

Questions: MCQs
Answer each stem ‘True’ or ‘False’.

1. Congenital absence of the uterus:

A Has an incidence of 1:1000 births
B Has a chromosomal pattern of 45XX
C Hirsutism is common
D Is known as Mayer–Rokitansky–Küster–Hauser syndrome
E The ovaries are normally affected

2. Choriocarcinoma:
A Is a malignant condition
B Is more common in women over 40 years old
C Can follow a normal pregnancy
D Most commonly metastasises to the lungs
E Syncytiotrophoblasts are filled with eosinophilic cytoplasm

3. Systemic effects of inflammation:

A Cytokines act on the bone marrow to reduce production of leucocytes
B Fever is mediated by tumour necrosis factor and interleukin-1
C Fever is partly mediated by prostacyclins
D Fibrinogen is an acute phase protein
E Tumour necrosis factor is a cytokine implicated in the process of
septic shock

4. Uterine fibroids:
A Are a risk factor for ovarian cancer
B Are usually benign in nature
C Are also known as leiomyomas
D Consist predominantly of fibrous tissue
E Can be treated by uterine artery embolisation

5. The following neoplasms are paired with the appropriate causative viruses.
A Burkitt’s lymphoma and Epstein–Barr virus
B Cervical cancer and human papillomavirus 2
C Kaposi’s sarcoma and human herpesvirus 8
D Hepatocellular carcinoma and hepatitis
E Testicular cancer and human T-lymphotrophic virus-1
206 Chapter 13  Pathology

6. The following tumours are paired with their causative carcinogens:

A Mesothelioma and asbestos
B Vaginal clear cell carcinoma and aflatoxin B1
C Leukaemia and benzene
D Bladder cancer and aniline dye
E Bowel cancer and nickel

7. The following tumours are hormone dependent:

A Ductal carcinoma of the breast
B Endometrial cancer
C Malignant melanoma
D Adenocarcinoma of the prostate
E Adenocarcinoma of the pancreas

8. The following premalignant conditions are paired with their sequelae:

A Leukoplakia and oral cancer
B Ulcerative colitis and colorectal cancer
C Actinic keratosis and basal cell carcinoma
D Atrophic gastritis and oesophageal cancer
E Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and cervical cancer

9. Sarcomas:
A Are slow growing
B Include gastrointestinal stromal tumours
C Can metastasise to the lungs
D Originate from embryonic ectoderm
E Respond poorly to chemotherapy

10. Pheochromocytomas:
A Are corticosteroid producing tumours
B High levels of serum metanephrine can be diagnostic
C May present with severe hypertension and palpitations
D Originate from chromaffin cells
E Commonly develop in the renal cortex

11. Conn’s syndrome:

A Is associated with excess aldosterone
B Is caused by a squamous cell carcinoma of the adrenal glands
C Is characterised by profound hypotension
D Can cause hyperkalaemia
E Responds to spironolactone

12. The following conditions are linked to abnormalities in DNA repair:

A Bloom’s syndrome
B Cockayne’s syndrome
C Neurofibromatosis
Questions: MCQs 207

D Noonan’s syndrome
E Xeroderma pigmentosum

13. Regarding genetically inherited predispositions to tumour development:

A Li–Fraumeni syndrome is caused by a defect in p16
B The BRCA1 gene is inherited via autosomal recessive inheritance
C Inheritance of the RB gene is linked to bilateral retinoblastomas
D Neurofibromatosis type 1 is inherited on chromosome 11
E Hereditary non-polyposis colonic cancer is a risk factor for development of
endometrial cancer

14. Osteoporosis:
A Can be diagnosed when the bone mineral density T score is >1.5 standard
deviations from the mean
B Is more common in patients with Turner’s syndrome
C There is with increased osteoclast activity
D Sufferers have a normal Z score
E Can be coexistent with increased parathyroid hormone activity

15. Risk factors for osteoporosis include:

A Caffeine intake
B Increased body mass index
C Hyperparathyroidism
D Kallmann’s syndrome
E Smoking

16. Apoptosis is characterised by:

A Apoptotic bodies
B Cell swelling
C Karyorrhexis
D Pyknosis
E Release of inflammatory mediators

17. Necrosis:
A Caseous necrosis can occur in the presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
B Is a natural sequelae of the cell cycle
C Leads to the release of inflammatory mediators
D Is reversible
E Involves nuclear changes including karyolysis

18. The following can give a positive direct Coombs test:

A Cephalosporins
B Cyclosporin administration
C Haemolytic disease of the newborn
D Methyldopa
E Mycoplasma pneumonia
208 Chapter 13  Pathology

19. Concerning inherited coagulation abnormalities:

A Christmas disease is caused by abnormalities in factor IX
B Factor V Leiden is an autosomal recessive condition
C Haemophilia A is linked with excessive levels of factor VIII
D Protein C deficiency causes increased thrombus formation
E von Willebrand’s disease is an autosomal dominant condition

20. Concerning hyperplasia:

A It can be reversible
B It occurs in the adrenal cortex of sufferers of Cushing’s syndrome
C It occurs in the uterus during pregnancy
D It should be treated the same as a malignancy
E It is associated with an increase in cell size

21. Concerning cellular function:

A Atrophy can be reversible
B Dysplasia is irreversible
C Metaplasia is the conversion of differentiated tissue into undifferentiated tissue
D Hypertrophy is the increase in cell number
E Neoplasia represents malignant change

22. Metaplasia:
A Is synonymous with heteroplasia
B In the cervix it describes the change from columnar to transitional epithelium
C Is the change of one differentiated cell type to another
D Can be reversible
E Represents malignant change

23. Concerning shock:

A There is metabolic alkalosis
B Hypoxia is characteristic
C Capillary permeability is reduced
D Hypokalaemia occurs
E There may be coagulopathy
Questions: SBAs 209

Questions: SBAs
For each question, select the single best answer from the five options listed.

24. A 27-year-old nulliparous woman and her husband have a series of routine
investigations to investigate primary subfertility. She has a hysterosalpingogram
which shows she has a bicornuate uterus.
Which obstetric phenomenon is of increased prevalence in women with a
bicornuate uterus?
A Breech presentation
B Stillbirth
C Postpartum haemorrhage
D Placenta praevia
E Placenta accreta

25. A 31-year-old nulliparous woman has heavy bleeding at 8 weeks’ gestation. An

early pregnancy scan is suggestive of a molar pregnancy, and no fetus is observed.
What is the typical genotype of a complete molar pregnancy?
A 45 XO
B 46 XX
C 46 XXX
D 69 XXY

26. In addition to mast cells, which of the following cells produces histamine?
A Basophils
B Erythrocytes
C Macrophages
D Monocytes
E Neutrophils

27. Within what timeframe from injury do macrophages replace neutrophils in

cutaneous wound healing?
A 1–2 hours
B 6–12 hours
C 18–24 hours
D 48–92 hours
E 7–10 days

28. A 40-year-old primiparous woman is admitted to the labour ward at 36 weeks’

gestation with severe pre-eclampsia and presumed renal involvement. Her
blood pressure on arrival is 184/95 mmHg. Her urine contains protein +++. Her
serum creatinine is 92 μmol/L and serum urea 5.3 mg/dL. She has an emergency
caesarean section.
210 Chapter 13  Pathology

Which of the following best describes the renal pathology of pre-eclampsia?

A Atheromatous plaques
B Glomerular capillary endotheliosis
C Glomerular hypertrophy
D Mesangial cell hypertrophy
E Tubular vacuolization

29. A 45-year-old woman is seen in the gynaecology outpatients’ clinic with a history
of severe menorrhagia. She has a body mass index of 42. An endometrial biopsy is
taken at hysteroscopy which shows evidence of simple endometrial hyperplasia.
Which of the following describes the type of cellular change that occurs in
A Increase in the number of cells
B Increase in the number of mitotic figures
C Increase in the number of nuclei in each cell
D Increase in the size of cells
E Increase in the thickness of the cell

30. A 50-year-old woman is admitted to hospital following a myocardial infarction.

She remains hypotensive for several days. Her serum lactate becomes elevated and
her serum urea nitrogen and creatinine are also increased. Microscopic urinalysis
reveals granular and hyaline casts.
Which of the following renal pathologies is most likely to be the cause?
A Acute tubular necrosis
B Chronic pyelonephritis
C Minimal change glomerulonephritis
D Nodular glomerulosclerosis
E Renal vein thrombosis

31. A 43-year-old woman was diagnosed at 15 years of age with type 1 diabetes
mellitus. Her disease has been poorly controlled. She develops a non-healing ulcer
of her foot at age 35 years. By 40 years of age, she has an increasing serum urea
and a urinalysis shows a specific gravity of 1.012, pH 6.5, 1+ protein, no blood, 1+
glucose, negative leukocyte esterase, negative nitrite, and no ketones.
Which of the following renal diseases is she most likely to have?
A Crescentic glomerulonephritis
B Hyperplastic arteriolosclerosis
C Nodular glomerulosclerosis
D Papillary necrosis
E Pyelonephritis

32. A 59-year-old man presents with a 1-week history of frank haematuria. On physical
examination, there are no abnormal findings. Urinalysis confirms the presence of
blood, but no proteinuria or glucosuria. Urine culture is negative. A cystoscopy is
Questions: SBAs 211

performed, and a 3 cm exophytic mass is seen in the dome of the bladder. A biopsy
of this mass is performed and microscopic examination reveals fibrovascular cores
covered by a thick layer of transitional cells.
Which of the following risk factors is most likely to have led to development
of this lesion?
A Chronic use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
B Cigarette smoking
C Diabetes mellitus
D Recurrent urinary tract infection
E Obesity

33. A 30-year-old woman has had increasing malaise with fever, abdominal pain,
and weight loss of 3 kg over the past 3 weeks. On physical examination, her blood
pressure is 160/110 mmHg. She has a stool positive for occult blood. Urinalysis
reveals haematuria. She has no serum antineutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibodies
and her antinuclear antibody test is negative. Aneurysmal arterial dilations and
occlusions are seen in the medium-sized renal and mesenteric arteries with
angiography. She improves with corticosteroid therapy.
Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A Benign nephrosclerosis
B Nodular glomerulosclerosis
C Polyarteritis nodosa
D Systemic lupus erythematosus
E Wegener granulomatosis

34. A 55-year-old woman is admitted to the emergency department 1 week after a

work-related crush injury. On physical examination, she is febrile and appears
dehydrated. After catheterisation, she passes a small amount of very dark urine.
The urine dipstick test for blood is positive but no red blood cells are seen on
microscopy. Her serum biochemistry shows:
Creatinine = 120 μmol/L
Serum potassium = 5.7 mmol/L
Creatinine kinase = > 50,000 U/L
Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A Poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis
B Renal infarction
C Renal papillary necrosis
D Rhabdomyolysis
E Ureteral lithiasis

35. Which of the following is characteristic of the cellular changes seen in dysplasia?
A Absence of mitotic figures on microscopy
B Decreased mitotic activity
C Hyperchromatism
212 Chapter 13  Pathology

D Irreversibility
E Uniformity in cell shape

36. Which of the following vulval skin disorders is associated with the highest risk of
developing malignant disease?
A Contact irritant dermatitis
B Lichen planus
C Lichen sclerosus
D Squamous cell hyperplasia
E Psoriasis

37. A 75-year-old woman presents to her general practitioner (GP) with increasing
abdominal girth, reduced appetite and increasing shortness of breath. Her GP,
suspicious of malignancy, performs laboratory investigations and refers her for an
urgent review to the local hospital.
The results of her laboratory investigations are as follows:

Tumour marker Result Reference range

CA 19-9 (U/mL) 34 0–40
CA-125 (U/mL) 812 0–35
Carcinoembryonic antigen (µg/L) 1.2 0–2.5
Α-Fetoprotein U/mL 1.4 0–5

From the tumour marker levels given what is the most likely primary tumour?
A Colorectal cancer
B Hepatocellular cancer
C Lung cancer with abdominal metastases
D Pancreatic cancer
E Primary peritoneal cancer

38. Which of the following paraneoplastic syndromes is paired with a recognised

causal malignancy?
A Acanthosis nigricans and bowel cancer
B Carcinoid and uterine cancer
C Cushing’s syndrome and small cell lung cancer
D Dermatomyositis and renal cancer
E Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion and fibroma

39. Which of the following is a risk factor for the development of ovarian cancer?
A Early menopause
B History of breastfeeding
C Nulliparity
D Oral contraceptive use
E Physical activity
Questions: SBAs 213

40. A grand multiparous woman has a postpartum haemorrhage soon after delivery.
She is tachycardic, hypotensive, with a capillary refill time of 3 seconds and she
appears confused. She has grade IV haemorrhagic shock.
What do you think is the estimated blood loss thus far based on clinical findings?
A 500 mL
B 750 mL
C 1000 mL
D 1300 mL
E 2000 mL

41. A 39-year-old woman has a forceps delivery. She is diagnosed as having a fourth
degree tear of the perineum, which is repaired in theatre. She is readmitted 5
days later with wound dehiscence and it is noted that faecal matter is draining
per vaginam. She has a temperature, is tachycardic and is feeling unwell. She is in
septic shock soon after arrival.
Which of the below pathogens is the most likely causative agent?
A Actinomyces israelii
B Clostridium perfringens
C Staphylococcus aureus
D Listeria monocytogenes
E Escherichia coli
214 Chapter 13  Pathology

1. A False
B False
C False
D True
E False
Mayer–Rokitansky–Küster–Hauser (MRKH) syndrome occurs in approximately
1 in 5000 females. The cause is unknown and it is not known to have a genetic
inheritance. Women affected have a female chromosomal pattern of 46XX and
normally-functioning ovaries. MRKH syndrome occurs as a result of abnormal
development of the Müllerian system which forms the uterus, fallopian tubes and
upper part of the vagina. There is a spectrum of abnormalities ranging from absence
of the proximal two-thirds of the vagina to more significant genital abnormalities
including absence of the uterus. It is not associated with hirsutism, but may be found
alongside abnormalities of the skeleton, kidneys and other organs.
2. A True
B True
C True
D True
E True
Choriocarcinoma is a malignant form of gestational trophoblastic disease which most
commonly occurs after a complete molar pregnancy. It is more common at extremes
of fertility: teenagers and those over 40 years of age. Pathology reveals sheets of
syncytiotrophoblasts and cytotrophoblasts with evidence of necrosis, haemorrhage
and intravascular growth. Treatment is carried out at specialist units and often requires
chemotherapy, however overall survival is good if metastasis has not yet occurred.
3. A False
B True
C False
D True
E True
Inflammation occurs in response to tissue injury. Acute inflammation occurs
immediately and may last hours or days, whereas chronic inflammation can potentially
last for months and years. In response to insult, a series of cellular and chemical
mediators become part of response aimed at removing the cause of the trauma and
bringing about tissue healing. Cytokines are cell-derived polypeptides, predominantly
produced by macrophages and lymphocytes as part of the inflammatory response. A
Answers 215

form of cytokines called colony stimulating factors act on the bone marrow to increase
the production of leucocytes. Fever is mediated by tumour necrosis factor (TNF) and
interleukin-1 (both cytokines), causing damage to the heat regulating system.
4. A False
B True
C True
D False
E True
Uterine fibroids, also known as leiomyomas, are benign growths of smooth muscle
which arise from the myometrium of the uterus. They can be classified according to
their location. Women with fibroids may complain of menorrhagia, dysmenorrhoea,
and problems with urinary frequency and hesitancy. In severe cases fibroids may be
associated with anaemia and urinary retention. Reduced fertility may be associated
with fibroids; the possible link between fibroids and recurrent miscarriage remains
unclear. Fibroids are more common in women of Afro–Caribbean origin and in
obese women. Treatment options include hormone therapy such as gonadotropin-
releasing hormone analogues to cause preoperative shrinkage, myomectomy,
uterine artery embolisation and hysterectomy. Rarely fibroids may undergo
malignant change and become leiomyosarcomas (Figure 13.1).
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Heavy Menstrual Bleeding. Clinical Guideline CG44.
London: NICE, 2007.

Figure 13.1  Location of uterine





216 Chapter 13  Pathology

5. A True
B False
C True
E False
Epstein–Barr virus, also known as human herpesvirus 4, causes infectious
mononucleosis and is also associated with the development of neoplasms such as
Burkitt’s lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease and nasopharyngeal carcinoma. The primary
cause of cervical cancer is infection by subtypes of the human papilloma virus
(HPV). By far the majority of cervical cancers are caused by the HPV subtypes 16
and 18. Kaposi’s sarcoma, an AIDs-defining illness, is caused by infection with human
herpesvirus 8. Hepatocellular carcinoma is associated with infection by hepatitis
viruses B and C, although it may also be caused by carcinogens such as aflatoxin B1
and may also be the sequelae of alcoholism and haemochromatosis.
6. A True
B False
C True
D True
E False
Vaginal clear cell carcinoma is a rare form of tumour associated with exposure to
diethylstilbestrol during fetal development. Several forms of leukaemia, i.e. acute
myeloid leukaemia and chronic lymphocytic leukaemia have been associated with
exposure to myelotoxic agents such as benzene. Exposure to aniline dye (also
known as benzidine) in factory workers is classically associated with the subsequent
development of bladder cancer. Similarly associated with bladder cancer is
β-naphthylamine, a carcinogen which is a constituent of cigarette smoke. A low-fibre
diet, high levels of processed meats and smoking are just a few of the risk factors
associated with the development of bowel cancer.
Chapter 25: Gynaeclogical Neoplasia. In: Fiander A, Thilganathan B (eds).Your Essential Revision Guide
MRCOG Part 1. London: RCOG Press, 2010: 404.

7. A True
B True
C False
D True
E False
Tumours may express receptors for certain hormones and therefore be considered
as hormone-dependant. Ductal carcinoma of the breast may be oestrogen
receptor-positive and can respond to oestrogen antagonist drugs such as tamoxifen.
Endometrial cancer may be considered a consequence of the effects of unopposed
Answers 217

oestrogen. Adenocarcinoma of the prostate is a hormone-dependent tumour which

may respond to antiandrogens and gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogues.
8. A True
B True
C False
D False
E True
Actinic keratosis is associated with squamous cell carcinomas. Atrophic gastritis, a
condition associated with chronic inflammation of the stomach, may develop into
gastric adenocarcinoma. Leukoplakia is characterised by white patches of skin in
the oral cavity, mainly occurring in tobacco users; sufferers may go on to develop
oral cancer. Barrett’s oesophagus, a condition where the squamous epithelium of
the oesophagus is replaced by columnar epithelium as a consequence of chronic
reflux oesophagitis, is considered as premalignant for oesophageal cancer. Cervical
intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) is the premalignant condition associated with cervical
cancer and detection of CIN is the basis of cervical screening programmes.
9. A False
B True
C True
D False
E False
Sarcomas are relatively rare fast growing connective tissue tumours. They originate
from embryonic mesoderm. The commonest form of childhood cancer, these
malignant tumours may rapidly metastasise to sites such as the lungs. Sarcomas may
be found in soft tissues, in bone or in the form of gastrointestinal stromal tumours.
The commonest form of sarcoma is gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GISTs).
Other examples of sarcomas include osteosarcoma, malignant schwannoma and
chondrosarcoma. Low-grade tumours may be effectively surgically excised, however
higher-grade forms may respond to both radiotherapy and chemotherapy. GISTs
tend to respond better to the drug imatinib (a protein kinase inhibitor) rather than
traditional radio- and chemotherapy.
10. A False
B True
C True
D True
E False
Phaeochromocytomas are neuroendocrine tumours of chromaffin cells. The majority
of these tumours occur in the chromaffin cells of the renal medulla, although
they may also develop elsewhere and be found retroperitoneally, in the organ of
218 Chapter 13  Pathology

Zuckerkandl (located at the bifurcation of the aorta), the neck and at other sites.
Pheochromocytomas secrete catecholamines, i.e. adrenaline and noradrenaline, and
are associated with high blood pressure (which may be malignant) and symptoms
such as palpitations, anxiety and headaches. Diagnosis may be made on the
finding of high levels of metanephrine in blood. High levels of urinary adrenaline,
noradrenaline, vanillylmandelic acid and homovanillic acid may also aid diagnosis.
The treatment of choice is surgical resection.
11. A True
B False
C False
D False
E True
Conn’s syndrome, a form of primary hyperaldosteronism, describes a series
of symptoms related to the excess production of aldosterone. Hypertension,
hypokalaemia and alkalosis may all be present. It may be caused by an aldosterone-
producing adenoma of the adrenal glands (Conn’s tumour) or hyperplasia of the
adrenal glands or may be idiopathic. Aldosterone’s action is at the distal tubule
and collecting duct of the kidneys, where it promotes the reabsorption of sodium
ions and water and the subsequent excretion of sodium ions. Excess aldosterone
therefore leads to abnormally low levels of potassium and volume expansion with
hypertension and its inevitable sequelae, e.g. heart failure. Treatment options
include surgery and the usage of aldosterone-antagonists such as spironolactone.
12. A True
B True
C False
D False
E True
Xeroderma pigmentosum and Cockayne’s syndrome are both conditions where
there is autosomal recessive inheritance of a defect in DNA repair. Such conditions,
which also include Bloom’s syndrome, Fanconi’s anaemia and Rothmund–Thomson
syndrome, are associated with accelerated ageing and with a higher risk of
developing certain forms of cancer. For example, individuals with xeroderma
pigmentosum are prone to skin cancers such as malignant melanoma due to a defect
in the ability to correct DNA damage caused by ultraviolet light. Cockayne syndrome
is associated with premature ageing, photosensitivity and growth problems.
13. A False
B False
C True
D False
E True
Answers 219

The genetic predisposition to oncogenesis can be due to inheritance of a gene

mutation leading to the absence of a tumour suppressor. For example, in inherited
retinoblastoma there is a defect in the RB gene (a tumour suppressor gene) on
chromosome 13. Other forms of inheritable predisposition to malignancy may be
due to the inheritance of genes that lead to defects in DNA repair. For example,
the transmission of mutated forms of any of the hereditary non-polyposis colonic
cancer (HNPCC) genes via autosomal dominant inheritance leads to increased
cancer susceptibility. These mismatch repair genes include MLH1, MSH2, and MSH6.
Inheritance of mutated forms of these genes is associated not only with colon
cancer, but also other cancers including endometrial, ovarian, central nervous
system and urinary tract malignancies.
Li–Fraumeni syndrome is an autosomal dominant disorder where there is an
inherited mutation in the tumour suppressor gene p53, leading to increased
malignancies, such as breast cancer and sarcomas, in affected individuals.
Neurofibromatosis type 1 is caused by a mutation in a tumour suppressor gene in
chromosome 17; transmitted via autosomal dominant inheritance, this condition is
associated predominantly with benign tumour growth.
Increased breast and ovarian cancer are associated with the transmission of mutated
forms of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes via autosomal recessive inheritance.
14. A False
B True
C True
D False
E True
Osteoporosis is a condition whereby there is reduced bone mineral density and
deterioration of bone architecture with a subsequent increased risk of fractures.
The World Health Organisation has defined osteoporosis as a bone mineral
density (T score) that is > 2.5 standard deviations from the mean peak bone mass.
Osteoporosis may occur secondary to other pathologies, e.g. in hyperparathyroidism
and renal failure. Osteoporosis is also more prevalent in states when there is
hypogonadism, e.g. in Turner’s syndrome. Treatments for osteoporosis include
modification of reversible risk factors, such as smoking, and medications such as
bisphosphonates and calcium supplementation.
15. A False
B False
C True
D True
E True
Osteoporosis is a condition associated with significantly reduced bone density.
Osteoporosis is more common in women and affects large numbers after the
220 Chapter 13  Pathology

menopause. Risk factors for osteoporosis include: having a low body mass index,
smoking, calcium deficiency, excess alcohol intake, minimal exercise, family history
and corticosteroid usage. Osteoporosis is also common in states of hypogonadism,
e.g. in individuals with Kallmann’s syndrome. Prevention of osteoporosis is possible
by early recognition of modifiable risk factors such as smoking and low levels of
weight-bearing exercise. Individuals with osteoporosis may benefit from the usage
of bisphosphonates and calcium supplementation.
16. A True
B False
C True
D True
E False
Apoptosis is also known as programmed cell death. Essential for normal physiology,
apoptosis usually confers a biological benefit, such as tissue differentiation in
embryogenesis and the sloughing off of the endometrium during menstruation.
Apoptosis differs from necrosis, which is cell death following a form of trauma. In
apoptosis there are a series of sequential changes in the cell and its organelles.
During this energy-dependant process there is cell shrinkage followed by a series of
changes in the nucleus which include pyknosis, which refers to nuclear shrinkage
and condensation of chromatin, and karyorrhexis, which is the fragmentation of the
nuclei. In apoptosis there is formation of cytoplasmic blebs called apoptotic bodies.
Markers are expressed on the cell’s surface to encourage phagocytosis. The whole
process occurs without the release of inflammatory markers.
17. A True
B False
C True
D False
E True
Necrosis refers to the irreversible death of cells due to injury. There are a series of
changes that occur within necrotic cells. These sequential microscopic changes include
cytoplasmic eosinophilia, pyknosis (cell shrinkage), karyorrhexis (breakdown of the
nucleus) and karyolysis (complete dissolution of the nucleus secondary to the action
on DNAase). Necrosis is associated with the release of inflammatory mediators. There
are several types of necrosis, which are specific to the type of cell trauma and the tissues
involved; these include coagulative necrosis, caseous necrosis and colliquative necrosis. In
caseous necrosis a cheese-like matter is formed at the site of necrosis following infection
with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Necrosis is not an inevitable event in the cell cycle.
18. A True
B False
C True
Answers 221

D True
E True
The Coombs test is used to detect serum antibodies directed against red blood
cells. The direct Coombs test detects the presence of antibodies or complement
on the red blood cell surface. The indirect Coombs test detects the presence of
unbound antibodies in the blood, which react in vitro against certain antigens.
Haemolytic disease of the newborn is an example of alloimmune haemolysis.
Warm antibody autoimmune haemolysis may occur in conditions such as systemic
lupus erythematosus. Cold antibody autoimmune haemolysis may occur in
conditions such as atypical pneumonias caused by bacterium mycoplasma,
infectious mononucleosis and paroxysmal cold haemoglobinuria. Administration of
methyldopa can cause a drug-induced, immune-mediated haemolysis and therefore
gives a positive direct Coombs test. Usage of cephalosporins can also give a positive
direct Coombs test.
19. A True
B False
C False
D True
E True
Protein C deficiency and factor V Leiden are both congenital conditions associated
with increased thrombus formation. Haemophilia A and haemophilia B (also known
as Christmas disease) are both sex-linked inherited disorders. Haemophilia A is
caused by a mutation in the factor VIII gene on the X-chromosome, with subsequent
factor VIII deficiency; haemophilia B is associated with factor XI deficiency due to
a gene mutation. Both haemophilias are associated with impaired clotting. In von
Willebrand’s disease there may be either a deficiency, or abnormality in the function
of von Willebrand Factor (vWF). vWF promotes platelet adhesion and sufferers may
experience varying levels of bleeding problems.
20. A True
B True
C True
D False
E False
Hyperplasia is the increase in the number of cells in a tissue and is easily confused
with hypertrophy, which is the increase in the size of cells. Hyperplasia can have
physiological benefit and may occur naturally in tissues, e.g. in the smooth muscle
of the pregnant uterus and in female breast tissue during puberty. In some
circumstances hyperplasia may be considered pathological, such as hyperplasia of
the adrenal cortex in Cushing’s syndrome, of the endometrium (due to unopposed
oestrogen) and in benign prostatic hypertrophy.
222 Chapter 13  Pathology

21. A True
B False
C False
D False
E False
Atrophy, (a diminution of the size of the cell, organ or part) and dysplasia may both
be reversible. Metaplasia is the conversion of a full differentiated cell type into
another differentiated cell type. Neoplasia refers to the abnormal proliferation of cells.
Neoplastic change may be malignant in nature, e.g. in breast cancer. However, there
are also benign neoplasms, e.g. uterine fibroids. Hypertrophy refers to the potentially
reversible increase in cell size, not number.
22. A False
B False
C True
D True
E False
Metaplasia represents the benign change from one form of differentiated type of
cell to another type of differentiated cell. Metaplasia typically occurs in response to
an irritant stimulus, whereby the cell type of a tissue changes in order to cope better
with the stresses of the irritant. This change in cell phenotype may be reversible,
especially when the ‘stressful stimulus’ is removed. Examples of metaplastic change
include the change from columnar epithelium to squamous epithelium in the
transition zone of the cervix, and the conversion of the squamous epithelium to
transitional epithelium in cases of Barrett’s oesophagus, which occur due to chronic
acid exposure. Although metaplastic change in itself is benign, persistent exposure
to irritants may eventually lead to dysplasia and potentially neoplastic change.
Heteroplasia describes the abnormal growth of cells in the wrong location in the
absence of any stimulus.
23. A False
B True
C False
D False
E True
Shock describes a state of acute circulatory failure leading to compromised organ
perfusion. Shock has various aetiologies and can occur secondary to anaphylaxis,
hypovolaemia, sepsis, obstruction and also cardiogenic causes. Regardless of the
cause, there are a number of characteristic features of shock which reflect the role of
the nervous and immune systems to compensate for this compromised state. These
features include tachycardia, hypotension, oliguria, reduced capillary refill time and
reduced levels of consciousness.
Answers 223

Central to the management of all forms of shock is the maintenance of optimal

tissue perfusion and ventilation through the administration of oxygen and
intravenous fluids. Further management is dependant on the likely cause of the
shock, i.e. administration of intravenous antibiotics for septic shock.

24. A  Breech presentation

A bicornuate uterus has an incidence of 0.1–0.5%. It is caused when the müllerian
(paramesonephric) ducts incompletely fuse during embryonic development. This
results in two separate, but communicating, endometrial cavities. The extent to
which there is incomplete fusion of the müllerian ducts can result in varying degrees
of abnormality. This varies from uterus didelphus where there are two entirely
separate uterine cavities and a septate uterus where there is essentially a single
uterine cavity interrupted by a thin septum. The presence of a bicornuate uterus is
associated with recurrent miscarriage, breech presentation and preterm delivery.
Figure 13.2 shows structural abnormalities of the uterus.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Query Bank: Recurrent miscarriage and bicornuate
uterus. London: RCOG, 2010.

Figure 13.2  Structural

abnormalities of the uterus.

Uterus didelphus

Bicornuate uterus
Septate uterus

25. B  46 XX
Gestational trophoblastic disease describes a variety of conditions ranging from
complete and partial molar pregnancies to malignant choriocarcinoma. Histologically
there is cystic swelling of chorionic villi.
A complete molar pregnancy is usually caused by a single sperm combining with
an egg which is devoid of DNA. The genotype is usually diploid 46 XX, as a result of
mitosis of the fertilising sperm. Occasionally the genotype is 46 XY.
A partial molar pregnancy is usually caused by two sperm or one which duplicates
and has a triploid genotype 69 XXY, or quadraploid XXXY. Gestational trophoblastic
224 Chapter 13  Pathology

disease is a premalignant condition. Overall approximately 1–2% of hydatiform

pregnancies develop into choriocarcinoma and complete moles are more likely
to do so. They are diagnosed histologically by cystic swelling of chorionic villi and
marked trophoblastic proliferation.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. The Management of Gestational Trophoblastic Disease.
Green-top Guideline 38. London: RCOG, 2010.

26. A  Basophils
Histamine (5-hydroxytryptamine) is a significant contributor to the immediate
response in acute inflammation and is a vasoactive amine. It is predominantly
produced by local mast cells, but also by basophils and platelets. Histamine
is typically stored in mast cell granules and released during a process called
degranulation following mast cell activation. This activation may occur in response
to stimuli, such as mast cell antibody binding, following complement activation
and in direct response to injury. The main action of histamine is vascular dilatation,
however it is also involved in increasing vascular permeability.

27. D  48–92 hours

The process of cutaneous wound healing occurs with initial inflammation, followed
by proliferation and then maturation. Healing by primary intention follows surgical
incision closed by suturing. The initial surgical incision causes platelets to rapidly
gather to form a clot which instigates the inflammatory response. Healing by
secondary intention occurs when there is a traumatic wound causing large loss
of cells and tissues. Neutrophils appear with 24 hours of the insult. Fibroblasts
proliferate in the first 24–72 hours forming granulation tissue which fills the wound
within 1 week. Neutrophils are replaced by macrophages within 48–96 hours.
Leucocyte infiltration and increased vascularity is present for up to 14 days.

28. B  Glomerular capillary endotheliosis

Pre-eclampsia is a complex condition which affects many body systems, including
the kidneys, and affects both function and morphology. It leads to the glomerulus
becoming hypertrophied with reduced perfusion as a result of hypertrophy of
intracapillary cells. The reactive changes of the kidney are described as glomerular
capillary endotheliosis. The extent to which the kidneys are affected varies according
to the location of the lesion but in severe cases may involve the whole of the renal

29. A  Increase in the number of cells

Hyperplasia is an increase in the number of cells as a response to a specific stimulus.
Hypertrophy is an increase in the size of the cells. Hyperplasia is often benign, as
in benign prostatic hyperplasia, but can sometimes manifest as a premalignant
condition. The microscopic and macroscopic appearance of the cells remains the
same, but there are an increased number of them present. Other examples of
Answers 225

cellular hyperplasia include the growth of glandular breast tissue during pregnancy,
endometrial hyperplasia and the hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex seen in Cushing’s
disease (Figure 13.3).

Figure 13.3  Hypertrophy,

Normal cells Hypertrophy hyperplasia and atrophy.

Hyperplasia Atrophy

30. A  Acute tubular necrosis

Acute tubular necrosis (ATN) is the commonest cause of acute renal failure, and is a
renal cause (as opposed to prerenal and postrenal causes). Acute tubular necrosis
can be caused by a variety of insults including ischaemia, infection, toxins and
drugs. Typically, ATN is characterised by injury to the tubular epithelial cells of the
renal parenchyma leading to necrotic lesions and the formation of epithelial casts.
Initially, ATN may present with a slightly reduced urine output, followed by profound
oliguria, metabolic acidosis, uraemia and hyperkalaemia. When recovery begins
there is a polyuria and an associated osmotic diuresis. Appropriately managed (i.e.
using dialysis if needed), ATN can be reversible and there can be complete recovery
if the cause is removed.

31. C  Nodular glomerulosclerosis

Nodular glomerulosclerosis, also known as diabetic nephropathy, is a common
complication of diabetes mellitus. The disease is characterised by thickening of the
glomerulus basement membrane, mesangial sclerosis and glomerulosclerosis. These
features are the sequelae of the known end-organ damage associated with diabetes
mellitus as a consequence of microvascular disease and chronic hyperglycaemia.
226 Chapter 13  Pathology

This form of nephropathy is typically diagnosed in individuals with known

diabetes mellitus, non-healing ulcers, proteinuria and retinopathy. The diagnosis is
characterised by a progressively declining glomerular filtration rate, long-standing
albuminuria and hypertension. The mainstay of treatment is improved glycaemic
control, management of hypertension (often with the use of ACE inhibitors), dietary
protein restriction and in some cases renal dialysis.

32. B  Cigarette smoking

Cigarette smoking is known to be the greatest risk factor for the development
of bladder cancer, and is thought to be associated with around 50% of cases.
The disease is also more common in individuals who have worked in industrial
settings and been exposed to carcinogens, such as aniline dyes. Exposure to
cyclophosphamide is a further risk factor. An exophytic mass is a lesion that grows
out of the surface of an organ. In this patient the mass represents a transitional
cell carcinoma of the bladder. The patient has frank haematuria, which is the most
common presenting symptom of this tumour of the urothelium. Management
strategies of transitional cell carcinoma of this kind include bladder resection,
cystectomy, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network. Management of Transitional Cell carcinoma of the Bladder. A
national clinical guideline 85. Edinburgh: SIGN, 2005.

33. C  Polyarteritis nodosa

Polyarteritis nodosa (PAN) is a systemic vasculitis of unknown aetiology which
affects the small and medium-sized arteries. Necrotising transmural inflammation
is typical in affected vessels. There is associated microaneurysm formation, tissue
infarction and necrosis. Lesions can affect the gastrointestinal tract, the kidneys, the
heart and the liver. There may be resultant hypertension due to renal involvement,
melaena due to gastrointestinal lesions alongside abdominal pain, malaise, fever
and weight loss. PAN affects men more then women and typically presents in young
adulthood. Diagnosis is usually made by renal biopsy or by mesenteric angiography.
Although the aetiology of PAN is uncertain there appears to be an association
with chronic hepatitis B infection, with around 30% of individuals with PAN having
hepatitis B antibody complexes present in affected arteries. Corticosteroids and
cyclophosphamide form the mainstay of treatment.

34. D  Rhabdomyolysis
This woman’s urinalysis shows myoglobinuria, which typically follows significant
trauma to muscle tissue. Although its presence may have minimal sequelae in severe
cases, there may be rhabdomyolysis. Myoglobin is normally renally-excreted, but in
excessive amounts it causes obstruction of the distal tubule and acute renal failure.
In rhabdomyolysis there is excessive release of the intracellular contents of muscle
cells leading to hyperkalaemia and metabolic acidosis. Hypocalaemia may also
occur. In severe cases there may be disseminated intravascular coagulation.
Answers 227

35. C  Hyperchromatism
Dysplasia is a term used to describe abnormal development of immature cells in a
tissue, whereby there are abnormalities in the cellular architecture and appearance.
Dysplastic cells can be thought of as showing some of cellular changes that occur
in cancer cells. These atypical features infer malignant potential although not all
dysplastic tissue will go on to become malignant. In dysplastic cells a series of visible
characteristic changes occur which include:
• Increased mitotic activity
• Hyperchromatism: prominent cell nucleus due to increased chromatin
• Nuclear pleomorphism: abnormalities in the shape and size of the nucleus
• Anisocytosis: increased cell size
• Poikilocytosis: unusually shaped cells
Dysplasia may be reversible if in its early stages, especially if any causative stimulus
is removed. A potentially reversible form of dysplasia is present in CIN I, where
dysplastic changes are only seen in the basal third of the squamous epithelium; in
these cases there is high likelihood of reversible changes and monitoring may be

36. C  Lichen sclerosus

All options given are non-neoplastic skin conditions of the vulva. Vulval cancer is
a rare form of cancer (1.7/100,000 women) usually affecting women around 70–80
years old; the majority of cases are squamous carcinomas (90%). Risk factors for
the development of vulval cancer include: smoking, chronic skin conditions such
as lichen sclerosus, vulval intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN), Paget’s disease and the
presence of melanoma in situ.
Lichen sclerosus is an inflammatory condition affecting the anogenital area; the
majority of sufferers are postmenopausal women. Patients often present with
itching. Treatments include use of potent topical corticosteroids. Five–seven per
cent of women may go on to develop vulval cancer. Vulval cancer spreads by direct
extension to surrounding structures, local lymph nodes and by the blood stream.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Management of Vulval Cancer. London: RCOG, 2006.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. The Management of Vulval Skin Disorders. Green-top
Guideline 58. London: RCOG 2011.

37. E  Primary peritoneal cancer

Primary peritoneal cancer (PPC), like ovarian cancer, is associated with high serum
levels of the tumour marker CA-125. PPC is a rare cancer of the peritoneum. Like
ovarian cancer, many patients have few symptoms until relatively late in the disease’s
progression. Invasion to the peritoneum is not uncommon in ovarian cancer,
however there is often minimal or no ovarian involvement when there is a primary
peritoneal cancer. PPC has an association with transmission of the oncogene BRCA1
and BRCA2. Treatment of PPC, like ovarian cancer, includes surgical interventions
228 Chapter 13  Pathology

such as total abdominal hysterectomy, bilateral oophorectomy and omentectomy,

as well as chemotherapy and radiotherapy. It is important to remember that whilst
tumour markers can aid diagnosis they are limited in their specificity and sensitivity;
they are especially useful for monitoring disease progression pre- and post-
treatment (Table 13.1).

  Table 13.1  Tumour markers and associated malignancies

Tumour markers Associated malignancies

CA 19-9 Colorectal cancer
Pancreatic cancer
CA-125 Ovarian cancer
Primary peritoneal cancer
CA 15-3 Breast cancer
Carcinogenic embryonic antigen Colorectal cancer
Alpha-fetoprotein Pancreatic cancer
Germ cell tumours
Human chorionic gonadotrophin Gestational trophoblastic disease
Germ cell tumours
Prostate specific antigen Prostate cancer

38. C  Cushing’s syndrome and small cell lung cancer

Paraneoplastic syndromes are groups of symptoms which may present in patients with
malignancy; they are not directly caused by the tumour itself. Paraneoplastic syndromes
may present as pathologies of the endocrinological, dermatological, rheumatological,
haematological, renal, gastrointestinal and neuromuscular systems (Table 13.2).

  Table 13.2  Paraneoplastic syndromes and their associated malignancies

Paraneoplastic syndrome Associated malignancies

Endocrine Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic Lung cancer
hormone secretion Tumours of central nervous system

Cushing’s syndrome Small cell lung cancer

Dermatological Acanthosis nigricans Uterine cancer

Dermatomyositis Breast cancer

Haematological Polycythaemia Renal cancer

Hepatocellular cancer

Lambert–Eaton myasthenic syndrome Small cell lung cancer

Answers 229

39. C  Nulliparity
There are a series of risk factors for ovarian cancer. The main risk factors for the
development of ovarian cancer are increasing age, the presence of gene mutations
such as BRCA and HNPCC and a family history of the disease. Several additional risk
factors relate to ovarian activity, i.e. ovarian cancer appears to be less common
in women who have interrupted ovulation during their reproductive years. The
malignancy is more common in women who have an early menarche and a
late menopause. Women who have had no pregnancies are at a greater risk of
developing ovarian cancer; the more children a woman has had the lower the risk.
Protective factors include those who have used the contraceptive pill and those with
a history of breastfeeding.

40. E  2000 mL
This patient is obviously compromised by her blood loss and needs rapid fluid
resuscitation and is likely also to need blood products. Haemorrhagic shock can be
classified according to the amount of blood lost and the subsequent derangement
in vital signs as the body tries to compensate for the blood loss. In addition to
tachycardia, hypotension and tachypnea, there may be altered consciousness and
reduced urine output reflecting reduced organ perfusion. This patient’s condition
is suggestive a massive loss of blood volume, equivalent to around 2000 mL. This is
classified as class IV haemorrhagic shock:
• Class I haemorrhage: up to 15% blood volume, up to around 750 mL blood loss
• Class II haemorrhage: 15–30% blood volume lost
• Class III haemorrhage: 30–40% blood volume lost
• Class IV haemorrhage: over 40% blood volume lost

41. E  Escherichia coli

Most cases of septic shock are caused by infection with Gram-negative bacteria,
although Gram-positive bacterium, viruses and fungi can be causative agents.
E. coli is the only Gram-negative bacteria of the options given and therefore the
most likely cause of this patient’s life-threatening condition. Gram-negative bacilli
release endotoxins which are bacterial wall lipopolysaccharides (LPS). LPS can lead
to the systemic activation of macrophages, neutrophils, natural killer cells and
the widespread release of cytokines and inflammatory mediators such as tumour
necrosis factor and interleukins. The consequences of this immune system activation
include vasodilation, increased vascular permeability and endothelial injury.
Inflammatory mediators may activate the coagulation system leading to deranged
clotting and in extreme cases disseminated intravascular coagulation. Untreated,
septic shock may lead to death.
Chapter 14

Questions: MCQs
Answer each stem ‘True’ or ‘False’.

1. Pharmacokinetics:
A Lipid soluble drugs are easily absorbed
B Bioavailability is the proportion of drug that reaches its target
C Fat soluble drugs can have a prolonged duration of action
D There are two phases of elimination of drugs from the kidney
E Phase II liver metabolism often involves cytochrome P450 enzymes

2. The following are enzyme inducers:

A Griseofulvin
B Rifampicin
C Grapefruit juice
D Phenytoin
E Fluconazole

3. Considering the mechanism of pain:

A Prostaglandins directly cause pain
B Bradykinin is a potent cause of pain
C 5HT is a transmitter of inhibitory neurons
D Adenosine has a role in regulating pain
E Glutamate is an inhibitory amino acid

4. Opioid drugs:
A Leads to an increase in vasopressin release
B Cause pupillary dilation
C Morphine can cause hypotension associated with a reflex tachycardia
D Cannot cross the placenta
E Codeine is a more effective analgesic than dihydrocodeine

5. Anaesthetic agents:
A Halothane is an inhalational agent
B Nitrous oxide causes an increase in sympathetic nervous system activity
C Halothane can cause liver toxicity
D Isoflurane causes cardiac vasodilation
E Malignant hyperthermia is a side-effect of halogenated anaesthetic agents
232 Chapter 14  Pharmacology

6. Clomifene citrate:
A Can cause ovarian hyperstimulation
B Is an antioestrogen
C Can cause visual blurring
D Is taken during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle
E Can be used for up to 18 months in women with anovulatory menstrual cycles

7. Cyproterone acetate:
A Is an antiandrogen
B Irreversibly inhibits spermatogenesis
C Is used to treat hirsutism
D Promotes cortisol synthesis
E Is linked to increased risk of thrombosis

8. Mifepristone:
A Is an antiprogestogenic steroid
B Is a folate antagonist
C Can be used for emergency contraception
D Decreases myometrial sensitivity to prostaglandins
E Can be used in the medical management of ectopic pregnancy

9. The following are cytotoxic antibiotics:

A Doxorubicin
B Fluorouracil
C Bleomycin
D Dactinomycin
E Vinblastine

10. The following teratogens are correctly paired with the abnormalities they cause:
A Ramipril: polyhydramnios
B Phenytoin: spina bifida
C Diethylstilbestrol: vaginal clear cell adenocarcinoma
D Warfarin: hydrocephalus
E Danazol: masculinisation of the female fetus
Questions: SBAs 233

Questions: SBAs
For each question, select the single best answer from the five options listed.

11. Which of the following normal physiological changes seen in pregnancy are
associated with a slower drug metabolism?
A Delayed gastric emptying
B Increased body fat volume
C Increased cardiac output
D Increased glomerular filtration rate
E Increased third space volume

12. A 17-year-old girl discovers she is pregnant despite taking the oral contraceptive
pill. She has recently been prescribed a new medication by her general
Which of the following drugs is most likely to have interacted with the efficacy of
her contraception?
A Carbamazepine
B Cimetidine
C Erythromycin
D Metronidazole
E Sulphamethoxazole

13. Which of the following forms part of phase 2 reactions in drug metabolism?
A Conjugation
B Cyclisation
C Hydrolysis
D Reduction
E Oxidation

14. A 23-year-old woman is admitted to hospital as she is acutely unwell, having

admitted to taking an overdose. On examination, her temperature is 38.6°C,
blood pressure 105/68 mmHg, heart rate 96 beats per minute, and respiratory rate
12 breaths per minute. Her arterial blood gas test shows respiratory alkalosis.
What is the most likely drug overdose?
A Amitriptyline
B Aspirin
C Cocaine
D Tramadol
E Zopiclone

15. A 27-year-old woman attends antenatal clinic at 14 weeks’ gestation. This is

her second pregnancy and she suffered a pulmonary embolism during her first
pregnancy, 3 years ago. Her thrombophilia screen, taken prior to pregnancy, is
234 Chapter 14  Pharmacology

What is the most appropriate course of action at this point?

A Monitor closely for signs of thromboembolic event
B Start prophylactic dose low-molecular weight heparin (LMWH) immediately
C Start prophylactic dose LMWH at 24 weeks' gestation
D Start treatment dose LMWH at 24 weeks’ gestation
E Urgent referral to haematology department

16. Which of the following is a recognised side effect of heparin usage?

A Hirsutism
B Hyperaldosteronism
C Hypokalaemia
D Osteomalacia
E Thrombocytopaenia

17. A 37-year old-woman is requesting analgesia following a caesarean section. You

notice that she has von Willebrand disease and wonder how this may affect her
coagulation profile.
Which of the following is most likely to represent a patient with von Willebrand

  Activated partial thromboplastin time

Prothrombin time Bleeding time Platelet count
A Unaffected Prolonged Prolonged Unaffected
B Unaffected Prolonged Unaffected Unaffected
C Prolonged Mildly prolonged Unaffected Unaffected
D Prolonged Prolonged Prolonged Decreased
E Unaffected Unaffected Prolonged Decreased

18. A 32-year-old woman suffers a 1500 mL postpartum haemorrhage 15 minutes after

delivery. She is given several drugs to contract the uterus and the bleeding stops.
One hour later, she is found to have blood pressure of 178/110 mmHg.
Which drug is most likely to be responsible for this clinical finding?
A Carboprost
B Ergometrine
C Misoprostol
D Oxytocin
E Ritodrine

19. A 2-year-old child has been investigated by the ear, nose and throat specialists for
sensorineural hearing loss. Following a series of investigations he is found to have
a defect of the 8th cranial nerve.
Which of the following medications did his mother take during her pregnancy?
Questions: SBAs 235

A Chloramphenicol
B Co-trimoxazole
C Doxycycline
D Erythromycin
E Streptomycin

20. A 27-year-old woman is treated for severe bronchitis at 38 weeks’ gestation. Her
baby, born at 41 weeks’ gestation, has neonatal haemolysis.
Which drug taken by the mother for bronchitis is the cause of the baby’s neonatal
A Amoxicillin
B Chloramphenicol
C Co-trimoxazole
D Doxycycline
E Erythromycin

21. A 35-year-old woman, with a history of previous multiple pulmonary embolisms, is

now 8 weeks pregnant.
Which is the anticoagulant of choice during her pregnancy?
A Aspirin 300 mg
B Heparin infusion
C Low-molecular weight heparin
D Warfarin
E None of the above

22. A 25-year-old nulliparous woman, with a lifelong history of tonic clonic seizures,
sees her neurologist as she wishes to start a family. In addition to her current
anticonvulsant therapy which additional drug is now required?
A A second anticonvulsant
B Ferrous sulphate
C Folic acid
D Low-molecular weight heparin
E Vitamin K

23. A 23-year old woman is 8 weeks pregnant. She has persistent itchy, thick, white
vaginal discharge. A high vaginal swab has identified the presence of yeast species.
She has already tried topical clotrimazole cream which has provided no relief of
her symptoms.
Which is the most appropriate treatment for vaginal candidiasis unresponsive to
clotrimazole cream?
A Clotrimazole pessary
B Metronidazole 400 mg orally
C Fluconazole 400 mg orally
D Hydrocortisone 0.5% cream
E Trimovate creams
236 Chapter 14  Pharmacology

1. A True
B False
C True
D False
E False
Pharmacokinetics refers to the processes of drug absorption, distribution and
elimination. Drug distribution is dependent on the bioavailability and volume that
the drug is distributed in.
Lipid soluble drugs are easily absorbed as they cross membranes easily.
Bioavailability refers to the amount of drug which enters the circulation before any
change occurs to it. Fat soluble drugs are more widely distributed and often have a
prolonged duration of action as they are stored in the fat tissue.
Elimination of drugs occurs via the kidneys and liver. In the presence of liver or
kidney dysfunction, the drug dosage may need altering.
Hepatic elimination occurs in two phases:
• Phase I: reduction, oxidation or hydrolysis which changes the drug to an active,
inactive or toxic state
• Phase II: drugs become more soluble by conjugation, e.g. with glucuronate, and
they can then be excreted in urine
2. A True
B True
C False
D True
E False
Enzyme inducers:
• Griseofulvin
• Phenytoin
• Phenobarbitone
• Rifampicin
• Carbamazepine
• Ethanol
Enzyme inhibitors:
• Metronidazole
• Ciprofloxacin
• Fluconazole
• Erythromycin
Answers 237

• Ethanol (acute)
• Cimetidine
• Amiodarone
• Ketoconazole
3. A False
B True
C True
D True
E False
Pain is a subjective sensation. Prostaglandins enhance the pain sensation produced
by other chemicals, e.g. serotonin; however, they are not themselves a direct cause
of pain. By blocking potassium channels, prostaglandins make nerve terminals more
sensitive to pain. Bradykinin is a peptide which acts as a potent mediator of pain.
Prostaglandins work together with with bradykinin to increase its action at nerve
terminals. 5-HT (serotonin) is a transmitter of inhibitory neurons. Glutamate is an
excitatory amino acid. It is released from primary afferent neurons and is responsible
for fast synaptic transmission and slow receptor-mediated responses. Adenosine has
a role in both activation and inhibition of pain transmission.
4. A True
B False
C False
D False
E True
Opioid drugs affect many body systems and at a cellular level and exert their
actions via G-protein coupled receptors which inhibit adenylate cyclase and reduce
cAMP content. They cause an opening of potassium channels and thereby affect
the neuronal excitability. Morphine may cause hypotension which is not usually
accompanied with a reflex tachycardia. Other effects of opioid analgesics include
respiratory depression, papillary constriction and vomiting (stimulation of the
chemoreceptor trigger zone). Morphine and other opioid drugs cause an increase in
vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone) release. Opioid drugs readily cross the placenta
and this is the mechanism by which newborns can be affected by administration
of pethidine, if given soon before delivery. Codeine is a more potent analgesic than
5. A True
B True
C True
D True
E True
238 Chapter 14  Pharmacology

Examples of inhalational anaesthetic agents are given below.

Widely used, side effects include cardiac arrhythmias (ventricular extrasystole) and
liver toxicity. It is not analgesic and is not commonly used in obstetrics as it tends to
relax the uterus.
Nitrous oxide
An odourless gas with low potency, therefore it is not used as a sole anaesthetic
agent. It is an effective analgesic agent at doses too low to cause unconsciousness,
and is used as an analgesic during labour.
Similar to halothane, but has quicker recovery as it is less fat soluble.
Potent cardiac vasodilator and causes hypotension. This is the most widely used
volatile anaesthetic.
A newer agent.
All halogenated anaesthetic agents may cause malignant hyperthermia.
6. A True
B True
C True
D False
E False
Clomiphene citrate, also known under the trade name Clomid, is commonly used
to induce ovulation in the fertility of women with anovulatory cycles, e.g. in women
with polycystic ovary syndrome. It may be used to induce ovarian hyperstimulation
as part of in vitro fertilisation programmes. Traditionally considered as an
antioestrogen, clomiphene blocks oestrogen receptors in the hypothalamus and
the pituitary and thus acts by inhibiting the negative feedback that usually occurs
at the hypothalamus. In the absence of raised oestrogen levels, the hypothalamus
goes on to produce increased levels of follicle-stimulating and luteinising
hormones which subsequently increase the chances of ovulation. Usually taken
for 5 days from around day 2 of the menstrual cycle, i.e. during the follicular
phase, clomiphene citrate will lead to successful conception in approximately
15% of women using it. Of these successful conceptions there is a higher level
of miscarriage than naturally conceived pregnancies, alongside a higher rate of
multiple pregnancies.
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Fertility Assessment and Treatment for People with
Fertility Problems. Clinical Guideline CG011. London: NICE, 2004
Answers 239

7. A True
B False
C True
D False
E True
Cyproterone acetate is an antiandrogen, which also causes a negative feedback to
hypothalamic receptors leading to reduced production of both gonadotrophins
and testosterone. It is used in the treatment of advanced prostate cancer, in cases
of severe male hypersexuality, for hirsutism and acne in women and to treat hot
flushes, where other methods have failed. Cyproterone acetate may be combined
with ethinylestradiol in the form of co-cyprindiol, trade name Dianette, for women
with severe acne or hirsutism who also require contraception. This combination of
cyproterone acetate with an ethinylestradiol is associated with an increased risk of
thrombosis. During administration it is known to reversibly inhibit spermatogenesis.
Known side effects include hepatotoxicity, gynaecomastia, low cortisol, low
aldosterone and osteoporosis. Administration of cyproterone acetate requires close
monitoring of liver function.
Anantharachagan A, Sarris I, Ugwumadu A. Revision Notes for the MRCOG Part 1. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2011: 333.

8. A True
B False
C True
D False
E False
Mifepristone is an antiprogestogenic steroid which acts as a competitive
progesterone receptor antagonist. It is used in the medical termination of
pregnancy, where it acts to cause endometrial decidual degeneration, increase
myometrial sensitivity to prostaglandins such as misoprostol (which are often given
alongside the mifepristone), ripen the cervix and increase release of endogenous
prostaglandins. Theoretically mifepristone can be used as an emergency
contraceptive, where it is thought to both delay ovulation and prevent implantation.
9. A True
B False
C True
D True
E False
Cytotoxic antibiotics are used in the treatment of malignancy due to their ability to
inhibit DNA and RNA synthesis. Doxorubicin inhibits both DNA and RNA synthesis
240 Chapter 14  Pharmacology

and also interferes with the action of topoisomerase II action, which is highly active
in rapidly replicating cells. Bleomycin is a metal-chelating glycopeptide antibiotic
which damages cells via DNA strand breakage. It is able to also work on non-dividing
cells and is used to treat malignancies such as testicular cancer. Dactinomycin
incorporates itself into the DNA chain, where it prevents effective movement of RNA
polymerase and subsequently inhibits transcription. Fluorouracil is not a cytotoxic
antibiotic but an antimetabolite which is a uracil analogue. Vinblastine is a plant
alkaloid which interferes with the microtubules of dividing cells and therefore
inhibits mitosis.
10. A False
B True
C True
D False
E True
Ramipril taken during pregnancy has been associated with fetal renal failure,
oligohydramnios and skull defects and therefore alternative antihypertensives
should be given to pregnant women. Phenytoin is an antiepileptic drug which is an
antagonist of folate; folate is essential for DNA synthesis. Use of phenytoin during
pregnancy has been linked to defects in fetal neural tube development such as
spina bifida, in addition to fetal hydantoin syndrome where developmental delay
and deformities such as microcephaly have been reported. Stilbestrol, also known
as diethylstilbestrol, was given to pregnant women up until the 1970s. Indications
for its use included the prevention of miscarriage in those with a history of recurrent
pregnancy loss. It was banned in the 1970s after exposure was associated with
the subsequent development of vaginal clear cell adenocarcinoma and other
abnormalities of the female genital tract in those exposed to the drug in utero.
Warfarin is thought to be teratogenic if given in the first trimester. It is known to
lead to abnormalities such as deformities of the fetal face and nose, axial skeletal
abnormalities and mental retardation. Exposure in the third trimester is associated
with abnormalities of the central nervous system such as seizures and cerebral
haemorrhage at delivery. Danazol is a synthetic form of testosterone and causes
virilisation of fetal genitals.

11. A  Delayed gastric emptying

The natural physiological changes in pregnancy lead to a change in the
pharmacokinetics of drugs. Pregnancy is associated with delayed gastric emptying,
which subsequently increases the bioavailability of drugs that are slowly absorbed.
Increased third space volume leads to a greater area of distribution and therefore
a lower plasma concentration. An increase in renal blood flow means faster renal
clearance. In pregnancy there is a reduction in circulating binding proteins including
albumin, and this leads to an increase in free levels of drugs that are usually bound
to albumin.
Answers 241

12. A  Carbamazepine
Carbamazepine is an enzyme inducer. Drugs acting as enzyme inducers increase
the action of the enzyme system and lead to increased metabolism and therefore
clearance of the drug. In this case, the oral contraceptive pill has been less effective
due to the co-administration of an enzyme inducer. The rest of the drugs on this list
are enzyme inhibitors. Enzyme inhibitors increase the concentration and availability
of other drugs as they prevent their metabolism.
Other enzyme inducers are rifampicin, ethanol and carbamazepine.

13. A  Conjugation
The process of elimination of a drug from the body is an irreversible process and
occurs via metabolism and excretion. Drug metabolism occurs via phase 1 and
phase 2 reactions, which both normally take place in the liver. Phase 1 reactions
include oxidation, reduction or hydrolysis, with the resulting products being more
reactive. Phase 2 reactions generally involve conjugation, e.g. with amino acids,
leading to inactivation of the drug. Some of the products are excreted in bile after
the phase two reaction.

14. B  Aspirin
A large dose of aspirin results in uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation which
leads to higher consumption of oxygen and increased carbon dioxide. The
higher carbon dioxide results in stimulation of the respiratory centre, causing
hyperventilation and a respiratory alkalosis. Higher doses of salicylates can cause
respiratory depression and produce respiratory acidosis. Increased temperature may
result from an increased respiratory rate. Aspirin is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
and in normal doses is an effective antipyretic and analgesic.
Overdose of amitriptyline can cause nausea and vomiting, but may also have more
serious side effects such as cardiac arrhythmia, agitation and unconsciousness.
Tramadol is an opioid and zopiclone is a benzodiazepine. Both of these medications
would lead to respiratory depression, but are unlikely to lead to a respiratory
alkalosis or hyperpyrexia.

15. B
   Start prophylactic dose low-molecular weight
heparin (LMWH) immediately
Pulmonary embolism (PE) during pregnancy is responsible for the greatest number
of maternal deaths in the UK (1.56/100,000 pregnancies). It is therefore essential that
any woman who is clinically at risk of developing PE in pregnancy is recommended
appropriate prophylaxis. The Royal College guideline recommends that antenatal
thromboprophylaxis with LMWH is offered if there is a history of VTE in one of the
following categories: recurrent, unprovoked, oestrogen-related, pregnancy-related,
or associated with significant risk factors such as a documented thrombophilia.
242 Chapter 14  Pharmacology

In this case, the most appropriate answer is to start low-molecular weight heparin
immediately. It should be started from the first trimester, however in cases where this
has been missed; prophylactic dose should be commenced immediately. This patient
should also be referred urgently to haematology, but this is not the best answer.
Bourjeily G, Paidas M, Khalil H, Rosene-Montella K, Rodger M. Pulmonary embolism in pregnancy. Lancet
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Reducing the Risk of Thrombosis and Embolism During
Pregnancy and the Puerperium. Green-top Guideline 37a. London: RCOG

16. E  Thrombocytopaenia
Heparin prevents coagulation via the activation of antithrombin III. Binding of
heparin to the antithrombin III changes its conformation and thereby speeds up its
rate of action. There are several potential side effects of heparin and these include:
• Bleeding: treated by stopping heparin therapy and treating with protamine
• Thrombocytopaenia: may be caused by IgM or IgG antibodies against circulating
• Hypoaldosteronism: may be associated with hyperkalaemia, rather than
• Osteoporosis: usually associated with long-term therapy. The mechanism of this
is unknown

A Unaffected Prolonged Prolonged Unaffected

B represents haemophilia, C represents warfarin, D represents disseminated
intravascular coagulation while E represents thrombocytopaenia.
von Willebrand’s disease is a common inherited haemostatic disorder, with an
incidence of 1 in 10,000. It is autosomally inherited and is prevalent equally in males
and females. There are several types of disease; the most common is type I which
shows autosomal dominant inheritance. von Willebrand’s disease is a deficiency in
von Willebrand’s factor, a protein which brings platelets into contact with damaged
subendothelium, causing platelet adhesion and is essential for normal clotting.
Patients often present with an abnormality of bleeding which may manifest as nose
bleeds, abnormal menses or easy bruising. Females often present with menorrhagia.
The overall platelet count is not affected. These patients should not be given
non-steroidal anti-inflammatories due to the prolonged bleeding time. Clotting
profile may demonstrate a raised activated prothrombin time (APTT); however, the
international normalised ratio and platelets are usually normal.

18. B  Ergometrine
Drugs that contract the uterus are as listed below.
• Oxytocin: is released from the posterior pituitary gland; can be given as an
intravenous infusion to augment labour or postpartum to prevent or treat
postpartum bleeding.
Answers 243

• Ergometrine: an ergot alkaloid; increases basal tone of the uterus. It has

most effect on the uterus if it is not properly contracted. It has an effect of
vasoconstriction. Side effects are vomiting via stimulation of the chemoreceptor
trigger zone. It also causes a rise in blood pressure as a result of the
vasoconstriction effect.
• Misoprostol: an artificial prostaglandin-1 (PGE-1) analogue. Often used with
mifepristone for 1st and 2nd trimester abortions.
• Carboprost: an artificial prostaglandin (15-methyl PGF2α). Can be given
intramuscularly or intrauterine.
Ritodrine is a β2-adrenoreceptor agonist which acts as a uterine relaxant. It may be
used in threatened preterm labour; however, there are newer drugs such as atosiban
which are more commonly used.

19. E  Erythromycin
The aminoglycosides, such as gentamicin and streptomycin, are known to
damage the fetal 8th cranial nerve and are ototoxic when given in the second
and third trimesters. The greatest risk to the fetus occurs with streptomycin,
which has been associated with an incidence of 8th cranial nerve damage of
> 10%. Gentamicin may be required during pregnancy, e.g. in severe urinary
tract infections and should be given cautiously if indicated. In addition to the
risks to the fetus, the aminoglycosides are associated with both ototoxicity and
nephrotoxicity in adults.

20. C  Co-trimoxazole
Historically, sulphonamides such as sulfadiazine were thought to increase the risk of
neonatal kernicterus via displacement of bilirubin from albumin binding sites; however,
this is now thought to be an unsubstantiated concern. Both the sulphonamides and
trimethoprim are thought to cause neonatal haemolysis and methaemoglobinaemia
and therefore should be avoided in third trimester. Co-trimoxazole, a mixture of the
sulphonamide sulphamethoxazole and trimethoprim, is therefore to be avoided
in pregnancy. In addition to the risks associated with the administration of these
antimicrobials in the third trimester, trimethoprim is known to be teratogenic during
the first trimester of pregnancy due to its action as a folate antagonist.

21. C  Low-molecular weight heparin

Appropriate anticoagulation in pregnancy is determined by gestation. Warfarin is
teratogenic and should be stopped before 6 weeks’ gestation; heparin does not
cross the placenta and therefore in its low-molecular weight form is an appropriate
alternative to warfarin. Warfarin is present in breast milk, however not at levels
known to be harmful, whereas heparin is not excreted in breast milk. Aspirin is an
antiplatelet medication which should be avoided in the third trimester.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Thrombosis and Embolism during Pregnancy and the
Puerperium, Reducing the Risk Green-top Guideline 37a. London: RCOG, 2009.
244 Chapter 14  Pharmacology

22. C  Folic acid

All anticonvulsant drugs are associated with an increased risk of teratogenesis. This
is thought to be due their known inhibition of folate which is an essential cofactor
involved in DNA synthesis. Although neural tube defects are the most well-known
malformations associated with the use of anticonvulsants, other problems such
as cardiac defects, orofacial clefts and fetal anticonvulsant syndrome have been
reported. Folic acid (5 mg) supplementation is required for those women using
anticonvulsants in pregnancy and ideally should be started prior to conception in
order to reduce the risk of malformations, such as neural tube defects, associated
with lowered serum folate levels. Vitamin K should be given to the neonate to
prevent the increased risk of haemorrhage associated with anticonvulsants. A
second form of anticonvulsant therapy should only be commenced with caution as
the risk of teratogenesis increases with the number of anticonvulsants used.

23. A  Clotrimazole pessary

Candidiasis is caused by the yeast Candida albicans in most cases. It is carried on the
skin and in the gut. Vaginal candidiasis is common in pregnancy and this is partly
due to the raised levels of oestrogen and a relative immunosuppressed state. It
usually presents with vaginal itching and soreness and may be a recurrent infection.
Diagnosis is confirmed by microscopy and culture of vaginal discharge. If a woman is
asymptomatic with growth of Candida then there is no indication to treat the yeast.
Symptomatic vaginal candidiasis may respond to clotrimazole in a pessary or cream
form. Although used for resistant cases in non-pregnant women, oral antifungals
should be avoided in pregnancy; fluconazole is known to cause congenital
abnormalities when given at high doses over long periods.
Chapter 15
Mock paper 1

There are 30 multiple choice questions and 60 single best answer questions in this
paper. The paper should be sat in exam conditions and completed in two and a half

Questions: MCQs
Answer each stem ‘True’ or ‘False’.

1. Concerning organs of the pelvis:

A The ureter runs above the uterine vessels at the lateral vaginal fornix
B The posterior wall of the vagina is longer than the anterior wall
C The vulva derives some nerve supply from the anterior cutaneous nerve
of the thigh
D The labia minora contain no adipose tissue or hair follicles
E The internal anal sphincter is supplied by sympathetic nerves to maintain
a resting tone

2. With regard to the ischiorectal fossa:

A The levator ani muscle is found at the apex
B It has the obturator internus as its medial wall
C It has the sacrotuberous ligament running posteriorly
D It is found within the anal triangle
E The external anal sphincter is found at the medial aspect

3. The rectum:
A Commences at the level of the first sacral vertebrae
B Is about 25 cm in length
C Drains lymph to the preaortic nodes
D Is lined by columnar epithelium
E The posterior wall of the pouch of Douglas forms the anterior peritoneum
of the upper two-thirds of the rectum

4. With regard to the uterus:

A The ureter travels over the uterine artery
B The uterine arteries are branches of the internal iliac vessels
C Pain sensation from the uterine body is carried by the hypogastric nerve
D It develops from embryonic mesoderm
E In the newborn female the cervix forms the largest part of the uterus
246 Chapter 15  Mock paper 1

5. In the human pelvis:

A There are four pairs of sacral foramina
B The acetabulum is formed from the joining of the ischium, ilium and pubis
C The obturator foramen is formed from the fusion of the ilium and the
pubic rami
D The iliacus muscle originates at the iliac fossa
E The pubic symphysis is a cartilaginous joint

6. The femoral ring:

A Is bounded laterally by the lacunar ligament
B Is bounded anteriorly by the inguinal ligament
C Has its posterior border formed from the inferior ramus of the pubis
D Is approximately 3 cm wide
E Contains the femoral nerve

7. Concerning parathyroid hormone related peptide:

A It regulates chondrocyte proliferation
B It can be raised in some malignancies
C Causes increased calcitriol levels
D Has a role in the placental transport of calcium
E Its levels are raised in hyperparathyroidism

8. In cell signalling pathways, the following are second messengers:

A Acetylcholine
B Adenosine triphosphate
C Cyclic adenosine monophosphate
D Inositol triphosphate
E Nitric oxide

9. The following substances can cause myometrial contraction:

A Nitrous oxide
B Oxytocin
C Prostaglandin F2α
D Progesterone
E Relaxin

10. With regard to placental development:

A The syncytiotrophoblast is derived from the cytotrophoblast
B Each placental lobule is derived from a single primary stem villus
C Each cotyledon has 2–5 lobules
D Chorion laeve forms no part of the placental
E The maternal and fetal blood supply connect in the intervillous space

11. Concerning fertilisation:

A Capacitation is a reaction of the ovum
B Fertilisation leads to completion of the second mitotic division
C Fertilisation leads to a haploid number of chromosomes
Questions: MCQs 247

D The zona pellucida disappears at the stage of the morula

E On average, the fertilised ovum enters the uterus 3 days after fertilisation

12. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia:

A Is most commonly due to deficiency of enzyme 21 hydroxylase
B Has an incidence of 1 in 50,000 births
C Commonly has low levels of 17-OH progesterone
D Has high levels of urinary 17-ketosteroids
E Is autosomal recessive

13. Hirsutism:
A Is associated with polycystic ovary syndrome
B Is a recognised side effect of cyproterone acetate
C Can be pathognomonic of certain ovarian tumours
D Can be caused by hypothyroidism
E Can be treated by spironolactone

14. With regard to thyroid hormones:

A The majority of free T4 is carried in plasma bound to thyroxine-binding
B The ratio of T3:T4 in blood is approximately 20:1
C Deiodinases are responsible for converting T3 to T4
D T3 and T4 are lipophilic molecules
E T4 is secreted by follicular cells of the thyroid

15. With reference to hormones:

A Luteinising hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone act through a cytokine
cell surface receptor
B Seven transmembrane cell surface receptors have the hormone binding
domain at the G terminus
C Growth factor receptors are linked to tyrosine kinase
D Hormones acting through nuclear receptors act in the nucleus to alter gene
E Glucocorticoid receptors are found in the nucleus

16. Vitamin D:
A Is a steroid hormone
B Undergoes 25-hydroxylation in the kidney
C Is stored in the liver
D Undergoes 1α-hydroxylation in the liver
E Its synthesis is influenced by cortisol

17. Concerning skewed data:

A Positively-skewed data has a left-hand tail
B Skewed data can be more easily interpreted using a logarithmic transformation
C May have a bimodal distribution
D Skewed data distribution is caused by extreme values
E Skewness can be measured using the Mann–Whitney U test
248 Chapter 15  Mock paper 1

18. Concerning the epidemiology of pregnancy failure:

A Paternal smoking is a risk factor for miscarriage
B Recurrent miscarriage is the loss of any four consecutive pregnancies
C Uterine anomalies are a risk factor for miscarriage
D Recurrent miscarriage affects 5% of women
E Chromosomal abnormalities exist in 20% of first trimester miscarriages

19. Concerning the epidemiology of infertility:

A 5% of the population experience delay in conceiving
B 8% of the population require assisted conception techniques
C Male factors are implicated in 10% of couples with primary subfertility
D The cause of primary subfertility for 20% of couples remains unexplained
E Around 80 out of every 100 couples having regular intercourse will conceive
within 1 year

20. Regarding p-values:

A A p-value of > 0.05 typically indicates a significant difference
B The p-value assumes that the null hypothesis is false
C The p-value gives an estimate of how likely an event is to have occurred by chance
D The p-value indicates the likelihood of a type 1 error
E The significance level of a test should be determined before data collection

21. The following genetic disorders are correctly paired with the affected
A Cystic fibrosis: chromosome 7
B Duchenne muscular dystrophy: X chromosome
C Neurofibromatosis type 1: chromosome 22
D Prader–Willi syndrome: chromosome 16
E Sickle-cell disease: chromosome 11

22. Concerning amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling (CVS):

A Amniocentesis is associated with an increased risk of miscarriage of 5%
B Amniocentesis can be linked with increased rates of fetal talipes if performed
before 15 weeks
C Chorionic villi sampling can be performed from 15 weeks’ gestation
D CVS can be performed transcervically
E Maternal HIV infection is an absolute contraindication for CVS

23. The following are examples of autonomic dominant genetic disorders:

A Cystic fibrosis
B Tuberous sclerosis
C Fragile X
D Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy
E Tay–Sachs disease

24. Regarding Barr bodies:

A They are present in all human somatic cells
Questions: MCQs 249

B They represent inactive X chromosomes

C In Turner’s syndrome cells have an extra Barr body
D They are found in the cell nuclei
E They may be stained

25. The following genetic conditions are associated with infertility:

A Turner’s syndrome
B Klinefelter’s syndrome
C Cystic fibrosis
D Down’s syndrome
E Neurofibromatosis

26. Regarding α-thalassaemia:

A It is an autosomal recessive condition
B Affected fetuses may have hydrops fetalis
C Having two affected alleles is incompatible with life
D Individuals with α-thalassaemia trait can benefit from oral ferrous sulphate
E Haemoglobin H disease is a form of α-thalassaemia

27. With regards to fetal circulation

A The oxygen saturation in the umbilical vein is 80–90%
B Fetal cardiac output is greater than that of the adult
C fetal haemoglobin is comprised of two α chains and two d chains
D fetal red blood cells have no ABO antigen until after birth
E Approximately 30% of blood from pulmonary artery travels to the lungs

28. Regarding creatinine:

A Serum levels increase during pregnancy
B It is secreted by the proximal tubules
C It is found in greater amounts in the renal artery compared to the renal vein
D It is not typically secreted
E Creatinine clearance values are greater than the glomerular filtration rate

29. Regarding the renal system in pregnancy:

A Filtration fraction falls consistently throughout pregnancy
B The amount of filtered sodium increases in 3rd trimester
C Kidneys increase in length by approximately 1 cm
D There is dilatation of the ureters
E The glomerular filtration rate increases to 140–170 mL/min at term

30. Concerning the progesterone only pill:

A Reliably prevents ovulation
B Has little effect on endometrial thickness
C Increases the viscosity of cervical mucus
D Effectiveness may be reduced by concomitant use of antibiotics
E Is suitable for breastfeeding mothers
250 Chapter 15  Mock paper 1

Questions: SBAs
For each question, select the single best answer from the five options listed.

31. Which muscle lies within the rectus sheath and is supplied by the subcostal nerve?
A External oblique
B Internal oblique
C Pyramidalis
D Rectus abdominis
E Transversus abdominis

32. Which muscle enters the abdomen behind the medial arcuate ligament?
A External oblique
B Iliacus
C Psoas
D Pyramidalis
E Transversus abdominis

33. Which muscle forms part of the inguinal ligament?

A External oblique
B Iliacus
C Internal oblique
D Rectus abdominis
E Transversus abdominis

34. Which artery is the terminal branch of the internal thoracic artery?
A Inferior mesenteric artery
B Inferior phrenic artery
C Lumbar artery
D Superior epigastric artery
E Superior mesenteric artery

35. Which artery arises from the posterior trunk of the internal iliac artery?
A Inferior gluteal artery
B Middle rectal artery
C Superior gluteal artery
D Superior vesical artery
E Uterine artery

36. A 41-year-old woman complains of prolonged numbness in her leg 2 days after a
normal vaginal delivery. She had an epidural for pain relief during labour.
What is the nerve root origin of lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh?
A L1
B L2
Questions: SBAs 251

C L3
D L1 and L2
E L2 and L3

37. A 25-year-old woman has a routine smear test for the first time. She complains of
discomfort during the procedure.
Which nerve or nerve plexus carries afferent fibres from the cervix to the upper
sacral nerves?
A Inferior hypogastric plexus
B Obturator nerve
C Pelvic splanchnic nerves
D Pudendal nerve
E Superior hypogastric plexus

38. A 72-year-old woman is referred to the gynaecology outpatient clinic with a 2-day
history of postmenopausal bleeding. She subsequently undergoes a hysteroscopy
and endometrial biopsy as part of her investigation.
Which of the following best describes the cells that line the uterus?
A Columnar epithelium
B Cuboidal epithelium
C Pseudostratified columnar epithelium
D Stratified squamous epithelium
E Transitional cells

39. A 63-year-old woman is referred to the urogynaecology clinic with recurrent

urinary tract infections and microscopic haematuria. A midstream urine sample is
sent for cytology.
Which cells line the distal half of the urethra?
A Columnar epithelium
B Epidermis
C Secretory cells
D Stratified squamous epithelium
E Transitional cells

40. An 82-year-old woman undergoes a vaginal hysterectomy for treatment of her

procidentia. You are revising the stages of the operation.
Which ligament runs laterally from the body of the uterus, through the internal
inguinal ring to the labium majus?
A Broad ligament
B Cardinal ligament
C Iliolumbar ligament
D Round ligament
E Uterosacral ligament
252 Chapter 15  Mock paper 1

41. Which of the following runs outside of the ischiorectal fossa?

A Pudendal canal
B Fat pad
C Inferior rectal nerve
D Middle rectal artery
E Perineal branch of S4 nerve

42. Which of the following is correct regarding the embryological origin of the
anal canal?
A Above pectinate line: derived endoderm, superior rectal artery
B Above pectinate line: derived ectoderm, superior rectal artery
C Above pectinate line: derived ectoderm, columnar epithelium
D Below pectinate line: derived ectoderm, superior rectal artery
E Below pectinate line: derived endoderm, middle and inferior rectal artery

43. Prior to a forceps delivery, you wish to give a pudendal nerve block.
Where is the pudendal canal?
A Lateral wall of ischiorectal fossa; above sacrotuberous ligament
B Lateral wall of ischiorectal fossa; below sacrospinous ligament
C Lateral wall of ischiorectal fossa; below sacrotuberous ligament
D Medial wall of ischiorectal fossa; above sacrospinous ligament
E Medial wall of ischiorectal fossa; below sacrotuberous ligament

44. A 24-year-old woman is catheterised prior to a diagnostic laparoscopy to investigate

chronic pelvic pain.
The distal aspect of the female urethra is lined with which type of epithelial cells?
A Ciliated
B Simple cuboidal
C Simple squamous
D Stratified squamous
E Transitional

45. A 26-year-old woman attends her general practitioner for her 6 week postnatal
check. She has a central abdominal protrusion which is diagnosed as a divarication
of the rectus muscle.
What is the nerve supply to the rectus abdominis muscle?
A T2–T12
B T7–T12
C T12–L3
D L2–L5
E L5–S3

46. A 32-year-old woman attends the gynaecology outpatient clinic complaining of

severe premenstrual symptoms and pelvic pain. Her 4-year-old son is also present
Questions: SBAs 253

and it is noticed that he has an abnormal gait, with slightly bent and shortened
What is the most likely diagnosis of this child?
A Congenital abnormality
B Osteopetrosis
C Perthes disease
D Rickets
E Scurvy

47. A 65-year-old man attends his general practitioner with a 3-month history of lower
backache and fatigue.
Blood tests are as follows:
Urea 13.2 mmol/L
Creatinine 145 μmol/L
Potassium 5.9 
Haemoglobin 9.8 
Mean corpuscular volume 82.2 fL/red cell
Calcium 2.65 mmol/L
What is the most likely diagnosis?
A Bone metastases
B Immobilisation
C Multiple myeloma
D Sarcoidosis
E Thiazide diuretics

48. A 62 year-old woman is diagnosed with a glucagonoma.

Which one of the following metabolic conditions is most likely to result from this
A Decreased lipolysis
B Hyperglycaemia
C Increased muscle protein synthesis
D Increased liver glycolytic rate
E Increased glycogenesis

49. A 42-year-old woman is day 3 after a total abdominal hysterectomy for

menorrhagia and fibroids. She is acutely short of breath, with pain on inspiration.
Her observations are as follows:
SpO2 93% on room air
Blood pressure 115/74 mmHg
Heart rate 105 beats per minute
Respiratory rate 22 breaths per minute
You perform an arterial blood gas. You are concerned she may have a pulmonary
254 Chapter 15  Mock paper 1

Considering the most likely diagnosis, which is the most likely result?
A pH 6.9, pCO2 7.5 kPa, pO2 15.1 kPa, HCO3 15.4 mmol/L, base excess
-12 mmol/L
B pH 7.16, pCO2 8.2 kPa, pO2 8.8 kPa, HCO3 21.2 mmol/L
C pH 7.36, pCO2 5.6 kPa, pO2 13.2 kPa, HCO3 26 mmol/L
D pH 7.50, pCO2 3.0 kPa, pO2 9.2 kPa, HCO3 25 mmol/L
E pH 7.52, pCO2 6.0 kPa, pO2 12.0 kPa, HCO3 17 mmol/L, base excess +4.5

50. A 28-year-old woman is admitted to the high dependency unit following a

caesarean section. She was diagnosed during pregnancy with acute fatty liver
of pregnancy. She was started on a morphine infusion postoperatively and is
receiving oxygen by mask. She is noted to be very drowsy. You perform an arterial
blood gas.
What is the most likely finding in the case?
A pH 7.16, pCO2 8.2 kPa, pO2 15.3 kPa, HCO3 21.2 mmol/L
B pH 7.2, pCO2 4.8 kPa, pO2 10.2 kPa, HCO3 14 mmol/L
C pH 7.36, pCO2 5.6 kPa, pO2 13.2 kPa, HCO3 26 mmol/L
D pH 7.52, pCO2 6.0 kPa, pO2 12.0 kPa, HCO3 17, base excess +4.3 mmol/L
E pH 7.62, pCO2 6.2 kPa, pO2 12.2 kPa, HCO3 15 mmol/L

51. A 23-year-old woman is admitted to hospital complaining of abdominal pain and

vomiting. She is a type I diabetic and did not take her insulin today as she has
been vomiting for 12 hours. On examination, she is tachycardic and feels cold and
clammy. An arterial blood gas confirms your diagnosis of ketoacidosis.
Which of the following findings is most correct regarding diabetic ketoacidosis?
A High blood levels of fatty acids
B Hypoventilation
C Increased blood volume
D Low levels of lactate
E Respiratory acidosis

52. A 72-year-old woman is seen in the pre-assessment clinic prior to a hysteroscopy

to investigate postmenopausal bleeding. She is taking aspirin and is asked to stop
taking it 5 days prior to the procedure.
Which of the following prostanoids inhibits platelet aggregation?
A Prostacyclin PGI2
B Prostaglandin E2
C Prostaglandin D2
D Prostaglandin F2α
E Thromboxane TXA2

53. A 27-year-old woman is admitted to hospital with acute left iliac fossa pain, a
positive pregnancy test and a haemoglobin level of 7.9 g/dL. She undergoes a
diagnostic laparoscopy and is found to have an ectopic pregnancy.
Questions: SBAs 255

Where is the most common site of fertilisation of the ovum?

A Fimbria of the fallopian tube
B Ampulla of the fallopian tube
C Isthmus of the fallopian tube
D Tubal ostia
E. Fundal endometrium

54. A 28-year-old woman is admitted to hospital with acute-onset right iliac fossa pain.
She has low-grade pyrexia and is nauseous. Her blood tests reveal a C-reactive
protein of 62 mg/dL and white cell count of 17.2 × 109/L. A diagnostic laparoscopy
reveals a Meckel’s diverticulitis.
Meckel’s diverticulum is the persistence of which structure?
A Urachal remnant
B Vitellointestinal duct
C Primitive streak
D Paraxial mesoderm
E Buccopharyngeal membrane

55. Which one of the following is a derivative of the urogenital sinus in male?
A Vas deferens
B Epididymis
C Ejaculatory duct
D Prostate
E Seminal vesicle

56. A 56-year-old woman attends her general practitioner’s surgery complaining of

feeling unwell for the last couple of months. The general practitioner decides to do
a range of blood tests, including thyroid function, liver function and calcium and
vitamin D levels.
Which of the following is associated with hypercalcaemia?
A Chvostek’s sign
B Numbness
C Perioral tingling
D Shortened Q–T interval and widened T wave on ECG
E Trousseau’s sign

57. After an uneventful pregnancy a baby is born via spontaneous vaginal delivery. Soon
after birth the midwife asks the paediatric team to review the baby as she is uncertain
of the infant’s sex. Following a series of investigations the baby is found to have the
genotype 46XX and is diagnosed with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH).
CAH is most commonly associated with a deficiency of which enzyme?
A 5α-reductase
B 11β-hydroxylase
C 17α-hydroxylase
256 Chapter 15  Mock paper 1

D 21α-hydroxylase
E Aromatase

58. A 26-year-old woman complains of increased facial hair and thinks it may be
caused by a new medication she was prescribed 3 months previously.
Which of the following drugs is known to cause hirsutism?
A Dianette
B Erythromycin
C Gentamicin
D Phenytoin
E Tacrolimus

59. Where is thyroid-stimulating hormone produced?

A Acidophils of the anterior pituitary gland
B Basophils of the anterior pituitary gland
C Chromophobes of the anterior pituitary gland
D Supraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus
E Paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus

60. Which of the following is a symptom of hyperthyroidism?

A Diarrhoea
B Infertility
C Palpitations
D Weight loss
E All of the above

61. The majority of extracellular calcium is bound to which of the following:

A Albumin
B Bicarbonate
C Calcitriol
D Fibrinogen
E Phosphate

62. A 63-year-old man attends his general practitioner with a 2-month history of lower
back pain associated with radiation of pain down the right leg and shortness of
breath. He has also lost some weight. Blood tests reveal:
Calcium 2.72 mmol/L
Haemoglobin 10.4 g/dL
Mean corpuscular volume 83.6 fL
Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A Bone metastases
B Immobilisation
C Osteoporosis
Questions: SBAs 257

D Multiple myeloma
E Sarcoidosis

63. A junior doctor is asked to check the calcium levels on a patient 6 hours after a
removal of her parathyroid gland.
Which of the following is a function of parathyroid hormone (PTH)?
A In bone, PTH reduces osteoclast activity
B PTH acts in the kidney to reduce bicarbonate excretion
C PTH acts on the kidney to increase level of phosphate absorption
D PTH acts to reduce serum levels of calcium
E PTH acts via a G-protein coupled receptor

64. Calcium is transferred from maternal circulation to fetal circulation via which
transport mechanism?
A Active transport
B Endocytosis
C Exocytosis
D Facilitated diffusion
E Passive diffusion

65. Which of the following is true regarding maternal calcium homeostasis during
A Increased calcitonin
B Reduced 1,25 vitamin D3
C Reduced bone turnover
D Reduced calcium absorption
E Reduced parathyroid hormone production

66. Which of the following gives the World Health Organisation’s definition of neonatal
mortality rate?
A The number of deaths during the first 28 completed days of life per 1000 live
B The number of deaths during the first 28 completed days of life per 100,000 live
C The number of deaths during the first 365 completed days of life per 1000 live
D The number of deaths during the first 365 completed days of life per 10,000 live
E The number of deaths, including stillborn fetuses of more than 24 weeks’
gestation, up to 28 completed days of life, per 1000 pregnancies

67. The quadruple test is a widely used screening test that aims to identify pregnancies
with a high-risk of chromosomal abnormalities.
Which of the following gives the best definition of the test’s specificity?
258 Chapter 15  Mock paper 1

A The proportion of women with a normal pregnancy who had a low-risk result
B The proportion of women with an affected fetus who had a high-risk result
C The proportion of women with a high-risk test result with an affected fetus
D The proportion of women with a low-risk test result with a normal pregnancy
E None of the above

68. The age of menarche was recorded for 100 women who attended a rapid access
gynaecology clinic with suspected ovarian cancer. The data obtained showed a
normal distribution.
The following values were obtained.
Mean = 13 years
Standard deviation = 2 years
What is the standard error of the mean for this sample?
A 0.1
B 0.2
C 0.5
D 1
E 2

69. A research study is designed to look at the association between mothers who
smoke during pregnancy and the subsequent growth of their children. The study
population is all babies born in the Daisy Maternity Unit between 1975 and 1980.
The babies were classified at birth as having being born to women who smoked
during their pregnancies or not. All of the children have their height and weight
measured every year from birth to the age of 20 years.
What study design is being used?
A Case-control study
B Cohort study
C Cross-sectional study
D Double-blinded study
E None of the above

70. Which of the following best describes a type 1 error?

A The erroneous acceptance of the null hypothesis
B The erroneous rejection of the null hypothesis
C The inclusion of extreme outliers in a data set
D The occurrence of a γ error
E None of the above

71. Which of the following is a direct cause of maternal mortality?

A Diabetes
B Hormone-dependent breast cancer
C Obesity
D Community-acquired Group A streptococcal disease
E Suicide
Questions: SBAs 259

72. Which of following statements defines the median in a data set?

A The median is the least frequently occurring value in a data set
B The median is the middle value in ranked set of data
C The median is the middle value in an unranked data set
D The median is the most frequently occurring value in a data set
E The median is the value obtained by dividing the sum of the data set by the
number of values in the data set

73. A 28-year-old woman who is 13 weeks pregnant consents for routine antenatal
screening. The results of her quadruple test show the fetus has a 1 in 58 chance of
having trisomy 13.
What is trisomy 13 commonly known as?
A Cri-du-chat syndrome
B Down’s syndrome
C Edwards’ syndrome
D Patau’s syndrome
E Wolf–Hirschhorn syndrome

74. A 16-year-old boy is brought to his general practitioner by his parents. They are
concerned that he appears to have developed breast tissue. On questioning,
he feels self conscious about his appearance and feels his genitalia are smaller
than individuals of his own age. On examination, he appears tall for his age,
with objectively long arms and legs. Gynaecomastia is noted, alongside a fat
distribution typically seen in females.
What is the most likely genotype of this individual?
A 45 XO
B 46 XO
C 46 XX
D 46 XY
E 47 XXY

75. A 40 year old primiparous woman has an elevated risk of trisomy 21 (1 in 50) at
antenatal screening and opts for an amniocentesis at 15 weeks’ gestation. The fetus
is found to have the karyotype 46 XX/47 XX +21.
What may this karyotype indicate?
A Trisomy 21
B Turner’s syndrome
C Klinefelter’s syndrome
D Mosaic for Down’s syndrome
E None of above

76. A couple are seen for preconception counselling. The 26-year-old male partner
is of above average height, with noticeably long arms. He is being monitored
for worsening aortic root dissection and has had pleurodesis for recurrent
260 Chapter 15  Mock paper 1

pneumothoraces. His vision is mildly impaired due to optic lens subluxation. The
couple wishes to use preimplantation genetic screening techniques to prevent
their children from inheriting their father’s condition.
Which genetic condition does the male partner have?
A Congenital contractual arachnodactyly
B Ehlers–Danlos syndrome
C Klinefelter’s syndrome
D Marfan’s syndrome
E Triple X syndrome

77. Which of the following conditions is transmitted via mitochondrial inheritance?

A Alpha-thalassaemia
B Colour blindness
C Dermatomyositis
D Duchenne muscular dystrophy
E Leber’s optic neuropathy

78. Which of the following genetic conditions occurs as a result of genomic imprinting?
A Angelman’s syndrome
B Fragile-X syndrome
C Friedreich ataxia
D Patau’s syndrome
E All of the above

79. Which of the following hormones is not secreted by the human placenta?
A Human chorionic gonadotrophin
B Oestrogen
C Oxytocin
D Progesterone
E Relaxin

80. At a term delivery, there is some concern about the placental structure.
Which of the following statements about the umbilical cord is correct?
A At term the mean length is 70 cm
B It is formed at 8 weeks’ gestation
C 3% of cords have a single artery
D Umbilical arteries arise from the internal iliac artery
E Venous drainage is mainly to the inferior vena cava via the ductus arteriosus

81. Considering placental transport, which of the following are correctly paired?
A Active transport: amino acids
B Active transport: glucose
C Facilitated diffusion: free fatty acids
Questions: SBAs 261

D Passive diffusion: glucose

E Receptor mediated endocytosis: IgA

82. Which of the following is a systemic function of oestrogen?

A Increases bone resorption
B Increases cholesterol levels
C Promotes atherosclerosis
D Vasoconstriction
E Vasodilation

83. A 22-year-old woman has undergone an endoscopic retrograde

cholangiopancreatography after a missed miscarriage. The estimated blood
loss was 1000 mL. You are called to see her as she is hypotensive and wish
to administer intravenous fluids.
Which of the following is correct regarding 0.9% sodium chloride?
A It contains 9 mmol/L sodium chloride
B It contains 154 mmol/L sodium chloride
C It contains 18 mmol potassium chloride
D It is a better volume expander than Hartmann’s solution
E It is the first choice of fluid in the immediate postoperative period

84. Which of the following statements is correct in regard to the double Bohr effect?
A The fetal side becomes acidotic
B The fetus loses metabolites to the mother
C Maternal and fetal oxygen dissociation curves move towards each other
D The maternal oxygen dissociation curve shifts to the left
E The maternal side has an increased pH

85. What is the structure of fetal haemoglobin?

A Two alpha chains and two beta chains (α2β2)
B Two alpha chains and two delta chains (α2δ2)
C Two alpha chains and two gamma chains (α2γ2)
D Two beta and two delta chains (β2δ2)
E Two beta and two gamma chains (β2γ2)

86. A 21-year-old woman is seen in the gynaecology clinic complaining of pain in the
lower abdomen during the middle of her menstrual cycle.
A surge in which hormone around day 14 of the menstrual cycle leads to
A Follicle-stimulating hormone
B Luteinising hormone
C Oestradiol
D Progesterone
E Testosterone
262 Chapter 15  Mock paper 1

87. During oogenesis, at what point is the second meiotic division is completed?
A At ovulation
B Immediately prior to the formation of the secondary oocyte
C Immediately prior to the formation of the primary oocyte
D At fertilisation
E None of the above

88. Which of the following structures communicates with the umbilical vein to form
the ductus venosus?
A Aorta
B Inferior vena cava
C Left atrium
D Pulmonary artery
E Right atrium

89. Which of the following is a branch of the posterior division of the internal iliac artery?
A Inferior gluteal artery
B Internal pudendal artery
C Obturator artery
D Superior gluteal artery
E Uterine artery

90. After an elective caesarean section the anaesthetic team decide to administer a
transversus abdominis plane block to provide analgesia. They use ultrasound to
identify the layers of the abdominal wall.
Which of these muscles is innervated by the femoral nerve?
A External oblique
B Iliacus
C Internal oblique
D Rectus abdominis
E Transverse abdominis
Answers 263

1. A False
B True
C False
D True
E False
In the wall of the female pelvis the ureter forms part of the posterior boundary
of the ovarian fossa, in which the ovary is situated. From here, it runs medially
and anteriorly on the lateral side of the cervix and the upper part of the vagina to
reach the fundus of the bladder. Here it is accompanied by the uterine artery for
approximately 2.5 cm, which then crosses in front of the ureter and ascends between
the two layers of the broad ligament.
The labia minora are longitudinal cutaneous folds running obliquely downwards
from the clitoris, between the labia majora. They contain both sweat and sebaceous
The internal anal sphincter is an involuntary smooth muscle which receives
parasympathetic supply from the inferior hypogastric plexus (S1, S2, S3) to maintain
resting tone. Sympathetic supply is excitatory.
2. A True
B False
C True
D True
E True
The ischiorectal fossa is a triangular space containing fat, found on either side of
the anal canal below the pelvic diaphragm. The levator ani forms the apex, with the
obturator internus muscle forming the lateral wall and the anal canal the medial
wall. The sacrotuberous ligament and the gluteus maximus are found posteriorly.
The perineal skin forms the base.
3. A False
B False
C True
D True
E True
The rectum is approximately 15 cm long and starts at the level of the third sacral
vertebra. It has an outer longitudinal and an inner circular layer of smooth muscle
and is lined by columnar epithelium.
264 Chapter 15  Mock paper 1

• Artery:
- upper two-thirds – superior rectal artery
- lower one-third – middle rectal artery
• Vein: superior rectal and middle rectal veins
• Nerve: inferior anal nerve
• Lymph: preaortic nodes, inferior mesenteric lymph nodes, pararectal nodes
4. A False
B True
C True
D True
E True
Nerve supply to the uterus is from the inferior hypogastric plexus which is derived
from the sympathetic supply T10–T11. The pain from the uterus passes in the inferior
hypogastric plexus, along with pain sensation from the superior region of the cervix.
Pain from the inferior region of the cervix is via the pelvic splanchnic nerves. The blood
supply to the uterus is from the uterine arteries and these arise from the anterior
division of the internal iliac arteries. The ureter passes beneath the uterine artery.
5. A True
B True
C False
D True
E True
The sacrum is composed of five fused vertebra which provide four foramina. The
innominate bone of the pelvis is made up of the ilium, ischium and pubis bones.
They all contribute to the acetabulum which accommodates the femoral head to
form the hip joint. The obturator foramen is closed by a fibrous membrane and is
created by the ischial ramus together with the pubic bone. The obturator foramen
contains the obturator artery, vein and nerve. The pubic symphysis is a cartilaginous
joint that connects the superior rami of both pubic bones.
6. A False
B True
C False
D False
E False
Boundaries of the femoral ring are:
• Anteriorly: inguinal ligament
• Posteriorly: pectineus
• Medially: lacunar ligament
• Laterally: femoral vein fascia
Answers 265

7. A True
B True
C False
D False
E False
Parathyroid hormone-related peptide (PTHrP) is a hormone, related to parathyroid
hormone (PTH). It may be secreted by some cancers, including breast and
squamous cell and is implicated in the hypercalcaemia of malignancy. It has a role
in endochondral bone development and regulates chondrocyte proliferation.
Being part of the PTH hormone family, PTHrP produces many of the same effects
of PTH. It does not cause raised calcitriol levels and concentration is normal in
8. A False
B False
C True
D True
E True
Second messengers are intracellular molecules that relay signals from receptor
proteins to intracellular receptors. The major types of second messenger systems are
(1) the cyclic nucleotides, i.e. cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) and cyclic
guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) (2) gases such nitric oxide and carbon monoxide
(3) calcium ions and (4) the phosphoinositol system, i.e. inositol triphosphate
and diacylglycerol. Second messengers are associated with increasing the signal
strength of the first messenger, i.e. the hormone, which is detected by its receptor,
and form part of a communication cascade. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter and
acts as a first messenger and utilises second messengers such as cAMP and inositol
triphosphate. Adenosine triphosphate is not a second messenger, but is a coenzyme
used in cell signalling; it is converted to the second messenger cAMP by the action
of adenylate cyclase.
9. A False
B True
C True
D False
E False
Uterine activity is dependent on the balance between the myometrial relaxants
and contractants. Oxytocin and prostaglandins – in particular prostaglandin F2α –
both contribute to myometrial contractility. They act by increasing the intracellular
calcium concentration via the action of phospholipase C and the subsequent
stimulation of myosin light chain kinase and calcium-dependent protein kinase. The
number of oxytocin receptors increases throughout pregnancy due to increased
266 Chapter 15  Mock paper 1

levels of oestrogen. These receptors contribute significantly to the relationship

between oxytocin and prostaglandins. Contractility is enhanced by the ability of
prostaglandin F2α to cause upregulation of oxytocin receptors in myometrial tissue
and by the capacity of oxytocin to promote the synthesis of prostaglandins.
10. A True
B False
C True
D True
E False
Seven days after ovulation, the fertilised ovum trophoblast forms two distinct layers.
There is an inner layer of mononuclear cytotrophoblastic cells and a layer on the
outside of multinucleated syncytiotrophoblasts. The cotyledon is defined as the
villous tree which arises from a single primary stem villous and each one contains
2–5 lobules. Each placental lobule is derived from a single secondary stem villus.
The chorion is formed from two layers: the outer derived from trophoblast and the
inner derived from mesoderm which is in contact with the amnion. The trophoblast
forms the chorionic villi which invade the decidual tissue. The chorion laeve is in
contact with the decidual capsularis tissue and forms no part in the formation of the
placenta. The chorion frondosum is in contact with the placenta. The maternal and
fetal blood supplies do not come into contact.

11. A False
B False
C True
D True
E False
Sperm entering the oocyte leads to completion of the second meiotic division.
Capacitation involves release of lytic enzymes as the outer acrosomal membrane
of the sperm fuses with cumulus cells of the ovum. It is thought that this process
is essential to the process of fertilisation. It also prevents further sperm from
penetrating the ovum. During the passage of the ovum from the ovary to the uterus,
there is a temporary halt of movement at the ampulla of the fallopian tube. Because
of this delay in motility, fertilisation often occurs at this location. Muscle activity of
the fallopian tube aids the movement of the fertilised egg, which enters the uterus 5
days after fertilisation
12. A True
B False
C False
D True
E True
Answers 267

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia is an autosomal recessive condition and has an

incidence of 1:10,000–1:18,000 births. The condition is caused by a deficient
production of cortisol, however there are varying levels of severity. In the absence
of the enzyme 21-hydroxylase, glucocorticoid precursors accumulate and are
converted to androgenic steroids.
13. A True
B False
C False
D True
E True
Cyproterone is an antiandrogen which is used in the treatment of hirsutism and acts
by blocking the androgen receptors. Cyproterone acetate is a synthetic derivative of
17-hydroxyprogesterone. Although a recognised sign in certain androgen producing
ovarian tumours such as Brenner’s tumour and arrhenoblastoma, hirsutism is not
pathognomonic of these conditions.
Causes of hirsutism are as follows:
• Iatrogenic
• Drugs: danazol, testosterone
• Ovaries: polycystic ovarian syndrome, androgen secreting tumours
• Adrenal: congenital adrenal hyperplasia, acromegaly
14. A True
B False
C False
D True
E True
T3 and T4 are lipophilic tyrosine based hormones. T4 is produced by the follicular
cells of the thyroid and converted to T3 within cells by deiodinases. T3 is more
potent than T4, but it is present in a lower concentration in the blood. Most (99.5%)
of the circulating thyroxine is bound to protein: 70% to thyroxine-binding globulin,
20% to albumin and 10% to transthyretin. 0.03% of T4 and 0.3% of T3 is free. Both
T3 and T4 are lipophilic hormones and easily cross cell membranes. The synthesis
of thyroid hormones involves several steps and takes place in the follicular cells of
the thyroid. The thyroid hormones are produced from tyrosine, which occurs by
15. A False
B False
C True
D True
E False
268 Chapter 15  Mock paper 1

Peptide hormones act through cell surface receptors which are divided into four
1. Seven-transmembrane domain
2. Single-transmembrane domain
3. Cytokine receptors
4. Guanylyl cyclase-linked receptors.
Seven-transmembrane receptors pass in and out of the cytoplasm, with a carboxy
terminus linked to the G-protein transducer and the amino terminus linked to
the hormone domain. The action of luteinising hormone and follicle-stimulating
hormone is via this receptor. The growth factor receptors are linked to tyrosine
kinase. Hormones acting through nuclear receptors include steroid and thyroid
hormones. Nuclear receptors are found in the cytoplasm or the nucleus itself.
Receptors in the cytoplasm include those for glucocorticoids and progesterone.
Receptors in the nucleus include those for oestrogens and vitamin-D.
16. A True
B False
C False
D False
E True
Vitamin D is a steroid hormone and is synthesised from cholesterol. Ninety per cent is
synthesised in the skin as a result of the action of UV light on 7-dehydrocholesterol to
form cholecalciferol. Ten per cent is absorbed in the diet. Both forms are transported
to the liver where they undergo 25-hydroxylation. From here it is stored in body fat
as calcidiol (25-hydroxyvitamin D). Alpha1-hydroxylation occurs in the kidney and is
tightly regulated by parathyroid hormone (Figure 15.1).

Figure 15.1  Synthesis of

↓ Plasma calcium Vitamin D.
UV light

Skin Liver
↑ Parathyroid
7-dehydrocholesterol hormone secretion

Vitamin D calciferol (Vitamin D)
in food

↑ 1,25-dihydroxy-
Answers 269

17. A False
B True
C True
D True
E False
Although some data may have a normal distribution, if there are extremes of values
(also known as outliers) this may lead the distribution to be either negatively or
positively skewed. In positively skewed data the extremes of values are found
towards the right-hand of the distribution and the data can be described as
having a right-hand tail. In negatively skewed data the extremes of values are
found towards the left-hand of the distribution and the data distribution can be
described as having a left-hand tail. Skewed data may have a unimodal and a
bimodal distribution. In order to more easily analyse skewed data it can be partially
normalised by logarithmic transformation (Figure 15.2).
Bland JM, Altman D. Statistics notes: transforming data. BMJ 1996;312:770.

Positively skewed data Negatively skewed data

Figure 15.2  Positively and negatively skewed data.

18. A True
B False
C True
D False
E False
270 Chapter 15  Mock paper 1

Miscarriage is common and in the first trimester occurs in approximately 1 in

5 pregnancies. Chromosomal abnormalities are a significant cause of loss and
are present in > 50% of miscarried pregnancies. There are many risk factors for
miscarriage including advanced maternal age, obesity, maternal and paternal
smoking, dose-related caffeine intake, anatomical anomalies such as the presence
of a uterine septum, thrombophilias (such as antiphospholipid syndrome), infection
and endocrine causes such as diabetes. Recurrent miscarriage affects around 1%
of woman and is defined as the loss of three consecutive pregnancies. Having had
a previous pregnancy with a successful outcome does not mean a woman cannot
go on to have recurrent miscarriages. Women with recurrent miscarriage need
assessment regarding the presence of contributory risk-factors and management in
a specialised clinic.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. The Investigation and Treatment of Couples with
Recurrent First-trimester and Second-trimester Miscarriage. Green-top Guideline 17. London: RCOG, 2011.

19. A False
B True
C False
D True
E True
Delay in conceiving is a common problem. Although the majority of couples will
conceive within 1 year of having regular unprotected sexual intercourse, up to 1
in 7 couples will seek help regarding fertility. Of those seeking assistance many
present with primary subfertility, i.e. the couple have never conceived a pregnancy.
Other couples will present with secondary subfertility, i.e. they have previously
conceived a pregnancy together, regardless of the outcome of the pregnancy
(either a live birth or a miscarriage). Following investigation, the cause of primary
subfertility is still unexplained for around 20% of couples. Male factors are attributed
to around 20–30% of cases of couples with primary subfertility. Ovulatory and
tubal dysfunctions are the other main contributors to subfertility. Around 8% of
the population require the assistance of reproductive techniques such as ovulation
induction, intrauterine insemination and in vitro fertilisation. Subfertility: Epidemiology, ethical and legal issues of subfertility. London: StratOG, 2012.

20. A False
B False
C True
D False
E True
The p-value refers to the probability of detecting a significant finding in a study if
the null hypothesis is true. The p-value assumes that the null hypothesis is true. The
standard p-value used in most statistical analyses is 0.05 (however, a p-value of 0.01
Answers 271

or lower could be used). If the resultant p-value obtained from a study is < 0.05 then
the null hypothesis can be rejected. That is, we can be 95% certain that the observed
effect did not occur due to chance alone. Another way of describing this outcome is
that the result was significant at the 5% level.
If, when using the same level of significance, the resultant p-value was greater
than or equal to 0.05 then the null hypothesis can be accepted; i.e. the result is not
significant at the 5% level. The inference here is that the effects observed in the
study may have occurred due to chance alone.
It is important to remember that the chosen p-value is not entirely robust. For
example, when a p-value of 0.05 is used 5% of the time the null hypothesis will be
rejected incorrectly. The p-value cannot indicate the likelihood of a type 1 error.
Sedgwick P. Statistical question: P values. BMJ 2010;340:c2203.

21. A True
B True
C True
D False
E True
Cystic fibrosis is an autosomal recessive condition, which can be caused by a
variety of different mutations affecting the CFTR gene found on chromosome 7.
Neurofibromatosis type 1 is caused by a mutation of the neurofibromin (NF) 1 gene
of chromosome 17. The gene is transmitted by autosomal dominant inheritance,
although in many cases the disease is caused by a random gene mutation.
Neurofibromatosis type 2 is caused by a mutation of the NF2 gene which is found on
chromosome 22.
Prader–Willi syndrome is caused by either a loss or mutation of genes found on
the proximal arm of chromosome 15. An example of genomic imprinting, it occurs
through the loss of the paternally derived genes as a consequence of either deletion
or due to maternal disomy of chromosome 15. Angelman syndrome is also example
of genomic imprinting and arises when there is loss of the maternal component of
chromosome 15. Sickle-cell disease is an autosomal recessive condition, caused by a
mutation in the beta-globulin gene found on chromosome 11. Duchenne muscular
dystrophy is X-linked recessive.
22. A False
B True
C False
D True
E False
Amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling (CVS) are both invasive prenatal
diagnostic tests. They can be used to provide a diagnosis if there is thought to be a
raised risk of fetal abnormality. They are offered if there is a raised risk of aneuploidy
272 Chapter 15  Mock paper 1

detected at screening, if there is a family history of abnormality or if both parents are

known to be carriers of a genetically transmitted condition. Amniocentesis can be
performed from 15 weeks’ gestation. Increased fetal talipes and respiratory problems
have been reported in amniocentesis performed before 15 weeks. CVS involves
sampling of placental chorionic villi either transabdominally or transcervically from
11 weeks’ gestation. Both amniocentesis and CVS are associated with a 1% excess risk
of miscarriage. Maternal HIV infection is not an absolute contraindication for either
test, however it is ideally performed when the maternal viral load is undetectable.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Amniocentesis and Chorionic Villus Sampling.
Green-top Guideline 8. London: RCOG, 2010.

23. A False
B True
C False
D True
E False
Tuberous sclerosis is an example of an autosomal dominant genetic disorder. In
autosomal dominant conditions, inheritance of a copy of the defective chromosome
leads to expression of the condition. Cystic fibrosis shows an autosomal recessive
mode of inheritance, by which both parents must carry a copy of the defective gene
for the condition to be expressed, with an estimated 1 in 4 offspring of two carriers
expressing the condition, 2 in 4 neither carriers affected and 1 in 4 an unaffected carrier.
Other autosomal recessive conditions include sickle-cell anaemia, β-thalassaemia and
Tay–Sachs disease. Fragile X is inherited by X-linked dominant inheritance. Duchenne’s
muscular dystrophy shows an X-linked recessive inheritance.
24. A False
B True
C False
D True
E True
A Barr body is found in all somatic cells in females. Each Barr body represents an
inactivated X chromosome. They may be stained and visualised at the periphery
of nuclei halted at interphase. Individuals with Turner’s syndrome typically have an
absence of one of the X chromosomes and therefore are missing a Barr body, rather
than having an additional copy. This monosomy is described as 45 X0.
25. A True
B True
C True
D True
E False
Answers 273

Females born with Turner’s syndrome typically have primary amenorrhoea due to the
presence of streak gonads and are unable to conceive. Some individuals do experience
menarche, but often experience an early menopause. Rarely, women with Turner’s
syndrome are able to conceive without assisted reproductive techniques (ART).
Individuals with Klinefelter’s syndrome may have varying degrees of hypogonadism
with associated low levels of testosterone and in some cases azoospermia. Androgen
therapy may be required manage hypothalamic – pituitary axis dysfunction.
Individuals with Klinefelter’s syndrome do rarely conceive without the need for ART.
Cystic fibrosis in males is associated with absence of the vas deferens thus leading
to azoospermic ejaculate. Women with cystic fibrosis may experience amenorrhoea
secondary to malnutrition. Both Klinefelter’s syndrome and mild forms of cystic
fibrosis may be diagnosed late in life when a couple have been unable to conceive.
Both males and females with Down’s syndrome may be able to conceive, however
fertility is often reduced.
26. A True
B True
C False
D False
E True
α-Thalassaemia is an autosomal recessive inherited haemoglobinopathy associated
with defective synthesis of α-globin chains. The severity of the disease depends
on how the number of genes for α-globin that are affected (four genes in total
code of α-globin). When only one gene has a deletion an individual is considered
an unaffected carrier. When two genes on a single chromosome (or a single gene
on two chromosomes) are affected, the individual can be considered to have
the α-thalassaemia trait. Those with the trait are typically unaffected, with some
individuals affected by mild anaemia. Haemoglobin H disease is caused by deletion
of three (of the four) α-globin genes. The minimal production of α chains leads to
the excessive formation of tetrameric β-globin chains which have a very high affinity
for oxygen and are therefore poor at delivering oxygen to tissues. Haemoglobin
H disease is associated with severe anaemia and splenomegaly. The deletion of all
four α-globin genes leads to formation of haemoglobin Bart’s (due excessive delta
tetramers) in the absence of any α-globin formation, with subsequent poor oxygen
delivery. Affected fetuses develop hydrops fetalis, with few surviving to delivery.
Advances in fetal medicine and in utero blood transfusion may lead to the survival of
individuals with a condition that until recently was thought to be incompatible with
27. A False
B True
C False
D True
E False
274 Chapter 15  Mock paper 1

Fetal circulation involves high venous return from the placenta, maintaining a
right to left shunt through the foramen ovale. This enables oxygenated blood to
be delivered to the heart and brain. Oxygen saturation of the umbilical vein is
approximately 70–80%. Approximately 10% of blood from the pulmonary artery
travels to the lungs. Fetal haemoglobin (HbF) is comprised of two α chains and two
γ chains. HbF has a higher affinity for oxygen than adult haemoglobin. Ninety per
cent of fetal haemoglobin is HbF up until the third trimester, when it begins to be
replaced with adult haemoglobin.
Fetal red blood cells are larger than maternal cells, with a shorter life span and lower
levels of carbonic anhydrase and 2,3-diphosphoglyceric acid. They have no ABO
antigens until after birth.
28. A False
B True
C True
D False
E True
Creatinine is filtered by the kidneys with no tubular reabsorption. The levels of
creatinine in the blood and urine can be used to determine the creatinine clearance
rate which gives a value of glomerular filtration rate (GFR), a marker of renal function.
The creatinine levels in general reflect the individual’s muscle mass. Serum levels
of creatinine only tend to rise once there is a significant damage to the nephrons
and therefore creatinine is a poor indicator of early renal damage. In pregnancy,
creatinine levels tend to decrease and therefore an increase above normal values
may indicate significant renal dysfunction. Creatinine clearance is often a more
useful measurement of renal function and is calculated by comparing the amount of
creatinine in the urine and the blood, giving an overall indication of the GFR.
29. A False
B False
C True
D True
E True
The filtration fraction describes the ratio of the glomerular filtration to the renal
blood flow. It is usually about 20% and represents the volume of fluid reaching
the renal tubules. Filtration fraction of the kidneys only falls at the beginning
of pregnancy, with the amount of sodium filtered by the kidneys remaining
During pregnancy the kidneys do increase in size and generally increase in length by
approximately 1 cm. The ureters dilate as a result of the effect of progesterone and
the increasing weight of a gravid uterus.
Answers 275

The dilation of the ureters is one reason why urinary tract infections are increasingly
common in pregnancy and symptoms may be more subtle.
At term, both the renal blood flow and the glomerular filtration rate are significantly
increased, by up to 50%.
30. A False
B False
C True
D False
E True
Progesterone-only contraceptives are now widely used and may be taken in tablet
form, intradermally or as a levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system. Although
referred to as containing ‘progesterone’ they actually contain synthetic analogues
of progesterone and more accurately should be described as ‘progestogen-only
The usage of continuous progesterone analogues provides reliable contraception;
however, this success is not based on the reliable prevention of ovulation and
overall only around 60% of cycles will be anovulatory. Much of its effect comes
from increased viscosity of cervical mucus that is associated with high levels of
progesterone. Thick cervical mucus prevents passage of sperm and therefore
acts as a barrier to conception. These changes in cervical mucus last only for
around 20 hours after administration and therefore influence the need to take the
progesterone-only pill within a short time window, every 24 hours.
Under the influence of constantly raised levels of progesterone the endometrium
remains thin, further creating a hostile environment for any potential embryo
implantation. Unlike the combined oral pill, the uptake of this form of contraception
is not influenced by normal bowel flora so it is not affected by concomitant use of
antibiotics. As progesterone-only contraceptives do not contain oestrogens they are
not associated with any detrimental effects on breastfeeding.
Faculty of Sexual Health & Reproductive Healthcare, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.
Clinical Guidance: Progestogen-only Pills. London: FSRH, 2009.

31. C  Pyramidalis
Pyramidalis is a triangular muscle which lies within the rectus sheath in front of the
rectus abdominis. It is absent in 20% of people and is supplied by the subcostal nerve.
The subcostal nerve is the anterior branch of the 12th thoracic nerve. It communicates
with the iliohypogastric nerve and gives a branch to pyramidalis. It gives off a lateral
cutaneous nerve supplying sensory innervation to the skin over the hip.

32. B  Iliacus
Iliacus is separated from extraperitoneal tissue by the iliac fascia. It has a wide
peripheral attachment to the iliac crest which it shares with the psoas muscle and
276 Chapter 15  Mock paper 1

descends to leave the abdomen behind the inguinal ligament. The iliacus muscle
has innervation from the femoral nerve and lumbar plexus. The iliacus and psoas
muscles act in synergy to flex the hip joint.

33. A  External oblique

The external oblique arises from the outer surface and lower borders of the eight
lowest ribs, passing downwards and backwards. The aponeurosis forms part of the
inguinal ligament (see Figure 1.9).

34. D  Superior epigastric artery

The superior epigastric artery is a terminal branch of the internal thoracic artery and
forms an anastomosis with the inferior epigastric artery. It pierces the rectus sheath
and anastomoses with the inferior epigastric artery at the level of the umbilicus. It
supplies the anterior part of the abdominal wall and some of the diaphragm. It has a
corresponding vein, the superior epigastric vein.

35. C  Superior gluteal artery

The superior gluteal artery is one of three branches of the posterior division of
the internal iliac artery, the other two being the iliolumbar and the lateral sacral
arteries. The superior vesical artery continues as the obliterated umbilical artery
after supplying the lower ureter and upper bladder. The uterine artery runs medially
on levator ani, in front of the ureter and above the lateral vaginal fornix. Once it
has supplied the ureteric and vaginal branches it ascends the side of the uterus to
anastomose with the ovarian artery.

36. E  L2 and L3
The lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh is a cutaneous nerve originating from the
lumbar plexus. It arises from the dorsal division of L2 and L3. It emerges laterally on
the psoas muscle and after crossing the iliacus muscle, passes under the inguinal
ligament and divides into anterior and posterior branches.

37. C  Pelvic splanchnic nerves

Pelvic splanchnic nerves are autonomic nerves that arise from the ventral rami
of S2–S4, providing parasympathetic innervation. This parasympathetic outflow
supplies part of the gut, bladder, genitals and blood vessels in the pelvis, releasing
acetylcholine at its terminals. They also carry visceral afferent fibres. The pelvic
splanchnic nerves communicate with the inferior hypogastric plexus located at each
side of the rectum and vagina. From here the nerves are distributed locally and up
through the inferior hypogastric nerve and superior hypogastric plexus. Afferent
fibres from the cervix travel within the pelvic splanchnic nerves to the dorsal roots of
the upper sacral nerves.
Answers 277

38. A Columnar epithelium

The uterus is lined by endometrium. The endometrium consists of a single layer
of columnar epithelial cells which rest on a layer of connective tissue (stroma).
Secretory glands and spiral arteries extend from the surface of the endometrium to
the base of the stroma.

39. D  Stratified squamous epithelium

The urethra originates from endoderm and arises from the pelvic part of the
urogenital sinus. The proximal half of the urethra is lined with transitional epithelium
and the distal half is lined with stratified squamous epithelium.

40. D  Round ligament

The uterosacral ligaments extend from the posterior cervix to the sacrum. As they
pull the cervix backwards, they help to hold the uterus in an anteverted position,
as well as providing support for the uterus and vagina. The round ligament is
approximately 12 cm long and runs from the body of the uterus in front of and
below the insertion of the fallopian tube to the internal inguinal ring. It traverses
the inguinal canal and exits from the external inguinal ring, breaking up into
strands at the labium majus. In the fetus the round ligament is surrounded by
a peritoneal tube, the processus vaginalis. This is usually obliterated at birth,
however, it occasionally persists and if this is the case it can be a site for hernia
development. The broad ligament is a double fold of peritoneum, providing no
role in the support of the uterus.

41. D  Middle rectal artery

Contents of the ischiorectal fossa include:
• Inferior rectal nerve and vessels
• Pudendal canal and its contents
• Fat pad
• Perforating cutaneous branch of S2 and S3
• Perineal branch of S4
• Labial nerve and vein

42. A
   Above pectinate line: derived endoderm, superior
rectal artery
The pectinate line lies at the junction of the upper two-thirds and the lower
one-third of the anal canal. Embryologically this represents the junction of the
hindgut and the proctodeum (Table 15.1).
278 Chapter 15  Mock paper 1

  Table 15.1  Anatomy and embryology of the anal canal

Above pectinate line Below pectinate line

Epithelium Columnar Stratified squamous
Embryological origin Endoderm Ectoderm
Artery Superior rectal artery Middle and inferior rectal artery
Vein Superior rectal vein Middle and inferior rectal vein
Nerves Inferior hypogastric plexus Inferior rectal nerves

43. A
   Lateral wall of ischiorectal fossa; above
sacrotuberous ligament
The pudendal canal is a tunnel of fascia which runs in the lower lateral wall of the
ischiorectal fossa, just above the sacrotuberous ligament. It contains the pudendal
nerve and the internal pudendal vessels. During a pudendal block, the pudendal
nerve is infiltrated where it crosses the ischial spine. It is reached through the vagina
and infiltrated medial to the ischial spine.

44. D  Stratified squamous

The female urethra is lined by transitional epithelium proximal to the bladder and by
stratified squamous epithelium in its distal portion. It is endodermal in origin from
the urogenital sinus. It takes its blood supply from the inferior vesical artery and the
internal pudendal artery with drainage to the vesical plexus. Lymphatic drainage is
to the internal iliac lymph nodes.

45. B  T7–T12
The rectus abdominis muscle originates at the pubis muscle and has its insertion
into the costal cartilages of the 5th, 6th and 7th ribs and the sternum. It is contained
within the rectus sheath which is made up of the aponeuroses of the external and
internal oblique muscle and the transversus abdominis muscle. The external oblique
is the most superficial aponeurosis to make up the rectus sheath and has the internal
oblique beneath it to keep it separate from the rectus muscle. It is supplied by the
inferior epigastric artery and has its nerve supply from the thoracoabdominal nerves,

46. D  Rickets
This 4-year-old boy is suffering from rickets, which is caused by failure or delay to
mineralise endochondral bone in the growth plate. The main cause is impaired
metabolism or deficiency of vitamin D. His mother is complaining of premenstrual
symptoms, combined with bony pain. These are symptoms of vitamin D deficiency
in adults. Treatment for both of these patients would be to ensure adequate sunlight
Answers 279

exposure and prescribe Vitamin D supplements. Vitamin D is required for adequate

absorption of calcium and is synthesised in the skin following sunlight exposure and
from the kidney.
Osteopetrosis, also known as marble bone disease, is caused by a deficiency of
osteoclasts. There is hardening of the bones and an elevation in levels of alkaline
phosphatase. Perthes’ disease is a disease of the hip joint, caused by avascular
necrosis of the femoral head and a reduction in blood supply. Scurvy is caused by a
lack of vitamin C and symptoms may include gum disease, easy bruising and myalgia.

47. C  Multiple myeloma

Multiple myeloma is a neoplastic expansion of plasma cells within the blood,
with an incidence of 5/100,000. Proliferation of plasma cells interferes with
normal production of blood cells within the bone marrow, resulting in anaemia,
leucopenia and thrombocytopaenia. Presentation of this condition includes bone
pain, pathological fractures and renal failure. Diagnosis is via electrophoresis of
serum and/or urine, identifying a monoclonal paraprotein. Bence Jones proteins
(immunoglobulin light chains) may be identified in the urine. Patients develop
hypercalcaemia due to excessive tumour-induced osteoclast-mediated bone
destruction, caused by cytokines expressed or secreted locally at myeloma cells. This
leads to an efflux of calcium into extracellular fluid. Treatment is supportive, with
correction of renal failure and hypercalcaemia.

48. B  Hyperglycaemia
A glucagonoma is a tumour of the α cells of the pancreas. It is associated with
excessive production of glucagon. Glucagon can be thought of as acting
in opposition to insulin, therefore raising serum glucose levels through
gluconeogenesis and lipolysis. This rare tumour is characterised by a state of
extreme hyperglycaemia due to excessive levels of glucagon. Other manifestations
include a characteristic rash and anaemia. Although incredibly rare, this tumour is
more common in perimenopausal and postmenopausal women.

49. D  pH 7.50, pCO2 3.0 kPa, pO2 9.2 kPa, HCO3 25 mmol/L
This patient has an acute pulmonary embolus (PE). PE is a relatively common
postoperative complication and clinical presentation includes chest pain, dyspnoea
and haemoptysis. Signs and symptoms in this case are the acute dyspnoea and pain
on inspiration. The low oxygen saturations and tachycardia would also be found in
patients with acute PE. It usually occurs when thrombosis from a more distal vein
breaks loose and embolises into pulmonary blood vessels. The arterial blood gas
in a patient with a PE most commonly shows respiratory alkalosis. The low partial
pressure of carbon dioxide is most likely caused by hyperventilation. In cases of
massive PE, the infarcted or non-functioning areas of the lung may lead to increased
pCO2 values. Hypoxaemia occurs due to altered areas of perfusion and ventilation
of the lung tissue (VQ mismatch). Although a pH of 7.2 is reasonable, this patient is
extremely unlikely to have a pO2 of 12.0 kPa, given oxygen saturation of 93%.
280 Chapter 15  Mock paper 1

50. A
   pH 7.16, pCO2 8.2 kPa, pO2 15.3 kPa, HCO3 21.2 mmol/L
This patient has central respiratory depression due to opiate overdose. Fatty liver
of pregnancy may be associated with an acid-base abnormality if it is severe.
Symptoms include fatigue, nausea and vomiting, and upper abdominal pain, usually
in the third trimester. The pattern on arterial blood gas usually shows a mixed
metabolic and respiratory acidosis, reflected in the degree of acidosis.
The Henderson–Hasselbach equation describes the relationship of pH as a measure
of acidity.
pH = pKa + log
Where pKa is the acid dissociation constant.

51. A  High blood levels of fatty acids

There are profound changes in the metabolism of fat during episodes of diabetic
ketoacidosis. There are high blood levels of fatty acids and lactate. Blood pH may
drop to below 7.0 and the kidney excretes hydrogen ions to compensate. The state
of metabolic acidosis causes an activation of chemoreceptors in the brain which
subsequently leads to hyperventilation. Patients are usually severely dehydrated due
to a state of osmotic diuresis and hyperglycaemia. They are often hypoxic. Diabetic
ketoacidosis is a medical emergency and should be treated promptly. Treatment
involves controlled replacement of fluids, including correction of electrolyte
imbalance. A sliding scale should also be in place until normal glucose control can
be initiated.

52. A  Prostacyclin PGI2

All of the options given are either prostaglandins, thromboxanes or prostacyclins.
Classified together as prostanoids, which are a form of eicosanoids, these fatty
acid derivatives are all formed from the conversion of arachidonic acid via the
action of cyclooxygenase (COX). Prostacyclin PGI2 is formed from the conversion
of arachidonic acid to prostaglandin H2 which is then converted to its final form
by the action of prostacyclin synthase. Released by endothelial cells, prostacyclin
PGI2 acts predominantly to inhibit platelet aggregation via activation of G-protein
coupled receptors on the platelet surface, leading to production of cyclic adenosine
monophosphate with subsequent inhibition of platelet activation. Prostcyclin
PGI2 also acts as a vasodilator. Thromboxane TXA2 is a prothrombotic which is
produced by activated platelets, which acts to promote platelet activation and

53. B  Ampulla of the fallopian tube

The ovum is carried from the ovary into the fallopian tube following ovulation. It
is picked up by the fimbriae and carried into the tube. Inside the fallopian tube
Answers 281

the ovum is moved medially by the action of cilia lining the tube and muscular
action. The ovum is halted at the fallopian ampulla for up to 36 hours and therefore
fertilisation occurs at this location most frequently.

54. B  Vitellointestinal duct

Meckel’s diverticulum is an abnormality of the midgut. It occurs in 2–4% of the
population and is a common anomaly of the digestive system. It is more common
in males than females and is a persistence of the vitellointestinal duct. The
vitellointestinal duct is present in early embryonic life and its function is to provide
nutrition to the yolk sac. It usually regresses by the 7th week. A Meckel diverticulum
is a blind ending tube and contains all the layers of gut that are present in the ileum.
It is located approximately 50–60 cm from the ileocaecal valve. If this remnant
becomes inflamed, it may produce a condition with a similar presentation to
appendicitis. The mucosa is gastric in origin and may therefore produce gastric acid
which may lead to ulceration and bleeding.

55. D  Prostate
The mesonephric duct ultimately gives rise to several parts of the male urogenital
tract, including the epididymis, the vas deferens and the seminal vesicle. The prostate
is not derived from the mesonephric duct and develops from the urogenital sinus.

56. D
   Shortened Q–T interval and widened
T wave on ECG
Hypercalcaemia may cause ECG changes, specifically a shortened QT interval and
a widened T wave complex. Hypocalcaemia may lead to many classic signs and
symptoms, one of which is a prolonged Q–T interval on ECG. Circumoral tingling and
numbness, carpopedal spasm and depression are all symptoms of hypocalcaemia.
Chvostek’s sign may be positive, twitching of the face with tapping of the facial
nerve. Trousseau’s sign is a carpopedal spasm, which can be induced by inflating a
BP cuff around the arm. Calcium levels may be misinterpreted if the albumin levels
are abnormal and therefore calculation should always take this into account.

57. D  21α-hydroxylase
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is an autosomal recessive disorder which occurs
as a result of a defect in the pathway of steroidogenesis in the adrenal gland. As a
result of this, there is cortisol deficiency and increased androgen production. The
majority of cases occur as a result in deficiency of the enzyme 21α-hydroxylase. CAH
is rare and occurs in approximately 1 in 14,000 births. Presentation of this syndrome
may include salt wasting if production of aldosterone is affected and hypoglycaemia
may occur. Neonates may have ambiguous genitalia and, despite a 46 XX genotype,
may appear male. Diagnosis is made via detection of 17-hydroxyprogesterone levels.
It may also be necessary to perform a 24-hour urinary steroid analysis.
282 Chapter 15  Mock paper 1

58. D  Phenytoin
Hirsutism is the presence of hair on the body and face that grows in excess. It is
usually in a male pattern of growth and is caused by an excess of testosterone. It is
associated with polycystic ovarian syndrome and alopecia.
The Ferriman–Gallwey score may be used to grade hirsutism and uses a score of 0–4
ranging from no hair cover (0) to fully hair covered (4) in 9 areas of the body: upper
lip, chest, chin, upper abdomen, lower abdomen, upper and lower back, upper arms
and thighs. A score above 8 suggests possible androgen excess.
Other drug causes include danazol, progesterones (including the combined oral
contraceptive pill), metoclopramide, methyldopa, anabolic steroids, reserpine,
testosterone, cyclosporine, minoxidil and diazoxide.

59. B  Basophils of the anterior pituitary gland

Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) is produced by the basophils of anterior
pituitary gland. High levels of T4 and T3 lead to a reduction in the production of
both TSH and thyrotrophin-releasing hormone (TRH) via the feedback loop, as
shown in Figure 15.3. The same mechanism means that high levels of TSH lead to a
reduction in production of TRH. TRH is produced by the paraventricular nucleus of
the hypothalamus (Figure 15.3).

Figure 15.3  Hypothalamic–

pituitary axis.



Pituitary gland (anterior)


Thyroid gland

T3, T4 in peripheral tissues

TRH = Thyrotropin-releasing hormone
TSH = Thyroid-stimulating hormone
T3 = Tri-iodothyroxine
T4 = Thyroxine
Answers 283

60. E  All of the above

Hyperthyroidism produces a range of symptoms that occur as a result of increased
production of thyroid hormones. Symptoms include diarrhoea, weight loss,
increased appetite, psychosis, heat intolerance, oligomenorrhoea and infertility. In
many circumstances, infertility may be how the disease is detected.
The most common cause of hyperthyroidism is Graves’ disease, an autoimmune
disease caused by thyroid autoantibodies against the TSH receptor.

61. B  Bicarbonate
Calcium is essential for the regulation of the nervous and musculoskeletal systems
and enzyme and hormone action. Calcium is an important intracellular messenger
which has an essential role in the maintenance of cell membrane potential of nerve
and cardiac cells and contractile muscle cells. It is absorbed by active transport in the
duodenum. Total body calcium is about 1–2 kg with 99% held in the skeleton, 1%
intracellular and 0.1% extracellular. Of the extracellular portion, approximately 55%
is in the bound form. Most of this calcium is bound to plasma proteins, the majority
of which is albumin. Extracellular calcium may also be bound to anions such as
phosphate, lactate and bicarbonate.
The remaining extracellular calcium is in the ionised form, which is biologically
active. The average level of calcium in plasma is 2.5 mmol/L, however levels range
from 2.2–2.6 mmol/L. A level of > 2.6 mmol/L, taking into account corrected levels,
would indicate a state of hypercalcaemia. In hypoalbuminaemia, there is less calcium
in the bound state and therefore a higher level of total calcium.

62. A  Bone metastases

Bone is the third most common site of metastases. Five cancers most
frequently metastasising to bone are breast, lung, prostate, thyroid and kidney.
Consequences include pain, pathological fractures and hypercalcaemia. Pain
results from stretching of the periosteum and stimulation of nerves in the
endosteum. Lytic lesions of bones lead to pathological fractures. Multiple
myeloma is a cancer of plasma cells. Proliferation of plasma cells interferes
with normal production of blood cells within the bone marrow, resulting in
anaemia, leucopenia and thrombocytopaenia. Patients develop hypercalcaemia
in this condition due to excessive tumour-induced osteoclast-mediated bone
destruction, caused by cytokines expressed or secreted locally at myeloma cells.
This leads to an efflux of calcium into the extracellular fluid.

63. E  PTH acts via a G-protein coupled receptor

Parathyroid hormone (PTH) acts to increase circulating levels of calcium and
phosphate. It acts via a G-protein coupled receptor. In the kidney, PTH acts
proximally at the renal tubules to increase bicarbonate and phosphate excretion.
At the distal renal tubule, calcium and hydrogen are reabsorbed in response to
284 Chapter 15  Mock paper 1

PTH action. Alpha1-hydroxylation of vitamin D takes place in the kidney and this is
enhanced by PTH action. PTH enhances the osteoclastic activity in bone, enhancing
bone resorption.
PTH acts on many organ systems:
• Bone: increases release of calcium, indirectly stimulates osteoclasts, increased
bone resorption.
• Kidney: enhances active reabsorption of calcium and magnesium from distal
tubules, increases excretion of phosphate
• Intestine: increases absorption of calcium by increasing production of
vitamin D.

64. A  Active transport

Calcium and phosphate are transferred to the fetal circulation against a
concentration by active transport. The fetus is relatively hypercalcaemic compared
to the mother – 1:1.4 and contains approximately 21–33 g of calcium. Ossification
occurs mainly in the third trimester, when the majority of the calcium accumulates.
Active transport also facilitates the transfer of substances such as amino acids across
the placenta. Substances such as oxygen and carbon dioxide travel via passive
diffusion across a concentration gradient, whereas transport molecules aid the
transfer of substances such as glucose in the form of facilitated diffusion.

65. A  Increased calcitonin

During pregnancy and breastfeeding the female body has an increased requirement
for calcium. The fetus is hypercalcaemic compared to the mother and most of
the calcium reserve in the fetus is attained during the third trimester. Calcium
is transferred to the fetus via active transport and the fetus is able to produce
parathyroid hormone at around 12 weeks’ gestation. During pregnancy, the mother
has a reduced level of parathyroid hormone and an increased level of calcitonin in
order to maintain an increased transfer of calcium to the fetus. There is an overall
increase in bone turnover during the third trimester.

66. A
   The number of deaths during the first 28 completed
days of life per 1000 live births
The World Health Organisation defines the neonatal mortality rate as the number of
deaths during the first 28 completed days of life per 1000 live births in a given year
or period. It considers the neonatal period to begin at birth and to carry on until 28
completed days of life. The definition includes babies who have shown any sign of
life following delivery, even if this is only for a short period of time.
World Health Organization. Health Status Statistics: Mortality. Neonatal mortality rate (per 1000 live
Answers 285

67. A
   The proportion of women with a normal pregnancy
who had a low-risk result
Specificity of any test refers to its ability to correctly identify those individuals
without any pathology so, in this case, it refers to the proportion of women who
had a normal pregnancy and were given a correct low-risk result at screening. The
specificity of a test should aim to be as high as possible, i.e. as close to 1 or 100% as
possible. Similarly the sensitivity of a test should aim to be as close to 1 or 100% as
possible. The sensitivity of a test refers its ability to correctly identify affected/high
risk individuals. For this test it is the proportion of women with an affected fetus who
were given a high-risk result at screening.

68. B  0.2
The standard error of the mean (SEM) is a measure of how close the sample mean
lies from the mean of the true population. The larger the sample size (n), the smaller
the SEM. Further, the smaller the resultant SEM, the more accurate an estimate the
sample mean is of the true population mean. The SEM can be calculated using only
the sample size and the standard deviation.
SEM = Standard deviation ÷
Standard deviation = 2, n = 100
SEM = 2 ÷ = 2 ÷ 10 = 0.2

69. B  Cohort study

The research study described has used a cohort study design. Cohort studies may
either have a retrospective or prospective design. Within this design subjects from
the exposure group (in this case maternal smoking) and the non-exposure group
can be followed-up over a long period of time. This type of study is time-consuming
as any differences between the two groups may take a long time to surface. Cohort
studies may be subject to bias and confounding variables. They have the potential
to provide an immense amount of detail about the study groups over a long period
and therefore give the opportunity to realise unexpected outcomes. There is the
potential to do retrospective cohort studies, based on hospital notes.

70. B  The erroneous rejection of the null hypothesis

In order to understand type 1 and type 2 errors it is essential to understand what is
meant by the null hypothesis. The null hypothesis must be defined before any statistical
analysis takes place. The standard null hypothesis states that there is no difference
between the sample groups being looked at. A type 1 error (also known as an α error) is
said to have occurred in a study when the null hypothesis has been wrongly rejected. In
simpler terms the study has reported a difference that does not exist.
286 Chapter 15  Mock paper 1

A type 2 error (also known as a β error) is actually more common than a type 1 error
and is said to have occurred when the null hypothesis has been accepted when
there is, in fact, a difference between the sample groups being looked at.

71. D
   Community-acquired Group A
streptococcal disease
The 8th report of the Confidential Enquiries into Maternal Deaths in the United
Kingdom classified causes of maternal mortality as directly related, indirectly related
or unrelated to pregnancy. Directly related causes of maternal mortality are those
that result from obstetric complications. In the options A to E, the only cause directly
related to pregnancy is community-acquired group A streptococcal disease. Genital
tract sepsis, predominantly due to group A streptococcal disease, was given as the
leading direct cause of maternal death in the report, and its incidence had increased
since the previous triennial report. Causes of death that are indirectly related to
pregnancy are those that are not caused by obstetric complications but were made
worse by the physiological changes associated with pregnancy. These indirectly
related causes may include conditions that were pre-existing or were diagnosed
during pregnancy.
Within the UK, suicide is included as one of the indirectly related causes of maternal
death because it is usually the result of puerperal psychosis. Other indirect causes
include cardiac disease, diabetes and hormone-dependent cancers.
Centre for Maternal and Child Enquiries (CMACE). Saving Mothers’ Lives: reviewing maternal deaths to
make motherhood safer: 2006–2008. The Eighth Report on Confidential Enquiries into Maternal Deaths in
the United Kingdom. BJOG 2011;118:1–203.

72. B
   The median is the middle value in
ranked set of data
The median is one of the terms used to describe an ‘average’ of a set of data. The
median is the middle value in a ranked data set. It should not be confused with
the mode which refers to the most frequently occurring value in a data set. It also
differs from the mean which is calculated by dividing the sum of a data set by the
number of values in the data set. An advantage of using the median is that it is not
influenced by outliers or skewed data, which can affect the mean of a data set. The
median figure in a data set may be higher or lower than the mean.

73. D  Patau’s syndrome

Patau’s syndrome is also known as trisomy 13. This condition is rarer than trisomy 18
or trisomy 21. Patau’s syndrome occurs when there is an extra copy of chromosome
13. This extra chromosome usually arises after a non-disjunction event during meiosis,
however it can also occur due a Robertsonian translocation. More rarely an individual
may be mosaic for trisomy 13, i.e. only some of their cells will be trisomy 13, whereas
other cells have a normal complement of chromosomes.
Answers 287

High-risk antenatal screening results may be suggestive of a trisomy, and can be

confirmed by subsequent invasive testing, such as amniocentesis. An affected
fetus generally has multiple organ system defects. Common abnormalities include
microcephaly, polydactyly, bilateral cleft palate and cardiac defects. The majority of
babies born with Patau’s syndrome die in the first month of life. Few children survive

74. E  47 XXY
This boy has Klinefelter’s syndrome, which is a relatively common disorder of the
sex chromosomes. Around 1 in every 1000 male babies born have Klinefelter’s
syndrome. Affected individuals typically have the genotype 47 XXY, indicating
that they have an extra X chromosome. This extra chromosome is present due a
non-disjunction event in either spermatogenesis or oogenesis. Physical features
associated with Klinefelter’s syndrome include above average height, long arms
and legs, gynaecomastia, a female body fat distribution and varying development
of secondary sexual characteristics. Undiagnosed individuals typically present
due to concern regarding gynaecomastia or unexplained infertility. Historically,
individuals with Klinefelter’s syndrome have been described as experiencing higher
levels of behavioural difficulties and having lower IQs than average, although these
stereotypes are probably unjustified.

75. D  Mosaic for Down’s syndrome

The karyotype given informs us that some of the fetus’ cells are of the karyotype 46
XX, whereas other cells detected have an extra chromosome 21 and therefore contain
47 chromosomes (hence described as 47 XX + 21). This unusual finding is called
mosaicism and refers to the existence of two different cell lines within an individual,
each with a different number of chromosomes. Most commonly mosaicism is caused
by a non-disjunction event which occurs during an early embryonic mitotic division
and leaves some cells with an uneven number of chromosomes; i.e. some cells have
a trisomy, whereas others have a normal number of chromosomes. The presence
of mosaicism in fetuses is diagnosed by amniocentesis or chorionic villi sampling
with analysis typically describing the percentage of cells with a normal karyotype
versus those of a different cell line. Mosaicism is only found in 1% of cases of Down’s
syndrome. As the proportion of cells with trisomy 21 varies it is difficult to predict to
what extent the individual will be affected.

76. D  Marfan’s syndrome

Marfan’s syndrome is a connective tissue disorder is caused by a mutation in the
FBN1 gene found on chromosome 15 that codes for the protein fibrillin-1. It is an
autosomal dominant condition, however in some affected individuals the gene
mutation has occurred de novo. The individual described has the characteristic
appearance of someone with Marfan’s syndrome. In addition to tall stature, long
arms and digits, people with Marfan’s syndrome may also have scoliosis and
288 Chapter 15  Mock paper 1

deformities of the chest wall. This individual has known aortic root dilation, a
common finding in many affected individuals. Other cardiac sequelae include aortic
dissection and mitral valve prolapse.
Congenital contractual arachnodactyly is an autosomal dominant condition causing
skeletal abnormalities as a consequence of a mutation of the protein fibrillin-2.
Ehlers–Danlos syndrome refers to heterogenous group of disorders associated with
defects in collagen synthesis, the classical form of which is an autosomal dominant
inherited condition.

77. E  Leber’s optic neuropathy

The mitochondria contain their own DNA (mtDNA) which is transmitted from
a mother to her children. In humans there are 37 genes contained within
mitochondrial DNA. Although both male and female offspring may be affected
by any inherited mutations in mtDNA, only females can pass these defects onto
the next generation. Leber’s optic neuropathy is transmitted by mitochondrial
inheritance. As mitochondria are key to cellular oxidative phosphorylation,
mutations in mitochondrial DNA tend to manifest in systems heavily reliant on this
process. Hence mitochondrial disease tends to manifest as a myopathy. Leber’s
optic neuropathy is one such condition and is caused by three known mutations of
mitochondrial DNA. Colour blindness and Duchenne muscular dystrophy are both
X-linked recessive conditions. Dermatomyositis is an autoimmune connective tissue
disease. Alpha-thalassaemia is an autosomal recessive condition.

78. A  Angelman’s syndrome

Genomic imprinting refers to the loss of the either a maternal or paternal allele. It
is known that maternally and paternally derived alleles are not the same and there
can be devastating results if an allele is inactivated. Both Angelman’s syndrome
and Prader–Willi syndrome are examples of genomic imprinting with deleterious
effects. In Angelman’s syndrome there is loss of area of the long arm of the
maternally derived chromosome 15, whereas Prader–Willi syndrome is caused
by loss of the same area of the paternally derived chromosome. The syndromes
are distinct but both are associated with mental retardation. It is of note that
genomic imprinting (i.e. the inactivation of one parent’s copy of a gene) does occur
naturally without harmful effect. Both Fragile-X syndrome and Friedreich ataxia are
examples of trinucleotide repeat disorders. Patau’s syndrome is caused by trisomy of
chromosome 13.

79. C  Oxytocin
As well as transporting molecules between the mother and the fetus, the placenta
functions as an important endocrine organ during pregnancy. It synthesises and
secretes many hormones which function to maintain and support the pregnancy.
Answers 289

It synthesises and secretes two major types of hormones: steroid hormones

(progesterone and oestrogen) and protein hormones [human chorionic
gonadotropin (hCG), relaxin and human placental lactogen].
The syncytiotrophoblast cells of the placenta secrete hCG, progesterone and
oestrogen. The placental lactogens are thought to be involved in mobilising energy
stores for the fetus. Relaxin works synergistically with progesterone in maintaining
the pregnancy.
Oxytocin is secreted by the posterior pituitary gland and is not produced by the

80. D  Umbilical arteries arise from the internal iliac artery

The umbilical cord contains three vessels: two arteries and one vein. These vessels
are contained in Wharton’s jelly. The cord is formed at 5 weeks’ gestation and at term
has a mean length of 50 cm and width of 2 cm. The umbilical arteries arise from the
internal iliac artery and the veins drain mainly into the inferior vena cava (80%) via
the ductus venosus and 20% into the hepatic vein. One per cent of umbilical cords
have a single artery and of this 1%, 20% will have a cardiovascular abnormality.
Other abnormalities of the cord include knots which may be false or true. False knots
are unusual vascular structures and true knots are more common in longer cords.
Velamentous cord insertion describes the situation, where the umbilical cord inserts
into the chorioamniotic membranes rather than the mass of the placenta. These
vessels are therefore not protected in part by Wharton’s jelly. This is associated with
vasa praevia.

81. A  Active transport: amino acids

The placenta supplies the growing fetus with both oxygen and nutrients, as well
as providing a means for the removal of carbon dioxide and other waste products
and metabolites. The movement of these substances is largely dictated by their size
and occurs through passive diffusion, active transport and facilitated diffusion, in
addition to exocytosis and endocytosis.
Transport across the placenta:
• Passive diffusion: oxygen, carbon dioxide, free fatty acids, urea
• Active transport: amino acids
• Facilitated diffusion: glucose
• Receptor mediated endocytosis: IgG

82. E  Vasodilation
Oestrogen exerts a series of effects, both at local and systemic levels. Oestrogen
promotes vascular tone, leading to vasodilation, with both rapid and chronic
effect. There are two oestrogen receptors: α and β. The α-receptor is found on the
290 Chapter 15  Mock paper 1

endothelial cell membrane and directly activates nitric oxide. Oestrogen is involved
in other systemic changes, e.g. it helps maintain bone density levels, increases
clotting and decreases cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein levels. Other
properties include protection against atherosclerosis.

83. B  It contains 154 mmol/L sodium chloride

Normal saline is a commonly used for intravenous fluid replacement; however, the
physiology associated with its use is important.
0.9% normal saline is a crystalloid solution and contains 154 mmol/L sodium
chloride. It has an osmolarity of 308 mOsmol/L and does not contain any potassium
chloride. There is, however, the capacity to add potassium chloride to the fluid if
there is an indication to replace these electrolytes, e.g. gastric loss. It mainly replaces
the extracellular fluid component of body water and only a quarter of the volume
replaced will make it into the plasma.
Colloids are better volume expanders than crystalloid fluids as they remain in the
intravascular compartment for a longer period.
Postoperatively, there is a sympathoadrenal stress response. This may lead to an
increase in the retention of sodium and water as a result of increased antidiuretic
hormone secretion and therefore the use of saline may not be the most appropriate
fluid to use.

84. B  The fetus loses metabolites to the mother

The Bohr effect describes a situation where an increase in carbon dioxide in the
blood and a decrease in pH leads to a reduction in the affinity for oxygen.
The double Bohr effect refers to the situation in the maternal–fetal circulation
where the Bohr effect is operative on both sides. This improves the oxygen transfer
between mother and fetus.
• Reduced maternal pH
• Oxygen curve shift to right
• Reduced affinity to oxygen
• Uptake of fetal metabolites
• Increased fetal pH
• Oxygen curve shift to left
• Increased affinity to oxygen
• Loss of metabolites to maternal circulation
Heining M. Chapter 7: Fluid and Acid-Base balance. In: Fiander A, Thilganathan B (eds). Your Essential
Revision Guide MRCOG Part 1. London: RCOG Press, 2010.
Answers 291

85. C  Two alpha chains and two gamma chains (α2γ2)

Fetal haemoglobin (HbF) is the predominant form of haemoglobin present in fetal
life and consists of four chains, α2 and γ2. HbF replaces embryonic haemoglobin
after around 10 weeks’ gestation and is present in high levels throughout gestation.
Adult haemoglobin (HbA) has α2 chains and two β2 chains. HbA is also present
in small amounts from the first trimester, but production starts to increase in the
third trimester in preparation of ex-utero life. At birth HbF represents at least
50% of the haemoglobin present, but by 6 months of age this has been replaced
by adult haemoglobin. Unlike adult haemoglobin, HbF does not bind with
2,3-diphosphoglycerate (2,3-DPG). As a consequence HbF has a higher affinity for
oxygen than adult haemoglobin, allowing oxygen to dissociate from maternal
haemoglobin and be transferred to the fetal circulation across the placenta. With a
higher affinity for oxygen than adult haemoglobin, the dissociation curve for HbF
sits to the left of that of adult haemoglobin. The dissociation curve illustrates that
with its higher affinity for oxygen HbF becomes saturated with oxygen at lower
partial pressures than HbA.

86. B  Luteinising hormone

The luteinising hormone surge (LH) instigates the series of steps that lead to
ovulation. During the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle the level of LH slowly
increases. The dominant follicle expresses LH receptors leading to increasing
amounts of oestradiol production by the theca cells (due to the conversion
of cholesterol). This elevated level of oestrogen instigates a positive feedback
response by LH with a subsequent surge at around day 14. This surge leads to the
extrusion of the oocyte from the follicle. After release of the oocyte LH supports the
corpus luteum, formed from the disrupted granulosa and thecal cells, to produce
progesterone and oestradiol.

87. D  At fertilisation
Oogenesis is the process where an ovum is formed in females from primordial
germ cells. The primordial germ cells develop in the fetal gonadal tissue which
eventually becomes the fetal ovary. Here these primordial germ cells become
oogonia. The oogonia undergo division by mitosis, rapidly increasing in number
to form several million oogonia by the second trimester of fetal life. Oogonia then
become primary oocytes through mitosis. Surrounded by primordial follicles
the primary oocytes are diploid; they begin meiosis 1 during the third trimester
of pregnancy, and this is arrested at prophase. They remain in this state until
ovulation many years later. At ovulation, meiosis 1 recommences leading to the
production of the secondary oocyte and the first polar body. The secondary
oocyte is haploid and immediately after meiosis 1 is completed enters meiosis 2.
This second meiotic division becomes halted at metaphase II. The second meiotic
division, leading to the production of a mature ovum and the second polar body, is
only completed should fertilisation occur.
292 Chapter 15  Mock paper 1

88. B  Inferior vena cava

The ductus venosus acts as one of the three fetal circulatory shunts, in addition
to the ductus arteriosus and the foramen ovale. The ductus venosus is the blood
vessel that runs from the umbilical vein and communicates with the inferior vena
cava (IVC). This shunt allows much of the fetal oxygenated blood supply to bypass
the liver, with preferential distribution to the brain. The ductus venosus starts
to close soon after birth. In adults the remnant of the ductus venosus is known
as the ligamentum venosum. The fetal umbilical vein eventually becomes the
ligamentum teres. The passage between the fetal left and right atria is known as
the foramen ovale. Blood passes through the foramen ovale from the right atria to
the left atria. The foramen ovale closes soon after birth and eventually becomes
the fossa ovalis. Failure of the foramen ovale to close is not uncommon and in the
majority of individuals the persistence of this shunt remains undiagnosed. It has
been suggested that a patent foramen ovale may be associated with unexplained
transient ischaemic events and migraines.

89. D  Superior gluteal artery

The internal iliac artery is the main artery of the pelvic organs and also the perineum.
The internal iliac artery begins at the bifurcation of the common iliac artery. It then
divides into anterior and posterior branches. The branches of the anterior division
of the internal iliac artery predominantly supply the pelvic organs, i.e. the uterus,
vagina, bladder, lower part of the rectum as well as several muscles of the buttocks.
The superior gluteal artery is a branch of the posterior division of the internal iliac
artery (Tables 15.2 and 15.3). Note the ovaries are supplied by the ovarian artery
which is a branch of the abdominal aorta.

  Table 15.2  Major branches of the internal iliac artery

Artery Female organs and muscles supplied

Umbilical Superior part of urinary bladder
Obturator Femoral head, ilium, muscles of medial thigh, pelvic muscles
Uterine Uterus, fallopian tubes, vagina, uterine ligaments
Internal pudendal Perineum, anal canal, external genitalia
Middle rectal Lower part of rectum
Inferior gluteal Pelvic diaphragm
Answers 293

  Table 15.3  Major branches of the posterior iliac artery

Artery Organ
Iliolumbar Muscles of posterior abdominal walls, i.e.
quadrates lumborum, iliacus and psoas major
Cauda equina

Lateral sacral arteries (superior and inferior) Piriformis, erector spinae, sacral canal
Superior gluteal Gluteus minimus
Gluteus maximus
Gluteus medius
Tensor fascia lata

90. B  Iliacus
The iliacus muscle does not form part of the anterior abdominal wall and is
innervated by the femoral nerve.
The anterior abdominal wall provides support for the internal structures. The
muscles of the anterior abdominal wall are:
• Rectus abdominis – from costal cartilages to the pubic crest
• Pyramidalis – may be absent (1 in 5 individuals), lies anterior to lower fibres of
rectus abdominis
• External oblique – runs downwards and forwards from large insertion from lower
8th ribs
• Internal oblique – runs opposite to the external oblique, upwards and forwards
from anterior iliac crest and inguinal ligament
Chapter 16
Mock paper 2

The 30 multiple choice questions and 60 single best answers presented in this
chapter should be worked through under exam conditions, and completed in two
and a half hours.

Questions: MCQs
Answer each stem ‘True’ or ‘False’.

1. Heparin:
A Low-molecular weight heparin has a shorter half-life than unfractionated heparin
B Action is measured using the activated partial thromboplastin time
C Is reversed with protamine
D Can cause bleeding in the fetus
E Can cause hypoaldosteronism

2. Placenta and drugs:

A Insulin crosses the placenta
B The rate of diffusion is dependent on the thickness of the membrane
C Lipophilic molecules readily diffuse across the placenta
D Pethidine is freely diffusible across the membrane
E Benzodiazepines consumed by the mother do not pass into fetal circulation

3. Danazol:
A Is used as a treatment for endometriosis
B Is a gonadotrophin agonist
C Can cause osteoporosis
D Inhibits ovarian steroidogenesis
E Can cause clitoral hypertrophy

4. The following are antimetabolites:

A Cisplatin
B Cyclophosphamide
C 5-fluorouracil
D Methotrexate
E Mercaptopurine

5. The following are probe movements used in transabdominal ultrasound scanning:

A Angle
B Dip
296 Chapter 16  Mock paper 2

C Rotate
D Slide
E Tilt and tip

6. Concerning magnetic resonance imaging (MRI):

A MRI uses ionising radiation
B In T1-weighted MRI water-containing tissues appear bright
C In T2-weighted MRI bone appears dark
D The Tesla is the international system unit used to denote magnetic field strength
E The presence of cardiac pacemaker is a relative contraindication to MRI

7. Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry:

A Is used to estimate bone density
B Uses ultrasound
C Osteoporosis is diagnosed with a Z score of less than –2.5
D Can be used to detect malignancy
E Can be used in children

8. Risk factors for placenta praevia include:

A Smoking
B Previous caesarean section
C Past history of endometriosis
D Assisted conception
E Multiple pregnancy

9. Laparoscopic injuries:
A Serious complications occur in 1 in 1000 cases
B Usually occur before visualisation of the peritoneal cavity
C It is easier to diagnose bowel injury than bladder injury
D Intra-abdominal pressures of 5–10 mmHg should be used for gas insufflation
for insertion of the primary trochar
E Direct trochar insertion is an acceptable technique

10. Causes of a severe headache in pregnancy include:

A Subarachnoid haemorrhage
B Pre-eclampsia
C Sagittal venous thrombosis
D Migraine
E Meningitis

11. Regarding chickenpox exposure in pregnancy:

A Children with chickenpox are only infectious once the rash appears
B The majority of women in the UK should be vaccinated at the time of their
first midwife’s appointment
C Shingles in the thoracolumbar region is highly contagious
D Varicella zoster immune globulin administration is safe in the first trimester
of pregnancy
E There is increased risk of respiratory sequelae
Questions: MCQs 297

12. With regard to polycystic ovary syndrome:

A Sex hormone binding globulin decreases
B Insulin increases
C Testosterone decreases
D Follicle-stimulating hormone:luteinising hormone ratio increases
E Oestradiol increases

13. With regard to thyroid disease in pregnancy:

A Human chorionic gonadotrophin is thyrotropic
B Thyrotoxicosis occurs in approximately 1 in 200 pregnancies
C Altered thyroid function can be present with hyperemesis gravidarum
D Thyroid-stimulating hormone levels increase in third trimester
E The presence of thyroid autoantibodies confirms hypothyroidism

14. Regarding parvovirus B19:

A Seropositivity for parvovirus B19 IgG antibodies suggests immunity
B Incubation period is 4–20 days
C The virus mainly affects lymphocytes
D Diagnosis is via virus-specific IgA in the serum
E Can result in hydrops fetalis

15. Regarding type I hypersensitivity reactions:

A The antigen is presented by major histocompatibility complex class I
B CD4+ Th2 cells induce class switching of antigen specific B cells
C IgE antibodies are produced on first contact with the antigen
D Prostaglandins cause bronchial relaxation
E Histamine contracts smooth muscle

16. Regarding human leucocyte antigen (HLA) class 1 antigen:

A They are expressed on most nucleated cells
B They are composed of two light chains
C They are essential for viral antigen recognition by cytotoxic cells
D The genes for HLA class 1 molecules are located on chromosome 6 and 15
E CD8+ cells only recognise antigen presented with HLA class II molecules

17. Concerning cytokines:

A Interferons inhibit viral replication
B IL-2 is produced by B cells
C Tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-α inhibits macrophages
D TNF induces production of nitric oxide
E IL-4 has an active role in B cell class switch to IgE

18. Actinomyces israelii:

A Is a Gram-positive rod
B Is a mouth commensal
C Is an obligate aerobe
298 Chapter 16  Mock paper 2

D Produces sulphur granules

E Can lead to granuloma formation

19. The following are risk factors for the transmission of Group B streptococcal
infection to the neonate:
A Artificial rupture of membranes
B Birth prior to 37 weeks’ gestation
C Fetal blood sampling
D Instrumental delivery
E Rupture of membranes for longer than 12 hours

20. Necrotising fasciitis:

A Is an infection of subcutaneous tissue
B Is unresponsive to broad-spectrum antimicrobials
C Can lead to toxic shock syndrome
D Type 1 has polymicrobial origins
E Type 2 is caused by Group B streptococcal infection

21. Regarding viruses:

A HIV is a lentivirus
B Hepatitis B is a hepadnavirus
C Parvovirus B19 is an RNA virus
D The Epstein–Barr virus is a member of the herpes family
E The HIV virus consists of double-stranded RNA

22. Regarding varicella zoster and pregnancy:

A An episode of maternal shingles at the time of delivery does not cause
neonatal infection
B Exposure is a risk factor for first trimester miscarriage
C Fetal varicella syndrome is the result of acute infection
D Fetal varicella syndrome can cause chorioretinitis
E Diagnosis of fetal infection should be made by amniocentesis

23. Regarding the rubella virus:

A Is a herpes virus
B Is single-stranded RNA virus
C Has an incubation period of 2–3 weeks
D Is successfully treated with antiviral drugs
E Vaccination is recommended in pregnancy if no immunity is detected

24. Regarding the presence of an imperforate hymen:

A It has a familial inheritance
B It can present with amenorrhoea
C It can present with an abdominal mass
D It occurs in up to 1% of infant girls
E The hymen originates embryologically from the urogenital sinus
Questions: MCQs 299

25. Placenta accreta:

A Is a risk factor for postpartum haemorrhage
B Is invasion by the placenta through the myometrium
C Can be caused by Asherman’s syndrome
D Can be easily diagnosed by ultrasound
E Occurs in approximately 1 in 25,000 pregnancies

26. Regarding the occurrence of a single umbilical artery:

A Congenital abnormalities are present in 80% of cases
B Maternal diabetes is a risk factor
C It can be present in syringomyelia
D Occurs in 1% of cords
E Indicates the presence of two vessels

27. Atrophic vaginitis:

A Is caused by a reduction in oestrogen levels before menopause
B The normal pH of the vagina is 3.5–4.5
C Can be caused by chemotherapy
D Is rarely the sole cause of urinary symptoms
E Topical progesterone is an effective treatment

28. The following tumour markers are associated with these tumours:
A CA-125: ovarian cancer
B Carcinoembryonic antigen: breast cancer
C CA 19-9: pancreatic cancer
D Human chorionic gonadotropin: testicular seminomas
E Alpha-fetoprotein: colorectal cancer

29. Sarcomas:
A Are tumours of the connective tissue
B Contain spindle cells on microscopy
C Are benign tumours
D Are formed from mesenchymal tissue
E Kaposi’s sarcoma is a form of sarcoma

30. Risk factors for umbilical cord prolapse include:

A Twin pregnancy
B Oligohydramnios
C Unengaged presenting part
D Nulliparity
E Artificial rupture of membranes
300 Chapter 16  Mock paper 2

Questions: SBAs
For each question, select the single most appropriate answer from the five options

31. What is the range of wave frequencies used in ultrasonography?

A 0.5–1 MHz
B 1–20 MHz
C 30–50 MHz
D 50–100 MHz
E 100 MHz

32. A 32-year-old woman is para one and is seen in the antenatal clinic at 36 weeks’
gestation to discuss the mode of delivery. Her last labour ended in an emergency
caesarean section at 8 cm dilatation for a fetal bradycardia. You are counselling
her about the risks of vaginal birth after caesarean section (VBAC).
What risk of uterine rupture should be quoted to patients when counselling
about VBAC?
A 1 in 100
B 1 in 200
C 1 in 500
D 1 in 1000
E 1 in 2000

33. A 28-year-old multiparous woman attends for a dating scan in early pregnancy.
She is unsure of the first day of her last menstrual period and reports that her
periods are irregular. Fetal heart activity is detected on the transvaginal scan.
What is the earliest gestation that fetal heart action can be detected on a
transvaginal ultrasound scan?
A 3–4 weeks
B 4–5 weeks
C 5–6 weeks
D 6–7 weeks
E 7–8 weeks

34. A 40-year-old multiparous woman is 32 weeks pregnant. She reports

recurrent palpitations. Her general practitioner arranges for her to have an
electrocardiogram (ECG).
Which of the following features of a standard ECG represents ventricular
A P-wave
B PR interval
C QRS complex
Questions: SBAs 301

D QT interval
E T wave

35. A 33-year-old woman with known HIV is seen in a genitourinary clinic. She has
not commenced antiretroviral therapy. She describes deep dyspareunia, bilateral
pelvic pain and increased vaginal discharge. She is otherwise well and is apyrexial.
Serum inflammatory markers are normal. She is treated for suspected pelvic
inflammatory disease.
What is the most appropriate treatment?
A An extended course of oral antibiotics for 1 month
B Initiation of antiretrovirals
C Inpatient treatment for intravenous antibiotics
D Standard 2 weeks of antibiotic treatment
E None of the above

36. A 27-year-old woman presents at 26 weeks’ gestation with a 2-day history of

painful genital lesions. She does not recall having had any previous episodes. On
examination, she has labial vesicles which are tender to touch. She is diagnosed
with genital herpes.
What is the most appropriate management?
A Arrange for an elective caesarean section at 37 weeks’ gestation
B Counsel the woman regarding termination of pregnancy
C Organise ultrasound scans every 4 weeks for the remainder of the pregnancy
D Referral to a genitourinary physician for treatment in line with her condition
E None of the above

37. A 32-year-old woman presents with a 7-year history of painful periods, and a
3-year history of primary subfertility. Her serum follicular-stimulating hormone
level is 6.8 IU/mL and luteinising hormone is 6.7 IU/mL. Pelvic ultrasound was
unremarkable and her partner's semen analysis was normal.
What is the most appropriate investigation in this woman?
A Laparoscopy and dye test
B Brain MRI to exclude a prolactinoma
C Postcoital test
D Serum anti-müllerian hormone levels
E Serum testosterone level

38. A 40-year-old woman at 28 weeks’ gestation presents to the delivery suit with a
4-hour history of absent fetal movements and abdominal pain. On examination,
she is pale and has a hard tender abdomen. There is no fetal heart audible.
What is the most appropriate immediate plan of management?
A Administer corticosteroids
B Category one caesarean section
302 Chapter 16  Mock paper 2

C Induction of labour with prostaglandins

D Intravenous access and resuscitation
E Magnesium sulphate infusion

39. A 41-year-old grand multiparous woman has a vaginal delivery. The midwife
reports that she felt dizzy and has now collapsed in a pool of blood while walking
to the toilet.
What is the most appropriate initial management?
A Call for immediate help
B Cannulate the patient and send blood for a cross match
C Ensure her placenta is complete
D Prescribe 40 IU oxytocin over 4 hours
E Catheterise the patient as her bladder is palpable

40. A 25-year-old primiparous woman who is currently 35 weeks’ gestation is seen

at a routine antenatal clinic. Her body mass index at booking was 23. Her blood
pressure is 110/62. She has moderate ankle oedema and is worried she has
Which action is the most appropriate?
A Admit to hospital
B Assess serum transaminase levels
C Re-check her blood pressure in 30 minutes
D Perform a urine dipstick to assess for proteinuria
E Start antihypertensives immediately

41. A 32-year-old woman is admitted to hospital 10 days after a first trimester

miscarriage. She complains of abdominal pain, increased vaginal bleeding and
offensive smelling discharge. An ultrasound scan reveals evidence of retained
products of conception of 45 × 50 × 37 mm.
What is the most appropriate management?
A Evacuation of retained products of conception (ERPC)
B Intravenous antibiotics
C Intravenous antibiotics and ERPC
D Oral antibiotics and repeat ultrasound scan in 2 days
E Repeat ultrasound scan in 2 weeks

42. A 39-year-old woman attends the gynaecology clinic complaining of increasingly

irregular menstrual cycles and mood swings with weight gain. Hormone profile
shows the following:
Follicle-stimulating hormone 32 IU/L
Luteinising hormone 4 IU/L
Oestradiol 52 IU/L
Prolactin 215 mIU/L
Thyroid function tests Normal
Questions: SBAs 303

What is the most likely diagnosis?

A Asherman’s syndrome
B Addison’s disease
C Polycystic ovarian syndrome
D Pregnancy
E Premature ovarian failure

43. A 33-year-old woman attends the gynaecology clinic for investigation of her
recurrent first trimester miscarriages. A thrombophilia screen has been performed
as part of routine investigation.
Which of the following positive results would most likely suggest an acquired
thrombophilia, rather than an inherited one?
A Activated protein C resistance
B Anticardiolipin antibodies
C Antithrombin III deficiency
D Protein C deficiency
E Protein S deficiency

44. A 32-year-old woman attends for a review at 28 weeks’ gestation. She complains
of a circular rash on her legs and mild shortness of breath. Chest X-ray reveals
bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy. Her blood tests show a mildly elevated serum
angiotensin-converting enzyme level.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
A Crohn’s disease
B Polyarteritis nodosa
C Sarcoidosis
D Tuberculosis
E Wegener’s granulomatosis

45. A multiparous woman is in spontaneous labour at 40 weeks’ gestation. She has had
one previous caesarean section. She is being continuously monitored in labour
using cardiotocography (CTG). Her midwife is concerned that the CTG shows
reduced beat-to-beat variability.
Regarding CTG analysis, what is considered the normal range for beat-to-beat
A 1–5 beats per minute
B 2–8 beats per minute
C 5–10 beats per minute
D 5–15 beats per minute
E 10–25 beats per minute

46. A 23-year-old woman attends her 16 week antenatal appointment. Her booking
blood tests for hepatitis serology are as follows:
304 Chapter 16  Mock paper 2

HBsAg Positive
Anti-HBc Positive
Anti-HBs Negative
Anti-HBc IgM Negative
What is the patient’s most likely hepatitis B status?
A Acutely infected
B Chronically infected
C Previous immunisation
D Resolving acute infection
E Susceptible to hepatitis B infection

47. A 29-year-old hirsute woman attends the gynaecology outpatient clinic. She has
oligomenorrhea and secondary subfertility. Her ultrasound scan shows ovaries
with multiple peripheral cysts.
What is her anti-Müllerian hormone profile most likely to be?
A Undetectable
B 3.7 pmol/L
C 10 pmol/L
D 17.3 pmol/L
E 65 pmol/L

48. A nulliparous woman has an early pregnancy ultrasound scan and her serum
human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) level taken as part of a study looking at the
correlation between gestational age and serum hCG levels. The scan shows a single
ongoing intrauterine pregnancy at 7 weeks’ gestation.
Which is the most likely serum hCG level to correspond with this pregnancy?
A 5000 IU/L
B 300,000 IU/L
C 120 IU/L
D 50 IU/L
E 300 IU/L

49. Type III hypersensitivity reactions occur in which of the following conditions?
A Goodpasture syndrome
B Multiple sclerosis
C Rheumatoid arthritis
D Streptococcal nephritis
E Tuberculosis

50. Which of the following immunoglobulin isotopes crosses the placenta to give the
fetus passive immunity?
Questions: SBAs 305


51. Which of the following is a major function of the complement system?

A Acquisition of fetal immunity
B Hypersensitivity
C Opsonisation
D Pyknosis
E Sensitisation

52. A 37-year-old woman is seen in the gynaecology outpatient clinic complaining

of a profuse, fishy-smelling, thin grey vaginal discharge; microscopy shows the
presence of clue cells; the whiff test is positive.
Which is the most likely causative agent?
A Candida albicans
B Chlamydia trachomatis
C Gardnerella vaginalis
D Escherichia coli
E Trichomonas vaginalis

53. A 35-year-old nulliparous woman is 14 weeks pregnant. She has recently arrived in
the United Kingdom from a South American country. She is under the care of the
infectious diseases team who are concerned she has yaws.
Which of the following is the cause of yaws?
A Treponema pallidum carateum
B Treponema pallidum endemicum
C Treponema pallidum pallidum
D Treponema pallidum pertenue
E Treponema paraluis cuniculi

54. A 25-year-old nulliparous woman is being seen in a fetal medicine clinic following
the detection of hydrops fetalis at a routine anomaly scan. Following investigation
primary maternal cytomegalovirus infection is suspected.
Which of the options below gives the genome structure for cytomegalovirus

55. A 53-year-old woman undergoes a total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral

salpingo-oophorectomy after an ovarian mass was discovered on MRI. Her body
306 Chapter 16  Mock paper 2

mass index is 38 and postoperative recovery is delayed by a suspected wound

infection. Three days postoperatively, she has a temperature of 38.1°C, heart rate
of 110 beats per minute and blood pressure of 94/56 mmHg. On examination, her
wound is erythematous with serosanguineous exudate.
What is the most likely cause?
A Escherichia coli
B Proteus
C Pseudomonas aeruginosa
D Staphylococcus aureus
E Streptococcus pyogenes

56. A 26-year-old woman undergoes a grade one emergency caesarean section for
fetal bradycardia. She has diabetes and is obese. Ten days after the operation, she
is readmitted with a wound infection. The wound is erythematous and discharging
pus. There were no intraoperative complications.
What is the most likely operative factor contributing to the infection?
A Length of operation
B Presence of foreign material at operative site
C Sterilisation of instruments
D Surgical technique
E Underlying medical disorder

57. A 19-year-old woman has attended her local genitourinary medicine clinic for a
sexual health screening. Routine vaginal and endocervical swabs are taken and
show the presence of a Gram-negative bacterium. A diagnosis of N. gonorrhoeae
is made. The presence of which bacterial cell component is detected by the Gram
A Glycocalyx
B Mycolic acid
C N-acetyl glucosamine
D N-acetyl muramic acid
E Peptidoglycan

58. A woman attends the emergency department with severe left iliac fossa pain and a
small amount of vaginal bleeding. On examination, her abdomen is distended with
guarding and rebound tenderness. A urine pregnancy test is positive. An urgent
transvaginal scan shows a left tubal ectopic pregnancy.
Which of the following is a recognised risk factor for ectopic pregnancy?
A Combined oral contraceptive pill usage
B Multiparity
C Obesity
D Smoking
E Young maternal age
Questions: SBAs 307

59. Which of the following is typical of acute inflammation?

A Angiogenesis
B Centralisation of leucocytes
C Decreased capillary hydrostatic pressure
D Increased efficiency of axial blood flow
E Increased endothelial permeability

60. Which of the following is a site of primary choriocarcinoma occurrence?

A Liver
B Lungs
C Testicles
D Thyroid
E Urinary bladder

61. A 40-year-old woman primiparous woman has an emergency caesarean section at

36 weeks’ gestation following the onset of severe pre-eclampsia. After delivery the
placenta is sent for histological analysis.
Which of the following is a histological change seen in the placenta in
A Decreased syncytial knots
B Fibrosed villi
C Mass of small capillaries
D Non-specific trophoblast hyperplasia
E Villous hypovascularity with evidence of infarctions

62. A 26-year-old nulliparous woman attends a colposcopy clinic following an

abnormal smear test. A biopsy taken at colposcopy shows dysplasic changes
typical of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia.
Which of the following is a histological change seen in dysplasia?
A Increased nuclear size
B Increased number of cells
C Hyperchromatism
D Presence of meiotic figures
E Reduction in cell size

63. Which of the following is a cause of pregnancy-related microangiopathic

haemolytic anaemia?
A Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy
B Gestational diabetes
C Polymorphic eruption of pregnancy
D Pregnancy-induced hypertension
E Pregnancy-induced idiopathic thrombocytopaenic purpura
308 Chapter 16  Mock paper 2

64. A 53-year-old woman is brought to the emergency department by ambulance. She

had a total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy 7 days
ago and is in extremis. She is clearly unwell and the doctors treating her suspect
she has systemic inflammatory response syndrome.
Which of the following is one of the diagnostic criteria of SIRS?
A Heart rate: >75 beats per minute
B PaCO2: > 6.3 kPa
C Respiratory rate: >15 breaths per minute
D Temperature: >37.5 oC
E White cell count: < 4 × 109 cells/L

65. Which of the following hormones is secreted by the acidophils of the anterior
pituitary gland?
A Adrenocorticotrophic hormone
B Follicle-stimulating hormone
C Growth hormone
D Oxytocin
E Thyroid-stimulating hormone

66. What is the most common type of pituitary adenoma?

A Adrenocorticotrophic hormone-secreting adenoma
B Growth hormone-secreting adenoma
C Prolactin-secreting adenoma
D Mammosomatotroph adenoma
E Mixed growth hormone/prolactin-secreting adenoma

67. Which of the following is a premalignant condition?

A Erythroplakia
B Herpes simplex infection
C Lichen sclerosus
D Lichen planus
E Pemphigus vulgaris

68. Which of the following is a recognised risk factor for the development of
cervical cancer?
A Early menarche
B Higher socioeconomic status
C Late age of first sexual intercourse
D Having a male partner who has been circumcised
E Use of the oral contraceptive pill

69. A 56-year-old woman attends the gynaecology outpatient clinic with a history of
postmenopausal bleeding. A pelvic ultrasound shows an endometrial thickness of
6 mm. Following an endometrial Pipelle biopsy and an MRI, a diagnosis of stage 1a
endometrial cancer is made.
Questions: SBAs 309

Which of the following is a risk factor for the development of endometrial cancer?
A History of endometriosis
B Multiparity
C Non-hormonal intrauterine device (IUD) usage
D Obesity
E Premature menopause

70. A 27-year-old woman has a smear test as part of the UK screening programme.
Following an abnormal result she attends a colposcopy clinic. On colposcopy, the
whitened appearance of her cervix on application of acetic acid is suggestive of a
human papilloma virus (HPV) infection.
Which of the following HPV subtypes is high-risk for the development of cervical
intraepithelial neoplasia?
C HPV 11
D HPV 16
E HPV 63

71. Which receptor is responsible for the analgesic effect of morphine?

A Acetylcholine
B δ
C k
D µ
E N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor

72. A 42-year-old woman delivers a baby at term weighing 2.5 kg. The baby is found to
have abnormalities including chondrodysplasia and hypoplasia of the nasal bridge.
Which medication is most likely to have caused these abnormalities?
A Azathioprine
B Chloramphenicol
C Gentamicin
D Sodium valproate
E Warfarin

73. What is the mechanism of action of warfarin?

A Activation of antithrombin III
B Increases action of factor Xa
C Increases production of factors II, VII, IX and X
D Increases production of vitamin K
E Inhibits enzymic reduction of vitamin K

74. A 24-year-old woman undergoes a grade I caesarean section under general

310 Chapter 16  Mock paper 2

What is the most appropriate induction agent that should be used?

A Etomidate
B Ketamine
C Midazolam
D Propofol
E Thiopental

75. A 16-year-old primiparous woman is seen on the postnatal ward round, 3

days after delivery. She wishes to discuss contraception as this pregnancy was
unplanned. She is breastfeeding.
What is the most appropriate contraception?
A Condoms
B Copper coil
C Combined oral contraceptive pill
D Diaphragm
E Progesterone-only contraceptive pill

76. A 19-year-old woman who is 28 weeks pregnant requests treatment for acne and is
prescribed an antibiotic by her general practitioner (GP). She goes on to deliver a
healthy baby girl at term. Two years later her daughter is noted to have unusually
grey teeth.
Which treatment for acne did her GP prescribed for acne?
A Chloramphenicol
B Cefalexin
C Co-trimoxazole
D Erythromycin
E Oxytetracycline

77. A 36-year-old woman with essential hypertension is 5 weeks pregnant. Prior to

pregnancy she was taking an antihypertensive that has been associated with the
development of fetal renal defects and oligohydramnios.
Which antihypertensive was she taking?
A Atenolol
B Labetalol
C Methyldopa
D Nifedipine
E Ramipril

78. A 25-year-old nulliparous woman with a lifelong history of tonic-clonic seizures

sees her neurologist for advice as she is wishes to start a family.
Which anticonvulsant drug is the most potentially teratogenic?
A Carbamazepine
B Lamotrigine
Questions: SBAs 311

C Levetiracetam
D Phenytoin
E Sodium valproate

79. A 21-year-old woman presents to the emergency department with vaginal spotting
and lower abdominal pain. She has a positive pregnancy test and serum human
chorionic gonadotrophin is 2562 IU/L. She is found to have evidence of a left tubal
ectopic pregnancy on pelvic ultrasound scan. After counselling she chooses to
have medical treatment for the ectopic pregnancy.
Which is the most appropriate treatment?
A Methotrexate 75 mg IM once
B Methotrexate 5 mg PO daily for 14 days
C Mifepristone 600 mg PO once
D Misoprostol 400 µg PO once
E No treatment

80. What is the greatest risk factor for placental abruption?

A Breech presentation
B Fibroid uterus
C Placental abruption in previous pregnancy
D Pre-eclampsia
E Previous caesarean section

81. Which of the following statements describes the action of calcitonin?

A It acts in the renal tubule to promote calcium reabsorption
B It acts in the renal tubule to reduce phosphate reabsorption
C It increases osteoclast activity
D It inhibits osteoblast activity
E It promotes vitamin D activation

82. Which of the following is an inhibitor of lactation?

A A fall in oestrogen levels
B Cabergoline therapy
C Infant suckling
D Prolactin
E Reduced progesterone levels after delivery

83. Which of the following ovarian tumours is responsible for the majority of ovarian
A Brenner’s tumour
B Dermoid cyst
C Ovarian fibroma
D Serous cystadenocarcinoma
E Sertoli–Leydig cell tumour
312 Chapter 16  Mock paper 2

84. What percentage of teratomas of the ovary are bilateral:

A 1%
B 5%
C 10%
D 15%
E 20%

85. Which of the following primary bone tumours is malignant in nature?

A Chondroma
B Haemangioma
C Fibroma
D Osteoid osteoma
E Osteosarcoma

86. Which of the following is the most common form of cervical cancer?
A Adenocarcinoma
B Adenosquamous carcinoma
C Clear cell carcinoma
D Squamous cell carcinoma
E Villoglandular adenocarcinoma

87. Which of the following cytological changes is characteristic of cervical

intraepithelial neoplasia?
A Decreased nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio
B Decreased mitotic activity
C Increased meiotic activity
D Koilocytosis
E Mononuclear cells

88. A 72-year-old woman has a sudden onset loss of speech and hemiparesis. On
arrival in hospital her symptoms and neurological examination is suggestive of
a cerebrovascular incident. Subsequent imaging supports the diagnosis of an
ischaemic stroke, affecting her left cerebral hemisphere.
Which of the following forms of tissue necrosis is associated with her loss of
A Caseous necrosis
B Coagulative necrosis
C Colliquative necrosis
D Fat necrosis
E Gangrenous necrosis

89. A 24-year-old primiparous woman is 10 weeks pregnant. She is known to have a

form of thrombophilia, as do members of her immediate family. She is referred for
obstetric-led care by her booking midwife.
Questions: SBAs 313

Which of the following is a congenital thrombophilia?

A Antiphospholipid syndrome
B Heparin induced thrombocytopaenia
C Nephrotic syndrome
D Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria
E Protein C deficiency

90. A 33-year-old nulliparous woman is referred to a recurrent miscarriage clinic by

her general practitioner. She has had four consecutive first trimester miscarriages.
She would like preconception advice and investigation.
Which of the following is an acquired thrombophilia?
A Antiphospholipid syndrome
B Antithrombin III deficiency
C Dysfibrinogenemia
D Factor V Leiden
E Protein S deficiency
314 Chapter 16  Mock paper 2

1. A False
B True
C True
D False
E True
Low-molecular weight heparin (LMWH) has a longer half life than unfractionated
heparins with more predictable effects, allowing for less frequent dosing. The action
of unfractionated heparin is monitored using the activated partial thromboplastin
time (APTT). The APTT is a measure of both the intrinsic and common coagulation
2. A False
B True
C True
D True
E False
There are two drugs, commonly used in obstetric practice, which do not cross the
placenta into the fetal circulation: heparin and insulin.
Pethidine is 50% protein bound and is nearly totally freely diffusible across the
placenta. Maximum fetal uptake occurs approximately 2 hours after administration.
The rate of transfer across the placental membrane is dependent on factors including
thickness of the membrane, the diffusion coefficient and the area of diffusion.
Factors affecting transfer include:
• Lipid solubility: lipophilic molecules transfer more readily
• Ionisation: non-ionised molecules transfer
• pH: pH of maternal blood affects the degree of ionisation of drug
• Protein binding: unbound fraction diffuses
• Molecular weight: smaller molecules diffuse more easily
3. A True
B False
C False
D True
E True
Danazol is a derivative of ethisterone which is a form of modified testosterone.
Originally used for the treatment of endometriosis it is also used to treat
menorrhagia, fibrocystic breast disease and hereditary angioedema. Danazol
Answers 315

works by inhibiting ovarian steroidogenesis by directly inhibiting the release of the

pituitary gonadotrophins. Side effects reflect the androgenic nature of this drug and
include weight gain, mild hirsutism, voice change, acne and decreased breast size;
rarely, it can cause clitoral hypertrophy. It is not associated with the development
of osteoporosis, but may be linked to the development of liver disease such as
benign hepatic adenomata. Exposure to Danazol during pregnancy may lead to the
masculinisation of the female fetus and therefore it is contraindicated.
4. A False
B False
C True
D True
E True
Antimetabolites are a group of substances that inhibit the action of normal cellular
metabolic pathways. Through the interruption of normal metabolic processes they
are able to interfere with events such as cell division and DNA replication. The ability
to interfere with events such as cell division and DNA replication means they play a
valuable role in the treatment of malignancy.
The action of antimetabolites is the interruption of nucleic acid synthesis through
the inhibition of its key components, i.e. purine, pyrimidine and folate, and
therefore interruption of the S phase of the cell cycle. Methotrexate is a folic
acid antagonist which acts by competitively binding to dihydrofolate reductase,
preventing the formation of tetrahydrofolate, an essential component needed for
purine and pyrimidine synthesis. Through this action methotrexate is used as a form
of chemotherapy in the treatment of malignancies such as Burkitt’s lymphoma.
Mercaptopurine is a purine analogue and interferes with purine synthesis, making
it useful in the treatment of leukaemias. 5-fluorouracil prevents synthesis of
pyrimidine and hence blocks DNA synthesis, via inhibition of thymidylate synthase;
it is widely used in the treatment of malignancies such as breast cancer and
colorectal cancer.
5. A True
B True
C True
D True
E False
Sonographers use a series of standard basic probe movements. Sliding, also known
as alignment, involves moving the ultrasound probe up and down the area being
scanned. Dipping uses pressure to press one end of the probe into the tissue, whilst
rotation involves moving the probe from the longitudinal to transverse plane.
Angling, also known as tilting, involves positioning the probe at different angles to
the area of interest.
Timor-Tritsch IE, Goldstein SR. Ultrasound in Gynecology. Churchill Livingstone, 2006.
316 Chapter 16  Mock paper 2

6. A False
B False
C True
D True
E False
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a modality which uses magnetic fields and
non-ionising radiation to induce movement of atomic nuclei (specifically protons)
within tissues. The excitation and subsequent relaxation of these protons can be
recorded and used to produce images. The Tesla is the international system unit used
to denote magnetic field strength. Absolute contraindications to MRI include cardiac
pacemakers, intracerebral aneurysm clips and automatic defibrillators. Relative
contraindications to MRI include pregnancy, cochlear implants and prosthetic heart
valves. T1-weighted images show tissues containing water and fluid as dark, whereas
fat appears bright. In T2-weighted images tissues containing water and fluid appear
as bright, and fat and bone appear dark.
7. A True
B False
C False
D False
E True
Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) is used to assess bone density.
DEXA uses two beams of X-rays, each with varying levels of radiation, which are
directed over bone. Bone mineral density (BMD) is calculated by subtracting soft
tissue absorption from the beam that is passed through the bone. The results of the
bone mineral density calculation can be used to give the patient a bone density
Z and T score. The T score compares the patient’s bone density to that of young
person with a normal bone mass. A T score of more than –1 is normal, a score of –1
to –2.5 is suggestive of osteopenia, whereas a score of less than –2.5 is required for
a diagnosis of osteoporosis. The Z score provides a measure of bone density using
age-matching by comparing the patient’s BMD with that of other individuals of the
same sex and same age.
8. A True
B True
C False
D True
E True
Placenta praevia is the partial or complete insertion of the placenta into the
lower segment of the uterus. It is associated with an increased risk of antepartum
haemorrhage, which can be life-threatening. It is usually diagnosed on ultrasound
Answers 317

and is present in around 0.5% of term pregnancies. Risk factors for the occurrence of
placenta praevia include previous caesarean section, assisted conception, multiple
pregnancy, uterine structural anomalies and smoking.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Placenta praevia, Placenta Praevia Accreta and Vasa
Praevia: Diagnosis and Management. Green-top Guideline 27. London: RCOG, 2011.

9. A True
B True
C False
D False
E True
Laparoscopic surgery is now widely used, with around 1 in 1000 cases being
associated with serious complications. The risk of injury is highest before the
peritoneal cavity has been clearly visualised. Recognised entry techniques
include the closed entry technique using a Veress needle that is widely practised
in gynaecological surgery and also the open Hasson technique which is more
commonly used by general surgeons. Palmer’s point entry may also be used. The
Hasson technique involves direct insertion of a blunt-ended trochar. This technique
can be used in very thin or obese women or those with multiple previous surgical
scars. Intra abdominal pressures of 20–25 mmHg should be obtained using gas
insufflation prior to insertion of the primary trochar. This can then be reduced to
allow easier ventilation of the patient. See Figure 16.1 for images of female pelvis
obtained using laparoscopy.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Preventing entry related gynaecological laparoscopic
injuries. Green-top Guideline 49. London: RCOG, 2008.

Figure 16.1  Laparoscopy (showing endometriosis).

10. A True
B True
C True
D True
E True
318 Chapter 16  Mock paper 2

A severe headache in pregnancy may be due to any of the differential diagnoses

listed. It is important that a careful history is taken to exclude life-threatening
disease processes. Migraine and headache are common in pregnancy and can occur
in women with no previous history of them. Cerebral vein thrombosis (CVT) may
present with signs of raised intracranial pressure, in addition to headache. Vomiting,
seizures and focal neurology may also be present. CVT may be associated with the
procoagulant state of pregnancy and the postnatal period. Neurological input and
further imaging is important in women who, at presentation, have any concerning
features. In women who are critically unwell CT and MRI should not be delayed, and
women should be reassured with regards to any potential harmful effects to the fetus.
11. A False
B False
C False
D True
E True
The majority of women within the UK have previously had chickenpox and are
therefore immune to the varicella zoster virus (VZV). It may be appropriate to
arrange vaccination for women who have no history of contact with chickenpox
prior to pregnancy or in the postnatal period. Vaccination is not suitable during
pregnancy. The VZV is infectious for 48 hours prior to the appearance of any vesicles
and remains so until they have crusted over. Any VZV non-immune pregnant woman
who has come into contact with chickenpox should be tested for the presence of
VZV IgG antibodies, which indicate previous infection. Any woman who is non-
immune should be given varicella zoster immunoglobulin. In addition to the risks of
fetal varicella syndrome, pregnant women with varicella have increased morbidity, in
particular 10% will develop pneumonia.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Chickenpox in Pregnancy. Green-top Guideline 13.
London: RCOG, 2007.

12. A True
B True
C False
D False
E True
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine condition affecting
women which may lead to anovulatory subfertility. The Rotterdam criteria for
diagnosing PCOS are:
• Irregular or absent ovulation
• Clinical or biochemical signs of hyperandrogenism
• Polycystic ovaries on ultrasound (Figure 16.2)
Answers 319

Figure 16.2  Polycystic ovaries

on ultrasound.

In PCOS, there is increased secretion of luteinising hormone (LH) and an elevated

LH:follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) ratio, usually 3:1, however this is not included
in the diagnosis. The elevated LH levels cause stimulation of androgen secretion.
There is usually also a decrease in sex hormone-binding-globulin (SHBG). Insulin
resistance is common and there is a strong association with diabetes mellitus
type II. Treatment includes lifestyle modification, controlling the symptoms of
hyperandrogenism and managing subfertility.
13. A True
B False
C True
D True
E False
Thyroid disease is common in the general population and is more common in
women than men. Thyrotoxicosis complicates approximately 1 in 500 pregnancies.
There are natural changes in the thyroid hormones in pregnancy including raised
levels of T3 and T4. Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels may rise or fall in early
pregnancy, however the level of TSH generally rises in the third trimester. As human
chorionic gonadotrophin rises in the first trimester, it can lead to a reduction in
serum TSH as it may mimic T4 hormone. Hyperemesis gravidarum may be associated
with a raised T4 level and low TSH.
14. A True
B True
C False
D False
E True
320 Chapter 16  Mock paper 2

Parvovirus B19 is a single stranded DNA virus which is most commonly found in
children, when it is known as slapped cheek syndrome. Up to 60% of the adult
population are thought to be immune to parvovirus B19, having formed IgG
antibodies from a previous infection. The incubation period is between 4 and 20
days, with the infectious period being from 5–10 days after the exposure to just
before the onset of the rash. Parvovirus B19 affects rapidly dividing cells, especially
erythroblasts. This can lead to severe anaemia in the fetus and hydrops fetalis.
Diagnosis is confirmed by identifying the presence of IgM antibodies to the virus,
even though the person infected with the virus may be asymptomatic. In the
presence of hydrops fetalis, parvovirus should always be investigated.
15. A False
B True
C False
D False
E True
Type I hypersensitivity reactions are the most common and potentially life-
threatening of the hypersensitivity reactions. Immunoglobin E (IgE) antibodies
are produced as a result of previous contact with the antigen. The sensitisation
process occurs through CD4+ Th2 cells, inducing class switching of antigen specific
B cells. When exposure reoccurs, the allergenic substance becomes bound to IgE
antibodies which are already bound to mast cells. This binding causes the mast
cells to degranulate with the rapid release of histamine. The release of histamine
is associated with systemic effects such as the contraction of smooth muscle
(by acting on H1 receptors), including that of the bronchi, leading to breathing
16. A False
B False
C True
D True
E False
Human leucocyte antigen (HLA) is another term for the major histocompatibility
complex (MHC). The MHC is located on the cell surface and presents protein chains
(peptides or antigens) to T cells. MHC class I molecules are expressed on the surface
of all nucleated cells, whereas MHC class II molecules are present only on specialised
antigen-presenting cells. The MHC class I molecule presents CD8+ T cells with
endogenous (cytoplasmically derived) antigen in the form of a short protein chain,
for example a peptide from an intracellular virus. It is made up of a heavy chain and a
β2-microglobulin. HLAs of the MHC class II type present CD4+ T cells with exogenous
antigens (derived from intracellular vesicles).
17. A True
B False
Answers 321

C False
D True
E True
Cytokines are small molecules that act as signals between cells. The different types
of cytokines are listed below:
• Interferons: inhibit viral replication
• Lymphokines: IL-2 made by T cells, IL-4 produced by Th2 cells and mast cells
• Monokines: IL-1, IL-6, IL-8, IL-12 and tumour necrosis factor-α
• Chemokines: activate and direct appropriate cells to sites of tissue damage or
18. A True
B True
C False
D True
E True
Actinomyces israelii is a Gram-positive anaerobic rod-shaped non-sporing
bacterium which is a commensal of the colon, mouth and vagina. It is the
commonest cause of actinomycosis, a chronic, suppurative and granulomatous
inflammatory infection. The presence of sulphur granules is characteristic
of actinomyces infection. The majority of cases of actinomycosis affect the
cervicofacial area, classically presenting as painless facial lumps; however thoracic,
abdominal and pelvic forms do rarely occur. Pelvic infection may be associated
with long-term usage of an intrauterine contraceptive device. Treatment of
actinomycosis requires a long course of penicillin.
19. A False
B True
C False
D False
E False
In addition to the incidental finding of maternal vaginal carriage of Group B
streptococcal (GBS) a series of risk factors have been identified which increase
the likelihood of transmission to the fetus as it makes its way through the birth
canal. These risk factors include prolonged rupture of membranes of more than
18 hours, maternal pyrexia in labour of >38°C and gestation of < 37 weeks.
The current RCOG guidance advises that routine administration of antibiotics
when these risk factors are present is appropriate. Having had a child previously
affected by neonatal GBS disease is also an indication for antibiotic therapy;
however, the known carriage of GBS in a previous pregnancy is not an indication
for administration.
322 Chapter 16  Mock paper 2

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Prevention of Early Onset Group B Streptococcal
Disease. Green-top Guideline 36. London: RCOG, 2003.

20. A True
B False
C True
D True
E False
Necrotising fasciitis is an infection of subcutaneous tissue and may be caused
by either group A streptococcal infection (type 2 necrotising fasciitis) or by the
colonisation of a series of bacteria including Enterobacter species, streptococci and
staphylococci (type 1 necrotising fasciitis). Toxic shock syndrome may be caused
by the exotoxins released by Group A Streptococcus (Streptococcus pyogenes)
and Staphylococcus aureus; it may occur as a sequelae of necrotising fasciitis.
The mainstay of the medical emergency is immediate resuscitation, surgical
debridement of the affected tissue and the speedy administration of intravenous
broad-spectrum antimicrobials.
21. A True
B True
C False
D True
E False
The main types of human herpesviruses are:
• Herpes simplex virus type I and type II
• Epstein–Barr virus
• Cytomegalovirus
• Varicella zoster virus
Herpes type I and type II viruses have double-stranded DNA. Cytomegalovirus
rarely causes diseases unless patients are immunocompromised. About half of
the population has antibodies to this virus without ever having had symptoms.
Epstein–Barr virus infection is very common, with most of the population having
been exposed by adulthood.
Parvovirus B19 is a single-stranded DNA virus. Hepatitis B virus contains double-
stranded DNA and replicates using reverse transcriptase. Hepatitis A, C and E all have
the positive-sense, single-stranded RNA genome.
HIV is lentivirus, and a member of the retrovirus family, with a single-stranded RNA
22. A True
B False
C False
Answers 323

D True
E False
Fetal varicella syndrome (FVS) is caused by reactivation of the varicella zoster virus
(VZV) in utero. FVS is associated with a series of fetal abnormalities such as limb
hypoplasia and microcephaly and dermatomal skin scarring. Amniocentesis is not
used for diagnosis as the risk of infection is low even in the presence of VZV DNA in
the amniotic fluid.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Chickenpox in Pregnancy. Green-top Guideline 13.
London: RCOG, 2007.

23. A False
B True
C True
D False
E False
Rubella virus is a single stranded RNA togavirus. It is spread by droplet transmission
and is not treatable by antivirals. It is a live, attenuated vaccine and is therefore
not suitable to be given during pregnancy. If no immunity is found at the first
midwife (booking) appointment, vaccination should be offered after birth, prior to
leaving hospital. The prevalence of rubella is low in the UK due to the vaccination
programme. African countries, India and Pakistan have a prevalence rate of up
to 17%. Congenital defects follow rubella infection which has occurred during
the first 16 weeks of pregnancy; after that it point does not seem to cause fetal
abnormalities. The main defects associated with infection are cataracts, deafness,
and cardiac abnormalities. Maternal rubella can also increase the risk of miscarriage
and stillbirths.
Health Protection Agency. Guidance on Viral Rash in Pregnancy: Investigation, Diagnosis and
Management of Viral Illness Rash, or Exposure to Viral Rash Illness, in Pregnancy. London: HPA, 2011.

24. A False
B True
C True
D False
E True
The presence of an imperforate hymen is often diagnosed in teenage girls presenting
with amenorrhoae and abdominal pain. The hymen develops from the urogenital
sinus and by menarche the central portion is open. An imperforate hymen acts as a
solid membrane between proximal uterovaginal tract and the introitus. An imperforate
hymen is surgically easily resolved. It does not have a familial inheritance.
Balen AH, Creighton SM, Davies MC, MacDougall J, Stanhope R. Paediatric and Adolescent Gynecology: A
Multidisciplinary Approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004.
324 Chapter 16  Mock paper 2

25. A True
B False
C True
D False
E False
Placenta accreta is a relatively rare condition occurring in approximately 1 in 2500
pregnancies and complicates 5–10% of cases of placenta praevia. It is defined as
the invasion of the placental chorionic villi into the myometrium and predisposes
to postpartum haemorrhage (PPH). Causes of placenta accreta include Asherman’s
syndrome, as well as previous caesarean section and increased maternal age. It is
difficult to diagnose antenatally, however it may cause antepartum bleeding.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Placenta Praevia, Placenta Praevia Accreta and Vasa
Praevia: Diagnosis and Management. Green-top Guideline 27. London: RCOG, 2011.

26. A False
B True
C True
D True
E True
The presence of a single umbilical artery is associated with congenital abnormality in
30% of cases, including renal, musculoskeletal and cardiac conditions. It also has an
association with maternal diabetes and epilepsy. In patients with a single umbilical
artery, there are usually two vessels present: one artery and one vein, instead of the
usual two arteries.
Cunningham FG, Leveno KJ, Bloom SL, Hauth JC, Rouse DJ, Spong CY. William's Obstetrics, 23rd edn.
MacGraw-Hill, 2010.

27. A False
B True
C True
D False
E False
Atrophic vaginitis is a common condition in postmenopausal women. It is caused
by reduced oestrogen levels, which leads to a change in tissue composition
of the vaginal wall. These changes include a proliferation of connective tissue
and hyalinisation of collagen. Symptoms include dryness, itchiness and urinary
symptoms. Treatment usually consists of replacing the deficient oestrogen with
topical preparations.
Chapter 16: Genital Tract Infections. In: Collins S, Arulkumaran S, Hayes K, et al. Oxford Handbook of
Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 2nd edn. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010: 521.
Answers 325

28. A True
B False
C True
D True
E False
Tumour markers are often useful in the monitoring of cancers; however, as they
may also be raised in numerous non-malignant conditions, they should be used
cautiously in the diagnosis of malignancy.
29. A True
B True
C False
D True
E False
Sarcomas are malignant tumours of connective tissues, i.e. bone, muscle and
cartilage. These mesenchymal tumours form from tissue that was originally
embryonic mesoderm. They are highly vascular tumours, which grow quickly and
can metastasise via the bloodstream to the lungs and other sites. On microscopy
they consist of spindle cells. Sarcomas may be treated using radiotherapy,
chemotherapy or surgical excision. Patients with conditions such as Li–Fraumeni
syndrome, neurofibromatosis and carriers of the retinoblastoma gene have a higher
likelihood of developing sarcomas. Kaposi’s sarcoma is not, in fact, a form of sarcoma
but is actually a cancer of lymphatic endothelium which is associated with human
herpesvirus 8 and is also considered an AIDs-defining illness.
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Improving Outcomes for People with Sarcoma: The
Manual. London: NICE, 2006.

30. A True
B False
C True
D False
E True
Umbilical cord prolapse is the descent of the cord past the presenting part of the
fetus, when the membranes are no longer intact. Cord prolapse is an obstetric
emergency with a high rate of perinatal mortality, predominantly due to fetal
asphyxia. Many of the risk factors for cord prolapse are related to common
interventions and therefore can be pre-empted. These include artificial rupture
of membranes, external cephalic version, stabilising inductions of labour and
vaginal manipulation of the presenting part after membranes have ruptured, either
artificially or spontaneously. Risk factors relating to the mother or pregnancy itself
include multi-parity, prematurity, low birth weight, polyhydramnios, unstable or
326 Chapter 16  Mock paper 2

abnormal lie, an unengaged presenting part and prior to the delivery of a second
On recognition of umbilical cord prolapse, delivery should be expedited by
emergency grade one Caesarean section if delivery is not imminent vaginally.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Umbilical Cord Prolapse. Green-top Guideline 50.
London: RCOG, 2008.

31. B  1–20 MHz

Ultrasound is a non-ionising imaging modality that uses very high frequency sound
waves. The frequencies typically used in modern ultrasonography range from 1–10
MHz, however ultrasonography can sometimes use frequencies of up to 20 MHz.
An abdominal ultrasound typically uses wave frequencies of 2–3 MHz, whereas
transvaginal ultrasound uses a higher frequency of around 5 MHz. In addition to
producing images, ultrasound can be used to provide therapeutic interventions.
For example, lithotripsy is a modality of treatment for renal stones using ultrasound
technology. Figure 16.3 shows an ultrasound image of a uterine fibroid.

Figure 16.3  Ultrasound image

showing uterine fibroid.

32. B  1 in 200
Women who have undergone delivery by previous caesarean section need adequate
counselling early in the antenatal period in order to ensure that the subsequent
delivery proceeds safely. Women who have had a previous uncomplicated lower
segment caesarean section at term are usually able to be offered a vaginal birth after
a caesarean (VBAC), providing there are no contraindications to a vaginal delivery.
One specific risk that women should be counselled about is the risk of uterine
rupture through the previous scar. This is frequently quoted as 1 in 200 and it should
be explained to women that this is one of the reasons for continuous monitoring via
cardiotocograph. Other risks for patients undergoing VBAC include a 1% additional
risk of requiring a blood transfusion, increased risk of endometritis and increased
Answers 327

birth-related risk of perinatal death and morbidity, such as hypoxic ischaemic

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Birth After Previous Caesarean Birth. Green-top
Guideline 45. London: RCOG, 2007.

33. C  5–6 weeks

Evidence of fetal heart action depends on the mode of ultrasound and the gestation.
Transvaginal ultrasound provides earlier visualisation of the fetal heart, which should
be evident from 5–6 weeks’ gestation. If transabdominal ultrasound is used, fetal
heart action may not be seen until 6–7 weeks’ gestation. Transvaginal ultrasound
doesn’t need the urinary bladder to be full, contrary to transabdominal ultrasound
where an empty bladder leads to very poor visualisation of intrauterine pregnancy.

34. C  QRS complex

The electrocardiogram (ECG) pictorially represents electrical activity in the heart,
with the resultant waveforms signifying both the location in the heart where the
electrical activity is taking place and also the direction of electrical conduction.
In the standard 12-lead ECG the P wave represents the passage of electricity from
the sinoatrial node through the atria, causing atrial depolarisation. The PR interval
represents the time it takes for the electrical signal to pass from the sinoatrial node,
through the atria and then to the atrioventricular node ready to begin ventricular
depolarisation. It is the QRS complex which represents the depolarisation of the
ventricles. The T wave represents repolarisation of the ventricles, whereas the
QT interval signifies the time taken for the sequential ventricular depolarisation,
followed by repolarisation, to occur.

35. D  Standard 2 weeks of antibiotic treatment

Women who have HIV and are diagnosed with pelvic inflammatory disease should
be treated with the same antibiotic regimens as non-HIV positive women. They
may present with more clinically severe symptoms but should respond just as
well to treatment. Hospital admission should be considered based on individual
clinical findings and is not mandatory. Women who are on antiretroviral drugs
should be managed in conjunction with their HIV specialist doctor to prevent drug
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Management of Acute Pelvic Inflammatory Disease.
Green-top Guideline 32. London: RCOG, 2008.

36. D
   Referral to a genitourinary physician for
treatment in line with her condition
If a woman presents with primary genital herpes during her pregnancy she should
be referred to a genitourinary unit. She is likely to need antivirals such as acyclovir in
oral or intravenous form, depending on the severity of her symptoms.
328 Chapter 16  Mock paper 2

As there is the risk of vertical transmission at delivery, any woman who presents
towards the end of her pregnancy (within 6 weeks of likely delivery) needs
investigation to establish whether there is primary or secondary infection. Type-
specific herpes simplex virus antibody testing differentiates between primary and
secondary herpes. Detection of IgG antibodies matching those from genital swabs
confirms secondary herpes.
Caesarean section is the recommended mode of delivery for women who have
primary genital herpes confirmed within 6 weeks of their anticipated delivery date.
Women with recurrent genital herpes infection should not routinely be offered a
caesarean section as there is a much smaller risk of vertical transmission.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Management of Genital Herpes in Pregnancy.
Green-top Guideline 30. London: RCOG, 2007.

37. A  Laparoscopy and dye test

Primary subfertility with painful periods for a long duration raises the suspicion of
chronic conditions like endometriosis, fibroids and chronic pelvic inflammatory
disease (PID). Ultrasound and clinical examination may help in diagnosis, but
definitive diagnosis of endometriosis and adhesions can only be made effectively
with laparoscopy. Additionally, performing a dye test allows for the assessment of
tubal patency. Postcoital test, brain MRI and serum anti-müllerian hormone along
with serum testosterone should not be the initial investigations in this case and can
be performed later if need be.
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Fertility Assessment and Management for People
with Fertility Problems. Clinical Guideline CG11. London: NICE, 2004.

38. D  Intravenous access and resuscitation

This patient has had a placental abruption. The finding of a hard, tender abdomen
is suggestive of a major abruption which may have led to fetal demise. Not all
women with placental abruption will present with revealed vaginal bleeding. Risk
factors for placental abruption include previous abruption, advanced maternal age,
pre-eclampsia, polyhydramnios, intrauterine infection, pregnancy following assisted
reproduction, fetal growth restriction drug use and smoking.
Maternal resuscitation and multi-disciplinary care is paramount. Blood and clotting
factors will need to be requested and transfused as necessary. Ultrasound should
be carried out to establish if there has been intrauterine death. If there is fetal
demise a vaginal delivery is generally aimed for. Women who have abruption in one
pregnancy are more likely to have a recurrence in future pregnancies.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Antepartum Haemorrhage. Green-top Guideline 63.
London: RCOG, 2011.

39. A  Call for immediate help

When faced with any collapsed patient, you must always ask for help immediately.
The patient should be actively resuscitated and treatment for a postpartum
Answers 329

haemorrhage (PPH) initiated. The causes of PPH are often referred to as the four Ts;
Tone, Trauma, Tissue and Thrombin (Table 16.1).
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Prevention and management of postpartum
haemorrhage. Green-top Guideline 52. London: RCOG, 2009.

  Table 16.1  Causes of postpartum haemorrhage

Causes of postpartum haemorrhage Risk factors

Tone Placenta praevia
Grand multiparity
Multiple pregnancy
Increasing age
History of postpartum haemorrhage
Thrombin Pre-eclampsia
Placental abruption
Pyrexia in labour
Tissue Retained placenta
Trauma Caesarean section
Operative vaginal delivery
Big baby

40. D  Perform a urine dipstick to assess for proteinuria

Pregnant women should have their urine checked for protein at every antenatal visit.
If protein is detected, a urine tract infection and pre-eclampsia should be excluded.
Ankle oedema is very common in pregnancy, and is in itself not a worrying sign.
A diagnosis of hypertension cannot be made on a single blood pressure reading.
Recognised risk factors for pre-eclampsia in pregnancy are advanced maternal age,
obesity, multiple pregnancy, chronic hypertension and pre-existing diabetes. See
Table 16.2 for classification of hypertension in pregnancy.
National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence. Hypertension in Pregnancy. Clinical Guideline CG107.
London: NICE, 2010.

  Table 16.2  Classification of hypertension in pregnancy

Classification of hypertension in pregnancy Blood pressure ranges (systolic/diastolic)

Mild 140/90–149/99 mmHg
Moderate 150/100–159/109 mmHg
Severe ≥160/110 mmHg
330 Chapter 16  Mock paper 2

41. C  Intravenous antibiotics and ERPC

Retained products of conception may persist after a spontaneous miscarriage and
occasionally even after an evacuation of the retained products of conception (ERPC).
In this case there is evidence of infection and prior to any surgical intervention it
would be appropriate to administer intravenous antibiotics to reduce the chance of
infection and uterine perforation.

42. E Premature ovarian failure

Premature ovarian failure, or premature menopause, is defined as the onset
of menopause before the age of 40 years. The most common presentation is
amenorrhoea or oligomenorrhoea and there may be coexisting medical conditions.
Primary: genetic, autoimmune disease, Turner’s syndrome, enzyme deficiencies
Secondary: chemotherapy, infection, hysterectomy +/– oophorectomy
Follicle-stimulating hormone level is high, usually above >30 IU/L
Levels of oestradiol, luteinising hormone and progesterone are of limited value
Management of infertility if conception is desired
Women usually need oestrogen replacement until the age of approximately 52 years

43. B  Anticardiolipin antibodies

Thrombophilia may be acquired or inherited and results in a high-risk of
thromboembolic events. Thrombophilia in pregnancy results in an even higher
risk. Inherited thrombophilias include protein C and S deficiency, antithrombin III
deficiency and activated protein C resistance (Factor V Leiden). Activated protein C
resistance is autosomal dominant and in individuals heterozygous for the condition,
there is up to a 10 times greater lifetime risk of thrombosis.
Antiphospholipid syndrome is an acquired thrombophilia and is found
in approximately 15% of women presenting with recurrent miscarriage.
Antiphospholipid syndrome can be diagnosed when there are anticardiolipin
antibodies or lupus anticoagulant with three or more consecutive miscarriages
before 10/40 with or without thrombosis. Some of these conditions may not be
revealed until a precipitating event occurs, such as pregnancy. All women with
thrombophilia are classed as high-risk.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. The Investigation and Treatment of Couples with
Recurrent First-trimester and Second-trimester Miscarriage. Green-top Guideline 17. London: RCOG, 2011.

44. C  Sarcoidosis
Sarcoidosis is a granulomatous disease that affects many body systems. The
granulomata are non-caseating, unlike in tuberculosis. It mainly affects adults
Answers 331

aged 20–40 years, however prevalence during pregnancy is uncommon, affecting

only 0.05% of all pregnancies. It is often asymptomatic and may be discovered
incidentally. Symptoms of pulmonary disease include a dry cough, shortness of
breath and chest pain. Extrapulmonary signs and symptoms include erythema
nodosum, uveitis, fever and hypercalcaemia. Erythema nodosum usually manifests
as painful, red lesions on the arms and legs and may occur spontaneously in
pregnancy without any underlying pathology. The most common feature on chest
X-ray is bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy, but there may also be evidence of fibrosis.
Serum levels of serum angiotensin-converting enzyme may be altered in pregnancy
and therefore are not a useful marker of disease. Pregnancy can often lead to an
improvement in the disease which is thought to occur as a result of increased levels
of cortisol.

45. D  5–15 beats per minute

Beat-to-beat variability is normal and should be between 5–15 beats per minute.
Variability increases as the gestational age increases. The variability in heart rate
will be affected by sleep patterns, movement and periods of accelerations and
decelerations. It may be normal for the fetus to have a sleep pattern for up to
90 minutes; however, this only becomes evident on a cardiotocography trace after
28 weeks’ gestation.
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Intrapartum Care. Clinical Guideline CG55. London:
NICE, 2007.

46. B  Chronically infected

Hepatitis B serology screening forms part of the standard booking blood tests.
During an acute infection, hepatitis B surface antigen is found in the serum and
is positive. Presence of hepatitis B core antibody indicates previous infection and
would usually be detected in the blood 6 weeks after the initial infection. The surface
antigen disappears if the infection becomes inactive and the surface antibody is
then formed. Chronic infection is indicated in this case as the patient is positive for
hepatitis surface antigen and core antibody. If the acute infection is not cleared
from the bloodstream, then there is a risk of developing liver cirrhosis in the future.
Hepatitis infection during pregnancy poses a risk of vertical transmission. All babies
born to mothers with hepatitis B infection are vaccinated at birth, with the addition
of immunoglobulin if the mother is highly infectious.

47. E  65 pmol/L
Hirsutism is characterised by coarse hairs with a male-like distribution. It may affect
up to 15% of women. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common cause
of hirsutism. This patient’s hormone profile is suggestive of PCOS. Her anti-müllerian
hormone level is raised, both of which are consistent with this diagnosis.
It can be difficult to make a diagnosis of PCOS and therefore the Rotterdam criteria are
used once other causes have been excluded. The Rotterdam criteria make a diagnosis
on the basis of the presence at least two out of three of features of (1) polycystic
332 Chapter 16  Mock paper 2

ovaries on ultrasound scan, (2) oligo/anovulation and (3) hyperandrogenism (clinical

or biochemical). On presentation this patient meets two of the criteria.
Hirsutism is distressing to many women. A standardised scoring system such as
Ferriman–Gallwey score may be useful to evaluate efficacy of treatment which may
be cosmetic, medical or a combination of both. Medical treatment may include a
combination of oestrogen and antiandrogen-cyproterone acetate.
Weight reduction of 5–10% can induce an improvement in hirsutism by 40–55%
within 6 months of weight loss. In obese women with PCOS, a weight loss
programme should be the first line of intervention.
Swingler R, Awala A, Gordon U. Hirsutism in young women. The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist 2009;

48. A  5000 IU/L
In early pregnancy, an expert transvaginal ultrasound combined with serum human
chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) have a very high positive predictive for diagnosing an
ectopic pregnancy. A singleton intrauterine pregnancy should be visible with hCG
from 1000–2400 IU/L. Multiple pregnancies may be visible with higher hCG values.
The diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy should be based on the identification of an
extrauterine sac and indirect signs such as a complex adnexal mass or free fluid.
Progesterone levels >25 nmol/L are likely to indicate, and
>60 nmol/L are strongly
associated with, pregnancies subsequently shown to be intrauterine, although
a small proportion of ectopic pregnancies have been reported with a serum
progesterone concentration of >60 nmol/L.
Sagili H, Mohamed K. Pregnancy of unknown location: an evidence-based approach to management . The
Obstetrician & Gynaecologist 2008; 10:224–230.

49. D  Streptococcal nephritis

Streptococcal nephritis is an example of type III reaction where there is immune
complex deposition. In Goodpasture syndrome type II hypersensitivity reactions occur.
Blood transfusion reactions are another example of a form of type II hypersensitivity.
In this reaction antibodies are directed against antigen on the individual’s cells.
Type I reactions are caused by immediate activation of IgE antibody and can also
be described as anaphylactic hypersensitivity. Type IV reactions are associated with
activation of T-lymphocytes. Type IV hypersensitivity reactions occur in conditions such
as tuberculosis, rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis (Table 16.3).

  Table 16.3  Hypersensitivity reactions

Timing Type Mechanism

Immediate I IgE antibodies
5–8 hours II Antibody and complement
2–8 hours III Immune complex
>24 hours IV T-cell mediated
> 12 hours V Antibody mediated
Answers 333

50. D  IgG
Immunoglobin (IgG) is the most plentiful of the immunoglobulin isotopes and is
fundamental to the secondary immune response. It is also the only form of antibody
that is able to cross the placenta and by doing so confers the growing fetus with
passive immunity. Maternal IgA is found in large quantities in breast milk and
therefore confers passive immunity to the newborn. The immune system of the
fetus starts to develop early on in the first trimester and includes the production of
complement and the antibody IgM. IgA has been detected in fetal serum during the
third trimester.

51. C  Opsonisation
The complement system forms part of both the innate and acquired immune
systems. The complement proteins produced by the liver are activated in the form
of a cascade, via three different pathways (classical, alternative and lectin). The
different products of each stage of the complement cascade have different roles.
Opsonisation is one of the major functions of the complement system. Complement
proteins cover the surfaces of pathogens, such as bacteria, which then attract
cells such as macrophages, which phagocytose the pathogen. The complement
protein C3b is the main protein involved in opsonisation. Other functions of the
complement system include cell lysis, chemotaxis, increasing vascular permeability
by stimulating histamine release and activation of the lipoxygenase pathway.

52. C  Gardnerella vaginalis

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is caused by overgrowth of the anaerobic bacterium
Gardnerella vaginalis together with other bacteria such as Prevotella species,
Mobiluncus species and Mycoplasma hominis. Amsel’s criteria can be used to aid
diagnosis when three of the following are present: (1) thin white homogenous
discharge, (2) clue cells on microscopy, (3) pH of vaginal secretions >4.5 and (4) fishy
odour on adding alkali (the whiff test). Women may be asymptomatic or may notice
increased foul-smelling vaginal discharge. Although not a sexually transmitted
infection, there is a higher prevalence of BV in sexually active women. In pregnant
women with BV there is an increase incidence of premature rupture of membranes,
late miscarriage and preterm delivery. Treatment with antibiotic therapy such as
metronidazole may provide relief, although it may self-resolve.
British Association for Sexual Health and HIV. National Guideline for the Management of Bacterial
Vaginosis. London: BASHH, 2006.

53. D  Treponema pallidum pertenue

Human syphilis, yaws, pinta and bejel are all caused by different sub-species of
the Gram-negative spirochaeta Treponema pallidum. Yaws is caused by Treponema
pallidum pertenue and is a disease found in tropical areas of the world, where it
manifests as an infection of skin, bones and joints. It may form infective cutaneous
lesions and can be transmitted by skin to skin contact. Bejel is caused by Treponema
pallidum endemicum, pinta by Treponema pallidum carateum and finally syphilis
334 Chapter 16  Mock paper 2

by Treponema pallidum pallidum. It is important to remember that infection with

the non-venereal forms of treponema will also cause a positive result on tests for
syphilis, such as the fluorescent treponemal antibody–absorption (FTA–abs) test.

54. A  dsDNA
Cytomegalovirus, also known as human herpesvirus 5, belongs to the herpes
family of viruses and its genome consists of double-stranded DNA. The majority of
adults will have been exposed to the virus and are seropositive if tested. Concern
regarding the timing of exposure occurs during pregnancy, as fetal infection may
be associated with an array of defects including microcephaly, hepatitis, cerebral
palsy and sensorineural hearing loss. The answer stems given for this question derive
from the Baltimore classification system. The system classifies viruses according
to their genome, i.e. whether their nucleic acid is RNA or DNA, whether they are
double-stranded (ds) or single-stranded (ss), their sense (+ or –) and whether their
replication uses reverse transcriptase (RT).
Health Protection Agency. Guidance on Viral Rash in Pregnancy: Investigation, Diagnosis and
Management of Viral Illness Rash, or Exposure to Viral Rash Illness, in Pregnancy. London: HPA, 2011. www.

55. D  Staphylococcus aureus

Surgical wound infections are a common postoperative complication and standard
policies are in place to try and minimise them. Examples of attempts to minimise
wound infections include stringent hand hygiene, aseptic technique and in certain
situations prophylactic antibiotics given at the time of procedure. Organisms enter
the area of the wound from normal skin commensals, droplet spread and, more
specific to obstetric and gynaecology, may be spread from the perineum or anal
region. Common pathogens implicated in wound infections are Gram-positive
cocci, such as Staphylococcus aureus, which causes up to 20% of wound infections.
Other common causes of infection include Streptococcus pyogenes and Escherichia
coli. Management would include appropriate resuscitative treatment including
intravenous fluids, oxygen and prompt broad spectrum antibiotics. Blood culture
and a wound swab should also be taken prior to antibiotics.

56. E  Underlying medical disorder

All of the above are potential operative risk factors. In this case, we know that
there were no intraoperative complications and therefore the length of operation
is unlikely to be a cause. Sterility of the instruments should be confirmed prior to
operation and there should be no foreign material present after the operation.
Factors associated with an increased risk of wound infection are as follows.
Operative factors:
• Length of operation
• Ventilation of theatre
• Sterility of instruments
Answers 335

• Contaminated or dirty surgery

• Foreign material at operation site
• Preoperative skin preparation
Patient factors:
• Age
• Body mass index
• Smoker
• Diabetes mellitus
• Impaired immunity

57. E  Peptidoglycan
Gram-staining detects the presence of peptidoglycan in bacterial cell walls. The Gram-
stain is therefore used to differentiate between Gram-positive and Gram-negative
bacteria and it is the composition of the cell wall which gives them these properties.
Gram-positive bacteria have a thicker peptidoglycan layer than Gram-negative bacteria.
Gram-positive bacteria stain blue/black; Gram-negative stain pink/red. The bacterial
cell wall is made up of N-acetyl glucosamine and N-acetyl muramic acid linked to
peptidoglycan. It is this lipid, sugar and polypeptide structure which is responsible
for maintaining the rigidity of the cell wall. The presence of a slimy glycocalyx on the
surface of the bacteria is protective against destruction, e.g. by antimicrobials. Mycolic
acid is found in high concentrations in the cell walls of organisms that are classified as
‘acid-fast’, such as Mycoplasma.

58. D  Smoking
An ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy that occurs when the embryo implants outside
the uterine cavity. The most common site for an ectopic pregnancy is within the
fallopian tubes; however, they may also occur in the ovaries, the cornua of the
uterus, the cervix and rarely the abdominal cavity. Smoking is known to have an
association with ectopic pregnancy, however obesity is not a recognised risk factor.
Any form of previous pelvic surgery raises the risk of a subsequent ectopic
pregnancy, e.g. appendicectomy, due to the occurrence of adhesions. Other
risk factors include pelvic inflammatory disease (genital infection), previous
ectopic pregnancy, tubal surgery, endometriosis, use of the coil and usage of the
progesterone-only contraceptive pill.

59. E  Increased endothelial permeability

Acute inflammation describes the initial changes in the process of inflammation
which are designed to neutralise or eliminate the cause of injury. Within the
vasculature there is vasodilatation secondary to the action of histamine and nitric
oxide and increased capillary permeability. Marginalisation of leucocytes occurs in
the capillaries and is enhanced by the action of adhesion molecules. The rouleau
effect may be seen as a result of erythrocytes collecting centrally. The usual axial
336 Chapter 16  Mock paper 2

blood flow is slowed with the subsequent development of stasis. Angiogenesis and
fibrosis occur as part of chronic inflammation.

60. C  Testicles
Choriocarcinoma is classified as both a form of gestational trophoblastic disease
and also as a form of primary germ cell tumour. Rarely choriocarcinoma can be
found as a germ cell tumour in the testicles and in the ovaries. When present in
the testes choriocarcinoma is classified as an non-seminomatous germ cell tumour
and is known to be the most aggressive and rapidly metastasising form of this
type of tumour. More commonly, choriocarcinoma is described as a malignancy
of trophoblastic cells and usually occurs following the development of a partial
or complete molar pregnancy, although it can occur after normal pregnancy,
ectopic pregnancy or following termination of pregnancy. This form of tumour
macroscopically has a fleshy appearance, whereas microscopically there is an
abundance of cytotrophoblasts and syncytiotrophoblasts with an absence of
chorionic villi. Typically there is also evidence of haemorrhage.

61. E  Villous hypovascularity with evidence of infarction

Pre-eclampsia is a multisystem disorder associated with abnormal placentation.
Its sequelae occur as a consequence of widespread endothelial dysfunction,
increased vascular permeability and vasoconstriction. In pregnancies affected
by pre-eclampsia the placenta is found to have a series of histological changes
including placental infarcts, increased syncytial knots and villous hypovascularity.
Retroplacental haematomas are also more common. These changes reflect earlier
placental implantation inadequate to stand up to the demands of the growing
fetus. The histological appearance of a mass of small capillaries and non-specific
trophoblast hyperplasia is associated with choriocarcinoma, not pre-eclampsia.

62. C  Hyperchromatism
The histological term dysplasia is used to describe abnormal changes, both
architectural and cytological, in the development of a cell type.
Dysplasia is characterised by the following:
• Anisocytosis: cells of varying size
• Hyperchromatism: excessive pigmentation due to abnormal chromatin
• Poikilocytosis: abnormally shaped cells
• Presence of mitotic figures: indicative of high cell turnover
• Loss of cell orientation
Dysplasia typically occurs in response to an environmental stimulus, e.g. the
dysplastic changes seen in Barrett’s oesophagus occur in response to chronic
exposure to stomach acid. These changes may be an indicator of malignant
potential, but they may be reversible. The cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN)
grading system refers to the severity of dysplastic changes in the cervix, where CIN I
refers to mild dysplasia, CIN II to moderate dysplasia and CIN III severe dysplasia.
Answers 337

63. E
   Pregnancy-induced idiopathic
thrombocytopaenic purpura
In haemolytic anaemia there is premature destruction of red cells, together with the
reduced lifespan of circulating red cells. In pregnancy this form of anaemia may be
caused by pre-eclampsia, haemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelet count
syndrome, haemolytic uraemic syndrome (HUS) and disseminated intravascular
Chronic idiopathic thrombocytopaenic purpura (ITP) is a platelet disorder, not
a haemolytic disorder. It caused by the development of IgG autoantibodies
to platelets. It may be secondary to a variety of conditions such as systemic
lupus erythematosus (SLE) and HIV. The condition manifests with peripheral
thrombocytopaenia, however examination of the bone marrow may reveal the
presence of megakaryocytes.
Primary ITP is a diagnosis of exclusion and can only be made after secondary causes
have been excluded. Treatment is supportive and may include the administration of
Thrombotic thrombocytopaenic purpura (TTP) shares similarities with HUS, and
in both conditions there is microvascular platelet aggregation. In HUS there is
predominantly renal involvement. HUS typically presents in the postnatal period.
Polymorphic eruption of pregnancy (PEP) is an itchy erythematous rash that has no
known cause, although it usually occurs during a first pregnancy. The distinguishing
feature is sparing of the umbilical region and both PEP and gestational diabetes are
not associated with microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia.

64. E  White cell count: < 4 × 109 cells/L

Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) refers to the multisystem response
seen in adults following a non-specific insult. It can be caused by infection but may
also be a response to causes such as trauma, burns, pancreatitis, haemorrhage or
inflammation. SIRS can be diagnosed when there are two of the following:
• Heart rate > 90 beats per minute
• Temperature >38oC or <36oC
• Respiratory rate of >20 breaths per minute or a PCO2<4.3 kPa (32 mmHg)
• White cell count <4 × 109 cells/L or >12 × 109 cells/L
SIRS should not be confused with sepsis, a term which should only be used when
there is SIRS alongside sepsis. The International Surviving Sepsis Campaign has
developed guidelines to ensure that patients with SIRS are quickly and effectively
managed. Rapid intravenous fluid resuscitation, alongside the use of broad-
spectrum intravenous antibiotics provide first-line treatment approaches. Additional
management may include the administration of corticosteroids and inotropes.
Untreated SIRS may result in end-organ damage and multiorgan failure and, in
severe cases, may be fatal.
Dellinger RP, Levy MM, Carlet, JM, et al. Surviving Sepsis Campaign: International guidelines for
management of severe sepsis and septic shock: 2008. Crit Care Med 2008; 36:296 –327.
338 Chapter 16  Mock paper 2

65. E  Thyroid-stimulating hormone

The pituitary gland sits in a bony fossa at the base of the cranium. The
adenohypophysis (also known as the anterior pituitary) is derived from oral ectoderm.
The adenohypophysis can be further divided into the pars distalis, the pars intermedia
and the pars tuberalis. The neurohypophysis (also known as the posterior pituitary) is
derived from neural ectoderm and is in fact an extension of the hypothalamus.
Histological staining identifies three types of cells in the adenohypophysis: acidophils,
basophils and chromophobes. Acidophils produce both growth hormone and
prolactin. Basophils produce thyroid-stimulating hormone, adrenocorticotrophic
hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinising hormone. The neurohypophysis
produces oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone, also known as vasopressin.

66. C  Prolactin-secreting adenoma

The pituitary gland is composed of a single anterior lobe and a posterior lobe, with
the anterior lobe forming the majority of the gland. Prolactin-secreting adenomas,
known as prolactinomas, are the commonest form of pituitary adenomas, which in
themselves are the most common form of pituitary tumours. The most common site
of a pituitary adenoma is the anterior lobe. Only one-third of adenomas infiltrate the
brain. These tumours may be functional or non-functional and are typically found
in adults of 30–60 years of age. Affected individuals may present with subfertility,
amenorrhoea and galactorrhoea.

67. A  Erythroplakia
Premalignant diseases are conditions that, if untreated, have a high likelihood
of becoming malignant. Erythroplakia (and leukoplakia) are both precancerous
conditions of the oropharynx. Other examples of premalignant conditions
include Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis and Barrett’s oesophagus where there is
chronic inflammation leading to increased risk of bowel and oesophageal cancers
respectively. Actinic keratosis, if left untreated, may develop into squamous cell
carcinoma. Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia has the potential to change into
cervical cancer if not monitored and appropriately treated. Lichen sclerosus is
not a premalignant condition, however it thought around 5% of women with the
condition go on to develop vulval cancer. Neither lichen planus nor herpes simplex
infection are associated with the subsequent development of malignant conditions.

68. E  Use of the oral contraceptive pill

The main risk factors for the development of cervical cancer include: early age for
first sexual intercourse, overall number of sexual partners, smoking and use of the
oral contraceptive. Unsurprisingly woman who are immune-compromised, i.e. have
HIV/AIDs or are on immunosuppressant drugs following an organ transplant, are
more likely to develop cervical cancer. Cervical cancer is more common in women
in deprived areas and therefore in those women with a lower socioeconomic status.
Having a male partner who has been circumcised is associated with a lower risk for the
development of cervical cancer. Early menarche is not a risk factor for cervical cancer.
Answers 339

69. D  Obesity
The incidence of endometrial cancer in United Kingdom is around 20 per
100,000 women, the majority of which are postmenopausal. The combined oral
contraceptive, especially in users of more than 10 years, halves the risk of this form
of cancer. Endometrial hyperplasia is recognised as being a premalignant condition.
Simple hyperplasia is likely to be treated with progesterone. Atypical hyperplasia
on the other hand may indicate that cancer is already present on other parts of
the uterus and, if not, will lead to endometrial cancer in 30% of cases. Invasion
of endometrial cancer is local, through the myometrium and into the peritoneal
cavity. An MRI is performed to assess the extent of myometrial invasion and stage
the disease. Stage 1a and 1b disease is treated by performing a total abdominal
hysterectomy (TAH) and bilateral oophorectomy (BSO). Stage 1c and 2a disease are
treated by TAH and BSO, followed by radiotherapy. Risk factors for the disease are
related to high levels of oestrogen (i.e. obesity) or many menses, i.e. nulliparous
women and those of who have had a late menopause.

70. D  HPV 16
Human papilloma virus (HPV) is a double-stranded DNA virus. There are many
subtypes of the virus, 30 of which are present in the human genital tract. Most lead
to focal epithelial proliferation. High-risk virus types commonly detected in women
with CIN II and CIN III are HPV16, HPV18 and HPV31. However, the prevalence of HPV
in sexually active women under 30 years old is as high as 40%, but most will clear
it within 6–8 months. Being older and smoking decreases the chance of the virus
being cleared. HPV2 and 63 are associated with the presence of common warts.
HPV6 and 11 are commonly associated with anogenital warts.

71. D  µ
There are three main opioid receptors: µ, δ and κ. It is now widely accepted that
most of the analgesic effects of opioids are achieved through the µ receptor. All
opioid receptors are G-protein coupled receptors and act through the inhibition
of adenylate cyclase. Action at these receptors also leads to opening of potassium
channels causing hyperpolarisation. There is also inhibition of release of
neurotransmitter via inhibition of calcium release at the calcium channels. Other
effects of opioids include dysphoria (κ receptor), reduced gastrointestinal motility
(all receptors), respiratory depression (µ and δ receptor) and physical dependence (µ
and κ receptor).

72. E  Warfarin
Warfarin, a coumarin, is a teratogen and should be avoided during pregnancy.
Alternative therapy with a low-molecular weight heparin is more appropriate in
women who require anticoagulation during pregnancy.
The most teratogenic effects occur if given during the first trimester and can lead
to fetal warfarin syndrome. Warfarin given in the second and third trimesters is
thought to be associated with a lower level of birth defects. Fetal warfarin syndrome,
340 Chapter 16  Mock paper 2

or embryopathy, includes low birth weight, nasal hypoplasia and chondrodysplasia

punctata. It can also lead to more global central nervous system abnormalities such
as learning difficulties and neurodevelopmental delay.

73. E  Inhibits enzymic reduction of vitamin K

Warfarin is an oral anticoagulant and inhibits the vitamin K dependent synthesis
of various clotting factors (II, VII, IX and X). It reduces the post-translational gamma
carboxylation of glutamic acid in clotting factors II, VII, IX and X and this is achieved
via enzymic reduction of vitamin K. As the process of this enzymic reduction is
competitive with vitamin K, ingestion of vitamin K will affect the efficacy of the
drug. The onset of action of warfarin is delayed until the clotting factors have been
eliminated from the blood.
Heparin and low-molecular weight heparin (LMWH) act in a different way. They
activate antithrombin III which in turn inhibits thrombin. LMWHs increase the action
of antithrombin III on factor Xa, but do not change the effect on thrombin. Heparin is
safe to use during pregnancy.

74. E  Thiopental
To reduce the risk of gastric aspiration, rapid sequence induction with cricoid
pressure is used for these women. To minimize the placental transfer of anaesthetic
agent to the fetus, catheterisation, cleaning and draping should be performed prior
to administration of anaesthetic in order that the surgeon can begin the procedure
immediately. Intravenous anaesthetic agents:
• Thiopental: barbiturate, very high lipid solubility
• Etomidate: involuntary movements during induction
• Propofol: rapidly metabolised and recovery with no hangover, used especially for
day-case surgery
• Ketamine: causes profound analgesia, blocks NMDA receptor
• Midazolam: benzodiazepine, used for preoperative sedation.

75. E  Progesterone only contraceptive pill

Patients are potentially fertile 3 weeks postpartum. Women who are exclusively
breastfeeding are unlikely to ovulate and can therefore rely on this lactational
amenorrhoea as long as they are exclusively breastfeeding, they are 6 months or less
postpartum and the baby is not receiving supplementary feeds.
There are several options for this patient. As she is breastfeeding, the combined
oral contraceptive (COC) pill is contraindicated. As the pregnancy was unplanned,
condoms may not be reliable enough. The copper coil is a suitable choice for
postpartum patients, but is not usually inserted until at least 6 weeks postpartum.
A progesterone-only pill can be initiated immediately in this patient. She will need
to remember to take the pill every day at the same time, as there is only a 3-hour
Answers 341

76. E  Oxytetracycline
Tetracyclines, such as doxycycline and oxytetracycline, are broad-spectrum
bacteriostatic antibiotics giving them a wide variety of uses, including the treatment
of acne. They are known to chelate calcium leading to tetracycline deposition in
growing teeth and bone. Given in the second and third trimester of pregnancy may
cause maternal hepatotoxicity and fetal teeth discolouration in addition to skeletal
deformities. These effects can also theoretically occur with breastfeeding, although it
has been speculated that the calcium in milk may help prevent teeth discolouration.
Because of these risks all tetracyclines should be avoided in pregnant women, those
breastfeeding and in children under the age of 12 years.

77. E  Ramipril
Ramipril is an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor and is used for the
treatment of conditions such as hypertension and heart failure. They act on the
renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system, preventing the conversion of angiotensin I to
angiotensin II and therefore reduce arterial pressure and cardiac load. Unfortunately
the use of ACE inhibitors in pregnancy, particularly in the first trimester, is associated
with problems such as fetal skull defects, cardiovascular malformation, fetal
renal problems and oligohydramnios. Alternatives treatments for hypertension
in pregnancy include labetalol, a first line treatment choice and nifedipine and
methyldopa as a second-line therapy.
Cunningham FG, Leveno KJ, Bloom SL et al (eds). William' s Obstetrics, 23rd edn. The MacGraw-Hill, 2010.

78. E  Sodium valproate

All of the antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) are associated with an increased incidence of
teratogenesis, which increases with the number of agents used. Sodium valproate,
as a single agent, is associated with the greatest incidence of fetal malformation in
comparison to other AEDs and is associated with abnormalities such as neural tube
defects, cardiac defects, fetal growth restriction and craniofacial defects. Current NICE
guidance recommends that sodium valproate should be avoided in pregnant women
and cites data from the UK Epilepsy and Pregnancy Register from 2002. This found a 7.2%
incidence of teratogenesis in pregnancies when the woman used sodium valproate, in
comparison with incidences of 3% for lamotrigine and 2.3% for carbamazepine. There
is limited data regarding the teratogenic risks of levetiracetam in pregnancy, however
current evidence suggests this is less than the older antiepileptic drugs. Counselling
of pregnant women with epilepsy is essential and should always include a discussion
regarding the risks to both the mother and fetus if AEDs are discontinued.
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Newer drugs for epilepsy in adults. NICE: Technology
Appraisal, 2004.

79. A  Methotrexate 75 mg IM once

The administration of methotrexate intramuscularly may be a suitable treatment for
ectopic pregnancy in certain circumstances. Methotrexate is an antimetabolite which
342 Chapter 16  Mock paper 2

inhibits folate reductase. Current RCOG guidance advises that the administering a
single 75 mg intramuscular injection of methotrexate is a suitable treatment for ectopic
pregnancy in cases where β-human chorionic gonadotropin (β-hCG) is < 3000 IU/mL.
Mifepristone and misoprostol both have a role in termination of pregnancy and the
medical management of miscarriage but are not suitable for the management of tubal
ectopic pregnancy.
Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. The Management of Tubal Pregnancy. Green-top Guideline
24. London: RCOG, 2010.

80. C  Placental abruption in previous pregnancy

Placental abruption is where the placenta separates from the uterus prior to
the delivery of the fetus. It is one of the most common causes of antepartum
haemorrhage (bleeding from the vagina or genital tract after 24 weeks of
pregnancy). There are several known risk factors for placental abruption, including
pre-eclampsia, polyhydramnios, advanced maternal age and smoking. The
greatest risk factor for placental abruption is an abruption in a previous pregnancy.
Abruption complicates up to 25% of pregnancies where abruption has occurred in
two previous pregnancies. Prevention of abruption is via the limitation of risk factors.
In women who have had a pregnancy complicated by previous abruption, there may
be an indication for antithrombotic therapy.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Antepartum Haemorrhage, Green-top Guideline 63.
London: RCOG, 2012.

81. B
   It acts in the renal tubule to reduce phosphate
Calcitonin is an amino acid that is synthesised by the parafollicular cells of the
thyroid gland. Parafollicular cells are neuroendocrine in origin and are derived from
the neural crest. These neuroendocrine cells make up only 0.2% of the total thyroid
gland cells. Calcitonin is regulated by circulating levels of calcium. When there are
high levels of calcium, the level of calcitonin increases and vice versa. The primary
organ of action is in the bone where it reduces the activity of osteoclasts. In the renal
tubules, calcitonin acts to reduce the reabsorption of phosphate and calcium.

82. B  Cabergoline therapy

Prolactin is produced from the anterior pituitary gland. Its production and release
is increased by thyrotrophin-releasing hormone and inhibited by dopamine.
Cabergoline is a dopamine antagonist and is used to suppress lactation postpartum
in cases of mothers with HIV or who have suffered from a stillbirth.
High levels of oestrogen and progesterone during pregnancy inhibit lactation, but
a drop in the level of these hormones after delivery and suckling lead to ongoing
production of prolactin.
Answers 343

83. D  Serous cystadenocarcinoma

Ovarian cancer is the most common gynaecological malignancy and over 50% of
cases present in women aged 45–65 years. They are classified into different groups
according to their cell type: epithelial, sex cord stromal or germ cell. They may be
benign, borderline or malignant. The most common ovarian cancers are serous
cystadenocarcinomas; these malignant tumours account for around 75% of primary
ovarian cancers.
Serous cystadenoma is the most common benign epithelial tumour. They are
bilateral in 10% of cases. Mucinous cystadenoma are typically unilateral and larger
in comparison to serous cystadenoma. The majority of Brenner tumours are benign
with 10–15% being bilateral. They are generally small in size. Some Brenner tumours
secrete oestrogen so may cause irregular vaginal bleeding.
Most common ovarian tumours in young women are benign germ cell tumours.
They contain elements of all three layers of embryonic tissue.

84. C  10%
Teratomas are germ cell tumours of the ovary. They are typically benign, occurring
in women under the age of 30 years. Only 10% of teratomas are bilateral. They rarely
rupture and in most cases patients are asymptomatic, however up to 10% result in
torsion and patients may present with an acute abdomen. They are mostly unilocular
and thin-walled. The vast majority of ovarian teratomas are mature and cystic and
are known as dermoid cysts. They usually measure < 20 cm.

85. E  Osteosarcoma
Osteosarcomas are the most common malignant primary bone tumour and are a
form of mesenchymal tumour. Most commonly they are found at the metaphysis of
long bones. Chondromas are benign tumours of hyaline cartilage. Haemangiomas
are not a type of bone tumour and actually describe benign tumours characterised
by blood vessels filled with blood. They are typically seen in infancy and often
spontaneously resolve. Fibromas are benign tumours of fibrous connective tissue.
Osteoid osteomas are small benign bone tumours that are most commonly arise in
young adults.

86. D  Squamous cell carcinoma

Around 80% of cervical cancers are squamous cell carcinomas. Adenocarcinomas
are thought to be increasing in incidence and are present in around 10% of cases.
Clear cell carcinoma of the cervix occurs in 1% of cases. This form of cervical
cancer is historically associated with in utero exposure to diethylstilbestrol. Glassy
cell carcinomas of the cervix are very rare and associated with <1% of cases and
typically present with vaginal bleeding in the absence of an abnormal smear. Other
344 Chapter 16  Mock paper 2

rare forms of cervical cancer include neuroendocrine tumours. By far the majority of
cervical cancers are caused by HPV infection. Unfortunately some cervical tumour
types are less effectively detected by national screening programmes and typically
present at a more advanced stage, e.g. adenocarcinomas and neuroendocrine

87. D  Koilocytosis
Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) is a premalignant condition that if left
untreated has the potential to become cervical cancer. CIN is divided into three
grades depending on the epithelial depth of the dysplastic changes occurring in the
cells of the transformation zone of the cervix.
CIN is caused by chronic human papillomavirus infection, predominantly virus types
16 and 18. Liquid cytology now provides the method used for screening for CIN in
the UK.
Cytological changes characteristic of CIN of dysplasia include poikilocytosis
(abnormally shaped cells), an increased nuclear:cytoplasmic ratio, nuclear
hyperchromasia, multinucleated cells and evidence of increased mitoses, suggesting
a high cell turnover.
Koilocytosis refers to presence of cells infected with HPV which have abnormally
large and irregularly shaped nuclei. See Table 16.4 for classification of CIN.

 Table 16.4  Histology, management and malignant potential of cervical intraepithelial

neoplasia (CIN)

Grade Thickness of squamous Current monitoring and Malignant potential

epithelium affected treatment
CIN I Basal 1/3 Conservative: 6 monthly Low malignant potential
colposcopy and repeat cytology (around 1%); spontaneous
Or LLETZ regression common

CIN II Bottom 2/3 LLETZ treatment required Approx. 5% in 10 years

CIN III >2/3 to full thickness LLETZ treatment required 20–30% in 10 years
LLETZ, large loop excision of transformation zone.

88. C  Colliquative necrosis

Necrosis describes the death of living cells following an insult. It is associated with
cell shrinkage, and the breakdown of cellular contents. During necrosis there is
pyknosis, karyolysis and karyorrhexis of the nucleus and its contents and enzymatic
degradation with the release of inflammatory mediators. The form of necrosis
that occurs is secondary to the form of insult and the tissues involved. In cerebral
infarction there is colliquative necrosis whereby enzymatic degradation of cellular
material may lead to affected tissue turning into a fluid form. Myocardial infarction
Answers 345

typifies coagulative necrosis caused by hypoxic damage. Caseous necrosis is

seen in tuberculosis where foci of infected necrotic tissue have a soft cheese-like
appearance. Fat necrosis occurs in and around peritoneal tissue; it is associated
with pancreatic damage and breast tissue whereby trauma to adipocytes leads to
an inflammatory reaction with subsequent scarring and sometimes with calcium
deposition leading to calcium soap formation. Gangrenous necrosis is not a distinct
form of necrosis; however, it describes the appearance of black, dead tissue.
Gangrene usually occurs in the absence of an adequate blood supply. Gangrene
can be described as dry (for example, in an ischaemic limb), wet (for example, in the
presence of Gram-negative bacterial infection), and finally as gas gangrene (in the
presence of gas-producing bacteria such as Clostridium perfringens).

89. E  Protein C deficiency

Thrombophilias may be inherited or acquired. These hypercoagulable states all
increase the risk of thrombus formation. Protein C deficiency is an autosomal
dominant condition. Protein C acts against activated factor V and VIII which are
coagulation factors, as well as augmenting fibrinolysis. Hence, in the presence of
protein C deficiency there is an increased risk of venous thrombosis. Other inherited
thrombophilias include factor V Leiden, protein S deficiency, antithrombin deficiency
and hyperhomocystinaemia.

90. A  Antiphospholipid syndrome

Antiphospholipid syndrome is an acquired thrombophilia associated with increased
risk of thrombosis, recurrent miscarriage, stillbirth and pre-eclampsia in the presence
of persistent antiphospholipid antibodies such as anticardiolipin antibodies and lupus
anticoagulant. Other forms of acquired thrombophilias include heparin-induced
thrombocytopaenia (HIT) and paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria. HIT occurs
when administration of heparin and subsequent binding to platelets leads to
antibody production which goes on to cause platelet activation and subsequent
thrombosis. Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria is a rare disorder of bone
marrow associated with anaemia and thrombosis. Antithrombin III deficiency,
dysfibrinogenemia, factor V Leiden and protein S are all inherited thrombophilias.

Note: Page numbers in bold or italic refer to tables or figures respectively.

A Anal canal 13–14, 277, 278 Bacterial vaginosis (BV) 197, 333
Android pelvis 17, 21 Barr body 272
Abdominal aorta 20, 20, 24, 25
Aneuploidy 106 Barrett’s oesophagus 217
Abdominal wall
Angelman syndrome 105, 105, Bartholin’s glands 16
anterior 293
271, 288 Basophils 224
posterior 19
Angiotensin-converting enzyme Beat-to-beat variability 331
Acetylcholine 265
(ACE) 119 Bejel 197, 333
Acetyl coenzyme A (acetyl-CoA)
Angiotensin-converting enzyme β-human chorionic gonadotrophin
35, 36, 41
inhibitor 119, 341 (β-hCG) 168–169, 171
Acoustic impedance 142
Angiotensin II 66, 119 β-naphthylamine 216
Actinic keratosis 217, 338
Aniline dye 216 Bicornuate uterus 223
Actinomyces israelii 199, 321
Ankle oedema 329 Bilateral oophorectomy (BSO) 339
Actinomycosis 199, 321
Anthropoid pelvis 21 Bilirubin 124
Activated partial thromboplastin
Antibodies see Immunoglobin Bioavailability 236
time (APTT) 314
(IgG) Biophysical profiling 139–140, 158
Activated protein C resistance 330
Anticardiolipin antibodies 330 Bipolar diathermy 138
Active transport 284
Anticoagulation, in pregnancy243 Bladder cancer 216
Acute tubular necrosis (ATN) 225
Anticonvulsant therapy 244 Bleomycin 240
Addison’s disease 66–67, 80
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) Bloom’s syndrome 218
Adenocarcinoma of prostate 217
79–80, 128 Bohr effect 290
Adenohypophysis 338 see also
Antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) 341 Bone, disorders of 40
Pituitary gland
Antimetabolites 315 Bone metastases 283
Adenosine 237
Antiphospholipid syndrome 330, Bone mineral density (BMD) 316
Adenosine triphosphate 265
345 Bony pelvis 26, 26
Adrenal function, in pregnancy 75
Aortic arch chemoreceptors 124, Bradykinin 237
Adrenal glands 17–18, 22
126 BRCA1 38, 107–108
Adrenaline 81
Apoptosis 37–38, 220 Breech presentation 223
Adrenocorticotrophic hormone
Arachidonic acid 36–37 Brenner tumours 343
(ACTH) 66, 79
Arthus reaction 181 Broad ligament 277
Aldosterone 218
Asherman’s syndrome 154 Bromocriptine 123
Alimentary system, embryonic
Aspirin 241, 243
49, 50
Assisted reproductive techniques
Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) 120 C
(ART) 273
Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) 106, 107,
Atosiban 122 C3, 181
Atrophic gastritis 217 CA 15-3, 173
21α-hydroxylase 281
Atrophic vaginitis 324 Cabergoline therapy 123, 342
Alpha-thalassaemia 109, 273, 288
Atrophy 222 Caesarean section 152
Amenorrhoea 155
Attenuated vaccines 183–184 Calcitonin 342
Amitriptyline 241
Autosomal dominant inheritance Calcium 283
Amniocentesis 107, 271–272
107–108, 108 Calcium homeostasis 75,
Amniotic fluid 49–50
In pregnancy 284
Amniotic fluid index (AFI)
Candida albicans 244
139–140, 175 B Capacitation 50, 266
Anaesthetic agents
Bacteria, classification of 194 Carbamazepine 241
inhalational 238
Bacterial toxins 198, 198 Carboprost 243
intravenous 340
348 Index

Carcinoembryonic antigen 173 Clinical audit 96–97 Cytokines 214–215, 321

Cardiac cycle 127–128 Clomiphene citrate 238 Cytomegalovirus (CMV) 198, 202,
Cardiac system, development of Clotting factors in pregnancy 127 322, 334
51–52 Clostridium perfringens 200 Cytotoxic antibiotics 239–240
Cardinal vein 52 Clotrimazole pessary 244
Cardiotocography (CTG) 158, 167, Cockayne’s syndrome 218
167, 170, 172 Codeine 237 D
Carotid body chemoreceptors Coeliac trunk 24 Dactinomycin 240
124, 126 Cohort studies 285 Danazol 240, 314–315
Caseous necrosis 345 Cold antibody autoimmune Delayed gastric emptying 240
Catecholamines 81 haemolysis 221 Dengue fever 197
Catechol-O-methyltransferase Colliquative necrosis 344–345 Dermatomyositis 288
(COMT) 81 Colour blindness 288 Dexamethasone suppression test,
Cavitation 137 Combined oral contraceptive pill low dose 78–79
Cell cycle, checkpoints during 118, 123, 126 Diabetes
37–38 Community-acquired group A In pregnancy168
Central chemoreceptors 124, 126 streptococcal disease 286 Preconception counseling 153
Centre for Maternal and Child Compaction 50 Diabetic ketoacidosis 280
Enquiries (CMACE), on maternal Complement activation pathways Diabetic nephropathy see Nodular
death 95 181, 182, 183 glomerulosclerosis
Cerebral vein thrombosis (CVT) Complement proteins 181, 184, Diaphragm, apertures of 20
318 333 Diffraction 142
Cervical cancers Conception, retained products Di-George syndrome 105
forms of 343–344 of 330 2,3-diphosphoglyceric acid (2,3-
risk factors for 338 Congenital adrenal hyperplasia DPG) 130
Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CAH) 42–43, 76–77, 267, 281 Disseminated intravascular
(CIN) 173–174, 174, 217, 336, Congenital contractual coagulopathy (DIC) 125
338, 344 arachnodactyly 288 DNA viruses 196, 196
Cervix 21 Conjugation 241 Domperidone 123
Chest X-ray 140, 141 Conn’s syndrome 218 Dopamine 65, 81
Chickenpox 154, 170, 318 Consent, for procedure 93 Doppler effect 142
Chi-square test 92 Contraceptions, methods of 118 Double Bohr effect 290
Chlamydia trachomatis infection Contraceptive implant 118 Down’s syndrome 105–107, 273
200 Contraceptive patch 118 Doxorubicin 239–240
Cholesterol conversion, to Coombs test 221 Doxycycline 341
pregnenolone 78 Copper coil 126, 340 Drug metabolism 241
Chloroquine 151 Cordocentesis 107 Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry
Chondromas 343 Corpus luteum 121 (DEXA) 316
Chorioamnionitis 195, 201–202 Cortisol 66 Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Choriocarcinoma 214, 336 action of 78 104, 271, 272, 288
Chorionic villi 51 deficiency of 42–43 Ductal carcinoma of breast 216
Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) excess of 78 Ductus arteriosus 128
107, 271–272 levels of, in pathologies 79 Ductus venosus 52, 292
Choroid plexus cysts 137 Co-trimoxazole 243 Duffy antigen 204
Chromosomes 103, 103 Cotyledon 266 Dysplasia 222, 227, 336
Chvostek’s sign 281 Creatinine 274
Chylomicrons 42 Cri-du-chat syndrome 105, 105
Cigarette smoking Crown–rump length (CRL) 141 E
bladder cancer and 226 Cushing’s syndrome 78–79 Eastern blotting 42
ectopic pregnancy and 335 Cyclooxygenase (COX) enzymes 37 Echogenic bowel 137
Cisterna chyli 19 Cyproterone acetate 239, 267 Ectocervix 21
Citric acid cycle see Tricarboxylic Cystic fibrosis (CF) 104, 271, 272 Ectopic pregnancy 156, 332, 335,
acid (TCA) cycle cause of 104 341–342
Citrobacter freundii 201 and infertility 273 Edwards’ syndrome 105, 106
Index 349

Ehlers–Danlos syndrome 288 Femoral sheath 19 Glassy cell carcinomas of cervix 343
Eicosanoids 36–37 Femoral triangle 18, 22, 23 Glomerular capillary endotheliosis
Electrocardiogram (ECG) 122, 138, Ferriman–Gallwey score 282, 332 224
141, 327 Fertilisation 266 Glucagon 81
Electronic fetal monitoring 170 site of 280–281 Glucagonoma 279
Electrosurgery 138 Fertility, assessment and Glucokinase 34–35
Elimination of drugs 236 management of 328 Glutamate 237
Embryonic development, early 48 Fetal blood sample (FBS) 167, 169, Gluteus maximus 22
Embryonic foregut 24 169, 171–172 Glycogen 35
Enalapril 119 Fetal circulation 274 Glycolysis 34, 34–35, 40
Endometrial cancer 172, 216–217, Fetal haemoglobin (HbF) 274, 291 overall product of 40
339 Fetal heart action 327 rate-limiting step of 40
Endometrial hyperplasia 158 Fetal hydrops 137 Glycosuria 126
Endometriosis 154 Fetal varicella syndrome (FVS) 323 Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone
Endometritis 203–204 Fetal warfarin syndrome 339–340 (GnRH) 69
Endometrium 277 Fetal well-being, assessment of Gonads, development of 51
Endotoxins 198, 198 158 Gonorrhoea 149, 195
Enflurane 238 Fibromas 343 Goodpasture syndrome 332
Enzyme inducers 236 Filtration fraction 274 G protein-coupled receptors
Enzyme inhibitors 236–237 Fisher’s exact test 92 (GPCRs) 39
Episiotomy 158 Flavin adenine dinucleotide Gram-negative bacteria 194, 335
Epithelial surface damage, (FADH2) 35 Gram-positive bacteria 194, 335
radiotherapy and 140 Fluorescent treponemal antibody– Graves’ disease 65, 283
Epstein–Barr virus 197, 201, 216, absorption (FTA–abs) test 334 Group B β-haemolytic
322 Fluorouracil 240, 315 Streptococcus (GBS) 195, 321
Ergometrine 122, 243 Folic acid supplementation 244 infection in infants 195
Erythromycin 243 Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) transmission to fetus, risk
Erythroplakia 338 69, 70, 71, 82 factors for 321
Escherichia coli 200–201, 229 Foramen ovale 292 Growth factor receptors 268
Essential amino acids, and non- Fossa ovalis 292 Growth hormone (GH) 76
essential amino acids 40–41, 41 Fragile-X syndrome 104, 288 Guthrie test 38
Estimated glomerular filtration rate Friedreich ataxia 288 Gynaecoid pelvis 21
(eGFR) 125
Ethambutol 203
Etomidate 340 G H
Exomphalos 137 Ganciclovir 198 Haemangiomas 343
Exotoxins 198, 198, 200 Gangrenous necrosis 345 Haemoglobin H disease 273
Expiratory reserve volume 131 Gardnerella vaginalis 333 Haemolytic anaemia 337
External oblique muscle 276 Gas gangrene 200 Haemolytic disease of newborn
Extraembryonic endoderm 51 Gastrointestinal stromal tumours 182, 221
(GISTs) 217 Haemophilia A 221
Gaussian distribution, normal 91, Haemophilia B 221
F 92 Haemorrhagic shock 229
Factor V Leiden 157, 221 G-banding 103 Halothane 238
Familial Down’s syndrome Genital herpes, in pregnancy Hansen’s disease 199
108–109 327–328 Headache, in pregnancy 318
Fanconi’s anaemia 218 Genital tract sepsis 286 Henderson–Hasselbach equation
Fat metabolism 36 Genomic imprinting 271, 288 280
Fat necrosis 345 Gentamicin 243 Heparin 314, 340
Fat soluble drugs 236 Germ cell layers 50–51, 51 Heparin-induced thrombocytopaenia
Fatty liver of pregnancy 280 Gestational diabetes mellitus (HIT) 345
Female urethra 17 (GDM) 168 Heparin therapy 243
Femoral nerve 13 Gestational trophoblastic disease after delivery 157
Femoral ring 264 223–224 side effects 242
350 Index

Hepatitis B virus 202, 322 Hypogonadotrophic Koilocytosis 344, 344

Hepatitis infection, in pregnancy hypogonadism 154 Krebs cycle see Tricarboxylic acid
331 Hypokalaemia 172 (TCA) cycle
Hepatocellular cancer 173, 216 Hypothalamus, hormones Kupffer cells 124
Herpes simplex infection 338 synthesised by 74
Heteroplasia 222 Hysterosalpingogram (HSG)
High-density lipoproteins (HDLs) 138–139 L
42 Labetalol 341
Highly active anti-retroviral Labia minora 263
therapy (HAART) 201–202 I Labour, third stage of 121
Hilton’s line 14 Idiopathic thrombocytopaenic Lactate dehydrogenase 173
Hirsutism 267, 282, 331–332 purpura (ITP), pregnancy- Lactation suppression 123
Histamine (5-hydroxytryptamine) induced 337 Laparoscopic surgery 317, 317
224 Iliacus muscle 19, 275–276, 293 Lateral cutaneous nerve, of thigh
HIV 80, 322 Iliococcygeus 21 276
pelvic inflammatory disease Ilioinguinal nerve 13, 21, 26, 27 Leber’s optic neuropathy 288
and 327 Immune complex hypersensitivity Leiomyomas see Uterine fibroids
in pregnancy 152 see Type III hypersensitivity ‘Let-down’ reflex 122, 129
Hormone replacement therapy Immunoglobin (IgG) 180, 180, Leukoplakia 217
(HRT) 71 182, 185, 185, 333 Levator ani muscle 21
Human chorionic gonadotropin Imperforate hymen 323 Levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine
(hCG) 64, 73, 77, 332 Inferior gluteal nerve 22 system (IUS) 118, 155, 158
Human herpesvirus 4 see Inferior hypogastric plexus 12 Lichen planus 338
Epstein-Barr virus Inferior mesenteric artery 19 Lichen sclerosus 227, 338
Human leucocyte antigen (HLA) Inferior vena cava 24 Li–Fraumeni syndrome 219
320 Inflammation Ligamentum venosum 51, 292
Human papilloma virus (HPV) 216, acute 183, 335–336 Lipid soluble drugs 236
339 systemic effects 214–215 Lipoproteins 42
Human placental lactogen (HPL) Infundibulopelvic ligament 20 Lithotripsy 326
73, 77–78 Inguinal canal 26, 27 Liver
Hydrops fetalis 109 Inguinal ligament 18, 276 adult 124
21-hydroxylase 43, 76–77 Inspiratory capacity 131 neonatal 124
Hyperaldosteronism Insulin 67, 81, 83 Liver function tests 120, 120
primary 80 Internal anal sphincter 263 Low-density lipoproteins (LDLs)
secondary causes 80 Internal iliac artery 276, 292, 292 42
Hypercalcaemia 281 Internal pudendal artery 25 Lower limb, innervation of 13
Hyperchromatism 336 Internal thoracic artery 276 Low-molecular weight heparin
Hyperemesis gravidarum 64 The International Surviving Sepsis (LMWH) 314, 340 see also
Hyperglycaemia 81 Campaign 337 Heparin
Hyperparathyroidism Ischiocavernosus muscle 25, 25 Lumbosacral plexus 13
primary 39–40 Ischiococcygeus 21 Luteinising hormone (LH) 69, 70,
secondary 40 Ischiorectal fossa 263, 277 71, 82, 291
Hyperplasia 221, 224–225, 225 Isoflurane 238 Luteoplacental shift 121
Hyperprolactinaemia 83 Isoniazid, side effects of 203 Lymphoedema, radiotherapy and
Hypersensitivity reactions 180, 141
332, 332 Lytic lesions of bones 283
type I 180 K
type II 180–181 Kaposi’s sarcoma 201, 325
type III 181 Ketamine 340 M
type IV 181 Ketone bodies 36 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Hypertension, in pregnancy 329, Kidney, glucose handling by 126 316
341, 329 Killed (inactivated) vaccines 184 Major histocompatibility complex
Hyperthyroidism 65, 283 Klebsiella pneumoniae 201 (MHC) 320
Hypertrophy 222, 225, 225 Klinefelter’s syndrome 273, 287 Malaria, in pregnancy 151
Index 351

Male sterilisation 118 Mucinous cystadenoma 343 Obturator nerve 22

Mannose-binding lectin 182, 183 Multiple endocrine neoplasia Oestradiol 68
Mann–Whitney U test 92 (MEN) 67 Oestrogen 68, 71, 71, 81–82,
Mantoux reaction 181 Multiple myeloma 279, 283 289–290
Marble bone disease see µ receptor (opioid receptors) 339 Oestrone 68, 70
Osteopetrosis Myc 38 Oncogenesis, genetic predisposition
Marfan’s syndrome 287–288 Mycobacteria 199 to 219
Maternal mortality 286 Mycobacterium avium complex Oocytes 68
definition of 94 199 Oogenesis 291
indirect causes of 93–94 Mycobacterium leprae 199 Oogonia 68
Mayer–Rokitansky–Küster–Hauser Mycolic acid 335 Opiate overdose 280
(MRKH) syndrome 214 Mycoplasma hominis 333 Opioid drugs 237
McRoberts’ manoeuvre 158 Myoglobinuria 226 Opioid receptors 339
Meckel’s diverticulum 281 Myometrial contractility 265–266 Opsonisation 333
Median, in data set 94, 286 Oral glucose tolerance test 168
Menarche 70 Osteoid osteomas 343
Meningococcal meningitis 195 N Osteomalacia 39
Menopause 70, 71 Natural killer cells 181, 184 Osteopetrosis 279
Menorrhagia 150–151 Necrosis 220, 344–345 Osteoporosis 219
full blood count in 151 Necrotising fasciitis 322 risk factors for 219–220
Menstrual cycle 82 Neisseria gonorrhoeae 195 treatments for 219
Mercaptopurine 315 Neisseria meningitidis 195 Osteosarcomas 343
Metabolic alkalosis 41 Neoplasia 222 Ovarian arteries 20, 20, 24–25
Metanephros 48–49 Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus Ovarian cancer 343
Metaplasia 222 79–80 risk factors for 229
Methotrexate 315, 341–342 Nephrons 128, 129 Ovarian cysts 155, 155
Metoclopramide 123 Neural tube defect 107 Ovarian follicle 83
Metronidazole 203 Neurofibromatosis type 1 219, size at ovulation 129
Microdeletion syndrome 105, 105 271 Ovarian steroidogenesis: 68
Microstreaming 137 Neurofibromatosis type 2 271 Ovarian teratomas 343
Midazolam 340 Neurohypophysis 338 see Ovarian vein 13, 24
Mifepristone 239, 342 Pituitary gland, posterior Ovary arteries 24, 25
Milk ejection reflex see ‘Let-down’ Neurone-specific enolase 173 Ovulation 291
reflex Neurulation 48 Oxygen dissociation curve 130
Miscarriage 156, 270, 330 Nicotinamide adenine for fetal haemoglobin 130, 131
Misoprostol 243, 342 dinucleotide (NADH) 35 right shift in 130, 130
Mitosis 41 Nitrous oxide 238 Oxytetracycline 341
anaphase 41–42 Node of Cloquet 19 Oxytocin 64, 72, 121–122, 129,
cytokinesis 42 Nodular glomerulosclerosis 242, 265–266, 289
interphase 41 225–226
metaphase 41 Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
prophase 41 drugs (NSAIDs) 39, 128, 241, 242 P
Mittelschmerz 129 Noonan’s syndrome 105, 106 p53, 37–38
Mobiluncus species 333 Northern blotting 42 Paget’s disease 173
Modification of diet in renal Northwestern blotting 42 Pain 237
disease (MDRD) equation 125 Notochord 48 Parametric tests 90–92
Molar pregnancy Nuchal translucency 105 Paraneoplastic syndromes 228,
complete 223 Nuclear receptors 268 228
partial 223–224 Null hypothesis 285 Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
Molluscum contagiosum 199 39–40, 64, 283–284
Monoamine oxidases (MAO) 81 Parathyroid hormone-related
Mononucleosis 197 O peptide (PTHrP) 265
Morphine 237 Obligate anaerobes 203 Paroxysmal nocturnal
Mosaicism 287 Obstetric cholestasis 173 haemoglobinuria 345
352 Index

Parvovirus B19 201, 320, 322 Plasma protein A (PAPP-A), Puberty, in female 70
Patau’s syndrome 105, 286–287, pregnancy-associated 107 Pubic symphysis 264
288 Plasminogen activator inhibitor Pubococcygeus 21
Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) (PAI2) 127 Pudendal artery 17
128 Plasmodium falciparum 204 Pudendal canal 14, 278
Pectinate line 14 Plasmodium vivax 204 Pudendal nerve 12, 12, 24
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) Platypelloid pelvis 21 Pudendal vein 13
149–150, 153 Polyarteritis nodosa (PAN) 226 Pulmonary embolism (PE)
Pelvic splanchnic nerves 12, 276 Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) 241–242, 279
Pelvic ultrasound 155 83, 154, 318–319, 319, 331–332 Pulmonary surfactant 123
Pelvis Polyhydramnios 175 p-value 270–271
android 21 Polymorphic eruption of pregnancy Pyramidalis 275
anthropoid 21 (PEP) 337 Pyrazinamide 203
bony 26, 26 Portocaval anastomosis 13 Pyruvate 40
diameters of 11, 11f Posterior iliac artery 293
female 11, 11f, 17, 263 Posterior pituitary gland 74
gynaecoid 21 Postmenopausal bleeding 173 Q
male 17 Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) QRS complex 327
nerve supply 12 153, 328–329, 329 Quadratus lumborum 19
platypelloid 21 Potassium, normal range for 172 Quadruple test 107, 285
true 11 Pouch of Douglas 17
veins 13 Prader–Willi syndrome 104, 105,
Peptide hormones 268 271, 288 R
Peptidoglycan 335 pRb (retinoblastoma protein) 38 Radiation
Perinatal mortality rate, definition Pre-eclampsia 157, 224, 329, 336 effective dose 140, 141
of 94 Pregnenolone 38–39 ionising 140, 140
Perineal body 25, 25 Premalignant diseases 338 non-ionising 140
Perineal tear, grade of 174 Premature ovarian failure 330 Radiotherapy 140, 141
Peripheral chemoreceptors 124, Pretibial myxoedema 65 side-effect of 142
126 Prevotella species 333 Ramipril 119, 240, 341
Perthes’ disease 279 Primary adrenocortical insufficiency Ras proteins 38
Pethidine 314 see Addison’s disease Rectal plexus 12
Phaeochromocytomas 67, 81, Primary hyperparathyroidism Rectum 263–264
217–218 39–40 Rectus abdominis muscle 278
Pharmacokinetics 236 Primary peritoneal cancer (PPC) Rectus sheath 14, 22–23, 23
Pharyngeal arches 48, 49 227–228 Reduced fetal movement (RFM)
Phenylalanine hydroxylase 38 Primitive streak 48, 51 158
Phenylketonuria 38 Probe movements, in ultrasound Refraction 142
Phenytoin 240, 282 scanning 315 Relative risk, calculation of 97, 97
Pinta 197 Progesterone 68, 71, 82 Relaxin 75
Pituitary adenoma 338 Progesterone-only pill (POP) 123, Renal system, in pregnancy 120,
Pituitary gland 338 126, 275, 340 274–275
anterior 74 Prolactin 64–65, 72, 123 Renin 66
posterior 74 Prolactin-secreting adenomas 338 Renin–angiotensin–aldosterone
Placenta Propofol 340 system (RAAS) 66
drugs transfer across 314 Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) 39 Respiration
hormones secreted by Prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGFα) 39 controls of 124
288–289 Prostaglandin I2 (PGI2) 39, 280 stimulus to 126
transport across 289 Prostaglandins 39, 237 Respiratory distress syndrome 123
Placenta accreta 324 Prostanoids 280 Respiratory system changes in
Placental abruption 328, 342 Protein C deficiency 221, 345 pregnancy 127
Placental development 266 Proteinuria 168, 171, 329 Rhabdomyolysis 226
Placenta praevia 154, 174–175, Proteus mirabilis 201 Rhesus (Rh) D antigen 182
316–317 Psoas muscle 19, 275–276 Ribonucleic acid (RNA) 37
Index 353

Rickets 278–279 Squamous cell carcinoma of cervix Thromboxane TXA2 280

Rifampicin 203 343–344 Thyroglossal duct 65
Risk of malignancy index (RMI) Standard deviation (SD) 90, 90, Thyroid disease 319
157 91, 92, 95 Thyroid function, in pregnancy 64,
Ritodrine 243 Standard error of mean (SEM) 91, 76, 77
RNA viruses 196, 196 93, 285 Thyroid gland 65
Robertsonian translocation, and Staphylococcus aureus 334 Thyroid hormones 65, 267
Down’s syndrome 108–109 Staphylococcus saprophyticus 201 Thyroid-stimulating hormone
Rothmund–Thomson syndrome Statistical test 92 (TSH) 282, 282, 319
218 Steroidogenesis 38–39 Thyrotrophin-releasing hormone
Round ligament 277 Steroidogenesis pathways 77 (TRH) 282, 282
Rubella virus 201, 202, 323 Steroids 38, 78 Thyroxine-binding globulin 64
Stilbestrol 240 Tibial nerve 13
Streptococcal nephritis 332 Tibolone 71
S Streptococcus agalactiae see Total abdominal hysterectomy
Sacrum 264 Group B β-haemolytic (TAH) 339
Saline, normal 290 Streptococcus (GBS) Toxic shock syndrome 322
Sarcoidosis 330–331 Streptomycin 243 Toxoid vaccines 184
Sarcomas 217, 325 Stroke volume 128 Toxoplasma gondii 197
Scarpa’s fascia 23 Student’s t-test 92 Tramadol 241
Sciatic nerve 13 Subdermal implant 156–157 Tranexamic acid 155
Screening tests 91 Subfertility 270, 328 Transcription 37
Scurvy 279 Subunit vaccines 184 Transformation zone, cervix 21
Second messengers 265 Sulphonamides 243 Transitional cell carcinoma, of
Sella turcica 74 Superior epigastric artery 276 bladder 226
Semen analysis 150, 169 Superior gluteal artery 276, 292 Treponema pallidum pallidum 200
Sensitivity of test 96, 285 Superior vesical artery 276 Treponema pallidum pertenue
Sensorineural hearing loss 202 Surgical site infections 197, 334 333–334
Septic shock 229 Syndrome of inappropriate Tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle 35,
Serous cystadenocarcinoma 343 antidiuretic hormone (ADH) 36, 41
Seven-transmembrane receptors secretion 80 Trichomonas vaginalis 203
268 Syntocinon 122 Trilaminar disc 48
Sevoflurane 238 Syphilis 197, 200, 333–334 Trimethoprim 243
Sex differentiation 52 Systemic inflammatory response Trisomy 13 see Patau’s syndrome
Sex hormone-binding globulin syndrome (SIRS) 337 Trisomy 18 see Edwards’ syndrome
(SHBG) 83 Systemic lupus erythematosus 184 Trisomy 21 see Down’s syndrome
Shock 222–223 Trousseau’s sign 281
Short Synacthen test 67, 80 Trypanosoma brucei 197
Shoulder dystocia 158 T Tuberculosis (TB) 203
Shprintzen syndrome 105 Tanner staging 70 Tuberous sclerosis 272
Sickle-cell disease 271 Teratomas 343 Tumour markers 325
Sickle cell trait 170 Tesla 316 and associated malignancies
Skewed data 269, 269 Testes 15 228
Sleeping sickness 197 Testicular artery 25 Tumour suppressor proteins
Sodium valproate 341 Testosterone 39, 71, 71 37–38
Soft markers, for chromosomal Tetracyclines, in pregnancy 341 Turner’s syndrome 104
abnormalities 137 T-helper cells 184 Turner’s syndrome, and infertility
Somatostatin 76, 81 Thiopental 340 273
Southern blotting 42 Threatened miscarriage 156 Type 1 error 285
Specificity of test 96, 285 Thrombocytopaenia 242 Type 2 error 286
Spermatogenesis 118, 119f Thrombophilias 330, 345 Type I hypersensitivity reactions
Sperm counts, parameters for 50 Thrombotic thrombocytopaenic 320
Spironolactone 218 purpura (TTP) 337 Type III hypersensitivity 184
354 Index

Ultrasound 137, 139, 326 Vaccines 183–184 Warfarin 240, 243, 339–340
A-mode 139 Vagina 15–16, 24 Warm antibody autoimmune
B-mode 139 Vaginal artery 16 haemolysis 221
Doppler mode 139 Vaginal birth after caesarean Waterhouse–Friderichsen
M-mode 139 (VBAC) 326–327 syndrome 67
transabdominal 327 Vaginal candidiasis 244 Western blotting 42
transvaginal 326, 327 Vaginal clear cell carcinoma 216 Wharton’s jelly 289
Umbilical artery, single 324 Valid consent 93 World Health Organisation (WHO)
Umbilical cord 289 Variance 91, 95 neonatal mortality rate,
Umbilical cord prolapse 325–326 Varicella zoster immunoglobulin definition of 284
Ureaplasma 204 (VZIG) 154 osteoporosis, definition of 219
Ureters 15, 24 Varicella zoster virus (VZV) 170, perinatal mortality rate,
Urethra 277 196–197, 318, 323 definition of 94
female 278 Vasa praevia 154 reference ranges for semen
Urethritis 200 Vasopressin see Antidiuretic analysis 169, 171
Urinary bladder 14–15 hormone (ADH) Wound healing, cutaneous 224
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) Velamentous cord insertion Wound infection, risk factors for
169–170, 200–201 289 334–335
Urine, properties of 125 Very low-density lipoproteins
Urogenital sinus, male 281 (VLDLs) 42
Urogenital system, development of Vinblastine 240 X
48–49, 51, 52 Viruses 196, 196 Xeroderma pigmentosum 218
Uterine artery 25, 276 Vital capacity 131
Uterine fibroids 215, 215, 326, 326 Vitamin D 268, 268, 278–279
Uterine plexuses 13 Vitamin K 244 Y
Uterus 16–17, 264 Vitelline veins 52 Yaws 197, 333
endometrium 277 Vitellointestinal duct 281
round ligament 277 von Willebrand’s disease 221,
structural abnormalities 223, 242
223 Vulval cancer 227 Zavanelli manoeuvre 158
Zopiclone 241

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