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Mobile systems focus on seamlessly integrating the existing wireless technologies including
GSM, wireless LAN, and Bluetooth. 4G systems supports comprehensive and personalized
services, providing stable system performance and quality service. 4G is a Mobile multimedia,
anytime anywhere, Global mobility support, integrated wireless solution, and customized
personal service network system. 4G is used broadly to include several types of broadband
wireless access communication systems along with cellular telephone systems.
A 4G cellular system must have target peak data rates of up to approximately 100 Mbit/s for
high mobility such as mobile access and up to approximately 1 Gbit/s for low mobility such as
nomadic/local wireless access, according to the International Telecommunication Union[ITU]
requirements. Scalable bandwidths up to at least 40 MHz should be provided. A 4G system is
expected to provide a comprehensive and secure all-IP based solution where facilities such as IP
telephony, ultra-broadband Internet access, gaming services and High Definition Television
(HDTV) streamed multimedia may be provided to users.
In 4G networks, users joining the network via add mobile routers to the network
infrastructure. Network capacity and coverage is dynamically shifted to accommodate changing
user patterns. Wherever the concentration of people is more in one area, additional routes are
created, thus enabling additional access to network capacity in terms of QoS. This permits the
network to dynamically and automatically balance capacity and increase network utilization. The
network is currently used social networking. The following part of the paper is deals with social
networking and its technological issues. Akintoye S.B (2013).


According to (Evan & Baughan, 2000), The development from first generation analogue
systems (1985) to second generation (2G) digital GSM (1992) was the heart of the digital
revolution. But much more than this it was a huge success for standardization emanating from
Europe and gradually spreading globally.
However, world-wide roaming still presents some problems with pockets of US standards
IS-95 (a code division multiple access [CDMA] rather than a time division multiple access
[TDMA] digital system) and IS- 136 (a TDMA variant) still entrenched in some countries.
Extensions to GSM (2G) via GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) and EDGE (Enhanced Data
rates for GSM Evolution) (E-GPRS) as well as WAP and i-mode (so called 2.5G) will allow the
transmission of higher data rates as well as speech prior to the introduction of 3G.
Mobile systems comprise a radio access together with a supporting core network. In GSM the
latter is characterized by MAP (Mobile Applications Protocol), which provides the mobility
management features of the system.
GSM was designed for digital speech services or for low bit rate data that could fit into a
speech channel (e.g. 9.6kbit/s). It is a circuit rather than a packet oriented network and hence is
inefficient for data communications. To address the rapid popularity increase of Internet services,
GPRS is being added to GSM to allow packet (Internet Protocol [IP]) communications at up to
about 100kbit/s.
Third generation (3G) systems were standardised in 1999. These include IMT-2000
(International Mobile Telecommunications 2000), which was standardised within ITU-R and
includes the UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System) European standard from
ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute), the US derived CDMA 2000 and the
Japanese NTT DoCoMo W-CDMA (Wideband Code Division Multiple Access) system. Such
systems extend services to (multirate) high-quality multimedia and to convergent networks of
fixed, cellular and satellite components. The radio air interface standards are based upon W-
CDMA (UTRA FDD and UTRA TDD in UMTS, multicarrier CDMA 2000 and single carrier
UWC-136 on derived US standards). The core network has not been standardised, but a group of
three—evolved GSM (MAP), evolved ANSI-41 (from the American National Standards
Institute) and IP-based— are all candidates. 3G is also about a diversity of terminal types,
including many non-voice terminals, such as those embedded in all sorts of consumer products.
Bluetooth (another standard not within the 3G orbit, but likely to be associated with it) is a short-
range system that addresses such applications. Thus services from a few bits per second up to
2Mbit/s can be envisioned.
For broadband indoor wireless communications, standards such as HIPERLAN 2 (High
Performance Local Area Network—ETSI’s broadband radio access network [BRAN]) and IEEE
802.lla have emerged to support IP based services and provide some QoS (quality of service)
support. Such systems are based on orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) rather
than CDMA and are planned to operate in the 5GHz band.

Whereas 2G operates in 900 and 1800/1900MHz frequency bands, 3G is intended to operate in
wider bandwidth allocations at 2GHz. These new frequency bands will provide wider
bandwidths for some multimedia services and the first allocations have been made in some
countries via spectrum auctions (e.g. in the UK, Holland and Germany) or beauty contests (in
France and Italy). The opportunity has also been taken to increase competition by allowing new
operators into the bands as well as extending existing operator licences. These new systems will
comprise microcells as well as macrocells in order to deliver the higher capacity services
efficiently. 3G and 2G will continue to coexist for some time with optimisation of service
provision between them. Various modes of delivery will be used to improve coverage in urban,
suburban and rural areas, with satellite (and possibly HAPS—high altitude platform stations)
playing a role.

The story of the evolution of mobile radio generations is summed up in Fig. 1.

Already, as we move from 2G to 3G the convergence of communications and computing

is central to the realization of the new generation of services and applications. Digital technology
enables dynamic adaptation of systems, and intercommunicating software embedded in networks
and terminals allows efficient control of the new networks. This is accentuated as we move from
3G to 4G, extending the range and bit rate of services and bringing about the convergence of
fixed, mobile and broadcast networks, service provision and terminal types.

The vision which considers 4G as an extension to 3G cellular services is called as the linear 4G
vision. But the extent of 4G capabilities goes beyond the cellular services. Envisioning 4G as

high speed delivery of services via the most efficient network available from the pool of wireless
networks is called as the concurrent 4G vision.
One of the major reasons of 3G being unable to repeat the success story of 2G was the provision
of only few additional services over 2G. It was not encouraging enough for the customer’s to
change their equipment’s. user-centric approach for the design of 4G to avoid mismatch between
the user’s expectations and the services provided by 4G.
Features of 4G which cater to the end-user’s expectations and the problems of the current
generation networks can be listed as follows:
User friendliness
4G aims at providing myriad of services to the end users at high speed. The applications
developed to avail these services should be highly user friendly minimizing the interaction
between the application and the user. For example, integration of speech recognition technology
in the user interfaces would ease the use of the applications for every layman.
User personalization
High data transfer rates and ubiquitous coverage of 4G networks would provide users access to
large repository of data and services. Users should have flexibility to filter these data and
services as per his preferences by configuring the operational mode of their devices, so that he
can preselect the service features he wants to use. Figure 1 illustrates elements and techniques to
support the adaptability of the 4G domain.

Figure 1: 4G will allow everyone to access the Internet from everywhere using almost any wireless device

Terminal and Network heterogeneity

Terminal heterogeneity refers to the different types of terminals in terms of the size, weight,
display features, power consumption, etc. Network heterogeneity means the different types of
access networks like WiMAX, Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity), UMTS(Universal Mobile
Telecommunications System) and so forth which differ in their coverage area, data rate, latency
and data loss rate.
Each of these terminals and services cater to different user requirements. In 4G, all these
terminals and networks will provide common services independent of their capabilities. This is
also called as service personalization.
High Performance
Low transfer rates of 3G restrict the user’s ability to take advantage of the rich multimedia
contents across the wireless networks. 4G is expected to provide wireless download speeds of
about 1Gbps in local area network (LAN) and 100 Mbps in wide area network (WAN), about
260 times greater than the 3G wireless networks.
Multiple standards of 3G restrict the user’s mobility and interoperation across different
networks. 4G targets at providing a unified global standard which will facilitate global mobility
and service portability. In other words, end user can subscribe to different services from
different service providers using the same mobile device.

Intelligent Networking
3G is based primarily on cell or base station WAN design. 4G aims at building hybrid networks
utilizing both the Wireless LAN concept and WAN design. Thus, the world would have base
stations everywhere providing ubiquitous network coverage to users at high speed. For example,
a user walking on road is browsing internet using GPRS (General Packet Radio Service-WAN
design). The moment he enters a mall with Wi-Fi (LAN design), seamless hand-over from
GPRS to Wi-Fi would take place without the user’s knowledge.
Network Convergence
Network convergence is the efficient coexistence of multimedia, voice and data communication
within a single network. Currently the telecommunication environment is divided into wireless
and fixed line communication. To avail these different kinds of services, the end user requires

different devices such as cellular phones, fixed line phones, laptops and PDA’s. Once the fixed
mobile convergence is in place in 4G, the distinction between these services will disappear. The
current 3G technology is not able to capture the market share as done by the fixed line services
partly because of its low bit rates of 384kbps and because of the high costs associated with these
services. But with the emergence of 4G aiming at global integrated IP based network, the
wireless sector will be able to match the fixed line sectors in terms of both costs and speed. 4G
will lead to convergence in terms of both devices and services. Thus, handset capabilities, MP3,
camera, mobile broadband services would be made available in a single device.
Service convergence will result from availability of telecommunication and internet on a single
platform. This would force the fixed line sector to jump in the competitive wireless market. In
response, the wireless operators will also jump into the fixed line sector. Thus slowly the
boundaries between these markets will disappear. Thus, the end user will benefit from one
business providing variety of services. He will experience high quality service at affordable
prices. Thus fixed mobile convergence will act as a catalyst for stimulating markets to come up
with new innovative and cost effective ideas.
Scalability in mobile networks is the ability to handle the increasing numbers of users and
services. 4G will use IPv6 addressing scheme which will support large number of wireless
devices eliminating the need for Network address translation (NAT). NAT is technique of
sharing limited number of addresses among large number of devices. The huge expanse of
current internet world signifies the scalability support of IP. Thus, the use of IP as core network
layer will make 4G easily scalable.
Lower power consumption
Battery technology has not been able to keep pace with the growing telecom industry. 2G
devices required one battery while 3G required two batteries. Battery drain is a persistent
problem of wireless devices. 4G aims at breaking this directly proportional rule. Shorter
communication links is one of the few solutions proposed to cater to this requirement.
Low costs
4G is designed to be spectrally efficient with no requirement to buy costly extra spectrum. It is
not development of a completely new system rather built on the top of the existing networks. 4G

will also support backward compatibility with 2G and 3G devices. All these factors will make
4G much cheaper than the current generation networks. Akintoye S.B (2013).


Nigerian is currently making efforts to increase its broadband penetration from its current
level of 8% to 30% by 2018. This attempt is still far behind International Telecommunications
Union (ITU’s) target of 40% by 2015 for developing countries. The situation is further
compounded by the fact that 90% of telecom services in Nigeria are deployed through wireless
means since there is near total absence of an active fixed telephone infrastructure. Broadband is
to the 21st century information age what
electricity was to the industrial age. It has significant transformative effect on how people live
and work.
Another area of concern is that the small population of subscribers of 8% that currently
have access to broadband cellular services in Nigeria, are currently experiencing poor services
and the situation could worsen due to increasing number of mobile users and limited spectrum.
In addition to this, the functionalities of mobile phone are becoming more complex and the usage
patterns of mobile subscribers is changing rapidly. For example, an average length You Tube
Video can generate the same amount of traffic to the network as 500,000 SMS. According to
(Raeke, 2010). Forty hours of high-definition video generate as much traffic as a million email
messages. Higher data rates are required to support such usage patterns.

Benefit of 4G LTE over the existing 3G

According to (Emmanuel O, 2017), To the operators, the most challenging aspect of this trend is
that as demand for higher data increases, mobile users are also demanding for lower prices! How
can operators overcome this?
The solution is Long Term Evolution (LTE) also referred to as 4G. LTE is a radio access
technology developed by the 3rd generation partnership project (3GPP).
Type of Service 3G 4G
Web Surfing 8 Seconds Instantly
Download of 5MB Music 3 Minutes 1 Second
Download of 750 MB Movie 6.5 Hours 2.5 Minutes
Download of HD Video 2 to 3 Days 15 Minutes

Mobile Tv Available Available
On Demand Tv Not Available Available

Fig. User Perspective

Types of Service 3G 3G 4GLTE
Network Contains circuit switched With circuit switching, once a call is
established, the circuit stays in place
whether someone is
Architecture network talking or not. IP networks are far more
dynamic and share resources more
Contains circuit switched Efficient Spectrum Higher spectrum efficiency means higher
network capacity, improved cost
Network Few network outages Reliability Few network outages
Network outages are rare and, if they do
occur, they are immediately identified
and acted upon.
Fig. Service Providers’ Experience.

Nigeria currently has four (4) active mobile network operators (MTOs) with national coverage
namely; Airtel, Globacom, MTN and 9Mobile. Out of the four mobile network operators only
MTN and Globacom have made substantial progress in the roll out of 4G LTE network across
major cities of Abuja, Lagos, Port-Harcourt and others. However, internet service providers
(ISPs) like Smile and Ntel have also rolled out 4G LTE services but with limited coverage and
mostly for data rather than voice services.
Materials and Methods
The benefits of 4G LTE are so important in the economic, infrastructural and technological
development of a developing country like Nigeria, the LTE is not a ‘YES’ or ‘NO’ but a
‘WHEN’ thing since current 3G Networks are facing the tremendous challenge to manage
Smartphones data requirements. It was stated that voice was the driving force of 2G mobile
communication, video and data were for 3G and in the case of 4G low-cost and high-speed data
are the dominant driving force. He went ahead to describe the benefits of 4G over 3G such as
higher data rates, increased capacity among others. He, however, identified one of the challenges
to the successful deployment of 4G as its inability to meet up with content based interactive
videos, did not address core challenges to the roll-out of 4G LTE services such as complexity in

LTE handover process or the problem of support for voice quality in an all-IPnetwork like LTE.
carried out a comparative study on the performance of 3G and 4G LTE networks. Based on his
findings, he stated that 4G LTE network performed better than 3G network in the areas of
interoperability, latency, scalability, convergence, data rate, among others. He identified some of
the challenges to LTE deployment to include: interference cancellation at the user terminal and
VoIP. He, however, did not address challenges in the area of spectrum allocation and acquisition
of 4G enabled terminals.

Roadmap to the Deployment of 4g Lte Network in Nigeria

Although, the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) did not auction new licenses for
this technology but it rather did refarming on existing Global Standard for Mobile
communication (GSM) frequencies of 800 MHz.
Refarming may be seen as the process of allowing higher technologies like LTE and 3G to use
the 900 MHz and 1800 MHz frequency bands which were originally allocated to
GSM for transmission of data especially instead higher frequencies like 2.6 GHz. The
advantages of refarming to LTE by NCC are: spectrum acquisition for LTE roll out by
refarming process is much cheaper, access to new spectrum is time consuming, radio waves at
lower frequencies have lesser propagation losses (because of these reasons there is a
current scramble by telecom operators in Nigeria for the 700MHz which is to be released by
Television Stations as they migrate from analogue to digital transmission) and it also help to
maximize the use of the existing spectrum. The LTE network architecture is shown in figure 1.
LTE contains a new radio interface and access network designed to deliver higher data rates (up
to peak rates of 75 Mbit/s on the uplink and 300 Mbit/s on the downlink) and fast connection
times. The technology solution chosen by 3GPP for the LTE air interface uses Orthogonal
Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) and MIMO technologies, together with high rate
modulation. LTE uses the same principles as HSPA for scheduling of shared channel data and
fast link adaptation,
enabling the network to optimise cell performance dynamically. In fact, LTE is based entirely on
shared and broadcast channels and contains no dedicated channels carrying data to specific users.
This increases the efficiency of the air interface as the network no longer has to assign fixed
levels of resource to each user but can allocate air interface resources according to real-time

demand. LTE will co-exist with the WCDMA and HSPA networks that will also continue to
evolve within 3GPP. (Emmanuel O, 2017).

Challenges to 4g Lte Deployment in Nigeria

Handover is a key feature in GSM (wireless Mobile) communication that ensures that mobile
users remained connected to the best quality of service as they move from one cell to another. In
currently deployed 4G LTE networks, operators tend to manually set parameters to default
values whether optimum performance is met or not. This method is time consuming and does not
effectively address the problems of hand over failure and ping-pong. Also, despite rapid
evolution in radio access technologies leading to the introduction of 4G and possibly 5G

networks in the nearest future, 2G and 3G networks would still remain in use owing to the fact
that it is not economical wise to deploy 4G LTE in rural areas or sparsely populated areas and
they are useful in carrying voice traffic even in areas were 4G LTE is operational. Therefore,
there is going to be a handover from 3G circuit switched network and 4G LTE packet switched
network. This kind of handover involving circuit switched fallback (CSFB) or single radio voice
call continuity (SRVCC) is generally regarded in the telecoms industry here in Nigeria as
The beauty of cellular mobile communication is that a user may travel across different cells
while on a voice call or a data session without interruption. The user’s connection is handed over
from one cell to another through a process called handover or handoff. Another reason why
handover is also attracting a lot of attention is that is generally agreed that handover calls should
have more priority than new calls. A call drop caused occasioned by handover failure might be
misconstrued by a mobile user as a deliberate move by the other user to end the conversation.
LTE (4G) is based on OFDMA, which is fundamentally a frequency division method. This
means that a UE has to actually retune to a different set of frequency subcarriers when it hands
over between cells, removing the possibility for soft handover. In fact, when a handover is
beginning, an LTE UE has to go into a 'compressed mode' where it listens to its current cell for
part of the time and searches for a new cell the rest of the time. With modern radio technology,
this retuning can happen fast enough to make the inter-frequency retuning much more seamless
than it was in older technologies like GSM, obviating the need for soft handover. That's because
LTE has flat architecture which means there's no central node controller like the BSC or RNC.
Therefore, there's no need to sum up multiple active signals like you would say for in CDMA.
the next sub-section.
Another challenge confronting the LTE market in Nigeria is low-income base of the
majority of its customer base which has deprived them from acquiring 4G LTE enabled
devices. According to Emmanuel O, (2017), most people in Nigeria still exist on a daily wage of
$1 (€0.89) or less, making it hard to sell the investment case for LTE rollouts to operators.
MNOs and ISPs, which currently offer 4G/LTE services have about 7,500 base transceiver
stations (BTS), which
recently grew from 1,500 previously. This is a far cry from the requirement of about 40,000 BTS
needed for nationwide initial roll-out . The implications of fewer 4G/LTE BTS

are poor service delivery and limited areas of coverage? of course, by its standard, LTE is seen
as critical in advancing broadband services, which makes it a must venture for any country that
wants to improve on its broadband delivery. The international telecommunication Union (ITU)
has specified that the frequency spectrum of 700 MHz for sparse rural settlement and 2.6 GHz
are the most suitable frequencies for LTE deployment. Unfortunately, the Nigerian Broadcasting
Corporation (NBC) has not fully made available these frequencies for LTE services. LTE is an
all-IP technology and offers only packet-switching services. The challenge of rendering voice
services which are circuit-switched in nature becomes a daunting problem. This now gives rise to
voice over IP (VoIP) calls which are erratic in nature.

Prospect of 4G telecommunication in Nigeria

From the 2G to 3G and then 4G, the internet has truly transformed and improved Nigeria’s
economy but the economic success of the 4G in Nigeria is questionable.
According to telecommunication analysts, the 4G network in Nigeria, and most African
countries is an economic failure. The research conducted by Xalam Analysts indicates that the
monetization of 4G in Africa is highly problematic. Also, there is no solid correlation between
strong adoption of 4G and increased mobile operator profitability. In a nutshell, there have been
a poor adoption of 4G in Nigeria and most African countries. Statistics from GSMA, the GSM
Association which represents 800 operators across the world, shows that only 4 percent of
Nigerians are using 4G while 44 percent are using 3G. Whereas 18 percent and 16 percent are
using 4G in South Africa and Angola respectively.
Furthermore, 5G is expected to drive everything from robot surgeons to self-driving cars.
The success of the fifth industrial revolution depends on it. Previous cellular networks (2G, 3G,
and 4G) were all focused on mobile phones but 5G has a larger scope. Due to its transmission
speed and bandwidth, it would be possible for objects to send and receive signals at incredible

Also, with 5G, it would be possible to build a truly smart city and smart homes. Objects
like refrigerators, smartphones, fans, electronics, traffic light, and even cars can communicate
with each other, sending and receiving signals at such a speed that will just blow you off. In

addition, the success of a lot of other technologies such as augmented reality and a huge part of
AI depends on 5G technology.

What Does the Future Hold for 5G in Nigeria?

Given the hype around it, one would seriously consider the prospect of 5G in Nigeria.
The Nigerian Communication Commission (NCC) said that Nigeria will be ready for 5G by
2020. NCC’s Executive Vice Chairman Prof. Umar Danbatta said that NCC is not ready at the
moment in terms of policy and regulations but it has already started processes and reserved three
frequency bands to for the easy release of 5G in Nigeria. However, Akinwale Goodluck, Head of
Sub-Saharan Africa GSMA pointed out that it is necessary for the industry and government to
collaborate in order to enable the right policy environment. He added that there is a risk that
citizens will lag behind in productivity if policies do not keep pace with technological innovation
and societal needs.

Interestingly, several telecoms in Nigeria have indicated interests in 5G. Globacom has invested
a lot in upgrading its network. Glo promised to launch 5G in the 700mhz band for IoT
application this year.

Furthermore, the first 5G phone will be released in mid-2019 but there will probably not be a
noticeable speed difference. Also, the phones will be able to switch between 4G and 5G network
to provide users with stable coverage.

As 5G makes its way into Nigeria, it will first be available in major cities like Lagos, Port
Harcourt, and Abuja before entering smaller cities, this might take years. This means that much
of the functionalities of 5G may not be usable in Nigeria for a long time. In other words, it will
take time for the network to be extensive enough to meet expectations.


4G Car

With the hype of 3G wireless in the rear view mirror, but the reality of truly mobile

broadband data seemingly too far in the future to be visible yet on the information super

highway, it may seem premature to offer a test drive 4G. But the good news is, 4G is finally

coming to a showroom near you.

4G and public safety

There are sweeping changes taking place in transportation and intelligent highways,

generally referred to as “Intelligent Transportation Systems” (ITS). ITS is comprised of a

number of technologies, including information processing, communications, control, and

electronics. Using these technologies with our transportation systems, and allowing first

responders access to them, will help prevent ‐ or certainly mitigate ‐ future disasters.

Communications, and the cooperation and collaboration it affords, is a key element of any

effective disaster response. Historically, this has been done with bulky handheld radios that

provide only voice to a team in a common sector. And this architecture is still cellular, with a

singular point of failure, because all transmissions to a given cell must pass through that one cell.

If the cell tower is destroyed in the disaster, traditional wireless service is eliminated. 4G

wireless eliminates this spoke‐and‐hub weakness of cellular architectures because the destruction

of a single node does not disable the network. Instead of a user being dependent on a cell tower,

that user can hop through other users in dynamic, self-roaming, self‐healing rings. This is reason

enough to make this technology available to first responders. But there is more: mobility,

streaming audio and video, high‐speed Internet, real‐time asset awareness, geo‐location, and in‐

building rescue support. All this at speeds that rival cable modems and DSL. Combining 4G with

ITS infrastructure makes both more robust. In 4G architectures, the network improves as the

number of users increases. ITS offers the network lots of users, and therefore more robustness.

Think of every light pole on a highway as a network element, a “user” that is acting as a

router/repeater for first responders traveling on those highways. Think of every traffic light as a

network element, ideally situated in the center of intersections with a 360‐degree view of traffic.

This is the power of the marriage between 4G networks and ITS

Sensors in public vehicle

Putting a chemical‐biological‐nuclear (CBN) warning sensor on every government owned

vehicle instantly creates a mobile fleet. As these vehicles go about their daily duties of law

enforcement, garbage collection, sewage and water maintenance, etc., municipalities get the

added benefit of early detection of CBN agents. The sensors on the vehicles can talk to fixed

devices mounted on light poles throughout the area, so positive detection can be reported in real

time. And since 4G networks can include inherent geo‐location without GPS, first responders

will know where the vehicle is when it detects a CBN agent.

Cameras in traffic light

Some major cities have deployed cameras on traffic lights and send those images back to a

central command center. This is generally done using fiber, which limits where the cameras can

be hung, i.e., no fiber, no camera. 4G networks allow cities to deploy cameras and backhaul

them wirelessly. And instead of having to backhaul every camera, cities can backhaul every third

or fifth or tenth camera, using the other cameras as router/repeaters.

These cameras can also serve as fixed infrastructure devices to support the mobile sensor.

First responder route selection

Using fiber to backhaul cameras means that the intelligence collected flows one way: from the

camera to the command center. Using a 4G network, those images can also be sent from the

command center back out to the streets. Ambulances and fire trucks facing congestion can query

various cameras to choose an alternate route. Police, stuck in traffic on major thoroughfares, can

look ahead and make a decision as to whether it would be faster to stay

on the main roads or exit to the side roads.

Traffic control during disasters

4G networks can allow officials to access traffic control boxes to change inland traffic lanes to

green. Instead of having to send officers to every box on roads being overwhelmed by civilians

who are evacuating, it can all be done remotely, and dynamically. (Bandi S., 2010)

In conclusion, to accelerate the telecommunications growth in Nigeria, there is need to address
the challenge of spectrum shortage. The Nigerian Communication Commission (NCC) which is
the regulatory body in the Nigerian telecoms sector needs to liase with the Nigerian Broadcasting
Commission (NBC) to speed track the digital migration in order to free up the spectrum being
used by broadcast stations for deployment for 4G LTE services. They also need to work out an
appropriate pricing model that would encourage MNOs and ISPs to speed roll-out.
The uniqueness of the Nigerian mobile market is that, subscribers are ready and willing
to pay more for reliability, efficiency and faster data rates. This may serve as a guarantee
that MNOs and ISPs would get returns for their investments. This assurance is vital because of
the capital investment needed to roll-out of the over 40,000 BTSs needed to ensure
national coverage.
Further research should be conducted at determining better schemes and algorithms that
would ensure better network performance during handovers. And operators should fast track
efforts at implementing the internet protocol multi-media (IMS) subsystem so as to ensure
improved voice Communication such as the success of 5G in Nigeria.

Akintoye S.B (2013). wireless mobile communication - a study of 4g technology, kuwait Chapter
of Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review Vol. 2, No.9; May,2013.

Bandi S. (2010), 4G wireless system. (Submitted to the department of computer science and
technology of Vishveshwaraiah technology university).

Emmanuel O, (2017). Roadmap and Challenges to the Deployment of 4g Lte Network: The
Nigerian Experience retrieve from:

Evan B.G & Baughan K (2000). Vision of 4G, (Submitted to IEE Electronics &
Communications Engineering Journal, for publication autumn/winter 2000).


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