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CH:3 MCQ and True or False

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CH:3 MCQ and true or False

1) An audit of historical financial statements most commonly includes the:

A) balance sheet, statement of retained earnings, and the statement of cash flows.
B) income statement, the statement of cash flows, and the statement of net working capital.
C) statement of cash flows, balance sheet, and the statement of retained earnings.
D) balance sheet, income statement, statement of cash flows, and the statement of changes in stockholders' equity.

2) Auditing standards require that the audit report must be titled and that the title must:
A) include the word "independent."
B) indicate if the auditor is a CPA.
C) indicate if the auditor is a proprietorship, partnership, or corporation.
D) indicate the type of audit opinion issued.

3) To emphasize the fact that the auditor is independent, a typical addressee of the audit report could be:
Company Controller Shareholders Board of Directors
No Yes Yes
Company Controller Shareholders Board of Directors
No No Yes
Company Controller Shareholders Board of Directors
Yes Yes No
Company Controller Shareholders Board of Directors
Yes No No

4) The auditor's responsibility section of the standard unqualified audit report states that the audit is designed to:
A) discover all errors and/or irregularities.
B) discover material errors and/or irregularities.
C) conform to generally accepted accounting principles.
D) obtain reasonable assurance whether the statements are free of material misstatement.

5) The audit report date on a standard unqualified report indicates:

A) the last day of the fiscal period.
B) the date on which the financial statements were filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
C) the last date on which users may institute a lawsuit against either client or auditor.
D) the last day of the auditor's responsibility for the review of significant events that occurred after the date of the financial

6) The standard audit report for non-public entities refers to GAAS and GAAP in which sections?
Auditor's responsibility Auditor's responsibility
Auditor's responsibility Introductory paragraph
Management's responsibility and Opinion paragraph Management's responsibility and Introductory paragraph
Auditor's responsibility Management's responsibility and Opinion paragraph
7) Which of the following is not explicitly stated in the standard unqualified audit report?
A) The financial statements are the responsibility of management.
B) The audit was conducted in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
C) The auditors believe that the audit evidence provides a reasonable basis for their opinion.
D) An audit includes assessing the accounting estimates used.

8) The standard unqualified audit report for a non-public entity must:

A) have a report title that includes the word "CPA."
B) be addressed to the company's stockholders and creditors.
C) be dated.
D) include an explanatory paragraph.

9) The management's responsibility section of the standard audit report for a non-public company states that the financial
statements are:
A) the responsibility of the auditor.
B) the responsibility of management.
C) the joint responsibility of management and the auditor.
D) none of the above.

10) The introductory paragraph of the standard audit report for a non-public company performs which functions?
I. It states the CPA has performed an audit.
II. It lists the financial statements being audited.
III. It states the financial statements are the responsibility of the auditor.
A) I and II
B) I and III
C) II and III
D) I, II and III

11) Which of the following statements are true for the audit report of a non-public entity?
I. The introductory paragraph states that management is responsible for the preparation and content of the financial
II. The scope paragraph states that the auditor evaluates the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the
reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management.
A) I only
B) II only
C) I and II
D) Neither I nor II

12) The auditor's responsibility section of the standard audit report states that the auditor is:
A) responsible for the financial statements and the opinion on them.
B) responsible for the financial statements.
C) responsible for the opinion on the financial statements.
D) jointly responsible for the financial statements with management.

13) If the balance sheet of a private company is dated December 31, 2011, the audit report is dated February 8, 2012, and both
are released on February 15, 2012, this indicates that the auditor has searched for subsequent events that occurred up to:
A) December 31, 2011.
B) January 1, 2012.
C) February 8, 2012.
D) February 15, 2012.

1) In which of the following situations would the auditor most likely issue an unqualified report?
A) The client valued ending inventory by using the replacement cost method.
B) The client valued ending inventory by using the Next-In-First-Out (NIFO) method.
C) The client valued ending inventory at selling price rather than historical cost.
D) The client valued ending inventory by using the First-In-First-Out (FIFO) method, but showed the replacement cost of
inventory in the Notes to the Financial Statements.
2) The standard unqualified audit report:
A) is sometimes called a clean opinion.
B) can be issued only with an explanatory paragraph.
C) can be issued if only a balance sheet and income statement are included in the financial statements.
D) is sometimes called a disclaimer report.

2) The standard unqualified audit report for public entities includes the following three paragraphs:
A) introductory, scope and management's responsibility.
B) materiality, scope and report.
C) introductory, scope and opinion.
D) scope, fieldwork and conclusion.
3) Auditing standards for public companies are established by the:

1) Examples of unqualified opinions which contain modified wording (without adding an explanatory paragraph) include:
A) the use of other auditors.
B) material uncertainties.
C) substantial doubt about the audited company (or the entity) continuing as a going concern.
D) lack of consistent application of GAAP.

2) A CPA may wish to emphasize specific matters regarding the financial statements even though an unqualified opinion will
be issued. Normally, such explanatory information is:
A) included in the scope paragraph.
B) included in the opinion paragraph.
C) included in a separate paragraph in the report.
D) included in the introductory paragraph.

3) All of the following are causes for the addition of an explanatory paragraph under both AICPA and PCAOB standards
except for:
A) emphasis of a matter.
B) reports involving other auditors.
C) lack of consistent application of generally accepted accounting principles.
D) auditor agrees with a departure from promulgated accounting principles..
4) The term "explanatory paragraph" was replaced in the AICPA auditing standards with:
A) going concern paragraph.
B) emphasis-of-matter paragraph.
C) departure from principles paragraph.
D) consistency paragraph.

9) When a company's financial statements contain a departure from GAAP with which the auditor concurs, the departure
should be explained in:
A) the scope paragraph.
B) an explanatory paragraph that appears before the opinion paragraph.
C) the opinion paragraph.
D) an explanatory paragraph after the opinion paragraph.

11) A company has changed its method of inventory valuation from an unacceptable one to one in conformity with generally
accepted accounting principles. The auditor's report on the financial statements of the year of the change should include:
A) no reference to consistency.
B) a reference to a prior period adjustment in the opinion paragraph.
C) an explanatory paragraph that justifies the change and explains the impact of the change on reported net income.
D) an explanatory paragraph explaining the change.
12) Which of the following modifications of the auditor's report does not include an explanatory paragraph?
A) A qualified report is due to a GAAP departure.
B) The report includes an emphasis of a matter.
C) There is a very material scope limitation.
D) A principal auditor accepts the work of an other auditor.

13) No reference is made in the auditor's report to other auditors who perform a portion of the audit when:
I. The other auditor audited an immaterial portion of the audit.
II. The other auditor is well known or closely supervised by the principle auditor.
III. The principle auditor has thoroughly reviewed the work of the other auditor.
A) I and II
B) I and III
C) II and III
D) I, II and III

18) Which of the following requires recognition in the auditor's opinion as to consistency?
A) The correction of an error in the prior year's financial statements resulting from a mathematical mistake in capitalizing
B) A change in the estimate of provisions for warranty costs.
C) The change from the cost method to the equity method of accounting for investments in common stock.
D) A change in depreciation method which has no effect on current year's financial statements but is certain to affect future

19) Indicate which changes would require an explanatory paragraph in the audit report.
Correction of an error by changing from an accounting principle that is not generally
acceptable to one that is generally acceptable Change from LIFO to FIFO
Yes Yes

Correction of an error by changing from an accounting principle that is not generally
acceptable to one that is generally acceptable Change from LIFO to FIFO
No No

Correction of an error by changing from an accounting principle that is not generally
acceptable to one that is generally acceptable Change from LIFO to FIFO
Yes No

22) Indicate which changes would require an explanatory paragraph in the audit report.
A departure from GAAP which, due to unusual
circumstances, does not require a qualified or adverse The CPA makes reference to the work of another auditor to
opinion. indicate shared responsibility in an unqualified opinion.
Yes Yes
A departure from GAAP which, due to unusual
circumstances, does not require a qualified or adverse The CPA makes reference to the work of another auditor to
opinion. indicate shared responsibility in an unqualified opinion.
No No
A departure from GAAP which, due to unusual
circumstances, does not require a qualified or adverse The CPA makes reference to the work of another auditor to
opinion. indicate shared responsibility in an unqualified opinion.
Yes No
1) As a result of management's refusal to permit the auditor to physically examine inventory, the auditor must depart from
the unqualified audit report because:
A) the financial statements have not been prepared in accordance with GAAP.
B) the scope of the audit has been restricted by circumstances beyond either the client's or auditor's control.
C) the financial statements have not been audited in accordance with GAAS.
D) the scope of the audit has been restricted.

2) An adverse opinion is issued when the auditor believes:

A) some parts of the financial statements are materially misstated or misleading.
B) the financial statements would be found to be materially misstated if an investigation were performed.
C) the auditor is not independent.
D) the overall financial statements are so materially misstated that they do not present fairly the financial position or results
of operations and cash flows in conformity with GAAP.

3) An auditor can express a qualified opinion due to a:

Departure from GAAP Lack of Consistency Lack of Sufficient Evidence
Yes No No
Departure from GAAP Lack of Consistency Lack of Sufficient Evidence
No Yes No
Departure from GAAP Lack of Consistency Lack of Sufficient Evidence
Yes No Yes
Departure from GAAP Lack of Consistency Lack of Sufficient Evidence
Yes Yes Yes

4) An auditor determines the financial statements include at least a material departure from GAAP. Which type of opinion
may be issued?
Disclaimer Qualified Adverse
Yes No No
Disclaimer Qualified Adverse
No Yes No
Disclaimer Qualified Adverse
Yes No Yes
Disclaimer Qualified Adverse
No Yes Yes

5) A qualified opinion can be issued for which of the following?

I. When a limitation on the scope of the audit has occurred
II. When the auditor lacks independence
III. When generally accepted accounting principles have not been used
A) I and II
B) I and III
C) II and III
D) I, II and III
6) In which situation would the auditor be choosing between "except for" qualified opinion and an adverse opinion?
A) The auditor lacks independence.
B) A client-imposed scope limitation
C) A circumstance imposed scope limitation
D) Lack of full disclosure within the footnotes

7) When the auditor determines that the financial statements are fairly stated, but there is a nonindependent relationship
between the auditor and the client, the auditor should issue:
A) an adverse opinion.
B) a disclaimer of opinion.
C) either a qualified opinion or an adverse opinion.
D) either a qualified opinion or an unqualified opinion with modified wording.

8) If the auditor lacks independence, a disclaimer of opinion must be issued:

A) if the client requests it.
B) only if it is highly material.
C) only if it is material but not pervasive.
D) in all cases.

9) If the phrase "except for" is present in the opinion paragraph of the audit report, the auditor has issued a(n):
A) adverse opinion.
B) disclaimer of opinion.
C) unqualified opinion.
D) qualified opinion.
Answer: D

10) A client has changed their method of valuing inventory from FIFO to LIFO and the change has a material effect on the
financial statements. If the auditor does not concur with the appropriateness of the change, the auditor should issue a(n):
A) disclaimer.
B) adverse opinion. C) unqualified opinion. D) qualified opinion.
11) Items that materially affect the comparability of financial statements generally require disclosure in the footnotes. If the
client refuses to properly disclose the item, the auditor will most likely issue:
A) a disclaimer.
B) an unqualified opinion.
C) a qualified opinion.
D) an adverse opinion.

12) Which of the following scenarios does not result in a qualified opinion?
A) A scope limitation prevents the auditor from completing an important audit procedure.
B) Circumstances exist that prevent the auditor from conducting a complete audit.
C) The auditor lacks independence with respect to the audited entity.
D) An accounting principle at variance with GAAP is used.
13) Whenever the client imposes restrictions on the scope of the audit, the auditor should be concerned that management
may be trying to prevent discovery of misstatements. In such cases, the auditor will likely issue a:
A) disclaimer of opinion in all cases.
B) qualification of both scope and opinion in all cases.
C) disclaimer of opinion whenever materiality is in question.
D) qualification of both scope and opinion whenever materiality is in question.

15) Which of the following statements is true?

I. The auditor is required to issue a disclaimer of opinion in the event of a material uncertainty.
II. The auditor is required to issue a disclaimer of opinion in the event of a going concern problem.
A) I only
B) II only
C) I and II
D) Neither I nor II
17) When the client fails to make adequate disclosure in the body of the statements or in the related footnotes, it is the
responsibility of the auditor to:
A) inform the reader that disclosure is not adequate, and to issue an adverse opinion.
B) inform the reader that disclosure is not adequate, and to issue a qualified opinion.
C) present the information in the audit report and issue an unqualified or qualified opinion.
D) present the information in the audit report and to issue a qualified or an adverse opinion.

7) Which of the following is a correct statement regarding materiality?

A) There are well-defined guidelines that enable auditors to determine if something is material.
B) Misstatements must be compared with some benchmark before a decision can be made about the materiality level of the
failure of a company to follow GAAP.
C) Pervasiveness is not considered when comparing potential misstatements with a base or benchmark.
D) To evaluate overall materiality, the auditor does not combine all unadjusted misstatements.

1) When accounting principles are not consistently applied, and the materiality level is immaterial, the auditor will issue a(n):
A) unqualified opinion.
B) unqualified opinion with an explanatory paragraph.
C) adverse opinion.
D) disclaimer opinion.

2) The first step to be followed when deciding the appropriate audit report in a given set of circumstances is to:
A) decide the appropriate type of report for the condition.
B) write the report.
C) determine whether any conditions exists requiring a departure from a standard unqualified report.
D) decide the materiality for each condition.

3) In most audits, the auditor issues a:

A) qualified audit report.
B) unqualified audit report.
C) scope limited audit report.
D) adverse audit report.

4) More than one modification should be included in the audit report when:
A) the auditor is not independent and the auditor knows that the company has not followed generally accepted accounting
B) there is substantial doubt about the going concern of the company and information about the causes of the uncertainties
is not adequately disclosed in the footnotes.
C) there is a scope limitation and there is substantial doubt about the company's ability to continue as a going concern.
D) all of the above.

5) When there is a justified departure from GAAP which is considered material, the auditor should issue a(n):
A) standard unqualified audit report.
B) disclaimer of opinion.
C) unqualified audit report with an explanatory paragraph.
D) adverse opinion.

7) After the auditor determines whether any conditions exist which require a departure from a standard unqualified report,
the next step in the decision process for audit reports is to:
A) write the report.
B) decide the materiality for each condition.
C) decide the appropriate type of report for the condition.
D) discuss the report with management.
1) The explanatory paragraph for a qualified opinion would:
A) precede the scope paragraph.
B) follow the scope paragraph.
C) follow the opinion paragraph.
D) either precede or follow the opinion paragraph depending on the materiality.

2) An auditor who issues a qualified opinion because sufficient appropriate evidence was not obtained should describe the
limitations in an explanatory paragraph. The auditor should also modify the:
Scope paragraph Opinion paragraph Notes to the financial statements
Yes No Yes

Scope paragraph Opinion paragraph Notes to the financial statements
No Yes Yes

Scope paragraph Opinion paragraph Notes to the financial statements
No Yes No

Scope paragraph Opinion paragraph Notes to the financial statements
Yes Yes No

3) When an auditor issues a qualified report due to a scope limitation an explanatory paragraph is normally added. Which, if
any, of the following paragraphs are also modified?
Introductory Scope Opinion
Yes Yes Yes
Introductory Scope Opinion
Yes Yes No

Introductory Scope Opinion
No Yes No
Introductory Scope Opinion
No Yes Yes

4) When a qualified or adverse opinion is issued, the qualifying paragraph is inserted:

A) between the introductory and scope paragraphs.
B) between the scope and opinion paragraphs.
C) after the opinion paragraph, as a fourth paragraph.
D) immediately after the address, as the first paragraph.

5) The independent auditor must issue a qualified opinion when which of the financial(s) are missing?
I. Balance Sheet
II. Income Statement
III. Statement of Cash Flows
A) I only
B) II only
C) III only
D) I, II, and III
6) If the financial statements include an income statement and a balance sheet but exclude the statement of cash flows, the
A) can issue an unqualified report.
B) should issue a qualified opinion due to the departure from GAAP.
C) should issue a qualified opinion because the missing statement of cash flows constitutes a scope limitation.
D) should include the statement of cash flows, modify the report and issue an unqualified opinion.

8) When dealing with materiality and scope limitation conditions:

A) a disclaimer of opinion must be issued.
B) it is easier to evaluate the materiality of potential misstatements resulting from a scope limitation than for failure to follow
C) scope limitations imposed by the client are always considered material.
D) a unqualified opinion may still be issued depending on the materiality of the scope limitation.

9) When a pervasive scope limitation exists:

A) a disclaimer of opinion rather than a qualified opinion is generally required.
B) the auditor's responsibility paragraph is modified to indicate that the auditor was not able to obtain sufficient appropriate
evidence to express an audit opinion.
C) sections of the auditor's responsibility paragraph are eliminated to avoid stating anything that might lead readers to
believe that other parts of the financial statements might be fairly stated.
D) all of the above.

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