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Hybrid Muscle Training Week 1

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Build Bigger, Stronger Muscle Using Science

Hybrid Muscle Training

Copyright ©2017 by Jason Maxwell

All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in

any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,
recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the prior
written permission of the copyright owner and the publisher (Jason Kenneth
Maxwell). There are unique embedding codes in this pdf file that track any
illegal downloads or distribution. Any illegal distribution results in fines
starting at $250,000.

ISBN‐ 13 (paperback): XXXXXXXXXXXXX

ISBN‐ 10 (paperback): XXXXXXXXXX

ISBN‐ 13 (electronic): XXXXXXXXXXXXX

ISBN‐ 10 (electronic): XXXXXXXXXX

Trademarked names may appear in this book. Rather than use a trademark
symbol with every occurrence of a trademarked name, we use the names only
in an editorial fashion and to the benefit of the trademark owner, with no
intention of infringement of the trademark.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents .................................................................................................................. 4
Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 5
How Much Weight to Use ...................................................................................................... 6
Too Light........................................................................................................................................6
Too Heavy......................................................................................................................................6
Just Right .......................................................................................................................................6
Contraction ........................................................................................................................... 7
Workout Terminology............................................................................................................ 8
How many days should I train? .............................................................................................. 9
4-Day Schedule ..............................................................................................................................9
5-Day Schedule ..............................................................................................................................9
*Important* .......................................................................................................................................... 9
Upper Body Strength.................................................................................................................... 10
Lower Body Strength.................................................................................................................... 11
Upper Body Hypertrophy ............................................................................................................. 12
Lower Body Hypertrophy ............................................................................................................. 13
Chest & Back Hypertrophy ........................................................................................................... 14
Arms & Shoulders Hypertrophy .................................................................................................... 15
First of all, welcome to Hybrid Muscle Training.

The goal of Hybrid Muscle Training is to build muscle (obviously), but also to
build strong muscles. In other words, you’ll look strong, but you’ll also feel

The program has 2 phases during the week and is based on a Non-Linear
Periodization approach. Basically, all this means is that in the start of the
week, you’re training for strength. Later in the week, you use that new-found
strength to build muscle. The stronger you are, the more potential there is for
muscle growth, and that’s why you will be training for both strength and

The workout is based on the latest science of muscle growth which states:

• Train each muscle 2x per week.

• Take longer rest periods.
• Use big compound movements most of the time.
• Isolate lagging body parts.
• Train to failure occasionally.
• Always try to get stronger.

Before I reveal the workout to you, I want to go over some things you’ll need to
know to be successful on the program.

NOTE: This is Week 1 of a 4-Week program. If you love this workout after 1
week and want to continue making gains, you can get the whole Hybrid Muscle
Training program here:
How Much Weight to Use
I want you to use the maximum weight possible to accomplish the given
number of reps without compromising your form. Here are some examples:

Too Light
Let’s say your workout calls for 3 sets of 12 reps on the bench press. You
choose to use 100lbs. You knock out 12 reps with perfect form and you feel
like you could have done 5 more reps. Your second set comes along, you
knock out 12 reps and feel like you had 4 more in the tank. Your last set
comes around, and low and behold, you did 12 reps and probably could have
done 3 more if you pushed yourself. The last set felt tough, but if it came down
to it, you could do 3 more reps. This means the weight was too light.

Too Heavy
If your form starts to break down before your last rep of the exercise, then it’s
too heavy. Alternatively, if you weren’t able to get all the reps in, it’s too heavy.

Just Right
Using the bench press example, if on your last set of 12 reps, upon completion
ask yourself, “If I had a gun to my head and someone told me I had to do more
reps with perfect form, how many more could I do?” If the answer is 0 or 1 more
rep, then you’re using the right weight. If the answer is more than 1, then it’s
probably too light.
Since your goal is to build muscle, the goal of every single rep is to squeeze the
working muscle as hard as possible. This sends the signal to the brain to build
that muscle. If you haven’t been doing this before, then you might need to
lower the weight on an exercise until you feel the contraction.

For example, if you are doing biceps curls, your goal is to contract your biceps
as hard as possible. Ideally, you want to try to make the muscle cramp up.
Using this method, you’ll need to leave your ego at the door, since the weights
will go down at first. This is fine.
Workout Terminology
I wanted to quickly define some terms that will be used throughout. To give you
the best workout possible, I give guidelines on a number of different factors
beyond sets and reps. Below are definitions of some terms used in workoutnese
(my term for workout jargon) that I use to describe the different aspects of the

Rep – One performance of a single exercise.

Set – The number of repetitions performed without stopping.

Tempo – The speed at which one repetition is performed. It’s denoted with 4
numbers (ex. 4-0-1-0). Each of the 4 numbers is in seconds. The first number
represents the speed of the movement that follows one repetition, the second is
the pause, the 3rd is the action phase of the movement, and the 4th is the
pause. In the example of a bench press, the first number denotes the speed at
which the weight is lowered, the second is the pause at the bottom, the 3 rd is
the speed at which the bar is pressed, and the 4th is the pause at the top.

Rest – The rest is the time in seconds between two sets.

1A/1B – In the workouts, you will see "1A" and "1B" or "2A" and "2B". This
refers to the order of exercises. "1A" is usually the first exercise for a particular
set for a particular body part, while "1B" refers to the second exercise. After
completing 1A, the trainee rests for the predetermined amount of time and
then goes the 1B exercise. After this, the trainee rests for the predetermined
amount of time and then goes back to their second set of 1A.
How many days should I train?
I’ve included two different workout plans: a 4-day plan and a 5-day plan.

Both of these plans are effective, so it just comes down to how many days you
can train.

Here’s how I laid it out:

4-Day Schedule
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Upper Lower Upper Body Lower Body

Body Body Hypertrophy Hypertrophy
Strength Strength

5-Day Schedule
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Upper Lower Chest & Lower Body Arms &

Body Body Back Hypertrophy Shoulders
Strength Strength Hypertrophy Hypertrophy

Included in this package is Week 1 of the Hybrid Muscle Training. You can
get Weeks 2, 3, and 4 at

Each week training week is different and builds upon the week before it. Week
1 preps you for week 2, and so on. Using this method, you should be able to
gain 5-10lbs of muscle in only 4 weeks (depending on how long you’ve been
training and your nutrition). We’ll change the reps each week, and add in
intensification and failure techniques to keep building muscle. You’ll love it.

I’m giving all the workout days on the next few pages. Use the schedule above
depending on whether you’re training 4 or 5 days per week, and then find the
names of those workout days in the pages to follow.
Upper Body Strength
Exercise Sets Reps Rest (min) Tempo

1A: Bench 4 5 2 40X0


1B: Single 4 5 each side 2 4011


2A: Barbell 4 5 2 40X0


2B: Chinup 4 5 2 4011

3A: Cable 3 6-8 1 4011

Biceps Curl

3B: Cable 3 6-8 1 4010

Lower Body Strength
Exercise Sets Reps Rest (min) Tempo

1A: 4 5 each side 2 40X0

Split Squat

1B: Rack 4 5 2 40X0


2A: Barbell 4 6-8 2 40X0

Front Squat

2B: Single 4 6-8 each side 2 4010


3: Standing 3 10 2 4222
Calf Raises
Upper Body Hypertrophy
Exercise Sets Reps Rest (min) Tempo

1A: Low 3 10-12 2 30X0

Bench Press

1B: Chest 3 10-12 2 3011


2A: Seated 3 10-12 2 30X0


2B: Lat 3 10-12 2 3011


3A: Incline 3 12-15 1 3011

Biceps Curl

3B: Lying EZ 3 12-15 1 3010

Bar Triceps
Lower Body Hypertrophy
Exercise Sets Reps Rest (min) Tempo

1A: Reverse 3 10-12 each 2 30X0

Lunges side

1B: Barbell 3 10-12 2 30X0


2A: Barbell 3 12-15 2 30X0

Back Squat

2B: Leg 3 12-15 2 3010

Press (Glute

3: Seated 3 20 2 4222
Calf Raises
Chest & Back Hypertrophy
(For 5-Day Program Only)

Exercise Sets Reps Rest (min) Tempo

1A: Low 4 10-12 2 30X0

Bench Press

1B: Lat 4 10-12 2 3011


2A: Chest 4 10-12 2 30X0


2B: 3 12-15 2 3111

Arms & Shoulders Hypertrophy
(For 5-Day Program Only)

Exercise Sets Reps Rest (min) Tempo

1: Chest 3 30 2 30X0
Dumbbell Fly

2: Seated 4 10-12 3 3011


3A: Incline 4 12-15 1 3011

Biceps Curl

3B: Lying EZ 4 12-15 1 3010

Bar Triceps

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