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4G and Its Evolution

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4G and its Evolution

Abstract : Though many technologies currently cell site. Advance mobile phone system
available for wired and wireless, The 4G (AMPS) was first launched by the US and is a
concept supports the provisioning of multiple 1G mobile system. Based on FDMA, it allows
users 2 make voice calls in 1 country.
types of services, ranging from simple network
2G, or Second Generation : 2G first appeared
access to complex multimedia virtual reality, around the end of the 1980’s, the 2G system
including voice communication services, which digitized the voice signal, as well as the control
are themselves a challenge in packet-based link. This new digital system gave a lot better
mobile communications environments. 4G quality and much more capacity (i.e. more
mobile data transmission rates are planned to people could use their phones at the same
be up to 100 megabits per second on the move time), all at a lower cost to the end consumer.
Based on TDMA, the first commercial network
and 1000gigbits per second stationary, this is a
for use by the public was the Global system for
phenomenal amount of bandwidth, only mobile communication (GSM).
comparable to the bandwidth workstations get 3G or Third Generation : 3G systems promise
connected directly to a LAN. The intent of this faster communications services, entailing
paper is to describe about 4G, its architecture, voice, facsimile and Internet data transfer
specifications, and the technology. This paper capabilities. The aim of 3G is to provide these
also overviews technical physical layer and services anytime, anywhere throughout the
globe, with seamless roaming between
medium access layer features, further
standards. ITU’s IMT-2000 is a global standard
developments and threats of the 4G, Higher for 3G and has opened new doors to enabling
layer issues in 4G. Next, the features of the innovative services and application for
wireless broadband networks are compared instance, multimedia entertainment, and
and a conclusion is drawn. location-based services, as well as a whole lot
more. In 2001, Japan saw the first 3G network
1 INTRODUCTION: At the end of the launched.3G technology supports around 144
1940’s, the first radio telephone service was Kbps, with high speed movement, i.e. in a
introduced, and was designed to users in cars to vehicle. 384 Kbps locally, and up to 2Mbps for
the public land-line based telephone network. fixed stations, i.e. in a building.
Then, in the 60’s, a system launched by Bell 4G or Forth Generation For 1 and 2G
Systems, called IMTS, or, “Improved Mobile standards, bandwidth maximum is 9.6 Kbit/sec,
Telephone Service", brought quite a few this is approximately 6 times slower than an
improvements such as direct dialing and more ISDN (Integrated services digital network).
bandwidth. The very first analog systems were Rates did increase by a factor of 3 with newer
based upon IMTS and were created in the late handsets to 28.8kbps. This is rarely the speed
60s and early 70s. The systems were called though, as in crowded areas, when the network
"cellular" because large coverage areas were is busy, rates do drop dramatically. Third
split into smaller areas or "cells", each cell is generation mobile, data rates are 384 kbps
served by a low power transmitter and receiver. (download) maximum, typically around
The 1G or First Generation 200kbps, and 64kbps upload. These are
1G was an analog system, and was developed comparable to home broadband connections.
in the 70’s, 1G had two major improvements, Fourth generation mobile communications will
this was the invention of the microprocessor, have higher data transmission rates than 3G.
and the digital transform of the cntrl link b/n 4G mobile data transmission rates are planned
the phone and the cell site. 1G analog system to be up to 100 megabits per second on the
for mobile communications saw two key move and 1000gigbits per second stationary,
improvements during the 1970s: the invention this is a phenomenal amount of bandwidth,
of the microprocessor and the digitization of only comparable to the bandwidth workstations
the control link b/n the mobile phone and the get connected directly to a LAN. To understand
4G, we need to know about 3G. So how did 3G it’s no surprise it was developed and used by
start? The idea didn’t come from network the military. Unlike FDMA, CDMA allows the
operators, but from device manufactures. In user to sit on all of the available frequencies at
1996 Nippon Telephone & Telegraph (NTT) the same time, and hop between then. Each call
and Ericsson started development of 3G; then is identified by its unique code, hence the term
in 1997 in the USA the TIA Code Division. CDMA is very bandwidth
(Telecommunications Industry Association) efficient. It also allows for soft hand off,
chose CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) meaning it can communicate with more than
as a technology for 3G; and then in one base station at any one time, very handy
1998 the ETSI (European telecommunications isn’t it? No wonder it was chosen for 3G.
Standards Institute) also chose CDMA; in the
end, in 1998 wideband CDMA or W-CDMA
and cdma2000 were decided for the Universal
Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS).
The two major radio standards used for 3G are
W-CDMA (wideband code division multiple
access), and CDMA2000. W-CDMA is used in
Europe, where CDMA2000 is used in the USA.
In CDMA, one signal carries the data,
this is then multiplied with a signal with a
faster rate, that his more bandwidth, it uses
TDM (Time Division Multiplexing).
CDMA200 uses CDM (common code division
multiplexing). Now we need to discuss the
different access technologies, these are FDMA,
TDMA and CDMA. The most common analog Evolution of the mobile value chain 2wards
system is FDMA, or, Frequency Division 4G.
Multiple Access. It is a method where the Onto 4G... : Fourth (4G) generation mobile
spectrum is cut up into different frequencies communication systems tend to mean different
and then this chunk given to the users. At one things to different people: for some it is merely
time only one user is assigned to a frequency. a higher-capacity (e.g., 100 Mb/s) new radio
Because of this the frequency is closed, until interface, while for others it is an interworking
the call is ended, or it is passed on to another of cellular and wireless LAN technologies that
frequency. For a proper call to take place, two employs a variant of the Mobile IPv6 mobility
frequencies are needed, one for sending and management protocol (e.g., Hierarchical
one for receiving, FDMA has been used for Mobile IPv6) for inter-system handoff and
first generation analog systems only, this is due IETF AAA technologies for seamless roaming.
to the large bandwidth wastage highlighted This now widely accepted vision sketches a
above. heterogeneous network infrastructure
TDMA or Time Division Multiple Access comprising different wireless access systems
makes use of the whole available spectrum, (e.g., GSM/GPRS, UMTS, DVB-T, HAPS,
unlike FDMA. Instead of splitting the slots by WLAN) in a complementary manner, where the
frequency, it splits them by time, over all of the user, supported by his/her personal intelligent
frequency. Each subscriber is given a time slot, agent(s), enjoys untethered connectivity and
as opposed to a frequency. Therefore many ubiquitous access to applications over the most
uses can sit on one frequency, and have efficient combination of available systems.
different time slots, becoz the time slots are Availability of the network services anywhere,
switched so rapidly, it seems like the channel is at anytime, can be one of the key factors that
permanently connected. TDMA is used for 2G attract individuals and institutions to the new
networks. CDMA or Code Division Multiple network infrastructures, stimulate the
Access uses the spread spectrum method, the development of telecommunications, and
way it works means it’s highly encrypted, so propel economies. This bold idea has already
made its way into the telecommunication voice services. Voice services are now among
community bringing new requirements for the most demanding in terms of network
network design, and envisioning a change of design, imposing hard limits on network
the current model of providing services to performance. In order to handle these services
customers. The emerging new communications we will use the Expedited Forward (EF)
paradigm assumes a user to be able to access concept of the differentiated services
services independently of her or his location, in framework. 4G will provide unconceivable
an almost transparent way, with the terminal amounts of bandwidth to the palm of a user.
being able to pick the preferred access Matching current Local Area Network speeds,
technology at current location and move 4G networks will provide 100MBps on the
between technologies seamlessly i.e. without move. This is enough for studio quality video,
noticeable disruption. Unified, secure, multi- multi channel surround sound and much more.
service, and multiple-operator network 4G will be based on OFDM – the next
architectures are available in 4G networks. The generation in access technologies (read the
4G concept supports the provisioning of technical section for more info on OFDM), 4G
multiple types of services, ranging from simple will change the way we work, live and play.
network access to complex multimedia virtual Cheap end user costs, fast, always on, reliable
reality, including voice communication connectivity, where ever you are, whatever
services, which are themselves a challenge in you’re doing. Some people view 3G as a stop
packet-based mobile communications gap until the real 4G network arrives,
environments. Due to the heterogeneity of the something which is due around 2010, and will
access technologies, the Internet Protocol impact every one, everywhere…
version 6 (IPv6) is being targeted as the
common denominator across multiple access Features of 4G Wireless Systems
technologies, and make the solution basically 1. Personalization: The operator may send the
independent of the underlying technology - and data to the user depending on his preference or
therefore future-proof. However, fitting such the data can be filtered at the user end
important concepts as support for Quality of depending upon his requirement.
Service (QoS), Authentication, Authorisation, 2. User friendly: Due to the design in
Accounting and Charging (AAAC) and transparency in the design user can utilize the
mobility into the native Internet architecture service properly.
poses numerous difficulties and is a real 3. Heterogeneity: Ubiquitous connection can be
challenge. Therefore, the primary target of this experienced with network heterogeneity.
paper is to present a solution for QoS support in Terminal Heterogeneity supports different
mobile environments1. In order to do so, we types of terminals in terms of size, portability,
make frequent references to the problem of Complexity.
integration of QoS, AAAC and mobility. In the 4. High Usability: The technology will support
course of the paper we discuss the methods that the end users anytime and anywhere.
let us create and exploit the intrinsic 5. Transmission cost of various multimedia
associations between the service level services at a very low cost.
agreements expressed in user profiles, and the 6. Support interactive multimedia, voice, video,
network control mechanisms capable to wireless internet and other broadband services.
monitor network usage per service and per 7. High speed, high capacity & low cost per bit.
user, in order to provide these services while 8. Global mobility, service portability, scalable
the user moves and the terminal changes access mobile networks.
technologies. The proposed architecture 9. Seamless switching, variety of services
supports network services, in a secure and based on Quality of Service (QoS) req.
auditable way. Both user-to-network interfaces 10. Beter scheduling & call admision ctrl techq.
and inter-operator interfaces are defined, so that 11. Ad hoc networks and multi-hop networks.
multiple service providers can interoperate. The 12. Mobility of users across multiple terminals.
architecture is able to support multimedia 13. Mobility of terminals across multiple techn.
services, and has been further optimized for
14. ity both of user traffic and of the network wireless transmission-based different mobile
control information. networks access means.
Global 4G Open Mobile Initiatives 4. More breakthrough technologies are being
The mobile race to innovate includes the developed for efficient utilization of wireless
following innovations: spectrum, and the dynamic and open spectrum
1. The mobile communications comprise two management. Wireless is totally different from
steps: Access to the mobile network and Access wired communications, and therefore the
to the mobile services. Traditionally, these 2 overall performance relies on both system
steps are all controlled by one operator in a performance and transmission performance
closed and proprietary way. In the 4G mobile where spectrum is one of the key issues.
era, the access to the mobile services will be 5. Power efficiency is another critical issue for
evolved to an open Mobile Cloud so that it is mobile device. The system architecture must be
fully open to any developers and providers. In open to enable removable of unused modules,
this way, any non-wireless industries, such as and the processing architecture must be
Google, Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, GM, and optimized to the lowest possible in terms of the
Bank of America can provide services for their whole system performance. Meanwhile, the RF
mobile users. The access to the mobile network radio modules should be narrowed to the
is still controlled by the traditional wireless minimal meeting the basic requirements of
operators such as AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile necessary RTTs.
and China Mobile.
2. The mobile device system architecture will 4G Challenges and Solutions
be open in order to converge multiple RTTs 1. Multi-access interface, timing and recovery.
(radio transmission technologies) in one same 2. Higher frequency reuse leads to smaller cells
device. Same as laptop computer, the future that may cause intra-cell interference or higher
Smartphone will be based on open wireless noise figures due to reduced power levels.
architecture (OWA) technology which means, 3. The D 2 A conversions at high data rates,
when you change the wireless standards, you multiuser detection and estimation (at base
do not need to change phone. It is totally stations), smart antennas and complex error
different from current multi-standards phone control techniques as well dynamic routing will
which is in closed system architecture, and need sophisticated signal processing.
users can not remove the unused RTT modules 4. Issues in the interface with the ad hoc
and basically cannot do anything on the mobile networks should be sorted out.4G systems are
phone system. In the OWA system, you can expected to interact with other networks like
just change RTT card in your Smartphone to the Bluetooth, hiperlan, IEE802.11b, etc.
switch your wireless standards, or you can 5. Voice over multi-hop networks is likely to be
integrate multiple wireless standards in one an interesting problem because of the strict
RTT SIM card. Based on this OWA platform, delay requirements of voice.
you can integrate home phone, office phone 6. Security will be an important issue.
and mobile phone into one common Personal 7. A new IP protocol might be needed because
device - it is more beyond just a phone. In fact, of the variable QoS services and the network
this 4G mobile device is a system to bring the should do “better than best “effort.
world to your hand, or we call it Hand - the 8. Networking protocols that adapt dynamically
World in Hand, which is better than calling it to the changing channel conditions.
an iPhone. 9. Seamless roamin & trnsfr of services.
3. Any portable consumer electronics device 10 Designing a single user terminal to operate
can be a mobile phone by inserting the OWA- in various networks and to overcome some
powered mobile RTT(s) card. This approach limitations like size of the device. A software
truly is converging the mobile wireless radio can be used to make sure that the terminal
technology with the computer technology by will work in all networks.
providing the OWA virtualization layer 11 Terminal Mobility: To locate and update the
between the high-layer computer-based OS & locations of various terminals. Here we can use
applications solutions and the underlying
signaling schemes and the faster handoff's can of equipment that facilitates wireless
be used to achieve terminal mobility. communication between user equipment (UE)
12 Due to the heterogeneity in the network the and a network. It’s connected to 3g through
security issues will be a challenge to maintain. SGSN to Node B via RNC. The Radio Access
By implementing security handoff we can Network consists of new network elements,
improve the security features of the network. known as Node B and Radio Network
13 Using tree like topologies in the network to Controllers (RNCs). Node B is comparable to
minimize the failures in the network. We can the Base Transceiver Station in 2G wireless
use failure reduction protocols to correct the networks. RNC replaces the Base Station
failures in the network. Controller, and also connected to different
14 Implementing borderless mobility to end networks like WLAN access networks, Ad-
users without modifying the servers in the hoc/PAN Mobile Networks and protocols like
heterogeneous system, by proposing personnel SIP(The Session Initiation Protocol) is a
mobility frames we can implement seamless signaling protocol, widely used for setting up
mobility. and tearing down multimedia communication
sessions such as voice and video calls over the
4G Network Architecture Internet.
Fig 2: The generic 4G mobile network
architecture :
The 4G architecture discussed here is IPv6-
based, supporting seamless mobility between
different access technologies. Mobility is a
substantial problem in such environment,
because inter-technology handovers have to be
supported. Here, we used Ethernet (802.3) for
wired access; Wi-Fi (802.11b) for wireless
LAN access; and W-CDMA - the radio
interface of UMTS - for cellular access. With
this diversity, mobility cannot be simply
handled by the lower layers, but needs to be
implemented at the network layer. An "IPv6-
based" mechanism has to be used for
interworking, and no technology-internal
mechanisms for handover, neither on the
wireless LAN nor on other technology, can be
The architecture consists of common core used. So, in fact no mobility mechanisms are
Network, which in turn is connected to supported in the W-CDMA cells, but instead
different other wired and wireless networks. the same IP protocol supports the movement
It’s connected to PSTN (public switched between cells. Similarly, the 802.11 nodes are
telephone network) ISDN (Integrated Services only in BSS modes, and will not create an ESS:
Digital Network) through GGSN (Gateway IPv6 mobility will handle handover between
GPRS Support Node). GGSN is a main cells.
component of the GPRS network. The GGSN
is responsible for the interworking b/n the
GPRS network and external packet switched
networks, like the Internet and X.25 networks.
It’s connected to 2G through SGSN to BTS via
BSC (Business systems connection). SGSN
(Serving GPRS Support Node) is responsible
for the delivery of data packets from and to the
mobile stations within its geographical service
area.BTS (base transreceiver station) is a piece Figure illustrates some of the handover
possibilities in such network with a moving
user. Four administrative domains are shown in
the figure 3 with different types of access
technologies. Each administrative domain is
managed by an AAAC system. At least one
network access control entity, the QoS Broker,
is required per domain. Due to the requirements
of full service control by the provider, all the
handovers are explicitly handled by the
management infrastructure through IP-based
protocols, even when they are intratechnology,
such as between two different Access Points in In the above diagram, Network agent advertises
802.11, or between two different Radio their bearer service offerings to the user’s
Network Controllers in WCDMA. All network mediation agent. We consider bearer service
resources are managed by the network offerings to be a combination of QoS level and
provider, while the user only controls its local pricing model supported and applied,
network, terminal, and applications. respectively, by the wireless network
Summarizing Figure, the key entities are: represented by the network agent. Provisioning
A user - a person or company with a service of wireless network bearer services under a
level agreement (SLA) contracted with an wholesale model of peering agreements to
operator for a specific set of services. adjacent network domains. Service agents refer
• A MT (Mobile Terminal) - a terminal from to application functionality that may interact
where the user accesses services. Our network with mobile terminal agents and network
concept supports terminal portability, which agents for the purpose of QoS management and
means that a terminal may be shared among QoS adaptation. A service agent will inform the
several users, although not at the same time. mobile terminal agent and the network agents
• AR (Access Router) - the point of attachment of the QoS Requirements of their traffic flows
to the network, which takes the name of RG and register an appropriate callback interface to
(Radio Gateway) - for wireless access support subsequent notifications and QoS
(WCDMA or 802.11). adaptation for these traffic flows. Mobile
• PA (Paging Agent) - entity responsible for network agents must abide by a common
locating the MT when it is in "idle mode" network information model so that an
while there are packets to be delivered to it. unambiguous definition of network bearer
• QoS Broker - entity responsible of managing services is possible, e.g., when negotiating with
one or more ARs/AGs, controlling user access other agents. Realizing that each agent
and access rights according to the information represents the interests of a particular
provided by the AAAC System. stakeholder in the mobile service provision
• AAAC System - the Authentication, (i.e., mobile network operator, application
Authorization, Accounting and Charging provider, mobile user), we assume that it
System, responsible for service level operates under an individual policy. Notably,
management (including accounting and the resulting dynamics are that of an open
charging). In this paper, for simplicity, market where different goods are advertised at
metering entities are considered an integral part widely known prices and selfish consumers
of this AAAC system. may freely choose from a wide range of
• NMS (Network Management System) - the producers. A MT (Mobile Terminal) - a
entity responsible for managing and terminal from where the user accesses services.
guaranteeing availability of resources in the Our network concept supports terminal
Core Network, and overall network portability, which means that a terminal may be
management and control. shared among several users, although not at the
Intelligent mediation architecture for 4G same time.
Cross Layer cylinder approach
of Service Support are service aggregation and
network integration Service aggregation (SA)
enables ubiquitous service provisioning to end
users, whereas network integration (NI) ensures
that this can be realized regardless of the
network the end user is connected to. The end
user benefits from being able to access his/her
subscribed services anywhere and anytime.

With the help of cross layer cylinder approach

we can gain knowledge about optimization of
iteration between communication layers .The
importance of layered approach has made it a
design principle rather than a common design
pattern. This leads the 4G architecture to have a
architecture of its own kind. Cross layer allows
sharing information among the various layers
and optimization can be done at every layer End User Identities and Services : Third party
separately. service providers provide end user services.
These service providers have established a
Business Model of 4G Network legal relationship or Service Level Agreement
(SLA) with one or more service aggregators.
The services can benefit not only from a large
customer base, but could also adapt their
services and applications based on information
from the network provided via the aggregators.
It is envisaged that the user’s location can be
obtained from the network integrator (and
therefore from access network) to deploy
location-based services. The concept of user
identity plays an important role in integrated
service delivery. This ranges from
The current model assumes there are authentication and access control to services, to
relationships between the end user, the service accounting and billing; to be able to charge the
provider, and the network operator. In the 4G correct end user for using his value-added
worlds, the number of access networks and context-based services.
therefore the number of network operators will
increase rapidly. Especially the construction of
many so-called “hotspots”, urban areas with
Wireless LAN coverage, will cause this. Both
the end user and the service provider do not
want to be bothered with the peculiarities of
these networks, i.e. end users still want to use
the services offered by service providers
irrespective of the network they are connected
to. This asks for a service centric approach
where the end user, the service provider and
network operator are loosely coupled through a
Service Support role, Two main responsibilities
terminal. This involves network addressing
issues and technologies such as Mobile IP.
4G Network Specification
One may wonder how 4G can provide a 10
times increase in data transfer over 3G. This
speed can be achieved through Orthogonal
Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM).
OFDM can not only transfer data at speed of
more than 100 Mbps, but it can also eliminate
interference that impairs high speed signals.
Physical and MAC Layer specifications
One promising underlying technology to
accomplish the divisiveness is multi-carrier
modulation, a derivative of frequency division
multiplexing. MCM was earlier used in DSL
modems and digital audio-video broadcasts. It
Service Aggregator : The role of service is a baseband process that uses parallel equal
aggregator (SA) is twofold. On the one hand bandwidth channels to transmit information.
the SA acts as an intermediary between a end Normally implemented with Fast Fourier
user/subscriber and multiple services (the transform (FFT) techniques, MCM's
service offering of the SA). On the other hand, advantages include better performance in the
for Service Provider the SA acts as an inter symbol interference (ISI) environment,
intermediary to multiple different network and avoidance of single frequency interferers.
integrators, such that services do not need to be However, MCM increases the peak-to-average
concerned with issues eliminating the need for ratio (PAVR) of the signal, and to overcome
like determining on which network a subscriber ISI a cyclic extension or guard band must be
is currently located active. In this model, end added to the data. Two different types of MCM
users explicitly subscribe to the SA. The SA are likely candidates for 4G are multi-carrier
manages these subscriptions and also takes care CDMA and orthogonal FDM using TDMA.
of billing; based on accounting information Similar to single carrier CDMA systems, the
received from services, network integrators, users are multiplexed with orthogonal codes to
and the SA itself. In this way the SA not only distinguish users in MC-CDMA. However, in
provides single sign-on, but a more general MC-CDMA, each user can be allocated several
single point of contact. codes, where the data is spread in time or
Network Integration : The network frequency. Either way, multiple users access
integration (NI) enables end users to seamlessly the system simultaneously. In OFDM with
roam across heterogeneous networks and their TDMA, the users are allocated time intervals to
administrative domains. To support the transmit and receive data. Differences between
seamlessness aspect is essential for this OFDM with TDMA and MC-CDMA can also
functionality. The NI provides the basic be seen in the types of modulation used in each
network management functionality and subcarrier. Typically, MC-CDMA uses
provides an abstraction of the underlying quadrature phase-shift keying (QPSK), while
networks. This provides the illusion of one OFDM with TDMA could use more high-level
virtual network towards upper service layers modulations (HLM), such as, multilevel
and services, and also such as network quadrature amplitude modulation (M-QAM)
integration specific aspects to endusers For (where M = 4 to 256). How-ever, to optimize
example, it provides transparent and integrated overall system performance, adaptive
authentication such that end users are not modulation can be used; where the level of
required to re-login every time the access QAM for all subcarriers is chosen based on
network changes. For services, NI takes care of measured parameters.
connectivity – being able to reach the end user Channel Access : The allocation of the
spreading codes or the time slots can be done in
such a way that the throughput is maximized. rates. The other advantage of a low symbol rate
For example, all the resources can be allocated is that inter-symbol interference (ISI) can be
to a user whose channel is very clean and users reduced dramatically since the symbol time
who have very noisy channels can be allocated represents a very small proportion of the typical
little amount of bandwidth till their channel multipath delay. The transmitter stage of an
becomes better. However, the allocation should OFDM transceiver takes data from an IP
maintain certain amount of fairness while network, converts, and encodes it into a serial
distributing the resources. stream before modulation. The OFDM signal is
Error control coding : In 4G systems rate- generated using an Inverse Fast Fourier
adaptive coding schemes can be used which Transform (IFFT) into an IF analog signal
can make use of the channel information from which is then sent to the RF transceiver. The
the measured parameters or feedback from the receiver stage of the transceiver simply
Mobile Terminal (MT). A Hybrid ARQ scheme reverses the process. OFDM provides a
can be used to minimize the overhead in case of particularly robust air interface that is resistant
retransmission. Space time codes, multiple to the effects of multi-path delays while
antennas systems like the smart antennas can be maintaining spectral efficiency. However,
used to further improve the data rates. designers of OFDM and other MCM-based
Orthogonal Frequency Division systems have been forced to deal with a host of
Multiplexing OFDM is a communications challenges.
technique that divides a communications Higher layer issues in 4G
channel into a number of equally spaced 4G is packet-based network. Since it would
frequency tones (bands). OFDM is a form of carry voice as well as internet traffic it should
multi-carrier modulation (MCM) where a sub- be able to provide different level of QoS.
carrier within each frequency band is Network level issues include Mobility
modulated to carry a portion of the user Management, Congestion control, and QoS.
information. A communications data stream is Mobility Management
effectively split into N parallel low bandwidth Mobility Management includes location
modulated data streams. Each sub-carrier registration, paging and handover. The MT
overlaps, but they are all orthogonal to each should be able to access the services at any
other, such that they do not interfere with one place possible. The global roaming can be
another. achieved by with the help of multi-hop
networks that can include the WLANs or the
satellite coverage in remote areas. A seamless
service (Ex: soft handover of the MT from one
network to another or from one kind of service
to other) is also important. The hand-over
techniques should be designed so that they
make efficient use of the network (routing).
Basic OFDM Transmitter and receiver New techniques in location management might
be implemented. Each MT need not do location
registration every time. They can instead do
concatenated location registration, which
reports to the network that they are
concatenated to a common object. Ex- MTs in a
train need to re-register only when they get off
the train and till the network knows that they
are in the train.
Congestion Control
Congestion control will be another critical issue
Each of the sub-carriers has a low symbol rate.
in the high performance 4G networks.Two
But the combination of sub-carriers carrying
information in parallel allows for high data
basic approaches can be taken towards the of the IPv6 address. However, getting a CoA
congestion control: does not entitle the user to use resources,
1. Avoidance or prevention of the congestion besides registration messages and emergency
The avoidance scheme will require the network calls. The MT has to start the authentication
to suitably implement the admission control process by exchanging the authentication
(measurement based or pre-computed model) information with the (AAAC) Authentication,
and scheduling techniques. Authorisation, Accounting and Charging
2. Detection and recovery after congestion. through the AR. Upon a successful
The detection and recovery would require flow authentication, the AAAC System will push the
control and feedback traffic management. A NVUP (network view of the User Profile) to
conservative approach might be proposed for both the QoS Broker and the MT, via the AR.
the 4G systems because of the wide variety of Messages 1 to 4 as shown in fig. The same
QoS requirements. picture shows how each network service is
authorized (messages 5 to 8). The packets sent
Quality of Service (QoS) : 4G systems are to from the MT with a specific DSCP implicit
provide real-time and internet-like services. signal the request of a particular service, such
The real-time services can be classified into as a voice call. If the requested service does not
two kinds: match any policy already set in the AR (that is,
1. Guaranteed: pre-computed delay bound is the user has not established a voice call before,
required for the service. Ex voice e.g.), the QoS attendant/manager at the AR
2. Better-than-best effort: Predictive: Service interacts with the QoS Broker that analyses the
needs upper bound on end-to-end delay. request and authorises the service or not, based
Controlled delay: service might allow on the User NVUP (Network View of the User
dynamically variable delay. Controlled load: Profile) and on the availability of resources.
Service needs resources (bandwidth and packet This authorisation corresponds to a
processing). configuration of the AR (via COPS [10]) with
END-TO-END QOS SUPPORT the appropriate policy for that user and that
Three distinct situations arise in the QoS service (e.g. allowing the packets marked as
architecture: “belonging” to voice call to go through, and
i) Registration, when a user may only use configuring the proper scheduler parameters).
network resources after authentication and After that, packets with authorized profile will
authorization, be let into the network and non-conformant
ii) Service authorisation, when the user has to packets will restart the authorization process
be authorized to use specific services; and once more, or will be discarded.
iii) Handover – when there is a need to re- ii. Handover with QoS guarantees
allocate resources from one AR to another.
i. Registration and Service Authorisation

End-to-End QoS Support - Handover with QoS

One of the difficult problems of IP mobility is
assuring a constant level of QoS. User mobility
Support for QoS - registration and service is assured in our network by means of fast
authorization : The Registration process is handover techniques in conjunction with
initiated after a Care of Address (CoA) is context transfer between network elements
acquired by the MT via stateless auto- (ARs - old and new – and QoS Brokers). When
configuration, avoiding Duplicate Address the quality of the radio signal in the MT to the
Detection (DAD) by using unique layer-2 current AR (called “old AR”, AR1) drops, the
identifiers to create the Interface Identifier part terminal will start a handover procedure to a
neighbouring AR (called “new AR”, AR2) with currently in use by the MT. The new QoS
better signal and from which it has received a Broker will use this information to verify the
beacon signal with the network prefix resources availability at the new AR and, in a
advertisement. This handover has to be positive case, configures the new AR to accept
completed without user perception, when the handover. During this last phase, both ARs
making a voice call, e.g.. For achieving this, the are bicasting, to minimize packet loss. The
MT will build its new care-of-address and will detailed messaging flow is presented in the
start the handover negotiation through the figure above.
current AR, while still maintaining its current
traffic. This AR will forward the handover Benefits
request to both the new AR and to the QoS 1. Wireless radio resources will be saved.
Broker. The two QoS Brokers (old and new) 2. Infrastructure cost will be reduced.
exchange context transfer information relative 3. Power consumption will be less.
to the user’s NVUP and the set of services 4. High speed, high capacity and low cost per
Technology 3G Vs 4G
Attribute 3G 4G
Predominantly voice- data as
Major Characteristic Converged data and VoIP
Network Hybrid – integration of Wireless Lan
Wide area Cell based
Architecture (WiFi), Blue Tooth, Wide Area
Frequency Band 1.6 - 2.5 GHz 2 – 8 GHz
Optimized antenna; multi-band Smart antennas; SW multi-band;
Component Design
adapters wideband radios
Bandwidth 5 – 20 MHz 100+ MHz
Data Rate 385 Kbps - 2 Mbps 20 – 100 Mbps
Forward Error Convolution code 1/2, 1/3;
Concatenated Coding
Correction turbo
Switching Circuit/Packet Packet
Mobile top Speed 200 km/h 200 km/h
IP Multiple versions All IP (IPv6.0)
Operational ~2003 ~2010
3. Advances in mobile communication
Conclusion technologies have been rapid and their
1. The work on 4G systems has begun in the effects have frequently manifested
industry as well the academia. Ex: - themselves in ways and places far beyond
Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF) the ones imagined by their inventors.
has Ericson, Alcatel, Nokia and Siemens 4. A modified IP will be the universal
AG. The National Science Foundation network layer protocol in the future.
(NSF) has announced a program in 1999 5.Diverse array of applications like virtual
that calls for proposals that would look at navigation, tele-medicine, etc.
issues involved in 4G systems. 2. 6. The entire network would be digital and
Multimedia traffic will be dominant in the packet switched.
future. It is estimated that voice would
contribute to only 20-30 % of total traffic in
the future.

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