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Application Details: Prior To Filling in This Form Ensure That You Have Done The Following

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SEMESTER 2, 2011




Prior to filling in this form ensure that you have done the following:
• Read the Application Guidelines for the Scholarships provided by UNSW located at
• Reviewed the Guidelines for Commonwealth Scholarships
• Contacted the School and discussed your research proposal with a potential supervisor who is willing to oversee your research degree.
• Applied for admission to a UNSW research degree. (Please Note: Applicants who have not applied for admission to a research degree
at UNSW will not be considered for an International Research Scholarship).

1. Application Details

UNSW Student UNSW Application number

number (if known) (if known)

Family Name       Given Name      

Male Female Date of Birth      

(e.g. 6 December 1987 = 06/12/87)

Postal address (home)

Email Address
Number & Street:      
Suburb, City:      
Home phone:      
Mobile phone:      
*Please note: successful first round applicants will be notified by email only. All further correspondence will be by email.
2. Proposed Program Beginning/Continuing 2011

PhD Masters by Research Master of Philosophy Proposed Commencement Date:      

Kensington Campus – Sydney (includes COFA)
UNSW@ADFA Campus - Canberra
Kensington & UNSW@ADFA Campus* *

* Please Note: You are only required to submit one application for admission to a postgraduate degree based on your preference below, however you will also be considered for a scholarship
at the alternate campus as appropriate.

In which Faculty do you wish to study?      

In which School do you wish to study?      

Please provide the appropriate (4-digit) program code* for the program you wish to study:      
* Program Codes can be found in the 2010 Postgraduate Handbook at:

Have you consulted/corresponded with a potential supervisor regarding your proposed research topic? Yes* No
*(If you answer YES you must provide proof of this correspondence).

Name of proposed supervisor* with whom you have consulted:      

* It is not essential that supervision is finalised at the time of application but supervision will need to be confirmed in order to be offered a scholarship

The title of my proposed research project is:      

Have you already enrolled at UNSW and commenced your research? Yes* No
*(If you answer YES you must provide your commencement details below)

Graduate Research School: Telephone: +61 (2) 9385 5500, Email:
Web: CRICOS Provider No: 00098G, ABN 57 195 873 179, Version 1 24/01/11
Actual date of commencement       Full time Part time

3. Residential Status
Are you an Australian citizen or New Zealand citizen or an Australian permanent resident? (If Yes No
YES, you are NOT eligible for an International Research Scholarship).

What is your country of citizenship?      

Have you applied for Australian Permanent Resident status through the Yes No
Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC)?
If YES, please indicate the date of application:      

IMPORTANT NOTE: Applicants from countries assigned Australian Student Visa Assessment Level 3, 4 or 5 should contact their
local Australian Diplomatic Mission for current information on timeframes for visa application processing, and should lodge
applications for Student Visas at minimum 12-16 weeks prior to the expected date of departure from their home country.
4. Sponsorship
Will you be sponsored? eg AUSAID, corporation, home government Yes * No (Go to question 5)

*If YES, please attach documentation from the funding organisation and what items are paid for by the scholarship eg OSHC,
tuition fees.
What is the sponsoring institution’s name?

5. Eligibility

(a) Application Status:

Have you applied for a Master of Philosophy, Masters by Research or PhD at Yes No
If you answered NO you MUST put in your application for admission to UNSW
prior to completing this form. For details on how to apply for a research degree If NO, you are NOT eligible for an
please refer to the following webpage: International Research Scholarship until you To see full details of the apply.
information that needs to be attached to this form please see the checklist found
on page 5 of this application form.

(b) Prior Study

(i) Have you already completed a Master of Philosophy OR Masters by Research Yes No
degree and propose to undertake another Master of Philosophy or Masters by
Research degree in 2011?
Yes No
(ii) Have you already completed a PhD or research doctorate or equivalent?
If you answered YES to either of these
questions you are NOT eligible for an
International Research Scholarship.
(c) Previous Scholarships
Yes* No
Have you previously held or do you currently hold an IPRS/AUSAID or Australian Government-
funded scholarship?
*If you answered YES you may not eligible for an International Research Scholarship. Please fill in the
questions below.

What is the name of the award granted?      

At which institution was the award granted?      

For which qualification was the award granted?      

What is the annual monetary value of the award?      

What was the exact duration of the award? Please provide exact dates:      

Have you been awarded any other primary award or stipend for 2011 to support you in your studies at UNSW? Yes No
If YES please indicate the name & dollar value of the award(s):      

6. Academic Qualification – Undergraduate & Postgraduate

Details of Institution Years of Year Average Position Normal Full-time
Previous Enrolment Graduated Mark in cohort Length of
Study Qualification
From To 23rd out of
e.g. B.E University of XYZ 2006 2010 2010 87 650 3 yrs



If you are currently enrolled in a course please indicate name of course and expected completion date:
Course Name:       Expected Completion Date:      
Important Note: All Honours results, MPhil/M(R) thesis examination outcomes &/or other grades required for determining
Honours 1 equivalence must be finalised and provided by 15 January (for Semester 1 scholarships) or by 15 July (for Semester 2
scholarships). If results will not be finalised by these dates candidates should apply for the subsequent scholarship round.

7. Relevant Research Experience

(a) Employment
Describe briefly your research experience (you may need to provide a separate statement):
Please note: Applicants for the College of Fine Arts (COFA) are also required to submit a CV including information on exhibitions etc.
Have you ever been employed in the area that is related to your field of study? Yes No
If Yes please provide details:
Employer # 1:       Period of       year       months
employment: s

Employer #2:             y       months


(b) Publications
Has your research been published? Yes* No
*If YES, give names and dates of the publications/journals/books and the names of co-authors (include all publications to which
you have contributed and in which you are named). Indicate in no more than 50 words your contribution to the publication(s) (eg)
50% of primary experiment design, 70 % of all experimental work, 40 % of primary data analysis, 2nd author.
For journal articles & conference proceedings you must attach a copy of the publication. For books, only full citations are required,
you do not need to submit a copy of the book. If you do not provide a copy of a publication, or a full citation, it may not be
* If you have contributed to more than 2 publications the additional details should be attached to the application form

(i) 1st Publication

Publication (or Article) Title:      
Journal/Book Name:      
Journal ranking (indicate ranking group / system):      
Author’s Name(s) (in order):      
Publication Date:      
Applicant’s contribution to publication:      

(ii) 2nd Publication

# 2 Publication (or Article) Title:      
Journal/Book Name:      
Journal ranking (indicate ranking group / system):      
Author’s Name(s) (in order):      
Publication Date:      

Applicant’s contribution to publication:      

(c) COFA Applicants - Applicants for postgraduate research programmes offered by COFA are required to provide supporting
documentation such as a curriculum vitae which includes awards/grants/prizes, exhibitions/publications, and a portfolio of
artwork/designs (in CD, DVD or slide formats).
8. Referees Report Contact Details
I have provided contact details for two Academic Referees who are familiar with my area of study &/or my research ability
I have provided both of my referees the Referees Report form or weblink (found at and have asked them to return the form directly to the
Graduate Research School prior to the application closing date: 25 March 2011 for study commencing in Semester 1
2011, by either:

Mail: In Person: Email:

Graduate Research School Graduate Research School
The University of New South Wales The University of New South Wales
UNSW Sydney 2052 Rupert Myers Building (South Wing)
AUSTRALIA Gate 14, Barker St

Referee #1

Title (ie) Dr, Mr       First       Surname      


Institution Name & Address      

Position held:      

Phone number:      

Relationship to
Email Address:      

Fax Number:      

Referee #2
Referee # 2
Title (ie) Dr, Mr       First       Surname      

Institution Name & Address      

Position held:      

Phone number:      

Relationship to
Email Address:      

Fax Number:      

9. Checklist
The following checklist is designed to assist you and the Graduate Research School ensure that all the documentation is
attached in order for us to process your application. Please complete the checklist. Where you are still waiting on information
please indicate in the comments box provided (eg) Academic transcript ordered from University of XYZ - will be submitted on

If there is any information that you are unsure of, or if you require further information, please refer to the 2011 Application
Guidelines for International Research Scholarships found at
I have:
Additional Comments
Yes No Fully completed the International Research Scholarship application form      

I have attached certified copies or originals of the following:

Yes No Academic transcripts, and grading systems, including evidence of graduation for      
all previously completed degrees/diplomas.
Where the course is not complete the current transcript must be provided and
the final transcript submitted as soon as it becomes available.
Yes No Certified* proof of my Visa application.      

Please note: If you have not provided proof of your Visa application you may
still apply for an International Research Scholarship. If you are awarded a
Scholarship you must commence before 18 July 2011 (Semester 2). You
cannot defer the offer. Please ensure you leave enough time for the
processing of your Visa application. To determine how long your Visa application
processing may take, please contact your local Australian Diplomatic Mission.
Yes No Certified* proof of name change (if applicable).      

I have:
Yes No Submitted a separate application for admission to a UNSW research degree      
with a complete set of documentation.
Yes No Contacted the School to discuss my research proposal with a potential      
supervisor** who is willing to oversee my research degree.

**Please note: It is not essential that supervision details are finalised at the time
of application but supervision will need to be confirmed in order to be offered a
Yes No Attached proof of correspondence between me and my proposed/potential      
supervisor relating to discussion of my proposed research topic.
Yes No Provided the Referee Report forms or the weblink to my two nominated referees      
and asked them to return the completed form directly to the UNSW Graduate
Research School on or before the application closing date.
Yes No If required, I have commenced my pre-visa assessment process. Please note:      
You will not be able to defer your offer if you are unable to commence by 18
July 2011 (Semester 2).
Yes No Provided an up to date e-mail address and where applicable, mobile phone      
number. Please note: successful first round applicants will be notified by email
only. All further correspondence will be by email.
Yes No Provided any supporting documentation.      

Only applicants who include appropriate proof of sponsorship (sponsorship

letter(s)) will be considered for a Category 4 Tuition Fee Scholarship
Yes No COFA Applicants Only:      

I have provided supporting documentation such as a curriculum vitae which

includes awards/grants/prizes, exhibitions/publications, and a portfolio of
artwork/designs (in CD, DVD or slide formats).

*Certified Documentation: For information on who can certify documents please see the Certified Document section of the International Research Scholarship Application Guidelines

10. Privacy Notification
The University of New South Wales (UNSW) acknowledges and respects the privacy of individuals. The information you provide on this
application for is “personal information” as defined by the Privacy and Personal Information Act, 1998 (NSW) (the Act).
The information you provide is collected and held by UNSW in order to assess your application and for administrative and statistical purposes,
or to send you information about UNSW activities that may be of interest to you. You have the right of access to, and alteration of, the
information concerning yourself in accordance with the Act and the UNSW Privacy Management Plan. UNSW will not disclose your personal
information without consent and without due cause, except as required by law. You have the right to refuse this consent, but if the consent is
not given your application may not be processed.
11. Declaration
I have

• Answered all questions on this form truthfully.

• Read the International Research Scholarship Application Guidelines
( and understand the eligibility criteria for this
• Separately lodged my application for admission for a research degree at UNSW with a complete and separate set
of documentation for assessment of that admission application.

I agree to

• Notify the School and the Graduate Research School of any change to the information I have given in this application.
• Authorise UNSW to obtain from any other educational institution or relevant authority, at anytime, details which relate to my
application including information concerning my enrolment record, examination results, enrolment variation and
• Abide by UNSW conditions of the award/scholarship as amended from time to time.
• Comply with UNSW rules on admission, enrolment and other policies on the conduct of research.
• Permit UNSW to release details of my academic progress to my sponsoring body on request if I am a sponsored student.
• Undertake to obtain ethical clearance and satisfy any other regulatory requirements before commencing any research to
which those requirements may apply.
• Allow UNSW to contact me by SMS if required for the purposes of making a scholarship offer

I understand that

• UNSW may disclose information concerning this application to the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace
Relations (DEEWR), the Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research (DIISR) and to any person or body
UNSW considers has legitimate interest in receiving it and I consent to such disclosure.
• UNSW may vary or cancel any decision it makes if the information I have given is incorrect or incomplete.
• I will not be sent notification that my application has been received.
• I must not receive scholarships from different institutions simultaneously.
• UNSW is not responsible for the loss of any documents submitted.
• Submitted documents become property of UNSW.
• My application processing will be delayed if I have not provided all documents as detailed throughout the form and on the
• That if I am made an offer of a Scholarship I will not be able to defer that offer.
• My application will not be processed if I have not confirmed that I agree with this Statement by signing below.
• Giving false or misleading information is a serious offence under the Criminal Code (Commonwealth).

Print Full Name Signature* Date


25 March 2011

By Mail: In Person: By Email#:

Graduate Research School Graduate Research School
The University of New South Wales The University of New South Wales
UNSW Sydney 2052 Rupert Myers Building (South Wing)
AUSTRALIA Gate 14, Barker St

*Applications that are not signed may not be considered for an award
# Applications may be lodged via email before the closing date, however, original and certified copies of your documentation must then be posted to the
Graduate Research School.

Graduate Research School Telephone: +61 (2) 9385 5500 Facsimile: +61 (2) 9385 6238
Email: Web: CRICOS Provider No: 00098G ABN 57 195 873
179 Version 1 31/03/06 6

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