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Q&A - Lagna - by Visti Larsen

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1. As Lagna also represents the head, which planets influence on Lagna will give big head
and curly hair?
- If Sun aspects the D9 Lagna one has a big head. But do bear in mind that there are different
ways of ascertaining body parts.
- Curly hair is an indication of Venus on Lagna in D1, we say that person will have beautiful
locks of hair. Saturn gives another type of curls, I have seen Mars on Lagna giving curly hair
as well. Depending on the rashi placement of those planets we will know the final outcome.

2. Like a planet in Lagna, does vargottama and bhav vargottama planets also sit on our head
and influence our intelligence?
- Yes, vargottama planets do behave as if they sit on Lagna by making a certain demand. For
example, Ketu vargottama in D9 you will look for spirituality in one's spouse.

3. What does it mean if d9 Lagna has Aquarius sign which has 2 Lord Saturn and Rahu..Sat-
urn is exalted in 9th house and Rahu is exalted in 5th house? How to interpret this?
- So far we have only talked about the Lagna lord of the Rashi chart. Navamsha is different in
the sense that it has its own set of rules.

4. Can the Rashi dristi of Jupiter on dual Rashi Lagna with Malefic like Rahu make a person
very knowledgeable like gurus or will it create guru - chandal yoga ?
- All the gyana grahas will contribute to the person's knowledge. But whether you use that
knowledge or not will depend on the Lagnesha.

5. Affliction to Lagn. In Scorpio Lagn Sat. In Lagn means in all aspects of life it is weak. Mars
is in Makar(exalted). But in consideration of Navmansh(d9) it becomes markesh. So to
strengthen Lagn what to do?
( Other details of kundli rahu in fourth house, guru(vakri) in fifth house, sun+ ketu in eleven
house, Venus+met in twelth house. Worship Sun or naxatra devta of first house.
- In general, when Saturn is in Lagna you can worship Shiva, the pratyadi devata of the Sun,
karaka of the 1st house, to end the troubles and suffering. Especially in property matters and
relationships with siblings.


6. My lagna lord is in the 12th house (in Libra) and is conjunct with 3 other planets (Sun,
Mercury(R) and Venus. Not sure what to make of it. My birth date is November 2nd, 1974
and birthplace and time are Andhra Pradesh, India 8:15 am. Maybe you could use my chart
as an example when you discuss certain jyotish topics. My 2nd and 5th lord Jupiter is in the
4th house in Aquarius and is retrograde. My Jupiter mahadasha has been the worst in terms
of making money since it started in 2008. I don't know why. It does cover 4 planets in my
12th house by the 9th drishti and Saturn(R) who is sitting in my 8th house with the 5th
Drishti. Should I consider myself to be blessed or cursed, because my Jupiter mahadasha has
been so bad?
- Thank you for allowing the discussion of your chart. The reason why your Jupiter dasha has
brought so many negative experiences is that Jupiter is the 3rd and 6th lord from your Lagna
Lord (Mars), and Aruda Lagna lord (Mercury). You must pacify Jupiter with guru shanti
puja/mantra, as you need to make a shanti for Guru. Ask a pujari to perform this for you on
a monthly basis. You can start with that.

7. How does a malefic in Lagna (well-positioned by sign) affect the Lagna? What if the ma-
lefic is also in marana karaka sthana?
- A malefic in Lagna will bring a problem, but if well placed then it will indicate overcoming
the problem. Especially Saturn and Mars on Lagna can indicate a treat to longevity, but
when well placed then it will show overcoming the issue. This is especially so for marana
karaka sthana.

8. Correct me if I am wrong, Parasara says that if there is a benefic planet in kendra, say Ve-
nus, Jupiter or Mercury, even if the lagna lord is debilitated, or not so well placed, such be-
nefic will manage to save the Lagna.
- This is true!! We look for the strongest benefic in kendra houses to remedy all afflictions in
a chart. Kendras are our four pillars in life and are extremely important. Like I mentioned
during the Lagna lectures, we can choose to remedy the issue/problem, or we can go
straight to benefic in Kendra to strengthen the chart and its blessings. This will help the chart
as a whole, and not only Lagna! But one needs to activate those blessings, and it should
preferably be well supported by Lagna lord (good sambhanda) for a person to accept those
8a. I, myself experience this, as my Lagna (sag.) lord Jupiter is debilitated in 2nd House, but I
am indeed a very healthy person, and I suppose this is due to my Venus exalted in 4th
- Health is not the Lagna lord but instead the dispositor of the Lagna lord. So you should
check Saturn in your horoscope. Sun as karaka for the Lagna has its say as well.


8b. The question is: isn't Venus in such a case also a dushtana Lord in kendra? Will these
blessings to the lagna also carry some enmity from the dushtana house? I´ve always heard
Visti saying in his videos that benifics in Kendra, when strong, are always good for the na-
tive, but can they protect the lagna from the evil that dushtana lord carries?
- Dustana lord being benefic in Kendra is like a good person eying out your wealth (of any
type). Even Sri Ram had Jupiter, the 6th lord in Lagna exalted, showing a learned Brahmin
seeking to kidnap his spouse. So the planet may not be on your side as a dusthana lord, but
through worshiping the devata of that planet it will be forced to work for you, or act in your
favor, much like a child acting at its mother's requests.
8c. In my case, such kendras have rasi drishti on lagna, but let's say someone has Jupiter ex-
alted in 10th house for libra ascendant, it is a dushtana lord in kendra, but in this case no
rasi drishti on lagna. Will Jupiter still be able to protect the lagna? Or will he be only good
- Benefic in Kendra will still be good for Lagna.

9. How to uplift Lagna if Lagna Lord is frozen (under Stambhana)? Example, Aries Lagna with
Mars and Rahu.
- Narasimha mantra.

10. What is the importance of worshiping Lagna Lord by the corresponding Surya's Name?
- This worship gives the best results if Lagna lord is in Kendra house, as it indicates the bless-
ings of Surya. Visti has a whole course bundle on all Adityas and their interpretation.

11. How to Uplift Lagna, if Lagna is under 0-1degree and 29-30degree?

- If under ½ degree then Bālgaṇeśa mantra is advisable. If from ½ to 1 degree then Sūrya
manta is best. The last degree is remedied with Jagannātha mantra.

12. General Mantra for uplifting Lagna?

- If one has Gayatri initiation it is one of the best remedies for Lagna.

13. Can the Lagna in D-Chart be uplifted as well? If yes, what should be the approach?
- Ascertain the lord of the lagna in that divisional chart. See this same graha in the Rashi (d-
1) chart. Remedy it according to its placement.
14. For Aries/Scorpio and Taurus/Libra, the Lagna lords Mars and Venus are the lord of 1
and 8 or 1 and 6. If they reside in the other house (6th or 8th), are they malefics? Will they
give any benefit? Is this considered a weak lagna lord? In this case, should one read the
chart from the Moon?
- They are considered strong but malefic/negative and will hurt the lagna. In such cases do
not advise the gemstone of the said graha! In such cases the lord of uccharashi of the said
lagna-lord will act as the lagnesha.

15. Hi my lagna 27 degree do u consider lordship lagna as both Mars and Jupi-
ter or only mars....could u elaborate more on degrees in lagna.....
- As long as your Lagna is Scorpio, regardless of the degree of your Lagna, you have two La-
gna lords, and those are Mars and Ketu. Jupiter does not come into the picture here.

16. What if Lagna Lord is retrograde? Will this have any effect?
- Yes, the person will be stubborn.

17. Would the Lagna still be afflicted if it has a Papakartari Yoga with Lagna having an Ex-
alted Mars hemmed in between Saturn and Rahu?
- Yes, papa kartari is as if you find yourself between a rock and a hard place when on Lagna
the issues could be related to the money and expenditure.

18. You mentioned in your previous email that if Lagna Lord is placed in the 12th House then
there is ignorance on the part of the native's personal decision. However, how good or bad
would it be for a Capricorn Ascendant, if it's lord Saturn (R) is placed in the 12th house
which is Karaka of the 12th house. Would it still cause ignorance...?
- Karaka for the 12th house in the 12th house will help with regards to the 12th house matters,
Saturn is karaka for this house as it represents austerity or penance. But it may show wrong
decisions when it comes to the Lagna, one can make a wrong decision on account of lack of
patience, as it is retrograde it indicates that the person is not willing to listen to others or
change, it gives stubbornness. Then this Lagna lord in the 12th it will give Arudha Lagna in
the 11th, and malefic (Saturn) in the 2nd from AL can adversely affect one's wealth or health,
all on the account of one's personal decisions. The rest will depend on the rest of the chart.

19. I had no income for the last 2 years. And today I have been duped a lot of money
through an online transaction. As Pt. Sanjay Rath rightly said in a recent post on Fb that with
the change in transit of Saturn from Sagittarius to Capricorn, Saturn will either give a Parting
Gift or a Parting Kick. Any remedies for the above?


- Based on the information from the above, I know the Lagna sign. Saturns transit over La-
gna is considered Kantaka Shani, remedy for that is Rudra Chamakam. Also, Saturn requires
honesty. Visti has a lecture on Youtube, Bhrigu transits covering this topic.

20. My Lagna is Scorpio, Rahu placed in it aspected by Saturn ( retrograde) from 4th
house. Lagna lord in 11th with most beneficial Jupiter. Karka of Lagna is the sun is it be-
cause this same reason I am suffering in career because it is 10th lord too? As the 11th
house is considered good and my lagna lord is placed there but I have always lacked in deci-
sion making, accomplishing any task successfully. What is the reason behind that. What
remedy should I take ? is it because of Saturn aspect or just sole rahu in 1st responsible for
that? What should I do for advancement and omit the negative factors?
- We need to activate the benefics in Kendra to lagna, if any, to overcome the sarpa yoga
you are experiencing. If none then the Astikamuni mantra is performed.

21. As we know when Lagnesh is strong we have speed evolution and the whole Lagna
works good. But what is more predominant over the Lg graha or rsi drshti?
- Graha dristi will do a grahana or make you see things in its way, it will dominate the Lagna
and to that extent also thinking for the period of its dasha only. Rashi dristi is a permanent
circumstance that will affect your Lagna throughout life.

22. What to do if Lagnesha is involved in a curse? as far as I know, the course can´t be break,
is this true? or there is some super mantra as key to being course breaker? I checked that
when Lagnesh does not see the Sun one may have low self-esteem and weak heath unless
the 6th is strong. What for a remedy for does lacking sun´s light?
- Lagna lord under curse will make one suffer on account of one's bad karma indicated by
that curse. It can also mean that a person, due to the same curse, will not make the right de-
cisions in life, ones intelligence may fail him. The beauty of this curse is that it can be com-
pletely changed by simply proper application of intelligence!
- Curses definitely have remedies and Parashara talks about them, that is how we as Jyoti-
shas can help people reduce or avoid suffering. The ideal remedy is to be determined after
examining the whole chart. There is no one remedy per se, there are steps to determine
which remedy will work best in each individual case.
- I am not sure about your conclusion on Sun.

23. In one of Visti's video's, he mentioned that 5th from the Moon shows natives core intel-
ligence (karmic intelligence?) is this is correct? If yes, then what would be the relation be-
tween 5th form the Moon (karmic?) and Lagna (dhi) and paka lagana (application)?


- Lagna is dhi, it is where our brain is and it shows how our brain works, like a hardware.
Paka Lagna is showing how we use our intelligence. I have not heard Visti defining 5 th from
the Moon like that, can't comment.

24. Also, in cases where the Lagna is afflicted (by malefic in Lagna, or malefic aspect on La-
gna, with no benefic aspect) how does one protect his/ her Lagna?
- One can go for Karaka of the house, for example, pratyadi devata of Sun is Shiva, one can
do Shiva mantra to end the suffering in Lagna (if suffering is due to the malefic on Lagna).

25. Mahapurush yoga's generally do not manifest - do they affect the Lagna in this case
- There are many (too many) factors to determine if Mahapurusha yoga will function to its
full potential. But some effects are always felt in my experience. And how can they not be as
Mahapurusha yoga occurs in our Kendra houses?

26. My question: significance or how to interpret if the Lagna degree (or the Lagna lord) is in
- This is a very advanced question, where gender, daytime/nighttime and the pada-of-
gandanta alters the prediction. Pt. Sanjay Rath has given some pointers towards this in the
Nevada Shivananda Yoga Farm workshops.

27. What happens when planets go retrograde in Lagna? Remember reading a hint that,
when a planet go retrograde one must read the chart as if its in the house at opposite direc-
tion i.e 7 th house. Pls clarify. For example, assume Saturn is retrograde in Cancer in Lagna
opposed by Mars in Capricorn in the 7th house.
- Retrograde planets gain strength due to its motion, and this strength comes due to a
strong desire to fulfill certain karma or strong karmic debt when it comes to the retrograde
planet. So, yes, we do see an exalted and retrograde planet behaving as if it is debilitated,
and vice versa. This desire which is faculty of the 7th house is very strong in these planets. But
this is the concept for all retrograde planets and not only those on Lagna. But we do move a
retrograde planet from Lagna to the 7th house and read the chart, we read the chart as is
with understanding what the retrogression means.

28. How should we read transits, is it from Moon or Lagna ? Pls share your views on
this. For e.g Saturn transiting to Capricorn should we follow lagna chart or moon chart ?


- We see transits from Lagna to see our Intelligence, from the Moon health and changes in
our society (this can also affect one's work, family, etc), etc. Check this blog post it will an-
swer your question (

29. What if Lagna and moon chart are the same? Have seen very few ppl with this combina-
tion is their any spl significance? e,g Moon in Lagna
- It is easier to read the chart as there is harmony between native brain and mind. In that
case, a person's self-view is closest to the truth (satya of the Lagna). But it is also a special
placement, as all known Avatars have Moon on the Ascendant. This is one of the conditions
for the birth of Avatar.

30. In South India, have seen people make match making from Lagna relationship. For ex : If
a Girl has Pisces lagna & Boy has a Libra lagna they point out to marriage incompatibility be-
cause of 6-8 relation of lagna positio. Is this a recommended way of doing?
- Yes, we do check the relationships between boys and girls Lagna when performing chart
matching. It is important to know what does it mean. Lagna matching shows initial matching
of our brains, wheres Lagna lords matching shows changes with time or if differences in
one's thinking/personalities can make a couple grow apart. In the given example, the 6/8 re-
lationship requires guru remedy, a couple should seek spiritual guru together, take a spiritual
initiation together, perform certain mantra to remedy the problem.

31. I understood that Lagnesh is of fire/agni element. Does that mean that lagnesh in any
house will to some extent burn down that house? For example, I have Vrishaba lagna and
Lagna lord Venus is placed in the 10th house with Ketu. Does it mean that Venera will
demage the manifestation of the 10th house?
- Yes, Lagna lord has the Agni element, specifically, it behaves like Mars (as the natural lord
of the 1st house, Kal Purusha concept) and Sun (karaka for the 1st house). Lagna lord will feed
on the significations of the house that it is placed due to its nature. But, there are two things
to consider here, if the Agni or fire is positive in which case it gives all the energy and life
force, or negative when that fire can damage the house. Also, the 10th house is the house of
work, it is Abijit muhurta when the sunlight is the strongest when the energy to work is the
at its highest, it is the house of work for that reason. So Lagna lord in the 10 th house is con-
sidered Siddha yoga and person will be very task-oriented and have accomplishments on ac-
count of that.
- For Vrishabh Lagna specifically, the only issue we have is that lagna lord has 0 digbala in
the 10th house, and digbala of the specific deity should be worshiped. 0 digbala Lagna Lord
can mean that due to the anger of a specific deity it can show failure in intelligence.
32. What does it mean when Ketu is together with Lagna lord? Does it obstruct the materi-
alization of the form, and if so, how could I reincarnate in this body?


- Ketu conjoined Venus can give Tapasvi yoga if it has Saturn in trines, or conjoined as well.
Here it is placed in the sign of Saturn, which means that you could be very sacrificing when it
comes to your ideals. Ketu here can afflict blood?? In your body. Ketu does not have a body,
but he is co-lord of two signs, and when in yuti with planet it adapts those traits.

33. Do we attribute the concept of Mind entirely to Moon or only some part goes to it and
some to Lagnesha?
- Lagnesh is not Mind. Lagnesh is how we apply our intelligence/discrimination in our lives.

- om tat sat -


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