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Astm D2621 2005

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Designation: D 2621 – 87 (Reapproved 2005)

Standard Test Method for

Infrared Identification of Vehicle Solids From Solvent-
Reducible Paints1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 2621; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope 5. Significance and Use

1.1 This test method covers the qualitative characterization 5.1 The ability to qualitatively identify paint vehicles is
or identification of separated paint vehicle solids by infrared useful for characterizing unknown or competitive coatings, for
spectroscopy within the limitations of infrared spectroscopy. complaint investigations, and for in-process control.
1.2 This standard does not purport to address all of the
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the 6. Apparatus
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- 6.1 Spectrophotometer—A recording double-beam infrared
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- spectrophotometer with a wavelength range from at least 2.5 to
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. 15 µ m and a spectral resolution of at least 0.04 µm over that
range. See Practice E 275.
2. Referenced Documents 6.2 Demountable Cell Mount, with NaCl window.
2.1 ASTM Standards: 2 6.3 Vacuum Drying Oven thermostatically controlled to
D 1467 Guide for Testing Fatty Acids Used in Protective operate at 60 6 2°C. A water aspirator vacuum source is
Coatings3 satisfactory.
D 1962 Test Method for Saponification Value of Drying 6.4 Oven, Gravity or Forced Draft, capable of maintaining
Oils, Fatty Acids, and Polymerized Fatty Acids3 temperature from 105 to 110°C.
D 2372 Practice for Separation of Vehicle from Solvent-
Reducible Paints 7. Procedure
E 131 Terminology Relating to Molecular Spectroscopy 7.1 Place the vehicle, separated from the paint in accordance
E 275 Practice for Describing and Measuring Performance with Practice D 2372, on a NaCl window and spread to form a
of Ultraviolet, Visible, and Near-Infared Spectrophotom- uniform film. Make sure that the thickness of the film is such
eters that when the infrared spectrum is recorded, the transmittance
of the strongest band falls between 5 and 15 % (Note). Dry the
3. Terminology film in an oven at 105 to 110°C for 15 min and cool in a
3.1 Definitions: desiccator. Inspect the film visually for defects such as bubbles,
3.1.1 For definitions of terms and symbols, refer to Termi- wrinkles, contamination, etc. If defects are present, cast an-
nology E 131. other film. If easily oxidizable substances are present such as
tung, oiticica, or linseed oils, make sure that the film is dried at
4. Summary of Test Method 60 6 2°C in a vacuum oven for 1 h. If solvents of low volatility
4.1 Infrared spectra are prepared from dried films of isolated such as cyclohexanone or isophorone are present, the film may
paint vehicles. Vehicle types are identified by comparing the need to be dried for several hours in a 60°C vacuum oven.
spectra to a collection of reference infrared spectra.
NOTE 1—Numerous procedures and variations may be used to obtain a
film on which to prepare a suitable spectrum. These include liquid
mounting between two NaCl plates, transmission through free films, and
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D01 on Paint
reflectance from highly polished surfaces.
and Related Coatings, Materials, and Applications and is the direct responsibility of
Subcommittee D01.21 on Chemical Analysis of Paints and Paint Materials. 7.2 Immediately record the infrared spectrum from 2.5 to 15
Current edition approved July 1, 2005. Published August 2005. Originally
µm so that a spectral resolution of 0.04 µm is maintained
approved in 1967. Last previous edition approved in 2000 as D 2621 – 87 (2000).
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or throughout that range (methods for achieving this resolution
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM will vary according to the directions of the manufacturer of the
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on instrument used).
the ASTM website.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

D 2621 – 87 (2005)
TABLE 1 Correlation of Absorption Bands in Alkyd Spectra
Wavelength, µm Wavenumbers, cm−1 Group Vibration
2.9 3448 O–H stretch
3.4 to 3.5 2941 to 2857 alkane C–H stretch
5.8 1724 ester, C=O stretch
6.2, 6.3, 6.6, 6.7 1613, 1587, 1515, 1493 skeletal in-plane aromatic C=C
6.9, 7.3 1449, 1369 aliphatic C–H bending
7.5 to 9.4 1333 to 1063 ester, C–O–C stretch (o-phthalate ester)
8.6 1163 ester, C–O–C stretch (fatty acid ester)
9.6, 13.5, 14.3 1042, 741, 699 out-of-plane aromatic C–H bending denoting o-disubstituted benzene ring.

7.3 Compare the spectrum obtained with reference spectra 8. Keywords

prepared from nonvolatile vehicles of known composition (see
8.1 infrared spectra; paint binders; solvent reducible paint
Annex A1) or consult other published spectra available in the
literature (Annex A3). Interpret the spectrum on the basis of
available information, recognizing certain limitations of infra-
red spectroscopy, and qualifying the interpretation accordingly
(Annex A2).


(Mandatory Information)


A1.1 A set of reference infrared spectra on grating and

prism is reproduced on the following pages.

D 2621 – 87 (2005)

D 2621 – 87 (2005)

D 2621 – 87 (2005)

D 2621 – 87 (2005)

D 2621 – 87 (2005)

D 2621 – 87 (2005)

D 2621 – 87 (2005)

D 2621 – 87 (2005)

D 2621 – 87 (2005)

D 2621 – 87 (2005)

D 2621 – 87 (2005)

D 2621 – 87 (2005)

D 2621 – 87 (2005)

D 2621 – 87 (2005)

D 2621 – 87 (2005)

D 2621 – 87 (2005)

D 2621 – 87 (2005)

D 2621 – 87 (2005)

D 2621 – 87 (2005)

D 2621 – 87 (2005)

D 2621 – 87 (2005)




The infrared spectra of vehicles recovered from whole paint are presented in Annex A1. The aim
of this compilation is to aid those using this test method in the practical interpretation of the spectra
they obtain.
The spectra are compiled with one representative spectrum of each vehicle presented in both a prism
and a grating format. In the discussion of the spectra, the general assignment refers to the first
spectrum. The subsequent spectra discussion will include only those bands which aid in the
identification of the particular modifications being illustrated. In addition, some practical information
is provided where it is believed to be helpful to the analyst. In general, previously noted band
assignments are not repeated.
The data compiled here were obtained from spectra prepared on very carefully calibrated
instruments. In comparing them to spectra prepared in any given laboratory, it is expected that the
wavelength values of absorption bands may differ slightly depending upon the calibration of the
instrument used.


A2.1 Spectrum 1: Ortho-Phthalic Alkyd, Medium Oil A2.1.7 7.5 to 10.0-µm Region (1333 to 1000 cm −1)—The
Length absorption bands in this region are due to the C—O—C
A2.1.1 2.9-µm Region (3448 cm − 1)—The 2.9-µm band in stretching vibrations of the phthalate ester. These absorptions
alkyds is due to the O—H stretching vibration. This is usually are most strongly influenced by the acid portion of the ester
attributed to the unesterified hydroxyl OH on the polyhydric rather than the alcoholic portion.
alcohol used in manufacturing the alkyd. This absorption is A2.1.8 13.5 and 14.2-µm Regions (741 and 704 cm−1)—
known to increase on drying of unsaturated oil modified alkyds These two bands are due to out-of-plane bending vibrations of
due to oxidation of the double bonds. This absorption band can ring hydrogens of aromatic compounds having four adjacent
be used to determine the hydroxyl number of alkyds. hydrogens (orthodisubstitution).
A2.1.2 3.3 to 3.6-µm Region (3030 to 2778 cm −1)—The A2.1.9 Comments:
bands in this area are all due to aromatic and aliphatic C–H
A2.1.9.1 Note that in oil-modified alkyds, the intensity of
stretching vibrations.
the absorption at 8.6 µm (1163 cm−1) is indicative of the
A2.1.3 5 to 6-µm Region (2000 to 1667 cm −1)—The
5.8-µm band in alkyds is due to the combined C=O stretch of amount of oil modification or oil length of the alkyd. In
the phthalate and fatty acid esters. Unreacted phthalic anhy- unmodified alkyds, this band may be little more than a side
dride, if present, may be detected by the appearance of a sharp shoulder on the 8.9-µm (1124-cm−1) C—O—C absorption. The
absorption band at approximately 5.6 µm (1786 cm−1). Free correlation to oil length is only a very general one in that within
carboxyl groups (due to unreacted fatty acid or incompletely a given group of alkyds one may say a sample is a “short,”
reacted phthalic acid) may often be detected by the appearance “medium,” or “long” oil type.
of a shoulder on the high wavelength (low frequency) side of A2.1.9.2 Alkyd spectra generally reveal little or no infor-
the ester carbonyl band. mation concerning the type of combined oil or polyol present.
A2.1.4 6.2 to 6.4-µm Region (1613 to 1563 cm −1)—The A2.1.9.3 Identification of polyol and unsaponifiables may
doublet appearing in this region of the spectrum is due to usually be accomplished by infrared examination of saponifi-
vibrations associated with the double bonds in an aromatic cation fractions. Identification of the oil acids used usually
ring. The band shape and position of this doublet is character- requires gas chromatographic analysis of the methylated fatty
istic of non-oil modified, o-phthalic alkyds. acids recovered by saponification. (For saponification proce-
A2.1.5 6.8 to 6.9-µm Region (1470 to 1449 cm −1)—This dures see Guide D 1467 and Test Method D 1962.)
absorption is produced by C–H bending vibrations of methyl-
ene (scissoring deformation) and methyl (asymmetrical defor- A2.2 Spectrum 2: Ortho-Phthalic Alkyd, Long Oil
mation) groups in the alkyd. The intensity of this absorption Length
band will vary with oil length.
A2.1.6 7.2 to 7.3-µm Region (1389 to 1370 cm −1)—This A2.2.1 8.6 µm (1163 cm−1); fatty acid ester C—O—C
absorption band is due to the C—CH3 symmetrical deforma- A2.2.2 Comments—Note the difference in the 8.6-µm
tion vibration, and is produced by the methyl groups on the (1163-cm−1) peak compared to Spectrum 1, due to increased
fatty acid chains. oil length.

D 2621 – 87 (2005)
A2.3 Spectrum 3: Ortho-Phthalic Alkyd, Tung Oil confirmed by a Lieberman-Storch spot test. Note also the
Modified obscured nature of the 6.3 to 6.5-µm (1587 to 1538-cm−1)
A2.3.1 10.12 µm (988 cm−1); –C=C–C=C–C=C– Conju- region. This is most likely due to the salt or “ soap” formation
gated triene unsaturation with the acids present in the system and the pigment used.
A2.3.2 Comments—Note the difference in band shapes in
A2.8 Spectrum 8: Ortho-Phthalic Alkyd, p-Phenyl Phenol
the 10 to 10.4-µm region (1000 to 962 cm−1) compared to
Spectra 1 and 2. Absorption due to conjugated unsaturation (in
such oil types as tung, oiticica, dehydrated castor, and conju- A2.8.1 11.4 µm (877 cm−1) associated with substituted
gated safflower) occurs here. Oil types used for alkyds 1 and 2 aromatic rings
contain only isolated double bonds. A2.8.2 12.1 µm (826 cm−1) associated with substituted
aromatic rings
A2.4 Spectrum 4: Ortho-Isophthalic Alkyd A2.8.3 13.1 µm (763 cm−1) associated with substituted
aromatic rings
A2.4.1 7.8 µm (1282 cm−1) isophthalate ester C—O—C
A2.8.4 14.4 µm (694 cm−1) associated with substituted
A2.4.2 8.2 µm (1220 cm−1) isophthalate ester C—O—C
aromatic rings
A2.4.3 8.9 µm (1124 cm−1) isophthalate ester C—O—C
A2.8.5 Comments—The main identifying band is the
A2.4.4 13.7 µm (730 cm−1) meta-disubstituted benzene ring
13.1-µm (763-cm−1) band. The other bands are less distinctive,
A2.4.5 Comments—The spectrum of this alkyd is typical of
especially the 14.4-µm (694-cm1−) area. It is always best to
an isophthalic alkyd. The major band that identifies this as an
consider the positions of the 3 or 4 absorptions in the far end
isophthalate is the 13.7-µm (730-cm−1) band. The presence of
of the curve as a group in assigning the modifying structure.
orthophthalic alkyd can be suspected by comparison to a
straight isophthalic alkyd spectrum (see following) and noting A2.9 Spectrum 9: Ortho-Phthalic Alkyd, Styrene
the influence of the ortho-phthalate at 7.9 µm (1266 cm−1), 9.0 Modified
µm (1111 cm−1), 9.4 µm (1064 cm−1), and at 14.2 µm (704
A2.9.1 6.7 µm (1493 cm−1) aromatic ring vibration
A2.9.2 13.2 µm (758 cm−1) monosubstituted aromatic (5
A2.5 Spectrum 5: Ortho-Phthalic Alkyd, Benzoic Acid adjacent ring hydrogens)
Modified A2.9.3 14.3 µm (699 cm−1) monosubstituted aromatic (5
adjacent ring hydrogens)
A2.5.1 14.0 to 14.1 µm (714 to 709 cm−1); aromatic ring A2.9.4 Comments—The very general forebroadening in the
vibration where ring contains five adjacent hydrogens. Position 13 to 13.3-µm (769 to 758-cm−1) area of the ortho substitution
is characteristic of benzoate esters. band is characteristic of styrene modification. The 14.3-µm
A2.5.2 Comments—The band at approximately 14.0 µm (699-cm−1) absorption that obscures the normally present small
(714 cm−1) is the identifying peak for this modification. 14.3-µm (699-cm−1) band is the primary styrene absorption.
Because of the o-disubstitution peak at 14.3µ m (699 cm−1) Note also the sharp 6.7-µm (1493-cm−1) peak which is asso-
present in o-phthalates, it is difficult to observe this band when ciated with the presence of an aromatic.
the benzoic acid modification drops below 3 %.
A2.10 Spectrum 10: Ortho-Phthalic Alkyd, Vinyl Toluene
A2.6 Spectrum 6: Ortho-Phthalic Alkyd, Para-Tertiary Modified
Butyl Benzoic Acid Modified
A2.10.1 6.6 µm (1515 cm−1) aromatic ring vibrations
A2.6.1 8.4 µm (1190 cm−1) C—O—C p-tert. butyl benzoate A2.10.2 6.7 µm (1492 cm−1) aromatic ring vibrations
A2.6.2 9.6 µm (1042 cm−1) C—O—C p-tert. butyl benzoate A2.10.3 11.4 µm (877 cm−1) meta-disubstituted aromatic
A2.6.3 9.8 µm (1020 cm−1) C—O—C p-tert. butyl benzoate A2.10.4 12.3 µm (813 cm−1) para-disubstituted aromatic
A2.6.4 11.7 µm (855 cm−1) aromatic ring substitution pat- A2.10.5 12.8 µm (781 cm−1) meta-disubstituted aromatic
terns A2.10.6 14.2 µm (704 cm−1) meta-disubstituted aromatic
A2.6.5 12.9 µm (775 cm−1) aromatic ring substitution pat- A2.10.7 Comments—The general pattern of peaks at the
terns end of the spectrum is characteristic for vinyl-toluene modifi-
A2.6.6 Comments—The characteristic bands for the identi- cation. They arise from the meta-para mixed isomers.
fication of the paratertiary butyl benzoic acid modification are
the 11.7-µm (855-cm−1) and the 12.9-µm (775-cm−1) bands. A2.11 Spectrum 11: Ortho-Phthalic Alkyd, Acrylonitrile
The other absorption bands, although sharp and distinctive, can Modified
tend to be lost in the background of the spectrum when the A2.11.1 4.5 µm (2222 cm−1) C[N nitrile stretching vibra-
modification drops below 2 to 3 %. tion
A2.11.2 Comment—The 4.5-µm (2222-cm−1) band is the
A2.7 Spectrum 7: Ortho-Phthalic Alkyd, Tall Oil, Rosin outstanding feature characteristic of an acrylonitrile modifica-
Modified tion.
A2.7.1 12.3 µm (813 cm−1) abietic acid ring vibration
A2.7.2 Comments—The curve shows only a very slight A2.12 Spectrum 12: Ortho-Phthalic Alkyd, Bis-Phenol
depression at 12.3 µm (183 cm−1). In general, the band is never Epoxy Modified
very intense and, if suspected, the presence of rosin is readily A2.12.1 8.4 µm (1190 cm−1) aromatic C—O—C

D 2621 – 87 (2005)
A2.12.2 10.9 µm (917 cm−1) terminal epoxy grouping A2.17 Spectrum 17: Ortho-Phthalic Alkyd, Rosin-Maleic
–CH–CH2 Adduct Modified
\/ A2.17.1 5.4 µm (1852 cm−1) —C=O stretching vibrations
O associated with anhydrides
A2.12.3 12.1 µm (826 cm−1) para-disubstituted aromatic.
A2.17.2 5.6 µm (1786 cm−1)—C=O stretching vibrations
A2.12.4 Comments—The band at 10.9 µm (917 cm−1) is due
associated with anhydrides
to the weakly absorbing terminal epoxy group. The 12.1-µm
(826-cm−1) absorption is due to the bis-phenol backbone of the A2.17.3 Comments—The most characteristic absorptions
epoxy polymer. The band at 8.4 µm (1190 cm−1) is also always are the ones listed above which cause multiple bands in the
present in conjunction with the 12.1-µm (826-cm−1) band. carbonyl area. The presence of the rosin-maleic adduct can also
be seen at 10.6 µm (943 cm−1); 10.9 µm (917 cm− 1); 11.7 µm
A2.13 Spectrum 13: Ortho-Phthalic Alkyd, Urea- (855 cm−1); and 12.2 µm (820 cm−1). These bands are
Formaldehyde Modified generally found in all rosin-maleic adducts even if slightly
A2.13.1 3.1 µm (3226 cm−1) N—H stretching vibration. changed in intensities.
A2.13.2 6.1 µm (1639 cm−1) amide linkage band
A2.13.3 6.6 µm (1515 cm−1) amide linkage band A2.18 Spectrum 18: Ortho-Phthalic Alkyd, Vinyl
A2.13.4 9.3 µm (1075 cm−1) —C—O—C ether Chloride-Acetate Modified
A2.13.5 13.0 µm (769 cm−1) unknown (but present in all A2.18.1 7.0 µm (1428 cm−1)—CH2—
urea-formaldehyde resins). A2.18.2 8.0 µm (1250 cm−1)—CH in—CHC—
A2.13.6 Comments—The presence of urea-formaldehyde in A2.18.3 14.5 µm (690 cm−1) C—Cl
an o-phthalic alkyd can always be observed in the spectrum by
A2.18.4 Comments—The most characteristic features of
its influence at the wavelengths listed above. The general curve
this spectrum are the 8 to 8.1-µm (1250 to 1234-cm−1)
shape is somewhat depressed throughout. The 3.1-µm (3226-
absorption and the very broad band peaking at approximately
cm−1) absorption appears as a shoulder on the O–H stretch at
14.5 µm (690 cm−1). A general depression of the entire curve is
3.0 µm (3333 cm−1).
noted between 7.0 µm (1428 cm−1) and 10.0 µm (1000 cm−1).
A2.14 Spectrum 14: Ortho-Phthalic Alkyd, Melamine-
Formaldehyde Modified A2.19 Spectrum 19: Ortho-Phthalic Alkyd, Phenyl
Siloxane Modified
A2.14.1 6.5 µm (1538 cm−1) C=N
A2.14.2 12.3 µm (813 cm−1) triazine ring vibration A2.19.1 7.0 µm (1429 cm−1) aromatic silicon bond
A2.14.3 Comments—A melamine modification is always A2.19.2 8.8 µm (1136 cm−1) Si—O—Si
distinguishable from the urea-formaldehyde modification in A2.19.3 10.0 µm (1000 cm−1) aromatic silicon bond
that it lacks the 6.1-µm (1639-cm−1) absorption and contains A2.19.4 14.4 µm (694 cm−1) mono-substituted aromatic
the 12.3-µm (813-cm−1) triazine ring vibration. A2.19.5 Comments—The general influence of the presence
A2.15 Spectrum 15: Ortho-Phthalic Alkyd, of silicone is seen in the depressed area from 8.8 µm (1136
Benzoguanamine-Formaldehyde Modification cm−1) to 10.0 µm (1000 cm− 1).
A2.15.1 6.3 µm (1587 cm−1) aromatic ring vibration
A2.20 Spectrum 20: Ortho-Phthalic Alkyd, Methyl
A2.15.2 6.5 µm (1538 cm−1) C=N
Siloxane Modified
A2.15.3 12.1 µm (826 cm−1) characteristic band for ben-
zoguanamine derived modification A2.20.1 7.9 µm (1266 cm−1) —Si—CH3
A2.15.4 12.8 µm (781 cm−1) characteristic band for ben- A2.20.2 12.5 µm (800 cm−1) —(CH3)2—Si
zoguanamine derived modification
A2.15.5 14.2 µm (704 cm−1) characteristic band for ben- A2.21 Spectrum 21: Ortho-Phthalic Alkyd, Nitrocellulose
zoguanamine derived modification Modified
A2.15.6 Comments—The C=N band occurs at a slightly
A2.21.1 6.1 µm (1639 cm−1) R—O—NO2 stretching vibra-
lower wavelength than in the melamine resins. The band at
12.1 µm (826 cm−1) rather than at 12.3 µm (813 cm−1) also
helps to distinguish between the two types of triazine based A2.21.2 7.8 µm (1282 cm−1) R—O—NO2 stretching vibra-
resins. tion
A2.21.3 9.5 µm (1053 cm−1) general C—O—C ether from
A2.16 Spectrum 16: Ortho-Phthalic Alkyd, Hexa- the cellulose ring
Methoxymethylmelamine Modified A2.21.4 11.9 µm (840 cm−1) low-frequency vibrations as-
A2.16.1 9.3 µm (1075 cm−1) C–O–C ether sociated with R—O—NO2
A2.16.2 Comments—The presence of hexamethoxymeth- A2.21.5 Comments—The most prominent absorptions are
ylmelamine can be observed in the spectrum of an ortho- the 6.1-µm (1639-cm−1) band and the very broad 11.9-µm
phthalic-alkyd by its influence at 6.5 µm (1538 cm−1); 6.7 µm (840-cm−1) peak. An additional reliable feature of nitrocellu-
(1493 cm−1); 9.3 µm (1075 cm− 1); 9.9 µm (1010 cm−1); 10.9 lose is the ether linkage which causes a general depression in
µm (917 cm−1); 11.5 µm (870 cm−1); and 12.3 µ m (813 cm−1). the mid-section of the spectrum.

D 2621 – 87 (2005)
A2.22 Spectrum 22: Ortho-Phthalic Alkyd, Urethane A2.24 Spectrum 24: Tere-Phthalic Alkyd, Medium Oil
Modified Length
A2.22.1 5.8 µm (1724 cm−1) R—NH—CO—OR amide I A2.24.1 8.6 µm (1163 cm−1) C—O—C
A2.24.2 9.8 µm (1020 cm−1) C—O—C
A2.22.2 6.3 µm (1587 cm−1) aromatic vibration (in aromatic
di-isocyanate systems) A2.24.3 Comments—The tere-phthalate spectrum is identi-
A2.22.3 6.5 µm (1538 cm−1) amide II band, C—N fied mainly by the 8.6-µm (1163 cm− 1) and 9.8-µm (1020
A2.22.4 12.3 µm (813 cm−1) 1,2,4 tri-substitution (in sys- cm−1) peaks combination in conjunction with a 13.8-µm (725
tems with toluene di-isocyanate) cm−1) peak position.

A2.23 Spectrum 23: Isophthalic Alkyd, Medium Oil A2.25 Spectrum 25: Ortho-Phthalic Alkyd, Chlorendic
Length Acid Modified
A2.23.1 6.2 µm (1613 cm−1) ring unsaturation
A2.25.1 Comments—The overall appearance of the absorp-
A2.23.2 13.8 µm (725 cm−1) meta-disubstitution band
A2.23.3 Comments—Note the change from a doublet in the tion band pattern in this spectrum is characteristic of this
6.2-µm (1613-cm−1) region to the singlet. The 13.8-µm (725- modification.
cm−1) band is characteristic for isophthalic alkyds.


(1) Weinberger, L. A., and Kagarise, R. E., Infrared Spectra (9) Clark, G. L., Ed., The Encyclopedia of Spectroscopy,
of Plastics and Resins, U. S. Department of Commerce. OTS Reinhold Publishing Corp., 1960, p. 506 – 15 (104 spectra of
Bulletin No. PB 111438. pigments, binders solvents, and additives).
(2) Brown, W. H., et al, “Infrared Spectroscopy—Its Use as (10) Hummel, D. O., Kunststoff-, Lack-Und Gummi-
an Analytical Tool in the Field of Paints and Coatings,” Offıcial Analyse, Carl Hanser Verlag, München, 1958.
Digest, March 1961.
(11) Hummel, D. O., Infrared Spectra of Polymers in the
(3) Perfetti, B. N., and Miller, J. H., “Optical Instrumental
Analysis of Organic Coatings,” Offıcial Digest, August 1961. Medium and Long Wavelength Regions, Vol 14, Polymer
(4) Nyquist, R. A., Infrared Spectra of Plastics and Resins, Reviews, Interscience Series, 1966.
2nd Ed., The Dow Chemical Company, Midland, Mich., 1961. (12) Stimler, S. S., and Kagarise, R. E., Infrared Spectra of
(5) Haslam, J., and Willis, H. A., Identification and Analysis Plastics and Resins: Part 2—Materials Developed Since 1954,
of Plastics, D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., New York, N. Y., 1965. NRL Report No. 6392, 1966.
(6) Secrest, P. J., “Infrared Studies of Phenolic Resins,” (13) Federation of Societies of Paint Technology, Infrared
Offıcial Digest, February 1965. Spectroscopy, Its Use in the Coatings Industry.
(7) Sadtler Commercial Infrared Spectra, Sadtler Research (14) Cain, Dorothy S., et al, Infrared Spectra of Plastics and
Laboratories, Inc., Philadelphia, Pa.
Resins: Part 3—Related Polymeric Materials (Elastometers),
(8) Welcher, F. J., Ed., Standard Methods of Chemical
Naval Research Laboratory Report No. AD 649 094, 1967.
Analysis, 6th Ed., D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., Vol II B, 1963, p.
1709 – 21 (39 Spectra).

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This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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