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Athletic Hero Build,

Aim to Pass The American

Dream Workout Plan
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storage or retrieval system without expressed written, dated and signed permission
from the author. All copyrights are reserved.

Disclaimer and/or Legal Notices

The information provided in this book is for educational purposes only.

I am not a doctor, and this is not meant to be taken as a medical advice. The
information provided in this book is based upon my experiences as well as my
interpretations of the current research available.

The advice and tips given in this course are meant for healthy adults only. You should
consult your physician to insure the tips given in this course are appropriate for your
individual circumstances.

If you have any health issues or pre-existing conditions, please consult with your
physician before implementing any of the information provided in this course.

This product is for informational purposes only and the author does not any accept
any responsibilities for any liabilities or damages, real or perceived, resulting from the
use of this information.

All Mighty Arms (Athletic Hero Build 9 tips)

By Jordan "JaxBlade" Downs | Follow my YouTube channel: JaxBlade 2

Workout Phase 1 and Phase 6

or this section of the Training Plan, you will do this each work out phase for 3
weeks on and 1 week off. During your 1 week off its important for you to stay
active by either having a deload week where you do the same workout and
just lift lighter weights, or just increase your daily stretching routine and perform extra
LISS Cardio daily. It is essential to take some time off to give your body adequate time
to repair so that you do not fry your central nervous system or overwork yourself to
the point you start to receive injuries. Remember this a 10-month program to follow
and not resting or recovering properly would not give you the HEALTHY results you
are looking for. Remember when you rest, recover and revitalize your muscles you
can get more out of them and then allow yourself to push harder and become
stronger. For the 1st phase you will alternate between workouts A and B. Perform each
workout twice a week. An example would be

Monday and Thursday: Workout A

Tuesday and Friday: Workout B

It doesn’t have to be set in stone like that but just do what’s best for your schedule.
This will be the 1st month of your training and the 6th month you’ll come back to it.

All Mighty Arms (Athletic Hero Build 9 tips)

By Jordan "JaxBlade" Downs | Follow my YouTube channel: JaxBlade 3

Remember to write down all your weights so you can compare and see the strength
change after 5 months.

NOTE: ALWAYS DRINK 2 bottles of Water 1 hour before your workout so you are fully
hydrated. Hydration is a HUGE key in helping prevent injuries and giving a more
effective workout. Rest 60-90 seconds between exercises and focus on controlling
the weight and really feeling the tension in your muscles. Warmup on any cardio
machine for 5-10 minutes before weight training and Always do 1-2 warmup sets
before starting the workout.

Workout A (perform twice a week)

Bent-over Row: 5 sets of 5-6 reps

To Safely and properly perform the Barbell Row, Hold the bar with a palms down grip
keep your lower back in its natural and arch and bend at the hips until your torso is nearly
parallel to the floor. Let the bar hang straight down and then row it to your chest as you
squeeze your shoulder blades together

All Mighty Arms (Athletic Hero Build 9 tips)

By Jordan "JaxBlade" Downs | Follow my YouTube channel: JaxBlade 4

Chin-up: 3 sets of 6-8 reps

Bench Press: 5 sets of 5-6 reps

Dips: 3 sets of 8-10 reps

Neutral-Grip Shoulder Press: 3 sets of 8-10 reps

Triceps Pushdowns superset with Barbell Curls: 3 sets of 8-10 reps (each)

*incorporate any cardio from the training pdf file throughout the week*

Workout B (perform twice a week)

Squat: 5 sets of 5-6 reps

Deadlift: 5 sets of 5-6 reps

Barbell Lunge: 3 sets of 8-12 reps each leg

Calf Raises: 3 sets of 15-20 reps

(Ab Workout 1, 2, or 3)

Rest 60-90 seconds between sets

Remember this: If your goals are aesthetic or athletic or both there are certain rep
ranges to follow.

To build muscle size, pick an exercise that only allows you to do between 8-14 reps
(you should be able to do at least 8 and no more than 14)

To build strength, pick an exercise that only allows you to do between 1-5 reps (you
should be able to do at least 1 and no more than 5)

For both, pick an exercise that only allows you to do between 6-8 reps (you should
be able to do at least 6 and no more than 8)

All Mighty Arms (Athletic Hero Build 9 tips)

By Jordan "JaxBlade" Downs | Follow my YouTube channel: JaxBlade 5

Workout Phase 2 and Phase 7

or this section of the Training Plan, you will be moving onto working more fast
twitch muscle fibers. So the training will be a bit more explosive and plyometric
based which allow you to have more power, hit harder, and move faster just
like an athletic hero would. The reps will be higher, and the rest will be shorter.

Workout A (Alternate Workout A and B, perform 3 days a week)

Dumbbell Single-leg Deadlift: 3 sets of 20 reps

Dumbbell Clean and Press: 3 sets of 20 reps

Neutral-Grip Pullup/Lat Pull Down: 3 sets of 20 reps

Mountain Climbers: 3 sets of 20 reps

*Do Ab Workout 1, 2, or 3*

Finish with 20 minutes of HIIT Cardio

All Mighty Arms (Athletic Hero Build 9 tips)

By Jordan "JaxBlade" Downs | Follow my YouTube channel: JaxBlade 6

Workout B

Deadlift (light): 3 sets of 15-20 reps

Pistol Squat/Assisted Pistol Squat: 3 sets of 15-20 reps each leg

One Arm Cable Chest Press: 3 sets of 20 reps each arm

One Arm Cable Row: 3 sets of 20 reps each time each arm

Turkish Get up: 3 sets of 20 reps

Finish with 15 minutes of HIIT Cardio

Rest 30-50 seconds between sets.

An Example of how to do this workout would be

Monday: Workout A

Wednesday: Workout B

Friday: Workout A or B

Just fit it into your schedule and perform it 3 days week. For this one you need a
deload week of LISS Cardio and plenty of stretching.

All Mighty Arms (Athletic Hero Build 9 tips)

By Jordan "JaxBlade" Downs | Follow my YouTube channel: JaxBlade 7

Workout Phase 3 and Phase 8

or this section of the Training Plan, you will be taking a break from the weight
training and focusing primarily on calisthenics. Bodyweight exercises are
phenomenal for building pure body control and working your stabilizing
muscles to give you a more aesthetic look when your body fat is low enough. These
next few weeks will train you on how to make them effective at building muscle,
strength, and burning fat and give you more functional strength to move around with,
as a hero would need. Feel free to add weight to exercises as well to make them more
challenging as your strength grows.

3 days a week perform this workout

Pushups, Pullups, Dips 4 sets of 20 reps each

Clap Pushups, Pistol/Assisted Pistol Squats or alternating lunges, Bodyweight

rows 4 sets of 15 reps each

All Mighty Arms (Athletic Hero Build 9 tips)

By Jordan "JaxBlade" Downs | Follow my YouTube channel: JaxBlade 8

Burpee MAX 3 rounds, 1 minute each, rest 70 seconds after completing 1 round.

*Ab Workout 2, Core work*

*Any Cardio you like from the cardio file*

These are Tri-sets meaning after you finish one exercise you immediately move onto
the next one listed with minimal to no rest and then move on to the third exercise.
Remember to rest 60-90 seconds but if you want a more fat burning workout try
lowering the rest time to less than a minute. Also if you are trying go for a certain
aesthetic look remember you can always change your reps up to fit your goals.

All Mighty Arms (Athletic Hero Build 9 tips)

By Jordan "JaxBlade" Downs | Follow my YouTube channel: JaxBlade 9

Workout Phase 4 and Phase 9

or this section you will hit the weights again and will primarily be focusing on
building that strong body aesthetically. These months will show you have put in
work to earn that heroes body and will help your muscles and confidence grow.

Workout A

Weighted Pullups or Lat Pulldown: 4 sets of 6-8 reps

Decline Pushups superset with Dumbbell Squat to Shrug: 3 sets 10-15 reps each

Single Arm Push Press to dumbbell lunges: 3 sets of 10 reps each side

Military Burpee with a Snatch Shoulder Press: 6 sets of 15 reps

*Any Cardio from Cardio PDF FILE*

All Mighty Arms (Athletic Hero Build 9 tips)

By Jordan "JaxBlade" Downs | Follow my YouTube channel: JaxBlade 10

Workout B

Dumbbell Bench Press: 5 sets of 10 reps

Bent over Row to Medicine Ball Pushups: 4 sets of 10 reps each

Dips with Reverse Lunges: 4 sets of 10 reps

One Arm Plank Row to Dumbbell Floor Press: 4 sets of 12 reps each

Turkish Getup: 2 sets of 15 reps each side

*Ab Workout 3, weighted ab routine*

Rest 60-90 seconds in between sets

An Example of how to do this workout would be

Monday: Workout A

Wednesday: Workout B

Friday: Workout A or B

All Mighty Arms (Athletic Hero Build 9 tips)

By Jordan "JaxBlade" Downs | Follow my YouTube channel: JaxBlade 11

Workout Phase 5 and Phase 10

or those who follow my channel this part of the program may seem very
familiar to all of you. Yes, this is a MODIFIED version of my All Might Deku
Tough Like the Toonz. I truly made this workout to mimic his style of training
and figured what better way to end the phase and training month off as to see how
you compared to a version of the American Dream Plan. For this section we are
focusing primarily on the strongman training, very similar to what Deku underwent
and tons of bodybuilding and athlete training to compliment it. Also, Cardio this month
will be moderate pace, so you can increase your stamina.



Rope Climbing 5 sets up/down OR Towel Pullups 4 sets of 12 reps

Log Press or Shoulder Press: 3 sets of 10 reps

All Mighty Arms (Athletic Hero Build 9 tips)

By Jordan "JaxBlade" Downs | Follow my YouTube channel: JaxBlade 12

Neutral-Grip pull-ups or Assisted pull-ups: 4 sets up muscle failure

Band Pushups: 4 sets until muscle failure

Farmers Walk: 4 there and backs

Tire Hits: 4 sets of 20 reps each reps or Medicine Ball Slams 4 sets of 20 reps

Dumbbell Curls: 3 sets of 8

Tire Runs or Wind Sprints: 4 sets of 30 yards

This month focus on stamina/endurance

Run/Swim/Bike 3-5 miles 3-4 days a week

The reason you perform each workout phase months apart at a time is to see how
much you have improved when re-doing them. Compare yourself from Month 1 to
Month 5 and just see how dramatic the improvements in strength have become. You
can do this now all you need now is consistency, discipline, plenty of rest, and a
healthy appetite.

All Mighty Arms (Athletic Hero Build 9 tips)

By Jordan "JaxBlade" Downs | Follow my YouTube channel: JaxBlade 13

Now it’s time to go about Finding
your own personal Schedule.

n today’s world it is hectic to try to manage all three that’s why Knowing your
schedule and what you can dedicate to all 3 of the main components is crucial
instead of doing them Randomly at your leisure.

Remember this.
~ Brandon Carter

So it’s important to have a plan every single day and to know your weekly schedule.
Now I understand, your schedule will never be completely the same as we all have
different jobs, schools, and lives. So that’s why every single week you make the best
effort possible. As I’ve said many times before. You only get a little bit better each
day, but each of those miniscule results Add up to PHENOMENAL PRODUCTS.

All Mighty Arms (Athletic Hero Build 9 tips)

By Jordan "JaxBlade" Downs | Follow my YouTube channel: JaxBlade 14

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

6:00 AM

7:00 AM

8:00 AM

9:00 AM

10:00 AM

11:00 AM

12:00 PM

1:00 PM

2:00 PM

3:00 PM

4:00 PM

5:00 PM

6:00 PM

7:00 PM

8:00 PM

9:00 PM

10:00 PM

11:00 PM

12:00 AM

1:00 AM

-5:00 AM

All Mighty Arms (Athletic Hero Build 9 tips)

By Jordan "JaxBlade" Downs | Follow my YouTube channel: JaxBlade 15

YOU CAN DO THIS! I have the Utmost Faith in you but you have to want it bad, you
have to want it more than you want to eat cake, more than you want to party, more
than short term satisfaction. So, Plan out your day and how to go about it.

All Mighty Arms (Athletic Hero Build 9 tips)

By Jordan "JaxBlade" Downs | Follow my YouTube channel: JaxBlade 16

Athletic Hero Build
Training Schedule



Upper Body Resistance Training

Lower Body Resistance Training

Full Body Training

Cardio (HiIT, LISS, Moderate)



Training Time of Day




Your Energy levels (1-5) _____________

All Mighty Arms (Athletic Hero Build 9 tips)

By Jordan "JaxBlade" Downs | Follow my YouTube channel: JaxBlade 17


Exercise Reps Ease

(Name) Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 (1-10)













All Mighty Arms (Athletic Hero Build 9 tips)

By Jordan "JaxBlade" Downs | Follow my YouTube channel: JaxBlade 18


MyFitnessPal is your best friend here!!!

LOG EVERYTHING!!! And Eat Healthy Balanced meals

All Mighty Arms (Athletic Hero Build 9 tips)

By Jordan "JaxBlade" Downs | Follow my YouTube channel: JaxBlade 19

Sleep (Aim for 8-9 hours a day)

(WeekDays/Weekends) Length slept in that day?








JaxBladeFitness Personal Training | © 2017 JaxBladeFitnessLLC. All rights reserved.

The reason it’s the 1st 3 sets being counted is because that is when you are strongest.
Don’t count warmup sets, just your work sets. If you hit new PRs, be sure to mark the
date you hit them and the weight you finally made either here or in a notebook.

All Mighty Arms (Athletic Hero Build 9 tips)

By Jordan "JaxBlade" Downs | Follow my YouTube channel: JaxBlade 20

Getting that Heroic Confidence
to Go with your Super Bod.

irst things first Confidence is the Staple of all of this. It seems you weren’t
confident enough to let me know you asking for help by being on so maybe
we can remedy thisYou gotta believe in yourself man, you gotta know YOU
are capable of great things.


Just so you know I wasn’t always the Strapping Hunky Gentleman i am today ;)I used
to be a tubby anime fanboy all the way until Junior Year. I was this kid with an Afro
who was practically mute and had a really Really REAAAAAAALLLLLY Bad stuttering
problem, that I developed from years of being Bullied. And I wore Ridiculously Baggy
clothes to cover up my flabby body like the rappers. I mean look at this goof.

All Mighty Arms (Athletic Hero Build 9 tips)

By Jordan "JaxBlade" Downs | Follow my YouTube channel: JaxBlade 21

I hated my face and it didnt help that most hot girls used to tell me I wasn’t much to
look at when comparing me to their A-hole Zac Efron-esque boyfriends. Of course, I
knew nothing was ever going to happen, unless I DID something about it. So I started
Exercising consistently. Exercising Is Seriously the Best confidence booster I could
ever ask for. Instead of slumping you start walking taller. People start asking you for
advice. People who would test you before now don’t wanna F**k with you. I could
write a 10 page paper on the benefits of exercise so just start if you haven’t already.
When you have confidence, you can have a lot of fun. And when you have fun, you
can do amazing things.

Next Recognize your talents and Maximize them to their fullest

You may feel down when you have so many talented friends but think of something
you can do that they can’t do. For example I’m pretty fast. My High School Mile time
my senior year 4 minutes and 59 seconds and my 40 yard dash was 4.7. So thats a
Fitness talent right there which is why I’ve made fitness my main Passion :) Also I my
friends bet me I couldnt eat 8 Baconators in one sitting but I did and their frosties too
^_^ so I guess thats just a gross talent haha.

All Mighty Arms (Athletic Hero Build 9 tips)

By Jordan "JaxBlade" Downs | Follow my YouTube channel: JaxBlade 22

Recognize something you can do, even if its small and make it your craft.

Aftrer that BE A DOER!! This is key. You ever just sit

there some days and say to yourself. Man…. I should
do this today but life sucks and you waste it vegging
out. Figure out what you want to do in life, find what
it takes to accomplish it, and then F**KING DO IT, if
you can’t do it right away work up to being able to
do it. Don’t be a Donter, Do be a Do’er. Get a Goal,
Get a Plan, and GET UP OFF YOUR ASS! (for the
record I love pain and gain).

Next Change your style/appearance. Now you don’t have to change your personality
MUCH. because that’s what makes you you unless your kind of a wimp then yeaa, ya
gotta fix that. but ya gotta keep what makes you intact. But changing the way you
dress is just a fun way to reinvent yourself. Get a new haircut, shave.

All Mighty Arms (Athletic Hero Build 9 tips)

By Jordan "JaxBlade" Downs | Follow my YouTube channel: JaxBlade 23

Stay Humble. Trust me it may be fun to boast and say you
are the shit at so many things but staying humble. Says so
much more about your character. And if your character is
great, then people will naturally call you awesome. Be
humble in your confidence and courageous in your

Being comfortable in your skin. This kinda ties back into

being more confident but its just you talking to yourself.
This is gonna sound silly but Get BUTT ASS NAKED stand
in front of a full length mirror and go HELL YEAH, This is
what I got to rock with and GODDAMN Im gonna make the
most of it.



But all in all if You wanna

make changes Act like it.
Get up off your ass and
get active. Stop being a
slave to soda, alcohol,
and all that BS and make
changes in your life. You
have friends cheering ya
on and if ya dont ya have
me cheering you on.
And hopefully one day
you can show me your
true self.

All Mighty Arms (Athletic Hero Build 9 tips)

By Jordan "JaxBlade" Downs | Follow my YouTube channel: JaxBlade 24

Jordan Downs
Owner, JaxbladeFitnessLLC

PS – If you have any questions or comments, or if you just want

to keep updated on all things Kinobody, head over to my
Facebook Page at
and twitter

All Mighty Arms (Athletic Hero Build 9 tips)

By Jordan "JaxBlade" Downs | Follow my YouTube channel: JaxBlade 25

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