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Fruit Products Profit: ISSN 1810-0775

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ISSN 1810-0775

Fruit products
Diversification booklet number 16

Fruit products

C. Clarke, K. Schreckenberg & N.N. Haq

Rural Infrastructure and Agro-Industries Division

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Rome 2011
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ISBN 978-92-5-107069-7

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© FAO 2012
■ Preface v

Table of contents
■ Acknowledgements vii

■ Introduction 1
■ Purpose of the booklet 5

■ Fruit and sustainable livelihoods 7

■ Fruit for health 7
■ Medicinal properties of fruit 9
■ Fruit and food security 9
■ Fruit as a source of income 10
■ Suitability for women and vulnerable groups 12
■ Fruit and sustainable agriculture 13

■ Feasibility of a fruit tree enterprise 15

■ Market research: Which fruit products? 15
■ How to organize the enterprise and scale of operation 16
■ Processing: What equipment, technology and packaging to use? 16
■ Credit availability and access 17
■ Costs and profits 18
■ Evaluation of the activity 19

■ The livelihood activity 21

■ Selecting the right species and variety 21
■ Choosing the right location 22
■ Propagation 24
■ Inputs 26
■ Management 27
■ Harvesting 28
■ Post-harvest and storage 31
■ Fruit trees 33
■ Strategies for marketing 41
■ Assessing market potential 41
■ Associations 43
■ Mapping the supply chain 44
■ Processing activities 48

■ Support services to promote fruit as a livelihood 57

■ Access to support services 57
■ Availability of diverse seedlings 57
■ Hire services 59
■ Financial services 59
■ Business skill training 59
■ Market and transport infrastructure 59
■ Access to technology 60
■ Role of advisor 60

■ Challenges 63
■ Regulatory barriers 63
■ Water 63
■ Quality germplasm 63
■ Land and tree tenure 64
■ Processing and storage 64
■ Gender and the disabled 64
■ Processing: Technology, repairs and quality assurance 65
■ Power sources 65

■ Selected further reading 67

■ Sources of further information and support 79

Table of contents

The purpose of the FAO Diversification booklets is to raise awareness and

provide decision support information about opportunities at farm and local
community level to increase the incomes of small-scale farmers.

Each booklet focuses on a farm or non-farm enterprise that can be

integrated into small farms to increase incomes and enhance livelihoods.
The enterprises profiled in the FAO Diversification booklets selected are
suitable for smallholder farmers in terms of resource requirements, additional
costs, exposure to risk and complexity. The products or services generated
by the enterprises are suitable for meeting demand on a growing, or already

Fruit products for profit

strong, local market and are not dependent on an export market. However in
this particular booklet, export markets are also considered. This is because
international trade in fruits can affect local markets and export markets can
provide opportunities for some types of fruits grown by smallholders.

The main target audience for these booklets are people and organizations
that provide advisory, business and technical support services to resource-
poor small-scale farmers and local communities in low- and middle-income
countries. It is hoped that enough information is given to help these support
service providers to consider new income-generating opportunities and how
these might enable small-scale farmers to take action. What are the potential
benefits? What are farmer requirements and constraints? What are critical
‘success factors’?

The FAO Diversification booklets are also targeted to policy-makers and

programme managers in government and non-governmental organizations.
What actions might policy-makers take to create enabling environments for
small-scale farmers to diversify into new income-generating activities?

The FAO Diversification booklets are not intended to be technical ‘how

to do it’ guidelines. Readers will need to seek more information or technical
support, so as to provide farmer advisory and support activities relating to the

introduction of new income-generating activities. To assist in this respect,
each booklet identifies additional sources of information, technical support
and website addresses.

A CD has been prepared with a full series of FAO Diversification booklets

and relevant FAO technical guides, together with complementary guides on
market research, financing, business planning, etc. Copies of the CD are
available on request from FAO. FAO Diversification booklets can also be
downloaded from the FAO Internet site.

If you find this booklet of value, we would like to hear from you. Tell
your colleagues and friends about it. FAO would welcome suggestions about
possible changes for enhancing our next edition or regarding relevant topics
for other booklets. By sharing your views and ideas with us we can provide
better services to you.


Gratitude is owed to Doyle Baker, Senior Technical Officer, Rural

Infrastructure and Agro-Industries Division, (AGS), FAO, who provided for
a detailed technical review on the final draft version of this booklet. Special
thanks also go to Paul Vantomme, Senior Forestry Officer,( FOEI), and Mr.
H.A. Hilmi, former Senior Forestry Officer, for their detailed reviews and
inputs to the various drafts of this booklet. Martin Hilmi, Small Enterprise
Management and Marketing Consultant, (AGS), provided the section on
Feasibility of a fruit tree enterprise.

Acknowledgements for the series

Fruit products for profit

Gratitude is owed to Doyle Baker, Senior Technical Officer, Rural Infrastructure
and Agro-Industries Division (AGS), FAO, for his vision, encouragement and
constant support in the development of the FAO Diversification booklet series.
Martin Hilmi managed the development, production and post-production
of the series and provided technical support and inputs. Michael Breece
undertook the design and layout of the booklets and desktop publishing.


Tropical and sub-tropical fruit households. Diversification into fruit

can make a significant direct production can generate employment
contribution to the subsistence of and enable small-scale farmers to
small-scale farmers by providing embark on a range of production,
locally generated nutritious food processing and marketing activities
that is often available when other to complement existing income-
agricultural crops have not yet generating activities. Often small-
been harvested. Fruit are a versatile scale and home-based, these fruit-
product that, depending on need, can based micro-enterprises may provide
be consumed within the household or a particularly important opportunity

Fruit products for profit

sold. Marketing fresh and processed for women to earn an income
fruit products generates income and increase their status in the
which can act as an economic buffer farm family as well as in the local
and seasonal safety net for poor farm community.

FIGURE 1 Tending fruit trees that have been intercropped with maize
(Photo: FAO/18317/ P. Cenini)

Fruit trees are typically multi- regions where climate variability is
purpose in that many provide not commonplace and adverse impacts
only fruit but also medicinal products of climate change are expected, fruit
and livestock fodder, as well as fuel trees may play an important role in
wood and timber at the end of their buffering against production risks
productive lives. In addition to and providing a continuous supply of
economic benefits, fruit trees provide environmental services.
a number of environmental services. While most production and
Many of the species discussed in primary processing is likely to occur
this booklet have traditionally been in rural areas, fruit trees can also be
grown in mixed cropping systems incorporated in urban gardens and
where they enhance biodiversity streets, where they can contribute to
and strengthen resilience against household food and income security
the effects of adverse weather as well as providing shade and other
conditions, poor soils and pests. In environmental services.

CASE STUDY 1 Increased acai production:

feeding the urban poor and promoting
forest conservation

Since the 1950s, the city of Belem, Brazil, on the Amazon estuary has experienced a
population increase from 300 000 residents to 2 million, attracting migrants from rural
districts with strong family links to the countryside and a preference for rural foods.
Acai fruit have been a low-cost staple food source in the region since pre-Columbian
times and the palm is extensively cultivated and managed along rivers in forested
areas, home gardens and a variety of tree farming systems. While fruit are harvested
mainly from cultivated acai, the edible palm-heart is collected mainly from the wild.
Consumption of the juice of acai berry in Belem increased from 90 000 litres per day
in the late 1980s to 400 000 litres per day in the late 1990s. It is estimated that the
volume of juice consumed per person per day is twice that of milk. The tree provides
a staple for the growing population of urban poor as well as a fashionable food. As a
result of increased demand, farmers have switched from annual crop production to
forest based production systems centred on acai. Over the same period there has
been a net increase in afforestation in this region of the Amazon, as a direct result
of the increase in acai production, in contrast to other regions of the Amazon where
deforestation continues.

Source: Adapted from Padoch, C., Brondizio, E., Costa, S., Pinedo-Vasquez, M.,
Sears, R.R. & Siqueira, A. 2008. Urban forest and rural cities: multi-sited households,
consumption patterns, and forest resources in Amazonia. Ecology and Society 13(2)

FIGURE 2 Juice being extracted from acai fruit (Euterpe Oleracea) that is very popular
in Brazil.

Fruit products for profit

(Photo: FAO/6047/ G. Bizzarri)

The fruit trees discussed in this The most widely cultivated and
booklet are cultivated in tropical globally traded tropical and subtropical
and sub-tropical regions of the fruit trees are mango, various species
world and have the potential of of citrus, avocado, papaya and kiwi.
being incorporated into smallholder However, this booklet focuses on species
farming systems to support that are predominantly of importance
livelihood diversification. Tropical in local and national markets, with
and sub-tropical fruit trees are some beginning to have a presence on
usually evergreen and perennial and global markets, including mangosteen
are frost sensitive with little growth (Garcinia mangostana), custard
below 10°C. Tropical species are apple (Annona reticulata), jackfruit
distinct from subtropical species in (Artocarpus heterophyllus), peach palm
that they require humid conditions (Bactris gasipaes), acai palm (Euterpe
and are sensitive to temperatures oleracea), tree tomato (Solanum betacea,
below 20°C. They thrive in climates [also known as tamarillo]) and safou
where average mean temperatures (Dacryodes edulis). Although originating
are higher than 10°C for the coldest in one tropical region, many of these
month. Hundreds of tropical fruits species are already being cultivated in
are grown in these conditions, but other tropical and subtropical regions
only about 50 are well known. (see Box 1).

BOX 1 Fruit trees of importance for trade in local
and national markets

Cultivation of the mangosteen tree has extended into Southern and Southeast Asia,
northern Australia, the West Indies, tropical America and tropical Africa from its origin
in the Malay Archipelago. It thrives in wet regions up to 600 m above sea level. In Asia,
the fruit are generally traded as a fresh fruit or used to make and flavour desserts,
jams, juices and wines. Its unique flavour, attractive fragrance and visual appeal have
made mangosteen a very desirable exotic fruit in Europe and North America.

Custard apple is thought to have originated in the Antilles but has been naturalised
in tropical America and is cultivated in South and Southeastern Asia and Australia. Its
fruit are eaten fresh and are used to flavour milk shakes, custards or ice creams. It
may also be used as rootstock for other Annona species which include A. cherimolia
(cherimoya), A. muricata (soursop) and A. squamosa (sugar apple).

Jackfruit is indigenous to the tropical forests of India, Bangladesh and Malaysia and
has been widely introduced to other South and Southeast Asian countries including
southern China. It is also cultivated in tropical Africa and tropical and warm subtropical
America and Australia. The large fruit are sold fresh or as a dried ingredient to flavour
foods in the food processing industry. In Asia the immature fruit are cooked as
vegetables while mature fruit can also be fermented and distilled to make liqueurs. The
seeds are sold as snacks or ground to make a flour that can be used as an alternative
to modified cereal starch. The timber is considered of high value in construction and
furniture making enterprises.

Peach palm is indigenous to the humid tropics of South America, extending into the
dry tropics (Mexico, some Caribbean islands and other continents) and grows best at
low to middle altitudes with high rainfall. The fruit of the peach palm is traded locally in
the humid tropics of South America as a fruit for cooking, a source of flour and oil and
fermented to produce alcohol.

The large acai palm is indigenous to the Amazon river, is widely distributed in northern
South America, and considered abundant in eastern Amazonian estuaries, flood
plains, swamps and upland regions. It is economically important in the Brazilian state
of Pará. In the Amazon region, the acai palm berry is sold fresh and as a dried powder
to flavour food and drinks. Both peach palm and acai palm are also cultivated for their
palm-heart, which is considered a delicacy and exported all over the world.

Tree tomato is cultivated in tropical highlands, the sub-tropics and mild temperate
areas. It is indigenous to the Andes Mountains of Chile and Peru and is grown
commercially in California and New Zealand. The fruit are sold fresh, but can also be
processed into jams, jellies and chutneys and boiled or pureed to add flavour to drinks
and for use in the food processing industry.

BOX 1 Fruit trees of importance for trade in local
and national markets (Cont.)

Safou is native to humid tropical zones of Africa, but its wide temperature, rainfall, day
length and soil range make it suitable for cultivation in sub-tropical and temperate zones.
Safou has been introduced to Malaysia as an exotic and prefers shady, non-flooded areas.
In the humid tropics of Africa, safou fruit are cooked as a vegetable and both the fruit and
seeds are a source of edible oil.

■ Purpose of the booklet as oil palm that are predominantly

The focus of this booklet is on fruit cultivated in industrial-scale
trees for small-scale farmers grown plantations. The booklet is
in home gardens and small-scale intended to raise awareness and
orchards, rather than on species such provide information to people

Fruit products for profit

FIGURE 3 A rural fruit and vegetable market in Uganda

(Photo: FAO/19334/ R. Faidutti)

and organizations, public and basic requirements for cultivating
private, who are working with local fruit trees, marketing fruit and also
communities to promote sustainable processing fruit as well as drawing
livelihood diversification for small- attention to some of the challenges.
scale farmers. The booklet outlines Even though harvesting of wild
the potential benefits of a fruit fruit trees is not considered in this
enterprise deriving from increased booklet, processing, packaging
incomes, but also considers and marketing of fruit produce is
improved diets and food security similar for both cultivated and wild
for the farm family. It outlines the harvested fruit.

Fruit and sustainable livelihoods

Fruit trees can contribute to ■ Fruit for health

household nutrition, food security Tropical and sub-tropical fruits have a
and income and may be a particularly high and diverse vitamin and mineral
useful source of livelihood content that can form an essential
diversification for women and part of a nutritionally balanced diet.
other vulnerable groups. They are a As fruit tend to have a substantial
valuable component of sustainable amount of potassium, phosphorous,
agricultural systems. calcium and frequently, iron and

Fruit products for profit

3 5 0 0
E nergy content ( k J / 1 0 0 g dry w eigh t)

3 0 0 0

2 5 0 0

2 0 0 0

1 5 0 0

1 0 0 0

5 0 0

Wheat R ice Maize Peach Safou A cai palm
(soft) (brow n) palm
C rops

FIGURE 4 A comparison of energy content of some cereal crops and edible fruit pulp of
peach palm, safou and acai palm

CASE STUDY 2 Cuban home gardens provide food security,
income and environmental stability

After the collapse of the former Soviet Union in 1989, the economic situation in Cuba
deteriorated dramatically with low wages and minimal food rations from the State.
As families found it increasingly difficult to feed themselves, individually owned home
gardens flourished. They now provide a rich diversity of trees, shrubs and herbs that
are intensively managed in harmony with annual and perennial agricultural crops and
small livestock, resulting in increased socio-economic and environmental stability.
A study of three villages found that with an average size of just 25x35 m, home
gardens nevertheless contained over 100 different plant species. Half of these were
fruit trees, the most common being avocado (Persea americana), mango (Mangifera
indica), coconut (Cocos nucifera), breadfruit (Artocarpus communis), guava (Psidium
guajava), soursop (Annona muricata), sugar apple (Annona squamosa), orange
(Citrus sinensis), papaya (Carica papaya), bananas and plantains.

Home garden owners in these villages ranged from medium sized farmers with 60 ha of
land to pensioners and low-wage earners. For most, their home garden was a part-time
activity dedicated primarily to producing food for home consumption and to feed animals.
The food quantity and diversity provided by home gardens, particularly between 1989 and
1993, was essential to maintaining the wellbeing of Cubans when the daily supply of calories
was very low and malnutrition was common. As Cuba’s economic situation has improved,
home gardens have continued to play a central role in providing a diverse source of food
throughout the year, while complementing other income-generating activities in resource-
poor households. An added benefit has been a reduction in environmental degradation as
farmers have sourced food and fuel wood from their home gardens rather than cultivating
crops on steep slopes or encroaching into forested areas.

Source: Adapted from Wezel, A. & Bender, S.2003.Plant species diversity of home gardens
of Cuba and its significance for household food supply, Agroforestry Systems 57, pp. 39-49

magnesium, they are particularly fruits have high calorific values.

important in providing the building Peach palm pulp, for example, is
blocks of healthy muscles, bones, not very sweet and is equal to, or
teeth and brain in children, as well surpasses some cereals with respect
as aiding protein digestion, cellular to energy, fats and carbohydrates (see
metabolism and a fully functional Figure 4). The dried pulp of safou
nervous system. and acai berry, similarly outperform
Some fruit such as acai fruit cereal crops when energy and fat
are extremely high in dietary fibre, contents are compared. Some fruit
which aids digestion and reduces are also a good source of protein,
cholesterol in the blood. Certain with peach palm fruit containing all

essential and non-essential amino are used as remedies for everything
acids. from skin diseases and asthma, to
Fruit can be incorporated into dysentery, intestinal worms, diabetes,
diets in many different ways. Ripe ulcers, pain, wounds and abscesses.
fruit are often sweet and eaten Tannin from the dried unripe fruit
fresh on their own or in desserts. of custard apple is used against
The flavour of some fruits like diarrhoea and dysentery while the
mangosteen and custard apple can bark prevents excessive bleeding and
be improved through chilling. Fruit the root is used as a tonic to reduce
can also be preserved in jams and fever (see FAO Diversification
pickles or dried and powdered for booklet No.17 Health and wealth
use in drinks or confectionary (see from Medicinal Aromatic Plants).
FAO Diversification booklet Nos. 4 However, as much of this traditional
and 5 Value from village processing knowledge has not yet been subjected

Fruit products for profit

and Processing for prosperity). In to scientific research, expert medical
many species, such as jackfruit, advice should always be sought in
immature green fruit can be cooked case of illness.
and used like vegetables. Seeds of
some species can be fried and eaten ■ Fruit and food security
as snacks (see FAO Diversification Food security implies that
booklet No. 18 Selling street and individual households are able
snack foods) and may be a good to meet their daily food needs
source of oil. In addition to providing from their own farm or have the
healthy side-dishes and desserts for means to obtain food from local
the whole family, fruit trees planted off-farm sources. Fruit crops are
near the house can be especially a suitable addition to any small-
important for young children – scale farm and home and market
who have particularly high energy garden (see FAO Diversification
and nutritional requirements – by booklet No.2 Livelihoods grow
providing easily accessible snacks. in gardens) because they require
little cash and labour input once
■ Medicinal properties of fruit they are established and, if planted
There is a wealth of indigenous in appropriate locations, do not
knowledge about the medicinal uses need to interfere with staple crops.
of different fruit trees. Thus all parts Planting a number of different fruit
of the jackfruit tree, for example, tree species can provide households

FIGURE 5 A fruit tree intercropped with cabbages
(Photo: FAO/22174/ A. Casset)

with a year-round supply of fruit to ■ Fruit as a source of income

complement other crops grown on An advantage of fruit is that they
the farm. Unlike some crops which can be consumed or sold depending
may fail entirely if subjected to on the household’s circumstances.
climatic stress, established fruit trees Species such as custard apple are not
that are well adapted to a region, considered to be a highly commercial
may have reduced yield but will species and are mostly grown by
usually survive one or two difficult smallholder farmers on a casual basis,
seasons. Incorporating fruit trees seasonally complementing other
into farming systems (see Figure 5) activities on the farm. Their produce
can help provide the building blocks are sold to local markets or consumed
for the development of sustainable at home, adding diversity to the local
agro-ecosystems by preventing soil food basket and the farmer’s income.
erosion, improving soil fertility and Other species are increasingly
encouraging biodiversity. cultivated primarily for sale. Thus

the durability and two week shelf- in demand for jackfruit as a result of
life of mangosteen fruit, for example, advances in technologies that have
combined with its delicate flavour allowed the fruit (fresh and processed)
and pleasing appearance, is leading to to be sold out of season. Some species
growing exports from Southeast Asia such as the tree tomato, which is
to the People’s Republic of China, grown extensively in South American
Taiwan, Europe and North America. home gardens, fruit continuously in
In trading fresh fruit, it is subtropical areas providing a year-
advantageous to grow varieties round income stream. Others, such
that fruit early or late in the season as safou in Central and West Africa,
when prices are high. During the play a critical seasonal role in family
main fruiting season, the glut in finances by providing an income at
availability may cause prices to fall a time when farmers have few other
dramatically. In this case, proper income sources but need to pay for

Fruit products for profit

storage or processing can greatly school fees, uniforms and books.
increase a household’s income. Small-scale processing can ensure
The price of jackfruit, for example, year-round availability of fruit tree
doubles or triples only a few months produce, thereby improving food
after harvest. The Philippines, for security and income generation for
example, has seen a 100 fold increase poor farmers.

FIGURE 6 Transporting acai fruits (Euterpe oleracea) to market

(Photo: FAO/22241/ G. Bizzarri)

BOX 2 Multiple products for marketing from the mangosteen

The tree is ideally suited for home garden as well as small-scale orchard production.
It has numerous products that derive either from the fruit or the tree. The products
marketed to consumers are:
• Fresh fruit
• Dried fruit
• Jam
• Preserves
• Seeds roasted for snacks
• Twigs for chew sticks

Moreover other products that derive from mangosteen are:

• Fruit rind being used for leather tanning and black dye
• Leaf and bark extracts being used to treat diarrhoea,
dysentery and urinary disorders
• Dried fruit used for skin disorder and astringent lotion

■ Suitability for women and around other daily household and farm
vulnerable groups tasks, while providing relatively low
Fruit tree crops are considered less risk returns.
labour intensive than other crops. Once Fruit trees are also suitable for
established, they require little weeding households or individuals with
or tending and, if necessary, labour can limited access to land, as one or two
be hired in for a few days to help with trees can easily be planted around
the harvest. Fruit trees can therefore the homestead or even in an urban
be particularly suitable if labour is a courtyard. Location near the home
limiting factor in a household as may may be important for women in
be the case when the very old are taking cultures where it is difficult for them
care of the very young or in women- to work outside the home. It also
headed households. These situations means that the trees can be supervised
can arise in communities with a high without interfering with the woman’s
prevalence of HIV/AIDS or when domestic duties and the fruit are
young men migrate to cities in search easily accessible for food preparation.
of employment. From a poor, elderly or The fact that food is considered to be
female farmer’s perspective, fruit tree the woman’s domain often makes
cultivation provides an opportunity to fruit tree enterprises an acceptable
develop a regular food and importantly income-generating activity for
income source that can comfortably fit women. Small-scale processing, such

Fruit products for profit
FIGURE 7 A women home processing fruit and vegetables into jars for sale
(Photo: FAO/22031/ G. Bizzarri)

as solar drying, requires little capital biodiversity of plant species on

investment or technical skills and the farm and within the local area.
may be a suitable activity for people The farm acts as a repository of
with few capital assets or little time germplasm for a range of fruit tree
to integrate into their daily routines. species and varieties that are typically
Community-based processing obtained from the surrounding
enterprises can provide employment forest, neighbouring farms, markets
for disabled or elderly people in work and nurseries or exchanged with
such as cleaning or chopping fruit and family and friends. This additional
filling containers. biodiversity can attract a wide
variety of other organisms, which
■ Fruit and sustainable can feed on crop pests, reducing
agriculture the need for pesticides. The
The introduction or expansion of flowers of melliferous species, like
tropical fruit tree cultivation on safou, can attract bees, which not
smallholder farms can increase the only provide honey but are also

CASE STUDY 3 Women’s Maya nut enterprise wins prize

Maya nut (Brosimum alicastrum) is one of the largest trees of Central American forests.
It used to be part of the indigenous people’s staple diet, since it is highly nutritious,
drought resistant, climate change resistant and the nuts can be stored up to five years.
Although still valued as an emergency food – and enabling many families to survive
after hurricane Stan in Guatemala (2005) and hurricane Felix in Nicaragua (2007) – its
popularity declined when forested areas were felled for timber and maize growing.
General consumption dropped to less than five percent of local diets. To reverse this
trend the Equilibrium Fund has encouraged communities to establish community
nurseries, reforest depleted areas and highlighted the nutritional value of the nut by
training 8 000 women from villages in Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua and
Honduras, since 2001. The endeavour has resulted in improved community health,
increased self-esteem and status of women, supplemented food and income, while
protecting water resources and forest biodiversity.

In 2005, a Guatemalan women’s producer group opened the first Maya nut processing
plant in the world. They own and operate the plant and have received US$40 000
in recognition of their business efforts, including winning the Equator Prize in 2007.
They have used the money to implement school lunch programmes that provide Maya
nut-based school lunches to rural Guatemalan schools. Their aims are to improve
children’s health, reduce dependency on imported goods and encourage reforesting
and protect the Maya nut tree. Through these activities the economies of the producer
communities are being revitalised.

Source: Adapted from Kajenje, Y. 2008. Maya Nut: A forgotten treasure, The New Agriculturist

important pollinators for some crops eventually returned to the soil surface
(see FAO Diversification booklet through falling leaves, reducing the
No.1 Beekeeping and sustainable need for some fertilizers.
livelihoods). By providing shade, The environmental services
trees can protect crops against provided by fruit trees, combined
excessive evaporation and moderate with the fact that their subsistence
the effects of drought. At the same and commercial products are often
time, they can reduce runoff and available in the non-agricultural
stabilise the soil by improving ‘lean’ season, can help to make
infiltration of water. Their roots can agricultural systems and landscapes
also reach nutrients deep in the soil, more sustainable and more resilient
which are taken up into the tree and to environmental change.

Feasibility of a fruit tree enterprise

Starting a fruit enterprise which ■ Market research: Which fruit

involves investment, not only in products?
terms of money, but also in terms Market research is a first step in
of labour, equipment and so forth, estimating the feasibility of a fruit
requires the small-scale farmer to enterprise. Small-scale farmers will
ascertain the feasibility of such need to have a good understanding
an enterprise. This is especially of consumers, markets, prices and
important as fruit trees are quantities demanded of both fresh and
perennial in nature and returns of processed fruits. This will give the
money invested, labour and other small-scale farmer an indication of

Fruit products for profit

efforts undergone may only bear what fruit is popular in the local area,
fruit over some years. urban markets and possibly national
In conducting a feasibility study markets. It will give an idea of what
small-scale farmers will need to be quantities are required, the quality,
supported by advisors. Advisors whether fresh and/or processed fruit
need to provide information, for products are in demand and so forth.
example about markets for fresh However the perennial nature of
fruits, processed fruits, marketing the enterprise will mean that market
opportunities and alternatives, research information gathered at the
post harvesting as well as fruit start of the feasibility study may not
processing operations. Advisors represent the market when farmers
will also need to support and help are ready to sell their fruit. Here is
small-scale farmers in making where the adviser will need to assist
cost estimates of the enterprise, small-scale farmers by providing
for example the costs of a simple trend (historical) information about
home garden or market garden prices for fresh and processed
or a small-orchard enterprise. fruits in the local area, quantities
Ultimately, however, it must be the demanded, quality requirements
small–scale farmer who decides and the fruit supply chain. This
whether or not to start the fruit will provide and supplement the
enterprise. information base on which farmers

will make decisions. Providing such organized: the inputs required,
marketing intelligence, however, where they can be sourced from,
will not eliminate business risk, their costs, how to organize labour,
but will only reduce the probability if a small-scale fruit processing
of making and taking the wrong enterprise is also feasible ( see
decisions by farmers. next section on processing) and
also make estimations about the
■ How to organize the enterprise feasibility of joining a farmers’
and scale of operation fruit association whether for
As a result of marketing information production or marketing reasons
the small-scale farmer can estimate or for both. Associations provide
the size of the enterprise that is many advantages, for example
required and how it needs to be reduce prices on inputs (as a result
organized: home garden, market of group buying), better access to
garden or small-orchard. The training, more bargaining power in
farmer can estimate how many marketing and access to more and
trees need to be planted, where diversified markets.
they need to be planted, labour and
equipment needed and management ■ Processing: What equipment,
requirements. Commonly small- technology and packaging to
scale farmers plant a few trees in use?
their home gardens, verify how tree Estimating whether along with
yields perform and then build the the fresh fruit enterprise a small-
enterprise up from there. However scale processing enterprise may
with a feasibility study, farmers also be feasible will be based on
will be able to estimate on paper market demand for processed fruit
various options of planting several products and also on the availability
trees in the home garden making it of finance. Markets will define the
more a market garden and also may type, nature and quality of processed
consider a small fruit tree orchard. products that are required. This
This based on market demand, as will enable the small-scale farmer
well as costs (see section below on to work backwards and estimate
costs and profits). what type of processing operation
Moreover farmers will also be is required, for example a simple
able to make estimations about ‘kitchen enterprise’ to process jams
how the enterprise needs to be for example or a slightly more

complex enterprise that may require quantities, when they are needed, if
a processing room in the farm fruit can also be sourced from other
homestead where fruit juices, for farmers in the surrounding area,
example, can be made and bottled other inputs that may be needed,
for sale. for example, sugar and so forth.
Small-scale farmers will Farmers will also need to plan what
importantly need to estimate, labour will be needed, when it will
with information support from be needed and if it will be available.
advisors, what tools, equipment and
machinery may be needed, their ■ Credit availability and access
cost, where, if necessary, credit can A fruit tree enterprise, by its very
be obtained, spare parts availability, nature (perennial) requires money to
energy sources required and if cover establishment costs as well as
importantly they may need training annual operational costs. This will

Fruit products for profit

to learn better and improved be more pronounced in the case of
methods of processing to up a small-scale processing enterprise,
hold product quality and safety. where money will be needed more
Information on packaging, the frequently, especially in terms of
appropriate types, where it can be working capital. Investments made
sourced and its costs will also be will have a long term perspective
needed. as the enterprise will only provide
Small-scale farmers, with the costs over the initial years and no
support of advisors, will need to returns. This requires a particular
verify regulatory requirements focus on estimating cash out flows
for fruit processing, for example to the farm as well as importantly
in terms of facilities, hygienic where credit can be sourced from.
practices, safety, labelling, Small-scale farmers may source
registration of the enterprise, taxes, the required funds from their own
the number of procedures needed savings or from family members
to open a formal enterprise and or from friends. However these
importantly the costs involved. types of credit sources may only be
Farmers will also need to viable for a very small home garden
estimate, based on the size of the enterprise and a kitchen enterprise
intended processing enterprise, for processing fruit. In cases where
production planning. For example the enterprise may be based on a
what fruit inputs are required, the market garden or small orchard

and the processing enterprise has a and machinery, harvesting and post-
room dedicated to such operations harvest equipment (baskets, poles,
in the farm homestead more capital ladders, storage boxes,) fencing,
will be required. Small orchards water pumps, etc.
and more specialised processing Establishment is also a labour-
equipment require more money. intensive period as land needs to be
Short term loans are viable for prepared appropriately, holes dug and
such equipment as kitchen utensils, seedlings planted, staked and watered.
but more specialised equipment, Annual operational costs include the
such as a large mechanized fruit costs of renting and/or maintaining all
pulper requires a longer term loan. the above items as well as buying and
Farmers will need to ascertain applying any fertilizers, pesticides,
and estimate the type of loans that fungicides, herbicides or insecticides
may be required, the interest rates used.
and payback periods as well as In anything but the smallest
their ability to access such loans. farms, it is likely that there will be
Advisors will need to assist farmers a need to hire in short-term seasonal
in this and provide information labour to help with harvesting. In
about various credit organizations some areas, farmers may be able to
found in an area, the terms of loans buy insurance to protect their fruit
and what is required to take out a crops against potential risks of pests,
loan. fire or bad weather. In calculating
the overall returns of investments
■ Costs and profits in fruit trees, it is necessary to look
The costs of a fruit enterprise need at the costs and benefits over the
to estimated along with expected whole productive life of the trees,
profits. Costs can be split into recognising that establishment costs
establishment costs and annual are likely to be the most expensive
operational costs. Such costs will period in the crop’s life and that
need to be estimated for both regular income from the fruit often
the fresh fruit enterprise and the only materialises after some years.
processing business. Establishment If fruit is being produced for market,
costs may include a number of capital the possibility that prices will change
costs such as purchasing the land, in the future must be taken into
the seedlings, processing equipment account.

CASE STUDY 4 Costs of establishing 1ha of jackfruit in India

To establish a jackfruit plantation (1 hectare at 10 m x 10 m spacing, with manure

applied to the base) in India, the following costs may be incurred:

(INR) (US$)
100 jackfruit plants (at 20 INR per plant) 2 000
0.3 kg of farm-yard manure per 100 plants 300
Labour costs per hectare 400
Total establishment costs 2 700 58.5
Gross annual income
1 500
(US$8-20 per tree, based on 250 fruit per tree)
To determine profit margins, establishment, harvesting and transport costs must
be deducted

Fruit products for profit

Source: SCUC. 2006.Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) Field Manual for Extension
Workers and Farmers, Southampton Centre for Underutilised Crops, University of
Southampton,Southampton, United Kingdom

Once all costs have been ■ Evaluation of the activity

established these need to be Once all estimates have been made the
compared with prices for fresh small-scale farmer will be in a position
fruit produce as well as processed to better evaluate the feasibility of the
fruit products. This will give some fruit enterprise. Importantly the farmer
indication of profit margins that can will be taking a long term decision if
be obtained. However advisors will he or she decides to go ahead with
need to help farmers in forecasting such an enterprise. Advisors need to
possible future prices as fruits crops make this clear to small-scale farmers
will be harvested in some years from that establishing a fruit tree enterprise
the preparation of the feasibility will require investments ( time, labour,
study. This will give a somewhat money, etc.) and hence will require
more realistic picture of profit two factors: i) patience in obtaining
margins and give farmers a better benefits from the fruits of such hard
idea of possible profit margins to work; and ii) importantly persistence
expect. with the fruit enterprise over time.

The livelihood activity

Fruit tree cultivation begins with fruit are preferred if producing for
the decision about which species antioxidant content. Tree tomato
to plant. Farmers then need to fruit also vary in colour with yellow
think through a number of issues, fruit having a milder flavour but
ranging from where to plant red varieties are considered more
the trees, how to propagate and attractive for fresh fruit markets.
manage them, what is involved Some farmers are simply
in harvesting and post-harvest interested in obtaining the highest
requirements. fruit yields possible, while others
prefer early or late-fruiting

Fruit products for profit

■ Selecting the right species and varieties that provide crops outside
variety the main season. A variety of
Many considerations go into acai palm, known as para dwarf,
selecting an appropriate species is liked because its low stature
(see Box 3 on the next page). facilitates harvesting. For the same
Within each species there are also reason, for example, elderly people
many varieties to choose from with in Cameroon prefer short safou
local clones often having local trees. Farmers who are more risk
names that relate to the variety’s averse may value drought tolerant
attributes. Farmers may select for varieties over high-yielding ones,
a wide range of traits. In the case while others may need species
of bush mango in Nigeria, for and varieties that combine well
example, local dietary customs with specific annual crops and
determine whether farmers prefer are adapted to the particular
varieties with a thick fruit flesh environmental conditions of their
(eaten fresh) or oily seeds (used farm. If producing fruit for a
to make a traditional condiment). particular market (for example
In the case of acai palm, berry oils), farmers will need to evaluate
colour can vary from green to and consider the right varieties,
black but varieties with darker prior to planting.

BOX 3 Factors to consider in choosing the right fruit tree

Species and number of fruit trees to plant:

• Consumer demand, prices and market quantities required
• Family food needs
• Fruit production and its fit with the current farming system
and with other food and income-generating activities in the household
• Fruit trees’ fit with other crops in terms of shading, water use,
labour requirements, etc.
• Availability of and access to appropriate seeds, seedlings
and clones of the desired tree species
• Land requirements
• Distance from the homestead
• Water sources
• Family labour availability for planting and maintenance of trees
• The possible need for extra tools, equipment, machinery
and labour to plant and maintain the trees

Harvesting and storage:

• Harvest time
• Special equipment or additional labour requirements
• On farm transport
• Where and how to clean and prepare the produce for market
• Storage availability and requirements

• Feasibility of processing enterprise from farm household
• Possibility to collaborate with other farmers and related interested parties
• Presence of local or national farmers, growers and/or business cooperatives
• What markets to sell processed products in?
• Prices in various markets
• Quantities demanded
• Transport for marketing
• Options for storage at home and/or at market

• Money required for investments
• Time for returns on investment

■ Choosing the right location they can easily protect and water the
Many farmers begin by seedlings during establishment and
experimenting with a few individual watch over the maturing fruit. They
fruit trees in their home gardens over can also observe how trees interact
which they have secure tenure. Here with other crops, providing shade

at different levels and times of year Fruit trees can play an important
as well as fruit, leaf litter and other role in traditional shifting cultivation
products like timber. Peach palm is systems, where many farmers enrich
traditionally planted for subsistence their swidden fallows with a range
production in home gardens, where of fruit and timber tree species.
the fruit can easily be harvested for Leguminous species are particularly
home consumption, but can also useful in such situations as they have
be planted in larger gardens, such the additional benefit of providing
as market gardens, and in some additional nitrogen to the soil.
cases also in small-scale orchards if Some crops, such as coffee and
exploitation is more commercial. cocoa, may grow better under shade
If farmers have no land of their own, and fruit trees can play an important
they need to reach an agreement with a role in such production systems.
landowner to allow them to plant trees In West and Central Africa, for

Fruit products for profit

and reap the benefits for an agreed example, cocoa is typically grown
period of time. As many customary under the shade of safou trees. Safou
tenure systems consider tree-planting may also be grown in small orchards
to be a sign of ownership, permission and in intercropping systems with
may be difficult to obtain under these shade tolerant food crops such as the
circumstances. However, landowners tubers, new cocoyam (Xanthosoma
may permit tree-planting if they saggittifolium) and old cocoyam
can receive a share of the fruit or a (Colocosia esculenta). In India,
proportion of the income for an agreed jackfruit may be found shading
time and if it is clear that they retain coffee and areca nut (Areca catechu),
the rights to the land itself. In such and can also provide a support for
cases, it is often easier to plant exotic black pepper (Piper nigrum) vines.
species as these are clearly new to the When choosing a planting site,
environment, whereas landowners consideration must be given to
may argue that indigenous tree species the harvest and how this will be
arrived on the land through natural transported home. Protecting fruit
propagation. Alternatively, indigenous against predators, such as birds or
species can be planted in hedgerows monkeys, may also be important in
or small –scale orchards (as opposed some areas. If the trees are planted
to randomly in a field) to indicate that too far away from home, the family
they are not the product of natural may not have enough labour to devote
regeneration. to these activities. Some species

CASE STUDY 5 Integrating fruit trees with other crops

In West Java, Indonesia, the Dudukuhan agroforestry system illustrates how fruit trees
can be integrated into farming systems in different ways depending on changing family
needs. The system begins with farmers clearing old fallows to cultivate a mixture of
bananas and annual crops for 3-4 years. They then enrich these fields with other fruit
and timber species, which shade out the annual crops as they mature. Once some of
the timber is harvested, annual species may be reintroduced to create a multi-layered
system of mixed fruit-timber-banana-annual crops. In this system, bananas and annual
crops meet short-term food and income needs while fruit (like jackfruit) and different
species of bamboos meet medium-term needs and timber species provide long-term
returns. If the productivity of the system declines or the family needs more short-term
income, the trees can be felled and it can be returned to a banana and annual crop
system. Alternatively, if a family is seeking to invest for the future and the plot of land is
some distance from a family’s house, it may be converted into a timber woodlot.

Source: Adapted from Manurung, G.S., Roshetko, J.M., Budidarsono, S. & Tukan, J.C. M.2006.
Dudukuhan tree farming system in West Java: How to mobilize the self interest of smallholder
farmers? ICRAF & CGIAR

may also have particular growing been through a scientific breeding

requirements, such as acai palm programme, the tree architecture and
which grows naturally in swamps fruit quality of seedlings produced from
and floodplains or tree tomato which seed can vary greatly from the original
prefers high altitudes and high levels mother fruit tree.
of humidity. Vegetative propagation (cloning
of the mother plant) can ensure that
■ Propagation the desired fruit tree traits present in
Tropical fruit trees can be propagated the mother plant are present in the
from seeds. However, many tropical propagated seedlings. Vegetative
fruit seeds are recalcitrant, that propagation from mature trees can also
is they do not survive drying or reduce the time until the tree starts to
freezing and therefore need to be bear fruit, sometimes from 10 years to
sown within days of being collected as little as three years. This involves
from a mature fruit. For other ‘training’ the young tree via pruning and
trees, the reverse may be true, and bending branches as well as inducing a
seeds may need to be treated, for ‘stress’ period. Vegetative propagation
example with scarification, before can be carried out through different
they will germinate. However, as methods, such as cuttings, layering,
many tropical fruit trees have not inarching, grafting, budding or micro-

propagation, since different species and home or market gardens, etc. This is
varieties respond differently to each usually carried out at the beginning of
technique. Farmers in West Africa have the rainy season when water is plentiful
had great success with participatory to aid establishment. The land either
domestication of safou and other needs to be ploughed and harrowed,
indigenous fruit species. or the seedlings are placed in dug out
Seeds or vegetatively propagated holes with appropriate stakes to support
planting material are usually allowed individual seedlings. In dry areas,
to establish in a nursery and are then seedlings will need regular watering
transplanted into the field. It is rare for at least the first year until they are
for species to be planted directly well established. They may also need to
into the field. Once the seedlings are be fenced to protect them from grazing
considered ready to withstand field animals. In open areas, windbreaks
conditions they are transplanted into may be beneficial.

Fruit products for profit

CASE STUDY 6 Participatory domestication of safou (Dacryodes
edulis) in Cameroon

Also known as safou or African plum, Dacryodes edulis is a widespread forest tree in the
humid lowlands of West and Central Africa. Farmers like it as a shade tree for cocoa and
because it yields an oily fruit that forms a staple part of the local diet and is an important
source of income just before school fees are due.
Responding to growing market demand at local, national and international level, and
a decrease in wild availability, farmers in Cameroon were increasingly planting safou
trees from seed or transplanting wildings. However, like many undomesticated species,
safou trees are very variable in their characteristics and propagation in this way does not
guarantee that adult trees display farmer-preferred traits. The World Agroforestry Centre
(ICRAF) has therefore worked with farmers to develop a process of participatory tree
domestication to enable them to propagate varieties with known characteristics. This
involves the following steps:
1. Group discussions help farmers identify desired traits such as tasty or large fruit,
fruiting out of season, high yields, disease resistance, etc. These may respond to
specific market demand as well as to the particular growing conditions (e.g. wet,
shaded) or labour availability (e.g. seasonal) on farms.
2. Farm surveys help farmers select individual trees that perform well on one or
more of the desired traits.
3. Training in vegetative propagation enables farmers to create cloned seedlings
from the selected parent trees. In the case of safou, air layering (or marcotting)
has been found to be a particularly effective method that produces
individuals that can fruit within three years.

CASE STUDY 6 Participatory domestication of safou (Dacryodes
edulis) in Cameroon (Cont.)

4. Additional business training has helped farmers develop group nurseries from
which they are able to sell cloned safou cuttings that provide them with an income
in addition to the income their own trees generate.

By following these steps, farmers have been able to increase the income from the sale
of their fruit. They have also been able to earn an income from selling their propagation
skills to neighbours and/or from the sale of cloned cuttings. The experience with safou
has been so successful, that many farmers have applied the same participatory tree
domestication approach to other indigenous species.

Source: Adapted from Pye-Smith, C.2010. The Fruits of Success: A programme to domesticate
West and Central Africa’s wild fruit trees is raising incomes, improving health and stimulating
the rural economy, ICRAF Trees for Change no. 4,
World Agroforestry Centre, Nairobi

■ Inputs transport planting material from the

The inputs required for cultivating nursery to the planting site. Timber
fruit tree crops are not very different stakes and ties are generally needed
from those required for any other form to support the seedlings. Funnels
of agriculture, but consideration needs attached near the base of the seedlings
to be given to the perennial nature of are sometimes used to channel rain
fruit crops. Key resources required water to the root system.
are land and labour but fruit trees can To maintain the tree in good health
often be integrated with other crops the farmer may wish to apply a liquid
both spatially and in terms of the fertilizer, herbicide, fungicide or
timing of labour requirements. Seeds pesticide. These can be applied using
or vegetatively propagated material a backpack sprayer or in large scale
can be purchased or produced on orchards a sprayer attached to a tractor.
farm. Equipment needed to establish The choice of application method
fruit trees may be no more than a depends on the size of the enterprise,
shovel to dig holes. However, if a the resources available to the farmer
larger area is being planted up, then and the likelihood of getting a
a tractor, harrow and plough can be monetary return for such expenditures.
employed. Some form of transport, Pruning shears and harvesting
whether a wheelbarrow, bicycle or knives are generally essential when
a pick-up truck, may be needed to maintaining and harvesting fruit trees.

During the harvesting period, farmers year on year, it is essential that the
may choose to use, ropes, poles with trees receive sufficient water, nutrients
hooks or baskets, orchard ladders and sunlight and are protected as
or mechanized extendable arms to much as possible from pests and
reach the fruit at some height from diseases. During the dry season, it
the ground. Boxes, bags, baskets or may be necessary to provide extra
carts can be used to transport fruit irrigation to drought-prone fruit tree
to market, as well as some wrapping species and weeds should be regularly
paper. The choice of container is removed from the base of the tree to
often determined by the target market. reduce competition for soil water and
Depending on the type and volume nutrients. The use of organic mulches
of product and distance to market, around the base of these trees can
the farmer may need access to a help to reduce soil water evaporation,
vehicle, possibly a refrigerated one, to while also adding some extra nutrients

Fruit products for profit

transport goods to market. to the soil. Farm yard manure and
farm-produced compost can provide a
■ Management source of nutrients to establishing and
Lack of flowering on fruit trees is one established fruit trees. In some cases
of the main reasons for low crops yield. it may be advisable to buy in extra
To ensure consistently good yields fertilizer.

FIGURE 8 Appropriate watering is an important aspect of managing fruit trees

(Photo: FAO/15490/F. Paladini)

Some fruit tree species benefit from a wide range of annual, biennial and
pruning. Pruning can reduce the height perennial (fruit trees) crops to create
of a fruit tree, providing ‘quicker’ fruit niches for a range of beneficial micro-
bearing capabilities, making it easier organisms, insects and birds, which
to harvest, while reducing the shade can act as natural predators to many
on adjacent crops and increasing pests and diseases, reducing the
light penetration into the canopy. need for chemical control. Organic
Pruning influences the time of fruit farming is based on this premise. This
set, allowing the farmer to regulate does not occur in large monoculture
the supply of fruit throughout the year, plantations. In some cases there may
as well as increasing the quantity and be no alternative other than to use
quality of fruit produce and reducing chemicals to save a harvest, but these
the likelihood of pest and disease should be used as a last resort.
attack. Bending of branches also helps
in fruit bearing and is an integral part ■ Harvesting
of training the tree to be small and Cultivation of fruit trees is only one
productive. There is also a need for part of the livelihood enterprise.
a period of ‘stress’, either cold or The most important part of such an
dry season, as this will reduce shoot enterprise, as a result of the perishable
growth and favour flower budding. nature of fruit, is harvesting, post-
However in many parts of the tropics harvest and marketing operations.
stress will need to be induced as a Different fruit trees are variable
result of high humidity and lack of in their harvesting requirements.
cold and dry periods. Some like tree tomato start to bear
The types of pests and diseases that fruit within 18 months and continue
attack fruit trees vary throughout the to do so almost all year-round for up
season and between fruit tree species. to 12 years, if well managed. More
Many of the microbial and pest species commonly, fruit trees take 3 to 5
that attack fruit trees are specific to years to reach maturity with some like
a particular species. There are many mangosteen taking up to10 to 15 years
fungicides, insecticides and pesticides to fruit after planting. While most
on the market that may address these species produce one main crop per
problems. However, these chemicals year, jackfruit is one of several species
are expensive and may kill beneficial that also has a second less productive
organisms too. An alternative is a harvest. In some cases, however,
multiple cropping system, that uses good harvests may be followed by a

reduced harvest the following year farmers can extend their overall
as the tree replenishes its nutrients harvesting season by planting a
(an alternate ‘on’ and ‘off’ year). selection of different cultivars, while
Harvesting seasons can be influenced planting many identical trees (clones)
by temperatures and pruning regimes will result in a single harvesting
but may also vary by genotype. Thus season.

Fruit products for profit

FIGURE 9 Harvesting is an important aspect for fruit quality and overall fruit tree
management. This farmer has opted for tall fruit trees, as opposed to small-sized trees and
this makes harvesting more complex
(Photo: FAO/17761/ A. Conti)

Some fruits can be harvested when safou cultivars. Given that individual
immature and used in cooking or for fruit weigh 5-35 kg, the ground-level
the production of pickles, and for fruiting habit of Muttam Varikha, a
marketing in more distant markets, clonal strain of jackfruit from India, is
like national markets. Other fruits are particularly welcome. The increasing
harvested for fresh fruit immediate availability of dwarf varieties makes
markets found in rural areas. The end it easier for anybody including older
use (marketing necessities) defines the people or those with disabilities to
time of harvesting to ensure the fresh harvest from the ground. However,
produce is in prime condition when the majority of fruit trees still need to
it reaches the consumer. Some fruits be climbed (see Figure 9) in order to
ripen simultaneously on the tree while harvest fruit without causing bruising
other species such as jackfruit and to the outer skin. If the trees are shaken
peach palm may have fruit ripening to detach the fruit, this usually results
sequentially over several months. in fruit bruising, poor quality and loss
How harvesting is organized depends of a significant amount of the harvest.
not only on the timing of fruiting but Ropes are sometimes used to bend
also on how delicate fruit are and lower branches towards the ground to
whether they drop from the tree when allow them to be harvested from the
mature. All these issues influence ground. Poles with hooks or baskets
the time needed for harvesting, the on the end (see Figure 10), or ladders,
number of extra labourers that may can also be used to aid harvesting.
need to be employed and the overall However, when large quantities need
cost of harvesting the fruit. In the to be harvested, it may be worth
case of mangosteen, for example, hiring a mechanized extendable arm
delicate fruit ripen over a 6 to12 week (see FAO Diversification booklet on
period, so hand picking occurs over an No. 19 Hire services by farmers for
extended period, every 2 to 3 days. farmers).
It is important to plan how fruit In the case of acai and peach palm,
will be harvested. Fruit trees that are palm-heart is harvested from the
of short stature or have been pruned to inner cores and growing buds of the
reduce their height can be harvested trunks. As harvesting results in the
from the ground. This is also true for death of some wild single-stemmed
dwarf varieties, such as the para dwarf varieties of peach palm, palm-heart
variety of acai palm, which fruits production usually requires the use of
at a trunk height of 1m, and some multi-stemmed varieties.

Fruit products for profit
FIGURE 10 A fruit picker
(Source: FAO/PH05414/ INPHO)

■ Post-harvest and storage processing company or for the farmer

Post-harvest and storage techniques to set up a small-scale processing
are greatly influenced by the target business (see Figure 11).
market. If the fruit is for home use, To avoid bruising, the fruit should
it may be enough to store it in a dry be transported from the field in carts,
clean area or keep it underground in baskets, boxes or bags in, one, two
a cool pit. However, if the fruit is or three layers, depending on how
destined for more distant markets the delicate they are. The fruit then needs
farmer may have to adhere to more to be cleaned and sorted according
elaborate post-harvest practices. If to size or weight. Damaged fruit
the fruit deteriorates rapidly, it may can be used for home consumption.
be appropriate either to sell it quickly Extension organizations need to
to a local market or local food advise on appropriate methods

of preservation. Building on Once the fruits are graded, they
traditional post-harvest techniques should be placed in boxes or baskets
and introducing new methods is a with cushioning, if necessary, good
viable way of supporting small-scale ventilation and possibly wrapped
farmers in their marketing efforts. in paper tissues. For some highly
Extension advisors also and along perishable fruit, refrigerated transport
with market intermediaries need to may be required. Storage guidelines
provide advice on the specific quality vary depending on the species and
demands of more distant markets, the length of time the fruit are in
such as urban and national markets. storage.

FIGURE 11 Making jam is a form of storing fruits and allows for prolonged shelf-life
enabling more marketing flexibility
(Photo: FAO/18777/ I. Balderi)

■ Fruit trees from their stalks. They should be
picked by hand or by using a long pole
Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana) with hook and basket to prevent skin
Mangosteen grows best at injury. Fruit can be harvested every
temperatures of 20-30 °C at elevations 2-3 days over a 6-12 week period,
of 0-500 m with rainfall throughout preferably in the cool early morning
the year, or irrigation. Dry conditions or late afternoon, and then need to be
before and during flowering aids good transported carefully to avoid damage.
fruit set. Soils should be nutrient rich Marketable fresh fruit can be stored for
and well drained. The most common 4 weeks in a cool room at 5 °C and 85
form of propagation is from seed, percent relative humidity. Long-term
sown 0-5 days after extraction from storage (up to 16 months) is possible
the fruit. Seedlings are kept in the if high quality fruit are rapidly frozen
nursery under partial shade with at -18 °C or -27 °C.

Fruit products for profit

twice-daily watering. They can be
transplanted to the field during the Custard apple (Annona reticulata)
rainy season when 2 years old at a Custard apple can be propagated
spacing of at least 1.5 m. Seedlings from seeds which need to be scarified
are suited to planting between other and soaked in water. Vegetative
fruit trees as they require shading for propagation by budding and grafting
the first 2-4 years until fruiting takes is also possible using A. glabra, A.
place. muricata, A. squamosa or A. reticulata
Mangosteen’s juvenile stage has a itself as root stock. Seedlings are
high nitrogen requirement, requiring transplanted into free draining field
good mulch or fertilizer application. soil at about 8-15 months old. Lime
Removal of basal suckers and pruning and phosphorus may need to be
helps to produce trees, by the age of added as fruit size, colour, shape and
5-7 years that are 8-10 m high and taste are sensitive to low pH. Annona
have 16 pairs of lateral branches to species also have a high demand for
aid harvesting of single fruit. The tree potassium.
does not suffer from serious pest and Spacing can vary depending on the
disease attack but windbreaks can rootstock vigour, e.g. spacing ranges
help to reduce wind damage to leaves from 6 x 4 m (A. squamosa rootstock)
and fruit. to 8 x 5 m (custard apple rootstock).
Fruit are mature when they turn Custard apple’s shallow roots mean
purplish-violet and detach smoothly that windbreaks are needed for new

orchards. Pruning helps to shape, from seed are good as rootstocks
maintain and rejuvenate the tree, as and for timber production. However,
well as to control the timing of harvest vegetative propagation is encouraged
and to increase fruit production. If not for trees grown specifically for fruit
rainfed, the tree needs regular watering production and commercially grafted
except during fruit set. Fruiting takes varieties are available. Seeds are
place at 3-5 years. Thinning of fruit recalcitrant and must therefore be
clusters and the removal of misshapen sown immediately. If appropriate
fruit improve the quality of remaining protection from grazing is available,
fruit on tree. Pests include chalcid they can be planted directly in the
flies which cause mummification field. Alternatively nursery seedlings
of immature fruit. Ripe fruit can be are transplanted to the field after 1-2
covered with bags or nets to prevent years (height: 1-2 m) at 8 x 8 m or 12
past damage. x 12 m spacings (for orchards) and
Fruit are harvested by hand, need staking to prevent wind damage.
possibly using a pole with a hook, when Trees grown for timber need no
they are mature, firm and yellowish- pruning, but the first lateral branches
green. Harvesting in the morning, just of fruit trees need to be pruned in
after dew evaporation, reduces fungal year 2 to slow growth and spread the
rot infections. The easily bruised fruit canopy. Regular pruning of shoot tips
must be transported carefully, even leads to a more compact tree while
wrapping fruit in individual bags post-harvest removal of vigorously
for long-distance transport. Cooling growing upright shoots, diseased
extends post-harvest lifespan. and inner branches allows air and
light into canopy. Tree height can
Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) be maintained at 4-5 m by selective
Jackfruit trees are an excellent, shady pruning. A disadvantage of jackfruit
tree for home gardens – just one is its susceptibility to a wide range of
mature tree can provide enough fruit pests and diseases and, in some areas,
to supply several families. However, trees are removed after about 20 years
some people dislike the smell of the as a result of reduced productivity.
fruit making it advisable to plant the Depending on the variety, trees
tree at some distance from the home. take four or more years to begin
The tree grows well in any tropical fruiting. Fruit should be thinned out
or subtropical soil without saline or before harvest to prevent their weight
waterlogged conditions. Trees grown damaging the branches and to improve

the size and quality of the fruit. weeding and mulching are carried out
Irrigation in dry periods can improve on fruit-producing trees. For palm-
the harvest. Fruits are harvested by heart, twice-yearly pruning after the
climbing the tree or using ladders first harvest can maintain overall
and are lowered carefully using production while strengthening the
ropes to prevent bruising. Immature roots.
fruits are harvested a month early Fruiting begins at five years
for culinary purposes. If fruits are and can go on for 50-75 years.
pungent they must be processed or Fruits are harvested on the tree by
eaten immediately. Mature jackfruit climbing (spineless varieties) or with
ripen within 3-10 days but fruit can poles (spiny varieties). Although
be stored for up to 6 weeks at 11- fruit bunches can remain in good
13 °C and 85-90 percent relative condition on the palm for some time,
humidity. Although copious latex can once harvested the fruit are highly

Fruit products for profit

make the fruit unpleasant to handle, perishable and need to be refrigerated
their different parts can be used and or treated with fungicide and wax.
processed in a great variety of ways. Processing into flour must take place
on the day of the harvest or the
Peach palm (Bactris gasipaes) following day. Palm-heart similarly
A primary consideration in growing needs to be transported to the
peach palm is whether the target processing plant on the day of harvest.
market is fruit or palm-heart. Fruit
production requires less densely Acai palm (Euterpe oleracea)
planted trees (up to 400-500 plants/ Acai fruit are an excellent source
ha for intensive production), selected of energy, dietary fibre and calcium
for high quality and easily harvestable for many Amazonian families (see
fruit. For palm-heart, trees are much Case Study 1). If cultivating the
more densely planted (up to 3 000- palm commercially, smallholders
20 000 plants/ha) with palms selected need to decide whether to target the
for multiple shoot production and fruit or palm-heart market. Spacing
good response to cutting. for fruit production is about 5 m x
Seeds germinate after 30-90 days in 5 m, whereas palm-heart production
the dark and then require full sunlight requires spacing of 2 m x 2 m.
until they are transplanted at 6-9 Propagation of acai palm is usually
months. Few management practices, from seed although vegetative
besides fertilizer applications, propagation through offshoots is

possible. Seeds germinate in the subtropics, large harvests occur in
nursery after 20-35 days under low the autumn months. Fruit clusters
light intensity, high humidity and 25- are harvested by climbing the palm,
30 °C. Seedlings can be transplanted which can be 15-30 m tall, unless
to the field after 4-5 months when dwarf varieties (Para dwarf) are used
about 30 cm tall. The seedlings or the leader stem is removed to
need constant watering and thrive reduce overall growth. Palm-heart is
in flooded habitats. They grow well harvested through selective cutting of
with monthly average temperatures a number of stems. Acai fruit need to
above 18 °C and soils ranging from be kept in the shade and transported to
heavy clay to sandy clay with organic markets and processing plants within
matter. four days of harvesting to maintain
No major pests or diseases have nutrient content (particularly
been detected. The first harvest antioxidant capacity) and prevent
occurs within 3-4 years. In the fruit loss.

FIGURE 12 Peach palm tree (Bactris gasipaes)

(Photo: Centre for Underutilized Crops, University of Southampton/ J. Kengue)

Fruit products for profit
FIGURE 13 Acai palm tree (Euterpe oleracea)
(Photo: Centre for Underutilized Crops, University of Southampton/ J. Kengue)

Tree tomato (Solanum betacea) sheltered sites. Trees from cuttings

Tree tomato has the advantage of develop a short bushy architecture
bearing fruit within 18 months but that facilitates harvesting and is
commercial viability declines after suited to exposed sites. Germination
eight years. Its shallow roots make is accelerated by washing and drying
intercropping with annuals difficult. seeds and then freezing them for 24
It grows best in a light and well- hours. Seedlings can be transplanted
drained fertile soil, with temperatures into the field when 5-7 cm high at a
of 16-22 °C, in a wind-sheltered spacing of 0.8 m x 2 m with stakes
sunny position that is frequently to prevent the roots being disturbed
rainfed. The trees are usually sown and to stop swaying. Cuttings taken
from seed, which produce erect trees from wood that is 1-2 years old can
with high branches that are ideal for be planted directly into the field and

prevented from fruiting in the first harvesting is a prolonged and labour
year of growth. Seedlings are pruned intensive activity. The fruit are cut
to a height of 0.9-1.2 m in the first from the stalk and can be packed
year. Each following year, branches into paper-lined wooden boxes for
that have already fruited are removed market without bruising as a result of
to induce new multiple shoot growth their tough outer skin and firm flesh.
near the main branches, since fruit To extend fresh fruit life, they are
are produced on new branches. refrigerated; otherwise the fruit will
Mature trees can be pruned in deteriorate rapidly.
early spring to obtain early fruiting
or in autumn to delay fruiting, Safou (Dacryodes edulis)
thus helping to provide fruit year- Safou trees are usually propagated
round. Flowers can self-pollinate from seeds, which must be sown
but fruit-set is improved with insect within 5 days of harvest. Vegetative
cross-pollination. Heavy yields propagation through air-layering
are supported by application of and stem cuttings is becoming
NPK fertilizer in early spring and more common as it allows farmers
midsummer, followed by a mixture to propagate trees with desired
of superphosphate, nitrate of soda characteristics and can reduce the
and sulphite of potash in late winter time of fruiting to just 3 years.
and early spring. Branches may need In humid tropical Africa, trees
to be supported when fruit is setting. are typically planted as shade
Diseases include fungal rot cover for cocoa and coffee, or in
(Glomorella spp.) on the fruit small orchards at 10x10 m spacing.
stalk and fruit, powdery mildew Fertilizer (including manure) is
(Erysiphe sp. and Oidium sp.) and the only applied when planting and the
aphid-spread bootlace virus which seedlings are transplanted within
significantly affects the vigour of 5-8 months using stakes to support
the tree. Although considered fairly individual trees. Pests and diseases
pest-resistant, the tree is attacked include Polyphagous fungi (affects
by root-knot nematodes in sandy all aspects of growth and causes
soils and fruit pests such as fruit post-harvest rot), Dipterous insects
flies, whiteflies, aphids and the (leading to continuous shoot growth),
tree tomato worm (Neoleucinodes Pyralid moth (giving leaves a burned
sp.). In non-seasonal countries fruit appearance), Nitidulid beetle larvae
are produced all-year round and (eat seeds) and birds (may spoil

Fruit products for profit
FIGURE 14 Safou (Dacryodes edulis)
(Photo: Centre for Underutilized Crops, University of Southampton/ J. Kengue)

fruit on the tree). Female trees have fruit can be kept for up to 8 days,
higher fruit production than male but then deteriorate rapidly. The fruit
trees. Fruit are harvested when fully ripen over 2 months, providing an
mature by climbing the tree. In a energy- and protein-rich addition to
clean, dry and well aerated place, a family’s diet.

Strategies for marketing

Fruit cultivation and all that is and hence contribute to enhancing

required is only one ‘small’ part of their livelihoods.
the livelihood enterprise. The other
‘larger’ part, as mentioned previously, ■ Assessing market potential
is the harvesting, post-harvesting and The potential of fruit trees to support
marketing of fruit and/or processed livelihood diversification depends
fruit products. Small-scale farmers on the farmers’ ability to identify
will need to be well aware of demand, a growing demand for the produce
prices, quantities and which markets (fresh or processed) and the ability
want what prior to harvesting fruit. to meet this demand. This requires

Fruit products for profit

Fruits being perishable by nature obtaining as much information as
will require for the fresh market possible about sales trends for the
fast marketing and will not allow, product at different local markets to
pending on type of fruit, very much get a sense of whether the market is
marketing flexibility. On the other expanding or contracting, whether it
hand processed fruit products, for seems reliable (year on year) and how
example jams and fruit juices have prices are determined. This is the same
a longer shelf-life and may allow for kind of information farmers would
more flexibility in marketing. obtain for marketing any other crops
Small-scale farmers will need but may be even more important,
market knowledge and be skilled given the longer-term investment
in marketing operations to be able required for tree products. In many
to successfully commercialise their cases, producers may wish to begin by
produce. This may well involve targeting local markets. To minimise
training farmers in such aspects risks it may be useful to target more
as market research, handling, than one final market, for example,
sorting and grading, packing and to one market sell fresh fruits and to
storage methods. It is only with another market jams and/or juices.
good harvesting, post harvesting, Once a local market is well
processing and marketing skills that established, there may be opportunities
small-scale farmers can earn returns for further expansion into urban
that make a fruit enterprise profitable and possibly national markets.

FIGURE 15 Obtaining information about markets is essential for successful marketing of
fresh fruits
(Photo: FAO/16555/ F. Faidutti)

However there is currently a growing agreed intervals. Providing larger

international demand from developed product volumes to more distant
countries, in Europe, America and markets increases transport costs
Asia, for exotic fruit with new and the need for appropriate
appearances, colours and flavours, storage facilities.
while produce of high quality, with • Quality standards become
organic and fair-trade certification is increasingly demanding in more
in great demand from Europe. distant markets, with buyers
In deciding which markets to wanting fruit of a particular
target, producers need to consider appearance (size, colour) and
two key differences between local taste and as long a shelf-life
and more distant markets: as possible. For sale to large
domestic consumers (for
• Quantity of supply is a key issue example supermarket chains)
for buyers, who expect to receive and for export, fruit must also
a known amount of produce at meet certain food safety and

hygiene standards. These may sharing the costs of harvesting
require fruit to be cleaned, equipment or transport and sending
treated and stored in a particular one member to the market to check
way and to be certified as free prices and competition. However,
of pesticide or other harmful as market demands become more
residues. For organic markets, stringent, it is better to formalise
further certification of the producer organizations to ensure
whole production process is that each producer contributes and
necessary with details varying obtains a fair share. Depending on
between certifiers. Farmers the legal options in the country,
must understand the specific groups can be registered as self-help
requirements of their buyer to groups, enterprise groups, producer
ensure the successful sale of their associations, cooperatives, etc.,
produce. each of which may have slightly

Fruit products for profit

different requirements in terms of
To meet quality and quantity how they are organized. Having a
standards of non-local markets, bank account is usually a minimum
farmers need a higher level of requirement and this opens up the
information, more skills and capital possibility for the group to obtain
to invest in the correct production, credit as well as accessing business
storage and transport methods. This development support from various
increases the risk of the enterprise government and project sources.
as much of the capital needs to be Having more members enables a
invested in advance and there is producer organization to share the
the chance that buyers may refuse costs of inputs (for example seeds,
produce because it does not meet fertilizer or harvesting containers)
their requirements. Collaborating and of expensive equipment, such
with other fruit producers and as mechanized pickers, storage or
processors can reduce the risks and processing facilities, which can
costs for individuals. then be rented out to members at
a low rate. Producer organizations
■ Associations can also provide capacity-building
There are many different types of to ensure that all members produce
farmer and processor associations. fruit products of an adequate
They can be very informal, such as quality. Another key role is to
a group of friends or neighbours obtain market information, either

directly or by hiring in specialist opportunities and constraints in
expertise, on the basis of which developing their enterprise. A
fair prices can be negotiated with supply chain map (or diagram)
buyers. A large group of producers identifies all the actors involved
offering a high quality and quantity in getting the product from the
of product may be able to negotiate producer to the final consumer,
a better deal with buyers, for their function (or the value they add
example, by organizing an auction to the product) and the proportion
or a sale in their district, to which of the final product value they
national-level buyers are invited. It obtain.
may also be possible to negotiate Actors in the supply chain
good rates for health insurance (in include those who produce the raw
case members suffer an accident materials (for example nursery
while working) and crop insurance stock, fruit), intermediate products
(to protect against the risk of crop (for example dried fruit) and final
failure). A network of producer products (for example packaged
organizations can even take on a fruit crisps) and any intermediaries.
lobbying role to change policies For each of these direct actors, it is
that are constraining trade. important to understand what value
As many fruit products have a they add to the product (for example
very short season, and groups can grading, transporting, processing
struggle if they only have a brief and packaging, [see Figure 16]
burst of activities, fruit producers etc.) and how they are linked to
may benefit from working through each other. Many intermediaries,
pre-existing groups (for example for example, play a critical role not
staple crop producer associations) only in negotiating sales agreements
or extending the seasonality of their between rural producers and urban
activities by introducing processing or international buyers but also in
or additional crop activities. organizing and funding product
transport, thereby taking on a large
■ Mapping the supply chain proportion of the risk. However,
Producing a supply chain map (see producers need to find ways to
Figure 17 ) can be a useful exercise bypass any intermediaries who
for farmers and the organizations are earning money without adding
supporting them to identify value to the product.

Fruit products for profit
FIGURE 16 Safou fruit packaged in nets to allow circulation of air during transport to
(Photo: Centre for Underutilized Crops, University of Southampton, J. Kengue)

A supply chain map also identifies national and international level and
the so-called supporting actors, such within which the small-scale fruit
as NGOs, business and government tree sector must operate.
organizations, who do not handle the By highlighting the economic
product itself but who nevertheless costs along the chain, a good supply
add value by providing services such chain map can help producers to
as business development, insurance, identify how and where further value
financial, market information, can be added along the chain to
education, training, and research. improve their fruit tree businesses.
Finally, a supply chain map identifies This may involve collaborating with
the supply chain ‘influencers’ who other producers, negotiating deals
determine the regulatory framework with processors or specific buyers, or
(for example food and safety targeting supporting organizations to
standards), policies (for example provide cheaper credits or undertake
tree tenure) and infrastructures (for research, for example, on specific
example roads, markets) at the local, pest problems.

National and international

Local National
consumers markets,
including International markets
Local traders
(including small- Exporters
scale enterprises)

Preservation and Processing

(e.g. dried and canned fruit,
beverage, flour, jams and jellies
confectionary, edible oils,
essential oils, etc.)

Local fresh fruit

Local traders consumers
(small enterprise
fruit stalls, shops, Wholesalers,
supermarkets) intermediaries

Fruit tree producer associations

(cooperatives, etc)

Small-scale fruit Medium-sized

tree farmers and commercial
fruit tree farmers

Local / village Input supply companies

nurseries (e.g. seeds, seedlings,
fertilizer, pesticides)

Main actors, including producers, processors and traders

FIGURE 17 A generalised illustration of the actors and their interactions within a fruit
supply chain (Adapted from Roduner, 2007; Vermeulen et al., 2008)

Innovating to keep ahead of the game of fruit trees, can allow supply of
Critical to any business success is the produce to be sustained over longer
ability to respond to changing market periods, and in some cases throughout
demands to reduce marketing risks the year, if a range of fruit tree species/
and costs and to increase earnings. The varieties are chosen. Producers can
more farmers know about how their attract buyers by planting new varieties
products reach the final consumer of with desired appearance, flavour or
their product, the better they are able shelf-life. Post-harvest losses can be
to assess whether the product needs reduced by improving handling during
to be changed or whether it might pre- and post-harvest. Innovation in
be possible to improve certain steps marketing requires developing new
in the supply chain to increase their relationships with other actors in the
profits. Having a good relationship with supply chain, for example bringing
buyers will reduce the risk of producers producers together in a larger federation

Fruit products for profit

being surprised by sudden changes in that can negotiate more effectively
standards or consumer tastes. with buyers, or moving into organic
There are many areas in which or fair-trade markets. Finally, once
producers can innovate to improve their confident in fruit production, farmers
chances of sustaining and extending can also innovate by diversifying
their enterprises. New and improved into preservation and processing
cultivation and management techniques enterprises.

CASE STUDY 7 Marketing strategies significantly improve

livelihoods of small scale jackfruit growers
in Asia

India is the world’s second largest producer of jackfruit. However, up to 50 percent of

produce was wasted because of inefficient supply chains to markets and processing
facilities. The cost and difficulty of getting their jackfruit to market had resulted in
farmers selling mainly to middlemen and accepting the offered price. With the support
of scientists from the Ganghi KVK (a grassroots vocational and research centre)
linked to the University of Agricultural Science (UAS) in Bangalore, small and marginal
jackfruit farmers formed the Toobugere Jackfruit growers Association (TBJA). Through
the TBJA, farmers pooled their jackfruit and transported them directly to a very large
cooperative in Bangalore where they were offered three to four times more than they
received from middlemen. The middlemen then doubled their price and many farmers
were able to sell locally.

CASE STUDY 7 Marketing strategies significantly improve
livelihoods of small scale jackfruit growers
in Asia (cont.)

As a result of media coverage for the story through UAS, the demand for jackfruit in
urban areas had increased but the farmers were unable to meet the demand. The
problem was solved through the launching of jackfruit fairs, where producers earned
four to five times more income than they would from selling to middlemen. As a
consequence, more farmers are joining the cooperative and 11 jackfruit fairs have
been organized in Kerala and Karnataka in 2009.

India is still in the initial stages of adding value to jackfruit. Small-scale food processing
units and self-help groups are the main location of jackfruit product diversification.
Products such as jackfruit burfi sweets, halwa, salted chips, papads, dehydrated ripe
flakes, unripe flakes and tender jackfruit are being sold successfully all year round. A
larger processing company is using vacuum dry technology to export frozen jackfruit
to America and other countries. At the same time, the Pathanamthitta KVK in Kerala is
providing training in the making of jackfruit jams, squashes and juices, which has been
positively received in the local community. The development of a unique food grade
drier that runs on farm waste (coconut husks and dried twigs) has allowed small-scale
processing businesses to flourish, with 3 000 driers in operation in Karnataka and
some in Kerala. Local TV shows and chefs at fairs have been demonstrating how
the whole jackfruit and its processed products can be incorporated into hundreds of

The popularity of jackfruit continues to grow in India and has to date, resulted in the
tripling of farmers’ income and the establishment of multiple small-scale processing
units providing livelihoods to large numbers of the urban and rural population.

Source: Adapted from Padre, S. 2009. Rise of the humble jackfruit, Civil Society, Vol. 6, No. 10

■ Processing activities sale of the products. Depending on the

products and the markets concerned,
From cottage industry to the value-adding technology required
sophisticated technology ranges from the very simple to the
Processing fruit tree products can help highly sophisticated and can often
farmers and communities improve use equipment that is already in
and vary their diet, and increase food use for the processing of other food
security in their locality by extending products, such as dryers, fridges,
the shelf-life of fruit. It can also freezers, ovens and kitchen utensils.
importantly provide opportunities for A start-up household-level enterprise
year-round income generation from the can initially use domestic utensils

(see Figure 18) and then progress to produces solid waste (for example
equipment, such as presses or dryers, rind, seeds) and liquid waste (for
that can be manufactured by local example juice wash water), both of
carpenters and metal workshops, which can be attractive to flies and
thereby providing further local rats unless disposed of properly, for
employment. Additional investment example by feeding to livestock or by
of up to US$50 000 may be needed burying far from the processing site.
to expand to a small-scale processing Once in competition with other
operation. This may involve having farmers and other processing
a dedicated room for the process enterprises, it is also important
and buying or renting specialist to produce attractive packaging,
equipment, as well as employing implement quality assurance
additional labour and having access techniques and develop managerial
to electricity. As the proportion and financial management skills to

Fruit products for profit

of material discarded during fruit run a successful business. By working
processing may be quite high, within a farmers’ association, sharing
processors need to consider the issue financial burdens, facilities and know-
of waste disposal. Fruit processing how, the rewards to a processing

FIGURE 18 A typical fruit cottage industry

(Photo: FAO/18595/ G. Bizzarri)

enterprise and the community can reduce spoilage of both fresh and
more readily be realised. A small- processed products. Requirements
scale processing unit, for example, for local, national and international
could be located centrally within a markets vary, particularly in relation
rural community with the costs of to food safety and hygiene standards,
setting up and using the facilities packaging and quantities demanded,
divided among the participants. so small-scale farmer processors
Income can be divided according to must do their homework on the target
the number of hours each individual market before undertaking large-scale
contributed to the venture and the production and may need external
skills involved. Some processing support.
activities may be particularly suited
for people with disabilities or those Diverse products
only able to invest a few hours Fruit can be processed into a wide
of time alongside other domestic range of products (see also FAO
duties. Diversification booklets No. 4 and
When processing fruit, it is No. 5 Value from village processing
important to understand the nutrient and Processing for prosperity):
value of the raw fruit or nut product, Dried fruit
the changes to food composition Drying fruit is potentially the
during processing (taste, texture, simplest form of processing, both for
food composition), the raw and new home storage and for sale. Dried fruit
product’s shelf-life and the micro- takes up less space than fresh fruit
organisms that can grow on both. and can often be stored for over a
Processed food that has an attractive year. The process requires clean and
colour, flavour and texture will sell dry surfaces and a source of heat. A
quickly and at a higher price. Food solar dryer (see Figure 19) reaches
hygiene regulations should be adhered temperatures that make drying much
to and processing techniques (such more rapid than open air-drying.
as heating, removing water, cooling, However, ovens may be needed
increasing acidity, using chemicals, if harvests occur during the rainy
and excluding air, light, moisture, season. Dried fruit can be sold in a
micro-organisms and pests) can simple packaging, often as snacks, as
be implemented to minimise food in the case of jackfruit fruit leather,
poisoning and spoilage. Appropriate or as a cooking ingredient, like dried
storage techniques also help to peach palm-heart.

CASE STUDY 8 Combining forces to support breadfruit export
from Fiji

A quarantine treatment plant, built in 1994 with USAID funds and located beside
Nadi international airport in Fiji, provides shared facilities for exporters of aubergines,
papaya, mangoes and breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis), to heat treat their fresh produce
in order to kill pests and their eggs, prior to export. The initial costs of the High
Temperature Forced Air (HFTA) oven were funded by the New Zealand government
(which imports all four fruits), when the Fijian financial institutions refused to meet the
costs. The facility is operated and owned by Nature’s Way, a cooperative of around
100 growers and exporters. Eight hundred tonnes of fresh produce was treated for
export to New Zealand and Australia in 2005. Market analysis suggests there could
be a potential increase of 500- 1 500 tonnes of breadfruit exported to Samoa and
Auckland per year as a result of the Samoan demand for the produce. To overcome
the difficulties of harvesting this tree, the Ministry of Agriculture, Sugar and Land
Resettlement is supporting the establishment of orchards, the development of shorter
varieties and the distribution of planting material of new export varieties.

Fruit products for profit

Source: Adapted from New Agriculturist. 2006. Fijian breadfruit: pest-free and picker-friendly

FIGURE 19 A simple solar dryer

(Photo: FAO/15837/ R. Faidutti)

Flour and powder use immature fruit, as in the case
After drying (and sometimes of jackfruit pickle. Another product
boiling), many fruits can also be type is savoury sauces, with the tree
ground into a flour or powder with a tomato fruit providing a tomato sauce
wide range of uses. Flour from peach substitute.
palm pulp, for example, is added to
baby formula and baked goods. The Oil extraction
powder or dried pulp of acai berry is Many fruit seeds and most nuts are
mixed to make porridge with tapioca high in fat content. The pulp of some
or granola and is eaten salty or sweet. fruits also have an unusually high fat
Ripened pulp of jackfruit is dried and content, for example peach palm and
ground into powder to flavour drinks safou. Extraction usually requires
while its seeds can be dried and salted a mixture of grinding or pounding
as a table snack, or ground into flour (hard work if done by hand) and
to mix with wheat flour for baking. boiling, requiring a source of fuel and
water. Different storage containers
Jams, jellies and confectionary are required depending on whether
Clean containers, water and a source the oil is liquid or solid at room
of energy, as well as ingredients temperature. These oils and butters
like sugar and other flavourings, are sold as edible oils. Saturated and
are required to make jams, jellies unsaturated fatty acids are extracted
and confectionary. While fruit pulp from the seeds of acai palm. Some
is often used for jams, some fruit fruit trees are also the source of
rind can also be used in this way. essential oils, for example from citrus
The rind of jackfruit, for example, peel or from the tree resin of safou.
is used to make jellies, syrups and
pectin extracts. Some fruit pulp and Beverages
rind lends itself to being sliced and Many fruit are suited for making
crystallised, as in the case of citrus drinks. Fruit flesh can be pulped and
and mangosteen. mixed with water or milk and sugar
and other flavourings as desired.
Chutneys and pickles Ground peach palm and custard
A wide range of chutneys and pickles apple pulp, together with sugar and
can be made from combinations of other condiments, are often used to
different fruit, vegetables and spices. flavour milk shakes, while juices,
These may also be a good way to smoothies and sodas are made from

the acai berry and tree tomato fruit. to clean water, fuel and containers (see
These beverages generally need to be FAO Diversification booklet on No.
drunk immediately or refrigerated. 21 Traditional fermented food and
beverages for improved livelihoods).
Alcoholic beverages Higher grade spirits can be produced
Many fruit such as marula (Sclerocarya through distillation. Some fruits are
birrea), peach palm and jackfruit can used to flavour alcohol, as in the case
be used to make alcoholic beverages. of acai berry which adds flavour to
This often involves boiling the fruit, tequila. Clearly alcoholic beverage
adding sugar and fermenting it to sales will need to comply with local
produce local brews, requiring access regulatory laws.

Fruit products for profit

FIGURE 20 A fruit press

( Photo: FAO/PH01567/ INPHO)

Animal feed peach palm, is of sufficiently good
When processing, waste products (for quality for making wood parquet and
example peel or pulp after extracting luxury furniture. Bark and rind of
oil) can frequently be used to make some species can be a good source of
animal feed. This can be as simple tannins for the leather industry while
as feeding the by-product directly peach palm wood produces a green
to local livestock, or drying it and dye used in the clothing industry.
forming it into pellets. The residue Custard apple leaves also give rise
after oil extraction from peach palm to a blue/black dye product used
pulp is used as a meal for farm as a clothes dye. Heartwood chips
animals and fish culture. The seed or sawdust of jackfruit produces
kernel of safou is fed to sheep and a yellow dye for clothes and food
goats; the ground leaves and seeds when boiled. A red food dye is
of the acai palm are used as animal extracted from the acai berry. Green
feed and the fruit rind and tree leaves waste from fruit trees can be used
of jackfruit are fed to sheep, cattle, as a mulch or composted to provide
goats and pigs. a soil improver. Finally, many fruit
trees can be marketed as ornamental
Building and industrial applications plants within the gardening industry,
Fruit trees can also be sources of including citrus, peach palm, jackfruit
many non-edible products (see FAO and safou.
Diversification Booklet No.12 Non-
farm income from non-wood forest Canned fruit
products). Palm leaves and stalks are Canning requires containers and
often used for thatching, making mats, a source of energy, a level of
brooms and handicrafts. Jackfruit technology that may be beyond
leaves are used as food wrappers in household-level food preservation.
cooking and as serving plates while However, canning allows for many
its latex is used in manufacturing fruit tree products to be marketed
varnish and chewing gum, to mend internationally as in the case of peach
kitchen utensils and seal leaks in palm fruit, jackfruit pulp and seeds.
boats and as a rubber substitute. Care needs to be taken that delicate
Once at the end of their productive flavours, like those of mangosteen,
life, fruit trees can provide timber are not lost in the canning process.
for house construction, furniture, Palm-heart is considered a delicacy
tools and fencing. Some timber, like by consumers and is widely canned

for export from Ecuador, Costa Rica, Cosmetics
Brazil, Suriname and Guyana. There is a growing interest in using
fruit products in cosmetics, in part
Desserts because consumers enjoy products
A wide range of processed desserts with different smells and may be
can be made using tree fruits. Ice attracted by the inclusion of ‘exotic’
creams are flavoured with acai fruit ingredients. Pulp flour of peach
berry, tree tomato, mangosteen and palm is used in soaps and other
custard apple fruit, while the pulp of products, while peach palm seed fats
mature jackfruit is combined with are used in cosmetics and soap. Oil is
milk to produce an orange custard. distilled from safou fruit pulp, seeds
The flesh of custard apple is mixed and wood pulp for cosmetic and
with banana and cream to produce industrial uses. The acai berry oils
a sauce for cakes and puddings and are added to moisturising creams.

Fruit products for profit

mangosteen puree and tree tomato The rind of the mangosteen is used as
fruit are used to make toppings for a lotion and is a known ingredient of
ice cream. soap, shampoo and conditioners.

Support services to promote
fruit as a livelihood

Encouraging the integration of fruit establishing processing activities.

trees into farming systems as a means This kind of advice does not all
of diversifying livelihoods requires have to be provided by government
support of various kinds, ranging extension services but farmers
from technical to organizational need an initial contact who can
and research support. In addition direct them to other organizations
to government extension services, that can provide more detailed
NGOs and farmer organizations information. Fact-sheets and
as well as the private sector and posters exist for many species (see

Fruit products for profit

researchers have an important role to the Selected further readings and
play. Sources of further information and
support sections at end of booklet)
■ Access to support services and can be adapted for local use
One of the major challenges and disseminated through local
facing smallholder farmers who agriculture departments, farmers’
wish to diversify into fruit tree organizations or NGOs. Radio
production is identifying a source programmes can also be a useful
of extension advice and guidance. means of reaching farmers with
More often than not, it is unclear poor access to support services.
whether fruit trees fall within the
remit of the agriculture department, ■ Availability of diverse seedlings
forestry department or horticultural Beyond the most well-known species,
services. Farmers not only need such as mango and avocado, it may
advice on how to plant fruit trees, be difficult for farmers to locate
but also on how they interact with seedlings of the trees they wish to
other cropping species in terms plant. Interested farmers can be helped
of land and labour requirements. to make exchange visits to learn how
Furthermore, they need help to set up community or individual
understanding the markets to nurseries. Training in vegetative
ensure they select appropriate propagation techniques like grafting
species and varieties, and support in and air-layering to enable farmers

to multiply their favourite trees is a commercial and participatory tree-
good way of combating this problem breeding programmes. The best way
and can be achieved through Farmer of achieving this is by propagating
Field Schools (FFSs). Where farmers the different varieties in orchards
develop a particularly successful new near their areas of origin, backed
cultivar, they need to be helped to up by orchards in other areas. Seed
ensure their intellectual property rights gene banks are also important but
by naming and registering the cultivar are not appropriate for species
to ensure that they reap the benefits such as safou or mangosteen which
from any widespread commercial have recalcitrant seeds that do not
planting. survive drying and freezing. Jackfruit
To ensure adaptability to future germplasm tends to be maintained in
environmental change and to meet ex situ orchards but these are costly to
changes in consumer demand, it establish and maintain. A better option
is necessary to conserve existing is to encourage farmers to conserve
genetic variation as an input to both diversity at farm or community level.

CASE STUDY 9 Community orchards to conserve peach palm


The peach palm is considered the only domesticated palm of Mesoamerica. Its
domestication has come about as a result of regional domestication by Native
American groups throughout the Andes region. Its great biological diversity is a
result of its broad geographical distribution from north eastern Honduras to central
Bolivia and it has great potential as a food or cash crop within a smallholder
farm setting. Collections of germplasm have come from Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia,
Costa Rica, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru and Venezuela with germplasm
banks in all countries except Bolivia. Farmers in Peru are encouraged to manage
peach palm as a future genetic resource through emphasising commercial gains
realised through appropriate management practices. ICRAF has developed a
network of farm-community level seed orchards using peach palm germplasm
chosen by farmers in the field. The orchards therefore represent a means by
which farmers earn an income, while conserving the biodiversity of peach palm

Sources: Adapted from (i) Mora U.J., Weber, J.C. & Clement, C.R. 1997. Peach palm. Bactris
gasipaes Kunth. Promoting the conservation and use of underutilized and neglected crops,
Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, Gatersleben/ IPGRI, Rome. (ii) Perez, A.M.
2008. Peach palm (Bactris gasipaes Kunth), PAVUC Biannual Newsletter,
June 2008: 5, SCUC, Southampton, United Kingdom

■ Hire services organizations can support community
The need to hire extra labour or members in setting up an association
contract in pest and disease experts or a formal cooperative to combine
depends on the size of the farmer’s resources, as well as facilitating
fruit tree venture. In the case of just a access to a bank account and credit.
few trees, harvesting and management Governments can also play a policy
is usually undertaken by members of role by directing banks and rural
the household. However, for higher credit institutions to facilitate natural
planting densities, additional or more resource production activities.
specialised labour and equipment
may need to be employed at certain ■ Business skills training
times (see FAO Diversification For anything more than farm-gate
booklet on No. 19 Hire services sales, farmers need basic business
by farmers for farmers). Extension skills to enable them to manage

Fruit products for profit

services may be able to provide their fruit tree enterprise in the most
advice or help farmers with similar profitable manner. Literacy and
needs to establish collective modes numeracy are basic requirements
of working such as rotating labour which are often a stumbling block
and sharing costly equipment. for older and women producers, in
particular. In addition, producers
■ Financial services need accounting skills and help in
Farmers wishing to establish a preparing and implementing business
nursery, a small plantation or a plans. Mentoring by experienced
processing enterprise for all but the business-people can be very helpful
most well-known fruit trees will during the early stages of establishing
find it difficult to access formal a fruit tree enterprise, as can working
sources of credit. Lenders dislike in a group so that members can learn
such agricultural ventures because from and with each other.
smallholder farmers have little or no
collateral, fruit production is seen as ■ Market and transport
unreliable and the markets are not infrastructure
well understood. Where demand is High transport costs and the loss of
high, the private sector may contract perishable produce as a result of
with farmers to supply certain poor storage facilities are serious
quantities of fruit, even covering the constraints for small-scale fruit
costs of establishment. Extension producers in expanding their

enterprises. The state of a country’s to retain the key characteristics of
transport infrastructure, as well their product such as flavour and
as the existence of road checks, vitamin/antioxidant content and
greatly influence how quickly and be sure to meet food safety and
in what condition fruit reach more hygiene standards consistently.
distant markets. The availability Food fairs are a good way of
of appropriate packaging material enabling producers and processors
such as wooden crates, polystyrene to exchange information and make
bags or boxes, cardboard boxes, the contacts necessary to establish
etc., may also be critical. Municipal or develop their enterprise.
authorities can make markets more
accessible to small-scale traders, ■ Role of advisor
particularly women, by investing in The needs of farmers wishing to
market security, lighting and storage start up a small-scale fruit farming
facilities. enterprise are varied in nature.
Advisors can assist farmers to meet
■ Access to technology consumer demand by bringing
Processing technology needed them together with others who
depends on the requirements of the have similar interests or specialist
market. Simple dryers or presses expertise, whether in government,
can be manufactured locally, while NGOs or farmer organizations. An
some basic kitchen equipment such important role for a local advisor
as blenders and pressure cookers is to draw on existing indigenous
can be purchased in larger towns knowledge, for example on which
in shops selling electric goods. species grow well in the area and with
More sophisticated technology local crops, and combine this with
may need to be imported. In this scientific knowledge, for example
case an important consideration on particularly successful cultivars
is whether the seller will provide or new processing and marketing
support in setting up and servicing techniques. Where knowledge gaps
the equipment and showing buyers are identified, advisors can help to
how to use and maintain it correctly. locate solutions and transmit these to
This is essential if producers want farmers using a range of local media.

CASE STUDY 10 An advisor’s role in reducing the detrimental
effects of a fungal pathogen on durian fruit

Durian fruit (Durio zibethinus) is very popular in Southeast Asia for its flavour. But
its production has recently been affected by the fungal pathogen Phytophthora
palmivora which affects all aspects of growth, causing leaf blight, seedling and
tree dieback, patch canker of the trunk, root rot, and pre- and post-harvest fruit
rot. The waterlogged conditions which are common practice in durian production,
combined with the high use of nitrogen fertilizer in durian plantations, high density
monocultures and poor varietal resistance, all provide ideal Phytophthora growing

A project funded by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research

(ACIAR), and led by Dr David Guest, developed an integrated disease management
(IDM) regime for farmers to control the growth of the fungus. IDM targets the spread of
Phytophthora from the soil into the tree canopy and from one tree to another. A multiple
cropping system is encouraged that includes fruit trees, timber and vegetables,
discouraging the build up of the fungus in the soil. The addition of decomposing wheat

Fruit products for profit

straw and chicken manure releases ammonia and volatile organic acids which kill the
pathogen, while added organic matter stimulates competitive and antagonistic micro-
organism to grow. Farmers are encouraged to harvest fruit on the tree rather than
allowing ripe fruit to fall to the ground.

The project has also trialled injecting a water-soluble and inexpensive chemical solution
called phosphonate directly into the durian tree trunk, finding that it successfully
controls the pathogen if applied at the correct time in the tree’s growing cycle. Farmers
can reduce the cost of applying phosphonate by sharing the cost of injectors and
drills as each tree only needs to be injected once or twice during the year. If the fruit
produces only 1-2 extra fruit, the cost of the injection is covered, while the treatment
can increase fruit yield by 20 to 40 fruit per tree per year. Together, these initiatives are
helping to overcome the pathogen and lead to a sustainable supply of durian fruit in
Viet Nam, Thailand and Australia.

One of the main aims of the project was disseminating these recommendations
to farmers through training courses, written media, radio and television, growing
associations and demonstrations. An annual durian fruit judging competition at the
Southern Fruit Research Institute (SOFRI) in the Mekong Delta has provided an
opportunity for extension officers to speak to the attending farmers about the IDM
recommendations. However, the most effective means of disseminating the information
has been from farmer to farmer.

Source: Adapted from Hein, T. 2006.Cures fit for a King, New Agriculturalist


■ Regulatory barriers organizations could collaborate to set

If farmers wish to cultivate indigenous up such a system that will add value
fruit trees they may be constrained to the fruit tree venture. Clean water
by conservation-based laws and is also needed for most processing
regulations. This is because many enterprises.
countries have complex regulations
in place to prevent or minimise the ■ Quality germplasm
collection of fruit from wild trees (for A large proportion of fruit tree
example in forests) and apply these germplasm comes from locally
same regulations even when the fruit domesticated varieties. The trees

Fruit products for profit

originate from cultivated indigenous produced from these seed sources
trees. As a consequence farmers may can be variable in fruit quality,
have great difficulty in obtaining quantity, pest and disease resistance,
permits to harvest and transport stress tolerance, etc. Clonal selection
indigenous cultivated fruits. Clear provides greater assurance to the
and well-communicated regulations farmer of the traits to expect in
on the harvesting and transport the offspring. Through greater
permits available for individual participatory germplasm selection,
fruit tree species are needed in each covering large geographical locations
country. (national and international) a greater
choice of acceptable market varieties
■ Water of fruit tree species would become
A water supply that can be made available to the nursery grower and
available through an irrigation system farmer. Repositories for a selected
can greatly enhance the cropping number of underutilised fruit tree
yield of fruit trees if dry spells are species are available in government
common in the locality where the institutions around the world, in
trees are being grown and the species the form of seed and tissue culture
is prone to drought stress. In such repository genebanks and in situ
situations, extension organizations, and ex situ fruit tree orchards. In
health care services, businesses, many cases, the repositories are
financial institutions and community poorly funded and the numbers of

accession lines are limited. Little women to rent land, establish
research is going into the breeding nurseries and plantations and engage
of true cultivars. By encouraging in marketing and/or processing of
and supporting farmers (through fruit products.
government policy and funding)
to take part in the selection of new ■ Processing and storage
varieties of fruit tree species, the A high percentage (often 25-50
genetic diversity within individual percent) of fruit produced from
species can be conserved, while fruit trees is lost as a result of poor
providing a means of improving harvesting and post-harvesting
farmers’ livelihoods. These farms can techniques, as well as a lack of
become sites of underutilised fruit knowledge on how to store and
tree genetic conservation. process these fruits. This can
dissuade farmers from starting a
■ Land and tree tenure fruit tree enterprise or lead them to
For people with no land of their neglect already established trees.
own, it may be difficult to obtain To avoid such disappointments, it
the agreement of land owners to is critical that sufficient information
allow them to plant trees on rented and expertise on storage, processing
land. This issue may be particularly and marketing is available, together
problematic for women who, in some with any required resources like
countries, have no legal or customary clean water, energy and credit, before
rights to own land and/or own a tree farmers start fruit tree enterprises.
they have planted on family land.
Even where women are unable to own ■ Gender and the disabled
trees, they are frequently responsible The key challenge for women and
for the cultivation, management, the disabled who wish to diversify
post-harvest, processing and their livelihoods through fruit tree
marketing of fruit tree products enterprises is access to the necessary
without necessarily receiving any of resources – land (as discussed
the monetary benefits. Where market previously), labour, skills and capital.
demand suddenly increases, fruit These challenges may be overcome
products previously in the women’s by working in a group with others or
domain may get taken over by men in a family enterprise so that tasks can
as related profits increase. Women’s be divided according to each person’s
groups may be one way of enabling capacity. As women and the disabled

may be particularly lacking in formal ■ Power sources
business skills, targeted provision Simple processing can be carried out
of literacy and numeracy classes using air- or solar-drying techniques
may help to empower these groups and wood-burning stoves. However,
to engage in business activities. more sophisticated products require
Accessing markets away from home a reliable and consistent source of
may be difficult for women in some energy, usually electricity. If the
cultures, requiring a focus on local business is small, a generator may
sales or collaboration with male provide sufficient energy, but for
producers or traders. more elaborate processing activities
access to electric mains is an
■ Processing: Technology, repairs essential prerequisite for efficient
and quality assurance processing.
While basic processing equipment

Fruit products for profit

is often available locally, specialised
presses, distillation equipment or
canning machines may be difficult
to obtain. Even where producers
manage to identify suitable machines,
it may be impossible – particularly
for producers in remote locations
– to obtain the necessary support
to use and maintain the equipment
correctly. Ensuring the availability of
spare parts and technicians capable
of carrying out repairs as needed is
another major challenge as is the lack
of quality assurance staff to ensure
products meet necessary standards.
Much of this expertise may be
available in national food research
institutes but more efforts are needed
to share it with producers and
entrepreneurs, for example through
demonstration days in a range of

Selected further reading

Akinnifesi, F.K., Leakey, R.R.B., Ajayi, O.C., Silesh, G.,

Tchoundjeu, Z., Matakala, P. & Kwesiga, F.R. (Eds.). 2008. Indigenous
Fruit Trees in the Tropics: Domestication, Utilization and Commercialization,
CAB International, Cambridge, MA, United States of America.

Arnold, M. & Dewees, P. 1998. Rethinking Approaches to Tree

Management by Farmers, Natural Resource Perspectives Paper No. 26,
ODI, London.

Arthey, D. & Ashurst, P.R. (Eds.). 1996. Fruit processing, Chapman &

Fruit products for profit

Hall, London.

Clement, C.D., Cornelius, J.P., Pinedo-Panduro, M.H. & Yuyama, K.

2008. Native fruit tree improvement in Amazonia: an overview. In
F.K. Akinnifesi, R.R.B. Leakey, O.C. Ajayi, G. Silesh, Z. Tchoundjeu,
P. Matakala & F.R. Kwesiga, (Eds.) Indigenous Fruit Trees in the Tropics:
Domestication, Utilization and Commercialization, CAB International,
Cambridge, MA, United States of America.

Degrande, A., Schreckenberg, K., Mbosso, C., Anegbeh, P.,Okafor,

V. & Kanmegne, J. 2006. Farmers’ fruit tree-growing strategies in the
humid forest zone of Cameroon and Nigeria, Agroforestry Systems,
67(2), pp. 159-175.

Elevitch, C.R. & Manner, H.I. 2006. Agroforestry: Arthocarpus

heterophyllus (jackfruit). ver. 1.1v. In C.R. Elevitch, (Ed.) Species Profiles
for Pacific Island Agroforestry, Permanent Agriculture Resources (PAR),
Hlualoa, Hawai, United States of America.

Ellis, F. 2000. Rural Livelihoods and Diversity in Developing Countries,

Oxford University Press, Oxford, United Kingdom.

FAO. 2010a. The state of food and agriculture, Rome.

FAO. 2010b. A new deal for school gardens, Rome.

FAO. 2009. Rural transport and traction enterprises for improved

livelihoods, by P. Crossley, T. Chamen & J. Keinzle, FAO Diversification
booklet No .10, Rome.

FAO. 2008a. Good practice for assuring post-harvest quality of exotic tree
fruit crops produced in Jamaica, by R. Rolle & K.B. Palipane, Rome.

FAO. 2008b. Farm management and planning in Africa, Rome

FAO. 2007a. A guide to marketing costs and how to calculate them, by

A.W. Shepherd, Marketing Extension Guide, Rome.

FAO. 2007b. View Crop: Bactris gasipaes, Rome.

FAO. 2007c. Agro-industrial supply chain management: concepts and

applications, by J.G.A.J. van der Vorst, C.A. da Silva & J.H. Trienekens,
AGSF Occasional Paper No. 17, Rome.

FAO. 2007d. Guidelines for rapid appraisals of agrifood chain

performance in developing countries, by C.A. da Silva & H.M. de
Souza Filho, AGSF Occasional Paper No. 20, Rome.

FAO. 2007e. Profitability and sustainability of urban and peri-urban

agriculture, by R. van Veenhuizen & G. Danso, AGSF Occasional Paper
No. 19, Rome.

FAO. 2007f. Implementing programmes to improve safety and quality in

fruit and vegetable supply chains: benefits and drawbacks, by L.B. Diaz Rios
& M. Piñeiro, Rome.

FAO. 2007g. Promises and challenges of the informal food sector in developing
countries, by S. Simon, Rome.

FAO. 2006a. The double burden of malnutrition. Case studies from six
developing countries, FAO Food and Nutrition Paper 84, Rome.

FAO. 2006b. Farm Management and planning in Asia, Rome.

FAO. 2006c. Quality and safety in the traditional horticultural

marketing chains of Asia, by A.W. Shepherd, AGSF Occasional Paper
No. 11, Rome.

FAO. 2005a. Horticultural marketing, by G. Dixie, Marketing Extension

Guide No. 5, Rome.

FAO. 2005b. Talking about money, by J. Heney, Rome.

Fruit products for profit

FAO. 2005c. Association of market traders; their roles and potential for
further development, by A.W. Shepherd, AGSF Occasional Paper No. 7,

FAO. 2005d. Urban food supply and distribution in developing

countries and countries in transition; a guide for planners, by
O. Argenti & C. Marocchino, AGSF Occasional Paper No. 3, Rome.

FAO. 2005e. Setting up and running a school garden, Rome.

FAO. 2004a. Helping small farmers think about better growing and
marketing, Apia.

FAO. 2004b. Farm management and planning in the Caribbean, Rome.

FAO. 2004.c. Horticultural marketing extension techniques, Rome.

FAO. 2004d. Manual for the preparation and sale of fruits and
vegetables, by A.F. López Camelo, FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin
No. 151, Rome.

FAO. 2004e. The role of post-harvest management in assuring the
quality and safety of horticultural produce, by A.A.Kader & R.S.Rolle,
FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin No. 152, Rome.

FAO. 2004f. Improving the quality and safety of fresh fruits and vegetables:
a practical approach manual for trainers, by L.B. Diaz Rios & M. Piñeiro,

FAO. 2004g. Beekeeping and sustainable livelihoods, FAO

Diversification booklet No. 1, Rome.

FAO. 2004h. Livelihoods grow in gardens, by C. Landon-Lane, FAO

Diversification booklet No. 2 Rome.

FAO. 2003. Planning and designing rural markets, by J.Tracey-White,

Marketing Extension Guide No. 4, Rome.

FAO. 2002. Handling and preservation of fruits and vegetables by

combined methods for rural areas: technical manual, FAO Agricultural
Services Bulletin No. 149, Rome.

FAO. 2001a. Principle and practices of small-and medium-scale fruit

juice processing, by R.P. Bates, J.R. Morris & P.G. Crandall, FAO
Agricultural Services Bulletin No. 146, Rome.

FAO. 2001b. Contract farming: partnerships for growth, by A.W.

Shepherd, FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin No.145, Rome.

FAO. 2000a. Understanding and using market information, by A.W.

Shepherd, FAO Marketing Extension Guide No. 2, Rome.

FAO. 2000b. Enhancing farmers’ financial management skills, by

J.Heney, Agricultural Finance Revisited No. 6, Rome.

FAO. 1999a. Better practices in agricultural lending, by B.Klein,

Agricultural Finance Revisited No. 3, Rome.

FAO. 1999b. Sources of funds for agricultural lending, by T. Giehler,
Agricultural Finance Revisited No. 4, Rome.

FAO. 1999c. Market infrastructure planning: a guide for decision-

makers, by J. Tracy-White, FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin No. 141,

FAO. 1999d. Wholesale market management: a manual, by B.Densley

& E. Sánchez-Monjo, FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin No. 140, Rome.

FAO. 1999e. Laws and markets: improving the legal environment

for agricultural marketing, by C. Cullinan, FAO Agricultural Services
Bulletin No. 139, Rome.

Fruit products for profit

FAO. 1998a. Fermented fruits and vegetables: a global perspective, by
M. Battcock & S.Azam-Ali, FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin No. 134,

FAO. 1998b. Storage and processing of roots and tubers in the tropics, by
A.Diop, Rome.

FAO. 1998c. Rural processing and preservation techniques for fruits and
vegetables, Rome.

FAO. 1997a. Basic finance for marketers, by S. Carter, N.J. MacDonald &
D.C.B. Cheng, AGS Marketing and Agribusiness Text, Vol. 1, Rome.

FAO. 1997b. Agricultural and food marketing management, by I.M.

Crawford, AGS Marketing and Agribusiness Text Volume 2, Rome.

FAO. 1997c. Marketing research and information systems, by I.M.

Crawford, AGS Marketing and Agribusiness Text Volume 4, Rome.

FAO. 1997d. Guidelines for small-scale fruit and vegetable processors,

by P. Fellows, FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin No. 127, Rome.

FAO. 1997e. Market information services: theory and practice, by A.W.
Shepherd, FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin No.125, Rome.

FAO. 1995a. Fruit and vegetable processing, by M. E. Dauthy, FAO

Agricultural Services Bulletin No.119, Rome.

FAO. 1995b. The group enterprise book, Rome.

FAO. 1994a. Neglected crops: 1492 from a different perspective, by

J.E.H. Bermejo & L. León, FAO Plant Production and Protection Series
No. 26, Rome.

FAO. 1994b. The group promoter’s resource book, Rome.

FAO. 1994c. Management of rural income-generating activities, Rome.

FAO. 1994d. Simple bookkeeping and business management skills, by

R. Meijernik, Rome.

FAO. 1993. Selected species and strategies to enhance income

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Working paper – FO:Misc/93/6, Rome.

FAO. 1991. Wholesale markets: planning and design manual, by J.

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FAO. 1989a. Horticultural marketing: a resource and training manual

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FAO. 1989b. Prevention of food losses: fruit, vegetable and root crops: a
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FAO. 1988. Packaging for fruits, vegetables and root crops, by C.C. M.
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Faylon P.S. 2006. Processed food products from Jackfruit, Visayas
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Sources of further information
and support

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Agricultural marketing linkages
Food and agricultural industries
Horticulture and Industrial Crops
Post-harvest management

Fruit products for profit
Rural Finance Learning Center

Global horticulture initiative

International Fruit Tree Association

The International Fruit and Vegetables Alliance

International Institute of Tropical Agriculture

International Society for Horticultural Science

Chronica Horticulturae

The Fruit Tree Planting Foundation

University of Southampton
International Centre for Underutilised Crops, Southampton, United Kingdom

World Agroforestry Centre

World Health Organization



ISBN 978-92-5-107069-7 ISSN 1810-0775

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