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Tig Welding Process Parameters Optimization For Stainless Steel Materials Using Regression Analysis

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VOLUME 6, ISSUE 1 (2021, JAN) (ISSN-2455-6300)ONLINE

Anveshana’s International Journal of Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences




M.Tech, Assistant Professor, Department M.Tech, Assistant Professor, Department
of Mechanical Engineering, Mahaveer of Mechanical Engineering, Mahaveer
Institute of Science & Technology, Institute of Science & Technology,
Hyderabad. Hyderabad.

ABSTRACT: and, depending on the base metal. The

technique may be used with or without
In today's manufacturing market, mainly quality filler metal to weld thin or dense materials.
and productivity play a significant role. Every Filler metals are not used for welding
manufacturing firm aims at producing a larger
number of units within a short time. The thinner materials, edge joints, and flanges.
experiments have been planned using the design of For thicker fabrics, an externally fed filler
experiments and followed by regression analysis. wire is generally used. The type of filler
The welding parameters used are Weld Current (I metal wire used is based on the chemical
amps), Gas flow rate (FR L/min), and Root Gap (G analysis of the base metal. The filler metal
mm). The effect of welding parameters, distortion
(mm), and tensile strength (N/mm2) can be
wire size depends on the base metal's
calculate, and the optimum welding condition can thickness, Which typically determines the
be determined to mitigate distortion and tensile current of welding. The process methods
strength. An L4 orthogonal array was taken for an can be manual or automatic for GTAW.
experimental layout to analyze each parameter's Which typically determines the current of
effect on the welding characteristics and predict
each weld parameter's optimal choice, such as
welding. The process methods can be
weld current, Gas flow rate, and root gap. The manual or automatic for GTAW.
impact of this parameter in Distortion (D) and
Tensile Strength (TS) is analyzed. Optimization of
welding parameters is valuable in terms of 2. LITERATURE REVIEW
providing high precision and efficient welding for DS. Nagesh, G.L. Datta., Presents
massive structures. Optimization of welding welding procedure variables that control
parameters is essential for a manufacturing unit to
respond effectively to fierce competitiveness and the welding process and the quality of the
increasing demand for quality products in the welds produced. The joint configuration is
market. In the welding process, the optimization of determined by the weldment design, the
weld process parameters is considered a vital tool metallurgical analysis, and the process and
for improving the output quality and reducing the procedure required by the
overall production time.
weldment[1].J.Tusek, M. Suban, et al.
Keywords: Universal testing machine, TIG studied the influence of the chemical
welding, Annova, etc. composition of flux and microstructure
and tensile properties of welding joint. The
1. INTRODUCTION metallurgical advantage of pulsed current
Welding is the powerful metal joining welding is frequently reported in the
techniques used in the industrial sector. literature. Parameters like weld current,
Even after evaluating several modern Arc length, and root gap may affect the
manufacturing techniques, welding still weld bead geometry, heat-affected zone,
and mechanical properties of weldment
plays a vital role on the shop floor.GTAW [2]. Mohandas T, Madhusudhana .et. al.
is flexible and can be used in both welding describes the area of Gas Tungsten Arc
positions on ferrous and nonferrous metals Welding indicates the necessity of

Anveshana’s International Journal of Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences,
Anveshana’s International Journal of Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences

systematic investigation of the process gas flow rate, and root gap. Each process
parameters on Bead Width, Bead Height, parameter is assessed at two levels (with
Heat Input, Transverse Shrinkage, Area of one trial on each specimen). Trails are
Penetration, and Tensile Strength[3]. Few
reachers like T Mohandas, G conducted, and the response characteristics
Madhusudhan Reddy, Mohammad Naveed are studied for distortion and tensile,.He worked on the optimization of strength.
weld bead geometry on the Tig welding
process. But very few investigations were
carried at optimizing the process parameter
of SMAW[4]. User Esme, Melih
Bayramoglu, Yugut Kazancoglu, Sueda
Ozgun, presents that the Taguchi
method is a powerful statistical tool that
yields optimized parameter values
For features of the design response. Using
Orthogonal array coupled with Meticulous
experimental design a standard or S/N
analysis of results using Taguchi
techniques gives optimum parameters with
the minimum amount of experimentation
[5]. The purpose of regression testing is to
ensure that changes such as those
mentioned above have not introduced new
faults. One of the main reasons for
regression testing is to determine whether
a change in one part of the software affects
other software parts. Standard regression
testing methods include re-running
previously completed tests and checking
whether program behavior has changed
and whether fixed faults have re-emerged.
Regression testing can be performed to test
a system efficiently by systematically
selecting the appropriate minimum set of
tests needed to cover a particular 3. EXPERIMENTAL WORK
adequately. Therefore, in most software 3.1.WORKPIECE MATERIAL
development situations, it is considered
good coding practice. When a bug is AISI type 316l stainless steel is
located and fixed, record a test that used in the current experiment, with many
exposes the bug and re-run that test advantages such as low thermal
regularly after subsequent changes to the conductivity, high corrosion resistance,
program and improved stability at elevated
temperatures, and is also used in various
industries, including electronics, medical
In this investigation, an attempt was made equipment, home appliances, automotive,
to determine the optimum process and advanced tube industry. It has
parameters TIG on SS316L plates. Process excellent characteristics for shaping and
parameters considered are weld current, welding

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Anveshana’s International Journal of Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences

Tensile Yield Density

strength strength

515 Mpa 290 Mpa 7.99 g/cm3

Melting Thermal %
point conductivity Elongation

1400- 21.4 W/mo K 20

1450oc at 500oc

Table-3.1 Properties of AISI 316l Steel


When selecting a TIG welding machine,

you should know how much power and
sophistication are needed for the job. It is Figure 3.1: Tig Welding Experimental
also necessary to ascertain the volume of Set Up
such jobs currently on hand and the
projected business for TIG welding. The TIG welding is mostly used for different
next question is - does one need an AC or welding kinds of alloys of aluminum and
DC power source. Professionals say that stainless steel, where quality is of
aluminum and magnesium are two metals importance. TIG welding is mainly used in
that are best welded using the AC output aeronautical constructions and the
from the power source. Steels and stainless chemical and nuclear power industry.
steels are most often fused with DC
output. To weld a variety of metals, use a 3.3. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND
combination AC/DC machine. If the ANALYSIS
power source is either moved around the
shop or taken from one site to another,
Butt-welded joints are prepared as per the
then a portable welder is needed. There are
experimental plan given in Table 3.6. For
two basic ways to accomplish portability -
each of the Butt-welded joints made, the
inverters and engine-driven welders.
responses are the Bead Width, Bead
Inverters are now available that weigh
Height, Transverse Shrinkage, Heat Input,
around 13 kg and come with handles for
Area of Penetration, and Tensile Strength,
easy shifting around.
which are experimentally determined.
After getting the experimental results, the
results are analyzed to arrive at optimum
values of process parameters.
Experimental results are given in Table

S. Paramet Weldin Root Gas

No ers/ g Gap Flow

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Anveshana’s International Journal of Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences

Levels Curren (Mm) Rate


1 Level-1 80 1 8

2 Level -2 90 2 10

Table 3.2 Process parameters for


Welding Output
parameter levels
Distorti Tensile
on strengt
Fig 3.3 standard specimen for tensile
1 80 1 8 0.7 203 test
2 80 2 10 1.5 196
3 90 1 10 0.9 224
4 90 2 8 0.7 213 The experiment was performed on
material grade SS 316L with experiment
architecture (DOE). Using a dial gauge
and the universal test unit, the output
factors are absorbed.Table 3.3 the input
Table 3.3 Experimental results for the
parameters that are taken for
weld bead geometry experimentation and results. Fig 4.1 shows
the tensile strength values, and in fig: 4.2
shows the distortion values of the

230 Tensile strength (MPa)

Tensile Strength (Mpa)

205 Tensile strength
200 (MPa)
1 2 3 4

Fig 3.2: Welded samples as per the

experiment plan Fig: 4.1 shows the tensile strength vs.
experimental trails

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Anveshana’s International Journal of Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences

Distortion (mm) The linear regression equation for tensile

Distortion (mm)

1 TS = 252.75 + (-0.65*80) + (0*1) +

0.8 (1.75*10) = 217.5 Mpa
0.6 TS = 252.75 + (-0.65*90) + (0*2) +
Distortio (1.75*8) = 208Mpa
0.2 n (mm)
1 2 3 4 Exp.N Experimental Model Error
o Values Eqn. (%)
3 224 217.5 3.33
Fig: 4.2 shows the distortion vs.
experimental trails 4 213 208 2.83

The Table 3.3 shows the values of the Table 4.2 Comparison of experimental
input parameters that were obtained as and model equation for tensile strength
optimum experimental values. These
values were used in the confirmation tests, The linear regression equation for
and the error percentage was calculated by distortion:
comparing them with the model
experimental values.
Distortion = Bo + B1* I+ B2 * RG + B3*
Exp. Current Root Gas Tensile Distortion
No (Amps) Gap(Mm Flow Strength (Mm)
) (L/Min) (Mpa)
Bo, B1, B2, B3are constants. I, RG, and FR
are the input parameters.
3. 80 1 10 224 0.9

4. 90 2 8 213 0.7 The linear regression equation for

Table 4.1 Optimum experimental values
D = (-2.65) + (0.02*80) + (0*1) +
(0.02*10) = 1 mm
The model equation used for the D = (-2.65) + (0.02*80) + (0*1) +
confirmation tests and correlation between (0.02*10) = 0.75 mm
input factors and the measured output
parameters obtained by linear regression Exp.N Experimental Model Error
analysis is given below. o Values Eqn. (%)
Tensile strength = Bo + B1* I+ B2 * RG + 3 0.9 1 10
B3* FR 4 0.7 0.75 6.66
Table 4.3 Comparison of experimental
Bo, B1, B2, B3are constants. I, RG, and FR and model equation for distortion
are the input parameters.

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Anveshana’s International Journal of Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences

We can see from the results that the inert

gas flow rate substantially affects tensile  The effects on tensile strength and
strength and impact the distortion. Gas distortion of process parameters is
flow rate affects the heat input by trying to discussed in the current analysis.
spread over the region of the molten metal.
This increases the heat addition over that  The DOE method is used to do the
small weld area to increase the penetration numerical simulation of
and decrease the metal deposition rate. experiments, and experiments are
Also, since the metal is in a liquid state for carried out to determine Values for
a more significant amount of time, it tensile strength and distortion.
spreads over the base metal, and tensile
strength increases. Welding current affects
both tensile strength and distortion. This
welding current increases the arc length  To achieve the optimal values
and hence the heat input. This increase in Regression analysis is used, and
heat input causes the spreading of the arc the experimental values are
cone at its base, which leads to an increase compared with these values.
in tensile strength. The interactions
between current and voltage significantly  The error percentage is found to be
affect the material's tensile strength. As below 4 percent between
evident from the error's effects within 10 experimental and regression values
percent, the confirmation tests for tensile strength.
demonstrated a closer agreement of
prediction with experimental findings.It  The error percentage is found to be
proves the selected regression analysis's below 11 percent between
effectiveness to better predict tensile experimental and regression values
strength and distortion. for tensile strength.

1. Study of type 316L stainless steel TIG
The following findings are made after welding with MoO 3 powder Article
performing the experiments and evaluating Jul 2011 Kuang Hung TsengKo Jui
the experimental outcomes. The regression Chuang
analysis has been successfully employed
for optimizing the process parameters of
Tungsten Inert Gas Welding of steel 2. The effect of activating fluxes on 316L
plates. It has been shown that the stainless steel weld joint characteristic
regression analysis provides a systematic in TIG welding using the Taguchi
and efficient methodology for searching method ArticleE. Ahmadi Alireza
the welding process parameters with Ebrahimi
optimal weld structures. 3. TIG welding with single-component
fluxes Article Mar 2000J MATER
PROCESS TECH Paulo J. Modenesi
Eustaquio Roberto Apolinario Iaci
 Parameters of the welding process Miranda Pereira
are chosen as study factors, such as
welding current, root gap, and gas 4. Performance of activated TIG process
flow rate. Using DOE, the process in austenitic stainless steel welds
parameters are selected.

Anveshana’s International Journal of Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences,
Anveshana’s International Journal of Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences

Article Mar 2011J MATER PROCESS

TECH Kuang-Hung TsengChih-Yu

5. (2009). "Tungsten

Selection" (PDF). Carlsbad,
California: Retrieved
15 June 2015.

6. American Welding Society (2004).

Welding handbook, welding processes
Part 1. Miami Florida: American
Welding Society. ISBN 978-0-87171-

Anveshana’s International Journal of Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences,

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