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AlertSerie200 UsersManual

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Alert - Series 200

User´s Manual
493-0973-11 (1-3)
Alert - Series 200
User´s Manual

493-0973-11 (1-3)
Copyright © 2001 ABB Automation Products AB.
The contents of this document can be changed by ABB Automation Products AB without prior
notice and do not constitute any binding undertakings from ABB Automation Products AB.
ABB Automation Products AB is not responsible under any circumstances for direct, indirect,
unexpected damage or consequent damage that is caused by this document.

All rights reserved.

Release: 0101 Document version: 1-3

Document number: 493-0973-11

Printed in Sweden

493-0973-11 (1-3)

This manual is for users intending to install, configure and maintain the Alert
I/O system to be connected to a Series 200 central system.

Other manuals from ABB Automation Products

• Series 200 Central System, Installation and Maintenance
• Rack-based I/O, Installation and Maintenance
• SattLine, I/O and Communication

Warnings and information symbols in the text margin

Observe the symbols for warnings and information in the left margin to para-
graphs needing special attention.
The symbols should be interpreted as follows:
• Warning! A warning sign denoting danger for injury to personnel or that
caution is required to avoid damage to the equipment. Contact qualified per-

• Important! A sign for mandatory action denotes steps necessary to bring

the equipment into operation, but without immediate safety implications.

• Information: A sign indicating important information.

493-0973-11 (1-3) 5
6 493-0973-11 (1-3)

1 Introduction .......................................................................... 9
2 Install with the Alert upgrade kit ..................................... 11
2.1 Installation steps .................................................................... 12
3 Configuring and addressing the I/O ................................. 15
3.1 Alert I/O configuring ............................................................. 15
SattCon 200 control system ................................................. 15
SattLine control system SL200 ........................................... 15
3.2 Addressing format ................................................................. 16
SattCon 200 address table ................................................... 17
3.3 SattCon 200 function blocks TEXT-D and ALARM-D
restrictions ............................................................................. 18
4 Communication Interface Alert 200-BIAL ...................... 19
4.1 Front panel ............................................................................. 19
4.2 Connections ........................................................................... 19
4.3 Alert upgrading kit ................................................................ 19
4.4 Functional description ........................................................... 20
4.5 Technical data ........................................................................ 21
Appendix. Order codes ...................................................... 23
Index .................................................................................... 25

493-0973-11 (1-3) 7
8 493-0973-11 (1-3)
1 Introduction

The Alert I/O system can be controlled by the Series 200 system by replacing
the I/O control rack1, PRICO in Alert 500, or the control system rack in
Alert 5/ Alert 50 by the Series 200. The Communication Interface Alert 200-
BIAL, which is placed in the Series 200 central system, connects this system
with the Alert I/O system. Each 200-BIAL handles 2 Alert I/O racks, i.e. two
such units can, for example, handle the four racks in an Alert 500 PRI cabinet.
Each I/O rack can handle 64 I/O signals.
Communication Interface Ethernet, 200-CIE, can be used for communication
with a supervisory system.
An Alert upgrade kit is available to facilitate the mounting of the Series 200
system into an Alert I/O cabinet, see "Install with the Alert upgrade kit", on
page 11.




I/O rack 1
I/O Bus ribbon cables

I/O rack 2

I/O rack 3

I/O rack 4

Power supply

Fig. 1-1 The Series 200 system built into an I/O cabinet controlling four I/O racks.

1.The Alert 500 Process Interface Control rack PRICO, and the Alert 5 and Alert 50
control system racks are from now on called ”Alert control rack” in this manual.

493-0973-11 (1-3) 9

10 493-0973-11 (1-3)
2 Install with the Alert upgrade kit

The Alert upgrade kit facilitates mounting of the Series 200 system into an
Alert I/O system cabinet. The Series 200 system can thereby control the I/O
system in the cabinet. The upgrade kit provides 6 free locations which can be
equipped with the various Series 200 Central system units. For installation
information refer to the manual ”Series 200 Central System, Installation and
The Alert control rack is replaced by the new rack (the upgrade kit) housing
the Series 200 Central System units. The Alert control rack power supply is
removed and mounted in the new rack. A 24 V DC supply in the new rack
provides the Series 200 Central system units with power.
Important! It is very important that the Series 200 Central system is powered
from the 24 V DC power supply in the new rack.
For communication with all four I/O racks in a cabinet, two 200-BIAL units
are needed. Thus, if only two racks are to be used, only one 200-BIAL unit is
needed. The 200-BIAL units are placed in the rightmost Backplane unit

Dedicated to Communication
Interfaces 200-BIAL

DIN-rail for Backplane units Grounding device The Alert power supply that is removed
mounting plate 200-BPN for drop cable and mounted in this upgrade kit rack

Fig. 2-1 Front view of the upgrade kit. The Alert power supply is shown mounted. The
rightmost Backplane unit is reserved for the Communication Interface units 200-BIAL.

Included in the upgrade kit are:

• 19" rack
• Three 200-BPNs + 200-BPT
• Internal wiring
• One 24 V DC power supply

493-0973-11 (1-3) 11
Install with the Alert upgrade kit

• Power-line-filter
• Screw terminals, 200-BPP
• 2 ferrite clamps
Information: No Central system units are included.

2.1 Installation steps

1. Disconnect and remove the Alert control rack from the I/O cabinet. Mark
the cables before disconnecting them.
2. Insert the upgrade rack.
3. Connect the mains wires which were connected to X1 on the Alert power
supply to the connector X1B (see Fig. 2-2).
4. Remove the power supply from the Alert rack and install it into the new
rack. Do not forget to fasten it using the front screws.
5. Connect cable 2 to X2. If any cable was connected to X2 on the Alert
power supply, connect it to the connector X2B (see Fig. 2-2).
6. If any cable was connected to X3, leave it connected.
7. Secure the ribbon I/O bus cables using the clips to the right (seen from
the front side) of the Series 200 mounting plate. Make sure that the rib-
bon cables are stacked in the right order.
8. Connect the mains power cable to the Alert power supply (X1) using
”cable 1” supplied with the upgrading kit (see Fig. 2-2).

24 V DC power supply

Cable 2

Cable 1



Alert power

Fig. 2-2 Rear view of the rack. The Alert power supply is shown mounted. The grey ca-
bles are cables included in the upgrade kit and the black cables are external connec-
tions after upgrading.

9. Insert the Communication Interface(s) 200-BIAL at the rightmost posi-

10. Connect the I/O bus ribbon cables to the Communication Interface(s)
200-BIAL (see the connection order in figure 3.2, on page 16).

12 493-0973-11 (1-3)
Install with the Alert upgrade kit

11. Mount the ferrite clamps on the ribbon cables of each 200-BIAL, see
Fig. 2-3.

Seen from above

BIAL 3,4
BIAL 1,2

BIAL 1,2

BIAL 3, 4
Ferrite clamps

Flat cables to rack 4

to rack 3

to rack 2
to rack 1

Fig. 2-3 Mounting the ferrite clamps on the ribbon cables.

12. Install the other Series 200 Central system units.

13. Install the Series 200-CIE drop cable mountkit and the Ethernet Tran-
ceiver as follows:
A. Attach the mounting plate to the DIN-rail located on the inside to the
left in the rack (see page 11).
B. Fasten the tranceiver to the mounting plate, using the two bundle ties
C. Connect the cable to the tranceiver and lock the connector.
D. Attach the uninsulated part of the cable to the grounding device
located to the right in the rack (see page 11).
Note! The grounding device, 200-GDS from the 200-CIE drop cable
mountkit, is not used here.
E. Connect the cable to the AUI-port on the 200-CIE and to the
tranceiver. Lock the connector.
14. Mount the front plate.

493-0973-11 (1-3) 13
Install with the Alert upgrade kit

14 493-0973-11 (1-3)
3 Configuring and addressing the I/O

3.1 Alert I/O configuring

SattCon 200 control system
The Alert I/O system is configured using the Hardware configuration editor in
DOX 10. The procedure is similar to that for any other I/O board connected
to the Series 200 system – see ”Hardware configuration editor” in the DOX 10
User’s manual, SattCon 200 part.
Information: All the Alert I/O boards have the prefix ”AL” in the ”Add unit”
list of the Hardware configuration editor.
Example: The IACDC board is named ALIACDC in the list.
To set up Alert analogue signals
The setup for analogue signals in the Alert I/O is similar to the setup for
Series 200, but there are some small distinctions.
The Alert analogue boards have the range 0–20 mA or 0–5 V (hardware
settings), but by selecting appropriate settings in the DOX 10 Hardware
configuration editor, 4–20 mA and 1–5 V ranges also become available.

Signal range Hardware settings Hardware configuration set-up

0–20 mA Current 0–20 mA

4–20 mA Current 4–20 mA
0–5 V Voltage 0–20 mA
1–5 V Voltage 4–20 mA

• Important! For Alert I/O boards, do not use the following available selec-
tions in the Hardware configuration editor: <3>: 0–10 V and <4>: +/– 10 V.

SattLine control system SL200

Configuration of the I/O is described in the SattLine manual ”I/O and
Communication”. Refer to section ”Alert I/O” in this SattLine manual.

493-0973-11 (1-3) 15
Configuring and addressing the I/O

3.2 Addressing format

The Alert I/O system connected to Series 200 system uses the following
addressing format: a.b.c.d, where
a = 200-BIAL unit number on the central system bus (NNbus)
b = Flat cable connector number (1 or 2)
c = Alert I/O board number (1–8)
d = I/O number on the Alert I/O board (1–8)
The figure below shows some addressing format examples.

10 11 12 13 14 15



a.b.c.d =

1 4

a.b.c.d =

a.b.c.d =


Fig. 3-1 Alert I/O addressing examples.

16 493-0973-11 (1-3)
Configuring and addressing the I/O

SattCon 200 address table

The bit and word address table below is interesting for SattCon 200
programmers. The table shows how to address the I/O signals.
The board address is denoted ”u” in the tables below. ”u” corresponds to
”a.b.c” in "Addressing format", on page 16.

I/O board Addressing Addressing

Function Signals Bit locations in the word
name (bits) (word)
MSB (15) LSB (0)
IACDC 8 inputs DC or AC Inputs 1–8 I u.1–I u.8 IW u.1

Input 1 Input 8

I24AC 8 inputs 24 V AC Inputs 1–8 I u.1–I u.8 IW u.1 See IACDC

MSB (15) LSB (0)
OAC 8 outputs AC Outputs 1–8 Q u.1–Q u.8

Output 1 Output 8

ODC 8 outputs DC Outputs 1–8 Q u.1–Q u.8 See OAC

OREL 8 relay outputs Outputs 1–8 Q u.1–Q u.8 See OAC
IBCD 4 BCD inputs Inputs BCD 1– IW u.1
BCD 4 MSB (15) LSB (0)

BCD 4 3 2 1
Inp. 16 1

OBCD 4 BCD outputs Outputs QW u.1 See IBCD


PROX 8 inputs for proxim- Inputs 1–8 I u.1–I u.8 IW u.1 See IACDC
ity switches
LEV 4 inputs for level Inputs 1–4 I u.1–I u.4 IW u.1
switches MSB (15) LSB (0)

Input 1 4

COUNT 4 counter inputs Inputs 1–4 IW u.1–u.4

IW u.1
MSB (15) LSB (0)

COUNT2 2 counter inputs Inputs 1–2 IW u.1–u.2

IW u.1
MSB (15) LSB (0)

IAN 8 analogue inputs Inputs 1–8 IW u.1–u.8 See note on next page.
OAN 2 analogue outputs Outputs 1–2 QW u.1–u.2 See note on next page.

493-0973-11 (1-3) 17
Configuring and addressing the I/O


Value in input or output

Hardware configuration set-up

4–20 mA / 1–5 V 0–20 mA / 0–5 V

Electrical signal

4 mA / 1 V 0 mA / 0 V 0
12 mA / 3 V 10 mA / 2.5 V 32767
20 mA / 5 V 20 mA / 5 V 65535

3.3 SattCon 200 function blocks TEXT-D and

ALARM-D restrictions
Alert I/O signals cannot be connected directly to the function blocks TEXT-D
and ALARM-D. If an Alert I/O signal is requested to start a text print out, then
the connection to the function block must be done indirectly via a memory
cell, see example below.

I M 2100
SC12.0 CHA0
** TE#0
TX#4 TX#0 ACT0
M 2100
TX#4 TX#0

Fig. 3-2 Example

18 493-0973-11 (1-3)
4 Communication Interface Alert

200-BIAL is a communication interface for the ABB Automation Products

Alert I/O system.
It controls two Alert system I/O racks, hence two 200-BIAL units can control
all four I/O racks mounted in an I/O cabinet.

4.1 Front panel


Indication Function

Power Green LED. Lit when both external 12 V DC and internal

5 V DC are present.

4.2 Connections
Flat cable connectors
Two ribbon cable connectors for the Alert I/O bus.
Screw terminal block connections
200-BIAL uses the lower screw terminal block.

Terminal Function

1 Not connected
2 Not connected
3 Not connected
4 Not connected
5 Not connected
6 Not connected
7 Not connected
8 Not connected
9 Reserved (internally connected to terminal 11)
10 Reserved (internally connected to terminal 12)
11 0 V DC from the Alert system
12 + 12 V DC from the Alert system

4.3 Alert upgrading kit

The 200-BIAL unit is installed using an ”Alert upgrade kit” for the Alert sys-
tem (see chapter "Install with the Alert upgrade kit", on page 11). The Alert
control rack is then replaced by the kit.

493-0973-11 (1-3) 19
Communication Interface Alert 200-BIAL

To meet the EMC requirements the ferrite clamps supplied are mounted on the
ribbon cables close to the front. Use one ferrite clamp for each 200-BIAL, see
figure "Ferrite clamps", on page 13.

4.4 Functional description

200-BIAL interfaces to the Central Processing Unit via the Central system bus
(NNbus) and to the Alert I/O system using two ribbon cable connectors in the
front of the unit.
The signals from the NNbus interface are converted and level adjusted to
match the Alert I/O bus signals.
The 200-BIAL unit takes care of the speed differences between the two sys-
The 200-BIAL unit is to be supplied (via the screw terminal block) with
12 V DC from e.g. the power supply earlier used by the Alert system control
rack. The power supply input is overvoltage protected.
The logic power supply part of 200-BIAL takes its power from the system bus
and generates the required internal voltage (+5 V).
The LED indicator in the front of the unit shows the internal power status.

level I/O-rack 1

NNbus Conversion
Power 12V
Interface logic

level I/O-rack 2

Power +5V


Fig. 4-1 The 200-BIAL unit block diagram.

20 493-0973-11 (1-3)
Communication Interface Alert 200-BIAL

4.5 Technical data

Technical data

I/O capacity 2 Alert I/O racks, corresponding to 128 digital I/Os,

or 128 analogue inputs, or 32 analogue outputs, or
a combination of these.
Status indicators Green LED for Power
Power supply From Power supply unit PSMG/PSSG
External power 12 V DC
Internal current con- Max. 0.12 A
sumption (from
External current con- Max. 0.15 A (taken from Alert +12V DC)
Connectors One Screw terminal block
Two ribbon cable connectors
Backplane key code 8
Weight 0.26 kg excl. package
0.34 kg incl. package
Dimensions W 45 x H 163 x D 91 mm (excl. connectors and
snap locks)
Order code 200-BIAL

493-0973-11 (1-3) 21
Communication Interface Alert 200-BIAL

22 493-0973-11 (1-3)
Appendix. Order codes

Order codes Description

200-MOUNTKIT/BIAL Alert upgrading kit for mounting the Series

200 system into an Alert I/O system cabinet

Components included:

• one 19” rack

• three 200-BPNs + 200-BPT
• one 24 V DC power supply
• one power line filter
• 2 ferrite clamps
• screw terminals, 200-BPP
• internal wiring

200-BIAL Communication Interface Alert

200-FERRITE/BIAL Ferrite clamp

493-0973-11 (1-3) 23
24 493-0973-11 (1-3)
Numerics Installation steps 12
200-BIAL 9, 11, 13, 16, 19, 20, 21 Introduction 9
Functional description 20 M
Order code 23 Mount
Technical data 21 Alert upgrade kit 13
200-BPN 11 Ferrite clamps 13
200-CIE 9
200-MOUNTKIT/BIAL 23 Order codes 23
Address Table 17 Power line filter 12
Addressing 15 S
Examples 16 Screw terminals 12
Format 16 Set-up
ALARM-D 18 Alert analogue signals 15
Alert 5 9 Signal range 15
Alert 500 9 Symbols 5
Alert analogue signals 15 T
Alert I/O board number 16 TEXT-D 18
Alert I/O system 16
Alert power supply 12 W
Alert Process Interface cabinet (PRI) 11 Warning symbols 5
Alert rack
PRICO rack 12
Alert upgrading kit 9, 11, 19
200-BIAL 11
I/O bus flat cables 12
Central system units 12, 13
Communication Interface Alert 200-BIAL 19
Communication Interface Ethernet, 200-CIE
Configuring 15
200-BIAL 19
Ferrite clamps 12, 13
Flat cable connector 16
Flat cables 13
Function blocks restrictions 18
Functional block diagrams
200-BIAL 20
Hardware configuration editor 15
Hardware settings 15
I/O board name 17
Index 25
Alert upgrade kit 11

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0101 Ver. 1-3
28 493-0973-11 (1-3)

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