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"Dc/Ac 500 Watt Inverter Using Dual Mosfet": Polytechnic IN Electrical Engineering

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Project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements
For the award of the diploma of


NAVEEN KUMAR (E18111932800085)

AAKASH KUMAR (E18111932800075)
RISHABH (E18111932800087)
SACHIN (E18111932800076)
MONU KUMAR (E18111932800110)

Under the guidance of


Department of Electrical Engineering






This is to certify that the project report entitled


submitted by
NAVEEN KUMAR (E18111932800085)
AAKASH KUMAR (E18111932800075)
RISHABH (E18111932800087)
SACHIN (E18111932800076)
MONU KUMAR (E18111932800110)

In partial fulfillment for the award of the Diploma of Polytechnic in Electrical Engineering
,during 2018-2021, Gandhi Polytechnic Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pardesh under my guidance and
The results embodied in this project report have not been submitted to any other University or
Institute for the award of any diploma.



This is to place on record my appreciation and deep gratitude to the persons

for their valuable suggestions and support throughout this project work.

I wish to express my propound sense of gratitude to Mr. R.K VERMA ,Head of the Department
for his guidance, encouragement, and for all facilities to complete this project.

I also express my sincere thanks to all the Staff who helped me during project execution.
Finally I express my sincere gratitude to all the members of faculty and my
friends who contributed their valuable advice and helped to complete the project successfully.

NAVEEN KUMAR (E18111932800085)

AAKASH KUMAR (E18111932800075)
RISHABH (E18111932800087)
SACHIN (E18111932800076)
MONU KUMAR (E18111932800110)
The power electronics device which converts DC power to AC power at required output voltage and
frequency level is known as inverter. Inverters can be broadly classified into single level inverter and
multilevel inverter. Multilevel inverter as compared to single level inverters has advantages like
minimum harmonic distortion and can operate on several voltage levels. Inverters are used for many
applications, as in situations where low voltage DC sources such as batteries, solar panels or fuel
cells must be converted so that devices can run off of AC power. One example of such a situation
would be converting electrical power from a car battery to run a laptop, TV or cell phone. This report
focuses on design and simulation of single phase, three phase and pulse width modulated inverter
and use of pulse width modulated inverter in the speed control of Induction motor. This paper will
talk about the Inverters and how they work.

An Inverter is basically a converter that converts DC-AC power. Inverter circuits can be very
complex so the objective of this method is to present some of the inner workings of inverters without
getting lost in some of the fine details. The word „inverter‟ in the context of power electronics
denotes a class of power conversion circuits that operates from a dc voltage source or a dc current
source and converts it into ac voltage or current. Even though input to an inverter circuit is a dc
source, it not uncommon to have this dc derived from an ac source such as utility ac supply. Thus, for
example, the primary source of input power may be utility ac voltage supply that is converted,
to dc by an ac to dc converter and then inverted‟ back to ac using an inverter. Here, the final
output may be of a different frequency and magnitude than the input ac of the utility supply In our
country today, this equipment is not all that in use not because it is not important but because people
never give it a thought as per the construction and design. It is meant for use with a 12volts lead acid
battery of it’s in a car for example a suitable output voltage of 240volts AC obtainable. This output
voltage of 240volts AC can be used for powering small electrical appliances such as lights, electrical
tools radio, soldering iron, fan etc. However, it is with mentioning that the DC generated with this
appliance is nothing comparable to the AC generated by big generation
duration. This appliance is therefore suitable for short time replacement for the real AC generation
especially in the remote areas and it is install where electrical appliances are sold and the need might
arise for it to be tested and certified good.

Most industries in the country do not make use of DC – AC inverter because there are through to be
costly with respect to the task they perform. However, putting into consideration the task, this
appliance can perform. It can be concluded that it is cheaper. The construction is simple, cheaper,
easy to operate and portable. The usefulness of this device and the function cannot be over
emphasized especially now that our country is passing through a very sensitive era in our power
generation. In these times when control and monitor of complex field operations have based in
computer, a failure of AC, power supply to communication equipment means work stoppage and to
some small scale industries a lot of economic and materials losses is avoidable.

Ac loads require constant or adjustable voltages at their input terminals. When such loads are fed
by inverters, it’s essential that output voltage of the inverters is so controlled as to fulfill the
requirements of AC loads. This involves coping with the variation of DC input voltage, for
voltage regulation of inverters and for the constant volts/frequency control requirement. There
are various techniques to vary the inverter gain. The most efficient method of controlling the
gain (and output voltage) is to incorporate pulse-width modulation (PWM) control within the
inverters. The carrier based PWM schemes used for multilevel inverters is one of the most
straight forward methods of describing voltage source modulation realized by the intersection of
a modulating signal (Duty Cycle) with triangular carrier wavefroms.The Alternative PWM
strategies with differing phase relationships are:
 Alternate phase disposition (APOD): Every carrier wave form is in out of phase with its
neighbor carrier by 180 degree.
 Phase Opposition Disposition (POD): All carrier waveforms above zero reference are in
phase and are 180 degree out of phase with those below zero reference.
 Phase Disposition (PD): All carrier waveforms are in phase

A device that converts DC power into AC power at desired output voltage and frequency is
called an Inverter. Phase controlled converters when operated in the inverter mode are called line
commutated inverters. But line commutated inverters require at the output terminals an existing
AC supply which is used for their commutation. This means that line commutated inverters can’t
function as isolated AC voltage sources or as variable frequency generators with DC power at
the input. Therefore, voltage level, frequency and waveform on the AC side of the line
commutated inverters can’t be changed. On the other hand, force commutated inverters provide
an independent AC output voltage of adjustable voltage and adjustable frequency and have
therefore much wider application.
Inverters can be broadly classified into two types based on their
 Voltage Source Inverters(VSI)
 Current Source Inverters(CSI)

Voltage Source Inverters is one in which the DC source has small or negligible impedance. In
other words VSI has stiff DC voltage source at its input terminals. A current source inverter is
fed with adjustable current from a DC source of high impedance,i.e;from a stiff DC current
source. In a CSI fed with stiff current source, output current waves are not affected by the load.

From view point of connections of semiconductor devices, inverters are classified as under

 Bridge Inverters
 Series Inverters
 Parallel Inverters
In PAM the successive sample values of the analog signal s(t) are used to effect the amplitudes
of a corresponding sequence of pulses of constant duration occurring at the sampling rate. No
quantization of the samples normally occurs (Fig. 1a, b). In principle the pulses may occupy the
entire time between samples, but in most practical systems the pulse duration, known as the duty
cycle, is limited to a fraction of the sampling interval. Such a restriction creates the possibility of
interleaving during one sample interval one or more pulses derived from other PAM systems in a
process known as time-division multiplexing (TDM).

Figure 1(a)Analog signal, s(t). (b) Pulse-amplitude modulation. (c) Pulse-width modulation.
(d) Pulse position modulation
In PWM the pulses representing successive sample values of s(t) have constant amplitudes but
vary in time duration in direct proportion to the sample value. The pulse duration can be changed
relative to fixed leading or trailing time edges or a fixed pulse center. To allow for time-division
multiplexing, the maximum pulse duration may be limited to a fraction of the time between
samples (Fig. 1c).
PPM encodes the sample values of s(t) by varying the position of a pulse of constant duration
relative to its nominal time of occurrence. As in PAM and PWM, the duration of the pulses is
typically a fraction of the sampling interval. In addition, the maximum time excursion of the
pulses may be limited (Fig. 1d).
Many modern communication systems are designed to transmit and receive only pulses of two
distinct amplitudes. In these so-called binary digital systems, the analog-to-digital conversion
process is extended by the additional step of coding, in which the amplitude of each pulse
representing a quantized sample of s(t) is converted into a unique sequence of one or more pulses
with just two possible amplitudes. The complete conversion process is known as pulse-code
modulation. Figure 2a shows the example of three successive quantized samples of an analog
signal s(t), in which sampling occurs every T seconds and the pulse representing the sample is
limited to T/2 seconds. Assuming that the number of quantization levels is limited to 8, each
level can be represented by a unique sequence of three two-valued pulses

Figure 2(a) Three successive quantized samples of an analog

signal. (b) With pulses of amplitude V or 0. (c) With pulses of
amplitude V or –V
PCM enjoys many important advantages over other forms of pulse modulation due to the fact
that information is represented by a two-state variable. First, the design parameters of a PCM
transmission system depend critically on the bandwidth of the original signal s(t) and the degree
of fidelity required at the point of reconstruction, but are otherwise largely independent of the
information content of s(t). This fact creates the possibility of deploying generic transmission
systems suitable for many types of information. Second, the detection of the state of a two-state
variable in a noisy environment is inherently simpler than the precise measurement of the
amplitude, duration, or position of a pulse in which these quantities are not constrained. Third,
the binary pulses propagating along a medium can be intercepted and decoded at a point where
the accumulated distortion and attenuation are sufficiently low to assure high detection accuracy.
New pulses can then be generated and transmitted to the next such decoding point. This so-called
process of repeatering significantly reduces the propagation of distortion and leads to a quality of
transmission that is largely independent of distance.


Pulse-width modulation (PWM) of a signal or power source involves the modulation of its duty
cycle, to either convey information over a communications channel or control the amount of
power sent to a load.

Page 8

There are many forms of modulation used for communicating information. When a high
frequency signal has amplitude varied in response to a lower frequency signal we have AM
(amplitude modulation). When the signal frequency is varied in response to the modulating
signal we have FM (frequency modulation. These signals are used for radio modulation because
the high frequency carrier signal is needs for efficient radiation of the signal. When
communication by pulses was introduced, the amplitude, frequency and pulse width become
possible modulation options. In many power electronic converters where the output voltage can
be one of two values the only option is modulation of average conduction time.

Figure 3

Page 9
The simplest modulation to interpret is where the average ON time of the pulses varies
proportionally with the modulating signal. The advantage of linear processing for this application
lies in the ease of de-modulation. The modulating signal can be recovered from the PWM by low
pass filtering. For a single low frequency sine wave as modulating signal modulating the width
of a fixed frequency (fs) pulse train the spectra is as shown in Fig 2. Clearly a low pass filter can
extract the modulating component fm.

Figure 4


The simplest analog form of generating fixed frequency PWM is by comparison with a linear
slope waveform such as a saw tooth. As seen in Fig 2 the output signal goes high when the sine
wave is higher than the saw tooth. This is implemented using a comparator whose output voltage
goes to logic HIGH when ne input is greater than the other. Other signals with straight edges can
be used for modulation a rising ramp carrier will generate

Figure 5
The scheme illustrated above generates a switching edge at the instant of crossing of the sine
wave and the triangle. This is an easy scheme to implement using analog electronics but suffers
the imprecision and drifts of all analog computation as well as having difficulties of generating
multiple edges when the signal has even a small added noise. Many modulators are now
implemented digitally but there is difficulty is computing the precise intercept of the modulating
wave and the carrier. Regular sampled PWM makes the width of the pulse proportional to the
value of the modulating signal at the beginning of the carrier period. In Fig 5 the intercept of the
sample values with the triangle determine the edges of the Pulses. For a saw tooth wave of
frequency fs the samples are at 2fs.

Figure 6 (Regular sampled PWM)

For a single phase inverter modulated by a sine-sawtooth comparison, if we compare a sine wave
of magnitude from -2 to +2 with a triangle from -1 to +1 the linear relation between the input
signal and the average output signal will be lost. Once the sine wave reaches the peak of the
triangle the pulses will be of maximum width and the modulation will then saturate. The
Modulation depth is the ratio of the current signal to the case when saturation is just starting.
Thus sine wave of peak 1.2 compared with a triangle with peak 2.0 will have a modulation depth

Figure 7
In many industrial applications, it’s often required to control the output voltage of inverters for the
following reasons

 To cope with the variations of DC input voltage

 For voltage regulation of inverters

 For the constant volts/frequency control requirement

There are various techniques to vary the inverter gain. The most efficient method of controlling
the gain (and output voltage) is to incorporate pulse width modulation (PWM) control within the
inverters. The commonly used techniques are
I. Single Pulse width Modulation

II. Multiple Pulse width Modulation

III. Sinusoidal Pulse width Modulation

IV. Trapezoidal Pulse width Modulation

V. Stair case Pulse width Modulation

In PWM inverters, forced commutation is essential. The PWM techniques listed above differ from each
other in the harmonic content in their respective output voltages.Thus,choice of a particular PWM
technique depends upon the permissible harmonic content in the inverter output voltage. Industrial
applications PWM inverter is supplied from a diode bridge rectifier and an LC filter. The inverter
topology remains the same for a single phase inverter and for a three phase inverter. But now the
devices are now switched ON and OFF several times within each half cycle to control the output
voltage which has low harmonic content.
Problem Statement

As a result of continuous power failure and fluctuation in power supply by Maharashtra State Electricity
Board (MSEB), sensitive appliances and system are affected by interruption power supply. Then, this
project is to provide a back-up and reliable power supply of 1Kva to power the sensitive appliances during
power failure.

Aims and Objectives

The aim of this project is to design and construct a circuit that will take a 12V dc input from battery and
provide a 1000VA output that will be able to supply a standard power to sensitive appliances.

The objective is to design a circuit that will convert dc to ac power for various appliances used in domestic
home, to provide a noiseless source of electricity generation, to have a source of generating electricity that
has no negative effect on the environment (i.e. no greenhouse effect) and finally to provide a source of
electricity power with low maintenance cost and zero fuel cost.

Scope of the Project

The Scope of this project is to design and construct an inverter with output power rating of 1kVA,
maximum output current of 22.72A, output voltage of 220V AC from a 12 V DC input. This project is
basically designed for single phase domestic loads. The project is to be realized using simple and relatively
cheap components available in the local markets.

In the world today, there are currently two forms of electrical transmission, Direct Current (DC) and
Alternating Current (AC), each with its own advantages and disadvantages. DC power is simply the
application of a steady constant voltage across a circuit resulting in a constant current. A battery is the most
common source of DC transmission as current flows from one end of a circuit to the other. Alternating
current, unlike DC, oscillates between two voltage values at a specified frequency, and its ever changing
current and voltage make it easy to step up or down the voltage. For high voltage and long distance
transmission situations, all that is needed to step up or down the voltage is a transformer. AC current is more
viable but less available. Conversion of DC current to AC is done by a device called INVERTER. A lot of
engineers had earlier conceptualized what they felt inverter system should look like. The incessant power
outage in Nigeria has prompted the engineers to improve the inverter power system and this project is not an
exception. The power system is a very paramount constituent of technological growth. A constant supply of
power improves productivity of factories and companies. Computer rooms, as well as domestic homes,
require continuous supply of electricity. All this has prompted the urgency to improve on the properties of
the inverter power system in quality, durability, maintainability and capacity.

Charging Time

The inverter input voltage is 24V direct current and for the 80% efficiently of the inverter running of
equipment at 1000VA

Current drain will be Power(volt – ampere / voltage) 1000/24 = 41.66

Since the battery specification is two of 12Volts, 60AH. Hence, it delivers for:

0.8x60/41.66 = 1.15 Hours or 69 mins

The time of charging depends on the transformer ratings, which are 12 Volts 5 Amps and the battery
charging time 60AH/5 = 12 Hours

Oscillation Stage

A dual switching regulator is used here, which perform both the timing and signal generator functions. It
gives a continuous signal of 50Hz and 50V at each output channels.

Frequency of oscillation: Desired frequency (f) 50Hz Period of oscillation (T) =1/f =1/50 =0.02 sec.

A capacitor C value of 0.1 f was chosen and the value is determined from the above formulae.

R = 1/1.1fc

R = 1/2a1.1 x 50Hz x0.1 x 10 R = 181.82 kΩ

So, a 100kΩ resistor and a 100kΩ variable resistor were chosen.

Buffer Stage
In order to be able to drive the gate of power MOSFETs, gate transistor C945 were chosen. These drives
were connected in a common collector arrangement, which is emitter follower arrangement. The output
voltage is given below.
V1 =VB – 0.6

=5.0 – 0.6 = 4.4Volts

The output current is given as:


IE = 4.4/22 = 200Ma

The battery consists of positive and negative plate, separators and electrolyte, all contained in the many
compartments of the battery container. The battery charger is an electrical device that is used for charging
the battery. It changes the alternating current from the power supply direct current suitable for charging. The
use of IN4007 was encouraged because of its high wattage and internal protection device. Six pieces of this
are employed at each half of the inverter
Analysis of Inverter Circuitry

The LM324 comparator and the three contact relay are the major component of the operation. At the flow of
AC supply, the relay recognizes the presence of AC and the inverter section is isolated from the unit and
connects the battery to the charger. The three contact relay charge and transfer the circuit from one mode to
the other. At the failure of the AC supply, it transfers the circuit to the inverter. At this instance, the battery is
transferred to the board, the inverter assumes a link to the socket output and the charger is disengaged. All
this operations are undertaken in less than one second. The battery charger continues to charge the battery in
the presence of AC supply as long as the battery is below the rated battery voltage of 12volts. The battery
warning circuit and the battery protecting circuit both protect the battery from being over drained. This will
occur whenever the battery voltage goes below the configured value of 5volts. Before the battery reaches the
value, the protecting circuit would have started given a sign of warning to disengage the inverter which will
eventually be cut off as soon as it reaches the set voltage. The capacity of the battery is basically its ability to
supply given amperage for a given period of time at a given initial cell temperature while maintain voltage
above a given minimum level. The ampere-hour rating is simply the product of the discharge time multiplied
by a given time period. Battery has different ampere hour ratings, for example, 60Ah battery.
Why use MOSFET

The MOSFET is a three-terminal (gate, drain, and source) fully-controlled switch. The gate/control signal
occurs between the gate and source, and its switch terminals are the drain and source. The gate itself is made
of metal, separated from the source and drain using a metal oxide. This allows for less power consumption,
and makes the transistor a great choice for use as an electronic switch or common-source amplifier.

In order to function properly, MOSFETs have to maintain a positive temperature coefficient. This means
there’s little- to-no chance of thermal runaway. On-state losses are lower because the transistor’s on-state-
resistance, theoretically speaking, has no limit. Also, because MOSFETs can operate at high frequencies,
they can perform fast switching applications with little turn-off losses.

Advantages of MOSFET

 Improved switching speeds.

 Improved dynamic performance that requires even less power from the driver.

 Lower gate-to-drain feedback capacitance

 Lower thermal impedance which, in turn, has enabled much better power dissipation.

 Lower rise and fall times, which has allowed for operation at higher switching frequencies

 MOSFET is a low cost.


The Metal-oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET) was used for the inversion process
because it has negative temperature coefficient (which makes it more thermally stable), high frequency
response, and high immunity to radiation than bipolar junction transistor. The approach is particularly
considered with a type of multi-vibration oscillator. Multi-vibration are basically two stage amplifier with
positive feedback from the output of one amplifier to the input of the other. The feedback is supplied in such
a manner that one transistor is driven to saturation and the other to cut-off, it is then followed by new set of
condition in which the saturated transistor driven to cut-off and the cut-off transistor is driven to saturation.
Its operation is that when an alternating current is connected to the winding at the primary side of the
transformer, an alternating flux is set up in the laminated core, most of which is linked with the other coil [or
winding at the secondary side of the transformer] in which it produces mutually induced E.M.F in
accordance to Faraday's laws of Electromagnetic induction, E = MꝔdt. The transformer design ratio as
shown in the design equations of the transformer is a step up one, allowing the input voltage to be magnified
at the output side.

The circuit design of the present inverter contains sections. The low battery section is made up of LM93
(operational amplifier, dual op - amp) and NE555 timer. The fixed reference voltage is connected to the
inverting input of one of the op-amp and the output is used to trigger NE555 timer which is biased in a
mono-stable configuration.

Mains from national grid is connected to A.C sensing transformers (12V step down transformer) to produce
24V D.C. Full rectifier voltage 7805 biased to produce 5V for the surge protection circuit comprising of
LM324 and NE555 timer.

The relay configuration as shown in figure 1 contains three compartments. Contact one, supplies to the board
switches to the normally opened terminal (NO), meaning that the output line switches to the normally opened
terminal on AC (national electric) supply. That is the inverter in the next compartment is isolated as soon as
there is the presence of AC (national electric) power supply, on contact 3, the terminal to the charge switches
to the normally opened terminal that is on the AC (national electric) supply terminal, meaning that there is
supply to the charger for it to charge the battery.

This past decade has witnessed major advances in power electronics technology for both industrial and
traction drives. These advances have made it possible to significantly improve the electrical performance of
these systems while simultaneously reducing their size and weight and, perhaps most importantly, reducing
their cost. Improvements in all of these key metrics are expected to continue as evidenced in this paper. The
future of both industrial and traction drives depends not only on advances in the underlying technologies,
but the economic and regulatory climate in which they are developed. Despite the risks of predicting future
trends, there are sufficient reasons to expect that increasing global concerns about efficient electrical energy
utilization, transportation fuel economy, pollutant emissions levels, and electrical power quality will
increase if inverters are neglected as major substitutes to electrical power supply. The developments outlined
in this research work bear testimony to the major progress that has been accomplished in applying new
power electronics technology to home use. Although the improvements sometimes seem painfully slow and
labored, the rate of technical progress is actually very impressive.

We have successfully created an Inverter using a MOSFET. The inverter when connected with dc input
dives out the AC output which is sufficient to use for household purposes.

1) “Mgottlieb, I. (1985). Power switching Regulator Inverters and Converters (1st Edition). Tab Book

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