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Arudha Lagna: 1st House

● The 1st house, is the Arudha Lagna, it is rajasic (creating), but the natural karaka of the first house is
Sun, so it is creating for good reasons.
● Making things happen for the image to get things in this world, to get fame, recognition, it is
working for your success.
● Uccha AL lord brings high status, but as it is a malefic it will bring high status problems as well. The
status of the AL and its lord will affect what image you are creating in the world and how the world is
treating you.
● Planets conjunct the AL will have a tremendous influence on the person’s image, and what they do.
Jupiter and Moon in the Arudha lagna is the best as it will make the person famous now and even after
● It is important to be aware of planets and other Arudhas conjunct the Arudha Lagna. When one gets
activated they will all get activated.

For example, if A6 and AL are conjunct, then when the image rises, so will disease or enemies rise up
and show their face.

The 2nd house from the Arudha lagna is a house of sustenance.

• I will for the moment call AL2 for ease of writing, reading and speaking.
• It’s natural karaka is Jupiter, so its the sustenance of Jupiter, which is a powerful supporting force.
• Positive planets here can uplift the Arudha by giving it the best sustenance.
• Malefics can pull the Arudha down by the negativities they represent.

For example, Saturn second from the AL may show a person whose reputation is damaged by lying.
Or if Mars and Venus were second from AL then the person may have their reputation ruined by
sexual scandal. The AL2 will sustain the Arudha, and benefics placed here will give the Arudha Lagna
good nourishment to rise.
Parasara says that if “Mercury, Jupiter or Venus are exalted (or strong) in the AL2 it will make the
native rich. (29-28)”
• If Mercury is in the AL2 the native will lord over the whole country and be knowing everything.
Venus in the AL2 will make one a poet or a speaker (29-30).
• This verse shows how benefics uplift and support the Arudha, and help it to rise according to their
significations. The AL2 is very important for the longevity of the Arudha,s rise.
• Jaimini says if the Moon, Venus or Jupiter are in the AL2 the person becomes rich. If any other
planet is there in exaltation, the same is the result.” (1.3.15-16)

• Looking at the chart of Bill Gates, his lagna

lord and AL lord are exalted. His AL2 has
Venus in its own sign, an exalted Saturn with a
neechabanga Sun. This is a very strong AL2
and will provide the proper support of his
• He is a good speaker with Venus there and
became famous as a common man (Saturn)
rising to the one of the most powerful
positions (Sun).

• Adolf Hitler had an exalted Sun lording his

AL2, if not for his defeat he would have
become a King over Europe with power being
the main support of his Arudha. Notice it is
aspected by its own lord as well as Mercury
making the sign strong. It is important to use
traditional sign strength rules.
• Maranakaraka Jupiter has graha drishti.

• George bush has Jupiter lording his AL2, and

Jupiter is in maranakarakasthana with the
Moon and A11. So George Bush has his
Arudha sustained by Jupiter,s killing and the
gains (A11) that he gets from it.
• Maranakarak Jupiter is aspecting the House,
just like Hitler. As it is Jupiter and Moon it
will support the Arudha even though it is
negative publicity. This combination has
helped him to rise to the position of power and
prosperity he presently enjoys.
Jaimini also says in 1.3.14 that “Ketu in the AL2 indicates prematurely graying hair or an elongated
• The Mahavidya connected to Ketu is Dhoomavati, a goddess with gray hair, the planet in the AL2
will show its traits on the native as they progress through life.
• The elongated penis is relative to Rahu in the 2nd from the 7th. Showing extra support for the 7th
house, the opposite indication (Rahu in the 2nd) is said to have the opposite result. Nakshatras and
indications of the 7th house of the navamsa need to be taken into account with this rule for
accurate results.
• Mercury is afflicted in the 2nd from AL can give weight problems.
• One last note on the AL2, it is important to remember that Parasara noted that “yogas narrated
with reference to the 7th from AL are to

• The AL3 is a tamasic destroying house and its karaka is Mars. This is a very hard placement and
will show a breaking nature.
• Benefics in this house are often renounced, their significations are broken out of the life.
• Tamasic planets act very harsh here as they are supported. People with Saturn and Mars in this
placement will be known for their harsh behavior. This can be applied beneficially in areas of
employment like war, court, and money collection agencies, where harshness makes one good on
the job.
• Jaimini says that malefics in the 3rd and 6th will make one good at military service.
• The 3rd and 6th houses are houses of Parakrama (energy/war/destruction), malefics here will
make a person strong and fighting, while benefics will make a person passive.
• An exalted benefic in the 3rd or 6th from AL is said to make a person very spiritual (this will be
explained under AL6).
• The AL3 has many other special features.
• The AL3 relates the siblings a person may have, and is relative to the birth order affecting one’s
• It can often give more accurate (and faster) results than the Drekkana (D-3) can give relative to
number of siblings. The Parasara D-3 is good to see the nature of the siblings, but the number is
better to see from the AL3 and the AL11.
• Parasara says that “Rahu and Saturn in the 3rd/11th form AL will destroy the co-born of the native
(in the 11th elder siblings and in the 3rd younger siblings).
• If Venus is in the 3rd/11th from the AL, there would have been an abortion to the mother earlier,
same effect if Venus is in or aspects the 8th from the Lagna or Arudha Lagna” (29-verse 31 and
• These verses show the effect of malefic combinations in the AL3. Venus in this position relates to
abortions, as it represents the shukra dhatu and unhealthy activity related to it.
• Parasara also says that, “Should the Moon, Jupiter, Mercury and Mars be in the 3rd/11th from
AL, there will be many valorous coborns. Should Saturn and Mars be in AL3 or AL11 or lends
aspects there to younger/elder coborns will (respectively) be destroyed. If Saturn is alone in one of
the said houses the native will be spared while a coborn will die [this can also be the co-born
dying some time after birth]. Ketu in the AL3 or AL11 will give abundant happiness from one’s
sisters (29-verse 33 to 36).
• Parasara is going into specific details. When the sex of the grahas and their effect on children are
well studied, a person will make very accurate results about coborn from the AL3 and AL11.
• Deeper study needs to be done relative to what western science has discovered about birth order
and astrological combinations in the AL3, western science will soon “prove” many Jyotish
• The siblings of the spouse are seen from the 3rd and 11th from the Upapada.

The AL3 also has an important role in showing the circumstances of death.
• Jaimini says that “The 8th house and 8th from it (3rd) from AL determine the period and nature
of death” (3.3.5).
• The AL3 is very valuable to share the place and nature of death. Jaimini says that if “the 3rd
house (from Arudha Lagna) is a malefic sign, a bad/unnatural death occurs (3.3.3)”.
• “Malefics or a malefic sign in the third house shows a nice place of death” (2.2.27)
• “Benefics or beneficial sign in the third house shows a nice place of death” (2.2.26)
• The sign shows the place of death while the planets conjoining or aspecting the AL3 will indicate
the cause of death.
• For Timing death: use the method of three pairs, shoola dasa, shoola chakra, navatara, etc.
• The AL3 reveals the nature of that death, where you are and what it is that takes you out of this
world. Jaimini teaches that “Malefics conj/aspecting the 3rd house from the significator indicates
a painful/horrible death” (2.2.12). “Benefics con/aspecting the 3rd house from significator
indicate a painless/easy death” (2.2.13).
• “The Sun causes death due to the king (government), [Sun also shows firearms].
• The Moon causes tuberculosis (or other chest complaints) as the cause of death [kapha disorders].
• Mars indicates death from weapons (cuts/surgery), fire, wounds, burns, etc.
• Saturn shows flatulence, indigestion, and other Vata diseases as the cause of death.
• Saturn and Mandi indicate snakebite, poison, water and bondage as the cause of death.
• Ketu causes smallpox and other contagious diseases.
• Moon and Mandi indicate death by choking or food poisoning.
• Jupiter indicates vomiting and the inability to eat as the cause of death.
• With this information, not only are we able to tell about the nature of death, but we are able to
clarify doubts about the death of particular people.
• Who really killed JFK, what happened to a missing person that turns up dead, did Elvis die as they
For how many years have we speculated whether the great Subhash Chandra Bose is actually dead?
For how many years do we wonder on how Chaitanya Mahaprabhu left this world. He just walked into
the idol of Jagannath!! Can you perceive or imagine this. Even in death, an event, perceptions differ.
When someone dies, most
lament, some enemies delight, and most don't care. The reality is the same for all yet the perception is
different. This is not an easy topic and most people avoid it. But it is worth thinking as no one can give
a perfect answer...after all who knows Satya or the perfect truth, what we all understand is half truths.
” - Sanjay Rath 4/23/2003
• Jaimini also mentions that “Jupiter or Venus in the third house (from AL) indicate awareness
(jnanapurvakam) of the period of death” (2.2.28).
• These benefics association with the 3rd house will give a person the ability to know about their
death beforehand.
• Malefics do the opposite, so when you see malefics in this place, your chance of predicting the
time of their death is quite small, as they are not meant to know.
• The last point that Jaimini says is that “malefics 3rd and 6th from AL give similar results [raja
yoga].” (1.3.31)
• “Mixed planets reduce the Rajayoga”(1.3.33).
• This will be discussed more under the AL6.

The AL4 is a creating (rajasic) house with the natural karaka of the Moon.
• The AL worked for its own image, the AL4 is working more for the image of the family or
community of the person.
• Trines are the most important from the lagna and the Sun.
• Quadrants are most important from the Moon and the Arudha Lagna. Trines are the most
important from the lagna and the Sun.
• Quadrants are most important from the Moon and the Arudha Lagna.
• The strongest planet in a quadrant will have a large influence on how a person is perceived in the
world. One can examine the planets conjunct the
AL as well as planets in quadrants to it to see what people are known most for.

• Jaimini says that “Venus and Moon, either jointly or independently, aspecting or conjoining the
first or fourth house give various luxuries and paraphernalia generally attendant upon royalty”
• A digbala planet well placed will give abundantly of its significations.
• Digbala from the lagna will show which direction the intelligence is being applied and will give
great strength in that direction.
• Digbala from AL determines which planets have the power to transport the mind.
• The digbalas from the AL show which direction you can travel for various purposes.
• Venus represents the South East direction, the physical direction comes from the direction your
mind wants you to go. There was an Indian with Venus in the 4th from the AL, he wanted to go to
America, but instead went South East to Malaysia. If a planet is in digbala from the AL it can take

The AL5 is a sattvic (sustaining) house.

• It has the same karaka as the previous sattvic house, but comes to be the secondary sustenance.
• It shows the achievements and recognition that one gets for their learning and skills.
• One who is known to be a good craftsman will gain more sustenance than one who is not known
as a good craftsman.
• This can also be compared with the AL of the D10 and D24 for insight into respective areas.

Jaimini says that “If Jupiter, Venus or Moon are present in the fifth house [from Arudha lagna or
Paka Arudha Saptama]. political/governmental authority is obtained or the native becomes a
government emissary.”
• This government position is relative to the sustenance of raja yogas held in the chart, and the type
of authority will relate to other combinations as this shows the sustenance of the persons
government career.
• After researching this combination, I have not found it to be very clear cut. As I looked at many
charts I did not see that many major government officials having benefics planets in AL5 (or 5th
from Paka Arudha Saptama). Maybe this shows our bad leadership in this present age, or maybe
there is something more to the rule.
• The point to note from this rule is that benefics here will make a person more of a leader and good
in leadership roles (positions of authority).
• This is opposed to malefics in the 6th making one good at military.

Narasimha Rao used the 5th house to differentiate 4 points of perceptible reference:
• The influences on the 5th from lagna show if the person is intelligent and capable.
• The influences on the 5th from Arudha Lagna show if the person is perceived by the world to be
• The influences on A5 show if the person materially achieves things that are supposed to come from
intelligence (e.g. awards, prizes, special recognition etc).”
• The influences of planetary arudhas (instead of planets) on the 5th from lagna show what the person
himself thinks of his intelligence.”
Albert Einstein ’ s chart: he has a dimanta
yoga with 1st, 3rd, 4th and 5th lord conjunct as
well as exalted 6th lord, and a neecha banga
Mercury, this shows he was intelligent.
• Einstein’s AL5 has and Exalted Mars and
Rahu, which shows people’s awe at the
might of his intelligence.
• It is said that if the 5th from AL is weak,
perceived abilities are poor. People think the
person is not intelligent, but if it is exalted
people will praise their intelligence.
• His A5 (recognition/achievements) is
opposite Jupiter with Uccha Mars having rasi
drishti, the lord of A5 is the Sun which is
digbala, conjunct an uccha graha and neecha
banga graha, this shows his recognition for
his creative intelligence.

The AL6 is another tamasic house with tamasic karakas. It is a dangerously destructive house.
• Rajasic planets lose their want to create.
• The sattvic planets are weak here.
• Tamasic planets have a similar effect as in the third house, though here they are much more active.
• Malefics here will give a person a very warring nature.
• Jaimini says, “if malefics are in the 3rd and 6th houses [from AL], the native joins the armed forces
” (1.3.36).
• Malefics in these placements will give a person a harsh tone in their voice and they will often be
perceived as aggressive.

From the lagna, subha planets like Jupiter, Ketu, Venus, Mercury and Moon indicate one who shall be
freed from the troubles of the sixth house by the deity indicated by the planet.
• Disease and enemies (Agantuka drista) will be alleviated by propitiation to those planets.
• In the 6th house from Arudha Lagna, benefics or a strong benefic lord can torment the native with
• Hitler had Jupiter as both lord of 6th from lagna and 6th from AL, but 6th from AL had three
subha planets. Hitler was ready to take on big adversaries but they ended up being too big for him.
• Chandra kala nadi says that for Libra lagna native, the great blessing is the strength of exalted
Jupiter as the enemies will flee like elephants running from a battlefield.
• Now, if Libra is the Arudha Lagna, then the exactly opposite situation would arise if the sixth lord
were exalted. This may seem easy to understand, but in application, this is the key to Raj-jyotish.

A natural malefic in the AL6 gives very good results in the material word, but not for spirituality.

• The 3rd and 6th from the AL indicate our ambitions and what we do and or use to get what we
• That is why malefics are good for material prosperity.
• ”If a natural malefic is placed alone in the sixth house from AL, there shall be yoga during its
period resulting in growth of lands, good crops and agriculture, physical prowess and success in
• However, Parasara adds that the nature will receive illegal gratification like black money etc.”
• This is a very important note to make. If someone has been charged with accepting black money,
look at the AL6 and see if there are any malefics placed there, this will indicate whether they make
money from underhanded situations or not.
• In the example below, there are two charts of business partners; the business failed and there were
accusations of fraud. Look at sixth from AL, can you determine which partner is the one to have
likely done some type of fraudulent activity.

“Natural benefics placed in the third and sixth houses do not make a person cowardly, but produce
belief in ahimsa (i.e. the path of non-violence) and give rise to spiritualism and saints.”
• Venus and Mercury do best in quadrants from AL as it gives them the full room to create, and
their worst placement for creation is in the 3rd and 6th.
• The rajasic planets in these houses will make the person a renunciate, as well as other benefics if
they are strong, this is a type of pravraja yoga (combination for renunciation).

Swami Vivikananda (chart on left) had Venus

and Mercury in the 6th house, he was a perfect
Sanyas. To note, he also had Sun in AL5 which
made him known for his perception intelligence,
Vedanta and gave him the leadership image to
start the Ramakrishna mission.
Srila Prabhupada had Mercury and Venus in the
AL6 and Mercury was exalted, this gave him a
very high level of sanyas. This combination falls
in the 10th house from the lagna which shows he
attains fame through his renunciation. This
combination falls into Capricorn for Vivikananda
so it shows his devotion to Kali (Saturn).
Prabhupada had his Pravraja Yoga in Virgo so his
devotion was to Krsna (Mercury).

Ramana Maharishi has Ve and Me 12th from

AL, which is also a tamasic house, but it is a
house of giving up, as opposed to the six which
gives a disliking. The 6th house has a natural
connection with celibacy as it is the 12th from
the 7th. Ramana Maharishi was not inclined to
make his students take sanyas, he let them follow
their own path and let renunciation happen if it
was the body’s destiny. He himself didn’ t
take formal renunciation. He “awoke” at the
age of 16, wandered away to the mountain of
whose name was reverberating in his mind,
throw his belonging away (was given a haircut
by a barber who noticed his mood of
renunciation), then it is said to have lightly
showered down (as if the rain gave him a ritual
cleansing/blessing). Then he entered into many
years of deep Samadhi. He said he was a sanyas
because that was his body’s destiny.

What happens when both benefics and malefics occupy the AL6?
• The person is pulled between both spirituality and other pursuits. The malefics while deny the
pravraja yoga, but will help one win over enemies as the tamasic nature of the house will support
the tamasic planets.
• Mercury in the 3rd and 6th can give good results if the karma phala is renounced, Vivikananda
renounced karma phala and then he achieved great success.
• Sometimes you will see people with Mercury in these placements but they still do no renounce,
this is often because Mercury is in a rajasic naksatra which does not allow the mind to renounce.
The AL7 is a creative house.
• The house opposite the Arudha Lagna. This is the dwara of the Arudha, the door the image must
go through.
• Malefics here can block the door of the Arudha. A planet placed here will show what one has to
go through to have the Arudha rise, to get known, that which we go through on the way to our
rise. It also shows how we relate to the public (karaka Venus).

The 7th house is the 10th from the 10th house so it effects business relations. It is also the 4th house
from the fourth and has a major influence on happiness.
• The quadrants are interrelated in this way, business will effect relationship and relationship effects
business. Relationship effects happiness and happiness effects relationship.
• The strongest planet in quadrants to the AL will have a heavy influence on the image in this way
as the quadrants are all affecting each other.
• Malefics in this placement can give a bad name (make the person known for negative reasons) or
create obstacles to the Arudha. This is often overcome by worshipping the Kali shakti associated
with the malefic planet.
• Jupiter and Moon here will have the same effect as if in the AL, they will make a person famous
even after they die.

In the example chart, George W. Bush Jr. has

Rahu opposite his Arudha Lagna.

• In his rise to power, there was a lot of focus on

his earlier lifestyle (drinking and partying, etc).
This even was more talked about than his
fundamentalism (Ketu with AL). In the Chart of
George Bush, he has the lord of the AL7 placed
9th from the Arudha Lagna. Positive placement
of the AL7 lord will help one pass through that
dwara of the 7th house.

• In the chart of Sanjay Rath, Gemini is the dwara, the door to go through, the door must open for
• The sign of the 7th from AL can be used to get success if the lord is well placed from the AL, that
lord of AL7 will open the door if well placed and will help open the way for the Arudha. If it is
negatively placed it will give obstacles for the Arudha.
• Sanjay has the 7th lord 9th from AL, so success is indicated. The sign Gemini represents the USA
as ‘sex is free’ and has no meaning, it is the only fully human sign, shows cities with modern
amenities, it is the house of writing, culture, two faced politics, the forked tongue, and Guru is
bhadakesh so there is problems from gurus. For this reason the USA is the sign Gemini, and as the
lord of the AL7 it is the sign that will open the doorway for Sanjay’s Arudha.

The AL8 is a house of sustenance though its karaka is Saturn, the significator of longevity.
• Planets here will show how healthy a person is perceived, or how the life in you is perceived.
• Sattvic and rajasic planets will make one be perceived as healthy, while tamasics will let everyone
know your bad habits.
• The AL8 also shows transformation, and how nicely or destructively that is done is shown by the
planets placed here.
• Benefics in houses 2, 4, 5, 7, and 8 give excellent results.
• The only benefic that won’t give good results in this placement is the Moon, as it is the karaka of
the Arudha Lagna, to be placed 8th from it will not have good effect for the overall Arudha.

Arnold Shwarzenegger has Jupiter 8th from the

AL. He is perceived as someone who has a high
level of health. It is less known about his steroid
use, drinking and smoking, as the Arudha for
health is vibrant.

Sandra Ray, the famous teacher of rebirthing

(holotropic breathwork), is famous for her
writings on achieving physical immortality. She
has Saturn and Jupiter in the eighth house from
the Arudha Lagna. Saturn and Jupiter together
are called Brahma yoga, it is a combination for
trying to understand the nature of creation. She
has it conjunct her A9 and A3, so her teachers are
working on this or have mastered this (one of her
gurus is Hairakhan Babaji) and she writes books
(A3) on the topic.
The AL9 is a tamasic (destructive) house though its karaka is the benefic Jupiter, in this way it is very
different than the other tamasic houses which have tamasic karakas. The destruction and changes that
take place are usually for the better.
For example, a person quitting one job to take another better paying job. Any planet in the 9th from
AL will give support, though malefics like Mars, Saturn, and Rahu will do so through negative means.

Parasara says that “The yogas so far stated by me with reference to the Arudha Lagna be similarly
evaluated from karakamsa as well (29.29).
• The 9th from Arudha lagna and the 9th from the Karakamsa (Atmakaraka in the navamsa) need to
be studied deeply.
• The 9th from the Karakamsa (KK) shows the dharma devatta relationship. The 9th from Arudha
Lagna shows how the dharma devatta manifests in your life. Worship of the dharma devatta helps
one to do well in this life, to achieve one’s goals in the material world. The concept of the dharma
devatta should be better understood.
• Astrologically, the root of the Dharma devatta is in the 9th from the karakamsa which shows the
planetary form to be worshipped.

The 1st and 5th from karakamsa are worshipped as Shiva (dhi/intelligence). Shiva is worshipped in the
form of the KK for atma rectification (to remove sins attached to the atma).
• The Karakamsa shows the sins of this birth, while the Atmakaraka planet shows the sins of the last
• The Jyotir Linga which exalts the Atmakaraka planet is used to worship the karakamsa as Shiva, (in
the same way as Shiva is worshipped in the form of the Lagna Rasi to remove afflictions of the
For example, if a native has Atmakaraka as Rahu in Cancer, the sign is ruled by the Moon, so
worship of Somaneshwar, which is the exaltation of the Moon will help if issues relative to the atma
• If one doesn’t purify the sins of this birth then the Karakamsa lord will be the Atmakaraka in the
next birth.
• The dharma devatta as Visnu is used to improve the circumstances of this life, as Visnu is the
• The Dharma devatta is the deity/archetype that helps one achieve the ideals and objectives that the
soul wishes to attain in this life. The Dharma devatta is seen from the 9th from the karakamsa, the
relationship between the tattva (element) of the karakamsa and the tattva of the dharma devatta
will reveal the relationship between them.
• Tattva doshas cause bad sambandha and this bad sambandha is a result of a lack of akash tattva,
this happens between Agni (fire) and Jala (water) as well as Prthvi (earth) and Vayu (air). These
tattvas do not combine well together and can cause a negative sambandha which is experienced as
bad relationships from the level of the atma.
• JFK has Mercury as his Atmakaraka which is in Sagittarius in the Navamsa, a prithvi (earth)
planet in a Agni (fire) sign is good at the level of tattvas. Ninth from his Karakamsa is Saturn and
Venus, Venus being stronger signifies the dharma devatta. Venus is Jala (water) which is not
agreeable to his karakamsa sign (or the sign it is placed in). He will rise because of the dharma
devatta (Venus/women) but it will also
• The 9th from the Arudha Lagna will show the manifestation of the dharma devatta in a person’s
• The dasa of the AL9 will be a period of bhagya, which will be good (unless afflicted).
Worshipping the dharma devatta during this time is very important and the results of the mantras
relative to the dharma devatta will manifest quickly.

Parasara says that “The yogas so far stated by me with reference to the Arudha Lagna be similarly
evaluated from karakamsa as well(29.29).
• The results given for the AL will also apply to the karakamsa; this is interpreted to mean a planet
ninth from the KK must be propitiated for the AL9 to do well, (the dharma devatta must be
pleased for the dharma to fructify well in life).
• The 9th from KK shows the dharma devatta and 9th house from the Arudha Lagna shows
• The number of aksharas (letters) for the correct mantra to the Dharma devatta is based on where
the planet is placed from the Rasi Lagna.
• When a mantra is done for planets in trines or 12th to Karakamsa, the results will manifest in this
world based upon (1) the atmabala (strength of the soul) and (2) the placement of those planets.
• It is considered auspicious to carry a symbol of the dharma devatta, for example Jupiter is karaka
for mala beads (rosaries), so someone with Jupiter as dharma devatta will have more Bhagya
(luck) if they carry a mala.
• The placement from the Arudha Lagna will show how the dharma devatta will protect the native.
• Lincoln had Mercury and Sun in lagna and 9th from his Arudha Lagna, when he grew a beard
(connected to Mercury) he soon
• The dharma devatta acts through the AL9.
• JFK had Saturn in Cancer in the AL9 so this is what his dharma devatta manifested through. JFK
joined politics after being a reporter at the United Nations conference in 1945. He joined as a
Democrat (Saturn) and as Congressman voted for Truman's welfare programs, including expanded
social security benefits, aid to veterans, and old-age benefits (famous for all Saturnian projects).
• As president he worked on civil rights legislation, established the Peace Corps and left us with the
slogan "Ask not what your country can do for you -ask what you can do for your country." The
Sun, king, gives to the country, while Saturn the worker gives to the government. Saturn opposes
Mars (war) and the Peace Corps was and establishment of Kennedy’s dharma devatta through
Saturn in Cancer.

In the chart of Mohandas Gandhi (October 2,

1869 7:11:48), the AL9 is Pisces.
• Jupiter is the karakamsa, so the sign the
dharma devatta manifests through is ruled by
the AK which makes it very strong.
• Satya graha is directly related to Jupiter.
Gandhi was also known for not approving of
cast restrictions which is related to the open
minded aspect of Pisces. The dharma devatta
acted through the 9th house from the Arudha
• The 9th house from the karakamsa is Leo
which is lorded by the Sun, to worship with
the 9th from the KK as the dharma devatta he
needs a Sun form of Visnu which is Rama.
• “Rama”was the main mantra Gandhi
chanted. This strengthened and supported his
abilities to achieve his goals of an
independent India.
• JFK had Venus and Saturn 9th from the
karakamsa in Leo. Venus is a higher degree
and indicates the dharma devatta. Therefore
the devi is important, as well as all women
and the treatment of them is very important
for the achievement of his goals
• The example native, named Mark, was not only
having a difficult financial period but was unable
to keep the prosperity he created when it would
• For example, he had started a construction
business that initially was very successful but
then fell apart.
• He has Libra in the AL9, and its lord Venus is
placed 12th from the Arudha Lagna with a neecha
Guru, retrograde (so it won’t listen to anyone)
and in Capricorn picking up some of the effects

• The planet in the 9th from AL will be a blessing no matter who it is, people indicated by the
karatattva (significations) of the planet will effect his luck, success, and world image.
• Venus represents women, and when he left his partner his business also collapsed. He later
changed his mind about his partner but she would not forgive him and has not re-entered the
• Looking at his navamsa, Rahu is the KK and ninth from it is the Moon.
• The Dharma devatta is a Visnu form of the Moon which is Krsna (and placed in his 7th house in
• The native was advised to worship Krsna with “Aum Kleem Krsnaya Svaha” which is a 7
syllable mantra (mantra syllables relate to the rasi).
• As it is the dharma devatta he was advised to attend Sunday feasts at the local temple regularly
(the dharma devatta is connected to temples/ 9th house). His work has steadily improved since he
began this remedy.


• Remedies (especially those involving puja) will prove more effective when they are related to 1st,
5th, 9th or 12th from the karakamsa as these are the houses of worship.
• The first house (as mentioned above) relates to purification of sins
• The 5th relates to attainment of jnana.
• The 9th relates to the dharma devatta (achieving your goals in this life)
• The 12th relates to moksa (spiritual attainment in this life).
• The 9th house from KK is important for the AL9 just as the 5th house from KK is important if you
want the 5th from AL to be well off.

• In the dasa of a planet, look at its placement

from the Arudha Lagna then look at it in
relation to the karakamsa.
• For example, in this chart the native is
running Moon Mahadasa, the Moon is 8th
from the AL.
• When looking 8th from the karakamsa we
see that Mars is placed in Sagittarius.
• Mars is the lord of the 12th house from
karakamsa, therefore it is the Ishta devatta.
• Since it is connected to a house of worship
(1,5,9,12 from KK) then puja will help
rectify the dasa.
• Worship of the Ishta devatta for this chart
will help the Moon dasa give good results.

• The 10th house from the Arudha Lagna is a creative (rajasic) house as it works to give you what
you want and need in the material world.
• Sattvic and rajasic planets will uplift you especially in their dasas.
• Malefics here will ruin your reputation and health, your work and how you do your work.
• For malefics in the AL10 the worship of Durga during their dasa is advised.
• Rajas planets in a rajas placement are good, but each of the 4 kendras will increase rajas
• The kendras can be put into two groups:
• The 4th and the 7th have to do with relationship, Venus is extremely good here.
• The 10th and Arudha Lagna have to do with reputation and karma, Mercury is very good here.
• If Mercury and Venus are in the opposite positions then the increase in rajas may be difficult for
the individual to handle.
• A good painter or artist has Venus 4th or 7th from Arudha Lagna.
• Hitler had a 10th house Venus so the rajas was to much, but he wanted to paint.
• SJC Guru Sarajit has a 4th house Venus in a chara rasi, when he went into his Venus period he
moved in the southeastern direction and had the free time to make incredibly artistic yantras.
• Hitler’s art wasn’t any good, his Venus was also in Bharani Naksatra (Tamas), a rajas planet in a
tamas nakshatra is not promoting it.
• The Nakshatra shows the mind. The naksatra guna and the position from the AL are good when
they line up making the gunas the same, and less otherwise.
• Venus in tenth often thinks that its work is perfect, and will not change to fit to people’s wants.
• If Venus had been in Krittika his paintings would have been more successful as rajas will support
rajas, so action will continue, but it will continue even if its failure.
• The bhavas from Arudha Lagna show the guna in life.
• The guna of the graha shows the activity in life.
• The naksatra guna shows the mind which will reveal whether it is seen as success or failure of the
• The sign position will show the actual fruits of action (the phala is seen from the sign).
• So whether you get the fruit is indicated by the rasi and whether you see the event as successful or
not is indicated by the Nakshatra.

• Hitler’s Sun is a sattvic planet in a rajasic place but in Aswini it will give sattva to the arudha lagna,
sustaining the Arudha. During the Sun dasa he became more spiritual.
• Then he entered Moon dasa, the Moon is a sattvic planet in the 6th from the Arudha Lagna (a
tamasic bhava). The Moon can bring Sattva to a tamasic place, sattva can remove the darkness of
• Sattva planets in 3, 6, 9, 12 work to destroy darkness, sattva planets are good from arudha
everywhere. The Sun can be krura in 6th house to protect its interests in the 6th, but Moon and
Jupiter cannot.
• His Moon was in Sagittarius which is a sattvic sign owned by sattva guna planet like Jupiter but
placed in AL6, the most tamasic guna house, during Moon dasa knowledge and spirituality will
increase but material worth will decrease because all energies are converting darkness to sattva.
• The Moon is in a tamasic Nakshatra, P.shadha, and tamas in tamas house is good for material world,
so out of defeat he will have a spark of luck, this is when he joined the army.
• The planets in the AL3 and AL6 represent your weapons, and with the Moon activated he was a
water carrier in the army. If the Moon was not in tamo guna he may not have joined army.
• Mars is a tamasic graha in a rajas bhava in bharani naksatra (tamas guna)
• Mars is in his own sign in a kendra so tamas guna is increasing.
• Looking at Mars step by step: The sign is a rajas guna sign, the naksatra is tamo guna (shows success
and failure/ mindset to do activity, need to support bhava), the planet is tamas (what he is doing/
nature of activity).
• From AL it is in a Rajas bhava (for worldly activities it is a good area, what is required for success in
life, what do you need). The Lord of the Rasi is Mars which is the rajasic sign that tends to tamas
guna. A tamasic planet increased by tamasic naksatra (if rajas/sattva sign the energy is checked some
from falling to tamas).
• Tamasic planet in a rajasic sign from AL indicates the tamasic activity will dominate, the activity
tends to destroying and fighting. Hitler used all his energy to plot for tamas, his politics, and his
tamasic naksatra let him fail, rajas would have succeeded.
• Tamasic planets in the 1st and 10th from AL can be challenging.
• In Rahu dasa: The sign is Gemini, which is sattva tending to rajas, not good from AL to be in12th
because it is sattva rasi.
• The naksatra is Punarvasu, which is rajasic.
• Rahu is tamasic so by placement it is supported- Rahu is supported and will give success thereby
increasing the Arudha Lagna.
• Hitler’s fighting was based on Economics (rajas), short attacks and immediate results. He attacked
Russia too soon, rajasic energies in the mind, out of tamas he acted with rajas, out of destruction he
gets more energy.
• The AL is Cancer which puts Gemini in the twelth house, AL12 shows secret enemies. The USA is
said to be ruled by Gemini showing a problem coming from Gemini/America.

• In the chart of Sanjay Rath, Mercury is

in the 9th from AL.
• Rajas planet in a tamas place.
• 9th house is destruction for something
• P.Phalguni is tamasic in a tamasic place
so it will show success.
• Mercury is the AL7 lord so it is an
important in opening the dwara
(doorway) of the Arudha.

• The AL11 is another sattva (sustenance) house.

• It shows what is being given to you, or what your sources for sustenance are.Planets in this house
and aspects to it show where money is coming from.
• When a person is debating about getting into a certain business field you can check this house to
see if theyhave the ability to make money from it.
• Venus in/aspecting the AL11 will show the ability to make money from clothing, silver, public
relations, women’s accessories, and other things significated by Venus.
• A person may be good at making jewelry but if Venus is not associated with AL11 it may be
better to find a business partner who does have this so they can sell more jewelry.
• The sources of sustenance may be multiple or they may change according dasas.
• Natural benefics show legitimate sources of income.
• Malefics will show illegitimate or harsh ways of gaining money (the 11th is 6th from the 6th
where malefics show black money).
• If both benefics and malefics are placed in AL11 then the benefics will help insure right
• The placement of the lord of the AL11 from the Arudha Lagna helps indicate its strength, if it is
badly placed from AL, this will show money problems.
• To get the final vision of the sources of income, look at the 11th house from AL, the AL7 lord, the
11th from the Moon and also

Financial Relationships Between planets

• There is another way to look at planets when looking at them financially, neecha planets are good.
• When looking at sambandhas within Arudhas we must look at the financial relationship of planets
which is a little different than the normal relationships.
• Mars Venus and Mercury cooperate with each other in this relation, Mars is tamasic but high in
energy. Mars shifts in this group because his principles match here as one needs to work to get
• The Sun, Moon, Jupiter fall into another group (Mars is very inimical to these relative to finance).
• The Nodes, and Saturn fall into the 3rd group.Relative to the Arudha Lagna and financial related
items, Venus with Saturn is not good for money. A Jupiter mars exchange is bad financially,
Jupiter in Martian signs is bad for money (Aries is the worse). Jupiter in Mercury signs is not good
as well.
• Arudhas are based on signs so look at the sign and planet relationships. Jupiter in Cancer, Simha
and own signs is very good. Venus in Mercury signs is good for money.
• The financial relationships given by Jaimini are used for personal financial relationships (not for
the interaction of two Arudhas, it must be used for the right purpose):
• Sun is enemy to all but Jupiter: (all pay tax to the king, but he only pays to Jupiter) Moon is
friendly to Mercury and Jupiter Mars is friendly to Mercury and Venus
Mercury is friendly to all planets except Sun
Jupiter is friendly to all planets except Mars
Venus is friendly to all planets except Sun and Moon
Saturn is friendly to Jupiter, Mercury and Venus
Rahu is friendly in Aries to Scorpio
Ketu is friendly in Sag to Aquarius (none in Pisces)
• A sign is inimical if its lord is inimical.
• Look at planet in the 11th house, is the planet working with the sign or obstructing it.
• If inimical then it will be obstructing money coming from that sign, money comes from the
• If the lagna lord is aspecting the 11th, then real intelligence can be applied directly to making
money or not if the sign is inimical.
• Another technique for those who use Ashtakavarga
• The planets giving bindus to the 11th will show sources of income as planets giving bindus to
the 12th house will show sources of loss.
• If the total Sarvashtakavarga is more in the 11th houses than the 12th then the earnings will out
weigh the losses
• When the AL12 has a higher total then losses are more and worship of the 11th lord from the
Arudha Lagna is prescribed.
• The 11th house is the natural bhadak house and this is a good place to mention that bhadak can
also be seen from the Arudha Lagna.

• The AL12 is a tamasic house with Saturn as a Karaka.

• This house shows losses of money as well as secret enemies.
• The AL2 is the sattva that sustains you.
• AL12 is the tamas that is destroying you.
• All planets here will show secret enemies, even the Moon will show problems with motherly
women, or Jupiter will show problems from learned people, let alone a malefic like Mars showing
problems from the police.
• Just as planets and aspects to the AL11 showed gains, planets and aspects to the AL12 show what
the money is being lost on. Mars here may show legal problems, Sun will show government taxes,
• The planet 12th from AL is setting you up for losses and trying to make you lose.
• If you worship the 12th lord from AL you will remove all losses and secret enemies.

The most important Nila Shaktis (Mahavidyas) are from the 12th and 7th houses from the Arudha
Lagna, which are the obstacles to the image.
○ The 7th house is the dwara (doorway) and a planet in the 7th from AL is blocking your
movement through.
○ The 12th is loss and secret enemies and the 7th is that which stands in your way, opposes
• In the seventh or twelfth from Arudha Lagna, Rahu makes the native very religious.
• Rahu can produce a great believer, though they may be a saint or a Satanist
○ Hitler has Rahu conjunct the A6 in the 12th house from AL.
○ Ted Bundy has Jupiter and Venus conj the A6 in the AL12,
○ Charles Manson has Scorpio with A6 12th from the Arudha Lagna.
• The AL12 has a heavy influence on the Arudha, planets and arudhapadas will effect the lagna
often negatively.
• Though some say that "Rahu or Saturn or Ketu, placed in 12th house from AL, forms a Raja
○ it is supposed to reverse the loss and give the gains hence forms the Raja Yoga.
• The 12th house from lagna is where we give our intelligence/energy.
• The 12th house from Paka lagna will show the focus of our intelligence.
• The significations for a planet in 12th are generally good because people put energy into that
karaka, for example Mercury in 12th will put lots of energy into education.
• Charity in form of energy, it is where we give energy.
• Benefics in the 12th house from Lagna or AL show shubha yoga, giving to good things.
• Malefics give Ashubha yoga which is putting energy into negative things.

• The 12th from Arudha Lagna shows something tangible that is being given/lost.

• The Upapada shows the people who will ride the twelfth house
○ The UL shows who you are giving to.
• If the Arudha Lagna and the Upapada are in a bad relationship then the person will not be able to
give as it is not in their nature.
• Arudhapadas in the AL12 shows who or what we ignore.
• When the Upapada is 12th from the Arudha Lagna then the person expects things of the spouse,
and they don’t give.
• They may have used to be givers but because they didn’t get back they stopped giving.
• When people aren’t giving both their marriage and spirituality will suffer.
• Fasting is related to the 12th house and will increase spirituality.
○ For UL in AL12 fasting on the Upapada day is recommended.
○ In spiritual life one can propitiate the 12th from lagna by fasting on its day,
○ Then 12th from Moon which is giving to the mind
○ 2th from Sun which is the giving of the soul.
○ For achieving moksa we need all these to be giving.

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