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Unit 7

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Assessment Prep
The following exercises were created to prepare you for your Assessment:

 Section A – has vocabulary exercises that will test your understanding on daily

 Section B – is all about grammar and your knowledge on the technical aspect of
the English language will be evaluated.

 Section C – details reading and listening exercises, thus, assessing those abilities.
Section A

In this section you will test your knowledge of vocabulary as well as practice the use and
understanding of words and phrases.

“A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than you love yourself.”
– Josh Billings

1- A pet, or companion animal, is an animal kept primarily for a person's company or

entertainment rather than as a working animal. Two of the most popular pets are dogs and cats.

1.1- Put the letters in order.




GOD _______________

SIHF _______________

1.2- Read and look. Write yes or no.

Write yes or no

1. The dog is old.

2. The cat is sad.
3. The fish is beautiful.
4. The bird is young.
5. The horse is ugly.
6. The mouse is happy.
1.3- Write the name under the right animal and match the animal with the description. Follow the




I’m small and green. I I’m big and grey. I’ve I’m long and I can’t walk
can jump and I eat got big ears and a long because I haven’t got
insects. trunk legs.
I’m brown with black
I’m brown or black. I have got aI can run very fast.
long tail and small ears. I live in the jungle.
I have got long legs and
two humps. I live in the
I’m small. I can
sing and fly.
I’m green. I have got I’m tall. My body is
big teeth and a long tail. brown with spots I have
got a long neck and
small ears.

2- Different species of animals live in different habitats*. Those habitats are also different in
many aspects, one of those is the weather.

Weather is the state of the atmosphere, describing for example the degree to which it is hot or cold,
wet or dry, calm or stormy, clear or cloudy.

2.1- What is the weather like? Look at the pictures and then tick the right option below.

It's windy It's windy It's windy It's windy

It's raining It's raining It's raining It's raining
It's sunny It's sunny It's sunny It's sunny
It's snowing It's snowing It's snowing It's snowing

It's sunny It's sunny It's sunny It's hot

It's stormy It's cloudy It's windy It's windy
It's raining It's lightning It'sa rainbow It's raining
It's snowing It's snowing It's snowing It's snowing
Section B

In this section you will test your knowledge of grammar, understanding of the rules, and correct
structure of the English language.

1- A preposition is a word used to link nouns, pronouns, or phrases to other words within a
sentence. There are many types of prepositions, but in this unit let’s focus on prepositions of
A preposition of time is a preposition that allows you to discuss a specific time period such as
a date on the calendar, one of the days of the week, or the actual time something takes place.

 night the morning  Sunday
 10:30  the afternoon  Monday morning
 noon / midday  the evening  Tuesday afternoon
 midnight  February  Wednesday evening
 bedtime  (the) spring  my birthday
 sunrise  (the summer)  a holiday
 sunset  (the) fall / autumn  Christmas day
 the weekend (U.K.)  (the) winter  May 5
 2013  a weekday
 the 1990s  time
 a (few) minute(s)  the weekend (U.S.)

1.1- Fill in the blanks below with the correct prepositions of time.

a. My brother has a new job. He works ____in____ the evening.

b. We’re going to have a picnic ________ Saturday afternoon. Would you like to come?
c. I’ll be finished my work ________ an hour. Then, I can go home.
d. When is the meeting? Is it ________ 2:00?
e. I like to get up really early, ________ sunrise, when the birds start to sing.
f. Tom’s birthday is next week, ________ January 14.
g. My grandfather was born ________ the 1950s.
h. Will we be ________ time, or will we miss our flight?
i. My family and I like to ski ________ winter.
j. Are there any holidays ________ October?
k. Our school cafeteria opens for lunch ________ noon.
l. What time does your son go to bed ________ night?
m. We moved to this city ________ 2012.
n. Are you going to do anything special ________ your birthday?
o. I’m not going to watch that TV show. It starts ________ midnight!

1.2- Complete the text with the correct time preposition: IN, ON, AT.

My father’s name is Jack. He is a math teacher in an elementary school. 1_____ the mornings he
usually gets up 2______ 6.30. But this is only 3______ weekdays, because 4______ the weekend he gets
up later.5 ______ Tuesdays and Thursdays he has lunch in the school 6______ 12.30, because he has
lessons both 7______ the morning and 8______ the afternoon. The other days he finishes work 9______
midday, so he comes home for lunch. He sometimes corrects exercises 10______ the evenings after
My father has his summer holiday 11______ August. But he also has a two-week holiday 12______
Christmas, and one week holiday 13______ Easter.
He has a difficult job, but he loves it!

2- If you have a job, you probably have to work every day. In this case Have to expresses
obligation. You can use it to express obligation or lack of obligation with don’t have to.

I Have I Don’t
You Have You Don’t
He Has He Doesn’t
She Has To travel She Doesn’t Have to travel
It Has It Doesn’t
We Have We Don’t
They have They
2.1- Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences. Use the words in the above box.
a. Today is a holiday. I ______________ go to work.
b. ______________ your sister ______________ go to school today?
c. My mother ______________ go to the post office now.
d. I ______________ study for the grammar test tomorrow.
e. A: Do they ______________ get up early every morning? B: Yes, they __________.
f. Patrick ________________ drive to the store. He can take a bus.
g. Anne ________________ see a doctor because she isn’t feeling well.
h. Excuse me, I ________________ answer my phone.
i. ________________ you ________________ leave soon?
j. My friend ________________ take a driving test this afternoon.
k. Camels ________________ drink water for a long time.
l. My sister ________________ see a dentist. She has an appointment.
m. Astronauts ________________ bring food and water into space.
n. A: ________________ he have to study now? B: Yes, he ________________.
o. Do you really ________________ make so much noise?

3- One of the biggest aspects of communication in any language is asking and answering
questions. The next exercise it’s to practice asking and answering yes/no questions.
3.1- Write short answers (with pronouns) to the questions below.
a. Q: Does Mrs. Brown live in California? A: Yes, ______________________________
b. Q: Are Shelly and Thomas tired? A: No, __________________________________
c. Q: Do penguins live at the North Pole? A: No, ______________________________
d. Q: Does your father work in an office? A: Yes, ______________________________
e. Q: Is Ottawa the capital city of Canada? A: Yes, _____________________________
f. Q: Are we late? A: No, ________________________________________________
g. Q: Does Robert live in London? A: No, ____________________________________
h. Q: Is dinner ready? A: No, _____________________________________________
i. Q: Do you like to read? A: Yes, _________________________________________
j. Q: Are they from New Zealand? A: Yes, __________________________________
k. Q: Are rabbits dangerous? A: No, _______________________________________
l. Q: Is Brazil in Asia? A: No, _____________________________________________
m. Q: Does she drive? A: Yes, ____________________________________________
n. Q: Is Mr. Smith a teacher? A: Yes, _______________________________________
o. Q: Do they know the answer? A: No, _____________________________________
p. Q: Do you know how to swim? A: No, ____________________________________
q. Q: Are you angry? A: No,
r. Q: Is Dubai in the Middle East? A: Yes,
s. Q: Does the cake taste good? A: Yes, ____________________________________
t. Q: Are they here? A: No, ______________________________________________

Section C

In this section you will test your reading and writing skills.

1- Read the next 3 stories about pets and answers the questions below.

Story 1

A bank worker in San Francisco decided to take his Siamese cat, Morris, into work with him one day.
While the man was speaking on the telephone, Morris walked across the keyboard of his computer and
accidently keyed in a secret code that deleted files worth 100,000 dollars. As you can imagine, the man’s
employers were not amused.

Story 2

While traveling in the north of England some years ago, my husband and I stopped in a quiet place for
a picnic and played some Mozart on a CD player. After a few minutes we looked up and realized that we
were surrounded by cows who were listening to the music. When the
Mozart was finished, we put on CD of modern music. The cows immediately
turned round and walked off.

Story 3
People say that fish are cold, but this story proves that they have feelings too.
A friend was moving to another country, so we took her pet goldfish and put it in a bowl with our
goldfish. They lived together for six months, and the friend came back, we separated them again, and she
took her goldfish home.
I immediately noticed that my goldfish was behaving strangely, banging against the side of the bowl.
The next morning, he was floating on the surface, dead. Later that day my friend phoned to say that her
goldfish was also dead.
I believe they died of a broken heart.

1.1- Answer the questions below with 5 lines each.

A. Do you have pets? Do they like listening to classic music?

B. People become more responsible when keeping pets. Do you agree?

C. What would you do if you were the owner of those 2 poor fish?

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